Re: totally satisfied :D

2012-09-17 Thread Xinok
On Monday, 17 September 2012 at 07:16:15 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Monday, September 17, 2012 09:05:48 David Nadlinger wrote:

On Sunday, 16 September 2012 at 21:59:30 UTC, Jøn wrote:
> The best idea I had today: rename D into :D
> * Easier to google

You might be surprised to see that D is the number 1 result for
":D" even today.

The search results seem to be identical whether you search for 
D or :D, so the
colon seems to be ignored. Of course, the fact that 
comes up first
could just be because google taylors its results to you, and 
we're both people
who deal with D (and presumably search for it from time to 
time) already.

- Jonathan M Davis

It's the second result on DuckDuckGo, which *doesn't* tailor it's 
search results.


2012-10-03 Thread Xinok
With the recent discussions regarding std.crypt/std.hash, I 
thought it would be worth announcing that the SHA-3 competition 
has ended and the winner is KECCAK.

Re: Timsort vs some others

2012-12-17 Thread Xinok

On Monday, 17 December 2012 at 15:28:36 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Regarding the recent Phobos improvements that introduce a 

I have found a blog post that compares the performance of 
Timsort, Smoothsort, and std::stable_sort:


While Smoothsort may be mathematically sound, it simply doesn't 
translate well to computer hardware. It's a variant of heap sort 
which requires a great deal of random access, whereas Timsort is 
a variant of merge sort which is largely sequential and benefits 
from the CPU cache. Furthermore, the Leonardo heap is much more 
computationally expensive than a typical binary or ternary heap.

Both Timsort and Smoothsort are what you call "natural sorts," 
meaning they typically require fewer comparisons on data with low 
entropy. They're also rather complex which means added overhead. 
When sorting primitive types like int, comparisons are 
inexpensive, so the overhead makes these algorithms slower. But 
had he tested it on a data type like strings, then we'd likely 
see Timsort take the lead.

On purely random data, quick sort and merge sort will win most of 
the time. But Timsort has an advantage over Smoothsort of being 
an adaptive algorithm; the so called "galloping mode," which is 
computationally expensive, is only activated when minGallop 
reaches a certain threshold and therefore beneficial. Otherwise, 
a simple linear merge is used (i.e. merge sort).

On another note, I highly doubt that std::sort uses a "median of 
medians" algorithm, which would add much overhead and essentially 
double the number of comparisons required with little to no 
benefit. More likely, it simply chooses the pivot from a median 
of three.

Re: Timsort vs some others

2012-12-18 Thread Xinok
On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 15:27:07 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:

On 12/18/2012 07:52 AM, Xinok wrote:
While Smoothsort may be mathematically sound, it simply 
doesn't translate well
to computer hardware. It's a variant of heap sort which 
requires a great deal of
random access, whereas Timsort is a variant of merge sort 
which is largely
sequential and benefits from the CPU cache. Furthermore, the 
Leonardo heap is
much more computationally expensive than a typical binary or 
ternary heap.

... but I would guess that given the O(1) memory requirements 
it probably scales much better to sorting really, really large 
data, no?

Heap sort actually performs really well if the entirety of the 
data is small enough to fit into the CPU cache. But on larger 
data sets, heap sort is jumping all over the place resulting in a 
significant number of cache misses. When a block of memory is 
stored in cache, it doesn't remain there for long and very little 
work is done on it when it is cached. (I mention heap sort 
because the leonardo heap of smoothsort is still very 
computationally expensive)

Although merge sort is O(n), it's sequential nature results in 
far fewer cache misses. There are three blocks of memory being 
operated on at anytime: the two blocks to be merged, and a 
temporary buffer to store the merged elements. Three (or four) 
small pieces of memory can be sorted in the cache without any 
cache misses. Furthermore, thanks to the divide-and-conquer 
nature of merge sort, fairly large sublists can be sorted 
entirely in the CPU cache; this is even more so if you 
parallelize on a multi-core CPU which has a dedicated L1 cache 
for each CPU. Merge sort can be further optimized by using 
insertion sort on small sublists... which happens entirely in the 
CPU cache...

Another way to put it, merge sort is an ideal algorithm for 
sorting linked lists, and it was even practical for sorting large 
lists stored on tape drives.

Quick sort is a sequential sorting algorithm with O(log n) space 
complexity which is likely the reason it outperforms merge sort 
in most cases, albeit not being stable.

Re: Timsort vs some others

2012-12-18 Thread Xinok
On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 15:55:17 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Another approach I wanted to try was to choose the median of K 
with K increasing with the size of the array. This is because a 
good pivot is more important for large arrays than for small 
arrays. As such, a possibility would be to simply sort a stride 
of the input (std.range.stride is random access and can be 
sorted right away without any particular implementation effort) 
and then choose the middle of the stride as the pivot.

If anyone has the time and inclination, have at it!

Perhaps a "median of log n" is in order, but the trouble is 
finding an algorithm for picking the median from n elements. The 
so called "median of medians" algorithm can choose a pivot within 
30-70% of the range of the median. Otherwise, there doesn't seem 
to be any algorithm for choosing the absolute median other than, 
say, an insertion sort.

I came up with this clever little guy a while ago which I used in 
my implementation of quick sort:
I would love to enhance it to work on a variable number of 
elements, but from what I can comprehend, the result is 
essentially a partial heap sort.

Re: Timsort vs some others

2012-12-18 Thread Xinok
On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 at 02:00:05 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
You don't need to choose a median - just sort the data (thereby 
making progress toward the end goal) and choose the middle 

I don't think it would work well in practice, but I'll put 
something together to see if the idea does have merit.

Re: Timsort vs some others

2012-12-21 Thread Xinok
On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 at 05:48:04 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

On 12/18/12 11:37 PM, Xinok wrote:
On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 at 02:00:05 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
You don't need to choose a median - just sort the data 
(thereby making

progress toward the end goal) and choose the middle element.

I don't think it would work well in practice, but I'll put 

together to see if the idea does have merit.

I mostly fear cache touching issues.


I based my little experiment on my 'unstablesort' module, located 

The results (sorting a random array of 1024*1024 uints):

Median of Five:
142ms 21627203 comps

Median of log n:
152ms 20778577 comps

The code:

size_t choosePivot(R range)
import std.math;
// Reserve slice of range for choosing pivot
R sub = range[0 .. cast(uint)log2(range.length) | 1];
// Pull in equally distributed elements
swap(sub[sub.length - 1], range[range.length - 1]);
	foreach(i; 1 .. sub.length - 1) swap(sub[i], range[range.length 
/ sub.length * i]);

// Sort sublist to choose pivot
// Move partitionable elements
sub = sub[piv + 1 .. sub.length];
	foreach(i; 0 .. sub.length) swap(sub[i], range[range.length - 
sub.length + i]);

// Return index of pivot
return sub.length / 2;

My thoughts, while the idea does have merit, I think the median 
of five does a good job as it is. If you're interested in 
reducing the number of comparisons, replacing 
"optimisticInsertionSort" in std.algorithm with a binary 
insertion sort will do much more to achieve that goal. And if 
you're interested in O(n log n) running time, then add heap sort 
as a fall-back algorithm, as I did in my module (I actually plan 
to do this myself ... eventually).

Re: Should Phobos use Timsort instead? (with a small tweak)

2012-12-29 Thread Xinok
On Saturday, 29 December 2012 at 19:07:52 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 
Let me point out that Phobos has got the Timsort for stable 
sort in 2.061. It's precisely the work of Xinok that was 
integrated after going through many rounds of review.

It would great to analyze the extra trick that reduces the 
amount of memory required. If it's proven to be a good 
speed-size trade-off then it could be integrated.

I suppose it's worth a try. The trick in question takes two large 
runs and reduces them into several smaller runs for merging. The 
problem I foresee is that this may negatively affect the 
galloping mode of Timsort, which is most effective when merging 
two large runs. But I'll add this as a feature to my Timsort 
module anyways and see what effect it has.

Should Phobos use Timsort instead? (with a small tweak)

2011-11-07 Thread Xinok
Recently, I've been working on my sorting algorithm, doing what I can 
before I implemented it into std.algorithm. Recently, I've found myself 
referring to Timsort for ways to optimize my algorithm, but that made me 
think, why not use Timsort instead? It was originally designed for 
Python, but it was apparently good enough for Java to adopt it as well.

I think Phobos would benefit most from a good implementation of Timsort, 
perhaps enough to even ditch the unstable sort which I've found has some 
bad test cases (try sorting swapRanges(arr[0..$/2], arr[$/2..$])). My 
algorithm is very similar to Timsort, but Timsort is more highly tuned, 
so it would probably beat my algorithm in most cases. In a few 
benchmarks I've seen, Timsort even beats quicksort.

The only downside is that Timsort may require up to O(n/2) additional 
space, and if it fails to allocate enough memory, it simply fails to 
sort the list. That's the benefit of my algorithm, it allocates 
O(n/1024) additional space by default and can reduce it further if 
needed. However, the "range swap" that my algorithm uses could easily be 
added to Timsort as well, so we could have the best of both worlds: The 
speed of Timsort with the low memory requirement of my algorithm.

This is my proposal: Replace the stable (and unstable?) sort in Phobos 
with Timsort, including the additional range swap step.

An explanation of Timsort can be found here:

My algorithm can be found here (see the blog for more details):

Re: Should Phobos use Timsort instead? (with a small tweak)

2011-11-07 Thread Xinok

On 11/7/2011 7:47 PM, dsimcha wrote:

Phobos definitely needs a decent stable sort. I had been meaning to
contribute a very highly tuned merge sort that I use for some
statistical calculations after allocators get into Phobos. Timsort would
make a good additional option. However, I **strongly** recommend against
**replacing** a sort that does not require O(n) extra space with one
that does.

Take a look at the graphic here:

That's the extra step that I propose adding to Timsort, if it were 
implemented in Phobos. By doing a single range swap, you can reduce the 
space requirement from O(n/2) to O(n/4). My algorithm utilizes it so 
that only O(n/1024) additional space is required.

Timsort would still use up to O(n/2) space, but if it failed to allocate 
enough memory, it could resort to the range swap instead.

I'll leave it up to the community to decide what's best. But if the 
stable sort proves to be faster, has a worst case of O(n log n), and can 
succeed despite failing to allocate additional space, what purpose is 
there in keeping the unstable sort?

Re: Should Phobos use Timsort instead? (with a small tweak)

2011-11-07 Thread Xinok

On 11/7/2011 10:44 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 11/7/11 9:28 PM, Xinok wrote:

On 11/7/2011 7:47 PM, dsimcha wrote:

Phobos definitely needs a decent stable sort. I had been meaning to
contribute a very highly tuned merge sort that I use for some
statistical calculations after allocators get into Phobos. Timsort would
make a good additional option. However, I **strongly** recommend against
**replacing** a sort that does not require O(n) extra space with one
that does.

Take a look at the graphic here:

That's the extra step that I propose adding to Timsort, if it were
implemented in Phobos. By doing a single range swap, you can reduce the
space requirement from O(n/2) to O(n/4). My algorithm utilizes it so
that only O(n/1024) additional space is required.

Timsort would still use up to O(n/2) space, but if it failed to allocate
enough memory, it could resort to the range swap instead.

I'll leave it up to the community to decide what's best. But if the
stable sort proves to be faster, has a worst case of O(n log n), and can
succeed despite failing to allocate additional space, what purpose is
there in keeping the unstable sort?

Would be great to provide a better implementation of both stable and
unstable sort. The part about requiring extra memory may be problematic,
but we may use e.g. an additional policy parameter to decide on that.

One thing I find confusing about the "range swap" operation that you
rely on and mention in (and in the
description of xinok sort which I skimmed without being able to
understand) is that the example does not reflect the generality alluded
to in the text. For example, the circled ranges at the top satisfy three

1. They are adjacent

2. Each is sorted

3. Each element in the left range is greater than any element in the
right range

4. They have the same size (four elements each)

It is unclear how many of these conditions must be _actually_ satisfied
for range swap to work. Are all needed? The use of "half" and "merged"
is also quite casual. I wish a clearer description were available.

At any rate, if a provably better algorithm than what's in Phobos is
available, we should include it in Phobos. I'm glad people find the
necessity of a faster stable sort algorithm - it reflects maturity and
sophistication in the community.


1. Yes. As mentioned in the graphic, the key is to move the smallest 
values to the left half, and the largest values to the right half. Since 
in a sorted list, the smallest values are at the beginning, and the 
largest values are at the end, the two ranges to swap will always be 

2. Yes. As you know, merge sort works by recursively merging two sorted 
lists into one sorted list. Merge sort generally requires O(n) space, or 
O(n/2) space if you only make a copy of the smaller half. The graphic 
intends to show how range swap reduces the space requirement. Instead of 
doing one large merge, you do two smaller merges.

