Re: Threading challenge: calculate fib(45) while spinning

2021-10-16 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 15 October 2021 at 03:35:44 UTC, jfondren wrote:
The book, "The Go Programming Language" has this simple 
goroutine example:


Here is a similar implementation using the concurrency library:

import concurrency;
import concurrency.sender : justFrom;
import concurrency.operations : via, race;
import concurrency.thread : ThreadSender;
import core.time : msecs;
import std.stdio : writef, writefln, stdout;
import core.thread : Thread;

void main() @safe {
enum chars = `-\|/`;
auto spinner = infiniteStream(0)
.scan((int acc, int _) => acc + 1, 0)
.collect((int i) shared @trusted {
writef("\r%c", chars[i % chars.length]);

enum n = 45;
auto work = justFrom(() => fib(n));

auto result = race(spinner, work).syncWait.value;
writefln("\rFibonacci(%d) = %d", n, result.get);

int fib(int x) pure @safe @nogc {
if (x < 2)
return x;
return fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2);

Go has language support so it is a bit unfair to compare it.

But this code will properly handle errors (in case `writef` or 
`flush` throws), and as well as having an explicit 
synchronization point so that the final `writeln` is always after 
the spinner is done.

Re: Threading challenge: calculate fib(45) while spinning

2021-10-15 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/15/21 10:01 AM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

 >    writefln!"\rFibonacci(%d) = %d"(n, fibN);

That '\r' bothered me because the actual work needs to know what the 
spinner is doing to clear its remaining character.

I would expect the original go code had the same problem.


Re: Threading challenge: calculate fib(45) while spinning

2021-10-15 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/14/21 8:54 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

>writefln!"\rFibonacci(%d) = %d"(n, fibN);

That '\r' bothered me because the actual work needs to know what the 
spinner is doing to clear its remaining character.

>   (OwnerTerminated msg) {

And there is a race condition because the spinner can print an extra 
character by the time it receives the OwnerTerminated message. (You can 
observe this by adding e.g. Thread.sleep(300.msecs) after the 
"\rFibonnacci..." line above.)

So, I improved it by removing both of those concerns as well as adding 
the following:

- An optional message when spinning (it can be further improved because 
there is an extra space character if the message is empty)

- A withSpinner() function to work with any delegate

The only requirement is that the delegate should not output to stdout if 
we want a clean output.

import std.stdio : stdout, writef, writefln;
import std.concurrency : receiveTimeout, send, spawn;
import std.traits : ReturnType;
import core.thread : Duration, msecs, Thread;
import std.range : cycle, repeat, walkLength;
import std.format : format;

void main() {
  enum n = 45;

  int fibN; // Left mutable not to complicate the example

  fibN = fib(n); // slow
format!"Calculating fib(%s)"(n));

  writefln!"Fibonacci(%d) = %d"(n, fibN);

// The delegate 'dg' should not output to stdout.
void withSpinner(Dg)(Dg dg,
 string message = null,
 Duration delay = 100.msecs) {
  shared(bool) spinnerDone = false;
  auto s = spawn(&spinner, message, delay, &spinnerDone);

  // Do work while spinning

  // Tell the spinner to stop (the value does not matter)

  // Busy(ish) wait until the spinner is done
  while (!spinnerDone) {

void spinner(string message,
 Duration delay,
 shared(bool) * done) {
  foreach (c; `-\|/`.cycle) {
if (receiveTimeout(delay, (int _) {})) {
  // Stop request received

  // Clear the spinning message
  writef("\r%s  \r", " ".repeat(walkLength(message)));

  // Tell the user we are done
  *done = true;
writef!"\r%s %c"(message, c);

auto fib(int x) {
  if (x < 2) {
return x;
  return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2);


Re: Threading challenge: calculate fib(45) while spinning

2021-10-15 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/14/21 11:35 PM, jfondren wrote:

The book, "The Go Programming Language" has this simple goroutine example:

func main() {
     go spinner(100 * time.Millisecond)
     const n = 45
     fibN := fib(n) // slow
     fmt.Printf("\rFibonacci(%d) = %d\n", n, fibN)

func spinner(delay time.Duration) {
     for {
     for _, r := range `-\|/` {
     fmt.Printf("\r%c", r)

func fib(x int) int {
     if x < 2 {
     return x
     return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)

Attempt #1, with std.concurrency:

import std.concurrency : spawn;
import core.thread : Thread;
import std.stdio : writefln, writef, stdout;
import std.datetime : msecs, Duration;

void main() @safe {
     (() @trusted { spawn(&spinner, 100.msecs); })();
     const n = 45;
     const fibN = fib(n); // slow
     writefln!"\rFibonacci(%d) = %d"(n, fibN);

void spinner(Duration delay) @safe {
     (() @trusted { Thread.getThis.isDaemon(true); })();
     while (true) {
     foreach (char c; `-\|/`) {
     (() @trusted { stdout.flush; })();
     (() @trusted { Thread.sleep(delay); })();

int fib(int x) pure @safe @nogc {
     if (x < 2)
     return x;
     return fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2);

This version has two problems:

1. a race condition with `isDaemon`: if `main()` ends before 
`isDaemon(true)` is called, then the program never ends because the 
kill-non-daemon-threads module destructor is called while the new thread 
isn't a daemon thread.

You can also just spawn a thread directly with `Thread`, which I believe 
allows you to set the daemon-ness from `main`.

2. it crashes about 10% of the time on exit (in dmd, gdc, and ldc). 
valgrind on a gdc build complains about "Conditional jump or move 
depends on uninitialised value(s)" early on.

The crash is likely because you are using D i/o utilities, and the 
runtime is shut down. Technically it shouldn't cause a problem, but 
possibly there are things that are needed deep inside `writef`.

If you switch to `printf`, it will probably work.


Re: Threading challenge: calculate fib(45) while spinning

2021-10-15 Thread Imperatorn via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 15 October 2021 at 03:54:17 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 10/14/21 8:35 PM, jfondren wrote:


Here is one that uses receiveTimeout and OwnerTerminated:

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;
import core.thread;

void main() {
  spawnLinked(&spinner, 100.msecs);
  enum n = 45;
  const fibN = fib(n); // slow
  writefln!"\rFibonacci(%d) = %d"(n, fibN);

void spinner(const(Duration) delay) {
  for (;;) {
foreach (r; `-\|/`) {
  bool done;
 (OwnerTerminated msg) {
   done = true;
  if (done) {

auto fib(int x) {
  if (x < 2) {
return x;
  return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2);


This is a "similar" approach to what Erlang does. I have always 
liked it ☀️

Re: Threading challenge: calculate fib(45) while spinning

2021-10-14 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/14/21 9:17 PM, jfondren wrote:

On Friday, 15 October 2021 at 03:54:17 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 10/14/21 8:35 PM, jfondren wrote:
The book, "The Go Programming Language" has this simple goroutine 

Here is one that uses receiveTimeout and OwnerTerminated:

Very nice, replacing Thread.sleep with receiveTimeout and getting 
graceful interruption for free. This also doesn't crash.

Cool. :)

Actually, it can be shorter by checking the return value of receiveTimeout:

  if (receiveTimeout(delay, (OwnerTerminated msg) {})) {

I didn't use this method earlier because I was afraid an unexpected 
message might make receiveTimeout return 'true'. But I've tested just 
now: Only the expected OwnerTerminated makes it return 'true'.


Re: Threading challenge: calculate fib(45) while spinning

2021-10-14 Thread jfondren via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 15 October 2021 at 03:54:17 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 10/14/21 8:35 PM, jfondren wrote:
The book, "The Go Programming Language" has this simple 
goroutine example:

Here is one that uses receiveTimeout and OwnerTerminated:

Very nice, replacing Thread.sleep with receiveTimeout and getting 
graceful interruption for free. This also doesn't crash.

Re: Threading challenge: calculate fib(45) while spinning

2021-10-14 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/14/21 8:35 PM, jfondren wrote:

The book, "The Go Programming Language" has this simple goroutine example:

Here is one that uses receiveTimeout and OwnerTerminated:

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;
import core.thread;

void main() {
  spawnLinked(&spinner, 100.msecs);
  enum n = 45;
  const fibN = fib(n); // slow
  writefln!"\rFibonacci(%d) = %d"(n, fibN);

void spinner(const(Duration) delay) {
  for (;;) {
foreach (r; `-\|/`) {
  bool done;
 (OwnerTerminated msg) {
   done = true;
  if (done) {

auto fib(int x) {
  if (x < 2) {
return x;
  return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2);


Re: Threading to prevent GUI Freeze

2016-01-04 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 01/04/2016 06:31 AM, TheDGuy wrote:

> I tried it with "std.concurrency" like this:
> bool drawCallback(Scoped!Context cr, Widget widget){
>  writeln("init");
>  spawn(&render, cr, widget);

The first parameter to render() is Scoped!Context but render() takes a 

> void render(Context cr, Widget widget){

Unless there is implicit conversion from Scoped!Context to Context, it 
won't work. Perhaps you need to call an accessor like the following?

spawn(&render, cr.some_accessor(), widget);


Re: Threading to prevent GUI Freeze

2016-01-04 Thread Gerald via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 18:04:34 UTC, TheDGuy wrote:

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 17:33:28 UTC, Gerald wrote:

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 16:13:50 UTC, TheDGuy wrote:


Yes, you need it. The extern (C) function is what GDK invokes 
on idle. In any GUI application there is a lot of idle time 
waiting for events, what the addThreadIdle allows you to do is 
take advantage of this and tell GTK that whenever it's sitting 
around doing nothing, give this function a call.


Okay, thanks alot for your help. I think i will need some time 
to understand this but one last question:

Do the errors come from the fact at i didn't use those GTK 
thread mechanisms or that my function is not "spawnable"?

"std.concurrency.spawn(F, T...)(F fn, T args) 
"Error: template std.concurrency.spawn cannot deduce function 
from argument types!()(void delegate(Context cr, Widget 
widget), Scoped Widget), candidates are:"

Keep in mind I know nothing about Cairo and I don't have time to 
try your code, but what happens if you remove the Scoped template 
from the Context parameter?

Also, have you checked if Cairo is thread-safe the way you are 
using it in the spawned function? I'm not sure if Cairo has the 
same restrictions that GTK widgets do.

Re: Threading to prevent GUI Freeze

2016-01-04 Thread TheDGuy via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 17:33:28 UTC, Gerald wrote:

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 16:13:50 UTC, TheDGuy wrote:


Yes, you need it. The extern (C) function is what GDK invokes 
on idle. In any GUI application there is a lot of idle time 
waiting for events, what the addThreadIdle allows you to do is 
take advantage of this and tell GTK that whenever it's sitting 
around doing nothing, give this function a call.


Okay, thanks alot for your help. I think i will need some time to 
understand this but one last question:

Do the errors come from the fact at i didn't use those GTK thread 
mechanisms or that my function is not "spawnable"?

"std.concurrency.spawn(F, T...)(F fn, T args) 
"Error: template std.concurrency.spawn cannot deduce function 
from argument types!()(void delegate(Context cr, Widget widget), 
Scoped Widget), candidates are:"

Re: Threading to prevent GUI Freeze

2016-01-04 Thread Gerald via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 16:13:50 UTC, TheDGuy wrote:
Thanks for your example code. Do i need those extern (C) 

Yes, you need it. The extern (C) function is what GDK invokes on 
idle. In any GUI application there is a lot of idle time waiting 
for events, what the addThreadIdle allows you to do is take 
advantage of this and tell GTK that whenever it's sitting around 
doing nothing, give this function a call.

The idea is that you spawn a thread that does your work and when 
GTK invokes your thread idle callback where you can check the 
status of the thread and update the UI accordingly. For example, 
let's say you need to render a highly complicated graph that 
takes a few minutes to complete. You could spawn a thread that 
renders it into an off-line buffer of some sort and once 
completed sends a message to the GTK main thread using 
std.concurrency. At some point GTK calls your thread idle 
callback and you simply invoke the std.concurrency.receive and 
see a message saying the graph has been rendered is available, 
and if so, copy it into the appropriate GTK widget.

