Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-14 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
--On Thursday, November 13, 2003 1:51 PM -0500 Jim Jagielski [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I'm confused then... I had thought that there were API differences
(within httpd and apr) between the 2 trees in able to support
some of the new features.
I suspect that the biggest pain for a 2.0-2.2 migration (if we keep the delta 
roughly where we're at now) will be syncing with the deprecated APR functions, 
but that's more about APR going 1.0 than httpd going to 2.2.  -- justin

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-14 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
Although it's probably a little late to be responding to innuendo, the bare minimum 
points that need a response;

At 12:36 AM 11/14/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There was a lot going down 'offline' and things were just
being 'announced' on the forum.

That's the way development often happens.  Pound on code for a week
and present it when it's working.  You are reading just a little too much
cloak and dagger into things.

What you neglected to mention was that this now-famous
'303 - Second Street - San Francisco' in-person huddle that you
are talking about took place at ( you guessed it ) Covalent
Corporate headquarters.

Yup - they hosted it, although had 1/2 the committers been in the same area
on the east cost, our friends in Raleigh were happy to open their meeting room.

How long after that meeting was it that they hired you?
You were then ( still? ) in Nebraska, yes?

I started consulting for them sometime after that meeting, when Ryan appealed 
for my help.  I joined Covalent that following March.  And nope, never NE, I've
lived in Chicago most of my life, but for a few year sabbatical in upstate NY.  
Had never even met any Apache or Covalent folk in person till that meeting.

 I'm proud that I've been a contributor before Covalent
reinsert text snipped for trollbait
 and will remain ( proud ) even if I find other
 opportunities at some point.

Funny wording. Do you mean you aren't proud to be a
contributor now that you ARE at Covalent?

Nope, I mean exactly that, I played with Apache for the heck of it and got alot out
of the experience.  It reassured me that C is not dead (another parallel discussion
that's getting a little silly :-)

And I'm equally proud to be part of Covalent, and proud of what Covalent employees 
have contributed to Apache, and the Apache 2.0 version.


And with that minimum response...

ignore class=troll/

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-14 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
At 12:36 AM 11/14/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

'Individual' attempts to contribute are getting IGNORED
and the last few words of this message thread's subject
line are just asking to hear from the powers that be
what they intend to do about that ( solutions please ? ).

Yes, I think that's the page everyone is on.  How to solve this.

( and before you come back with the standard Are YOU
willing to review patches, then? at least I'll be honest
and say there's NO WAY right now or for the forseeable
future. Unlike you... I am NOT paid to work on Apache and
I just don't have the time. [...]

Actually, I invest far more than 40 hours in my work and Apache time, 
and I know of many others (from other companies) that do likewise.

But you just hit the nail on the head, NO WAY.  Nobody suggested
that the core committers must single-handedly review the wealth of 
patches that are offered on this list and added to bugzilla!

How can we communicate to this list, bugzilla users and others, that all
it takes is to vote on the patch (in bugzilla, or by posting to this list) that
the proposed solution actually solves the problem, and didn't break anything
else in the process?!?

It works for me are the four sweetest words to read when any of us are
spending a free hour looking for patches to consider and apply!

Besides, I'm also about 100%
sure you don't want me reviewing patches for Apache.
Newcomers can go read some archived messages
if they are curious about the history there. )

If the casual reader is wondering why Kevin is unfortunately not been 
welcomed with open arms, by all means do go back over those archives.

Then again, one doesn't need to scroll back more than the past day or few.

Forgive in advance, Kevin, if I now tune you out.


Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-14 Thread Graham Leggett

The 'other' not-so-dedicated-but-certainly-interested 
developers felt 'shut out' of the 2.0 development cycle
because it was obvious a lot of it was taking place
'off line' and nothing was being documented so they
couldn't really get a good handle on what was going
on in order to make a contribution.

So they were mostly 'waiting in the wings' for a lot of
the 2.0 DESIGN level decisions and concepts to 
become clear so they could 'jump in'.
When I reworked mod_proxy for v2.0, it was one of the first modules to 
jump in and fully utilise the filter mechanism. Admittedly it took a 
while to get my head around the filter stuff, but once I had got it, it 
was fine. All the v2.0 mod_proxy development happened over weekends, and 
not on company time (a lot of it in a hotel room in Alsjo in Stockholm, 
but anyway).

I feel the architecture jump from v1.3 to v2.0 was worth the effort, as 
the previous one handler at a time nonsense went out the window, 
replaced with a possiblity of choose from these filters, and 
interchange them at will in new and interesting ways. The split of 
mod_proxy into mod_proxy and mod_cache would not have been possible 
without filters.

I think the key thing is this: Apache v2.0 works, and better fulfils the 
requirements of people doing web hosting. Less development means there 
are less itches, and less itches means Apache v2.0 is a closer fit to 
user requirements than v1.3 was.


Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-14 Thread Aaron Bannert
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 05:51:46PM -0800, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
 Creating roles like this is just as bad as having chunks of httpd owned
 by one particular developer. (See below)
 I don't think you understand the role of 'patch manager.'  On the projects 
 I'm involved with, that person's only responsibility is for ensuring that 
 the patches posted to the mailing list are entered into the right tool.
 I think that can easily be a volunteer, rotating job as you don't need to 
 do anything more than that.

I don't know what this hypothetical tool looks like, but why wouldn't
the person submitting the patch just use the tool directly?

Seriously though, until we actually have a tool that we want to use,
this part of the discussion is moot.

 In the patch manager role, nothing would preclude others from adding 
 patches to the right tool.  But, having someone whose responsibility it is 
 to ensure that patches get inputted into the tool on a timely basis is 
 goodness.  On other projects I'm involved with, that person isn't an even a 
 committer.  They don't have to understand what the patch does - just make 
 sure it is recorded and allow for annotation.
 And, it doesn't have to be on a 'timely' basis - once a week, you go 
 through and ensure that all [PATCH] messages are in the right patch 
 management tool.  This lessens the number of dropped patches that we'd 
 have.  (Bugzilla sucks at this, so I think we'd need a new tool.)

Bugzilla wasn't designed for this, so yes, it sucks at it.

I still maintain that the person submitting the patch should simply
enter it into the patch system directly.

Even easier would be a patch system that monitored the list for [PATCH]
emails and tracked those automatically. We might come up with some standard
syntax to help the patch tracking system know what version of httpd (or
apr or whatever) the patch applies to.

 Woah woah woah. Are you discouraging people from thinking about big
 changes for the 2.2 timeframe? If someone has a revolutionary idea for
 the next generation of Apache HTTPD, who will stand in their way? Not I.
 Frankly, yes.
 I think our changes that we already have in the tree is about 'right' for 
 2.2 (no big architecture changes, but lots of modules have been rewritten 
 and improved).  It's just that no one has time or desire to shepherd 2.2 to 
 a release.  And, I think we need APR 1.0 out the door before 2.2 can be 
 rationally discussed.

[tangential issue] Why does it take some much time and desire to make a
release? Shouldn't that be one of the easier things to do around here?

 If we did any major changes from this point that require modules to rewrite 
 themselves, we'd need to go to 3.0 per our versioning rules.  And, I'd 
 *strongly* discourage that.  I don't think it's in anyone's best interest 
 to revamp our architecture at this stage.
 We don't need to give a moving target to our poor module developers.  Only 
 by producing a series of high-quality releases can we ensure that module 
 writers will be confident in writing against 2.0 or 2.2.  If we come out 
 with 3.x now, I think we'll just end up hurting ourselves in the long run 
 even worse than we are now.

Let me pose a different angle: If our module API is so broken that we need
to change it in an incompatible way, then don't you think the module authors
would rather have the improved interface rather than being stuck with the
broken one?

In other words, the only time we actually talk about making drastic changes
is when they are warranted. Therefore, being conservative about API changes
merely serves to discourage creative development and that is _a bad thing_.


Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread Matthieu Estrade
MATHIHALLI,MADHUSUDAN (HP-Cupertino,ex1) wrote:

Disclaimer : Not targetting any one individual


I don't think there is target here, i consider it more as an open 

I have a question to the people have lots of time to write such long mails
and responses - why can't you instead spend that time to review patches and
give feedback ?

it's 9pm here and i am still at work, i was just taking a little time to 
answer before quit.
i agree it's a long mail because english is not easy for me.
I try to give feedback about all happen in modules and experimental code 
in httpd 2.0
But when you give feedback, review code, and post patch and nothing 
happen then... It's not easy to continue this way =)
Maybe my feedback and mails aren't good, so in this case i understand 
more... but with no answer, it's hard to think something about my work.

It sure will improve the life of httpd-dev.


I am not sure continuing this way will improve much the life of httpd-dev.
And core team will receive more and more mail they will not be able to 
answer in a reasonnable time.
I don't think the problem is in reviewing and giving feedback, but how 
this is used and what will happen then...

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down,
solutions please

Hi all...

I just have to jump in here since the topic is fascinating...
...and I think there's an opportunity here to review something
that has contributed to the 'slow down' at httpd-dev which
no one has seemed to grasp (yet).
I will call it... The Covalent Factor.

If you look at what has REALLY happened in the past
3 years ( yes... going back that far since it's now 4 or
5 years since 2.0 became a real blib on the radar ) there's
no question that there was this intense period of 
development and 'new' things were happening at
a fast rate. As more and more developers got interested
in getting 2.0 cranked out the (limited) resources all
got eaten up in the 2.0 development cycle and 1.3
development virtually shut down. It was even 'officially'
shut down long before 2.0 was ready ( 1.3 officially went
into maintenance mode only ).

So now you had lots of legacy developers ( albeit... lots
of weekend-warriors, too, but WW's are the heartbeat
of Open Source ) who knew 1.3 very well but were now
totally put out to pasture. Very few of them 'came over'
to the 2.0 development. The majority of the developers
for 2.0 were the 'paid to play' kind that were either being
paid to directly work on Apache ( I'll get to the Covalent
factor in a second ) or,  at least, were being paid to
do something else but no one seemed to mind if they
sat there at their real jobs all day and did Apache
development. They might not admit to being directly
paid to work on Apache but when that's what you are
doing all day and still bringing home a paycheck then
that's exactly what that is.
The 'other' not-so-dedicated-but-certainly-interested 
developers felt 'shut out' of the 2.0 development cycle
because it was obvious a lot of it was taking place
'off line' and nothing was being documented so they
couldn't really get a good handle on what was going
on in order to make a contribution.

So they were mostly 'waiting in the wings' for a lot of
the 2.0 DESIGN level decisions and concepts to 
become clear so they could 'jump in'.

Well... we all know that it was a looong time before
some of the 2.0 design concepts became 'clear' enough
for a not-paid-to-work-on-apache person to 'jump in'.
There were basically only 2 big changes to Apache 2.0
versus 1.x.
1. MPM. Get out of the 'prefork' only 'go fork thyself' design model.

2. ( Came later ) Add some I/O filtering and get rid of BUFF.

Well, these are both fine goals to have but they are not for
the faint-of-heart ( or within the grasp of most weekend-warriors ).
That brings me to The Covalent Factor.

Is anyone going to deny that at a certain point in the 2.0
development cycle the PRIMARY driving force was a 
group of people that ALL worked for one company? ( Covalent ).

That's certainly the way it looked.

...and these guys were crankin'... I mean they were
MOTIVATED, because Covalent's entire corporate
life revolves around Apache and they were actually 
high level deals going on with Compaq ( and other
corporate entities? ) that all revolved around getting
Apache 2.0 out the door.

