Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-10 Thread Patrick Lightbody
Perhaps I'm just a big idiot, or perhaps I don't have enough time in the day to 
fully explore this whole idea, but I'm still having the same problem I had last 
time we discussed this issue: "huh?"

I don't _get it_ and I won't really until someone can pony up and at least 
provide some basic sample code that explains through example what the proposed 
change is. Keeping in mind that many of us know next to nothing about JSF, is 
there any way you can show us how this would work?

For example, would web.xml look different? Would a typical action look 
different? How about a JSP? If so, how?

Sorry, but I really can't commit one way or the other or even provide any 
insightful comment until I can see what you're suggesting. Thanks!
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Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-10 Thread Patrick Lightbody
My entire thoughts on the EL-API thing is this:

I only care about using the EL API if I get the additional tool support. IDEA, 
for example, does some decent code completion when you do ${ ... } in a JSP. It 
doesn't, on the other hand, do anything useful when I type  or use %{ ... } in another WebWork tag. I see very little value, 
other than knowledge transfer of a quite simple language, in using the EL-API 
if we can't also take advantage of these tools.

As I understand it, simply plopping in some other underlying EL such as Jexl or 
Ognl won't get us any closer to that tool support. Is that correct? My hunch 
says that IDEA will, whether it should or not, continue to do code completion 
as if the EL was using the standard implementation.

Again: short of slightly simpler "brain matter migration" with the "${" and "}" 
tokens in our JSPs, what value does using the EL-API provide when using a 
completely different underlying language?
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Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-10 Thread Dakota Jack
Wasn't there an agreement that the tangents would indicate what they were in
posts, like [SHALE] or [JSF].  It is difficult enough around here to figure
out what is going on without this sort of discussion going on as if it were

On 4/10/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/10/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Jacob Hookom wrote:
> > > The NavigationHandler has that default behavior. But much like WebWork
> > > allows the pluggable ActionMapper, all parts of JSF are pluggable in
> > > that manner.  Seam and SWF are two examples of plugging in alternate
> > > logic for navigation handling.  So the emphasis is put on the API, not
> > > the implementation.
> >
> > I guess what I'm saying is the navigation is already the way we want
> > it.  What would reimplementing it as a
> > NavigationHandler bring to the table?
> >
> > > I've been trying to get everyone behind the EL-API.  The 'traditional'
> > > EL implementation provided in the spec is, again, only one
> > > implementation.  The JEXL implementation of the EL-API would be a
> piece
> > > of cake, OGNL wouldn't be that hard either if they would use JavaCC
> with
> > > the visitor=true when compiling the grammar.
> >
> > Ok, I was under the impression that the Unified EL was tightly coupled
> to
> > the implementation.  If the API is abstract
> > enough to handle different implementations such as OGNL, then this is
> good
> > news.  This might be the abstraction we were
> > looking for to ensure Action 2 isn't tied to one EL.  Of course,
> deciding
> > to implement the EL API by OGNL is one thing,
> > finding someone with the time and expertise to do it is another :)
> >
> > Do you know of an alternate implementation of the EL API and/or more
> > documentation about it?  In my research, everywhere
> > I saw it mentioned it didn't make the distinction, and comments,
> > particularly on TSS, seemed to indicate the features I
> > previously mentioned were explicitly rejected (method invocation, for
> > example).
> >
> In JSF 1.1, the APIs for the EL were indeed tightly bound.  But that's no
> longer the case with JSF 1.2.  The javadocs for the EL are formally still
> part of the JSP 2.1 spec, but are implementable separately.  You can grab
> the spec documents (JSP and EL, bundled in one download) and the javadocs
> (again, bundled), at:
> These are in the "Proposed Final Draft 2" state, in JCP terms, so I
> wouldn't
> expect to see much, if any, change before they go final.
> Ok, so we can walk away with saying we might be able to collaborate on the
> > EL API, provided someone steps up and ports
> > OGNL or an EL with a similar set of capabilities to it.  I'm still not
> > convinced implementing WebWork as a Lifecycle
> > implementation would bring any value for 95% of the applications,
> however,
> > at some point, I am planing on porting Struts
> > Faces to Action 2 for the edge case of a WebWork app that wants to take
> > advantage of JSF components, the real draw of
> > JSF IMO, for certain pages.  At which time, I'll look more into
> different
> > integration approaches like this one.
> That (porting Struts-Faces) is a reasonable thing to do.  Not only does it
> help the developer who just needs a few pages with JSF components (but
> wants
> to keep their existing overall architecture), it also helps those who are
> trying to migrate.
> I guess the bottom line I think our best bet is to focus on discrete
> > problems like EL, validation, annotations, etc. for
> > integration.  From a framework developer perspective, sharing APIs is
> > interesting, but not so for the end user, who
> > could probably care less.  I guess I'm trying to see what advantages
> this
> > would bring to the end user.  The one
> > capability of JSF that I'd like to use in an Action 2 application, as an
> > end user, is its stateful components,
> > particularly complex, out-of-the-box components.  I'd be interested to
> > hear of more capabilities an Action 2 developer
> > would get out of such a hybrid.
> A strategy on my TODO list for Shale is to actually go in the other
> direction, by using JSF extension points to add in the processing of XWork
> interceptor chains.  The two places this makes sense are:
> * Overriding the default ActionListener, which actually calls the
>   action method.  This corresponds to when an action framework
>   invokes the "execute" or whatever method on the selected action.
>   This takes care of per-action pipeline customizations.
> * Supporting the use of an XWork interceptor stack in the application
>   controler filter part of Shale (as an alternative to the current
> mechanism,
>   which lets you customize a Commons Chain command chain).  This
>   takes care of global pipeline customization.
> The first scenario seems pretty straightforward.  I don't know XWork well
> enough to know whether the second strate

Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-10 Thread Jacob Hookom

Gary VanMatre wrote:

> So again, at it's core for JSF 2.0, we refactor FacesContext to 
instead have a

> ProcessingContext (shorter name?) instead of a UIViewRoot. The
> lifecycle/interceptors instead inter rogate the ProcessingContext 
for alternate
> behavior while allowing those interceptors to pass a visitor to 

> processing a whole composition of delegate concerns within the request.
Why is the UIViewRoot not a registered component in the faces-config? 
It seems like there are several hooks in the view root that could be 
for this type of behavior since the lifecycle starts each phase at 
the view root.
This is what I'm doing for JSF Avatar such that a custom UIViewRoot is 
used to act as a mediator to filtered subsets of the component tree for 
partial processing over AJAX.  UIViewRoot is registered as a component 
type and is overridable, but global to the application because it falls 
under the same 'laws' as any other UIComponent.

Contractually, I believe we want something similar to UIViewRoot moving 
forward, but simplified such that it hopefully becomes much easier for 
other frameworks to implement alternate types of requests.  I believe 
this would cascade through the rest of the UIComponent API such that it 
would be more conceivable to have a non UIComponent be a parent of 
something like an ActionComponent or ValidationComponent, retaining the 
(naked) compositional nature of JSF.

So it just comes down to the fact that UIViewRoot is a UIComponent where 
it would be more flexible to say that a UIComponent would implement a 
simpler interface (which anyone could-- without being bound to the laws 
of UIComponents).  Overall, the concepts of JSF are *very* simple, we 
just need to boil the contracts down such that the API becomes much more 
accessible to other request life cycles, supported by a flexible 
controller within the spec.

> Fundamentally, this is very similar to what we've done with the 
EL-API-- Seam,
> Shale, and Spring can all provide behavior from different contexts, 
> by vistors in the form of ELResolvers which provides a *very* 
flexible way of
> mapping back to models within MVC. Now lets do the same for MVC 

> -- Jacob
> >Jacob Hookom wrote:
> >> The NavigationHandler has that default behavior. But much like 

> >> allows the pluggable ActionMapper, all parts of JSF are pluggable in
> >> that manner. Seam and SWF are two examples of plugging in alternate
> >> logic for navigation handling. So the emphasis is put on the API, 

> >> the implementation.
> >
> >I guess what I'm saying is the navigation is already the way we 
want it. What

> >would reimplementing it as a
> >NavigationHandler bring to the table?
> >
> >> I've been trying to get everyone behind the EL-API. The 

> >> EL implementation provided in the spec is, again, only one
> >> implementation. The JEXL implementation of the EL-API would be a 
> >> of cake, OGNL wouldn't be that hard either if they would use 
JavaCC with

> >> the visitor=true when compiling the grammar.
> >
> >Ok, I was under the impression that the Unified EL was tightly 
coupled to the

> >implementation. If the API is abstract
> >enough to handle different implementations such as OGNL, then this 
is good

> >news. This might be the abstraction we were
> >looking for to ensure Action 2 isn't tied to one EL. Of course, 
deciding to

> >implement the EL API by OGNL is one thing,
> >finding someone with the time and expertise to do it is another :)
> >
&g t; >Do you know of an alternate implementation of the EL API and/or 

> >documentation about it? In my research, everywhere
> >I saw it mentioned it didn't make the distinction, and comments, 

> >on TSS, seemed to indicate the features I
> >previously mentioned were explicitly rejected (method invocation, for
> >example).
> >
> >Ok, so we can walk away with saying we might be able to collaborate 
on the EL

> >API, provided someone steps up and ports
> >OGNL or an EL with a similar set of capabilities to it. I'm still not
> >convinced implementing WebWork as a Lifecycle
> >implementation would bring any value for 95% of the applications, 
however, at

> >some point, I am planing on porting Struts
> >Faces to Action 2 for the edge case of a WebWork app that wants to 

> >advantage of JSF components, the real draw of
& gt; >JSF IMO, for certain pages. At which time, I'll look more into 

> >integration approaches like this one.
> >
> >I guess the bottom line I think our best bet is to focus on 
discrete problems

> >like EL, validation, annotations, etc. for
> >integration. From a framework developer perspective, sharing APIs is
> >interesting, but not so for the end user, who
> >could probably care less. I guess I'm trying to see what advantages 

> >would bring to the end user. The one
> >capability of JSF that I'd like to use in an A

Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-10 Thread Gary VanMatre
> Great, it sounds like there's an overlap of ideas here :-) 
> Fundamentally, my approach to JSF 2.0 is to continue the CoR patterns with 
> the 
> various application handlers, while sticking to the 5 phases of MVC, allowing 
> other interceptors to provide intermediate processing within those 5 distinct 
> phases. 
> Secondly, brining in the concept of a ProcessingContext into JSF such that 
> stateful UIComponent requests are only one implementation of the 
> ProcessingContext. The idea of a ProcessingContext with JSF was originally 
> brought up with JSF Avatar, such that a single view/tree could be processed 
> in 
> part or in whole, but the fact that the JSF API was tied to a UIViewRoot 
> object 
> somewhat limited the flexability here. 
> So, if we provide this facade that the controller/listeners/interceptors 
> operate 
> on, much like a WebWork ActionContext, then we can say that JSF and WW are 
> both 
> client implementations that coexist via CoR/interceptors within a single 
> controller. 
> Martin brought up the need for the visitor pattern which could be used in 
> conjunction with phaselisteners/interceptors to introduce additional 
> processing. 
> Now, if we play heavy emphasis on composition within this new 
> ProcessingContext 
> facade, then controller participants can operate, via visitor, on a single 
> node 
> (only a WW Action) or a whole tree of them as with JSF. From the 30,000 foot 
> view, that's what JSF is-- a tree of coordinated Actions instead of a single 
> node, much more powerful IMHO, but adds a bit more overhead. 
> So again, at it's core for JSF 2.0, we refactor FacesContext to instead have 
> a 
> ProcessingContext (shorter name?) instead of a UIViewRoot. The 
> lifecycle/interceptors instead interrogate the ProcessingContext for 
> alternate 
> behavior while allowing those interceptors to pass a visitor to flexibly 
> processing a whole composition of delegate concerns within the request. 