3. Yes, see #1.

4. Yes. The "range swap" literally swaps two ranges of elements, so they 
must be equal in length.

If you're still confused, think of it like this:

In quick sort, you choose a pivot value, then you move all smaller 
values to the left of the pivot, and all larger values to the right of 
the pivot. Once you do this, there's no need to move any value in the 
left half to the right half, and vice versa.

Similarly, range swap moves all the smallest values to the left half, 
and all the largest values to the right half, so there's no need to move 
values between the two halves.

Re: Add pragma(error) and pragma(warning) to the language.

2011-11-10 Thread Xinok

On 11/10/2011 2:08 PM, Tobias Pankrath wrote:

I'm currently writing some template based code and there are
situations, when I want to issue warnings or errors to users of my code.

I know of pragma(msg), but the output will be formatted differently from the
normal compiler warnings / errors. This is bad for tool integration and the
messages will likely not catch the eye of a normal user.

Therefore I propose to add two pragmas pragma(error) and pragma(warning) to
the core language, which work just like pragma(msg), but will format the
message the way, the compiler would format
its own error messages or warnings.

pragma(error) should cause a real compile error, too.

What do you think?

I'm not against this idea, but I'd prefer that actual compiler warnings 
& errors would be distinguishable from those thrown by code.

Re: Why not extend array operations to full Fortran90 power ?

2011-11-16 Thread Xinok

On 11/16/2011 2:08 PM, Joachim Wuttke  wrote:


(1) Y[] = X[]*X[];
(2) Y[] = sin( X[] );

With gdc 4.4.6,
(1) compiles and executes as I expected, whereas
(2) is not allowed (fails at compile time).

The semantics of (2) is unambiguous,
and it works perfectly well in Fortran90.
Allowing (2) would make D really attractive
for formula-heavy mathematical work.

- Joachim

I think vector operations are designed to avoid turning them into loops. 
In (2), this would require several calls to sin().

Re: Why not extend array operations to full Fortran90 power ?

2011-11-16 Thread Xinok

On 11/16/2011 4:48 PM, Simen Kjærås wrote:

On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 22:31:31 +0100, Xinok  wrote:

On 11/16/2011 2:08 PM, Joachim Wuttke  wrote:


(1) Y[] = X[]*X[];
(2) Y[] = sin( X[] );

With gdc 4.4.6,
(1) compiles and executes as I expected, whereas
(2) is not allowed (fails at compile time).

The semantics of (2) is unambiguous,
and it works perfectly well in Fortran90.
Allowing (2) would make D really attractive
for formula-heavy mathematical work.

- Joachim

I think vector operations are designed to avoid turning them into
loops. In (2), this would require several calls to sin().

Really? How would you do Y[] = X[] * X[] without a loop?

That's not what I meant by it. Perhaps an example is in order:

void main(){
int rand(){
return rndGen.front;

int[5] a;
int[5] b = [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000];
a[] = b[] + (rand() % 1000);

This is the result:
[1299, 2299, 3299, 4299, 5299]

It adds the same random value to each element, meaning it only calls 
rand() once. D doesn't treat vector operations like loops.

Re: Why not extend array operations to full Fortran90 power ?

2011-11-17 Thread Xinok

On 11/16/2011 2:08 PM, Joachim Wuttke  wrote:

   (1)  Y[] = X[]*X[];
   (2)  Y[] = sin( X[] );

I realized a problem with (2), it's actually not possible to rewrite it 
using existing constructs because foreach doesn't support multiple 
iterators. You can use

foreach(i; zip(Y, X)) i[0] = sin(i[1]);

But it's not a core language feature. Before we could extend array 
operations to support the example above, I think D would need native 
support for multiple iterators.

Re: Website message overhaul

2011-11-17 Thread Xinok

On 11/13/2011 8:50 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Walter and I have been working on the website for a while. We want to
crystallize a clear message of what the D programming language is.

Please take a look at The work
is content-only (no significant changes in style, though collapsible
examples and twitter news are a new style element).

Feedback is welcome.



I would suggest adding a single paragraph at the beginning which 
summarizes the language and it's benefits. It should be straight to the 
point. The first item on that page is type deduction, which isn't a good 
way to start.

What type of language is it? It's a statically typed language which 
compiles to native machine code, but with modern features like garbage 
collection or dynamic arrays.

What are its benefits? Higher productivity, fewer bugs, native speed, 
fast compilation.

Those are the first things to come to mind when I think of D. Then in 
the following bullet points, you can provide examples and break it down 
in greater detail.

Re: Website message overhaul

2011-11-17 Thread Xinok

On 11/17/2011 9:21 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 11/17/11 11:48 AM, Xinok wrote:

What are its benefits? Higher productivity, fewer bugs, native speed,
fast compilation.

As opposed to other languages that have lower productivity, more bugs,
less speed and slower compilation as goals.

When a person visits the site for the first time, there's two things 
they want to know immediately: What and why? Besides for providing the 
"what", a description of the language, it's also important to answer, 
Why D? What is D's purpose? What does it excel at? Why would I want to 
use it?

You don't have to use my example, but I think it's a good idea to 
include something along those lines.

Re: Website message overhaul

2011-11-20 Thread Xinok

On 11/18/2011 11:01 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 11/18/11 7:22 AM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

"Andrei Alexandrescu" wrote in message

On 11/17/11 11:48 AM, Xinok wrote:

What are its benefits? Higher productivity, fewer bugs, native speed,
fast compilation.

As opposed to other languages that have lower productivity, more bugs,
less speed and slower compilation as goals.

As opposed to other langauges that either don't have all those as major
goals, or do a poor job of them.

These are too "motherhood and apple pie" kind of things, and too vague
to be useful.


That's why you go into more detail in the following bullet points. There 
are lots of terms you could use to describe a programming language: 
Strict, flexible, powerful, expressive, explicit, etc. Not all of these 
terms apply to D, so while they may be vague, they still give the 
newcomer a general idea.

What is too vague is the terms at the top of the page, it sounds like a 
commercial for a hygiene product. "Intriguing, elegant, Loreal."

D is a systems programming language which seamlessly integrates 
imperative, functional, object-oriented, low-level, and meta-programming 
styles into a single package. D compiles directly to machine code, so 
you get the efficiency of native executables with the convenience and 
productivity of modern languages.

* I used the word 'efficiency' to describe native executables. D 
programs aren't necessarily faster, but they don't require an external 
runtime like Java or .NET. I find D programs have faster startup times 
and lower memory usage because of that.

* Rather than saying "multi-paradigm", I went into a little more detail, 
listing the programming styles supported by D. "Low-level" refers to 
features like pointers, and inline assembly which is standard.

* Providing links to external sources (Wikipedia) on certain terms may 
help to avoid confusion about what those terms actually mean in the 
context of D.

* I'm just trying to get the ball rolling on this. I'm sure somebody 
else will write a better paragraph which puts mine to shame.

Re: Announcement list for breaking language changes?

2011-11-27 Thread Xinok

On 11/27/2011 7:01 AM, Dejan Lekic wrote:

D ChangeLog gives all such information, I believe.

They are, but they're mixed with other changes and bug fixes. You have 
to read each item in the changelog to find the breaking changes. Listing 
them separately would help greatly when updating code.

Try Expression

2011-11-28 Thread Xinok

Instead of having to write if(is(typeof(exp))), how about if(try(exp)) ?

Could D benefit from JIT compiling?

2011-12-02 Thread Xinok
Reading through the 'Java > Scala' thread, I've realized there are some 
benefits to dynamic code generation vs statically compiled code. Things 
like unrolling loops, devirtualizing functions, etc.

So it made me wonder, could D benefit from such technology, not from a 
feature standpoint, but strictly optimization? I'm not familiar with the 
topic, but I imagine there could be a few situations that would benefit 
in terms of performance, as long as it doesn't affect interoperability.

Re: Poll of the week: How should std.regex handle unknown escape sequences as in: "[\.]"

2011-12-02 Thread Xinok

On 12/2/2011 5:33 PM, Marco Leise wrote:

I prefer that regexp engines are as consistent as possible. Everything I 
tested accepts this as a valid regular expression, so I think std.regex 
should as well.

Re: New Website Issues I've Found

2011-12-10 Thread Xinok

On 12/10/2011 3:11 PM, Chad J wrote:

I'm looking at and seeing the
following problems:

I found a few more issues as well:

- The links to D 2.0 Changelog, D 1.0 Changelog, and D Programming 
Language Specification 2.0 are broken at

- Scroll down a bit to "Download latest D 2.0 alpha", it links to DMD 
2.040 at

- I was looking for the page that documents the compiler switches but 
can't find it.

Re: versions and 32 vs 64-bit code

2011-12-26 Thread Xinok

On 12/26/2011 8:23 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 12/26/11, Alex Rønne Petersen  wrote:


version (D_LP64)
  // 64-bit ...
  // 32-bit ...

So why doesn't D_LP32 exist? If you already use "version(X86) else
version(X86_64)" you're going to have to swap all of your code around
if you start using D_LP64..

I agree, but I don't think D_LP32 would be correct since LP stands for 
"long pointer". needs a "Getting Started" page

2012-01-30 Thread Xinok
Just a thought, but I think the official website really needs a Getting 
Started page for newcomers. This page should make it as effortless as 
possible by providing all the information and resources needed for one 
to dive right into D. Not everything needs to be covered by this page, 
but it should provide links as necessary.

Just to list some things that should be covered on this page (you can 
list more):

- Explanation of D 1.x, D 2.x, Phobos, and Tango.
- Explanation and links to different compilers (DMD, GDC, etc)
- Downloads
- List of IDEs / Editors that support D
- Tutorial: Writing and compiling a program in D
- Books / Websites / Resources for learning D
- Libraries for D (e.g.
- Forums / Newsgroups / Newsgroup clients + instructions for configuring

Most importantly, maintain this page! Never let it get out of date!

Re: needs a "Getting Started" page

2012-01-31 Thread Xinok

On 1/31/2012 10:45 AM, Jesse Phillips wrote:

Well, this is how Wiki4D[1] is set up. Actually that is basically all it
is. I think you list is way to long for a single page. Improvements are
welcome, it is maintained by anyone willing to look at it, including


The problem is that newcomers shouldn't have to hunt for this 
information. While that link could suffice, it's simply unprofessional 
to force them to jump between websites to find the information they 
need. There needs to be an obvious place, a single well-structured page 
on the official website with everything they need to know to get started.

Re: needs a "Getting Started" page

2012-01-31 Thread Xinok

On 1/31/2012 11:47 AM, Jesse Phillips wrote:

As I mentioned I think this list is too much for one page, it is just

It doesn't have to be a wall of text. If done right, it would be a 
well-structured page split up into sections which is easy to navigate 
and find the information one would want.

Something I didn't make clear, I think it's okay to provide links to 
other pages (in moderation, let's not just have a page full of links), 
as long as those pages aren't out of date.

- Explanation of D 1.x, D 2.x, Phobos, and Tango.

This would be nice, but it too easy to be bias in describing the
situation, especially since it exists only for D 1.x which is being
phased out.

I don't see how it would be biased. Phobos is the official standard 
library, Tango is a third-party standard library which is for D 1.x 
only. D 2.x is the latest version while D 1.x is being phased out and 
will be maintained until the end of 2012.

- Explanation and links to different compilers (DMD, GDC, etc)

There are links found when you select Tools & Downloads.

It doesn't provide any explanation though. The information is scattered 
everywhere, you have to go hunting for it which only adds to the confusion.

- List of IDEs / Editors that support D

This list is overwhelming, subjective, and a link is provided to Wiki4D
from Tools & Downloads.

As I mentioned above, I think it's okay to provide a link rather than 
having a large list. Perhaps it would be best to list a few popular 
editors (DDT, VisualD) and provide that link for the rest.

- Tutorial: Writing and compiling a program in D

There is a link to the Tutorial chapter of "The D Programming Language"
under Documentation.

Once again, information is scattered and you have to go looking for it. 
There's also other learning materials for D which aren't linked to 
anywhere AFAIK.

- Books / Websites / Resources for learning D

Under Community there is a Links link, that is not well maintained.


- Libraries for D (e.g.

Under Links.

The list is very out of date, and "links" at the bottom of the page is 
not an obvious place to look for this information.

- Forums / Newsgroups / Newsgroup clients + instructions for configuring

Community contains a link for Forms, or actually the Newsgroups and
provides the web interface for those not setting up a client. Yes this
needs updated and DFeed needs to move to

Most importantly, maintain this page! Never let it get out of date!

No, update the pages that exist, and keep them up to date.

