Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Egbert Eich
David Dawes writes:
 > On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 02:25:35PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 > >Specifically, there are people in Gnome chomping at the bit to help with
 > >the xfree86 bug setup and triage problem, with experience at running
 > >the Gnome bugzilla system.
 > >Only time will tell how well this will work out, but my strong belief is
 > >that the current situation doesn't scale, and our usage is likely to
 > >go up greatly this calendar year as the open source desktop has finally
 > >reached critical mass of applications and is beginning to be actively
 > >marketed.
 > I recall you saying the same thing a year ago.  You didn't provide
 > anything to backup your assertions then either.
 > BTW, while I have you here, can you tell me when the bugs introduced
 > with the integration of RandR into the core XFree86 server will be
 > fixed? A particular case is rotation support being broken (kinda
 > ironic given that the second "R" is for "Rotate").  I don't know
 > how much longer the 4.3.0 release can be delayed waiting for this
 > to be fixed, so if it isn't fixed soon, RandR will have to be
 > disabled by default in 4.3.0.  You don't seem to have your priorities
 > straight -- you seem more interested in establishing a bug tracking
 > system to track other people bugs than fixing bugs in your own code.

I have been experimenting with this over the Christmas holidays:
The reasoun why RandR breaks our old implementation of rotation 
is that RandR overwrites the screen size values we have set in
fbScreenInit() after ScreenInit(). We could whack them again by
adding a ScreenCreateResources() however this may not go well with
To make RandR rotation work one needs layer support. I have a 
sample implementaion (it takes two lines per driver) however
this is too experimental to bee added to 4.3 I'm afraid.

It is also not clear how this may affect dual depth frame buffers
like the 8+24 bpp support in the MGA driver.
I didn't have time to look into that, yet.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Egbert Eich
David Dawes writes:
 > On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 11:01:01PM +0100, Fernando Herrera wrote:
 > >Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 04:15:15PM -0500, David Dawes escribió:
 > >
 > >>So it's OK for Linux kernel developers to object to having a bug tracking
 > >>system imposed on them but not OK for XFree86 developers?  If that's
 > >>what you're telling me, then I have nothing more to say on this topic.
 > >
 > >No, Maybe I have explained myself wrongly. Linux kernel is
 > No I think you explained yourself very clearly, and I find your
 > attitude personally insulting.  You're telling me that it's OK for
 > the great gnome hoard to impose it's desires on me because I'm not
 > Linus.
 > >developed in a very personal way, the Linus way. It's his project, and
 > So it's OK for Linus to develop a project he founded in his own
 > personal way, but not OK for me to do the same with a project I
 > co-founded and have spent a large part of my adult life on?
 > What nobody has explained to me yet is why gnome in particular has
 > such a great interest in this.  I'd appreciate an open and candid
 > explanation.

I would say the XFree86 project is much more like the Linux kernel than
like the gnome project. There are very few parts in XFree86 which you
want to identify as separate 'products', the only things that come to
my mind are the drivers, applications - like xterm - and the
Many of these parts don't even have their maintainer (look at how many
drivers are orphaned at the moment). 

If we look at the servers itself: it is well comparable to the linux
kernel. A single person (or a small experienced group) has to make
sure that all parts work together well and that modifications to
one part don't affect the functionality of the others.
That's why commit access is limited to a few people. Even with these
few merging conflicts cannot always avoided.

I'd be willing to try to work with a bug tracking system. But - like
David - I will immediately stop using it when I discover that it
consumes my time instead of saving it.

If we were going to have a bug tracking system we'd need somebody
to preprocess the entries and collect all necessary information
from the reporters before the bugs are escalated to the engineers.
There is no use having reports like 'KDE application k... has
rendering errors when doing this-and-that'. We'd need something like:
'XRequest X... causes rendering errors under these circumstances'
Note that this person needs to have a lot of experience.

I do understand that desktop projects have great interest in
an interface into XFree86. 
However one needs to keep in mind that the crowd of active XFree86 
developers is small compared to the people working on GNOME or KDE. 
The reason was given in this discussion already: 
the learning is quite steep.
Part of this is due to the fact that there so few separate 'products'.
That documentation for the internal APIs (except for the driver API)
is largely non existant only adds to that.


Devel mailing list

Re: Bugzilla [Was: Re: Another voice]

2003-01-13 Thread Egbert Eich
Matt Wilson writes:
 > On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 07:21:04PM -0500, Georgina Economou wrote:
 > >
 > > So Matt am I to take it that Redhat is looking to push forward with
 > > its Bugzilla and thus get more experience and in the end paid work
 > > with it like VA did with Sourceforge?  That sounds very sensible
 > > though I think your approach a bit bizarre and off-putting.
 > I don't understand.  We're interested in seeing Open Source projects
 > succeed.  This involves growing contributor bases, etc.  Although
 > XFree86 development applies to many operating systems, it's success is
 > key to Linux's success.  We've never really thought much of trying to
 > build a business around consulting groups on how to be successful Open
 > Source projects...
Asking OpenSource projects for money to get consulted?
I don't think you'd get any business from XFree86 either :-)))

BTW: XFre86 has been around quite a bit longer than RedHat 
has been in OpenSource community. 

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Egbert Eich
Matt Wilson writes:
 > I'm not attempting to bully anyone, nor have I argued that you or any
 > other member (individual or corporate) of XFree86.  However, there are
 > plenty of volunteers that are offering to set up and maintain a bug
 > tracking system for you.  I think that such a project would be much
 > more successful if it were endorsed by XFree86 and integrated into the
 > development policy for the project.

Sorry, this is not how it goes. We won't be willing 
to adopt anything blindly. There is a German saying 
applying here:
'Never buy a cat in the bag!'

1. First there should be a proposal
2. Secondly there should be a test implementation
   as proof of concept we can work with and see
   how well it goes.
4. Thirdly this should be evaluated 
- if we think it is usable at all.
- what modifications we would like to see.
5. The modified system needs to get retested and reevaluated.
6. This is the earliest stage we can talk about a more or
   less formal policy.

Up to now it is not even clear who should be able to
submit to this bug tracking system:
Should it be internal only?
Should only projects like GNOME, KDE etc and
distributions like RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake be able to
submit bugs?
Or should it be open to the general public?

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Egbert Eich
David Dawes writes:
 > It's as simple as me not liking the tools I use during my spare
 > time being imposed on me by groups that have more to gain from my
 > using them than I do.  This big clamour is not coming from the end
 > user community, but from groups like gnome, and distros like Red
 > Hat, and hardware vendors like HP.  Well, you saw what IBM did to
 > get kernel bug tracking.  If you guys want it badly enough, maybe
 > you should put up the resources on an ongoing basis to make it
 > happen rather than trying to bully volunteers into doing it for
 > you.  You'd be doing quite a service to the community.

Yes, good point!

It has bugged me for quite a while that many companies who take huge 
advantage of our work have done virtually nothing to sponsor manpower.

If there is really that much interest in the Linux desktop as 
Jim always likes to point out those companies will make some revenue
with selling desktop products. Therefore it would be in their own 
interest to invest some manpower in our project.

Devel mailing list

Re: Bugzilla [Was: Re: Another voice]

2003-01-13 Thread Matt Wilson
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:09:21AM +0100, Egbert Eich wrote:
> Asking OpenSource projects for money to get consulted?
> I don't think you'd get any business from XFree86 either :-)))

Of course not - which is why I was so confused by the comment in the
first place.


Matt Wilson
Manager, Base Operating Systems
Red Hat, Inc.
Devel mailing list

this list is archived

2003-01-13 Thread Alexander Stohr
Title: this list is archived

you can read this list on, starting now.

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Dr Andrew C Aitchison
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Georgina Economou wrote:
> From: "David Dawes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 10:24:54AM +, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
> > >* Read access to the patch@ and fixes@ lists would be helpful, then
> > >we would all have an idea of the backlog.
> > It's been there for the asking for members for a long time.  Few asked.

> You know I never for the life of me understood that.  I would have thougtht
> that every developer would be interested and see if their patch bumped horns
> with another.
> As former postmaster I received, I think, a total of two requests.  Weird.

I think I looked at it once, but felt that  most patches would be 
outside my areas of interest, and a mailing list wouldn't give me the 
information I wanted when I wanted it. I'd have to archive all postings
and grep them later. Having the information in a database (such as 
bugzilla), and perhaps including information such as when it was 
integrated, would make it more useful to me.
Since I don't have comit access I didn't see the point of just reading 

Also, IIRC, the CVS-comit logs were better advertised than the patch 
mailings, but I found that they had virtually zero content.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Dr Andrew C Aitchison
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Georgina Economou wrote:

> Well there's still  What ever did happen to marc
> on this one?

Indeed devel and xfree86 appear to be at

The xfree86 list has appeared on
(under misc, rather than GUI with the other X lists).
It appears that no-one has asked for devel to be added there yet.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge

Devel mailing list

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, G O Economou wrote:

>There are allot of interesting comments here by Mike,
>particularly his interest in forking XFree86 and creating his
>own work.

You seem to have some deep misconceptions.  The only things I've 
mentioned on there are my decision to branch the Radeon driver 
and to contribute stuff back to the XFree86 project.  How that is 
seen as a fork of the entire project, I'm unsure.  I'll be the 
first to admit that I'd be completely unable to fork the entire 
XFree86 project on my own, and that it would be a very large 
amount of work without any guaranteed gains in return.

Some other people have commented after reading my page in some 
public forums that it was a fork of XFree86, however those people 
clearly don't posess reading comprehensions skills.

Or perhaps, since I'm so long winded quite often, they read what 
they wanted and made some very false assumptions about what the 
rest said.

I think you might want to go back to the page above and re-read
the complete entries of what I actually said.  You'll see that I
discuss branching the Radeon driver and contributing code back to
the XFree86 project.  You'll also see that I respect vendors whom
contribute code to the project, such as ATI, very greatly, and
that I want them to feel that their contributions are very
welcome in order to make them feel like continuing to contribute
in the future.

Since I do not have CVS access to the XFree86 repository, I have 
no way of commiting the code to the repository (after cleanups 
and code review, testing, bug fixing, etc. of course) however I 
do have the ability to contribute nonetheless.  I have the 
ability to take the patches that ATI has contributed, and patch 
them into the open source code of the XFree86 project myself, 
test the code, provide sample drivers for users to also test, 
give me feedback on, debug, do more testing, perhaps talk to ATI, 
or to other developers whom have worked on the ATI driver.

When I have something that I think is a well tested driver, or I 
can break the thing down into bits and pieces and submit smaller 
patches, I can help to save the time of David Dawes, or someone 
else who ends up commiting the changes.

What you are suggesting, is that I not be allowed to do this, and 
that my motivation to take the initiative and do the work myself 
is somehow "wrong".

>At least I think interestingand BTW doesn't the ATI
>maintainer work for Redhat?

As far as I know, the ATI driver maintainer is Marc Aurele La 
France, and while he's done some great work on the ATI drivers, 
we haven't tried to hire him to my knowledge.

Or you could be refering to Kevin Martin.  He works for Red Hat
however, in our Professional Services department.  He is not
involved in Red Hat Linux OS engineering with respect to XFree86.

Kevin's involvement with the XFree86 project, and his 
contributions to it, as far as I know are on his own personal 
private time as a volunteer, much like that of the other people 
on the XFree86 project's core team.  You'd have to ask Kevin 
personally for the details of what his job role is here at Red 
Hat, but it isn't related to commiting Radeon drivers to XFree86 
CVS as far as I know, if that is what you were insinuating above.
Kevin is a nice guy from the times that I've chatted with him in 
the past, and I plan on talking with him in the next day or so 
about some developmental questions.  Perhaps he can offer me some 
suggestions for Radeon driver development as well.

My job at Red Hat is to make XFree86 a stable GUI platform for
our OS products.  I don't just do the baseline minimum of what is
required of me in order for Red Hat to ship the OS however.  I 
have become personally interested in the code, and in the project 
and ALL of what I do in my personal time with respect to X 
development, and a large amount of what I do for work both are 
focussed on things that I personally try to do to help out the 
XFree86 project, and the various users who use it, not just Red 
Hat Linux users.

If you read the thoughts I've mentioned on my advogato page 
without a personal bias or pre-judgment, I think it is quite 
clear that my own interests lay in helping to build up a 
community of developers to help the project, and to getting 
various people working on the project in isolation to work more 
directly with each other - throwing away personal bias, and 
breaking down walls such as "you work for vendor A, I don't like 
you" way of thinking.

I have personal thoughts and ideas on contributions I can make
back to the project, and to the community of users who use
XFree86.  I'm not going to let any other developers discourage me
from that personal goal.

For now, I'm starting by working on getting a Radeon driver out 
to XFree86 users that contains code contributed months ago, but 
isn't available for users to test - many users whom would like to 
use their video cards in Linux before t

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, David Dawes wrote:

>>There are allot of interesting comments here by Mike, particularly his
>>interest in forking XFree86 and creating his own work.  At least I think
>>interestingand BTW doesn't the ATI maintainer work for Redhat?
>Definitely interesting.
>One main point I would like to answer now is the issue of the developer
>page on the web site.  New membership was basically closed down temporarily
>while the whole membership/developer situation was being reviewed.
>After this message goes out, [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be converted to
>a public mailman list -- so if you want to subscribe, go to
>In the interests of openness, there won't be any private list to replace
>it, and the whole issue of joining XFree86 as a developer will be moot.

David, this is wonderful news.  I'm very pleased to see this 
change happen.  I've wondered for a long time why the private 
devel list was private, considering almost if not all of the 
discussions that have taken place on it in all the time I've been 
on it have not really been something that private.

I hope that the XFree86 core team members will continue to use 
the list now for the same purposes it has been used in the past.  
By active participation between existing core team members, other 
existing member developers, and also new potential developers, it 
may be possible to create a lot more people interested in 
contributing to the project.

So this is very good news.

>BTW, as far as bug tracking goes, there's nothing stopping
>anyone setting up and maintaining a bug tracking system on
>behalf of XFree86.  You really have to understand that forcing
>volunteers to do anything is impossible though, so the
>effectiveness of such a system is something that will only be
>discovered by doing it.

That's always been understood.  I would not want someone to try
and force me to use something any more than one of you developers
on the core team would want someone else to try and force you.

We all of course volunteer our time to work on things that we 
personally feel like working on, and part of that is having 
control of how our own time is spent.  It would be wrong for 
anyone to try to force a developer to use bugzilla against 
his/her will, and would potentially be insulting.

>As far as commit access goes, frankly, if those asking for it
>could establish a record of submitting complete and correct
>patches that didn't need review (and Mike, your record on this
>isn't anything to boast about), then you might have a better
>shot at it.

Well David, out of all of the patches I've submitted to that I've written personally myself, the percentage 
of them that were applied to CVS is pretty high, and almost all 
of those without any modification or with minor formatting 
modifications, or a some other similar very trivial change.  When 
patches are committed, before I drop them, I manually examine 
each diff line by line in order to see if the patch was applied 
without modification or not, and to ensure it was done correctly 
without things getting lost.  I also do this detailed patch drop 
review in order to try and understand any modifications that have 
been made to a patch - to learn of course.

In the past I have also submitted various patches found on 
mailing lists, and things people have sent me that fixed 
something for them.  A great deal of said patches I merely passed 
along upstream in hopes that they might be useful to the project 
after someone did a good code review.  This was somewhat of a 
mistake of course, as I had no idea what was expected, and found 
out quite some time later that my processes and procedures for 
submitting patches was not entirely the best.

As you'll recall, as soon as this was brought to my attention, I 
emailed you directly and asked you what you expected in patches, 
and what you expected to accompany them, etc.  I immediately 
modified my methods, and since then, most of the patches I've 
submitted have been of my own writing, or have been much more 
closely scrutinized.  Also, if I can't vouch for a patch's 
correctness, I tend to get the person who wrote it to submit it 
instead, be they some random person off the net, some other X 
developer, or some other Red Hat developer.  I've refused TONNES 
of patches sent to me, and have referred numerous people to 
submit things directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I've also refused 
to apply things until they hit CVS so that I'm guaranteed that 
all people who use XFree86 benefit from a patch, and not just Red 
Hat users.

Other patches I've submitted include various i18n stuff, some 
written by other people at Red Hat, and some of it which was code 
developed by someone off the net, bounced from distro to distro 
to distro and ended up at us, having no idea who originally wrote 
it, and having no familiarity with the area of code it touched, 
but being told that "it fixes Chinese" or sim

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Vladimir Dergachev wrote:

>> I'm very happy to hear this!  I hope we can get more of a developer
>> community going, like I've been feeling in #xfree86 recently.  However,
>> I still think the specs are valuable (I've used a couple of them, and
>> expect to again) even if the current set is limited.  Are there any
>I quite agree. The fact is that without hardware specs there is
>truly little reason why someone would be interested to working
>with XFree86 code instead of writing a userland app. Granted,
>XFree86 offers network transparency, but why bother working
>within Xserver for a prototype app ? And people who do not get a
>chance to work on a toy project within X tree are much less
>likely to contribute.