At one point one of the Covalent guys ( I believe it
was that Randy Bloom fellow? ) was pretty much the
ONLY person who had any idea how the new 'filtering'
was even SUPPOSED to work. It was quite some time
before he even finished thinking it through and it went
through (too?) many re-works to even keep a good
grasp on it.
I remember the feeling for MONTHS was something like...
let's just see what Covalent comes up with and let them
put their stamp of approval

RE: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread MATHIHALLI,MADHUSUDAN (HP-Cupertino,ex1)

-Original Message-
From: Matthieu Estrade [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

But when you give feedback, review code, and post patch and nothing 
happen then... It's not easy to continue this way =)
Maybe my feedback and mails aren't good, so in this case i understand 
more... but with no answer, it's hard to think something about my work.

Exactly my point. When you post a patch, and somebody replies back with some
feedback, it's like a sense of satisfaction for me. Atleast, I know somebody
out there (perhaps not a person with commit access) is giving some
importance to my mail and replying back. Some times, I don't even care if
the patch gets committed - as long as somebody reviews it. The reason : I
need to know if I'm doing something wrong :).

Imagine sending mails OR posting patches and NOT getting any replies at all.
I've experienced that. The common answer you get is try and try again - and
one day the light will shine upon you. 
I've got that answer a lot of times (it's in the archives if you have the
patience to dig in).

The question was intended to those people who talk a lot, but neither post
patches NOR give reviews/feedback, but jump in with long mails only when
there's a debate going on.

And core team will receive more and more mail they will not be able to 
answer in a reasonnable time.

Why wait for the core team to answer the questions - why should others NOT
pick up the role of answering the questions ?

(guilty on my own point)

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread TOKILEY
In a message dated 11/13/2003 12:53:42 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

By the by...

Covalent signs my paycheck.

And if you look at 1.3, you'll see that I've been pretty
key on staying on top of it.

Kind of blows away your theory, don't it?


Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
At 12:47 PM 11/13/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you look at what has REALLY happened in the past
3 years ( yes... going back that far since it's now 4 or
5 years since 2.0 became a real blib on the radar ) there's
no question that there was this intense period of 
development and 'new' things were happening at
a fast rate. 

Without a doubt this period of development was abnormally intense
for any five year old open source project.  Good point.

As more and more developers got interested
in getting 2.0 cranked out the (limited) resources all
got eaten up in the 2.0 development cycle and 1.3
development virtually shut down. It was even 'officially'
shut down long before 2.0 was ready ( 1.3 officially went
into maintenance mode only ).

That's an interesting point.  Most of my early (independent) contributions,
about 600 dev hours worth, were entirely focused on making 1.3 work
under Win32.  And you are dead on, some of my work was accepted,
and on other points, I was asked hold on, that's a goal in 2.0.  There
was a little difference though, there really was very little 2.0 anything
at that time for me to point my efforts at.

So now you had lots of legacy developers ( albeit... lots
of weekend-warriors, too, but WW's are the heartbeat
of Open Source ) who knew 1.3 very well but were now
totally put out to pasture. 

Nay, they were gone long before I started using/working with/hacking
Apache in 2000.  Even mod_ssl and OpenSSL were put to bed.  The
old guard had moved on, and few folks paid much attention to the bug
queue.  Those that did were overwhelmed by some requests that just
wouldn't fit well into the architecture of 1.3.  Not to mention that 1.3's 
core was a twisted mess of platform quirks.  It still is, that's why it's
orphaned.  Hard on old timers, sure, but for newcomers the difference
between reading 1.3 and 2.0 is night and day.

Yes filters are difficult to grok, but the rest of the entire server is much
more simple to follow.

Perhaps some will be motivated to make filters, the most difficult 2.0
feature, a little easier to use or understand.  Justin already made some
progress on this front, and it continues to evolve.

The 'other' not-so-dedicated-but-certainly-interested 
developers felt 'shut out' of the 2.0 development cycle
because it was obvious a lot of it was taking place
'off line' and nothing was being documented so they
couldn't really get a good handle on what was going
on in order to make a contribution.

Hehe, of all of your silly perceptions in this note, I'm picking up on
this one for the benefit of newer list readers.  In the bad old days of the 
2.0 dev cycle, very little ever happened that wasn't tracked on the
mailing list.  Today, there is parallel activity on channels like #apr
(of, and your comment reinforces the point that not all
of that activity can be healthy for the wider community.  Unless it is
digested and explained to the readership of dev@ and in the maillist
archives for posterity and future explanation.

At one point one of the Covalent guys ( I believe it
was that Randy Bloom fellow? ) was pretty much the
ONLY person who had any idea how the new 'filtering'
was even SUPPOSED to work. It was quite some time
before he even finished thinking it through and it went
through (too?) many re-works to even keep a good
grasp on it.

Hehe, this ties into my point in the prior paragraph.  EVERYTHING on the
filters was nailed down on the list.  What happened?

Two camps had two different end goals.  They did not see eye to eye
on the design.  When it got to the point that there was no resolution 
to be found, I suggested that a face to face of everyone interested would
be terrific.  Note I was an independent, not paid for webserver apps but 
actually a database systems dude who liked playing with the web.  And
I was tired of waiting for the discussion to end (and sorta confused as were
most observers.)  About 20+ folks, five different firms, some independents,
some by phone, sat down to watch Ryan and Greg duke out the design
one bullet point at a time.  It was amazing, wish that someone had 
a brought a camcorder :-)

And what resulted was a design that satisfied *everyones* requirements.
Details and skeletons were posted to the list in realtime by some observers.

What do you call this?  An impromptu mini-hackathon.  And it worked
to move forward on a very difficult-to-follow concept.

My only real point here ( and the way all this relates to the
current thread ) is that maybe it's time to acknowledge that
what is happening now is what will always happen to a major
development project if you let too many of your eggs go into
the same 'corporate' basket.

I'm gonna just close with this observation - Apache was always driven
by two forces, academic and business.  By ISPs who needed a stable
platform.  By independent coders who earned a living doing systems.
By companies who needed a stable and trusted base platform.

And Guess What?  There is 

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread TOKILEY
Hi Bill...
This is Kevin...

 William Rowe wrote...

 We value individual contributions here, not
 corporate affiliation.

We means ASF, right?

If so... then I think you just nailed the whole point
of this thread, if I am reading the original poster's
concerns correctly.

There doesn't CURRENTLY seem to be much evidence that
what you just said is TRUE.

'Individual' attempts to contribute are getting IGNORED
and the last few words of this message thread's subject
line are just asking to hear from the powers that be
what they intend to do about that ( solutions please ? ).

Requiring people to post and re-post and re-post patches
until they are blue in the face and/or need to start
shouting from mountaintops ( or find a 'backdoor' or 'inside
track' into the 'real inner cirlce' like the last guy
finally did ) is no way to 'walk the walk' that you
just talked ( We value individual contributions ).

Prove it.

Make it EASY to contribute... not a nightmare.

I think that's all the guy is asking for.

( and before you come back with the standard Are YOU
willing to review patches, then? at least I'll be honest
and say there's NO WAY right now or for the forseeable
future. Unlike you... I am NOT paid to work on Apache and
I just don't have the time. Besides, I'm also about 100%
sure you don't want me reviewing patches for Apache.
Newcomers can go read some archived messages
if they are curious about the history there. )

 Nobody has ever gotten a 'pass' into the Apache
 HTTP Server for their employment or their employers

Methinks thou dost protest too much.

I never suggested any such thing.

I never came near saying that Covalent or any of it's
myriad Apache developers were getting 'free passes'
to anything. It still takes votes to do things at
Apache and even though there are times when the
vote count includes mostly Covalent people ( like when
Apache 2.0 was released too early ) there is always
the VETO as a safety catch. It was never exercised
because as far as anyone knows nothing un-toward
was going on.

Apache is stil a 'meritocracy'... but isn't that
part of what the guy who started this thread is
complaining about?

He tried for 4 months to even get a leg up on
the bottom rung of the 'meritocracy' and no one
gave a shit. I would say that's a short-circuit
to the whole scheme itself. The powers that be
stay the powers that be unless 'new' people are
being give the chance to show what THEY can do.

 The fact that folks, such as Brad and Madhu,
 are committers and PMC members is a result of their
 personal dedication to the project and that the project
 is proud to count them as members, regardless of current
 employment status.

Then that means there was a time when they first tried
to post a patch as well. What was their experience?
Good, bad, or ugly?

How did they get a 'leg up' in the meritocracy?

I'm not asking these questions for myself... It's no
mystery to me and I know exactly how it's done and
how many rungs there are on that ladder. I am asking
the questions on behalf of the original poster and
I think the answers might fill out the thread subject.

If you look at what has REALLY happened in the past
3 years ( yes... going back that far since it's now 4 or
5 years since 2.0 became a real blib on the radar ) there's
no question that there was this intense period of
development and 'new' things were happening at
a fast rate.

Without a doubt this period of development was abnormally
intense for any five year old open source project.
Good point.

...and let's hope anyone that's even paying attention to
this thread isn't expecting Apache development to always
be that way. Sometimes ( like now ) it just becomes
'dog work' and the flash and glitter is hard to find.

There have NEVER been enough warm bodies at Apache and
there never will be. I think the red flags have gone
up because it's starting to appear as if NO ONE is
answering the phone at all anymore. That's a problem.

As more and more developers got interested
in getting 2.0 cranked out the (limited) resources all
got eaten up in the 2.0 development cycle and 1.3
development virtually shut down. It was even 'officially'
shut down long before 2.0 was ready ( 1.3 officially went
into maintenance mode only ).

That's an interesting point.  Most of my early (independent)
contributions, about 600 dev hours worth, were entirely
focused on making 1.3 work under Win32.

I know.

From some of your other comments it might appear that
your memory is failing a bit, Bill, but you must remember me.

I had Apache running under Windows using the (free) Borland
compiler about 2 years before you appeared but the concern
about making Apache for Windows REAL and going to head to head
with Microsoft only cranked up after that Mindspring article
appeared and showed that IIS was beating the pants off of
pre-fork Apache and the UNIX boys got all pissed off.
That was the 2x4 that got the mule's attention.

My patches to compile Apache under Windows using 

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread Stas Bekman
Mads Toftum wrote:
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 05:10:24PM -0800, Aaron Bannert wrote:

My main requirement is that the bug tracking system be fully-accessible
through email. Having a full web interface is great, but not at the
expense of usable offline replies to bug reports.
RT could be what you're looking for -

An example is
Seconded. The perl project uses RT with a great success (

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread Ben Hyde
I've quite a few ideas and opinions about why things might be quiet 
these days.  I'd recommend against taking any of these ideas too 
seriously.  Here is an idea:  we have gotten out in front of the users.

Products have features and overtime they get more and more features.  
Users have some ability to absorb features and overtime their ability 
to do so rises.  For young products the users are ahead of the product 
(What do you mean it doesn't to CGI scripting!?).  For older products 
the mismatch gets smaller and smaller (I need massive virtual 

My joke about this is that the process is a perfect behaviorist 
training loop.  Young products get strong feedback which trains their 
sponsors to listen to customer demand and add features.  Overtime that 
feedback peter's out, which trains them to listen more and more 
carefully.  Finally they get to the point where they listen to the wind 
and they hear feature demands in it's ghostly moans.  That's call 
market research. :-)

Commercial products tend to overshoot the users.  Consider Microsoft's 
office products!

Open source is less given to overshoot.  If features only go in because 
a user volunteered to do the work that acts; to some degree to temper 
the chance of overshoot.

Open source can still overshoot.  Exceptional users may add features 
that are rarely needed.  Firms, lead by market research or other 
in-house demands, may volunteer.

So, one theory is that we have overshot the user's ability to absorb 
new features.  Some amount of overshoot is to be expected on any major 

Solutions?  Well if you buy this model - and like I said it's only one 
- then the trick is to aid users in climbing the learning curve.  
Figuring out where the user demand is and then helping to bridge the 
gap using the new features.  Helping all the complementary products 
absorb the new stuff.