Why is the UIViewRoot not a registered component in the faces-config?  
It seems like there are several hooks in the view root that could be overridden 
for this type of behavior since the lifecycle starts each phase at the view 

I was thinking about trying to mix view types.  Have you looked at allowing 
Facelets to include a JSP fragment?  I was looking at it for clay but it's just
not an area that's standardized.  My thought was swapping out the view root
before the JSP was included and then swapping it back and merging children.
Maybe this could be done with a customized ViewRoot?  Another use of
the ProcessingContext you described.

> Fundamentally, this is very similar to what we've done with the EL-API-- 
> Seam, 
> Shale, and Spring can all provide behavior from different contexts, 
> coordinated 
> by vistors in the form of ELResolvers which provides a *very* flexible way of 
> mapping back to models within MVC. Now lets do the same for MVC controllers. 
> -- Jacob 
> >Jacob Hookom wrote: 
> >> The NavigationHandler has that default behavior. But much like WebWork 
> >> allows the pluggable ActionMapper, all parts of JSF are pluggable in 
> >> that manner. Seam and SWF are two examples of plugging in alternate 
> >> logic for navigation handling. So the emphasis is put on the API, not 
> >> the implementation. 
> > 
> >I guess what I'm saying is the navigation is already the way we want it. 
> >What 
> >would reimplementing it as a 
> >NavigationHandler bring to the table? 
> > 
> >> I've been trying to get everyone behind the EL-API. The 'traditional' 
> >> EL implementation provided in the spec is, again, only one 
> >> implementation. The JEXL implementation of the EL-API would be a piece 
> >> of cake, OGNL wouldn't be that hard either if they would use JavaCC with 
> >> the visitor=true when compiling the grammar. 
> > 
> >Ok, I was under the impression that the Unified EL was tightly coupled to 
> >the 
> >implementation. If the API is abstract 
> >enough to handle different implementations such as OGNL, then this is good 
> >news. This might be the abstraction we were 
> >looking for to ensure Action 2 isn't tied to one EL. Of course, deciding to 
> >implement the EL API by OGNL is one thing, 
> >finding someone with the time and expertise to do it is another :) 
> > 
> >Do you know of an alternate implementation of the EL API and/or more 
> >documentation about it? In my research, everywhere 
> >I saw it mentioned it didn't make the distinction, and comments, 
> >particularly 
> >on TSS, seemed to indicate the features I 
> >previously mentioned were explicitly rejected (method invocation, for 
> >example). 
> > 
> >Ok, so we can walk away with saying we might be able to collaborate on the 
> >EL 
> >API, provided someone steps up and ports 
> >OGNL or an EL with a similar set of capabilities to it. I'm still not 
> >convinced implementing WebWork as a Lifecycle 
> >implementation would bring any val

Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-10 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/10/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jacob Hookom wrote:
> > The NavigationHandler has that default behavior. But much like WebWork
> > allows the pluggable ActionMapper, all parts of JSF are pluggable in
> > that manner.  Seam and SWF are two examples of plugging in alternate
> > logic for navigation handling.  So the emphasis is put on the API, not
> > the implementation.
> I guess what I'm saying is the navigation is already the way we want
> it.  What would reimplementing it as a
> NavigationHandler bring to the table?
> > I've been trying to get everyone behind the EL-API.  The 'traditional'
> > EL implementation provided in the spec is, again, only one
> > implementation.  The JEXL implementation of the EL-API would be a piece
> > of cake, OGNL wouldn't be that hard either if they would use JavaCC with
> > the visitor=true when compiling the grammar.
> Ok, I was under the impression that the Unified EL was tightly coupled to
> the implementation.  If the API is abstract
> enough to handle different implementations such as OGNL, then this is good
> news.  This might be the abstraction we were
> looking for to ensure Action 2 isn't tied to one EL.  Of course, deciding
> to implement the EL API by OGNL is one thing,
> finding someone with the time and expertise to do it is another :)
> Do you know of an alternate implementation of the EL API and/or more
> documentation about it?  In my research, everywhere
> I saw it mentioned it didn't make the distinction, and comments,
> particularly on TSS, seemed to indicate the features I
> previously mentioned were explicitly rejected (method invocation, for
> example).

In JSF 1.1, the APIs for the EL were indeed tightly bound.  But that's no
longer the case with JSF 1.2.  The javadocs for the EL are formally still
part of the JSP 2.1 spec, but are implementable separately.  You can grab
the spec documents (JSP and EL, bundled in one download) and the javadocs
(again, bundled), at:

These are in the "Proposed Final Draft 2" state, in JCP terms, so I wouldn't
expect to see much, if any, change before they go final.

