[b2g] FirefoxOS Mapping [was: Dogfooding Results]

2014-12-17 Thread Adrian Custer

On 12/17/14 10:00 AM, Matěj Cepl wrote:

On 17/12/14 03:07, Adrian Custer wrote:


'curating' data is a common term for checking data, fixing errors,
finding mismatches, and generally not using a raw data dump but doing
some work with the data before use. Reports generally from people
using OSM data is that the data need work before use.

This is IMHO very very much dependent on the location.


OSM provides maps
of the similar quality to Google, and everything else (namely Nokia
Maps) are distant distant second.

You may be mixing two different ideas: overall data quality versus 
specific data errors. Curating involves making sure that small errors 
don't ruin the rest of the data; it is not a data gathering effort at 
all nor a comment on the overall data quality of a data set. Sometimes a 
single small street is connected in a strange way to a major autoroute 
or even to a train track or something similar and that tiny error leads 
to huge visual or algorithmic problems. Curating involves inspecting the 
data and correcting these tiny errors that have big impacts. This ends 
up being critical when doing routing, or address matching, or other 
advanced mapping stuff and sometimes even in simply rendering the data.

The OSM terms: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tile_Usage_Policy

Oh, tiles ... tiles are not data I meant,

Right. There are two different things going on. First is a simple map 
widget that shows tiles. Second is getting a blob of actual data and 
being able to render or to do analysis on that data. The first is vastly 
easier than the second. However, both require a web service willing to 
furnish FirefoxOS devices in general with either tiles or prepared 
data---a non-trivial investment.

and yes if OSM mapping app

would be part of FxOS, then it is probably (and rightfully, IMHO)
expected from Mozilla to have its own servers. But that should be
covered IMHO just by providing hardware and administration of
FLOSS software on it, so not much development needs to be involved,
hopefully. And also this starts to be consideration once the app is
widely deployed. I don’t think anybody limits
https://marketplace.firefox.com/app/osm-viewer or

Well actually this is why things like Mapbox and providers of data and 
javascript widgets other than Google exist. Without prior agreement, 
HTML widgets, and especially web apps, are not supposed to hit the OSM 
tile servers. Other providers allow this if you sign up and register and 
... but their code is generally not free software and the limits on use 
sometimes conflict with something users want to do, like store tiles for 
offline use.

As for the apps you mention, lantea-maps for some reason is using the 
OSM tile servers directly, which may or may not be legal. I suspect 
osm-viewer is doing the same, though have not seen its source code. Both 
are probably under the radar enough not to matter.

As I said, I don’t think there is anything wrong in saying that, but
your statement read to me like “OSM mapping cannot be done, because we
don’t have a way how to share data with other apps”. If I misunderstood
you, then I am sorry for confusion.

Cool. Now we are getting somewhere. This is *not* what I was saying at all.

Rather, I am saying something along the lines of:

  For FirefoxOS to rock, it needs a good mapping app provided by
  default, one that works offline as well as online.

  In order for such an app to happen, some work will be required to
  curate data, set up servers (first tiles, then data), and develop
  code. (The gathering data step can, thankfully, be skipped since OSM
  is a suitable source of data.) In a general solution aiming to make
  FirefoxOS rock, if Mozilla were to take on this role, it could ensure
  a free of charge and free of registration barriers access to map data
  for all apps on the device, along with free software code able to
  evolve and grow.

  A modular approach to that work would think in terms of two functions
  on the FirefoxOS device: one part to manage data (select a region,
  download data from the service, store the relevant data, serve the
  data either raw or rendered to the data using code, and erase
  data no longer needed), another part to use the data for some
  'mapping' purpose, presumably, in a first instance, for a map viewer
  and geolocator. These can be part of the same 'app' but are two very
  different sets of actions.

  A modular approach to the work, would split these two
  functions. This naturally leads to the ability to offer map
  data as an inherent functionality available to all other web apps on
  the device. This allows third-parties to build on the work
  and develop alternative apps which gives mapping room to grow. That
  is, a well built, modular mapping app can transcend being an app to
  being a map engine for the platform. One issue to this approach is
  that it does require a different IPC

Re: [b2g] Dogfooding Results

2014-12-16 Thread Adrian Custer


On 12/16/14 2:02 PM, Matěj Cepl wrote:

The map data obviously must be collected by someone and OSM
data are suitable for use, though perhaps only once curated at
some level.

Sorry, I just don’t understand this sentence. “only once
curated” ??? -ENOPARSE

'curating' data is a common term for checking data, fixing errors, 
finding mismatches, and generally not using a raw data dump but doing 
some work with the data before use. Reports generally from people using 
OSM data is that the data need work before use.

However, for users to get the data, they can not simply hit
the OSM servers due to usage terms of that project.

Again, I really don’t know what you are talking about. Could you
please elaborate?  Obviously it would be better not to be a free

 rider and chip in to the OSM project some resources if Mozilla
 uses their servers (or to use some caching server), but
 otherwise legally I don’t think there is any reason not to use
 OSM servers. Or is there?

The OSM terms:

Then, for a good user experience (not duplicating storage and
memory use), you *really* don't want different apps each
storing its own copy of the map data;

I smell overengineering … I think it is not crazy to expect that
most people will use just one mapping application. AFAIK,
Android doesn’t have any such mechanism either and OSMAnd works
just fine.

My conclusion arose from thinking hard about these issues as I was 
coding a mapping app. As I considered how the various issues could be 
resolved, and found the best resolution I could imagine, and then 
considered how to maximize the benefit of that work for the benefit of 
all users and developers, I reached a different conclusion from yours.

If all one wants is a single mapping app, then there are lots of 
shortcuts one could use. If one wants to bring mapping to FirefoxOS in 
general, then one might reach different conclusions.

So yes, my thinking may well be 'overengineering' from your point of 
view. From mine, it seems like smart, modular design and maximizing 
effectiveness of the work and resources going into the project. There is 
actually a current active thread on the list looking for exactly the 
kind of IPC system that I see being needed for sharing maps; that 
confirms to me that this full 'over' engineering will come to the 
platform eventually. A well designed app would be built for that future.

Unfortunately, the amount of work required for such an app makes it
unlikely to happen. Since there is no obvious way to monetize this work,
it is doubly unlikely.

Again, how is the situation different from OSMAnd?

OSMand seems to be selling an app to finance the servers for the 
download data (and artificially limiting the 'free' app to ensure some 
revenue). I also vaguely remember there being a libosmand API that gave 
other android apps access to the data stored by osmand to allow broad 
re-use of offline map data.


P.S. your response does not read as coming from someone who undertook a 
serious effort to read what I said and attempted to understand what I 
was trying to express. That makes responding to you much less fun than 
it could be.

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Boot.img for Hamachi.

2014-09-20 Thread Adrian Custer

On 9/20/14 10:48 AM, A. Crespo wrote:


Could you share a working boot.img for the Hamachi device with me, please?
It's a matter of live or death (well, almost).

Best regards!

dev-b2g mailing list


bummer you are having issues. Getting a set of working images to use as 
last resort backup is unfortunately both the place to start and a very 
hard step to take. I am sure you have seen:

which explains a lot. If you read between the lines, you can figure out 
how to sideload one of the images below (possibly after opening it to 
tweak the root access flag and then closing it) from the fastboot state.

There are some images available here:

I have been running the 1.2 image since feb/march with good results (and 
all the bugs in that version). The other images may work but I have had 
mixed experiences with them: many don't boot, some boot but don't have 
radio, ...

If you do the Facebook thing, they now have a group:
where you could participate. They may have more recent images or other 

Another project seems to be:
with variations on the path for different versions. These images, 
however, have not worked for me.

There are also partial images here:
though I think without the boot.img and the binary blobs.

Unfortunately, this is one OS project in which no one in the lead seems 
to take on the responsibility to publish a solid set of working, rooted 
images to help hackers get started. That means hacking is really 
dangerous since you can't even really start by creating proper backups. 
Well, you *can* but it might take you a long time to figure out how and 
get it done. I think I ended up using a rooted image which booted but 
had no functional radio to pull the original image from my phone. Then I 
used a smattering of Android and UNIX tools to open it, tweak it, and 
close it back up. It all took a long time to figure out.

Once you do get a set of working, rooted images: boot, system, userdata, 
recovery, KEEP THEM. Recovering to fastboot on Hamachi has always worked 
and then you can sideload the first three and keep going from there.

Good luck and happy hacking,
dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Where the f** is app manager?

2014-08-18 Thread Adrian Custer

On 8/18/14 6:01 AM, Jan Jongboom wrote:

We realize that in all docs we write and demo's we gave we tell
people to use the App Manager and now its gone from nightly?
___ dev-b2g mailing list
dev-b2g@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-b2g

Ha! EXACTLY my reaction.

It's still there. The homepage of my nightly points to
and I am happily still using App Manager.

The WebIDE is not yet up to snuff. When it works it's great, and I am
sure, for all sorts of reasons, is the path of the future. But for the
here and now, App Manager is the way to go. (I forget the details, 
either syncing didn't work or debugging was flakey.)

Dropping the working for the new with no transition is BULL$*@! The
developers were asked nicely when this first hit if they could allow 
both during a transition period. That has not happened. Such it goes.

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Where the f** is app manager?

2014-08-18 Thread Adrian Custer

On 8/18/14 11:03 AM, Julien Wajsberg wrote:
 Just a note that you're all using Nightly here. Nightly is where
 no-transition changes happen, so that we can test new things in the
 wild. And sometimes we disable them after some days, or when it goes
 to aurora, or when it goes to beta.

 So, yeah, we used to say to use Nightly for Firefox OS development
 (because this is how we keep up with the changes) but obviously this
 also comes with such disagreements.

 To enable/disable webide, you can have a look to about:config, and
 look for the pref devtools.webide.enabled.

 Please report anything that you dislikes about WebIDE by filing bugs,
 before or instead of disabling it. That's basically your duty when
 using Nightly :)

 Maybe we should have a separate pref to enable/disable App manager so
 that we can have both side by side? My fear is that users don't use
 WebIDE at all once they disable it...

 - --

On 8/18/14 2:49 PM, Paul Rouget wrote: Marek Raida wrote:
 Well, I agree heartily on this. We need ate least some level of 
stability, this is too turbulent...

 ... stability, in Firefox Nightly?

 Please file bugs if WebIDE doesn't meet your requirements.

 Much approach better would be leave AppManager as as - probably add 
some hint that from now one try IDE - but remove it sounds bad practice 
to me...

 You can always access the app manager by loading about:app-manager.

Hey WebIDE and App-Manager developers,

do you really not understand why it was such a bad idea to *replace* the 
menu entry for App Manager rather than *add* a new entry for WebIDE?

That our points of view differ so dramatically on this issue suggests a 
need to address our differences.

I am having a hard time figuring out your point of view. You are 
apparently writing tools for us to use to write great Firefox OS apps 
and make the platform kick a**. However, you do not seem focused on our 
needs. First, you make a change with little concern for our workflow and 
day to day work. Then, when faced with push back like this thread, your 
instincts are to answer with self-justification rather than trying to 
figure out what the user need actually was and why friction arose.

