Re: D 2.062 release

2013-02-18 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

18-Feb-2013 13:18, Dmitry Olshansky пишет:

18-Feb-2013 11:31, Walter Bright пишет:

On 2/17/2013 11:23 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2013-02-18 07:31, Walter Bright wrote:

Since I (and Jonathan) wrote the changelog, I can attest that I cut 
pasted it character for character out of the bugzilla titles, and
received no comments or complaints about it. I did it that way because
people on the n.g. asked me to do it that way.

How about a script that doesn't it automatically? Then we at least
don't have to
go to bugzilla.

As long as it isn't written in Ruby :-)

But more seriously, a D tool to do it might be interesting.

This D script dumps all fixed bugs between 2 dates as DDOC entries.

(or just starting from one date till today).

That being said I've brought it up like 5 times already.
Must be not what you are looking for?

The output of said D script for 2.062 is:

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 1369): Unable to find 'this' in __traits(getMember))
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 1730): Bogus error message calling a non-const struct 
method on a const struct reference)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 1841): Closure detection doesn't work when variable is 
used in a nested function)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 2452): Unimplemented method errors should show function 

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 2630): ddoc should be able to document unittests)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 3321): debug flags)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 3404): JSON output should retain original alias names)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 3466): Wrong JSON output for templated classes, structs, 
and interfaces)

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 4178): destructor missing in JSON output)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 4194): Attributes included in JSON output)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 4269): Regression(2.031): invalid type accepted if 
evaluated while errors are gagged)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 4477): JSON output for function definitions includes 
insufficient type information)

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 4478): JSON output omits import statements)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 4540): Better error message for wrong switch type)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 5168): String enums don't work with -g compiler switch)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 5461): Invalid declaration for auto functions in .di 
files generated by DMD -H)

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 5529): std.system.endian for pure functions?)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 5893): Allow simple aliases for operator overloading)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 5933): Cannot retrieve the return type of an auto-return 
member function)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 5978): ICE(mtype.c) when calling __traits(parent) on the 
child of an anonymous function.)

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6057): Problem with defining enum in function)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6171): rdmd: cache dependency file to improve startup 
time [patch])
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6319): debug's relaxed purity does not apply to nested 

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6332): Auto-return function cannot be inferred as @safe)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6408): string[].init gives a wrong type)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6538): ICE(mangle.c) Invalid template constraints)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6552): Wrong fallthrough warning for CaseRange)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6652): foreach parameter with number range is always ref)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6708): immutable ref implicit cast to const ref)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6743): ICE(mars.c) attempting to compile an exe file)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6833): Floating point literals lose fractional part in 
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6873): Multiple storage class is not allowed on template 

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6902): Different pure nothrow int() types)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6905): ref acts as auto ref when return type is missing)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6962): Wrong Code With Scope Exit and Array Parameter, 
only with -O)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 6963): pure/nothrow inference doesn't work for function 

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 7152): Can't assign null to default argument)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 7159): Forward reference when casting auto return method)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 7408): traits compiles fails for built-in properties of 
template instances)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 7420): Duplicate cannot be read at compile time error 

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 7585): functions in templates inferred as delegate)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 7740): unicodeProperties cannot be read at compile time 
for ctRegex)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 7950): Type tuples are incorrectly flattened in base 
type list of interface)

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 8053): Recursive alias this causes infinite loop)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 8105): Implement in ref)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 8128): unittest blocks should be allowed in interfaces)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 8152): Linking C library causes Seg-fault)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 8153): Warning about toHash signature is incorrect on 

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 8504): Template attribute inferrence doesn't work)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 8583): [64 bit] AA ushort[dchar] byValue range is 
corrupted on x86_64)

$(LI $(BUGZILLA 8631): illegal overrides accepted)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 8717): `private` and `protected` restrict member usage 
in same module)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 8742): Anonymous nested class derived from another 
nested class makes DMD crash)
$(LI $(BUGZILLA 8763): struct

Re: Higgs, a JavaScript JIT done in D

2013-02-05 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

05-Feb-2013 23:01, Andrej Mitrovic пишет:

On 2/5/13, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Care for a shotgun search/replace pull request?

Looking at the implementation:

string text(T...)(T args)
 return textImpl!string(args);

private S textImpl(S, U...)(U args)
 S result;
 foreach (i, arg; args)
 result ~= to!S(args[i]);
 return result;

I can see 2 optimizations here:

1. Use a static if to replace the append operator with a simple return
when there's only one argument
2. Use Appender instead of a regular string for multiple arguments.

Unfortunately #2 won't fly because std.regex uses text and it expects
it to be safe, but Appender isn't safe.

Time to make Appender @trusted and linch the author if it's not that 
safe inside? ;)

But seriously it would silently allow @system OutputRanges... @trusted 
needs re-design.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: DIP22 : Private symbol visibility

2013-02-01 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

01-Feb-2013 13:34, Dicebot пишет:

On Wednesday, 30 January 2013 at 11:39:26 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 01/30/2013 10:42 AM, Dicebot wrote:

That was the most uneasy part of proposal. I have been thinking for few
hours about it, considering different options. In the end, I have
decided that it is only confusing to one coming from C++ lax approach
and for clean mind it should make perfect sense that private symbol is
indistinguishable from non-existing one in regular user code - that is
the point of encapsulation how I get it.

As long as compile-time reflection cannot get hold of the error
message, the more helpful diagnostic does not do any harm. (After all,
the programmer might still be aware of the existence of the member,
but missing that it is not accessible (yet) from the module he/she is
currently working on.)

I am arguing exactly that it is more helpful as it somewhat breaks
encapsulation. I really believe it is good to not give out information
that was no supposed to be shown. What do you think about changing both
undefined and denied access messages to one symbol is undefined or
inaccessible then?

just tell what it is: not visible, period!

And BTW good dip, the first part.

The second about internal (C's static) is up for more work.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Runtime code reloading in D, part 1

2013-01-06 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

06-Jan-2013 14:37, Benjamin Thaut пишет:

Am 05.01.2013 05:24, schrieb ixid:

On Monday, 31 December 2012 at 14:40:48 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

Am 31.12.2012 15:02, schrieb DypthroposTheImposter:

  Do you find that D without GC is more effective than C++? Seems like
you would be stuck using structs which seems somewhat limiting, even
compared to C++...

 UE4 has similar reloading capabilities(using DLLs), though they use
C++ and rely more on the ability to serialize everything

Why should I be stuck with structs? Its the exact same as in C++. I
did build my own new and delete operators (as templates). It's not
that hard and works pretty well, only the syntax is not ideal in some
cases. I can use everything you can use with D+GC. Sometimes you have
to be carefull with implict allocations (e.g. closures, array
literals) but I have a leak detector that points me to these directly
and usually its easy to free these manually.

And I'm quite a bit more productive then in C++. Module constructors
with a defined order instead of random static initalizers,
code generation isnstead of huge amounts of boilerplate code and many
other features are the cause of this.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Is D moving away from your sort of use? Games and bioinformatics
would seem to be the areas the language should be trying to get
people to start using it in. The features you're using seem very
much like they should be a part and mode of using the language.

I wouldn't say its moving away from it. Some recent changes to druntime
have made it significantly less leaking. But on the other hand a API
design like toString() which pretty much does leak in almost all cases
don't exactly help a GC free D. In Summary it feels to me that GC free D
is not important to the community or the active contributors.

Regarding toString there is a better signature that avoids useless 

void toString(scope void delegate(const (char)[]) sink);

It takes a delegate to output string representation directly to the 
destination via 'sink' delegate (that may e.g. write chars to file). 
Plus the 'scope' part of declaration avoids allocating the said delegate 
on the heap.

I'd even say that string toString(); is an artifact of the past, instead 
to!string should be used (if allocating a string is fine).

I also see D's biggest chances in becoming popular in the performance
critical fields of programming. Which would be systems programming,
Gaming and others. For programming fields in which a GC is applicable
people tend to use languages like C# or Java, because they are truly
safe (see the recent ref is unsafe discussion in the newsgroup), they
have nice productivity features like runtime code changing through the
VM and have a way better GC because the language was designed from the
beginning to support a advanced GC.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Runtime code reloading in D, part 1

2013-01-06 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

06-Jan-2013 23:55, Philippe Sigaud пишет:

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 6:49 PM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Regarding toString there is a better signature that avoids useless

void toString(scope void delegate(const (char)[]) sink);

It takes a delegate to output string representation directly to the
destination via 'sink' delegate (that may e.g. write chars to file).
Plus the 'scope' part of declaration avoids allocating the said
delegate on the heap.

I'd even say that string toString(); is an artifact of the past,
instead to!string should be used (if allocating a string is fine).

I know you explained that already, but see, that again slipped my mind.
This toString(sink) thingy seems cool, but is there a documentation on
it somewhere? Without a related doc, I fear no one will know this exists.

Guess I need to find the original on toString and bit-blit it over with 
this new sink thingy ;)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Runtime code reloading in D, part 1

2013-01-06 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

07-Jan-2013 00:02, Dmitry Olshansky пишет:

06-Jan-2013 23:55, Philippe Sigaud пишет:

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 6:49 PM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Regarding toString there is a better signature that avoids useless

void toString(scope void delegate(const (char)[]) sink);

It takes a delegate to output string representation directly to the
destination via 'sink' delegate (that may e.g. write chars to file).
Plus the 'scope' part of declaration avoids allocating the said
delegate on the heap.

I'd even say that string toString(); is an artifact of the past,
instead to!string should be used (if allocating a string is fine).

I know you explained that already, but see, that again slipped my mind.
This toString(sink) thingy seems cool, but is there a documentation on
it somewhere? Without a related doc, I fear no one will know this exists.

