Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-14 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

I don't think you've read h5py source in enough detail :)

You're right - I haven't done more than browsed it.

It's based HEAVILY on duck typing.

There is a question here about what to do in D.  On the one hand, 
the flexibility of being able to open a foreign HDF5 file where 
you don't know beforehand the dataset type is very nice.  On the 
other, the adaptations needed to handle this flexibly get in the 
way when you are dealing with your own data that has a set format 
and where recompilation is acceptable if it changes.  Looking at 
the 'ease' of processing JSON, even using vibed, I think that one 
will need to implement both eventually, but perhaps starting with 
static typing.

In addition, it has way MORE classes than the C++ hierarchy 
does. E.g., the high-level File object actually has these 
parents: File : Group, Group : HLObject, 
MutableMappingWithLock, HLObject : CommonStateObject and 
internally the File also keeps a reference to file id which is 
an instance of FileID which inherits from GroupID which 
inherits from ObjectID, do I need to continue?

Okay - I guess there is a distinction between the interface to 
the outside world (where I think the h5py etc way is superior for 
most uses) and the implementation.  Is not the reason h5py has 
lots of classes primarily because that is how you write good code 
in python, whereas in many cases this is not true in D (not that 
you should ban classes, but often structs + free floating 
functions are more suitable).

PyTables, on the contrary is quite badly written (although it 
works quite well and there are brilliant folks on the dev team 
like francesc alted) and looks like a dump of C code 
interweaved with hackish Python code.

Interesting.  What do you think is low quality about the design?

In h5py you can do things like file[/dataset].write(...) -- 
this just wouldn't work as is in a strictly typed language 
since the indexing operator generally returns you something of 
a Location type (or an interface, rather) which can be a 
group/datatype/dataset which is only known at runtime.

Well, if you don't mind recompiling your code when the data set 
type changes (or you encounter a new data set) then you can do 
that (which is what I posted a link to earlier).

It depends on your use case.  It's hard to think of an 
application more dynamic than web sites, and yet people seem 
happy enough with vibed's use of compiled diet templates as the 
primary implementation.  They would like the option of dynamic 
ones too, and I think this would be useful in this domain too, 
since one does look at foreign data on occasion.  One could of 
course use the quick compilation of D to regenerate parts of the 
code when this happens.  Whether or not this is acceptable 
depends on your use case - for some it might be okay, but 
obviously it is no good if you are writing a generic H5 
browser/charting tool.

So I think if you don't allow static dataset typing it means the 
flexibility  of dynamic typing gets in the way for some uses 
(which might be most of them), but you need to add dynamic typing 

Shall we move this to a different thread and/or email, as I am 
afraid I have hijacked the poor original poster's request.

On the refcounting question, I confess that I do not fully 
understand your concern, which may well reflect a lack of deep 
experience with D on my part.  Adam Ruppe suggests that it's 
generally okay to rely on a struct destructor to call C cleanup 
code.  I can appreciate this may not be true with h5 and, if you 
can spare the time, I would love to understand more precisely why 

Out of all of them, only the dataset supports the write method 
but you don't know it's going to be a dataset. See the problem?

In this case I didn't quite follow.  Where does this fall down ?

void h5write(T)(Dataset x, T data)

I have your email somewhere and will drop you a line.  Or you can 
email me laeeth at  And let's create a new thread.


Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-14 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

In the hierarchy example above (c++ hdf hierarchy link), by 
using UFCS to implement the shared methods (which are achieved 
by multiple inheritance in the c++ counterpart) did you mean 
something like this?

// id.d
struct ID { int id; ... }

// location.d
struct Location { ID _id; alias _id this; ... }

// file.d
public import commonfg; // ugh
struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// group.d
public import commonfg;
struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// commonfg.d { ... }
enum isContainer(T) = is(T: File) || is(T : Group);
auto method1(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }
auto method2(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }

I guess two of my gripes with UFCS is (a) you really have to

// another hdf-specific thing here but a good example in 
general is that some functions return you an id for an object 
which is one of the location subtypes (e.g. it could be a File 
or could be a Group depending on run-time conditions), so it 
kind of feels natural to use polymorphism and classes for that, 
but what would you do with the struct approach? The only thing 
that comes to mind is Variant, but it's quite meh to use in 

Void unlink(File f){}
Void unlink(Group g){}

For simple cases maybe one can keep it simple, and despite the 
Byzantine interface what one is trying to do when using HDF5 is 
not intrinsically so complex.

