Re: [dev] A few brief questions ad extension packages (Re: [dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respective jars?

2007-02-05 Thread Stephan Bergmann

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi Stephan,

thank you very much for your answers!

... cut ...

* ad "application/;type=native":

No, such files are not put on any path.  If those libraries are UNO
libraries that support services/singletons, they will be found by the
UNO framework via the information recorded at deployment time.  If
those libraries are used by other libraries, those libraries must make
sure to find them (e.g., via RPATH on ELF platforms).

Hmm, in the case of the ooRexx scripting engine:

* there is a platform dependent DLL/so which needs to be accessible
  (at the moment I copy it into "OOoHome/program"), so the library
  is *not* an UNO-component, just a native library,
* there are three text files (actually ooRexx programs) named
  BSF.CLS, UNO.CLS, UNO_XINTERFACES.REX which also need to be
  accessible by ooRexx scripts (and for that reason I have to copy
  them into "OOoHome/program".

Which code accesses those files (the shared lib and the Rexx programs) 
how, and why does it help to move them to the program directory?  (If it 
is clear how those files are accessed, there might be a way to access 
them directly within the extension.)

Is there a means with the extension package manager (via a
"manifest:media-type") to cause these files to be either made accessible
via [D]PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH, or have a means available to tell
the package manager where to copy these files in the standard OOo
installation tree in a platform independent manner)?

No, neither.



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Re: [dev] Roundup extension packages for scripting engines ... (Re: [dev] A few brief questions ad extension packages (Re: [dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respe

2007-02-05 Thread Stephan Bergmann

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi Stephan,

after further experimentations a synopsis:

* In order to install a scripting package under OOo one needs to
  supply a jar-file according to the scripting framework specs
  o if all parts are Java then adding all needed classes to that
jar-file should be sufficient
* Fo a scripting language that is not implemented in Java in
  addition to the Java plug-in code one needs (example is ooRexx) to
  o native (non-UNO) libraries (on [D]PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH),
  o a JRE to bridge Java and the non-Java scripting language (on
  o native (non-UNO) binaries resp. text-files that are script
modules which need to be accessible as if they were placed
along the PATH.

As I already wrote on the other thread, I would need to know how those 
files are accessed to tell whether there might be a way to instead 
access them from the location of the deployed extension.  (A JRE is 
globally available in OOo, via a UNO service.  Or did I misunderstand you?)

At the moment this is not possible. Also the OOo scripting framework
needs a MANIFEST.MF in a predefined form.

Finally, being able to package and deploy scripts in any scripting
language that can be used for OOo would be important as well.

I do not know much about the scripting framework.  Maybe somebody else 
can help us here.




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Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Stephan Bergmann

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi Caio Tiago,

thank you *very* much, your directions worked right "out of the book"! ;)

First I deinstalled the Ubuntu OOo, then followed your instructions and
was able to install the genuine OOo from the OOo homepage, getting the
standard installation tree on the /opt branch.

Could get the Java program to run from the command line, ie.
bootstrapping OOo worked!

The Ubuntu layout you described in a previous mail (libs in 
/usr/lib/openoffice/program, jars in /usr/share/java/openoffice) cannot 
work (at least not without some modifications to the OOo code base). 
Not sure why Ubuntu decided to ship a broken OOo (maybe they are not 
even aware of it, maybe you can file them an issue).

[However, the Extension manager on the tools menu does not work either
in this version; it does from the commandline, though, ie. "unopkg"
works there.]

What is broken with the extension manager?

Again, thank you *very* much for your kind and exact help!


P.S.: Will take another look into the OOo installation as coming from
Ubuntu (also Suse, I found out).

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Re: [dev] constructors in tools string classes

2007-02-05 Thread Stephan Bergmann

Takashi Ono wrote:


Although the use of string classes in tools project is commented as depreciated, 
they are still used in many codes.

They have constructors with one numeric argument to generate string of one 
character. To protect the misuse of these constructors, the class definition 
includes some other constructors with one numeric argument of different sizes and 
the are not implemented so as to detect misuse at link time. (I think it better to 
declare them as private so that any misuse can be detected at compilation.)