The transition could have been a delight. You could have announced the 
tool, given us access to it, helped us discover and learn to use it and 
listened to feedback. All the while we would have been productive with 
whichever tool was working for us. Instead, in using a no-transition 
approach, you were essentially saying Hey, it doesn't matter that your 
in the middle of something potentially complicated like muddling your 
way through derivatives of cartographic projections, today, before you 
do anything else, you have to drop everything and learn to use our new 
tool just to get your code running on your device. From my point of 
view, that lacks respect. REALLY. I did not like it.

The puzzling thing is that your approach was totally, completely, 
absolutely unnecessary. Had it been neccessary, and accompanied by an 
'Sorry folks but we are having to do a no-transition upgrade on the app 
tool that will land next week. Find out more ...' one could have 
understood. But it turns out it was totally unnecessary and it caused a 
few hours of confusion, angst, failed reversion attempts and pain until 
I re-discovered the magic 'about:app-manager' URL.

So, you all need to decide on your priority: is it writing your tool or 
helping Firefox OS developers get work done? From that decision, lots 
will follow naturally.

Okay, I'm tired of this thread but to clear up some issues.

not build WebIDE. We all expect you have great reasons for your start 
from scratch approach to the tool. Great, go for it. I look forwards to 
using it when it is stable and noticeably better than App-Manager. Also, 
we are all enthusiasts and will move to WebIDE sooner rather than later; 
Julien's 'fear' seems groundless to me.

Asking us to file bugs is fine; using it as an excuse for your 
no-transition is bullshit. We file bugs (though given the lack of follow 
up on Mozilla's end, that is starting to suck too). I just spent an hour 
trying to isolote and file a bug in Nightly's handling of canvas size. 
I'll get around to filing bugs on WebIDE someday, but not today, I have 
work to get through. Okay? And please, never ask me to drop everything 
to use a tool that will probably break and file bugs when I have my own 
work to do.

Nightly if we are going to be productive using it, can not be a 'Mozilla 
does whatever the fuck it wants'. Nightly, first and foremost is the 
latest browser code. That's how we get bug fixes for browser issues, 
maybe even issues we have just filed. So your developer tools in nightly 
should play nice with letting me reliably and safely use the latest 
browser code. Yes, per the shared understanding of Nightlies, you are 
*allowed* to do no-transition 

Re: [b2g] accessing the real SD card via DeviceStorage on newer devices

2014-08-09 Thread Adrian Custer


Thanks for the explanation!

Now I think I understand it, it seems the API is using the same magic 
string, 'sdcard' for two different purposes. First it is the name of a 
storageType, used in navigator.getDeviceStorage/s( storageType ). Then 
it is also the storageName of the default internal storage:

const st = navigator.getDeviceStorage('sdcard'); //the storageType
const sn = st.storageName; //sn could be 'sdcard', the storageName


If the API were ever to evolve this should be resolved but until then we 
will have to fix the docs to prevent confusion. Probably the storageType 
should be called 'file' since it is storage for arbitrary files as 
against for 'music' or 'photo' types and the storageName is 'sdcard' for 

Actually, would it be possible to add the 'file' storageType so we could 
deprecate the 'sdcard' storageType and drop it in the future?


On 8/8/14 10:17 PM, Dave Hylands wrote:

There may be multiple storage areas.

You can call navigator.getDeviceStorages(type) to get back an array
of all of storage areas.

Each storage area will have a name, retrievable using .storageName

If there is more than one storage area, then the internal one will be
named 'sdcard' and the physical storage are will be called something
else (sometimes, it's extsdcard, sometimes its sdcard1).

navigator.getDeviceStorage() returns the storage area whose .default
attribute is true. This is controlled by the user in Settings-Media
Storage-Default media location (way down at the bottom). If you
call addNamed and pass in a relative path, then it will be stored on
the default storage area. The onsuccess callback will get the fully
qualified name (for example /sdcard/filename) where the file was
actually stored.

The names of files on the sdcard storage area will be
/sdcard/path/filename, and the names of files on the sdcard1 storage
area will be /sdcard1/path/filename

Note that the /sdcard and /sdcard1 are storage names. Their actual
mount points on the system are determined via vold and/or
/system/etc/volume.cfg file). DeviceStorage transparently maps the
storageName into the actual mountPoint (so you don't need the mount
point if you're just accessing the files through device storage)

If you want to determine the mount point to examine the filesystem
from an adb shell, then you can determine the vold mount points by
using the command: adb shell vdc volume list (requires a root shell)

On the flame, you'll see something like: 110 0 sdcard /storage/sdcard
4 110 0 sdcard1 /storage/sdcard1 4 200 0 Volumes listed.

For volumes which aren't managed by vold (the sdcard volume on a
nexus 4/5 are examples of this), the mount point is found in

With the engineering builds, there is a ds-test app
(gaia/dev_apps/ds-test) which I use for testing things on device

Dave Hylands

- Original Message -

From: Adrian Custer a...@pocz.org To: Moz dev-b2g list
dev-b2g@lists.mozilla.org Sent: Friday, August 8, 2014 5:06:41
PM Subject: [b2g] accessing the real SD card via DeviceStorage on
newer devices

Hey all,

is there a way to access the actual SD card on newer devices using

While older devices had /sdcard (or really /mnt/sdcard) to access
the external SD card, the trend seems to be to have that location
reference built in ROM and have a secondary location for the SD
card. For example, the TCP tablet has:

root@android:/ # df Filesystem Size Used Free Blksize /dev 797M 32K
797M 4096 /mnt/secure 797M 0K 797M 4096 /mnt/asec 797M 0K 797M
4096 /mnt/obb 797M 0K 797M 4096 /system 1G 172M 1G 4096 /cache 1G
102M 1G 4096 /data 126M 89M 36M 4096 /mnt/sdcard 9G 84M 9G 4096
/mnt/secure/asec 9G 84M 9G 4096 /mnt/extsd 29G 4G 25G 32768

where the /mnt/sdcard is some internal block of memory and the
/mnt/extsd is the 32GB SD card in the card slot.

Gaia seems to be aware of these two spaces and may be using them
for different purposes since I have :

root@android:/ # ls /mnt/sdcard/ DCIM Documents LOST.DIR ...
root@android:/ # ls /mnt/extsd/ DCIM LOST.DIR Music Pictures ...

although maybe I added the directories by hand to the external SD
card, I don't remember. The music app can access the music files on
the card though, not sure how.

The doc page


 does not mention anything.

thanks for any info, ~adrian
___ dev-b2g mailing
list dev-b2g@lists.mozilla.org

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Proposal: Manage B2G.git scripts in a versioned repo

2014-08-08 Thread Adrian Custer


Thanks for putting work into the build system.

On 8/5/14 4:51 PM, John Ford wrote:
 My plan is to:

 1) create b2g-scripts repository, containing the B2G.git/scripts

 2) create b2g-tools repository, containing the B2G.git/tools

 3) move all scripts in the root of B2G.git into b2g-scripts

 4) use repo file copy operations (like we do for the root Makefile)
 to copy those scripts back into the root of the source tree

 5) remove the device configuration part of config.sh

 6) create a new script, config-device.sh in b2g-scripts that has the
 device configuration steps.

 7) have config.sh call config-device.sh after the source tree is


 Please let me know if you have any thoughts on this issue.


In step 3, is there any chance the scripts could be segregated or at 
least given a name which suggests where they apply? The current B2G has 
scripts that run for backup, for the build, at runtime for performance 
and some I did not take the time to decipher. We would all benefit from 
having the purpose of the scripts self-evident either by their name or 

Why step 4? Why allow any scripts in the root of the workspace? Is this 
merely to avoid having to clean them up, because they 'belong' to other 
folk, or for some technical reason?

Given that 'repo' is a tool to enable everyone to have a build system 
which is also a developer workspace, proper etiquette (and good working 
habits) would be to keep this directory CLEAN. Ideally, the working 
directory would go from

 1. empty (or with a single bootstrap script)
 2. filled with B2G contents
 3. additionally with source code directories
 4. additionally with build directories
and then alternate between 3 (after a clean) and 4 (after a build) with 
edits to source all in the directories from steps 2 or 3. All files in 
the root directory would be a developer's own files they use for their 
own work. The B2G build system, built on repo, is totally complex and 
not yet documented; keeping the layout clean can only help.

I would propose ruthlessly moving all the scripts into a 
b2g-scripts/unsorted/ directory and require those who use such scripts 
to give them some attention. This would include a clear name (as per the 
previous paragraph), proper copyright and licensing info, a link to 
documentation if any, and contact info for issues.

Steps 5-7 begin a cleanup of the build scripts themselves a much bigger 


dev-b2g mailing list

[b2g] accessing the real SD card via DeviceStorage on newer devices

2014-08-08 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey all,

is there a way to access the actual SD card on newer devices using

While older devices had /sdcard (or really /mnt/sdcard) to access the 
external SD card, the trend seems to be to have that location reference 
built in ROM and have a secondary location for the SD card. For example, 
the TCP tablet has:

root@android:/ # df
Filesystem Size   Used   Free   Blksize
/dev   797M32K   797M   4096
/mnt/secure797M 0K   797M   4096
/mnt/asec  797M 0K   797M   4096
/mnt/obb   797M 0K   797M   4096
/system  1G   172M 1G   4096
/cache   1G   102M 1G   4096
/data  126M89M36M   4096
/mnt/sdcard  9G84M 9G   4096
/mnt/secure/asec 9G84M 9G   4096
/mnt/extsd  29G 4G25G   32768

where the /mnt/sdcard is some internal block of memory and the 
/mnt/extsd is the 32GB SD card in the card slot.

Gaia seems to be aware of these two spaces and may be using them for 
different purposes since I have :

root@android:/ # ls /mnt/sdcard/
root@android:/ # ls /mnt/extsd/

although maybe I added the directories by hand to the external SD card, 
I don't remember. The music app can access the music files on the card 
though, not sure how.

The doc page


does not mention anything.

thanks for any info,
dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Engineering Mode (aka service menu)

2014-08-07 Thread Adrian Custer

On 8/7/14 12:56 AM, Paul Theriault wrote:
 So to summarise the security requirements properties here:

 - Engineering mode will be disabled until the dialer (or other
 certified app) initiates the special web activity - Even with
 engineering mode enabled, only an app with the certified
 “engineering-mode” (or similar) permission can access the API which
 can be extended by the vendor

 I’d make a couple notes here: - There is no reason for side loaded
 apps to have this permission, and its present a very real threat of
 local privilege escalation,  so we should explicitly prevent side
 loading apps which have access to these APIs (perhaps so long as the
 devtools.debugger.forbid-certified-apps pref is true, so engineering
 build phones can still access them). - The dialer should take observe
 lock state - we need to prevent enabling engineering mode from the
 dialer presented by the lockscreen ( i think your patch does this
 already though since it only changes the dialer, not the lockscreen

 We should also provide security guidance to Partners implementing
 engineering mode functionality to reduce the risk of security issues

 Does that sound reasonable?

 - Paul

Hey Paul,

you write 'there is no reason' and then think of a reason and provide an 
exception for that reason 'perhaps so long as'. This reveals you are 
trying to work quickly and so are not setting up a clear framework for 
thinking, presumably because you do not need to. For me this is 
difficult since I personally cannot reason this way when thinking about 
a 'very real threat'.