This may seem like an argument that we have filled out our ecological 
niche; but it's slightly different than that.  The niche isn't fixed, 
it is a free variable as well.

 - ben

RE: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread Peter J. Cranstone
Good response - ask the customer what he wants and then help him achieve it.

It all starts with stability - compatibility - performance. The ASF has a
tough job ahead of it, getting millions of users to change.

Not an easy task in today's environment


-Original Message-
From: Ben Hyde [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions

I've quite a few ideas and opinions about why things might be quiet 
these days.  I'd recommend against taking any of these ideas too 
seriously.  Here is an idea:  we have gotten out in front of the users.

Products have features and overtime they get more and more features.  
Users have some ability to absorb features and overtime their ability 
to do so rises.  For young products the users are ahead of the product 
(What do you mean it doesn't to CGI scripting!?).  For older products 
the mismatch gets smaller and smaller (I need massive virtual 

My joke about this is that the process is a perfect behaviorist 
training loop.  Young products get strong feedback which trains their 
sponsors to listen to customer demand and add features.  Overtime that 
feedback peter's out, which trains them to listen more and more 
carefully.  Finally they get to the point where they listen to the wind 
and they hear feature demands in it's ghostly moans.  That's call 
market research. :-)

Commercial products tend to overshoot the users.  Consider Microsoft's 
office products!

Open source is less given to overshoot.  If features only go in because 
a user volunteered to do the work that acts; to some degree to temper 
the chance of overshoot.

Open source can still overshoot.  Exceptional users may add features 
that are rarely needed.  Firms, lead by market research or other 
in-house demands, may volunteer.

So, one theory is that we have overshot the user's ability to absorb 
new features.  Some amount of overshoot is to be expected on any major 

Solutions?  Well if you buy this model - and like I said it's only one 
- then the trick is to aid users in climbing the learning curve.  
Figuring out where the user demand is and then helping to bridge the 
gap using the new features.  Helping all the complementary products 
absorb the new stuff.

This may seem like an argument that we have filled out our ecological 
niche; but it's slightly different than that.  The niche isn't fixed, 
it is a free variable as well.

  - ben

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread Jim Jagielski
On Nov 12, 2003, at 8:51 PM, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
I think our changes that we already have in the tree is about 'right' 
for 2.2 (no big architecture changes, but lots of modules have been 
rewritten and improved).  It's just that no one has time or desire to 
shepherd 2.2 to a release.  And, I think we need APR 1.0 out the door 
before 2.2 can be rationally discussed.

If we did any major changes from this point that require modules to 
rewrite themselves, we'd need to go to 3.0 per our versioning rules.  
And, I'd *strongly* discourage that.  I don't think it's in anyone's 
best interest to revamp our architecture at this stage.

We don't need to give a moving target to our poor module developers.  
Only by producing a series of high-quality releases can we ensure that 
module writers will be confident in writing against 2.0 or 2.2.  If we 
come out with 3.x now, I think we'll just end up hurting ourselves in 
the long run even worse than we are now.  -- justin

Another point to consider... With 2.2, module writers will need to
worry about *3* versions of Apache. Commercial entities which
have *just* gotten around to porting their 1.3 modules for 2.0
will likely not bother with 2.2 modules for awhile.
There's no easy answer... Maybe dev on 2.0 is slow simply
because it's obvious that it's a dead end. Once 2.1
happened, there was a real concern in putting effort into
2.0 because the gravestone was already being carved for
I do think that some sort of improved communication between
bugs and developers would be good. In general, once a developer
is aware of a bug and/or patch, things get done.

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread TOKILEY

Hi all...

I just have to jump in here since the topic is fascinating...
...and I think there's an opportunity here to review something
that has contributed to the 'slow down' at httpd-dev which
no one has seemed to grasp (yet).

I will call it... The Covalent Factor.

If you look at what has REALLY happened in the past
3 years ( yes... going back that far since it's now 4 or
5 years since 2.0 became a real blib on the radar ) there's
no question that there was this intense period of 
development and 'new' things were happening at
a fast rate. As more and more developers got interested
in getting 2.0 cranked out the (limited) resources all
got eaten up in the 2.0 development cycle and 1.3
development virtually shut down. It was even 'officially'
shut down long before 2.0 was ready ( 1.3 officially went
into maintenance mode only ).

So now you had lots of legacy developers ( albeit... lots
of weekend-warriors, too, but WW's are the heartbeat
of Open Source ) who knew 1.3 very well but were now
totally put out to pasture. Very few of them 'came over'
to the 2.0 development. The majority of the developers
for 2.0 were the 'paid to play' kind that were either being
paid to directly work on Apache ( I'll get to the Covalent
factor in a second ) or,  at least, were being paid to
do something else but no one seemed to mind if they
sat there at their real jobs all day and did Apache
development. They might not admit to being directly
paid to work on Apache but when that's what you are
doing all day and still bringing home a paycheck then
that's exactly what that is.

The 'other' not-so-dedicated-but-certainly-interested 
developers felt 'shut out' of the 2.0 development cycle
because it was obvious a lot of it was taking place
'off line' and nothing was being documented so they
couldn't really get a good handle on what was going
on in order to make a contribution.

So they were mostly 'waiting in the wings' for a lot of
the 2.0 DESIGN level decisions and concepts to 
become clear so they could 'jump in'.

Well... we all know that it was a looong time before
some of the 2.0 design concepts became 'clear' enough
for a not-paid-to-work-on-apache person to 'jump in'.

There were basically only 2 big changes to Apache 2.0
versus 1.x.

1. MPM. Get out of the 'prefork' only 'go fork thyself' design model.

2. ( Came later ) Add some I/O filtering and get rid of BUFF.

Well, these are both fine goals to have but they are not for
the faint-of-heart ( or within the grasp of most weekend-warriors ).

That brings me to The Covalent Factor.

Is anyone going to deny that at a certain point in the 2.0
development cycle the PRIMARY driving force was a 
group of people that ALL worked for one company? ( Covalent ).

That's certainly the way it looked.

...and these guys were crankin'... I mean they were
MOTIVATED, because Covalent's entire corporate
life revolves around Apache and they were actually 
high level deals going on with Compaq ( and other
corporate entities? ) that all revolved around getting
Apache 2.0 out the door.

At one point one of the Covalent guys ( I believe it
was that Randy Bloom fellow? ) was pretty much the
ONLY person who had any idea how the new 'filtering'
was even SUPPOSED to work. It was quite some time
before he even finished thinking it through and it went
through (too?) many re-works to even keep a good
grasp on it.

I remember the feeling for MONTHS was something like...
let's just see what Covalent comes up with and let them
put their stamp of approval on it and then we'll see if
we understand it.

...and that's pretty much how the entire SECOND primary
goal of Apache 2.0 was achieved. Covalent just did it
and expected everyone else to 'go along'... and they did.

The point of all this is not to FLAME anyone or any corporate
entity. No one can deny that Covalent has been crucial to 
the life and times ( and success ) of Apache itself and they
should be proud of the contribution(s) they have made to
OSS. Covalent was started by one of the original Apache guys 
and some of the best developers left around here still work for 
Covalent. I think William Rowe still does, for example, and he's 
still pretty much the only human being who seems to understand 
the Windows version of Apache... but the legacy flood of 'covalent' 
email addresses showing up at httpd-dev has virtually
vanished so it's hard to tell what what with that anymore.

There is nothing in the rules of Open Source that says you
can't crank up a company that makes money off of Open
Source software. Indeed... if you look at almost ALL of the
major Open Source projects you will see the same sort
of 'Covalent' deal going on whereby the people that know
that OSS best have found a way to get paid to work on it.

My only real point here ( and the way all this relates to the
current thread ) is that maybe it's time to acknowledge that
what is happening now is what will always happen to a major
development project if you let too many of your 

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 10:29:55AM -0500, Jim Jagielski wrote:
 Another point to consider... With 2.2, module writers will need to
 worry about *3* versions of Apache. Commercial entities which
 have *just* gotten around to porting their 1.3 modules for 2.0
 will likely not bother with 2.2 modules for awhile.

Well, 2.2 modules for the most part should be source-compatible with
2.0.  Certain subsystems have changed dramatically (auth being the prime
example I can think of), but I wouldn't expect every module to have to
change to support 2.2.  (This is, again, taking my perspective that what
we have in HEAD is roughly what should be in 2.2 modulo testing.)

Ideally, once we start producing 2.2 releases on a regular basis, we
won't be producing 2.0 releases on such a regular basis.  -- justin

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread Jim Jagielski
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
 Well, 2.2 modules for the most part should be source-compatible with
 2.0.  Certain subsystems have changed dramatically (auth being the prime
 example I can think of), but I wouldn't expect every module to have to
 change to support 2.2.  (This is, again, taking my perspective that what
 we have in HEAD is roughly what should be in 2.2 modulo testing.)

I'm confused then... I had thought that there were API differences
(within httpd and apr) between the 2 trees in able to support
some of the new features.
   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
  A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
 will lose both and deserve neither - T.Jefferson

RE: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread MATHIHALLI,MADHUSUDAN (HP-Cupertino,ex1)

Disclaimer : Not targetting any one individual

I have a question to the people have lots of time to write such long mails
and responses - why can't you instead spend that time to review patches and
give feedback ?

It sure will improve the life of httpd-dev.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down,
solutions please

Hi all...

I just have to jump in here since the topic is fascinating...
...and I think there's an opportunity here to review something
that has contributed to the 'slow down' at httpd-dev which
no one has seemed to grasp (yet).

I will call it... The Covalent Factor.

If you look at what has REALLY happened in the past
3 years ( yes... going back that far since it's now 4 or
5 years since 2.0 became a real blib on the radar ) there's
no question that there was this intense period of 
development and 'new' things were happening at
a fast rate. As more and more developers got interested
in getting 2.0 cranked out the (limited) resources all
got eaten up in the 2.0 development cycle and 1.3
development virtually shut down. It was even 'officially'
shut down long before 2.0 was ready ( 1.3 officially went
into maintenance mode only ).

So now you had lots of legacy developers ( albeit... lots
of weekend-warriors, too, but WW's are the heartbeat
of Open Source ) who knew 1.3 very well but were now
totally put out to pasture. Very few of them 'came over'
to the 2.0 development. The majority of the developers
for 2.0 were the 'paid to play' kind that were either being
paid to directly work on Apache ( I'll get to the Covalent
factor in a second ) or,  at least, were being paid to
do something else but no one seemed to mind if they
sat there at their real jobs all day and did Apache
development. They might not admit to being directly
paid to work on Apache but when that's what you are
doing all day and still bringing home a paycheck then
that's exactly what that is.

The 'other' not-so-dedicated-but-certainly-interested 
developers felt 'shut out' of the 2.0 development cycle
because it was obvious a lot of it was taking place
'off line' and nothing was being documented so they
couldn't really get a good handle on what was going
on in order to make a contribution.

So they were mostly 'waiting in the wings' for a lot of
the 2.0 DESIGN level decisions and concepts to 
become clear so they could 'jump in'.

Well... we all know that it was a looong time before
some of the 2.0 design concepts became 'clear' enough
for a not-paid-to-work-on-apache person to 'jump in'.

There were basically only 2 big changes to Apache 2.0
versus 1.x.

1. MPM. Get out of the 'prefork' only 'go fork thyself' design model.

2. ( Came later ) Add some I/O filtering and get rid of BUFF.

Well, these are both fine goals to have but they are not for
the faint-of-heart ( or within the grasp of most weekend-warriors ).

That brings me to The Covalent Factor.

