Re: [OSM-dev] Ruby developers in Amsterdam

2009-01-15 Thread Andy Allan
On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:

 Where the raw SQL approach scores is in the read operations, which are
 incredibly simple, easy-to-understand queries. In Potlatch these are
 whichways and getway, in the XML API it'd be the /map call. The disadvantage
 of using Rails in this context is obviously that you have this huge overhead
 to create objects for every way or node, simply to serialise them and
 dispose of the objects immediately. Because they're reads, there are
 (generalising a bit) no integrity issues: and because they're very common
 calls, you get a significant speedup.

As far as I'm concerned this is the most interesting bit for a rails
discussion. Given that, especially in the map call, we take many rows
from a db table and serialise them to xml, it's a complete waste of
time to try to read all the rows first, then serialise them all after
that. They really don't depend on one another in any way. The
(apparent) lack of a railsy way to read-serialise-stream row-by-row is


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Re: [OSM-dev] Ruby developers in Amsterdam

2009-01-13 Thread Frederik Ramm

 The goal of the talk will be to interest the (Amsterdam) Ruby  
 community in OSM in general, but also in becoming involved in OSM  
 Rails development. Is that helpful?

My personal take on this is that we actually have two, very different, 
kinds of web interface, or better http interface.

One is talking to users - letting them register, write blogs, write 
messages (and if the trend continues, one day they'll be able to upload 
images, have multi-page user profiles and forums and a full-blown E-Mail 
system all within OSM). This part includes minor database activity, like 
storing user preferences in a table when the user requests it. This is 
the part where a Rails-like system excels, but it is not in any way 
mission critical for us and could also be done in a scripting language 
or web templating system of your choice.

The other is the hard-core database part where we're not talking to 
humans at their web browsers but to editors or other clients which want 
to download or upload data. We talk XML, not HTML, here, and we have 
massive database activity; here, the API is actually just a rather thin 
REST layer on top of the database. And this is where, in my eyes, the 
whole Rails migrations and ActiveRecord automatism is of no use at all 
and is in fact circumvented more than it is used. This part should 
probably be separated from the rest and implemented in an old-fashioned 
compiled language.

In my eyes, OSM is not a typical Rails project, nor even a project 
where Rails can demonstrate superiority to anything else. In parts, OSM 
is even a we're Rails here but it's really not optimal project.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Ruby developers in Amsterdam

2009-01-13 Thread Matt Amos
On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 One is talking to users - letting them register, write blogs, write
 messages (and if the trend continues, one day they'll be able to upload
 images, have multi-page user profiles and forums and a full-blown E-Mail
 system all within OSM).

maybe we should just bow to the inevitable and re-write OSM as a
facebook app :-P

 This is
 the part where a Rails-like system excels, but it is not in any way
 mission critical for us and could also be done in a scripting language
 or web templating system of your choice.

arguably user logins are pretty critical, but i get your point.

 here, the API is actually just a rather thin
 REST layer on top of the database.

a large amount of the work done in the rails layer when writing is
validation and the rails validations are a nice way of doing that.

 And this is where, in my eyes, the
 whole Rails migrations and ActiveRecord automatism is of no use at all
 and is in fact circumvented more than it is used. This part should
 probably be separated from the rest and implemented in an old-fashioned
 compiled language.

certainly for things like the map call the rails machinery is not very
useful. i would agree that, at some point in the future, we'd like to
move as much of the logic and constraints of the API into the database
and use things like triggers to handle updating the history tables.

there are downsides to this approach as well. for example, in an
old-fashioned compiled language it would have taken much longer to
generalise the database backend to both mysql and postgres (and the
barrier to entry would have been higher). yes, yes, i know if it were
designed properly it would have been database agnostic from the

what do you see as the benefits of an old-fashioned compiled language
(presumably you mean C/C++/Java) over just plain ruby? just because
we're using ruby doesn't mean we have to use rails+activerecord :-)

 In my eyes, OSM is not a typical Rails project, nor even a project
 where Rails can demonstrate superiority to anything else. In parts, OSM
 is even a we're Rails here but it's really not optimal project.

there are many kinds of optimality. in this case i think the brevity,
readability and testability of the API code is improved by adopting
rails-isms, even though they're not a perfect fit to the kinds of
things we're trying to do.



