Re: Digicert issued certificate with let's encrypts public key

2020-05-18 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy
On May 18, 2020, at 23:58, Peter Gutmann via dev-security-policy 
> This isn't snark, it's a genuine question: If the CA isn't checking that the
> entity they're certifying controls the key they're certifying, aren't they
> then not acting as CAs any more?

They are really only certifying that the requester can control the dns for the 
domain name mentioned in the certificate anyway. The same function DNSSEC 
provides without middle men :)

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Use of Certificate/Public Key Pinning

2019-08-13 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

On Mon, 12 Aug 2019, Nuno Ponte via dev-security-policy wrote:

Recently, we (Multicert) had to rollout a general certificate replacement due 
to the serial number entropy issue. Some of the most troubled cases to replace 
the certificates were customers doing certificate pinning on mobile apps. 
Changing the certificate in these cases required configuration changes in the 
code base, rebuild app, QA testing, submission to App stores, call for 
expedited review of each App store, wait for review to be completed and only 
then the new app version is made available for installation by end users (which 
is turn are required to update the app the soonest).

Meeting the 5-days deadline with this sort of process is “challenging”, at best.

The OS and/or App should look at Certificate Transparency, instead of
hacks that hardcode the certificate serial number.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Intent to Ship: Move Extended Validation Information out of the URL bar

2019-08-12 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

> On Aug 12, 2019, at 14:30, Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy 
>  wrote:
> Mozilla has announced that we plan to relocate the EV UI in Firefox 70,
> which is expected to be released on 22-October. Details below.

Relocate seems a wrong word here. You are basically removing it. A few geeks 
will be able to find it at the new location and I wonder why Firefox even 
bothered to leave it at the new location.


dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: DarkMatter Concerns

2019-02-26 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

On Tue, 26 Feb 2019, Rob Stradling via dev-security-policy wrote:

Hi Scott.  It seems that the m.d.s.p list server stripped the
attachment, but (for the benefit of everyone reading this) I note that
you've also attached it to

Direct link:

Thanks for sending the link. The letter is uhm interesting. It both
states they cannot say anything for national security reasons, say they
unconditionally comply with national security (implying even if that
violates any BRs) and claims transparency for using CT which is in fact
being forced by browser vendors on them.

"quests to protect their nations" definitely does not exclude "issuing
BR violating improper certificates to ensnare enemies of a particular
nation state".

Now of course, I don't think this is very different from US based
companies that are forced to do the same by their governments, which
is why DNSSEC TLSA can be trusted more (and monitored better) than a
collection of 500+ CAs from all main nation states that are known for
offense cyber capabilities. But you can ignore this as off-topic :)

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: [FORGED] Re: Incident report - Misissuance of CISCO VPN server certificates by Microsec

2018-12-07 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

On Thu, 6 Dec 2018, Peter Gutmann via dev-security-policy wrote:

Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy  

Usually X509 is validated using standard libraries that only think of the TLS
usage. So most certificates for VPN usage still add EKUs like serverAuth or
clientAuth, or there will be interop problems.

So just to make sure I've got this right, implementations are needing to add
dummy TLS EKUs to non-TLS certs in order for them to "work"?

You understanding is correct.

 In that case why
not add a signalling EKU or policy value, a bit like Microsoft's
systemHealthLoophole EKU (I don't know what its official name is, 1 3 6 1 4 1
311 47 1 3) where the normal systemHealth key usage is meant to indicate
compliance with a system or corporate security policy and the
systemHealthLoophole key usage is for systems that don't comply with the
policy but that need a systemHealth certificate anyway.

I'm not sure how that is helpful for those crypto libraries who
mistakenly believe a certificate is a TLS certificate and thus if the
EKU is not empty it should have serverAuth or clientAuth.

Better to define a new EKU, "tlsCompabitility", telling the relying party that
the TLS EKUs are present for compatibility purposes and can be ignored if it's
a non-TLS use.

As I stated earier, since often these certificates are re-used for the
VPN server's TLS (openvpn, openconnect, etc) protocols or for their
webgui's provisioning API, they will most likely want serverAuth anyway.

btw for nss this got fixed recently:

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Incident report - Misissuance of CISCO VPN server certificates by Microsec

2018-12-05 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

> On Dec 5, 2018, at 16:49, Jakob Bohm via dev-security-policy 
>  wrote:
> Another question of relevance:
> Does the applicable VPN hardware and software (Cisco VPN servers and
> compatible VPN clients) work with certificates that omit all the TLS-
> related EKUs, thus allowing future VPN certificates to fall outside the
> BRs ?

