Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 6/21/2013 4:10 AM, Paulo Pinto wrote:

Except not everyone has the authorization to place their work code in such
public places nor the availability or desire to code after work, just to please
job interviewers.

True, but your odds of being 'discovered' go up enormously if you make such an 
effort to make yourself findable with a professional online persona.

It reminds me of some music superstars who started out singing at shopping 
malls, dive bars, weddings, anyplace they could get anyone to listen. They'd do 
this grind for a couple years until someone discovered them. The Beatles is one 
of those that comes to mind who did this.

Anyhow, I recommend that anyone who wants to promote their 'brand' and increase 
their prospects do:

1. get a domain name that is "" and put on it your resume, links to 
significant things you've done, etc.

2. use your own name as your handle when posting professionally

3. submit presentation proposals about your work to conferences

4. blog or otherwise write articles about your work or some neat tech thing you 
figured out

5. get a twitter account & github account in your own name - even if you don't 
use it, reserve it for when you do want to

etc. Essentially, you want to own your online persona. Read any of Donald 
Trump's books on how he operates, it's the same thing. Gene Simmons is another 
one who excels at promoting himself.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-24 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On Monday, 24 June 2013 at 02:39:30 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
so what's the way to go now? One process per request? Seems 
heavy to me seeing as most requests last very little.

Performance wise, I've found heard very good things about async 
i/o (like vibe.d) and had very good experience with a process 
pool (on linux anyway, cgi.d's fastcgi and new 
embedded_httpd_processes do this, the latter hitting 6,000 
requests per second for hello world on my machine!). The process 
pool forks ahead of time, then they take connections as they 
become available. Basically it puts the concurrency in the 
kernel's hands, which does a good job.

The zip I linked to yesterday does a simple one thread per 
connection, multiple requests per connection model. Doesn't scale 
very well, but works well and with simplicity on light loads.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-24 Thread Dicebot

On Monday, 24 June 2013 at 09:22:58 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
BTW, this article is full of bullshit and hand wavy stuff. I 
wanted to write a article destroying it, but I then decided 
that I had other thing to do than loose my time :D

Yeah, it has plenty of bullshit but core idea is the same as one 
in project I have been engaged in and I can't write article about 
latter because of NDA, so using this an alternative available in 
the internet ;)

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-24 Thread deadalnix

On Monday, 24 June 2013 at 09:07:54 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
Actually, server software with most impressive performance I 
have seen so far was implemented as single barebone process 
with all network stack and event library embedded. Slightly 
similar idea was propsoed here - 
(found via reddit)

BTW, this article is full of bullshit and hand wavy stuff. I 
wanted to write a article destroying it, but I then decided that 
I had other thing to do than loose my time :D

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-24 Thread Dicebot
On Monday, 24 June 2013 at 02:39:30 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 6/23/13 11:51 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
I think it is just an accident of history that mod_php ever 
got used.
Classic cgi implementations were still slow enough (especially 
with an
interpreted language) that people wanted to try something 
else, but the
other world of options hadn't taken root yet either (I think 
even slightly predates fastcgi's introduction), and continues 
to exist

just out of inertia.

OK so what's the way to go now? One process per request? Seems 
heavy to me seeing as most requests last very little.


One process/thread per CPU core + async I/O.
FastCGI as simple alternative (it is similar to CGI but does not 
respawn process after processing request).

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-24 Thread Dicebot

On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 18:42:12 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 18:02:04 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
I can see reasons for wanting to keep it behind reverse proxy 
like nginx, but Apache?

Generally, I don't trust random http servers connected to the 
open internet for correctness, stability, security, and logging.

Especially not my code, There's a lot of the http protocol I 
never implemented, and putting apache, nginx, IIS, whatever, 
I'm just using Apache here because Andrei mentioned it, out in 
front will filter some of that out before it gets to my app.

Yes, that is why I have said that understand reasoning to use 
somthing like nginx or lighttpd - it is better to work behind 
something that has proper implementation of HTTP protocol and 
focus on application needs. I am using nginx for this on my own 
and perfectly satisfied with it.

But using Apache is just throwing away most part of performance 
achived by your backend, for nothing. And creating security 
issues in case your app is run via Apache module is it typically 
runs from http user in such scenarios and using app-specific UNIX 
access policies becomes much harder.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-24 Thread Dicebot
On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 18:24:05 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 6/23/13 11:04 AM, Dicebot wrote:
On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 17:54:01 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 6/23/13 10:34 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
We should do what php does, it was very successful. I assume 
it's a

dynamic library.

And what reason behind this other than "millions of lemmings 
can't be

wrong"? This approach is disaster when it comes to high load.

Would separate processes work better under high load? Educate 


It is not about "process vs dynamic library", it is about basic 
threaded architecture used in Apache. Every single network server 
that I know that cares about performance uses some sort of event 
model and avoids any context switches at all possible costs. It 
does not matter where request processing code is, only how it 
fits in bigger picture.

Actually, server software with most impressive performance I have 
seen so far was implemented as single barebone process with all 
network stack and event library embedded. Slightly similar idea 
was propsoed here - 
(found via reddit)

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread deadalnix
On Monday, 24 June 2013 at 02:39:30 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 6/23/13 11:51 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
I think it is just an accident of history that mod_php ever 
got used.
Classic cgi implementations were still slow enough (especially 
with an
interpreted language) that people wanted to try something 
else, but the
other world of options hadn't taken root yet either (I think 
even slightly predates fastcgi's introduction), and continues 
to exist

just out of inertia.

OK so what's the way to go now? One process per request? Seems 
heavy to me seeing as most requests last very little.

That is what apache used to do when mod_php was introduced 
anyway. This whole conversation has gone out of control :D

mod_php was a way to reduce the communication overhead and avoid 
2 process per request in the first place (instead of one).

It become plain obvious that no silver bullet exists here. The 
solution seems to be a mix of fibers/threads and processes where 
number of each depends on your workload and the actual hardware 
it is running on. Most high performance and high scalability 
system are converging toward one flavor of that pattern.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/23/13 11:51 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

I think it is just an accident of history that mod_php ever got used.
Classic cgi implementations were still slow enough (especially with an
interpreted language) that people wanted to try something else, but the
other world of options hadn't taken root yet either (I think mod_php
even slightly predates fastcgi's introduction), and continues to exist
just out of inertia.