Does the FirefoxOS team, or its security sub-group have a pre-defined 
set of users and their needs used for the security analysis of 
FirefoxOS? I would expect a list of strawman users whose conflicting 
needs are defined and agreed about, so that these needs can be reasoned 
about effectively, something like:

  Dad   Jose --- Just a user, wants all the 'security' he can get
  Student   Kate --- Builds apps, so needs to side load apps
  Developer Luna --- Needs root for debugging and flashing
  Engineer  Mani --- needs root and low level engineering access
  HackerNuro --- wants full control

i.e. j,k,l,m,n with (mostly) increasing levels of access needs.

If there is such a list, I would be interested to read it so that I 
could contextualize these security discussions in the context of the 
impacts on these different classes of users.

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Show of fingers: Tracking multitouch issues on FFXOS and/or ZTE Open

2014-07-15 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey Gabriele,

Good of you to spend the time to sample a wide range of devices.

On 7/15/14, 6:20 AM, Gabriele Svelto wrote:

4) Hamachi (Alcatel ONETOUCH Fire), 2 fingers, when they're at the same
Y coordinates the second finger disappears, to make things works once
that happens it seems that the detection of the second finger goes down
the drain. Keeping one finger on the screen and dragging the other
vertically you can see the second finger being correctly detected until
it reaches the same Y coordinate as the first one, then once you move
away the second finger will be intermittently either detected or not.

I'm running and don't have that behaviour at all. I 
place my left index on the screen and keep it there. Then I drag my 
right index down the right hand side and the 'touch' box stays under my 
finger the whole way, even across the Y-axis position of the left index.

Arrrgh! Double checking now before sending the mail, I can observe your 
behaviour too. So it sometimes works and sometimes does what you 
describe (for me). What a flakey, piece of !#$@!$@#$ (cheap and 
effective at the price) hardware/software.

This looks more like a driver bug rather than a limitation of the

Alright, I can live with that conclusion. Seems a pity to have bad code 
on semi-decent hardware. Overall the Hamachi hardware has been pretty 
good for a development phone; this flakey multitouch, an upside down 
canvas coordinate system, and no solid way to update the OS have been 
the only real impediments to productive use as a development device.

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Show of fingers: Tracking multitouch issues on FFXOS and/or ZTE Open

2014-07-15 Thread Adrian Custer

On 7/15/14, 1:06 PM, synper...@aol.com wrote:

So if this comes down to terrible driver, what happens? Is that in
the hands of ZTE/Alcatel to fix, or what?

Usability suffers very much with this bug IMO.

At this point, all bugs are features; Hamachi is abandonware: neither 
the manufacturer (not Alcatel, which is just a licensed name) nor 
Mozilla are going to move the user experience forwards on the device. 
ZTE might have a different policy.

The only way to code around this would be to write a touch handling 
library which could handle bad input. It would have to either be robust 
and unresponsive to problematic input or very smart and guess correctly 
as to what is really going on when getting bad input. (This is where I 
got stuck.)

Otherwise, we can wait until the hardware improves. (I'm working these 
days with my web app bundled into an .apk and deployed onto a good 
android device). For FirefoxOS, since the current plan is to race to the 
price bottom, the majority of upcoming phones may have equally bad 
hardware/drivers for multi-touch input so waiting for better hardware 
might be a losing proposition---time will tell.

The easy solution for now is 'Don't rely on good multitouch input!' in 
your apps. :~/

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Show of fingers: Tracking multitouch issues on FFXOS and/or ZTE Open

2014-07-14 Thread Adrian Custer

On 7/14/14, 5:34 PM, synper...@aol.com wrote:

Related to this bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1038045

Basically, on my ZTE Open under FFXOS v2.1, multitouch only sort of works.

What this means is that multitouch only registers discrete inputs when there is a large 
Y-Axis (taken from phone's normal portrait orientation) delta between the two 

If the Y-Axis delta approaches zero, FFXOS seems to average the location of the 
two inputs into some intermediate point.

See this video for a demonstration of this behavior:

Furthermore, the ZTE Open under FFXOS v2.1 seems unable to register more than 2 
discrete inputs, likely due to the above issue with the Y-Axis delta.

This bug severely limits the number and kind of gestures the ZTE Open can 
support under FFXOS, and makes even the stock gestures usable in only very 
specific circumstances.

For instance, as in this bug, 
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1037894 , the Pinch to Zoom 
gesture will ONLY work when the device is in Normal Portrait, or inverted 
Portrait orientation.
Video of this behavior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgaUxMYGOvs

So, what I'm asking for is if anyone would be willing to test out this app  
report back to me:

I need three things:

1) Device Name  FFXOS version

2) How many fingers (max) it could detect

3) Whether or not two fingers side-by-side (Y-Axis delta =ish 0) registers discrete or 
averaged input

I'm curious if this is only a ZTE Open issue, or only a v2.1 master issue, or 
what, and Gabriele would like some further info/clarification on what 
devices/OS versions are impacted.

Thanks all!
dev-b2g mailing list


Have not yet tried your app but I wrote something similar when I was 
working with multi-touch.

On the Alcatel One Touch Fire (aka hamachi) device, my conclusion was 
that we were working with very limited hardware. While debugging my 
multi-touch library, it became apparent that a simple pinch would not be 
recognized correctly. As the fingers pinched, the device might decide 
that a finger had been removed, then that it had returned to the 
surface, then that it had been removed... It became apparent that 
providing a reliable experience on unreliable hardware was going to take 
a bunch of work. So I have left off that for lower hanging fruit.

Also, on that device, multi-touch is limited to two. I have never seen a 
third touchstart event after two earlier touchstart events with no 
touchleave in between. I filed a bug wanting information about my code 
(i.e. if it were my code or my hardware) but have not yet gotten any 
help or comments on that bug.

Attached to the bug, you can find my test application that merely logs 
what events the app happens to receive as you move your fingers around.

cheers and good luck,

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Show of fingers: Tracking multitouch issues on FFXOS and/or ZTE Open

2014-07-14 Thread Adrian Custer

On 7/14/14, 6:45 PM, synper...@aol.com wrote:

On Monday, July 14, 2014 5:40:58 PM UTC-4, Adrian Custer wrote:

On 7/14/14, 5:34 PM, synper...@aol.com wrote:

Related to this bug:

Basically, on my ZTE Open under FFXOS v2.1, multitouch only sort
of works.

I need three things:

1) Device Name  FFXOS version

2) How many fingers (max) it could detect

3) Whether or not two fingers side-by-side (Y-Axis delta =ish 0)
registers discrete or averaged input

Thanks for the info Adrian. That isn't my app, but merely the only
thing that showed up in the marketplace when I searched for

So it appears from what you're saying that the Hamachi acts similar
to the ZTE Open in terms of multi-touch detection. This could
indicate a software/driver issue, unless the two devices use the same

Could you test it in the manner I do in the two videos to see if it
is the same Y-Axis delta issue that I see on the ZTE Open, or some
other issue entirely?

Thanks, Brett

Device: Hamachi (Alcatel One {sic} Touch Fire)
FxOS:   Boot2Gecko
Max fingers: 2
Y-axis issue: No
Two touch collapse to one when close issue: Yes

Failed to test on the InFocus F1 Tablet--it seems to have killed its 
battery while being turned 'off'. Grrr.

Bundling my test app into an apk using mozilla-apk-cli, I can see that 
my Samsung S4-mini picks up to 5 touch events at once.


dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Hamachi build instructions

2014-06-19 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey Armen.

The 'hamachi' build, in my experience, needs more supervision than 
merely relying on the build scripts can provide. The build can, 
depending on the compilation platform, silently skip fundamental steps. 
The probability of getting broken images is high and the build scripts 
do not do full backups before starting. So you will be failing a lot. 
Rather than modernize the build system, Mozilla has decided to simply 
abandon support for the phone. That's too bad because the phone is 
actually a pretty good development platform, with a lot of users in this 
country and revealing a host of issues related to low budget hardware. I 
upgraded to Firefox 1.2 so that I could work with the Firefox Browser 
App Manager while staying as close to the OS being sold on the street in 
this country. However, I have also succeeded in getting a partially 
functional boots of 1.3 and 1.4. I have never tried building more recent 
builds so others will have to communicate their experiences with those.

To get good help for the collective wisdom on this list, you'll need to 
provide a bit more detail on what you are doing, notably the compilation 
OS on which you are working and the build you are attempting. It sounds 
like you are trying to build the default, master branch of Firefox OS, 
which I think is now version 2.1. Also, I presume, because you don't 
say, that you are on Gnu/Linux, say Ubuntu 14.04, rather than Osx/Darwin.

First, if you need to recover from a broken build (because you don't 
have backups of the original images) then you might want a source of the 
four cannoical *droid images:

although flashing the recovery image is only needed if you want a better 
image than is provided by default. Also, I recommend you test the 
boot.img files by sideloading them first to see if they boot: that is 
boot into fastboot mode and then boot the image without flashing it: a 
good kernel will get you to the second stage splash image.

The best source of pre-built images that I have worked with was:
but note that even there I ended up having to work systematically 
through the images to find one set that would work with all functions: 
booting kernel, functioning desktop, working cellular and gps. So you 
might have to download a few images to get things working. 
Alternatively, there appear to be images, possibly more recent, here:

but I have no experience with those. You'll need to learn to use the two 
canonical *droid tools 'adb' and 'fastboot'.

I have found four different reactions to the images: the phone won't 
boot (bad boot.img), the phone will boot but the desktop won't appear 
(bad combo of gonk, gecko, gaia), the phone will boot and get to the 
desktop but radio stuff won't work, and the whole thing works.

Getting a good boot.img was consistently the hardest thing for me. The 
boot.img needs to be a good build, be able to accept the binary blobs 
(which I suspect but am not sure are part of the system.img rather than 
part of the root disk in the boot.img), and be compatible with the gecko 
build in the system.img. This seems to be the hardest to get right. 
Beware that, if you are on Mac OS X, the build system will download the 
whole kernel source and then silently not build the kernel itself! Also, 
I don't really know when the build scripts go all the way to building 
image (.img) files and when they side step and flash the new filesystem 
directly on the running phone using 'adb'. It's all silently mysterious. 
Oh, and the Gonk layer seems to be evolving incompatibly between Firefox 
OS versions with no warning or info that I have been able to find.

The builds of gecko will mostly let you know when they don't work and 
Gaia always 'builds' mostly because it does not really 'build' but just 
assembles the apps.

I can't help you with newer versions of Firefox OS for Hamachi since I 
have not built them (working with 1.3 and 1.4 took too much time). 
Version 1.2 works with the App Manager and is close to what the devices 
come with originally so provides the best 'real world' development 
platform if you want to write apps for users buying that phone.

Anyhow, keep at it, there is lots to learn. Google, in its infinite 
wisdom, pulled its documentation on Android so there is little good 
documentation of how things work. If you want to learn the build system, 
you will have to learn the repo tool (which gets the sources and allows 
developers to upload patches to several projects at once) and then the 
android NDK Makefile build system, the best explanation for which is in 
the O'Reilly book Embedded Android by Karim Yaghmour.

