Standard context add parameter

2010-08-22 Thread Wesley Acheson
Hi, I'm trying to put together a patch as per.

I've put an optional value in StandardContext that I need to check in
org.apache.catalina.connector.Response however I've left the interface
for Context alone. (new implementations shouldn't need to implement
the attribute).

Now I'm a bit stuck I can get the context but I'd rather not try to
cast to StandardContext or use the typeof operator. Is it okay to add
the parameter to standard context via addParameter? and check this via
findParameter which is on the context interface?

Sorry If this isn't clear.

Sorry if this is the wrong mailing list.

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Re: Standard context add parameter

2010-08-23 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Mark Thomas  wrote:

> I would (and have in the past) just add the attribute to the context.

Oh right okay thats much easier then. Is there unit tests that need
updating too?


Wesley Acheson

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Re: Links to Sun/Oracle on welcome page

2010-08-25 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Pid  wrote:
> On 25/08/2010 10:14, Mladen Turk wrote:
>> On 08/25/2010 10:53 AM, Rainer Jung wrote:
>>> What about linking to the Specs? Like
>> Still, is it so important that this should be listed on
>> the front page. We already have those links
>> (should be updated for Tomcat7 BTW) in our documentation,
>> so having that on the front page makes no sense to me.
>> I'd rather have them completely removed.
> Minor changes:
> The intention is/was to promote user education, via reading of the
> spec(s), I felt that this was a Good Thing.
> I'm out of ideas for other stuff to put in the dev quick start, so I'll
> probably drop the extra column unless there's other ideas?
> Can I also draw some attention to the 1.2.3 list at the top, as it's a
> little haphazard at present and I'd like some input as to what people
> think is the most important 3 things a user should do after installation.
> p

I don't know if your taking input from the public on this, if you are
firstly looks great and useful. Please don't take the following as
destructive critism. I like the feel to the new design.

I think you still need the information that you are looking at
root.war in there somewhere. Its the first thing that most new
installs will want to know. How to change the page your looking at.

At a resolution of 800x600 there is a minor issue with the left most
column the text "$CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml" is truncated
behind the middle column.

I don't know if it gives too good of an impression to have css that
doesn't validate. I know this is because you are using the vendor
extensions instead of the standards.

Similarly the markup doesn't validate. I'm pretty sure this one
should. Please note the previous tomcat root page didn't validate

I'm not that keen on the "buttons" on the right hand side of "upper".
Users attach a different meaning to a button than to a link, I think
it may decrease usablity.

In future you will not be able to change a background image on hover.

The checkbox may be a bit misleading to people also especially as it
implies something has or hasn't been done which isn't necessarily

I think the contrast should be increased in the rolover of the
checkbox links in the header in case of people with impaired vision.



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Finding the context of a Request at the point of parsing session

2010-08-29 Thread Wesley Acheson

In tomcat 6 trunk

At the point o.a.c.c.CoyoteAdapter#parseSessionId(org.apache.coyote.Request,
org.apache.catalina.connector.Request) gets called the context isn't
set in the o.a.c.c.Request parameter.  This is set later in

Is there any way that isn't too heavy to find the context earlier.

#postParseRequest does the following

connector.getMapper().map(serverName, decodedURI,
Which maps the value.

I've tried connector.getMapper() but couldn't find a .getContext()
value on this object.

Would it be okay to move up the mapper line before parseSessionId ?



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Voting for issues.

2010-09-02 Thread Wesley Acheson
I understand that the Apache voting system is a bit odd. For enhancement
requests though is there no way for users to vote for the features that they
would like. (Which is different to you as devs voting on whether to apply a
patch or not). I'm pretty sure that's a normal bugzilla feature but I
haven't seen it in your installation.



Re: Voting for issues.

2010-09-03 Thread Wesley Acheson
> I don't recall it ever being used very much (by users or by committers)
> so I disabled it for the newer projects.
Okay fair enough. Would the best process for suggesting changes be to raise
a discussion on the users list?  Suggestions that outside the users ability
to patch.

Oh and there is no way to register interest in something that's already


I saw someone had a patch to salt passwords and even though we bypass the
tomcat authentication mechanisms at work I think security is a worthwhile
effort so I wanted to vote on that.



Catching throwable.

2010-09-10 Thread Wesley Acheson
I'm looking through the source now where I'm seeing a lot of
Throwables caught. I was always told this was bad practice is there a
reason for this? Some I could understand but there seems to be places
where throwable is caught even though the javadocs say it throws an
exception. And by your handling of the throwable it looks like you
know what to expect the throwable to be.

Just getting my head arround it.


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Adding Host node to server.xml

2010-09-12 Thread Wesley Acheson

I'm looking at adding a host node to server.xml on the 6.0 branch via
host manager, If I get this correct there can be more than one service
node which in turn has one Engine which contains the hosts.

So assuming there are multiple Service nodes how do I know which
Engine node to add the Host node to?

does (Service) host.getParent() make sense, If so is service name both
compulsory and guaranteed to be unique?



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Re: Adding Host node to server.xml

2010-09-12 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
> On 12/09/2010 09:59, Wesley Acheson wrote:

>> does (Service) host.getParent() make sense, If so is service name both
>> compulsory and guaranteed to be unique?
> Get the correct engine the way host manager does (or something similar).
> You then want engine.getService()
> Yes, you can safely assume service names are a) non-null and b) unique.
> Mark

I may be being blind, but I don't find any references to service for
the HostManager. The engine is found by host.getParent(). I assume
(okay I missed out a node there) Its okay for (Service)

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Is tomcat 7 svn just trunk?

2010-09-13 Thread Wesley Acheson
Em what I mean is I don't see a trunk node within tc7.0x folder. Does
the trunk folder
represent tomcat 7?

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Attempting to run tomcat 7 in eclipse.