Where hardware is concerned, such as the video drivers, I would 
agree.  More often than not, having the hardware documentation is 
required, or is at least quite helpful.  However, the entire 
XFree86 sources contain libraries, extensions, applications, 
fonts, documentation, and many other things - all of which 
other potential developers could volunteer to work on too, 
without requiring hardware documentation.

>> One thing that I think would help a lot here would be more feedback on
>> what was lacking in our patches.  I know I submitted some broken ones to
>> you, but when you later fixed them I didn't get a note saying "Hey, we
>> support FreeBSD back to release X.X, please respect older versions."
>> Anything to tell me more of what is expected for the project will help
>> me submit better patches in the future.
>There is also an issue of Bazaar versus Cathedral type of development.
>There is a tradeoff between quality of patches and number of people
>actively working with the code.

I'm not sure what you're suggesting here.  Could you clarify a 

The Linux kernel for example has a very large source code base,
and has countless developers whom have worked on it under the
Bazaar model, and the code is quite high quality.  People write
good patches, and people write bad patches regardless of what
model of development is used.  However, I think that due to the 
bazaar style of development the kernel is done under, the bad 
patches get weeded out much more easily, whereas with the 
cathedral style of development, they're more likely to simply get 
ignored or cast aside.

Is that similar to what you mean?


Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Fernando Herrera wrote:

>>So it's OK for Linux kernel developers to object to having a bug tracking
>>system imposed on them but not OK for XFree86 developers?  If that's
>>what you're telling me, then I have nothing more to say on this topic.

In that context alone, I would agree with you, however...

>   No, Maybe I have explained myself wrongly. Linux kernel
>is developed in a very personal way, the Linus way. It's his
>project, and he can do what he wants.

That isn't really an argument to support your case that XFree86 
should use a bug tracker.  I'd say it is an argument against it.

XFree86 project was of course started by David, and a few others, 
so one could say "XFree86 is developed in a very personal way, 
the David way.  It's his project, and he can do what he wants." 
just as easily as what you've said above.  On that alone, I'd 
even have to agree with it, and I'd probably be insulted if I 
were David.

I completely agree that a bug tracker would be a great help to 
the XFree86 project, and I also believe that some people who may 
not think so, would change that viewpoint over time, as long as 
they can be shown that THEY benefit from it, and not just other 

In order to convince someone that a bug tracker is a useful
thing, it is totally useless to sprout off about all of the good
things bug trackers can do, that you think is good for YOU of for
someone else, or some other project (or vendor or whatever).  
What is needed, is to listen to what THEY are saying, and to see
why THEY do not want to use a bug tracker.  If they have
reservations about a bug tracking system, fears, or whatever -
the only way to change their mind, is to show them nicely how
their concerns can be properly met by your proposed solution.

Otherwise people are talking past each other, and nothing 
changes.  That isn't really co-operating or collaborating, but 
rather 2 people or 2 groups of people with contrarian viewpoints, 
each pushing their own viewpoint and ignoring the other's 
viewpoint.  That wont work.

>What many people is proposing is to adopt a good bug tracking
>system for XFree86 development. From experience in other
>projects, everyone can see that its adoption is good for the
>global project quality.

I certainly agree there, and I don't think that is the problem 
that needs to be solved.  What needs to be done, is to show the 
developers that a bug tracker is not going to cause the problems 
they fear.  If they can be shown that a bug tracker wont get in 
their way, then they are more likely to be more open minded to 
the idea of using it.

I think they fear it will be a huge bug dumping ground where 
various users will dump bugs one after the other, and that 
distribution vendors will also dump all their bug reports there, 
and then point at and say "here, fix it".  That is a 
valid fear, and can not be ignored by all of us open source 
developers whom think a bug tracker would be good for XFree86.

Remember, we are saying bugzilla would be good *for XFree86* and 
also *for*.  We _HAVE_ to show that that is TRUE 
*first* or else why would anyone want to listen?  I don't think 
it is at all unreasonable to have to provide some proof of the 
concept to those who doubt us.

>So we have bugzilla. I'm only proposing XFree86 core developers
>to try it. Try to see how it can be usefull. If finally XFree86
>Team doesn't like it, we can try to find another tool, or we can
>try to develop it.

Again, making such a request to the developers is 
only ignoring the things they've brought forth against the bug 
tracker.  As above

>I know that using a new tool is always difficult, but please,
>give it a chance!

Begging doesn't work either, and probably would just be found as 

I appreciate you agree that a bug tracker is needed, but please 
make sure that it isn't a one sided argument.  Making a 
suggestion of an idea that will benefit a project, and putting 
forth advantages of doing so, which only help you, but without 
trying to provide answers to the problems the people ask about 
that are against, or leaning towards being against the idea, 
doesn't help win their support.  Let's not be one sided.

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

>> As far as commit access goes, frankly, if those asking for it could
>> establish a record of submitting complete and correct patches that didn't
>> need review (and Mike, your record on this isn't anything to boast
>> about), then you might have a better shot at it.
>We *need* more developer-hours on the commit process.

That would be a nice thing to have.  It works marvelously for all 
other projects that have wider spread CVS write permissions.

>Maybe we have to put up with people like Mike making a few more
>mistakes while that they learn what they are doing wrong?

I can't agree with you more.  I, like any serious developer,
certainly want to be told about my mistakes, so I can correct
them, or have an opportunity to explain why I believe my changes
to be correct.

There's only one patch that I can think of off the top of my head
which I've sent to which was rejected, to which I
later resent an updated version back with a good explanation for
why I thought it should be applied.  I don't recall receiving any 
feedback positive or negative since.  It's not a major issue 
however as I apply the patch to our sources regardless, as I 
believe it to be correct, and it harms nothing at all.

Most likely I will post that patch here again in the future - now 
that the development list is publically open.  I am then going to 
get much wider peer review of my patch, and instead of getting 
one person's opinion of it's correctness, I can get 100 people's 
opinion.  While it may not make the patch accepted into the 
upstream official source even if 500 people agree, it would at 
least make it a case 500 separate opinions, instead of the prior 
case of one person's opinion in a position of power's versus one 
person's opinion whom is not in a position of power.

I'd rather be judged by 500 peer developers for the quality of my 
patches and work than by one single person.

>They will learn a lot faster by doing it wrong than by submitting
>patches that may or may not appear months later in a very different

Indeed.  I will say that a while back, I approached David 
concerning patches and what his expectations were.  I have made 
every effort to try and meet those expectations, and have 
modified some of my ways of doing things further beyond what was 
requested, in an attempt to provide the project with better 

In the past, I would not only send in my own patches (which 
incidentally get applied unmodified almost always), but I used to 
submit many patches from others, usually - but not always with 
proper attributions on them.  Some patches you find in the wild 
with no indication of whom the original author is.  I just passed 
the stuff all on upstream hoping that someone there would review 
them for correctness, apply them, or reject them, etc.  Some 
patches I just picked up of mailing lists as I saw them, and 
submitted them so they wouldn't get lost.  Several of these 
patches as you can imagine, were not the highest quality, and 
many never got into the tree.  Unfortunately however, many of 
them were wrongly I believe attributed to ME, but of no fault of 
my own for not being more organized with what I sent in, and 
without as much process and procedure in place as what I have 

I also used to send in patches that people sent into Red Hat via 
bugzilla.  We receive many patches of which I personally am not 
familiar with the particular area of code that is being patched, 
and so I am not always personally capable of vouching for a given 
patch's correctness.

In such cases, what should one such as myself do?  Tell the
person to send their patch to instead?  People get 
PISSED BIGTIME!  I've told people to please submit xkb patches 
(MANY of the ones recently sent in to [EMAIL PROTECTED] which 
subsequently were applied to CVS, and if need be I can provide 
bugzilla bug ID's of proof).  People go nuts!  "I am a Red hat 
user and you should apply my damn patch blah blah."

If I send it to myself, then am I being judged as
having vouched for it's correctness?  I didn't think I was
before, but after David's comments toward "my patches" before, I
took a hard line about it.  For a few months I have refused MANY
patches submitted, and requested the person to send their patch
directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and that if it were accepted
upstream, I would apply it to Red Hat Linux also.  I also have
stated to people when doing this many times (and this is also
bugzilla queryable for the conspiracy theorists amongst us) that 
by submitting the patch upstream, ALL distributions get the 
benefit, as does the project as a whole, and that it doesn't end 
up being a fix that is only seen by Red Hat users.

>As others have said, feedback on problem submissions is important;
>does it add much time to fire off a quick note at the point where you
>find a problem with a submission ? You don't need to tell us the

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Vladimir Dergachev
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, G O Economou wrote:
> >
> >
> >There are allot of interesting comments here by Mike,
> >particularly his interest in forking XFree86 and creating his
> >own work.
> You seem to have some deep misconceptions.  The only things I've
> mentioned on there are my decision to branch the Radeon driver
> and to contribute stuff back to the XFree86 project.  How that is
> seen as a fork of the entire project, I'm unsure.  I'll be the
> first to admit that I'd be completely unable to fork the entire
> XFree86 project on my own, and that it would be a very large
> amount of work without any guaranteed gains in return.

Actually, there is a fork of XFree already - in and another one
of ati driver only in

One more wouldn't hurt, but Mike - why do you want to fork Radeon driver ?


Vladimir Dergachev
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Vladimir Dergachev
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
> >> I'm very happy to hear this!  I hope we can get more of a developer
> >> community going, like I've been feeling in #xfree86 recently.  However,
> >> I still think the specs are valuable (I've used a couple of them, and
> >> expect to again) even if the current set is limited.  Are there any
> >
> >I quite agree. The fact is that without hardware specs there is
> >truly little reason why someone would be interested to working
> >with XFree86 code instead of writing a userland app. Granted,
> >XFree86 offers network transparency, but why bother working
> >within Xserver for a prototype app ? And people who do not get a
> >chance to work on a toy project within X tree are much less
> >likely to contribute.
> Where hardware is concerned, such as the video drivers, I would
> agree.  More often than not, having the hardware documentation is
> required, or is at least quite helpful.  However, the entire
> XFree86 sources contain libraries, extensions, applications,
> fonts, documentation, and many other things - all of which
> other potential developers could volunteer to work on too,
> without requiring hardware documentation.

They could volunteer to work on it, yes. However a good many of open
source efforts starts with need to scratch your own itch. All I am saying
is that hardware-independent itch can be scratched without messing with
Xserver internals.

> >> One thing that I think would help a lot here would be more feedback on
> >> what was lacking in our patches.  I know I submitted some broken ones to
> >> you, but when you later fixed them I didn't get a note saying "Hey, we
> >> support FreeBSD back to release X.X, please respect older versions."
> >> Anything to tell me more of what is expected for the project will help
> >> me submit better patches in the future.
> >
> >There is also an issue of Bazaar versus Cathedral type of development.
> >There is a tradeoff between quality of patches and number of people
> >actively working with the code.
> I'm not sure what you're suggesting here.  Could you clarify a
> bit?
> The Linux kernel for example has a very large source code base,
> and has countless developers whom have worked on it under the
> Bazaar model, and the code is quite high quality.  People write
> good patches, and people write bad patches regardless of what
> model of development is used.  However, I think that due to the
> bazaar style of development the kernel is done under, the bad
> patches get weeded out much more easily, whereas with the
> cathedral style of development, they're more likely to simply get
> ignored or cast aside.
> Is that similar to what you mean?

This seems to be another angle ;) My point was that the easier it is for
patches to go in the more attractive the project looks to new developers.


Vladimir Dergachev

> --
> Mike A. Harris
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel
Devel mailing list

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Michel Dänzer
On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 16:10, Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> > On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, G O Economou wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >There are allot of interesting comments here by Mike,
> > >particularly his interest in forking XFree86 and creating his
> > >own work.
> >
> > You seem to have some deep misconceptions.  The only things I've
> > mentioned on there are my decision to branch the Radeon driver
> > and to contribute stuff back to the XFree86 project.  How that is
> > seen as a fork of the entire project, I'm unsure.  I'll be the
> > first to admit that I'd be completely unable to fork the entire
> > XFree86 project on my own, and that it would be a very large
> > amount of work without any guaranteed gains in return.
> >
> Actually, there is a fork of XFree already - in and another one
> of ati driver only in

I agree that the latter can be considered a fork, but the former
definitely isn't - the DRI and XFree86 repositories are regularly

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Petter Reinholdtsen
[Egbert Eich]
> Up to now it is not even clear who should be able to
> submit to this bug tracking system:
> Should it be internal only?
> Should only projects like GNOME, KDE etc and distributions like
> RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake be able to submit bugs?
> Or should it be open to the general public?

It should be open to the general public, but require a working email
address to submit and modify bug reports.
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Jim.Gettys
> From: Egbert Eich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 11:10:14 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice
> -
> Matt Wilson writes:
>  >
>  > I'm not attempting to bully anyone, nor have I argued that you or any
>  > other member (individual or corporate) of XFree86.  However, there are
>  > plenty of volunteers that are offering to set up and maintain a bug
>  > tracking system for you.  I think that such a project would be much
>  > more successful if it were endorsed by XFree86 and integrated into the
>  > development policy for the project.
>  >

Matt, I'm *very* uncomfortable with saying a bug tracking system should become
policy for any project unless/until a project has a pretty universal
buy in that it should be that way.  We're a *very* long way from that point.

> Sorry, this is not how it goes. We won't be willing
> to adopt anything blindly. There is a German saying
> applying here:
> 'Never buy a cat in the bag!'
> 1. First there should be a proposal

Seems like that's what some of us have been making, though we haven't
fleshed it out completely yet.  Without discussion, it is difficult
to make it concrete.  Ergo, the discussion.

> 2. Secondly there should be a test implementation
>as proof of concept we can work with and see
>how well it goes.

Entirely agree.

> 4. Thirdly this should be evaluated
> - if we think it is usable at all.
> - what modifications we would like to see.

Entirely agree.

> 5. The modified system needs to get retested and reevaluated.

Entirely agree.

> 6. This is the earliest stage we can talk about a more or
>less formal policy.

Entirely agree.  Any policy, however, can/should only occur if there is
nearly complete consensus.  We're a long way from that, if ever.

> Up to now it is not even clear who should be able to
> submit to this bug tracking system:

Very good questions on which multiple opinions are solicited.

> Should it be internal only?
> Should only projects like GNOME, KDE etc and
> distributions like RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake be able to
> submit bugs?
> Or should it be open to the general public?

I personally argue for openness, with a couple major caveats:

o The verbiage around bug submission should be carefully crafted to
try to help with the triage process between projects (e.g.
if your server crashes, its definately an XFree86 bug; if it is bad
rendering, asking people to verify it is specific to a particular
piece of hardware, else report to the appropriate project's bug system,
and so on.

o the states of a bug inside the database allow for triage, with
states like "bug verified", duplicate, etc.  I suspect/expect many developers
might ignore problems until they've been marked verified.  That's the point
of a triage process: to bounce the problem the right direction so that not
all bugs get looked at by all people (or no people).

One could go through an evolutionary process, from developers, to invited
others, to fully open.

The question still is: is there enough interest among the developer community
to it be worth the investment to get it set up?  If no-one is going to use
it, why bother?  On the other hand, if enough of us say, as I do, that
we're dropping too many problems on the floor and such a system might
be useful if it gets established correctly, I think there is enough
resources to start getting it set up.  But those resources should go
elsewhere if there is no interest.

   - Jim

Jim Gettys
Cambridge Research Laboratory
HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company
Devel mailing list

programming question: Window Information

2003-01-13 Thread Krasi Zlatev
I would like to gather inforamtion about all the
running X applicaiotns.
Thus I do
Window root = RootWindow (dpy, screenno);
XQueryTree (dpy, root, &dummywindow, &dummywindow,
&children, &nchildren);

for (i = 0; i < nchildren; i++) {
if (XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, children[i],
&attr) && (attr.map_state == IsViewable)) {
XFetchName(dpy, children[i], &win_name);
printf("Window ID: 0x%lx\n",children[i]);

I thought that win_name will contain the name of the
window, but it is always null,
what am I doing wrong?



Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino
Devel mailing list

RandR status

2003-01-13 Thread Thomas Winischhofer
I'm sorry if this is a FAQ:

Is RandR going to be in 4.3?

If so, are there any changes/additions to be made in the drivers in 
order to support RandR?

If so, is there any documentation available on how to do this?


Thomas Winischhofer
Maintainer of XFree86 SiS driver

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Keith Packard
Around 10 o'clock on Jan 13, Egbert Eich wrote:

> To make RandR rotation work one needs layer support. I have a 
> sample implementaion (it takes two lines per driver) however
> this is too experimental to bee added to 4.3 I'm afraid.

I have done a more complete investigation in September and decided that the 
changes needed were significantly more extensive than could be reasonably 
accomplished in the timeframe available.

As resize presents the largest application visible effect from the 
extension, and also significant value for existing users, I thought 
providing just resize was of enough benefit that it should be included 
even if the rotate portion wasn't possible in the current timeframe.