Good luck with all this,

On 6/18/14, 6:47 PM, Armen Zambrano G. wrote:

I've tried to update my Hamachi for the first time (I've updated a Keon
many times before), 

Re: [b2g] How to dual boot infocus tablet?

2014-06-19 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey Adit,

good for you for being so brave...

On 6/19/14, 6:21 AM, adit bharadwaj wrote:

Hey cristian,
Thnxx for the reply... I would be carefull.
I knw there is no way to access the fastboot I too myslef tried to find it.

adb reboot boot-fastboot

got my tablet into fastboot mode. (none of the other equivalent 'reboot' 
commands worked though.)

And even the app manager in firefox coudnt detect the device..any help on

Erm, yeah, there was an issue there. When in fastboot mode, Mac OS X 
does not see the USB device; however, glinux did, on the same hardware. 
I think 'lsusb' shows you the device and then you have to play with 
permissions to get access to it; and note the USB info is different in 
'fastboot' mode and in 'adb' mode! Personally, I had to reboot into 
glinux to actually flash the images. I suspect the USB info sent out by 
the device is invalid so Mac OS X filters it out but glinux show it to 
you and does not care. Either that, or the USB connection of the tablet 
is flaky.

I wonder how to flash the device if I make my own flatfish version. As adb
cant detect the device??
And I ven the full factory image come der is no option to self update the
device? So how to update it? Or we continue to use 1.4 till any alternative

The tablet is built on an AllWinner System-on-a-Chip (SoC) which has a 
kick-ass feature that it will *by default* try booting from the sdcard 
first if it finds a zip bundle of the right name. So we could learn to 
hack the tablet simply by putting a zip bundle on the sdcard card ... 
maybe ... someday. Note I have not yet successfully built the boot.img 
and wasted lots of time getting a functional tablet once again so I have 
not yet tried this approach.


Adit bharadwaj


On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:00 PM, Cristian Silaghi 
cristian.sila...@mozilla.ro wrote:

I would recommend you to not try that. Because it is very possible to
brick your device.
I and other few guys we bricked our tablet when we tried to update tablet.
And it seems it screwed something in the tablet.
I've tried to fix tablet, but it seems there's something with the

And there's tablets with no access to fastboot.

Stay safe! At least till we get factory full images for tablet.

Best Regards,
Cristian Silaghi

2014-06-18 18:55 GMT+03:00 adit bharadwaj tidabharadwa...@gmail.com:

I would like to knw how to dual boot my infocus tablet with both android
and flatfish?? I want to knw how to flash the tablet with android image?
I also want to how to flash the tablet to diffrent FxOs ??

Adit bharadwaj

dev-b2g mailing list

dev-b2g mailing list

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] How to create release build for FxOS?

2014-06-10 Thread Adrian Custer

On 6/10/14, 8:41 AM, Johannes Bauer wrote:

Now my phone is blackscreening again, as described in the [b2g] v1.2 to
v1.4 update - black screen on Alcatel One Touch Fire (hamachi) thread.

I thought that was a 1.4 issue, but it's not. Apparently it's a more
general problem.

Also seen a couple of days ago on a (then master) 2.0 build for the 
tablet (flatfish). The phone boots into Gonk (since adb works) but the 
screen is powered on but black.

Can someone please look into this? If updating your phone bricks it
every other time, this really should be blocker, shouldn't it? I've
already provided a logcat (which apparently didn't show anything of

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Build instructions and tutorials out of date / manifest files broken

2014-06-09 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey Chris,

On 6/9/14, 7:56 AM, Chris Mills wrote:

I’m in charge of Firefox OS documentation (and about a million other
things) on MDN, so, while I can’t do anything about the building
process itself, I can do something about the documentation. It is a
lot easier to navigate than it used to be, but I’d love your help to
improve it further.

So one thing I have recently discovered is that the Android Open Source 
Project (AOSP) generally does not build its Linux kernel, which explains 
why many of the Firefox OS builds similarly do not build one. [Note 
that this may happen in two ways: for the Tablet, the sources are simply 
not downloaded; for the ALCATEL One Touch, the sources are downloaded 
but on Mac their build is disabled somehow (I have not yet figured out how.]

So we need to sweep through *all* the documentation and clarify that B2G 
is actually not necessarily 'building to gecko' but 'building from HAL 
to Gecko'.

If the docs advertize that we are 'Building Firefox OS', then they 
really have to explain how to build the whole OS.


1. I’m not a build systems expert, and don’t have the time to
constantly monitor changes in the build system, so I need someone to
give me regular help on this.

Yes, whomever is responsible for scheduling developers' time should 
dedicate an hour of the B2G hackers' work week to answering your 
questions. Collaboration is really about working until each person gets 
stuck and then passing the work to or getting help from the person who 
can unblock things; it is up to the Firefox OS work managers to ensure 
that can be true for all the different groups. Right now, those working 
on B2G owe you a good day's worth of explanation...

Beyond this though, the build system needs love. It needs to be much 
clearer about what it is doing along the way. We should be able to tell:

  * what source code 'modules' it is planning to build
  * what source code 'modules' it has built
  * in what source code 'module' it has gotten stuck.
When it fails right now, it is hard to figure out what it has done 
successfully, where exactly we have failed, and what it has not yet been 
done. I will eventually dig back into the Makefile system to see if such 
a documentation system is already built in or how we could add one, if 
it has not.


2. Different devices have different
requirements and foibles, and it is hard to find out what they all
are without spending my entire life testing the build process across
all devices. Again, I need some help here.

It may be possible to check the docs periodically by holding build fests 
where we build starting from fresh installs (say in Virutal Machines) to 
check the instructions still work. A difficulty of the real world is 
that the build might require 3 different compilers and libraries, which 
means that ensuring each is available cleanly can be hard, let alone 
co-existing with other compilers the developer might have in use. So 
real developer systems will always be more fragile than the 
documentation can solve, hence again the need for help from the 
industrialized build system.


Adrian, your work on writing build docs sounds really interesting,
and I’d love to find out more about this.

It is trivial really; I merely want a long set of instructions which 
does what the build scripts do but one step at a time.

I'd like eventually to do a full build by hand, starting with the device 
backup, then running 'make' on each separate project, in order, for each of:

  * the development tools for the host computer
  * the firefox OS pieces for the targeted device
  * the runtime tools for the host computer
since right now the B2G stuff is building everything at once which does 
not teach me what it is doing.

Once it is clear what the different parts of the build scripts are 
doing, it becomes easier to break them into byte size pieces and try to 
document each and make it robust. But, since for now I am working on 
this on my own, it will be a slow, long term project.

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Build instructions and tutorials out of date / manifest files broken

2014-06-08 Thread Adrian Custer

Hello again,

On 6/7/14, 9:47 PM, LazerUnicorns Developers wrote:

Hey guys,

I wanted to give you an update, I managed to root the device and inspect /
reverse engineer the stuff that is going on there.

good news!

I'm currently trying to port autosign for Linux, so that you can ship ROMs
with your own update.zip on SD card, which eases up installation pretty

Very cool.

2. I have never built anything but gaia, as I can't get through the
config.sh call.

If you read that shell script and trace it out, it's essentially making 
a trivial config file (.config) and then doing massively heavy 'repo 
sync' which is downloading all the git repositories for all the projects 
(gigabytes). This second will fail a few times before the hundred or so 
repositories all get downloaded correct; you can run 'repo sync' again 
anytime to try again or to update the projects later.

Btw, the 'repo' tool splits the source code repositories (.git 
directories) which it puts, by default, in

from the working copies (i.e. the files) which you see in your B2G 
working directory. The 'manifest file' is also in the .repo/ directory. 
(So yes, the repo developers decided to store GIGABYTES in hidden 
directories; some people don't really understand. However, you *can* 
make .repo a symlink to a REPO/ directory to clarify for yourself what 
is happening.)

Gaia itself was built successfully and flashed after the

rooting process. As the master variant depends on the new Gecko API, I
guess I have to built everything from scratch
(navigator.mozInputMethod.removeFocus() seems to be not existing in the OEM
Gecko variant, so all select fields are broken :P).

3. I couldn't fix the xml file myself. How can I fix the repo url?

The URL is set in $b2g_work_dir/.repo/manifest.xml
(note the dot in .repo)
which is a symlink to $b2g_work_dir/.repo/manifests/$mydevice.xml. So 
backup and hack away to your heart's content.

You set a remote name=... url=... block at the top of the file with 
the URL. You then, in the individual project .. block add two 
attributes: remote='$name_used_above' and revision=..

Take a look at hamachi.xml for an example.


problem is - as I never built anything yet - I have no idea where the
repository has to be cloned to.

repo takes care of that so you don't need to change anything. It uses 
git commands to put the git 'repository' in .repo/projects/ and the 
working copy (the files) in the $b2g_work_dir.

Should it land in external/tinyxml2 or platform/external/tinyxml2?

Again, leave in place what is there; you just add to xml attributes to 
the file.

It's superconfusing, I have really no idea how to overwrite it correctly as
the platform/external/tinyxml2 is listed nowhere as a remote inside the

If the remote= and revision= are not set, repo uses the defaults which 
are set globally for the manifest file.

Please help.

hope that helps,

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] B2G 2.0 Release Milestones

2014-05-01 Thread Adrian Custer


Could you explain who is making these decisions and how these decisions 
are being made?

On 4/30/14, 6:35 PM, Lawrence Mandel wrote:

I'd like to share some changes to the release milestones for B2G 2.0.
Our intention is

This 'our' makes it sounds like there is some FirefoxOS project 
leadership group such as a project steering committee. However, I have 
not yet heard of this leadership group.

Also, would it be possible for one of you in the leadership group to add 
this group of the Firefox OS organization to the wiki list:

which nominally try to outline the structural organization of the project?

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] software layer of provider lock by Firefox OS

2014-04-20 Thread Adrian Custer


On 4/19/14, 4:01 PM, Hydroid wrote:

I have a locked alcatel one touch fire with firefox os and I have
tried to unlock it. I flashed the system from 1.1 to 1.3 but it didnt
work. So my problem: On what software layer is the phone locked?

You are right that the 'lock' mechanism is below anything we have access 

The Alcatel has two CPUs with the first running a closed source OS and 
controlling, among other things, the cellular telephony chips. The 
second CPU runs linux/gonk and is what we can modify if we have a 
'rooted' phone or access to the fastboot boot stage.

I am not sure whether the 'locking' of the phone is a software thing or 
involves some modifiable ROM in a hardware chip. However, it requires 
low level interaction. There is a system to unlock the phone and many 
telephone shops claim to be able to get the right code to 'unlock' these 
phones but I have not yet been successful. If you try, beware that there 
is a hard coded limit on the number of unlock attempts you can make 
before you will need to get help from the various companies involved in 
selling you the hardware.

Yeah, this is terrible.

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Never again will I buy a ZTE anymore.

2014-04-13 Thread Adrian Custer

On 4/12/14, 2:53 PM, Ernesto Acosta wrote:

It is intolerable lack of communication that exists with ZTE. It is
intolerable that offer little support to ZTE Open, to the point that
they have not even given an official explanation of why updates have
not gone.