The important thing to understand is that the thread idle 
callback happens in the GTK main thread so it is completely safe 
to update GTK widgets from here. The other thing to understand is 
that whatever you work you do in the callback must be short, if 
you don't return in a reasonable amount of time you are blocking 
the main GTK thread. As a result it really should only be used as 
a mechanism to track work progress in whatever threads you have 

The GTK thread idle callback works beautifully with D's 
std.concurrency send and receive mechanism.

Note the code I pointed you to in that D github Issue abstracts 
the extern (C) function from you and allows you to use normal D 
delegates as callbacks. The issue was created to get this 
incorporated into GtkD as I agree the framework should abstract 

Why is it not possible to write the value to the TreeView in D?

I don't understand what you mean as of course it's possible to 
update value's in a TreeView. Do you mean why am I updating it 
from the callback (i.e. the C function)? The code here is an 
artificial example where it is simply updating the treeview with 
an iterating number generated in a separate thread. The results 
being posted to the TreeView could just as easily be a resultset 
from a long running database query, a complicated mathematical 
expression, etc. Hopefully the previous explanation helps you 
understand what the callback is doing.

You can see a more real world example of GtkD multi-threading in 
this application I wrote called Visual Grep 
(, it puts a GTK GUI around grep 
with all searches running in background threads and updating Gtk 
TreeView as results come in. It also uses the delegate code 
linked in that issue which originally came from an application 
called grestful.

Note Visual Grep was my first ever D/GtkD program so there is 
some ugh code in there, but hopefully it can act as an additional 
source of info for you.

Re: Threading to prevent GUI Freeze

2016-01-04 Thread TheDGuy via Digitalmars-d-learn
I wrote a demo for GtkD showing how multi-threading and D work 
together, it's in the demos/gtkD/DemoMultithread folder of 
GtkD, hopefully it will be helpful. However this example it is 
based on using the GTk threadIdle callback which is generally 
preferred over the locking methods you show above, obviously 
though your use case may vary but keep in mind the locking 
methods have been deprecated, see the GTK 3 reference manual 

You also see this GtkD issue here for for some 
code on how to use Delgates with gdk_threads_add_idle (i.e. 
GtkD gdk.Threads.threadsAddIdle).

Thanks for your example code. Do i need those extern (C) 
function? Why is it not possible to write the value to the 
TreeView in D?

Re: Threading to prevent GUI Freeze

2016-01-04 Thread Gerald via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 15:28:56 UTC, TheDGuy wrote:

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 15:07:12 UTC, Luis wrote:

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 14:31:04 UTC, TheDGuy wrote:


Before doing anything with threads and GTK, you should read 
this :

Okay, so i have to do it like this on every function i use from 

GtkAllocation size;

I wrote a demo for GtkD showing how multi-threading and D work 
together, it's in the demos/gtkD/DemoMultithread folder of GtkD, 
hopefully it will be helpful. However this example it is based on 
using the GTk threadIdle callback which is generally preferred 
over the locking methods you show above, obviously though your 
use case may vary but keep in mind the locking methods have been 
deprecated, see the GTK 3 reference manual here:

You also see this GtkD issue here for for some code 
on how to use Delgates with gdk_threads_add_idle (i.e. GtkD 

Re: Threading to prevent GUI Freeze

2016-01-04 Thread TheDGuy via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 15:07:12 UTC, Luis wrote:

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 14:31:04 UTC, TheDGuy wrote:


Before doing anything with threads and GTK, you should read 
this :

Okay, so i have to do it like this on every function i use from 

GtkAllocation size;

Re: Threading to prevent GUI Freeze

2016-01-04 Thread Luis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 14:31:04 UTC, TheDGuy wrote:


i use GTKD to draw some stuff on a DrawingArea. Because it 
needs some time to calculate i want to outsource those 
calculation so that the GUI doesn't freeze.

I tried it with "std.concurrency" like this:

bool drawCallback(Scoped!Context cr, Widget widget){
spawn(&render, cr, widget);
return true;

void render(Context cr, Widget widget){
	Renderer renderer = new Renderer(new Vector3D(0,0,0), cr, 

int  i = 0;
while(i < 4){

But i get:

"std.concurrency.spawn(F, T...)(F fn, T args) 
"Error: template std.concurrency.spawn cannot deduce function 
from argument types!()(void delegate(Context cr, Widget 
widget), Scoped Widget), candidates are:"

Before doing anything with threads and GTK, you should read this 

Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-09 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 October 2015 at 04:04:42 UTC, bitwise wrote:
Ah, I see. I thought you meant illegal meant it won't compile. 
Wouldn't it be more correct to say that it's undefined 

I's probably not as undefined as in C case, i.e. it doesn't break 
safety guarantees, only the application's high-level business 
logic gets confused by data races.

Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-08 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 8 October 2015 at 20:42:46 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Thursday, 8 October 2015 at 13:44:46 UTC, bitwise wrote:
That still doesn't explain what you mean about it being 
illegal in other languages or why you brought up C# in the 
first place.

Illegal means the resulting program behaves incorrectly, 
potentially leading to silent failures and data corruption. C# 
is a language that allows such bugs, and D disallows them - 
treats such code as invalid and rejects.

Ah, I see. I thought you meant illegal meant it won't compile. 
Wouldn't it be more correct to say that it's undefined behaviour?


Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-08 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 8 October 2015 at 13:44:46 UTC, bitwise wrote:
That still doesn't explain what you mean about it being illegal 
in other languages or why you brought up C# in the first place.

Illegal means the resulting program behaves incorrectly, 
potentially leading to silent failures and data corruption. C# is 
a language that allows such bugs, and D disallows them - treats 
such code as invalid and rejects.

Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-08 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 8 October 2015 at 10:11:38 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Thursday, 8 October 2015 at 02:31:24 UTC, bitwise wrote:
If you have System.Collections.Generic.List(T) static class 
member, there is nothing wrong with using it from multiple 
threads like this:

The equivalent of your D example would be

class Foo {
static List numbers = new List();
void bar() {
new Thread(()=>{

That still doesn't explain what you mean about it being illegal 
in other languages or why you brought up C# in the first place.


Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-08 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 8 October 2015 at 02:31:24 UTC, bitwise wrote:
If you have System.Collections.Generic.List(T) static class 
member, there is nothing wrong with using it from multiple 
threads like this:

The equivalent of your D example would be

class Foo {
static List numbers = new List();
void bar() {
new Thread(()=>{

Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-07 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 October 2015 at 09:09:36 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Sunday, 4 October 2015 at 04:24:55 UTC, bitwise wrote:
I use C#(garbage collected) for making apps/games, and while, 
_in_theory_, the GC is supposed to protect you from leaks, 
memory is not the only thing that can leak. Threads need to be 
stopped, graphics resources need to be released, etc.

XNA doesn't manage graphics resources?

On Monday, 5 October 2015 at 17:40:24 UTC, bitwise wrote:
I'm not sure what's going to be done with shared, but I do 
think it's annoying that you can't do this:

shared Array!int numbers;

someThread... {
numbers.clear(); // 'clear' is not shared

So this means that on top of the already ridiculous number of 
attributes D has, now you have to mark everything as shared 
too =/

That's illegal in other languages too except that they allow 
you to do it. If you want concurrent collections, you must code 
them separately:

I'm not sure what you mean by illegal. AFAIK 'shared' is unique 
to D. As far as simply locking and then accessing a global 
variable(class static member) in C#, there is no problem doing 
that from multiple threads.

If you have System.Collections.Generic.List(T) static class 
member, there is nothing wrong with using it from multiple 
threads like this:

class Foo {
static List numbers = new List();
void bar() {
new Thread(()=>{
lock(numbers) {


Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-07 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 4 October 2015 at 04:24:55 UTC, bitwise wrote:
I use C#(garbage collected) for making apps/games, and while, 
_in_theory_, the GC is supposed to protect you from leaks, 
memory is not the only thing that can leak. Threads need to be 
stopped, graphics resources need to be released, etc.

XNA doesn't manage graphics resources?

On Monday, 5 October 2015 at 17:40:24 UTC, bitwise wrote:
I'm not sure what's going to be done with shared, but I do 
think it's annoying that you can't do this:

shared Array!int numbers;

someThread... {
numbers.clear(); // 'clear' is not shared

So this means that on top of the already ridiculous number of 
attributes D has, now you have to mark everything as shared too 

That's illegal in other languages too except that they allow you 
to do it. If you want concurrent collections, you must code them 

Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-05 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 October 2015 at 20:18:18 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2015 at 17:40:24 UTC, bitwise wrote:
You may be right. I wrote a simple download manager in D using 
message passing. It was a little awkward at first, but in 
general, the spawn/send/receive API seems very intuitive. It 
feels awkward because the data you're working with is out of 
reach, but I guess it's safer that way.

Any possibility of a blog post on your experience of doing so ? 
;)  [I should start writing some directly, but for time being, 
until I have my blog up and running again, I write from time to 
time on Quora].  A few minutes of writing now and then can have 
a remarkably big impact as well as clarifying your own 
thoughts, and the time invested is amply repaid, even viewed 
from a narrowly self-interested perspective.

Unfortunately, my time is limited right now. I do have another 
project, which I've decided will either be finished or discarded 
by the dawn of 2016. So in the near future, I should have more 
time for other things.

I had same experience with learning message passing.  Feels 
like learning to eat with chopsticks in the beginning, but soon 
enough it feels much more civilised when it's the right tool 
for the job.

I like the way my Worker class works because when I don't need 
the thread anymore, I can simply discard the object that 
represents the thread. As long as the Worker object is higher up 
on the stack than anything it's working on, all is well, and the 
concept of spawn/join is not visible while programming. This 
works out ok, because while the jobs I'm doing are slow enough to 
make a UI thread lag, they aren't long-running enough to where 
waiting for the Worker's thread to join in the destructor becomes 
a problem. There may be a small lag as the Worker's destructor 
waits for the last job to finish and the thread to join, but it's 
only happens once in the lifetime of the worker, so it's not a 
big deal.

If care is not taken, the above could be subject to these 

1) shared memory corruption
2) worker accessing dead memory if it's placed on the stack below 
what it's working on
3) queueing a long running task could freeze the program on 

If you're moving or copying data into a thread, then returning 
the result(which can be ignored) I think most of the above can be 

It's still a bit foreign to me though, and C++ has no such 
construct yet afaik. I read a bit about std::future and so on, 
but I'm not sure if they're standard yet. The biggest blocker 
though, is that the project I'm using that Worker class in is a 
Unity3D plugin. They only very recently updated their iOS libs to 
allow libc++ > 98


Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-05 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/5/15 1:40 PM, bitwise wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2015 at 00:23:21 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, October 04, 2015 14:42:48 bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn

Since D is moving towards a phobos with no GC, what will happen to
things that are classes like Condition and Mutex?

Phobos and druntime will always use the GC for some things, and some
things just plain need classes. Rather, we're trying to make it so
that Phobos does not use the GC when it doesn't need to use the GC as
well reduce how much the GC is required for stuff like string
processing where lazy ranges can be used instead in many cases.

I was under the impression that the idea was to _completely_ eliminate
the GC. It says in Andre's 2015H1 vision statement:
"We aim to make the standard library usable in its entirety without a
garbage collector."

No, the plan is to allow the user to choose how he wants to allocate. 
Many pieces of phobos make the assumption that the GC is fair game. I 
think the plan is to make those pieces instead allocate on the stack and 
provide a mechanism to move that allocation to the GC (Walter's Dconf 
talk was about this), or accept an allocator to use as a mechanism for 
allocating memory.


Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-05 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 October 2015 at 17:40:24 UTC, bitwise wrote:
You may be right. I wrote a simple download manager in D using 
message passing. It was a little awkward at first, but in 
general, the spawn/send/receive API seems very intuitive. It 
feels awkward because the data you're working with is out of 
reach, but I guess it's safer that way.

Any possibility of a blog post on your experience of doing so ? 
;)  [I should start writing some directly, but for time being, 
until I have my blog up and running again, I write from time to 
time on Quora].  A few minutes of writing now and then can have a 
remarkably big impact as well as clarifying your own thoughts, 
and the time invested is amply repaid, even viewed from a 
narrowly self-interested perspective.

I had same experience with learning message passing.  Feels like 
learning to eat with chopsticks in the beginning, but soon enough 
it feels much more civilised when it's the right tool for the job.

Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-05 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 October 2015 at 00:23:21 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Sunday, October 04, 2015 14:42:48 bitwise via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
Since D is moving towards a phobos with no GC, what will 
happen to things that are classes like Condition and Mutex?

Phobos and druntime will always use the GC for some things, and 
some things just plain need classes. Rather, we're trying to 
make it so that Phobos does not use the GC when it doesn't need 
to use the GC as well reduce how much the GC is required for 
stuff like string processing where lazy ranges can be used 
instead in many cases.

I was under the impression that the idea was to _completely_ 
eliminate the GC. It says in Andre's 2015H1 vision statement:
"We aim to make the standard library usable in its entirety 
without a garbage collector."

I understand the allocation/freeing of memory is expensive, but I 
thought the actual sweep of the GC was a problem too, and that 
disabling the GC to avoid the sweep was the plan for some people. 
I don't know how long D's GC takes to sweep, but even a 5ms pause 
would be unacceptable for a performance intensive game.

I guess if you use @nogc properly though, you could still safely 
turn off the GC, right?

As for Condition and Mutex specifically, I don't know whey they 
were ever classes except perhaps to take advantage of the 
monitor in Object. Maybe they'll get changed to structs, maybe 
they won't, but most D code is thread-local, and most of the 
code that isn't is going to use message passing, which means 
that explicit mutexes and conditions are unnecessary. So, most 
code won't be impacted regardless of what we do with Condition 
and Mutex.

You may be right. I wrote a simple download manager in D using 
message passing. It was a little awkward at first, but in 
general, the spawn/send/receive API seems very intuitive. It 
feels awkward because the data you're working with is out of 
reach, but I guess it's safer that way.

Regardless, I doubt that anything will be done with Condition 
or Mutex until shared is revisted, which is supposed to happen 
sometime soon but hasn't happened yet. What happens with shared 
could completely change how Condition and Mutex are handled 
(e.g. they don't support shared directly even though they 
should probably have most of their members marked with shared, 
because Sean Kelly didn't want to be doing anything with shared 
that he'd have to change later).

- Jonathan M Davis

I'm not sure what's going to be done with shared, but I do think 
it's annoying that you can't do this:

shared Array!int numbers;

someThread... {
numbers.clear(); // 'clear' is not shared

So this means that on top of the already ridiculous number of 
attributes D has, now you have to mark everything as shared too =/


Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-04 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, October 04, 2015 14:42:48 bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Since D is moving towards a phobos with no GC, what will happen
> to things that are classes like Condition and Mutex?

Phobos and druntime will always use the GC for some things, and some things
just plain need classes. Rather, we're trying to make it so that Phobos does
not use the GC when it doesn't need to use the GC as well reduce how much
the GC is required for stuff like string processing where lazy ranges can be
used instead in many cases.

As for Condition and Mutex specifically, I don't know whey they were ever
classes except perhaps to take advantage of the monitor in Object. Maybe
they'll get changed to structs, maybe they won't, but most D code is
thread-local, and most of the code that isn't is going to use message
passing, which means that explicit mutexes and conditions are unnecessary.
So, most code won't be impacted regardless of what we do with Condition and

Regardless, I doubt that anything will be done with Condition or Mutex until
shared is revisted, which is supposed to happen sometime soon but hasn't
happened yet. What happens with shared could completely change how Condition
and Mutex are handled (e.g. they don't support shared directly even though
they should probably have most of their members marked with shared, because
Sean Kelly didn't want to be doing anything with shared that he'd have to
change later).

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-04 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 30 September 2015 at 10:32:01 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Tuesday, September 29, 2015 22:38:42 Johannes Pfau via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


What I took from the answers to that SO question was that in 
general, it really doesn't matter whether a condition variable 
has spurious wakeups. You're going to have to check that the 
associated bool is true when you wake up anyway. Maybe without 
spurious wakeups, it wouldn't be required if only one thread 
was waiting for the signal, but you'd almost certainly still 
need an associated bool in case it becomes true prior to 
waiting. In addition, if you want to avoid locking up your 
program, it's ferquently the case that you want a timed wait so 
that you can check whether the program is trying to exit (or at 
least that the thread in question is being terminated), and 
you'd need a separate bool in that case as well so that you can 
check whether the condition has actually been signaled. So, 
ultimately, while spurious wakeups do seem wrong from a 
correctness perspective, when you look at what a condition 
variable needs to do, it usually doesn't matter that spurious 
wakeups exist, and a correctly used condition variable will 
just handle spurious wakeups as a side effect of how it's used.

- Jonathan M Davis

Yea, I guess you're right. The class in the example I posted was 
a crude reproduction of something I'm using right now in another 

I don't think it would make a difference whether it woke up 
randomly or not. I've been using this code regularly with no 


Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-04 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 29 September 2015 at 23:20:31 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

yeah, that could probably be done. One thing to note is that 
these classes are from ages ago (probably close to 10 years). 
New API suggestions may be allowed.


I'm still thinking about my last rant, here... So by new API, do 
you mean just adding a couple of new functions, or rewriting a 
new Condition class(as is the plan for streams)?

Since D is moving towards a phobos with no GC, what will happen 
to things that are classes like Condition and Mutex?

If DIP74 were implemented, Condition and Mutex could be made ref 
counted, but DIP74 seems like something that will be very 
complicated, and may not happen for a long time.

So the only other alternative is to make it a struct, but for a 
Mutex, that would prevent you from doing this:

Mutex m = new Mutex();
synchronized(m) { }

I also don't mind the way that the current streams are made up of 
a class hierarchy.

Although inheritance is overused sometimes, I don't think it's 
bad. But, if I'm correct about the current trend in D, it seems 
any new stream stuff will end up getting flattened into some 
template/struct solution.

Any comments on this?



Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-03 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 29 September 2015 at 19:10:58 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

An object that implements the Monitor interface may not 
actually be a mutex. For example, a pthread_cond_t requires a 
pthread_mutex_t to operate properly.

Right! I feel like I should have caught the fact that 
ConditionVariable still has to use pthread_cond_t under the hood, 
and adopts all of it's behaviour and requirements as a result.

4. Technically, you shouldn't access member variables that are 
GC allocated from a dtor. I know it's a struct, but structs can 
be GC allocated as well.

Right forgot about that.

GC's are really beginning to get on my nerves.. IMO, RAII for GC 
is a horrible tradeoff.

I'm still not sure I would like Rust, but their memory model is 
making it a very enticing proposition. I'm almost at the point 
where I just don't care how much convenience, or familiarity D 
can offer in other areas.. Its starting to seem like none of it 
is worth it with a GC-based memory model standing in the way. 
Maybe this is an exageration...D has a lot of great features..but 
it's the net benefit that will ultimately determine whether or 
not people use D.

I use C#(garbage collected) for making apps/games, and while, 
_in_theory_, the GC is supposed to protect you from leaks, memory 
is not the only thing that can leak. Threads need to be stopped, 
graphics resources need to be released, etc.. So when I can't 
rely on RAII to free these things, I need to free them 
explicitly, which basically puts me right back where I started.

Anyways, I realize this will probably be buried 3 pages deep in 
D-Learn by Monday, but at least I feel better :)


Re: Threading Questions

2015-10-01 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 September 2015 at 15:19:27 UTC, bitwise wrote:
I know that all global variables are TLS unless explicitly 
marked as 'shared', but someone once told me something about 
'shared' affecting member variables in that accessing them from 
a separate thread would return T.init instead of the actual 
value... or something like that. This seems to be 

T.init is returned for TLS variable when accessed from a thread 
for which it wasn't initialized.

Re: Threading Questions

2015-09-30 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, September 29, 2015 22:38:42 Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> Am Tue, 29 Sep 2015 15:10:58 -0400
> schrieb Steven Schveighoffer :
> >
> > > 3) Why do I have to pass a "Mutex" to "Condition"? Why can't I just
> > > pass an "Object"?
> >
> > An object that implements the Monitor interface may not actually be a
> > mutex. For example, a pthread_cond_t requires a pthread_mutex_t to
> > operate properly. If you passed it anything that can act like a lock,
> > it won't work. So the Condition needs to know that it has an actual
> > Mutex, not just any lock-like object.
> >
> > I think I advocated in the past to Sean that Condition should provide
> > a default ctor that just constructs a mutex, but it doesn't look like
> > that was done.
> >
> But you'll need access to the Mutex in user code as well. And often you
> use multiple Conditions with one Mutex so a Condition doesn't really
> own the Mutex.
> > >
> > > 4) Will D's Condition ever experience spurious wakeups?
> >
> > What do you mean by "spurious"? If you notify a condition, anything
> > that is waiting on it can be woken up. Since the condition itself is
> > user defined, there is no way for the actual Condition to verify you
> > will only be woken up when it is satisfied.
> >
> > In terms of whether a condition could be woken when notify *isn't*
> > called, I suppose it's possible (perhaps interrupted by a signal?).
> > But I don't know why it would matter -- per above you should already
> > be checking the condition while within the lock.
> Spurious wakeup is a common term when talking about posix conditions
> and it does indeed mean a wait() call can return without ever calling
> notify():
> And yes, this does happen for core.sync.condition as well. As a result
> you'll always have to check in a loop:
> synchronized(mutex)
> {
> while(some_flag_or_expression)
> {
> cond.wait();
> }
> }
> -
> synchronized(mutex)
> {
> some_flag_or_expression = true;
> cond.notify();
> }

What I took from the answers to that SO question was that in general, it
really doesn't matter whether a condition variable has spurious wakeups.
You're going to have to check that the associated bool is true when you wake
up anyway. Maybe without spurious wakeups, it wouldn't be required if only
one thread was waiting for the signal, but you'd almost certainly still need
an associated bool in case it becomes true prior to waiting. In addition, if
you want to avoid locking up your program, it's ferquently the case that you
want a timed wait so that you can check whether the program is trying to
exit (or at least that the thread in question is being terminated), and
you'd need a separate bool in that case as well so that you can check
whether the condition has actually been signaled. So, ultimately, while
spurious wakeups do seem wrong from a correctness perspective, when you look
at what a condition variable needs to do, it usually doesn't matter that
spurious wakeups exist, and a correctly used condition variable will just
handle spurious wakeups as a side effect of how it's used.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Threading Questions

2015-09-29 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/29/15 4:38 PM, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Am Tue, 29 Sep 2015 15:10:58 -0400
schrieb Steven Schveighoffer :

3) Why do I have to pass a "Mutex" to "Condition"? Why can't I just
pass an "Object"?

An object that implements the Monitor interface may not actually be a
mutex. For example, a pthread_cond_t requires a pthread_mutex_t to
operate properly. If you passed it anything that can act like a lock,
it won't work. So the Condition needs to know that it has an actual
Mutex, not just any lock-like object.

I think I advocated in the past to Sean that Condition should provide
a default ctor that just constructs a mutex, but it doesn't look like
that was done.

But you'll need access to the Mutex in user code as well.


And often you
use multiple Conditions with one Mutex so a Condition doesn't really
own the Mutex.

It's just a different option. Often times, you have a condition 
variable, and a mutex variable.

It's not super-important, you can always do:

new Condition(new Mutex);

4) Will D's Condition ever experience spurious wakeups?

What do you mean by "spurious"? If you notify a condition, anything
that is waiting on it can be woken up. Since the condition itself is
user defined, there is no way for the actual Condition to verify you
will only be woken up when it is satisfied.

In terms of whether a condition could be woken when notify *isn't*
called, I suppose it's possible (perhaps interrupted by a signal?).
But I don't know why it would matter -- per above you should already
be checking the condition while within the lock.

Spurious wakeup is a common term when talking about posix conditions
and it does indeed mean a wait() call can return without ever calling

OK thanks.

5) Why doesn't D's Condition.wait take a predicate? I assume this is
because the answer to (4) is no.

The actual "condition" that you are waiting on is up to you to

He probably means that you could pass an expression to wait and wait
would do the looping / check internally. That's probably a nicer API
but not implemented.

yeah, that could probably be done. One thing to note is that these 
classes are from ages ago (probably close to 10 years). New API 
suggestions may be allowed.

I just wanted to stress that there isn't some sort of built-in condition 
predicate (like a boolean).