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-14 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// group.d
public import commonfg;
struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// commonfg.d { ... }
enum isContainer(T) = is(T: File) || is(T : Group);
auto method1(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }
auto method2(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }

I guess two of my gripes with UFCS is (a) you really have to

// another hdf-specific thing here but a good example in 
general is that some functions return you an id for an object 
which is one of the location subtypes (e.g. it could be a 
File or could be a Group depending on run-time conditions), 
so it kind of feels natural to use polymorphism and classes 
for that, but what would you do with the struct approach? The 
only thing that comes to mind is Variant, but it's quite meh 
to use in practice.

Void unlink(File f){}
Void unlink(Group g){}

For simple cases maybe one can keep it simple, and despite the 
Byzantine interface what one is trying to do when using HDF5 
is not intrinsically so complex.

So your solution is copying and pasting the code?

But now repeat that for 200 other functions and a dozen more 
types that can be polymorphic in weirdest ways possible...

If you are simply have a few lines calling the API and the 
validation is different enough for file and group (I haven't 
written unlink yet) then why not (and move proper shared code out 
into helper functions).  The alternative is a long method with 
lots of conditions, which may be the best in some cases but may 
be harder to follow.

I do like the h5py and pytables approaches.  One doesn't need to 
bother too much with the implementation when using their library. 
 However, what I am doing is quite simple from a data perspective 
- a decent amount of it, but it is not an interesting problem 
from a theoretical perspective - just execution.  Now if you are 
higher octane as a user you may be able to see what I cannot.  
But on the other hand, the Pareto principle applies, and in my 
view a library should make it simple to do simple things.  One 
can't get there if the primary interface is a direct mapping of 
the HDF5 hierarchy, and I also think that is unnecessary with D.

But I very much appreciate your work as the final result is 
better for everyone that way, and you are evidently a much longer 
running user of D than me.  I never used C++ as it just seemed 
too ugly! and I suspect the difference in backgrounds is shaping 

What do you think the trickiest parts are with HDF5?  (You 
mention weird polymorphism).


Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-14 Thread aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 14 January 2015 at 14:54:09 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 

In the hierarchy example above (c++ hdf hierarchy link), by 
using UFCS to implement the shared methods (which are achieved 
by multiple inheritance in the c++ counterpart) did you mean 
something like this?

// id.d
struct ID { int id; ... }

// location.d
struct Location { ID _id; alias _id this; ... }

// file.d
public import commonfg; // ugh
struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// group.d
public import commonfg;
struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// commonfg.d { ... }
enum isContainer(T) = is(T: File) || is(T : Group);
auto method1(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }
auto method2(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }

I guess two of my gripes with UFCS is (a) you really have to

// another hdf-specific thing here but a good example in 
general is that some functions return you an id for an object 
which is one of the location subtypes (e.g. it could be a File 
or could be a Group depending on run-time conditions), so it 
kind of feels natural to use polymorphism and classes for 
that, but what would you do with the struct approach? The only 
thing that comes to mind is Variant, but it's quite meh to use 
in practice.

Void unlink(File f){}
Void unlink(Group g){}

For simple cases maybe one can keep it simple, and despite the 
Byzantine interface what one is trying to do when using HDF5 is 
not intrinsically so complex.

So your solution is copying and pasting the code?

But now repeat that for 200 other functions and a dozen more 
types that can be polymorphic in weirdest ways possible...

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-14 Thread aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 14 January 2015 at 16:27:17 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 

struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// group.d
public import commonfg;
struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// commonfg.d { ... }
enum isContainer(T) = is(T: File) || is(T : Group);
auto method1(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }
auto method2(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }

I guess two of my gripes with UFCS is (a) you really have to

// another hdf-specific thing here but a good example in 
general is that some functions return you an id for an 
object which is one of the location subtypes (e.g. it could 
be a File or could be a Group depending on run-time 
conditions), so it kind of feels natural to use polymorphism 
and classes for that, but what would you do with the struct 
approach? The only thing that comes to mind is Variant, but 
it's quite meh to use in practice.

