Re: ClassLoader and Dependency Charts

2006-07-19 Thread Erin Mulder
Aaron Mulder wrote:
> However, I'm not sure how useful it will be -- it'll show you
> dependencies at the class loader level, but it won't tell you which
> class loaders hold a particular class or which class loader you're
> actually getting at some point when an error is uncovered.

Also, it still needs arrows. :)

Right now, the code for that graph produces SVG.  It would be great to
make it interactive so that you could drag the nodes around, click on a
node to load a div that shows which classes are loaded in it, and maybe
even collapse certain branches.  At JavaOne, I got a few simple
JavaScript behaviors working with the graph prototype, but I'm not sure
how complex it would be to add full-out drag and drop.

Perhaps you can throw the code into the sandbox so other people can
check it out and build on it?  If I recall correctly, I was careful to
make sure that all of its dependencies have Apache-compatible licenses,
(which was actually quite difficult).

Alternatively, someone could create and share a non-ASF-hosted plugin
that makes use of one of the many LGPL graph libraries out there.


Report from the field (a local Geronimo workshop)

2006-05-01 Thread Erin Mulder
Aaron ran a hands-on Geronimo workshop this evening for the Philadelphia
Apache Users Group, and it went great.  Twelve people showed up with
laptops in hand, ready to get going with Geronimo.

Notes from the workshop:

* Installation was painless.  We passed around a CD with a zip of the
latest 1.1 snapshot and everyone was up and going within 5 minutes.

* Nobody had any trouble using the console to download and install the

* Two folks were quite interested in seeing integrated JBI/ServiceMix.
They work at a cancer research center where they do a lot of integration
of bioinformatics systems.

* Nobody had any trouble deploying a basic EAR, though using the
command-line deployer to deploy JMS/DB resources was a bit awkward.  (It
was not the intention to have people do so, but there wasn't time to
package everything properly beforehand.)

* There was a lot of excitement about plugins and configuration cloning.
 The biggest smiles came during a conversation about how you could
configure a Geronimo server and have each developer point the console at
it to suck down the configuration.  There was also considerable interest
in other sorts of plugins (file archives, reporting servers, commercial
tie-ins, distribution of common open source apps as plugins, etc).

* There were a few suggestions for plugin improvements:

   - Allow plugins to be Tomcat/Jetty agnostic

   - Allow installation of a plugin even if all deps/prereqs
 aren't satisfied (just don't start it until they are)

   - Show size for each available plugin so you know what you're in for

   - Let plugins include installation scripts that can initialize
 a database, etc, when the plugin is installed

   - Support things like "Java 1.4.2 or greater" rather than
 just prefixes like 1.4.x

   - Organize the export drop-down list a little better

In general, I thought this workshop was an excellent format.  More than
one person came into it expressing ambivalence about Geronimo and how it
was any different from other app servers.  By the end, everyone was
really into it -- they were working hands-on with the server, firing off
suggestions for improvements, ooohing and aaahing over some of the cool
features, etc.   It was great!


Re: Questions about site

2006-05-02 Thread Erin Mulder
Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> Isn't there a bigger security concern here?  Say some guy shows up and
> says he is from organization X and wants to add the latest XSoft
> application to the index get my point?

Regardless of where things are hosted, I think it would be nice to
eventually be able to support plugins signed with X.509** certificates
so that people can verify the authenticity of signed plugins and
knowingly accept risk when they install an unsigned plugin.

For the first release though, a warning on the plugin page ought to
suffice.  I think it's important to get the technology out there and
start getting feedback, inspiring plugin developers, etc.


**I am a fan of GPG/PGP, but it's more tedious / less useful than
centralized PKI for most users who haven't established a strong web of

Re: Questions about site

2006-05-02 Thread Erin Mulder
Hernan Cunico wrote:
> Can anybody provide details (user/developer guide
> documentation level) about the architecture and design. We desperately
> need those details added to the product documentation, what we have
> today is far from enough.

Aaron posted two links to the list yesterday (Subject: About Geronimo
Plugins).  The first led to a short FAQ.  The second led to a 58-page
PDF that walked through a lot of the details as they stand today.


Re: Geronimo 1.1 still dependent on Java 1.4.2?

2006-05-22 Thread Erin Mulder
> I understand that it is possible to run a properly configured instance of
> Geronimo using J2SE 5.0.
> That being said, the target audience of a Quick Start Guide/Getting Started
> document is interested in getting an instance of Geronimo up and running as
> quickly as possible.  If a user downloads Geronimo and runs java -jar
> bin/server.jar and gets an exception stacktrace (or three) using J2SE 5.0,
> and then runs the same command using Java 1.4.2 and does not get a
> stacktrace (regardless of whether Geronimo is actually usable or not), then
> within that context a dependency exists on Java 1.4.2.

Geronimo 1.1 no longer prints warning messages when running under J2SE 5.0.

Here's a sample output:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/dev/geronimo-1.1/jetty> java -jar bin/server.jar
Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.5.0_06)...
Starting Geronimo Application Server v1.1-SNAPSHOT
[] 100%  25s Startup complete
  Listening on Ports:
1099   RMI Naming
1527   Derby Connector
4201   ActiveIO Connector EJB
4242 Remote Login Listener
8009   Jetty Connector AJP13
8080   Jetty Connector HTTP
8443   Jetty Connector HTTPS   JMX Remoting Connector
   61616   ActiveMQ Message Broker Connector

  Started Application Modules:
EAR: geronimo/webconsole-jetty/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
RAR: geronimo/activemq/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
RAR: geronimo/system-database/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
WAR: default/classloader/1147831079633/war
WAR: default/no-geronimo-plan/1147718961263/war
WAR: geronimo/remote-deploy-jetty/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
WAR: geronimo/welcome-jetty/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car

  Web Applications:

Geronimo Application Server started


Re: and Geronimo web site update

2006-05-26 Thread Erin Mulder
This looks excellent, Hernan!   Great job!

How can I get an account to help contribute?   If I go to the standard
Confluence signup URL:

then I get a message about how:

This installation of Confluence is not set up to
permit public signup. Please contact the site
administrators for more information.


Hernan Cunico wrote:
> Hi All,
> the new cofluence wiki is ready to go live! I have
> reorganized the documentation, migrated it and updated the new
> confluence installation, the new structure looks like this:
> Apache Geronimo v1.0
>Apache Geronimo v1.0 - User's Guide
>Apache Geronimo v1.0 - Developer's Guide
> Apache Geronimo v1.1
>Apache Geronimo v1.1 - User's Guide
> Apache Geronimo Project Management
>Apache Geronimo Development Process
>Apache Geronimo Development Status
> Apache Geronimo SandBox
> You can see it LIVE accessing
> The documents that are still up-to-date from
> should be moved over the new confluence wiki, some of those docs should
> actually go directly into the web site itself. I will work on these
> changes unless somebody else volunteers :D
> Part of this update includes reorganizing the web site, the old Libray
> and Documentation thing. The Documentation link will contain the new
> structure just decribed ( and
> the Library link will contain all the available printed and online
> books, cookbooks, articles, interviews, etc.
> So, whoever is working on a Geronimo book, articles, etc. and the info
> is not listed on the web site, pls send the details over so we can
> update the site.
> You will have to re-register in the new confluence in order to continue
> contributing with Geronimo's documentation.
> Enjoy!
> Cheers!
> Hernan

Re: and Geronimo web site update

2006-05-26 Thread Erin Mulder
Hernan Cunico wrote:
> Hi All,
> the new cofluence wiki is ready to go live! I have
> reorganized the documentation, migrated it and updated the new
> confluence installation...

Two other small comments (besides how much I like the new look)...

A) Search doesn't seem to be working quite right.  At the moment, it is
linked to Google and seems to be adding the current domain as a site
filter.   Thus, on the front page of the documentation, it searches with
"", and on the inside pages, it searches
"".  Neither of those options seems ideal (the
first misses all the documentation, and the second will overlap with
other projects and always be a few days/weeks behind while it waits for
Google to reindex).   Can we just hook up Confluence's built-in search
functionality?   That will have the added bonus of letting you search
across a specific subset of spaces (e.g. v1.0 and v1.1).

B) It would be good to have a way to get back to the main Geronimo site
from the documentation (other than manually trimming the URL).  My first
expectation was that the "Apache Geronimo" link in the dark blue bar
would take me there, but it doesn't.  Perhaps that can be changed?  It
would also be good to have the logo be a link, and maybe even to add an
explicit "Back to the Project Home" link to the front wiki page, just to
keep everything well-connected.


Re: [longish]

2006-06-07 Thread Erin Mulder
Hernan Cunico wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have enabled public signup so now you can register and contribute
> directly to the documentation.

Thanks for setting this up!  I just signed up, but once I was logged in,
I could no longer see most of the Geronimo spaces.  Is it possible that
permissions have been set for Anonymous, but not for confluence-users
(or whatever the equivalent role is in this installation)?

When I'm logged out, I see:

Apache Geronimo Documentation  (geronimo)   
Apache Geronimo Project Management (GMOxPMGT)   
Apache Geronimo SandBox (GMOxSBOX)  
Apache Geronimo v1.0 (GMOxDOC10)
Apache Geronimo v1.1 (GMOxDOC11)

When I'm logged in, I see:

Apache Geronimo v1.0  (GMOxDOC10)   
Cayenne Documentation (cayenne) 
Demonstration Space (ds)
Test Space (test)



2006-06-08 Thread Erin Mulder
Hernan Cunico wrote:
> I updated the release notes and it is ready for your review

Looks good!  A few comments:

1) Under system requirements, I think it should mention that Geronimo
will run fine on Java 5 out of the box, and offer the caveats that it is
only J2EE-certified on 1.4 and that in particular, you will need to run
under 1.4 if you enable CORBA support.

2) Under "Administration Console Security Configuration", it should
mention that the username/password can be changed within the console
itself.  e.g. "This can be changed through the console (in the "Security
-> Console Realm" section) or by editing /var.."

3) Looks like there's a typo in the "Deploying Applications" section.
It says "/bin/java -jar." instead of just "java

4) In that same section, perhaps worth mentioning that you can run the
login command in the deployer tool and not have to enter the password
over and over.  It's kind of a minor detail, but constant retyping of
passwords could ruin the deployment experience for people.