2010-09-14 Thread Wesley Acheson

I think the documentation in tomcat 7 about building tomcat is
incorrect or out of date.

I've tried to get it running in eclipse using the following steps.

1 Checkout from This was
the location given to me on the mailing list.

2 Tried "ant download" as per
Apparently there is no target called "download"

3 Tried the following ant targets in the following order
"download-compile" "download-test-compile", "download-dist",
"download-validate". Finally ant with no arguments.

4 Renamed "eclipse.project" and "eclipse.classpath" to ".project" and

5 Launched eclipse, added in classpath variables, as per documentation

6 I received an error that two jar files were missing
"c:\usr\share\java\wsdl4j-1.6.1\wsdl4j-1.6.1.jar" and

7 Downloaded those two jar files from a maven repository and placed in
the set location.

Now I'm stuck the instructions say 'enter
"org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina" as the main class, "start" as
program arguments, and "-Dcatalina.home=..." (with the name of your
build directory) as VM arguments.'


However there doesn't seem to be a main method in, I've
changed this to "org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap" is that
correct? It appears to launch.

So there are the following definite problems with the documentation.
The main class is wrong. The ant targets are wrong. Possibly missing a
step for downloading jars (Though I suspect thats just a badly
configured classpath).

Is this the "correct" way to run TC7?  Do you want a bug on this? If
you let me know where the documentation is I'll enter a patch
(assuming documentation is in SVN).



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Bug 49914 - "Filter on url-pattern of "/" is not invoked"

2010-09-14 Thread Wesley Acheson
This was a bug which Mark made a request to the user mailing list to look at.

Okay I think I've got some information on this. I've put a comment in
the bug showing where I "believe" the behaviour to be wrong. What's
the next step on this?

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Re: Bug 49914 - "Filter on url-pattern of "/" is not invoked"

2010-09-14 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
> On 14/09/2010 12:12, Wesley Acheson wrote:
>> This was a bug which Mark made a request to the user mailing list to look at.
>> Okay I think I've got some information on this. I've put a comment in
>> the bug showing where I "believe" the behaviour to be wrong. What's
>> the next step on this?
> You need to be able to quote the section of the spec that demonstrates
> it is wrong. Having quickly scanned the 2.5 and 3.0 specs I think you
> are going to find that there is no clear definition of whether filters
> are processed before or after welcome files. Currently, Tomcat handles
> welcome files first.
> If you can find some spec language that requires filters to be processed
> before welcome files, the bug is valid. If you can't it is "won't fix"
> and I'll add clarifying the order to my list of issues to raise with the
> EG for Servlet 3.1
> Mark

I haven't found it. What I did find is

"When processing a  element using the  style, the
container must determine whether the  matches the request URI
using the path mapping rules defined in Chapter 12, “Mapping Requests to
The order the container uses in building the chain of filters to be
applied for a
particular request URI is as follows:
1. First, the  matching filter mappings in the same order
that these
elements appear in the deployment descriptor."

Chapter 12 doesn't seem to explicitly state that the request is before
our after welcome files. However I feel that it is implied that the
request that is matched is the actual request. It depends if you look
at it like a request object or if request is the human understood term
in that chapter. What it defiantly does state that a mapping of ""
matches the root of the application "/*" maps to any request "" maps
to the root request. Which should seem to be covered in the spec.

"Use of URL Paths
Upon receipt of a client request, the Web container determines the Web
to which to forward it. The Web application selected must have the
longest context
path that matches the start of the request URL. The matched part of
the URL is the
context path when mapping to servlets."

Its your call.


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Re: Bug 49914 - "Filter on url-pattern of "/" is not invoked"

2010-09-14 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Remy Maucherat  wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-09-14 at 12:26 +0100, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> You need to be able to quote the section of the spec that demonstrates
>> it is wrong. Having quickly scanned the 2.5 and 3.0 specs I think you
>> are going to find that there is no clear definition of whether filters
>> are processed before or after welcome files. Currently, Tomcat handles
>> welcome files first.
>> If you can find some spec language that requires filters to be processed
>> before welcome files, the bug is valid. If you can't it is "won't fix"
>> and I'll add clarifying the order to my list of issues to raise with the
>> EG for Servlet 3.1
> Welcome files was never specified as a forward in the first place, since
> that's what the user expects to some extent. Similarly, welcome files
> without a physical file has also been an area with disagreements.
> Rémy

Its not a "Forward" filter anyway. Its a "Request" filter, also note
my testing may not have matched the origional reporters situation. (I
had welcome files defined and the file existed). He may have been
using a servlet for all I know.  Its not specified.


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Re: Attempting to run tomcat 7 in eclipse.

2010-09-15 Thread Wesley Acheson
Was there something wrong with this question? Or the one about
catching throwable, okay I might not be the most knowledgeable but I'm
trying to help, in general.

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Wesley Acheson
> Hi
> I think the documentation in tomcat 7 about building tomcat is
> incorrect or out of date.
> I've tried to get it running in eclipse using the following steps.
> 1 Checkout from This was
> the location given to me on the mailing list.
> 2 Tried "ant download" as per
> Apparently there is no target called "download"
> 3 Tried the following ant targets in the following order
> "download-compile" "download-test-compile", "download-dist",
> "download-validate". Finally ant with no arguments.
> 4 Renamed "eclipse.project" and "eclipse.classpath" to ".project" and
> ".eclipse".
> 5 Launched eclipse, added in classpath variables, as per documentation
> 6 I received an error that two jar files were missing
> "c:\usr\share\java\wsdl4j-1.6.1\wsdl4j-1.6.1.jar" and
> "c:\usr\share\java\jaxrpc-1.1-rc4\geronimo-spec-jaxrpc-1.1-rc4.jar"
> 7 Downloaded those two jar files from a maven repository and placed in
> the set location.
> Now I'm stuck the instructions say 'enter
> "org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina" as the main class, "start" as
> program arguments, and "-Dcatalina.home=..." (with the name of your
> build directory) as VM arguments.'
> However there doesn't seem to be a main method in, I've
> changed this to "org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap" is that
> correct? It appears to launch.
> So there are the following definite problems with the documentation.
> The main class is wrong. The ant targets are wrong. Possibly missing a
> step for downloading jars (Though I suspect thats just a badly
> configured classpath).
> Is this the "correct" way to run TC7?  Do you want a bug on this? If
> you let me know where the documentation is I'll enter a patch
> (assuming documentation is in SVN).
> Regards,
> Wesley

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Re: Attempting to run tomcat 7 in eclipse.