Another factor in my thoughts was the work Mark is doing related to 5.0 
driver interfaces; early discussions lead me to believe that rotation in 
that environment would be significantly easier and more functional, so it 
seemed to me that making significant changes in the 4.x architecture to 
support a feature of marginal current utility made less sense than perhaps 
waiting for a different driver architecture which would make the task 

With the release of tablet PCs that essentially require rotation for their 
intended use, I may have to reevaluate this position.  I was hoping that 
the video chips in use for those devices would support hardware rotation 
as some PDA chipsets do, but it doesn't appear to the be case.  

The acer and toshiba tablets use the silicon motion chip which provides
accelerated rotated blts, but not actual rotated frame buffer support.  The
accelerated rotated blts are used to make a shadow frame buffer
implementation significantly faster, and I would want any XFree86 RandR
rotation support to take advantage of this.  But, I feel that it's far too 
late in the 4.3 release process to even consider work of this nature.

Keith PackardXFree86 Core TeamHP Cambridge Research Lab

Devel mailing list

Re: RandR status

2003-01-13 Thread Jim.Gettys
> From: Thomas Winischhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:59:55 +0100
> Subject: RandR status
> -
> I'm sorry if this is a FAQ:
> Is RandR going to be in 4.3?

Yes, but it may be disabled by default unless we can get a bug fixed in
a non-intrusive way.  Right now, it is breaking support for rotation
in drivers that support rotation from the config file.

The current implementation is resize only in the XFree86 server;
there are full implementations in the kdrive server.

> If so, are there any changes/additions to be made in the drivers in
> order to support RandR?

Not really at this time.  The intent is to just use the current interfaces
for resolution change, and follow up with a more complete infrastructure in
the release after this.

> If so, is there any documentation available on how to do this?
As resize can be done with existing interfaces, no.

We'll have to add interfaces to support reflection, rotation, etc, in the future.
   - Jim

Jim Gettys
Cambridge Research Laboratory
HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company
Devel mailing list

Re: RandR status

2003-01-13 Thread Jim.Gettys
> From: Thomas Winischhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:59:55 +0100
> Subject: RandR status
> -
> I'm sorry if this is a FAQ:
> Is RandR going to be in 4.3?

Yes, but it may be disabled by default unless we can get a bug fixed in
a non-intrusive way.  Right now, it is breaking support for rotation
in drivers that support rotation from the config file.

The current implementation is resize only in the XFree86 server;
there are full implementations in the kdrive server.

> If so, are there any changes/additions to be made in the drivers in
> order to support RandR?

Not really at this time.  The intent is to just use the current interfaces
for resolution change, and follow up with a more complete infrastructure in
the release after this.

> If so, is there any documentation available on how to do this?
As resize can be done with existing interfaces, no.

We'll have to add interfaces to support reflection, rotation, etc, in the future.
   - Jim

Jim Gettys
Cambridge Research Laboratory
HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company
Devel mailing list

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Kamil Toman
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 04:27:03PM +0100, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> > Actually, there is a fork of XFree already - in and another one
> > of ati driver only in
> I agree that the latter can be considered a fork, but the former
> definitely isn't - the DRI and XFree86 repositories are regularly
> synchronized.

>From my personal point of view it'd much better if all such projects
were regularly synchronized - as r7500 owner I really don't know
which driver should use gatos xor dri xor xfree plain driver? ;)

Even after spending a few hours on various mailing lists I know nothing
more becouse much of information there contradict mutually.
Becouse I lack any documentation (and I often lack also skills writing such
complex drivers) I can't know whether some XYZ feature is a bug
or a side-effect, or is planned, being developed or if it will never be
implemented because of missing hw documentation). And often searching
engines give out unsorted and huge mess.

The result is:
a) [mostly] I ignore the bug because I expect the developer knows about it
b) I search the forums and mailing lists and (if I don't fall 
   to a) ;) I ask there some of additional information about 
   (and I often get flamed or no response ;)
c) if contact the maintainer and supply all possible information about
   the problem.

The c) has been the most effective option (most of problems solved or at
least briefly described - unsolvable, no time ...). But it this way
was prefered by hundred of people or simply used too often then ...
Bugzilla may help a bit (if it was activelly maintained). I don't expect
bugreports regarding x-protocol. I'm quite sure that most of reports
would concern drivers. The plus is that such bugreports can be easily
categorized (per driver) and seen only by interested people (driver
maintainer, contributors and maybe some power-users), another that
(at least some) people will stop asking about the same all over again
(there are even volunteers outside projects who often help marking
duplicates and nonsential bugreports). More general reports could be
forwarded elsewhere.

Another point of view:
Bugzilla can be thus seen (and used!) as an email filter + advanced search.
Thus (if set properly!) can substantively reduce the amount of mail
a developer/maintainer/contributor of a smaller part has to skim
through. Of course, you could subscribe into many smaller lists than
devel but who does it (especially if the chance of any response is
smaller?) There are also people who do care about a particular bug

Devel mailing list

ATI Mobility U1/igp320M/device 0x4336 <- X setup issue

2003-01-13 Thread Hastings, Ben (LNG-DAY)
Title: ATI Mobility U1/igp320M/device 0x4336 <- X setup issue

I'm attaching the output from scanpci -v.

When I run the command "XFree86 -configure" it give the message:
XFree86 has found a valid card configuration.
Unfortunately the appropriate data has not been added to xf86PciInfo.h.
Please forward 'scanpci -v' output to XFree86 support team.

from everything I've read, this card should be radeon compliant and HP told me that it acts as a PCI card, not AGP since it is an integrated chipset.

I have only a very basic understanding of C.  If I knew what to do, I'd be happy to make the changes myself.  If it's not a trivial task to update the header file, could someone else lend a hand?  Looking at hp's support forums, there are quite a few folks who would prefer more than vesa/fbdev support on their laptops.

Ben Hastings
CPM/Software Test Analyst
Science Direct
1-800-227-9597 x58538

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Vladimir Dergachev wrote:

>> >
>> >
>> >There are allot of interesting comments here by Mike,
>> >particularly his interest in forking XFree86 and creating his
>> >own work.
>> You seem to have some deep misconceptions.  The only things I've
>> mentioned on there are my decision to branch the Radeon driver
>> and to contribute stuff back to the XFree86 project.  How that is
>> seen as a fork of the entire project, I'm unsure.  I'll be the
>> first to admit that I'd be completely unable to fork the entire
>> XFree86 project on my own, and that it would be a very large
>> amount of work without any guaranteed gains in return.
>Actually, there is a fork of XFree already - in and another one
>of ati driver only in
>One more wouldn't hurt, but Mike - why do you want to fork Radeon driver ?

Sorry to mix terminology in what some might feel is pedantical, 
however the term "branch" the Radeon driver seems more 
appropriate than fork, although it is possible I may have myself 
used the term fork somewhere.  Branch is much more accurate, as I 
believe the term "fork" means something more hostile and ill 
intentioned, and "branch" means concurrant development which gets 
merged back to the trunk.

I don't however have access to making a branch in XFree86 CVS,
and I know better than to ask for one frivolously, as David has
explained how useless the quality of code I generate is, I take 
that to be indicative that my chances of getting CVS write 
priveledge to is quite low in the future, if ever.
I don't however take offense, as the DRI project doesn't have 
access either, and they are a number of very talented people too.

I do want to make ATI's contributed code available in a useable 
form to ATI users as soon as possible once ATI or someone else 
provides useful patches to the open source community however, and 
nobody is currently providing that to the community.  I believe I 
can fulfil that role however until CVS catches up.  Just takes a 
bit of time to do the work that's all.

You don't have CVS write access, however you've managed to put
together a successful driver yourself too, which makes me a bit
curious why GATOS has remained a separate (and rather succesful)
project from for so long.  I've never chatted with 
you before about it I don't believe, but I've often wondered why 
GATOS has never been integrated into XFree86 or DRI.  It's useful 
as is nonetheless, but it'd be great to see such developmental 
efforts get incorporated into XFree86's main codebase so more 
users could benefit from one-driver-does-it-all so to speak.

My assumption has been all along that you've had difficulty 
getting others to look into merging your changes, and decided it 
was easier to maintain your own codebase entirely than to twist 
people's arms to look at your code and provide feedback.  I guess 
now would be a good time for me to just ask.  ;o)

So.. any chance of GATOS getting into XFree86?  ;o)

I know ATI users would absolutely love this functionality, and I 
would too.

Any comments, feedback, appreciated.


Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Vladimir Dergachev wrote:

>> Where hardware is concerned, such as the video drivers, I would
>> agree.  More often than not, having the hardware documentation is
>> required, or is at least quite helpful.  However, the entire
>> XFree86 sources contain libraries, extensions, applications,
>> fonts, documentation, and many other things - all of which
>> other potential developers could volunteer to work on too,
>> without requiring hardware documentation.
>They could volunteer to work on it, yes. However a good many of open
>source efforts starts with need to scratch your own itch. All I am saying
>is that hardware-independent itch can be scratched without messing with
>Xserver internals.


>> The Linux kernel for example has a very large source code base,
>> and has countless developers whom have worked on it under the
>> Bazaar model, and the code is quite high quality.  People write
>> good patches, and people write bad patches regardless of what
>> model of development is used.  However, I think that due to the
>> bazaar style of development the kernel is done under, the bad
>> patches get weeded out much more easily, whereas with the
>> cathedral style of development, they're more likely to simply get
>> ignored or cast aside.
>> Is that similar to what you mean?
>This seems to be another angle ;) My point was that the easier it is for
>patches to go in the more attractive the project looks to new developers.

I couldn't agree with you more.

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On 13 Jan 2003, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:

>Date: 13 Jan 2003 16:41:24 +0100
>From: Petter Reinholdtsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Subject: Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice
>[Egbert Eich]
>> Up to now it is not even clear who should be able to
>> submit to this bug tracking system:
>> Should it be internal only?
>> Should only projects like GNOME, KDE etc and distributions like
>> RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake be able to submit bugs?
>> Or should it be open to the general public?
>It should be open to the general public, but require a working email
>address to submit and modify bug reports.

Absolutely.  Bug reports submitted without a real email address 
are 99% of the time completely and totally useless. I would 
strongly oppose any notion to allow anonymous bug reporting such 
as sourceforge's [EMAIL PROTECTED] type of bug reports.  Such 
bug reports suck because XFree86 related bug reports often 
require someone to ask for more information before something can 
be investigated, and if the person doesn't have a real email 
address, there is no way of saying back "I need to know foo", at 
which point such bug reports are no better than the previously 
private [EMAIL PROTECTED] bug report address.

I believe bugzilla requires valid logins for everyone already 
though, so that's not a problem, or shouldn't be.

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>One could go through an evolutionary process, from developers, to invited
>others, to fully open.

That's an idea I hadn't thought of, one which could be good too 
possibly.  It would remove the potential threat of incoming bug 
reports of the form:

My server no works can for the problem help?  It is Acer video 
and is to the KDE no works when I run.

(A real email I've received)

We've all seen those type of reports, and we all know how 
completely and totally useless they are.  But, I think also that 
once enough people get involved, such reports can be trivially 
triaged, or volunteers can extract more infor that is useful from 
someone until there is a valid report to be looked at by a 

>The question still is: is there enough interest among the
>developer community to it be worth the investment to get it set
>up?  If no-one is going to use it, why bother?  On the other
>hand, if enough of us say, as I do, that we're dropping too many
>problems on the floor and such a system might be useful if it
>gets established correctly, I think there is enough resources to
>start getting it set up.  But those resources should go
>elsewhere if there is no interest.

Personally, I'd love to see interest from core developers to at 
least poke their toe in the water, and some of them have already 
suggested they'd give it a shot and if it worked out ok, they'd 
use it.

I think that a bug tracking system would be a benefit all around 
however, as various distribution users, vendors, and also stray 
do it yourself people could all look for answers in one spot, and 
could report distribution non-specific bugs in one spot.  There 
are benefits IMHO for all groups involved by having a centralized 
bug tracker, and avoiding duplication of effort, etc.

I volunteer to spend time working with publically reported bugs
in a central database either way.  I do triage in our own
bugzilla for XFree86 related issues, and it's not likely much
more work for me to snoop through a public database looking for 
more duplicates too, and providing help to people in the public 
database having the same problem perhaps as one of our users.

The more people who do that, the more useful stuff we can supply 
to other X developers, including the core team.  I'd very much 
like to see a bugzilla be something we can use to give the core 
team something good.  More patches, more widely tested patches, 
more useful feedback, you name it.  I hope they want to use it 
too of course, but that's only if they find it beneficial to 
personally do so.  If they don't in the end (however I have faith 
that they will once they see it in action) it would still benefit 
non-core members by being able to access a central bug database 
and work together with each other IMHO.

I'd be interested also in hearing feedback and comments from 
Debian, Mandrake, SuSE, Gentoo, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, 
Caldera, and other Linux and BSD distribution XFree86 
package maintainers, and other developers also.  I've talked 
personally with some of them already, but the more who get 
involved the better.  We all benefit, and everyone's feedback is 
very valuable.

Take care,

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: RandR status

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Thomas Winischhofer wrote:

>Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:59:55 +0100
>From: Thomas Winischhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
>Subject: RandR status
>I'm sorry if this is a FAQ:
>Is RandR going to be in 4.3?

R is in CVS already and has been for a while now.  We've found 
out yesterday that the andR part doesn't work however.

>If so, are there any changes/additions to be made in the drivers in 
>order to support RandR?

Egbert suggested in the last day or so that a 2 line patch might 
be needed, but that such change might be too experimental for 

>If so, is there any documentation available on how to do this?

Keith or Jim would be best to answer that..

Take care,

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Kamil Toman wrote:

>Bugzilla may help a bit (if it was activelly maintained). I
>don't expect bugreports regarding x-protocol.

Indeed, such type of bug report is extremely rare.

>I'm quite sure that most of reports would concern drivers.

I can back that up with my own experience.  Almost all bug 
reports that come into our database are either:

1) Driver related
2) Configuration related
3) App related

There are other bug categories too of course, and it would be 
interesting to divide up X into different categories, then go 
through and get statistics on those categories.

>The plus is that such bugreports can be easily categorized (per
>driver) and seen only by interested people (driver maintainer,
>contributors and maybe some power-users), another that (at least
>some) people will stop asking about the same all over again
>(there are even volunteers outside projects who often help
>marking duplicates and nonsential bugreports). More general
>reports could be forwarded elsewhere.

Yep.  That is basically what I see on a day to day basis.

>Another point of view: Bugzilla can be thus seen (and used!) as
>an email filter + advanced search. Thus (if set properly!) can
>substantively reduce the amount of mail a
>developer/maintainer/contributor of a smaller part has to skim
>through. Of course, you could subscribe into many smaller lists
>than devel but who does it (especially if the chance of any
>response is smaller?) There are also people who do care about a
>particular bug only...

Indeed.  Some developers just read the bugzilla emails, and 
prefer to work with stuff in that context, only using the web 
interface when they need to.  I use both myself.  I sometimes use 
my email folder for quick searches, and to flag bug reports in 
pine with a * for looking at later today.  There are many ways of 
using the tool though as there are developers that use it.  ;o)

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On 12 Jan 2003, Eric Anholt wrote:

>> You know I never for the life of me understood that.  I would have thougtht
>> that every developer would be interested and see if their patch bumped horns
>> with another.
>> As former postmaster I received, I think, a total of two requests.  Weird.
>> Georgina
>Who's the new postmaster?  I sent in my request to be added to patch@
>six days ago, but no response so far.
>Also, is there any reason for the standard patch-queue list to be
>private?  If it's destined for the public source tree, why not make it
>subscribable through mailman, too?

Which would also have the benefit of patches being useable and 
testable by other people in the wild without waiting for to have volunteer time to review and possibly apply a 

Also, someone might submit a patch, that isn't perfectly correct,
have it sit in the patch queue for 1 month, or possibly 4 or more
months, and in the mean time change hardware or circumstance and
not care about the issue any more.  Then if an CVS
commiter goes to review it, and finds something that needs fixing 
(but isn't able or perhaps willing to do it themselves), assuming 
they do try to notify the person who submitted it - what if the 
person's email address is no longer valid?  What if they do 
contact the person and the person no longer cares?

Publically visible patches, mean that other people can test them 
and use them right away and provide feedback on wether or not the 
patch does what it says it does.  Some people will also be able 
to vouch for the correctness of the patch.  This would relieve 
some of the things that people who apply patches to the 
repository need to do first, and it would also get more patches 
more widespread testing.

How much end user testing do patches get that were submitted 6 
months before they were applied, and then a release shipped only 
a couple of months or so later?  Perhaps between the time it was 
applied and the time it shipped, nobody even tested it.

Also, more and more desktop oriented users are springing up.  
They aren't really compile-it-yourself types, so if they report a 
bug, they might not see if it is fixed until the next release (or 
erratum) from their given distro comes out.

By having patch lists public, it enables more people who are 
compile savvy to test things earlier, and allows more feedback to 
be given to the tree maintainers of what is good, and what sucks, 
helping them to trim down their workload by calling crap crap 
earlier in the cycle.

