Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-29 Thread Jay Freeman \(saurik\)
Yeah, the Win32 client used to have all kinds of / vs. \ issues and they
tended to break the build a lot. However, nowadays, the windows client (at
least the command line one, which is what I first thought you meant) works
quite well. RapidSVN (a Win32 GUI) is probably buggy as all hell still.
However! TortoiseSVN (a Win32 shell extension) works extremely well. When
I'm not using the command line client that's what I now use (and what I set
up the few other developers at Gnostic Labs with when I finally switched us
over to Subversion a week or two ago).

As for the CVS to Subversion repository importer, it seems to at least
partially support branches. BUT, it doesn't seem to support the Cocoon2
repository somehow. *Got it out of rsync earlier and let it sit for an hour
or something converting.* I'm working on looking at the input, generated
dump file, and partial output to try to figure out what's going wrong (it
has something to do with a branch where some files got added to the branch
later and then got deleted and it doesn't know they weren't int the branch
to begin with for whatever reason).

Jay Freeman (saurik)

- Original Message -
From: Berin Loritsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

 J.Pietschmann wrote:

  Timothy Larson wrote:
  I also wondered about Subversion when the repositories started
  multiplying :)
  Is this a possibility?  Is there a good CVS-Subversion repository
  What's good? The Subversion project has a converter, last time
  I checked they said it still can't convert branches, and that this
  was *the* killer for declaring SVN to be production ready. Trunk
  only CVS repositories seem to work for a long time already
  (disclaimer: gathered from various messages, I didn't try personally).

 Hmm.  Do we still have a test server available?

 The last time I played with SVN, the Windows client was a bit buggy.
 However that was roughly a year ago.  I'm sure it has gotten better
 since then.


 They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
   deserve neither liberty nor safety.
  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: Pretty Printing Output HTML

2003-08-29 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Robert Simmons wrote:

Uhh .. I dont get how that FAQ answers me. I dont need the pretty print in
production, just in development. It would be cool if I could use a cocoon view
to do it.

This would be more to the point:
See parameter 'indent'. Never tried it though myself.


-- Robert

Tony Collen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

Robert Simmons wrote:


Is there a way with cocoon to make the final output of HTML to the browser

be pretty printed with spaces and proper wrapping. I would like this for

debugging reasons.


This is an oldie but goodie;

AFAIK the ability to do this was disabled on purpose.



Re: [RT] Implementing Cocoon Blocks

2003-08-29 Thread Geoff Howard
Getting the ball rolling on Phase One...

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
This is a collection of (more or less) random thoughts about the 
implementation of Cocoon Blocks that I collected while talking with 
Ricardo and Sylvain IRL.

Please note that anything proposed here, while organic and workable, is 
not to be considered carved in stone, but rather a suggestion on how to 
move forward.

File System Layout and wiring data

The deployment process added the mounting, wiring and configuration 
  located at - WEB-INF/blocks/384938958499
  mounted on - /mail/
  external-skin -
  internal-skin -
  repository -
  configured as:
   user - guest
   password - sj3u493
  located at - WEB-INF/blocks/394781274834
  configured as:
host -
  located at - WEB-INF/blocks/947384127832
  located at - WEB-INF/blocks/746394782637
the file system layout (relative to the cocoon webapp context) is

   [-] WEB-INF
L___ [-] blocks
  L___ wiring.xml
  L___ [-] 384938958499
  | L___ [-] BLOCK-INF
  | | L___ block.xml
  | L_ (the contents of
  L___ [-] 947384127832
  | L___ [-] BLOCK-INF
  | | L___ block.xml
  | L_ (the contents of
  L___ [-] 746394782637
  | L___ [-] BLOCK-INF
  | | L___ block.xml
  | L_ (the contents of
  L___ [-] 394781274834
L___ [-] BLOCK-INF
| L___ block.xml
L_ (the contents of


 wiring.xml contains the block IDs (which also identifies their location 
on disk) wiring, mounting and configurations.

 block.xml contains the block metadata (which belong to the block and 
cannot be changed at deployment time).

NOTE: if the location path of the block is relative, it is searched by 
starting from the cocoon war context. The block content is *always* 
extracted from the archives and saves as is inside the folder.

NOTE (development time): in order to simplify block creation and 
development, it will be possible to explicity indicate the location of 
an already existing and extracted block implementation on disk. The 
block manager should also have autoreloading features (configurable, of 
course) that should reload the configurations, the wiring and the 
exposed components when they are changed.

Implementation Phases
Phase 1: definition of the contract between the block manager inside 
cocoon and the standalone block deployer. These contracts include:

 1) description of the file system layout (see above for a suggestion)
 2) description of the wiring document schema
 3) description of the block metadata schema
Ok, the file system seems fine - how about starting the discussion with 
the following for the wiring document?  (I'm assuming stuff will have to 
change - just trying to get the ball rolling)

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
blocks version=1.0
  block wire-id=384938958499
  param name=userguest/param
  param name=passwordsj3u493/param

Wiki'd here:

For sake of discussion, I recorded a wire-id instead of the location. 
Can blocks be in other locations other than WEB-INF/blocks/{$wire-id} ?

I also considered recording the wire-id instead of the uri for 
connections between blocks - what are the arguments for each?

connection was out of the blue using the wiring metaphore.  Other 
options?  Free association: connect, attach, solder, wire, use ...

Is it wise to limit configurations to name-value pairs, or should that 
allow arbitrary foreign xml markup?

For configuration, should a distinction be made between any 

Re: WG: We want to donate a XML / Cocoon / EJB / WebStart - based CMS

2003-08-29 Thread Niclas Hedhman
Sascha-Matthias Kulawik said:
 we've developed a XML-based Content Management System based on
 different technologies like Cocoon, XML, EJB and a WebStart Client
 Application. It is in our interest, that we contribute this
 project with about 200.000 Lines of Code to the Apache Foundation.

To continue on Steve's pessimistic intro to Apache incubations,
perhaps you need some encouragements;

1. Put it up on SourceForge, or perhaps some other place such as

2. Get the OSS structure in place, licenses, documentation,
committers, evolution and so on...

3. Market the package. I'm sure that OSS mailing lists are
tolerant to occassional OSS marketing.

4. Some indviduals typically shows an interest (if your stuff is
good enough). Try to tie them into the project, perhaps by helping
out with testing, documentation, installation procedures and more.

5. Some individuals wants extra features, if it is not available,
try to encourage them to add these features themselves. Tell how it
should/could be done, and be very helpful. If they manage, grant
committer status more easily than Apache generally does.

6. Then come back to Apache. If you at such time have half a dozen
external committers (who has contributed and understand the codebase
to a reasonable degree), documentation, and overall an healthy
project, it is more likely for it to be accepted.

Also, your customer wants the project to go OSS, which IMHO is a
GOOD THING (tm), but Apache is not equivalent with OSS.
Cocoon founder, Stefano, has a remarkable attitude to OSS projects;
Bad Code, Great Ideas = Good Community.
Indirectly it also means that production quality code has a harder
time to gather good community, since the codebase is better than


[RT] Cocoon Distro support

2003-08-29 Thread Niclas Hedhman

Hi all,

the recent comments about production build and binary builds have
caused me to think about Cocoon Distros and what must core Cocoon do
to allow for Cocoon Distros from 3rd parties.

Since this overlap quite a degree with the average Cocoon user's
need of upgrade running systems, I think it is desirable to start
a discussion.

Currently I see these hurdles;
* Block Modularization.
* cocoon.xconf Management
* Sitemap Management.