OK so what's the way to go now? One process per request? Seems heavy to 
me seeing as most requests last very little.


Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 17:54:01 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 


I realized initializing the runtime might have been a mistake 
when loading the .so and moreover I was using the wrong calling 
convention. Fixed that and now the shared library thing works. On 
Linux at least, I hardcoded ".so" so don't try it anywhere else.

Here's some code:

unzip it, hit make. dhp2.d is the main file here, it also uses 
some helper libraries you can see in the arsd folder.

Then run ./dhp2 in another window or something. It is a long 
running process that serves http.

Head over to your browser and surf to

It will take a couple seconds to load the first time, because it 
needs to compile the code. Subsequent loads will pull it from a 
cache and be faster.

Anyway it will show you some stuff and a link. These pull from 
the files in the zip called index.dhp and dhpt.dhp. index is just 
html, no D code, although it will compile it since this server 
compiles everything.

dhpt.dhp actually includes some D:

Hello, <% cgi.write(cgi.request("name", "user")); %>, 
happy to see you.

Note: you access that by going to localhost:8085/dhpt, NOT 
/dhpt.dhp. It strips out dots from the url as a way of sanitizing 
the filename so keep it simple.

It uses ASP style <% %> tags instead of  because my dom.d 
already understands them. (BTW this parses the .dhp files to be 
well-formed xml, so if you mismatch tags, it will throw. It might 
be fun to put the DOM node in scope to inspect too).

There's a Cgi cgi in scope in the function it builds here. Use it 
to do communication instead of writeln() etc., as seen in this 

Here's where the shared library magic comes in: feel free to edit 
one of those .dhp files, or create your own, and go back to it in 
the browser. It will recompile and present it to you without 
having to restart the server. That's kinda cool. The downside is 
if you segfault in here it will take the whole server down so 
don't do that.

If you fail compiling though, it will actually read dmd's output 
and translate the filename and line number to match the .dhp file 
input, instead of the .d file dmd actually sees. So it feels less 
like a filthy hack then.

Feel free to look at index.d and dhpt.d in that same folder after 
you browse to them to see what the generated code looks like.

S yeah. I'll probably never use this, dom templates rok so 
much more than anything asp/php style, but if you wanna play, 
feel free and let me know if you want more features or see bugs. 
Probably won't be too hard to fix up now that it is started.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
BTW I should mention, I wasn't actually trying to do an Apache 
module. I wanted to do a D server that watches the files for 
changes, then recompiles them as needed and reloads the resulting 
file as a shared lib.

I could just run the compiled executable too, cgi style, but here 
I was more interested in playing with shared libraries than just 
getting it to work.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 17:54:01 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

I assume it's a dynamic library.

PHP can work as fastcgi too.

But I kinda want to play with this now with shared libraries 
just for

something to do so maybe I will.


Eh, not so much. I started playing and got a thing saying 
Runtime.loadLibrary is not yet implemented on posix... so went to 
do it myself and got random segfaults, relating to the garbage 
collector (and yes, I tried Runtime.initialize).

I've never done a shared library plugin before so I could be 
doing something wrong, but it seems to me that druntime said it 
wasn't implemented yet for a reason, must still have some work to 
do there. Oh well, maybe I'll try again next release.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 18:24:05 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Would separate processes work better under high load? Educate 

One nice thing is you can spread separate processes across 
several machines. Another advantage of *cgi|embedded_httpd is 
that it is portable to other web servers too, you can just drop 
it into a shop that uses nginx or Microsoft IIS and expect it to 
work, whereas an Apache module is generally apache only.

I think it is just an accident of history that mod_php ever got 
used. Classic cgi implementations were still slow enough 
(especially with an interpreted language) that people wanted to 
try something else, but the other world of options hadn't taken 
root yet either (I think mod_php even slightly predates fastcgi's 
introduction), and continues to exist just out of inertia.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 18:02:04 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
I can see reasons for wanting to keep it behind reverse proxy 
like nginx, but Apache?

Generally, I don't trust random http servers connected to the 
open internet for correctness, stability, security, and logging.

Especially not my code, There's a lot of the http protocol I 
never implemented, and putting apache, nginx, IIS, whatever, I'm 
just using Apache here because Andrei mentioned it, out in front 
will filter some of that out before it gets to my app.

And who knows what kinds of hidden bugs my code has, so having a 
tested and reliable server out there to revive my process if it 
dies is nice too.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/23/13 11:04 AM, Dicebot wrote:

On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 17:54:01 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 6/23/13 10:34 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
We should do what php does, it was very successful. I assume it's a
dynamic library.

And what reason behind this other than "millions of lemmings can't be
wrong"? This approach is disaster when it comes to high load.

Would separate processes work better under high load? Educate me.


Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Dicebot
On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 17:54:01 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 6/23/13 10:34 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
We should do what php does, it was very successful. I assume 
it's a dynamic library.

And what reason behind this other than "millions of lemmings 
can't be wrong"? This approach is disaster when it comes to high 

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Dicebot

On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 17:34:52 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Would be awesome if an Apache extension would make it trivial 
to write Web pages in D.

Just use cgi or fastcgi, both are really easy to configure on 
apache (often needing nothing more than copying your executable 
into /cgi-bin/, or adding three lines to ,htaccess), and being 
separate processes, if you crash them it is no big deal. No 
need to do set up a reverse proxy or get your system 
administrator to load strange new Apache modules.

Or if you are just playing, you can skip apache altogether and 
use a D http server, like my cgi.d and vibe.d both offer 
(vibe.d's scales way better but mine is simpler).

Actually vibe.d embedded HTTP outperforms Apache. With high 
concurrency - a lot. I can see reasons for wanting to keep it 
behind reverse proxy like nginx, but Apache? I dream of the day 
this freaking monstrosity dies together with web app 
infrastructure it has developed. Please, don't help it survive 
with D module support. :(

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/23/13 10:34 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

Just use cgi or fastcgi, both are really easy to configure on apache
(often needing nothing more than copying your executable into /cgi-bin/,
or adding three lines to ,htaccess), and being separate processes, if
you crash them it is no big deal. No need to do set up a reverse proxy
or get your system administrator to load strange new Apache modules.