Ideally, the website would be maintained and easier to navigate. 
However, it doesn't seem to be a high priority or else it would be done 
already. At least this way, it's a single page which could be put up in 
less than a day and is little effort to maintain. It's an obvious place 
to look as well ("Getting Started", who wouldn't look there first?).

This page would serve as a single entry point which would help newcomers:

- Download and install the compiler
- Download / Configure an IDE or Editor
- Write and Compile their first program
- Find learning materials
- Find resources such as libraries and debuggers
- Get them involved in the community
- Participate in the development of D

That sounds worth it to me.

Re: D-

2012-02-10 Thread Xinok

On 2/10/2012 8:13 PM, Tim Krimm wrote:

If you make a subset of D, it would most likely be named Mini-D. But
at that point you've got an enhanced C without going C++.

Yes and that probably would be better than what I have now.

Going back and forth programming in C/C++ today,
and then switching back to D tomorrow.

Let me see if I remember again,
classes and structures are almost the same in C++
but different in D.

Well I did the assignment A=B, if I change A will it also change B,
or is B a copy of A.
Is A a class or a structure that is an important distinction in D.

Today, Oh crap I forgot the #include
Tomorrow, Oh crap I forgot the import

Oh crap what was that syntax for initializing the class variables again.

That hardly seems like a good enough reason to create a second language. 
The community has enough to work on from the standard library to 
squashing bugs to writing literature and much more.

I think a more practical idea would be to write a utility which 
translates a subset of D's features to equivalent C code.

Type deduction using switch case

2012-02-18 Thread Xinok
While reading "The Right Approach to Exceptions", it gave me this 
idea. The user would declare a list of variables of different 
types as case statements, and the variable with matches the type 
of the switch expression is used.

I don't know how the syntax should look, this is merely an 

void foo(T)(T arg){
case int i:
writeln("Type is int ", i); break;
case float f:
writeln("Type is float ", f); break;
case string s:
writeln("Type is string ", s); break;
writeln("Type is unknown"); break;

While static if would be more practical for templates, my idea 
could be extended to dynamic upcasting of classes as well, which 
could be applied to exception handling:

try{ ... }
catch(Throwable err) switch(err){
case IOError a:
case OutOfMemoryError b:
throw err;

Re: Type deduction using switch case

2012-02-18 Thread Xinok

On Sunday, 19 February 2012 at 00:49:56 UTC, Robert Jacques wrote:
On Sat, 18 Feb 2012 18:33:01 -0600, Xinok  

While reading "The Right Approach to Exceptions", it gave me 

idea. The user would declare a list of variables of different
types as case statements, and the variable with matches the 

of the switch expression is used.

I don't know how the syntax should look, this is merely an

void foo(T)(T arg){
case int i:
writeln("Type is int ", i); break;
case float f:
writeln("Type is float ", f); break;
case string s:
writeln("Type is string ", s); break;
writeln("Type is unknown"); break;

The above should be switch (T) not switch(arg) for the example 
to be correct.

Notice how it's "int i" and not just "int". Also notice how each 
writeln statement also prints the variable. Each case statement 
declares a variable, so it matches the type of the expression 
against the type of the variable, and stores the switch 
expression in that variable.

Re: Type deduction using switch case

2012-02-19 Thread Xinok

On Sunday, 19 February 2012 at 06:28:37 UTC, Robert Jacques wrote:
On Sat, 18 Feb 2012 20:03:51 -0600, Xinok  
Notice how it's "int i" and not just "int". Also notice how 

writeln statement also prints the variable. Each case statement
declares a variable, so it matches the type of the expression
against the type of the variable, and stores the switch
expression in that variable.

And why not simply do:

 void foo(T)(T arg){
case int:
writeln("Type is int ", arg); break;
case float:
writeln("Type is float ", arg); break;
case string:
writeln("Type is string ", arg); break;
writeln("Type is unknown"); break;
Because all of the code gets compiled in, so if one statement 
uses the type incorrectly, it won't compile. It also doesn't 
allow for dynamic upcasting of classes as in my second example.

Re: My Issues with Slices and AAs

2012-03-02 Thread Xinok

On Saturday, 3 March 2012 at 05:00:53 UTC, Kevin wrote:
Is there something on ranges that is more of a write-up.  
Something to explain purpose, implementation, usage, ...?  Or 
if not some code that makes good use of ranges?

Thanks, Kevin

Re: Random access range

2012-03-08 Thread Xinok

On Thursday, 8 March 2012 at 16:43:25 UTC, zeljkog wrote:

import std.stdio;

struct Rar{
  int[] data = [1,3,5];
  int length = 3;
  ref int opIndex(int i){ return data[i];}

void main() {
  Rar x;
  foreach (e; x)

Error: invalid foreach aggregate x

Is'nt Rar valid random access range?

struct N(T){
T[] arr;
this(T[] other){ arr = other; }
this(N other){ arr = other.arr; }

// The declarations below are required
// The @property tag is also required
ref T opIndex(size_t i){ return arr[i]; }
@property size_t length(){ return arr.length; }
@property ref T front(){ return arr.front; }
@property ref T back(){ return arr.back; }
void popFront(){ arr.popFront(); }
void popBack(){ arr.popBack(); }
@property bool empty(){ return arr.empty; }
@property N save(){ return N(arr); }

Sort for forward ranges

2012-03-08 Thread Xinok
This is a simple library I wrote for sorting forward ranges. It's 
an in-place unstable sort which uses a combination of quick sort 
and comb sort. It's about 2-3x slower than the Phobos unstable 

The down side of using quick sort is choosing a pivot. Rather 
than walk the range to do a median-of-three or other trick, I 
simply use the first element as the pivot. Instead, the code will 
fall back to comb sort to avoid the worst-case of quick sort.

Regarding implementing a stable sort for Phobos

2012-03-12 Thread Xinok
I've been playing with sorting algorithms a lot in recent months, 
so I want to implement a *working* stable sort for Phobos which 
is broken at the moment. I have a working library and I'm still 
adding to it. It's much more complex than a simple merge sort, 
being over 300 lines of code at the moment.

- It's a natural merge sort, which is faster on partially sorted 
lists, and adds little overhead for mostly random lists.

- It uses O(log n log n) additional space for merging.
- I wrote it to sort random-access ranges *without* slicing, but 
I think the exclusion of slicing makes it slower. I'm writing a 
separate implementation which uses slicing and I'll keep it if 
it's much faster.
- To avoid multiple allocations, the user can allocate their own 
temporary memory and pass it to the sort function.
- I decided against using pointers. While I could use them to 
write highly optimized code for arrays, pointers can't be used in 
safe code and don't work very well in CTFE at the moment.

Is it worth keeping the implementation *without* slicing? Many 
functions in Phobos do require slicing, including the unstable 
sort, and I think most random-access ranges do or could support 

What would you prefer in terms of memory usage vs performance? 
O(n/2) space is optimal for performance, O(1) (in-place) requires 
zero allocations but is slower, and O(log n log n) provides a 
good balance.

Should I implement concurrency? Merge sort is very easy to 
parallelize, and being in-place or natural doesn't change this 

Should we take a different path and go for a basic merge sort or 
even Timsort? I've considered writing a Timsort though that seems 
like daunting task to me, so here's an implementation written in 
C -

Re: Regarding implementing a stable sort for Phobos

2012-03-13 Thread Xinok

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 06:53:30 UTC, Chad J wrote:
Hey, I'd love to see more sorting algorithms in phobos.  Being 
stuck with one seems kind of... wrong.

Things like this are better left to 3rd party libs. Phobos 
already has two, a stable and unstable sort, which fulfill 99% of 

If the range is a linked list, shouldn't it be possible to do a 
merge sort with optimally in-place and use no extra memory 
whatsoever?  I know it can be done in-place, but I've never 
benchmarked it.  I wonder if it's worth considering, and how it 
would compare against array-based merge sort with allocations 
and such.

Yes, it's possible because insertions are inexpensive in linked 
lists. However, it would be impractical to implement one at the 
moment because Phobos has no concept of linked lists (ranges 
wouldn't cover it).

Although it's probably out of your scope right now, I'd like to 
see insertion sort some day.  I would use it for things like 
broadphase sorting in collision detection (that is, you sort 
everything by say, x coordinates first, and then you can walk 
through the whole simulation from left-to-right and have very 
few things to check collisions for at each point).  Since the 
ordering of the objects in the simulation is unlikely to change 
much between frames, it will be almost entirely sorted each 
time.  I have to imagine insertion sort would be awesome at 
that; nearly O(n).  Maybe if it hits more than log(n) nonlocal 
insertions it would bail out into a merge sort or something.

Insertion sort is one of the simplest sorts to write. I use it to 
optimize this stable sort as its super efficient at sorting small 
sublists. A natural merge sort would also work well in this case, 
but Timsort would work best. Timsort is also a natural merge 
sort, but it goes much farther than that.

Re: Regarding implementing a stable sort for Phobos

2012-03-13 Thread Xinok

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 08:37:06 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
I have a radix sort (that need some rework to be phobos 
quality) and a smoothsort (that could be included in phobos).

Would you mind sharing your smoothsort? I haven't implemented one 
myself and I'd love to test it out.
Radix sort, on the other hand, is not a comparison sort. You'd 
have to rewrite it for every possible element and container type.

I have a sort for ForwardRange, but it is O(n²) and unstable. 
However, it is in place.

I posted one a few days ago myself -

I don't think we should allocate behind one's back, so merge 
sort should be an option, unless called explicitely.

When it comes to stable sorts, merge sort is the best choice. I 
found tree sort to be quite slow (using RedBlackTree in 
std.container), and a stable quick sort is still slower than a 
merge sort. So I guess that'd mean an in-place merge sort. I've 
implemented one which was 3x slower than quick sort. Allocating 
even a small amount of space makes a big difference.

smoothsort is a good solution for that. radix is also guarantee 
to be O(n). Insertionsort is quite risky, because it can ends 
up in O(n²) very easily.

Re: Regarding implementing a stable sort for Phobos

2012-03-13 Thread Xinok

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 09:32:49 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Le 13/03/2012 10:19, Xinok a écrit :
Would you mind sharing your smoothsort? I haven't implemented 
one myself

and I'd love to test it out.

It is on github :

Thanks. I found a couple cases where it performs better, but 
overall, the overhead of the algorithm seems to be too much and 
most other algorithms performed better.

While some need to be rewritten, I have a slew of algorithms if 
you want them for your project.

Re: Regarding implementing a stable sort for Phobos

2012-03-13 Thread Xinok
On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 14:31:59 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 3/13/12 1:31 AM, Xinok wrote:
- It's a natural merge sort, which is faster on partially 
sorted lists,

and adds little overhead for mostly random lists.
- It uses O(log n log n) additional space for merging.

That's 1024 when n is 4 billion. I think you can safely 
approximate it with alloca or a fixed-size stack-allocated 

How about stack allocated for small lists, and heap allocated for 
larger lists? e.g. Limit the stack to 1KiB and use the heap for 
anything larger.

- I wrote it to sort random-access ranges *without* slicing, 
but I think
the exclusion of slicing makes it slower. I'm writing a 
implementation which uses slicing and I'll keep it if it's 
much faster.

Having random access implies having slicing.

- To avoid multiple allocations, the user can allocate their 

temporary memory and pass it to the sort function.

If you need different allocation strategies, I suggest you make 
it a policy (like stability is).

- I decided against using pointers. While I could use them to 
highly optimized code for arrays, pointers can't be used in 
safe code

and don't work very well in CTFE at the moment.

Perhaps it's best to have two distinct implementations guarded 
by if (__ctfe). The runtime implementation can be @trusted.

If the performance gain is great enough, I'll consider doing that.

Is it worth keeping the implementation *without* slicing? Many 
in Phobos do require slicing, including the unstable sort, and 
I think

most random-access ranges do or could support slicing.

No need.

I'll leave it out of Phobos.

What would you prefer in terms of memory usage vs performance? 

space is optimal for performance, O(1) (in-place) requires zero
allocations but is slower, and O(log n log n) provides a good 

The latter rounded up to a constant sounds best.

Should I implement concurrency? Merge sort is very easy to 

and being in-place or natural doesn't change this fact.

Let's save that for std.parallel_algorithm.

I'll leave it out of Phobos for now.

Re: Regarding implementing a stable sort for Phobos

2012-03-13 Thread Xinok

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 16:04:55 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Le 13/03/2012 16:08, Xinok a écrit :

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 09:32:49 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Le 13/03/2012 10:19, Xinok a écrit :
Would you mind sharing your smoothsort? I haven't 
implemented one myself

and I'd love to test it out.