Block Modularization.
This is an on-going effort, but I have a few things I would like to
Blocks are NOT ONLY CODE! IMHO, Blocks are the traditional JAR based
resources (classes, bundles, etc), but more importantly(!)
documentation of the block, meta-data (see Avalon discussions),
examples, source code (optional) and so on. And all of that should
be wrapped in a single container...
That container should be sealed and I shouldn't need to know
anything about the internal content, and if Cocoon needs to expand
it, it can do so anywhere with my knowledge about it.
Internally there is a default configuration file, but by putting an
external config file at the same place, it will override the
defaults, preferably merged.
Security is another concern. Do I trust any blocks? NO, therefor the
security policy is declared per block externally, but the default in
Cocoon should be pretty restrictive (like no write or network

Once the Block Modularization is in place, it will have addressed
these aspects, and very little I hope will remain in this file.
So if all Block related stuff is removed, and we are down to Core
funcationality, I think a Distro maker can handle this file fairly

Sitemap Management
I would like to see a minimalistic sitemap, basically only
containing the AutoMount of all directories' sub-sitemaps.
The question is whether the component declarations should be in the
main sitemap or not. I think maybe not.
The main argument here is Start simple, expand on demand. The
elaborate main sitemap today can still be around as a sub-sitemap in
the elaborate/ directory...
Block Modularization probably need to address sitemap declarations
as well, with a formal way of defaults being added automatically and
other sitemap declaration should perhaps be adjacent to the Block
and not to the sitemap, after all keeping the Block stuff at the
Block makes more sense to me.

Bottom line; Cocoon is about to broken into smaller, more managable
pieces. This will easier allow 3rd parties to package Cocoon into
nice binary distros.



DO NOT REPLY [Bug 22809] New: - Cocoon+resin work error in linux,but work correctly in windows 2000

2003-08-29 Thread bugzilla

Cocoon+resin work error in linux,but work correctly in windows 2000

   Summary: Cocoon+resin work error in linux,but work correctly in
windows 2000
   Product: Cocoon 2
   Version: 2.0.4
  Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
  Severity: Normal
  Priority: Other
 Component: sitemap components

I have install cocoon 2.0.4+resin2.0.10+apache2+j2sdk1.4.0 in win2k,it work 
correctly,but I startup cocoon in linux ,it startup error!(redhat linux 9+ 
j2sdk1.4.0_1 + apache2 + cocoon 2.0.4)
The following is error information:
who can help me.

Cocoon 2 - Internal server error

type fatal

message Language Exception

description org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Language Exception: 
org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Error compiling 
sitemap_xmap: Line 1816, column 38: ';' expected Line 2403, column 10: illegal 
start of expression Line 4690, column 91: ')' expected Line 7668, column 44: 
unclosed character literal Line 7668, column 42: ')' expected Line 7878, column 
11: expected Line 9324, column 58: expected Line 9324, column 79: expected Line 
9324, column 91: expected Line 9324, column 110: expected Line 9324, column 
124: expected Line 9326, column 6: illegal start of type Line 9330, column 28: 
expected Line 9331, column 10: illegal start of type Line 9333, column 8: 
illegal start of type Line 10328, column 34: ';' expected Line 10737, column 
15: ';' expected Line 11835, column 5: '}' expected Line 7466, column 36: class 
EventPipelne not found in class org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap Line 7878, 
column 4: class priate not found in class org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap 
Line 9716, column 36: class SiteapRedirector not found in class 
org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap.. Line 10532, column 19: class 
ConectionResetException not found in class org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap.. 
Line 11565, column 36: class EventPpeline not found in class 
org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap.. Line 9330, column 21: cannot access class 
remove; file listOfMaps/remove.class not found Line 1165, column 18: method 
lod_component(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, 
java.lang.String) not found in class org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap Line 
2389, column 15: variable matcher_N10956_expr not found in class 
org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap Line 2785, column 15: variable pipelne not 
found in class org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap Line 3175, column 25: method 
org.apache.cocoon.environment.Environment, java.util.Map, java.lang.Exception, 
boolean) not found in class org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap Line 3236, 
column 19: class ResourceNtFoundException not found in class 
org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap Line 3866, column 25: method 
org.apache.cocoon.environment.Environment, java.util.Map, java.lang.Exception, 
boolean) not found in class org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap Line 3510, 
column 8: method matchN1069C(org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.SitemapRedirector, 
org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.EventPipeline, boolean, java.util.List) 
not found in class org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap Line 3518, column 8: 
method matchN106AB(org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.SitemapRedirector, 
org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.EventPipeline, boolean, java.util.List) 
not found in class org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap Line 3524, column 8: 
method matchN106B7(org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.SitemapRedirector, 
org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.EventPipeline, boolean, java.util.List) 
not found in class org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap Line 3532, column 8: 
method matchN106BF(org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.SitemapRedirector, 
org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.EventPipeline, boolean, java.util.List) 
not found in class org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap Line 3538, column 8: 
method matchN106CB(org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.SitemapRedirector, 

Re: WG: We want to donate a XML / Cocoon / EJB / WebStart - basedCMS

2003-08-29 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi
Niclas Hedhman wrote, On 29/08/2003 6.51:

Sascha-Matthias Kulawik said:

we've developed a XML-based Content Management System based on
different technologies like Cocoon, XML, EJB and a WebStart Client
Application. It is in our interest, that we contribute this
project with about 200.000 Lines of Code to the Apache Foundation.
To continue on Steve's pessimistic intro to Apache incubations,
perhaps you need some encouragements;
1. Put it up on SourceForge, or perhaps some other place such as
I would not recommend CodeHaus if they want to later apply for Apache, 
as it does not follow the same community rules as Apache.

Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

Re: [RT] Implementing Cocoon Blocks

2003-08-29 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003, at 11:35 Europe/Rome, Christian Haul wrote:

Which is the whole point of my mail. Don't use dependency ranges, use
metadata specifying capabilities and requirements for this.
I think you greatly underestimate the complexity of the approach you 
are proposing.

Last thing I want is to enter the ontology problem space.

But in case I'm missing your point, please provide an explicit example.


Re: [RT] Blocks and Really Making them Work

2003-08-29 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003, at 14:39 Europe/Rome, Berin Loritsch wrote:


I would start with something like this, and see how far it can take 
if there are new features required, add them.
This is (more or less) what I was planning to implement ;-)


Re: [RT] Improving Sitemap and Flowscript

2003-08-29 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003, at 17:41 Europe/Rome, Nicola Ken Barozzi 

Calling a resource, inserting a virtual pipeline and using the 
cocoon: protocol are for most uses equivalent.
I agree when you say that since the introduction of the cocoon: 
protocol, map:resource is now redundant (and less appealing, as well). 
In fact, we could go as far as saying that map:resource is no longer 
needed and could be deprecated.

This would leave us only with pipelines, components and virtual 
components (which are, in fact, typed pipeline fragments), and the 
cocoon: protocol to mix them, if needed.

What remains is the views part, that has introduced pipeline-stage
metadata, as a label. It's an aspect that gets called when that
particular condition is met
IOW, I'm rephrasing, using different terminology, that a view is an 
orthogonal mechanism, that interacts with the normal sitemap using 
some metadata and an exit pipeline.
The labels are effectively metadata, as they describe the pipeline.
The exit pipelines, ie the views themselves, are what has to be done.

Yes, views are orthogonal pipelines.

(I won't use AOP terminology that I personally don't yet like)

See, I don't like it too! ;-)
well, when you propose something like map:aspects it seems AOP-ish 
enough for me ;-) that's not coherent with the above.

So we can generalize it, and add configurability to the view mechanism
to specify other conditions.
Thus views effectively insert pipeline fragments at a certain 
condition. In fact they insert their contents after a label.

So the label is the condition.
I know it's a matter of terminology pickyness, but I disagree. The 
condition that triggers the view is the view request. The result of 
this condition is the execution of the pipeline that is 'instrumented' 
to route its output somewhere else (to the view, which can now be seen 
as a virtual serializer)

*first proposal*
I propose that we define other conditions.
   map:view name=content from-label=content
 map:serialize type=xml/

   map:view name=content type=from-label
 map:serialize type=xml/
This makes it possible to make a different position where to start 

What can also be made configurable is *when*, in which condition, it's
triggered, but the logic has to be inverted.
What I mean here is that views are triggered only by the user. Normal 
results are done *without* calling views. So if I want to say: insert 
a logger after each generator, I cannot do it easily, as I would have 
to call a logger-view for it to be called. And I would have only one 
possible insertion per pipeline, as only one view is called at a  time.
ok, now I get it

Now we say: when the view is triggered, start at a label
After it could be:  when the view is triggered, start at position
Instead we need: when the position is met, check if it has to be
Here is an example that uses this inverted AOPish system for views.