5) Under "Choice of Web container", it sounds a little open-ended to say
"Please download the binary appropriate for your environment."  People
will wonder what it is that makes one or the other appropriate for their
 environment.   Not sure how to say it better, but perhaps indicate that
choosing one at random is fine if you or your company don't already have
a preference?


Re: Plugin Enhancements

2006-06-15 Thread Erin Mulder
Here are some plugins that I would like to create or see created.  Many
of them would have both console portlets for configuration and
JNDI-accessible APIs for direct access from applications.

(BTW, I think it would be great to have a "Geronimo Plugins" space in
Confluence where we could flesh out these and other plugin ideas, not
just document existing plugins.)

File Poller:

File-based integration is extremely common, and yet I've found myself
writing the plumbing over and over again in different applications.  It
would be great to spend 30 seconds in the console wiring up a poller to
do something (call a method in a bundled class, call an EJB method,
generate a JMS message) every time a file shows up (or changes or is
deleted) at a particular location, with a polling interval of X seconds.
 Even better if it could eventually do some level of logging,
monitoring, error notification and/or retries.

File Archiver:

Another bit of code I write over and over again is a file cache/archiver
for generated reports and charts.  It would be great if my application
could just map a resource reference to a file archiver, grab it out of
JNDI and use a dirt simple store/retrieve API whenever I need to create
or access files.

Within configuration screens, I would be able to manage things like
where files are stored, time-based rollover or archive strategies,
space-based caching behavior, etc.

Classloader Visualizer:

I've written a simple SVG classloader visualizer for Geronimo that lays
out all the classloaders in a graph so that you can see how they relate.
 It still needs a little work to make it more interactive, but I'd like
to bundle it up as a plugin so that it's a one-click process to add it
to your console.

Web App Test Script Recorder/Runner:

Imagine you deploy a web application and want to set up a bit of
continuous functional or performance testing for it.  Once your app is
deployed, you just go into the console, click a button and the plugin
inserts/activates a few interceptors at the web tier.  Now, you open
another window and start using your application.  The plugin records
every request in a test script.  When you're done, you hit the stop
button and name your test, which you can then schedule to run on a
regular basis with pretty test reports.  You can also edit the
parameters for each request in the test and wire them up to CSV files or
SQL calls (using known data sources).  Finally, you can add a few
"response must contain XYZ" conditions to detect problems that don't
manifest as HTTP error codes.

That would be it for the first pass.  It wouldn't be nearly as
featureful as tools like JMeter or LoadRunner, but would be really
simple to use.  Hopefully the portlets would be so intuitive that
average developers with no knowledge of web testing would be able to
record and run scripts.  I've also known plenty of administrators who
would run something like this once an hour on production apps to make
sure that everything was healthy.

Later features could include exporting XML versions of the test scripts
(perhaps in a JMeter compatible format?) that could be distributed or
checked in to version control, communicating with other instances on a
network to run distributed tests, better reuse/integration of JMeter, etc.

Other Random Plugin Ideas:

 * Instrumentation and profiling support
 * Advanced integration with commercial security tools like SiteMinder
 * Advanced internationalization support (manage resources on the fly)
 * Commercial apps (e.g. JIRA, Confluence) available as G Plugins



Matt Hogstrom wrote:
> I've had similar discussions about Maven with folks.  One other area
> that people were interested about with plugins that I forgot about was
> configuration.  It's fine to develop an app that has a datasource that's
> local but there is little likelyhood that the same datasource will be
> used in production.  They wanted a way to be able to edit those
> attributes. Really, more of a structured list of attributes rather than
> looking in the console.  They wanted to know which ones the CAR depended
> on and a way to tweak them.

Re: Geronimo Web Site Design

2005-12-07 Thread Erin Mulder
Epiq Geronimo Team wrote:
> We have been working on possible web site designs and would like to
> obtain the feedback of the community.   Here are five different design
> types:

These look great!!  I like all of them.

I think it might be interesting to see a hybrid of #1 and #5 (keep the
blue feather header of #1, but mix in the sleek edges, top right bar,
tab style and heading style of #5).

I also like the white header a lot in #2 and #3 because it really
emphasizes the falling feather motif, which is one of the project's most
distinctive branding elements.  Even if this style isn't used for the
website, it might look great for presentation templates, documentation,
event invitations, etc.

How cool would it be to somehow get this new site launched in time for
the 1.0 release?!  All of the screenshots are good enough for now.  You
could just put something up and refine it over time.


Re: Does there need to be a default web container?

2005-12-08 Thread Erin Mulder
Jeff Genender wrote:
> So you think your average Geronimo user will have no idea what a web
> container is?

It's possible.

There are a lot of experienced J2EE developers out there who have only
ever used full commercial stacks.  Asking them to choose between two web
containers is like asking them to choose EJB, MQ and Web Service
implementations.  They may pick Tomcat because they vaguely recognize
the name, but having to make that choice will add anxiety to their
install experience.

Geronimo is also likely to become popular in academic settings (both
classroom and self-study) where people will need to install the server
before they get around to learning what a web container is.


Re: ANNOUNCE Geronimo Version 1.0 Available for Download

2006-01-05 Thread Erin Mulder
Matt Hogstrom wrote:
> The Apache Geronimo team is proud to announce the availability of
> Geronimo Version 1.0 for immediate download.  Please visit



Re: [VOTE] Documentation in Confluence, MoinMoin, or..

2006-01-20 Thread Erin Mulder
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
> Working documentation for Apache Geronimo should be kept in

[X] Confluence
[ ] MoinMoin wiki
[ ] Other (explain)

I haven't written any Geronimo documentation yet, but if I eventually
do, I'd prefer Confluence, primarily because of how easy it makes it to
organize, move and rename pages.  That's really important in
documentation efforts (to optimize the reader experience) and yet is a
major pain to do in MoinMoin.

Also nice:
 * Breadcrumbs (linked to easily managed content hierarchy)
 * Easy to use callout boxes and multi-column layouts within the wiki markup
 * WYSIWIG editor option which can make it easier to maintain large
tables whose rows don't fit on one line in the wiki markup.
 * Easy to do things like list all of the children of a page along with
excerpts, include the contents of another page, pull in RSS feeds,
include a sidebar with a list of open JIRA issues, etc.
 * PDF export of single pages or subsets of the whole content tree
 * Easy security config if needed (vs. MoinMoin's somewhat awkward ACLs)
 * I think Maven can parse Confluence content to pull into the generated
site (haven't tried this yet)

In my experience, the major downside to Confluence vs. MoinMoin (besides
infrastructure requirements) is the speed of the edit screen.
MoinMoin's edit is almost instantaneous.  Confluence's takes a few
seconds to render.  Overall, that's kind of a pain, but it's not serious
enough to outweigh the other Confluence benefits.

One major downside of Confluence vs. other wikis like MediaWiki is the
inability to edit individual sections of a page.  However, MoinMoin
doesn't let you do that either, and you can approximate it in Confluence
by breaking content out into separate pages and using includes to
construct the larger views.


Usability Notes: First Impressions

2005-07-02 Thread Erin Mulder
Congratulations on passing the TCK!

It sounds like usability is now a top concern, so here are some quick
first impressions based on the geronimo-1.0-169186 build.  I approached
this as someone who had just heard the buzz about Geronimo and had
downloaded it to give it a try.

Many of these items are simple documentation or user feedback issues
that should be easy to fix.  A lot of them are pretty minor, but taken
together, they make a difference.

1. It would be nice to have obvious and startup.bat scripts
in the bin directory so that the user doesn't need to look at the README
file to figure out how to start the server.  (I know java -jar
bin/server.jar isn't hard -- it's just not quite as brainless as a
script called "startup").

2. The README file should probably put the instructions for starting the
server ahead of the deployment instructions.   (I think most people will
want to make sure Geronimo starts successfully before they invest time
in deployment or configuration.)

3. When first launching the server, it's hard to tell when startup is
complete.  There are lots of pauses, and it's not clear whether there
will eventually be a "successful startup" message.  This adds a bit of
uncertainty/confusion as you sit there and wonder whether it's done,
still going or broken.  (It would actually be quite cool/unique to add
some sort of ascii progress bar like sftp and scp use.)

4. During startup, too much information is written to the console.
Ideally, it should display a "Server starting..." message, followed by
some sort of small progress indicator, followed by a "Server started
successfully!" message.   Only errors, severe warnings, or truly useful
environment information should go in between.  (A verbose switch could
be added to allow developers to load the server with the current chatty
log4j config.)

5. There's no sense of what to do next when first launching the server.
  It would be nice to see something like "Server started successfully!
 Visit the web console at http://localhost:8080/";.  It would also be
very nice to print out a quick table of the ports that the server is
listening on.  Perhaps something like:

  > bin/

  Environment information:
JDK_HOME: /usr/lib/java
GERONIMO_BUILD: 1.0-169186
VERBOSE_LEVEL: quiet (use -verbose to change)


  Now listening on:
Port 1234: JMS
Port 8080: HTTP
Port 8081: HTTPS
Port 9876: Foo


  Browse to http://localhost:8080/ for web console

6. I expected to find some sort of welcome page at
http://localhost:8080/ (to reassure me that installation & startup were
successful), but just got a 404.  It would be nice for that URL to
present a welcome page that gives "quick start" instructions for
configuration, deployment, accessing the management console, etc.  Links
to example apps and instructions on where to find their underlying code
would also be helpful.

7. Since there was no obvious management console, I followed the
instructions to enable the debug console.  While doing this, I noticed that:
  a. the README doesn't list username/password info next to the debug
console instructions.  It's in a different section, and I didn't notice
it until after I was surprised by the "Username:" prompt.
  b. Password input echoes to console (perhaps use shell/batch scripts
to work around this?)
  c. In general, debug console deployment takes a long time with no feedback

8. Not immediately clear how to configure anything (data source, server
ports, application, etc.)  There are no config directories that can be
browsed or grepped, no examples of data source configurations for common
databases, no sample applications, etc.  At this point, you're pretty
much dumped into the main documentation page and need to comb through
articles and ebooks for more info.  This is an easy point to give up
playing with Geronimo and go back to work on something else.

Anyway, that was the first 10-20 minutes.  Now I need to work on porting
a few apps from JBoss and WebLogic to Geronimo.  I'll keep a log of
first impressions as I go and will try to report back at some point.


PS. The tarball I downloaded included a NOTICE.txt that says Geronimo is
still in the incubator.  This should probably be removed.