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Mark Vojkovich wrote:

>   Is a bug tracking system necessarily imposing?  Perhaps it's not
>well understood what's really involved with one.  Keeping track
>of what is broken and when it gets fixed seems like a good idea
>to me.  What does this impose on developers?

Nothing is imposed on developers at all.  If we were to
hypothesize that tomorrow, all of a sudden a bugzilla database
sprung up for XFree86, I think it would take a while - not long, 
for it to get set up, organized, get the quirks out, and start 
getting useful data input.  There are already tonnes of 
volunteers knocking on the door to triage, and help maintain such 
a thing.  I can't speak for anyone but myself, but all I'd 
request, would be for people to look at such an effort with an 
open mind, and to at least voluntarily "try" it on their own free 
will, and provide whomever would be running it with feedback 
about what they like/dislike, and such.

In other words, all that is really being requested, is open 
mindedness, and open co-operation to try new things that are 
likely to help the project.

>   I think frivilous bugs and non-bugs being reported could be 
>a potential time waster.

Yes, they can be a bit of a time waster.  That's why developers 
would not at all be expected to do anything they do not want to 
do voluntarily.  The whole idea is _completely_ volunteer based.  
Volunteer as in, people contribute to the bug database only if 
they want to, and how much they want to, and they only do _what_ 
they want to also.  I for one would be the first person to tell 
someone to take a long jump off a short dock if they demanded 
anything of me.  I'm sure many people reading this email will 
vouch that I do that right now in fact.  In fact, I volunteer to 
be the person who tells other people to take a long jump off a 
short dock, if they make any demands on other developers also.  

>Who gets to file bugs?

It might be a good idea to discuss that with the various people 
whom would actually volunteer to help out at the beginning, and 
also receive input from those who aren't willing to volunteer, 
but are willing to look at it with an open mind.

Personally, I think having the database be open to the public is 
a good idea, and it has proven to be a good idea with many other 
large projects.

As long as there are people to triage, and trim out the riff raff
and useless crap (like 90% of the bug reports traditionally
received on the existing bug report mechanism), and people
volunteering to help get bug reporters to provide proper
information and details until there is something useable for a
developer to look at.  Many people have volunteered already to
participate in such an effort, and many of those volunteers
already do triage on other existing bugzilla databases out there.

>Who determines whether they are legitimate or not?

I suppose anyone can do that.  If a developer says "this is not a 
valid bug report", that is pretty close to the final word in lieu 
of more details from the reporter or someone else.  Some bug 
reports are rediculously useless - no question.  When I get 
those, if I can't get information out of someone that is useful, 
their bug report hits the can.

>Does a bug tracking system necessarily complicate the work that
>some developers do?

I can speak from both sides of the fence on that one.  I used to 
HATE bugzilla (and I can hunt down my email postings on this 
subject for proof if need be ) until a short while after I 
begun maintaining X for Red Hat.  I get bug reports via email 
still, and I also get bug reports from the XFree86 bug report 
list.  I can say, without a question, the quality of the bug 
reports received on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] bug submission list, 
is close to zero on 60-90% of all submissions.  Bugzilla bug 
reports concerning XFree86 on the other hand, generally have a 
much higher information to noise ratio, and since there is a 
simple method of 2 way communication involved, I can easily ask 
the person for more information.  Also, _anyone_ else can also 
ask the person for more information, and many people do, 
including other employees, other users, and a few people who just 
seem addicted to helping with bugzilla.

There are a heck of a lot of volunteers out there though that 
take care of some of the tedious boring stuff like finding 
duplicates and closing them as such, closing already fixed 
issues, requesting more information, and the variety of other 
things that bug tracking needs doing.

I delete bug reports sent via email directly to me on first
sight, and I also delete emails unread where someone has replied
to the email message bugzilla sends out that specifically says 
"do not reply to this email".  I do so because if I respond, then 
I have to email back and forth with the person, and remember 
their situation, store the emails that are related to their 
problem, and stand on my head simply because they can't read "do 
not reply via ema

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Georgina Economou wrote:

>What about areas that come in that are distro specific, does that go to the
>distro maintainer of to XFree86?

If a bug is reported, and the reporter indicates they are using 
FooLinux, if it can be shown that it is easily a FooLinux 
specific problem, then there are 2 possibilities I can see:

1) The report has no useful purpose in the bug tracker, and could 
   be closed something like:

"  This appears to be a FooLinux specific problem you are having, 
   which should be reported to FooLinux in their own bugtracker 
   (optional hyperlink to FooLinux's bug tracker).  After filing 
   a bug report at FooLinux, please add a link to that report 
   here so that other users searching for bugs can find your link 
   to FooLinux's bug tracker also"

Or, if someone just doesn't feel like going to that level of 
detail, even just a "This is a FooLinux specific problem you're 
having, and not a generic XFree86 problem.  Please report it to 
them instead."

Of course, more friendlier responses are always more beneficial 
to users.  Perhaps canned replies should even be present for 
people to choose.

Another option is:

2) Add distro specific maintainer to CC list or reassign bug to 

   Presumeably, all people who maintain X at various different 
   distributions and OS's out there, will want to have bugzilla 
   accounts on the XFree86 bug tracking system.  They should be 
   carbon copied on bug reports that are known to be distro 
   specific, or that one suspects might be distro specific.

I can't speak for other distribution maintainers, but I for one 
don't want Red Hat specific bugs clogging up a public project bug 
tracker any more than I want to read distro specific bugs from 
some other distribution.  I doubt anyone else would either.

>Is the XFree86 bugzilla now repsonsbile for all distro bugs,

Not by a long shot.  How could/would they be?

>and there are lots?

That's a hard question to answer.  Some bug reports are simply
"packaging" errors, or errors related to packaging defects.  
Those such issues, are obviously distro specific, and for the
case of RHL, I would expect them to get assigned to me (either by
someone else who spots it, or by myself noticing it), in which
case I would want it moved to our bugzilla and would probably do
so myself, and close out the upstream report, crossreferencing it
with our database.  This is basically what happens with projects
like GNOME et al. I believe.  Distributions _want_ to know what
bugs they have, so they can fix them and make better products for

To quantify it however is rather difficult.  I suppose someone 
could volunteer a day or so of time to go through a given 
distro's database and try to fairly quantify such bug reports to 
get an idea.  It'd be a boring job to perform just to get the 
statistics though.  I'm not sure the stats would be all that 
valuable though.  Any public tracker will definitely end up 
getting distro specific reports.  It's the job of distro 
maintainers, and bug triage people to strip those out of the 
public database, and either reassign them to the known distro 
person, or close them out and refer the person to their own 
distro's tracker.

Having a FooLinux specific bug report in a common bug database
isn't going to get it fixed for FooLinux users, and isn't going
to be useful to anyone else, so FooLinux doesn't benefit at all
from such.

On a different note however, I've seen a great many bugs get 
reported to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the past and in looking at 
many of them, I see they are reported by Red Hat Linux users.  
Many such reports do not contain enough information to determine 
wether or not they are distro specific or not, however 
percentagewise, I would say most are not, and are common driver 
problems instead.  I respond privately to many of these people 
however it is a tedious process via email.  It is much much 
simpler via bugzilla, and so often, my response to them is to 
file their report in Red Hat bugzilla.  That way I can at least 
attempt to do troubleshooting with them in a sane manner that is 
viewable and trackable by others.  In such cases, if a bug turns 
out to be RHL specific, then obviously, it's mine.  If not, then 
it's whoever-out-there-including-myself gets to fix it first 
based on their various priorities.

With a bugzilla for X, the process is similar but also easier to 
manage.  I'd be getting emails still of incomig reports, but 
can simply click on the hyperlink, bring it up in central 
bugzilla, ask a couple of questions, and then perhaps fix it and 
send in a patch, perhaps say "this is a Red Hat bug" and close 
it, crosslinking it to our bugzilla, or acknowledge the problem 
if I can verify it, and whoever down the road, myself included 
can get to it and fix it, then more people benefit sooner.

>How would bugzilla handle issues where the changes came in from
>after the merge from the XFree86 CVS?  Would it 

Problem on RH Linux 7.3

2003-01-13 Thread xiao li
Hi guys,

I have a programming problem on RH Linux 7.3. I wrote a X-motif program. It 
works fine on Solaris 7 or 8, and windows system if an X server is 
installed. So I wounder if it is the problem for XFree86 server.

I want the background color of text to be blinking. If I just simply change 
the background color and redraw it by myself. It will have a performance 
problem( say 100 blink text ). So my solution is define a private colormap. 
Every time I need a blink effect, I redfine the background color in 
colormap, and then call XStoresColors and XFlush, let X server to redraw it. 
 I just simply change the black color to white and non-black color to 

Does anyone has done the same thing as I do?? If you know the answer, please 
tell me!!


Lee Yu

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Jim.Gettys
> >> The Linux kernel for example has a very large source code base,
> >> and has countless developers whom have worked on it under the
> >> Bazaar model, and the code is quite high quality.  People write
> >> good patches, and people write bad patches regardless of what
> >> model of development is used.  However, I think that due to the
> >> bazaar style of development the kernel is done under, the bad
> >> patches get weeded out much more easily, whereas with the
> >> cathedral style of development, they're more likely to simply get
> >> ignored or cast aside.
> >>
> >> Is that similar to what you mean?
> >
> >This seems to be another angle ;) My point was that the easier it is for
> >patches to go in the more attractive the project looks to new developers.
> I couldn't agree with you more.

Personal experience:

I had a simple patch to fix a typedef in the kernel, mailed to Alan Cox;
reply less than 5 minutes later: 'applied to my pool'.  Appeared in the next
Linux release 3 days later.  These days, with bitkeeper, the patch would be
widespread almost instantly.

This is *strong* incentive to contribution.
- Jim

Jim Gettys
Cambridge Research Laboratory
HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Egbert Eich
Keith Packard writes:
 > Around 10 o'clock on Jan 13, Egbert Eich wrote:
 > > To make RandR rotation work one needs layer support. I have a 
 > > sample implementaion (it takes two lines per driver) however
 > > this is too experimental to bee added to 4.3 I'm afraid.
 > I have done a more complete investigation in September and decided that the 
 > changes needed were significantly more extensive than could be reasonably 
 > accomplished in the timeframe available.
 > As resize presents the largest application visible effect from the 
 > extension, and also significant value for existing users, I thought 
 > providing just resize was of enough benefit that it should be included 
 > even if the rotate portion wasn't possible in the current timeframe.

What about rotation?
I have added rotation using layer support and it didn't seem
to be difficult. 
I have not spent any thoughts on setups which suport more than
a single depth in hardware.
They will most likely not work as they presently require cfb code
which may not work well with shadow and layer.
However this shouldn't be a problem: the driver just doesn't
initialize layer if it sets up such a mode.

 > Another factor in my thoughts was the work Mark is doing related to 5.0 
 > driver interfaces; early discussions lead me to believe that rotation in 
 > that environment would be significantly easier and more functional, so it 
 > seemed to me that making significant changes in the 4.x architecture to 
 > support a feature of marginal current utility made less sense than perhaps 
 > waiting for a different driver architecture which would make the task 
 > easier.

I neither found the modifications I made difficult nor significant.
I fact I was able to add layer support without having to modify
any other code.
I just made some changes to the ramdac code to allow for HW cursor 
rotation. This however isn't really necessary as one just needed to
disable the HW cursor when rotation is on.

 > With the release of tablet PCs that essentially require rotation for their 
 > intended use, I may have to reevaluate this position.  I was hoping that 
 > the video chips in use for those devices would support hardware rotation 
 > as some PDA chipsets do, but it doesn't appear to the be case.  
 > The acer and toshiba tablets use the silicon motion chip which provides
 > accelerated rotated blts, but not actual rotated frame buffer support.  The
 > accelerated rotated blts are used to make a shadow frame buffer
 > implementation significantly faster, and I would want any XFree86 RandR
 > rotation support to take advantage of this.  But, I feel that it's far too 
 > late in the 4.3 release process to even consider work of this nature.

I don't know how many chipsets do support rotated blits.

However a pure SW implementation would be better than nothing.
The delayed framebuffer updates in your shadow code help
a lot to give the rotated version a snappy look and feel.
It feels by far snappier than what we currently have.


Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Jim.Gettys
> >> The Linux kernel for example has a very large source code base,
> >> and has countless developers whom have worked on it under the
> >> Bazaar model, and the code is quite high quality.  People write
> >> good patches, and people write bad patches regardless of what
> >> model of development is used.  However, I think that due to the
> >> bazaar style of development the kernel is done under, the bad
> >> patches get weeded out much more easily, whereas with the
> >> cathedral style of development, they're more likely to simply get
> >> ignored or cast aside.
> >>
> >> Is that similar to what you mean?
> >
> >This seems to be another angle ;) My point was that the easier it is for
> >patches to go in the more attractive the project looks to new developers.
> I couldn't agree with you more.

Personal experience:

I had a simple patch to fix a typedef in the kernel, mailed to Alan Cox;
reply less than 5 minutes later: 'applied to my pool'.  Appeared in the next
Linux release 3 days later.  These days, with bitkeeper, the patch would be
widespread almost instantly.

This is *strong* incentive to contribution.
- Jim

Jim Gettys
Cambridge Research Laboratory
HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Georgina Economou
- Original Message -
Cc: "Egbert Eich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

> > From: Egbert Eich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 11:10:14 +0100
> > Subject: Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice
> > -
> > Matt Wilson writes:
> >  >
> >  > I'm not attempting to bully anyone, nor have I argued that you or any
> >  > other member (individual or corporate) of XFree86.  However, there
> >  > plenty of volunteers that are offering to set up and maintain a bug
> >  > tracking system for you.  I think that such a project would be much
> >  > more successful if it were endorsed by XFree86 and integrated into
> >  > development policy for the project.
> >  >
> Matt, I'm *very* uncomfortable with saying a bug tracking system should
> policy for any project unless/until a project has a pretty universal
> buy in that it should be that way.  We're a *very* long way from that
> >
> > Sorry, this is not how it goes. We won't be willing
> > to adopt anything blindly. There is a German saying
> > applying here:
> > 'Never buy a cat in the bag!'
> >
> > 1. First there should be a proposal
> Seems like that's what some of us have been making, though we haven't
> fleshed it out completely yet.  Without discussion, it is difficult
> to make it concrete.  Ergo, the discussion.
> > 2. Secondly there should be a test implementation
> >as proof of concept we can work with and see
> >how well it goes.
> Entirely agree.
> > 4. Thirdly this should be evaluated
> > - if we think it is usable at all.
> > - what modifications we would like to see.
> Entirely agree.
> > 5. The modified system needs to get retested and reevaluated.
> Entirely agree.
> > 6. This is the earliest stage we can talk about a more or
> >less formal policy.
> Entirely agree.  Any policy, however, can/should only occur if there is
> nearly complete consensus.  We're a long way from that, if ever.
> >
> > Up to now it is not even clear who should be able to
> > submit to this bug tracking system:
> Very good questions on which multiple opinions are solicited.
> > Should it be internal only?
> > Should only projects like GNOME, KDE etc and
> > distributions like RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake be able to
> > submit bugs?
> > Or should it be open to the general public?
> >
> I personally argue for openness, with a couple major caveats:
> o The verbiage around bug submission should be carefully crafted to
> try to help with the triage process between projects (e.g.
> if your server crashes, its definately an XFree86 bug; if it is bad
> rendering, asking people to verify it is specific to a particular
> piece of hardware, else report to the appropriate project's bug system,
> and so on.
> o the states of a bug inside the database allow for triage, with
> states like "bug verified", duplicate, etc.  I suspect/expect many
> might ignore problems until they've been marked verified.  That's the
> of a triage process: to bounce the problem the right direction so that not
> all bugs get looked at by all people (or no people).
> One could go through an evolutionary process, from developers, to invited
> others, to fully open.
> The question still is: is there enough interest among the developer
> to it be worth the investment to get it set up?  If no-one is going to use
> it, why bother?  On the other hand, if enough of us say, as I do, that
> we're dropping too many problems on the floor and such a system might
> be useful if it gets established correctly, I think there is enough
> resources to start getting it set up.  But those resources should go
> elsewhere if there is no interest.

And who would determine the 'no interest'?.  Is this mutual or some arbitary
self-appointed person?


>- Jim
> --
> Jim Gettys
> Cambridge Research Laboratory
> HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Georgina Economou
- Original Message -
From: "Mike A. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

> On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Georgina Economou wrote:
> >
> >I could see how one distro could use bugzilla very well against
> >another's for slick marketing
> More conspiracy theories?  ;o)  A common theme lately.  ;o)
> Anyway, if a bug is distro specific, then IMHO it is rather
> obvious, and even if some distro was crooked as you seem to
> suggest, there would be enough other people involved that were
> not from the crooked distro to kick their ass.  Slashdot is a
> good place to report such violations.