Guess I need to find the original on toString and bit-blit it over with
this new sink thingy ;)

There is a short note in object.d:
string toString();
Convert Object to a human readable string.

That is any class may override it.

However the real relevant golden bit of information is buried after a 
row of formatValue templates (that hardly makes any sense to newcomers) 
at the bottom of std.format page:


Aggregates (struct, union, class, and interface) are basically formatted 
by calling toString.

toString should have one of the following signatures:
const void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink, FormatSpec 

const void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink, string fmt);
const void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink);
const string toString();

So it's quite flexible. Even better then I've been advertising it.
Note that classes are covered. I bet it can call virtual functions 
through base reference if base defines the new variation of toString.

The problem is if it's going to be extended to wchar/dchar... At least 
wchar is useful on Windows.

But the real fun is that I fail to find any real description of toString 
in the docs for d-p-l website!

The only files in d-p-l site where it is found in are:

- errors.dd:
... class Error has a pure virtual a function called toString() which 
produces a char[] with a human readable description of the error.)

Nothing useful and it's out of date! It returns a string (immutable) 
these days.

- lazy-evaluation.dd uses as an example of expensive computation and has 
the form of toString(i) where i is an int (wtf?!).

Probably horribly out of date as it should use either format or to!string.

- tempalte.dd uses std.string.toString as an example (same as in lazy?) 
and it's again an out of date piece of crap.

And a couple more files call it here and there (e.g. windows.dd to 
display exception message box).

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release

2013-01-04 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

04-Jan-2013 07:10, Walter Bright пишет:

On 1/3/2013 11:36 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Oh. Those are links. I was wondering when the data was actually going
to be
posted. When compared to the previous ones, it looks like there's only
with no information.

The idea is to add explanatory information to the bugzilla issue being
pointed to.

Making some effort to clarify the title of the bugzilla issue is also

This change to the changelog presentation does require that we up our
game with bugzilla - accurate tags (you can see at the top what is being
keyed on), accurate titles, and accurate information.

With all due respect I just plain refused crawling through the list of 
links of bugzilla to understand the whole amount of changes and/or 

New features need to be  featured (!) at the top of changelog and 
represented in the on-line spec obviously.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release

2013-01-04 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

04-Jan-2013 10:44, Jonathan M Davis пишет:

On Thursday, January 03, 2013 22:24:34 Walter Bright wrote:

Please note that the documentation that was there before in the changelog,
but with no corresponding bugzilla entry, has been cut  pasted into the
enhancement request bugzilla entry that I created for it.

Nothing has been lost or removed.

And where are items like

$(LI std.range.hasSlicing has been made stricter in an effort to make it more
reliable. opSlice for infinite ranges must now return the result of
std.range.take, and any range with slicing which supports $(D $) must now
support it with the same semantics as arrays (including supporting subtraction
for finite ranges).)

That's something that should be listed prominently, not buried in a long list
of bugzilla entries. If you want to put that sort of thing in a separate
release notes section, fine. But notes like this do _not_ belong in a list of
bugzilla entries. They should be prominently displayed to users.

In fact, this has pointed out quite a few New/Changed Features that had been
omitted from the human curated list. I think that a complete list is better
than the buggy, half-assed one we had before.

I will certainly concur that a lot (most?) of the titles on the bugzilla
enhancement requests kinda suck, but you or I or anyone else can fix them as
necessary, and I did fix a few of them.

I'm all for automating the bug fixes, and it makes perfect sense to handle many
of the enhancement requests in the same way, but we should have a way to
highlight major changes separately from the list of bugzilla entries (which
have no indication of prominence or relative importance) as well as an area
for giving specific notes to developers when needed (like major changes they
should watch out for or impending changes that they should be aware of). If
that's a separate release notes section rather than in the changelog itself,
so be it, but we've now completely lost the section that we were using for
that sort of thing. Instead, it's now simply a link to a bunch of bugzilla

- Jonathan M Davis

P.S. Also, as a future improvement, we _really_ shouldn't be linking to
bugzilla for our list. I've never seen a release notes document or changelog
do that in my entire life. It would be _far_ more user friendly to list the
changes like we did before with the bug number for each entry linking to the
bug report (and it's what most projects to do from what I've seen).
Automatically generating the list of bug fixes is great (and a definite step
forward), but the current presentation leaves a lot to be desired.

+1 Can't agree more.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: C++11 - using const and mutable for thread safety [Video]

2013-01-04 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

03-Jan-2013 12:39, Michal Minich пишет:

Newly discovered changes in C++11 on using const and mutable for thread

So now const is retrofitted as thread-safe. Again by convention.
And that is true only because of a statement in std library 
expectations. This shift is great but just ... by convention.

Looks like this channel got some updates on C++ and beyond 2012. I've 
found this one to be far more revealing:

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release

2013-01-03 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

1/3/2013 12:22 PM, Russel Winder пишет:

On Wed, 2013-01-02 at 13:59 -0800, Walter Bright wrote:

rhythmbox is a miserable program (at least on Ubuntu). It has a marvy feature
where it randomly stops playing, and only a cold boot will bring it back. It
also has random problems syncing with my music file database which is on a
Windows shared folder. Getting it to recognize a just-added CD was an exercise
in madness. I usually wound up deleting rhythmbox's settings file and starting 

There was a period prior to Canonical dropping Rhythmbox and then later
reinstating it as the default player, that there were some problems with
Rhythmbox failing to work. It was painful. for the last couple of years
though, Rhythmbox has worked entirely fine for me on Debian Unstable
with none of the problems seen during that period. So Rhythmbox on
Debian works fine for me, far better than any other Linux offering.  OS
X offerings I have tried all, universally, fail to be at all appealing
or even useful.

I finally threw in the towel and don't use Ubuntu to play music anymore.

I threw in the towel on Ubuntu when Unity came out as the default UI.

Going OT but can't agree more :)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Managing email [ was Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release ]

2013-01-03 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

04-Jan-2013 00:12, Russel Winder пишет:

On Thu, 2013-01-03 at 21:08 +0100, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Next step: becoming your own ISP ?

Define ISP ;-)

Then go for autonomous system aka AS g

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release

2013-01-02 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

1/2/2013 11:24 PM, Walter Bright пишет:

On 1/2/2013 11:09 AM, Russel Winder wrote:

On Wed, 2013-01-02 at 10:51 -0800, Walter Bright wrote:

I've been avoiding upgrading Ubuntu, because the last time I did that
installer trashed everything. Lost a day on that one.

Just because it happened once doesn't mean it will always happen.

Until I abandoned all use of Ubuntu, I had never had an upgrade crash
that didn't correct itself on appropriate rerun. You are the only person
I know that had a total trashing due to installer fail.

Reinstalling from scratch does not take a whole day. 2 hours maybe.

It does when you don't remember what goes in the host file, what you had
installed, redoing all the ssh keys, etc. It also deleted all my virtual
boxes, I never did figure out how to get them working again. I simply
gave up on virtual boxes as more trouble than they're worth.

While I've found them to be quite easy to migrate and use. If virtual 
hard disk can be found/recovered you don't need the settings and other 
crap as these are re-created in matter of minutes. There are even 
pre-constructed images of various OS+software stack to be found on the web.

P.S. I like calendar programs, but on Windows and Ubuntu, upgrading the
OS inevitably deletes the calendar database. None of those frackin'
calendar programs ever deign to tell me where they store their frackin'
database, so I can back it up. I really, really don't understand mail
and calendar programs that make it difficult to back up the data. I quit
using Outlook Express because it stored the mail database in a hidden
directory. WTF? Thunderbird is better, but not much.

On latest Windows OS-es almost everything is in AppData\Roaming + 
AppData\Roaming in \Users directory. Just copying them over and 
reinstalling the apps seems to work (I only tried Thunderbird and couple 
of others though).

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Remus

2012-10-30 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

10/30/2012 8:09 AM, Philippe Sigaud пишет:

It would be really awesome if you could play around with making the AST
available during compilation so we can alter it using ctfe.

I have a compile-time parser and code generator project here:

We are adding a D grammar in there and there is a compile-time D
parser (some current transatlantic cable problem make github act
erratically from Europe, but it's transitory).
Pegged gives you a compile-time parse tree, which can then be
manipulated with CTFE and transformed back into other code (the last
part is not implemented for D specifically, but I have other
tree-transformation function and they work alright at compile-time.

Cool. Reminds myself that I need to find some more time to play with it 
(and the source).

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: std.string.toUpper() for greek characters

2012-10-03 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 03-Oct-12 18:11, Minas wrote:

On Wednesday, 3 October 2012 at 13:27:25 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

On Wednesday, 3 October 2012 at 10:56:11 UTC, Minas wrote:

Currently, toUpper() (and probably toLower()) does not handle greek
characters correctly. I fixed toUpper() by making a another function
for greek characters

And a lot of others. And it is handwritten and thus unmaintainable.

// called if (c = 0x387  c = 0x3CE)
dchar toUpperGreek(dchar c)
if( c = 'α'  c = 'ω' )
if( c == 'ς' )
c = 'Σ';
c -= 32;
dchar[dchar] map;
map['ά'] = 'Ά';
map['έ'] = 'Έ';
map['ή'] = 'Ή';
map['ί'] = 'Ί';
map['ϊ'] = 'Ϊ';
map['ΐ'] = 'Ϊ';
map['ό'] = 'Ό';
map['ύ'] = 'Ύ';
map['ϋ'] = 'Ϋ';
map['ΰ'] = 'Ϋ';
map['ώ'] = 'Ώ';

c = map[c];

return c;

Then, in toUpper()
  if (c = 0x387  c = 0x3CE)
 c = toUpperGreek()...

Do you think it should stay like that or I should copy-paste it in
the body of toUpper()?

I'm going to fix toLower() as well and make a pull request.