Speaking as an IKE/IPsec implementer.

Usually X509 is validated using standard libraries that only think of the TLS 
usage. So most certificates for VPN usage still add EKUs like serverAuth or 
clientAuth, or there will be interop problems.
Our implementation uses NSS which only weeks ago implemented IPsec profiles 
that causes non-empty EKU’s that miss serverAuth and clientAuth to validate 
correctly for IPsec.

In other words, “no” is the answer to your question for the generic case. If 
Cisco VPN servers only need to talk to Cisco VPN clients, then maybe their 
implemention could do its

Another issue is that some provisions webgui’s for IPsec use the VPN gateway’s 
TLS server, usually using the same certificate. Especially if also supporting 
other VPN protocols such as openvpn or anyconnect/openconnect. So those would 
really need serverAuth.


dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Mitigating DNS fragmentation attacks

2018-10-14 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy
On Oct 14, 2018, at 21:09, jsha--- via dev-security-policy 
> There’s a paper from 2013 outlining a fragmentation attack on DNS that allows 
> an off-path attacker to poison certain DNS results using IP fragmentation[1]. 
> I’ve been thinking about mitigation techniques and I’m interested in hearing 
> what this group thinks.

The mitigation is dnssec. Ensure your data is cryptographically protected.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: A vision of an entirely different WebPKI of the future...

2018-08-16 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

On Thu, 16 Aug 2018, Matthew Hardeman via dev-security-policy wrote:

1.  Run one or more root CAs

Why would people not in the business of being a CA do a better job than
those currently in the CA business?

I recognize it's a radical departure from what is.  I'm interested in 
understanding if anything proposed here is impossible.  If what's proposed here 
CAN happen, AND IF we are confident that valid certificates for a domain label 
should unambiguously align to domain control, isn't this the ultimate solution?

If you want a radical change that makes it simpler, start doing TLSA in
DNSSEC and skip the middle man that issues certs based on DNS records.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: 2018.05.18 Let's Encrypt CAA tag value case sensitivity incident

2018-05-22 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

On Tue, 22 May 2018, Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy wrote:

However, what does this buy us? Considering that the ZSKs are intentionally
designed to be frequently rotated (24 - 72 hours), thus permitting weaker
key sizes (RSA-512),

I don't know anyone who believes or uses these timings or key sizes. It
might be done as an _attack_ but it would be a very questionable

I know of 12400 512 bit RSA ZSK's in a total of about 6.5 million. And I
consider those to be an operational mistake.

However, let us not pretend that recording the bytes-on-the-wire DNS
responses, including for DNSSEC, necessarily helps us achieve some goal
about repudiation. Rather, it helps us identify issues such as what LE
highlighted - a need for quick and efficient information scanning to
discover possible impact - which is hugely valuable in its own right, and
is an area where I am certain that a majority of CAs are woefully lagging
in. That LE recorded this at all, beyond simply "checked DNS", is more of a
credit than a disservice, and a mitigating factor more than malfeasance.

I see no reason why not to log the entire chain to the root. The only
exception being maliciously long chains, which you can easilly cap
and error out on after following about 50 DS records?

dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: "multiple perspective validations" - AW: Regional BGP hijack of Amazon DNS infrastructure

2018-04-30 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

On Mon, 30 Apr 2018, Tim Hollebeek wrote:

What about the cases we discussed where there is DNSSEC, but only for a

I don't know what that means? You mean a trust island not chained to the
root? If so, then yes, that is a zone without DNSSEC since it is missing
a DS in its parent (or grand parent, etc)

But again, using a proper validating DNS server will handle all that for

dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: "multiple perspective validations" - AW: Regional BGP hijack of Amazon DNS infrastructure

2018-04-30 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

On Mon, 30 Apr 2018, Tim Hollebeek via dev-security-policy wrote:

I don't think this opinion is in conflict with the suggestion that we
DNSSEC validation on CAA records when (however rarely) it is deployed. I
added this as

One of the things that could help quite a bit is to only require DNSSEC
when DNSSEC is deployed CORRECTLY, as opposed to some partial or broken
deployment.  It's generally broken or incomplete DNSSEC deployments that
cause all the problems.

Getting the rules for this right might be complicated, though.