2010-09-15 Thread Wesley Acheson
Okay a last questions in this case. Also please note works pretty
hetic at the moment. If theres multiple changes to be made it may take
some time.

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 9:56 PM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
> On 15/09/2010 20:44, Wesley Acheson wrote:

>>> 6 I received an error that two jar files were missing
>>> "c:\usr\share\java\wsdl4j-1.6.1\wsdl4j-1.6.1.jar" and
>>> "c:\usr\share\java\jaxrpc-1.1-rc4\geronimo-spec-jaxrpc-1.1-rc4.jar"
> That is for an optional module. I normally exclude that part of the
> source tree. Or you can run the full build and you'll get the modules.
Whats the target for full build? Is this not contradicted by your below answer?

>>> 7 Downloaded those two jar files from a maven repository and placed in
>>> the set location.
> The script will handle that. You need the "extras-webservices-prepare"
> target.

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Re: Attempting to run tomcat 7 in eclipse.

2010-09-15 Thread Wesley Acheson
>>> 2 Tried "ant download" as per
>>> Apparently there is no target called "download"
> Already fixed in svn.

In trunk? because I just tried a fresh checkout doesn't seem to have
that target.

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Re: Attempting to run tomcat 7 in eclipse.

2010-09-17 Thread Wesley Acheson

>>> Is this the "correct" way to run TC7?  Do you want a bug on this? If
>>> you let me know where the documentation is I'll enter a patch
>>> (assuming documentation is in SVN).
> Yes, yes, yes.
Good, done, done.


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Code Style.

2010-09-20 Thread Wesley Acheson
>> 2. Coding conventions seem to be applied ... inconsistently. Is there a
>> code style guide that I can actually follow so my code "looks right", or
>> should I just look at what's already there in the files I'm modifying
>> and take my best guess at what's appropriate?
> Yep. Go with the current style of the file.
Hi all

I think some documentation should be created on code style. Actually a
bit more than that I think some documentation should be written

How can someone help the tomcat initative.
What the current code style is.
What the coding standards are.
Whats the patch submission process.
Whats the documentation submission process.

Any other way people can help.  Could be called getting involved and
could be linked from the building page. It could start out on the
wiki, then once the devs are happy with it it can be transcribed into
tc documentation.

Just an idea.


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Re: Code Style.

2010-09-20 Thread Wesley Acheson
Sorry missed that. Somehow though I think I may have seen it just not
when I was last looking for it. The fact that I named it such seems
like I had it in my subconsious. Sorry


[OT] Is it actually any use the extent I've tried to be involved?

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 12:58 AM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
> On 20/09/2010 15:04, Wesley Acheson wrote:
>>>> 2. Coding conventions seem to be applied ... inconsistently. Is there a
>>>> code style guide that I can actually follow so my code "looks right", or
>>>> should I just look at what's already there in the files I'm modifying
>>>> and take my best guess at what's appropriate?
>>> Yep. Go with the current style of the file.
>> Hi all
>> I think some documentation should be created on code style. Actually a
>> bit more than that I think some documentation should be written
>> saying.
>> How can someone help the tomcat initative.
>> What the current code style is.
>> What the coding standards are.
>> Whats the patch submission process.
>> Whats the documentation submission process.
>> Any other way people can help.  Could be called getting involved and
>> could be linked from the building page. It could start out on the
>> wiki, then once the devs are happy with it it can be transcribed into
>> tc documentation.
>> Just an idea.
> As always, patches welcome.
> Mark
> -
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Re: Bug 49914 - "Filter on url-pattern of "/" is not invoked"

2010-09-20 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Wesley Acheson
> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Remy Maucherat  wrote:
>> On Tue, 2010-09-14 at 12:26 +0100, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>> You need to be able to quote the section of the spec that demonstrates
>>> it is wrong. Having quickly scanned the 2.5 and 3.0 specs I think you
>>> are going to find that there is no clear definition of whether filters
>>> are processed before or after welcome files. Currently, Tomcat handles
>>> welcome files first.
>>> If you can find some spec language that requires filters to be processed
>>> before welcome files, the bug is valid. If you can't it is "won't fix"
>>> and I'll add clarifying the order to my list of issues to raise with the
>>> EG for Servlet 3.1
>> Welcome files was never specified as a forward in the first place, since
>> that's what the user expects to some extent. Similarly, welcome files
>> without a physical file has also been an area with disagreements.
>> Rémy
> Its not a "Forward" filter anyway. Its a "Request" filter, also note
> my testing may not have matched the origional reporters situation. (I
> had welcome files defined and the file existed). He may have been
> using a servlet for all I know.  Its not specified.
> Wes
Just a friendly nudge I'm not looking into this any further because I
don't know what the correct behaviour is. The servlet documentation
isn't clear as stated. I feel I lean the other way than Mark in that I
think the bug is valid. However unless someone wants to confirm that
its valid I don't want to spend any more time on it, pointless to
spend time on something that's going to be rejected anyway.