Let me rephrase this: the following is a way of defining views in a 
more generic way. Here I don't say anymore: when the user asks for a 
view trigger the label (or more generic as in the first proposal) 
condition, but at every stage check if a condition is met, and if so 
execute the generalized view.

*second proposal*
Make it possible to tell Cocoon to add pipeline snippets (ie virtual 
pipelines) given certain rules. This makes it possible to have views 
be made with this more generic mechanism.

The following adds two aspects:
  - an aspect gets called from every content position and gathers 
  - the other one gets called from every content position. If the
request has a cocoon-view=links, then the links are serialized.

  map:aspect type=from-label test=content
!-- Any required link munging --
map:transformer type=gather-links/
  map:aspect type=from-label test=content
 map:action type=request-param
   map:param name=cocoon-view value=link
   map:serializer type=links/
you are using AOP the micro-granular way. This is: remove crosscutting 
by making all overlapping aspect objects and compose them together.

I tend to dislike this practice since it leads, IMHO, to poor 
readability (users don't have the vision of crosscutting concerns that 
we developers do, and they perceive it as unnecessary 

a critic to the above is: why would you want to gather-links if you are 
not going to serialize them?

You are suggesting that a more general aspect-oriented approach to 
pipeline composability might be general enough to allow views to be 
replaced by such a more powerful approach.

I agree.

What I don't understand is why we should give away a perfectly fine 
system for a new flexibility we don't need. [note how I avoided to 
named this FS even if I was very tempted to do so ;-)]

This would make it very easy to add security-based 

Re: WG: We want to donate a XML / Cocoon / EJB / WebStart - based

2003-08-29 Thread Ryan Hoegg
Codehaus is another community, I'm sure its rules aren't exactly the 
same.  The information on the web site claims to place a firm priority 
on the production of useful code, and less on non-coding exercises such 
as voting, committee-forming and proposal-writing.  Why would that have 
an affect on the hosted project's potential future with Apache?

Ryan Hoegg
ISIS Networks
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

I would not recommend CodeHaus if they want to later apply for Apache, 
as it does not follow the same community rules as Apache.

Re: [RT] Cocoon Distro support

2003-08-29 Thread Andreas Hochsteger
You've read my mind, didn't you? ;-)

Seriously, I think you've brought many things down to the point.
Specifically the security issues you've mentioned were given too less 
attention before.

Good work, I like it!

-- Andreas

Niclas Hedhman wrote:

Hi all,

the recent comments about production build and binary builds have
caused me to think about Cocoon Distros and what must core Cocoon do
to allow for Cocoon Distros from 3rd parties.
Since this overlap quite a degree with the average Cocoon user's
need of upgrade running systems, I think it is desirable to start
a discussion.
Currently I see these hurdles;
* Block Modularization.
* cocoon.xconf Management
* Sitemap Management.
Block Modularization.
This is an on-going effort, but I have a few things I would like to
Blocks are NOT ONLY CODE! IMHO, Blocks are the traditional JAR based
resources (classes, bundles, etc), but more importantly(!)
documentation of the block, meta-data (see Avalon discussions),
examples, source code (optional) and so on. And all of that should
be wrapped in a single container...
That container should be sealed and I shouldn't need to know
anything about the internal content, and if Cocoon needs to expand
it, it can do so anywhere with my knowledge about it.
Internally there is a default configuration file, but by putting an
external config file at the same place, it will override the
defaults, preferably merged.
Security is another concern. Do I trust any blocks? NO, therefor the
security policy is declared per block externally, but the default in
Cocoon should be pretty restrictive (like no write or network
Once the Block Modularization is in place, it will have addressed
these aspects, and very little I hope will remain in this file.
So if all Block related stuff is removed, and we are down to Core
funcationality, I think a Distro maker can handle this file fairly
Sitemap Management
I would like to see a minimalistic sitemap, basically only
containing the AutoMount of all directories' sub-sitemaps.
The question is whether the component declarations should be in the
main sitemap or not. I think maybe not.
The main argument here is Start simple, expand on demand. The
elaborate main sitemap today can still be around as a sub-sitemap in
the elaborate/ directory...
Block Modularization probably need to address sitemap declarations
as well, with a formal way of defaults being added automatically and
other sitemap declaration should perhaps be adjacent to the Block
and not to the sitemap, after all keeping the Block stuff at the
Block makes more sense to me.
Bottom line; Cocoon is about to broken into smaller, more managable
pieces. This will easier allow 3rd parties to package Cocoon into
nice binary distros.


Re: Blocking SPAM and daedalus.

2003-08-29 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Andrew Savory dijo:

On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Antonio Gallardo wrote:


It seems like our server is being blocked by the
black-hole list

The osirusoft black-hole list has been shut down due to a denial of
service attack. I suggest you remove it from your mailserver configs.


Yep. I already done this. I blocked other maillists we are subscribed. But
interesting is that this happens today. Before osirusoft worked well.

Re: Releasing 2.1.1?

2003-08-29 Thread Bruno Dumon
On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 08:12, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
 as several of you have already pointed out, a 2.1.1 release seems
 to make sense. 
 I can make a release next week, but I really would like to have the
 scheduling (CommandManager) problem fixed in the release. Is anyone
 working already on it? 

Not over here. If all else fails, we could disable the CommandManager
and let the ContinuationsManager start a thread of its own (like e.g.
the StoreJanitor does).

Bruno Dumon
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center

[Vote] Move from LogKitManager to LoggerManager

2003-08-29 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Triggered by the recent discussions about using log4j,
I propose that we move from the deprecated LogKitManager
to the new LoggerManager. This will make using log4j much
easier (and I would implement that then next).

There is a patch for the move already in bugzilla:

But: this is an incompatible change (however the impace should be
very small).

So, please vote on the change.

and please vote if this is a change for 2.1.1 or 2.2.


Re: [Vote] Move from LogKitManager to LoggerManager

2003-08-29 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Triggered by the recent discussions about using log4j,
I propose that we move from the deprecated LogKitManager
to the new LoggerManager. This will make using log4j much
easier (and I would implement that then next).
There is a patch for the move already in bugzilla:
But: this is an incompatible change (however the impace should be
very small).
So, please vote on the change.

and please vote if this is a change for 2.1.1 or 2.2.

2.1.1, +1.


Re: [Vote] Move from LogKitManager to LoggerManager

2003-08-29 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Triggered by the recent discussions about using log4j,
I propose that we move from the deprecated LogKitManager
to the new LoggerManager. This will make using log4j much
easier (and I would implement that then next).
There is a patch for the move already in bugzilla:
But: this is an incompatible change (however the impace should be
very small).
So, please vote on the change.

and please vote if this is a change for 2.1.1 or 2.2.

2.1.1, +1.

Or should it be 2.1.2? I thought you are going to release 2.1.1 Really 
Soon Now? btw, what about 2.0.5?


RE: [Vote] Move from LogKitManager to LoggerManager

2003-08-29 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
  2.1.1, +1.
 Or should it be 2.1.2? I thought you are going to release 2.1.1 Really 
 Soon Now? btw, what about 2.0.5?
:), yepp, we will see, we could rephrase it to 2.1.x then. I will not
release 2.1.1 without a fix for the event handling (commandmanager) bug.

It seems that there is currently no need for 2.0.5. But if someone
wants to release it I'm fine with it.


Re: [RT] Improving Sitemap and Flowscript

2003-08-29 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote, On 28/08/2003 17.27:

On Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003, at 17:41 Europe/Rome, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Calling a resource, inserting a virtual pipeline and using the 
cocoon: protocol are for most uses equivalent.
I agree when you say that since the introduction of the cocoon: 
protocol, map:resource is now redundant (and less appealing, as well). 
In fact, we could go as far as saying that map:resource is no longer 
needed and could be deprecated.