I'm *strongly* against bringing these temporary hacks into standard 
library. The fact that toUpper/toLower are outdated is bad but fixing it 
by piling hack after hack on this mess of if/else branches is not the 
way out.

Also I hope you haven't lost a few hundreds over here:

The way out is a proper implementation that is is a direct derivative of 
the Unicode character database. And I've spent this summer on doing this 
proper 'cure' for these kind of problems with Unicode support in D.

Admittedly, my reworked Unicode support probably won't hit the next 
release(2.061). Needs to go through review etc. But I'm determined to 
get it to 2.062.

I'd suggest to keep around you personal version for the moment and then 
just switch to the new std one. However given our release schedule this 
could be anywhere from 4 months to 1 year away :)

Regarding toLower() a problem I see is how to handle sigma (Σ),
because it has two possible lower case representations depending where
it occurs in a word. But of course toLower() is working on character
basis, so it cannot know what the receiver plans to do with the


Yeah, that's a problem indeed. I will make it become 'σ', and the
programmer can change the final'σ' to 'ς' himself.

I think this is one of a small number of special cases, see the full 
list here:
(handling these subtleties is commonly called 'tailoring' and currently 
I believe is out reach for std library)

Currently mytoLower will do 'σ' as prescribed by simple case folding 
rules. (i.e. the ones that can only map 1:1).

I have case-insensitive string comparison that does 1:n mappings as well 
(and is going to replace current icmp) but it doesn't do tailoring.
One day we may add some language specific tailoring (via locales etc.) 
but we'd better do it carefully.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: std.string.toUpper() for greek characters

2012-10-03 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 03-Oct-12 21:10, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 10/03/2012 03:56 AM, Minas wrote:

Currently, toUpper() (and probably toLower()) does not handle greek
characters correctly. I fixed toUpper() by making a another function for
greek characters

// called if (c = 0x387  c = 0x3CE)
dchar toUpperGreek(dchar c)
if( c = 'α'  c = 'ω' )
if( c == 'ς' )
c = 'Σ';
c -= 32;
dchar[dchar] map;
map['ά'] = 'Ά';
map['έ'] = 'Έ';
map['ή'] = 'Ή';
map['ί'] = 'Ί';
map['ϊ'] = 'Ϊ';
map['ΐ'] = 'Ϊ';
map['ό'] = 'Ό';
map['ύ'] = 'Ύ';
map['ϋ'] = 'Ϋ';
map['ΰ'] = 'Ϋ';
map['ώ'] = 'Ώ';

c = map[c];

return c;

Then, in toUpper()

if (c = 0x387  c = 0x3CE)
c = toUpperGreek()...

Do you think it should stay like that or I should copy-paste it in the
body of toUpper()?

I'm going to fix toLower() as well and make a pull request.

I don't want to detract from the usefulness of these functions but
toupper and tolower has been two of the strangests functions of the
computer history. It is amazing that they are still accepted, because
they are useful in very limited situations and those situations are
becoming rarer as more and more systems support Unicode.

Glad you showed up!

One and by far the most useful case is case-insensitive matching.
That being said this doesn't and shouldn't involve toLower/toUpper  (and 
on the whole string) anywhere. Not only it's multipass vs single pass 
but it's also wrong. As a lot of other ASCII-minded carry-overs.

Other then this and being used as some intermediate sanitized form I 
don't think it has much use.

Two quick examples:

1) How should this string be capitalized in a scientific article?

   Anti-obesity effects of α-lipoic acid

There is a lot of lousy conversions. The basic toLower is defined in the 
standard, try it here:

I don't think the α in there should be upper-cased.

Depends on why you are doing it in the first place :) Capitalizing 
scientific article strikes me as kind of strange as well.

2) How should this name be capitalized in a list of names?


Again what's the goal of capitalization here?
Simplifying matching afterwards? - Then it doesn't matter as long as 
it's lousiness is acceptable (rarely so) and it stays within the system, 
i.e. doesn't leak away.

It completely depends on the writing system of that string itself, not
even the current locale. (There are two uppercases that I know of, which
can be considered as correct: ALI and ALİ.)

One word: tailoring. Basically any software made in Turkey has to do ALİ :)
Only half-joking.

I agree that your toUpper() and toLower() will be useful in many
contexts but will necessarily do the wrong thing in others.


Dmitry Olshansky

Re: std.string.toUpper() for greek characters

2012-10-03 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 03-Oct-12 20:13, David Nadlinger wrote:

On Wednesday, 3 October 2012 at 10:56:11 UTC, Minas wrote:

Do you think it should stay like that or I should copy-paste it in the
body of toUpper()?

I'm going to fix toLower() as well and make a pull request.

In any case, you should coordinate with Dmitry Olshansky, since he is

working on Unicode support in Phobos.

Fixed ;)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: dlib - d utility library

2012-09-29 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 28-Sep-12 21:47, Peter Alexander wrote:

On Friday, 28 September 2012 at 09:43:34 UTC, Timur Gafarov wrote:

dlib is a growing collection of native D language libraries serving as
a framework for various higher-level projects - such as game engines,
rendering pipelines and multimedia applications. It is written in D2
and has no external external dependencies aside D's standart library,

A note on your Vector implementation. Currently you use the vector
operators, e.g.

 Vector!(T,size) opAddAssign (Vector!(T,size) v)
 arrayof[] += v.arrayof[];
 return this;

This is fine for large vectors, but (correct me if I'm wrong), your
vector class appears to be designed for small vectors. Those vector ops
currently call a asm optimised function that uses SIMD instructions in a
loop - it works well for larger vectors with hundreds of elements, but
for small vectors it's significantly faster to just use:

foreach (i; 0..size)
 arrayof[i] += v.arrayof[i];

In this case simply unrolling it would be much better
(if size is fixed and is small e.g.  10).

foreach (i; TypeTuple!(1, 2, 3, 4 ... ))
//too bad we still don't have static Iota in Phobos
arrayof[i] += v.arrayof[i];

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: dlib - d utility library

2012-09-29 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 29-Sep-12 20:39, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

On 28-Sep-12 21:47, Peter Alexander wrote:

On Friday, 28 September 2012 at 09:43:34 UTC, Timur Gafarov wrote:

dlib is a growing collection of native D language libraries serving as
a framework for various higher-level projects - such as game engines,
rendering pipelines and multimedia applications. It is written in D2
and has no external external dependencies aside D's standart library,

A note on your Vector implementation. Currently you use the vector
operators, e.g.

 Vector!(T,size) opAddAssign (Vector!(T,size) v)
 arrayof[] += v.arrayof[];
 return this;

This is fine for large vectors, but (correct me if I'm wrong), your
vector class appears to be designed for small vectors. Those vector ops
currently call a asm optimised function that uses SIMD instructions in a
loop - it works well for larger vectors with hundreds of elements, but
for small vectors it's significantly faster to just use:

foreach (i; 0..size)
 arrayof[i] += v.arrayof[i];

In this case simply unrolling it would be much better
(if size is fixed and is small e.g.  10).

foreach (i; TypeTuple!(1, 2, 3, 4 ... ))

Sorry I've meant 0, 1, 2, 3 ...

//too bad we still don't have static Iota in Phobos
 arrayof[i] += v.arrayof[i];

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Slides from LASER 2012

2012-09-21 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 21-Sep-12 03:27, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 09/21/2012 12:51 AM, bearophile wrote:

Timon Gehr:

chain has type Result. dynRange takes an arbitrary range and transforms
it into a range with the same value/vs reference behaviour whose static
type depends only on the element type.

I see. So that chain() is the normal chain of Phobos :-)


(But is DynRange a lazy stream/sequence? This is the most important
thing, because creating an eager linked list is kind of easy already,
and misses the main point of my request.)


Proof of concept:

import std.range, std.algorithm;
struct DynRange(T){
 @property T front(){ return frontImpl(); }
 @property bool empty(){ return emptyImpl(); }
 void popFront(){
 auto u = popFrontImpl();
 frontImpl = u.frontImpl;
 emptyImpl = u.emptyImpl;
 popFrontImpl = u.popFrontImpl;
 T delegate() frontImpl;
 bool delegate() emptyImpl;
 DynRange!T delegate() popFrontImpl;
DynRange!(ElementType!R) dynRange(R)(R range)if(isInputRange!R){
 DynRange!(ElementType!R) result;
 result.frontImpl = ()=range.front;
 result.emptyImpl = ()=range.empty;
 result.popFrontImpl = (){
 auto newRange = range;
 return dynRange(newRange);
 return result;

void main(){
 auto r = iota(0,10).dynRange;
 auto t = [1,2,3,4,5].dynRange;
 import std.stdio;

To allow the definition of recursive lazy ranges, we'd also need
a facility to 'delay' computation. I'll post a proof of concept
tomorrow, by implementing eg. a lazy prime sieve.

I swear I've seen it somewhere in Phobos:
and friends. Maybe we ought to lay a better infrastructure for it.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Wrote a blog post about CTFE and D

2012-08-30 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 30-Aug-12 13:41, Danny Arends wrote:

I wrote a blog post about the stuff I've been doing last weekend using
All comments are welcome, you can find the blog post at:

Danny Arends

Nice read.

A couple of nits:

Use T[2] for fixed arrays like Cord one. It also helps tremendously for 
lookup speed of the final lookup table. Thus instead of array of arrays 
you'd have an array of pairs i.e. 2 indirections --- 1 indirection and 
cache friendly layout.

And an awful typo in degreeloop function I think:
pure int degreeloop(int deg){
  while(deg  0 || deg = 360){
if(deg  0) deg += 360;
if(deg = 0) deg -= 360; //shouldn't it be = 360 ??
  return deg;

Olshansky Dmitry

Re: Dmitry Olshansky Passes GSoC Final Evaluation

2012-08-24 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 24-Aug-12 19:50, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Hi everybody,

I'm happy to announce that Dmitry has passed GSoC's final evaluation.
Going forward he and I will focus on integrating his work within Phobos.
This should have technically occurred during the allocated time itself,
but it's not like Dmitry will run away with the money :o).