No Mike, I am talking about who controls the reports and who sees them.
Who owns the data?   This is RHAT's baby, Bugzilla,  so I take it that they
would be a
serious Admin to this and would have the ability to pull data as they want,
without asking
XFree86 for it.  I can see that RHAT would then claim that they have less
bugs per bugzilla reporting etc and so forth and then would make lists like:
Top Buggy Code  Top Bug Squatter
and other absurdities ad nauseam.  My concern is where does an extent
example exist of how Bugzilla is being used by a non-RHAT owned project,
like XFree86.

And finally, if RHAT has Bugzilla on their own distro right now, why do you
need us at all?
You already have the setup, the information etc.  I don't see why we need to
be involved, either using or reporting to it.  Tell me or preferably show me
how I am wrong.


Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> >This seems to be another angle ;) My point was that the easier it is for
>> >patches to go in the more attractive the project looks to new developers.
>> I couldn't agree with you more.
>Personal experience:
>I had a simple patch to fix a typedef in the kernel, mailed to Alan Cox;
>reply less than 5 minutes later: 'applied to my pool'.  Appeared in the next
>Linux release 3 days later.  These days, with bitkeeper, the patch would be
>widespread almost instantly.
>This is *strong* incentive to contribution.

I have had many similar experiences with different projects as
well.  Most projects like that have more heirarchial tree
structures of developers though I find than a flat list.  I think
it's a difference that shows up more in the bazaar type of
development more naturally than it could in the cathedral style.
Perhaps the age old bazaar style motto:
Release early, release often.
Could be also enhanced with:
Patch early, patch often.
I know that many people don't contribute code simply because
they've been ignored, or FEEL they've been ignored, and have no
incentive to attempt to try and contribute again.

So I can certainly relate to what you're saying also.

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Richard A. Hecker
Mark Vojkovich wrote:


>Where I work, bug tracking is necessarily tied to source control
> in rather strict ways.  Ways that I don't necessarily like, and
> would not want to see XFree86 emulate.  But I can envision non-
> intrusive bug tracking.
> Mark.

This might be a good topic for discussion.  In the MediaGX driver,
bugs have appeared and disappeared without any obvious coding
changes.  I have much less time than I devoted to the initial 4.X
driver but a good tracking system might help.  I  found it too
discouraging to work on the driver when changes elsewhere in
the server changed the behaviour.  Devoting more time might
be the obvious solution but I prefer to focus on maximizing the
results of whatever time I happen to devote.


Devel mailing list

RE: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Terrance A. Davis

I'm not sure what started all this, seems like we need a new paradigm.

Maybe its time to *really* open source X.  A foundation of some sort?

I just hacker, so I'll go with whatever works.

..Just an idea.


Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Georgina Economou wrote:

>> >I could see how one distro could use bugzilla very well against
>> >another's for slick marketing
>> More conspiracy theories?  ;o)  A common theme lately.  ;o)
>> Anyway, if a bug is distro specific, then IMHO it is rather
>> obvious, and even if some distro was crooked as you seem to
>> suggest, there would be enough other people involved that were
>> not from the crooked distro to kick their ass.  Slashdot is a
>> good place to report such violations.
>No Mike, I am talking about who controls the reports and who
>sees them.

Well, that is up to whomever maintains the bugzilla database 
officially ultimately.  They can put different private bug report 
categories in if they think it is useful and/or necessary.  

>Who owns the data?  This is RHAT's baby, Bugzilla, so I take it
>that they would be a serious Admin to this and would have the
>ability to pull data as they want, without asking XFree86 for

Who owns bug report data?  That's kindof funny.  It's public bug 
report data, who cares really.  Who "owns"'s bug report 
data?  Does anyone?  Does anyone even care, or have they ever 
even considered the concept?

I don't know about you, or what other's think, but the concept 
you put forth is quite a foreign one to me.

>I can see that RHAT would then claim that they have less bugs
>per bugzilla reporting etc and so forth and then would make
>lists like: Top Buggy Code Top Bug Squatter and other
>absurdities ad nauseam.  My concern is where does an extent
>example exist of how Bugzilla is being used by a non-RHAT owned
>project, like XFree86.

Oh of course.  Red Hat just can't wait to do all of these evil 
things, so they can make money selling XFree86 bug report data on 
CDROMs in magazines.

>And finally, if RHAT has Bugzilla on their own distro right now,
>why do you need us at all? You already have the setup, the
>information etc.  I don't see why we need to be involved, either
>using or reporting to it.  Tell me or preferably show me how I
>am wrong.

I've already said this many times.  This has nothing to do with 
Red Hat.  You just can't let that go, can you.

*I*, *me*, Mike Harris, would like to work with the rest of the
community that exists out there of XFree86 users, regardless of
what OS they use, regardless of what distribution they use, in
particular maintainers of other OS's and also other X developers
whom aren't at a particular vendor or anything, but are just
contributing to the open source of it all.  I would like to get
everyone working TOGETHER, because basically "united we stand,
divided we fall".  That's not a new way of thinking you know.  
In fact, it is the entire concept that brought open source into
being in the first place.  People working together towards a
common goal.

Right now, we don't have that with XFree86 as much as we could
have.  We've got many large groups of people using XFree86 in
different distros and OSs with no collaboration between those 
distros on tracking bugs, fixing problems, sharing patches, and 
other similar co-operative and collaborative development.  We've 
got "each man for himself", and I personally think that sucks.  
Every other distro X maintainer I've talked to so far also thinks 
that sucks.  The entire open source community who is aware of 
this whole discussion thinks that sucks.

My hope of course, is that IS interested and does
want to participate in an open manner.  However, wether decides to care about this at all or not, I still do
care, and other maintainers and developers do care also.  
Everyone stands to gain from collaboration.  If one group doesn't 
want to participate - fine.  The other groups of people who do, 
can still benefit.  Perhaps not as much with one group not 
present, but it can still be beneficial to everyone.

Red Hat bugzilla, is Red Hat bugzilla.  That doesn't help Debian 
out much now does it.  Not if they have to poll our bugzilla, 
Mandrakes bugzilla, FreeBSD's bugzilla, and 40 others.  It 
doesn't help us out either to have to poll Debian's bugzilla, 
Mandrake's, etc.All for what are common XFree86 bugs, common 
problems, patch submissions, and other things we all share anyway 
right now, just in a very extremely inefficient manner.  I have 
to download Debian stuff and unpack it, and hunt through it to 
look for patches.  Not being a Debian person myself, it's a bit 
awkward but not complex or impossible by far.

It is a bit of work though.  Debian also has to go out and poll
Red Hat, Mandrake, etc. RPM packages for patches in hopes to find
fixes for issues that they might not have fixes for.  It is a lot
of extra work to have to go out, get this stuff, pull it in, and
have no collaborative feedback between each other about what any
of it does.  Users don't have a way of querying for XFree86 bugs.  
They have a way of querying 15 separate distro specific bug
databases in hopes they find the problem t

Re: [Devel] Devel mailing list changes.

2003-01-13 Thread Tim Roberts
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 09:14:19 +, David Woodhouse wrote:
>Please could we drop the [Devel] which serves no useful purpose and 
>just obscures the _real_ subject line? 

I'm very surprised anyone would object to this.  This tag, which is common to 
mailman lists, is enormously useful for e-mail filtering.  It certainly helps 
me distinguish mailing list messages from the depressingly vast array of e-mail 
I already get just by scanning my inbox.

- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Xterm on Mac OSX

2003-01-13 Thread Hans Mittendorf
Title: Xterm on Mac OSX


Installing X11 on a Mac under OS 10.2.3 gave a problem related to typing inside xterm from a french keyboard. For typing ‘m’ I have ‘;’.
Changing keyboard to US via software, does not change anything. Therefore, my question: does XFree86 4.2.1 support french keyboards?

Hans Mittendorf-Labiche

Re: [Devel] Devel mailing list changes.

2003-01-13 Thread Edward S. Marshall
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:00:01AM -0800, Tim Roberts wrote:
> I'm very surprised anyone would object to this.  This tag, which is common to 
> mailman lists, is enormously useful for e-mail filtering.  It certainly helps 
> me distinguish mailing list messages from the depressingly vast array of e-mail 
> I already get just by scanning my inbox.

The List-Id header is there precisely for the purpose of mail filtering,
and if you're overwhelmed by email, you might want to use it. :-) On top
of that, a subject tag of "Devel" is really not very useful; I subscribe
to dozens of development lists, and "Devel" is fairly ambiguous. :-)

Those of us who do filter our mail into separate folders and still read
email on a 80x24 terminal would really like the screen line real estate
back. :-)

Edward S. Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.
Devel mailing list

No Digests?

2003-01-13 Thread Tim Roberts
After coming in to find 170-odd messages from the new [Devel] list in my inbox, 
I decided to switch to digest mode.  However, mailman tells me that "the list 
administrator has disabled digest delivery for this list".  Any particular 
reason why this is so?

- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Xterm on Mac OSX

2003-01-13 Thread Matthieu Herrb
Hans Mittendorf wrote (in a message from Monday 13)
 > Hello,
 > Installing X11 on a Mac under OS 10.2.3 gave a problem related to typing
 > inside xterm from a french keyboard. For typing Œm¹ I have Œ;¹.
 > Changing keyboard to US via software, does not change anything. Therefore,
 > my question: does XFree86 4.2.1 support french keyboards?

Are you referring to XDarwin or the X11 package from Apple ? 
XDarwin has a global preference to set the keyboard layout, but it
needs to be restarted to take effect. 

AFAIK Apple's X11 need a command line option to speficy the keyboard
layout.  Both X server can't change their layout from the main OS X
menu bar.

If you want to change your keyboard dynamically (ie without restarting
X) on Mac OS X, you can use xmodmap(1). Appended below is set of
xmodmap commands to set up an french layout keyboard. For more
information see the xmodmap manual page. 

-- cut --
keycode 234 = Mode_switch
remove mod1 = Alt_L
remove mod1 = Alt_R
add mod1 = Meta_L
!add mod3 = Mode_switch
!keysym Alt_L = Mode_switch Alt_L

keycode 61 = at numbersign 
keycode 38 = ampersand 1
keycode 39 = eacute 2
keycode 40 = quotedbl 3
keycode 41 = apostrophe 4
keycode 42 = parenleft 5
keycode 43 = paragraph 6
keycode 44 = egrave 7
keycode 45 = exclam 8
keycode 46 = ccedilla 9
keycode 47 = agrave 0
keycode 53 = parenright degree
keycode 54 = minus underscore
keycode 50 = BackSpace Delete

keycode 28 = A
keycode 34 = Z
keycode 55 = dead_circumflex dead_diaeresis
keycode 56 = dollar asterisk

keycode 12 = Q
keycode 59 = M
keycode 60 = ugrave percent
keycode 58 = grave sterling

keycode 108 = less greater
keycode 37 = W
keycode 24 = comma question
keycode 62 = semicolon period
keycode 63 = colon slash backslash bar
keycode 64 = equal plus
-- cut --
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Georgina Economou
- Original Message -
From: "Mike A. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

> On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
> >> As far as commit access goes, frankly, if those asking for it could
> >> establish a record of submitting complete and correct patches that
> >> need review (and Mike, your record on this isn't anything to boast
> >> about), then you might have a better shot at it.
> >
> >We *need* more developer-hours on the commit process.
> That would be a nice thing to have.  It works marvelously for all
> other projects that have wider spread CVS write permissions.
> >Maybe we have to put up with people like Mike making a few more
> >mistakes while that they learn what they are doing wrong?
> I can't agree with you more.  I, like any serious developer,
> certainly want to be told about my mistakes, so I can correct
> them, or have an opportunity to explain why I believe my changes
> to be correct.
> There's only one patch that I can think of off the top of my head
> which I've sent to which was rejected, to which I
> later resent an updated version back with a good explanation for
> why I thought it should be applied.  I don't recall receiving any
> feedback positive or negative since.  It's not a major issue
> however as I apply the patch to our sources regardless, as I
> believe it to be correct, and it harms nothing at all.
> Most likely I will post that patch here again in the future - now
> that the development list is publically open.  I am then going to
> get much wider peer review of my patch, and instead of getting
> one person's opinion of it's correctness, I can get 100 people's
> opinion.  While it may not make the patch accepted into the
> upstream official source even if 500 people agree, it would at
> least make it a case 500 separate opinions, instead of the prior
> case of one person's opinion in a position of power's versus one
> person's opinion whom is not in a position of power.
> I'd rather be judged by 500 peer developers for the quality of my
> patches and work than by one single person.
> >They will learn a lot faster by doing it wrong than by submitting
> >patches that may or may not appear months later in a very different
> >form.
> Indeed.  I will say that a while back, I approached David
> concerning patches and what his expectations were.  I have made
> every effort to try and meet those expectations, and have
> modified some of my ways of doing things further beyond what was
> requested, in an attempt to provide the project with better
> submissions.
> In the past, I would not only send in my own patches (which
> incidentally get applied unmodified almost always), but I used to
> submit many patches from others, usually - but not always with
> proper attributions on them.  Some patches you find in the wild
> with no indication of whom the original author is.  I just passed
> the stuff all on upstream hoping that someone there would review
> them for correctness, apply them, or reject them, etc.  Some
> patches I just picked up of mailing lists as I saw them, and
> submitted them so they wouldn't get lost.  Several of these
> patches as you can imagine, were not the highest quality, and
> many never got into the tree.  Unfortunately however, many of
> them were wrongly I believe attributed to ME, but of no fault of
> my own for not being more organized with what I sent in, and
> without as much process and procedure in place as what I have
> now.
> I also used to send in patches that people sent into Red Hat via
> bugzilla.  We receive many patches of which I personally am not
> familiar with the particular area of code that is being patched,
> and so I am not always personally capable of vouching for a given
> patch's correctness.
> In such cases, what should one such as myself do?  Tell the
> person to send their patch to instead?  People get
> PISSED BIGTIME!  I've told people to please submit xkb patches
> (MANY of the ones recently sent in to [EMAIL PROTECTED] which
> subsequently were applied to CVS, and if need be I can provide
> bugzilla bug ID's of proof).  People go nuts!  "I am a Red hat
> user and you should apply my damn patch blah blah."
> If I send it to myself, then am I being judged as
> having vouched for it's correctness?  I didn't think I was
> before, but after David's comments toward "my patches" before, I
> took a hard line about it.  For a few months I have refused MANY
> patches submitted, and requested the person to send their patch
> directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and that if it were accepted
> upstream, I would apply it to Red Hat Linux also.  I also have
> stated to people when doing this many times (and this is also
> bugzilla queryable for the conspiracy theorists amongst us) that
> by submitting the patch upstream, ALL distributions get the
> benefit, as does 

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Georgina Economou
- Original Message -
From: "Mike A. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

> On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >One could go through an evolutionary process, from developers, to invited
> >others, to fully open.
> That's an idea I hadn't thought of, one which could be good too
> possibly.  It would remove the potential threat of incoming bug
> reports of the form:
> =
> My server no works can for the problem help?  It is Acer video
> and is to the KDE no works when I run.
> =
> (A real email I've received)
> We've all seen those type of reports, and we all know how
> completely and totally useless they are.  But, I think also that
> once enough people get involved, such reports can be trivially
> triaged, or volunteers can extract more infor that is useful from
> someone until there is a valid report to be looked at by a
> developer.
> >The question still is: is there enough interest among the
> >developer community to it be worth the investment to get it set
> >up?  If no-one is going to use it, why bother?  On the other
> >hand, if enough of us say, as I do, that we're dropping too many
> >problems on the floor and such a system might be useful if it
> >gets established correctly, I think there is enough resources to
> >start getting it set up.  But those resources should go
> >elsewhere if there is no interest.
> Personally, I'd love to see interest from core developers to at
> least poke their toe in the water, and some of them have already
> suggested they'd give it a shot and if it worked out ok, they'd
> use it.

I have not seen this comment.  Who are these people to whom you are


> I think that a bug tracking system would be a benefit all around
> however, as various distribution users, vendors, and also stray
> do it yourself people could all look for answers in one spot, and
> could report distribution non-specific bugs in one spot.  There
> are benefits IMHO for all groups involved by having a centralized
> bug tracker, and avoiding duplication of effort, etc.
> I volunteer to spend time working with publically reported bugs
> in a central database either way.  I do triage in our own
> bugzilla for XFree86 related issues, and it's not likely much
> more work for me to snoop through a public database looking for
> more duplicates too, and providing help to people in the public
> database having the same problem perhaps as one of our users.
> The more people who do that, the more useful stuff we can supply
> to other X developers, including the core team.  I'd very much
> like to see a bugzilla be something we can use to give the core
> team something good.  More patches, more widely tested patches,
> more useful feedback, you name it.  I hope they want to use it
> too of course, but that's only if they find it beneficial to
> personally do so.  If they don't in the end (however I have faith
> that they will once they see it in action) it would still benefit
> non-core members by being able to access a central bug database
> and work together with each other IMHO.
> I'd be interested also in hearing feedback and comments from
> Debian, Mandrake, SuSE, Gentoo, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD,
> Caldera, and other Linux and BSD distribution XFree86
> package maintainers, and other developers also.  I've talked
> personally with some of them already, but the more who get
> involved the better.  We all benefit, and everyone's feedback is
> very valuable.
> Take care,
> --
> Mike A. Harris
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Georgina Economou
- Original Message - 
From: "Terrance A. Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 1:06 PM
Subject: RE: [Devel] Re: Another voice

> All,
> I'm not sure what started all this, seems like we need a new paradigm.
> Maybe its time to *really* open source X.  A foundation of some sort?