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Re: Bug 49914 - "Filter on url-pattern of "/" is not invoked"

2010-09-21 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Remy Maucherat  wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-09-20 at 16:31 -0700, Mark Thomas wrote:

> If he wants universal filtering, he can use "/*" I think, right ?

Yes that should work. I use that all the time. And "" is supposed to
be root not "/" according to the specs.

> As welcome files are not to be done by the default Servlet as a forward,
> and a HTTP redirect is not desirable either, there's no possibility to
> invoke a Servlet on / with REQUEST.

Yeah the specs are pretty bad on this. They say can be done as a
redirect, a forward or some internal mechanism. So you can take
whatever you want out of this. If it was a forward it would work or I
guess if the order was changed.

So to get this straight Rémy you think it should be a WONT FIX too?

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Re: svn commit: r1000392 - in /tomcat/trunk: Start Tomcat.launch Stop Tomcat.launch webapps/docs/building.xml webapps/docs/changelog.xml

2010-09-23 Thread Wesley Acheson
Put a comment in the main bug but I don't know if people see that. The
main class below appears to be wrong. Its now

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:15 PM,   wrote:
> Author: timw
> Date: Thu Sep 23 10:15:16 2010
> New Revision: 1000392
> URL:
> Log:
> Improvements and corrections for the Building Tomcat guide, plus
> sample Eclipse launch targets.
> Based on contribution from Wesley Acheson.
> Added:
>    tomcat/trunk/Start Tomcat.launch
>    tomcat/trunk/Stop Tomcat.launch
> Modified:
>    tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/building.xml
>    tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/changelog.xml
> Added: tomcat/trunk/Start Tomcat.launch
> URL: 
> ==
> --- tomcat/trunk/Start Tomcat.launch (added)
> +++ tomcat/trunk/Start Tomcat.launch Thu Sep 23 10:15:16 2010
> @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
> +
> +
> +
> + value="/tomcat-7.0.x/java/org/apache/catalina/startup/"/>
> +
> +
> +
> +
> + value="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap"/>
> + value="start"/>
> + value="tomcat-7.0.x"/>
> + value="-Dcatalina.home=${project_loc:/tomcat-7.0.x/java/org/apache/catalina/startup/}"/>
> +
> Added: tomcat/trunk/Stop Tomcat.launch
> URL: 
> ==
> --- tomcat/trunk/Stop Tomcat.launch (added)
> +++ tomcat/trunk/Stop Tomcat.launch Thu Sep 23 10:15:16 2010
> @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
> +
> +
> +
> + value="/tomcat-7.0.x/java/org/apache/catalina/startup/"/>
> +
> +
> +
> +
> + value="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap"/>
> + value="stop"/>
> + value="tomcat-7.0.x"/>
> + value="-Dcatalina.home=${project_loc:/tomcat-7.0.x/java/org/apache/catalina/startup/}"/>
> +
> Modified: tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/building.xml
> URL: 
> ==
> --- tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/building.xml (original)
> +++ tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/building.xml Thu Sep 23 10:15:16 2010
> @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
>     &project;
> -      Remy Maucherat
> +      Remy Maucherat, Tim Whittington
>       Building Tomcat
> @@ -36,16 +36,17 @@
> -Building Apache Tomcat from SVN is very easy, and is the first step to 
> contributing to
> -Tomcat. The following is a step by step TODO list.
> +Building Apache Tomcat from source is very easy, and is the first step to 
> contributing to
> +Tomcat. The following is a step by step guide.
> -
> +
> -The Sun JDK can be downloaded
> +Tomcat requires a JDK (version 1.6 or later) to be installed.
> +The Sun JDK can be downloaded
>   href="";>here.
> @@ -66,15 +67,15 @@ Download a binary distribution of Ant 1.
>  Unpack the binary distribution into a convenient location so that the
>  Ant release resides in its own directory (conventionally named
> -"apache-ant-1.8.x").  For the purposes of the remainder of this document,
> -the symbolic name "${ant.home}" is used to refer to the full pathname of
> - the release directory.
> +apache-ant-1.8.x).  For the remainder of this guide,
> +the symbolic name ${ant.home} is used to refer to the full 
> pathname of
> + the Ant installation directory directory.
> -Create an ANT_HOME environment variable to point the directory ${ant.home},
> +IMPORTANT: Create an ANT_HOME environment variable to point the 
> directory ${ant.home},
>  and modify the PATH environment variable to include directory
> -"${ant.home}/bin" in its list.  This makes the "ant" command line script
> +${ant.home}/bin in its list.  This makes the ant 
> command line script
>  available, which will be used to actually perform the build.
> @@ -83,29 +84,27 @@ available, which will be used to actuall
> -  Tomcat SVN repository URL:
> -
> +  Tomcat SVN repository URL:

[OT]Re: svn commit: r1000392 - in /tomcat/trunk: Start Tomcat.launch Stop Tomcat.launch webapps/docs/building.xml webapps/docs/changelog.xml

2010-09-23 Thread Wesley Acheson
> -1 on the names. File names with spaces are a PITA.
> Do these have to be in the root of the source tree? I know I started the
> whole adding Eclipse files to the source tree but I am beginning to
> regret how I did it. How about moving all the the IDE support files to
> res/ide-support and update the docs to point to the new location from
> where users can copy the files they want and ignore the ones they don't?
> Mark

Whats PITA?

Anyway this is just a thought. How about putting an eclipse target
into the ant script.

similar to maven "mvn eclipse:eclipse" could put one in for netbeans
etc as well.

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Re: svn commit: r1000392 - in /tomcat/trunk: Start Tomcat.launch Stop Tomcat.launch webapps/docs/building.xml webapps/docs/changelog.xml

2010-09-23 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:15 PM,   wrote:
> Author: timw
> Date: Thu Sep 23 10:15:16 2010
> New Revision: 1000392
> URL:
> Log:
> Improvements and corrections for the Building Tomcat guide, plus
> sample Eclipse launch targets.
>    tomcat/trunk/Start Tomcat.launch
>    tomcat/trunk/Stop Tomcat.launch

In accordance with the others -1 on the filename.