This would leave us only with pipelines, components and virtual 
components (which are, in fact, typed pipeline fragments), and the 
cocoon: protocol to mix them, if needed.
+1 from me for this

(I won't use AOP terminology that I personally don't yet like)

See, I don't like it too! ;-)
well, when you propose something like map:aspects it seems AOP-ish 
enough for me ;-) that's not coherent with the above.
Only the name aspect. I refrained talking about pointcuts, advises, 
etc... (ugh, I do hate those...)

So we can generalize it, and add configurability to the view mechanism
to specify other conditions.
Thus views effectively insert pipeline fragments at a certain 
condition. In fact they insert their contents after a label.

So the label is the condition.
I know it's a matter of terminology pickyness, but I disagree. The 
condition that triggers the view is the view request. The result of this 
condition is the execution of the pipeline that is 'instrumented' to 
route its output somewhere else (to the view, which can now be seen as a 
virtual serializer)
Correct. You know how messy I am in describing things. Put the right 
terminology instead of condition.

you are using AOP the micro-granular way. This is: remove crosscutting 
by making all overlapping aspect objects and compose them together.

I tend to dislike this practice since it leads, IMHO, to poor 
readability (users don't have the vision of crosscutting concerns that 
we developers do, and they perceive it as unnecessary overcomponentization)

a critic to the above is: why would you want to gather-links if you are 
not going to serialize them?
Yes, I've come to the same conclusion yesterday too.

You are suggesting that a more general aspect-oriented approach to 
pipeline composability might be general enough to allow views to be 
replaced by such a more powerful approach.

I agree.

What I don't understand is why we should give away a perfectly fine 
system for a new flexibility we don't need. [note how I avoided to named 
this FS even if I was very tempted to do so ;-)]

Yes, I see this too now.

The RT started out of a link-gathering evolution, and for that only it 
may be too much...

This would make it very easy to add security-based checks, logging, or
any other stuff.
  map:aspect type=pipeline test=start
map:action type=check-security/
  map:aspect type=pipeline test=all
map:transformer type=logger/
  map:aspect type=error test=all
map:action type=notify-admin/
I don't like this and I don't see any reasonable use of the above system 
besides views. [c'mon, a logging aspect is much easier implemented by a 
different pipeline implementation, an admin-notifier is much better 
placed in a error-handler, where it belongs, and for flow-related 
actions, well, you know my opinion on those]

What am I missing?
Simple: AOP does not make you do more things, it factorizes common 
behaviours in a single place. If the places where these things must be 
placed are a lot, then it makes sense, else it doesn't.

You have much more experience in seeing working systems, so you can 
judge better than me on this.

*IMPORTANT* (and the reason why I started the RT):
So in he CLI, instead of asking for the link view and then generate, I 
simply ask Cocoon to insert a transformer that gathers links in the 
same positions where the links view would.

This would make it possible for the CLI to have the configurability of 
the view gatherer but the speed of the transfomer gatherer.
This is probably the point I'm missing.

Instead of discussion the solution, can't we start over again from the 
problem? maybe there are easier solutions that you didn't think about.
This is the last iteration of a looong discussion ;-)

 - CLI crawling link-views is slow
 - it's slow because it's multipass
 - make it monopass by instrumenting the pipeline with a gatherer
   - this brings 50% speed increase
 - but the instrumentation is not configurable:
   - no place where to tell where ti gather
   - no link filtering
 - add a filter to the links (done in CVS)
 - Vadim has the idea of using a tee instead

So let's leave this where it is now till some real need comes up, and 
let's continue the thread from the last mail of Upayavira on this.
Below the last comments.

What do others think?

Is it already possible to do this today with other components and
skillful pipeline writing?
what do you mean with this?

Re: [Vote] Move from LogKitManager to LoggerManager

2003-08-29 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Triggered by the recent discussions about using log4j,
I propose that we move from the deprecated LogKitManager
to the new LoggerManager. This will make using log4j much
easier (and I would implement that then next).
There is a patch for the move already in bugzilla:
But: this is an incompatible change (however the impace should be
very small).
Please give us more details of the impact on both Cocoon core and 
external components. Loggable to LogEnabled meant a hell of a mess to me 
in the past, I don't want to go down that path again...


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
(Now blogging at:

Re: [Vote] Move from LogKitManager to LoggerManager

2003-08-29 Thread Christian Haul
On 29.Aug.2003 -- 02:20 PM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
 Triggered by the recent discussions about using log4j,
 I propose that we move from the deprecated LogKitManager
 to the new LoggerManager. This will make using log4j much
 easier (and I would implement that then next).
 There is a patch for the move already in bugzilla:
 But: this is an incompatible change (however the impace should be
 very small).
 So, please vote on the change.


 and please vote if this is a change for 2.1.1 or 2.2.

I prefer to have 2.1.1 released without this change and a 2.1.2
immediately afterwards including this change due to the other fixes
scheduled for 2.1.1

C h r i s t i a n   H a u l
fingerprint: 99B0 1D9D 7919 644A 4837  7D73 FEF9 6856 335A 9E08

Re: Porting Cocoon Logging to Log4j - Proposal and Discussion

2003-08-29 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Thursday, Aug 28, 2003, at 15:47 Europe/Rome, Niclas Hedhman wrote:

Nicola Ken Barozzi said:
Berin, I think that Robert has a valid point here, and that is
similar  to what Avalon said about Logkit and Log4j.
When I was still in Avalon, Avalon had informally agreed to push
Logkit  EOL in favor of log4j, and the log4j community accepted
the challenge of  bridging the last differences still remaining.
Why is this point much different from the one Robert is talking
Well, Robert's assertion is ambigious. Does he say;

   void enableLogging( Logger logger );
and let every component do,

  logger = Logger.getLogger( this.getClass().getLogger() );


Let Log4J be the default logger backend, and have the Log4J
configuration handily available.
I think Berin is -1 on the first, but more receptible to the latter.
I *strongly* dislike the use of static methods for multi-context 

If I have two instances of cocoon running in the same servlet 
container, which Log4j configurations will handle them? what if the log 
of one servlet ends up being in the log of another one?

Huge security issue here.


[FYI] away

2003-08-29 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
I'll be offline for 2 weeks starting from now.


Re: [RT] Cocoon Distro support

2003-08-29 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Friday, Aug 29, 2003, at 08:12 Europe/Rome, Niclas Hedhman wrote:

Hi all,

the recent comments about production build and binary builds have
caused me to think about Cocoon Distros and what must core Cocoon do
to allow for Cocoon Distros from 3rd parties.

*everything* about ease of distribution, ease of webapp-level 
composability, ease of reuse, ease of configuration, ease of 
deployment, ease of staging, updating, cluster replication and what not 
has *ALREADY* been considered in the block design.

Can people *PLEASE* take a look at that before restarting anew 


Stefano, frustrated when people base their context on their own 
assumptions instead of reading previous context.

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-29 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Thursday, Aug 28, 2003, at 20:00 Europe/Rome, Jay Freeman ((saurik)) 

So my eye finally caught on the Starting 2.2 thread today, it seemed
interesting, and I went to read through this... and I must say the main
reaction I ended up having to it is HUH?!?. :)
Is the reason you need a new repository because CVS doesn't support
move/copy/rename (especially so on directories?). I guess I've just 
using Subversion so long that some of the solutions people have been
proposing sound rather terrifying... making a new repository and 
copying all
of the RCS files into it in order to preserve history? But then you'd
still be maintaining the files in both versions seperately with no 
way to know this file is a copy of that one to try to help you do 
Then there was the suggestion to have the new repository copy stuff 
from the
2.1 repository during build or something...

With Subversion you could just copy the current trunk off to a 
branch (as you'd likely be doing many less fixes on that over the 
than enhancements to 2.2, so that would be considered the branch) and 
start reorganizing the directories in the trunk by just moving them 
and committing the move operations (so far with no space duplication 
on the
server as all of these copy/move operations are just references to the 
file data in the repository), files that need to be renamed could 
easily be
done so, and this entire process would be keeping track of the history
through all of the move operations... (although merging the 2.1 branch
changes into 2.2 still wouldn't be entirely automated, but I'm pretty 
the Subversion people are working on this; 0.28.0, released a few days 
has some features that is bringing it a lot closer).