(Yes, see issue  
for making them private.)

However, there still exist some misuses of the constructor with one numeric 
character. For example, in toolkit/source/awt/vclxprinter.cxx, the function 
VCLXPrinterPropertySet::getFormDescriptions includes the following fragment.

	for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nPaperBinCount; n++ ) 
		// Format: 

String aDescr( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "*;*;" ) );
aDescr += GetPrinter()->GetPaperBinName( n );
aDescr += ';';
aDescr += n;
aDescr.AppendAscii( ";*;*", 4 );

aDescriptions.getArray()[n] = aDescr;

I suspect that it is a misuse of String(sal_Unicode).

IMHO, even though we have to have some cumbersome work to rewrite existing codes, 
these constructors with one numeric argument should be declared as explicit to 
avoid silly misuses completely.

Making constructors explicit would not help in the above case, where

  String::operator +=(sal_Unicode)

is mis-used in "aDescr += n".


tono (Takashi Ono)

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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Juergen Schmidt

Hi Rony,

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi there,

just wanted to report that the genuine OOo 2.1 can be invoked via Java
from the command line, whereas the Ubuntu version cannot.

Did remove the genuine OOo 2.1 and re-installed the Ubuntu OOo 2.0.4
version (the latest they have). The Ubuntu version places the binaries
into /usr/lib/openoffice/program and the Java support to
/usr/share/java/openoffice. Setting CLASSPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH+PATH
to their respective settings does throw a (bootstrap cannot find
office executable).

Could it be that they have no test case for running OOo from the
commandline using Java ? Could that really be the case?? Or is there
something that I might still oversee, which is important for the Ubuntu
version but not for the genuine OOo distribution?


the problem is quite simple. The Ubuntu guys install OpenOffice or part 
of it in a way which is not supported in all cases. For example the Java 
UNO bootstrap mechanism depends on a specific layout (directory 
structure, Stephan has pointed out earlier).
And yes i agree that they probably don't test it at all. For some 
distributions (we had this problem before with Debian as well) it is 
enough when started and the UI appears correctly. You should 
submit an issue to Ubuntu and communicate the problem there.



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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
> these were the required jar files suggested by netbeans: (i noticed
> you didnt mention  jut.jar in the comments of your code)
> juh.jar
> jurt.jar
> jut.jar
> officebean.jar
> ridl.jar
> unoil.jar
Thank you for this list, will look into it!


Ad your environment: it seems that you have the OOo SDK (and NetBeans)
at your disposal. The successful run from a packaged jar-file is
interesting: if possible, could you supply the jar as well your
environment settings in the command line window in which you are able to
run the app successfully?

See, I would like to learn what is needed for an "out-of-the-box" Ubuntu
OOo installation to be employed to run Java apps from the command line.
(Here SDK/NetBeans/Eclipse setups can come into ones way as it is then
not always clear which environment is in effect under which circumstances.)



P.S.: Will be a week off (practically without e-mail or WWW access), so
I may be able to come back only in a week or so.

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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
> these were the required jar files suggested by netbeans:  (i noticed
> you didnt mention  jut.jar in the comments of your code)
> juh.jar
> jurt.jar
> jut.jar
> officebean.jar
> ridl.jar
> unoil.jar
One last remark: it is likely that your pacakge works because of

But I would not want to be dependent on this jar-file as it mandates the
usage of OOo.

The solution should be genuine such that only the Java-UNO-interface is
necessary (mostly acquiring the OOo components, but since URE has been
existing, the solution should be standard), as is the case with the
genuine OOo installation from the OOo web site.

Or with other words: you should be able to execute the compiled Java
class from the commandline by issuing "java helloworld". If you can make
this work with the Ubuntu OOo installation, then I would be very
thankful, if you could share the environment setting of that command
line window.