We should do what php does, it was very successful. I assume it's a 
dynamic library.

Or if you are just playing, you can skip apache altogether and use a D
http server, like my cgi.d and vibe.d both offer (vibe.d's scales way
better but mine is simpler).

But I kinda want to play with this now with shared libraries just for
something to do so maybe I will.


The more I think of it the more I get to the conclusion I should migrate 
my own website ( to a 100% D toolchain.


Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 16:28:56 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

foreach(ln; stdin.byLine(KeepTerminator.yes)) {


Would be awesome if an Apache extension would make it trivial 
to write Web pages in D.

Just use cgi or fastcgi, both are really easy to configure on 
apache (often needing nothing more than copying your executable 
into /cgi-bin/, or adding three lines to ,htaccess), and being 
separate processes, if you crash them it is no big deal. No need 
to do set up a reverse proxy or get your system administrator to 
load strange new Apache modules.

Or if you are just playing, you can skip apache altogether and 
use a D http server, like my cgi.d and vibe.d both offer 
(vibe.d's scales way better but mine is simpler).

But I kinda want to play with this now with shared libraries just 
for something to do so maybe I will.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/23/13 9:21 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

It works by just reading the file and translating everything outside the
 into a giant writeln(string literal), pasting in the D code, then
compile+running it, inserting a bunch of imports so it works.

dom.d now supports those kinds of tags, it could probably be even nicer,
especially with a D lexer so it doesn't think "?>" is the same as ?>.
But as I'm sure I said then, this is a bad idea anyway since mixing code
and html data leads to ugliness, whether the code is php or D.

Nice! (BTW:

foreach(ln; stdin.byLine) {
string line = ln.idup ~ "\n";

is simpler written as

foreach(ln; stdin.byLine(KeepTerminator.yes)) {
string line = ln.idup;


Would be awesome if an Apache extension would make it trivial to write 
Web pages in D.


Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 16:07:05 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Still buggy. The empty string must be a prefix of any string 
including the empty string.

Huh. Well, that makes sense. Just change while to do while and 
you've got that. Probably compiles to exactly the same code as 
your implementation in the link at that point.

But this probably told you more about my methods than getting it 
right the first time would have: I'll just slap something 
together that's good enough for the test case(s) fed to it and 
then change it if new stuff arises where it fails. One of the 
nice things about software is you generally don't have to get it 
right the first time since it is so easy to change.

This is TDD-lite isn't it! lol

I definitely remember reading that when you posted it a while ago 
because I have code that does that ?> laying around.

It works by just reading the file and translating everything 
outside the  into a giant writeln(string literal), pasting 
in the D code, then compile+running it, inserting a bunch of 
imports so it works.

dom.d now supports those kinds of tags, it could probably be even 
nicer, especially with a D lexer so it doesn't think "?>" is the 
same as ?>. But as I'm sure I said then, this is a bad idea 
anyway since mixing code and html data leads to ugliness, whether 
the code is php or D.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/22/13 12:28 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 22 June 2013 at 16:38:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Huh, even the shortest impl I can think of is about the same length:

inout(char)* mystrstr(inout(char)* haystack, const(char*) needle) {
assert(haystack !is null);

if(needle is null)
return haystack;

while(*haystack) {
auto h = haystack;
const(char)* n = needle;
while(*n == *h && *n && *h) {
if(*n == 0)
return haystack;

return null;

I like this a lot better because it is more straightforward.

Still buggy. The empty string must be a prefix of any string including 
the empty string.

I describe the canonical implementation of substring brute for string 
search as far as I see it


Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-23 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/21/13 4:02 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/21/2013 3:35 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 6/21/13 3:22 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

Just for laughs I just slapped together a strstr

Post it and I'll destroy it.

Can I play, too? Mine from the Digital Mars C library. Haven't looked at
it since 2001.

/*_ strstr.c */
/* Copyright (C) 1985-2001 by Digital Mars */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* */
/* Written by Walter Bright */


#if 0 /* Smaller but slower under many circumstances. */
char *strstr(const char *s1,const char *s2)
{ size_t len2;
size_t len1;
char c2 = *s2;

len1 = strlen(s1);
len2 = strlen(s2);
if (!len2)
return (char *) s1;
while (len2 <= len1)
if (c2 == *s1)
if (memcmp(s2,s1,len2) == 0)
return (char *) s1;
return NULL;

I won't comment on the B-M implementation. This brute force 
implementation has the problem of calling strlen on both strings 
upfront, which is arguably unnecessary. Although it doesn't affect 
complexity, it is an inefficiency hard to recover from. (The tradeoff is 
that memcmp will help with that.)


Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-22 Thread Walter Bright

On 6/22/2013 12:12 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

Most important? I've never even run across this case.

Ok, maybe not that important. It's likely a rare case.

Btw, does anyone know if the typical memcmp implementation tries to
compare the pointers' addresses first to see if they match?

I don't know about typical, but I've never seen one that did.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-22 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On Saturday, 22 June 2013 at 16:38:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

It's still buggy.

What's the test case? I also forgot the empty string, blargh. 
Let's scrap it.

Overly complicated, too - at 21 lines, it's about twice as 
large as the canonical implementation.

Huh, even the shortest impl I can think of is about the same 

inout(char)* mystrstr(inout(char)* haystack, const(char*) needle) 

assert(haystack !is null);

if(needle is null)
return haystack;

while(*haystack) {
auto h = haystack;
const(char)* n = needle;
while(*n == *h && *n && *h) {
if(*n == 0)
return haystack;

return null;

I like this a lot better because it is more straightforward. My 
first draft was trying to avoid looking at the same character 
twice, but obviously that didn't work so fixing that ended up 
doing the same thing as this anyway. I guess better to KISS than 
be embarrassingly wrong, eh?

You could do it in about ten lines like this:

inout(char)* mystrstr(inout(char)* haystack, const(char*) needle) 

while(*haystack) {
auto h = haystack;
const(char)* n = needle;
while(*n == *h && *n && *h)
if(*n == 0)
return haystack;
return null;

But I really like the null check. Yes, I know the hardware does 
it, but it is a pain in the butt to fire up a debugger when a 
null hits you in the middle of something. The nice assertion 
failure message is so much faster to handle.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-22 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 6/22/13, Walter Bright  wrote:
> It's wrapped in #if 0 ... #endif ? :-)

Hehe. I should totally use that as an argument in a future interview.
I'll wrap all my coding-answers in '#if 0', and if they're wrong I'll
just say "oh, but this code doesn't *actually* exist!". :p

> The function bodies would be identical - why have two of them?