Void unlink(File f){}
Void unlink(Group g){}

For simple cases maybe one can keep it simple, and despite 
the Byzantine interface what one is trying to do when using 
HDF5 is not intrinsically so complex.

So your solution is copying and pasting the code?

But now repeat that for 200 other functions and a dozen more 
types that can be polymorphic in weirdest ways possible...

If you are simply have a few lines calling the API and the 
validation is different enough for file and group (I haven't 
written unlink yet) then why not (and move proper shared code 
out into helper functions).  The alternative is a long method 
with lots of conditions, which may be the best in some cases 
but may be harder to follow.

I do like the h5py and pytables approaches.  One doesn't need 
to bother too much with the implementation when using their 
 However, what I am doing is quite simple from a data 
perspective - a decent amount of it, but it is not an 
interesting problem from a theoretical perspective - just 
execution.  Now if you are higher octane as a user you may be 
able to see what I cannot.  But on the other hand, the Pareto 
principle applies, and in my view a library should make it 
simple to do simple things.  One can't get there if the primary 
interface is a direct mapping of the HDF5 hierarchy, and I also 
think that is unnecessary with D.

But I very much appreciate your work as the final result is 
better for everyone that way, and you are evidently a much 
longer running user of D than me.  I never used C++ as it just 
seemed too ugly! and I suspect the difference in backgrounds is 
shaping perspectives.

What do you think the trickiest parts are with HDF5?  (You 
mention weird polymorphism).

I don't think you've read h5py source in enough detail :) It's 
based HEAVILY on duck typing. In addition, it has way MORE 
classes than the C++ hierarchy does. E.g., the high-level File 
object actually has these parents: File : Group, Group : 
HLObject, MutableMappingWithLock, HLObject : CommonStateObject 
and internally the File also keeps a reference to file id which 
is an instance of FileID which inherits from GroupID which 
inherits from ObjectID, do I need to continue? :) PyTables, on 
the contrary is quite badly written (although it works quite well 
and there are brilliant folks on the dev team like francesc 
alted) and looks like a dump of C code interweaved with hackish 
Python code.

In h5py you can do things like file[/dataset].write(...) -- 
this just wouldn't work as is in a strictly typed language since 
the indexing operator generally returns you something of a 
Location type (or an interface, rather) which can be a 
group/datatype/dataset which is only known at runtime. Out of all 
of them, only the dataset supports the write method but you don't 
know it's going to be a dataset. See the problem? I don't want 
the user code to deal with any of the HDF5 C API and/or have a 
bunch of if conditions or explicit casts which is outright ugly. 
Ideally, it would work kind of like H5PY, abstracting the user 
away from refcounting, error code checking after each operation, 
object type checking and all that stuff.

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-13 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
 I see, thanks! :) I've started liking structs more and more 
 recently as well and been pondering on how to convert a 
 class-based code that looks like this (only the base class 
 has any data):
 it's hard to tell by brief description. but having multiple 
 immediately rings an alarm ring for me. something is 

 wrong if you need to have a winged whale. ;-)
A real-world example:

H5::File is both an H5::Location and H5::CommonFG (but not an 
H5::Group is both an H5::Object (subclass of H5::Location) and 

H5::Dataset is an H5::Object
i see something named CommonFG here, which seems to good 
thing to

move out of hierarchy altogether.

bwah, i don't even sure that given hierarchy is good for D. C++ 
has no

UFCS, and it's incredibly hard to check if some entity has some
methods/properties in C++, so they have no other choice than to 
around that limitations. it may be worthful to redesign the 
whole thing
for D, exploiting D shiny UFCS and metaprogramming features. 

maybe, moving some things to interfaces too.