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Re: [OSM-dev] Ruby developers in Amsterdam

2009-01-13 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Matt Amos wrote:
 just because we're using ruby doesn't mean we have to use 
 rails+activerecord :-)

You mean I can put all the SQL back in amf_controller and get it running at
a reasonable speed again? ;)

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Re: [OSM-dev] Ruby developers in Amsterdam

2009-01-13 Thread Frederik Ramm

Matt Amos wrote:
 what do you see as the benefits of an old-fashioned compiled language
 (presumably you mean C/C++/Java) over just plain ruby? just because
 we're using ruby doesn't mean we have to use rails+activerecord :-)

I think nothing beats C/C++ (not so sure about Java) when it comes to 
pumping bytes from one source to one destination with as little memory 
usage and as little copying of data as possible. I also think that we're 
at least partially operating in areas where it really makes a difference 
what kind of read or write operation you use, how many bytes you send in 
one buffer, how many you request from the database driver, and so on. 
(And the optimum performance settings may well be different for a MySQL 
and a PostGIS backend, so I tend to say no thank you if anyone wants 
to sell me a super duper database wrapper that makes everything database 

In 99.9% of applications nobody gives a damn whether some dynamic 
programming language allocates the same memory three times in a row and 
copies the same data from one location to the next, to the next - it's 
over in microseconds and nobody notices, and you're better off writing 
worse-performing better-looking code than squeezing the last juice out 
of your CPU.

OSM might be one of the 0.1%. But I might also be wrong.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Ruby developers in Amsterdam

2009-01-13 Thread Matt Amos
On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
 Matt Amos wrote:
 just because we're using ruby doesn't mean we have to use
 rails+activerecord :-)

 You mean I can put all the SQL back in amf_controller and get it running at
 a reasonable speed again? ;)

not yet :-)

if, in the future, we reckon that moving away from rails is worthwhile
then the whole API will be changed. at present, having some bits
rails-y and other bits not just makes it more difficult to develop,
test and debug, in my opinion.



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Re: [OSM-dev] Ruby developers in Amsterdam

2009-01-13 Thread Martijn van Exel
Op 13 jan 2009, om 13:17 heeft Frederik Ramm het volgende geschreven:


 The goal of the talk will be to interest the (Amsterdam) Ruby   
 community in OSM in general, but also in becoming involved in OSM   
 Rails development. Is that helpful?

 My personal take on this is that we actually have two, very  
 different, kinds of web interface, or better http interface.

The distinction between interfacing with end users (the front end) and  
interfacing between the database through the API with non-human  
clients is a useful one. I don't want to get into a discussion as to  
whether Ruby / Rails is the best choice for this - but at least I'm  
prepared for a discussion among the Ruby devs :)

 In my eyes, OSM is not a typical Rails project, nor even a project  
 where Rails can demonstrate superiority to anything else. In parts,  
 OSM is even a we're Rails here but it's really not optimal project.

I don't think it needs to be, at least not for knowledgable Ruby  
professionals. It might be interesting for them to see Ruby on rails  
used in a non-typical use case. Best practices are a dime a dozen I  
guess. Let's see.

Thanks for your take on this.

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Re: [OSM-dev] Ruby developers in Amsterdam

2009-01-13 Thread Matt Amos
On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Matt Amos wrote:

 what do you see as the benefits of an old-fashioned compiled language
 (presumably you mean C/C++/Java) over just plain ruby? just because
 we're using ruby doesn't mean we have to use rails+activerecord :-)

 I think nothing beats C/C++ (not so sure about Java) when it comes to
 pumping bytes from one source to one destination with as little memory usage
 and as little copying of data as possible.

any java fan would tell you that java is much better nowadays at that
sort of thing. but i'm not a java fan, so i'm going to agree with you
- when memory management really matters, nothing beats doing it

 I also think that we're at least
 partially operating in areas where it really makes a difference what kind of
 read or write operation you use, how many bytes you send in one buffer, how
 many you request from the database driver, and so on. (And the optimum
 performance settings may well be different for a MySQL and a PostGIS
 backend, so I tend to say no thank you if anyone wants to sell me a super
 duper database wrapper that makes everything database agnostic.)

in which case we're trading development effort for performance. i
think we're operating in areas constrained by the lack of available
developers, so making the barrier to entry higher is a tough decision.
in the short term, i think its the wrong one.