Is anyone going to deny that at a certain point in the 2.0
development cycle the PRIMARY driving force was a 
group of people that ALL worked for one company? ( Covalent ).

That's certainly the way it looked.

...and these guys were crankin'... I mean they were
MOTIVATED, because Covalent's entire corporate
life revolves around Apache and they were actually 
high level deals going on with Compaq ( and other
corporate entities? ) that all revolved around getting
Apache 2.0 out the door.

At one point one of the Covalent guys ( I believe it
was that Randy Bloom fellow? ) was pretty much the
ONLY person who had any idea how the new 'filtering'
was even SUPPOSED to work. It was quite some time
before he even finished thinking it through and it went
through (too?) many re-works to even keep a good
grasp on it.

I remember the feeling for MONTHS was something like...
let's just see what Covalent comes up with and let them
put their stamp of approval on it and then we'll see if
we understand it.

...and that's pretty much how the entire SECOND primary
goal of Apache 2.0 was achieved. Covalent just did it
and expected everyone else to 'go along'... and they did.

The point of all this is not to FLAME anyone or any corporate
entity. No one can deny that Covalent has been crucial to 
the life and times ( and success ) of Apache itself and they
should be proud of the contribution(s) they have made to
OSS. Covalent was started by one of the original Apache guys 
and some of the best developers left around here still work for 
Covalent. I think William Rowe still does, for example, and he's 
still pretty much the only human being who seems to understand 
the Windows version of Apache... but the legacy flood of 'covalent' 
email addresses showing up at httpd-dev has virtually
vanished so it's hard to tell what what with that anymore.

There is nothing in the rules of Open Source

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-12 Thread Daniel Lorch

2d). CRT seemed to come as a replacement for design discussions. It's
very easy to observe from the traffic numbers:
Please excuse the total ignorance of passive Apache-Dev readers, but
these abbreviations were new to me. I've found then im the Apache
Glossary, though, and provide them to all who didn't know them ei-
Not trying to start a flamewar, but could the Jakarta Project have
had an influence the decline? Hal Flynn's [1] points out quite well
that for most server-sided applications Java (and it's clone .NET)
provide a viable platform for secure applications with negligible
impact on performance. And with all the fuss around J2EE (JBoss vs.
Geronimo) a new feature in Apache might not catch as much attention
in the community anymore. OpenSource is a development model which
bases on peer-based ego-gratification and if the incentives to work
on Apache aren't that high anymore, the Apache httpd server might not
be able to attract as many developers anymore. Or to put it in other
words: It's not anymore cool to work on Apache.
uuhmm .. asbestos or not? No intention to provoke, seriously. We're
all grownup people and our kids are going to read these mailinglists
in CS-history classes, so behave, please ;)


Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-12 Thread Aaron Bannert
On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 05:14:35PM -0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
 1) Bugs
 searching for NEW and REOPENED bugs in httpd-2.0 returns: 420 entries
 Suggestion: make bugzilla CC bug-reports to the dev list. Most
 developers won't just go and check the bugs database to see if there
 is something to fix, both because they don't have time and because
 there are too many things to fix. Posting the reports to the list
 raises a chance for the developer to have a free minute and may be to
 resolve the bug immediately or close it.

Would anyone else be in favor of exploring other forms of bug-tracking?
The old system (gnats) was completely email-oriented, which was good
and bad. Bugzilla may be more usable for web-oriented users, but it
it definitely more difficult to use offline (ie. impossible). Perhaps
we could try out the bug tracking system used by the debian project

 2) Lack of Design
 In my personal opinion, the move to CTR from RTC had very bad
 implications on the design of httpd 2.1.
 2a). Design of new on-going features (and changes/fixes) of the
 existing features is not discussed before it's put to the code. When
 it's committed it's usually too late to have any incentive to give a
 design feedback, after all it's already working and we are too busy
 with other things, so whatever.

I agree with the premise but not your conclusion. Design is being
adversely affected when people make large design-changing commits.
These people should be posting their design changes (code and all)
to the mailing list before committing.

However, if people are making commits and others aren't reviewing
those commits, then the responsibility falls to the reviewer. Nobody
should be obligated to hold on to a patch because other people don't have
the time to review.

 The worst part is that it's now easy to sneak in code which otherwise
 would never be accepted (and backport it to 2.0). I don't have any
 examples, but I think the danger is there.

I have not seen any evidence of this.

 2b). As a side-effect when someone asks a design question (e.g. me)
 it's not being answered because people tell: we are in the CRT mode,
 go ahead code it and commit it. But if the poster doesn't know what's
 the right design, if she did she won't have asked in first place.

There is not a fine line between those types of changes that warrant
discussion and those that can be simply committed, so this is a difficult
issue to address.

It is not uncommon for design questions to go unanswered on [EMAIL PROTECTED],
and it has been that way as long as I can remember. Patches, on the other
hand, speak loudest.

 2c). Future design. There is no clear roadmap of where do we go with
 Apache 2.1. People scratch their itches with new ideas which is cool,
 but if there was a plan to work on things, this may have invited new
 developers to scratch their itches.

Make proposals (or better yet, add them to the 2.1 STATUS file. :)

I would personally like to see:

a) httpd.conf rewrite
  - normalized syntax (structured, maybe even *gasp* XML)
  - normalized parsing in apache (defined passes, hooks, restart semantics, etc)
  - other ways to retrieve a config (not just from a file, eg. LDAP)
b) sendfile improvements for 64bit memory addressing machines
   (eg. can we mmap/sendfile a bunch of DVD images at the same time and
not crash? Do we see improvements?)
c) simplified filters
   (it's been too long since I've thought about this, but basicly writing
filters is too difficult and should be easier).

 2d). CRT seemed to come as a replacement for design discussions. It's
 very easy to observe from the traffic numbers:

I think it's actually the opposite. The amount of design discussions in
general has dramatically decreased since RTC went into effect in 2.0.
I recall very few discussions around 2.1 in general.

 3). Contributions
 I don't have numbers to support my clause, but I have a strong feeling
 that nowadays we see a much smaller number of posts with contributions
 from non-developers, since most contributions are simply ignored and
 it's a known thing among Apache community that posting fixes and
 suggestions to httpd-dev list is usually a waste of time. (This is
 based on my personal experience and discussions with other developers
 who aren't httpd-core coders). I realize that I'm not entirely correct
 saying that, since some things are picked up, so I apologize to those
 folks who do try hard to pick those things.
 The obvious problem is that most of those things are unsexy, usually
 don't fit someones itch and they sometimes require a lot of
 communication overhead with the 

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-12 Thread Aaron Bannert
On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 05:50:46PM -0800, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
 --On Monday, November 10, 2003 17:14:35 -0800 Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I believe Sander's suggested that we start a patch manager role (discussion 
 at AC Hackathon!).  A few other projects I'm involved with do this.  It'd 
 be goodness, I think.  But, the problem is finding a volunteer willing to 
 shepherd patches.


Creating roles like this is just as bad as having chunks of httpd owned
by one particular developer. (See below)

Having a patch tracking tool would be a much better solution, in my opinion.

 a. certain (most?) chunks of httpd lack owners. If httpd was to have
 I really dislike this.  The least maintained modules are those that had 
 'owners.'  When those owners left, they didn't send a notice saying, 'we're 
 leaving.'  The code just rotted.
 I firmly believe that httpd's group ownership is the right model.  Only 
 recently have those modules that had 'owners' been cleaned up.  (Yay for 


 b. similar to the root rotation we have on the infrastructure, I
 suggest to have a voluntary weekly rotation of httpd-dev list champion


How is this different than owners above? You can't expect developers
on this list to think ahead of time when they might have extra time
to contribute to this project. Most of the time it is on a whim
late at night when all of the important chores are taken care of.
If you ask for people to sign up for a slotted amount of time,
you'll only end up excluding people who don't work on Apache at
their day job.

 Additionally, I'd say that we're best off *slowing* down 2.x development to 
 let module authors write modules against 2.0.  Changing the world in 2.2 
 would be detrimental, I think.

Woah woah woah. Are you discouraging people from thinking about big changes
for the 2.2 timeframe? If someone has a revolutionary idea for the next
generation of Apache HTTPD, who will stand in their way? Not I.


Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-12 Thread Erik Abele
On 13.11.2003, at 01:29, Aaron Bannert wrote:

On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 05:14:35PM -0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
1) Bugs
searching for NEW and REOPENED bugs in httpd-2.0 returns: 420 entries 

Suggestion: make bugzilla CC bug-reports to the dev list. Most
developers won't just go and check the bugs database to see if there
is something to fix, both because they don't have time and because
there are too many things to fix. Posting the reports to the list
raises a chance for the developer to have a free minute and may be to
resolve the bug immediately or close it.
Would anyone else be in favor of exploring other forms of bug-tracking?
The old system (gnats) was completely email-oriented, which was good
and bad. Bugzilla may be more usable for web-oriented users, but it
it definitely more difficult to use offline (ie. impossible). Perhaps
we could try out the bug tracking system used by the debian project
I'd be very in favour of exploring other forms of bug-tracking. For  
we'll have a full replication of BugZilla in Jira (/me hides) in the  
near future
here on ASF hardware (see for a preview).

I've to admit that I really like it and especially as a patch-tracking  
it could be useful, at least IMHO.

Btw, Scarab ( is also available  
but I
doubt that it is used by a single project ;-)


Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-12 Thread Aaron Bannert
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 02:04:31AM +0100, Erik Abele wrote:
 I'd be very in favour of exploring other forms of bug-tracking. For  
 we'll have a full replication of BugZilla in Jira (/me hides) in the  
 near future
 here on ASF hardware (see for a preview).
 I've to admit that I really like it and especially as a patch-tracking  
 it could be useful, at least IMHO.
 Btw, Scarab ( is also available  
 but I
 doubt that it is used by a single project ;-)

My main requirement is that the bug tracking system be fully-accessible
through email. Having a full web interface is great, but not at the
expense of usable offline replies to bug reports.

(Do either of these bug tracking systems support this?)


Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-12 Thread Erik Abele
On 13.11.2003, at 02:10, Aaron Bannert wrote:

On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 02:04:31AM +0100, Erik Abele wrote:
I'd be very in favour of exploring other forms of bug-tracking. For
we'll have a full replication of BugZilla in Jira (/me hides) in the
near future
here on ASF hardware (see for a 

I've to admit that I really like it and especially as a patch-tracking
it could be useful, at least IMHO.
Btw, Scarab ( is also available
but I
doubt that it is used by a single project ;-)
My main requirement is that the bug tracking system be fully-accessible
through email. Having a full web interface is great, but not at the
expense of usable offline replies to bug reports.
Okay, I can understand that.

(Do either of these bug tracking systems support this?)
Hmm, don't know, but I don't think so...
Is bugzilla able to be fully controlled through email?

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-12 Thread Mads Toftum
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 05:10:24PM -0800, Aaron Bannert wrote:
 My main requirement is that the bug tracking system be fully-accessible
 through email. Having a full web interface is great, but not at the
 expense of usable offline replies to bug reports.
RT could be what you're looking for -

An example is


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-12 Thread Aaron Bannert
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 02:17:01AM +0100, Erik Abele wrote:
 My main requirement is that the bug tracking system be fully-accessible
 through email. Having a full web interface is great, but not at the
 expense of usable offline replies to bug reports.
 Okay, I can understand that.
 (Do either of these bug tracking systems support this?)
 Hmm, don't know, but I don't think so...
 Is bugzilla able to be fully controlled through email?

Nope, but it sucks for other reasons too. ;)

We used to use gnats until someone suggested we try Bugzilla.
I suggested today that we might look into using the homegrown
bug tracking system used by debian. It is email based with a web


Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-12 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
--On Wednesday, November 12, 2003 16:38:11 -0800 Aaron Bannert 

I believe Sander's suggested that we start a patch manager role
(discussion  at AC Hackathon!).  A few other projects I'm involved with
do this.  It'd  be goodness, I think.  But, the problem is finding a
volunteer willing to  shepherd patches.