Thanks for your faith in me :o)

Please join me in congratulating Dmitry. And Dmitry, let's get going
with the integration.

It would be great if we can get help from compiler hackers, as I've 
collected some gems on my first attempt to merge it that may very well 
stall the process:

And this one makes all isXXX impure atm:

Olshansky Dmitry

Re: dmd 1.075 and 2.060 release

2012-08-03 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 03-Aug-12 20:57, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Mike James wrote:

Well, I installed by hand on windows, as I did for the previous
releases and nothing links anymore.
Then, at home, the same for linux. I did the exact moves/copies I did
for 2.057, 2.058 and 2.059 and I never had this problem before.

So now, all my DMD installs are broken :) What was changed in this
release exactly?

What Jonathan, what do you mean by old .di files? I never create any .di

If you (like I did) just extract zip over your dmd installation this 
could lead to unpleasant surprise as some  files should be now deleted 
yet new compiler will happily pick up old ones and get to a link error.

Just obliterate your previous installation before setting up new one :)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Pull freeze

2012-07-29 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 29-Jul-12 15:11, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-07-29 08:08, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Due to the upcoming release, there will be no regular pull walk-through
tomorrow. Thanks for the growing rate of contribution, and let's resume
the ritual next Sunday.


Again, we _need_ to start using branches.


Dmitry Olshansky

Re: DStep - Bindings Generator 0.0.1

2012-07-08 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 09-Jul-12 02:13, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Sunday, 8 July 2012 at 20:01:07 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-07-08 20:42, Walter Bright wrote:

Since OC is a proper superset of C, this shouldn't be a problem. Just
run the OC converter as your C compiler.

That is not completely true if one is picky. The following code is
legal C, but not legal Objective-C :

int id;
int nil;

In Objective-C id is a type.

I suppose this symptom will repeat in the future. I mean, for a
particular file extension there may be several code importers. An
(exotic?) example might be when some existing code uses one converter,
but for some reason new code should use a different one.

What about using the something like this:

mixin convertImport!header.h;

Ineffective even in distant future. Fixed functionality (=compiled, 
native, etc.) is faster and more practical.

E.g. the above was possible already for something like a year (no less)
the exact magic is:

But it never scaled to reasonably sized inputs/amounts of files like 
translating headers.

with ability to specify a particular converter as second template

However something like :
import file.ext, FancyImporter; could work and call some 
'FancyImporter' for compiler's tools directory to produce file.di

I think extra syntax could be added easily WHEN the need arrives, so far 
1:1 converters to extension feels fine.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Visual D 0.3.33 uses a server for parsing and semantic analysis

2012-06-19 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 20-Jun-12 02:41, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:

On 20-06-2012 00:20, Rainer Schuetze wrote:


Visual D 0.3.33 has just been released. The biggest improvement is the
move of the parser and the semantic analysis into a local COM server
process, so that the IDE is no longer suffering from stalls caused by
garbage collections on more than small amounts of memory.

Very nice!

Indeed, I've moved back to Visual once again :)

Some other, not so spectacular changes include

* debugger project settings now stored in solution options file, not in
project file

I love you!!! You have no idea how annoying that could get sometimes...

* cv2pdb: new version 0.25 that supports VS2012
* cv2pdb: exposed command line options in the project options
* intellisense tool tip now shows enumerator value
* version highlighting now supports the version(V): syntax
* tweaked vsi2d to also convert the Windows 8 SDK and VS2012 SDK
* various improvements to parser and semantic analysis

The full list of changes is at

Visual D is a Visual Studio package providing both project management
and language services for the D programming language. It works with
Visual Studio 2005-11 as well as the free Visual Studio Shells.

The Visual D installer can be downloaded from its website at

The source code is now also available on github:


Does this work with the VS 2012 RC?

Works here on VS 2012 RC win8.

Dmitry Olshansky

Review of std.uuid is going on!

2012-06-09 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

Cross-posting to cover a wider audience.

The review for inclusion of a new module std.uuid into Phobos is in the 
process in the general .D newsgroup.



Let's keep the discussion in the .D newsgroup:$afj$

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: bootDoc - advanced DDoc framework using Twitter's Bootstrap

2012-05-02 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 02.05.2012 22:26, Jakob Ovrum wrote:

Note about noscript: JavaScript is used to get around the static nature
of DDoc. The sidebar does not work without JavaScript, and neither do
fully qualified anchor names. However, anchors with ambiguous names
(such as those usable for symbols on work both with and
without JavaScript, with the same limitations.

Wooha! remove in std.algorithm finally points to _function_.
Impressed :)
(BTW It's still points to enum in

Comments, issues, enhancement requests, questions or rants about
JavaScript - all feedback is much appreciated!

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: XSort - Sorting algorithms (including Timsort!)

2012-04-12 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 12.04.2012 18:50, Xinok wrote:

On Thursday, 12 April 2012 at 05:25:52 UTC, Nathan M. Swan wrote:

On Thursday, 12 April 2012 at 03:04:49 UTC, Xinok wrote:

I just wanted to share this. I started a project a few weeks ago on
Github to implement several sorting algorithms in D. In total, there
are 8 modules at the moment, each implementing a sorting algorithm or
combination thereof.

I just finished Timsort today. It's working, it's stable, but I need
to spend a little more time better optimizing it.

Cool! To make it a bit more generic, may I suggest making all the
inputs only have to be isInputRange, and have it converted to an array.


This incurs different behavior as random-access ranges would be sorted
in place and input ranges wouldn't be. I could add separate functions to
make this behavior explicit, but I see little point in doing so. It's
quite easy to convert an input range to an array yourself:

import std.array, std.range;

auto inputRangeToArray(R)(R range)
if(isInputRange!R  !isInfinite!R)
auto app = Appender!(ElementType!(R)[])();
static if(hasLength!R) app.reserve(range.length);

Indeed and there is a standard function array(...) that does this very 

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Russian TDPL is available for orders

2012-04-10 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 03.04.2012 4:09, Denis Shelomovskij wrote:

02.04.2012 21:21, Oleg Kuporosov пишет:

There is good news for Russian D Developers, translated Andrey's
TDPL is available for pre-orders at some online stores

Hope it will definetelly increase Russian speaking community, so
far we don't have good localized resources on D.

Andrey, is it first translation?


I was afraid of it and it has finally happened. Sorry, but there is only
*bad* news for us.

I started reading translation of the foreword by Scott Meyers... The
translation is not verbatim (strange, because it's not a poems
translation), but readable... For some reason, a sentence

I'm not about to crack open a bottle of champagne but I want to point 
out that the translation (in the provided preview) was fixed in the mean 

You might want to review your comment on the book :)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Russian TDPL is available for orders

2012-04-05 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 05.04.2012 2:46, Igor Stepanov wrote:


Функциональные программисты убеждены, что такая модель вычислений
поощряет неупорядоченное, параллельное выполнение, однако до недавнего
времени эти возможности существовали скорее в виде потенциальной
энергии, чем достигнутой цели.
Так лучше?

Да, неплохо. Меня все еще как-то тревожит в виде потенциальной энергии, 
чем достигнутой цели и мн. число в возможностях (все таки она одна - 
параллельное выполнение, остальное - эпитеты). Может быть лучше эта 
возможность являлась скорее потенциальной энергией, нежели достигнутой 

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Russian TDPL is available for orders

2012-04-04 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 04.04.2012 19:35, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 at 00:09:02 UTC, Denis Shelomovskij

I was afraid of it and it has finally happened. Sorry, but there is
only *bad* news for us.


The text was revised by Igor Stepanov and myself. We are both D
users, but inevitably a few errors will slip through the cracks.
The translation should get better further on - the forewords
haven't gotten as much attention as the main text.

The book hasn't been printed yet. The errors brought up here
shouldn't be in the print version. If you see any more goofs,
please post here, it may not be too late to fix them.

And sorry about the long delay - it's partially my fault :)

The ones I recall in chapter 13 (and the only available for preview):

с. 471 ...вплоть до массовой памяти
лучше уж дисковой, звучит проще и сомнений меньше.

на с.474 есть просто отличное предложение:
По мнению программистов на функциональных языках, для такой модели 
вычислений органично неупорядоченное, параллельное исполнение, но до 
недавнего времени эти возможности существовали скорее в виде 
потенциальной энергии, чем как достигнутая цель.

(прочел попытки с 3ей)

...для такой модели вычислений органично неупорядоченное, параллельное 

...для такой модели вычислений естественно ...
или в такую модель вычислений органично вписывается

и откуда множественное число - эти ?
Оригинал вроде: ...that potential was more of latent energy...
С оригинала начало скорее - В среде функциональных программистов 
является признанным фактом, что такая модель вычислений

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Russian TDPL is available for orders

2012-04-04 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 04.04.2012 22:56, Igor Stepanov wrote:

The ones I recall in chapter 13 (and the only available for preview):

с. 471 ...вплоть до массовой памяти
лучше уж дисковой, звучит проще и сомнений меньше.

Все таки имелась в виду не дисковая
память, а ОЗУ. Можно ли назвать ее

Глядя на оригинал - mass storage это точно не RAM :)
Думаю подразумевается в виду механизм виртуальной памяти, при котором 
страницы весьма легко могут оказаться на диске.

BTW, we can ask the author of the book!

Andrei, may I ask you what kind of memory you had in mind when refereed 
to mass storage in this statement of TDPL?