Ok, so we can walk away with saying we might be able to collaborate on the
> EL API, provided someone steps up and ports
> OGNL or an EL with a similar set of capabilities to it.  I'm still not
> convinced implementing WebWork as a Lifecycle
> implementation would bring any value for 95% of the applications, however,
> at some point, I am planing on porting Struts
> Faces to Action 2 for the edge case of a WebWork app that wants to take
> advantage of JSF components, the real draw of
> JSF IMO, for certain pages.  At which time, I'll look more into different
> integration approaches like this one.

That (porting Struts-Faces) is a reasonable thing to do.  Not only does it
help the developer who just needs a few pages with JSF components (but wants
to keep their existing overall architecture), it also helps those who are
trying to migrate.

I guess the bottom line I think our best bet is to focus on discrete
> problems like EL, validation, annotations, etc. for
> integration.  From a framework developer perspective, sharing APIs is
> interesting, but not so for the end user, who
> could probably care less.  I guess I'm trying to see what advantages this
> would bring to the end user.  The one
> capability of JSF that I'd like to use in an Action 2 application, as an
> end user, is its stateful components,
> particularly complex, out-of-the-box components.  I'd be interested to
> hear of more capabilities an Action 2 developer
> would get out of such a hybrid.

A strategy on my TODO list for Shale is to actually go in the other
direction, by using JSF extension points to add in the processing of XWork
interceptor chains.  The two places this makes sense are:

* Overriding the default ActionListener, which actually calls the
  action method.  This corresponds to when an action framework
  invokes the "execute" or whatever method on the selected action.
  This takes care of per-action pipeline customizations.

* Supporting the use of an XWork interceptor stack in the application
  controler filter part of Shale (as an alternative to the current
  which lets you customize a Commons Chain command chain).  This
  takes care of global pipeline customization.

The first scenario seems pretty straightforward.  I don't know XWork well
enough to know whether the second strategy can actually be implemented the
way I think it should (it would be necessary to split the "before" and
"after" parts of the interceptor chain), but that'll become obvious when it
gets attempted :-).

The gain for the end user is to be able to reuse (or migrate) existing
interceptors without having to rewrite everything.

This is a good discussion, and I hope it can continue and be a benefit to
> both communities.
> Don


Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-10 Thread jacob
Great, it sounds like there's an overlap of ideas here :-)

Fundamentally, my approach to JSF 2.0 is to continue the CoR patterns with the 
various application handlers, while sticking to the 5 phases of MVC, allowing 
other interceptors to provide intermediate processing within those 5 distinct 

Secondly, brining in the concept of a ProcessingContext into JSF such that 
stateful UIComponent requests are only one implementation of the 
ProcessingContext.  The idea of a ProcessingContext with JSF was originally 
brought up with JSF Avatar, such that a single view/tree could be processed in 
part or in whole, but the fact that the JSF API was tied to a UIViewRoot object 
somewhat limited the flexability here.

So, if we provide this facade that the controller/listeners/interceptors 
operate on, much like a WebWork ActionContext, then we can say that JSF and WW 
are both client implementations that coexist via CoR/interceptors within a 
single controller.

Martin brought up the need for the visitor pattern which could be used in 
conjunction with phaselisteners/interceptors to introduce additional 
processing.  Now, if we play heavy emphasis on composition within this new 
ProcessingContext facade, then controller participants can operate, via 
visitor, on a single node (only a WW Action) or a whole tree of them as with 
JSF.  From the 30,000 foot view, that's what JSF is-- a tree of coordinated 
Actions instead of a single node, much more powerful IMHO, but adds a bit more 

So again, at it's core for JSF 2.0, we refactor FacesContext to instead have a 
ProcessingContext (shorter name?) instead of a UIViewRoot.  The 
lifecycle/interceptors instead interrogate the ProcessingContext for alternate 
behavior while allowing those interceptors to pass a visitor to flexibly 
processing a whole composition of delegate concerns within the request.

Fundamentally, this is very similar to what we've done with the EL-API-- Seam, 
Shale, and Spring can all provide behavior from different contexts, coordinated 
by vistors in the form of ELResolvers which provides a *very* flexible way of 
mapping back to models within MVC.  Now lets do the same for MVC controllers.

-- Jacob

>Jacob Hookom wrote:
>> The NavigationHandler has that default behavior. But much like WebWork 
>> allows the pluggable ActionMapper, all parts of JSF are pluggable in 
>> that manner.  Seam and SWF are two examples of plugging in alternate 
>> logic for navigation handling.  So the emphasis is put on the API, not 
>> the implementation.
>I guess what I'm saying is the navigation is already the way we want it.  What 
>would reimplementing it as a 
>NavigationHandler bring to the table?
>> I've been trying to get everyone behind the EL-API.  The 'traditional' 
>> EL implementation provided in the spec is, again, only one 
>> implementation.  The JEXL implementation of the EL-API would be a piece 
>> of cake, OGNL wouldn't be that hard either if they would use JavaCC with 
>> the visitor=true when compiling the grammar.
>Ok, I was under the impression that the Unified EL was tightly coupled to the 
>implementation.  If the API is abstract 
>enough to handle different implementations such as OGNL, then this is good 
>news.  This might be the abstraction we were 
>looking for to ensure Action 2 isn't tied to one EL.  Of course, deciding to 
>implement the EL API by OGNL is one thing, 
>finding someone with the time and expertise to do it is another :)
>Do you know of an alternate implementation of the EL API and/or more 
>documentation about it?  In my research, everywhere 
>I saw it mentioned it didn't make the distinction, and comments, particularly 
>on TSS, seemed to indicate the features I 
>previously mentioned were explicitly rejected (method invocation, for 
>Ok, so we can walk away with saying we might be able to collaborate on the EL 
>API, provided someone steps up and ports 
>OGNL or an EL with a similar set of capabilities to it.  I'm still not 
>convinced implementing WebWork as a Lifecycle 
>implementation would bring any value for 95% of the applications, however, at 
>some point, I am planing on porting Struts 
>Faces to Action 2 for the edge case of a WebWork app that wants to take 
>advantage of JSF components, the real draw of 
>JSF IMO, for certain pages.  At which time, I'll look more into different 
>integration approaches like this one.
>I guess the bottom line I think our best bet is to focus on discrete problems 
>like EL, validation, annotations, etc. for 
>integration.  From a framework developer perspective, sharing APIs is 
>interesting, but not so for the end user, who 
>could probably care less.  I guess I'm trying to see what advantages this 
>would bring to the end user.  The one 
>capability of JSF that I'd like to use in an Action 2 application, as an end 
>user, is its stateful components, 
>particularly complex, out-of-the-box components.  I'd be interested to hear of 

Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-10 Thread Don Brown

Jacob Hookom wrote:
The NavigationHandler has that default behavior. But much like WebWork 
allows the pluggable ActionMapper, all parts of JSF are pluggable in 
that manner.  Seam and SWF are two examples of plugging in alternate 
logic for navigation handling.  So the emphasis is put on the API, not 
the implementation.

I guess what I'm saying is the navigation is already the way we want it.  What would reimplementing it as a 
NavigationHandler bring to the table?

I've been trying to get everyone behind the EL-API.  The 'traditional' 
EL implementation provided in the spec is, again, only one 
implementation.  The JEXL implementation of the EL-API would be a piece 
of cake, OGNL wouldn't be that hard either if they would use JavaCC with 
the visitor=true when compiling the grammar.

Ok, I was under the impression that the Unified EL was tightly coupled to the implementation.  If the API is abstract 
enough to handle different implementations such as OGNL, then this is good news.  This might be the abstraction we were 
looking for to ensure Action 2 isn't tied to one EL.  Of course, deciding to implement the EL API by OGNL is one thing, 
finding someone with the time and expertise to do it is another :)

Do you know of an alternate implementation of the EL API and/or more documentation about it?  In my research, everywhere 
I saw it mentioned it didn't make the distinction, and comments, particularly on TSS, seemed to indicate the features I 
previously mentioned were explicitly rejected (method invocation, for example).

Ok, so we can walk away with saying we might be able to collaborate on the EL API, provided someone steps up and ports 
OGNL or an EL with a similar set of capabilities to it.  I'm still not convinced implementing WebWork as a Lifecycle 
implementation would bring any value for 95% of the applications, however, at some point, I am planing on porting Struts 
Faces to Action 2 for the edge case of a WebWork app that wants to take advantage of JSF components, the real draw of 
JSF IMO, for certain pages.  At which time, I'll look more into different integration approaches like this one.

I guess the bottom line I think our best bet is to focus on discrete problems like EL, validation, annotations, etc. for 
integration.  From a framework developer perspective, sharing APIs is interesting, but not so for the end user, who 
could probably care less.  I guess I'm trying to see what advantages this would bring to the end user.  The one 
capability of JSF that I'd like to use in an Action 2 application, as an end user, is its stateful components, 
particularly complex, out-of-the-box components.  I'd be interested to hear of more capabilities an Action 2 developer 
would get out of such a hybrid.

This is a good discussion, and I hope it can continue and be a benefit to both 


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Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-10 Thread Adam Winer
On 4/9/06, Jacob Hookom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don Brown wrote:
> > Yeah, I read that post, and while interesting, I'm not sure it would
> > hold much value, particularly for Action 2 applications.
> >
> > Basically, the approach intercepts the usual Faces processing at the
> > start, turning the lifecycle into one used by Action 1.  Action 2,
> > based on WebWork, doesn't have a predefined workflow process, leaving
> > that job up to interceptor chains.  This allows you to customize the
> > completely workflow for a single action or groups of actions (called
> > packages).  In fact, you could argue that perhaps JSF should be
> > implemented as Action 2 interceptors :)
> That's one of the things that I wish the original JSF 1.0 API would've
> done instead of before/after.  Probably just a continuation of the JSP
> stuff that no one likes (which also screwed up JSF's UIComponent API).
> Hopefully in JSF 2.0, we can move to the filter/interceptor pattern with
> phaselisteners (equiv WebWork interceptors).

Trivia/history: the reason JSF didn't use a filter approach was
the inability of JEE 1.3 filters to execute in response to a forward.

> > The two advantages mentioned, navigation and EL, are debatable.
> > Action 2 uses Results, allowing for each action to specify one or more
> > results which could be a simple JSP forward, a Velocity template, or
> > even a Jasper reports.  As I understand JSF navigation, the results
> > are simple request dispatches, harking back to Action 1-type
> > functionality.
> The NavigationHandler has that default behavior. But much like WebWork
> allows the pluggable ActionMapper, all parts of JSF are pluggable in
> that manner.  Seam and SWF are two examples of plugging in alternate
> logic for navigation handling.  So the emphasis is put on the API, not
> the implementation.

Exactly - and this is an example of an area where JSF could
benefit from WebWork - an alternative NavigationHandler
that supports all of the alternative, not-just-a-RequestDispatcher-call
capabilities there.