Has any thought been put into the next time we have to create another 
repository should be the day we look into better version control?
Yes, you are right, CVS sucks, but the way it's integrated with the 
apache infrastructure and with tools that people use is not.

there is a huge inertia there. greatly underestimated by the subversion 
people, expecially for people used to IDEs like eclipse that hide CVS 
stuff under the hood and do things automatically.

I'm sick of this thread. It's stopping evolution.

Carsten, forget beauty of versioning and let's start working on 
cocoon-2.1 HEAD, this will:

 1) reduce effort and duplication
 2) keep people sane since every commit will have to keep the tree in 
shape (it's entirely possible to implement real blocks with what we 
have, without moving things around, even turning the current static 
blocks into real ones).

So, my vote is: cut the crap, let's work on the thing right here and 
right now, we'll think about what to do later.

Evolution is always prefered to revolution.

[believe me, I've made this mistake so many times that I learned my way 


RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-29 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
 Carsten, forget beauty of versioning and let's start working on 
 cocoon-2.1 HEAD, this will:
   1) reduce effort and duplication
   2) keep people sane since every commit will have to keep the tree in 
 shape (it's entirely possible to implement real blocks with what we 
 have, without moving things around, even turning the current static 
 blocks into real ones).
This is a very optimistic assumption, which I personally doubt. But,
ok, I can live with doing everything in cocoon-2.1 HEAD, no problem.

I'm absolutely frustrated as well: over the last months people always
said, Let's get 2.1 out, we want to start 2.2. Now that we can do it,
I'm the only one keeping to it. Great! 

Now I can already imagine what will happen. Someday someone checks in
something that is not suitable for a 2.1.x version and then a new
flame war against this person will begin. 

Ok, agreed. Let's stop the crap and work with the 2.1 repo then.

Ah, btw. I will replace ECM with fortress over the weekend. Any problems
with that? 


RE: Releasing 2.1.1?

2003-08-29 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Have a look at this thread:

and this bug

Now, it seems that the CommandManager is not working in all environments.
In my it's not working but I don't have the shutdown problem and I 
guess it's vice versa.

We are using the released version 1.0.3, but I tested the latest CVS and I
guess Giacomo is also using the latest.


Berin Loritsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What version of CommandManager are you using?  I am very interested
 in fixing it so that it works all the time.  Also, under what 
 does it break?

Re: [Proposal] Simple production build directions

2003-08-29 Thread Timothy Larson
Lets try to fix the first issue on your list.

The last target in src/targets/webapp-build.xml is custom-conf.
This is the only place the customconf property is used.
Notice that the customconf property is applied to the included
filename, not to the srcdir attribute:

  xpatch file=${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf srcdir= addComments=true
include name=${customconf}/*.xconf /

If I read the xpatch source code correctly, this limits the customconf to
only working with subdirectories.  I think we can fix this by changing the
target to apply the customconf to the srcdir instead of to the included
filename, like this:

  xpatch file=${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf srcdir=${customconf} 
 include name=*.xconf /

Here is the whole converted target if you would not mind testing it
with your desired configuration:

  target name=custom-conf depends=init-tasks description=Uses Cocoon's xpatch 
task to
customize runtime configuration
xpatch file=${build.webapp}/sitemap.xmap srcdir=${customconf}
   include name=*.xmap /
   include name=*.xpipe /
xpatch file=${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf srcdir=${customconf} 
   include name=*.xconf /
xpatch file=${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/logkit.xconf srcdir=${customconf}
   include name=*.xlog /
xpatch file=${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/web.xml srcdir=${customconf}
   include name=*.xweb /

Please let me know how this goes,
--Tim Larson

--- Tomasz Nowak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1. customconf property doesn't work properly at my linuxbox :(
I have some .xweb, .xconf and .xmap files in 'myconf'
directory but they are not seen by buildtools when
'myconf' is outside cocoon source directory.
customconf=../myconf - doesn't work.
after moving it into cocoonsrc dir ($ mv ../myconf .)
and changing customconf in to:
everything works fine.
Of course file permis and modes are ok. Is this a bug?

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-29 Thread Berin Loritsch
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Ah, btw. I will replace ECM with fortress over the weekend. Any problems
with that? 

Don't tease me...  Want I should do it?


They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
 deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- Benjamin Franklin

cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/bean

2003-08-29 Thread upayavira
upayavira2003/08/29 07:05:50

  Removing printing of timestamp - will re-add it properly by extending the 
BeanListener interface
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.19  +3 -1  cocoon-2.1/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/bean/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/cocoon-2.1/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/bean/,v
  retrieving revision 1.18
  retrieving revision 1.19
  diff -u -r1.18 -r1.19
  ---   28 Aug 2003 19:21:00 -  1.18
  +++   29 Aug 2003 14:05:50 -  1.19
  @@ -553,9 +553,11 @@
  +/*  Commenting out timestamp - will reimplement properly using the BeanListener 
   double d = (System.currentTimeMillis()- startTimeMillis);
   String time =  [ + (d/1000) +  seconds];
   System.out.println(+ time);
   return targets;

RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-29 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

Berin Loritsch wrote:
  Ah, btw. I will replace ECM with fortress over the weekend. Any problems
  with that?

 Don't tease me...  Want I should do it?

Hey, great!

I'm definitly +5 for this! So if you want to do it, you could start a vote
and see what will happen next...


Re: Releasing 2.1.1?

2003-08-29 Thread Bruno Dumon
On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 15:35, Berin Loritsch wrote:
 Bruno Dumon wrote:
  On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 08:12, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
 as several of you have already pointed out, a 2.1.1 release seems
 to make sense. 
 I can make a release next week, but I really would like to have the
 scheduling (CommandManager) problem fixed in the release. Is anyone
 working already on it? 
  Not over here. If all else fails, we could disable the CommandManager
  and let the ContinuationsManager start a thread of its own (like e.g.
  the StoreJanitor does).
 What version of CommandManager are you using?

The one shipping with Cocoon.

   I am very interested
 in fixing it so that it works all the time.  Also, under what circumstances
 does it break?

Don't know exactly. Here's what I've found out till now:

For me it works with Linux/Sun jdk 1.4.2, it doesn't work with 1.3.1.
For Carsten it doesn't work with Windows/jdk 1.4 either. I've done all
my testing with the Jetty which ships with Cocoon. 

I've added some println's here and there and it appears that, with
1.3.1, the CommandManager starts working but stops as soon as Jetty
prints out the following lines:
Fri Aug 29 13:58:07 CEST 2003 Listening for connections ...
13:58:07.575 EVENT  Started SocketListener on

It seems that the thread that was executing the commands is somehow not
released (or whathever), so when the ThreadManager wants to execute the
next command it keeps waiting for a thread to be released (this waiting
happens in Doug Lea's Executor). If the threads-per-processor
parameter is augmented to 2, then it keeps working.

According to Giacomo, the CommandManager works just fine in a
non-servlet environment.

Bruno Dumon
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center

[Linotype] for IE

2003-08-29 Thread Klaus Bertram
Hi all,

I have implement for the Linotype block the editor that also works with 
IE versions  5.0
For my self I had test it with MOZ and IE 5.0, 6.0
and here are some of the main changes:
- the image names on upload
there was an problem withe the name geneartion of the images
the old one generate a number with an image counter, but when you
edit a side with 3 images and delete the second, save it and edit it
again, by adding an image the new name is image-3 which exists in
the side and these one change his content.
  image name is the original name + prefix (default image-)
- in the news2edit.xslt stylesheet must the edit.js script load before
  the script code (when not all IE displays a white side)

(BUG / Feature by redirect with IE5.0)
when I hit the Finish button by an IE5.0 browser the content and images 
are saved and then comes an error from the servlet.
After debugging I found that the multipart Servlet is calld twice
1. with the POST data from the side
2. with no data and GET from the redirection.
BUG in IE or in Cocoon ?