In social networks ZTE only promotes and supports for their Android
phones. Now there's a comment on the net that says that ZTE will not
give more support to ZTE Open.

Honestly, never, I will buy another product from ZTE, at least
FirefoxOS included.

I stay with my ZTE Open because I have no choice, but the next think
about buying a Geekphone or any other phone to go on sale FirefoxOS
if they sell any. ___
dev-b2g mailing list dev-b2g@lists.mozilla.org


Bummer that you are having a bad time with a Firefox OS device. I know 
that it is totally frustrating to have one's phone, our most intimate 
device, not feel reliable and not be a joy to use.

The blame, however, does not lie solely, or perhaps even at all, with 
ZTE. My own feeling is that the blame for lack of communication, 
explanation, and support lies much closer to home. While I originally 
blamed the hardware providers like you are doing, I now believe that 
Firefox OS itself, and Mozilla, deserve the core of the blame.

The fundamental irony of Firefox OS is that Mozilla builds the *only* 
operating system on which the Firefox browser runs where that Firefox 

Building a Firefox OS where the browser (i.e. the entire Gecko layer, 
not the 'browser' app) could be updated by end users would solve most of 
your issues: you would get an up to date browser environment and would 
be able to install the new version of the core Gaia apps. Conversely, 
the current situation, where you can not even install security updates 
to Gecko, leaves you and all of us users, vulnerable to any security 
flaws discovered in the software. This situation is also terrible for 
app developers since we are going to have to code either to the lowest 
common system (Firefox 18 if I remember correctly) or to support the 
multiple browser versions on the different devices using duplicate code. 
The situation also sucks for Mozilla developers because they will not be 
getting their great work out to the largest possible audience. This is 
lose, lose, lose.

This design flaw, as best as I can tell, is purely architectural; there 
appears to be no fundamental technical limitation which would prevent 
such updates to Gecko. (The technical limitation of support for new Web 
API which depend on operating system level code changes is real and 
would require an upgrade to the operating system itself which is more 
complex and may or may not involve device manufacturer support; however, 
those API represent a small issue compared to security updates, updates 
to the core HTML/CSS/Js execution environment, and updates to the main 
Gaia applications which ought to be as regular as updates to the Firefox 
browser on any other, i.e. 'desktop', OS.)

The design flaw preventing Gecko upgrades on Firefox OS is Mozilla's; 
the lack of a response to that flaw is also Mozilla's. A good response 
to your issue would be to acknowledge it and explain the various ways in 
which it is being addressed. However, there is no one on the Firefox OS 
team who has taken on the responsibility to foster communication between 
end users and the project leadership. This is a failure of the the 
leaders of the project who should either be doing that work or 
delegating it to make sure it gets done. We end users can not simply 
solve this on our own: developing a clean architectural separation 
between Gaia and Gonk requires a complete knowledge of both the multiple 
code layers and of the Android+B2G build system, something that only the 
whole project, working together, can achieve. The (re)focus on fixing 
your issue is also the responsibility of the leadership. A good response 
to your issue would be for the leadership to make sure communication 
around the issue happened, a decision was made as to how to go about 
fixing the issue, and the project stayed focused on fixing that complex 
and central issue. Instead, the Firefox OS project seems to be a bunch 
of separate code teams, each doing great work building new features and 
better applications but leaving the core issues unaddressed. (I have a 
long email set to go out to the Board of the Mozilla Foundation on this 
issue of the lack of effective communication, leadership, and end-user 
focus in the Firefox OS project since the board members are the only 
ones that I know of who could assess the project to see if my analysis 
makes sense and deal with it if I am right; however, that letter is on 
hold until the CEO and board situation settles down.)

This of course does not help you, an end user and probably a developer. 
I only encourage you to see that it is as 

Re: [b2g] GPS/Wifi hybrid positioning

2014-03-25 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey all,

Interesting news, coming from Andreas Gal on the dev-b2g list:
On 3/24/14, 9:22 AM, Andreas Gal wrote:

 Support for the Mozilla Location Service is available in trunk builds
 I believe, and we will start using it in production devices soon as



Does this mean that a bunch of work has been done on MLS vetting the 
data quality and improving the error estimates to bring it up to 
production quality? What kind of analyses are being performed on the 
data to evaluate their quality? What kinds of algorithms are being 
developed to improve error estimates? I had not been aware that this 
kind of work was ongoing and thought that for now MLS was acting like a 
pretty dumb data repository and that the 'service' was offering 
exceedingly coarse positions with fixed error estimates at the kilometer 

We must all know that there are many issues with the quality of the data 
accumulated so far. Similarly, we all surely know how horrible the 
experience is to be given a geospatial position which is grossly 
inaccurate; some will even have personal experience of the waste of time 
and endless walking that can result when being forced to rely on such 
data but being given grossly inaccurate positions. So I wonder how you 
are expecting to protect Firefox OS users from the current data quality 
and algorithmic analysis issues.

My own work trying to grapple with this is only just getting to the 
point where I can think about analysis. I have a prototype stumbler app 
and am accumulating a systematic (but nonetheless problematic) data set 
of Montevideo, wherein all data are essentially gathered in the same way 
(at bike speed, at times of good satellite availability, with the same 
value for the maximum acceptable positioning error, ...). Since I am 
holding on to the data, as well as uploading it to OpenCellID and MLS, I 
will be able eventually to do real analysis of the results.

Already, I have started wondering about problems in the data gathering 
of the Wifi base station locations. (I suspect, but have not yet 
confirmed, that the hardware and code behind the 
navigator.mozWifiManager API call are storing signals based on the 
periodic broadcast from wifi base stations but only dropping the base 
station after some timeout. I am seeing residence times of base stations 
in the data reported by the above API of around a full minute, a time 
within which I have moved far out of radio contact with the base 
station, far enough away that relating the later positions to the wifi 
base station makes for a crummy position estimate (~300meters of that 
error term alone). Confirming this and figuring out how to handle it 
will require a bunch of field work, something I am not yet sure how to 
do.) A solution might eventually be to eliminate the presence of a wifi 
for all positions beyond a certain distance (or time) from initial 
observation (or at a position or time based on some calculation 
involving initial observation and the evolution of signal strength), 
something which could even be done on the server eventually for already 
accumulated data. Are you already doing this kind of analysis? If so, 
how? Do you dump the database into PostGIS and do analysis there, or 
have you written your own geospatial algorithms?

It would be interesting to have the discussion of the work you are doing 
to bring the whole system up to production quality on the

web page. That should probably include a discussion of all the different 
error terms you are considering in the position analysis and how 
multiple observations attenuate the different terms.

Thanks for any info,

On Mar 24, 2014, at 12:16 PM, Adrian Custer a...@pocz.org wrote:

On 3/24/14, 8:45 AM, Marek Raida wrote:

Hello, could someone tell me please, if hybrid Wifi/aGPS
positioning should work in FFOS 1.3? Accordingly to
https://wiki.mozilla.org/B2G/Roadmap it was added to 1.2 (but
strangely without any issue reference). I've spent a week
running around town with Android device with mozStumbler turned
on and acquired a lot of data
(https://location.services.mozilla.com/leaders - user revelon ;-)
, but still, getting position outside is painfully painfully
slow, and inside of building nearly impossible (on device GP
Revolution). Thank you for an answer/status, Marek
___ dev-b2g mailing
list dev-b2g@lists.mozilla.org

Hey Marek,

Glad you were productive stumbling.

As I understand things, none of your data are exposed to the
Firefox OS Geolocation call. The Firefox OS navigator.geolocation
call works but still relies on the service of a third party (some
Google service if I remember right). This means you won't see your
data that way. However, the call should work on your phone, so I am
not sure why it does not. Perhaps, that service does not have

Re: [b2g] GPS/Wifi hybrid positioning

2014-03-24 Thread Adrian Custer

On 3/24/14, 8:45 AM, Marek Raida wrote:

Hello, could someone tell me please, if hybrid Wifi/aGPS positioning
should work in FFOS 1.3? Accordingly to
https://wiki.mozilla.org/B2G/Roadmap it was added to 1.2 (but
strangely without any issue reference). I've spent a week running
around town with Android device with mozStumbler turned on and
acquired a lot of data (https://location.services.mozilla.com/leaders
- user revelon ;-) , but still, getting position outside is painfully
painfully slow, and inside of building nearly impossible (on device
GP Revolution). Thank you for an answer/status, Marek
___ dev-b2g mailing list
dev-b2g@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-b2g

Hey Marek,

Glad you were productive stumbling.

As I understand things, none of your data are exposed to the Firefox OS
Geolocation call. The Firefox OS navigator.geolocation call works but 
still relies on the service of a third party (some Google service if I 
remember right). This means you won't see your data that way. However, 
the call should work on your phone, so I am not sure why it does not.

Perhaps, that service does not have coverage of your area?

Mozilla Location Services, which gets the Stumbler data, is not used for
Firefox OS Geolocation. MozLocServ is still in data acquisition mode
(although you can manually call the service to ask for its estimate of
your position, but that has fixed and very poor error estimates). You
can ask questions about MozLocSev on another list:


where you might get more precise answers about how your uploaded data
are being processed and used.

dev-b2g mailing list

[b2g] Status of Firefox OS?

2014-03-18 Thread Adrian Custer

Hello all,

Yesterday was an important milestone for Firefox OS, according to:

  * my handset's operating system reaching 'End-of-life'
  * v1.3.0 reaching 'code freeze'
  * v1.4.0 reaching 'functional complete'
although it might be that this wiki page is irrelevant.

Over the last two decades, my experience in the world of free software 
has been that projects reaching important milestones put out 
announcements to the affected communities about the status of things, 
the plans, and other relevant information through which developers, 
users, document writers, the press, and the interested public can remain 
informed about the project. Similar milestones have come and gone since 
November without such announcements.

Could someone in the know please explain what is going on?

Thank you.


P.S. Answers to some of the following questions would be useful:

Does Firefox OS ever actually declare a 'release'? Did any version hit 
'release' yesterday? What is meant by the next section

when it talks about '1.2 release'?

Did FfOS 1.1 reach 'end-of-life' yesterday and what does that actually 
mean? Are people buying telephones in Uruguay today vulnerable from here 
on out to all security flaws discovered in the OS and in the browser? Is 
the rumor that there will never be any over-the-air updates to handsets 
here true?

Did Firefox 1.3 reach 'code-freeze' yesterday? What is the status of the 
code base at code freeze? Did the schedule slip successfully address the 
issues which caused the slip?

Did Firefox OS 1.4 reach 'functional complete' yesterday? Was the 
planned functionality completely written?

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Introducing B2G to x86

2014-02-25 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey Hugh,

On 2/25/14, 11:30 AM, Hugh Tay wrote:

Hello everyone,

I would like to initiate a new open-source community project to port
FireFox OS to the Intel/AMD x86-64 platform.

There is lots of community work going on around Firefox OS and that 
could well be brought together into a community umbrella project. This 
is very much needed so as to concentrate our efforts, to provide a 
single reference point for the various efforts, and to address the needs 
of the community which are so low in the Mozilla priorities. There is 
lots of work going on in South America already so bringing that into a 
common project would be doable.