Re: Usability Notes: First Impressions

2005-07-02 Thread Erin Mulder
Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> Thanks Erin.  This is just the kind of feedback we desperately need.
> If you have time, can you add these items to our bug/feature tracking 
> system JIRA:
> It looks like there are at least 8 fairly simple to implement new 
> feature here, any of which would be a good opportunity for someone  new
> to get involved in the project.

Just entered a bunch of them in JIRA.

It would be great if one of the JIRA project admins could add a way to
classify something as a usability issue (as opposed to a functionality
issue).  That would allow for better prioritization among them, rather
than having to mark them all minor or trivial just because there are

Also, I'm not sure which "component" to select for issues relating to
the startup sequence.  Should those go under "core"?


Re: Proper use of Jira for defects that occur in multiple branches/releases (was Re: Outstanding tasks for M4)

2005-07-20 Thread Erin Mulder
Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> On Jul 20, 2005, at 12:01 PM, David Jencks wrote:
>> well,
>> -1000
>> I feel pretty strongly about this too.  Obviously its better to fix 
>> stuff in all branches at once, but it won't always be possible, 
>> especially after 1.3 diverges from 1.0, 2.4 vs 1.1, 5.6 vs 2.1  etc. 
>> At some point you have to say that there are different issues  in
>> different branches, even though the symptom is the same.  I  think the
>> jira guys know of what they speak when the recommend  using multiple
>> entries.
> Good point.  How about we only split an issue when we fix it in one 
> branch and not the others?  I would suspect that this will be a rare 
> event... at lest for a the next few years :)

You could also use sub-tasks in JIRA if those are enabled.  That lets
you keep it as a single issue, but break it out into a couple of pieces
and track their progress individually.  The whole issue remains open
until they're all closed.  Meanwhile, it shows a little graphic of how
many subtasks are complete.

(The JIRA interface for this is pretty nice.  There are a couple of
steps for adding the first subtask, but after that, the main issue
screen shows a little table of subtasks and lets you add a new one by
typing a title in the last row and clicking "Add".)

Just a thought. :)


Re: Logo Contest Voting is On

2005-10-10 Thread Erin Mulder
A few thoughts to share as people start voting:

1) I think it would be great to choose a logo that can be inverted
easily for dark backgrounds (e.g. the header of an administration
console), adjusted to various aspect ratios, shown on T-Shirts of
different colors, etc.

2) It's very useful to have a small detachable piece of the logo that
communicates identity all by itself without the full name (e.g. the G!
in 22, the G in 18/19, the circles in 2).  21 doesn't really have that.

3) I think simple has a lot more staying power than ornate, as long as
the logo looks clean and distinctive.  Don't want to get tired of it in
a year.

4) I like the G in entries 18 and 19, but don't care for the font.  I'm
going to throw my second choice that way on the assumption that specific
fonts can be tweaked later.

5) To that end, I think it would be great if the PMC chose 1 or 2 logos
and had the artists offer a few variants with different fonts, etc.
before making their final choice.  It would be a shame to reject
something worthy based on a small, easily changed detail.

6) When compiling results, I hope the PMC will note the similarity of
some of the options (e.g. 18 and 19) and consider their sum total of
votes as well as the individual totals


Re: Applications migration

2005-10-10 Thread Erin Mulder
Hernan Cunico wrote:
> I have been working on some migration documents for porting applications
> running on other application servers (just JBoss so far) to Geronimo.

This sounds great.

I also think it would be neat to create a few dirt-simple migration
tools.  For example, imagine running:

   bin/ --weblogic-home /usr/local/wl81


   bin/ --jboss-home /usr/local/jboss4

and having it copy as much of the configuration as it could (port
numbers, JAAS config, JMS destinations, data sources, etc.).  Wouldn't
have to be perfect -- just good enough to save time and verbose enough
to let you know exactly what it did so that you could handle the rest.


Re: Logo Request

2005-11-04 Thread Erin Mulder
Epiq Geronimo Team wrote:
> Yes, the G box and the Apache text are slightly off center.  I think the
> box is lined up with the Apache text and the left side of the R in
> geronimo and the left part of the M.  If you guys like, we can move it
> (and the Apache text slightly to the right) to make this look more
> centered.

Cutting out a bit of the center of the M (e.g. having the point not go
all the way to the baseline) would let you center the whole logo without
messing up the R alignment.  I even like the M better that way.  Seems
more proportional to everything else.

Here's a rough example of what I'm talking about.  (It's not perfectly
centered and doesn't line up quite right, but it gets the general idea

The downside is that the logo would have to be converted to curves
instead of text, but I'm not sure that makes a big difference.  Shrug.


Re: Logo Request

2005-11-04 Thread Erin Mulder
Sachin Patel wrote:
> Yeah, that does look better.

Looking at them side by side, something was bothering me about the
squeezed one, but I think I've figured it out.  We need to lop off the
bottom of the point so that it's flat like the original.



Re: AMD Opteron Equipment for Development/Testing

2005-11-17 Thread Erin Mulder
Jeff Genender wrote:
>> Do they come with rails?
> Alan, I hate to break it to you, but Geronimo is written in Java, not
> Ruby ;-)

I'd be happy to help you remedy that. ;)

Erin (who's doing more Ruby than Java these days!)

Feature list on wiki - please help update status

2004-11-08 Thread Erin Mulder
To help new users understand what is currently supported by Geronimo and 
what is still under development, I've started the following wiki page:
It breaks down functionality from the user's point of view and has a 
graphical status indicator next to each feature to show whether it's 
supported, partially supported or not yet implemented.

Of course, right now this information is not very accurate, since I'm 
not sure of the current state of many of the listed features.  It would 
be very helpful if active developers could look it over, fix anything 
that's wrong, and add anything that's missing.  The level of detail is 
somewhat arbitrary, so feel free to add more features to the list where 


Re: How forgiving should we be about jndi component context names?

2004-11-10 Thread Erin Mulder
David Jencks wrote:
However I believe it is popular to misspell this
Do we want to support this naming abuse?
It would be convenient, but might cause applications to fail when ported 
to other app servers.  If the spec is clear on the correct usage, then I 
think it's better to just detect the problem and display a very specific 
warning/tip in the log so that the developer can easily find and fix the 
problem at development time.  (As opposed to having to hunt down a 
generic lookup failure, or figure out why things suddenly broke months 
later when moved to a different app server.)


Re: How forgiving should we be about jndi component context names?

2004-11-10 Thread Erin Mulder
David Jencks wrote:
I tend to agree with you, but not supporting it if most other app 
servers do causes the opposite problem, that non-compliant apps that run 
elsewhere won't run on geronimo.  In particular xpetstore seems to make 
use of this non-compliant behavior.
Good point.   Why not take the middle approach and support it, but 
display a warning?


Re: ANN: Geronimo 1.0-M3 Release

2004-11-11 Thread Erin Mulder
Peter Nabbefeld wrote:
did anybody think about the geronimo web site? It still links to M2 
Looks like the front page was updated, but not this page:

[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-1883) Make sure all documentation is clearly marked as G 1.0 or G 1.1

2006-04-26 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)

Erin Mulder commented on GERONIMO-1883:

I'm not sure how everything is set up right now (it looks like there's only one 
space for all of Geronimo).  However, it might be nice to just create a new  
Confluence documentation space for each meaningful release.  In this scenario, 
when it was time to stop writing about 1.0 and start writing about 1.1, 
somebody would create a new "Geronimo 1.1 Documentation" space and copy over 
all of the pages from 1.0 (using Confluence's import/export features).  Each 
page could then be individually updated without losing the original 1.0 
documentation.  A custom Confluence skin could provide navigation between 
documentation versions, highlighting the current version number so that you'd 
always know what you were looking at.

This strategy would mesh well with the way code tags/branches are handled, 
while providing great documentation experiences to users of both 1.0 and 1.1.

> Make sure all documentation is clearly marked as G 1.0 or G 1.1
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1883
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: documentation
> Versions: 1.0
> Reporter: Aaron Mulder
> Assignee: Hernan Cunico
> Priority: Critical
>  Fix For: 1.1

> As we roll out 1.1, with different deployment plan syntax, it'll be extremely 
> import that *all* documentation clearly states (e.g. in big bold text at the 
> top) which Geronimo version it applies to.  We can go ahead and mark all the 
> 1.0 content as 1.0 now, and just update the marker as the content itself is 
> updated to 1.1.

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1683) Web app context-root should trim whitespace

2006-04-27 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1683:

Attachment: 1683-context-root-trim.patch

The attached patch includes fixes this issue in tomcat-builder and 
jetty-builder.Includes tests.

> Web app context-root should trim whitespace
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1683
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: web
> Versions: 1.0
> Reporter: Aaron Mulder
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
> Priority: Critical
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: 1683-context-root-trim.patch
> If you have an element like this:
> Then the whitespace is included in the context root -- it becomes "return 
> space space /something" instead of just "/something".  We should trim the 
> whitespace.

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-847) Better error for unmapped resource reference

2006-04-28 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-847:

Attachment: 847-resource-ref-error-msg.patch

This patch updates ConnectorModuleBuilder to throw an 
UnresolvedReferenceException and updates ENCConfigBuilder to give more helpful 
and specific error messages for the following error conditions:

   1) Multiple matches found, no mapping in geronimo deployment plan

   2) Multiple matches found, ambiguous mapping in geronimo deployment plan

   3) No match found, no mapping in geronimo deployment plan

   4) No match found, incorrect mapping in geronimo deployment plan

> Better error for unmapped resource reference
>  Key: GERONIMO-847
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Improvement
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: deployment, naming, web
> Versions: 1.0-M4
> Reporter: Aaron Mulder
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
> Priority: Critical
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: 847-resource-ref-error-msg.patch
> When you add a resource-ref to web.xml but not geronimo-web.xml, you get an 
> error like:
> Error: Unable to distribute foo.war: Unknown or ambiguous
> connection factory name query:
> geronimo.server:J2EEServer=geronimo,J2EEApplication=null,j2eeType=JCAManagedConnectionFactory,
> name=jms/TestConnectionFactory,*
> match count: 0
> It would be better if the error said "Unable to resolve resource-ref 
> 'jms/TestConnectionFactory'".  It looks like there's a good message if you 
> provide an invalid mapping value in geronimo-web.xml, but not a good message 
> if you do not provide any mapping in geronimo-web.xml.