So what should I do next, so that some other can test it?
should I make a PATCH to Bugzilla?
the patch with diff's of the stylesheets and the editor.js full?

Re: [Linotype] for IE

2003-08-29 Thread Geoff Howard
Klaus Bertram wrote:
Hi all,

I have implement for the Linotype block the editor that also works with 
IE versions  5.0
For my self I had test it with MOZ and IE 5.0, 6.0
and here are some of the main changes:
- the image names on upload
there was an problem withe the name geneartion of the images
the old one generate a number with an image counter, but when you
edit a side with 3 images and delete the second, save it and edit it
again, by adding an image the new name is image-3 which exists in
the side and these one change his content.
  image name is the original name + prefix (default image-)
- in the news2edit.xslt stylesheet must the edit.js script load before
  the script code (when not all IE displays a white side)

(BUG / Feature by redirect with IE5.0)
when I hit the Finish button by an IE5.0 browser the content and images 
are saved and then comes an error from the servlet.
After debugging I found that the multipart Servlet is calld twice
1. with the POST data from the side
2. with no data and GET from the redirection.
BUG in IE or in Cocoon ?

So what should I do next, so that some other can test it?
should I make a PATCH to Bugzilla?
the patch with diff's of the stylesheets and the editor.js full?
Yes, that'd be great.  probably doesn't matter whether the diffs are 
created together or not - use your best judgement.


DO NOT REPLY [Bug 22813] - [PATCH] Linotype for IE

2003-08-29 Thread bugzilla

[PATCH]  Linotype for IE

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-08-29 15:07 ---
Created an attachment (id=7991)
linotype diffs

DO NOT REPLY [Bug 22813] - [PATCH] Linotype for IE

2003-08-29 Thread bugzilla

[PATCH]  Linotype for IE

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-08-29 15:09 ---
Created an attachment (id=7992)

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-29 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Ah, btw. I will replace ECM with fortress over the weekend. Any problems
with that? 

Yep. Aren't we supposed to use Merlin instead? I'm checking in the code 
as we speak...



Re: [Vote] Move from LogKitManager to LoggerManager

2003-08-29 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
...and please vote if this is a change for 2.1.1 or 2.2.
+1 for 2.1.1


Re: [RT] Implementing Cocoon Blocks

2003-08-29 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Geoff Howard wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Ok, great. Does anybody have a problem with the proposed file 
system  layout?

AFAIU, blocks are expanded into WEB-INF/blocks/\d+/ directories:

By default - but as I understood Stefano's last email, it should be 
possible to override?

the file system layout (relative to the cocoon webapp context) is

   [-] WEB-INF
L___ [-] blocks
  L___ [-] 384938958499
  | L___ [-] BLOCK-INF
  | | L___ block.xml
  | L_ (the contents of

Why temp directory is not used here? And, where unpacked blocks are 

Temp dir:
I've been assuming this file and dir structure is the persistent state 
for the block manager.

The only servlet engine which wipes out deployment (aka temp, aka 
staging) directory on restart is Jetty. None of the others known to me 
do this.

If it has deployed the blocks, it records its state in this 
structure.  At Cocoon restart, this structure (wiring.xml and 
resulting filesystem tree) is used to initialize the 
blocks/components/etc. Otherwise the block deployer has to re-deploy 
everything on restart.  Have I got that right?

Remember, Cocoon is deployed here as a webapp. And webapp can be 
archived into the war file. Now the question: how funny (e.g. 
384938958499) directories get into the war file in the first place?

Unpacked blocks:
Good question -- maybe in WEB-INF/blocks ?

I'd suggest to store blocks in WEB-INF/blocks/, and unpack/wire/etc them 
into $temp/blocks, where $temp is temporary directory configured in 
web.xml. WEB-INF/blocks/ can also have blocks.xml to point out to blocks 
which are located outside of the blocks directory, for development needs.


[VOTE] Migrate from the aging ECM

2003-08-29 Thread Berin Loritsch
The new Cocoon should be able to use the new Fortress container.  This should
have little to no impact on component writers.  It boasts faster startup, and
it provides easier component definition.  I will be happy to do the work.
+1 from me.


They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
 deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- Benjamin Franklin

Re: [VOTE] Migrate from the aging ECM

2003-08-29 Thread Boon Hian Tek
Berin Loritsch wrote:

The new Cocoon should be able to use the new Fortress container.  This 
have little to no impact on component writers.  It boasts faster 
startup, and
it provides easier component definition.  I will be happy to do the work.

+1 from me.

+1 for you.

Re: [VOTE] Migrate from the aging ECM

2003-08-29 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
Berin Loritsch wrote:
The new Cocoon should be able to use the new Fortress container.  This 
have little to no impact on component writers.  It boasts faster 
startup, and
it provides easier component definition.  I will be happy to do the work.

+1 from me.

I'm scared but I trust you. :-) +1 from me too.

Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
(Now blogging at:

RE: [VOTE] Migrate from the aging ECM

2003-08-29 Thread John Morrison
 From: Berin Loritsch 

 The new Cocoon should be able to use the new Fortress container.  
 This should
 have little to no impact on component writers.  It boasts faster 
 startup, and
 it provides easier component definition.  I will be happy to do the work.
 +1 from me.

+1 from me too :)


Re: [VOTE] Migrate from the aging ECM

2003-08-29 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Berin Loritsch wrote:

The new Cocoon should be able to use the new Fortress container.  This 
have little to no impact on component writers.  It boasts faster 
startup, and
it provides easier component definition.  I will be happy to do the work.

+1 from me.

+1, but I (still) would like to hear quick comment on Fortress vs 
Merlin. I heard on avalon-dev that merlin is gonna be that new craze.


WebDAV proxy available (was: [RT] WebDAV proxy / DASL search in Cocoon)

2003-08-29 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

If I'm right, this would allow Cocoon to proxy most WebDAV operations to 
a non-DASL WebDAV backend, and process the few operations that relate to 
properties (PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, SEARCH) directly, storing properties in 
a database.
This was an itch I just had to scratch. :-) I have now committed to the 
proxy block a new ProxyGenerator that takes whatever method and forwards 
it to an origin server specified as a sitemap parameter. To do so, I had 
to put together a new httpclient method (I'm wondering if the httpclient 
team might be interested in it once polished...) that clones an incoming 
HttpServletRequest and makes a call to an origin server. So far I've 
tried it with cadaver and skunkdav, surprisingly enough it seems to work 
with all the webdav methods.

We have a starting point then, but beware:

1. header handling is *hacky*. I had to filter by hand some headers in 
order to make the application behave (don't ask me why, but 
Content-Length in the Cocoon proxied response was off by one byte);

2. no HTTP/1.1 keepalive. I see no way of handling it in Cocoon, since 
every request has to go through the pipeline, and the response 
OutputStream cannot be reused. This might be a major performance hit.

Anyway, it's there for you to play. :-) To access a DAV repository 
running at localhost on port 81 under the /dav context, all you have to 
do is

map:generator label=content

map:match pattern=dav/
map:generate type=generic-proxy
  map:parameter name=url value=http://localhost:81/dav//
  map:parameter name=path value=/dav//
map:serialize type=xml/
map:match pattern=dav/**
map:generate type=generic-proxy
  map:parameter name=url value=http://localhost:8881/dav//
  map:parameter name=path value=/dav/{1}/
map:serialize type=xml/
Anyone willing to tackle DASL searches now? :-)


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
(Now blogging at:

Re: Releasing 2.1.1?

2003-08-29 Thread Giacomo Pati
On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Berin Loritsch wrote:

 Bruno Dumon wrote:
  On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 08:12, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
 as several of you have already pointed out, a 2.1.1 release seems
 to make sense.
 I can make a release next week, but I really would like to have the
 scheduling (CommandManager) problem fixed in the release. Is anyone
 working already on it?
  Not over here. If all else fails, we could disable the CommandManager
  and let the ContinuationsManager start a thread of its own (like e.g.
  the StoreJanitor does).