I just finished reading aldanor's blog, so I know he is slightly 
allergic to naked functions and prefers classes ;)

With Ketmar, I very much agree (predominantly as a user of HDF5 
and less so as an inexperienced D programmr writing a wrapper for 
it).  It's a pain to figure out just how to do simple things 
until you know the H5 library.  You have to create an object for 
file permissions before you even get started, then similarly for 
the data series (datasets) within, another for the dimensions of 
the array, etc etc  - that doesn't fit with the intrinsic nature 
of the domain.

There is a more general question of bindings/wrappers - preserve 
the original structure and naming so existing code can be ported, 
or write a wrapper that makes it easy for the user to accomplish 
his objectives.  It seems like for the bindings preserving the 
library structure is fine, but for the wrapper one might as well 
make things easy.

Eg here
line 146.  (sorry for duplication and messiness of code, which I 
don't claim to be perfectly written - I wanted to try something 
quickly and have not yet tidied up).

So rather than navigate the Byzantine hierarchy, one can just do 
something like this (which will take a struct of PriceBar - 
date,open,high,low,close - and put it in your desired dataset and 
file, appending or overwriting as you prefer).


which is closer to h5py in Python.  (It uses reflection to figure 
out the contents of a non-nested struct, but won't yet cope with 
arrays and nested structs inside).  And of course a full wrapper 
might be a bit more complicated, but I truly think one can do 
better than mapping the HDF5 hierarchy one for one.


Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-13 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 17:08:37 +
Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

 I just finished reading aldanor's blog, so I know he is slightly 
 allergic to naked functions and prefers classes ;)
that's due to absense of modules in C/C++. and namespaces aren't of big
help here too. and, of course, due to missing UFCS, that prevents nice
`obj.func()` for free functions. ;-)

Description: PGP signature

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-13 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:35:15 +
aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn

 I guess two of my gripes with UFCS is (a) you really have to use 
 public imports in the modules where the target types are defined 
 so you bring all the symbols in whether you want it or not (b) 
 you lose access to private members because it's not the same 
 module anymore (correct me if I'm wrong?). Plus, you need to 
 decorate every single free function with a template constraint.
you can make a package and set protection to `package` instead of
`private`, so your function will still be able to access internal
fields, but package users will not. this feature is often missed
by the people who are used to `public`/`protected`/`private` triad.

Description: PGP signature

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-13 Thread aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 January 2015 at 17:08:38 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
 I see, thanks! :) I've started liking structs more and 
 more recently as well and been pondering on how to convert 
 a class-based code that looks like this (only the base 
 class has any data):
 it's hard to tell by brief description. but having multiple 
 immediately rings an alarm ring for me. something is 

 wrong if you need to have a winged whale. ;-)
A real-world example:

H5::File is both an H5::Location and H5::CommonFG (but not an 
H5::Group is both an H5::Object (subclass of H5::Location) 
and H5::CommonFG

H5::Dataset is an H5::Object
i see something named CommonFG here, which seems to good 
thing to

move out of hierarchy altogether.

bwah, i don't even sure that given hierarchy is good for D. 
C++ has no

UFCS, and it's incredibly hard to check if some entity has some
methods/properties in C++, so they have no other choice than 
to work
around that limitations. it may be worthful to redesign the 
whole thing
for D, exploiting D shiny UFCS and metaprogramming features. 

maybe, moving some things to interfaces too.

I just finished reading aldanor's blog, so I know he is 
slightly allergic to naked functions and prefers classes ;)

With Ketmar, I very much agree (predominantly as a user of HDF5 
and less so as an inexperienced D programmr writing a wrapper 
for it).  It's a pain to figure out just how to do simple 
things until you know the H5 library.  You have to create an 
object for file permissions before you even get started, then 
similarly for the data series (datasets) within, another for 
the dimensions of the array, etc etc  - that doesn't fit with 
the intrinsic nature of the domain.

There is a more general question of bindings/wrappers - 
preserve the original structure and naming so existing code can 
be ported, or write a wrapper that makes it easy for the user 
to accomplish his objectives.  It seems like for the bindings 
preserving the library structure is fine, but for the wrapper 
one might as well make things easy.

Eg here
line 146.  (sorry for duplication and messiness of code, which 
I don't claim to be perfectly written - I wanted to try 
something quickly and have not yet tidied up).