It is on github :

Thanks. I found a couple cases where it performs better, but 
the overhead of the algorithm seems to be too much and most 

algorithms performed better.

smooth sort is intended to be used on semi sorted data (like 
transparent polygons on a 3D scene). Ideal to keep some data 

It also have a guarantee to run in O(n*log(n)). But qsort 
variation (like we have in phobos) is faster in the general 

It only performs well if there aren't many elements to move 
around. For example, I took a sorted list with 1 million 
elements, and appended 64 random elements. Smoothsort was the 
second slowest, only marginally beating heap sort. My natural 
merge sort was 27x faster.

Re: Regarding implementing a stable sort for Phobos

2012-03-13 Thread Xinok
On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 16:11:05 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 3/13/12 10:54 AM, Sean Kelly wrote:
How does the built-in sort do?  I ask because the sort routine 
wrote works the same way, which is optimized for ranges with a 
lot of

common elements.

It's not about common (equal) elements, it's about elements for 
which comparisons do a lot of work because they have common 
prefixes. Consider:

auto arr = [ "aaa", "aab", "aac", "aad" ];
sort!((a, b) => a > b)(arr);

There will be a lot of redundant prefix comparisons because the 
sorting method doesn't have information about the common 

Trie-based sorting is a more efficient method for ranges of 
ranges, see e.g.


Rather than a sort function, I think we'd benefit more from Trie 
in std.container. If implemented correctly, it could be self 
sorting like RedBlackTree.

Re: Regarding implementing a stable sort for Phobos

2012-03-13 Thread Xinok

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 06:32:01 UTC, Xinok wrote:
I've been playing with sorting algorithms a lot in recent 
months, so I want to implement a *working* stable sort for 
Phobos which is broken at the moment. I have a working library 
and I'm still adding to it. It's much more complex than a 
simple merge sort, being over 300 lines of code at the moment.

I've implemented slicing which has improved benchmarks quite a 

Sorting a random array of 1 million uints:
Phobos Unstable Sort - 132ms
Phobos   Stable Sort - 2037ms
Proposed Stable Sort - 187ms

Sorting a random array of 1 million strings:
Phobos Unstable Sort - 1228ms
Phobos   Stable Sort - 3516ms
Proposed Stable Sort - 1178ms

It still uses O(log n log n) space. I modified the code to 
allocate up to 1KiB on the stack, and use the heap for anything 
larger. I simply marked the entry sort function as @trusted. The 
non-slicing code is still in the lib but disabled. I've yet to 
add contracts, documentation, and a unittest.

I won't be adding optimized code for arrays utilizing pointers as 
I expect the performance gain to be as little as 10%.

You can download the preliminary lib here:

Re: Regarding implementing a stable sort for Phobos

2012-03-13 Thread Xinok

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 18:32:27 UTC, Xinok wrote:

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 06:32:01 UTC, Xinok wrote:
I've been playing with sorting algorithms a lot in recent 
months, so I want to implement a *working* stable sort for 
Phobos which is broken at the moment. I have a working library 
and I'm still adding to it. It's much more complex than a 
simple merge sort, being over 300 lines of code at the moment.

I've implemented slicing which has improved benchmarks quite a 

It still uses O(log n log n) space. I modified the code to 
allocate up to 1KiB on the stack, and use the heap for anything 
larger. I simply marked the entry sort function as @trusted. 
The non-slicing code is still in the lib but disabled. I've yet 
to add contracts, documentation, and a unittest.

I won't be adding optimized code for arrays utilizing pointers 
as I expect the performance gain to be as little as 10%.

A second update:

I removed the code without slicing from the lib, though I still 
retain a copy.
I added 3 unittests: A basic sort test, a stability test, and a 
CTFE test.
I added a few asserts which have helped me discover bugs in the 
I only added basic documentation. I've found it difficult to 
explain to others how an in-place merge sort works, so I didn't 

I've ran the code through several tests. It works, it's stable, 
and it consistently gives good performance. So for the all 
important question: Does anybody want to implement it in 
std.algorithm for me? I've looked at the code in std.algorithm, 
and all I can tell is that sortImpl is a recursive function. I 
have no idea what it's doing or what I need to change.

Re: Regarding implementing a stable sort for Phobos

2012-03-15 Thread Xinok

On Wednesday, 14 March 2012 at 03:55:31 UTC, Xinok wrote:
I removed the code without slicing from the lib, though I still 
retain a copy.
I added 3 unittests: A basic sort test, a stability test, and a 
CTFE test.
I added a few asserts which have helped me discover bugs in the 
I only added basic documentation. I've found it difficult to 
explain to others how an in-place merge sort works, so I didn't 

Third update:

+ Added in-place sorting; Set template argument inPlace to true
+ Fixed CTFE compatibility issues
+ Vastly improved unittest
+ CTFE unittest will no longer stop compilation upon failure; It 
will print a warning instead
+ Optimization: Recurse into smaller half, use tail call on 
larger half

- CTFE test fails under DMD; Other compilers untested

I currently don't know why CTFE fails. The test performed at 
compile-time is the exact same test that passes at runtime. The 
code executes successfully but the array is not sorted correctly.

By implementing a tail call, in-place sorting should only use 
O(log n) space on the stack, though at the cost of performance.

Sorting a random array of 1 million uints:
Phobos Unstable Sort - 132ms
Phobos   Stable Sort - 2037ms
Proposed Stable Sort - 187ms
In-Place Stable Sort - 355ms

Sorting a random array of 1 million strings:
Phobos Unstable Sort - 1228ms
Phobos   Stable Sort - 3516ms
Proposed Stable Sort - 1178ms
In-Place Stable Sort - 1422ms

Number of Comparisons on 1 million elements:
Phobos Unstable Sort - 24813812
Phobos   Stable Sort - 25304078
Proposed Stable Sort - 19777088
In-Place Stable Sort - 21212726

Re: Interesting Memory Optimization

2012-03-15 Thread Xinok

On Friday, 16 March 2012 at 02:18:27 UTC, Kevin wrote:
This is in no way D specific but say you have two constant 

const char[] a = "1234567890";
// and
const char[] b = "67890";

You could lay out the memory inside of one another. IE: if 
a.ptr = 1 then b.ptr = 6.  I'm not sure if this has been done 
and I don't think it would apply very often but it would be 
kinda cool.

I thought of this because I wanted to pre-generate 
hex-representations of some numbers I realized I could use half 
the memory if I nested them. (At least I think it would be 


I'm pretty sure this is called string pooling.

Re: Interesting Memory Optimization

2012-03-16 Thread Xinok

On Friday, 16 March 2012 at 15:41:32 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 03/16/2012 03:28 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
More to the point, does dmd perform this optimization 



immutable string a = "123";
immutable string b = a;

void main(){writeln(a.ptr is b.ptr);} // "false"

It actually does, but only identical strings. It doesn't seem to 
do strings within strings.

void foo(string a){
string b = "123";
writeln(a is b);

void main(){
string a = "123";
string b = "456";
string c = "123456";


Re: Interesting Memory Optimization

2012-03-16 Thread Xinok

On Friday, 16 March 2012 at 18:44:53 UTC, Xinok wrote:

On Friday, 16 March 2012 at 15:41:32 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 03/16/2012 03:28 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
More to the point, does dmd perform this optimization 



immutable string a = "123";
immutable string b = a;

void main(){writeln(a.ptr is b.ptr);} // "false"

It actually does, but only identical strings. It doesn't seem 
to do strings within strings.

void foo(string a){
string b = "123";
writeln(a is b);

void main(){
string a = "123";
string b = "456";
string c = "123456";


Captain obvious to the rescue, 'is' is false if the strings are 
of different lengths >.<. But it still stands, D doesn't dedup 
strings within strings.

void main(){
string a = "123";
string b = "123456";


I printed it twice to ensure it wasn't duping the strings.

Re: Interesting Memory Optimization

2012-03-16 Thread Xinok

On Friday, 16 March 2012 at 18:56:00 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
It can't because there must be a terminating zero byte. It does 
not do it even if it could though.

immutable string x = "123";
immutable string y = "123";

void foo(string a){
string b = "123";
writeln(a is b);

void main(){
string a = "123";
string b = "456";
string c = "456123";
foo(c[3..$]);// false
writeln(x is y); // false
writeln(a is x); // false
writeln(b is x); // false
writeln(a is y); // false
writeln(b is y); // false
foo(a);  // true
foo(b);  // false

So while D does pool strings, it doesn't seem to optimize 
globals. I couldn't find anything about it on the bug tracker.

Re: Understanding Templates: why can't anybody do it?

2012-03-17 Thread Xinok

On Saturday, 17 March 2012 at 18:16:31 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

i.e. templates are type parameters.

Maybe in C++. In C++, templates are attached to a class or 
function, where as in D, they're an independent construct. The 
way I think of it, templates are a tool for building static code 
from a set of parameters. String mixins are a similar tool which 
are more powerful but less elegant.

Programmers will use templates for unintended purposes, but that 
doesn't change what they are. You can use full closures to store 
references to variables, but that doesn't make functions 
reference types.

Re: What about putting array.empty in object.d?

2012-03-21 Thread Xinok

On Wednesday, 21 March 2012 at 04:54:54 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:
FWIW, I would rather see `if (array)` translated to `if 
(array.length)` and
this become the recomended way to check if an array is empty.  
Wouldn't that

remove the dependency on std.array for most of the cases?

Nope. .length is a requirement for finite random-access ranges, 
but not for forward or bidirectional ranges. .empty is the only 
primitive required by all input ranges.

So if you pass an array to a function expecting a forward range, 
it may not work if the primitive .empty doesn't exist.

Re: Array ops give sharing violation under Windows 7 64 bit?

2012-03-24 Thread Xinok

On Saturday, 24 March 2012 at 19:08:00 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/24/2012 11:55 AM, Walter Bright wrote:

I'm mystified. Does anyone have any ideas?

If I add a del test.exe to the cc.bat file:

..\dmd test
del test.exe
..\dmd test

It now fails with GetLastError() of 5, meaning "Access is 

The cc.bat file has to be executed repeatedly for this to 

I wonder if it may have something to do with the operating 
system delayed writes?

If you have an antivirus, try disabling it before compiling.

Re: Regarding implementing a stable sort for Phobos

2012-03-24 Thread Xinok

On Thursday, 15 March 2012 at 20:20:59 UTC, Xinok wrote:

Third update:

+ Added in-place sorting; Set template argument inPlace to true
+ Fixed CTFE compatibility issues
+ Vastly improved unittest
+ CTFE unittest will no longer stop compilation upon failure; 
It will print a warning instead
+ Optimization: Recurse into smaller half, use tail call on 
larger half

- CTFE test fails under DMD; Other compilers untested

One more update. I created a repository on GitHub where I'll host 
the module from now on:

+ Added concurrency
+ Optimized swapBlocks; 10% improvement in benchmarks
+ Fixed and enhanced unittest
+ Extended documentation of stableSort function
- Concurrency fails to compile in debug builds so is enabled in 
release builds only

- CTFE test still fails

I'm still getting acquainted with Git and Phobos, not quite sure 
what I'm doing. Hopefully I can pull it together soon so Phobos 
can have a working stable sort.

Re: Nested functions should be exempt from sequential visibility rules

2012-04-04 Thread Xinok

On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 at 12:13:00 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 04/03/2012 02:00 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

"Timon Gehr"  wrote in message

This is the right way to work around this issue. It works now 
and does not

imply any kind of overhead at runtime:

void foo(){
void a()(){ ... }
void b()  { ... }

1. How the heck does that work?

Symbol lookup is done upon the first instantiation of the local 

Currently, it prints 365. But remove the commented line, and it 
prints 500 twice. But it's a minor issue at worst that's easy to 
avoid, and this is a very simple workaround.

int two()
return 500;

void main()
int x = 365;

int one()()
return two();

// writeln(one());

int two()
return x;


I found another solution involving templates, though not as 

template foo()
int one(){
return two();

int two(){
return x + y;

int y = 12;

void main()
int x = 365;
mixin foo;

Re: Predefined 'release' version?

2012-04-20 Thread Xinok

On Friday, 20 April 2012 at 17:43:49 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 04/20/2012 10:24 AM, Bernard Helyer wrote:

On Friday, 20 April 2012 at 15:26:24 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
I just discovered to my dismay that dmd does not define 

when compiling in -release mode. What's the reason for this?

I have some code that uses ctRegex, which slows down 
significantly due to heavy amounts of CTFE, but which speeds 
up the
final executable. I'd like to version this code and use 
regular regex()
for non-release builds, and switch to ctRegex for release 
builds. Yes I
can just pass in a version on the commandline, but it'd be 
nice if it

could be triggered automatically by -release.


debug {
// blah
} else {
// fast blah

debug blocks are activated when -debug switch is explicitly 
specified, not when -release is not specified. :)


The code in "else" will be used in release builds.