Re: Threading Questions

2015-09-29 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d-learn
Am Tue, 29 Sep 2015 15:10:58 -0400
schrieb Steven Schveighoffer :

> > 3) Why do I have to pass a "Mutex" to "Condition"? Why can't I just
> > pass an "Object"?
> An object that implements the Monitor interface may not actually be a 
> mutex. For example, a pthread_cond_t requires a pthread_mutex_t to 
> operate properly. If you passed it anything that can act like a lock,
> it won't work. So the Condition needs to know that it has an actual
> Mutex, not just any lock-like object.
> I think I advocated in the past to Sean that Condition should provide
> a default ctor that just constructs a mutex, but it doesn't look like
> that was done.

But you'll need access to the Mutex in user code as well. And often you
use multiple Conditions with one Mutex so a Condition doesn't really
own the Mutex.

> >
> > 4) Will D's Condition ever experience spurious wakeups?
> What do you mean by "spurious"? If you notify a condition, anything
> that is waiting on it can be woken up. Since the condition itself is
> user defined, there is no way for the actual Condition to verify you
> will only be woken up when it is satisfied.
> In terms of whether a condition could be woken when notify *isn't* 
> called, I suppose it's possible (perhaps interrupted by a signal?).
> But I don't know why it would matter -- per above you should already
> be checking the condition while within the lock.

Spurious wakeup is a common term when talking about posix conditions
and it does indeed mean a wait() call can return without ever calling

And yes, this does happen for core.sync.condition as well. As a result
you'll always have to check in a loop:


some_flag_or_expression = true;

> I think there are cases with multiple threads where you can
> potentially wake up the thread waiting on a condition AFTER the
> condition was already reset by another.
> > 5) Why doesn't D's Condition.wait take a predicate? I assume this is
> > because the answer to (4) is no.
> The actual "condition" that you are waiting on is up to you to
> check/define.

He probably means that you could pass an expression to wait and wait
would do the looping / check internally. That's probably a nicer API
but not implemented.

> > 6) Does 'shared' actually have any effect on non-global variables
> > beside the syntactic regulations?
> I believe shared doesn't alter code generation at all. It only
> prevents certain things and affects the type.

It shouldn't. I think in GDC it does generate different code, but that's
an implementation detail that needs to be fixed.

Re: Threading Questions

2015-09-29 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/25/15 11:19 AM, bitwise wrote:

Hey, I've got a few questions if anybody's got a minute.

I'm trying to wrap my head around the threading situation in D. So far,
things seem to be working as expected, but I want to verify my solutions.

1) Are the following two snippets exactly equivalent(not just in
observable behaviour)?

Mutex mut;
scope(exit) mut.unlock();

Mutex mut;
synchronized(mut) { }

Will 'synchronized' call 'lock' on the Mutex, or do something
else(possibly related to the interface Object.Monitor)?

Yes. A mutex object has it's internal lock as its monitor.

2) Phobos has 'Condition' which takes a Mutex in the constructor. The
documentation doesn't exactly specify this, but should I assume it works
the same as std::condition_variable in C++?

I am not sure about std::condition_variable. core.sync.condition works 
like a standard condition 

For example, is this correct?

Mutex mut;
Condition cond = new Condition(mut);

// mut must be locked before calling Condition.wait
synchronized(mut)  // depends on answer to (1)
 // wait() unlocks the mutex and enters wait state
 // wait() must re-acquire the mutex before returning when cond is

Yes, I believe it is.

3) Why do I have to pass a "Mutex" to "Condition"? Why can't I just pass
an "Object"?

An object that implements the Monitor interface may not actually be a 
mutex. For example, a pthread_cond_t requires a pthread_mutex_t to 
operate properly. If you passed it anything that can act like a lock, it 
won't work. So the Condition needs to know that it has an actual Mutex, 
not just any lock-like object.

I think I advocated in the past to Sean that Condition should provide a 
default ctor that just constructs a mutex, but it doesn't look like that 
was done.

4) Will D's Condition ever experience spurious wakeups?

What do you mean by "spurious"? If you notify a condition, anything that 
is waiting on it can be woken up. Since the condition itself is user 
defined, there is no way for the actual Condition to verify you will 
only be woken up when it is satisfied.

In terms of whether a condition could be woken when notify *isn't* 
called, I suppose it's possible (perhaps interrupted by a signal?). But 
I don't know why it would matter -- per above you should already be 
checking the condition while within the lock.

I think there are cases with multiple threads where you can potentially 
wake up the thread waiting on a condition AFTER the condition was 
already reset by another.

5) Why doesn't D's Condition.wait take a predicate? I assume this is
because the answer to (4) is no.

The actual "condition" that you are waiting on is up to you to check/define.

6) Does 'shared' actually have any effect on non-global variables beside
the syntactic regulations?

I believe shared doesn't alter code generation at all. It only prevents 
certain things and affects the type.

I know that all global variables are TLS unless explicitly marked as
'shared', but someone once told me something about 'shared' affecting
member variables in that accessing them from a separate thread would
return T.init instead of the actual value... or something like that.
This seems to be wrong(thankfully).

No, this isn't true.

For example, I have created this simple Worker class which seems to work
fine without a 'shared' keyword in sight(thankfully). I'm wondering
though, if there would be any unexpected consequences of doing things
this way.

Some errors:

1. When calling notifyAll, you should ALWAYS have the mutex locked.
2. Since the mutex is protecting _run, it should only be 
checked/modified with the lock held.
3. After you have been woken up, you should check that the condition is 
4. Technically, you shouldn't access member variables that are GC 
allocated from a dtor. I know it's a struct, but structs can be GC 
allocated as well.

I would replace your if(tasks.empty) with while(tasks.empty && _run) to 
fix issue 3.


Re: Threading Questions

2015-09-29 Thread Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tue, 2015-09-29 at 03:05 +, bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn
> On Monday, 28 September 2015 at 11:47:38 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
> > I hadn't answered as I do not have answers to the questions you 
> > ask. My reason: people should not be doing their codes using 
> > these low-level shared memory techniques. Data parallel things 
> > should be using the std.parallelism module. Dataflow-style 
> > things should be using spawn and channels – akin to the way you 
> > do things in Go.
> > 
> > So to give you an answer I would go back a stage, forget 
> > threads, mutexes, synchronized, etc. and ask what do you want 
> > you workers to do? If they are to do something and return a 
> > result then spawn and channel is exactly the right abstraction 
> > to use. Think "farmer–worker", the farmer spawns the workers 
> > and then collects their results. No shared memory anywyere – at 
> > least not mutable.
>  Bit

What's the tl;dr as text, I very, very rarely watch videos.

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Threading Questions

2015-09-28 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 28 September 2015 at 11:47:38 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
I hadn't answered as I do not have answers to the questions you 
ask. My reason: people should not be doing their codes using 
these low-level shared memory techniques. Data parallel things 
should be using the std.parallelism module. Dataflow-style 
things should be using spawn and channels – akin to the way you 
do things in Go.

So to give you an answer I would go back a stage, forget 
threads, mutexes, synchronized, etc. and ask what do you want 
you workers to do? If they are to do something and return a 
result then spawn and channel is exactly the right abstraction 
to use. Think "farmer–worker", the farmer spawns the workers 
and then collects their results. No shared memory anywyere – at 
least not mutable.


Re: Threading Questions

2015-09-28 Thread Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d-learn
I hadn't answered as I do not have answers to the questions you ask. My
reason: people should not be doing their codes using these low-level
shared memory techniques. Data parallel things should be using the
std.parallelism module. Dataflow-style things should be using spawn and
channels – akin to the way you do things in Go.

So to give you an answer I would go back a stage, forget threads,
mutexes, synchronized, etc. and ask what do you want you workers to do?
If they are to do something and return a result then spawn and channel
is exactly the right abstraction to use. Think "farmer–worker", the
farmer spawns the workers and then collects their results. No shared
memory anywyere – at least not mutable.

On Fri, 2015-09-25 at 15:19 +, bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn
> Hey, I've got a few questions if anybody's got a minute.
> I'm trying to wrap my head around the threading situation in D. 
> So far, things seem to be working as expected, but I want to 
> verify my solutions.
> 1) Are the following two snippets exactly equivalent(not just in 
> observable behaviour)?
> a)
> Mutex mut;
> mut.lock();
> scope(exit) mut.unlock();
> b)
> Mutex mut;
> synchronized(mut) { }
> Will 'synchronized' call 'lock' on the Mutex, or do something 
> else(possibly related to the interface Object.Monitor)?
> 2) Phobos has 'Condition' which takes a Mutex in the constructor. 
> The documentation doesn't exactly specify this, but should I 
> assume it works the same as std::condition_variable in C++?
> For example, is this correct?
> Mutex mut;
> Condition cond = new Condition(mut);
> // mut must be locked before calling Condition.wait
> synchronized(mut)  // depends on answer to (1)
> {
>  // wait() unlocks the mutex and enters wait state
>  // wait() must re-acquire the mutex before returning when 
> cond is signalled
>  cond.wait();
> }
> 3) Why do I have to pass a "Mutex" to "Condition"? Why can't I 
> just pass an "Object"?
> 4) Will D's Condition ever experience spurious wakeups?
> 5) Why doesn't D's Condition.wait take a predicate? I assume this 
> is because the answer to (4) is no.
> 6) Does 'shared' actually have any effect on non-global variables 
> beside the syntactic regulations?
> I know that all global variables are TLS unless explicitly marked 
> as 'shared', but someone once told me something about 'shared' 
> affecting member variables in that accessing them from a separate 
> thread would return T.init instead of the actual value... or 
> something like that. This seems to be wrong(thankfully).
> For example, I have created this simple Worker class which seems 
> to work fine without a 'shared' keyword in sight(thankfully). I'm 
> wondering though, if there would be any unexpected consequences 
> of doing things this way.
> Thanks!
>  Bit
Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Threading Questions

2015-09-26 Thread ponce via Digitalmars-d-learn
Sorry I don't know the answers but these questions are 
interesting so BUMP ;)

On Friday, 25 September 2015 at 15:19:27 UTC, bitwise wrote:

1) Are the following two snippets exactly equivalent(not just 
in observable behaviour)?


Mutex mut;
scope(exit) mut.unlock();

Mutex mut;
synchronized(mut) { }

Will 'synchronized' call 'lock' on the Mutex, or do something 
else(possibly related to the interface Object.Monitor)?

Don't know.
Is this Object monitor a mutex or something else?

6) Does 'shared' actually have any effect on non-global 
variables beside the syntactic regulations?

Don't think so.

Re: Threading Questions

2015-09-25 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn

Pretty please? :)

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-17 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/07/2014 03:12 PM, Michael wrote:

now to figure out how to use them in the general case.

This is great.. Thank you. I'm looking forward to being able to try the
finished result.

My build servers are broken at the moment, but I think I have this 
fixed, on linux at least.

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-08 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 8 December 2014 at 01:17:16 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 12/07/2014 03:12 PM, Michael wrote:
On Saturday, 6 December 2014 at 00:40:49 UTC, Ellery Newcomer 

On 12/04/2014 10:55 PM, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

I guess tomorrow I can try messing around with 
thread_attachThis, as the
fullcollect happening in #2 might be screwing with python 
data. But you
aren't really passing anything from python to d or vice 
versa, so I'm
not sure why the gc would need to know about the python 

by gum, thread_attachThis and thread_detachThis fix the issue!

now to figure out how to use them in the general case.

This is great.. Thank you. I'm looking forward to being able 
to try the

finished result.

It would be great if there were some convenient hook in python 
to stick these calls. Near as I can tell, there isn't. That 
leaves you with either explicitly calling attach and detach 
with an exposed api, or pyd obsessively checking whether the 
current thread is registered.

Actually, I suppose with a thread local flag the latter 
wouldn't be too bad.

Mind if I incorporate your example into pyd's test suite?

Not at all. Go for it.

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-07 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/07/2014 03:12 PM, Michael wrote:

On Saturday, 6 December 2014 at 00:40:49 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 12/04/2014 10:55 PM, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

I guess tomorrow I can try messing around with thread_attachThis, as the
fullcollect happening in #2 might be screwing with python data. But you
aren't really passing anything from python to d or vice versa, so I'm
not sure why the gc would need to know about the python threads.

by gum, thread_attachThis and thread_detachThis fix the issue!

now to figure out how to use them in the general case.