 In 99.9% of applications nobody gives a damn whether some dynamic
 programming language allocates the same memory three times in a row and
 copies the same data from one location to the next, to the next - it's over
 in microseconds and nobody notices, and you're better off writing
 worse-performing better-looking code than squeezing the last juice out of
 your CPU.

and ruby will be getting faster and better with the new VM and GC in
1.9. rails is (allegedly) getting faster with each release. if we're
prepared to stick it out for a while, we may see improved performance
for little effort on our part. also, the front end is one place where
we can use multiple machines to spread the cost of dynamic languages
and gain some redundancy as well.

but we've had continuing problems with high memory usage which may not
be fixed, so there are arguments both ways. i think tomh and firefishy
definitely care about ruby/rails' memory usage :-)

 OSM might be one of the 0.1%. But I might also be wrong.

you identified a real problem - part of OSM is ideally suited to rails
and part of it isn't. assuming that we're talking about after 0.6 -
what should we be doing? is the inclusion of OAuth the right point to
start separating out the different parts of the OSM codebase?



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Ruby developers in Amsterdam

2009-01-13 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Matt Amos wrote:
 in which case we're trading development effort for performance. 
 i think we're operating in areas constrained by the lack of 
 available developers, so making the barrier to entry higher is a 
 tough decision.

(Speaking seriously for once...)

Kind of, but it's not a simple trade-off. Certainly as far as Potlatch is
concerned, server performance issues require development effort on the
client. The problem that's been brought up both here and on talk, where the
server dies halfway through a write operation and leaves the database in an
inconsistent state, is an example of this - there are others.

When TomH did the quadtile stuff, that added a degree of complexity for a
boost in performance. I doubt anyone now would say it was the wrong

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Re: [OSM-dev] Ruby developers in Amsterdam

2009-01-13 Thread Matt Amos
On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
 Matt Amos wrote:
 in which case we're trading development effort for performance.
 i think we're operating in areas constrained by the lack of
 available developers, so making the barrier to entry higher is a
 tough decision.

 (Speaking seriously for once...)

 Kind of, but it's not a simple trade-off. Certainly as far as Potlatch is
 concerned, server performance issues require development effort on the
 client. The problem that's been brought up both here and on talk, where the
 server dies halfway through a write operation and leaves the database in an
 inconsistent state, is an example of this - there are others.

these problems are not due to rails - most are due to the lack of
transactions, which is an implementation problem, and the many others
are version race conditions, which is an API design problem. lets not
confuse a performance issue with a bug or correctness issue.

 When TomH did the quadtile stuff, that added a degree of complexity for a
 boost in performance. I doubt anyone now would say it was the wrong

absolutely, but i'd say that was a small increase in complexity in a
small corner of the code (which is well hidden) for a large boost in
performance. i'm sorry if i gave the impression i was totally against
any form of increased complexity, because i'm not. i just think these
things need to be balanced on a case by case basis.

in the case of quadtile, i think the extra complexity was worthwhile.
in the case of SQL in the amf_controller, i'm not so sure. this is
just my opinion.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Ruby developers in Amsterdam

2009-01-13 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Matt Amos wrote:
 in the case of quadtile, i think the extra complexity was 
 worthwhile. in the case of SQL in the amf_controller, i'm not 
 so sure. this is just my opinion.

Sure. We can even do more nuanced than that, if you like. :)

In my opinion - and again, just that - the clarity of Rails is worthwhile
and important in the write operations. putway is a lot more readable in
Rails than it ever was in raw SQL, and it's more reassuring in terms of data
integrity, too. Speed isn't really an issue here as these are called
comparatively rarely.

Where the raw SQL approach scores is in the read operations, which are
incredibly simple, easy-to-understand queries. In Potlatch these are
whichways and getway, in the XML API it'd be the /map call. The disadvantage
of using Rails in this context is obviously that you have this huge overhead
to create objects for every way or node, simply to serialise them and
dispose of the objects immediately. Because they're reads, there are
(generalising a bit) no integrity issues: and because they're very common
calls, you get a significant speedup.

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Re: [OSM-dev] Ruby developers in Amsterdam

2009-01-13 Thread Grant Slater
Martijn van Exel wrote:
 Is there another source explaining the architecture of the Rails port? 
 Preferably with a  
 diagram or such.

Hardware wise...
1x Database Server (MySQL)
3x Dedicated Rails Application Servers (Ruby 1.8.6, Rails 2.0.x)
1x Frontend Web Server (lighttpd + Ruby 1.8.6, Rails 2.0.x)

Dynamic requests are broken down into 4 types:
Web: Website, Login, Signup, Messages etc (Handled by frontend web)
TAH: All ti...@home requests
BulkAPI: API map, trackpoint, amf/reads and swf/trackpoints
API: New nodes, rest of API stuff

There have been problems in the past with Rail's libxml binding leaking 
memory. Rails seams to leak memory on some of the BulkAPI and 
occasionally API requests. Particularly /api/0.5/map
API code has a forced Rails daemons death after ~1 requests to free 
leaked memory.

/ Grant

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