The existence of a spectrum of memory architectures that navigate 
different trade-offs among density, price, and speed, has caused an 
increased sophistication of memory hierarchies; accessing one memory 
word has become a detective investigation that involves questioning 
several cache levels, starting with precious on-chip static RAM

and going possibly all the way to mass storage.

I believe it's harddisk(s) and it's ilk via virtual memory, while Igor 
(a corrector for Russian edition) thinks it's regular RAM.

на с.474 есть просто отличное предложение:
По мнению программистов на функциональных языках, для такой модели
вычислений органично неупорядоченное, параллельное исполнение, но до
недавнего времени эти возможности существовали скорее в виде
потенциальной энергии, чем как достигнутая цель.

(прочел попытки с 3ей)

...для такой модели вычислений органично неупорядоченное, параллельное
...для такой модели вычислений естественно ...
или в такую модель вычислений органично вписывается

и откуда множественное число - эти ?
Оригинал вроде: ...that potential was more of latent energy...
С оригинала начало скорее - В среде функциональных программистов
является признанным фактом, что такая модель вычислений

Да, фраза немного странная. Кст до
лит. редактирования она звучала так:

Как было замечено в кругах программистов на функциональных языках,

пока неплохо

такая модель вычислений от природы протежирует неупорядоченное,

ай-ай-ай )


выполнение, однако до недавнего

времени эти возможности существовали скорее в форме латентной
энергии, чем достигнутой цели.


P.S. Ничего, что я по-русски?

I've seen Spanish used, so it's should be more or less OK :)
The topic provides nice excuse anyway.
(Я тут и испанский видел, думаю более ли менее нормально. Тема в любом 
случае дает отличный повод для применения великого и могучего)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Stewart's Utility Library 0.10 release - now exclusively for D2

2012-04-01 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 01.04.2012 20:00, Stewart Gordon wrote:

As some of you have heard already, I've taken the plunge and switched to

And, having seemingly discovered that most people have already left D1
behind, and that it's now harder than it was to make code compatible
with both languages, I have decided to make my libraries D2-only.

Other updates include the addition of DimensionedValue, my own stab at
the old problem of primitive units checking, changing DateInterval and
TimeInterval from kludgy typedefs to structs, and enforcing that set
elements are immutable.


I gave this a brief look, the console stuff for windows caught my eye.
No offense, but I totally expected console module to do coloring or some 
other cool terminal stuff. As is it looks like a workaround for stdio.

BTW I think dgwrap can be safely yanked out, see

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Pegged, From EBNF to PEG

2012-03-17 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 17.03.2012 10:59, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 10:48, Dmitry  wrote:

That's one of the caveats on PEG. That and greedy operators.

'a*a' never succeeds because 'a*' consumes all the available a's.

Hey, wait, I thought there has to be backtrack here, i.e. when second 'a'
finally fails?

PEG only do local backtracking in 'or' choices, not in sequences. I
think that's because the original author was dealing with packrat
parsing and its O(input-size) guarantee.

Ok, let's agree on fact that semantically
a* is :
As - a As / a

and a*? is this:
As - a / a As

Now that's local ;)

I remember trying compile-time backtracking in another similar library
in D 1-2 years ago and getting lots of pb. I might add that in Pegged,
but I don't know the consequences. How do you do that in std.regex?

There are two fundamental ways to get around the problem, the easiest
to implement is to use a stack to record a position in input + number of 
alternative/production (I call it a PC - program counter) every time 
there is a fork like that. Then when the current path ultimately fails 
pop stack, reset input and go over again until you either match or empty 
the stack. That's how to avoid dp recursion that happens here.

The problematic thing now is combinatorial explosion of
a* a* a*  //simplified, but you get the idea

The trick to avoid this sort of crap is to
1) agree that whatever matches first has higher priority (left-most 
match) that's a simple disambiguation rule.
2) record what positions + pc you place on stack e.g. use a set, or in 
fact, a bitmap to push every unique combination  (pc,index) only once.

Voila! Now you have a linear worst-case algorithm with (M*N) complexity 
where M is number of all possible PCs, and N is number of all possible 
indexes in input.

Now if we put aside all crap talk about mathematical purity and monads, 
and you name it, a packrat is essentially this, a dynamic programming 
trick applied to recursive top-down parsing. The trick could be extended 
even more to avoid extra checks on input characters, but the essence is 
this memoization.

(nice article btw, I learnt some about regexes)

Thanks, I hope it makes them more popular.
Might as well keep me busy fixing bugs :)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Pegged, From EBNF to PEG

2012-03-17 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 17.03.2012 18:11, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 10:09, Dmitry  wrote:

Ok, let's agree on fact that semantically
a* is :
As- a As / a

and a*? is this:
As- a / a As

Now that's local ;)

It's local, yes. But the pb is with   Expr- A* B C D, when D fails.
PEG sequences don't backtrack.

I'd argue they do. As I see it as:
Expr - As B C D / B C D
As - A / A As
(or use an epsilon production for As, is it allowed in pegged ?)

I remember trying compile-time backtracking in another similar library
in D 1-2 years ago and getting lots of pb. I might add that in Pegged,
but I don't know the consequences. How do you do that in std.regex?

There are two fundamental ways to get around the problem


Thanks for the explanations. Does std.regex implement this?

It does the second way that I haven't told about, and had hard time to 
implement in C-T :)
And the simple version of what I presented (i.e. stack stuff) is used 
in CT-regex and as fallback in R-T. The problem with doing a bitmap 
memoization is that regex often used to _search_ things in large inputs. 
Some compromise and/or thresholds have to be estimated and found.
Parsing on the contrary guaranties that the whole input is used or in 
error, hence bitmap is not wasted.

Now if we put aside all crap talk about mathematical purity and monads, and
you name it, a packrat is essentially this, a dynamic programming trick
applied to recursive top-down parsing. The trick could be extended even more
to avoid extra checks on input characters, but the essence is this

I plan to store indices anyway. I might add this in the future. A read
something on using PEGs to parse Java and C and there was no need to
do a complete memoization: storing the last parse result as a
temporary seemed to be enough.

Well even straight no-memorization is somehow enough, it's just a way to 
ensure no extra work is done. C  Java are not much of backtracky grammars.

(nice article btw, I learnt some about regexes)

Thanks, I hope it makes them more popular.
Might as well keep me busy fixing bugs :)

As people said on Reddit, you should make more whooping sounds about
CT-regex. That was what wowed me and pushed me to tackle CT-parsing

It's just I'm also well aware of how much luck it (still) takes to fly ;)
The asserts that compare C-T vs R-T go off too often for my taste, other 
then this the memory usage during compile is too high.
I recall once dmd had GC re-enabled for brief period, dmd used no more 
then ~64Mb doing real crazy ct-regex stuff.

OK, back to C-T parsing, I have one crazy idea that I can't get away 
from - add operator precedence grammar into the mix. From what I observe 
it should integrate into PEG smoothly. Then it would make 
military-grade hybrid that uses operator precedence parsing of 
expressions and the like. Few more tricks and it may beat some

existing parser generators.

See this post, where I tried to describe that idea early on:

I might catch spare time to go about adding it myself, the only tricky 
thing is to embed plain semantic actions, as AST generation would be 
more or less the same.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Visual D 0.3.31 features GDC support

2012-03-14 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 14.03.2012 11:46, Rainer Schuetze wrote:


the new version of Visual D includes support for building and debugging
D projects with GDC, both Win32 and x64.

Wow! Now that's a killer feature!

Here is a list of major changes:

2012-03-14 Version 0.3.31

* added support for building with GDC
* added platform support for x64 (use with GDC only)
* includes new version 0.23 of cv2pdb that now also converts DWARF to pdb
* added option to Intellisense page to configure trigger of code
* new version of mago with bug fixes and support for associative arrays
in expressions with basic key types
* property: fixed editing multiple configurations at once
* added Compile command to syntax check the current source file
* parser now supports new lambda syntax (x) = x
* fix resource include with spaces

Very short instructions on how to get started with GDC can be found

Visual D is a Visual Studio package providing both project management
and language services for the D programming language. It works with
Visual Studio 2005-11 as well as the free Visual Studio Shells.

The Visual D installer can be downloaded from its website at


Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Pegged, From EBNF to PEG

2012-03-14 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 14.03.2012 2:49, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 17:17, Dmitry  wrote:

PEG defines order of alternatives, that is pretty much like a top-down
recursive descent parser would parse it. Alternatives are tried from left to
right, if first one fails, it tries next and so on.


In an example I give B is always picked first and so C is never ever looked

That's one of the caveats on PEG. That and greedy operators.

'a*a' never succeeds because 'a*' consumes all the available a's.

Hey, wait, I thought there has to be backtrack here, i.e. when second 
'a' finally fails?

Literal- (' .+ ') / ('' .+ '')

This needs escaping. Plain '.+' in pattern asks for trouble 99% of time.

This is an example were PEG would munch anything till the end, and
fail (since  is not found in an empty string).
The standard PEG way to do that is

(!EndMarker .)+ EndMarker

It's a common enough pattern I tend to define a parameterized rule for that:

Until(Expr)- (!Expr .)* Expr

Gotta love parametrized rules! 15' to code, a neverending stream of joy.


In fact grammars are usually devised the other way around, e.g.
  Program -  ...
Ehm... what the whole program is exactly ? Ok, let it be Declaration* for
now. What kind of declarations do we have? ... and so on. Latter grammars
get tweaked and extended numerous times.

At any rate production order has no effect on the grammar, it's still the
same. The only thing of importance is what non-terminal considered final (or
start if you are LL-centric).

Yes. The PEG standard seem to be that the first rule is the start
(root) rule. Pegged let you decide which rule you use for a start. The
rest is automatic.
I might change that.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Pegged, From EBNF to PEG

2012-03-13 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 12.03.2012 16:43, bls wrote:

On 03/10/2012 03:28 PM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:


I created a new Github project, Pegged, a Parsing Expression Grammar
(PEG) generator in D.