This is great.. Thank you. I'm looking forward to being able to try the
finished result.

It would be great if there were some convenient hook in python to stick 
these calls. Near as I can tell, there isn't. That leaves you with 
either explicitly calling attach and detach with an exposed api, or pyd 
obsessively checking whether the current thread is registered.

Actually, I suppose with a thread local flag the latter wouldn't be too bad.

Mind if I incorporate your example into pyd's test suite?

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-07 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 6 December 2014 at 00:40:49 UTC, Ellery Newcomer 

On 12/04/2014 10:55 PM, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

I guess tomorrow I can try messing around with 
thread_attachThis, as the
fullcollect happening in #2 might be screwing with python 
data. But you
aren't really passing anything from python to d or vice versa, 
so I'm
not sure why the gc would need to know about the python 

by gum, thread_attachThis and thread_detachThis fix the issue!

now to figure out how to use them in the general case.

This is great.. Thank you. I'm looking forward to being able to 
try the finished result.

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-05 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/04/2014 10:55 PM, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

I guess tomorrow I can try messing around with thread_attachThis, as the
fullcollect happening in #2 might be screwing with python data. But you
aren't really passing anything from python to d or vice versa, so I'm
not sure why the gc would need to know about the python threads.

by gum, thread_attachThis and thread_detachThis fix the issue!

now to figure out how to use them in the general case.

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-04 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/04/2014 02:11 PM, Michael wrote:

On Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 03:22:05 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:


Not sure what went wrong with dustmite, but every time I tried it it
just started deleting all the files in the directory and would
give errors. I manually deleted a reasonable chunk of the code and I'm
left with these files which still seem to cause segfaults:

Main code:
PyD definitions:
test code that causes segfaults:


hmm.. looks like here it originates in python when it tries to acquire 
the GIL. specifically, pthread_cond_timedwait is segfaulting.

in your code, execution inside a python thread makes it to 
receiveTimeout in get_image. it made it past receiveTimeout in acquire.

then I guess there is a context switch. the main python thread throws an 
exception, but a number of things trigger the segfault. I think it's 
just the interpreter loop calling RestoreThread. backtrace looks like

#0  pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_timedwait.S:238
#1  0x003799d07bb3 in PyCOND_TIMEDWAIT (cond=0x379a063220 ,
mut=0x379a0631e0 , us=5000)
at /usr/src/debug/Python-3.3.2/Python/condvar.h:103
#2  take_gil (tstate=tstate@entry=0x604410)
at /usr/src/debug/Python-3.3.2/Python/ceval_gil.h:224
#3  0x003799d081fb in PyEval_RestoreThread 


It looks like this is the python main thread.

I see two other threads. (i took out one of your python spawns) #2 looks 
to be your listener thread. std.concurrency.send seems to have gotten it 
into a gc_malloc, but it looks like it's just waiting. it's currently in 
sem_wait. this one would have been spawned in D code by #3

#3 is your other python thread. it is also in pthread_cond_timedwait. by 
its stack trace, receiveTimeout is just waiting.

I guess tomorrow I can try messing around with thread_attachThis, as the 
fullcollect happening in #2 might be screwing with python data. But you 
aren't really passing anything from python to d or vice versa, so I'm 
not sure why the gc would need to know about the python threads.

not exactly my area of expertise, this.

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-04 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thu, Dec 04, 2014 at 10:11:53PM +, Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> On Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 03:22:05 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:
> >
> >dustmite?
> Not sure what went wrong with dustmite, but every time I tried it it
> just started deleting all the files in the directory and
> would give errors.

Nothing is wrong with dustmite; one of its standard techniques to reduce
code is to delete source files and see if the problem still happens
(i.e., it's independent of that file). What you need to do is to craft a
test script such that only the specific error you're looking for will
return a success status, and everything else won't. Then when dustmite
deletes an essential file, it will know that that was a wrong step and


Food and laptops don't mix.

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-04 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 03:22:05 UTC, Ellery Newcomer 


Not sure what went wrong with dustmite, but every time I tried it 
it just started deleting all the files in the directory and would give errors. I manually deleted a reasonable chunk 
of the code and I'm left with these files which still seem to 
cause segfaults:

Main code:
PyD definitions:
test code that causes segfaults:


Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-03 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/03/2014 06:56 PM, Michael wrote:

On Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 02:31:51 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

okay. that's not too surprising.

If you can get me a minimal example, I'd be happy to have a look since
pyd should probably support this case.

Cool. Unfortunately most of the times I've attempted to reduce this down
it always seems to work, but I think that's because I often did the
example code in D. I'll play around with it and try to send you an example.



Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-03 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 02:31:51 UTC, Ellery Newcomer 

okay. that's not too surprising.

If you can get me a minimal example, I'd be happy to have a 
look since pyd should probably support this case.

Cool. Unfortunately most of the times I've attempted to reduce 
this down it always seems to work, but I think that's because I 
often did the example code in D. I'll play around with it and try 
to send you an example.


Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-03 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/03/2014 04:43 PM, Michael wrote:

On Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 21:35:48 UTC, ketmar via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

ah, dsource strikes back! that vile site keep biting us again and
again. let's hope that new admins will kill it for good.

Yeah. I've got the new PyD and it compiles and does everything I want
much nicer, but it appears to have the exact same problems. When calling
a python thread to my code, it can cause segfaults and hanging issues.


okay. that's not too surprising.

If you can get me a minimal example, I'd be happy to have a look since 
pyd should probably support this case.

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-03 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 21:35:48 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
ah, dsource strikes back! that vile site keep biting us again 

again. let's hope that new admins will kill it for good.

Yeah. I've got the new PyD and it compiles and does everything I 
want much nicer, but it appears to have the exact same problems. 
When calling a python thread to my code, it can cause segfaults 
and hanging issues.


Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-03 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 20:41:46 +
Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn 

> On Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 06:11:56 UTC, Ellery Newcomer 
> wrote:
> > are you looking at this pyd: 
> >
> I'm looking at this one, which is what came up when googling 
> "python to D"
ah, dsource strikes back! that vile site keep biting us again and
again. let's hope that new admins will kill it for good.

Description: PGP signature

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-03 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 06:30:07 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

As far as I can tell PyD is still active, but in a non-funded 
FOSS way,
i.e. work happens as and when volunteers put time and effort 
in. I
haven't tried PyD recently but it worked fine last time I did. 
If can
set out what you tried and what didn't work, maybe there is a 

solution, or a fix to PyD to give a solution?

Yeah apparently I might have used the wrong PyD. This might end 
up being all I need to do to fix my problem.

D's "big problem" is shared objects/dynamic link libraries. 
Without them
you cannot interwork with Python at all. I have tried 
experiments on
Linux creating shared libraries from D code with C linkage 
entry points
to create classic Python extensions, and it appears to work 
fine. Except
for having to start up the D heap and thread  management, 
should they be
needed. But that is what PyD is there for. If I took my 
experiments any

further I would end up recreating PyD or something like it.

This is what I'm doing. I'm using the rt_init() function to setup 
the heap/thread management. Am I missing anything else here? It 
seems the issue is definitely more complicated than that.

I'll also point out that: had no 
information on calling rt_init first, although it seems like it 

It sounds like you are in a similar situation except that you 
appear to
have an extra layer of C code. I am not sure a layer of C is 
between Python and D, it would be good to know more about why 
you seem

to need it.

Well I wanted to compile D code and directly call it in Python, 
and since PyD didn't work for me, I instead tried the python-> C 
interface I already knew 
( and worked my way 
through a C->D interface, which I understood to be relatively 

My guess would be not properly initializing the D 
infrastructure from

the incoming Python thread.

I would suggest that you want to avoid threads crossing the 
and just pass data via a shared channel. Unix pipes seem to 
work well in
this context since they provide a language independent data 

Yeah I'm leaning in that direction myself, although I might try 
the other PyD library first. I wanted to be able to use the D 
message-passing libraries to do the thread-safety stuff at first, 
because it was much easier than the alternative, but I'm not sure 
that's true anymore.

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-03 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 06:11:56 UTC, Ellery Newcomer 
are you looking at this pyd:

I'm looking at this one, which is what came up when googling 
"python to D"

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-02 Thread Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, 2014-12-03 at 01:07 +, Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn
> Hi. I'm new here and this is my first post. I'm not sure this is 
> the right subforum for it, but wasn't sure where else to put it 
> either.
> I've written a library to talk to some external hardware using a 
> socket. It uses the std.concurrency threads to send messages 
> between the main D-object for the hardware and the D-object for 
> the sockets. I then wanted to be able to call these functions 
> from Python. PyD appeared to be out of date, so I've been using a 

As far as I can tell PyD is still active, but in a non-funded FOSS way,
i.e. work happens as and when volunteers put time and effort in. I
haven't tried PyD recently but it worked fine last time I did. If can
set out what you tried and what didn't work, maybe there is a PyD
solution, or a fix to PyD to give a solution?

> D -> C interface, and a C -> Python interface. The python code 
> will often run from different python threads, so I then added yet 
> another message-passing layer between the D->C interface and the 
> D->hardware interface.

D's "big problem" is shared objects/dynamic link libraries. Without them
you cannot interwork with Python at all. I have tried experiments on
Linux creating shared libraries from D code with C linkage entry points
to create classic Python extensions, and it appears to work fine. Except
for having to start up the D heap and thread  management, should they be
needed. But that is what PyD is there for. If I took my experiments any
further I would end up recreating PyD or something like it.

It sounds like you are in a similar situation except that you appear to
have an extra layer of C code. I am not sure a layer of C is needed
between Python and D, it would be good to know more about why you seem
to need it.

Your use case is interesting as I have more or less given up on using D
in a Python context. CPython naturally requires C linkage shared objects
for non-Python code so C, C++ or D would be fine except that everyone
does it in C or C++, very few people in the arena have even heard of D.
PyPy brings it's own issues with non-Python code but the now have a C
capability. With Cython, Pythran, and more recently Numba there is
increasing less and less need for any user written non-Python code.
Hardware control would be done in C and PyPy now has a C linkage

Of course for Python networking there is Twisted, Asyncio and Tornado so
no Python folk are using non-Python code for handling networking.

> My problem is that this code routinely causes segmentation 
> faults. I've spent a long time going through trying to figure out 
> exactly what the causes are. I think there have been some related 
> to D-exceptions not being handled gracefully by the C/Python 
> code. Some more by stdout writing from multiple threads (which 
> surprised me).
> I'm fairly sure I have tackled both of these issues, but it still 
> seems like Python threads and D threads don't mix well. When 
> running the same functions from D, I am able to get no errors, 
> but when run from Python/C it causes segfaults reliably.

Without seeing your code, it is difficult to say what may or may not be
the problem, but I would guess it is about D infrastructure start up. I
recollect being able to reliably get segfaults this way.

Are you using ctypes or CFFI on the Python side?

> Sorry for the large exposition. I am currently at the point of 
> suspecting bugs in Phobos, but I am unskilled enough to tell for 
> sure, and would appreciate any help.
> The latest core dump gives a backtrace of almost entirely phobos 
> commands:
> #0  0x7fe789ad3b97 in gc.gc.Gcx.fullcollect() () from 
> /lib/
> #1  0x7fe789ad3294 in gc.gc.Gcx.bigAlloc() () from 
> /lib/
> #2  0x7fe789ad0df1 in gc.gc.GC.mallocNoSync() () from 
> /lib/
> #3  0x7fe789ad0c15 in gc.gc.GC.malloc() () from 
> /lib/
> #4  0x7fe789ad6470 in gc_malloc () from 
> /lib/
> #5  0x7fe789ae6d36 in _d_newitemT () from 
> /lib/
> #6  0x7fe789e57112 in 
> std.array.__T8AppenderTAaZ.Appender.__T3putTAxaZ.put() () from 
> /usr/lib/
> #7  0x7fe789e570b5 in 
> std.array.__T8AppenderTAaZ.Appender.__T3putTAxaZ.put() () from 
> /usr/lib/
> #8  0x7fe789e562dc in 
> std.array.__T8AppenderTAaZ.Appender.__T3putTAaZ.put() () from 
> /usr/lib/
> #9  0x7fe789e561ea in 
> std.array.__T8AppenderTAaZ.Appender.__T3putTxwZ.put() () from 
> /usr/lib/
> #10 0x7fe789e5617d in 
> std.format.__T10formatCharTS3std5array16__T8AppenderTAaZ8AppenderZ.formatChar()
> () from /usr/lib/
> #11 0x7fe789e56132 in 
> std.format.__T10formatCharTS3std5array16__T8AppenderTAaZ8AppenderZ.formatChar()
> () from /usr/lib/
> #12 0x7fe789e61f09 in 
> std.concurrency.MessageBox.__T3getTS4core4time8D

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/02/2014 05:07 PM, Michael wrote:

Hi. I'm new here and this is my first post. I'm not sure this is the
right subforum for it, but wasn't sure where else to put it either.