Alias Expressions

2012-04-22 Thread Xinok
I know this has probably been asked for a hundred times before, 
but I don't understand why D doesn't support this. Template alias 
parameters can accept nearly anything as an argument that 
standard aliases don't. I think standard aliases should be 
equally as powerful as their template counterpart.

If you can write this:
template Eval(alias arg){ alias arg Eval; }
alias Eval!(cond ? a : b) al;

Why not simply allow this?
alias (cond ? a : b) al;

Or perhaps this:
alias al = cond ? a : b;

Re: Array-wise expressions

2013-01-06 Thread Xinok

On Sunday, 6 January 2013 at 15:39:03 UTC, Lobachevsky wrote:
Is there any plan to extend array-wise expressions to include 
calls to arbitrary "scalar" functions, i.e.

auto a = [1.2, 2.3, 3.4];
auto b = [7.1, 8.2, 9.3];
auto c = new double[3];
c[] = sin( 4 * a[] + b[] );


c[] = foo(a[], b[], 42);

Performing this action would require several calls to foo. By 
convention, array operations aren't loops; it only calculates the 
R-value once, then sets all elements to the same value. I wrote 
this as a quick example:

It does get a random value, but it only calls rand() once so all 
of the elements in the array are set to the same random value.

Re: Exceptional coding style

2013-01-14 Thread Xinok

On Monday, 14 January 2013 at 19:24:25 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Quite a nice read on the coding style used in Doom.

I think more important than any aspect of a particular coding 
style is that style guidelines ensure that code is written in a 
consistent manner. The advantage is that, even if it's a "bad" 
style, you can learn to read and write code in that style which 
makes things predictable. You learn conventions which tell you 
how to use classes and functions without the need to refer to 
documentation. When convention isn't enough, you learn where to 
find the information you need (can it be inferred from the code? 
is it clearly stated in a comment or documentation?). If nothing 
else, you simply learn to read and interpret code written in a 
certain style.

It's certainly to the benefit of developers to have a good coding 
style. But the only thing worse than a bad coding style is a mix 
of styles which makes code inconsistent and unpredictable. There 
needs to be a consensus among the developers on a style guideline.

Re: Should range foreach be iterating over an implicit copy?

2012-05-16 Thread Xinok
On Wednesday, 16 May 2012 at 21:40:39 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 5/16/12 4:37 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
One counter-argument that was raised is that TDPL has an 
example on page 381
that indicates foreach iterates over an implicit copy. I don't 
have a copy
handy ATM, so I can't look at it myself, but I'd love to see 
Andrei weigh in
on this: I'm curious if this example in TDPL made that copy 
deliberately, or

if the full implications of that copy were just an oversight.

It is deliberate and the intent is that millions of programmers 
used to foreach from other languages don't scream "where is my 


I think this is the correct behavior as well. Otherwise, we'd 
have to take extra care when writing generic code to ensure it 
doesn't consume the range but doesn't attempt to call .save on 
non-range types.

Increment / Decrement Operator Behavior

2012-06-04 Thread Xinok
The increment and decrement operators are highly dependent on 
operator precedence and associativity. If the actions are 
performed in a different order than the developer presumed, it 
could cause unexpected behavior.

I had a simple idea to change the behavior of this operator. It 
works for the postfix operators but not prefix. Take the 
following code:

size_t i = 5;
writeln(i--, i--, i--);

As of now, this writes "543". With my idea, instead it would 
write, "555". Under the hood, the compiler would rewrite the code 

size_t i = 5;
writeln(i, i, i);

It decrements the variable after the current statement. While not 
the norm, this behavior is at least predictable. For non-static 
variables, such as array elements, the compiler could store a 
temporary reference to the variable so it can decrement it 

I'm not actually proposing we actually make this change. I simply 
thought it was a nifty idea worth sharing.

Re: Increment / Decrement Operator Behavior

2012-06-04 Thread Xinok

On Monday, 4 June 2012 at 20:08:57 UTC, simendsjo wrote:

Oh, and what should writeln(i++, ++i, ++i, i++) do?

It is messy whatever the logic implementation.

For prefix operators, it would be logical to perform the action 
before the statement, such as the code would be rewritten as:

writeln(i, i, i, i)

However, I already stated that it wouldn't work for prefix 
operators. Take this statement:


There's no way to increment the return value of foo without 
calling foo first. This "logic" would only work for the postfix 

I came up with the idea after refactoring this code:

Each call to mergeAt is followed by --stackLen. I could have used 
stackLen-- in the mergeAt statement instead, but I didn't want to 
rely on operator precedence for the correct behavior.

Re: opCaret to complement opDollar when specifying slices

2012-06-04 Thread Xinok

On Saturday, 2 June 2012 at 11:49:17 UTC, Dario Schiavon wrote:


I just read some old threads about opDollar and the wish to 
have it work for non zero-based arrays, arrays with gaps, 
associative arrays with non-numerical indices, and so on. It 
was suggested to define opDollar as the end of the array rather 
than the length (and perhaps rename opDollar to opEnd to 
reflect this interpretation), so that collection[someIndex .. 
$] would consistently refer to a slice from someIndex to the 
end of the collection (of course the keys must have a defined 
ordering for it to make sense).

I'm just thinking, if we want to generalize slices for those 
cases, shouldn't we have a symmetrical operator for the first 
element of the array? Since the $ sign was evidently chosen to 
parallel the regexp syntax, why don't we add ^ to refer to the 
first element? This way, collection[^ .. $] would slice the 
entire collection, just like collection[].

Until now, ^ is only used as a binary operator, so this 
addition shouldn't lead to ambiguous syntax. It surely wouldn't 
be used as often as the opDollar, so I understand if you oppose 
the idea, but it would at least make the language a little more 

The problem I see with this, it would be a larger burden when 
writing generic code. Libraries would have to be written to 
compensate for those containers. I'd prefer that all containers 
are simply zero-based, unless there's a need for negative indices 
(i.e. pointers). I think random-access ranges may be intended to 
be zero-based as well.

Re: Increment / Decrement Operator Behavior

2012-06-04 Thread Xinok

On Monday, 4 June 2012 at 20:44:42 UTC, bearophile wrote:
1) Make post/pre increments return void. This avoid those 
troubles. I think Go language has chosen this. This is my 
preferred solution.
I wonder in that case, is it even worth including in the 
language? For me anyways, the whole point of these operators is 
to use them in expressions. Otherwise, why not simply write 

Re: One against binary searches

2012-07-30 Thread Xinok

On Monday, 30 July 2012 at 15:40:32 UTC, bearophile wrote:
This author writes very detailed analyses of low-level 
computational matters, that appear on Reddit. This blog post he 
suggests to introduce "offseted binary" or "quaternary search" 
instead of binary search in Phobos:


My stable sort makes heavy use of binary searches [1], so just 
for fun, I tried inserting a ternary search before the binary 
search. After some optimizing, I found it ideal to use ternary 
search on ranges larger than 8KiB (with 32KiB L1D cache) and 
binary search on anything less. While sorting using additional 
space saw no improvement, in-place sorting went from 408ms to 
371ms. As well, there's a very negligible increase in the number 
of comparisons.


Re: One against binary searches

2012-07-30 Thread Xinok

On Monday, 30 July 2012 at 17:20:54 UTC, bearophile wrote:


My stable sort makes heavy use of binary searches [1], so just 
for fun, I tried inserting a ternary search before the binary 

I think in the end he suggests to use a "offseted binary" or a 
"quaternary search", over both binary and ternary searches (if 
the array is not too much small).

An offseted binary search wouldn't work in this case. The "binary 
search" is actually comparing elements in two adjacent ranges 
which are equidistant from the center, so it's impossible to 
align in both ranges.

I also tried a quaternary search, but it was 25-30ms slower than 
a ternary search, albeit it was a bit faster than a binary search.

Re: One against binary searches

2012-07-30 Thread Xinok

On Monday, 30 July 2012 at 19:52:35 UTC, bearophile wrote:


I also tried a quaternary search, but it was 25-30ms slower 
than a ternary search, albeit it was a bit faster than a 
binary search.

I see. are you willing to add some of those searches here?

I've added it to my todo list. I still haven't taken the time to 
familiarize myself with Phobos' conventions, so I don't feel 
comfortable contributing anything yet.

Sorting algorithm

2011-10-07 Thread Xinok
Hi, it's been years since I've posted here. I just wanted to share 
something I worked on, a new sorting algorithm. It's a variant of merge 
sort, but much more memory efficient with only a small loss in 
performance. The most similar algorithm I know of is Timsort.

I had need for a stable sorting algorithm, but the performance of stable 
sort in Phobos is terrible. This pretty much left merge sort, which has 
good performance but requires O(n) space. That persuaded me to design my 
own sorting algorithm.

Here, you can find the code, details of the algorithm, and benchmarks 
(introSort is the unstable sort in Phobos).

Re: Sorting algorithm

2011-10-07 Thread Xinok

On 10/7/2011 1:03 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 10/7/11 11:42 AM, Xinok wrote:

Hi, it's been years since I've posted here. I just wanted to share
something I worked on, a new sorting algorithm. It's a variant of merge
sort, but much more memory efficient with only a small loss in
performance. The most similar algorithm I know of is Timsort.

I had need for a stable sorting algorithm, but the performance of stable
sort in Phobos is terrible. This pretty much left merge sort, which has
good performance but requires O(n) space. That persuaded me to design my
own sorting algorithm.

Here, you can find the code, details of the algorithm, and benchmarks
(introSort is the unstable sort in Phobos).

This is interesting. What do the numbers in the benchmark represent?


I'll just post the code I used for benchmarking. Simply put, smaller 
numbers are faster.

ubyte[16] digest;
uint[] base;
base.length = 1024 * 1024 * 16;
foreach(i, ref v; base) v = i;

writeln("Is sorted: ", isSorted(base));
writeln("Is length: ", base.length);

SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);
long start, finish;

auto copy = base.dup;
sum(digest, copy);
writeln("xinokSort: ", finish - start, "\t", digestToString(digest));
assert(isSorted(copy), "Array not sorted");

Re: Sorting algorithm

2011-10-07 Thread Xinok

On 10/7/2011 2:20 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 10/7/11 12:23 PM, Xinok wrote:

This is interesting. What do the numbers in the benchmark represent?


I'll just post the code I used for benchmarking. Simply put, smaller
numbers are faster.


Thanks. It would be great if you wanted to contribute your stable sort
to Phobos via a pull request.

Also, which version of D are you using? I'm seeing that
std.algorithm.sort (introSort) performs quite badly; for example, it's
twice as slow on shuffled data against quickSort, and it also deals
badly with already sorted data. Generally it does much worse than the
quickSort baseline. Wonder why.


I'm not familiar with the process. What all would I need to do to 
contribute my sort to Phobos?

On another note, my sort is most efficient on random access ranges. A 
simple merge sort would be more practical for other data structures like 
linked lists.

I used DMD 2.051 for those benchmarks, so I did new benchmarks using DMD 
2.055. Unstable sort saw a big improvement, but stable sort still did 
poorly. I find it unusual since I thought stable sort was supposed to 
use merge sort.

xinokSort:   7564654
shellSort:   8843484
quickSort:   6005074
mergeSort:   6625306
radixSort:   2837697
phobos Unstable: 5559726
phobos Stable:   113924852

Re: Sorting algorithm

2011-10-07 Thread Xinok

On 10/7/2011 2:27 PM, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

tinkered with timsort a bit a few months ago. comparing that to your
sort, I get numbers like

random: 77   ascending: 0   descending: 21

random: 354   ascending: 1   descending: 4

where each are sorting a 500k element array of int, times are msecs,
compilation flags were -O -inline -release, sources are

Nice job, Xinok.

anyone want to try to optimize my timsort? :)

The benchmark for descending is no surprise since timsort explicitly 
searches for runs in descending order. However, the random benchmark 
isn't what I expected. My sort is a bit slower than a standard merge 
sort, so I would expect Timsort to be faster.

While part of the reason may be your code is unoptimized, it may also be 
the fault of a bug. I ran some more benchmarks and I found a few cases 
where your code failed, specifically when the data is mostly random. 
Just a guess, but your code may have a problem when the "runs" are too 

I also found a case when std.algorithm.sort performs poorly, under Small 
Shuffle + Descending.