So rather than navigate the Byzantine hierarchy, one can just 
do something like this (which will take a struct of PriceBar - 
date,open,high,low,close - and put it in your desired dataset 
and file, appending or overwriting as you prefer).


which is closer to h5py in Python.  (It uses reflection to 
figure out the contents of a non-nested struct, but won't yet 
cope with arrays and nested structs inside).  And of course a 
full wrapper might be a bit more complicated, but I truly think 
one can do better than mapping the HDF5 hierarchy one for one.

In the hierarchy example above (c++ hdf hierarchy link), by using 
UFCS to implement the shared methods (which are achieved by 
multiple inheritance in the c++ counterpart) did you mean 
something like this?

// id.d
struct ID { int id; ... }

// location.d
struct Location { ID _id; alias _id this; ... }

// file.d
public import commonfg; // ugh
struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// group.d
public import commonfg;
struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// commonfg.d { ... }
enum isContainer(T) = is(T: File) || is(T : Group);
auto method1(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }
auto method2(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }

I guess two of my gripes with UFCS is (a) you really have to use 
public imports in the modules where the target types are defined 
so you bring all the symbols in whether you want it or not (b) 
you lose access to private members because it's not the same 
module anymore (correct me if I'm wrong?). Plus, you need to 
decorate every single free function with a template constraint.

// another hdf-specific thing here but a good example in general 
is that some functions return you an id for an object which is 
one of the location subtypes (e.g. it could be a File or could be 
a Group depending on run-time conditions), so it kind of feels 
natural to use polymorphism and classes for that, but what would 
you do with the struct approach? The only thing that comes to 
mind is Variant, but it's quite meh to use in practice.

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-13 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:07:13 +
aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn

 I see, thanks! :) I've started liking structs more and more 
 recently as well and been pondering on how to convert a 
 class-based code that looks like this (only the base class has 
 any data):
it's hard to tell by brief description. but having multiple inheritance
immediately rings an alarm ring for me. something is very-very-very
wrong if you need to have a winged whale. ;-)

Description: PGP signature

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-13 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 23:06:16 +
jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

 I had seen some stuff on alias thing, but I hadn't bothered to
 try to understand it until now. If I'm understanding the first
 example a href=;here/a,
 alias this let's you refer to x in s by writing either s.x (as
 normally) or just s. That didn't seem that interesting, but then
 I found a href=;example/a
 where they alias this'ed a struct method. That's pretty
there is nice page by p0nce and it shows nice and simple `alias this`
trick usage:

and i have stream.d module in my IV package
( ), which works with i/o streams
by testing if passed struct/class has necessary methods (`isReadable!`,
`isWriteable!`, `isSeekable!`, etc.

Description: PGP signature

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-13 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:07:13 +
aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn

 I see, thanks! :) I've started liking structs more and more 
 recently as well and been pondering on how to convert a 
 class-based code that looks like this (only the base class has 
 any data):
p.s. can't you convert most of that to free functions? thanks to UFCS
you'll be able to use them with `obj.func` notation. and by either
defining `package` protection for class fields, or simply writing that
functions in the same module they will have access to internal object

and if you can return `obj` from each function, you can go with
templates and chaining. ;-)

Description: PGP signature

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-13 Thread aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 13 January 2015 at 08:33:57 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:07:13 +
aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn


I see, thanks! :) I've started liking structs more and more 
recently as well and been pondering on how to convert a 
class-based code that looks like this (only the base class has 
any data):
it's hard to tell by brief description. but having multiple 
immediately rings an alarm ring for me. something is 

wrong if you need to have a winged whale. ;-)
A real-world example:

H5::File is both an H5::Location and H5::CommonFG (but not an 
H5::Group is both an H5::Object (subclass of H5::Location) and 

H5::Dataset is an H5::Object

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-13 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 16:08:15 +
aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn

 On Tuesday, 13 January 2015 at 08:33:57 UTC, ketmar via 
 Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
  On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:07:13 +
  aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn
  I see, thanks! :) I've started liking structs more and more 
  recently as well and been pondering on how to convert a 
  class-based code that looks like this (only the base class has 
  any data):
  it's hard to tell by brief description. but having multiple 
  immediately rings an alarm ring for me. something is 
  wrong if you need to have a winged whale. ;-)
 A real-world example:
 H5::File is both an H5::Location and H5::CommonFG (but not an 
 H5::Group is both an H5::Object (subclass of H5::Location) and 
 H5::Dataset is an H5::Object
i see something named CommonFG here, which seems to good thing to
move out of hierarchy altogether.

bwah, i don't even sure that given hierarchy is good for D. C++ has no
UFCS, and it's incredibly hard to check if some entity has some
methods/properties in C++, so they have no other choice than to work
around that limitations. it may be worthful to redesign the whole thing
for D, exploiting D shiny UFCS and metaprogramming features. and,
maybe, moving some things to interfaces too.

Description: PGP signature

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-12 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:29:53 +
jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

the proper answer is too long to write (it will be more an article that
a forum answer ;-), so i'll just give you some directions:

  import std.typecons;

auto b = scoped!B(); // `auto` is important here!

`scoped!` allocating class instance *on* *stack*, and automatically
calls destructor when object goes out of scope.

but you'd better consider using struct for such things, as struct are
stack-allocated by default (unlike classes, which are reference type
and should be allocated manually).

there is a big difference between `class` and `struct` in D, much
bigger that in C++ (where it's only about default protection,

Description: PGP signature

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-12 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks for the reply, I wasn't familiar with scoped. I was aware 
that structs are on the stack and classes are on the heap in D, 
but I didn't know it was possible to put a class on the stack. 
Might be interesting to see how this is implemented.

After looking up some more C++, I think what I was trying to do 
is more like make_unique than unique_ptr.

On Monday, 12 January 2015 at 19:42:14 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:29:53 +
jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn


the proper answer is too long to write (it will be more an 
article that

a forum answer ;-), so i'll just give you some directions:

  import std.typecons;

auto b = scoped!B(); // `auto` is important here!

`scoped!` allocating class instance *on* *stack*, and 

calls destructor when object goes out of scope.

but you'd better consider using struct for such things, as 
struct are
stack-allocated by default (unlike classes, which are reference 

and should be allocated manually).

there is a big difference between `class` and `struct` in D, 

bigger that in C++ (where it's only about default protection,

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-12 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:14:19 +
jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

 Thanks for the reply, I wasn't familiar with scoped. I was aware 
 that structs are on the stack and classes are on the heap in D, 
 but I didn't know it was possible to put a class on the stack. 
 Might be interesting to see how this is implemented.
actually, there is nothing complicated there (if you don't want to
write an universal thing like `emplace!` ;-). it builds a wrapper
struct big enough to hold class instance, copies class `.init` there
and calls class' constructor. the rest of the magic is done by the
compiler: when struct goes out of scope, compiler calls struct
destructor, which in turn calls class destructor. ah, and it forwards
all other requests with `alias this` trick.

 After looking up some more C++, I think what I was trying to do 
 is more like make_unique than unique_ptr.
i don't remember C++ well, but nevertheless i encouraging you to take a
look at `std.typecons`. there are some handy things there, like
`Rebindable!` or `Nullable!`. and some funny things like `BlackHole!`
and `WhiteHole!`. ;-)

it even has `RefCounted!`, but it doesn't play well with classes yet

Description: PGP signature

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-12 Thread aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 12 January 2015 at 20:30:45 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
it even has `RefCounted!`, but it doesn't play well with 
classes yet

I wonder if it's possible to somehow make a version of refcounted 
that would work with classes (even if limited/restricted in some 
certain ways), or is it just technically impossible because of 
reference semantics?