Just WOW!

Nice to have on your WIKI would be a EBNF to PEG sheet.

Wirth EBNF Pegged
A = BC. A - B C
A = B|C. A - C / C

Maybe A - B / C. And even then it's not exactly equivalent if the 
grammar was ambiguous.

Imagine: B - a, C - aa

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Pegged, From EBNF to PEG

2012-03-13 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 12.03.2012 17:45, bls wrote:

On 03/13/2012 04:28 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

On 12.03.2012 16:43, bls wrote:

On 03/10/2012 03:28 PM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:


I created a new Github project, Pegged, a Parsing Expression Grammar
(PEG) generator in D.


Just WOW!

Nice to have on your WIKI would be a EBNF to PEG sheet.

Wirth EBNF Pegged
A = BC. A - B C
A = B|C. A - C / C

Maybe A - B / C. And even then it's not exactly equivalent if the
grammar was ambiguous.
Imagine: B - a, C - aa

PEG is pretty new to me. Can you elaborate a bit ?

PEG defines order of alternatives, that is pretty much like a top-down 
recursive descent parser would parse it. Alternatives are tried from 
left to right, if first one fails, it tries next and so on.
In an example I give B is always picked first and so C is never ever 
looked at.

Somewhat less artificial example:
Literal - IntL| FloatL
FloatL - [0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?
IntL - [0-9]+

If you change it to: Literal - FloatL| IntL then integer literals would 
get parsed as floating point.

My mistake.. cleaned up stuff..

Pegged Wirth EBNF

A - B C A = BC.

B or C
A - B / C A = B|C.

Zero or one B
A - B? A = [B].

Zero or more Bs
A - B* A = {B}.

One or more Bs
A - B+ Not available

PEG description of EBNF

EBNF - Procuction+
Production - Identifier '=' Expression '.'
Expression - Term ( '|' Term)*
Term - Factor Factor*
Factor - Identifier / Literal / '[' Expression ']' / '{' Expression '}'
/ '(' Expression ')'
lowerCase - [a-z]
upperCase - [A-Z]
Identifier - (lowerCase / upperCase) (lowerCase / upperCase)*

Why not:
Identifier - [a-zA-Z]+

Literal - (' .+ ') / ('' .+ '')

This needs escaping. Plain '.+' in pattern asks for trouble 99% of time.

Still not sure if this is correct. Especially :
Term - Factor Factor*

Another thing I never really understand is the production order, In
other words : Why not top down ..
Start :
lowerCase - [a-z]
upperCase - [A-Z]
Identifier - (lowerCase / upperCase) (lowerCase / upperCase)*

End :
EBNF - Procuction+

where End is Root..

In fact grammars are usually devised the other way around, e.g.
 Program - ...
Ehm... what the whole program is exactly ? Ok, let it be Declaration* 
for now. What kind of declarations do we have? ... and so on. Latter 
grammars get tweaked and extended numerous times.

At any rate production order has no effect on the grammar, it's still 
the same. The only thing of importance is what non-terminal considered 
final (or start if you are LL-centric).

TIA, Bjoern

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D port of dmd: Lexer, Parser, AND CodeGenerator fully operational

2012-03-09 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 09.03.2012 11:58, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Friday, March 09, 2012 11:53:51 Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

The goal is to make std.algorithm general when it comes to UTF-x ranges,
VLE range seems a best suited abstraction level so far. Other things
like base64 encoded stuff could be there, though it needs some thought.

My point is that it doesn't make sense to try and design the lexer around an
as yet undesigned and unused VLE range.

Interface-wise, yes.

 Either the lexer should just move

forward with how things are currently done and then be adjusted later to use
VLE ranges once they've been sorted out, or it should be postponed until VLE
ranges are sorted out.

Or it could use whatever abstraction it needs internally, providing (for 
starters) (w|d)string interface.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D port of dmd: Lexer, Parser, AND CodeGenerator fully operational

2012-03-08 Thread Dmitry Olshansky
 sure that you understand the basics of Unicode fairly well -
especially with how they pertain to char, wchar, and dchar - since that will
affect your ability to correctly translate code to use ranges as well as
properly optimize them.

It would probably help if other D developers who are more familiar with ranges
took a look at what you have and maybe even helped you start adjusting your
code, but I don't know how many will both have the time and be interested. If
I have time, I'll probably start poking at it, but I don't know that I'll have
time any time soon, much as I'd like to.

Regardless, you need to familiarize yourself with ranges if you want to get
the lexer and parser ready for inclusion in Phobos. And you really should
familiarize yourself with them anyway, since they're heavily used in D code in
general. Not being able to use ranges in D would be like not being able to use
iterators in C++. You can program in it, but you'd be fairly crippled -
particularly when dealing with the standard library.

- Jonathan M Davis

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D port of dmd: Lexer, Parser, AND CodeGenerator fully operational

2012-03-08 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 08.03.2012 22:46, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Thursday, March 08, 2012 22:03:12 Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

On 08.03.2012 11:48, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

A range is not necessarily a dynamic array, though a dynamic array is a
range. The lexer is going to need to take a range of dchar (which may or
may not be an array), and it's probably going to need to return a range
of tokens. The parser would then take a range of tokens and then output
the AST in some form or other - it probably couldn't be range, but I'm
not sure. And while the lexer would need to operate on generic ranges of
dchar, it would probably have to be special-cased for strings in a number
of places in order to make it faster (e.g. checking the first char in a
string rather than using front when it's known that the value being
checked against is an ASCII character and will therefore fit in a single
char - front has to decode the next character, which is less efficient).

Simply put, the decisison on decoding should belong to lexer. Thus
strings should be wrapped as input range of char, wchar  dchar

??? The normal way to handle this is to simply special-case certain
operations. e.g.

static if(Unqual!(isElementEncodingType!R) == char)
{ ... }

Does isElementEncodingType aware of anything other then string/wstring?

{ ... }

I'm not sure that wrapping char and wchar arrays in structs that treat them as
ranges of char or wchar is a good idea. At minimum, I'm not aware of anything
in Phobos currently working that way (unless you did something like that in

Well it's not that I'm insisting of _wrapping_ the arrays or some such 
in general sense.  And yes, I had some hard experience in std.regex with 
UTF decoding and range design that doesn't exactly fits.

What I'm truly against is going overly generic and automatically 
stomping on your performance. That being said the general design of 
string ranges has unnessary pessimization already as it's popFront does 
a UTF length lookup, identical operation is  performed when decoding the 
first codepoint (.front).
At any rate building lexer on top of ranges in current setting means 
using abstraction that _hides_ decoding inside. That's a bad idea, it's 
loosing a fight from the start. Why? Because in this case range can't 
know if decoding is needed at this particular state of lexer or not, it 
is generality that kills this by definition.

Yeah, in general auto-magically decoding ranges are OK, as long as the 
stuff you do has cost much higher then decoding (~10 times would be 
fine) or things that you strictly can't do otherwise. Lexer doesn't fall 
into this criteria.

Everything either treats them as generic ranges of dchar or

special cases them. And when you want to be most efficient with string
processing, I would think that you'd want to treat them exactly as the arrays
of code units that they are rather than ranges - in which case treating them
as generic ranges of dchar in most places and then special casing certain
sections of code which can take advantage of the fact that they're arrays of
code units seems like the way to go.

Yeah, no arguing that. The thing is that lexer as a whole is precisely 
one of these special cases. It's good as long as it's fast and that 
requires more control then a generic input range of dchar.

Now, speaking outside of this specific problem.
Basically I would propose formalizing a kind of range that current 
string/wstring is. And that is a VariableLengthEncoding range (VLE 
range), a two in one - random access codeunit range and bidirectional 
'codepoint' range. I've heard of attempts on this concept before, but 
now with a use case at hand it could be become more important.
The problem is, I think, that current InputRange range is insufficent as 
it requres to calculate length of first element twice: one time in front 
and extra one in popFront.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D port of dmd: Lexer, Parser, AND CodeGenerator fully operational

2012-03-08 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 09.03.2012 1:12, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Friday, March 09, 2012 00:54:48 Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

On 08.03.2012 22:46, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Thursday, March 08, 2012 22:03:12 Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

On 08.03.2012 11:48, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

A range is not necessarily a dynamic array, though a dynamic array is a
range. The lexer is going to need to take a range of dchar (which may or
may not be an array), and it's probably going to need to return a range
of tokens. The parser would then take a range of tokens and then output
the AST in some form or other - it probably couldn't be range, but I'm
not sure. And while the lexer would need to operate on generic ranges of
dchar, it would probably have to be special-cased for strings in a
of places in order to make it faster (e.g. checking the first char in a
string rather than using front when it's known that the value being
checked against is an ASCII character and will therefore fit in a single
char - front has to decode the next character, which is less efficient).

Simply put, the decisison on decoding should belong to lexer. Thus
strings should be wrapped as input range of char, wchar  dchar

??? The normal way to handle this is to simply special-case certain
operations. e.g.

static if(Unqual!(isElementEncodingType!R) == char)
{ ... }

Does isElementEncodingType aware of anything other then string/wstring?

No. It uses isNarrowString. So, what you'd end up doing is having the lexer
accept a generic range of dchar and then have specializations where
appropriate for narrow strings. Nothing in Phobos' string handling really
supports the idea of dealing with generic char or wchar ranges. It all
processes ranges of dchar and specializes on narrow strings where appropriate.

The concept that *only* strings need special casing is broken. I recall 
somebody already stomped on this: i.e. any range that returns char (a 
wrapper range, over say memory-mapped file) passes by all the intricate 
special casing that does decoding of std.algorithm and friends. So to 
put it simply there is no way to tap into this *decoding by default* 

But is there really a use case for a generic range of char or wchar? I don't
know. In general, I really don't think that there is.