Yeah nevermind, it's C, I was thinking about C++. Then again D would
blow them both out the water since it has inout.

> Most important? I've never even run across this case.

Ok, maybe not that important. It's likely a rare case.

Btw, does anyone know if the typical memcmp implementation tries to
compare the pointers' addresses first to see if they match?

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-22 Thread Peter Alexander
On Friday, 21 June 2013 at 21:33:43 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Also it's fair to ask about implementing a stdlib function 
itself if the interview concerns some systems-level work; e.g. 
brute-force strstr() is fair game and I think any engineer 
should be able to lift it off the ground quickly (to my dismay, 
only a fraction can). Paradoxically use of stdlib functions may 
actually hurt; I've seen people who e.g. call strlen() in a 
loop in order to implement strstr()!

I think it's fair game whatever kind of work you are doing. The 
tests aren't so much about the algorithm, but showing that the 
candidate thinks about edge cases, interfaces, possible failure 
cases etc.  These are things you need to think about even if your 
job is just to essentially glue libraries together. Simple tasks 
like strstr just provide a nice small task that test these things.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-22 Thread Walter Bright

On 6/22/2013 4:01 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 6/22/13, Walter Bright  wrote:

Can I play, too? Mine from the Digital Mars C library. Haven't looked at it

#if 0 /* Smaller but slower under many circumstances. */
char *strstr(const char *s1,const char *s2)
{   size_t len2;
  size_t len1;
  char c2 = *s2;

  len1 = strlen(s1);
  len2 = strlen(s2);
  if (!len2)
return (char *) s1;
  while (len2 <= len1)
if (c2 == *s1)
if (memcmp(s2,s1,len2) == 0)
return (char *) s1;
  return NULL;

Some things i've noticed about this implementation:

It's wrapped in #if 0 ... #endif ? :-)

- c2 is assigned by pointer dereference, but then strlen is called on
s2 and you may get an early exit, meaning c2 was not needed at this
point. I'd move c2 below the strlen call.


- The memcp doesn't have to compare len2 amount of chars if you've
already compared the first character, it can call memcmp(s2+1, s1+1,
len2-1). Although I'm not sure whether it's faster to do it this way
(maybe it is, if those variables are actually registers..).


And notes about both implementations:

- You're casting a const char * to a char * in the return, you should
instead provide an overload of strstr taking char* and returning

The function bodies would be identical - why have two of them?

- You seem to have missed the most basic and most important check. You
didn't attempt to compare the memory address of both pointers against
each other before doing any other work. If they both point to the same
memory, the strings are guaranteed to be equal.

Most important? I've never even run across this case.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-22 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/22/13 7:10 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 22 June 2013 at 13:55:26 UTC, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:

I haven't tried running it, but this looks to me like it won't find
"ababc" in "abababc"...

You're right. I should have went backwards all the way, not just in the
one case.

This passes all the tests:

It's still buggy. Overly complicated, too - at 21 lines, it's about 
twice as large as the canonical implementation.


Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-22 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Saturday, 22 June 2013 at 13:55:26 UTC, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
	I haven't tried running it, but this looks to me like it won't 
find "ababc" in "abababc"...

You're right. I should have went backwards all the way, not just 
in the one case.

This passes all the tests:

inout(char)* mystrstr(inout(char)* haystack, const(char*) needle) 

assert(haystack !is null);

if(needle is null)
return haystack;

const(char)* where = needle;
inout(char)* gotit;

while(*haystack) {
if(*haystack == *where) {
if(gotit is null)
gotit = haystack;
if(*where == 0)
return gotit;
} else {
haystack -= where - needle;
where = needle;
gotit = null;


return null;

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-22 Thread Jérôme M. Berger
Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> On Friday, 21 June 2013 at 22:35:55 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> wrote:
>> Post it and I'll destroy it.
> inout(char)* mystrstr(inout(char)* haystack, const(char*) needle) 
> {
>  assert(haystack !is null);
>  if(needle is null)
>  return haystack;
>  const(char)* where = needle;
>  inout(char)* gotit;
>  while(*haystack) {
>  if(*haystack == *where) {
>  if(gotit is null)
>  gotit = haystack; // store where the match started
>  where++;
>  haystack++;
>  if(*where == 0)
>  return gotit;
>  } else {
>  // if we were in the middle of a match, we'll want to
>  // check the current character again so only advance 
> if
>  // we're at the beginning
>  if(gotit is null)
>  haystack++;
>  else {
>  // partial match, but not complete so no good
>  // start over, including the current *haystack
>  where = needle;
>  gotit = null;
>  }
>  }
>  }
>  return null;
> }
I haven't tried running it, but this looks to me like it won't find
"ababc" in "abababc"...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-22 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 6/22/13, Adam D. Ruppe  wrote:
> On Saturday, 22 June 2013 at 11:01:53 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
>> - You're casting a const char * to a char * in the return, you
>> should instead provide an overload of strstr taking char* and
>> returning char*.
> I'm pretty sure the C standard says to do it with the const arg
> but mutable return.

Ah, I momentarily forgot C doesn't have overloading, which is probably
where Walter's function was implemented in. In C++ there are overloads
of this function:

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-22 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 6/22/13, Walter Bright  wrote:
> Can I play, too? Mine from the Digital Mars C library. Haven't looked at it
> #if 0 /* Smaller but slower under many circumstances. */
> char *strstr(const char *s1,const char *s2)
> {   size_t len2;
>  size_t len1;
>  char c2 = *s2;
>  len1 = strlen(s1);
>  len2 = strlen(s2);
>  if (!len2)
>   return (char *) s1;
>  while (len2 <= len1)
>  {
>   if (c2 == *s1)
>   if (memcmp(s2,s1,len2) == 0)
>   return (char *) s1;
>   s1++;
>   len1--;
>  }
>  return NULL;
> }

Some things i've noticed about this implementation:

- c2 is assigned by pointer dereference, but then strlen is called on
s2 and you may get an early exit, meaning c2 was not needed at this
point. I'd move c2 below the strlen call.