Also your launch files depend on the project being called
"tomcat-7.0.x" which for instance my checkout just isn't called.

Finally you removed the line in the patch that mentioned where the
branches were stored. If someones trying to checkout the files to find
a bug in a particular downloaded version then thats making it more
difficult for them.

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Re: [OT]Re: svn commit: r1000392 - in /tomcat/trunk: Start Tomcat.launch Stop Tomcat.launch webapps/docs/building.xml webapps/docs/changelog.xml

2010-09-23 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 7:47 PM, Caldarale, Charles R
>> From: Wesley Acheson []
>> Subject: [OT]Re: svn commit: r1000392 - in /tomcat/trunk:
>> Start Tomcat.launch Stop Tomcat.launch webapps/docs/building.xml
>> webapps/docs/changelog.xml
>> Whats PITA?
>  - Chuck

I already did (Sorry). I think that may have been a bit curt though.
It wasn't the full of my comment by any means.

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Re: [OT]Re: svn commit: r1000392 - in /tomcat/trunk: Start Tomcat.launch Stop Tomcat.launch webapps/docs/building.xml webapps/docs/changelog.xml

2010-09-23 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 7:56 PM, Caldarale, Charles R
>> From: Wesley Acheson []
>> Subject: Re: [OT]Re: svn commit: r1000392 - in /tomcat/trunk:
>> Start Tomcat.launch Stop Tomcat.launch webapps/docs/building.xml
>> webapps/docs/changelog.xml
>> I think that may have been a bit curt though.
> Sorry, I just couldn't resist the opportunity.  Did you discover the meaning 
> of the acronym?
>> It wasn't the full of my comment by any means.
> About which I had nothing to say, so the rest of your post wasn't included in 
> my response.
>  - Chuck

Okay yes I discovered the meaning of *both* acronym's. Which is ironic
considering the meaning of the second (given the way I found it out).

PITA is a type of bread. Still not sure what that has to do with a
filesystem though.

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work directory svn ignore.

2010-09-23 Thread Wesley Acheson
Just a suggestion but I feel the work directory should be in
svn:ignore. I'm looking at trunk for tc7 and it says I've a lot of
outgoing changes because I've executed it. It also showed outgoing
additions in conf. I'd put in a patch but dunno how to put in a patch
for svn properties.


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Re: [OT]Re: svn commit: r1000392 - in /tomcat/trunk: Start Tomcat.launch Stop Tomcat.launch webapps/docs/building.xml webapps/docs/changelog.xml

2010-09-23 Thread Wesley Acheson
>> Okay yes I discovered the meaning of *both* acronym's. Which is ironic
>> considering the meaning of the second (given the way I found it out).
>> PITA is a type of bread. Still not sure what that has to do with a
>> filesystem though.

Okay sorry. I saw that earlier I was being silly mostly in response to
chucks response. JIC anyone thought I was serious. AFIK TLA's & LOLspk
are difficult to read IMHO.

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Re: work directory svn ignore.

2010-09-23 Thread Wesley Acheson
Okay thanks for the heads up.

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:45 PM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
> On 23/09/2010 12:10, Wesley Acheson wrote:
>> Just a suggestion but I feel the work directory should be in
>> svn:ignore. I'm looking at trunk for tc7 and it says I've a lot of
>> outgoing changes because I've executed it. It also showed outgoing
>> additions in conf. I'd put in a patch but dunno how to put in a patch
>> for svn properties.
> You build env is messed up. You should be running Tomcat from
> trunk/output/build and that is already ignored. You should not be
> running from trunk/
> Mark
> -
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Re: work directory svn ignore.

2010-09-23 Thread Wesley Acheson
In that case looking further at this I think the eclipse.classpath is wrong.

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:45 PM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
> On 23/09/2010 12:10, Wesley Acheson wrote:

> You build env is messed up. You should be running Tomcat from
> trunk/output/build and that is already ignored. You should not be
> running from trunk/
> Mark

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Re: work directory svn ignore.

2010-09-23 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 11:28 PM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
> On 23/09/2010 13:28, Wesley Acheson wrote:
>> In that case looking further at this I think the eclipse.classpath is wrong.
> That was intended for building Tomcat, not running it. Personally, I'd
> never run Tomcat inside Eclipse.
> Mark
Hey Mark,

Its useful sometimes. I use the step debugger. The only reason I have
the project checked out is for that issue I was looking at before with
the "/" filter.

Yeah I could attach with the JDPA but this way is easier.

Doesn't matter though. I'm really not fussed. I just thought I'd bring
it up thats all.


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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 49999] New: More bugs

2010-09-24 Thread Wesley Acheson
Pardon my language but WTF?

please don't respond GIYF.

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 11:35 PM,   wrote:
>           Summary: More bugs
>           Product: Tomcat 5
>           Version: 5.5.31
>          Platform: All
>        OS/Version: All
>            Status: NEW
>          Severity: normal
>          Priority: P2
>         Component: Catalina
>        AssignedTo:
>        ReportedBy:
> Due to particularly the efforts of markt, there seem to be an insufficient
> number of bugs in the Tomcat category.  This could easily be remedied with 
> more
> veto wars on dev@, committing all to inadequate fixes, or simply introducing
> regressions.
> Since Tomcat isn't pulling it's weight against bugzilla, it's only proper to
> award the tomcat project issue 4
> --
> Configure bugmail:
> --- You are receiving this mail because: ---
> You are the assignee for the bug.
> -
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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 49999] New: More bugs

2010-09-24 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 11:59 PM, William A. Rowe Jr.
> On 9/24/2010 4:55 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>>> From: Wesley Acheson []
>>> Subject: Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 4] New: More bugs
>>> Pardon my language but WTF?
>> I think Mr Rowe is actually issuing a compliment to the sterling efforts of 
>> Mark T, albeit in a somewhat facetious manner.
> Correct, but it was a misattribution.  markt can be cited as the overachiever
> in clearing and keeping clear the legacy tomcat bug queue, but the fact that
> Tomcat didn't pull its weight in incidents can be assigned to all of the
> Tomcat dev committers - congrats folks.
>> I'm surprised he didn't wait for #5 to make the "award"...
> Oh, there is also an issue 5 :)
> -
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And the veto wars? and regressions?