 What version of CommandManager are you using?  I am very interested
 in fixing it so that it works all the time.  Also, under what circumstances
 does it break?

I'm using the latest (from CVS) put alot of gebugging into it to
see wher it goes. Unfortunately at some time in the startup of the
servlet container it stops working (I've put a test command right after
constructing the CommandManager in

Giacomo Pati
Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -

Re: Releasing 2.1.1?

2003-08-29 Thread Giacomo Pati
On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Bruno Dumon wrote:

 For me it works with Linux/Sun jdk 1.4.2, it doesn't work with 1.3.1.
 For Carsten it doesn't work with Windows/jdk 1.4 either. I've done all
 my testing with the Jetty which ships with Cocoon.

 I've added some println's here and there and it appears that, with
 1.3.1, the CommandManager starts working but stops as soon as Jetty
 prints out the following lines:
 Fri Aug 29 13:58:07 CEST 2003 Listening for connections ...
 13:58:07.575 EVENT  Started SocketListener on

I have the above also in with sun jdk 1.4.2 on Linux.

 It seems that the thread that was executing the commands is somehow not
 released (or whathever), so when the ThreadManager wants to execute the
 next command it keeps waiting for a thread to be released (this waiting
 happens in Doug Lea's Executor). If the threads-per-processor
 parameter is augmented to 2, then it keeps working.

Have not tried using a second Thread.

 According to Giacomo, the CommandManager works just fine in a
 non-servlet environment.


Giacomo Pati
Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -

Re: [Vote] Move from LogKitManager to LoggerManager

2003-08-29 Thread Giacomo Pati
On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 Triggered by the recent discussions about using log4j,
 I propose that we move from the deprecated LogKitManager
 to the new LoggerManager. This will make using log4j much
 easier (and I would implement that then next).

 There is a patch for the move already in bugzilla:

 But: this is an incompatible change (however the impace should be
 very small).

 So, please vote on the change.

 and please vote if this is a change for 2.1.1 or 2.2.

+1 for 2.1.x

Giacomo Pati
Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -

RE: [VOTE] Migrate from the aging ECM

2003-08-29 Thread Carsten Ziegeler


Berin Loritsch wrote:
 The new Cocoon should be able to use the new Fortress container.  
 This should
 have little to no impact on component writers.  It boasts faster 
 startup, and
 it provides easier component definition.  I will be happy to do the work.
 +1 from me.

Re: [VOTE] Migrate from the aging ECM

2003-08-29 Thread Berin Loritsch
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Berin Loritsch wrote:

The new Cocoon should be able to use the new Fortress container.  This 
have little to no impact on component writers.  It boasts faster 
startup, and
it provides easier component definition.  I will be happy to do the work.

+1 from me.

+1, but I (still) would like to hear quick comment on Fortress vs 
Merlin. I heard on avalon-dev that merlin is gonna be that new craze.
Consider Fortress a stepping stone from ECM to Merlin.  Once Cocoon has done
all the work to move to Fortress, it becomes trivial to host in Merlin.
The main things here are:
1) Merlin does not support ServiceSelector.
2) Fortress provides mechanisms to make the ServiceSelector unecessary, but
   seamlessly supports components that still hold on to it.
3) Merlin does not support the ThreadSafe, SingleThreaded, Poolable interfaces.
4) Fortress still supports them for legacy components--but it encourages the
   new meta-data enabled way.
These are the key areas where Cocoon *needs* Fortress for the immediate shift.
I would much rather work toward the immediate need, because we can still work
with Cocoon while we are doing the other migrations.
It is important to note that Merlin has a number of features that Fortress
does not have--but Fortress provides a number of features that ECM doesn't
have.  When Merlin is officially released, it will be 100% Fortress compatible.

They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
 deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- Benjamin Franklin

cvs commit: cocoon-2.0/src/documentation/xdocs/userdocs/generators search-generator.xml

2003-08-29 Thread asavory
asavory 2003/08/29 11:54:37

  Fixing capitalisation
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.2   +1 -1  
  Index: search-generator.xml
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- search-generator.xml  9 Mar 2003 00:01:13 -   1.1
  +++ search-generator.xml  29 Aug 2003 18:54:37 -  1.2
  @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
  -  tdquery-string/tdtdQueryString/td
  +  tdquery-string/tdtdqueryString/td
   This parameter specifies the name of the query paramter name used
   for passing the query-string, eg. 

cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/documentation/xdocs/userdocs/generators search-generator.xml

2003-08-29 Thread asavory
asavory 2003/08/29 11:54:50

  Fixing capitalisation
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.3   +1 -1  
  Index: search-generator.xml
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- search-generator.xml  8 Jul 2003 08:46:33 -   1.2
  +++ search-generator.xml  29 Aug 2003 18:54:50 -  1.3
  @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
  -  tdquery-string/tdtdQueryString/td
  +  tdquery-string/tdtdqueryString/td
   This parameter specifies the name of the query parameter name used
   for passing the query-string, eg. 

cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/flow/apples

2003-08-29 Thread mpo
mpo 2003/08/29 15:11:25

  Let logging include the continuation id.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.5   +3 -2  
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  ---  26 Aug 2003 09:06:43 -  1.4
  +++  29 Aug 2003 22:11:25 -  1.5
  @@ -84,9 +84,10 @@
   WebContinuation wk = this.continuationsMgr.createWebContinuation(app, null, 
  -getLogger().debug(Pulling fresh apple through the lifecycle...);
   DefaultContext appleContext = new DefaultContext();
   appleContext.put(continuation-id, wk.getId());
  +getLogger().debug(Pulling fresh apple through the lifecycle... | 
continuationid= + wk.getId());
   //TODO: also add the componentManager for Apples that took the other 
   LifecycleHelper.setupComponent(app, getLogger(), appleContext, 
this.serviceManager, null, null, null);
  @@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
   env.redirect(false, res.getURI());
   } else {
   String uri = res.getURI();
  -getLogger().debug(Apple forwards to  + uri +  with bizdata=  + 
  +getLogger().debug(Apple forwards to  + uri +  with bizdata=  + 
res.getData() +  and continuationid=  + wk.getId());
   this.forwardTo(uri, res.getData(), wk, env);

cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/samples/calc - New directory

2003-08-29 Thread mpo
mpo 2003/08/29 15:12:50

  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/samples/calc - New directory

cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/samples/guess - New directory

2003-08-29 Thread mpo
mpo 2003/08/29 15:22:18

  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/samples/guess - New directory

cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/flow/apples/samples

2003-08-29 Thread mpo
mpo 2003/08/29 15:22:05

  Added:   src/blocks/apples/samples/calc getNumberA.xsp
getOperator.xsp getNumberB.xsp displayResult.xsp
  Adding Calculator Example showing difference between Apples and FlowScript.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.1  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/samples/calc/getNumberA.xsp
  Index: getNumberA.xsp
  ?xml version=1.0?
  | CVS: $Id: getNumberA.xsp,v 1.1 2003/08/29 22:22:05 mpo Exp $
  | Author: Ovidiu Predescu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | Date: March 23, 2002
  xsp:page language=java
  This sample is explicitely designed to provide an easy comparison grounds 
  against the same kind of application in flowScript. (check the Calculator 
  sample there too)
  You should note especially how they handle continuation after pressing 
  the back-button. That should also explain why this approach chooses to
  provide links to explicitely edit the previsouly entered values.
form method=post
  paraEnter value of stronga/strong: input type=text name=a//para
  input type=submit name=submit value=Enter/
  1.1  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/samples/calc/getOperator.xsp
  Index: getOperator.xsp
  ?xml version=1.0?
  | CVS: $Id: getOperator.xsp,v 1.1 2003/08/29 22:22:05 mpo Exp $
  | Author: Ovidiu Predescu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | Date: March 23, 2002
  xsp:page language=java
form  method=post
  xsp:attribute name=actionxsp:exprjpath:continuation/+ 
  paraa =
strongjpath:value-of select=a//strong
  parab =
strongjpath:value-of select=b//strong
  paraEnter operator
select name=operator
  input type=submit name=submit value=Do it!/
  1.1  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/samples/calc/getNumberB.xsp
  Index: getNumberB.xsp
  ?xml version=1.0?
  | CVS: $Id: getNumberB.xsp,v 1.1 2003/08/29 22:22:05 mpo Exp $
  | Author: Ovidiu Predescu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | Date: March 23, 2002
  xsp:page language=java
form method=post
  paraa =
strongjpath:value-of select=a//strong
  paraEnter value of strongb/strong: input type=text name=b//para
  input type=submit name=submit value=Enter/
  1.1  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/samples/calc/displayResult.xsp
  Index: displayResult.xsp
  ?xml version=1.0?
  | CVS: $Id: displayResult.xsp,v 1.1 2003/08/29 22:22:05 mpo Exp $
  | Author: Ovidiu Predescu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | Date: March 23, 2002
  xsp:page language=java
form action=./calc.flow method=post
  paraa =

cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/samples sitemap.xmap welcome.xml