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1360) Misleading error for missing web deployer

2006-04-28 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1360:

Attachment: 1360-missing-deployer-error-msg.patch

This patch changes the error message to the following:

"Cannot deploy the requested application module because no deployer is able to 
handle it.  This can happen if you have disabled a deployer module, or if, for 
example, you are trying to deploy an EJB module on a minimal Geronimo server 
that does not have EJB support installed."

Kind of wordy, but gives more guidance than the old message.

> Misleading error for missing web deployer
> -
>  Key: GERONIMO-1360
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: deployment
> Versions: 1.0
> Reporter: Aaron Mulder
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
> Priority: Critical
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: 1360-missing-deployer-error-msg.patch
> I recently experienced trouble deploying an ear file containing a war
> module. After a lot of head scratching (and waste of Aaron's time) I
> discovered that the source of the error was that the jetty-deployer
> wasn't started.
> The error returned by the deployer was "Module was not a war:
> Adventure.war", which didn't help me a lot to say the least.
> The error is printed from in module j2ee-builder.
> I'm on the 1.0 candidate build being voted about earlier today. Transcript 
> [1] at
> the bottom of this mail exposes the error.
> I know that I'm partly to blame (the jetty-deployer is active in the
> default configuration), but nonetheless someone might want to create a JIRA?
> Kindly,
> Jakob
> Transcript [1]:
> $ java -jar target/geronimo-1.0/bin/deployer.jar --user system
> --password manager distribute target/plan/consumerwebsit
> e1.0.1.ear-plan.xml adventure1.0.3/consumerwebsite.ear
> Distributed org/apache/geronimo/Adventure1.0.1
> ~/projects/geronimo-ab/sandbox/adventurebuilder
> $ java -jar target/geronimo-1.0/bin/deployer.jar --user system
> --password manager stop geronimo/jetty-deployer/1.0/car
> Stopped geronimo/jetty-deployer/1.0/car
> ~/projects/geronimo-ab/sandbox/adventurebuilder
> $ java -jar target/geronimo-1.0/bin/deployer.jar --user system
> --password manager distribute target/plan/consumerwebsit
> e1.0.1.ear-plan.xml adventure1.0.3/consumerwebsite.ear
> Error: Operation failed: Module was not a war: adventure.war
> ---
> [2] Running configurations:
>   + geronimo/activemq-broker/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/j2ee-server/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/jetty-deployer/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/ldap-realm/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/uddi-jetty/1.0/car
>   `-> uddi-jetty @ http://jrf:8080/juddi
>   `-> uddi-db
>   + geronimo/online-deployer/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/activemq/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/directory/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/j2ee-security/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/j2ee-deployer/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/system-database/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/j2ee-system/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/rmi-naming/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/jetty/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/webconsole-jetty/1.0/car
>   `-> geronimo-console-standard-1.0.war @
> http://jrf:8080/console-standard
>   `-> geronimo-console-framework-1.0.war @ http://jrf:8080/console
>   + geronimo/geronimo-gbean-deployer/1.0/car

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1683) Web app context-root should trim whitespace

2006-04-28 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1683:

Attachment: 1683-context-root-trim-new.patch

Updated patch.  (Slightly cleaner, working test case.)

> Web app context-root should trim whitespace
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1683
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: web
> Versions: 1.0
> Reporter: Aaron Mulder
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
> Priority: Critical
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: 1683-context-root-trim-new.patch, 1683-context-root-trim.patch
> If you have an element like this:
> Then the whitespace is included in the context root -- it becomes "return 
> space space /something" instead of just "/something".  We should trim the 
> whitespace.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1414) Console About page does not set the shortcut icon

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1414:

Attachment: 1414-console-about-favicon.patch

1414-console-about-favicon.patch adds the necessary line without reformatting 
the rest of the file.

> Console About page does not set the shortcut icon
> -
>  Key: GERONIMO-1414
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.0
>  Environment: Latest AG 1.0 branch from 20051221
> Reporter: Donald Woods
> Priority: Trivial
>  Attachments: 1414-console-about-favicon.patch, Geronimo-1414.patch
> The SHORTCUT ICON is not being set to the favicon.ico for the About page.
> The Login and Portal pages are setting it correctly, so this update is just 
> for consistantcy.

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-1945) Console's web application list does not show WARs that are deployed inside EARs

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
Console's web application list does not show WARs that are deployed inside EARs

 Key: GERONIMO-1945
 Project: Geronimo
Type: Bug
Security: public (Regular issues) 
  Components: console  
Versions: 1.0
Reporter: Erin Mulder

In the console, click on "Applications -> Web App WARs".   The resulting list 
of web applications does not include any web application that is packaged as 
part of an EAR.

(The list is populated inside ConfigManagerPortlet.doView)

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1376) Console should display context path in Installed Web Applications page

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1376:

Attachment: 1376-console-show-context.patch

This patch changes the web app page in the console to add a URL column that 
displays the context path (hyperlinked to the running application).  The URL 
column is empty for any stopped webapps, and it doesn't appear at all on the 
EAR and EJB-JAR pages.

> Console should  display context path in  Installed Web Applications page
>  Key: GERONIMO-1376
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Wish
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.0-M5
>  Environment: all
> Reporter: Anita Kulshreshtha
> Priority: Trivial
>  Attachments: 1376-console-show-context.patch
> Console should  display context path for  running web applications.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1376) Console should display context path in Installed Web Applications page

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1376:

Patch Info: [Patch Available]

> Console should  display context path in  Installed Web Applications page
>  Key: GERONIMO-1376
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Wish
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.0-M5
>  Environment: all
> Reporter: Anita Kulshreshtha
> Priority: Trivial
>  Attachments: 1376-console-show-context.patch
> Console should  display context path for  running web applications.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1360) Misleading error for missing web deployer

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1360:

Patch Info: [Patch Available]

> Misleading error for missing web deployer
> -
>  Key: GERONIMO-1360
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: deployment
> Versions: 1.0
> Reporter: Aaron Mulder
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
> Priority: Critical
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: 1360-missing-deployer-error-msg.patch
> I recently experienced trouble deploying an ear file containing a war
> module. After a lot of head scratching (and waste of Aaron's time) I
> discovered that the source of the error was that the jetty-deployer
> wasn't started.
> The error returned by the deployer was "Module was not a war:
> Adventure.war", which didn't help me a lot to say the least.
> The error is printed from in module j2ee-builder.
> I'm on the 1.0 candidate build being voted about earlier today. Transcript 
> [1] at
> the bottom of this mail exposes the error.
> I know that I'm partly to blame (the jetty-deployer is active in the
> default configuration), but nonetheless someone might want to create a JIRA?
> Kindly,
> Jakob
> Transcript [1]:
> $ java -jar target/geronimo-1.0/bin/deployer.jar --user system
> --password manager distribute target/plan/consumerwebsit
> e1.0.1.ear-plan.xml adventure1.0.3/consumerwebsite.ear
> Distributed org/apache/geronimo/Adventure1.0.1
> ~/projects/geronimo-ab/sandbox/adventurebuilder
> $ java -jar target/geronimo-1.0/bin/deployer.jar --user system
> --password manager stop geronimo/jetty-deployer/1.0/car
> Stopped geronimo/jetty-deployer/1.0/car
> ~/projects/geronimo-ab/sandbox/adventurebuilder
> $ java -jar target/geronimo-1.0/bin/deployer.jar --user system
> --password manager distribute target/plan/consumerwebsit
> e1.0.1.ear-plan.xml adventure1.0.3/consumerwebsite.ear
> Error: Operation failed: Module was not a war: adventure.war
> ---
> [2] Running configurations:
>   + geronimo/activemq-broker/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/j2ee-server/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/jetty-deployer/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/ldap-realm/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/uddi-jetty/1.0/car
>   `-> uddi-jetty @ http://jrf:8080/juddi
>   `-> uddi-db
>   + geronimo/online-deployer/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/activemq/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/directory/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/j2ee-security/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/j2ee-deployer/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/system-database/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/j2ee-system/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/rmi-naming/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/jetty/1.0/car
>   + geronimo/webconsole-jetty/1.0/car
>   `-> geronimo-console-standard-1.0.war @
> http://jrf:8080/console-standard
>   `-> geronimo-console-framework-1.0.war @ http://jrf:8080/console
>   + geronimo/geronimo-gbean-deployer/1.0/car

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1683) Web app context-root should trim whitespace

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1683:

Patch Info: [Patch Available]

> Web app context-root should trim whitespace
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1683
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: web
> Versions: 1.0
> Reporter: Aaron Mulder
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
> Priority: Critical
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: 1683-context-root-trim-new.patch, 1683-context-root-trim.patch
> If you have an element like this:
> Then the whitespace is included in the context root -- it becomes "return 
> space space /something" instead of just "/something".  We should trim the 
> whitespace.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1529) Console should display Geronimo Version

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1529:

Attachment: 1529-display-geronimo-version.patch

Here's a patch (1529-display-geronimo-version.patch) that displays the Geronimo 
version in the startup sequence and on the server info page.