Numbers represent time taken; Smaller numbers are faster
An MD5 hash is generated for each sort, to verify it was sorted correctly
phoboSort is unstable std.algorithm.sort

Is length: 16777216
xinokSort: 50722C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
shellSort: 726046   C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
quickSort: 943475   C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
mergeSort: 1778944  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
radixSort: 3082901  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
phoboSort: 955285   C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
tim  Sort: 89201C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145

Is length: 16777216
xinokSort: 1916452  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
shellSort: 2238446  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
quickSort: 1581095  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
mergeSort: 3390033  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
radixSort: 3067271  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
phoboSort: 1035827  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
tim  Sort: 240896   C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145

Complete Shuffle
Is length: 16777216
xinokSort: 7607511  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
shellSort: 8814887  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
quickSort: 5623837  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
mergeSort: 6704733  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
radixSort: 2825567  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
phoboSort: 5532275  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
tim  Sort: 29142913 E03C4778321F69D8AD10F624E6093599

Small Shuffle (1024 pairs were picked at random and swapped)
Is length: 16777216
xinokSort: 589882   C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
shellSort: 3651222  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
quickSort: 2655391  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
mergeSort: 2162840  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
radixSort: 2988630  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
phoboSort: 963103   C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
tim  Sort: 6523251  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145

Large Shuffle (1,048,576 pairs were picked at random and swapped)
Is length: 16777216
xinokSort: 1956126  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
shellSort: 7617207  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
quickSort: 3089674  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
mergeSort: 2606200  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
radixSort: 2932306  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
phoboSort: 1619484  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
tim  Sort: 14883251 DE54E94D1A058459FEA3A80096FCBB18

Small Shuffle + Descending
Is length: 16777216
xinokSort: 2288869  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
shellSort: 4599417  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
quickSort: 2604222  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
mergeSort: 3457241  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
radixSort: 3055080  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
phoboSort: 261768564C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
tim  Sort: 10149160 C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145

Large Shuffle + Descending
xinokSort: 2923813  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
shellSort: 7678966  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
quickSort: 3833138  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
mergeSort: 3971124  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
radixSort: 2941206  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
phoboSort: 3749512  C8B8D3A2B4D9882ABCFC31721EF27145
tim  Sort: 22709918 191BD30B3D0E52C922A7E6A16E5E63A5

Re: Sorting algorithm

2011-10-07 Thread Xinok

On 10/7/2011 5:08 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 10/07/11 13:50, Xinok wrote:

On 10/7/2011 2:20 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 10/7/11 12:23 PM, Xinok wrote:

This is interesting. What do the numbers in the benchmark represent?


I'll just post the code I used for benchmarking. Simply put, smaller
numbers are faster.


Thanks. It would be great if you wanted to contribute your stable sort
to Phobos via a pull request.

Also, which version of D are you using? I'm seeing that
std.algorithm.sort (introSort) performs quite badly; for example, it's
twice as slow on shuffled data against quickSort, and it also deals
badly with already sorted data. Generally it does much worse than the
quickSort baseline. Wonder why.


I'm not familiar with the process. What all would I need to do to
contribute my sort to Phobos?

D's standard library is on github: Anyone can fork it,
modify it as they please, and then submit the changes for review via a
so-called "pull request". Here's an example of a pull request with
comments and all: There is
documentation available on about how to use the site. It's
some work but it's time well invested - the kin of git and github are
here to stay. Would anyone in the community be willing to shepherd Xinok
through the first pull request?


Thanks, I'll look into it when I have a little more time.

If my algorithm were to be implemented in Phobos, the template arguments 
for std.algorithm.sort would need to be modified. For my algorithm to be 
stable, it requires defining two conditions, both a 'less' and 'greater'.

Re: Sorting algorithm

2011-10-08 Thread Xinok

On 10/7/2011 12:42 PM, Xinok wrote:

Hi, it's been years since I've posted here. I just wanted to share
something I worked on, a new sorting algorithm. It's a variant of merge
sort, but much more memory efficient with only a small loss in
performance. The most similar algorithm I know of is Timsort.

I had need for a stable sorting algorithm, but the performance of stable
sort in Phobos is terrible. This pretty much left merge sort, which has
good performance but requires O(n) space. That persuaded me to design my
own sorting algorithm.

Here, you can find the code, details of the algorithm, and benchmarks
(introSort is the unstable sort in Phobos).

To follow up on my original post, I wrote a text file which explains the 
algorithm in detail. The most important thing to understand is the 
"range swap", which I tried to explain as simply as possible.

Re: Sorting algorithm

2011-10-08 Thread Xinok

On 10/8/2011 11:04 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 10/08/11 10:01, Xinok wrote:

On 10/8/2011 9:15 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 10/07/11 23:00, Xinok wrote:

Thanks, I'll look into it when I have a little more time.

Looking forward to it.

If my algorithm were to be implemented in Phobos, the template
for std.algorithm.sort would need to be modified. For my algorithm
to be
stable, it requires defining two conditions, both a 'less' and

Wouldn't swapping the argument to less work?


The merge step in my algorithm is similar to Timsort, in that it can
merge left to right as well as right to left. This needs two conditions
to do a stable sort, 'less or equal' and 'greater or equal'.

By swapping the arguments, you can only get 'greater or equal'. You're
still missing 'less or equal', which is required for my algorithm to be

I don't understand. Say all you have is "<". Then you can do everything:

a <= b is !(b < a)
a > b is b < a

This is an absolute classic. Probably it's negation that is missing from
your assumptions? You can always negate a predicate.


I actually wasn't aware you could do that O.o, although you got the 
operators wrong in your example.

It does add overhead though. It requires two comparisons, and possibly 
twice the number of lookups, such as in this statement:

lef[c] > rig[off - c]

How about, if the greater argument is empty, then it fills it 
automatically with this. But also give the programmer the option to 
define both conditions for more efficient code.

Re: Sorting algorithm

2011-10-08 Thread Xinok

On 10/8/2011 9:15 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 10/07/11 23:00, Xinok wrote:

Thanks, I'll look into it when I have a little more time.

Looking forward to it.

If my algorithm were to be implemented in Phobos, the template arguments
for std.algorithm.sort would need to be modified. For my algorithm to be
stable, it requires defining two conditions, both a 'less' and 'greater'.

Wouldn't swapping the argument to less work?


The merge step in my algorithm is similar to Timsort, in that it can 
merge left to right as well as right to left. This needs two conditions 
to do a stable sort, 'less or equal' and 'greater or equal'.

By swapping the arguments, you can only get 'greater or equal'. You're 
still missing 'less or equal', which is required for my algorithm to be 

It wouldn't be difficult to overload the template. When using an 
unstable sort, the greater argument can be left empty.

sort!("a < b")
would simply translate to:
sort!("a < b", "", SwapStrategy.unstable)

Re: Sorting algorithm

2011-10-08 Thread Xinok

On 10/8/2011 12:47 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Nice writeup, but I found it quite difficult to get into. What would
help is anchoring it with already known stuff (if it's not, the reader
must assume it's unrelated, which makes things difficult). So it would
be great if you compared and contrasted range swap with the in-place
merge algorithm (e.g.,
STL's stable sort ( which
is O(N log(N) log(N)), and possibly with std.algorithm.bringToFront.

Simply presenting a stylized implementation of swap range would be helpful.

I didn't mean for this text to be anything official. I just felt it was 
important to provide an explanation of my algorithm so others could 
better understand my algorithm and it's implications. That's all. 
There's also the issue of, "what if I'm not the first?" I couldn't find 
anything similar to the "range swap", but that doesn't mean it didn't 
already exist.

Writing papers isn't my forte, I'm a self taught programmer. So if my 
algorithm ever gains popularity, I'll let the experts deal with it.

Also there are a few oddities in the text:

* "- Constant additional memory (one memory allocation per thread)" ->
the parenthesis does not sustain the point. There could be one memory
allocation but it might allocate a non-constant amount.

I thought it was important to clarify that. My algorithm is easy to 
parallelize, but it does require allocating a unique block of memory for 
each thread. It is relatively constant as well, as it would make sense 
that the number of running threads matches the number of cores in the 
hardware. The only reason to allocate a non-constant amount is if you 
include the optimization I mentioned, to allocate O(n/1024) space.

* All discussion about tail call optimization is unneeded. Tail calls
can be converted trivially to loops, so don't mention anything. Feel
free to convert to loops if needed.

I think it's an issue worth addressing though. Some programmers might 
assume that, because it's a variant of merge sort, stack overflows won't 
be an issue. When I originally implemented my algorithm, I didn't use 
tail calls and I had problems with stack overflows on partially sorted 
data. So it is an issue.

Re: Sorting algorithm

2011-10-08 Thread Xinok

On 10/8/2011 11:56 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I think I'm missing something. Again: if you have "<" then "<=", ">",
and ">=" are zero cost.

What is more expensive is deciding a == b. You need to do it by saying
!(a < b) && !(b < a). That's a cost worth paying because the second
expression is more general - it allows you to define equivalence classes
by using "<" even though the objects are not equal.


nm, I got it now. >.< I can't believe I didn't know this.

Re: Sorting algorithm

2011-10-08 Thread Xinok

On 10/8/2011 1:56 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 10/8/11 12:30 PM, Xinok wrote:

I didn't mean for this text to be anything official. I just felt it was
important to provide an explanation of my algorithm so others could
better understand my algorithm and it's implications. That's all.
There's also the issue of, "what if I'm not the first?" I couldn't find
anything similar to the "range swap", but that doesn't mean it didn't
already exist.

Writing papers isn't my forte, I'm a self taught programmer. So if my
algorithm ever gains popularity, I'll let the experts deal with it.

My attempt was to make a few suggestions that would improve your
writeup, which in turn not only helps popularity of the algorithm, but
also you to hone a useful skill.

Thanks for that. :) I can't update the original link, so the text is 
what it is. I'll look into making a better write-up of my algorithm and 
posting it somewhere more permanent.

Also there are a few oddities in the text:

* "- Constant additional memory (one memory allocation per thread)" ->
the parenthesis does not sustain the point. There could be one memory
allocation but it might allocate a non-constant amount.

I thought it was important to clarify that. My algorithm is easy to
parallelize, but it does require allocating a unique block of memory for
each thread. It is relatively constant as well, as it would make sense
that the number of running threads matches the number of cores in the
hardware. The only reason to allocate a non-constant amount is if you
include the optimization I mentioned, to allocate O(n/1024) space.

Then you may want to say:

* Constant additional memory and one call to an allocation routine per

I'll do that.

I think it's an issue worth addressing though. Some programmers might
assume that, because it's a variant of merge sort, stack overflows won't
be an issue. When I originally implemented my algorithm, I didn't use
tail calls and I had problems with stack overflows on partially sorted
data. So it is an issue.

No, it's not. Please think through: tail recursion IS A loop, period.
(BTW I see you use simple tail recursion as opposed to the more general
tail calls.) It's cut and dried. So no discussion is needed. Just
mention there is no risk of stack overflow, without ever mentioning tail
calls. In fact there's not even a need to mention that because otherwise
the algorithm would have non-constant space complexity, which you
clarify it doesn't.

Take a look at the Wikipedia page for quick sort. It mentions issues 
with the algorithm, such as using the first element as the pivot causes 
worst-case behavior on sorted data, and even something I didn't know 
about is integer overflow when choosing a pivot. It also mentions tail 
calls / tail recursion five times.

I'll reduce talk about tail calls, I'll probably just list it under 
optimizations, but I'm not removing it completely. Otherwise, I'll make 
a note that, depending on the implementation, the range swap can result 
in a stack overflow, but I won't mention tail calls / tail recursion as 
a solution.

Re: Xinok Sort (was: Sorting algorithm)

2011-10-09 Thread Xinok

On 10/8/2011 11:11 AM, Xinok wrote:

On 10/7/2011 12:42 PM, Xinok wrote:

Hi, it's been years since I've posted here. I just wanted to share
something I worked on, a new sorting algorithm. It's a variant of merge
sort, but much more memory efficient with only a small loss in
performance. The most similar algorithm I know of is Timsort.

I had need for a stable sorting algorithm, but the performance of stable
sort in Phobos is terrible. This pretty much left merge sort, which has
good performance but requires O(n) space. That persuaded me to design my
own sorting algorithm.

Here, you can find the code, details of the algorithm, and benchmarks
(introSort is the unstable sort in Phobos).

To follow up on my original post, I wrote a text file which explains the
algorithm in detail. The most important thing to understand is the
"range swap", which I tried to explain as simply as possible.

And to follow up on this post, I created a permanent page for xinok sort 
on Sourceforge. There's nothing new to see on this page yet, but I'll 
work on that in due time.

My first goal is to write an implementation which I can contribute as 
the new stable sorting algorithm for Phobos. This includes string 
mixins, ranges, asserts, unittests, and anything else that is required. 
If anybody wants to assist me with this, I welcome the help.

Idea: Immutable blocks within functions

2013-09-07 Thread Xinok
For me, one of the annoyances of working with immutable data is 
simply initializing data. Immutable variables have to be 
initialized upon declaration and cannot be modified after that 
point. This is made more difficult if you have several immutable 
variables to initialize in conjunction with one another

Currently, the following syntax is not allowed within functions:
immutable{ }

I propose enabling this syntax to have special usage within 
functions for initializing immutable variables. Variables would 
be mutable within the scope of the immutable block, and immutable 
outside of that scope. That scope would be limited to the same 
access restrictions as pure functions to ensure mutable 
references to the data can't escape.