Memory mapped file wrapper is one, it's just from the top of my head. 
There could be plenty of them, one needs just to look. 'I don't

 know' is not a solid argument, sorry.

When dealing with ranges

of characters, they're essentially always either strings or strings which have
been wrapped in other ranges (generally by calling some other range-based
function such as take or filter). And those range-based functions pretty much
inevitably need to treat the strings as ranges of dchar to do what they do
(potentially with specific optimizations for strings). They aren't designed to
operate on ranges of char or wchar, and the only reason to make them do so
would be if there were a use case where you needed a range of char or wchar
which was not an array. But they're all either arrays or wrapped arrays. So,
no such use case currently exists with Phobos, and I really question the
usefulness of trying to optimize on a generic range of char or wchar -
especially when many of the optimizations for arrays involve random access
ranges, and if you have a random access range of char or wchar, I _really_
question that it would ever be anything other than an array.

And that is problem, if you fail to see why we need to stop pretending 
that all char/wchar ranges are arrays, then I failed somewhere. In the 
same vane one would argue that there is no other random access range but 
array, yet there is. For instance if we explore containers there could 
be Tries, Dequeues  and whatnot of char/wchar with their respective ranges.

So, I'd advise against trying to operate on ranges of char or wchar and just
stick to operating on ranges of dchar with optimizations for narrow strings
where appropriate.

Probably the fact that in lexer it's not 'some place for optimizations, 
it's the whole thing' was missed. That's why I'm looking for more or 
less generic yet efficient way.

Now, speaking outside of this specific problem.
Basically I would propose formalizing a kind of range that current
string/wstring is. And that is a VariableLengthEncoding range (VLE
range), a two in one - random access codeunit range and bidirectional
'codepoint' range. I've heard of attempts on this concept before, but
now with a use case at hand it could be become more important.

There has been some talk of VLE ranges but really only with regards to the
fact that strings are a case of that. Nothing has been done to generalize it.
It may be something that should be looked into, but until we've formalized
that, I don't think that something like the lexer should be built around the
idea. It would be safer to stick with what we've been doing - operating on
ranges of dchar and special

Re: D to Javascript converter (a hacked up dmd)

2012-02-29 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 29.02.2012 21:58, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

4) This is an insane idea, but one that came to mind.
I'm testing this by piping the generated JS into

dmd runs insanely fast when compiling this code. Phobos
is kinda slow to compile, but you don't have to use it
here. Write D1 style code and dmd is blink of an eye.

dmdscript is reasonably fast too.

As someone that spent quite some time porting and fixing dmdscript I 
humbly suggest using Google's standalone version of v8.

I mean I've done benchmarking, and it was like 20-200x times slower 
depending on the things you do. For one hashtables are the bottleneck, I 
though of reworking them but lost interest along the way. The other 
problem is FP speed since JS uses double for eveerything. dmd used FP 
stack for double back then, probably now it uses SSE(?).

Suppose you're writing an app and you want a scripting
extension. Embed dmdscript, boom you can use javascript.

(I really want to revive a dmdscript D2 port to make this
even easier, but it isn't hard right now either.)

You can try where I stopped it's still on D source, though I should 
probably upload that on github.
If you are serious about dmd I would recommend it, as I've spent weeks 
to figure out proper try/catch/finally implementation and fix closures 
that were broken.

Last thing I vaguely recall is building it with 2.055 or 2.056, and 
moving deprecated parts of phobos into it.

What if you want to script in D? If you're GPL... embed
dmd front end too.

Make D output JS, which is interpreted by D, calling
D apis

Pretty insane, but you could script your app in D without
doing shared libraries or anything like that!

Indeed, but who knows ;)

Compared to cases 1-3 though, this is silly. Just a thought
that came to mind.

The web app use case is strong though. I think I'll actually
use this thing.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D to Javascript converter (a hacked up dmd)

2012-02-29 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 29.02.2012 23:40, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 29 February 2012 at 19:10:27 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

If you are serious about dmd I would recommend it, as I've spent weeks
to figure out proper try/catch/finally implementation and fix closures
that were broken.

Indeed, I still have a copy of your zip from before.

I tried to do it too, but I never got a lot of things
working quite right; it'd sometimes crash, I replaced the
AAs with a linear lookup since I didn't get that working
right either.

I ended up using hacked RandAA by David Simcha, it works quite well. 
It's a somewhat slow on reads comapred to d's native one, but sure it's 
more stable ;)

Your version worked well, as I recall.

But on dmdscript vs v8, v8 is faster, but I'm not too
concerned about speed.

A couple big advantages dmdscript has are:

a) I expect it will be easier to integrate in D apps

b) I already know its source code, so if I want to hack new
things on to the language, it won't be a big todo.

c) license is a little more permissive.

The big one though is familiarity with the source.

Agreed, it's very clean and lean for full interpreter (not to mention 

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: dmd 2.057 release

2011-12-14 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 14.12.2011 11:05, Walter Bright wrote:

Highlights are use of XMM floating point registers in 64 bit targets,
and now supporting OS X 64 as a target.

A lot of people put a ton of effort into making this D's best release
ever. Thanks!

Yet I have to issue yet another warning about new std.regex compared 
with old one:

import std.stdio;
import std.regex;

void main() {
string src = 4.5.1;
foreach (c; match(src, regex(r(\d+

previously this will find all matches, now it finds only first one. To 
get all of matches use g option.

Seems like 100% compatibility was next to impossible.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: std.regex wins with 11 votes

2011-10-31 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 31.10.2011 7:21, Jesse Phillips wrote:

I wish to congratulate Dmitry Olshansky for not only having his project
selected for GSoC, but inclusion into Phobos. Absolutely no one had
objection to this proposal and it received 11 yes votes, myself included.

Dmitry, please merge in the latest master branch and submit a pull
request so that we can have this great addition in the next release!

Great, I'm on it.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D programming language specification ebook

2011-07-10 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 09.07.2011 8:59, Jordi Sayol wrote:

Al 09/07/11 06:20, En/na Walter Bright ha escrit:

Amazon has a kindle app for Windows which will display it, there's probably one 
for Linux too.

'fbreader' properly handle '' on Ubuntu 11.04

Best regards,

You can also try this file conversion web service:
saved me a whole lot of trouble in the past.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Programming Windows D Examples are now Online!

2011-06-22 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 22.06.2011 23:01, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

I just ran into some odd stdout corruption issue while doing parallel
builds, take a look:

I've tried building again and it was gone, it looks like an appearance
of a heisenbug. There might be some bug lurking somewhere in
std.parallelism, but it's hard to say when I can't recreate it.

I'd say that is to be expected, e.g. when multiple processes (in this 
case two resource compilers) output  to the same stream (console) and 
has nothing to do with std.parallelism. One cure for that is to have 
them output to a unique temporary files or pipes.
The only thing that's strange is that I'd expect it to happen in blocks 
as there should be buffering, but maybe they doesn't use it at all.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: (Interesting) Microsoft Demos C++ AMP Heterogeneous Computing at AMD's Fusion Developer Summit

2011-06-16 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 16.06.2011 21:42, Zz wrote:

Interesting article and video.

Microsoft Demos C++ AMP Heterogeneous Computing at AMD's Fusion Developer 

link to the full video:

BTW amazing stuff, and it's definitely good that we now have 
std.parallelism. Admittedly it doesn't deal with specialized things like 
computing on GPUs.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Visual D 0.3.24 released

2011-05-10 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 08.05.2011 13:31, Rainer Schuetze wrote:


as the newest version of Visual D includes some major improvements, 
I'd like to announce its release here.

Visual D is a Visual Studio package providing both project management 
and language services for the D programming language. It works with 
Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010 as well as the free Visual Studio 

Added features worth noting include

  * support for Object Browser and Class View

  * runs a parser in the background to underline syntax errors (no 
semantic analysis)

  * new version of the mago debugger that fixes some issues with 
exceptions and improves the call stack display

Highlights in previous versions not announced here:

  * support for Code Definition Window

  * search and replace based on the D tokenizer, ignoring white spaces 
and comments and supporting brace matching

  * new compilation modes: compile and link seperately, compile only

Visual D comes with an easy installer and can be downloaded here:


Awesome tool!
Previously I used Code::Blocks on Windows, now I think I'm addicted to 
VisualD ;)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Alternative linker win32/64

2011-02-24 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 24.02.2011 21:41, Walter Bright wrote:

Sebastian Schuberth wrote:

On 18.02.2011 11:00, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

The nice thing is reduction in half of the resulting binary size.

That's indeed nice! The unnecessarily huge size of binaries created 
with D / Optlink was in fact something hindering me to use D at all!

I'm sure that linker is doing it by writing compressed exe's. This 
means that it has the same memory footprint, and it loads slower 
because it must be decompressed. Also, if you store it in a zip file, 
the zip file won't be any smaller because recompressing compressed 
data doesn't make it smaller.

Tried that, it's still compresses to roughly 50% of it's size. Well, I 
no expert but a glance at disassembly shows that at least strings  / 
imports are intact.
For what it's worth the IDA control flow analysis shows a bulk of 
unreferenced procedures in optlink's one.

So maybe the case is that they also included a decent stripper.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: dmd 1.067 and 2.052 release

2011-02-21 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 21.02.2011 11:53, Stephan wrote:

On 18.02.2011 11:18, Walter Bright wrote:

Now with 64 bit Linux support! (Though expect problems with it, it's
brand new.)

Nice release in theorie but since i did not get the time to test the 
beta it seems some regressions made it into the release that rendered 
my codebase unbuildable...