> Console should display Geronimo Version
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1529
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Improvement
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console, Logging
> Versions: 1.0, 1.0-M5, 1.0-M4, 1.0-M3, 1.0-M2, 1.0-M1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.x
> Reporter: Matthias Schmidt
> Priority: Minor
>  Attachments: 1529-display-geronimo-version.patch, showVersion.patch
> One should be able to figure out geronimo's Version by:
> a) looking in the Console, perhaps under "Server Info"
> b) looking in the Logfiles.
> for a) one can do the following:
> --- 
> applications/console-standard/src/java/org/apache/geronimo/console/infomanager/
>2006-01-23 14:57:59.0 +0100
> +++ 
> applications/console-standard/src/java/org/apache/geronimo/console/infomanager/
> 2006-01-23 15:02:27.0 +0100
> @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
>  import org.apache.geronimo.console.BasePortlet;
>  import org.apache.geronimo.console.util.PortletManager;
>  import;
> +import org.apache.geronimo.console.GeronimoVersion;
>  /**
>   * Calculates various information about the server to display in the server
> @@ -71,6 +72,8 @@
>  Date bootDate = jvm.getKernelBootTime();
>  svrProps.put("Kernel Boot Time", bootDate);
> +svrProps.put("Geronimo Version", new 
> GeronimoVersion().GERONIMO_VERSION);
> +
>  renderRequest.setAttribute("svrProps", svrProps);
>  jvmProps.put("Java Version", jvm.getJavaVersion());
> --- 
> applications/console-standard/src/webapp/WEB-INF/view/infomanager/svrInfoNormal.jsp
>  2006-01-11 17:34:52.0 +0100
> +++ 
> applications/console-standard/src/webapp/WEB-INF/view/infomanager/svrInfoNormal.jsp.CHANGE
>   2006-01-23 15:06:42.0 +0100
> @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
>   src='/console-standard/dwr/engine.js'>
> +
> @@ -19,6 +20,10 @@
>  Kernel Up Time
>  Not 
> Yet Available
> +  
> +Geronimo Version
> +${svrProps['Geronimo 
> Version']}
> +  

[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1529) Console should display Geronimo Version

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1529:

Patch Info: [Patch Available]

> Console should display Geronimo Version
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1529
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Improvement
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console, Logging
> Versions: 1.0, 1.0-M5, 1.0-M4, 1.0-M3, 1.0-M2, 1.0-M1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.x
> Reporter: Matthias Schmidt
> Priority: Minor
>  Attachments: 1529-display-geronimo-version.patch, showVersion.patch
> One should be able to figure out geronimo's Version by:
> a) looking in the Console, perhaps under "Server Info"
> b) looking in the Logfiles.
> for a) one can do the following:
> --- 
> applications/console-standard/src/java/org/apache/geronimo/console/infomanager/
>2006-01-23 14:57:59.0 +0100
> +++ 
> applications/console-standard/src/java/org/apache/geronimo/console/infomanager/
> 2006-01-23 15:02:27.0 +0100
> @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
>  import org.apache.geronimo.console.BasePortlet;
>  import org.apache.geronimo.console.util.PortletManager;
>  import;
> +import org.apache.geronimo.console.GeronimoVersion;
>  /**
>   * Calculates various information about the server to display in the server
> @@ -71,6 +72,8 @@
>  Date bootDate = jvm.getKernelBootTime();
>  svrProps.put("Kernel Boot Time", bootDate);
> +svrProps.put("Geronimo Version", new 
> GeronimoVersion().GERONIMO_VERSION);
> +
>  renderRequest.setAttribute("svrProps", svrProps);
>  jvmProps.put("Java Version", jvm.getJavaVersion());
> --- 
> applications/console-standard/src/webapp/WEB-INF/view/infomanager/svrInfoNormal.jsp
>  2006-01-11 17:34:52.0 +0100
> +++ 
> applications/console-standard/src/webapp/WEB-INF/view/infomanager/svrInfoNormal.jsp.CHANGE
>   2006-01-23 15:06:42.0 +0100
> @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
>   src='/console-standard/dwr/engine.js'>
> +
> @@ -19,6 +20,10 @@
>  Kernel Up Time
>  Not 
> Yet Available
> +  
> +Geronimo Version
> +${svrProps['Geronimo 
> Version']}
> +  

[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-1559) Console displays the incorrect locale

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)

Erin Mulder commented on GERONIMO-1559:

The code in question just displays the value of the system property 
'user.timezone'.  I don't think there is anything that Geronimo can do if the 
JVM is reporting the wrong time zone.

> Console displays the incorrect locale
> -
>  Key: GERONIMO-1559
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Wish
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.0
>  Environment: WinXP SP2
> Reporter: Mihael Sedmak

> When listing the " System Property values for the Server JVM", under the 
> "User" section, the console displays "user.timezone = Europe/Belgrade" which 
> is incorrect. The timezone on the machine which runs Geronimo is set to 
> "Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb"

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1769) Console should create links for all sections including the "current section"

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1769:

Attachment: 1769-console-navigation-links.patch

This patch preserves the current look of selected navigation items, but makes 
them into links so that you can always get back to the main page of a section.

It also fixes a few other minor bugs and usability issues in the navigation 
menu.  There is a lot more that could be done to clean up the CSS/layout in 
console-framework.  However, it probably makes sense to move to Jetspeed first.

> Console should create links for all sections including the "current section"
>  Key: GERONIMO-1769
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Improvement
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.0
>  Environment: Windows XP, JDK 1.5.0_05
> Reporter: Joseph B. Ottinger
> Priority: Trivial
>  Attachments: 1769-console-navigation-links.patch
> In the console, if I select "JMS" (for example) and want to go back to the 
> "main JMS page," I should be able to select "JMS" again. However, it's not a 
> hyperlink if I'm in the JMS section. It should be!

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1769) Console should create links for all sections including the "current section"

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1769:

Patch Info: [Patch Available]

> Console should create links for all sections including the "current section"
>  Key: GERONIMO-1769
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Improvement
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.0
>  Environment: Windows XP, JDK 1.5.0_05
> Reporter: Joseph B. Ottinger
> Priority: Trivial
>  Attachments: 1769-console-navigation-links.patch
> In the console, if I select "JMS" (for example) and want to go back to the 
> "main JMS page," I should be able to select "JMS" again. However, it's not a 
> hyperlink if I'm in the JMS section. It should be!

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1864) Deploy no longer starts a web application by default

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1864:

Attachment: no-geronimo-plan.war

I was not able to reproduce this bug using the attached WAR (which does not 
include a geronimo-web.xml).

I ran the latest 1.1 branch  (on Sun JVM 1.4.2_11, Linux), and tried about a 
dozen combinations of the following:

 * Tomcat, Jetty
 * WAR, exploded directory
 * Command-line deployer, hot-deploy directory, web console deployer

All of them started the web application automatically after deployment.

> Deploy no longer starts a web application by default
>  Key: GERONIMO-1864
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: deployment
> Versions: 1.1
>  Environment: windows xp
> Reporter: Joe Bohn
>  Attachments: no-geronimo-plan.war
> I deployed a very simple web applicaion from the command line.   The 
> application deployed successfully and no error messages or any sort were 
> issued (aside from the message the indicated a plan was not provided and a 
> default plan would be used).  When I couldn't access the application I 
> checked and noticed that it had not been started.   Another individual has 
> also mentioned hitting the same problem so I don't believe it is unique to me.

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1938) Plugins portlet 'help' link throws PortletException

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1938:

Attachment: 1938-plugin-portlet-fixes.patch

This patch updates portlet.xml to remove the Help link.  It also fixes the name 
("Import/Export Plugins" instead of "Import/Export Configurations")

> Plugins portlet 'help' link throws PortletException
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1938
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.1
> Reporter: Chris Cardona
>  Attachments: 1938-plugin-portlet-fixes.patch
> Not sure if this 'help' link should be removed since the 'view' link already 
> gives a description of the portlet including how to use it.

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1938) Plugins portlet 'help' link throws PortletException

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1938:

Patch Info: [Patch Available]

> Plugins portlet 'help' link throws PortletException
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1938
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.1
> Reporter: Chris Cardona
>  Attachments: 1938-plugin-portlet-fixes.patch
> Not sure if this 'help' link should be removed since the 'view' link already 
> gives a description of the portlet including how to use it.

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[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-1939) Server Info portlet doesn't display the 'Server Memory Usage' live graph on Internet Explorer

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)

Erin Mulder commented on GERONIMO-1939:

Internet Explorer doesn't have built-in SVG support.  Ideally, the page should 
prompt you to download the Adobe plugin.  Is that happening?  If not, we should 
try to figure out the right HTML magic and/or add a message with an explicit 

> Server Info portlet doesn't display the 'Server Memory Usage' live graph on 
> Internet Explorer
> -
>  Key: GERONIMO-1939
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.1
> Reporter: Chris Cardona

> I've tested it to work on Firefox v1.5.0.2 but the graph doesn't show up on 
> IE v6.0.

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-1947) Repeat hot deployment of WARs with no Geronimo plan

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
Repeat hot deployment of WARs with no Geronimo plan

 Key: GERONIMO-1947
 Project: Geronimo
Type: Bug
Security: public (Regular issues) 
  Components: deployment  
Versions: 1.0
 Environment: Linux, Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_11-b06, mixed mode)

Reporter: Erin Mulder
Priority: Critical
 Fix For: 1.1

I created a WAR with no deployment plan (see attached no-geronimo-plan.war) and 
copied it to the hot deployment directory.   Now, every time I start the 
server, it tries to deploy it again with a different version number.  It does 
get an error at that point, but the console is showing N copies and the startup 
sequence is showing N-1, where N is the number of server restarts since I 
originally deployed it.

Here's a snippet from the console:

Component Name  URL  State  Commands
 default/no-geronimo-plan/1146368518972/war  /no-geronimo-plan   
running Stop   Uninstall
 default/no-geronimo-plan/1146368650976/war  /no-geronimo-plan   
running Stop   Uninstall
 default/no-geronimo-plan/1146368847429/war  /no-geronimo-plan   
running Stop   Uninstall
 default/no-geronimo-plan/1146369719473/war  /no-geronimo-plan   
running Stop   Uninstall
 default/no-geronimo-plan/1146370013515/war  /no-geronimo-plan   
running Stop   Uninstall

Here's what it looks like at startup:

Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_11)...
Starting Geronimo Application Server v.1.1-SNAPSHOT
[**] 100%  22s Startup complete
  Listening on Ports:
1099   RMI Naming
1527   Derby Connector
4201   ActiveIO Connector EJB
4242 Remote Login Listener
8019 Jetty Connector AJP13
8080   Jetty Connector HTTP
8443   Jetty Connector HTTPS   JMX Remoting Connector
   61616   ActiveMQ Message Broker Connector

  Started Application Modules:
EAR: geronimo/webconsole-jetty/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
RAR: geronimo/activemq/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
RAR: geronimo/system-database/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
WAR: default/no-geronimo-plan/1146368518972/war
WAR: default/no-geronimo-plan/1146368650976/war
WAR: default/no-geronimo-plan/1146368847429/war
WAR: default/no-geronimo-plan/1146369719473/war
WAR: geronimo/remote-deploy-jetty/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
WAR: geronimo/welcome-jetty/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car

  Web Applications:

Geronimo Application Server started
00:06:49,487 ERROR [DirectoryMonitor] Unable to scan file 
 during initialization
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid id: no-geronimo-plan
00:06:53,496 INFO  [Hot Deployer] Deploying no-geronimo-plan.war
00:06:53,840 WARN  [JettyModuleBuilder] Web application does not contain a 
WEB-INF/geronimo-web.xml deployment plan.  This may or may not be a problem, 
depending on whether you have things like resource references that need to be 
resolved.  You can also give the deployer a separate deployment plan file on 
the command line.
Deployed default/no-geronimo-plan/1146370013515/war @

I'll clean out the server and try to reproduce from scratch.