- The memcp doesn't have to compare len2 amount of chars if you've
already compared the first character, it can call memcmp(s2+1, s1+1,
len2-1). Although I'm not sure whether it's faster to do it this way
(maybe it is, if those variables are actually registers..).

And notes about both implementations:

- You're casting a const char * to a char * in the return, you should
instead provide an overload of strstr taking char* and returning

- You seem to have missed the most basic and most important check. You
didn't attempt to compare the memory address of both pointers against
each other before doing any other work. If they both point to the same
memory, the strings are guaranteed to be equal.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-22 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-06-22 01:58, H. S. Teoh wrote:

And where's the unittest block? ;-)  (OK OK, I know this wasn't written
in D. But I had to ask. :-P)

DMC does support contracts, as an extension. That is, in and out 
contracts. I don't know about unit test blocks.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-22 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-06-21 23:33, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

If there's any need to reach for documentation, the interviewer has
failed. When interviewing we (at Facebook) ask problems that are likely
to appear in a normal day's work, but for which the typical libraries
don't help. (E.g. many libraries don't can't help with implementing
unstable remove (see std.algorithm).)

Also it's fair to ask about implementing a stdlib function itself if the
interview concerns some systems-level work; e.g. brute-force strstr() is
fair game and I think any engineer should be able to lift it off the
ground quickly (to my dismay, only a fraction can). Paradoxically use of
stdlib functions may actually hurt; I've seen people who e.g. call
strlen() in a loop in order to implement strstr()!

Yes, if they tell you that from the beginning. Instead they said: 
"solve it anyway you like", then they started to add restrictions.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread deadalnix
On Friday, 21 June 2013 at 21:33:43 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
If there's any need to reach for documentation, the interviewer 
has failed. When interviewing we (at Facebook) ask problems 
that are likely to appear in a normal day's work, but for which 
the typical libraries don't help. (E.g. many libraries don't 
can't help with implementing unstable remove (see 

Amongst other thing, I did a merge sort and a quicksort in my FB 
interviews. It is fair to assume they can be found as libraries. 
But overall the process is really accurate to assert what a dev 
can do. Most question were technically challenging, but weren't 
tricks or overly complicated and useless.

For the anecdote, my quicksort was buggy, but my interviewer 
convinced me it wasn't - when later check (after the interview) 
demonstrated is indeed was.

Also it's fair to ask about implementing a stdlib function 
itself if the interview concerns some systems-level work; e.g. 
brute-force strstr() is fair game and I think any engineer 
should be able to lift it off the ground quickly (to my dismay, 
only a fraction can). Paradoxically use of stdlib functions may 
actually hurt; I've seen people who e.g. call strlen() in a 
loop in order to implement strstr()!

When i was doing interview, I used to ask people to program a 
function that sort an array of integer. No constraint of 
performance or anything, the good old 5 lines bubble sort would 
have been accepted. Most can't.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 04:02:20PM -0700, Walter Bright wrote:
> /
> See "Algorithms" Second Edition by Robert Sedgewick.  Boyer-Moore string
> search routine.
> /
> char *strstr(const char *text, const char * pattern)
> {
> }

Very nice!

Does it help at all to cast to uint[] and search that instead of just
char[]? Or do the complications caused by non-alignment outweigh the

And where's the unittest block? ;-)  (OK OK, I know this wasn't written
in D. But I had to ask. :-P)

Also, this is a prime example of code you'll *never* arrive at just by
blind application of TDD. (And there's my feeble attempt to bring this
back on topic. :-P)


This sentence is false.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On Friday, 21 June 2013 at 22:35:55 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Post it and I'll destroy it.

inout(char)* mystrstr(inout(char)* haystack, const(char*) needle) 

assert(haystack !is null);

if(needle is null)
return haystack;

const(char)* where = needle;
inout(char)* gotit;

while(*haystack) {
if(*haystack == *where) {
if(gotit is null)
gotit = haystack; // store where the match started
if(*where == 0)
return gotit;
} else {
// if we were in the middle of a match, we'll want to
// check the current character again so only advance 

// we're at the beginning
if(gotit is null)
else {
// partial match, but not complete so no good
// start over, including the current *haystack
where = needle;
gotit = null;

return null;

unittest {
void test(string haystack, string needle, size_t line = 
__LINE__) {

import core.stdc.string;
import std.conv;

// .ptr is fine because the test uses all string 
literals, which are 0 terminated automatically
assert(strstr(haystack.ptr, needle.ptr) is 
mystrstr(haystack.ptr, needle.ptr), to!string(line));


test("foobar", "f");
test("foobar", "ob");
test("foobar", "o");
test("foobar", "a");
test("foobar", "ar");
test("foobar", "ea");

test("bedtime bedazzled!", "beda");

I've heard of Boyer-Moore but don't actually know it, so I'd have 
to look it up! The brute force loop is simple enough though 
without needing a great deal of thought, though my first run 
through did actually fail the unittest, since I neglected the 
commented section in the else{} part. So if I was doing it on a 
whiteboard, (or didn't immediately use "foo" as a test variable, 
with the repeated o) I might not have actually caught that!

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Walter Bright

On 6/21/2013 3:35 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 6/21/13 3:22 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

Just for laughs I just slapped together a strstr

Post it and I'll destroy it.

Can I play, too? Mine from the Digital Mars C library. Haven't looked at it 
since 2001.