I've written a library to talk to some external hardware using a socket.
It uses the std.concurrency threads to send messages between the main
D-object for the hardware and the D-object for the sockets. I then
wanted to be able to call these functions from Python. PyD appeared to
be out of date, so I've been using a D -> C interface, and a C -> Python
interface. The python code will often run from different python threads,
so I then added yet another message-passing layer between the D->C
interface and the D->hardware interface.

are you looking at this pyd:

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-02 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 01:07:42 +
Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn 

btw, Adam Ruppe's "D Cookbook" has a chapter which describes how to
call D library from C code. don't remember if it describes threading,

Description: PGP signature

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-02 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 01:07:42 +
Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn 

all in all, you'd better not mixing D code with "alien" mulththreaded
code and not using .a/.so libraries written in D in another language
until you are familiar with D runtime and GC. those mixes are very

Description: PGP signature

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-02 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 02:52:27 +
Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn 

by "using from C code" i mean that your main program is not written in
D, it has no D `main()` and so on. i.e. you wrote, for example, some
.a library in D and now you want to use that library in C code.

Description: PGP signature

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-02 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 02:52:27 +
Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn 

> Okay. Well I am already not passing any D-allocated data. I'm 
> specifically creating variables/arrays on the C-stack, and then 
> passing the pointer of that to D and overwriting the data of the 
> C-stack pointer for any return values. I was worried about that 
> specific problem and I thought this would be a solution. I am 
> then able to tell python to use the C-stack variable without 
> having to worry about D trying to run any garbage collection on 
> it.
if D code has any pointer to that data stored anywhere, GC will walk it
and hit another thread's stack. and now it doesn't know where it is,
and it can't pause that uknown thread so it will not mutate the area GC
is scanning now. this *may* work, but it will segfault sooner or later.

> Going the other way, I probably am passing some python strings 
> etc.. into D, but I would assume they are valid for the lifetime 
> of the function call, and that D would have no reason to try and 
> perform any garbage collection on them.
D has conservative GC, so it will try to walk with the unknown data
just in case that data contains some pointers. and GC can hit "false
positives" there (something that *looks* like a pointer to some area)
and other things.

so to make the long story short: you should either register and
deregister *all* your threads in GC (for D threads it's automatic
process; for other threads you must do it manually), or don't use GC at

besides, if you are using your D library from C code, you must call
`rt_init()` once before calling any D code. this function will
initialize D runtime. and you have to call `rt_term()` before exiting
your program to deinitialize D runtime.

Description: PGP signature

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-02 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 02:41:11 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 02:21:45 +
Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn 


Thanks for this. Its definitely a step in the right direction. 
Would you mind explaining a bit more about the problem here, 
if you can? I don't fully understand why the garbage collector 
needs to know about the threads, and if so for how long does 
it need to know? If I put in 
"thread_attachThis();scope(exit)thread_detachThis();" it 
doesn't appear to fix my problems, so I'm definitely curious 
as to what is going on under the hood.
you have to call `thread_attachThis();` in "alien" thread, not 
in D
thread. i.e. if you created thread from python code, you have 
to call
`thread_attachThis();` in that python thread (i don't know how 
do that, but you must ;-). and you must call 

from the same python thread before exiting from it.

garbage collector must know about all running threads so it can 
their stacks, variables and so on. as there is no portable way 
to set
application-wide hooks on thread creation and termination, you 

inform GC about that events manually.

the other thing you can do is to not use any D allocated data in
"alien" threads. i.e. don't pass anything that was allocated by 
D code
to python thread and vice versa. if you want to pass some data 
"alien" thread, `malloc()` the necessary space, copy data to it 
pass malloc'ed pointer. don't forget to free that data in 
thread. but i think that this is not what you really want, as 
it means
alot of allocations and copying, and complicates the whole 
thing alot.

"alien" is the thread that was created outside of D code.

Okay. Well I am already not passing any D-allocated data. I'm 
specifically creating variables/arrays on the C-stack, and then 
passing the pointer of that to D and overwriting the data of the 
C-stack pointer for any return values. I was worried about that 
specific problem and I thought this would be a solution. I am 
then able to tell python to use the C-stack variable without 
having to worry about D trying to run any garbage collection on 

Going the other way, I probably am passing some python strings 
etc.. into D, but I would assume they are valid for the lifetime 
of the function call, and that D would have no reason to try and 
perform any garbage collection on them.

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-02 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 02:21:45 +
Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn 

> Thanks for this. Its definitely a step in the right direction. 
> Would you mind explaining a bit more about the problem here, if 
> you can? I don't fully understand why the garbage collector needs 
> to know about the threads, and if so for how long does it need to 
> know? If I put in 
> "thread_attachThis();scope(exit)thread_detachThis();" it doesn't 
> appear to fix my problems, so I'm definitely curious as to what 
> is going on under the hood.
you have to call `thread_attachThis();` in "alien" thread, not in D
thread. i.e. if you created thread from python code, you have to call
`thread_attachThis();` in that python thread (i don't know how you'll
do that, but you must ;-). and you must call `thread_detachThis();`
from the same python thread before exiting from it.

garbage collector must know about all running threads so it can scan
their stacks, variables and so on. as there is no portable way to set
application-wide hooks on thread creation and termination, you must
inform GC about that events manually.

the other thing you can do is to not use any D allocated data in
"alien" threads. i.e. don't pass anything that was allocated by D code
to python thread and vice versa. if you want to pass some data to
"alien" thread, `malloc()` the necessary space, copy data to it and
pass malloc'ed pointer. don't forget to free that data in "alien"
thread. but i think that this is not what you really want, as it means
alot of allocations and copying, and complicates the whole thing alot.

"alien" is the thread that was created outside of D code.

Description: PGP signature

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-02 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks for this. Its definitely a step in the right direction. 
Would you mind explaining a bit more about the problem here, if 
you can? I don't fully understand why the garbage collector needs 
to know about the threads, and if so for how long does it need to 
know? If I put in 
"thread_attachThis();scope(exit)thread_detachThis();" it doesn't 
appear to fix my problems, so I'm definitely curious as to what 
is going on under the hood.


On Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 01:17:43 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 01:07:42 +
Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn 


I'm fairly sure I have tackled both of these issues, but it 
still seems like Python threads and D threads don't mix well. 
When running the same functions from D, I am able to get no 
errors, but when run from Python/C it causes segfaults 
you are right, D threads and other language/library threads 
aren't mix

well. at least you have to use `thread_attachThis()` and
`thread_detachThis()` from core.threads module to make sure 
that GC is
aware of "alien" threads. and i assume that calling this 

from python will not be very easy.

but it's better to not mix 'em at all if it is possible.

Re: threading issues with D -> C -> Python

2014-12-02 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 01:07:42 +
Michael via Digitalmars-d-learn 

> I'm fairly sure I have tackled both of these issues, but it still 
> seems like Python threads and D threads don't mix well. When 
> running the same functions from D, I am able to get no errors, 
> but when run from Python/C it causes segfaults reliably.
you are right, D threads and other language/library threads aren't mix
well. at least you have to use `thread_attachThis()` and
`thread_detachThis()` from core.threads module to make sure that GC is
aware of "alien" threads. and i assume that calling this functions
from python will not be very easy.

but it's better to not mix 'em at all if it is possible.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Threading methodology

2013-12-08 Thread Marco Leise
Am Sat, 07 Dec 2013 17:53:06 +0100
schrieb "Frustrated" :

> I have to process n arrays in some partial order. Instead of all 
> working only on the n arrays and reusing them, [...]

Wait, what partial order and how is it relevant? Who is "all"
in "all working"? Why "only" the n arrays, I thought those are

> if I "duplicate"
> them(effectively write once read many) does that make things 
> simpler and allow threading to be used more efficiently?
> Basically, instead of having to worry about threads waiting on 
> other threads when they are writing the data I can just have each 
> thread write to it's own duplicate array(although hopefully won't 
> have to duplicate the buffer as that should not be necessary?). 
> This should then make it much easier to deal because there is 
> essentially no write contention.
> If I'm not mistaken this is basically the idea of TLS? (read many 
> write once time idea so that one doesn't have to lock memory 
> which stalls other threads in some cases and/or uses expensive 
> locks?)

The idea of TLS in D as I understand it, is that your global
variables are not shared between threads by default as is the
case in C. So as you point out you need not lock them since each
thread has its own copy.

> The case I gave above is a little more simplified than the actual 
> issue but the idea is simply that by writing to a threads own 
> buffer reduces inter-threading issues and increases performance. 
> One issue I have is how to combine the data back.
> In fact, the real case is basically n arrays. Each array is 
> processed to create m arrays, which are processed to create l 
> arrays and so on. Not all processing of each array takes the same 
> time and I would like to multithread the overall processing by 
> allowing threads to pick which (sub)arrays need processing and 
> process them, but in their own space, and at the end send them 
> back to the main thread. (But one thread may need access to 
> another's buffer but only for reading so it shouldn't be a 
> problem)
> This uses a lot more memory but if there are N threads and n 
> arrays and N > n, no thread will be wasted. (in my case I would 
> have n*m*l which will almost always be larger than N so threads 
> will always be doing something except towards the end)
> Another way to see the problem is to think of a digraph where 
> each node processes all connected to it. All independent nodes 
> must be processed first which then works itself up to the most 
> dependent nodes. Every processed node uses a new buffer to write 
> to instead of writing to the same buffer which locks that buffer 
> and all other threads that may be trying to read from it(which is 
> the key in my mind that this method is better except it requires 
> more memory).
> I will of course mark nodes as being processed or not so threads 
> don't work on unprocessed buffers and this allows dependent nodes 
> to start up once all there dependencies become processed.
> Does any of this make sense?

It is a little clearer now, but I didn't fully understand it
yet. The sub-arrays need to be processed before the parent
arrays can be completed? When does a thread need access to
another thread's buffer? What if you have only 1 CPU core and
there is only one thread and one buffer? Does your algorithm
break? :p


Re: Threading / Concurrency Problem

2013-10-23 Thread Meta

On Wednesday, 23 October 2013 at 12:41:58 UTC, Bauss wrote:

Thanks. It worked! :)

Connections is in thread local storage by default. If you want it 
to be global across threads, you have to mark it shared or 

Re: Threading / Concurrency Problem

2013-10-23 Thread Bauss

On Wednesday, 23 October 2013 at 12:20:32 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 October 2013 at 11:51:35 UTC, Bauss wrote:
Working on a 2nd simple webserver in D. However I am facing a 
problem with some threading. I want the receiving of 
connections to happen in a 2nd thread, but after adding the 
connections to the collection it seems like the receive thread 
never loops through them, as if no connections were ever 
added. However I have checked and it is added.

The thread for receiving is also working as I have checked if 
code outside of the foreach loop works and it does, so it's 
probably a problem with the collection.

This makes me assume it's a concurrency issue and I'm not sure 
how to fix it.

I'm using an associative array for the connections. Class[int] 
is the format I'm using.

You can view my code here:

If anyone knows the solution to this, it would be appreciated. 
I can't seem to figure it out.


Possibly try marking Connections as shared. I can't compile 
your example because it's missing import statements.