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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread ashok _

I tried executing the attached jar file on another ubuntu edgy  box
WITHOUT netbeans or the OO sdk...with just OO2.04 (the standard Ubuntu
openoffice installation) installed, it works perfectly, if i do either
: java -jar "helloworld.jar" or if do a launch with JVM from the Gnome
file manager...

the environment settings are that of an out of the box ubuntu edgy install

Ad your environment: it seems that you have the OOo SDK (and NetBeans)
at your disposal. The successful run from a packaged jar-file is
interesting: if possible, could you supply the jar as well your
environment settings in the command line window in which you are able to
run the app successfully?

As you can see my development box has a different setup, and the test
box has the standard ubuntu setup it works fine in both

See, I would like to learn what is needed for an "out-of-the-box" Ubuntu
OOo installation to be employed to run Java apps from the command line.
(Here SDK/NetBeans/Eclipse setups can come into ones way as it is then
not always clear which environment is in effect under which circumstances.)

Description: application/jar
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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread ashok _

In fact... officebean.jar is not required for the helloworld appit
was suggested by the netbeans wizard, but it will work without it

On 2/5/07, Rony G. Flatscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One last remark: it is likely that your pacakge works because of

But I would not want to be dependent on this jar-file as it mandates the
usage of OOo.

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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
> In fact... officebean.jar is not required for the helloworld appit
> was suggested by the netbeans wizard, but it will work without it
That is very interesting!

Could you please either send me the jar-file (or its included manifest
file) and the settings of CLASSPATH, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (from the
test machine)?



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Re: [dev] A few brief questions ad extension packages (Re: [dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respective jars?

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Stephan,

>> , in the case of the ooRexx scripting engine:
>> * there is a platform dependent DLL/so which needs to be accessible
>>   (at the moment I copy it into "OOoHome/program"), so the library
>>   is *not* an UNO-component, just a native library,
>> * there are three text files (actually ooRexx programs) named
>>   BSF.CLS, UNO.CLS, UNO_XINTERFACES.REX which also need to be
>>   accessible by ooRexx scripts (and for that reason I have to copy
>>   them into "OOoHome/program".
> Which code accesses those files (the shared lib and the Rexx programs)
> how, and why does it help to move them to the program directory?  (If
> it is clear how those files are accessed, there might be a way to
> access them directly within the extension.)
Code which is invoked via the OOo scripting framework, here's what happens:

* An ooRexx macro is invoked via Tools->Macro
* the Java support part for the scripting language uses BSF (Apache
  Java archive) to load the Rexx interpreter (via the DLL/so
  residing in OOHome/program) and supplies the script and makes the
  arguments available to it;
* the Rexx interpreter executes the script which itself calls
  UNO.CLS (specific UNO/OOO support, which itself uses
  UNO_XINTERFACES.REX), which calls BSF.CLS (bridge to Java); all
  these scripts are plain text files and are found in their location



Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Stephan,
> The Ubuntu layout you described in a previous mail (libs in
> /usr/lib/openoffice/program, jars in /usr/share/java/openoffice)
> cannot work (at least not without some modifications to the OOo code
> base). Not sure why Ubuntu decided to ship a broken OOo (maybe they
> are not even aware of it, maybe you can file them an issue).
Well, "ashok" seems to be able to deploy the Java program, if it is
embedded in a jar-file, it seems. So not sure yet, why it works there
and not here. Will have to look further into this.

>> [However, the Extension manager on the tools menu does not work
>> either in this version; it does from the commandline, though, ie.
>> "unopkg" works there.]
> What is broken with the extension manager?
It does not come up (nor in the genuine OOo installation). I have Sun's
Java installed and activated. Will look into this once more to make sure
that my scripts did not alter the standard installation.



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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Jürgen,
> the problem is quite simple. The Ubuntu guys install OpenOffice or
> part of it in a way which is not supported in all cases. For example
> the Java UNO bootstrap mechanism depends on a specific layout
> (directory structure, Stephan has pointed out earlier).
> And yes i agree that they probably don't test it at all. For some
> distributions (we had this problem before with Debian as well) it is
> enough when started and the UI appears correctly. You should
> submit an issue to Ubuntu and communicate the problem there.
O.K., will have a week's time (off-line) to look into this further to be
sure that it is really them.