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-12 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 21:37:27 +
aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn

 On Monday, 12 January 2015 at 20:30:45 UTC, ketmar via 
 Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
  it even has `RefCounted!`, but it doesn't play well with 
  classes yet
 I wonder if it's possible to somehow make a version of refcounted 
 that would work with classes (even if limited/restricted in some 
 certain ways), or is it just technically impossible because of 
 reference semantics?
it's hard. especially hard when you considering inheritance (which is
not playing well with templates) and yes, ref semantics.

on the other side i found myself rarely using classes at all. i mostly
writing templates that checks if a passed thing has all the
neccessary methods and properties in place and just using that. with D
metaprogramming abilities (and `alias this` trick ;-) inheritance
becomes not so important. and so classes too. sometimes i'm using
structs with delegate fields to simulate some sort of virtual methods
'cause i tend to constantly forgetting about that `class` thingy. ;-)

OOP is overrated. at least c++-like (should i say simula-like?)
OOP. ;-)

Description: PGP signature

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-12 Thread aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 12 January 2015 at 21:54:51 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 21:37:27 +
aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn


On Monday, 12 January 2015 at 20:30:45 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
 it even has `RefCounted!`, but it doesn't play well with 
 classes yet

I wonder if it's possible to somehow make a version of 
refcounted that would work with classes (even if 
limited/restricted in some certain ways), or is it just 
technically impossible because of reference semantics?
it's hard. especially hard when you considering inheritance 
(which is

not playing well with templates) and yes, ref semantics.

on the other side i found myself rarely using classes at all. i 

writing templates that checks if a passed thing has all the
neccessary methods and properties in place and just using that. 
with D
metaprogramming abilities (and `alias this` trick ;-) 
becomes not so important. and so classes too. sometimes i'm 
structs with delegate fields to simulate some sort of virtual 
'cause i tend to constantly forgetting about that `class` 
thingy. ;-)

OOP is overrated. at least c++-like (should i say 

OOP. ;-)
I see, thanks! :) I've started liking structs more and more 
recently as well and been pondering on how to convert a 
class-based code that looks like this (only the base class has 
any data):

class Base { T m_variable; }
class Common : Base { /* tons of methods; uses m_variable */ }
class Extra : Base { /* another ton of methods; uses m_variable 
*/ }

class A : Extra, Common { ... }
class B : Common { ... }
class C : Extra { ... }

to refcounted structs with alias this but couldn't quite figure 
out how to do it (other than use mixin templates...). Even if the 
multiple alias this DIP was implemented, I don't think it would 
help much here :/

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-12 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 12 January 2015 at 19:29:54 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
I'm new to D. I have some modest knowledge of C++, but am more 
familiar with scripting languages (Matlab, Python, R). D seems 
so much easier than C++ in a lot of ways (and I just learned 
about rdmd today, which is pretty cool). I am concerned about 
performance of D vs. C++, so I wanted to learn a little bit 
more about manual memory management, in case I might ever need 
it (not for any particular application).

There is a good article on the D Wiki that covers this topic with 
several different patterns and working examples:

I hope you'll find it helpful.


Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-12 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

I had seen some stuff on alias thing, but I hadn't bothered to
try to understand it until now. If I'm understanding the first
example a href=;here/a,
alias this let's you refer to x in s by writing either s.x (as
normally) or just s. That didn't seem that interesting, but then
I found a href=;example/a
where they alias this'ed a struct method. That's pretty

OOP seems like a good idea, but every time I've written a bunch
of classes in C++ or Python, I inevitably wonder to myself why I
just spent 5 times as long doing something I could do with
functions. Then there's endless discussion about pimpl.

On Monday, 12 January 2015 at 21:54:51 UTC, ketmar via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 21:37:27 +
aldanor via Digitalmars-d-learn


On Monday, 12 January 2015 at 20:30:45 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
 it even has `RefCounted!`, but it doesn't play well with 
 classes yet

I wonder if it's possible to somehow make a version of 
refcounted that would work with classes (even if 
limited/restricted in some certain ways), or is it just 
technically impossible because of reference semantics?
it's hard. especially hard when you considering inheritance 
(which is

not playing well with templates) and yes, ref semantics.

on the other side i found myself rarely using classes at all. i 

writing templates that checks if a passed thing has all the
neccessary methods and properties in place and just using that. 
with D
metaprogramming abilities (and `alias this` trick ;-) 
becomes not so important. and so classes too. sometimes i'm 
structs with delegate fields to simulate some sort of virtual 
'cause i tend to constantly forgetting about that `class` 
thingy. ;-)

OOP is overrated. at least c++-like (should i say 

OOP. ;-)