It's also wrong. You can't soft-fail on that and you don't want to be in
the business of trying to figure out what is a sysadmin failure and what
is an actual attack.

The only somehwat valid soft-fail could come from recently expired
RRSIGs, but validating DNS resolvers like unbound already build in a
margin of a few hours, and I think you should not to anything special
during CAA verification other then using a validating resolver.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: "multiple perspective validations" - AW: Regional BGP hijack of Amazon DNS infrastructure

2018-04-25 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

On Wed, 25 Apr 2018, Ryan Hurst via dev-security-policy wrote:

Multiple perspectives is useful when relying on any insecure third-party 
resource; for example DNS or Whois.

This is different than requiring multiple validations of different types; an 
attacker that is able to manipulate the DNS validation at the IP layer is also 
likely going to be able to do the same for HTTP and Whois.

which is why in the near future we can hopefully use RDAP over TLS (RFC
7481) instead of WHOIS, and of course since the near past, DNSSEC :)

I'm not sure how useful it would be to have multiple network points for
ACME testing - it will just lead to the attackers doing more then one
BGP hijack at once. In the end, that's a numbers game with a bunch of
race conditions. But hey, it might lead to actual BGP security getting
deployed :)

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: On the value of EV

2017-12-11 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

On Mon, 11 Dec 2017, Ryan Hurst via dev-security-policy wrote:

The issues with EV are much larger than UI. It needs to be revisited and a 
honest and achievable set of goals need to be established and the processes and 
procedures used pre-issuance and post-issuance need to be defined in support 
those goals. Until thats been done I can not imagine any browser would invest 
in new UI and education of users for this capability.

While I agree that EV does not solve world peace, can you tell me what
is wrong with the firefox approach of showing EV? That is, browsers
hiding the real hostname with EV seems to behave wrong, and should be
fixed. This seems unrelated to other noble goals of giving users improved
security. It seems you are conflating many things, then say it is too
much work and lets just scrap it.

Thus, so far I see reason for some browsers to fix their UI. I can see
reasons for EV to improve. I see no reason to further confuse users
by removing EV without a successor.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: On the value of EV

2017-12-11 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

On Mon, 11 Dec 2017, James Burton via dev-security-policy wrote:

EV is on borrowed time

You don't explain why?

I mean domain names can be confusing or malicious too. Are domain names
on borrowed time?

If you remove EV, how will the users react when paypal or their bank is
suddenly no longer "green" ? Are we going to teach them again that
padlocks and green security come and go and to ignore it?

Why is your cure (remove EV) better than fixing the UI parts of EV?

dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Anomalous Certificate Issuances based on historic CAA records

2017-11-30 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

On Thu, 30 Nov 2017, Tim Hollebeek via dev-security-policy wrote:

[somewhat off topic, you can safely hit delete now]

So it turns out DNSSEC solves CAA problems for almost nobody, because almost
nobody uses DNSSEC.

The only people who need to use CAA are the CA's. They can surely manage
to fire up a validating DNS resolver. I'm sure there are more BR's that
"almost nobody uses" because there is no need for everyone to use it but
CA's. If you talk about domain holders not being able to run DNSSEC,
that's a pretty lame excuse too, when we have many Registrars and
Hosters who run millions of DNSSEC secured zones. I feel this argument
is similar to "hosting your own email service is too hard". If it is,
there are excellent commercial alternatives available.

And given the serious flaws both in DNSSEC itself and exiting DNSSEC 

For one, I'm not aware of "serious flaws in DNSSEC". As for wanting
something to die because of bad implementations, can I suggest starting
with ASN.1 and X.509, then move to crypto primitives and TLS ? :)

The presence of DNSSEC in the BR policy
for handling DNS failures, in hindsight, was probably a mistake, and

Trusting unauthenticated data from the network should really be a no-op,
from a princple point of view. Making any security decisions based on
"some blob from the network that anyone could have modified without
detecting" is just madness.

Right now, the only thing it is really accomplishing is preventing certificate
issuance to customers whose DNS infrastructure is flaky, misconfigured, or

Seems like the kind of people who should be given a certificate award
for excellence :P

Longer term, DNS over HTTPS is probably a more useful path
forward than DNSSEC for CAA, but unfortunately that is still in it's

Not really, because that only offers transport security and not data
integrity. A compromised nameserver should not be able to fake the lack
of CAA record for a domain that uses secure offline DNSSEC signing.