It seems however that "ashok_" somehow is able to run the test program
from a jar (but am not sure why and how yet).



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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Juergen Schmidt

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:


In fact... officebean.jar is not required for the helloworld appit
was suggested by the netbeans wizard, but it will work without it

That is very interesting!

Could you please either send me the jar-file (or its included manifest
file) and the settings of CLASSPATH, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (from the
test machine)?

please stop the puzzling of arbitrary bits and bytes without the 
background knowledge. The next one use it a little bit different and it 
won't work again.

Always take a clean installation from the web side or an correct 
installed/deployed version from a distribution.

If you want to run a simply client application using the simple 
bootstrap mechanism you have to package the bootstrap helper class files 
and the winreg.dll (for real platform independence) with your 
application jar file and have to adapt the manifest file accordingly.

The NetBeans integration client wizard do exactly that. It simply 
package a correct jar file for a simple client application, nothing 
more. Ok, the wizard generates the bootstrap call in the main function, 
but that's it.
The bootstrap mechanism creates an own classloader with the necessary 
settings and instantiate the original main class with this new 
classloader. The default office is searched on the system and depending 
on the directory structure the necessary jar, executables ... are found 
and started. The office gets started and the client communicate over a 
named pipe connection with the office.

By using this mechanism you don't need a classpath or LD_LIBRARY_PATH. 
simply start your application with java -jar HelloWorld.jar.

Searching the default office is sometimes a little bit tricky. On 
windows we use the winreg.dll to read from the registry directly and on 
the Unix systems we searched in /usr/bin/ for the correct link (can't 
remember the exact search algorithm)

The bootstrap mechanism won't work when you copy the UNO jars form an 
office installation to somewhere else or when you deploy them with your 
application. Copy the jars make only sense when you want to connect to 
an office on a different machine and in this case you bootstrap a little 
bit different.

I agree that it is not 100% optimal and in an ideal world we would have 
the URE available in the system and the office would register all 
services there. We will see what we can provide in the future.




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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread ashok _

i have sent you the project with the build scripts offlist...

but you dont need things like ld_library_path for the jar deploymet to
work... there is an installationfinder & loader packaged within the
jar which locates the openoffice installation and other arbitary paths
automatically which i why i was suggesting that you use the
netbeans plugin to build your project... it generates the neccessary
ant scripts ...

On 2/5/07, Rony G. Flatscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Could you please either send me the jar-file (or its included manifest
file) and the settings of CLASSPATH, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (from the
test machine)?



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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Jim Watson

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

See, I would like to learn what is needed for an "out-of-the-box" Ubuntu
OOo installation to be employed to run Java apps from the command line.
(Here SDK/NetBeans/Eclipse setups can come into ones way as it is then
not always clear which environment is in effect under which circumstances.)

Not using ubuntu, but I am interested in the environment variables too 
so I tried this on Mac OS, using no IDE and outside SDK.

These look like the minimal necessary steps. I did it using ant but 
there is nothing special in the build.xml file, so this should give 
enough clues for using a makefile or simple command line.

(a) make some directory, it could be anywhere but I used ~/test

(b) copy into ~/test the ant mybuild.xml file from 

(c) put your java class file into ~/test. I used the mentioned but the contained class has to be made "public"

(d)in the mybuild.xml file replace all "FirstUnoContact" by 

(e) copy the SDK/classes folder into ~/test
Some of the files in here are needed for the bootstrap loader

(f) the following environment variables may vary, these are only needed 
for the mybuild.xml file


(g) the following environment seems to be sufficient in any case, maybe 
not all necessary...


Then at the command line
ant -f mybuild.xml

And it runs, no IDE, no SDK.