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Re: svn commit: r1001216 - /tomcat/jk/trunk/xdocs/miscellaneous/changelog.xml

2010-09-26 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 6:05 PM, Konstantin Kolinko
> 2010/9/26 sebb :
>> On 26 September 2010 10:00, Tim Whittington  wrote:
>>> Bah. Trying to convince Eclipse not to use tabs is proving tricky -
>>> will be more vigilent..
>> Hit me too amny times.
>> The tabs setting for the XML editor is in a different place:
>> Preferences / XML / XML Files / Editor / Indent using tabs/spaces.
> BTW, there is Preferences / General / Editors / Text Editors / Show
> whitespace characters
> that applies to all Text editors there
> 2010/9/26 Ian Darwin :
>> On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 10:00:29PM +1300, Tim Whittington wrote:
>>> Bah. Trying to convince Eclipse not to use tabs is proving tricky -
>>> will be more vigilent..
>> Then, once you get it right, document it!
>> I think most settings like that can be done at a project level or
>> globally; if project level override is used, it gets saved in .settings,
>> if you commit that, everybody who starts after that will get this setting.
> I do not think that we should commit anything that is in ".settings".
> I do not mind against "eclipse.settings" though,
> so that one can rename/move that to ".settings". ;)
> Best regards,
> -
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Assuming bgu 50001 passes should we copy a .settings into the project
root also?  What settings should this be, though, I keep getting vague
answers to code style.

What I know

bracing style : java standard
indentation : 4 spaces
line length :80 (rigid)
multiple parameters: same line?? so long as its under 80 chrs?

xml indentation: 2 spaces??? (basing that off build.xml)
multiple xml attributes (over 80 chars)??

Anything else?

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Which IDE?

2010-09-26 Thread Wesley Acheson
Commiters, patch authors.

Do you use an IDE to modify tomcat source code?

If you do which one?

Asking again in releation to bug 50001. Trying to see what ide's
should be supported.

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Re: Which IDE?

2010-09-26 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
> On 26/09/2010 19:08, Wesley Acheson wrote:
>> Commiters, patch authors.
>> Do you use an IDE to modify tomcat source code?
> Yes.
>> If you do which one?
> Eclipse for Java.

Really do you use the formatter for the code? If so we could use your settings.

> Visual Studio (rarely) for C code.
> Mark

I've no idea on how to put in IDE specific files for Visual Studio.


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Re: svn commit: r1001216 - /tomcat/jk/trunk/xdocs/miscellaneous/changelog.xml

2010-09-26 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 1:37 PM, sebb  wrote:
> On 26 September 2010 10:00, Tim Whittington  wrote:
>> Bah. Trying to convince Eclipse not to use tabs is proving tricky -
>> will be more vigilent..
> Hit me too amny times.
> The tabs setting for the XML editor is in a different place:
> Preferences / XML / XML Files / Editor / Indent using tabs/spaces.
>> cheers
>> tim
>> On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 3:28 AM,   wrote:
>>> Author: rjung
>>> Date: Sat Sep 25 14:28:36 2010
>>> New Revision: 1001216
>>> URL:
>>> Log:
>>> Please no tabs.
>>> Modified:
>>>    tomcat/jk/trunk/xdocs/miscellaneous/changelog.xml
>>> Modified: tomcat/jk/trunk/xdocs/miscellaneous/changelog.xml
>>> URL: 
>>> ==
>>> --- tomcat/jk/trunk/xdocs/miscellaneous/changelog.xml (original)
>>> +++ tomcat/jk/trunk/xdocs/miscellaneous/changelog.xml Sat Sep 25 14:28:36 
>>> 2010
>>> @@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
>>>         Old behaviour can be enabled by defining USE_CGI_HEADERS. (timw)
>>> -               49511: IIS: Do not override IIS log information 
>>> when subsequent
>>> -               requests on a keep-alive connection are not mapped into the 
>>> ISAPI Redirector. (timw)
>>> +        49511: IIS: Do not override IIS log information when 
>>> subsequent
>>> +        requests on a keep-alive connection are not mapped into the ISAPI 
>>> Redirector. (timw)
>>>         Docs: Document SSLOptions needed for SSL information forwarding. 
>>> (rjung)

How about a pre-commit script that replaces ^(\t)+ with four spaces,
on files with an extension of ".java"?

Seen the tab thing come up a few times in my short subscription to this list.


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Re: Which IDE?

2010-09-26 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 8:44 PM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
> On 26/09/2010 19:38, Wesley Acheson wrote:
>> On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
>>> On 26/09/2010 19:08, Wesley Acheson wrote:
>>>> Commiters, patch authors.
>>>> Do you use an IDE to modify tomcat source code?
>>> Yes.
>>>> If you do which one?
>>> Eclipse for Java.
>> Really do you use the formatter for the code? If so we could use your 
>> settings.
> No. Applying the code formatter makes too many changes and adds far to
> much noise to the commits.

Only the once though if everyone (the commiters especially) has the same format.

Which is really nice. Its a big noise but its a big noise once.