The problem DNSSEC checks for CAA was intended to solve was the fact that it
is certainly possible that a well-resourced attacker can manipulate the DNS
responses that the CA sees as part of its CAA checks.  A better mitigation,
perhaps, is for multiple parties to publicly attest in a verifiable way as
to what the state of DNS was at/near the time of issuance with respect to
the relevant CAA records.

Then why not simply cut out the DNS middle man, and give domains another
way to advertise this information. What about RDAP ? What about an EPP
"CA lock" similar to a "Registrar lock" ?

Of course, to avoid some of the extremely interesting experiences the
industry has had with CAA

Maybe people should use proper dns libraries and not invent their own
CNAME / DNAME handling :)


dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Anomalous Certificate Issuances based on historic CAA records

2017-11-30 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

On Thu, 30 Nov 2017, Wayne Thayer wrote:

[cut CC: list, assuming we're all on the list]

- Subscribers already (or soon will) have CT logs and monitors available to 
detect mis-issued certs. They don't need CAA Transparency.

It's not for subscribers, but for CA's.

Transparency is nice, but it does not _prevent_ misissue. The goal of
CAA is to prevent misissue.

We don't need a CAA Transparency log, because the only thing that needs
logging is the DNSSEC chain of the CAA record or lack thereof at the
time of issue. And only the issuing CA needs this information in case
they need to defend that there was no CAA record preventing them from
issuing at the time. Of course, you could still stuff it in some
transparency log if you want, but it is pretty useless for endusers.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Anomalous Certificate Issuances based on historic CAA records

2017-11-29 Thread Paul Wouters via dev-security-policy

> On Nov 29, 2017, at 17:00, Ben Laurie via dev-security-policy 
>  wrote:
> This whole conversation makes me wonder if CAA Transparency should be a
> thing.

That is a very hard problem, especially for non-DNSSEC signed ones.


dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Incident Report – Certificates issued without proper domain validation

2017-01-11 Thread Paul Wouters

On Wed, 11 Jan 2017, Patrick Figel wrote:

On 11/01/2017 04:08, Ryan Sleevi wrote:

Could you speak further to how GoDaddy has resolved this problem? My
hope is that it doesn't involve "Only look for 200 responses" =)

In case anyone is wondering why this is problematic, during the Ballot
169 review process, Peter Bowen ran a check against the top 10,000 Alexa
domains and noted that more than 400 sites returned a HTTP 200 response
for a request to
[1]. A number of those included the URL in the response body, which
would presumably be good enough for GoDaddy's domain validation process
if they indeed only check for a HTTP 200 response.


Are you saying that for an unknown amount of time (years?) someone could
have faked the domain validation check, and once it was publicly pointed
out so everyone could do this, it took one registrar 10 months to fix,
during which 8800 domains could have been falsely obtained and been used
in targetted attacks? Have other registrars made any statement on
whether they were or were not vulnerable to this attack?

Is there a way to find out if this has actually happened for any domain?
I would expect this would show up as "validated" certificates that were
logged in CT but that were never deployed on the real public TLS servers.
Is anyone monitoring that? I assume that for the "big players" who do
self-monitoring, were not affected? *crosses fingers*

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Reuse of serial numbers

2016-09-06 Thread Paul Wouters

On Tue, 6 Sep 2016, Kyle Hamilton wrote:

That seems unlikely to me (in that browsers don't really keep a server
cert database).

Has that changed?  I talked with Dan Veditz (at Mozilla) around 5 years
ago regarding the fact that NSS had told me of duplicate serial numbers
being issued by a single issuer, and that as a result Firefox had
refused to permit me to connect to a site and also refused to allow me
to examine the certificate or identify it issuer for myself.  I had to
use OpenSSL to get it.  His action item at the time was to increase
reportability of those issues to Mozilla, because (paraphrased from his
words) "a CA issuing duplicate serial numbers is a violation of all of
the specifications and we need to know about it, to figure out what else
they're doing wrong".

I recently ran into this when NSS rejected an IPsec client certificate
after a libreswan ipsec software upgrade. The upgrade replaced openswan
which used custom X.509 code and did not use NSS and it did accept the
certificate with duplicate serial number.

For IPsec, a seperate non-system NSS store is used, so I don't know
how browsers handle this, but the NSS code is there to reject it _if_
it encounters this.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Should we block Blue Coat's 'test' intermediate CA?