Terrance could you elaborate on this?  Georgina 
> I just hacker, so I'll go with whatever works.
> ..Just an idea.
> T
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Devel mailing list changes.

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
>>Please could we drop the [Devel] which serves no useful purpose and 
>>just obscures the _real_ subject line? 
>I'm very surprised anyone would object to this.  This tag, which is common to 
>mailman lists, is enormously useful for e-mail filtering.  It certainly helps 
>me distinguish mailing list messages from the depressingly vast array of e-mail 
>I already get just by scanning my inbox.

That is why all GNU mailman mailing lists have a header line:


Other mailing list managers have the X-BeenThere line as well, or 
the X-Mailing-List line, or List-Id.  As simple as it is to 
search the subject for [listname], it is to search for the 
designated X-BeenThere line, however searching for the 
X-BeenThere has the additional benefit of not cluttering up the 
subject line.

This of course is one of the age old ongoing and neverending 
internet mailinglist flamewar discussion topics which endlessly 
rage on when they're brought up, and tend to be about 50% for and 
50% against and end only when someone invokes Godwin's law or the 
list maintainer makes their official say in the matter final and 
requests the entire thread be dropped.  ;o)

Having been involved in these types of pointless 50/50 flamewars 
myself in the past one too many times, I decided a long time back 
to do something about it myself, but from my end.  I procmail out 
the offending [listname] myself on lists that put it there.  It 
only takes me a minute to set it up in procmail, and it gives an 
eternity of Subject line enjoyment from then onward, while all 
the people who like the [listname] weirdness get to enjoy their 
preference as well.  ;o)

For those who are as annoyed as I am by GNU mailman defaulting to 
putting [listname] in subject line headers, and most mailing list 
admins simply sticking to the defaults, here is the procmail rule 
that will undo this GNU braindamage should you find yourself 
receiving email that does this.  ;o)

Add this to your ~/.procmailrc

# [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
:0 fhw
* ^X-BeenThere:.*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| sed -e '/^Subject:/ s/\[Devel\] *//g'
:0 A:

For those not familiar with procmail and whom think the above 
looks insane, or resembles the lower half of, what it 
does, is strip the [listname] out of the subject, multiple times 
if present, and then file it in the folder named "devel" (at the 
very bottom).  The very top line by the way is merely a comment.

To make it work with other mailing lists, simply change the 
comment at the top, the line that has X-BeenThere to reflect the 
mailing list at hand, and the subject line in between the []'s as 
well as the folder name at the very bottom.

Enjoy many lists whom use the subject line listname annoyance in
complete peace and harmony, and without getting sucked in to
50/50 flamewars.  This leaves you tonnes more time to participate
in other, much more worthy flamewars that might also seem 
equally pointless, but for which procmail can't help.  ;o)

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Vladimir Dergachev
> > > XFree86 project on my own, and that it would be a very large
> > > amount of work without any guaranteed gains in return.
> > >
> >
> > Actually, there is a fork of XFree already - in and another one
> > of ati driver only in
> I agree that the latter can be considered a fork, but the former
> definitely isn't - the DRI and XFree86 repositories are regularly
> synchronized.

This depends on your definition of fork. Btw GATOS code is synced with
XFree86 cvs periodically and some code from GATOS did make it into XFree86


Vladimir Dergachev

> --
> Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
> XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Georgina Economou wrote:

[Extremely large nontrimmed quote snipped]
>> Since I am a member however, I get both of these lists
>> automatically and can't be sure if they're public now or not.
>A member?  A member of what?  The public lists?  Not sure to what
>memberhsip you are referring.

Sorry.. member is what I was refering to.  Prior to
the recent list changes and whatnot, only XFree86 member
developers to my knowledge had the ability to subscribe to the
fixes@ and patches@ mailing list addresses.  I asked other people 
and they were of the same assumption.

Just seeking clarification of wether or not the general public
has access to subscribe to the 2 patch mailing lists now or not
after David declared the private lists to be no longer private.
Since I've received them all along, as an member 
developer, and still do, it's easier to ask than to try and test 
because if I attempted to subscribe, being already a member, it 
would likely succeed.

Thanks in advance,

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Georgina Economou wrote:

>> Personally, I'd love to see interest from core developers to at
>> least poke their toe in the water, and some of them have already
>> suggested they'd give it a shot and if it worked out ok, they'd
>> use it.
>I have not seen this comment.  Who are these people to whom you are

Mark Vojkovich and Egbert Eich have made comments in the thread
that were rather encouraging that they would be open to consider 
trying it, but only if it made them no more work or hassles.  
There were slighter hints from others as well.


Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Eric Anholt
[about bug database system]

> I'd be interested also in hearing feedback and comments from 
> Debian, Mandrake, SuSE, Gentoo, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, 
> Caldera, and other Linux and BSD distribution XFree86 
> package maintainers, and other developers also.  I've talked 
> personally with some of them already, but the more who get 
> involved the better.  We all benefit, and everyone's feedback is 
> very valuable.

I'm for it.  I already go through the open PRs (GNATS database problem
reports) we have periodically for X issues and work on narrowing them
down. I would happy to work on a bugzilla database, which seems much
more advanced.  It would be valuable to me to be able to look at bugs
and patches from other package maintainers.  Currently I have to do this
by snooping through mharris's SRPMS, and I haven't had a chance to look
at what other distributions are doing.


Devel mailing list

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Vladimir Dergachev
> >> mentioned on there are my decision to branch the Radeon driver
> >> and to contribute stuff back to the XFree86 project.  How that is
> >> seen as a fork of the entire project, I'm unsure.  I'll be the
> >> first to admit that I'd be completely unable to fork the entire
> >> XFree86 project on my own, and that it would be a very large
> >> amount of work without any guaranteed gains in return.
> >>
> >
> >Actually, there is a fork of XFree already - in and another one
> >of ati driver only in
> >
> >One more wouldn't hurt, but Mike - why do you want to fork Radeon driver ?
> Sorry to mix terminology in what some might feel is pedantical,
> however the term "branch" the Radeon driver seems more
> appropriate than fork, although it is possible I may have myself
> used the term fork somewhere.  Branch is much more accurate, as I
> believe the term "fork" means something more hostile and ill
> intentioned, and "branch" means concurrant development which gets
> merged back to the trunk.

First it forks than it merges.. I am pretty sure the fork is more
noticable ;)

> You don't have CVS write access, however you've managed to put
> together a successful driver yourself too, which makes me a bit
> curious why GATOS has remained a separate (and rather succesful)
> project from for so long.  I've never chatted with
> you before about it I don't believe, but I've often wondered why
> GATOS has never been integrated into XFree86 or DRI.  It's useful
> as is nonetheless, but it'd be great to see such developmental
> efforts get incorporated into XFree86's main codebase so more
> users could benefit from one-driver-does-it-all so to speak.

Historically, GATOS first started with a standalone program and we had to
switch to messing with drivers when XFree86 4.x.x was released (as we
couldn't play the tricks with video driver by telling it to use less
memory than was available). Of course, there were a number of
other advantages to this as well (not the least being at least partial
compatibility with systems other than Linux).

> My assumption has been all along that you've had difficulty
> getting others to look into merging your changes, and decided it
> was easier to maintain your own codebase entirely than to twist
> people's arms to look at your code and provide feedback.  I guess
> now would be a good time for me to just ask.  ;o)
> So.. any chance of GATOS getting into XFree86?  ;o)

This question gets asked very often. The answer is that part of GATOS is
already there. The part that isn't is TV-in and hardware Xv for mach64
cards. And it was submitted but it takes quite a while to get in. The
major reason for this is that ATI driver maintainer and me have different

My impression is that ATI driver maintainer (Marc please correct me) is
primarily interested in

   * clean and working code that is easy to maintain

which, IMO, is a worthy goal.

My priorities are:

   * robust (non-crashing) driver that supports new features
   * experimentation with new approaches to programming and new features

These two do imply "clean and easy to maintain" but in a significantly
different way.

Also both of us are quite short on spare time.

Lastly there is one more issue with GATOS radeon code - to make video
capture possible we need PCI DMA. Unfortunately, due to imprecision in
ATI documentation the early radeon DRM driver was designed in such a way that
it conflicts with PCI DMA into lower 64 meg of RAM (or whatever the size
of AGP aperture is). The changes required will break compatibility with
earlier modules, something that DRI maintainers are not willing to accept.
(and I do not know DRI part of things well enough to make a workaround..
though this might change with 4.3.0 code - the DRI code is a lot cleaner)

On the positive side GATOS code does present a valuable contribution in
the form of code that is known to work even if the maintainer decided to
rewrite the whole of it. Some of the hardware knowledge was not so easy to
come by (and is not well described in ATI docs).


   Vladimir Dergachev

> I know ATI users would absolutely love this functionality, and I
> would too.
> Any comments, feedback, appreciated.
> Thanks,
> --
> Mike A. Harris
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Vladimir Dergachev
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >One could go through an evolutionary process, from developers, to invited
> >others, to fully open.
> That's an idea I hadn't thought of, one which could be good too
> possibly.  It would remove the potential threat of incoming bug
> reports of the form:
> =
> My server no works can for the problem help?  It is Acer video
> and is to the KDE no works when I run.
> =
> (A real email I've received)
> We've all seen those type of reports, and we all know how
> completely and totally useless they are.  But, I think also that
> once enough people get involved, such reports can be trivially
> triaged, or volunteers can extract more infor that is useful from
> someone until there is a valid report to be looked at by a
> developer.

Actually they are not totally useless. There is someone on the other end
who committed to communicate with you and wants to try to fix whatever is
bothering him. Also, judging from the grammar the person is not very
comfortable with the English language, it is possible s/he is quite good
technically but chose just a few words because of difficulty with English.

My typical response is to ask for more thorough description, logs and
output from select utilities (be sure to include one that requires root
access) and suggest to look at man pages for explanation. If the person
does not know they have chance to learn (a good thing IMO) and if they do
there is a useful bug report.

Speaking of useless reports the ones that really bug me is when there is a
good description and I have no idea what causes it and cannot reproduce
the problem either. Sometimes even logging into remote machine does not
help. *this* would really benifit from being on the web so a lot more
people can take a look.


 Vladimir Dergachev
Devel mailing list

ATI card addition to xf86PciInfo.h

2003-01-13 Thread MadTomKidd
I'm attaching the output from scanpci -v.

When I run the command "XFree86 -configure" it give the message:
XFree86 has found a valid card configuration.
Unfortunately the appropriate data has not been added to xf86PciInfo.h.
Please forward 'scanpci -v' output to XFree86 support team.

from everything I've read, this card should be radeon compliant and HP told me that it 
acts as a PCI card, not AGP since it is an integrated chipset.

I have only a very basic understanding of C.  If I knew what to do, I'd be happy to 
make the changes myself.  If it's not a trivial task to update the header file, could 
someone else lend a hand?  Looking at hp's support forums, there are quite a few folks 
who would prefer more than vesa/fbdev support on their laptops.


Scanpci -v below (the device 0x4336 is the piece of concern, I believe):
pci bus 0x cardnum 0x00 function 0x00: vendor 0x1002 device 0xcab0
 ATI  Device unknown
  STATUS0x2230  COMMAND 0x0006
  CLASS 0x06 0x00 0x00  REVISION 0x13
  BIST  0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x20  CACHE 0x00
  BASE0 0xd408  addr 0xd400  MEM PREFETCHABLE
  BASE1 0xd058  addr 0xd050  MEM PREFETCHABLE
  BASE2 0x8091  addr 0x8090  I/O

pci bus 0x cardnum 0x01 function 0x00: vendor 0x1002 device 0x700f
 ATI  Device unknown
  STATUS0x0220  COMMAND 0x0007
  CLASS 0x06 0x04 0x00  REVISION 0x01
  HEADER0x01  LATENCY 0x63
  PRIBUS0x00  SECBUS 0x01  SUBBUS 0x01  SECLT 0x44
  IOBASE0x9100  IOLIM 0x9fff  SECSTATUS 0x0220
  PREFETCH_MEMBASE   0xe000  MEMLIM 0xefff

pci bus 0x cardnum 0x02 function 0x00: vendor 0x10b9 device 0x5237
 ALI  Device unknown
 CardVendor 0x103c card 0x0024 (HP, Card unknown)
  STATUS0x0290  COMMAND 0x0017
  CLASS 0x0c 0x03 0x10  REVISION 0x03
  BIST  0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x00
  BASE0 0xd000  addr 0xd000  MEM
  MAX_LAT   0x50  MIN_GNT 0x00  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x09
  BYTE_00x1f  BYTE_1  0x00  BYTE_2  0x00  BYTE_3  0x00

pci bus 0x cardnum 0x06 function 0x00: vendor 0x10b9 device 0x5451
 ALI  Device unknown
 CardVendor 0x103c card 0x0024 (HP, Card unknown)
  STATUS0xc290  COMMAND 0x0007
  CLASS 0x04 0x01 0x00  REVISION 0x02
  BIST  0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x00
  BASE0 0x8401  addr 0x8400  I/O
  BASE1 0xd0001000  addr 0xd0001000  MEM
  MAX_LAT   0x18  MIN_GNT 0x02  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x05

pci bus 0x cardnum 0x07 function 0x00: vendor 0x10b9 device 0x1533
 ALI M1533 Aladdin IV
 CardVendor 0x10b9 card 0x1533 (ALI, Card unknown)
  STATUS0x0210  COMMAND 0x000f
  CLASS 0x06 0x01 0x00  REVISION 0x00
  BYTE_00xea0bd301  BYTE_1  0x00  BYTE_2  0x8072030  BYTE_3  0x

pci bus 0x cardnum 0x08 function 0x00: vendor 0x10b9 device 0x5457
 ALI  Device unknown
 CardVendor 0x103c card 0x0024 (HP, Card unknown)
  STATUS0x0290  COMMAND 0x0003
  CLASS 0x07 0x03 0x00  REVISION 0x00
  BIST  0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x00
  BASE0 0xd0002000  addr 0xd0002000  MEM
  BASE1 0x8801  addr 0x8800  I/O
  MAX_LAT   0x00  MIN_GNT 0x00  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x03
  BYTE_00xc0220001  BYTE_1  0x00  BYTE_2  0x80723a8  BYTE_3  0x

pci bus 0x cardnum 0x0a function 0x00: vendor 0x1217 device 0x6972
 Device unknown
  STATUS0x0410  COMMAND 0x0087
  CLASS 0x06 0x07 0x00  REVISION 0x00
  BIST  0x00  HEADER 0x02  LATENCY 0xa8  CACHE 0x00
  BASE0 0x8000  addr 0x8000  MEM
  BASE1 0x02a0  addr 0x02a0  MEM
  BASE2 0xb0050200  addr 0xb0050200  MEM
  BASE3 0x8100  addr 0x8100  MEM
  BASE4 0x8110  addr 0x8110  MEM
  BASE5 0x1c00  addr 0x1c00  MEM
  BASEROM   0x307d  addr 0x  decode-enabled
  MAX_LAT   0x05  MIN_GNT 0x80  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x05
  BYTE_00x24103c  BYTE_1  0x00  BYTE_2  0x8072720  BYTE_3  0x

pci bus 0x cardnum 0x10 function 0x00: vendor 0x10b9 device 0x5229
 ALI M5229 TXpro
 CardVendor 0x103c card 0x0024 (HP, Card unknown)
  STATUS0x0290  COMMAND 0x0005
  CLASS 0x01 0x01 0xb0  REVISION 0xc4
  BIST  0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x20  CACHE 0x00
  BASE4 0x8081  addr 0x8080  I/O
  MAX_LAT   0x04  MIN_GNT 0x02  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x00
  BYTE_00xf00  BYTE_1  0x00  BYTE_2  0x00  BYTE_3  0x00

pci bus 0x cardnum 0x11 function 0x00: vendor 0x10b9 device 0x7101
 ALI  Device unknown
 CardVendor 0x103c card 0x0024 (HP, Card unknown)
  STATUS0x0200  COMMAND 0x
  CLASS 0x06 0x80 0x00  REVISION 0x00
  BYTE_00x4204  BYTE_1  0x00  BYTE_2  0x8072e10  BYTE_3  0x

pci bus 0x cardnum 0x12 function 0x00: vendor 0x100b device 0x0020
 NS  Device unknown
 CardVendor 0x3c08 card 0x2400 (Card unknown)
  STATUS0x0290  COMMAND 0x0007
  CLASS 0x02 0x00 

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Matthieu Herrb
Mike A. Harris wrote (in a message from Monday 13)
 > I'd be interested also in hearing feedback and comments from 
 > Debian, Mandrake, SuSE, Gentoo, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, 
 > Caldera, and other Linux and BSD distribution XFree86 
 > package maintainers, and other developers also.  I've talked 
 > personally with some of them already, but the more who get 
 > involved the better.  We all benefit, and everyone's feedback is 
 > very valuable.