/*_ strstr.c */
/* Copyright (C) 1985-2001 by Digital Mars  */
/* All Rights Reserved  */
/*  */
/* Written by Walter Bright */


#if 0 /* Smaller but slower under many circumstances. */
char *strstr(const char *s1,const char *s2)
{   size_t len2;
size_t len1;
char c2 = *s2;

len1 = strlen(s1);
len2 = strlen(s2);
if (!len2)
return (char *) s1;
while (len2 <= len1)
if (c2 == *s1)
if (memcmp(s2,s1,len2) == 0)
return (char *) s1;
return NULL;
#include /* defines UCHAR_MAX */
See "Algorithms" Second Edition by Robert Sedgewick.  Boyer-Moore string
search routine.
char *strstr(const char *text, const char * pattern)
  const size_t M = strlen(pattern);
  const unsigned long N = strlen(text);
  const char *p_p = pattern;
  const char *t_p;
  size_t skip[UCHAR_MAX + 1];
  size_t i, j;

  if(M == 0)
return (char *)text;

  if(M > N)   /* If pattern is longer than the text string. */
return 0;

#if __INTSIZE == 4
  _memintset((int *)skip, M, UCHAR_MAX + 1);
  { size_t *s_p = skip + UCHAR_MAX;
  *s_p = M;
}while(s_p-- > skip);

  p_p = pattern;
skip[*(const unsigned char *)p_p] = M - 1 - (p_p - pattern);
  } while(*++p_p);

  p_p = pattern + M - 1;
  t_p = text + M - 1;

char c;

c = *t_p;
if(c == *p_p)
  if(p_p - pattern == 0)
return (char *)t_p;

  t_p--; p_p--;
  size_t step = M - (p_p - pattern);

  if (step < skip[(unsigned char)c])
step = skip[(unsigned char)c];

  /* If we have run out of text to search in. */
  /* Need cast for case of large strings with 16 bit size_t... */
  if((unsigned long)(t_p - text) + step >= N)
return 0;

  t_p += step;

  p_p = pattern + M - 1;
#endif  /* #if 0 */

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/21/13 3:22 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

Just for laughs I just slapped together a strstr

Post it and I'll destroy it.


Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/21/13 2:50 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 21 June 2013 at 21:33:43 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

brute-force strstr() is fair game and I think any engineer should be
able to lift it off the ground quickly (to my dismay, only a fraction

But, should the return value be const or not? :P

I think I'd write in D just cuz of inout().

That would be a nice touch and bring bonus points, but in most of the 
cases I tell the candidate to gloss over that detail.


Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Friday, 21 June 2013 at 22:23:01 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

being built in to D

Or maybe it is because everybody else does it in the 
documentation and such, since #include  in C isn't 
*that* big of a deal. idk, all I do know for sure is that I do it 
now and didn't before.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
Just for laughs I just slapped together a strstr and it made me 
realize a little thing I do in D that I never did in C:


I use it all over the place in D, pretty much any time I make an 
assumption, I slap it down in an assert.

But I don't I ever, not once, used any kind of assertion in C or 
C++. I think this is a fairly significant gain that can be 
attributed to it being built in to D. It is just silly not to do 
it when it is there.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 05:33:45PM -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> Also it's fair to ask about implementing a stdlib function itself if
> the interview concerns some systems-level work; e.g. brute-force
> strstr() is fair game and I think any engineer should be able to
> lift it off the ground quickly (to my dismay, only a fraction can).

Yeah, I was rather dismayed at how many people lacked basic
understanding of the programming language they purport to be skilled in.
Like not understanding variable shadowing in C, or simple closures in
Javascript (not the evilly-nested convolution I tested for in a
different test question :-P).

> Paradoxically use of stdlib functions may actually hurt; I've seen
> people who e.g. call strlen() in a loop in order to implement
> strstr()!

My favorite example of poor strlen() usage is writing "strlen()==0" in a
loop condition.

More typical causes of disqualification, though, are what one of my
university professors affectionately called "squirrelly code": code that
*probably* does what it's supposed to, but does so by roundabout,
non-obvious ways, running around here and there doing little things that
don't really relate directly to the problem at hand (like squirrels
running around hunting for their forgotten stash of nuts). Code like
this typically demonstrate a lack of understanding of programming in
general, or lack of understanding of the problem at hand, or inability
to identify and address the salient points of said problem. Typical
symptoms include declaring and using useless variables, calling printf
inside a function that shouldn't be doing I/O, doing unnecessary type
conversions to perform trivial computations (converting int to string
and attempting to do arithmetic on the digits in the string), odd usage
of loops and conditionals in unexpected places, using comments to urge
the computer to do what one wishes, etc..

The software analogue of Rube Goldberg machines, if you will. :-P


Век живи - век учись. А дураком помрёшь.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On Friday, 21 June 2013 at 21:33:43 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
brute-force strstr() is fair game and I think any engineer 
should be able to lift it off the ground quickly (to my dismay, 
only a fraction can).

But, should the return value be const or not? :P

I think I'd write in D just cuz of inout().

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 6/21/13 5:59 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2013-06-21 07:57, H. S. Teoh wrote:

we got to ask HR to first
administer a technical test before any interviews are arranged; test
results are reviewed before deciding to interview the candidate

I done tests like that, they all suck. This is how it usually works:

You get a problem to solve. They say: "solve it anyway you want, using
any language you want". You solve it farily quickly and straight
forward. Then they say, "you are not allowed to use that function".
Basically they're saying it's cheating. Then you remove that function
and change the implementation accordingly. Then they say, "you are not
allowed to use that other function". You change the code accordingly and
this dance continues. Then you're thinking to yourself, "Am I supposed
to reimplement the standard library?".

I would say, most times, it's almost irresponsible to _not_ use the
standard library. A bunch of people, a lot smarter than I, have had a
good 20 years or so to perfect and fine tune the standard library. Not a
chance in hell that I'm going to beat that, on an interview, with code
written on a whiteboard.

A side note. You're of curse not allowed to look at any documentation at
all and you're not allowed to use a text editor. You write the code on a
whiteboard, yes a _whiteboard_.

That's just so stupid. That's not how programming works in the real
world. Why the hell do they think IDE's have built in, easy to
read/find, documentation.

If there's any need to reach for documentation, the interviewer has 
failed. When interviewing we (at Facebook) ask problems that are likely 
to appear in a normal day's work, but for which the typical libraries 
don't help. (E.g. many libraries don't can't help with implementing 
unstable remove (see std.algorithm).)

Also it's fair to ask about implementing a stdlib function itself if the 
interview concerns some systems-level work; e.g. brute-force strstr() is 
fair game and I think any engineer should be able to lift it off the 
ground quickly (to my dismay, only a fraction can). Paradoxically use of 
stdlib functions may actually hurt; I've seen people who e.g. call 
strlen() in a loop in order to implement strstr()!


Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-06-21 17:14, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Heh, at my job, we're looking for skill in specific languages, so
candidates are explicitly asked to write C code. And this is done not in
an interview setting (which puts too much pressure on the candidate --
can *you* write code in front of interviewers without panicking at least
a bit?), but in a classroom setting. Though, granted, when *I* had to go
through the procedure, it felt like I was taking my CS final exams all
over again. Not exactly a pleasant experience. :-P

I had four, one hour each, interviews in one afternoon. Afterwards my 
brain was basically fried.