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1947) Repeat hot deployment of WARs with no Geronimo plan

2006-04-29 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1947:

Attachment: no-geronimo-plan.war

> Repeat hot deployment of WARs with no Geronimo plan
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1947
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: deployment
> Versions: 1.0
>  Environment: Linux, Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_11-b06, mixed 
> mode)
> Reporter: Erin Mulder
> Priority: Critical
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: no-geronimo-plan.war
> I created a WAR with no deployment plan (see attached no-geronimo-plan.war) 
> and copied it to the hot deployment directory.   Now, every time I start the 
> server, it tries to deploy it again with a different version number.  It does 
> get an error at that point, but the console is showing N copies and the 
> startup sequence is showing N-1, where N is the number of server restarts 
> since I originally deployed it.
> Here's a snippet from the console:
> Component NameURL  State  Commands
>  default/no-geronimo-plan/1146368518972/war/no-geronimo-plan   
> running Stop   Uninstall
>  default/no-geronimo-plan/1146368650976/war/no-geronimo-plan   
> running Stop   Uninstall
>  default/no-geronimo-plan/1146368847429/war/no-geronimo-plan   
> running Stop   Uninstall
>  default/no-geronimo-plan/1146369719473/war/no-geronimo-plan   
> running Stop   Uninstall
>  default/no-geronimo-plan/1146370013515/war/no-geronimo-plan   
> running Stop   Uninstall
> Here's what it looks like at startup:
> Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_11)...
> Starting Geronimo Application Server v.1.1-SNAPSHOT
> [**] 100%  22s Startup complete
>   Listening on Ports:
> 1099   RMI Naming
> 1527   Derby Connector
> 4201   ActiveIO Connector EJB
> 4242 Remote Login Listener
> 8019 Jetty Connector AJP13
> 8080   Jetty Connector HTTP
> 8443   Jetty Connector HTTPS
>   JMX Remoting Connector
>61616   ActiveMQ Message Broker Connector
>   Started Application Modules:
> EAR: geronimo/webconsole-jetty/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
> RAR: geronimo/activemq/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
> RAR: geronimo/system-database/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
> WAR: default/no-geronimo-plan/1146368518972/war
> WAR: default/no-geronimo-plan/1146368650976/war
> WAR: default/no-geronimo-plan/1146368847429/war
> WAR: default/no-geronimo-plan/1146369719473/war
> WAR: geronimo/remote-deploy-jetty/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
> WAR: geronimo/welcome-jetty/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car
>   Web Applications:
> http://wildfire:8080/
> http://wildfire:8080/console
> http://wildfire:8080/console-standard
> http://wildfire:8080/no-geronimo-plan
> http://wildfire:8080/no-geronimo-plan
> http://wildfire:8080/no-geronimo-plan
> http://wildfire:8080/no-geronimo-plan
> http://wildfire:8080/remote-deploy
> Geronimo Application Server started
> 00:06:49,487 ERROR [DirectoryMonitor] Unable to scan file 
> /files/dev/geronimo-1.1/assemblies/j2ee-jetty-server/target/geronimo-1.1-SNAPSHOT/deploy/no-geronimo-plan.war
>  during initialization
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid id: no-geronimo-plan
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.kernel.repository.Artifact.create(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.deployment.plugin.ConfigIDExtractor.identifyTargetModuleIDs(
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at
> 00:06:53,496 INFO  [Hot Deployer] Deploying no-geronimo-plan.war
> 00:06:53,840 WARN  [JettyModuleBuilder] Web application does not contain a 
> WEB-INF/geronimo-web.xml deployment plan.  This may or may not be a problem, 
> depending on whether you have things like resource references that need to be 
> resolved.  You can also give the deployer a separate deployment plan file on 
> the command line.
> Deployed default/no-geronimo-plan/1146370013515/war @
> http://wildfire:8080/no-geronimo-plan
> I'll clean out the server and try to reproduce from scratch.

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1529) Console should display Geronimo Version

2006-04-30 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1529:

Fix Version: 1.1
  Assign To: Aaron Mulder

> Console should display Geronimo Version
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1529
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Improvement
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console, Logging
> Versions: 1.0, 1.0-M5, 1.0-M4, 1.0-M3, 1.0-M2, 1.0-M1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.x
> Reporter: Matthias Schmidt
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
> Priority: Minor
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: 1529-display-geronimo-version.patch, showVersion.patch
> One should be able to figure out geronimo's Version by:
> a) looking in the Console, perhaps under "Server Info"
> b) looking in the Logfiles.
> for a) one can do the following:
> --- 
> applications/console-standard/src/java/org/apache/geronimo/console/infomanager/
>2006-01-23 14:57:59.0 +0100
> +++ 
> applications/console-standard/src/java/org/apache/geronimo/console/infomanager/
> 2006-01-23 15:02:27.0 +0100
> @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
>  import org.apache.geronimo.console.BasePortlet;
>  import org.apache.geronimo.console.util.PortletManager;
>  import;
> +import org.apache.geronimo.console.GeronimoVersion;
>  /**
>   * Calculates various information about the server to display in the server
> @@ -71,6 +72,8 @@
>  Date bootDate = jvm.getKernelBootTime();
>  svrProps.put("Kernel Boot Time", bootDate);
> +svrProps.put("Geronimo Version", new 
> GeronimoVersion().GERONIMO_VERSION);
> +
>  renderRequest.setAttribute("svrProps", svrProps);
>  jvmProps.put("Java Version", jvm.getJavaVersion());
> --- 
> applications/console-standard/src/webapp/WEB-INF/view/infomanager/svrInfoNormal.jsp
>  2006-01-11 17:34:52.0 +0100
> +++ 
> applications/console-standard/src/webapp/WEB-INF/view/infomanager/svrInfoNormal.jsp.CHANGE
>   2006-01-23 15:06:42.0 +0100
> @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
>   src='/console-standard/dwr/engine.js'>
> +
> @@ -19,6 +20,10 @@
>  Kernel Up Time
>  Not 
> Yet Available
> +  
> +Geronimo Version
> +${svrProps['Geronimo 
> Version']}
> +  

[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1769) Console should create links for all sections including the "current section"

2006-04-30 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1769:

   type: Bug  (was: Improvement)
Fix Version: 1.1
  Assign To: Aaron Mulder
   Priority: Major  (was: Trivial)

This is a pretty important usability issue and comes up quite frequently when 
working in the console. 

A lot of the second and third-level pages leave you at dead ends with no links 
back to the top-level section page.  Every page has the same title ("Geronimo 
Console") and there's a lot of form posting going on, so browser history isn't 
very helpful.  In the end, you have to click onto a different section to 
activate the link and then back to the one you care about.

> Console should create links for all sections including the "current section"
>  Key: GERONIMO-1769
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.0
>  Environment: Windows XP, JDK 1.5.0_05
> Reporter: Joseph B. Ottinger
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: 1769-console-navigation-links.patch
> In the console, if I select "JMS" (for example) and want to go back to the 
> "main JMS page," I should be able to select "JMS" again. However, it's not a 
> hyperlink if I'm in the JMS section. It should be!

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1938) Plugins portlet 'help' link throws PortletException

2006-04-30 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1938:

Fix Version: 1.1
  Assign To: Aaron Mulder

> Plugins portlet 'help' link throws PortletException
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1938
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.1
> Reporter: Chris Cardona
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: 1938-plugin-portlet-fixes.patch
> Not sure if this 'help' link should be removed since the 'view' link already 
> gives a description of the portlet including how to use it.

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-1971) Redeployment of webapp without geronimo plan fails

2006-05-02 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
Redeployment of webapp without geronimo plan fails

 Key: GERONIMO-1971
 Project: Geronimo
Type: Bug
Security: public (Regular issues) 
  Components: deployment  
Versions: 1.0
Reporter: Erin Mulder
Priority: Blocker
 Fix For: 1.1

I deployed an exploded web app (with no geronimo-web.xml) using the 
command-line deployer.  A few minutes later, I tried to redeploy it and got an 
error.  See below.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/dev/examples> java -jar 
~/dev/geronimo-1.1/jetty/bin/deployer.jar deploy simple_web_app
Deployed default/simple_web_app/1146631722307/war @

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/dev/examples> java -jar 
~/dev/geronimo-1.1/jetty/bin/deployer.jar redeploy simple_web_app
No ModuleID or TargetModuleID provided.  Attempting to guess based
on the content of the archive.

Unable to locate Geronimo deployment plan in archive.  Calculating
default ModuleID from archive name.

Attempting to use ModuleID 'simple_web_app'

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid id: 

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-1971) Redeployment of webapp without geronimo plan fails

2006-05-02 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)

Erin Mulder commented on GERONIMO-1971:

Redeploy still fails even if you try to give it a configId.  See below.

java -jar ~/dev/geronimo-1.1/jetty/bin/deployer.jar --verbose redeploy 
simple_web_app default/simple_web_app/1146632716894/war
Error: Operation failed: null





> Redeployment of webapp without geronimo plan fails
> --
>  Key: GERONIMO-1971
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: deployment
> Versions: 1.0
> Reporter: Erin Mulder
> Priority: Blocker
>  Fix For: 1.1

> I deployed an exploded web app (with no geronimo-web.xml) using the 
> command-line deployer.  A few minutes later, I tried to redeploy it and got 
> an error.  See below.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/dev/examples> java -jar 
> ~/dev/geronimo-1.1/jetty/bin/deployer.jar deploy simple_web_app
> Deployed default/simple_web_app/1146631722307/war @
> http://wildfire:8080/simple_web_app
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/dev/examples> java -jar 
> ~/dev/geronimo-1.1/jetty/bin/deployer.jar redeploy simple_web_app
> No ModuleID or TargetModuleID provided.  Attempting to guess based
> on the content of the archive.
> Unable to locate Geronimo deployment plan in archive.  Calculating
> default ModuleID from archive name.
> Attempting to use ModuleID 'simple_web_app'
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid id: 
> simple_web_app
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.kernel.repository.Artifact.create(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.deployment.plugin.ConfigIDExtractor.identifyTargetModuleIDs(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.deployment.cli.AbstractCommand.identifyTargetModuleIDs(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.deployment.cli.CommandRedeploy.execute(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.deployment.cli.DeployTool.execute(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.deployment.cli.DeployTool.main(

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1887) Remove unneeded jars from console WEB-INF/lib directories

2006-05-03 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1887:

Fix Version: 1.1
  Assign To: Aaron Mulder

> Remove unneeded jars from console WEB-INF/lib directories
> -
>  Key: GERONIMO-1887
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.x
> Reporter: Paul McMahan
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
> Priority: Minor
>  Fix For: 1.1

> Several of the jars in the console's WEB-INF/lib directories are unneeded
> -  both copies of jasper-compiler-5.5.12.jar (400K each)
> -  both copies of jasper-runtime-5.5.12.jar (80K each)
> -  the copy of castor- in console-standard (1.7M)
> Removing these jars will decrease the server footprint and binary image 
> download size.