In my opinion, a bug tracking system would help, but as others
already said, setting up and maintaining such a system in a useful
state is a really time-consuming task. 

The Gnats systems used in OpenBSD (and in other BSDs too) is not
perfect, but it has been proven itself useful in a few occasions,
although not all submitted PRs get handled. 

On the other side, I've seen other projects where the bug tracking
system totally failed : no one would take the time to fill reports and
anyways no developper ever bothered to look at the few reports that
were filed.

A bug tracking software per itself doesn't prevent bug reports from
staying unanswered for weeks nor does it automagically insure that
fixes are correct. Only the work of the people reviewing and editing
the contents of the database can produce those effects.

If some people are seriously volunteering to go through a specification
and review process to setup a system that will be bring something the
project, let's start it. If done right it will help to focus
developper attention on things that need fixing.

Devel mailing list

RE: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Terrance A. Davis
Well, there's some changes happening...

I've used X and been a promoter since Rev 9, and I have some of J Gettys
personally coded stuff around just for grins --

We've all been waiting for X to 'grow up', and with Linux becoming a viable
desktop alternative for at least the literate masses, perhaps its time for
the community to form an official foundation or working group to guide it.

Just seems like if we are changing everything, lets change everything. I said, I'm for whatever works.

While I'm at it, this group is responsible for making it a viable
alternative, and you all should take a bow.

end of 2 cents worth.

-Original Message-
Of Georgina Economou
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

- Original Message -
From: "Terrance A. Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 1:06 PM
Subject: RE: [Devel] Re: Another voice

> All,
> I'm not sure what started all this, seems like we need a new paradigm.
> Maybe its time to *really* open source X.  A foundation of some sort?

Terrance could you elaborate on this?  Georgina
> I just hacker, so I'll go with whatever works.
> ..Just an idea.
> T
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel
Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Marc Aurele La France
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Vladimir Dergachev wrote:

> > So.. any chance of GATOS getting into XFree86?  ;o)

> This question gets asked very often. The answer is that part of GATOS is
> already there. The part that isn't is TV-in and hardware Xv for mach64
> cards. And it was submitted but it takes quite a while to get in. The
> major reason for this is that ATI driver maintainer and me have different
> priorities:

> My impression is that ATI driver maintainer (Marc please correct me) is
> primarily interested in

>* clean and working code that is easy to maintain

> which, IMO, is a worthy goal.

> My priorities are:

>* robust (non-crashing) driver that supports new features
>* experimentation with new approaches to programming and new features

> These two do imply "clean and easy to maintain" but in a significantly
> different way.

> Also both of us are quite short on spare time.

That, pretty well, sums it up.  And more of GATOS will be merged shortly.
I know I promised earlier to get the merge done before 4.3, but that just
didn't happen, sorry.


|  Marc Aurele La France   |  work:   1-780-492-9310   |
|  Computing and Network Services  |  fax:1-780-492-1729   |
|  352 General Services Building   |  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  University of Alberta   +---+
|  Edmonton, Alberta   |   |
|  T6G 2H1 | Standard disclaimers apply|
|  CANADA  |   |
XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

Devel mailing list

Re: programming question: Window Information

2003-01-13 Thread The Rasterman
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:43:14 +0100 (CET) Krasi Zlatev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I would like to gather inforamtion about all the
> running X applicaiotns.
> Thus I do
> Window root = RootWindow (dpy, screenno);
> XQueryTree (dpy, root, &dummywindow, &dummywindow,
> &children, &nchildren);
> for (i = 0; i < nchildren; i++) {
> if (XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, children[i],
> &attr) && (attr.map_state == IsViewable)) {
> XFetchName(dpy, children[i], &win_name);
> printf("Window ID: 0x%lx\n",children[i]);
> }
> }
> I thought that win_name will contain the name of the
> window, but it is always null,
> what am I doing wrong?

short answer and you'll figure it out yourself:

xwininfo -tree -root

long answer:
x loves windows. it isnt single level like mac os (a root and then windows).
it's a big big big VRY deep tree. client window will be 2 or 3, maybe 4
levels down (this may vary depending on how deep your wm likes to reparent
client windows within its scheme of things).

you need to keep traversing the tree down as far as you can go (ALL the way...
do NOT just stop at the first window with a title... it IS possible that client
windows can be managed within other client windows... ie MDI style). :)

--- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" 
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mobile Phone: +61 (0)413 451 899Home Phone: 02 9698 8615
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Daniel Stone
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:10:14AM +0100, Egbert Eich scrawled:
> Matt Wilson writes:
> > I'm not attempting to bully anyone, nor have I argued that you or any
> > other member (individual or corporate) of XFree86.  However, there are
> > plenty of volunteers that are offering to set up and maintain a bug
> > tracking system for you.  I think that such a project would be much
> > more successful if it were endorsed by XFree86 and integrated into the
> > development policy for the project.
> Sorry, this is not how it goes. We won't be willing 
> to adopt anything blindly. There is a German saying 
> applying here:
> 'Never buy a cat in the bag!'
> 1. First there should be a proposal

There has been.

> 2. Secondly there should be a test implementation
>as proof of concept we can work with and see
>how well it goes.

I've said before that I'm willing to set up debbugs+PTS/Bugzilla. IMHO
Bugzilla would be better for this situation.

> 4. Thirdly this should be evaluated 
> - if we think it is usable at all.
> - what modifications we would like to see.
> 5. The modified system needs to get retested and reevaluated.
> 6. This is the earliest stage we can talk about a more or
>less formal policy.

I see no real reason to stick this much to a formal process.

> Up to now it is not even clear who should be able to
> submit to this bug tracking system:
> Should it be internal only?


> Should only projects like GNOME, KDE etc and
> distributions like RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake be able to
> submit bugs?

This is one of the worst ideas I've heard yet.

> Or should it be open to the general public?

Yes, but with Bugzilla you can have open submissions, but only certain
users able to set bugs to CONFIRMED, etc. Maybe if we handed the latter
out to only clueful people ...

:) d, KDE developer and current Debian XFree86 4.3 dude, so excuse the

Daniel Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer, Trinity College, University of Melbourne

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Alan Hourihane
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:10:14AM +0100, Egbert Eich wrote:
> Matt Wilson writes:
>  > 
>  > I'm not attempting to bully anyone, nor have I argued that you or any
>  > other member (individual or corporate) of XFree86.  However, there are
>  > plenty of volunteers that are offering to set up and maintain a bug
>  > tracking system for you.  I think that such a project would be much
>  > more successful if it were endorsed by XFree86 and integrated into the
>  > development policy for the project.
>  > 
> Sorry, this is not how it goes. We won't be willing 
> to adopt anything blindly. There is a German saying 
> applying here:
> 'Never buy a cat in the bag!'
> 1. First there should be a proposal
> 2. Secondly there should be a test implementation
>as proof of concept we can work with and see
>how well it goes.
> 4. Thirdly this should be evaluated 
> - if we think it is usable at all.
> - what modifications we would like to see.
> 5. The modified system needs to get retested and reevaluated.
> 6. This is the earliest stage we can talk about a more or
>less formal policy.
> Up to now it is not even clear who should be able to
> submit to this bug tracking system:
> Should it be internal only?
> Should only projects like GNOME, KDE etc and
> distributions like RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake be able to
> submit bugs?
> Or should it be open to the general public?

I agree with your points here Egbert.

Someone needs to step forward to collate these ideas and put the initial
system together. We seem to have people stepping forward with ideas
and a few who claim that they'll do the initial work on setting up,
but nothing ever happens.

My own personal opinion lies with the fact that if this is setup, who
will have the staying power to maintain it. Most of the XFree86 Core Team
have been around a long time and seen various developers come and go around
the project. It's obvious to me that some developers will use it, and 
others may not, or even may not all the time. Therefore that 'team' who
has to maintain it need to be able to stick around for it to be of
long term use. If these 'bug' maintainers come and go, I can see the whole
process collapsing into one big heap of unusable data. 

Additionally the maintainers need to qualify the bug reports before it gets to
core developers who need to spend precious time isolating the problem
and coming up with the patch. If this process is too time consuming, these
reports will be left untouched. And one of the most frustrating problems
of all, is bug reports to core developers who don't have access to the
hardware. I know this is some of the pro's of having a bug database in that
someone can look at what needs fixing who has the appropriate hardware,
but seldom is this the case - having several people report problems to me
that cannot be fixed without some severe manpower in fixing it.

I don't think I've heard any of the XFree86 Core Team denouncing a bug
database, just the fact that if it consumes much of their precious time
then things will stagnate. If there is a team here who want to set one
up and maintain independently of XFree86, then there's nothing stopping
them. Even doing it this way, may well get the momentum, in that lots
of things would be ironed out, and provide something workable for the

There's been several conversations of this in the past and nothing
fruitful has come of it just because the XFree86 Core Team don't push
for it, and so others see that as counter-productive. Don't. Someone
needs to put their own effort in. 

Even if the XFree86 Core Team don't participate in this bug database
it should in no way effect it's usefulness to those who want one. If someone
enters a bug report, then it's perfectly possible for someone completely
new to the project to fix the bug and submit a patch to XFree86 without
any involvement of the Core Team, apart from actually committing the fix,
then enter onto the bug database 'Fixed - appending commit' in the bug

Step forward those who want it and start doing it. If it can be shown
to be productive then there's something more to discuss, but we're
covering the same ground again and again.

Get going on it and prove it works, but don't expect everyone to use it
and live with that fact - it's open source and you can't force people
into a way of working

Devel mailing list

Re: ATI card addition to xf86PciInfo.h

2003-01-13 Thread Tim Roberts
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 15:29:18 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>When I run the command "XFree86 -configure" it give the message:
>XFree86 has found a valid card configuration.
>Unfortunately the appropriate data has not been added to xf86PciInfo.h.
>Please forward 'scanpci -v' output to XFree86 support team.
>from everything I've read, this card should be radeon compliant and HP told
>me that it acts as a PCI card, not AGP since it is an integrated chipset.

That's not accurate; the Radeons are AGP devices.  The fact that it is 
integrated is irrelevant.

However, for the most part, there is no difference.  AGP is just a fancier 
version of PCI.

>I have only a very basic understanding of C.  If I knew what to do, I'd 
>be happy to make the changes myself.  If it's not a trivial task to update
>the header file, could someone else lend a hand?  Looking at hp's support
>forums, there are quite a few folks who would prefer more than vesa/fbdev
>support on their laptops.

As I recall, there is work going on to eliminate this problem by allowing our 
drivers to claim a whole range of PCI IDs, eliminating the need for 
xf86PciInfo.h.  Is that work present in 4.3.0?

- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 07:36:57PM -0500, Matt Wilson wrote:

>As for providing resources - we've done this for many projects that
>have approached us.  For example:
>[msw@sid openoffice]$ host
> has address
>[msw@sid openoffice]$ whois [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>(snip out big reply pointing to Red Hat, Inc.)
>[msw@sid openoffice]$ host
> is an alias for
> has address
>[msw@sid openoffice]$ whois [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>(snip out big reply pointing to Red Hat, Inc.)
>These resources come out of projects finding themselves in need and
>requesting assistance.  Thus far the only thing I hear from you is
>that XFree86 doesn't need a bug tracker...

Hosting isn't the type of resource I'm referring to -- we're fine on
that thanks.  I mean the much more difficult to find (non-volunteer)
people resources needed to make a bug tracking system really work without
sapping development resources -- like IBM is doing with the Linux kernel.
If you're offering something like that, then I'm all ears.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: ATI card addition to xf86PciInfo.h

2003-01-13 Thread Mark Vojkovich
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Tim Roberts wrote:


> As I recall, there is work going on to eliminate this problem by allowing our 
> drivers to claim a whole range of PCI IDs, eliminating the need for 
> xf86PciInfo.h.  Is that work present in 4.3.0?

   xf86PciInfo.h isn't needed.  I stopped adding NVIDIA cards to it
a while ago.  I'm not really sure why we even have an xf86PciInfo.h.
The burden supporting a particular device ID is, and I believe always
has been, in the driver.  Merely adding a PCI ID to xf86PciInfo.h
doesn't add support for that PCI ID.

   Drivers still have to explicitly specify PCI IDs to tell the
core server that it supports them.  I don't think there's any
ongoing work to resolve that. 

   I have, however, worked around this in the "nv" driver.  Basically
I construct the list that gets passed from the driver to the core
server based on what cards are currently in the system.  The "nv"
knows which of these cards it can support without needing a static
list of PCI IDs.  I still keep a static list of PCI IDs for informational
purposes (to print out the marketting name for it), but I can support
a chip if it's not in that list.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread Petter Reinholdtsen
[Georgina Economou]
> No Mike, I am talking about who controls the reports and who sees
> them.  Who owns the data?  This is RHAT's baby, Bugzilla, so I take
> it that they would be a serious Admin to this and would have the
> ability to pull data as they want, without asking XFree86 for it.

How do you manage to come up with these ideas?  They seem pretty far
fetched to me.

BTW: Bugzilla is Mozillas baby, no redhats.

(How can I know?  I'm just a random Debian developer...)
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 02:30:05PM -0500, Mike A. Harris wrote:

>Just seeking clarification of wether or not the general public
>has access to subscribe to the 2 patch mailing lists now or not
>after David declared the private lists to be no longer private.

I declared the "devel" list to be no longer be private, but then that
was the only private member discussion list, and I said that there would
be no new private members discussion list to replace devel.  Also, I've
since stated at least twice on this thread that a decision about the
patch and fixes lists hasn't been made yet.

Before berating others for not reading what you write (and there's so
much of it that people can surely be forgiven for skimming just a little),
maybe you should do likewise?

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: ATI card addition to xf86PciInfo.h

2003-01-13 Thread Tim Roberts
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:12:21 -0800 (PST), Mark Vojkovich wrote:

>On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Tim Roberts wrote:
>  [...]
>> As I recall, there is work going on to eliminate this problem by allowing 
>> our drivers to claim a whole range of PCI IDs, eliminating the need for 
>> xf86PciInfo.h.  Is that work present in 4.3.0?
>   xf86PciInfo.h isn't needed.  I stopped adding NVIDIA cards to it
>a while ago.  I'm not really sure why we even have an xf86PciInfo.h.
>The burden supporting a particular device ID is, and I believe always
>has been, in the driver.  Merely adding a PCI ID to xf86PciInfo.h
>doesn't add support for that PCI ID.

What you say is true, EXCEPT for "XFree86 -configure".  At least as late as 
4.2.1, the automatic configuration stuff will refuse to run if the PCI id is 
not in xf86PciIfno.h.

Does your nv hack solve that?

- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: No Digests?

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:19:29AM -0800, Tim Roberts wrote:
>After coming in to find 170-odd messages from the new [Devel] list in my inbox, 
>I decided to switch to digest mode.  However, mailman tells me that "the list 
>administrator has disabled digest delivery for this list".  Any particular 
>reason why this is so?
Devel never has had a digest, so this should not be considered abnormal. 

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Devel mailing list changes.

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 01:05:45AM +, David Woodhouse wrote:

>Like Reply-To:? Now the status of the list has changed, is the decision to
>have a Reply-To: header added also up for reconsideration? :)

We have to draw a line somewhere :-)

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 02:25:35PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Specifically, there are people in Gnome chomping at the bit to help with
>the xfree86 bug setup and triage problem, with experience at running
>the Gnome bugzilla system.
>Only time will tell how well this will work out, but my strong belief is
>that the current situation doesn't scale, and our usage is likely to
>go up greatly this calendar year as the open source desktop has finally
>reached critical mass of applications and is beginning to be actively
>This being said (and we use bugzilla in the handhelds project),
>getting bugzilla well set up for a project (proper products, etc) is
>some work and
>Another, extremely high performance place to host a bugzilla is
>available (a machine on a 100 megabit link one hop away from a gigabit
>Internet II connection); it has bugzilla installed already, and may
>be better than a site in Spain.
>Should I tell them to go ahead and see if we can get something set up
>that may be usable as an experiment?