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[dev] Next .... (Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

thanks to everyone, I was not aware of special needs to find OOo. Ashok
was kind enough to send me his jar file, and its content is:
Archive:  helloworld.jar
testing: META-INF/OK
testing: org/ OK
testing: org/openoffice/  OK
testing: org/openoffice/helloworld/   OK
testing: org/openoffice/helloworld/helloworld.class   OK
testing: com/ OK
testing: com/sun/ OK
testing: com/sun/star/OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/loader/   OK
com/sun/star/lib/loader/InstallationFinder$StreamGobbler.class   OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/loader/InstallationFinder.class   OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/loader/Loader$CustomURLClassLoader.class   OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/loader/Loader.class   OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/loader/WinRegKey.class   OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/loader/WinRegKeyException.class   OK
testing: win/ OK
testing: win/unowinreg.dllOK
No errors detected in compressed data of helloworld.jar.

This matches Jürgen's explanations.

However, *where* would one find the "" package?
(Just did a grep over "OOHome/program/classes", but none of those
deployed jar would contain a class by that name.)



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Re: [dev] Next .... (Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Jim Watson

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

However, *where* would one find the "" package?

Look in the SDK/classes directory...

Get the SDK at


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[dev] SDK-only Java libs? (Re: [dev] Next .... (Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Jim,
>> However, *where* would one find the "" package?
> Look in the SDK/classes directory...
> Get the SDK at
Oh, I see. Was not aware of that at all.

But this would mean that one cannot reliably deploy Java applications
from the command line without that supporting library?

If so, why not supply it with the general installation of OOo (putting
that library into "OOoXYZ/classes" directory? It seems to me that that
would be the appropriate place, which everyone then could rely to find it.

Or with other words, distribute that jar as you distribute the juh.jar etc.


And being there, why not fold juh.jar, etc. into *one* jar only?



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Re: [dev] SDK-only Java libs? (Re: [dev] Next .... (Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

just a stupid question: why doesn't the Bootstrap helper class use the
"" knowing the important role of that library to
find the OO executable ?



>>> However, *where* would one find the "" package?
>> Look in the SDK/classes directory...
>> Get the SDK at
> Oh, I see. Was not aware of that at all.
> But this would mean that one cannot reliably deploy Java applications
> from the command line without that supporting library?
> If so, why not supply it with the general installation of OOo (putting
> that library into "OOoXYZ/classes" directory? It seems to me that that
> would be the appropriate place, which everyone then could rely to find it.
> Or with other words, distribute that jar as you distribute the juh.jar etc.
> ---
> And being there, why not fold juh.jar, etc. into *one* jar only?
> Regards,
> ---rony

[dev] error (CannotRegisterImplementationException): loading component library build error HELP

2007-02-05 Thread Branko Tanovic

I am trying to build OOo 2.1 but build fails on insetooo_native
just my luck :)

This what I find out in log_OOE680__en-US.log

this the first error in log

register component '' in registry

error (CannotRegisterImplementationException): loading component library

this the second
register component '' in registry

ERROR: guw.exe -env
c:/OOE680_m6/solver/680/ -register -r


2>&1 |

To me looks like is problem with ' but I have no idea how
to solve it

Litle info for the end my build environment, is
Visual Express 2005

The computer is Intel Celeron III 734Mhz 384 RAM SCSI 80GB

Thank you.

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[dev] Extension Manager [was: Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java]

2007-02-05 Thread Stephan Bergmann

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi Stephan,

The Ubuntu layout you described in a previous mail (libs in
/usr/lib/openoffice/program, jars in /usr/share/java/openoffice)
cannot work (at least not without some modifications to the OOo code
base). Not sure why Ubuntu decided to ship a broken OOo (maybe they
are not even aware of it, maybe you can file them an issue).

Well, "ashok" seems to be able to deploy the Java program, if it is
embedded in a jar-file, it seems. So not sure yet, why it works there
and not here. Will have to look further into this.

[However, the Extension manager on the tools menu does not work
either in this version; it does from the commandline, though, ie.
"unopkg" works there.]

What is broken with the extension manager?

It does not come up (nor in the genuine OOo installation). I have Sun's
Java installed and activated. Will look into this once more to make sure
that my scripts did not alter the standard installation.