Creating roles like this is just as bad as having chunks of httpd owned
by one particular developer. (See below)
I don't think you understand the role of 'patch manager.'  On the projects 
I'm involved with, that person's only responsibility is for ensuring that 
the patches posted to the mailing list are entered into the right tool.

I think that can easily be a volunteer, rotating job as you don't need to 
do anything more than that.

How is this different than owners above? You can't expect developers
on this list to think ahead of time when they might have extra time
to contribute to this project. Most of the time it is on a whim
late at night when all of the important chores are taken care of.
If you ask for people to sign up for a slotted amount of time,
you'll only end up excluding people who don't work on Apache at
their day job.
In the patch manager role, nothing would preclude others from adding 
patches to the right tool.  But, having someone whose responsibility it is 
to ensure that patches get inputted into the tool on a timely basis is 
goodness.  On other projects I'm involved with, that person isn't an even a 
committer.  They don't have to understand what the patch does - just make 
sure it is recorded and allow for annotation.

And, it doesn't have to be on a 'timely' basis - once a week, you go 
through and ensure that all [PATCH] messages are in the right patch 
management tool.  This lessens the number of dropped patches that we'd 
have.  (Bugzilla sucks at this, so I think we'd need a new tool.)

Woah woah woah. Are you discouraging people from thinking about big
changes for the 2.2 timeframe? If someone has a revolutionary idea for
the next generation of Apache HTTPD, who will stand in their way? Not I.
Frankly, yes.

I think our changes that we already have in the tree is about 'right' for 
2.2 (no big architecture changes, but lots of modules have been rewritten 
and improved).  It's just that no one has time or desire to shepherd 2.2 to 
a release.  And, I think we need APR 1.0 out the door before 2.2 can be 
rationally discussed.

If we did any major changes from this point that require modules to rewrite 
themselves, we'd need to go to 3.0 per our versioning rules.  And, I'd 
*strongly* discourage that.  I don't think it's in anyone's best interest 
to revamp our architecture at this stage.

We don't need to give a moving target to our poor module developers.  Only 
by producing a series of high-quality releases can we ensure that module 
writers will be confident in writing against 2.0 or 2.2.  If we come out 
with 3.x now, I think we'll just end up hurting ourselves in the long run 
even worse than we are now.  -- justin

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
At 07:14 PM 11/10/2003, Stas Bekman wrote:
I have several reasons to believe that the wheel of httpd-dev life is
slowing down and something has to be done to get this wheel up to the
speed like in the good old days. The following observation are listed
in no particular order. I've also tried to offer suggestions how to
resolve problems.

1) Bugs

searching for NEW and REOPENED bugs in httpd-2.0 returns: 420 entries

Suggestion: make bugzilla CC bug-reports to the dev list. Most
developers won't just go and check the bugs database to see if there
is something to fix, both because they don't have time and because
there are too many things to fix. Posting the reports to the list
raises a chance for the developer to have a free minute and may be to
resolve the bug immediately or close it.

2) Lack of Design

In my personal opinion, the move to CTR from RTC had very bad
implications on the design of httpd 2.1.

2a). Design of new on-going features (and changes/fixes) of the
existing features is not discussed before it's put to the code. When
it's committed it's usually too late to have any incentive to give a
design feedback, after all it's already working and we are too busy
with other things, so whatever.

The worst part is that it's now easy to sneak in code which otherwise
would never be accepted (and backport it to 2.0). I don't have any
examples, but I think the danger is there.

2b). As a side-effect when someone asks a design question (e.g. me)
it's not being answered because people tell: we are in the CRT mode,
go ahead code it and commit it. But if the poster doesn't know what's
the right design, if she did she won't have asked in first place.

2c). Future design. There is no clear roadmap of where do we go with
Apache 2.1. People scratch their itches with new ideas which is cool,
but if there was a plan to work on things, this may have invited new
developers to scratch their itches.

2d). CRT seemed to come as a replacement for design discussions. It's
very easy to observe from the traffic numbers:
2003-11-01 - 2003-12-01 (118 messages)
2003-10-01 - 2003-11-01 (336 messages)
2003-09-01 - 2003-10-01 (275 messages)
2003-08-01 - 2003-09-01 (264 messages)
2003-07-01 - 2003-08-01 (321 messages)
2003-06-01 - 2003-07-01 (430 messages)
2003-05-01 - 2003-06-01 (450 messages)
2003-04-01 - 2003-05-01 (359 messages)
2003-03-01 - 2003-04-01 (696 messages)
2003-02-01 - 2003-03-01 (573 messages)
2003-01-01 - 2003-02-01 (546 messages)
2002-12-01 - 2003-01-01 (436 messages)
2002-11-01 - 2002-12-01 (538 messages)
2002-10-01 - 2002-11-01 (763 messages)
2002-09-01 - 2002-10-01 (894 messages)
2002-08-01 - 2002-09-01 (815 messages)
2002-07-01 - 2002-08-01 (721 messages)
2002-06-01 - 2002-07-01 (916 messages)
2002-05-01 - 2002-06-01 (1028 messages)
2002-04-01 - 2002-05-01 (1380 messages)
2002-03-01 - 2002-04-01 (1094 messages)
2002-02-01 - 2002-03-01 (1155 messages)

Quiz: based on this input, tell which date CRT was introduced at.

You don't need a fancy graph to see a clear decline in the last 1.5
years. Quite a few people suggested that this is due to the market
decline. I won't doubt them, but it's quite possible that the market
hasn't changed to the worst in the last 1.5 years (it is more likely
that we should have seen this dip in 2001-2002, which I can't see from
the numbers at the above URL).

The cvs commit average rate hasn't changed much, which shows that
development continues though mainly behind the scenes.

3). Contributions

I don't have numbers to support my clause, but I have a strong feeling
that nowadays we see a much smaller number of posts with contributions
from non-developers, since most contributions are simply ignored and
it's a known thing among Apache community that posting fixes and
suggestions to httpd-dev list is usually a waste of time. (This is
based on my personal experience and discussions with other developers
who aren't httpd-core coders). I realize that I'm not entirely correct
saying that, since some things are picked up, so I apologize to those
folks who do try hard to pick those things.

The obvious problem is that most of those things are unsexy, usually
don't fit someones itch and they sometimes require a lot of
communication overhead with the reporter/contributor just to
understand what exactly is going on.


a. certain (most?) chunks of httpd lack owners. If httpd was to have
clear owners of certain code bases then it'll be easy to take care of
bug reports and 

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
At 07:14 PM 11/10/2003, Stas Bekman wrote:
I have several reasons to believe that the wheel of httpd-dev life is
slowing down and something has to be done to get this wheel up to the
speed like in the good old days. The following observation are listed
in no particular order. I've also tried to offer suggestions how to
resolve problems.

Always good to discuss, but httpd is about folks contributing and the team
reviewing patches.  When there are lots of activity, things move quickly.
Summer is a slow period for alot of projects.  Stability slows things down
too (and yes, 2.0.48 is far more stable than anything released before on
the 2.0 branch.)

1) Bugs

searching for NEW and REOPENED bugs in httpd-2.0 returns: 420 entries

Yes - these are important, I'm the first to admit I have a number I track that
I haven't resolved.  And more eyes are needed :)  However...

Suggestion: make bugzilla CC bug-reports to the dev list. Most
developers won't just go and check the bugs database to see if there
is something to fix, both because they don't have time and because
there are too many things to fix. Posting the reports to the list
raises a chance for the developer to have a free minute and may be to
resolve the bug immediately or close it.

Nope, it assures a good number of interested contributors SHUT DOWN
their subscriptions to httpd-dev.  Trust me, I subscribe to bug traffic as well.

Guess which of the two I read daily?  If I didn't split them, I would never
be caught up on the developer discussions.  (Even those I don't understand
completely I do read.)

2) Lack of Design

In my personal opinion, the move to CTR from RTC had very bad
implications on the design of httpd 2.1.

You seem to be misinformed here...  Apache 2.0 was ALWAYS CTR
until we decided to put a roadblock in the way of breaking the stable
version, and encourage that experimentation to move to an unstable
branch.  RTC was only introduced after the last ApacheCon.  And very
very resisted, at that.

2a). Design of new on-going features (and changes/fixes) of the
existing features is not discussed before it's put to the code. When
it's committed it's usually too late to have any incentive to give a
design feedback, after all it's already working and we are too busy
with other things, so whatever.

However, Show me the code remains the mantra of httpd.  So continuing
to use CTR, the code is in place.  With httpd-test/perl-framework the coder
can ever verify that their new change doesn't break any tests that are
already defined.

The worst part is that it's now easy to sneak in code which otherwise
would never be accepted (and backport it to 2.0). I don't have any
examples, but I think the danger is there.

That's always been true in httpd.  We didn't lock 1.3 until 2.0 was nearing
completion.  We didn't lock 2.0 until 2.1 was available for folks to hack on.

It is VERY hard to get code into 2.0.  That code is RTC.  Gratuitous changes
and new features aren't encouraged.  Time to move on to 2.1 for all of the
great and wonderful things our web server aught to do.  In fact, it's why I've
suggested point blank that the 'which pass at the startup file' patch you offered
will never belong in 2.0 - anyone designing for an arbitrary 2.0 can't even count
on such a feature.  But anyone using the future 2.2 release should trust that
it is present.

2b). As a side-effect when someone asks a design question (e.g. me)
it's not being answered because people tell: we are in the CRT mode,
go ahead code it and commit it. But if the poster doesn't know what's
the right design, if she did she won't have asked in first place.

Nothing stops anyone from posting up code first.  Many of us post up
code when we just aren't sure if it's the one best answer - and although
it takes folks a while sometimes to review, the dialog is useful.  But that
discussion shouldn't be an obstacle to writing code.

2c). Future design. There is no clear roadmap of where do we go with
Apache 2.1. People scratch their itches with new ideas which is cool,
but if there was a plan to work on things, this may have invited new
developers to scratch their itches.

The roadmap is this.  When httpd-2.1 solves enough issues that 2.0 cannot
(such as a major auth reorganization, perhaps auth credential chains, and
hopefully some improvements to the filtering schema and file system provider)
AND it can pass the regressions as gracefully as 2.0 - we are ready to start
with some alphas.  All someone has to do is speak up and say it's time.

No fixed lists of features set in stone, no.  If that *must have* feature isn't
done, then it moves on to 2.3 to await inclusion in 2.4.  It all depends on
what folks can dedicate their time to.

2d). CRT seemed to come as a replacement for design discussions. It's
very easy to observe from the traffic numbers:
Quiz: based on this input, tell which date CRT was 

RE: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Peter J. Cranstone
Something else to think about...

What's the differentiator in the market place between 1.x and 2.x?

(hint: it's not a feature list)

If I was to go out and buy Apache (Covalent) apart from some management
tools (features) what's the biggest differentiator between the old version
(public domain 1.x) and the new version (2.x.) 

Invariably three things come to mind - performance, stability,

So is Apache 2.x faster or slower than 1.x? Has anyone shown definitively
that 2.x can serve pages faster than 1.x? and if so by what percentage or

Looks like 2.1 is going to be more stable than the old 2.x versions but is
it more stable than 1.x?

Finally compatibility? Can I run my 1.x modules unmodified in a 2.x

HTTPD dev life is slowing down - simply fixing bugs and adding new features
is not the way to differentiate, there's probably 50,000 users of 2.x while
there's millions and millions of 1.x users.

What's it going to take to shift them to 2.x?