As far as x86 is concerned, are you aware that the new geeksphone is 
running on an Intel chip? That should provide the starting point for 
your work once (and if) they release the source for that port. I 
suspect, without basis, that Intel may have some resources behind the 
port as well since they are trying intensely to gain a foothold in the 
mobile device space, so there may be help for your effort. Certainly 
Geeksphone will be behind the x86 port. The phone has not yet shipped 
but I suspect binaries will eventually be available on

  https://downloads.geeksphone.com/ (with a bad certificate)
  http://downloads.geeksphone.com/ (unsecure)
although I am not sure where the source code of the port will live. That 
work, if available, would surely be a place to start since it will be a 
working port to x86.

I'm thinking along the lines of the port for RasPi that Oleg Romashin
developed - executing Gecko on top of a vanilla Linux kernel with
only the essential drivers/libraries loaded.

Supposedly this method would let us run FF-OS on an x86 PC like other
Linux distros; e.g. Ubuntu, Fedora; just that its UI would be Gecko
instead of KDE or Gnome.

This way we should also be able to reduce our dependence on Android
as the backbone of FireFox OS.

The dependence on 'Android' is more at the level of build infrastructure 
than anything else. There is a 'fake dalvik' needed for some reason I 
have not yet understood. Apart from that 'AOSP' is merely a convenient 
place to get source code and the NDK is simply used as a build 
infrastructure for the project. The code for Gonk is essentially

linux + rootdisk binaries + firmware + glue
so that 'Android' should not cause you concern. With a clean, well 
designed build and configuration system, the original source should be 
changeable at will.


Perhaps further down the line we could also take advantage of UEFI
booting and B2G in  10 seconds?

Would anyone be interested in contributing to this effort?

Looking forward to an exciting time ahead!

Hugh ___ dev-b2g mailing
list dev-b2g@lists.mozilla.org

dev-b2g mailing list

[b2g] Gecko version of the AppManager simulator

2014-02-24 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey all,

In my debugging applications, I put the string defined in
into the footer. Currently, in the app manager of Firefox nightly, when 
running the

Firefox OS 1.3 Simulator 7.0pre7.20140113
the version string is
  Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:18.0) Gecko/18.0 Firefox/18.0
which is the same as I get for the 1.2 version of the simulator. On my 
phone, which is FxOS 1.2, I get

  Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:26.0) Gecko/26.0 Firefox/26.0
and I thought 1.3 was running on Gecko/26.0 and 1.4 targeted at 28.0.

what's going on? Is the simulator lying or using an older gecko?

thanks for any info,
dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Gecko version of the AppManager simulator

2014-02-24 Thread Adrian Custer

On 2/24/14, 2:07 PM, Ben Kelly wrote:

There is a bug in the user agent. See:


Hope that helps.



dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] FirefoxOS tree structure

2014-02-05 Thread Adrian Custer

On 2/5/14, 5:06 AM, Jose Vidal wrote:

Hi everyone,

What's the Firefox OS source code directory tree structure ?

Hey Jose,

The structure of the directory in which you build Firefox OS is indeed 
quite hard to understand. The directory does several things at once and 
then the Mozilla team decided that, since it was a mess anyway, they 
were welcome to make more of a mess of things.

You need to understand, first, that the Firefox OS directory will do 
several things:

  * it is a repo directory that will be used by the Android project's
'repo' tool which means that:
  - it will have, by default, a hidden .repo/ dir with:
  1. a new copy of the 'repo' tool
  2. a manifest.xml file describing the project
  3. a directory full of Git version control repositories
  - it will end up with *working copies* of all the source code used
to build the project
  * it is a source code directory which you could use to work on the
source code of the different projects, which you could do either
using the 'repo' tool to manage work on many of the projects at
once or using the 'git' tool to work on a single or few projects
  * it is a Make directory tree in which the source code will all be
built using the Android project's Makefile system,
  * it is a build directory which will, after the build, include the
output directories with the source code results, notably in the
./out/ and ./gecko_objdir/ directories,
  * it is a runtime directory which holds a mess of undocumented
scripts used to run and profile the result of a build.

Note also that the project is building not just Firefox OS but a bunch 
of Android tools including the 'adb' and 'fastboot' tools to interact 
with a device over USB, some tools used to assemble images, and a bunch 
of profiling tools based on Eclipse. This latter means that the 
directory requires two build chains, one for Firefox OS based on the 
architecture of the device you are targeting and another for the tools 
based on the architecture of the machine on which you are running the build.

Note also that the contents of the directory will depend on the device 
you are targeting since each device gets a different 'manifest.xml' file 
listing the project contents.

Finally, note the the builds are all dysfunctional to various, 
undocumented, extents. By default, the builds only go so far and then 
expect you to blindly trust the ./flash.sh script which will copy over 
what you have built to the device, something that only will work if you 
have root permissions on the phone. The builds will not, by default, 
build the four cannoical files:

but instead will try to copy the files over to the system/ and data/ 
partitions on the device. There are a mess of undocumented targets for 
'make' that you can magically call to try and make those images, except 
that for some projects you can't actually generate the boot.img file. 
(Actually, forget the recovery.img; you should be able to leave that 
alone and use the one on your phone.)

If you take the time, it turns out you can start from an empty directory 
to build Firefox OS!

Note that this is only a vague outline: I don't want to take the time to 
look all this up right now. I spent a month and a half working on a 
build tool with better documentation that the scripts provided by 
Mozilla but got discouraged when I discovered that the scripts silently 
skipped building the kernel on the device I was working on building.

From what I remember, the steps are something like:
   1) use curl or wget to get the repo tool launcher (a single file)
wget src-of-repo ./bin/.
   2) run the repo launcher pointing at the source of manifest files
./bin/repo -u  -b ... -m 
  = this will add to the repo directory (.repo/ by default)
(1) a full copy of the repo tool
(2) a copy of the manifest.xml at the right branch
   3) run 'repo sync' with the right flags
  = this will get a clone of all the git projects and put the
 git repository in the .repo/projects/ dir and put a working
 copy of the source code in the top level directory
   4) configure the system
   5) optionally copy files from a working device locally
   6) build the system by (1) setting up the right environmental
  variables and (2) running make
   7) get the build results onto a device. This depends on how deeply
  you built the projects: you may brutally copy files over to the
  existing partitions of the device or you might actually use the
  'fastboot' tool to copy over full images overwriting the
The scripts in the B2G git project (the one on GitHub not the one on 

[b2g] How wep apps know when data connection use fails due to insufficient balance

2014-01-30 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey all,

How does a web app know when an XHR is rejected because of lack of funds?

In the catch block of:

try {
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest( props_for_request );
  xhr.send(  JSON.stringify( {'items': items_to_send } )  );
} catch  (err) {

I am currently getting the error :

[Exception... Failure nsresult:0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) 
location: JS 

I currently suspect that this is due to a zero balance which blocks the 
use of the cell phone data channel.

Is this error the most detailed information available to the web app for 
such a case?

Is the data:no at the end a canonical indicator that the use of the 
data channel has been refused?

Is there any way to know that the refusal was due to lack of funds 
(versus badly configured data channel or other reasons)?

I'd like to help the users by transforming that error into a more 
helpful prompt but to do so I wanted to get a sense of the scope of 
these kinds of errors sent to a web app.

dev-b2g mailing list

[b2g] Documentation of MozMobileConnectionInfo.type

2014-01-28 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey all,

The page:

lists some of the possible connection types, ending with 'etc.'.

Unfortunately, coding against an 'etc.' is kindda hard. Working from:


I need to make a lookup object like:

var cell_type_lookup = {
'type':   ['celltype', 'itemtype'],//Header field

'gsm':['gsm',  'gsm'],
'edge':   ['gsm',  'gsm'],
'gprs':   ['gsm',  'gsm'],
'umts':   ['umts', 'gsm'],
'hspa':   ['umts', 'gsm'],
'hsdpa':  ['umts', 'gsm'],
'hspap':  ['umts', 'gsm'],//check name
'hsupa':  ['umts', 'gsm'],

'cdma':   ['cdma', 'cdma'],
'evdo':   ['cdma', 'cdma'],
'ehrpd':  ['cdma', 'cdma'],

'lte':['lte',  'gsm']

which I build from the info on:
but the result is that I have to guess at values (e.g. what hspa+ might 
have been converted to) and don't know how accurate or comprehensive the 
lookup object might be.

Could one of you in the know could point to the place in the code where 
these values are actually defined? Thanks.

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Restructuring the MDN FxOS zone

2014-01-10 Thread Adrian Custer

On 1/9/14, 5:26 PM, Chris Mills wrote:

Hi all,

Hope you are having a good start to 2014!

One of my first tasks this year is to restructure the Firefox OS zone on MDN 
(https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS). There is some good content on 
there, but it could really do with the flow of content and structure improving. 
I have started to devise a plan at


If you have any feedback about what could be improved on the Firefox OS content 
zone and what you think of this plan, please let me know, by responding to this 
mail, or writing your feedback into the “FEEDBACK SECTION” near the bottom of 
this doc. It’s at an early stage, but I reckon a bit of restructuring will 
really sort this out.

Best regards,

Chris Mills
Senior tech writer || Mozilla
developer.mozilla.org || MDN
cmi...@mozilla.com || @chrisdavidmills

Hey Chris,

Your etherpad is a start. However, there is a bunch of work needed to 
get a good structure for the docs going forwards.

I took action a few weeks ago to work on this. Unfortunately, I got side 
tracked quickly into trying to fix things rather than trying to document 
the mess as is. As far as an outline, this is as far as I had gotten:

Landing page
  (pictures and redirects to sections or to other sites)

  * Define Firefox OS as both a *project* and an *OS*
  * Current status
  * 2013
  * 2014 plans
  * This site is for: $audience_list
  * Other resources (also, resources for $non_audience)

The Firefox OS Project
  * Mozilla -teams
  * Android project (via codeaurora.org)
  * Device makers (?the new alliance?) (e.g. QCOM)
  * Device assemblers (e.g. Alcatel)
  * Device distributors (e.g. Movistar)

The OS
  * Overview
  * Detailed architecture of the pieces
  * ...

  * Overview
  Build Types: Device, Emmulators, Desktop
  Build components: Android tools, Profilers, Output Dir, Images
  Feature support chart
  The build process: workspace, goals, steps
  Caveats: disk size, network bandwidth, compile times
  * The workspace
  Uses (build, code w/repo, code w/ git)
  * Pre-reqs
  * Configure
  * Build
  * Run?
  * Install
  * Customize

Using the build
  * Screenshots
  * Remote Debugging
  * Profiling (and memory usage)
  * Remote control of a device

How to file bugs
  * These docs
  * App Manager, Simulator
  * FF Responsive design View
  * FF Developer Tools
  * Gaia Apps
  * Gecko on Gonk
  * The build workspace

Developing Firefox OS
  * Working in the workspace
  * repo in the workspace
  * git in the working dirs
  * linking in separate working dirs
  * How to contribute: Gaia, Gecko/Gonk, Gonk, Docs...