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[jira] Resolved: (GERONIMO-1231) Error on startup: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError at javax.crypto.Mac.getInstance...

2006-05-03 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]
Erin Mulder resolved GERONIMO-1231:

Resolution: Cannot Reproduce

Was unable to reproduce with:
  Operating System: SuSE Linux 10
  JVM: Sun 1.5.0_06
  G Version: 1.1-SNAPSHOT w/Jetty

Startup was successful:

  $ java -jar bin/server.jar
  Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.5.0_06)...
  Starting Geronimo Application Server v1.1-SNAPSHOT
  [**] 100%  20s Startup complete

It looks like this is an old issue that has been fixed in passing.

> Error on startup: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError at 
> javax.crypto.Mac.getInstance...
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1231
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Improvement
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: kernel
> Versions: 1.0-M5
>  Environment: Fedora Core 4.
> java version "1.5.0_04"
> Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_04-b05)
> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_04-b05, mixed mode)
> Reporter: Greg Luck
> Priority: Minor
>  Fix For: 1.x

> ./
> Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.5.0_04)...
> Starting Geronimo Application Server
> [***> ] 91%  11s Starting org/apache/geronimo/Console/Jetty   
> 15:57:56,430 ERROR [GBeanInstanceState] Error while starting; GBean is now in 
> the FAILED state: 
> objectName="geronimo.server:J2EEApplication=org/apache/geronimo/Console/Jetty,J2EEModule=null,J2EEServer=geronimo,j2eeType=JACCManager,name=JACCManager"
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
> at javax.crypto.Mac.getInstance(DashoA12275)
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native 
> Method)
> at 
> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at 
> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstance.createInstance(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstanceState.attemptFullStart(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstanceState.start(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstanceState.startRecursive(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstance.startRecursive(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.kernel.basic.BasicKernel.startRecursiveGBean(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstanceState.startRecursive(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstance.startRecursive(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.kernel.basic.BasicKernel.startRecursiveGBean(
> at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.doStartup(
> at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.(
> at org.apache.geronimo.system.main.Daemon.main(
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
> at javax.crypto.Mac.getInstance(DashoA12275)
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native 
> Method)
> at 
> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at 
> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstance.createInstance(
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.GBeanInstanceState

[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1273) JMS Network Listener add dialogs should give some context information on the protocol.

2006-05-03 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1273:

Attachment: 1273-jms-listener-add-dialog.patch

This patch changes the add dialog to show the protocol.

> JMS Network Listener add dialogs should give some context information on the 
> protocol.
> --
>  Key: GERONIMO-1273
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Improvement
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.0-M5
> Reporter: Rick McGuire
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
> Priority: Minor
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: 1273-jms-listener-add-dialog.patch
> The JMS Network Listener add dialogs ("add activieio listener", etc) should 
> give some kind of context information rather than presenting the exact dialog 
> for all listener types.  This causes a bit of uncertainty on the user's part 
> that the correct operation is being performed. 

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1273) JMS Network Listener add dialogs should give some context information on the protocol.

2006-05-03 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1273:

Patch Info: [Patch Available]

> JMS Network Listener add dialogs should give some context information on the 
> protocol.
> --
>  Key: GERONIMO-1273
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Improvement
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.0-M5
> Reporter: Rick McGuire
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
> Priority: Minor
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: 1273-jms-listener-add-dialog.patch
> The JMS Network Listener add dialogs ("add activieio listener", etc) should 
> give some kind of context information rather than presenting the exact dialog 
> for all listener types.  This causes a bit of uncertainty on the user's part 
> that the correct operation is being performed. 

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-1983) CLI undeploy interactive mode

2006-05-03 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
CLI undeploy interactive mode

 Key: GERONIMO-1983
 Project: Geronimo
Type: Improvement
Security: public (Regular issues) 
  Components: deployment  
Versions: 1.0
Reporter: Erin Mulder
Priority: Minor

It would be great if the undeploy command had an interactive mode so that if 
you didn't give it any arguments, it would list all of the things you could 
undeploy (a la "list-modules") and you would just press the number of the one 
you wanted.  This would be particularly helpful it showed context roots on the 
right so that you could quickly spot the app you cared about, even in a list of 

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-2006) Deploying an application with an incorrect deployment plan results in non-functional admin console panel

2006-05-15 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-2006:

Fix Version: 1.1
  Assign To: Aaron Mulder

While trying to reproduce this, I discovered different behavior in Tomcat vs. 
Jetty, and in web console vs. command-line deployer.  It also seems that there 
are several different underlying bugs.

Tomcat, Web Console Deployer:
1. Deploying the attached files as they are (without changing configId to 
moduleId) caused stack trace and blank web page
2. After replacing configId with moduleId in badPlan.xml, I got messages about 
how the app had deployed and started successfully, despite the fact that it 
hadn't.   However, it didn't break Web App WARs page, so I could uninstall it 
3. When I tried deploying it again without uninstalling first, I got a stack 
trace in the portlet window instead of a normal error message.
4. Deploying with badPlan2.xml caused stack trace in portlet window instead of 
error message, but didn't result in a deployment or half-deployment.

Jetty, Web Console Deployer
1. Deploying with badPlan.xml causes stack traces to STDOUT, but no indication 
of error to user.  Portlet just redisplays.  App is not deployed.
2. Same result after changing "configId" to "moduleId" in plan.
3. Deploying with badPlan2.xml causes stack traces to STDOUT and blank web page.

Jetty, Command-Line Deployer
1. Descriptive errors produced on all bad plans

Tomcat, Command-Line Deployer
1. badPlan.xml causes descriptive error
2. badPlan.xml with moduleId fix causes stack trace during start
3. badPlan2.xml causes descriptive error

> Deploying an application with an incorrect deployment plan results in 
> non-functional admin console panel
>  Key: GERONIMO-2006
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.1
> Reporter: Dave Colasurdo
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: Myapp.war, badPlan.xml, badPlan2.xml, stackTrace.log
> Deploying myApp.war using badPlan.xml (both attached) results in a 
> non-functioning "Show Web App Wars" panel.
> The console "Deploy Applications" panel reports "application installed and 
> started successfully".  However, the application did not startup succesfully. 
>  The badPlan file is actually missing tcpListenerAddress=auto which causes 
> TomcatReceiver Gbean to fail startup.  I've attached the stacktrace to the 
> JIRA.  
> From then on, the "Web App Wars" console panel shows "portlet error" and 
> there is no way to uninstall the bad application via the console.  The server 
> must be stopped and restarted in order to have the "Web App War" panel 
> function correctly.
> The console should be able to report the true status of the "deploy/start" 
> and recover from deploying a bad plan.

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[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-2006) Deploying an application with an incorrect deployment plan results in non-functional admin console panel

2006-05-15 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)

Erin Mulder commented on GERONIMO-2006:

BTW, despite the various critical errors I encoutered while trying to reproduce 
this, I was not able to break the webapp portlet.  It worked fine throughout.

> Deploying an application with an incorrect deployment plan results in 
> non-functional admin console panel
>  Key: GERONIMO-2006
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: deployment, console
> Versions: 1.1
> Reporter: Dave Colasurdo
> Assignee: Aaron Mulder
> Priority: Blocker
>  Fix For: 1.1
>  Attachments: Myapp.war, badPlan.xml, badPlan2.xml, stackTrace.log
> Deploying myApp.war using badPlan.xml (both attached) results in a 
> non-functioning "Show Web App Wars" panel.
> The console "Deploy Applications" panel reports "application installed and 
> started successfully".  However, the application did not startup succesfully. 
>  The badPlan file is actually missing tcpListenerAddress=auto which causes 
> TomcatReceiver Gbean to fail startup.  I've attached the stacktrace to the 
> JIRA.  
> From then on, the "Web App Wars" console panel shows "portlet error" and 
> there is no way to uninstall the bad application via the console.  The server 
> must be stopped and restarted in order to have the "Web App War" panel 
> function correctly.
> The console should be able to report the true status of the "deploy/start" 
> and recover from deploying a bad plan.

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[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-1909) Errors in JMS Server portlet

2006-05-15 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)

Erin Mulder commented on GERONIMO-1909:

Just tried reproducing this.   I didn't get any errors in the portlet -- it 
displayed each new listener I added and acted as though everything had worked.  
 However, lots of errors were getting output to STDOUT, and upon server 
restart, all of my new listeners were gone from the portlet display.