Not features (only the minority of users now care) - not compatibility
(although it helps) - my bet is raw performance.

So, anyone got any hard data that shows Apache 2.x serving pages factors
faster than 1.x?



-Original Message-
From: William A. Rowe, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 2:00 AM
Subject: Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions

At 07:14 PM 11/10/2003, Stas Bekman wrote:
I have several reasons to believe that the wheel of httpd-dev life is
slowing down and something has to be done to get this wheel up to the
speed like in the good old days. The following observation are listed
in no particular order. I've also tried to offer suggestions how to
resolve problems.

Always good to discuss, but httpd is about folks contributing and the team
reviewing patches.  When there are lots of activity, things move quickly.
Summer is a slow period for alot of projects.  Stability slows things down
too (and yes, 2.0.48 is far more stable than anything released before on
the 2.0 branch.)

1) Bugs

searching for NEW and REOPENED bugs in httpd-2.0 returns: 420 entries

Yes - these are important, I'm the first to admit I have a number I track
I haven't resolved.  And more eyes are needed :)  However...

Suggestion: make bugzilla CC bug-reports to the dev list. Most
developers won't just go and check the bugs database to see if there
is something to fix, both because they don't have time and because
there are too many things to fix. Posting the reports to the list
raises a chance for the developer to have a free minute and may be to
resolve the bug immediately or close it.

Nope, it assures a good number of interested contributors SHUT DOWN
their subscriptions to httpd-dev.  Trust me, I subscribe to bug traffic as

Guess which of the two I read daily?  If I didn't split them, I would never
be caught up on the developer discussions.  (Even those I don't understand
completely I do read.)

2) Lack of Design

In my personal opinion, the move to CTR from RTC had very bad
implications on the design of httpd 2.1.

You seem to be misinformed here...  Apache 2.0 was ALWAYS CTR
until we decided to put a roadblock in the way of breaking the stable
version, and encourage that experimentation to move to an unstable
branch.  RTC was only introduced after the last ApacheCon.  And very
very resisted, at that.

2a). Design of new on-going features (and changes/fixes) of the
existing features is not discussed before it's put to the code. When
it's committed it's usually too late to have any incentive to give a
design feedback, after all it's already working and we are too busy
with other things, so whatever.

However, Show me the code remains the mantra of httpd.  So continuing
to use CTR, the code is in place.  With httpd-test/perl-framework the coder
can ever verify that their new change doesn't break any tests that are
already defined.

The worst part is that it's now easy to sneak in code which otherwise
would never be accepted (and backport it to 2.0). I don't have any
examples, but I think the danger is there.

That's always been true in httpd.  We didn't lock 1.3 until 2.0 was nearing
completion.  We didn't lock 2.0 until 2.1 was available for folks to hack

It is VERY hard to get code into 2.0.  That code is RTC.  Gratuitous changes
and new features aren't encouraged.  Time to move on to 2.1 for all of the
great and wonderful things our web server aught to do.  In fact, it's why
suggested point blank that the 'which pass at the startup file' patch you
will never belong in 2.0 - anyone designing for an arbitrary 2.0 can't even
on such a feature.  But anyone using the future 2.2 release should trust
it is present.

2b). As a side-effect when someone asks a design question

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Jeff Trawick
Stas Bekman wrote:

1) Bugs

searching for NEW and REOPENED bugs in httpd-2.0 returns: 420 entries 
yes, far too many :(

Suggestion: make bugzilla CC bug-reports to the dev list. Most
developers won't just go and check the bugs database to see if there
is something to fix, both because they don't have time and because
there are too many things to fix. Posting the reports to the list
raises a chance for the developer to have a free minute and may be to
resolve the bug immediately or close it.
That would reduce the number of subscribers to dev@, which is the opposite of 
what we need.  At least we have a monthy summary posted to dev@ which reminds 
folks that there is a bug db.  Also, it is my interpretation of bug db traffic 
that Joshua and Andre' already jump on the PRs that can be resolved 
immediately.  Many of the outstanding PRs are quite difficult to resolve.

Working the bug db is a noble effort, but many in our community have no time to 
work it.  The way to get more time being spent on the bug db is to take the 
kind of actions that increase the number of httpd developers.

2) Lack of Design

2a). Design of new on-going features (and changes/fixes) of the
existing features is not discussed before it's put to the code. When
it's committed it's usually too late to have any incentive to give a
design feedback, after all it's already working and we are too busy
with other things, so whatever.
We leave it up to the developer to judge whether some design issue needs to be 
discussed first.  If something is committed prior to being discussed, then the 
person with the objection must start the discussion at that point.  This is a 
tool against stagnation.  If somebody has the time/energy to work on something, 
we can't put up a roadblock just because nobody else has the time/skills to 
discuss it with them.  The only roadblock is the one to protect users of stable 

The worst part is that it's now easy to sneak in code which otherwise
would never be accepted (and backport it to 2.0). I don't have any
examples, but I think the danger is there.
There is a barrier to getting things backported to 2.0 as a protection against 
possible drawbacks of C-T-R.

If three people are in favor of putting something in the stable branch, 
mistakes can still happen, but I don't see how we can refer to such a backport 
as sneaking in code.

2b). As a side-effect when someone asks a design question (e.g. me)
it's not being answered because people tell: we are in the CRT mode,
go ahead code it and commit it. But if the poster doesn't know what's
the right design, if she did she won't have asked in first place.
Alternate opinion: If a question is not answered, it is because nobody has 

As mentioned above, I see the C-T-R mode for 2.1-dev as a tool that helps 
work-around a lack of energy/skills on the list.

2c). Future design. There is no clear roadmap of where do we go with
Apache 2.1. People scratch their itches with new ideas which is cool,
but if there was a plan to work on things, this may have invited new
developers to scratch their itches.
2d). CRT seemed to come as a replacement for design discussions. It's
very easy to observe from the traffic numbers:
As Bill said, it has been this way for some time.  At some point we created a 
stable branch for 2.0-dev, but 2.1-dev is handled in the same way that 2.x was 
handled all along.

3). Contributions

I don't have numbers to support my clause, but I have a strong feeling
that nowadays we see a much smaller number of posts with contributions
from non-developers
I can believe it.


a. certain (most?) chunks of httpd lack owners. If httpd was to have
clear owners of certain code bases then it'll be easy to take care of
bug reports and contributions/patches. Even though httpd is
collectively owned, it doesn't preclude champions in certain areas,
who can see that good things happen to the areas they overlook.
b. similar to the root rotation we have on the infrastructure, I
suggest to have a voluntary weekly rotation of httpd-dev list champion
whose responsibility is to make sure that most (all?) bug-reports and
contributions are dealts with: assigned to those who those champions
who know how to fix/review/adopt things (See (a) above), asking for
more input if needed, etc. You don't have to know httpd as your five
fingers to be able to do a great rewarding job.
Personally I'm very disinterested in a system that puts certain responsibility 
on a single person for an area of the code or for a period of time.  Work/life 
issues arise from time to time that force folks to disappear for a stretch.  To 
the greatest extent possible, any policies/procedures we have should have the 
goal of channelling volunteer efforts instead of placing certain 
responsibilities with a single person.

It would be good to have a single place other than the 

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Daniel Lorch

 2d). CRT seemed to come as a replacement for design discussions. It's
 very easy to observe from the traffic numbers:
Please excuse the total ignorance of passive Apache-Dev readers, but
these abbreviations were new to me. I've found then im the Apache
Glossary, though, and provide them to all who didn't know them ei-
Not trying to start a flamewar, but could the Jakarta Project have
had an influence on the decline? Hal Flynn's [1] points out quite well
that for most server-sided applications Java (and it's clone .NET)
provide a viable platform for secure applications with negligible
impact on performance. And with all the fuss around J2EE (JBoss vs.
Geronimo) a new feature in Apache might not catch as much attention
in the community anymore. OpenSource is a development model which
bases on peer-based ego-gratification and if the incentives to work
on Apache aren't that high anymore, the Apache httpd server might not
be able to attract as many developers anymore. Or to put it in other
words: It's not anymore cool to work on Apache.
uuhmm .. asbestos or not? No intention to provoke, seriously. We're
all grownup people and our kids are going to read these mailinglists
in CS-history classes, so behave, please ;)


RE: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Peter J. Cranstone
 It's not anymore cool to work on Apache.

You nailed it - because no one knows where it's going. Where's the focus,
what does Apache really want to be, whose leading the charge?

I've been following this forum a long, long time and the change in the last
2 years has been the most dramatic - the old guard has gone, there is little
leadership and even less reason to do anything.

It takes a tremendous amount of work to build a quality software project and
sadly there is little enthusiasm to really improve Apache. 

One reason is obvious - with 66% of the market you're a monopoly (close) and
we've all seen what happens when competition disappears from the market



-Original Message-
From: Daniel Lorch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions


  2d). CRT seemed to come as a replacement for design discussions. It's
  very easy to observe from the traffic numbers:

Please excuse the total ignorance of passive Apache-Dev readers, but
these abbreviations were new to me. I've found then im the Apache
Glossary, though, and provide them to all who didn't know them ei-

Not trying to start a flamewar, but could the Jakarta Project have
had an influence on the decline? Hal Flynn's [1] points out quite well
that for most server-sided applications Java (and it's clone .NET)
provide a viable platform for secure applications with negligible
impact on performance. And with all the fuss around J2EE (JBoss vs.
Geronimo) a new feature in Apache might not catch as much attention
in the community anymore. OpenSource is a development model which
bases on peer-based ego-gratification and if the incentives to work
on Apache aren't that high anymore, the Apache httpd server might not
be able to attract as many developers anymore. Or to put it in other
words: It's not anymore cool to work on Apache.

uuhmm .. asbestos or not? No intention to provoke, seriously. We're
all grownup people and our kids are going to read these mailinglists
in CS-history classes, so behave, please ;)



Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Daniel Lorch

I'm not sure http-dev is the place to flam ASF and its commiters.
I don't think it was Peter's intention to flame anyone. The ASF has done 
a great job to deliver a fantastic, widely-deployed webserver. 
Consindering though that Apache 2 is mostly a refactored 1.3.x, which
doesn't provide anything spectacularly new. Yes improved X and better Y,
but hey, it still is a webserver and it doesn't make coffee for you.

If I can get my name into the headlines [1] when writing Java-Stuff,
hell, then I'll do it.
Read The Cathedral  The Bazaar from ESR [2]. It provides a good
insight into the social structures of the community: motivations,
incentives, .. It's not always the money, you know ;) Market share?
Who cares! Customers? Who cares! I want my name to be a three letter
acronym everyone recognizes! RMS? ESR?


RE: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Peter J. Cranstone
There is no flame - just a couple of points and a request for data.

 If you want to improve something, you should provide solutions,
not critics

Certainly - early next year you will see them. Here are some current
performance stats with some new technology we're working on.

Configuration   ToolElapsed Time
(sec’s) Data Transfer Rate
(KB/sec)Requests per Second Requests per
Minute  Performance Gain
Apache  Apache Bench38.735  882.92  2581.64 154,898 1.0 
Cyclone Proxy Cache
Apache  Apache Bench15.663  2387.79 6384.47 383,068 2.47
Apache  Zeus Bench  39.961  855.83  2502.44 150,146.4   1.0 
Apache  Zeus Bench  28.910  1314.42 3459.01 207,540.6   1.38
Cyclone Proxy Cache
Apache  Zeus Bench  15.176  2464.42 6589.35 395,361 2.63
Cyclone Proxy Cache
(Tuned Parser)
Apache  Zeus Bench  13.505  2769.34 7404.67 444,280.2   2.95
Cyclone Proxy Cache 
(4 Tuned Functions)
Apache  Zeus Bench  13.006  2875.6  7688.76 461,325.6   3.07

These numbers were obtained using a single processor Itanium® 1.0Ghz
(Madison) chip. By tuning certain HTTP string handling functions we have
seen up to a factor 11 performance improvement.