  * ZTE Open
  * Alcatel OneTouch Fire
  * ...

So that's not much better than your etherpad. Its not comprehensive yet, 
it does not flesh out any of the topics, and does not consider what else 
is needed. This view adds, compared to your etherpad, the idea of 
discussing the 'Project' and its 'community' which are important to 
outsiders and for building a community (although that may not be 
something this project wants or wants enough to invest in).

However, while working on the docs and thinking about the various users, 
it became clear that we should at least try to do better than the 
current build system. So, in the last few weeks, I have been trying to 
get a handle on the build. I spent a couple of weeks hacking a bash 
script framework to manage a Firefox OS 'workspace'. The framework 
allows for a number of 'phases' (e.g. bootstrap, configure, build, run, 
install, configure) each of which might have a number of stages. Thus we 
could do:

  fxos setup
and get the result attached to this email. (Really, it just tells a user 
what their machine needs for the different parts of the build, i.e. what 
is needed in the bootstrap.) The script framework should make it easy to 
isolate the code that does stuff from surrounding code that documents 
what has been done and what is needed. These days I am wrangling with 
repo and git and the various workspace configurations which are 
possible, (i.e. repo mirrors, single branch clones, shallow clones, 
group based manifests). I still have a ways to go on this but it might 
eventually get somewhere.

It seems, from the general silence on the dev-b2g list, that there won't 
be much help coming from there. So we will have to invent a semantic 
structure to Firefox OS itself that we can then document. Unfortunately, 
since most of the details are over our heads, our readers will suffer 
from our lack of understanding. Technical debt begets more technical debt.

From inside Mozilla, it would be of use to find out from recent hires 
working on Firefox OS what information they found they needed to become 
effective contributing. There's surely a lot that passes by word of mouth.

Also, I have *no idea* about any of the runtime 

[b2g] The Gaia repos and their suitability for FxOS

2014-01-09 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey all,

There are two Gaia repos that I have run into so far: one on mozilla and 
one on github. The one on github seems relatively clean. The one on 
mozilla, tagged 'release', is a mess. The latter is used by FirefoxOS., 
at least in the hamachi manifest used by the Alcatel OneTouch fire.

Are these two repos split into 'production' and 'development'?

Why is Firefox OS (at least in its hamachi manifest) using the 
mozilla.org repository?

Do these repositories have maintainers? If so, why are there branches on 
the mozilla.org Gaia repo with crazed names that have not been touched 
since August and April?

Gaia on GitHub
This seems relatively clean:

galet:gaia acuster$ git remote show origin
* remote origin
  Fetch URL: https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/gaia.git
  Push  URL: https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/gaia.git
  HEAD branch: master
  Remote branches:
ord   tracked
rocketbar-places  tracked
v1-train  tracked
v1.1.0hd  tracked
v1.2  tracked
v1.2f tracked
v1.3  tracked

Small number of branches, bug*, ord and rock* with relatively recent 
commits. Fine.

Gaia on Mozilla (used by Firefox OS, hamachi build)

The GitHub repo used for Firefox OS, despite having 'release' in
its name, seems to be the hacking repository. It's branches are a 
fant**!@  mess:

git remote show mozillaorg
* remote mozillaorg
  Fetch URL: https://git.mozilla.org/releases/gaia.git
  Push  URL: https://git.mozilla.org/releases/gaia.git
  HEAD branch: master
  Remote branches:
816135  ...
bug-918303  ...
bug-952611  ...
bug914179   ...
camera-fix  ...
design-update   ...
fix-homescreen-dock-tests   ...
fxa_mo  ...
fxa_module  ...
master  ...
nightly ...
offline ...
ord ...
rocketbar   ...
rocketbar2  ...
s3-uploads  ...
shira   ...
task-switcher   ...
upstream/master ...
v1.0.0  ...
v1.0.1  ...
v1.2f   ...
v1_train/clock/Bug842750_Default_alarm_name_not_localized ...WTF?

So this does not seem like a 'release' repository (despite what the name 
says).  It also does not seem to have anyone doing basic maintenance 
dropping abandoned branches with crazed names.

Some explanation for this state of affairs would be appreciated.

dev-b2g mailing list

[b2g] Experience using Repo --depth or repo project 'groups'?

2014-01-07 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey all,

Do any of you have experience working with the more advanced aspects of 
the 'repo' tool such as the --depth=1 argument to 'repo sync' for 
shallow git clones or the 'groups' attribute of the 'project' XML 
element in the manifests for targeted 'repo init' invocations?

Note that I have not yet fully understood the build so that these
questions might well arise from misunderstanding. (This all started
as an attempt to improve the docs but that proved impossible
without digging deep into the 'B2G' world, which has now turned
into an effort to clean up the 'B2G' workspace and the scripts
driving the build.

It seems there might be room for a better use of 'repo'.

The 'repo' tool apparently allows shallow clones. The 'repo sync' 
command accepts a --depth=1, which should eventually get passed to 'git 
clone' and thence to 'git fetch' leading to shallow clones of all the 
projects included in the 'repo init'. If this could work, it would be of 
great use to most of us since almost none of us are actually hacking in 
all of the 'repo' projects within our workspace. I believe that git 
allows a shallow clone to later be expanded to a full clone; if so, we 
could do a shallow clone of all projects by default, then explain how to 
get the full clones later for developers working with specific projects. 
(My experiments on this are on hold pending the activation of my new 
'unlimited' internet connection plan, which might happen today.)

The 'repo' tool also apparently allows the 'projects' to be grouped into 
named groups so that 'repo init', when given a group name, will 
originally load only the projects in that group. Given the diverse user 
base that Firefox OS is gaining, it seems we might be able to leverage 
that to allow:

  - gaia only builds (with file copy to device)
  - gaia and gecko only builds (with file copy to device)
  - full system.img and userdata.img builds (with flash to device)
  - Android tool builds: (adb, fastboot, mkbootimg) builds
  - gonk builds: boot.img, (with flash to device)
  - Desktop tool builds: whatever those runtime and profiling tools
are really about.
The idea is to minimize the download size and build complexity for those 
users who don't need it. We could use the 'groups' attribute to make, 
say a 'gaia' group that has only the

  - B2G build (a fork of the 'ndk' project, needed in all groups)
  - ?some build glue taken from gonc-misc?
  - gaia
and then a user who has acquired an 'adb' binary from somewhere can copy 
the new gaia files over. That's my current hope. However, its now clear 
I need to dig into the 'gonk-misc' project to see what glue it is 
bringing to the 'ndk' build system and so it seems worth asking for 
advice/pointers. Do any of you who have written this code have a sense 
of how we could modularize the build of the Firefox OS components into 
such 'repo' groups? Have you tried this?

This is part of my work developing a workspace and management system for 
Firefox OS which is both clean enough for me to be able to work within 
and clear enough for me to feel like documenting. It is also obvious 
that the growth of Firefox OS has lead to a greater variety of users 
than originally present:

  * enthusiasts that want a new build,
  * crazed enthusiasts that want to customize their own build and
the splash screens, ringtones and other goodies,
  * web app developers that need a new build to use Firefox Dev tools
or to tackle bugs,
  * gaia developers who need to stay current,
  * gecko/gonk developers doing their thing,
  * developers targeting new hardware devices,
  * distributors wanting to customize a distribution with splash
screens, ringtones, particular app bundles, ...
We are many, all with slightly different needs. The current B2G project 
is a mess of scripts which becomes, after repo init, a mess of 
directories. For my own needs, I want a clear separation between:

  * workspace stuff,
  * source code working directories, and
  * compilation output.
As a bonus, I'm looking to lighten the downloads and target the build 
for specific uses. So I am working on a new version of 'B2G' with a 
cleaner layout, with a set of manifests which also use a clean layout, 
and a workspace management system (bash script) which is modular for 
extension but walks users through machine preparation, build 
configuration, device backup, source code build, compile result 
installation and possibly eventually runtime stuff (?profiling?) and 
build customization. That's the grandiose plan.

The issue of the moment, however, is wrangling 'repo' and any advice on 
that would be appreciated.

dev-b2g mailing list

[b2g] Uniquely identifying a device

2014-01-04 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey all,

Does Firefox OS provide any way to uniquely identify a device?
Is this possible both at the UNIX level ('adb shell') and from within 
app code (with suitable permission)?

The Android community has been tackling this need for a long time and 
has developed multiple approaches though, in modern versions, the OS 
provides a way for user code (Java) to obtain a unique id per device. See

  * http://www.pocketmagic.net/2011/02/android-unique-device-id/
  * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13744565/android-device-id-confusion
for discussion of the issues and various solutions.

So far I am poking around in /proc and /sys land from 'adb shell' but 
have not yet found anything canonical. There is

  cat /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/iSerial   (MSM7627A)
  cat /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/idProduct (9025)
  cat /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/idVendor  (05c6)
but I am not sure how 'unique' the iSerial number is. (Note that the 
idVendor is probably, in general, related to the list on the page:

or on the more complete page:
though I am working only from my own device.

I have not yet found a way to extract the IMEI (GSM telephony), let 
alone found a way to identify future CDMA devices (ESN/MEID) or devices 
without any telephony.

Thanks for any help,
dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Uniquely identifying a device

2014-01-04 Thread Adrian Custer

On 1/4/14, 9:29 AM, Alexandre Lissy wrote:

Le 04/01/2014 12:24, Adrian Custer a écrit :

Hey all,

Does Firefox OS provide any way to uniquely identify a device?
Is this possible both at the UNIX level ('adb shell') and from within
app code (with suitable permission)?

What do you exactly want to do ?

At the lowest level, I want to use adb to query the connected device(s) 
to obtain a unique identifier for that device. That way I can make a 
backup directory that has an appropriate unique identifier even when a 
hacker has multiple devices in hand.

While working on this, I realized that the issue was more general and 
would eventually be faced by Firefox OS Web App authors so that we 
therefore needed either an appropriate answer or a bug for future work. 
It sounds like the bug is needed since the 'certified app only' 
limitation will be an issue.

(At the higher level, I am working to fix and cleanup the 'B2G' project 
and am working to extract the backup step (configure_device) from 
build.sh into something separate and comprehensible.)


dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Build error on mac: duplicate symbol __dyld_func_lookup

2013-12-18 Thread Adrian Custer

On 12/18/13, 3:02 PM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:

Does anyone recognize this error or how I would go about debugging the
build? I'm not sure from the output here which makefile was being
executed, and they all seem to hide the compile and link commands so
there's not a clear record in the first place.


Yeah, the monolithic builds sucks when you hit errors early, and on a 
Mac this is likely.

This looks like the part of the build where it is building the Android 
tools that will run on the mac itself. (the output is to 'out/host/') 
These are things like 'adb' and 'fastboot' used to talk over usb to a 
device. These are not really needed for device builds and I suspect not 
for emulator builds. (It also looks like there is a lot of Eclipse being 
copied or built, probably for some other tool.)

You may be able to blow past them by ignoring compiler errors. (Yes, 
this is terrible.) You can pass the '-i' flag to make, I think you can 
just add that to './build.sh -i' and it will get passed to make. Of 
course, errors later on will be ignored too. :-( It looks like make has 
some more subtle ways of moving past errors but I have not explored the 
various make flags.