That's the sign of a poorly-chosen test question. The kind of question I
like to use doesn't focus on nitpicky details like that, but on actual
algorithms or domain-specific knowledge, like showing that the candidate
understands bit operations, pointer arithmetic, and stuff like that. On
that note, it's rather shocking how few candidates know how to use
malloc() and free() correctly...

I guess I managed to avoid what they actually wanted to test.

That's not to say the tests my employer gives have only "good"
questions, though; there are some that basically do what you describe:
"please re-implement strstr(), please concatenate strings without using
strcat()", and the like. When I was involved in hiring, I usually ignore
these questions when evaluating the candidate, or cut them a lot of

I can also understand that it not that easy to create meaningful tests 
like these.

But I do have a slightly evil streak when it comes to technical tests...
once I wrote a Javascript question that requires the candidate to
evaluate what a piece of code does, that involves several nested
closures and variable shadowing. We hired one of the (very) few
candidates who actually got that question right, and she turned out to
be an excellent coder.


Well, I don't think the point of the test is to prove that you can write
code that's *superior* to the standard library, but that you *can* write
non-trivial functionality from ground up.

Yeah, I guess it's hard to find meaningful tests.

Well, that's a new one. :-P  Our tests are administered as pen-and-paper
tests. Not unlike CS final exams, unfortunately. :-/

I hate pen-and-paper tests too. I remember those from the university. I 
understand that they don't want you to have access to a computer with 
access to the internet or a compiler. But come on, can I at least get a 
simple text editor. Half of the time I spend on erasing code because I 
cannot insert new code in the middle of existing code. Then also writing 
those annoying curly braces (the actual symbols) which I never get right.

Actually, we instruct HR to provide the standard C library manuals if
candidates ask for it.

That's generous.

There *are* some unfair questions that expect you
to know, e.g., the exact order of arguments to select() and stuff like
that, but like I said, it's not HR who evaluates the tests, but the
hiring managers, so it's up to our discretion how much weight we put on
questions like that. We usually disregard minor mistakes like using the
wrong order of arguments to qsort(), if the intent is clear. We don't
(or at least I don't) just blindly look for the highest-scoring test and
hire those candidates; I usually take the time to look at the code and
ask, "why did they write it that way?  what does that show about their
coding abilities?".

I guess we have different experiences.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 11:59:12AM +0200, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2013-06-21 07:57, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> >we got to ask HR to first administer a technical test before any
> >interviews are arranged; test results are reviewed before deciding to
> >interview the candidate
> I done tests like that, they all suck. This is how it usually works:
> You get a problem to solve. They say: "solve it anyway you want,
> using any language you want".

Heh, at my job, we're looking for skill in specific languages, so
candidates are explicitly asked to write C code. And this is done not in
an interview setting (which puts too much pressure on the candidate --
can *you* write code in front of interviewers without panicking at least
a bit?), but in a classroom setting. Though, granted, when *I* had to go
through the procedure, it felt like I was taking my CS final exams all
over again. Not exactly a pleasant experience. :-P

> You solve it farily quickly and straight forward. Then they say, "you
> are not allowed to use that function". Basically they're saying it's
> cheating. Then you remove that function and change the implementation
> accordingly. Then they say, "you are not allowed to use that other
> function". You change the code accordingly and this dance continues.
> Then you're thinking to yourself, "Am I supposed to reimplement the
> standard library?".

That's the sign of a poorly-chosen test question. The kind of question I
like to use doesn't focus on nitpicky details like that, but on actual
algorithms or domain-specific knowledge, like showing that the candidate
understands bit operations, pointer arithmetic, and stuff like that. On
that note, it's rather shocking how few candidates know how to use
malloc() and free() correctly...

That's not to say the tests my employer gives have only "good"
questions, though; there are some that basically do what you describe:
"please re-implement strstr(), please concatenate strings without using
strcat()", and the like. When I was involved in hiring, I usually ignore
these questions when evaluating the candidate, or cut them a lot of

But I do have a slightly evil streak when it comes to technical tests...
once I wrote a Javascript question that requires the candidate to
evaluate what a piece of code does, that involves several nested
closures and variable shadowing. We hired one of the (very) few
candidates who actually got that question right, and she turned out to
be an excellent coder.

> I would say, most times, it's almost irresponsible to _not_ use the
> standard library. A bunch of people, a lot smarter than I, have had
> a good 20 years or so to perfect and fine tune the standard library.
> Not a chance in hell that I'm going to beat that, on an interview,
> with code written on a whiteboard.

Well, I don't think the point of the test is to prove that you can write
code that's *superior* to the standard library, but that you *can* write
non-trivial functionality from ground up.

> A side note. You're of curse not allowed to look at any documentation
> at all and you're not allowed to use a text editor.  You write the
> code on a whiteboard, yes a _whiteboard_.

Well, that's a new one. :-P  Our tests are administered as pen-and-paper
tests. Not unlike CS final exams, unfortunately. :-/

> That's just so stupid. That's not how programming works in the real
> world. Why the hell do they think IDE's have built in, easy to
> read/find, documentation.

Actually, we instruct HR to provide the standard C library manuals if
candidates ask for it. There *are* some unfair questions that expect you
to know, e.g., the exact order of arguments to select() and stuff like
that, but like I said, it's not HR who evaluates the tests, but the
hiring managers, so it's up to our discretion how much weight we put on
questions like that. We usually disregard minor mistakes like using the
wrong order of arguments to qsort(), if the intent is clear. We don't
(or at least I don't) just blindly look for the highest-scoring test and
hire those candidates; I usually take the time to look at the code and
ask, "why did they write it that way?  what does that show about their
coding abilities?".


I see that you JS got Bach.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-06-21 12:20, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

Oh? That's cool. Which [rpkect?

I don't know if it was a particular project but at least one company was 
interested in several projects, DStep (convert C/Objective-C headers to 
D modules), Jazz (D frontend) and Orbit (D package manager).