No.  I do not think that that will be necessary.  I would like to view what is 
currently available elsewhere first.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 06:14:31PM -0500, Jeff Garzik wrote:
>On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 06:06:31PM -0500, Matt Wilson wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 05:48:36PM -0500, David Dawes wrote:
>> > On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 11:01:01PM +0100, Fernando Herrera wrote:
>> > >Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 04:15:15PM -0500, David Dawes escribi?:
>> > >
>> > >>So it's OK for Linux kernel developers to object to having a bug tracking
>> > >>system imposed on them but not OK for XFree86 developers?  If that's
>> > >>what you're telling me, then I have nothing more to say on this topic.
>A note of clarification,
>The Linux kernel Bugzilla is optional for kernel developers.
>If someone is proposing that XFree86 developers _must_ use Bugzilla,
>that's really not something that can be imposed.
>But if there are volunteers out there willing to maintain a bug
>database, hey, "more power to 'em", right?  Developers can always ignore
>the Bugzilla, after all :)
And right now that is my inclination.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: ATI card addition to xf86PciInfo.h

2003-01-13 Thread Mark Vojkovich
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Tim Roberts wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:12:21 -0800 (PST), Mark Vojkovich wrote:
> >On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Tim Roberts wrote:
> >
> >  [...]
> >
> >> As I recall, there is work going on to eliminate this problem by allowing 
> >> our drivers to claim a whole range of PCI IDs, eliminating the need for 
> >> xf86PciInfo.h.  Is that work present in 4.3.0?
> >
> >   xf86PciInfo.h isn't needed.  I stopped adding NVIDIA cards to it
> >a while ago.  I'm not really sure why we even have an xf86PciInfo.h.
> >The burden supporting a particular device ID is, and I believe always
> >has been, in the driver.  Merely adding a PCI ID to xf86PciInfo.h
> >doesn't add support for that PCI ID.
> What you say is true, EXCEPT for "XFree86 -configure".  At least as late as 
> 4.2.1, the automatic configuration stuff will refuse to run if the PCI id is 
> not in xf86PciIfno.h.
> Does your nv hack solve that?

   I don't know anything about "-configure".  And I can't put PCI IDs
in xf86PciInfo.h if I don't know what they are.  The point of my nv
hack was to support cards that haven't come out yet.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 05:50:00PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Would this also see what patches have come in and see where they are
>> applicable?
>> What about areas that come in that are distro specific, does that go to the
>> distro maintainer of to XFree86?
>Clearly, a distro maintainer.
>Part of the triage process is identifying things that are not
>the project's fault.
>> Is the XFree86 bugzilla now repsonsbile
>> for all distro bugs, and there are lots?
>Nope.  There are clearly times XFree86 should say: this shouldn't be fixed
>in XFree86: the distro should fix their breakage.  For example, I think
>it would be correct to do this when a distro has a distro specific compiler
>bug: making XFree86's code worse forever for a transient problem
>is a *very* bad idea.
>In my personal experience, I build XFree86 on both RH and Debian, typically
>with no problems on either.

The problem I see here is that XFree86 is not only a Linux-based system and this 
triage method would give Linux bugs a leg up over OSs.  This would skew all work done 
XFree86 to Linux at the expense of other, not has heavily supported, platforms.  
problem I forsee is that the bugs would be geared towards new or newer hardware, 
because most 
of the people reporting bugs have just gotten their Tablet, Laptop or whatever.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 08:59:34PM -0500, Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
>> > >I'd not in a position to accuse anyone, but I'm reminded of the saying:
>> > >"The best is the enemy of the good".
>> > >
>> > >* Read access to the patch@ and fixes@ lists would be helpful, then
>> > >we would all have an idea of the backlog.
>> >
>> > It's been there for the asking for members for a long time.  Few asked.
>> >
>> You know I never for the life of me understood that.  I would have thougtht
>> that every developer would be interested and see if their patch bumped horns
>> with another.
>> As former postmaster I received, I think, a total of two requests.  Weird.
>I can share a different perspective: from my point of view the patch@ and
>fixes@ lists were for people who have commit access, so it never occured
>to me to apply for it in the first place.
>I might be wrong here, but my impression was that XFree86 had voting and
>non-voting members and being the one of the second kind I pretty much
>assumed that all I have is access to ftp server, documentation and
>internal mailing lists like video@ or devel@. (CVS was created later on).

XFree86 has always used CVS even when I was it's lone committer.  The sole privilege 
of a 
voting over a non-voting member is the ability to elect the board.  

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 09:14:41PM -0500, Jeff Garzik wrote:
>On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 07:23:37PM -0500, David Dawes wrote:
>> Since you mention those $200 Walmart systems, has anyone actually
>> seen one?  They don't have them in any Walmart I've been to -- only
>> the $600+ HP and eMachines systems.

Yes I have seen the same.   Thanks for the info.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:10:14AM +0100, Egbert Eich wrote:
>Matt Wilson writes:
> > 
> > I'm not attempting to bully anyone, nor have I argued that you or any
> > other member (individual or corporate) of XFree86.  However, there are
> > plenty of volunteers that are offering to set up and maintain a bug
> > tracking system for you.  I think that such a project would be much
> > more successful if it were endorsed by XFree86 and integrated into the
> > development policy for the project.
> > 
>Sorry, this is not how it goes. We won't be willing 
>to adopt anything blindly. There is a German saying 
>applying here:
>'Never buy a cat in the bag!'

And in English we would say "Never buy anything sight unseen".

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: Bugzilla [Was: Re: Another voice]

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:09:21AM +0100, Egbert Eich wrote:
>Matt Wilson writes:
> > On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 07:21:04PM -0500, Georgina Economou wrote:
> > >
> > > So Matt am I to take it that Redhat is looking to push forward with
> > > its Bugzilla and thus get more experience and in the end paid work
> > > with it like VA did with Sourceforge?  That sounds very sensible
> > > though I think your approach a bit bizarre and off-putting.
> > 
> > I don't understand.  We're interested in seeing Open Source projects
> > succeed.  This involves growing contributor bases, etc.  Although
> > XFree86 development applies to many operating systems, it's success is
> > key to Linux's success.  We've never really thought much of trying to
> > build a business around consulting groups on how to be successful Open
> > Source projects...
> > 
>Asking OpenSource projects for money to get consulted?
>I don't think you'd get any business from XFree86 either :-)))
>BTW: XFre86 has been around quite a bit longer than RedHat 
>has been in OpenSource community. 
Yes.  About as long as Linux itself.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 02:12:27PM +, Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
>On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Georgina Economou wrote:
>> Well there's still  What ever did happen to marc
>> on this one?
>Indeed devel and xfree86 appear to be at
>The xfree86 list has appeared on
>(under misc, rather than GUI with the other X lists).
>It appears that no-one has asked for devel to be added there yet.

This is something that we must ask for?  Well I am glad it is now done.
Thanks for the info.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: Bugzilla [Was: Re: Another voice]

2003-01-13 Thread Jeff Garzik

I think your comments about bugs in Bugzilla skewing towards
Linux and new hardware were right on the money.

...but don't you think such skew is statistically inevitable?

There are IMO two desires here, and I argue they do not conflict:

- Making sure XFree86 does become unduly influenced by Linux use.

- Utilizing strength in numbers, let the vast Linux army test XFree86
heavily and fix core bugs, and add core enhancements, that have a
positive effect on all XFree86 users.

As much as I would personally love to see bug reports for ancient
PCI S3's with ancient RAMDACs [no, I'm not kidding], or someone else
would love to see bug reports and testing for  statistics just isn't on the favorable side there.
AFAICS that's just reality and not fixable :(

With all due respect,


Devel mailing list

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 09:00:56AM -0500, Mike A. Harris wrote:
>On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, G O Economou wrote:
>>There are allot of interesting comments here by Mike,
>>particularly his interest in forking XFree86 and creating his
>>own work.
>You seem to have some deep misconceptions.  

I read your article and saw it the same way.  I think that this is typical
of you, you speak out of both sides of your mouth.  You are saying a lot of things
in this thread differently than you did in that diary entry of yours.  

The only things I've 
>mentioned on there are my decision to branch the Radeon driver 
>and to contribute stuff back to the XFree86 project.  

And this would have to be approved by the same said Radeon maintainer.
I am not sure what that woould buy you.

>>At least I think interestingand BTW doesn't the ATI
>>maintainer work for Redhat?
>As far as I know, the ATI driver maintainer is Marc Aurele La 
>France, and while he's done some great work on the ATI drivers, 
>we haven't tried to hire him to my knowledge.
>Or you could be refering to Kevin Martin.  He works for Red Hat
>however, in our Professional Services department.  He is not
>involved in Red Hat Linux OS engineering with respect to XFree86.
Kevin is the Radeon maintainer, not Marc.  If you knew more about this Project
you would know that.  

>I've got other ideas and thoughts too, such as the bugzilla idea, 
>but I'm not the only one who wants these things.

And  who are these other people if this is not coming from within the Project?
Why, as Alan says later, don't they just do it and be done with it.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread David Dawes
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 09:33:34AM -0500, Mike A. Harris wrote:
>On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, David Dawes wrote:
>>>There are allot of interesting comments here by Mike, particularly his
>>>interest in forking XFree86 and creating his own work.  At least I think
>>>interestingand BTW doesn't the ATI maintainer work for Redhat?
>>Definitely interesting.
>>One main point I would like to answer now is the issue of the developer
>>page on the web site.  New membership was basically closed down temporarily
>>while the whole membership/developer situation was being reviewed.
>>After this message goes out, [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be converted to
>>a public mailman list -- so if you want to subscribe, go to
>>In the interests of openness, there won't be any private list to replace
>>it, and the whole issue of joining XFree86 as a developer will be moot.
>David, this is wonderful news.  I'm very pleased to see this 
>change happen.  I've wondered for a long time why the private 
>devel list was private, considering almost if not all of the 
>discussions that have taken place on it in all the time I've been 
>on it have not really been something that private.

Well right there you missed something.  Everything on the private
devel was private.  There was nothing there that could be repeated, nor
still can for that matter.  Everything said there was done and spoken in 
confidence and honour.  

>In the past I have also submitted various patches found on 
>mailing lists, and things people have sent me that fixed 
>something for them.  A great deal of said patches I merely passed 
>along upstream in hopes that they might be useful to the project 
>after someone did a good code review.  This was somewhat of a 
>mistake of course, as I had no idea what was expected, and found 
>out quite some time later that my processes and procedures for 
>submitting patches was not entirely the best.
That is correct.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Devel mailing list changes.

2003-01-13 Thread David Woodhouse
> I'm very surprised anyone would object to this.  This tag, which is
> common to  mailman lists, is enormously useful for e-mail filtering.
> It certainly helps  me distinguish mailing list messages from the
> depressingly vast array of e-mail  I already get just by scanning my
> inbox.

If for some reason you don't want to filter list mail into a separate folder
for each list, and you _really_ want the subject noise, it's trivial to do
-- just insert a mail filter on the SMTP sender of the mail list everyone
else does, only have it insert whatever you like into the Subject line
instead of filing into an appropriate folder. But please make sure you
remove the noise again if you reply to such mails.

The fact that GNU mailman ships with this crap on by default is a serious
bug, IMHBCO. It's not 50/50, because adding it locally is so much easier 
than removing it locally, for those users who have a strong preference 
either way.

It is far more of a problem to _remove_ the noise if it's been added by a
misguided mail admin. You can manage to remove it for the majority of posts,
but when a message is cross-posted to another such list, you get its crap 
also polluting the subject line too, and you can't easily filter that out.

> The List-Id header is there precisely for the purpose of mail
> filtering, 

> That is why all GNU mailman mailing lists have a header line:

Both of these give false positives. Consider the situation where you have
such a filter in place, but have unsubscribed from the list or are reading
it with 'grep' because you've been out of the office.

Your colleague/friend/cat sees a message he knows you need to see, but will 
probably miss due to the circumstances above. He bounces it to you, headers 
intact, or to another internal mailing list or something. Your mail filter 
then sticks it in the folder for the original list and you still don't see 
it. It's rare, but it's happened to me at least once, before I fixed my 

The only 100% reliable way to filter such mail is on the SMTP reverse-path,
which depending on your MTA is usually either the Sender: or Return-Path:
header by the time it gets to your procmail filter.

* ^Return-Path:.*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|$HOME/bin/MHstore +lists/Xdev

Not that it really matters _that_ much, but if you're encouraging people to 
filter sensibly, you might as well give a 100% reliable solution.

> Enjoy many lists whom use the subject line listname annoyance in
> complete peace and harmony, and without getting sucked in to 50/50
> flamewars. 

As I said, it's not 50/50. It's been fixed on this list now, thankfully.

> This leaves you tonnes more time to participate in other,
> much more worthy flamewars that might also seem  equally pointless,
> but for which procmail can't help.  ;o) 

Like Reply-To:? Now the status of the list has changed, is the decision to
have a Reply-To: header added also up for reconsideration? :)

/me runs...


Devel mailing list

Re: ATI card addition to xf86PciInfo.h

2003-01-13 Thread Vladimir Dergachev
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm attaching the output from scanpci -v.
> When I run the command "XFree86 -configure" it give the message:
> XFree86 has found a valid card configuration.
> Unfortunately the appropriate data has not been added to xf86PciInfo.h.
> Please forward 'scanpci -v' output to XFree86 support team.
> from everything I've read, this card should be radeon compliant and HP told me that 
>it acts as a PCI card, not AGP since it is an integrated chipset.
> I have only a very basic understanding of C.  If I knew what to do, I'd be happy to 
>make the changes myself.  If it's not a trivial task to update the header file, could 
>someone else lend a hand?  Looking at hp's support forums, there are quite a few 
>folks who would prefer more than vesa/fbdev support on their laptops.
> Thanks!
> Ben

What system is this ? Is it a notebook with integrated graphics ?


Vladimir Dergachev
Devel mailing list

Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

2003-01-13 Thread pcpa
Quoting Alan Hourihane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > Sorry, this is not how it goes. We won't be willing 
> > to adopt anything blindly. There is a German saying 
> > applying here:
> > 'Never buy a cat in the bag!'
> > 
> > 1. First there should be a proposal
> > 2. Secondly there should be a test implementation
> >as proof of concept we can work with and see
> >how well it goes.
> > 4. Thirdly this should be evaluated 
> > - if we think it is usable at all.
> > - what modifications we would like to see.
> > 5. The modified system needs to get retested and reevaluated.
> > 6. This is the earliest stage we can talk about a more or
> >less formal policy.
> > 
> > Up to now it is not even clear who should be able to
> > submit to this bug tracking system:
> > Should it be internal only?
> > Should only projects like GNOME, KDE etc and
> > distributions like RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake be able to
> > submit bugs?
> > Or should it be open to the general public?
> I agree with your points here Egbert.

  I believe such possible bug track system should at least:
o Be very lighweight, I don't want to wait 30+ seconds for every small
  iteration (for example rebuilding the interface based on a selected
  list entry) while doing a query in a server in the other side of the
o Only allow submits if at least a clear description of how to reproduce
  the problem is present. Also, some padronized way to query the
  hardware, configuration, os, and log files must exist and be attached
  to the pr. Bugs reports with an optional proposed patch would have
  higher precedence.
o Require a valid bug reporter email.

  Needless to say, the major interest of XFree86 developers is to have
a very stable implementation, but since a lot (most) work is done as
a volunteer effort, just filling bug reports won't be enough, and
saying that a XFree86 developer/contributor is lazy or unresponsible
because he cannot handle the 300+ bogus assigned prs won't help either.

> Someone needs to step forward to collate these ideas and put the
> initial
> system together. We seem to have people stepping forward with ideas
> and a few who claim that they'll do the initial work on setting up,
> but nothing ever happens.
> My own personal opinion lies with the fact that if this is setup, who
> will have the staying power to maintain it. Most of the XFree86 Core
> Team
> have been around a long time and seen various developers come and go
> around
> the project. It's obvious to me that some developers will use it, and 
> others may not, or even may not all the time. Therefore that 'team'
> who
> has to maintain it need to be able to stick around for it to be of
> long term use. If these 'bug' maintainers come and go, I can see the
> whole
> process collapsing into one big heap of unusable data. 

  Even if a bug report system is not done at this "round", I would at
least like to see some work about categorizing XFree86 development/
maintenance areas, like: xserver, driver, design, extensions,
documentation, libraries, xtest, security, i18n, etc; and the various

> There's been several conversations of this in the past and nothing
> fruitful has come of it just because the XFree86 Core Team don't push
> for it, and so others see that as counter-productive. Don't. Someone
> needs to put their own effort in. 
> Even if the XFree86 Core Team don't participate in this bug database
> it should in no way effect it's usefulness to those who want one. If
> someone
> enters a bug report, then it's perfectly possible for someone
> completely
> new to the project to fix the bug and submit a patch to XFree86
> without
> any involvement of the Core Team, apart from actually committing the
> fix,
> then enter onto the bug database 'Fixed - appending commit' in the bug
> report.
> Step forward those who want it and start doing it. If it can be shown
> to be productive then there's something more to discuss, but we're
> covering the same ground again and again.
> Get going on it and prove it works, but don't expect everyone to use
> it
> and live with that fact - it's open source and you can't force people
> into a way of working

  I would like to see some sort of bug tracking system, but only after
it has been extensively tested, and only if it proves to be really useful.
In the several years I have been involved with XFree86 (some times I got
a bit "distant", must agree) what I see is that developers are working in
specific/specialized areas, while David Dawes almost alone handles patches
and bug reports at "random" parts of XFree86, and also does a large amount
of specific/specialized work, so, he is the best person to evaluate it.

  Hope that after this thread finishes, something useful remains...

Devel mailing list