> The only change I make to default Eclipse settings is to switch from
> tabs to spaces.
> Mark
>>> Visual Studio (rarely) for C code.
>>> Mark
>> I've no idea on how to put in IDE specific files for Visual Studio.
>> Wes
>> -
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> -
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Re: Which IDE?

2010-09-26 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 10:26 PM, Pid  wrote:
> On 26/09/2010 19:57, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 26/09/2010 19:47, Wesley Acheson wrote:
>>> Which is really nice. Its a big noise but its a big noise once.
>> Which persists in the file's history making diffs that span the format
>> change almost impossible to decipher. Small gradual changes is the
>> approach the project has taken to date.
> There's a lot of code in Tomcat that's been around for a long time.
> There's a few places where cosmetic changes would help readability, and
> plenty more when extensive/detailed commenting (by someone who
> understands what that code intends to do, and actually does) would help.
> I'd rather see that as a priority, than applying a common code style, in
> the foreseeable.
> p

Understood. The reason I was thinking it was important is to try to
lower the bar. So to speak the easier you make it for people to
contribute the more likely you are to get contributions.

I also agree with Marks statement above I just didn't think of it at the time.

And yes that would be more helpful. Though I'm sure everyone just
helps in the way they can.


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Re: Which IDE?

2010-09-26 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 12:18 AM, David Jencks  wrote:
> On Sep 26, 2010, at 11:08 AM, Wesley Acheson wrote:
>> Commiters, patch authors.
>> Do you use an IDE to modify tomcat source code?
>> If you do which one?
>> Asking again in releation to bug 50001. Trying to see what ide's
>> should be supported.
> My experience with IDE specific files is that checking them into svn usually 
> causes far more problems that it solves.  Maybe you'll be lucky and solve 
> more than you cause.  If I'm the only IDEA user I'd appreciate your not 
> putting IDEA specific files in svn.
> thanks
> david jencks

1. I wasn't intending in putting anything where it would automatically be used.
2. I was hoping to munge files.

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Re: svn commit: r1002073 - in /tomcat/trunk: ./ res/ide-support/ res/ide-support/eclipse/ webapps/docs/

2010-09-28 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:36 AM,   wrote:
> Author: timw
> Date: Tue Sep 28 09:36:08 2010
> New Revision: 1002073
> URL:
> Log:
> Moved all Eclipse specific files into res/ide-support/eclipse.
> Removed spaces from launch target filenames.
> Corrected launch targets to run in output/build instead of root directory 
> (still not sure if they're a good idea)
> Added an Ant ide-eclipse target to prepare the working copy to be built with 
> Eclipse and create Eclipse project files.
> Updated the Building docs to document new Eclipse setup method.
> Added descriptions of how to configure Eclipse to respect Tomcat coding 
> conventions to the Building guide.
> Added:
>    tomcat/trunk/res/ide-support/
>    tomcat/trunk/res/ide-support/eclipse/
>    tomcat/trunk/res/ide-support/eclipse/eclipse.classpath
>      - copied unchanged from r1001386, tomcat/trunk/eclipse.classpath
>    tomcat/trunk/res/ide-support/eclipse/eclipse.project
>      - copied unchanged from r1001386, tomcat/trunk/eclipse.project
>    tomcat/trunk/res/ide-support/eclipse/start-tomcat.launch
>      - copied, changed from r1001386, tomcat/trunk/Start Tomcat.launch
>    tomcat/trunk/res/ide-support/eclipse/stop-tomcat.launch
>      - copied, changed from r1001386, tomcat/trunk/Stop Tomcat.launch
> Removed:
>    tomcat/trunk/Start Tomcat.launch
>    tomcat/trunk/Stop Tomcat.launch
>    tomcat/trunk/eclipse.classpath
>    tomcat/trunk/eclipse.project
> Modified:
>    tomcat/trunk/build.xml
>    tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/building.xml
> Modified: tomcat/trunk/build.xml
> URL: 
> ==
> --- tomcat/trunk/build.xml (original)
> +++ tomcat/trunk/build.xml Tue Sep 28 09:36:08 2010
> @@ -1513,6 +1513,7 @@ Apache Tomcat ${version} native binaries
> +        
> @@ -2242,6 +2243,19 @@ Apache Tomcat ${version} native binaries
> +  
> +
> +   +          description="Prepares the source tree to be built in Eclipse">
> +
> +    
> +     tofile="${tomcat.home}/.project"/>
> +     tofile="${tomcat.home}/.classpath"/>
> +
> +    Eclipse project files created.
> +Read the Building page on the Apache Tomcat documentation site for details 
> on how to configure your Eclipse workplace.
> +  
> +
> Copied: tomcat/trunk/res/ide-support/eclipse/start-tomcat.launch (from 
> r1001386, tomcat/trunk/Start Tomcat.launch)
> URL: 
> ==
> --- tomcat/trunk/Start Tomcat.launch (original)
> +++ tomcat/trunk/res/ide-support/eclipse/start-tomcat.launch Tue Sep 28 
> 09:36:08 2010
> @@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
>   value="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap"/>
>   value="start"/>
>   value="tomcat-7.0.x"/>
> - value="-Dcatalina.home=${project_loc:/tomcat-7.0.x/java/org/apache/catalina/startup/}"/>
> + value="-Dcatalina.home=${project_loc:/tomcat-7.0.x/java/org/apache/catalina/startup/}/output/build"/>
> Copied: tomcat/trunk/res/ide-support/eclipse/stop-tomcat.launch (from 
> r1001386, tomcat/trunk/Stop Tomcat.launch)
> URL: 
> ==
> --- tomcat/trunk/Stop Tomcat.launch (original)
> +++ tomcat/trunk/res/ide-support/eclipse/stop-tomcat.launch Tue Sep 28 
> 09:36:08 2010
> @@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
>   value="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap"/>
>   value="stop"/>
>   value="tomcat-7.0.x"/>
> - value="-Dcatalina.home=${project_loc:/tomcat-7.0.x/java/org/apache/catalina/startup/}"/>
> + value="-Dcatalina.home=${project_loc:/tomcat-7.0.x/java/org/apache/catalina/startup/}/output/build"/>
> Modified: tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/building.xml
> URL: 
> ==
> --- tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/building.xml (original)
> +++ tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/building.xml Tue Sep 28 09:36:08 2010
> @@ -161,11 +161,6 @@ and the following steps have been used b
> -NOTE: You must complete all the above steps to fetch
> -dependency libraries and build Tomcat before you can setup an Eclipse 
> project and start
> -using it.
> -
> -
>  NOTE: This will not let yo