You mean you select "Tools - Extension Manager" but no dialog appears? 
That's strange.  It should not have anything to do with Java.  Probably 
Joachim Lingner (jl at ooo) is interested in that, as he maintains the 
extension manager.




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Re: [dev] SDK-only Java libs? (Re: [dev] Next .... (Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Stephan Bergmann

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi there,

just a stupid question: why doesn't the Bootstrap helper class use the
"" knowing the important role of that library to
find the OO executable ?

See  for a 
planned improvement in that area.





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Re: [dev] Extending the binfilter Module

2007-02-05 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Mathias Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As long as no "must changes" are due the only disadvantage of binfilter
> in its current form is that it must be rebuilt sometimes. That's bearable.
That reads "each time" for almost everybody outside Sun. But OTOH, it
would prolly only shave off 3 minutes on Pavel's new build machine... ;-)

> >  c) have a webservice at, that runs OOo2.x,
> > and gets accessed from the sd?-filter of OOo3
> Doesn't need to be a Web Service. Could be a standalone converter also.
Sure. That was only an example, how to easily maintain the ability to
load those documents, and at the same time removing the dead weight of
the binfilter component from the install sets.

But for the record: I'm perfectly fine with Kay's proposed handling. :-)


-- Thorsten

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Re: [dev] Extending the binfilter Module

2007-02-05 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Jens-Heiner Rechtien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> > Hm - hard to estimate how many of those binary documents are still in
> > active use. And it would be interesting if they are kept just because
> > of laziness, or for good reasons (I clearly suspect the former).
> Laziness is a good reason. No one is going over back up tapes just for
> converting old documents ... as long as it is reasonably safe to
> assume it's still safe to open the old documents. "Active use" is a
> misleading term here. I still want to be able to look into - let's say
> - old exchanges with the tax authorities but I wouldn't ever want to
> change these documents. Be able to do that without fiddling around
> with an old version of is a major convenience.
Hi Heiner,

sure, I see your point. And I'm not against it, in principle. But this
whole topic is, in the end, a tradeoff between build time, maintenance
effort, download size & time, contributor-friendliness, and, of
course, how we treat our user base. There will be a point in time when
we'll drop support for our legacy file formats, just like MS dropped
support for 16bit applications. It's not a question of 'if', it's a
question of 'when'. And as a developer, I tend to favor the 'earlier',
rather than 'later' scheme - because it frees us to focus on the
issues that affect large fractions of our user base, rather than
minorities... ;-)

> Before we drop our own legacy filters (which would be a major
> inconvenience for "lazy" long time office users) we should think hard
> about obsolete 3rd party filters which could be removed without
> alienating our own user base.

> >  b) move _all_ modules below binfilter into that module, possibly after
> > stripping them to the necessary minimum. Build it once, and tuck it
> > into a safe place (comes close to a, but is smaller & integrates
> > with OOo3).
> Unrealistic, because rebuilding the binfilters might be necessary for
> all kind of reasons: compiler changes, base line changes, bug fixes,
> new platforms etc. Over long it would be part of the regular build
> again, now only bigger than ever before.
Well, only if it is an in-process component. Mathias already mentioned
the stand-alone converter idea...


-- Thorsten

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Re: [dev] A few brief questions ad extension packages (Re: [dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respective jars?

2007-02-05 Thread Stephan Bergmann

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi Stephan,

, in the case of the ooRexx scripting engine:

* there is a platform dependent DLL/so which needs to be accessible
  (at the moment I copy it into "OOoHome/program"), so the library
  is *not* an UNO-component, just a native library,
* there are three text files (actually ooRexx programs) named
  BSF.CLS, UNO.CLS, UNO_XINTERFACES.REX which also need to be
  accessible by ooRexx scripts (and for that reason I have to copy
  them into "OOoHome/program".

Which code accesses those files (the shared lib and the Rexx programs)
how, and why does it help to move them to the program directory?  (If
it is clear how those files are accessed, there might be a way to
access them directly within the extension.)