Here's a snippet of stack trace:

Unable to process portlet action
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: GBeanInfo must have a source class set

> Errors in JMS Server portlet
>  Key: GERONIMO-1909
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.1
>  Environment: Win XP, Sun JDK 1.4.2_08
> Reporter: Vamsavardhana Reddy
>  Fix For: 1.1

> Editing JMS Newtork Listneres and adding new JMS Network Listeners is not 
> functional.  The following exceptions are logged to the console window.
> 15:31:50,887 WARN  [BasicProxyManager] Could not load interface 
> org.activemq.gbe
> an.ActiveMQContainerGBean in provided ClassLoader for 
> geronimo/activemq-broker/1
> .1-SNAPSHOT/car?ServiceModule=geronimo/activemq-broker/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car,j2eeType
> =JMSServer,name=ActiveMQ
> 15:31:50,897 WARN  [BasicProxyManager] Could not load interface 
> org.activemq.gbe
> an.ActiveMQContainer in provided ClassLoader for 
> geronimo/activemq-broker/1.1-SN
> APSHOT/car?ServiceModule=geronimo/activemq-broker/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car,j2eeType=JMSS
> erver,name=ActiveMQ
> 15:31:51,078 WARN  [BasicProxyManager] Could not load interface 
> org.activemq.gbe
> an.ActiveMQContainerGBean in provided ClassLoader for 
> geronimo/activemq-broker/1
> .1-SNAPSHOT/car?ServiceModule=geronimo/activemq-broker/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car,j2eeType
> =JMSServer,name=ActiveMQ
> 15:31:51,078 WARN  [BasicProxyManager] Could not load interface 
> org.activemq.gbe
> an.ActiveMQContainer in provided ClassLoader for 
> geronimo/activemq-broker/1.1-SN
> APSHOT/car?ServiceModule=geronimo/activemq-broker/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car,j2eeType=JMSS
> erver,name=ActiveMQ
> 15:31:51,088 WARN  [BasicProxyManager] Could not load interface 
> org.activemq.gbe
> an.ActiveMQConnectorGBean in provided ClassLoader for 
> geronimo/activemq-broker/1
> .1-SNAPSHOT/car?ServiceModule=geronimo/activemq-broker/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car,j2eeType
> =JMSConnector,name=ActiveMQ.tcp.default
> 15:31:51,088 WARN  [BasicProxyManager] Could not load interface 
> org.activemq.gbe
> an.ActiveMQConnectorGBean in provided ClassLoader for 
> geronimo/activemq-broker/1
> .1-SNAPSHOT/car?ServiceModule=geronimo/activemq-broker/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car,j2eeType
> =JMSConnector,name=ActiveMQ.vm.localhost
> 15:31:51,108 WARN  [BasicProxyManager] Could not load interface 
> org.activemq.gbe
> an.ActiveMQContainerGBean in provided ClassLoader for 
> geronimo/activemq-broker/1
> .1-SNAPSHOT/car?ServiceModule=geronimo/activemq-broker/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car,j2eeType
> =JMSServer,name=ActiveMQ
> 15:31:51,128 WARN  [BasicProxyManager] Could not load interface 
> org.activemq.gbe
> an.ActiveMQContainer in provided ClassLoader for 
> geronimo/activemq-broker/1.1-SN
> APSHOT/car?ServiceModule=geronimo/activemq-broker/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car,j2eeType=JMSS
> erver,name=ActiveMQ

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-2027) Mismatched passwords when editing user in web console

2006-05-15 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
Mismatched passwords when editing user in web console

 Key: GERONIMO-2027
 Project: Geronimo
Type: Bug
Security: public (Regular issues) 
  Components: console  
Versions: 1.0
Reporter: Erin Mulder
Priority: Minor

When editing a user in the web console, the "password" and "confirm password" 
fields are populated, but don't match.  (If you click "Update" without changing 
anything, it gives you an error.)

This isn't a big deal because the password is the only thing you can edit 
anyway.  However, it would be better to leave the password fields blank than to 
populate them with bogus values.

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[jira] Assigned: (GERONIMO-1767) bad group for console has no error page that allows user logout/correction

2006-05-15 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder reassigned GERONIMO-1767:

Assign To: Greg Wilkins

A quick workaround for this would be to add the following to 


However, this isn't actually getting invoked correctly in Jetty.  (The 
equivalent 404 error page works fine, but a 403 error page doesn't work, even 
with a static HTML page as the location.   It just forwards to the standard 
Jetty error page.)

Error gets generated in/around 
o.a.g.jetty.interceptor.SecurityContextBeforeAfter, line 221.

> bad group for console has no error page that allows user logout/correction
> --
>  Key: GERONIMO-1767
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
> Versions: 1.0
>  Environment: Windows XP, JDK 1.5.0_05
> Reporter: Joseph B. Ottinger
> Assignee: Greg Wilkins
> Priority: Minor

> I created another admin user, called "admin," but forgot to add it to the 
> admin group. When I logged in to the console with this user, I was given an 
> invalid access exception, which is not good, because I needed to log that 
> user out to be able to log in with a valid user (i.e., with correct group 
> access) to fix it.
> This is a fairly minor and I imagine uncommon problem, but it's a simple UI 
> thing that should be easy to fix.

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-1945) Console's web application list does not show WARs that are deployed inside EARs

2006-06-13 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-1945:

Assign To: (was: Erin Mulder)

> Console's web application list does not show WARs that are deployed inside 
> EARs
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-1945
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Bug
> Security: public(Regular issues) 
>   Components: console
>     Versions: 1.0
> Reporter: Erin Mulder
>  Fix For: 1.2

> In the console, click on "Applications -> Web App WARs".   The resulting list 
> of web applications does not include any web application that is packaged as 
> part of an EAR.
> (The list is populated inside ConfigManagerPortlet.doView)

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-693) Need startup scripts in bin directory

2005-07-02 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
Need startup scripts in bin directory

 Key: GERONIMO-693
 Project: Geronimo
Type: New Feature
 Environment: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Reporter: Erin Mulder
Priority: Minor

It would be nice to have obvious and startup.bat scripts in the bin 
directory so that the user doesn't need to look at the README file to figure 
out how to start the server.  (java -jar bin/server.jar isn't hard -- it's just 
not quite as brainless as a script called "startup").

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-694) Change order of instructions in README

2005-07-02 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
Change order of instructions in README

 Key: GERONIMO-694
 Project: Geronimo
Type: Improvement
Reporter: Erin Mulder
Priority: Trivial

The README file should put the instructions for starting the server ahead of 
the deployment instructions.   (I think most people will
want to make sure Geronimo starts successfully before they invest time in 
deployment or configuration.)

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-696) Too much info-level output during startup

2005-07-02 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
Too much info-level output during startup

 Key: GERONIMO-696
 Project: Geronimo
Type: Improvement
Reporter: Erin Mulder

During startup, too much unnecessary information is written to the console.  
Ideally, it should display a "Server starting..." message, followed by some 
sort of small progress indicator, followed by a "Server started successfully!" 
message.   Only errors, severe warnings, or truly useful environment 
information should go in between.  (A verbose switch could be added to allow 
developers to load the server with the current chatty log4j config.)

For example:

  > bin/

  Environment information:
JDK_HOME: /usr/lib/java
GERONIMO_BUILD: 1.0-169186
VERBOSE_LEVEL: quiet (use -verbose to change)


  Now listening on:
Port 1234: JMS
Port 8080: HTTP
Port 8081: HTTPS
Port 9876: Foo


  Browse to http://localhost:8080/ for web console

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-697) Need guidance for new users upon successful server startup

2005-07-02 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
Need guidance for new users upon successful server startup

 Key: GERONIMO-697
 Project: Geronimo
Type: Improvement
Reporter: Erin Mulder
Priority: Minor

There's no sense of what to do next when first launching the server.
  It would be nice to see something like "Server started successfully!
 Visit the web console at http://localhost:8080/";.

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-695) Need better progress feedback during startup sequence

2005-07-02 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
Need better progress feedback during startup sequence

 Key: GERONIMO-695
 Project: Geronimo
Type: Improvement
Reporter: Erin Mulder
Priority: Minor

When first launching the server, it's hard to tell when startup is
complete.  There are lots of pauses, and it's not clear whether there
will eventually be a "successful startup" message.  This adds a bit of
uncertainty/confusion as you sit there and wonder whether it's done,
still going or broken.  (It would actually be quite cool/unique to add
some sort of ascii progress bar like sftp and scp use.)

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-698) Print port map at server startup

2005-07-02 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
Print port map at server startup

 Key: GERONIMO-698
 Project: Geronimo
Type: New Feature
Reporter: Erin Mulder
Priority: Minor

Would be nice (especially for new users) to have the server print out a list of 
port assignments upon successful startup.   For example:

  > bin/

  Environment information:
JDK_HOME: /usr/lib/java
GERONIMO_BUILD: 1.0-169186
VERBOSE_LEVEL: quiet (use -verbose to change)


  Now listening on:
Port 1234: JMS
Port 8080: HTTP
Port 8081: HTTPS
Port 9876: Foo


  Browse to http://localhost:8080/ for web console

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-699) Need welcome page at http://localhost:8080/

2005-07-02 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
Need welcome page at http://localhost:8080/

 Key: GERONIMO-699
 Project: Geronimo
Type: Improvement
Reporter: Erin Mulder

Browsing to http://localhost:8080/ gives a 404 error.   It should at least 
present a minimal welcome page to reassure new users that the server is 
functional.  Ideally, this page should give quickstart instructions for 
configuration, deployment, accessing the management console, etc.  Links to 
example apps and instructions on where to find their underlying code would also 
be helpful.

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-699) Need welcome page at http://localhost:8080/

2005-07-02 Thread Erin Mulder (JIRA)
 [ ]

Erin Mulder updated GERONIMO-699:

Browsing to http://localhost:8080/ gives a 404 error.   It should at least 
present a minimal welcome page to reassure new users that the server is 
functional.  Ideally, this page should give quickstart instructions for 
configuration, deployment, accessing the management console, etc.  Links to 
example apps and instructions on where to find their underlying code would also 
be helpful.

Once this is done, the README file should be updated to de-emphasize the debug 
console, since users will no longer need to install that to verify that the 
server is running.  (And unless they're debugging the server itself, it will 
probably not be a terribly helpful thing to do.)

Browsing to http://localhost:8080/ gives a 404 error.   It should at least 
present a minimal welcome page to reassure new users that the server is 
functional.  Ideally, this page should give quickstart instructions for 
configuration, deployment, accessing the management console, etc.  Links to 
example apps and instructions on where to find their underlying code would also 
be helpful.

> Need welcome page at http://localhost:8080/
> ---
>  Key: GERONIMO-699
>  URL:
>  Project: Geronimo
> Type: Improvement
> Reporter: Erin Mulder

> Browsing to http://localhost:8080/ gives a 404 error.   It should at least 
> present a minimal welcome page to reassure new users that the server is 
> functional.  Ideally, this page should give quickstart instructions for 
> configuration, deployment, accessing the management console, etc.  Links to 
> example apps and instructions on where to find their underlying code would 
> also be helpful.
> Once this is done, the README file should be updated to de-emphasize the 
> debug console, since users will no longer need to install that to verify that 
> the server is running.  (And unless they're debugging the server itself, it 
> will probably not be a terribly helpful thing to do.)

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