> > Using EL, on the other hand, I personally don't see as a great
> > benefit.  The new unified EL lacks many of the key features that makes
> > EL and OGNL in particular, so attractive.  For example, OGNL supports
> > method invocation, type conversion, and projection, features, AFAICT,
> > aren't supported by EL and won't ever be.  Still, one of our goals in
> > Action 2 is to make the EL pluggable, so in the future, developers can
> > choose between the unified EL and OGNL, and perhaps other options.
> I've been trying to get everyone behind the EL-API.  The 'traditional'
> EL implementation provided in the spec is, again, only one
> implementation.  The JEXL implementation of the EL-API would be a piece
> of cake, OGNL wouldn't be that hard either if they would use JavaCC with
> the visitor=true when compiling the grammar.
> So when you say '... aren't supported by EL and won't ever be.' that's a
> lot of smoke up   Anyways, the EL-API is what counts here and just
> like JSE 6 has that Script API, JEE has the EL API with semantics that
> fit event based frameworks, such as UIs.  MethodExpressions are a great
> example, along with EL's pluggable ELResolver system such that any
> custom type, converter, logic, etc, can be plugged in to resolve the
> behavior of a.b or a[b].  In terms of OGNL or JEXL, you can go one step
> further and produce a OgnlExpressionFactory or JexlExpressionFactory, as
> so *many* frameworks can take advantage of a common API.  There's also
> talk of having an EL JSR that will roll in everything else people are
> looking for.

I agree with Jacob - an OGNL implementation of an ExpressionFactory
would be an excellent thing.  I'm kinda tired of hearing how a webapp
framework is great or awful because the underlying EL it uses is great
or awful, when the EL implementation should be decoupled from the

-- Adam

> >
> > The only advantage I can see of this approach is to allow developers
> > to write backing beans, using the same FacesContext as other pages
> > that fully use JSF, but even then, Action 2 actions are POJO's and
> > support arbitrary method invocation already, so the remaining
> > advantage would be the FacesContext consistency.
> >
> > I'm not a JSF expert, so perhaps I'm missing something big.  I still
> > see the areas ripe for collaboration are annotations and efforts to
> > make JSF backing beans and Action 2 Actions useable in both
> > frameworks.  Also, I was only half kidding about implementing JSF as
> > Action 2 Interceptors... ;)
> That's exactly what I'm hoping for with the EL API-- such that we can
> share ELResolvers for handling common validation/converter metadata.
> I'll agree that if JSF's controller wasn't bound to the concept of a
> stateful component model, that it would make a lot more sense as a
> common platform for frameworks.  In JSF 2.0, I hope to introduce the
> idea of a common controller that will support mode

Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-10 Thread Don Brown

Sorry, I meant to type Stripes, not Wicket.


Michael Jouravlev wrote:

On 4/9/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OGNL is used by Action 2/WebWork, Tapestry, Wicket, and several others.
It is the most advanced EL with the most features, however some of those
aren't well documented.

Wicket guys switched from OGNL to their own implementation, they say
it is much faster though more limited.

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Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-10 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 4/9/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OGNL is used by Action 2/WebWork, Tapestry, Wicket, and several others.
> It is the most advanced EL with the most features, however some of those
> aren't well documented.

Wicket guys switched from OGNL to their own implementation, they say
it is much faster though more limited.

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Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-10 Thread Jacob Hookom

Don Brown wrote:
Yeah, I read that post, and while interesting, I'm not sure it would 
hold much value, particularly for Action 2 applications.

Basically, the approach intercepts the usual Faces processing at the 
start, turning the lifecycle into one used by Action 1.  Action 2, 
based on WebWork, doesn't have a predefined workflow process, leaving 
that job up to interceptor chains.  This allows you to customize the 
completely workflow for a single action or groups of actions (called 
packages).  In fact, you could argue that perhaps JSF should be 
implemented as Action 2 interceptors :)
That's one of the things that I wish the original JSF 1.0 API would've 
done instead of before/after.  Probably just a continuation of the JSP 
stuff that no one likes (which also screwed up JSF's UIComponent API).  
Hopefully in JSF 2.0, we can move to the filter/interceptor pattern with 
phaselisteners (equiv WebWork interceptors).

The two advantages mentioned, navigation and EL, are debatable.  
Action 2 uses Results, allowing for each action to specify one or more 
results which could be a simple JSP forward, a Velocity template, or 
even a Jasper reports.  As I understand JSF navigation, the results 
are simple request dispatches, harking back to Action 1-type 
The NavigationHandler has that default behavior. But much like WebWork 
allows the pluggable ActionMapper, all parts of JSF are pluggable in 
that manner.  Seam and SWF are two examples of plugging in alternate 
logic for navigation handling.  So the emphasis is put on the API, not 
the implementation.
Using EL, on the other hand, I personally don't see as a great 
benefit.  The new unified EL lacks many of the key features that makes 
EL and OGNL in particular, so attractive.  For example, OGNL supports 
method invocation, type conversion, and projection, features, AFAICT, 
aren't supported by EL and won't ever be.  Still, one of our goals in 
Action 2 is to make the EL pluggable, so in the future, developers can 
choose between the unified EL and OGNL, and perhaps other options.
I've been trying to get everyone behind the EL-API.  The 'traditional' 
EL implementation provided in the spec is, again, only one 
implementation.  The JEXL implementation of the EL-API would be a piece 
of cake, OGNL wouldn't be that hard either if they would use JavaCC with 
the visitor=true when compiling the grammar.

So when you say '... aren't supported by EL and won't ever be.' that's a 
lot of smoke up   Anyways, the EL-API is what counts here and just 
like JSE 6 has that Script API, JEE has the EL API with semantics that 
fit event based frameworks, such as UIs.  MethodExpressions are a great 
example, along with EL's pluggable ELResolver system such that any 
custom type, converter, logic, etc, can be plugged in to resolve the 
behavior of a.b or a[b].  In terms of OGNL or JEXL, you can go one step 
further and produce a OgnlExpressionFactory or JexlExpressionFactory, as 
so *many* frameworks can take advantage of a common API.  There's also 
talk of having an EL JSR that will roll in everything else people are 
looking for.