While something similar could be accomplished using nested 
functions, they're limited to initializing one immutable variable 
at a time and less efficient since they must utilize a context 
pointer to access outside data. I think my idea has a nice allure 
for greater simplicity and flexibility for initializing immutable 

An impractical example:

void foo()
int[] arr = ...;
int[] arr2 = arr.dup;
sort(arr); // arr is still mutable

int[] arr2 = arr.dup;
arr ~= arr2;

sort(arr); // Error is thrown because arr is now immutable

* Global and thread-local variables within an immutable block 
would be immutable; otherwise, the control flow could re-enter 
the immutable scope and change the values of those variables.
* There may be issues with reflection since the type of the 
variable suddenly changes from mutable to immutable.

So what do nested immutable blocks imply? The same as having a 
pure function within a pure function.

void foo()
int[] arr = ...;

// This statement would throw an error
int value = arr[0];
// Here, arr is still mutable.
// So like a pure function, access to outside
// mutable variables isn't allowed.

Re: Idea: Immutable blocks within functions

2013-09-07 Thread Xinok
On Saturday, 7 September 2013 at 23:05:31 UTC, Peter Alexander 

On Saturday, 7 September 2013 at 22:57:40 UTC, Xinok wrote:

int[] arr = ...;
int[] arr2 = arr.dup;
sort(arr); // arr is still mutable

int[] arr2 = arr.dup;
arr ~= arr2;

How do you stop mutable references escaping in functions called 
from the immutable block?


int* p;
void foo(ref int x) { p = &x; }

void main()
int x = 1;
*p = 0;

Immutable blocks would have the same restrictions as pure 
functions. And like pure functions, you could only call other 
pure functions. Since foo is not pure, this code wouldn't compile.

Re: Idea: Immutable blocks within functions

2013-09-07 Thread Xinok
On Saturday, 7 September 2013 at 23:22:59 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 

08-Sep-2013 02:57, Xinok пишет:
For me, one of the annoyances of working with immutable data 
is simply
initializing data. Immutable variables have to be initialized 
declaration and cannot be modified after that point. This is 
made more
difficult if you have several immutable variables to 
initialize in

conjunction with one another


An impractical example:

void foo()
int[] arr = ...;
int[] arr2 = arr.dup;
sort(arr); // arr is still mutable

int[] arr2 = arr.dup;
arr ~= arr2;

sort(arr); // Error is thrown because arr is now immutable

A pure lambda can achieve the same unless, of course, purity is 
out of question:

immutable arr = {
int[] arr = ...;
int[] arr2 = arr.dup;
sort(arr); // arr is still mutable

int[] arr2 = arr.dup;
arr ~= arr2;
return arr;
} pure ();

Both arr and arr2 would exist as immutable arrays outside of that 
scope. That's what I meant by, nested functions could only 
initialize one immutable variable at a time, because you can only 
return one value to initialize the immutable variable with. With 
immutable blocks, you can initialize several immutable variables 

Basically even not yet completely outlined the feature already 
pulls in escape analysis. Not going to fly IMHO.

They follow the same rules as pure functions. They can only 
access immutable  data, can only call pure functions, etc. No 
need for escape analysis, no need to reinvent the wheel. 
Furthermore, if the capabilities of pure functions is extended, 
so is the capabilities of immutable blocks.

Re: Build Master: Scheduling

2013-11-14 Thread Xinok

On Thursday, 14 November 2013 at 00:37:38 UTC, Tyro[17] wrote:


I have accepted the responsibility of preparing the builds for 
DMD and would like to engage in conversation about the way 

The first concern I have is about the build cycle. Presently, 
it is nonexistent. There is no rhyme or reason regarding when 
releases are produced. The v2.065 agenda (first attempt of its 
kind) suggests that the next release will occur sometime in 
March 2014. I'm of the opinion, however, that the cycle should 
be six months long. This particular schedule is not of my own 
crafting but I believe it to be sound and worthy of emulation:


Your thoughts and concerns please.

I think this is perfect. It's essentially what I would do. Ever 
since Google defined their six week release schedule for Chrome, 
people think quick release cycles are the next great thing. It 
was such an effective marketing strategy that Firefox had to jump 
the bandwagon. The truth is though, it doesn't cater well to 
large corporations. That's why Firefox also has ESR (Extended 
Support Release) for corporations which are older versions 
maintained for longer, only being updated for new bug and 
security fixes.

I think the majority of people active on these forums are 
hardcore D enthusiasts so they're eager to have the latest and 
greatest. However, we're not hearing the voice of those on the 
outside. I'm willing to bet if we were to post this as news on 
Reddit, we'd be getting praise from those who aren't actively 
involved in the development of D.

I do have a few ideas:

I'm one who favors having different version numbers for beta and 
stable releases. Given the version number scheme that DMD 
follows, a simple numbering scheme to follow is odd- and 
even-numbered versions: odd-numbered versions, starting with 
2.065, would be beta, and even-numbered versions, like 2.066, 
would be stable.

I would define two periods during the release cycle: Early on, 
when it's okay to introduce new features and changes which may 
break code, and later on when we should be concentrating on 
testing, fixing bugs, and generally working towards a stable 

Finally, I think after every stable release, we should define an 
agenda, i.e. what are our goals for the next version? My current 
impression is that pull requests are incorporated into master 
whenever they're deemed ready. If we have a clear agenda, then we 
could collectively focus our efforts into a few areas for 

Re: Worst-case performance of quickSort / getPivot

2013-11-16 Thread Xinok
On Friday, 15 November 2013 at 21:46:26 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 


I'm a horrible procrastinator, I should have had this fixed over 
a year ago, lol. Anyways, I posted a bug report about this 
problem long ago and a working solution has been gathering dust 
waiting to be implemented in Phobos.

Bug report (poorly titled):


* It's an introsort which falls back to a bottom-up binary heap 
sort after so many recursions to guarantee O(n log n) performance 
in the worst-case.

* It chooses the pivot from a median-of-five. It adds nearly zero 
overhead and results in a noticeable decrease in comparisons 
(predicate calls). I see no reason why not to add this.

* My solution uses a binary insertion sort for sublists up to 32 
elements long. This reduces comparisons as well but also adds a 
fair amount of overhead. It's about 15-20% slower when sorting an 
array of integers. My idea is to use this by default and 
specialize the linear insertion sort when the element type and 
predicate are known.

* Regardless of these improvements, I think Timsort should be the 
default sorting algorithm. It's the better choice in many (most?) 
cases and, well, it's stable. Quick sort would still be available 
for those cases in which it's faster and stable sorting isn't 

Well, it's Saturday and I have no plans. Let's see if I can't get 
a pull request done by the end of the day...

Re: Worst-case performance of quickSort / getPivot

2013-11-16 Thread Xinok
On Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 20:35:21 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

On 11/16/13 11:46 AM, Xinok wrote:
* Regardless of these improvements, I think Timsort should be 
default sorting algorithm. It's the better choice in many 
(most?) cases
and, well, it's stable. Quick sort would still be available 
for those

cases in which it's faster and stable sorting isn't needed.

There's something fishy about a more restricted algorithm doing 
better than one that's less restricted. We must improve 
unstable sort, not make stable sort the default.


Timsort is an "adaptive" sort. It's able to achieve better 
performance in many cases by exploiting patterns in the data.

I decided to make a nice little test using my benchmark code here:

This is the permutation I designed for the test:

static uint[] base;
base.length = 1024 * 1024;
foreach(i, ref v; base) v = i;

foreach(i; 0..1024)
auto rand()
return rndGen.front % base.length;

switch(rand() % 3)
// Swap two ranges of elements
case 0:
auto arr = [rand(), rand(), rand(), rand()];
swapRanges(base[arr[0]..arr[1]], base[arr[2]..arr[3]]);
} break;

// Reverse a range of elements
case 1:
auto a = rand(), b = rand();
if(a > b) swap(a, b);
} break;

// Shuffle a small range of elements
case 2:
auto a = rand();
while(a < 1024) a = rand();
assert(a >= 1024);
randomShuffle(base[a - 1024 .. a]);
} break;

default: assert(0);

And the results (last number is predicate calls):

Current Unstable Sort  50ms  32783474
New Unstable Sort  69ms  21503542
Timsort35ms  3905887

That's why I suggest making Timsort the default sorting algorithm.

Re: Worst-case performance of quickSort / getPivot

2013-11-16 Thread Xinok
On Sunday, 17 November 2013 at 00:56:46 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 11/16/13 4:18 PM, Chris Cain wrote:

You have not shown how much faster it might be (it could be
only 1% faster) nor how much work it would take to discover 
(even an
ideal pivot choice for quicksort actually cannot be as fast as 
on an already sorted sequence, and quicksort is not an 

algorithm for accepting presorted subsequences).

There are well known tweaks to quicksort that make it operate 
well on sorted or almost sorted sequences.

If you tweak for one scenario, you're only losing in other 
scenarios. Timsort already performs ideally in these cases, as 
I've demonstrated. Rather than optimizing quicksort for cases in 
which Timsort will still be the victor, we should optimize for 
those cases in which quicksort is already faster.

Re: Worst-case performance of quickSort / getPivot

2013-11-16 Thread Xinok
On Friday, 15 November 2013 at 22:56:58 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

What are the arguments against using a randomized algorithm?

(1) Sort is capable of being marked pure, depending on the type 
being sorted and the predicate. But choosing random pivots means 
introducing side effects.

(2) Random pivots invoke average performance, whereas choosing 
the pivot from a median of N has the potential to achieve better 
performance on partially sorted lists (fewer reads and writes).

(3) I've tested random pivots and found that choosing from a 
median of three or five is often the better choice.

Re: Worst-case performance of quickSort / getPivot

2013-11-16 Thread Xinok
On Sunday, 17 November 2013 at 02:44:45 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 

On Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 22:11:46 UTC, Xinok wrote:

And the results (last number is predicate calls):

Current Unstable Sort  50ms  32783474
New Unstable Sort  69ms  21503542
Timsort35ms  3905887

For the record, I tried both SwapStragegy options with my data 
(the data that got me to start this thread), and although 
TimSort did fewer comparisons (predicate calls), it ran about 
20% slower.

Could you try running a benchmark on the same data using this 

My implementation of quick sort has some odd tweaks which makes 
it slower in some cases, but I've never invoked worst-case 
behavior by accident.

Re: DIP42 - Add enum E(T) = expression; eponymous template support

2013-07-21 Thread Xinok

On Tuesday, 25 June 2013 at 21:31:15 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Reading through this thread, I already foresee a messy 
specification coming along for this. Instead, I'd propose 
something different that would keep the rules consistent yet have 
many more applications:

template(...) declaration = ... ;

So what you would have instead:

template(T) enum E = ... ;
template(T) alias A = ... ;

There's also the possibility for simple template constraints as 

template(T) if(...) enum E = ... ;

Anything more complicated, such as static if, is probably best 
left to the classic style:

template E(T)
static if(...) enum E = ... ;
else enum E = ... ;

A proper language comparison...

2013-07-25 Thread Xinok
Once in a while, a thread pops up in the newsgroups pitting D 
against some other language. More often than not, these 
comparisons are flawed, non-encompassing, and uninformative. Most 
recently with the article comparing D with Go and Rust, the 
community pointed out a few flaws involving a late addition of 
one of the D compilers, build configurations (-noboundscheck?), 
and the random number generator used.

Then when I think about how web browsers are compared, there are 
conventional measures and standard benchmarking tools (e.g. 
sunspider). They measure performance for javascript, rendering, 
HTML5, etc. They also measure startup times (hot/cold boot), 
memory usage, etc. Finally, there are feature comparisons, such 
as what HTML5 features each browser supports.

These are the type of comparisons I'd like to see with 
programming languages. For starters, there should be standard 
"challenges" (algorithms and such) implemented in each language 
designed to measure various aspects of the language, such as 
sorting, number crunching, and string processing. However, rather 
than leave it to a single individual to implement the algorithm 
in several different languages, it should be left to the 
community to collaborate and produce an "ideal" implementation of 
the algorithm in their language. We could analyze factors other 
than performance, such as the ease of implementation (how many 
lines? does it use safe/unsafe features? Was it optimized using 
unsafe / difficult features?).

What can we do about it? I propose we come together as a 
community, design challenges that are actually relevant and 
informative, and release the first implementations in D. Then we 
let the battle commence and invite other communities to 
contribute their own implementations in other languages. I think 
we should give it a try; start off small with just a few moderate 
challenges (not too simple or complex) and see where it goes from 

Function sets as definable type

2013-11-23 Thread Xinok
I'm not exactly sure how to explain this idea, but I'll do my 
best and hopefully I don't confuse anybody...