Code which is invoked via the OOo scripting framework, here's what happens:

* An ooRexx macro is invoked via Tools->Macro
* the Java support part for the scripting language uses BSF (Apache
  Java archive) to load the Rexx interpreter (via the DLL/so
  residing in OOHome/program) and supplies the script and makes the
  arguments available to it;

I still do not understand how "the DLL/so residing in OOHome/program" 
(lets call it X) is loaded.  Is it supplying UNO services/singletons and 
is thus loaded via the UNO framework?  Is it loaded from some Java code 
Y via System.loadLibrary?  Is it loaded from some native code Z via dlopen?

* the Rexx interpreter executes the script which itself calls
  UNO.CLS (specific UNO/OOO support, which itself uses
  UNO_XINTERFACES.REX), which calls BSF.CLS (bridge to Java); all
  these scripts are plain text files and are found in their location

*Why* are they found in the program directory?  Does the Rexx 
interpreter (is that the library X above?) look next to itself for them? 
 (That is, if the Rexx interpreter were instead located in your 
extension, would those text files automatically be found in your 
extension, too?)




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Re: [dev] Extending the binfilter Module

2007-02-05 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Rüdiger,

being late to the thread, and being the one who implicitly initiated
this ...

> Why would you copy additional stuff into binfilter?

Because binfilter has a code base which lives several years in the past,
whilst the current code base moves forward constantly. At some point,
you simply can't stretch this any further.

My recent problem was some changes in basic (not basctl), which let the
build break in binfilter. There was no reasonable way (I could see) how
to adapt this in binfilter: I would have needed to back-port large parts
of SFX to BF_SFX (plus probably more), just to be able to use the new
basic API. That's certainly nothing I would do, as it bears a completely
unknown risk of breakage.

We once decided to freeze binfilter, IMO we cannot reasonably expect
that it will always be possible to adjust this stone-aged code to the
latest and greatest code which has undergone multiple years of
additional development.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
- Base -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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[dev] CWS configrefactor01 unit tests ...

2007-02-05 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Stefan,

Any chance you can help me get some skeletal unit tests setup for CWS
configrefactor01 ? I'm very happy to write nice chunks of unit test, but
getting the environment setup (and some config data to play with) is
more problematic I think. I checked in the (simple enough) testshl2
framework pieces into qa/unit/ but it's clearly not enough :-)

Of course, OO.o starts nicely and fiddling with settings works, but
clearly having unit tests would be nice.



 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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Re: [dev] How to add a menu item in the "File" menu?

2007-02-05 Thread Vladimir Glazounov
Hello 蒋闯,

As far as I can see the the file format is broken. I think you have
bypassed the localization procedure. The process is described here:
Pavel, please correct me if you have a better link for this case.

You also may try to take one already working .sdf as an example.


JiangChuang wrote:
> Hi,Carsten.
> Thank you for your answer so much.
> I have already tried it according to your answer  and added the "WebHtml" 
> item in the English Version successfully;
> But I failed to the Chinese Version. 
> The added codes in the ' localize.sdf 'file,which is in 
> "registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/" directorys, are as follows:
> officecfg   registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\GenericCommands.xcu
>   0   value
> Label   0   en-GB   Web Html 
> 2002-02-02 02:02:02
> officecfg   registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\GenericCommands.xcu
>   0   value
> Label   0   zh-CN   Web浏览器
> 2002-02-02 02:02:02
> officecfg   registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\GenericCommands.xcu
>   0   value
> Label   0   zh-TW   Web浏览器
> 2002-02-02 02:02:02 
> But no soap.What will I do for it?
> BTW, If I have to do some modifications in the binfilter module?
> TIA.
> Regards.
> JiangChuang
> JiangChuang
> 2007-02-02
> 发件人: Carsten Driesner
> 发送时间: 2007-02-01 16:44:56
> 收件人:
> 抄送: 
> 主题: Re: [dev] How to add a menu item in the "File" menu?
> JiangChuang wrote:
>> Hi, I'm JiangChuang and from Beijing Redflag ch2000 Software Co., Ltd. This 
>> is the first time  that I visit here.
>> I'm eager to know how to add a menu inte to the "File" menu and their 
>> For instance, I want to add a "WetHtml" item below the "Reload" item of the 
>> "File" menu, how can I do it? 
> Hi JianChuang,
> Please see my answer to the same question "[dev] question about add new
> menu item" from blueeagle yesterday.
> Regards,
> Carsten

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[dev] Re: CWS configrefactor01 unit tests ...