Our next benchmark is due by year end. Essentially we will be adding one
more line for the stats above. The goal is very simple - transmit greater
than 1 million requests in a single minute on a single processor Itanium
1Ghz machine. A factor 10 performance improvement. A single processor
Deerfield Itanium® chip costs $744 - our solution doesn't require a current
OS, nor hard drive to operate - it scales to multiple chips and can support
a cache of up to 1 terabyte of RAM

 Revolution is for new players, carefully crafted evolutions are for the 

Yep…  Support for a 1TB cache, no hard drive, no current OS required, and
the ability to pump data faster than any other platform on the planet should
do the trick. Only thing left is to get the Itanium® platform into a single
1RU box at sub $5,000. I doubt we will have to wait long for that.

Long live the revolution



-Original Message-
From: Henri Gomez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions

Peter J. Cranstone a écrit :

It's not anymore cool to work on Apache.
 You nailed it - because no one knows where it's going. Where's the focus,
 what does Apache really want to be, whose leading the charge?
 I've been following this forum a long, long time and the change in the
 2 years has been the most dramatic - the old guard has gone, there is
 leadership and even less reason to do anything.
 It takes a tremendous amount of work to build a quality software project
 sadly there is little enthusiasm to really improve Apache. 
 One reason is obvious - with 66% of the market you're a monopoly (close)
 we've all seen what happens when competition disappears from the market

I'm not sure http-dev is the place to flam ASF and its commiters.

If you want to improve something, you should provide solutions,
not critics.

HTTPD have 66% of the market and that's great to see that
an OpenSource solution is well behind M$.

Sun, Oracle and majors corps have stopped dreaming having 50% of market
share some years ago.

At least we could say, Apache Software Foundation does it and
maintain its leading position.

How ?

- By producing solutions like HTTPD which are stable,
   full featured and works on so many platforms.

Revolution is for new players, carefully crafted evolutions are for the 

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Andr Malo
* Daniel Lorch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I can get my name into the headlines [1] when writing Java-Stuff,
 hell, then I'll do it.
 Read The Cathedral  The Bazaar from ESR [2]. It provides a good
 insight into the social structures of the community: motivations,
 incentives, .. It's not always the money, you know ;) Market share?
 Who cares! Customers? Who cares! I want my name to be a three letter
 acronym everyone recognizes! RMS? ESR?

Sure, but that's your way. It's not mine, for example. My personal intention
is to make the software better. That's it. I don't need to read my name in

Why did I start contributing? Because I've found errors. Why did I start
cleaning up Bugzilla-Reports? Because I searched something and didn't find
through because there was too much noise. That's all. Forget my name. Use
that great piece of open source software and learn from it. I love good and
clean code. So my most contributions clean up code and try to improve it. In
fact, most people will never know about this, because it's just behind the

Apart from the above I don't like Java very much ;-)


Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Henri Gomez
Daniel Lorch a écrit :


I'm not sure http-dev is the place to flam ASF and its commiters.

I don't think it was Peter's intention to flame anyone. The ASF has done 
a great job to deliver a fantastic, widely-deployed webserver. 
Consindering though that Apache 2 is mostly a refactored 1.3.x, which
doesn't provide anything spectacularly new. Yes improved X and better Y,
but hey, it still is a webserver and it doesn't make coffee for you.
Yes, HTTPD 2.0 is still a webserver but the refactory was impressive
and it use APR which is a wonderfull API to hide Operating System
If I can get my name into the headlines [1] when writing Java-Stuff,
hell, then I'll do it.
Read The Cathedral  The Bazaar from ESR [2]. It provides a good
insight into the social structures of the community: motivations,
incentives, .. It's not always the money, you know ;) Market share?
Who cares! Customers? Who cares! I want my name to be a three letter
acronym everyone recognizes! RMS? ESR?
I know well 'The Cathedral  The Bazaar' and it's not allways money,
but who speak about money here. I just speak about market shares, in
term of users base. And when more than 66% of users trust your product
you couldn't just make permanent revolution.
If you don't care about customers, in our case HTTPD users, I'm not
sure you understand that even if OSS is a software production model,
it's final goal is to produce real software, for real users, and
more users are using your software more responsability you have.
If someone want to produce software for its own use, without users
considerations, well it shouldn't works in communities and certainly not
with ASF commiters.

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Henri Gomez
Peter J. Cranstone a crit :

There is no flame - just a couple of points and a request for data.

If you want to improve something, you should provide solutions,
not critics

Certainly - early next year you will see them. Here are some current
performance stats with some new technology we're working on.
Configuration	Tool	Elapsed Time
(secs)	Data Transfer Rate
(KB/sec)	Requests per Second	Requests per
Minute	Performance Gain
Apache	Apache Bench	38.735	882.92	2581.64	154,898	1.0	
Cyclone Proxy Cache
Apache	Apache Bench	15.663	2387.79	6384.47	383,068	2.47	
Apache	Zeus Bench	39.961	855.83	2502.44	150,146.4	1.0	
Apache	Zeus Bench	28.910	1314.42	3459.01	207,540.6	1.38	
Cyclone Proxy Cache
Apache	Zeus Bench	15.176	2464.42	6589.35	395,361	2.63	
Cyclone Proxy Cache
(Tuned Parser)
Apache	Zeus Bench	13.505	2769.34	7404.67	444,280.2	2.95	
Cyclone Proxy Cache 
(4 Tuned Functions)
Apache	Zeus Bench	13.006	2875.6	7688.76	461,325.6	3.07	

These numbers were obtained using a single processor Itanium 1.0Ghz
(Madison) chip. By tuning certain HTTP string handling functions we have
seen up to a factor 11 performance improvement.
Our next benchmark is due by year end. Essentially we will be adding one
more line for the stats above. The goal is very simple - transmit greater
than 1 million requests in a single minute on a single processor Itanium
1Ghz machine. A factor 10 performance improvement. A single processor
Deerfield Itanium chip costs $744 - our solution doesn't require a current
OS, nor hard drive to operate - it scales to multiple chips and can support
a cache of up to 1 terabyte of RAM

Revolution is for new players, carefully crafted evolutions are for the 

Yep  Support for a 1TB cache, no hard drive, no current OS required, and
the ability to pump data faster than any other platform on the planet should
do the trick. Only thing left is to get the Itanium platform into a single
1RU box at sub $5,000. I doubt we will have to wait long for that.
Long live the revolution

Well the http tuning of string handling is a known factor of
optimization, just study tomcat 3.2, 3.3 and Coyote 1.1 and
you'll that it could still be optimized.
BTW, if you post these benchmarks on the httpd-dev list, should I
assume you'll give ASF your optimizedtuned algorythms ?
Do you known that IBM does some nice optimization using FRCA on its
Apache 2.0 implementation on iSeries ?
A proof that Apache 2.0 is a great platform for such games ;)

Re[2]: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Astrid Keler
 Read The Cathedral  The Bazaar from ESR [2]. It provides a good
 insight into the social structures of the community: motivations,
 incentives, .. It's not always the money, you know ;) Market share?
 Who cares! Customers? Who cares! I want my name to be a three letter
 acronym everyone recognizes! RMS? ESR?

How pity. Hunting for honor is just a short term motivation. What about
the next hype? Will you jump on the new train?
This is not what makes HTTP. This doesn't bring the market share. This
doesn't bring the trust, customers have. It may lead into some good
features - mostly maintained by others after some time.

Sorry, this is your motivation. It's ok for you. But don't believe, this
drives everybody. For myself, I joined the project, because I have been
sad to tell people where to find the right thing within the
documentation. I want a good software to be used. This is why I does not
code. There are lots of programmers. But less documentation writers.

I do not need my name written on the sky. Sure, honor is nice. But good
teamwork is nicer. And THIS is the discussion about. How to improve the
teamwork to get better results.

Just my 2 cents

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 06:02:36AM -0700, Peter J. Cranstone wrote:
 So, anyone got any hard data that shows Apache 2.x serving pages factors
 faster than 1.x?

Yes, plenty :) serves about 1 million requests, well over
a terabyte of data per day and maintains an average of about 220Mbps for
http. It's roughly 10 times less latent, and serves about 5 times more per
second under 2.0 than 1.3, and I benchmarked that in the early 2.0 days.
Performance under 2.x has improved since. 

If I could use sendfile (my hardware is still broken in IPv6) I'd see
a much bigger increase in performance. 2.x knocks the socks off of 1.x.
I've benchmarked many other transitions, and though the improvement
is smaller for dynamic content I've never seen the numbers get worse.
Of course this is all going from 1.x prefork to a 2.0 worker mpm.

More importantly though; 2.x has IPv6 support. And whilst many people
reading this mail may think IPv6 is an obscure requirement, many of us
are in parts of internet where it's de facto. We couldn't even consider
rolling out an app which didn't have reliable IPv6 support. Many people
are finding themselves in such parts of the internet, at an increasing

As an asside; It's been my experience that most of industry doesn't
rate application performance all that highly in evaluation criteria
(mainly because buying beefier hardware is an easier solution).

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 05:14:35PM -0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
 3). Contributions
 I don't have numbers to support my clause, but I have a strong feeling
 that nowadays we see a much smaller number of posts with contributions
 from non-developers

More facetious than anything else, I'm going to hijack this part
to make a small suggestion; give non-committers the option of 
not having their e-mail in the CHANGES/STATUS files, or at least
of having them obfuscated in some fashion.

The ammount of spam I get due to the httpd CHANGES file is simply
unreal, most of it nonsense - with the forged from headers of other
users of this list. 

That's about the only thing that ever makes me think twice about
posting a patch/contrib. 

PS. This is not a complaint, it's my own silly fault for never 
remembering to ask someone about this. 

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Peter J. Cranstone
 Well the http tuning of string handling is a known factor of

You're right - nothing new about optimizing string handling - just doing it

 BTW, if you post these benchmarks on the HTTPd-dev list, should I
assume you'll give ASF your optimized  tuned algorithms ?

I wouldn't assume anything at this point - however if you remember correctly
we did give the ASF mod_gzip (last time I checked even Google was
compressing their output), however there will be an open source contribution
at some point.

 Do you known that IBM does some nice optimization using FRCA on its
Apache 2.0 implementation on iSeries

Great - where are the benchmarks, as I said in my earlier post what's the
differentiator between 1.x with 66% of the market and 2.x with 0% of the

Remember your audience - it either has to make me money or save me money. If
I'm going to implement 2.x then I should be able to see a return on the time
I've invested either through a hardware/performance improvement or

We all know why 2.x is struggling - the bar was set with 1.x and 2.x failed
to move it more than about 1 inch. 