If you hit errors when it is outputing to 'out/target' then those will 
potentially affect your build.

good luck,
dev-b2g mailing list

[b2g] Fixing the list of Meetings and Calendar

2013-12-17 Thread Adrian Custer

hey all,

The 'B2G' meetings are listed on:
which includes a link, at the bottom of the page, to a calendar:


Unfortunately, the list of meetings on the two sources are not the same, 
not even really comparable.

It would be helpful if this could be clarified.

dev-b2g mailing list

Re: [b2g] Twitter web/app constantly closes on Firefox Os 1.2 ZTE Open

2013-12-15 Thread Adrian Custer

On 12/14/13, 9:46 AM, Xes Garcia wrote:

I know that this maybe not be an Firefox OS problem.
But something is wrong with twitter on Firefox Os, it works fine on Firefox for 
Android and it kind of worked on previous Firefox Os versions

Twitter is very popular and for a mobile Os to succeed is important to have 
twitter working fine.

If I open twitter on the browser it closes too showing the :( no response 

Maybe the system is too sensitive about no responsive webs
dev-b2g mailing list


Not sure *which* platform you are on.

Does another app open when the Twitter app closes? I had Calendar 
opening periodically and killing my long-lived app. Seems the last app 
to open wins.

If not, perhaps the twitter app is using too much memory. Does it take 
the home screen a while to load after the twitter app dies? That would 
indicate the app were consuming too much memory.

But, it sounds like yet something else, this 'no responsive'sic? 
issue. No idea about that.

dev-b2g mailing list

[b2g] A month dogfooding and dogcoding

2013-12-13 Thread Adrian Custer

Hello Andreas and the Mozilla phone team,

Thanks for all the great work making the Boot to Gecko idea into the
real phone I have in front of me! The real Firefox OS, for all the
criticism I level below, is a fantastic platform for the future. The
amount of work you have put in is huge so you all deserve a great thanks
for pulling it off.

Yet there is still a long way to go to turn the existing platform into a 
viable and vibrant system able to produce a great experience for users, 
a viable infrastructure (and business?) for developers, and a 
competitive alternative to the other phone systems. That's what this 
mail is about.

Andreas, this is addressed to you since we met in Montevideo during the
launch and I figure you might have input into the overall process. It is
sent to the list as well since the individual comments about the apps 
might be of use to those writing the Gaia apps and might elicit other 

Users are the ultimate key to making the project a success. If users
hate the platform, it is sunk; if they love it, they will leave room for
the inevitable mistakes and errors made along the way.

I worry for the users of 1.1. I doubt any of us is dogfooding v1.1; it 
is too painful. The clock app which only tells the time does not make 
any sense on a phone that gives you the time in the top right corner. 
The browser was not even up to the level of the early versions of 
Firefox for Android. Fortunately 1.2 is better all over. So we need to 
get users past 1.1 as quickly as possible.

= Mozilla needs to publish the upgrade story.

Mozilla should be putting out very clear signals about how those users 
will get to upgrade. If Mozilla moves past 1.3 and I am stuck on 1.1 and 
all I hear is ... nothing, I get frustrated. Even if upgrades are out of 
Mozilla's hands, Mozilla should be coordinating with the device 
manufactures and the telephone service provides to put out a very clear 
story on the situation. From the point of view of a frustrated user, 
they ought to see Mozilla on their side trying to get upgrades done, not 
as part of the problem.

Which brings me to the User experience itself. I'm working from v1.2
because that's what I have on my phone today.

The Browser - You all had the gall to call this thing 'Firefox OS'
and then you come up with this browser!
You all know perfectly well that phoenix was started to break
away from the monolithic suite being pushed by Mozilla. Firefox
(born phoenix) was a project started outside Mozilla which aimed
to do one thing only and well, web browsing. That it eventually
dominated the integrated suite pushed by Mozilla insiders should
have prevented you from re-using the name for this insider driven,
let's make the browser do everything project. But, you squatted
the name anyhow. Well, now you better live up to the name!
So make the browser great. I know you have great plans for the
future but releasing this phone named after the browser with a
browser this trivial was bad marketing. (Yeah, go ahead, try using
the browser v1.1 for your browser needs for a day, I challenge you.)
Do better, make this great now, it is in the phone's name. Okay, in
v1.2 the browser is at least becoming 'painfully usable' but it
ain't worthy of the Firefox name and reputation.
The browser is not key to a phone, but you've taken the name so
now you have to make it GREAT, and quickly.

Phone - works well so far. Cool.

The Clock - v1.2 adds the Alarm clock and a Timer. Great, now it is
actually an app. The Alarm sounds leave a lot to be desired. Are any
of you willing to be heard in a meeting emitting these sounds when
the alarm goes off to remind you you have to go pick up your
sister's kids? The alarm actually survives long term, unlike
the timer which dies when opening another app (or two). That is
actually dangerous, since an obvious use is timing things on the
stove. Also, when I overcook my pasta because of a crummy Clock app,
I blame the phone, which is exactly what we want to avoid.

Contacts - It's starting to be usable. The backup to sdcard saved me
lots of work when downgrading from v1.3 to v1.2 (which hosed the
contacts and SMS messages for some reason). So, good.
Adding a contact is less obvious. The UI is all backwards where
I have to look deep into the block to know what it is about. Can
any of you tell me what Perso... is going to be about? Oh, okay
this is an email field, and it is preset to not be 'work' and has
chosen something like 'Personal' as the text but doesn't fit. Having
that 'Company' field as the second entry is irksome, suggests this
has been developed by corporate land. Then in the phone number there
is this 'Carrier' thing which is puzzling. In Belgium, France, and
Uruguay, everyone knows the carriers by how the numbers start. In

Re: [b2g] A month dogfooding and dogcoding

2013-12-13 Thread Adrian Custer

On 12/13/13, 11:31 AM, Chris Mills wrote:

Hi Adrian,

Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback! I think it is exactly this
kind of constructive criticism that helps the most.


I am on the MDN team, and in charge of maintaining the Firefox OS doc
zone. You can feel free to aim any doc-specific stuff at me.

Okay. Nice to meet you.

 I’d like to request that some of the platform developers try to find
 some time to help me work out where our documentation is out of date 
 and in need of fixing. I ran through all the build process docs about 
 2-3 months ago in detail, checked that it all works, and made a

 number of updates, but it may well be time to do that again ;-)

Your new article is very useful[1]; I have linked to it from the
main  Firefox OS zone menu[2] and from the Building and installing

 sublanding page[3].

Oooh, no! It's not ready for that. Really, it needs a technical review 
first! You can't have someone (me) writing how the build works who has 
not successfully done a build and placed in on their device. Please revert.

Also, once it is deemed reliable, it will need to get integrated into 
the various menus and sections:

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS   Left Nav Menu [DONE]
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS   Build  ... Section
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS/Build_and_install   Menu
  Getting and ... Section

You are lost in a maze of twisty pages, all alike...

 I also gave it an editorial review, fixing a bunch of minor
 grammar/spelling/structural issues.

Thanks. Now I know how to make note blocks too.

All the best,

Chris Mills Senior tech writer || Mozilla developer.mozilla.org ||
MDN cmi...@mozilla.com || @chrisdavidmills


[2] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS


dev-b2g mailing list

[b2g] The dev.moz.org docs

2013-12-13 Thread Adrian Custer

On 12/13/13, 1:00 PM, Chris Mills wrote:

On 13 Dec 2013, at 14:51, Adrian Custer a...@pocz.org wrote:

You are lost in a maze of twisty pages, all alike…

This is definitely a thing I need to work on. There is a lot here,
and it could use some improved IA. I kind of got to the point where I
couldn’t see the wood for the trees with this section of the site, so
I left it for a while and went on to other things. Again, any ideas
will be listened to ;-)

Do you have a higher level overview of the docs? The current 
organization seems kind of strange. When I was writing the Gnumeric 
Manual, I needed a clear outline just to keep my own mind clear of what 
goes where. We surely need something similar to all be on the same page 
when working collaboratively on a wiki.

The current layout lacks a coherent logic. Working from the left-hand 
menu on:

(Note that right clicking on each top level element opens an extra page 
for that top level element.)

  = Is this focused at everyone or just developers? A key question is
 who is tragetted by these docs and how can we redirect the other
 readers quickly to other docs.
  = Needs a clear purpose (ie. Hardware requirements is strange to find

Usage Tips:
  = These are tips for developers, i.e. not 'usage'

Platform Guide:
  = Needs to start with a simple archi diagram:
[ Gaia Web Apps ] [ Other Web Apps]
[ Gecko   ]
[Gonk: kernel, drivers, libs  ]
  = Needs to work systematically through the layers:
   * Kernel
   * Drivers and libs
 = Gonk
   * Gecko
   * Web App Security Control
   * Web App APIs
 = 'Gecko'?
   * Common libraries for Web Apps
   * Shared UI elements
   * Gaia Apps
 = 'Gaia'?
  = The FxOS startup process should be separate from describing
 the layers
  = The App Execution Environment (Apps Architecture) should be
 its own section.

  = Feature Support Chart had better happen after explaining that
 there are 3 Runtime Environments: Device, Emmulator, Desktop.
 Actually, that should be part of the initial 'Introduction'.
  = Settings list should be part of the 'Web App Environment' It is
 not related to the Platform.
  = Developer Settings should be part of the Web App Hacking Guide
 which is should be a separate section here but might be in a
 different part of the dev.moz.org site. They are not part of the

Build and Install:
  = we've talked about this.
  = installing on a mobile device should also explain about working
 with the AOSP tools: adb and fastboot. That is the Android
 tradition. Also, it makes more sense to work from full filesystem
 images than relying on the magic of ./flash.sh
  = Dual boot... should be part of a device specific discussion

  = this is mixing working on the OS and working on apps

Developer Phone Guide:
  = The initial section 'Firefox OS phones' is missing from the menu.
 ! That's where the device - codename mapping lives!
  = The sections should all be different phone names: Updating...
 is way too long a title.
  = Is this 'developer' phone or just a 'phone' guide? Once you root
 the phone, the Alcatel thing is just as much a developer phone as
 any other.
  = Troubleshooting should be an overview of Working with physical

Release notes:
  = API support does not belong buried here.
  = App permission does not either.

App Design and Development:
  = link broken when right-clicking on the title (goes to Release#)
  = This is a separate effort that will need organizing in its own

All in all there is lots of material here. If it can be systematically 
organized, it provides a good scaffolding for the future. But someone, 
probably you, needs to come up with a coherent outline of the whole 
thing so it is clear to all what goes where.

For example, the Introduction could be:
   Defn: FxOS is a lightweight OS that runs user applications in an HTML
 web page like environment. FxOS is designed to run on mobile
 devices like smartphones and tablets.

   Benefits: It's free software.
 It's a familar develop. environment. Mozilla provides help
   (ie docs, the store).
 It leverages Android so device makers know the basics and
   it can be widely ported.

   ?Overview of the OS: 3 layer view

   ?Overview of OS Execution Environment(s)? Devices, emulators... API

   ?Current status of use, deployments...?

but that takes someone making a coherent outline of the whole thing.

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