Thanks. It worked! :)

Re: Threading / Concurrency Problem

2013-10-23 Thread Meta

On Wednesday, 23 October 2013 at 11:51:35 UTC, Bauss wrote:
Working on a 2nd simple webserver in D. However I am facing a 
problem with some threading. I want the receiving of 
connections to happen in a 2nd thread, but after adding the 
connections to the collection it seems like the receive thread 
never loops through them, as if no connections were ever added. 
However I have checked and it is added.

The thread for receiving is also working as I have checked if 
code outside of the foreach loop works and it does, so it's 
probably a problem with the collection.

This makes me assume it's a concurrency issue and I'm not sure 
how to fix it.

I'm using an associative array for the connections. Class[int] 
is the format I'm using.

You can view my code here:

If anyone knows the solution to this, it would be appreciated. 
I can't seem to figure it out.


Possibly try marking Connections as shared. I can't compile your 
example because it's missing import statements.

Re: Threading Question

2012-10-30 Thread Sean Kelly
On Oct 30, 2012, at 11:06 AM, Alex Rønne Petersen  wrote:

> On 30-10-2012 19:04, Sean Kelly wrote:
>> The semaphore implementation for OSX is not signal-safe.  Originally, 
>> druntime used the signal approach on OSX and had deadlock issues in the 
>> signal handler (OSX semaphores wrap a global mutex to obtain something from 
>> a shared pool).  Also, semaphores on OSX are just ridiculously slow.  The 
>> current method for suspending and scanning threads on OSX is much faster.  I 
>> wish Posix in general had the same feature.  Using signals is really a hack.
>> It may be worth dropping use of SIGUSR1/2 in favor of the realtime signals 
>> as well, since SIGUSR1/2 are in pretty common use.
> Real time signals as in?

SIGRTMIN - SIGRTMAX.  Linux supports them, but I'm not sure which other Posix 

Re: Threading Question

2012-10-30 Thread Alex Rønne Petersen

On 30-10-2012 19:04, Sean Kelly wrote:

On Oct 25, 2012, at 11:18 PM, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:

On 2012-10-26 01:18, Sean Kelly wrote:

On Oct 25, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen  wrote:

What's used on OS X? I forget...

The method used is similar to how GC works on Windows--there's a kernel call 
that can be used to explicitly suspend a thread.  I can't remember the function 
name offhand though.

The Posix functions weren't working properly?

The semaphore implementation for OSX is not signal-safe.  Originally, druntime 
used the signal approach on OSX and had deadlock issues in the signal handler 
(OSX semaphores wrap a global mutex to obtain something from a shared pool).  
Also, semaphores on OSX are just ridiculously slow.  The current method for 
suspending and scanning threads on OSX is much faster.  I wish Posix in general 
had the same feature.  Using signals is really a hack.

It may be worth dropping use of SIGUSR1/2 in favor of the realtime signals as 
well, since SIGUSR1/2 are in pretty common use.

Real time signals as in?

Alex Rønne Petersen

Re: Threading Question

2012-10-30 Thread Sean Kelly
On Oct 25, 2012, at 11:18 PM, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:

> On 2012-10-26 01:18, Sean Kelly wrote:
>> On Oct 25, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen  wrote:
>>> What's used on OS X? I forget...
>> The method used is similar to how GC works on Windows--there's a kernel call 
>> that can be used to explicitly suspend a thread.  I can't remember the 
>> function name offhand though.
> The Posix functions weren't working properly?

The semaphore implementation for OSX is not signal-safe.  Originally, druntime 
used the signal approach on OSX and had deadlock issues in the signal handler 
(OSX semaphores wrap a global mutex to obtain something from a shared pool).  
Also, semaphores on OSX are just ridiculously slow.  The current method for 
suspending and scanning threads on OSX is much faster.  I wish Posix in general 
had the same feature.  Using signals is really a hack.

It may be worth dropping use of SIGUSR1/2 in favor of the realtime signals as 
well, since SIGUSR1/2 are in pretty common use.

Re: Threading Question

2012-10-25 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-26 01:18, Sean Kelly wrote:

On Oct 25, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen  wrote:

What's used on OS X? I forget...

The method used is similar to how GC works on Windows--there's a kernel call 
that can be used to explicitly suspend a thread.  I can't remember the function 
name offhand though.

The Posix functions weren't working properly?

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Threading Question

2012-10-25 Thread Peter Sommerfeld

Sean Kelly  wrote:
In D, the main thread will join all non-daemon threads before calling  
static dtors or performing any other cleanup.  Daemon threads will  
continue to run until the process exits.  So daemon threads are  
basically just C-style kernel threads.

The GC in D uses SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 to coordinate collections on Posix  
OSes (except for OSX).  You're free to use any other signal just as you  
would in C.

Thanks for clarification Sean!


Re: Threading Question

2012-10-25 Thread Sean Kelly
On Oct 25, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen  wrote:
> What's used on OS X? I forget...

The method used is similar to how GC works on Windows--there's a kernel call 
that can be used to explicitly suspend a thread.  I can't remember the function 
name offhand though.

Re: Threading Question

2012-10-25 Thread Alex Rønne Petersen

On 26-10-2012 01:11, Sean Kelly wrote:

On Oct 23, 2012, at 11:25 AM, Peter Sommerfeld  wrote:


I'm new to D an not a native speaker so I may misunderstand
the following sentence of the thread documentation.

"final @property void isDaemon(bool val);

Sets the daemon status for this thread. While the runtime
will wait for all normal threads to complete before tearing
down the process, daemon threads are effectively ignored and
thus will not prevent the process from terminating. In effect,
daemon threads will be terminated automatically by the OS when
the process exits."

That sounds to me as if the daemon will be finished when the
main-thread has finished. But in my understanding daemons will
survive the termination of the main-thread and be killed by
a signal (KILL, SIGTERM etc) or finish itself.

I think that is the case here too. Is that true ?

In D, the main thread will join all non-daemon threads before calling static 
dtors or performing any other cleanup.  Daemon threads will continue to run 
until the process exits.  So daemon threads are basically just C-style kernel 

Another question: I cannot find a reference how D deals with
OS SIGNALS, especially about differences between the platform
(*nix; Windows, Mac). Can you explain or point me to the

The GC in D uses SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 to coordinate collections on Posix OSes 
(except for OSX).  You're free to use any other signal just as you would in C.

What's used on OS X? I forget...

Alex Rønne Petersen

Re: Threading Question

2012-10-25 Thread Sean Kelly
On Oct 23, 2012, at 11:25 AM, Peter Sommerfeld  wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm new to D an not a native speaker so I may misunderstand
> the following sentence of the thread documentation.
> "final @property void isDaemon(bool val);
> Sets the daemon status for this thread. While the runtime
> will wait for all normal threads to complete before tearing
> down the process, daemon threads are effectively ignored and
> thus will not prevent the process from terminating. In effect,
> daemon threads will be terminated automatically by the OS when
> the process exits."
> That sounds to me as if the daemon will be finished when the
> main-thread has finished. But in my understanding daemons will
> survive the termination of the main-thread and be killed by
> a signal (KILL, SIGTERM etc) or finish itself.
> I think that is the case here too. Is that true ?

In D, the main thread will join all non-daemon threads before calling static 
dtors or performing any other cleanup.  Daemon threads will continue to run 
until the process exits.  So daemon threads are basically just C-style kernel 

> Another question: I cannot find a reference how D deals with
> OS SIGNALS, especially about differences between the platform
> (*nix; Windows, Mac). Can you explain or point me to the
> documentation?

The GC in D uses SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 to coordinate collections on Posix OSes 
(except for OSX).  You're free to use any other signal just as you would in C.

Re: Threading errors.

2010-09-03 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
So what's the word on this? Will we have simple indexing of tuples via T[] or 
do we still need T.field[] and T._1 ? The situations is the same in 2.048 as it 
was in 2.047.

There are more examples of tuples being used via T[] in some Phobos code 
examples (which don't compile and I've reported that).

Otherwise if it stays the way it is I'll send Andrei a message to add the 
corrections to the errata.

Philippe Sigaud Wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 19:03, Sean Kelly  wrote:
> > The next release, 2.048, should bring things in line with TDPL.  I had
> > meant to do this for 2.047, but was too busy with other work to finish in
> > time.
> >
> Do you mean, indexing tuples directly by a CT value as in msg[1]? Because
> that was the only error here, I think.
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 19:03, Sean Kelly  dir="ltr">< href="";>> 
> wrote:
> The next release, 2.048, should bring things in line with TDPL.  I had meant 
> to do this for 2.047, but was too busy with other work to finish in time.
> Do you mean, indexing tuples directly by a CT 
> value as in msg[1]? Because that was the only error here, I 
> think.

Re: Threading errors.

2010-07-27 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 19:03, Sean Kelly  wrote:

> The next release, 2.048, should bring things in line with TDPL.  I had
> meant to do this for 2.047, but was too busy with other work to finish in
> time.

Do you mean, indexing tuples directly by a CT value as in msg[1]? Because
that was the only error here, I think.

Re: Threading errors.

2010-07-27 Thread Sean Kelly
The next release, 2.048, should bring things in line with TDPL.  I had meant to 
do this for 2.047, but was too busy with other work to finish in time.

Re: Threading errors.

2010-07-27 Thread dcoder
== Quote from Rory Mcguire ('s article
> Philippe Sigaud wrote:
> >> > Also, in my case, the return; in writer must be commented out, or DMD
> >> > complains it cannot be reached.
> >>
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Interesting, I didn't have to comment out return; using dmd 2.047 on
> >> linux
> >>
> >
> > I think I have -w (warnings treated as errors?) always checked. That's my
> > Code::Blocks default configuration for DMD.
> > I was on Windows for this test. I never cheked if there was any difference
> > between OSes for this :-)
> :) thanks Philippe

Actually, after making the changes that you suggest, Philippe my program works.

However, I did not have to comment out the return statement.  But when I did
compile using the -w flag, I do get the compiler error that you describe.

Anyways, thanks for the coding suggestion.

Re: Threading errors.

2010-07-27 Thread Rory Mcguire
Philippe Sigaud wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 11:25, Rory Mcguire 
> wrote:
>> > Also, in my case, the return; in writer must be commented out, or DMD
>> > complains it cannot be reached.
>> Interesting, I didn't have to comment out return; using dmd 2.047 on
>> linux
> I think I have -w (warnings treated as errors?) always checked. That's my
> Code::Blocks default configuration for DMD.
> I was on Windows for this test. I never cheked if there was any difference
> between OSes for this :-)

:) thanks Philippe

Re: Threading errors.

2010-07-27 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 11:25, Rory Mcguire  wrote:

> > Also, in my case, the return; in writer must be commented out, or DMD
> > complains it cannot be reached.

> Interesting, I didn't have to comment out return; using dmd 2.047 on linux

I think I have -w (warnings treated as errors?) always checked. That's my
Code::Blocks default configuration for DMD.
I was on Windows for this test. I never cheked if there was any difference
between OSes for this :-)

Re: Threading errors.

2010-07-27 Thread Rory Mcguire
Philippe Sigaud wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 19:11, dcoder  wrote:
>> == Quote from Rory Mcguire ('s article
>> > Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> std.typecons.Tuple fields cannot be indexed like arrays, Andrei made a
> mistake. To access field  #n, use ._n or .field[n]. There is no difference
> between the two.
> void writer() {
>  for( ;; ) {
>auto msg = receiveOnly!(Tid, int)(); // msg is a Tuple!(Tid, int),
> is a Tid, msg._1 is an int.
>writeln( "Secondary thread: ", msg._1);
>  }
> }
> Also, in my case, the return; in writer must be commented out, or DMD
> complains it cannot be reached.
> Philippe

Interesting, I didn't have to comment out return; using dmd 2.047 on linux

Re: Threading errors.

2010-07-26 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 19:11, dcoder  wrote:

> == Quote from Rory Mcguire ('s article
> > Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

std.typecons.Tuple fields cannot be indexed like arrays, Andrei made a
mistake. To access field  #n, use ._n or .field[n]. There is no difference
between the two.

void writer() {
 for( ;; ) {
   auto msg = receiveOnly!(Tid, int)(); // msg is a Tuple!(Tid, int), msg._0
is a Tid, msg._1 is an int.
   writeln( "Secondary thread: ", msg._1);

Also, in my case, the return; in writer must be commented out, or DMD
complains it cannot be reached.