-Original Message-
From: Henri Gomez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions

Peter J. Cranstone a écrit :

 There is no flame - just a couple of points and a request for data.
If you want to improve something, you should provide solutions,
 not critics
 Certainly - early next year you will see them. Here are some current
 performance stats with some new technology we're working on.
 Configuration ToolElapsed Time
 (sec’s)   Data Transfer Rate
 (KB/sec)  Requests per Second Requests per
 MinutePerformance Gain
 ApacheApache Bench38.735  882.92  2581.64 154,898 1.0 
 Cyclone Proxy Cache
 ApacheApache Bench15.663  2387.79 6384.47 383,068 2.47
 ApacheZeus Bench  39.961  855.83  2502.44 150,146.4   1.0

 ApacheZeus Bench  28.910  1314.42 3459.01 207,540.6   1.38

 Cyclone Proxy Cache
 ApacheZeus Bench  15.176  2464.42 6589.35 395,361 2.63
 Cyclone Proxy Cache
 (Tuned Parser)
 ApacheZeus Bench  13.505  2769.34 7404.67 444,280.2   2.95

 Cyclone Proxy Cache 
 (4 Tuned Functions)
 ApacheZeus Bench  13.006  2875.6  7688.76 461,325.6   3.07

 These numbers were obtained using a single processor Itanium® 1.0Ghz
 (Madison) chip. By tuning certain HTTP string handling functions we have
 seen up to a factor 11 performance improvement.
 Our next benchmark is due by year end. Essentially we will be adding one
 more line for the stats above. The goal is very simple - transmit greater
 than 1 million requests in a single minute on a single processor Itanium
 1Ghz machine. A factor 10 performance improvement. A single processor
 Deerfield Itanium® chip costs $744 - our solution doesn't require a
 OS, nor hard drive to operate - it scales to multiple chips and can
 a cache of up to 1 terabyte of RAM
Revolution is for new players, carefully crafted evolutions are for the 
 Yep…  Support for a 1TB cache, no hard drive, no current OS required, and
 the ability to pump data faster than any other platform on the planet
 do the trick. Only thing left is to get the Itanium® platform into a
 1RU box at sub $5,000. I doubt we will have to wait long for that.
 Long live the revolution

Well the http tuning of string handling is a known factor of
optimization, just study tomcat 3.2, 3.3 and Coyote 1.1 and
you'll that it could still be optimized.

BTW, if you post these benchmarks on the httpd-dev list, should I
assume you'll give ASF your optimizedtuned algorythms ?

Do you known that IBM does some nice optimization using FRCA on its
Apache 2.0 implementation on iSeries ?

A proof that Apache 2.0 is a great platform for such games ;)

RE: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-11 Thread Peter J. Cranstone
Thanks for the stat - our environment supports throughputs 1Gbps on a
single processor. Near linear scalability is expected with additional chips
up to 256 CPU's.

I agree with your comments on IPv6 - it's already here - might as well
embrace the horror.



-Original Message-
From: Colm MacCarthaigh,,, [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Colm
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions

On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 06:02:36AM -0700, Peter J. Cranstone wrote:
 So, anyone got any hard data that shows Apache 2.x serving pages factors
 faster than 1.x?

Yes, plenty :) serves about 1 million requests, well over
a terabyte of data per day and maintains an average of about 220Mbps for
http. It's roughly 10 times less latent, and serves about 5 times more per
second under 2.0 than 1.3, and I benchmarked that in the early 2.0 days.
Performance under 2.x has improved since. 

If I could use sendfile (my hardware is still broken in IPv6) I'd see
a much bigger increase in performance. 2.x knocks the socks off of 1.x.
I've benchmarked many other transitions, and though the improvement
is smaller for dynamic content I've never seen the numbers get worse.
Of course this is all going from 1.x prefork to a 2.0 worker mpm.

More importantly though; 2.x has IPv6 support. And whilst many people
reading this mail may think IPv6 is an obscure requirement, many of us
are in parts of internet where it's de facto. We couldn't even consider
rolling out an app which didn't have reliable IPv6 support. Many people
are finding themselves in such parts of the internet, at an increasing

As an asside; It's been my experience that most of industry doesn't
rate application performance all that highly in evaluation criteria
(mainly because buying beefier hardware is an easier solution).

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-10 Thread Stas Bekman
I have several reasons to believe that the wheel of httpd-dev life is
slowing down and something has to be done to get this wheel up to the
speed like in the good old days. The following observation are listed
in no particular order. I've also tried to offer suggestions how to
resolve problems.
1) Bugs
searching for NEW and REOPENED bugs in httpd-2.0 returns: 420 entries
Suggestion: make bugzilla CC bug-reports to the dev list. Most
developers won't just go and check the bugs database to see if there
is something to fix, both because they don't have time and because
there are too many things to fix. Posting the reports to the list
raises a chance for the developer to have a free minute and may be to
resolve the bug immediately or close it.
2) Lack of Design
In my personal opinion, the move to CTR from RTC had very bad
implications on the design of httpd 2.1.
2a). Design of new on-going features (and changes/fixes) of the
existing features is not discussed before it's put to the code. When
it's committed it's usually too late to have any incentive to give a
design feedback, after all it's already working and we are too busy
with other things, so whatever.
The worst part is that it's now easy to sneak in code which otherwise
would never be accepted (and backport it to 2.0). I don't have any
examples, but I think the danger is there.
2b). As a side-effect when someone asks a design question (e.g. me)
it's not being answered because people tell: we are in the CRT mode,
go ahead code it and commit it. But if the poster doesn't know what's
the right design, if she did she won't have asked in first place.
2c). Future design. There is no clear roadmap of where do we go with
Apache 2.1. People scratch their itches with new ideas which is cool,
but if there was a plan to work on things, this may have invited new
developers to scratch their itches.
2d). CRT seemed to come as a replacement for design discussions. It's
very easy to observe from the traffic numbers:
2003-11-01 - 2003-12-01 (118 messages)
2003-10-01 - 2003-11-01 (336 messages)
2003-09-01 - 2003-10-01 (275 messages)
2003-08-01 - 2003-09-01 (264 messages)
2003-07-01 - 2003-08-01 (321 messages)
2003-06-01 - 2003-07-01 (430 messages)
2003-05-01 - 2003-06-01 (450 messages)
2003-04-01 - 2003-05-01 (359 messages)
2003-03-01 - 2003-04-01 (696 messages)
2003-02-01 - 2003-03-01 (573 messages)
2003-01-01 - 2003-02-01 (546 messages)
2002-12-01 - 2003-01-01 (436 messages)
2002-11-01 - 2002-12-01 (538 messages)
2002-10-01 - 2002-11-01 (763 messages)
2002-09-01 - 2002-10-01 (894 messages)
2002-08-01 - 2002-09-01 (815 messages)
2002-07-01 - 2002-08-01 (721 messages)
2002-06-01 - 2002-07-01 (916 messages)
2002-05-01 - 2002-06-01 (1028 messages)
2002-04-01 - 2002-05-01 (1380 messages)
2002-03-01 - 2002-04-01 (1094 messages)
2002-02-01 - 2002-03-01 (1155 messages)
Quiz: based on this input, tell which date CRT was introduced at.

You don't need a fancy graph to see a clear decline in the last 1.5
years. Quite a few people suggested that this is due to the market
decline. I won't doubt them, but it's quite possible that the market
hasn't changed to the worst in the last 1.5 years (it is more likely
that we should have seen this dip in 2001-2002, which I can't see from
the numbers at the above URL).
The cvs commit average rate hasn't changed much, which shows that
development continues though mainly behind the scenes.

3). Contributions
I don't have numbers to support my clause, but I have a strong feeling
that nowadays we see a much smaller number of posts with contributions
from non-developers, since most contributions are simply ignored and
it's a known thing among Apache community that posting fixes and
suggestions to httpd-dev list is usually a waste of time. (This is
based on my personal experience and discussions with other developers
who aren't httpd-core coders). I realize that I'm not entirely correct
saying that, since some things are picked up, so I apologize to those
folks who do try hard to pick those things.
The obvious problem is that most of those things are unsexy, usually
don't fit someones itch and they sometimes require a lot of
communication overhead with the reporter/contributor just to
understand what exactly is going on.

a. certain (most?) chunks of httpd lack owners. If httpd was to have
clear owners of certain code bases then it'll be easy to take care of
bug reports and contributions/patches. Even though httpd is
collectively owned, it 

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-10 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
--On Monday, November 10, 2003 17:14:35 -0800 Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Suggestion: make bugzilla CC bug-reports to the dev list. Most
developers won't just go and check the bugs database to see if there
Why can't they subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I don't think throwing 
all of the bugs on dev@ is going to help matters.  I'd just add a procmail 
rule to toss them back into my [EMAIL PROTECTED] folder.

In my personal opinion, the move to CTR from RTC had very bad
implications on the design of httpd 2.1.
CTR is still in effect in 2.1.  Only RTC is in effect for 2.0, but, IMHO, 
that's to try to cover our butts that people don't break the server.  I 
believe that RTC is very good for maintenance branches that shouldn't break 
anything (like our stated goal for 2.0), and CTR is good for development 
branches (2.1).

2a). Design of new on-going features (and changes/fixes) of the
existing features is not discussed before it's put to the code. When
it's committed it's usually too late to have any incentive to give a
design feedback, after all it's already working and we are too busy
with other things, so whatever.
Do you have an example?

The worst part is that it's now easy to sneak in code which otherwise
would never be accepted (and backport it to 2.0). I don't have any
examples, but I think the danger is there.
I'm sorry, but when has this happened?

2b). As a side-effect when someone asks a design question (e.g. me)
it's not being answered because people tell: we are in the CRT mode,
go ahead code it and commit it. But if the poster doesn't know what's
the right design, if she did she won't have asked in first place.
We've been in CTR for the 'open' branches.  You have commit access, so you 
have been entrusted with doing the right thing.  If you do something wrong, 
someone will eventually chime in - as it is CTR.  ;-)

2c). Future design. There is no clear roadmap of where do we go with
Apache 2.1. People scratch their itches with new ideas which is cool,
but if there was a plan to work on things, this may have invited new
developers to scratch their itches.
I don't believe there was ever a plan for 2.0 either.  ;-)

I think 2.0 GA happened because, well, um, a few people that would have 
stopped it were out of town.  Yet, it happened, so at that point, we 
started to be committed to what 2.0 was.  When we adopted the binary 
compatibility rules, we were fixed even further as to what 2.0 was.  Until 
those points, I don't think any of us had a plan for 2.0...

I think the binary compatibility rules were essential and, in retrospect, 
we should have had them in place before we went GA in 2.0.  Yet, we know 
better now.  2.2 shouldn't have those same mistakes when we do that.

2d). CRT seemed to come as a replacement for design discussions. It's
very easy to observe from the traffic numbers:
Not sure why you think there's a correlation here.  Statistics can be 
misleading.  =)

You don't need a fancy graph to see a clear decline in the last 1.5
years. Quite a few people suggested that this is due to the market
decline. I won't doubt them, but it's quite possible that the market
People change jobs or whatnot.  Committers are only expected to contribute 
when they have time.  It's not like we're all getting paid to work on this. 
I'm certainly not.

I confess that I don't have the time I used to, but I'm also involved 
'behind the scenes' within the ASF more than I was a few years ago.  So, 
perhaps my time committment to the ASF is the same, but it's spread out 
amongst other projects/worthy causes.  Working on the same thing for years 
on end can be a tad disconcerting.  We all need a break at times.

I don't have numbers to support my clause, but I have a strong feeling
that nowadays we see a much smaller number of posts with contributions
from non-developers, since most contributions are simply ignored and

I believe Sander's suggested that we start a patch manager role (discussion 
at AC Hackathon!).  A few other projects I'm involved with do this.  It'd 
be goodness, I think.  But, the problem is finding a volunteer willing to 
shepherd patches.

a. certain (most?) chunks of httpd lack owners. If httpd was to have
I really dislike this.  The least maintained modules are those that had 
'owners.'  When those owners left, they didn't send a notice saying, 'we're 
leaving.'  The code just rotted.

I firmly believe that httpd's group ownership is the right model.  Only 
recently have those modules that had 'owners' been cleaned up.  (Yay for 

b. similar to the root rotation we have on the infrastructure, I
suggest to have a voluntary weekly rotation of httpd-dev list champion

c. turn the dealing with contributions and bugs into a sexy
thing. Everybody wants to feed their ego, there is no better way to
make your ego happy then getting a positive feedback from a person you
have helped to resolve a bug or handhold to provide a good patch for
the new feature, they spent so