The only advantage I can see of this approach is to allow developers 
to write backing beans, using the same FacesContext as other pages 
that fully use JSF, but even then, Action 2 actions are POJO's and 
support arbitrary method invocation already, so the remaining 
advantage would be the FacesContext consistency.

I'm not a JSF expert, so perhaps I'm missing something big.  I still 
see the areas ripe for collaboration are annotations and efforts to 
make JSF backing beans and Action 2 Actions useable in both 
frameworks.  Also, I was only half kidding about implementing JSF as 
Action 2 Interceptors... ;)
That's exactly what I'm hoping for with the EL API-- such that we can 
share ELResolvers for handling common validation/converter metadata.  
I'll agree that if JSF's controller wasn't bound to the concept of a 
stateful component model, that it would make a lot more sense as a 
common platform for frameworks.  In JSF 2.0, I hope to introduce the 
idea of a common controller that will support model 1 and model 2 by 
putting the view/state into a facade.  This facade can be implemented as 
a Action in WW terms or a UIComponent tree in JSF terms.  Even if we do 
correct the model 1 in a hybrid implementation, there will always be a 
need for true model 2 support, it's just a matter of how efficiently we 
can integrate the two into a common mind share within JEE.

-- Jacob


Sean Schofield wrote:

[Moving this aspect of the discussion from myfaces to struts list ...]

On 4/7/06, Jacob Hookom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Covered here a bit: 


Great blog entry!

@ Struts Dev:

I recommend you check this out.  Jacob outlines how its possible to
create a simple action oriented framework on top of the JSF API
without fussing

Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-09 Thread Gabe


I wanted to comment on the idea of plugging expression languages into the 
current code, because as one who has written a lot of the recent type 
conversion code and delved deeply into OGNL, I would say this is a difficult, 
though not impossible task. The issue is that all the property accessor classes 
and method accessor classes that are so integral, are all OGNL related. 
Removing that would also remove a lot of functionality of XWork.

However, it is not impossible. OGNL depends on a language file which generates 
all of the classes that are used for evaluating an OGNL expression. Knowing the 
language file is knowing OGNL and being able to modify it. It would then 
perhaps be possible to create language files in any EL we like, which would 
then still go through all the property accessors (or method accessors) as we 
like and handle null properties as well, which would be nice to do independent 
of EL.

Another option, possibly usable in the paragraph above is to make OGNL more 
like JSTL or a more standard language but 'extend' it. In this option, OGNL 
would look much like JSTL (which in a lot of ways it already does such as Map, 
List and property accessing), but using the action taglibraries (the former 
webwork taglibraries) one would be able to use the extended functionality of 
OGNL such as method accessors. Since OGNL isn't really in development, we ought 
to feel free to develop it to our purposes.

Just some thoughts to thow out there on a tangential topic. 


- Original Message 
From: Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Developers List 
Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2006 3:07:26 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

Sorry, I should be more clear when discussing EL.  An Expression 
Language or EL is a concept I think we all agree is a good thing.  
Implementations of EL include JSP 2.0, JSF 1.0, the Unified EL, OGNL, 
Jexl, JXPath, and many others.  Struts 1.x used a poor man's EL through 
Beanutils, which lacked many of the features you now associate with EL.  
The Unified EL is used by the next JSF and JSP (2.1 I think) with the 
purpose of unifying the different incarnations of EL they both used.  
OGNL is used by Action 2/WebWork, Tapestry, Wicket, and several others.  
It is the most advanced EL with the most features, however some of those 
aren't well documented.

My point was first, Action 2 should allow you to plug in any EL you'd 
like, including the Unified EL, and second, at this point, I don't see 
the Unified EL replacing OGNL for primarly usage, mainly because the 
Unified EL lacks several key features, the lack of which is a conscious 
decision of the working group.  Still, I'm sure there will be those 
Action 2 users who would rather have the familarity of the Unified EL 
over the advanced features of OGNL, so we hope to make that an option 
some day.


Michael Jouravlev wrote:
> On 4/9/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Using
>> EL, on the other hand, I personally don't see as a great benefit.  The
>> new unified EL lacks many of the key features that makes EL and OGNL in
>> particular, so attractive.  For example, OGNL supports method
>> invocation, type conversion, and projection, features, AFAICT, aren't
>> supported by EL and won't ever be.
> I see an advantage of unified EL in creating proper names for HTML
> input elements and automatic propagation if input data to backing
> beans. Basically, this is kind of Struts HTML tags + beanutils +
> proper type conversion or WebWork tags + OGNL. Doing it JSF way is
> more unified, instead of having different Struts 1, Struts 2 or
> Stripes way. This feature is not planned for JSP 2.1, but I think it
> can be implemented. Sun pushes JSF and implements new features in JSF
> only.
> Michael.
> -
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Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-09 Thread Don Brown
Sorry, I should be more clear when discussing EL.  An Expression 
Language or EL is a concept I think we all agree is a good thing.  
Implementations of EL include JSP 2.0, JSF 1.0, the Unified EL, OGNL, 
Jexl, JXPath, and many others.  Struts 1.x used a poor man's EL through 
Beanutils, which lacked many of the features you now associate with EL.  
The Unified EL is used by the next JSF and JSP (2.1 I think) with the 
purpose of unifying the different incarnations of EL they both used.  
OGNL is used by Action 2/WebWork, Tapestry, Wicket, and several others.  
It is the most advanced EL with the most features, however some of those 
aren't well documented.