2003-08-29 Thread mpo
mpo 2003/08/29 15:33:00

  Modified:src/blocks/apples/samples sitemap.xmap welcome.xml
  Adding the new samples to the sitemap and the welcome page.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.3   +131 -65   cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/samples/sitemap.xmap
  Index: sitemap.xmap
  RCS file: /home/cvs/cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/apples/samples/sitemap.xmap,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- sitemap.xmap  6 Aug 2003 15:54:13 -   1.2
  +++ sitemap.xmap  29 Aug 2003 22:33:00 -  1.3
  @@ -1,71 +1,77 @@
  -?xml version=1.0?
  -map:sitemap xmlns:map=;
  - map:components
  -  map:generators default=file   
  -map:generator name=woody 
src=org.apache.cocoon.woody.generation.WoodyGenerator logger=woody/
  -map:generator name=jx src=org.apache.cocoon.generation.JXTemplateGenerator 
label=content,data logger=sitemap.generator.jx/
  -  /map:generators
  -  map:transformers default=xalan
  -map:transformer name=woody 
src=org.apache.cocoon.woody.transformation.WoodyTemplateTransformer logger=woody/
  -map:transformer name=i18n 
  -  catalogues default=other
  -catalogue id=other name=OtherMessages 
  -catalogue id=woody name=WoodyMessages 
  -  /catalogues
  -  cache-at-startuptrue/cache-at-startup
  -  /map:transformers
  -  map:selectors default=browser
  -map:selector name=request-method 
  -  /map:selectors
  -  map:actions/
  -  map:pipes default=caching
  -  /map:pipes
  - /map:components
  - map:views
  -  map:view name=content from-label=content
  -   map:serialize type=xml/
  -  /map:view
  -  map:view name=pretty-content from-label=data
  -   map:transform src=context://stylesheets/system/xml2html.xslt/
  -   map:serialize type=html/
  -  /map:view
  -  map:view name=links from-position=last
  -   map:serialize type=links/
  -  /map:view
  - /map:views
  -  map:flow language=apples /
  - map:pipelines
  -   map:pipeline
  - map:match pattern=
  -  map:generate src=welcome.xml/
  -  map:transform 
  - map:parameter name=contextPath value={request:contextPath}/
  -  /map:transform
  -  map:serialize/
  - /map:match
  +?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
  - !--
  -| Binding form sample, stolen from woody
  +map:sitemap xmlns:map=;
  +  map:components
  +map:generators default=file
  +  map:generator name=woody 
src=org.apache.cocoon.woody.generation.WoodyGenerator logger=woody/
  +  map:generator name=jx 
src=org.apache.cocoon.generation.JXTemplateGenerator label=content,data 
  +map:transformers default=xalan
  +  map:transformer name=woody 
src=org.apache.cocoon.woody.transformation.WoodyTemplateTransformer logger=woody/
  +  map:transformer name=i18n 
  +catalogues default=other
  +  catalogue id=other name=OtherMessages 
  +  catalogue id=woody name=WoodyMessages 
  +  /map:transformer
  +map:selectors default=browser
  +  map:selector name=request-method 
  +map:pipes default=caching/
  +  /map:components
  +  map:views
  +map:view name=content from-label=content
  +  map:serialize type=xml/
  +map:view name=pretty-content from-label=data
  +  map:transform src=context://stylesheets/system/xml2html.xslt/
  +  map:serialize type=html/
  +map:view name=links from-position=last
  +  map:serialize type=links/
  +  /map:views
  +  map:resources
  +map:resource name=serialize-jx-screen 
  +  map:parameter name=servletPath value={request:servletPath}/
  +  map:parameter name=sitemapURI value={request:sitemapURI}/
  +  map:parameter name=contextPath value={request:contextPath}/
  +  map:parameter name=file value=/samples/apples/{screen-src}/
  +  map:parameter name=remove value={0}/
  +map:serialize type=html /

Re: Blocking SPAM and daedalus.

2003-08-29 Thread Antonio Gallardo
Vadim Gritsenko dijo:


Thank you for the link :)

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

Re: Releasing 2.1.1?

2003-08-29 Thread Bruno Dumon
On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 19:55, Giacomo Pati wrote:
 On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Bruno Dumon wrote:
  For me it works with Linux/Sun jdk 1.4.2, it doesn't work with 1.3.1.
  For Carsten it doesn't work with Windows/jdk 1.4 either. I've done all
  my testing with the Jetty which ships with Cocoon.
  I've added some println's here and there and it appears that, with
  1.3.1, the CommandManager starts working but stops as soon as Jetty
  prints out the following lines:
  Fri Aug 29 13:58:07 CEST 2003 Listening for connections ...
  13:58:07.575 EVENT  Started SocketListener on
 I have the above also in with sun jdk 1.4.2 on Linux.

It's probably a coincidence. If you supply a higher value for the
sleep-time parameter of the CommandManager, for example 1000 ms, it
will probably keep working for you too (with 1.3 also).

I think the problem lies somewhere in the PooledExecutor and/or
SynchronousChannel classes from the concurrent package.

If you take a look at the PooledExecutor class, there's a getTask method
that is called by worker threads (see the inner class Worker). Shortly
before jetty binds to port  it probably does something cpu
intensive, causing the poll(sleep-time) call in the getTask method to
timeout, and the getTask() method to return null, which in itself causes
the worker thread to be released. More or less at the same time, the
PooledExecutor is asked to execute another runnable but it thinks no
threads are available anymore and hands off the runnable to the
SynchronousChannel. How it then needs to get out of that situation is
currently still a mystery for me... 

ok, 10 minutes later now, got an idea:

if you add the following code before the closing bracket of the
PooledExecutor.workerDone(...) method, then it --seems to-- work:

if (!shutdown_) {
  if (poolSize_  maximumPoolSize_) {
Runnable r= null;
try {
  r = getTask();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (r != null)

Could someone else also try this out? For your convenience, here's a
compiled jar with this change:

just copy it over the util.concurrent-1.3.1.jar

  It seems that the thread that was executing the commands is somehow not
  released (or whathever), so when the ThreadManager wants to execute the
  next command it keeps waiting for a thread to be released (this waiting
  happens in Doug Lea's Executor). If the threads-per-processor
  parameter is augmented to 2, then it keeps working.
 Have not tried using a second Thread.
  According to Giacomo, the CommandManager works just fine in a
  non-servlet environment.

Bruno Dumon
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center

OSCOM @ Seybold SF

2003-08-29 Thread Michael Wechner
Seybold organizers just told me that they want  to cancel the
OSCOM hackathon/sprint @ Seybold if there aren't enough participants
which have signed up until tomorrow Friday (western times).
The reason seems to be that room and internet connection are too expensive
for hosting just a few people.
So far 3 people have signed up, but they are expecting around 20 people.

I think it's a great opportunity to meet in person and do some coding on 
Atom and
WebDAV related stuff

So, please subscribe NOW if you want to participate for real. 
Participation is for FREE and
you can sign up here:

more info can be found here