D is one of many statically-typed languages which supports 
overloading functions by parameter type and parameter count. Many 
of these languages also support function pointers / delegates, 
but these have the limitation of only pointing to a single 
function. I've yet to encounter a language that can define a 
function pointer or delegate which points to two or more 
overloaded functions. To me, this is akin to how C handles arrays 
which requires passing pointer and length pairs as separate 

It's possible to do this in D statically via template alias 
parameters, but not dynamically via a function argument. 
Likewise, you can't easily limit it to a subset of the function 
overloads (two or more, but not all). I'm sure somebody could 
design an elegant solution using the meta-programming abilities 
of D, but I think I have a better idea...

Consider internally, such a type would be a set of two or more 
functions / delegates. Internally, this is exactly what 
interfaces are as well.

So that's my proposal: Allow implicitly casting a set of 
overloaded functions to a compatible interface. If a function is 
passed as an argument to an interface parameter, the compiler 
will automatically generate a binding of that function to that 
interface. I used the term "compatible interface" as obviously, 
not all interfaces would work. I'd rather leave it to the 
community to define what a "compatible interface" is.

What use cases are there? Well, properties are also overloaded 
functions, one which gets the value, and one or more which sets 
the value. There are many cases in which a container doesn't 
allow handling elements as l-values, such as when opIndex and 
opIndexAssign are used, and ranges don't require .front and .back 
to be l-values. The result is that specialized functions must be 
written to handle these cases, one example being std.algorithm 
which implements a private function swapAt to handle the former 
case. I've had to do this myself, implementing a function, 
swapFront, to swap the front elements of two forward ranges.

A more complex case is how to handle opIndex and opIndexAssign. 
Not all containers implement it as an l-value, which would 
prevent such a case from working: swap(r[a], r[b]). I'm sure 
there are more complex cases as well. In these situations, it 
would be great if a property could be generated from any 
arbitrary expression.

Special standard library functions / templates could be used to 
auto-generate compatible interfaces. For example, we could define 
a template which takes the get / set types as arguments and 
generates an interface for it:

void foo(Property!(int, int) prop){ }


Re: Function sets as definable type

2013-11-23 Thread Xinok

On Saturday, 23 November 2013 at 18:41:23 UTC, Xinok wrote:


Consider internally, such a type would be a set of two or more 
functions / delegates. Internally, this is exactly what 
interfaces are as well.

Actually, could somebody elaborate on this for me please? With a 
little more thought, I realize that I'm probably wrong about this.

Re: Worst-case performance of quickSort / getPivot

2013-11-28 Thread Xinok
On Friday, 15 November 2013 at 21:46:26 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 


I've made a pull request to fix this issue:

Re: Probable C# 6.0 features

2013-12-10 Thread Xinok

On Tuesday, 10 December 2013 at 18:58:01 UTC, Suliman wrote:
Maybe it would be possible to get some good idea from next 
version of C#
It's only ideas about next version, but new future maybe next:

Regarding #1 (Primary Constructors), I think the feature has 
limited usefulness which doesn't deserve a presence in the 
language and it would serve to confuse newbies who weren't aware 
of that feature. I prefer to consolidate existing features and 
make them more flexible to serve other purposes. For example, an 
old idea of mine is a syntax like this (assuming D had 
Python-style tuples):

this.(x, y) = (x, y);

The syntax would generate a tuple from members of this. 
Similarly, one could also generate arrays or dictionaries by 
writing this.[x, y].

Regarding #9, I see it's uses, but I wonder if it would be a good 
idea to implement it. My initial thoughts are that it would make 
grep'ing for declarations more difficult and I think it would 
actually make code more difficult to read. Also, due to order of 
evaluation, you couldn't use the variable until after the 
statement in which it's declared, e.g.:

x + foo(out int x)

Re: alias have new syntax?

2014-01-19 Thread Xinok

On Saturday, 18 January 2014 at 22:50:50 UTC, cmplx wrote:

During the study D, I stumbled upon this design
alias myInt = int;
but the specification says nothing about such use alias. Is the 
syntax has been changed?

It seems that it's documented here, albeit not clearly:

I don't see any mention of it here:

I recall there being some issues with alias this = identifier, 
not sure if that's been resolved. Regardless, I think the 
documentation at the latter link needs to be updated.

Re: Why CTFE is context-sensitive?

2014-01-27 Thread Xinok

On Monday, 27 January 2014 at 18:30:43 UTC, Pierre Talbot wrote:
On Monday, 27 January 2014 at 04:07:04 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 1/26/14 3:22 AM, Pierre Talbot wrote:


I was wondering why CTFE is context sensitive, why don't we 

every expressions and run the CTFE if it applies?

Compilation would get awfully slow (and sometimes won't 


So it is theoretically possible? I mean if the compilation 
doesn't terminate, the execution won't either for at least one 
program input, so we can detect an infinite loop at 
compile-time. Moreover, isn't the same problem with 
context-sensitive CTFE?


Just because code runs for a long time doesn't mean that it will 
run forever. This is known as the Halting problem [1]. We could 
have configurable switches to halt CTFE if it runs for more than 
N seconds or allocates more than N MiB.

However, this still doesn't take away from the point that it 
would make compilation awfully slow with presumably little 
benefit. There are further issues in that CTFE isn't exactly 
stable yet (I've had it produce incorrect results in a few 
cases), so relying on it to produce correct, optimized code is a 
bad idea.

I would be in favor of some "lite-CTFE" for the sake of 
optimization. Simply halting if the interpreter encounters a loop 
or function recursion should make it pretty snappy. But I think 
many compilers / optimizers already do this to some extent.


Disallow null references in safe code?

2014-01-31 Thread Xinok
I don't know where the community currently stands on non-nullable 
types in D, so this idea may be based on a bit of ignorance. 
Assuming there are some technical issues preventing non-nullable 
types from being implemented, I had a different idea that may be 
somewhat of a compromise. As you've gathered by now, it's simply 
to disallow nullifying references in safe code.

The idea is simply that safe functions can only call other safe 
functions, so null references should be practically non-existant 
... except that's an ideal which can't be reached with this 
restriction alone. There are two obvious issues:

* There's no way to guarantee input is free of null references
* Trusted functions may return objects with null references; it's 
currently not convention to avoid null references in trusted code

Albeit that, I think such a restriction could be helpful in 
preventing bugs/crashes and writing correct code, at least until 
we can get non-nullable types.

Re: D as A Better C?

2014-02-11 Thread Xinok

On Tuesday, 11 February 2014 at 19:43:00 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

What do you think?

I don't do embedded programming, so take my opinion with a grain 
of salt...

Rather than making this a compiler switch, I think it would be 
more beneficial to branch this off as a new project, essentially 
building a new compiler. Similarly, it would contain that subset 
of features which are practical for embedded programming and 
strip out the rest. Then likewise to VisualD, make it an 
"official" repository on GitHub.

The benefit of having a separate project dedicated to embedded 
programming is the ability to retain a standard library without 
convoluting the rest of the D ecosystem. A slim standard library 
could be developed, mimicking (or even branched from) Phobos, but 
optimized for embedded systems. As DMD is updated, the changes 
would be merged into "embedded D", but otherwise the two would be 
maintained independently of one another.

It wouldn't be too dissimilar to other projects like it. There 
are projects which add non-official extensions to other 
languages, such as adding a garbage collector to C/C++.

Re: D as A Better C?

2014-02-11 Thread Xinok
On Tuesday, 11 February 2014 at 21:13:58 UTC, Peter Alexander 
On Tuesday, 11 February 2014 at 20:53:06 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
But the feature would be very simple to implement. You just 
avoid outputting any runtime type info, and avoid any compiler 
hooks into the runtime.

There is no requirement to do anything else. The language is 
finished. C's standard library becomes the standard library.

Who manages the releases of better C?

If there is indeed a market for it, then new talent will join the 
community and contribute to the project. If not, then it will 
become a poorly maintained and unsupported feature which is 
eventually stripped from the compiler due to lack of use.

An interesting statistic on the Linux kernel:
An analysis of the Linux kernel showed 75 percent of the code 
from December 2008 to January 2010 was developed by programmers 
working for corporations, leaving about 18 percent to volunteers 
and 7% unclassified.

I don't know of many people who do embedded programming for 
personal reasons. The majority of interest stems from 
corporations, not individuals. And that's where we'll find 
maintainers for this project.

Re: Why is int implicitly convertible to ulong?

2014-02-16 Thread Xinok
On Sunday, 16 February 2014 at 21:35:02 UTC, Hannes Steffenhagen 
isImplicitlyConvertible!(int,ulong) is true. Maybe this is just 
me, but I get the impression that this is quite nuts. Why is an 
implicit conversion from a signed to an unsigned type possible? 
The other way round would be at least somewhat understandable 
if there's a static check that the values actually fit.

IIRC, the way they put it is that "information is not lost," so 
you could always cast back to an int and get the original value. 
The same is not true for casting to a smaller type, e.g. int to 
byte, the original value may be lost.

Re: Why is int implicitly convertible to ulong?

2014-02-17 Thread Xinok
On Monday, 17 February 2014 at 04:40:52 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Sunday, February 16, 2014 21:35:01 Hannes Steffenhagen wrote:

isImplicitlyConvertible!(int,ulong) is true. Maybe this is just
me, but I get the impression that this is quite nuts. Why is an
implicit conversion from a signed to an unsigned type possible?
The other way round would be at least somewhat understandable 

there's a static check that the values actually fit.

signed to unsigned conversions (and vice versa) are implicit as 
conversions from smaller integral types to larger integral 
types. Converting
from smaller integral types to larger really doesn't cause any 
problems, but
the signed to unsigned (or vice versa) can cause issues - one 
of the biggest
of those being the comparison of signed and unsigned values, 
and IIRC, there
was some discussion on making that a warning or error. However, 
while there
are occasional problems from the conversion being implicit, if 
it weren't
implicit, you'd be forced to cast a lot more when the signed 
and unsigned
types interact, which would lead to messier code and could 
actually increase
the number of bugs, because if you got in the habit of casting 
everywhere to
get the signed to unsigned conversions to work, you'd risk 
accidentally doing
stuff like casting a ulong to int and losing data, since the 
compiler would

assume that you knew what you were doing with the cast.

So, it's a tradeoff, and neither making the signed to unsigned 
(or vice versa)
conversions explicit nor implicit would be without problems. 
Walter went with
it being implicit, which matches what C does. However, unlike 
C, conversions
that actually lose data (e.g. long -> int) do require casts so 
that it's
easier to catch those problems. But no data is actually lost 
with a sign
conversions, as casting it back to what it was will result in 
the same value

(unlike with converting to a smaller integral value).

Of slightly bigger concern IMHO is that bool and the character 
types are all
treated as integral types, which is at times useful but also 
risks some
entertaining bugs. But again, it's a matter of tradeoffs. If 
they required
casts when interacting with integral types, then a lot more 
casting would be
required, risking a different set of bugs. There really isn't a 
right answer
as to whether the conversions should be implicit or explicit. 
It just comes

down to the tradeoffs that you prefer.

- Jonathan M Davis

I've been bitten by signed / unsigned comparisons before, and I'm 
sure others have been as well. On the other hand, I can't recall 
any bugs that were due to an explicit cast. I can see how 
explicit casts might cause unexpected bugs (if the original type 
changes but is still a valid cast), but in my personal 
experience, explicit casts are safer than implicit casts.

Walter decided to adopt C-style switches for D, to simplify 
translating code. However, implicit fall-through is notorious for 
causing bugs in C. So as a tradeoff, D still allows fall-through 
but only by explicitly writing "goto case;".

We could speculate all day, but ultimately it comes down to 
experience of what works and what doesn't. If something is 
generally safe in practice, then perhaps we're better with 
leaving it alone. But if something is a known nuisance for 
causing bugs, then find a better solution.

Re: Developing Mars lander software

2014-02-18 Thread Xinok
On Wednesday, 19 February 2014 at 00:16:03 UTC, Tolga Cakiroglu 

TL;DR the link though, how are they detecting that a CPU fails? 
An information must be passes outside of CPU to do this. The 
only solution comes to my mind is that main CPU changes a 
variable on an external memory at every step, and back up CPU 
checks it continuously to catch a failure immediately. But this 
would require about 50% of CPU's power already.

While thinking about this kind of back up systems, knowing and 
reading that some people are really doing is really great.

I'm assuming this has something to do with it:

In clustered servers, the active node sends a continuous signal 
indicating it's still alive. This signal is referred to as a 
heartbeat. There's a standby node waiting to take over should it 
stop receiving this signal.

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