2007-02-05 Thread Stephan Bergmann

Michael Meeks wrote:

Hi Stefan,

Any chance you can help me get some skeletal unit tests setup for CWS
configrefactor01 ? I'm very happy to write nice chunks of unit test, but
getting the environment setup (and some config data to play with) is
more problematic I think. I checked in the (simple enough) testshl2
framework pieces into qa/unit/ but it's clearly not enough :-)

You committed something to that CWS but it doesn't yet work right?  I'll 
have a look at it.


Of course, OO.o starts nicely and fiddling with settings works, but
clearly having unit tests would be nice.



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[dev] formulas OO

2007-02-05 Thread Lucas Momparler


Why the mathematical formulas in all OO versions have so low graphic
This happens specially when you save as HTML to publish online.

3+2 can appear as 3-2 !

From version to version of OO you can see many design changes: icons, logos,

presentations, buttons,...
but when it comes to the really useful, in my opinion, sometimes it could be
a bit better.

Will the problem of the mathematical formulas always be in WONTFIX?
or will OO aim to be also useful for scientists?

Thank you

[dev] sc project to fix flashing of cells

2007-02-05 Thread Gregg Weber


I would like to work on a change to the sc code.
I have built the 2.0.4 source on my machine, and browsed the code for a 
month or so.

The change my company wants me to make involves improving the drawing of the
cells area of the sc window. Currently, it flashes, because the whole 
thing is drawn on
the window, so you see a background square, then the grid appears, then 
the cells contents, etc.
Of course it all happens very fast, but the result is an annoying 
flashing appearance.

The usual xlib solution is to draw into an offscreen pixmap, then copy 
the completed pixmap to the window.
In gridwin4.cxx I would want to change the  aOutputData at line 516 from 
a window to a pixmap, and at the

end of the ScGridWindow::Draw routine, copy the pixmap to the screen.

I am not an expert at xlib, or the openoffice higherlevel routines 
calling xlib, so I am not sure of the correct

details. Would anyone care to assist me with this project?
- Gregg Weber

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Re: [dev] sc project to fix flashing of cells

2007-02-05 Thread Niklas Nebel

Gregg Weber wrote:

I would like to work on a change to the sc code.
I have built the 2.0.4 source on my machine, and browsed the code for a 
month or so.
The change my company wants me to make involves improving the drawing of 
cells area of the sc window. Currently, it flashes, because the whole 
thing is drawn on
the window, so you see a background square, then the grid appears, then 
the cells contents, etc.
Of course it all happens very fast, but the result is an annoying 
flashing appearance.

The usual xlib solution is to draw into an offscreen pixmap, then copy 
the completed pixmap to the window.
In gridwin4.cxx I would want to change the  aOutputData at line 516 from 
a window to a pixmap, and at the

end of the ScGridWindow::Draw routine, copy the pixmap to the screen.

I am not an expert at xlib, or the openoffice higherlevel routines 
calling xlib, so I am not sure of the correct

details. Would anyone care to assist me with this project?

Since 2.0.4, there have been some changes to that code, in preparation 
of a similar solution. The XOR-ed elements (cell cursor, selection and 
some more) are now overlays, handled by class OverlayManager. The cell 
contents are at the moment still drawn to the window, though. This is 
not a perfect solution (as evidenced by issue 73602). The current plan 
is to draw cell contents into a VirtualDevice managed by the 
OverlayManager, too (as you wrote, pass that device to ScOutputData). We 
still have to find a solution for the editing of text in a cell or 
drawing object, because the EditEngine that handles text edit can 
currently only work with a Window.


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