[OT] Difficulty creating working patch - renamed file.

2010-09-28 Thread Wesley Acheson
HI All,

I'm not actually sure how OT this is or if the question belongs here.

This is semi duplicating some comments seen in a bug. However I think
its useful for anyone trying to create future patches who is
inexperienced like me, so I'm sort of double posting.

I'm trying to create a patch. However part of that patch is renaming a
file then modifying its contents. However when a .patch is created in
eclipse it appears to record the delete then record the changes to the
new filename. However as It hasn't got the new filename in SVN when
that patch is applied it breaks.

I've no idea how to record this properly as It appears that the
patches are always made against SVN directly. So I can't provide a
patch to rename the file then another patch to modify its contents.

Finally the question. How to create a patch that involves moving or
renaming a file and changing its contents.


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Re: [OT] Difficulty creating working patch - renamed file.

2010-09-28 Thread Wesley Acheson
I don't really run SVN from the command line. But yes I believe thats
been done via the eclipse plugin actually I think it called svn move.

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Caldarale, Charles R
>> From: Wesley Acheson []
>> Subject: [OT] Difficulty creating working patch - renamed file.
>> However as It hasn't got the new filename in SVN when
>> that patch is applied it breaks.
> Have you tried "svn add" to register the new (renamed) file in the 
> .svn/entries file?
>  - Chuck
> MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received 
> this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its 
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Re: Site redesign

2010-10-11 Thread Wesley Acheson
Hi Some comments below. Sorry I've been on holiday for a bit and
haven't got arround to this.

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Pid  wrote:
> On 04/10/2010 15:00, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
>> 2010/10/4 Pid :
>>> Hi,
>>> A talking point:
>> You mean, that is proposed for or for the ROOT webapp?
> It would be for
>> That style is OK for ROOT webapp,
>> but if that is for then I do *not* like it at all.
> That's OK.  It's just a starting point.

Afraid I agree with Kolinko actually on this one.  I find it a bit too
distracting If I'm looking for information.  Its different kettle of
fish to a simple splash page. I'd need to see an actual documentation
page to get the feel of what you intended for these pages.

>> The existing design has all pages and subsections listed in well
>> defined manner.
> Well defined perhaps, but not necessarily well organised.
> E.g. the link to the configuration section in each version of the docs
> is actually at the bottom of the LHS menu despite it's importance.

>> The proposed one has information scattered all over the place.
> The content of the page is for discussion, as I said.
> This is only the homepage, not a layout the whole site would be
> constrained to.  Different pages will need different layout templates.
> I'll propose a separate page template for the individual version docs
> index page*, and I'd imagine most other pages will fall into a more
> conventional LHS menu + wide page template.
> * E.g.
> I believe that adding a standard navigation bar & footer will
> considerably improve the usability of the site, as the LHS nav is
> currently over-subscribed.
Careful here. Most people scan the LHS for their navigation. You'd
really need a usability study.  Also note most people simply ignore

For the homepage I'd lose one of the upper two boxes, Personally, and
I'd keep what you have in the drop down for documentation in the box
that remains.

Latest news is also very important to a comunity so it shouldn't be
too far down the fold.
> What do you believe are the things that should be prioritised for the
> upper half of the site homepage?
> p
>> For the ROOT webapp that was OK because that app is effectively a single 
>> page.
>> Best regards,
>> Konstantin Kolinko
>> -
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Couple of usability issues I've noticed.

1. I think the contrast is too low as many people especially the
elderly may have difficulty descerning the text in the "main" content
2. I honestly think blue links are a useful benchmark for people.
Pratically all the sites on Alexa top ten have blue links on a white
background. Its what people are used to seeing and helps them quickly
come to terms with the overall structure.
3. The footer contrast is also too low. Again I think this may be a
bit pointless overall as most people ignore the conent.  Generally
when looking at the heat maps of someone eyeballing a website you find
that the shape that is formed is an F shape.
4. People generally expect the logo to be in the upper left corner and
for that logo to be a link back to the homepage. (Its not a problem if
its not a link back to the homepage on the homepage however.)
5. The titles of the sections change color on hover (in FF anyway) but
don't appear to be links.

Also the following is just my opinion but I'd prefer that the content
area on the right was on the left, this conforms more to users

Anyway thanks for listening. I'm not trying to be over critical but
just point a few things out.


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Re: Site redesign

2010-10-12 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Pid  wrote:
> On 11/10/2010 21:04, Wesley Acheson wrote:
>> Hi Some comments below. Sorry I've been on holiday for a bit and
>> haven't got arround to this.
> Thanks.  The main question is:
>>> What do you believe are the things that should be prioritised for the
>>> upper half of the site homepage?
> ... in general/abstract terms, rather than necessarily with reference to
> that demo, or the current site.
> p

The links to the documentation should be at the top I think.

Tomcat 7.0 (beta)
Tomcat 6.0
Tomcat 5.5
Tomcat Connector
Tomcat Native

That stuff. basically.

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