The problem is that i cannot reduce it properly. (win32, dmd 2.052)

1) Without changing anything suddenly i get linker errors. I am 
building an executable linking in a static lib that contains some 
methods using std.random.uniform. When i now try to build the 
executable the linker complains about std.random.uniform not being 
found. What the heck ? The whole rest of phobos is there and this is 
missing ??

Having hit similar things earlier, I'll tell you my recipe. I usually 
rebuild *everything* step by step  starting with and including all 3rd 
party D libraries with new dmd. And making sure nothing from old version 
sliped on the path. Yes, that's tiresome, especially when you haven't 
touch those libraries for quite a long time (assuming they are sort of 

2) This one is really weird. After removing all the std.random.uniform 
crap from above it compiles and links but crashes right in the 
beginning befor even entering my main method. This just happens in 
debug builds. Funny thing is that this is not due to some unittest of 
mine. And correct me if i am wrong but phobos is shipped without 
unittests either, right ?

Any help is welcome.

Dmitry Olshansky

Alternative linker win32/64

2011-02-18 Thread Dmitry Olshansky
The fresh beta of universal linker UniLink has arrived, with exciting 
new features.

Quoting the changelog:
+  Preliminary support of Digital Mars D language compiler.

+  The debug info processing in old CV format added (dmc, dmd, watcom, 
old ml).

And it works! At least for the first part.
I actually linked my port of DMDscript and run it through some stress 
tests, no problems so far.

The nice thing is reduction in half of the resulting binary size.

As to debug info I think it may need another round of polishing... but 
the devs are willing to support it ;)

C:\ulinkulink -v test.obj
UniLink v1.07 [beta] (build 3.01)
Error: Invalid debug information in 'test.obj'

Nevertheless the grim rule of Optlink in windows lands is at end :)

Some tips on how to get started.

Grab the latest beta here (for now it's
Installation is extract + add to PATH

Also to save you a bit of investigation, the relevant ulink.cfg config 
for dmd is along the lines:


Dmitry Olshansky

Re: DMDScript now on D2

2010-12-17 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 17.12.2010 4:01, Brian Hay wrote:

On 17/12/2010 2:14 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

I decided I'll take a risk to announce my work on porting DMDScript,
that is ECMA-262 script engine.


As few seem to read the DMDScript newsgroup, here's my last post as it 
seems relevant to this topic.


There's a JavaScript arms race going on (as I'm sure many of you are 
aware). The competing JS engines of the major browsers are 
leap-frogging each other in performance every few months it seems. 

It would be so cool (and a huge showcase for the D Programming 
Language) if DMDScript was in that performance race and beating the 
big guns.


Indeed, that would be desirable.
I dreamed to get back performance tuning  from the day it started 
working, but It's better to fix some bugs and clean up the source first.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: DMDScript now on D2

2010-12-17 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 17.12.2010 5:34, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

Brian Hay wrote:

It would be so cool (and a huge showcase for the D Programming Language)
if DMDScript was in that performance race and beating the big guns.

It kicked the living crap out of the competition up to not too long ago! It beat
out Firefox 2 by well about 50x when I checked it, and IE7 by IIRC 20x.

What's really impressive is dmdscript was several years old at
that point - as in it only got a few minor bugfixes in those years,
and the main design was even older. It took the big guys some
five years or more to catch up to lone Walter.

It was about 1/2 the speed of Firefox 3 when I checked it last. That
gap has probably widened quite a bit in the last year. A quick check using the
sieve.ds shows Firefox 3 is currently about 16x faster than dmdscript.

Yes, it's about 20x times slower on my machine..
It must be the properties of RandAA, namely relatively slow lookup time. 
Profiler shows 90% time is spent in hashmap lookup function. I had to 
replace built-in AA at certain point because of spurious segfaults that 
fixed, but must have degraded speed.

The gap is definitely opening up in the other direction now, but
still, it took them long enough!

Could dmdscript take the lead back? Probably, though I suspect it'd
be quite a lot of work. But I don't really know. dmdscript is a kind of 
so maybe not. I'm just not qualified.

Dmitry Olshansky

DMDScript now on D2

2010-12-16 Thread Dmitry Olshansky
Following that quite emotional discussion of JavaScript on  
digitalmars.D I decided I'll take a risk to announce my work on porting 
DMDScript, that is ECMA-262 script engine.

In the end it turned out to more like a quite successful fork given the 
amount of changes. The goal was not only to just make it compile with D2 
and work (that would be of limited value) but also slowly convert it to 
newer D2 idioms/libraries/etc, I essence simplifying user side code  for 
writing extensions. For instance, I even managed to use immutable 
strings throughout, at the expense of a couple of casts at critical spots.

I'm considering current state of release as stable beta, since I had to 
disable some of original performance tricks in order to debug some 
issues properly. They eventually would be re-enabled of course.
Latest tar with source code + samples can be found here:

Things of possible interest:
-- Builds  fully works with latest dmd , tested on Windows and Linux
-- Greatly increased standard conformance
-- Still runs quite fast
-- Some huge bugs fixed, that were present in DMDScript 1.16 . (for 
instance 'in' _expression_ not implemented)
-- Includes (highly experimental)  module for extending script engine 
with native D functions/types in a couple of LOCs

-- Contains few basic examples to get started

P.S. I'm still reluctant to give it a version number, should it be 
DMDScript2 0.1 ?

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: DMDScript now on D2

2010-12-16 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 16.12.2010 19:43, Adam Ruppe wrote:

Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

The goal was not only to just make it compile with D2
and work (that would be of limited value)

I tried this too about a year ago...:
Yes, that's the only previous effort I've found, and  it was after my 
port almost started working.

...but overall, from a brief glance, your port is *much* better
than mine. I used a lot more casts and idups, and thus introduced
new bugs and hurt the performance. I got it working, but not working

Nice work!
Thanks, yet I plan a lot of refactoring, one I dream of is eventually 
replacing struct Value with Algebraic from Phobos. And yes, that 
exception propagation mechanism, I almost switched to throwing instead 
of returning exceptions from functions.

But there still might be a few ideas or bits of code
we can share from the easy expansion stuff.

I called mine pretty.d and test.d in that zip. One of the
things I tried to do was make a ScriptObject class in D, which
you could expand and call with opIndex and opDispatch.

I was only partially successful, but maybe we can better with
a newer compiler.

Here's a copy/paste of part of my test.d showing the idea I was chasing:

 auto g = se.globalObject; // se is a ScriptEngine

 /* You can work with the script environment as an associative
array... */
 g[hello] = Hello, world!;
 g[lol] = new ScriptObject; // ScriptObject is just a generic object.
You can specialize it in the constructor.
 //g[lol][fun] =fun; // Can even assign native top-level functions
this way!  FIXME: broken due to ICE

 /* Or, you can do it with opDispatch, though this is limited to just
assigning existing ScriptObjects... */
 auto so2 = new ScriptObject; = so2;

 /* You can also add functions to specific ScriptObjects with the
addFunction template */
 se.addFunction!(raise, fun)(so2);


Yes, that's awesome. I guess I should get a closer look at that pretty.d!

And all that stuff would of course be available to the script via
the global object.

In pretty.d, you can see some attempt to unify D and dmdscript
exceptions too, but I don't recall how well that went, but I'm
pretty sure it worked at least one way.

One little thing we both did is one line expansion. One thing I'd
add to your code is making the name of the script function default
to being the same name as the D function. It's a minor addition,
but I think it looks nice.

Yes, it's planned, and indeed improves user experience. I just was stuck 
with the issue of extending of variadic functions/templated functions 
consider, for example, std.stdio.writeln.  That must have distracted me 
from this issue.

Generally though, your port is excellent, thanks for doing it!


Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Phobos unit testing uncovers a CPU bug

2010-11-27 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 26.11.2010 23:02, Don wrote:
The code below compiles to a single machine instruction, yet the 
results are CPU manufacturer-dependent.

import std.math;

void main()
 assert( yl2x(0x1.0076fc5cc7933866p+40L, LN2)
== 0x1.bba4a9f774f49d0ap+4L); // Pass on Intel, fails on AMD

The results for yl2x(0x1.0076fc5cc7933866p+40L, LN2) are:

Intel:  0x1.bba4a9f774f49d0ap+4L

The least significant bit is different. This corresponds only to a 
fraction of a bit (that is, it's hardly important for accuracy. For 
comparison, sin and cos on x86 lose nearly sixty bits of accuracy in 
some cases!). Its importance is only that it is an undocumented 
difference between manufacturers.

The difference was discovered through the unit tests for the 
mathematical Special Functions which will be included in the next 
compiler release. Discovery of the discrepancy happened only because 
of several features of D:

- built-in unit tests (encourages tests to be run on many machines)

- built-in code coverage (the tests include extreme cases, simply 
because I was trying to increase the code coverage to high values)

- D supports the hex format for floats. Without this feature, the 
discrepancy would have been blamed on differences in the 
floating-point conversion functions in the C standard library.

This experience reinforces my belief that D is an excellent language 
for scientific computing.

Thanks to David Simcha and Dmitry Olshansky for help in tracking this 

Glad to help!
I was genuinely intrigued because not more then a few weeks ago I 
discussed with a friend of mine a possibility of differences in FP 
calculations of AMD vs Intel.
You see, his scientific app yielded different results when working at 
home/at work, which is a frustrating experience. Since that's exactly 
same binary, written in Delphi (no C run-time involved and so on) and 
environment is pretty much the same... I suggested to check CPU vendors 
just in case... of course, different.

In the meantime, I sort of ported the test case to M$ c++ inline asm 
and posted it on AMD forums, let's see what they have to say.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: TDPL in Russian

2010-11-10 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 10.11.2010 1:22, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Just got word from my editor that TDPL has been approved for 
translation in Russian.



P.S. God, if you hear me,  please, send us some _adequate_ Russian 

Dmitry Olshansky

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