Re: Threading errors.

2010-07-26 Thread dcoder
== Quote from Rory Mcguire ('s article
> Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> > On 26.07.2010 19:45, dcoder wrote:
> >> $ dmd --help
> >> Digital Mars D Compiler v2.042
> >> Copyright (c) 1999-2010 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright
> >> Documentation:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > I suggest updating compiler - it's should be 2.047 now. The outdated
> > distribution could also feature some bugs in std.concurency.
> Doesn't work for 2.047 either.
> dthreadpass.d(19): Error: no [] operator overload for type Tuple!(Tid,int)
> dthreadpass.d(20): Error: no [] operator overload for type Tuple!(Tid,int)

Yep, I get that same error after upgrading my compiler.

$ dmd --help
Digital Mars D Compiler v2.047
Copyright (c) 1999-2010 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright


Re: Threading errors.

2010-07-26 Thread Rory Mcguire
Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

> On 26.07.2010 19:45, dcoder wrote:
>> Hello.
> [snip]
>> $ dmd --help
>> Digital Mars D Compiler v2.042
>> Copyright (c) 1999-2010 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright
>> Documentation:
> I suggest updating compiler - it's should be 2.047 now. The outdated
> distribution could also feature some bugs in std.concurency.
>> So, what am I doing wrong here?
>> thanks.
Doesn't work for 2.047 either.

dthreadpass.d(19): Error: no [] operator overload for type Tuple!(Tid,int)
dthreadpass.d(20): Error: no [] operator overload for type Tuple!(Tid,int)

Re: Threading errors.

2010-07-26 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 26.07.2010 19:45, dcoder wrote:




$ dmd --help
Digital Mars D Compiler v2.042
Copyright (c) 1999-2010 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright

I suggest updating compiler - it's should be 2.047 now. The outdated 
distribution could also feature some bugs in std.concurency.

So, what am I doing wrong here?



Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Threading

2009-05-12 Thread Saaa

"Georg Wrede"  wrote in message 
> Saaa wrote:
> Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>>> i.e. I want thread 1 to initialize elements 0, 1, and 2, and thread 2 to 
>>> initialize elements 3, 4, and 5:
>>> thread1 = new ProcessingThread(arrayToInit[0..3]);
>>> thread2 = new ProcessingThread(arrayToInit[3..6]);
>>> thread1.start();
>>> thread2.start();
>>> Should be completely thread safe.
>> Could become more difficult if the distinction would be odd/even elements 
>> :P
> Why??? If your threads have no bugs (i.e. the "odd" thread doesn't read or 
> write the "even" elements, and vice versa), then this should be easy!
>> Or creatures on a grid who can only see the cell they stand on :D
> Then the only thing that has to be thread safe is the code that moves a 
> creature from cell to cell. And, of course, it has to guarantee that no 
> two creatures end up in the same cell.

I meant slicing would become more difficult. 

Re: Threading

2009-05-12 Thread Georg Wrede

Saaa wrote:
Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
i.e. I want thread 1 to initialize elements 0, 1, and 2, and thread 2 to 
initialize elements 3, 4, and 5:

thread1 = new ProcessingThread(arrayToInit[0..3]);
thread2 = new ProcessingThread(arrayToInit[3..6]);

Should be completely thread safe.

Could become more difficult if the distinction would be odd/even elements :P

Why??? If your threads have no bugs (i.e. the "odd" thread doesn't read 
or write the "even" elements, and vice versa), then this should be easy!

Or creatures on a grid who can only see the cell they stand on :D

Then the only thing that has to be thread safe is the code that moves a 
creature from cell to cell. And, of course, it has to guarantee that no 
two creatures end up in the same cell.

Re: Threading

2009-05-12 Thread Saaa
 I probably should have phrased my question better with the array, what 
 wondering is if it was safe for say two threads to right to the array 
 the same
 time as long as I'm sure they're not writing to the same index of the
>>> You can do anything you want without thread safety, but you run the risk
>>> of deadlocks or corrupted memory.
>> That is why the question was whether it was safe.
> If two threads are writing to two different sections of memory, yes it is 
> always safe :)  I think that's one of the fundamental premises of threads 
> running anyways.  If you couldn't do this, you couldn't have threads.

I used to think of an array as one thing, thus making it unsafe to write to 
from multiple threads at the same time :)
I kind of thought he was asking along this conception.

>>> The problem isn't writing to two different elements of an array,
>>> the hard  part is *ensuring* that you are writing to two different 
>>> elements
>>> of an  array.  Multithreading code is tough to write correctly, you may
>>> want to  read a book on it.
>> And sometimes it is extremely easy to ensure you are never writing to the
>> same elements.
> If you are doing anything interesting with an array, this is not the 
> case.  Might as well not pass the same array to both threads.
> Maybe the OP doesn't understand that you can slice up an array quite 
> easily.  If you want to ensure two threads don't touch the same memory, 
> don't give both threads access to the same memory.  That's the easiest way 
> to ensure thread safety.
> i.e. I want thread 1 to initialize elements 0, 1, and 2, and thread 2 to 
> initialize elements 3, 4, and 5:
> thread1 = new ProcessingThread(arrayToInit[0..3]);
> thread2 = new ProcessingThread(arrayToInit[3..6]);
> thread1.start();
> thread2.start();
> Should be completely thread safe.
> -Steve

Could become more difficult if the distinction would be odd/even elements :P
Or creatures on a grid who can only see the cell they stand on :D

But yes, slicing is neat!

Re: Threading

2009-05-12 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Tue, 12 May 2009 10:12:48 -0400, Saaa  wrote:

I probably should have phrased my question better with the array, what  

wondering is if it was safe for say two threads to right to the array  

the same
time as long as I'm sure they're not writing to the same index of the

You can do anything you want without thread safety, but you run the risk
of deadlocks or corrupted memory.

That is why the question was whether it was safe.

If two threads are writing to two different sections of memory, yes it is  
always safe :)  I think that's one of the fundamental premises of threads  
running anyways.  If you couldn't do this, you couldn't have threads.

The problem isn't writing to two different elements of an array,

the hard  part is *ensuring* that you are writing to two different  

of an  array.  Multithreading code is tough to write correctly, you may
want to  read a book on it.

And sometimes it is extremely easy to ensure you are never writing to the
same elements.

If you are doing anything interesting with an array, this is not the  
case.  Might as well not pass the same array to both threads.

Maybe the OP doesn't understand that you can slice up an array quite  
easily.  If you want to ensure two threads don't touch the same memory,  
don't give both threads access to the same memory.  That's the easiest way  
to ensure thread safety.

i.e. I want thread 1 to initialize elements 0, 1, and 2, and thread 2 to  
initialize elements 3, 4, and 5:

thread1 = new ProcessingThread(arrayToInit[0..3]);
thread2 = new ProcessingThread(arrayToInit[3..6]);

Should be completely thread safe.


Re: Threading

2009-05-12 Thread Saaa

>> I probably should have phrased my question better with the array, what I 
>> was
>> wondering is if it was safe for say two threads to right to the array at 
>> the same
>> time as long as I'm sure they're not writing to the same index of the 
>> array?
> You can do anything you want without thread safety, but you run the risk 
> of deadlocks or corrupted memory.
That is why the question was whether it was safe.

> The problem isn't writing to two different elements of an array,

>the hard  part is *ensuring* that you are writing to two different elements 
>of an  array.  Multithreading code is tough to write correctly, you may 
>want to  read a book on it.
And sometimes it is extremely easy to ensure you are never writing to the 
same elements.

Re: Threading

2009-05-12 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Tue, 12 May 2009 05:11:49 -0400, Brok3n Halo   

I probably should have phrased my question better with the array, what I  
wondering is if it was safe for say two threads to right to the array at  
the same
time as long as I'm sure they're not writing to the same index of the  

You can do anything you want without thread safety, but you run the risk  
of deadlocks or corrupted memory.

The problem isn't writing to two different elements of an array, the hard  
part is *ensuring* that you are writing to two different elements of an  
array.  Multithreading code is tough to write correctly, you may want to  
read a book on it.

D2 promises to be a lot better at helping you ensure this.

Also I'm still getting the "Error: Win32 Exception" with my test code  
any idea

why? Attached is the latest version.

Just realized from reading your code, you are using D1 with Phobos, I have  
no idea what bugs there are, or how to use threads there, so I can't  
really help you.

I can tell you that your code ported to Tango runs without throwing an  
exception, code below:

import tango.core.Thread;

int count = 0;

void main(){

Thread testthread;

void testfunc(){

testthread = new Thread(&testfunc);

int lastCount = 0;
if(count != lastCount){
Stdout.formatln("{}", count);
lastCount = count;





Re: Threading

2009-05-12 Thread Saaa
I have never used threads before, but it sounds safe to me as when the 
thread gets thrown of the core and later gets back nothing referred by the 
register has changed.
Again, I am a newbie :)

"Brok3n Halo"  wrote in message 
>I probably should have phrased my question better with the array, what I 
> wondering is if it was safe for say two threads to right to the array at 
> the same
> time as long as I'm sure they're not writing to the same index of the 
> array?
> Also I'm still getting the "Error: Win32 Exception" with my test code any 
> idea
> why? Attached is the latest version.

Re: Threading

2009-05-12 Thread Brok3n Halo
I probably should have phrased my question better with the array, what I was
wondering is if it was safe for say two threads to right to the array at the 
time as long as I'm sure they're not writing to the same index of the array?

Also I'm still getting the "Error: Win32 Exception" with my test code any idea
why? Attached is the latest version.
begin 644 test.d

Re: Threading

2009-05-11 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Mon, 11 May 2009 13:46:39 -0400, Brok3n Halo   

ah-ha! I was just writing to let you know that's how my project started  
out and I
went into this issue, when I decided to try it again and got an error  
message I
know how to solve.  Probably got it before too, but working off an  
all-nighter and

my caffeine hasn't fully kicked in yet. Turns out it's expecting an int
testfunc(), the reason it wasn't working before was I was trying to use  
a uint


Thanks for the heads up on the I/O issue with threading, the writefln  
producing any output once I got it going and thanks to that I know what  
the issue
with that was right away, luckily my actual project doesn't require I/O  
on a

thread. (I'm writing a multi-threaded raytracer for a class)

Which brings me to my next 2 questions, are dynamic arrays thread safe  
in D? I
imagine they should be as long as I don't have two threads writing to  
the same

index at once and the array size doesn't change.

They are no more thread safe than any other construct.  There is no  
special care taken to ensure writes or reads are thread safe, it is up to  
you to ensure that.

 Also is there a thread safe
linked list somewhere?

As far as I know, there are no builtin linked lists in D's standard  

Tango, an alternate standard lib for D1, has linked lists, and  
dcollections, a collection package I wrote for both D1 phobos and Tango,  
has linked lists, neither of which has thread safety built in.


Re: Threading

2009-05-11 Thread Brok3n Halo
ah-ha! I was just writing to let you know that's how my project started out and 
went into this issue, when I decided to try it again and got an error message I
know how to solve.  Probably got it before too, but working off an all-nighter 
my caffeine hasn't fully kicked in yet. Turns out it's expecting an int
testfunc(), the reason it wasn't working before was I was trying to use a uint

Thanks for the heads up on the I/O issue with threading, the writefln wasn't
producing any output once I got it going and thanks to that I know what the 
with that was right away, luckily my actual project doesn't require I/O on a
thread. (I'm writing a multi-threaded raytracer for a class)

Which brings me to my next 2 questions, are dynamic arrays thread safe in D? I
imagine they should be as long as I don't have two threads writing to the same
index at once and the array size doesn't change.  Also is there a thread safe
linked list somewhere?

Re: Threading

2009-05-11 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Mon, 11 May 2009 11:45:34 -0400, Brok3n Halo   

Thanks for the quick reply but I had the & to begain with and I was  
getting an error.  I'm not at my computer right
now so unfortunetly I can't see what it was, but I think it was  
something along the lines of thread expecting a
function but that's a delegate. I'll try and find the time to set up the  
project on my laptop, and see what the error

was for sure in the next few hours.

ah, different issue.

Your thread function needs to return void.  Thread should accept either a  
function pointer or a delegate.

So it should look like:

void testfunc()

And kill the return 0.


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