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 21 June 2013 at 05:59:00 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
In spite of it all, though, we still sometimes end up hiring 
people who,
6 months down the road, write code that makes you scratch your 
going "huh?! that genius coder we hired wrote *this* junk?!". 
But maybe

some hiring managers are less discerning than others. *shrug*

In my (admittedly U.S.-centric) experience: if you're getting 
people who know how to use external libraries, what a debugger 
is, more than one programming language (or, indeed, any language 
other than Java), and any form of source control at all, I'm 
afraid you're hitting among the cream of the crop as far as CS 
baccalaureates go.  And if you want them to admin a box at the 
same time, good luck with that.  You're often better off with a 
passionate dropout if you're interested in hiring someone to 
write code.

My hypothesis is this happens because the curricula are heavily 
skewed toward theoretical aspects of computer science. (In my 
view, the exemplar for this was OSU before they axed the 
mandatory RESOLVE/C++ series.)


Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Paulo Pinto

On Friday, 21 June 2013 at 06:34:09 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 6/21/13, H. S. Teoh  wrote:
In spite of it all, though, we still sometimes end up hiring 
people who,
6 months down the road, write code that makes you scratch your 

going "huh?! that genius coder we hired wrote *this* junk?!".

Seems like nowadays it's not too far-fetched to ask for a
github/bitbucket/etc username and see the work they've done, 
the way
they write code, contribute, etc. It should give a better 
"feel" than

any interview.

Except not everyone has the authorization to place their work 
code in such public places nor the availability or desire to code 
after work, just to please job interviewers.


Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 6/21/13, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:
> I agree. Most interviews I have been on lately is due to my github project.

Oh? That's cool. Which [rpkect?

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 6/21/13, Andrej Mitrovic  wrote:
> On 6/21/13, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:
>> I agree. Most interviews I have been on lately is due to my github
>> project.
> Oh? That's cool. Which [rpkect?

Looks like I rot13'ed by accident, I meant which project?

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-06-21 07:57, H. S. Teoh wrote:

we got to ask HR to first
administer a technical test before any interviews are arranged; test
results are reviewed before deciding to interview the candidate

I done tests like that, they all suck. This is how it usually works:

You get a problem to solve. They say: "solve it anyway you want, using 
any language you want". You solve it farily quickly and straight 
forward. Then they say, "you are not allowed to use that function". 
Basically they're saying it's cheating. Then you remove that function 
and change the implementation accordingly. Then they say, "you are not 
allowed to use that other function". You change the code accordingly and 
this dance continues. Then you're thinking to yourself, "Am I supposed 
to reimplement the standard library?".

I would say, most times, it's almost irresponsible to _not_ use the 
standard library. A bunch of people, a lot smarter than I, have had a 
good 20 years or so to perfect and fine tune the standard library. Not a 
chance in hell that I'm going to beat that, on an interview, with code 
written on a whiteboard.

A side note. You're of curse not allowed to look at any documentation at 
all and you're not allowed to use a text editor. You write the code on a 
whiteboard, yes a _whiteboard_.

That's just so stupid. That's not how programming works in the real 
world. Why the hell do they think IDE's have built in, easy to 
read/find, documentation.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-06-21 08:33, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

Seems like nowadays it's not too far-fetched to ask for a
github/bitbucket/etc username and see the work they've done, the way
they write code, contribute, etc. It should give a better "feel" than
any interview.

I agree. Most interviews I have been on lately is due to my github project.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-20 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 6/21/13, H. S. Teoh  wrote:
> In spite of it all, though, we still sometimes end up hiring people who,
> 6 months down the road, write code that makes you scratch your head
> going "huh?! that genius coder we hired wrote *this* junk?!".

Seems like nowadays it's not too far-fetched to ask for a
github/bitbucket/etc username and see the work they've done, the way
they write code, contribute, etc. It should give a better "feel" than
any interview.

OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-20 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 01:14:28AM -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 20:50:08 -0700
> "H. S. Teoh"  wrote:
> > One of my previous supervisors told me that when he gets resumés, as
> > soon as he sees "Ph.D" he chucks it straight into the trash.
> Classic ;) I'd be likely to do the same.
> And I have a friend who's moved up to a management position on a
> University's IT dept and he's had similar experiences: When they hire,
> they're expected to get their candidates via the HR dept (heh, yea,
> right there you know things are gonna go wrong ;) ). And their HR
> dept, as with most, makes their selections by blindly grepping for the
> biggest degrees (they don't know any better - they're HR people!).
> He's told me horror stories about how nearly all of the big-degree
> candidates they send him turn out during interview to be flat-out 100%
> incompetent.

It's not entirely HR's fault. It's the way they're setup to fail. :-P

The way it works at my job is that everything still has to go through
HR, but it's the hiring managers (who are themselves coders actually
writing code for projects) who review resumés and recommend potential
hires to HR. HR then arranges the technical tests and interviews,
usually with the hiring managers who recommended the candidates plus one
or two others whom the candidates will actually be working with, and
then take care of all the paperwork and other stuff that hiring managers
shouldn't be concerned with.

IOW, we don't have HR decide who to interview, but actual technical
people look at the resumés to weed out the BS. I was involved with the
hiring process for a bit some time ago -- we got to ask HR to first
administer a technical test before any interviews are arranged; test
results are reviewed before deciding to interview the candidate -- and
we get to ask them questions about why they answered a certain test
question the way they did. Makes weeding out incompetent applicants much
easier. :-) If the code they submitted on the test looks obviously
lousy, we don't even bother interviewing them.

In spite of it all, though, we still sometimes end up hiring people who,
6 months down the road, write code that makes you scratch your head
going "huh?! that genius coder we hired wrote *this* junk?!". But maybe
some hiring managers are less discerning than others. *shrug*

> When I was a freshman undergrad (at BGSU, near Toledo), I tinkered
> around on the side with some PalmOS development. (PalmOS was still
> around back then.) A couple years or so later, shortly after I'd
> transferred out IIRC, I noticed on BGSU's Computer Science dept's
> website that they were bragging - and I mean genuinely bragging - that
> their genius *graduate* CS students had (*gasp!*) made software that
> ran on a PalmOS device!

At least it's not as bad as "Graduates from our wonderful marvellous
amazing CS program helped design our sucky non-navigable department
website! Don't you wanna come study here and get a degree in HTML?".


War doesn't prove who's right, just who's left. -- BSD Games' Fortune