2016-06-14 Thread Paul Wouters
While not stating an opinion on the question asked, let me note that having an 
empty crl could be fine if all their test certificates expire within the hour.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 14, 2016, at 21:02, Mat Caughron  wrote:
> Adding fuel to the fire that Symantec's handling of the BlueCoat
> certificate warrants client-side blocking, see Milton Smith's blog post
> here:
> Mat C.
>> On Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 6:56:11 AM UTC-7, wrote:
>> reports that 
>> Symantec made Blue Coat (who produce MITM-capable security kit) an 
>> intermediate CA last year.  They claim its only been used for 'internal 
>> testing'.  Should we take action or trust them?
> ___
> dev-security-policy mailing list

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Should we block Blue Coat's 'test' intermediate CA?

2016-06-01 Thread Paul Wouters

On Tue, 31 May 2016, wrote:

Here is Bluecoat showing off their MITM appliance.

Note that it only shows a MITM TLS when you install their CA. Which,
whether we like it or not, is a valid business model. For instance
it is needed for various financial compliance laws.

And decrypting the TLS only gave the guy encrypted data he still could
not read. My guess is skype just uses TLS and a way to break through
middleware, and whatever their encryption scheme is, is still inside
of that.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: StartCom (false) vulnerability report

2016-03-24 Thread Paul Wouters

On Thu, 24 Mar 2016, Peter Kurrasch wrote:

3) The claim that CT leads to better security is partially specious. My argument here is 
also one I've made before wherein having an audit trail such as CT typically only helps 
after the fact--only after a problem is discovered. We've even had posts in this forum of 
the variety of "I just noticed in the CT logs that such-and-such has done 
whatever". Clearly, the use of CT did not detect such problems so there is a period 
of time where users were less safe. This isn't to say that CT is of no value, rather that 
it's limited.

Note: I'm the IETF co-chair for the CT group (called "trans")

CT is in the early stages. We have logging now and we need to develop
more monitoring and auditing on top of that. The IETF is working on
a few items in this area, such as the gossip protocol:

While CT is not meant to guarantee preventing attacks, it should in the
near future be able to shorten the useful lifespan of bogus certificates,
and perhaps more importantly guarantee anyone using bogus certificates
will be caught by the public. So a targetted attack has a hefty price.

dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: [FORGED] Re: [FORGED] Re: Nation State MITM CA's ?

2016-01-12 Thread Paul Wouters

On Tue, 12 Jan 2016, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Or we ensure that firefox and chrome refuses to see those sites at all,
because they refuse a downgrade attack.

So users will switch to whatever browser doesn't block it, because given the
choice between connecting to Facebook insecurely or not connecting at all,
about, oh, 100% of users will choose to connect anyway.

And they'll grab a firefox/chrome from the free world.

It'll work out just fine for them, because what you're giving users is a
choice between using the Internet and not using it

Not really. But let's just leave it at that we disagree.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Nation State MITM CA's ?

2016-01-07 Thread Paul Wouters

On Thu, 7 Jan 2016, Jakob Bohm wrote:

It would appear from this information, that this CA (and probably others like 
it) is deliberately serving a dual role:

1. It is the legitimate trust anchor for some domains that browser
  users will need to access (in this case: Kazakh government sites

2. It is the trust anchor for fake MITM certificates used to harm
  browser users, and which should thus be regarded as invalid.

Thus it would be prudent to extend the trust list format (and the NSS
code using it) to be able to specify additional restrictions beyond those 
specified in the CA root itself.

Much easier would be to not allow a CA cert not to engage in such dual

- Additional path restrictions. Example 1: The Microsoft internal CA
  should only be trusted for a list of Microsoft owned domains.

I'm not sure how to that would work in practise. I know it can be done
using TLSA DNS records to pin each domain. Having that logic elsewhere
seems more dangerous and less transparent.

  Example 2: Many nation state CAs should only be trusted for sites
  under that country cc-tld, and sometimes only for a subdomain
  thereunder such as

I have a serious problem with this because the users are not explicitely
agreeing to this and so this is facilitating a MITM no different then
SSL middleware boxes. And those are only allowed to installed manually,
with the user's (or enterprise's) consent.

- Permitted EKU (Extended Key Usage) OIDs.  Example, many nation
 state eID CAs should be restricted to "e-mail signing" and "client
 authentication", even if the CA itself suggests a more wide usage.

Enforcing proper EKU's would be good so nation state CA's meant for
official communication with citizens cannot be abused for MITMing those
same citizens.

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