My point was first, Action 2 should allow you to plug in any EL you'd 
like, including the Unified EL, and second, at this point, I don't see 
the Unified EL replacing OGNL for primarly usage, mainly because the 
Unified EL lacks several key features, the lack of which is a conscious 
decision of the working group.  Still, I'm sure there will be those 
Action 2 users who would rather have the familarity of the Unified EL 
over the advanced features of OGNL, so we hope to make that an option 
some day.


Michael Jouravlev wrote:

On 4/9/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

EL, on the other hand, I personally don't see as a great benefit.  The
new unified EL lacks many of the key features that makes EL and OGNL in
particular, so attractive.  For example, OGNL supports method
invocation, type conversion, and projection, features, AFAICT, aren't
supported by EL and won't ever be.

I see an advantage of unified EL in creating proper names for HTML
input elements and automatic propagation if input data to backing
beans. Basically, this is kind of Struts HTML tags + beanutils +
proper type conversion or WebWork tags + OGNL. Doing it JSF way is
more unified, instead of having different Struts 1, Struts 2 or
Stripes way. This feature is not planned for JSP 2.1, but I think it
can be implemented. Sun pushes JSF and implements new features in JSF


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Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-09 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 4/9/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using
> EL, on the other hand, I personally don't see as a great benefit.  The
> new unified EL lacks many of the key features that makes EL and OGNL in
> particular, so attractive.  For example, OGNL supports method
> invocation, type conversion, and projection, features, AFAICT, aren't
> supported by EL and won't ever be.

I see an advantage of unified EL in creating proper names for HTML
input elements and automatic propagation if input data to backing
beans. Basically, this is kind of Struts HTML tags + beanutils +
proper type conversion or WebWork tags + OGNL. Doing it JSF way is
more unified, instead of having different Struts 1, Struts 2 or
Stripes way. This feature is not planned for JSP 2.1, but I think it
can be implemented. Sun pushes JSF and implements new features in JSF


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Re: Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-09 Thread Don Brown
Yeah, I read that post, and while interesting, I'm not sure it would 
hold much value, particularly for Action 2 applications.

Basically, the approach intercepts the usual Faces processing at the 
start, turning the lifecycle into one used by Action 1.  Action 2, based 
on WebWork, doesn't have a predefined workflow process, leaving that job 
up to interceptor chains.  This allows you to customize the completely 
workflow for a single action or groups of actions (called packages).  In 
fact, you could argue that perhaps JSF should be implemented as Action 2 
interceptors :)

The two advantages mentioned, navigation and EL, are debatable.  Action 
2 uses Results, allowing for each action to specify one or more results 
which could be a simple JSP forward, a Velocity template, or even a 
Jasper reports.  As I understand JSF navigation, the results are simple 
request dispatches, harking back to Action 1-type functionality.  Using 
EL, on the other hand, I personally don't see as a great benefit.  The 
new unified EL lacks many of the key features that makes EL and OGNL in 
particular, so attractive.  For example, OGNL supports method 
invocation, type conversion, and projection, features, AFAICT, aren't 
supported by EL and won't ever be.  Still, one of our goals in Action 2 
is to make the EL pluggable, so in the future, developers can choose 
between the unified EL and OGNL, and perhaps other options.

The only advantage I can see of this approach is to allow developers to 
write backing beans, using the same FacesContext as other pages that 
fully use JSF, but even then, Action 2 actions are POJO's and support 
arbitrary method invocation already, so the remaining advantage would be 
the FacesContext consistency.

I'm not a JSF expert, so perhaps I'm missing something big.  I still see 
the areas ripe for collaboration are annotations and efforts to make JSF 
backing beans and Action 2 Actions useable in both frameworks.  Also, I 
was only half kidding about implementing JSF as Action 2 Interceptors... ;)


Sean Schofield wrote:

[Moving this aspect of the discussion from myfaces to struts list ...]

On 4/7/06, Jacob Hookom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Covered here a bit:


Great blog entry!

@ Struts Dev:

I recommend you check this out.  Jacob outlines how its possible to
create a simple action oriented framework on top of the JSF API
without fussing with components.You really get a sense for how
powerful (and pluggable) the API really is.

Maybe this a possible Action/Shale/MyFaces cooperation opportunity? 
Maybe the Webwork stuff could take advantage of the EL and

NavigationHandler?  Its not 100% JSF but it would bring the
Action/Shale frameworks a little closer together.

Back at ApacheCon USA we talked about trying to work more closely
between the two frameworks.  To me, this idea has some interesting
possibilities.  I know there was some interest in the Shale dialog
stuff but why not get the impressive navigation and EL capabilities of
JSF for free?


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Fwd: Action/Shale/JSF Overlap? (Was --> RESTful JSF)

2006-04-09 Thread Sean Schofield
[Moving this aspect of the discussion from myfaces to struts list ...]

On 4/7/06, Jacob Hookom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Covered here a bit:


Great blog entry!

@ Struts Dev:

I recommend you check this out.  Jacob outlines how its possible to
create a simple action oriented framework on top of the JSF API
without fussing with components.You really get a sense for how
powerful (and pluggable) the API really is.

Maybe this a possible Action/Shale/MyFaces cooperation opportunity? 
Maybe the Webwork stuff could take advantage of the EL and
NavigationHandler?  Its not 100% JSF but it would bring the
Action/Shale frameworks a little closer together.

Back at ApacheCon USA we talked about trying to work more closely
between the two frameworks.  To me, this idea has some interesting
possibilities.  I know there was some interest in the Shale dialog
stuff but why not get the impressive navigation and EL capabilities of
JSF for free?


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