[digitalradio] Re: Weekend ALE400 network test April 4; All welcome

2009-04-03 Thread Tooner
Hey Andy, Post us a screenshot in Files or Picture of your ALE400 options page?

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: New ALE Yahoogroup

2009-04-01 Thread Tooner
Good idea, but the first thing I'd recommend is to use something besides the 
PCALE software as your screenshot on the forum!

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: CQ Men In Black?

2009-04-01 Thread Tooner
It's WB0LCC.  He's on pretty regular, and one of those strong signals to my 
QTH.  Ruins my waterfall.  But an okay guy.  A goof to be sure!  Short QSO 
about his signal strength in January.  We both went down to QRP and worked 599. 
 You'll see him again.

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Correction, No FCC data bandwidth limit on HF Re: USA ham rules

2009-03-24 Thread Tooner
Excellent answers!  Thank you VERY much!  I've sent off an email to the FCC and 
will call ARRL to see if they confirm the information provided.  Which I 
suspect they will.  Sweet.  Made me a little nervous doing 2k wide QSOs, so I 
stopped until I was certain.  I was eager to try wider ones and couldn't get a 
good answer until yours.  I'm certainly more certain now.  Thank you Bonnie!  
I'll look for your ALE signals.

Vy 73, de Frank K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: 1000 Hz Olivia under USA new rules ?

2009-03-23 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Rick W mrf...@... wrote:

 ... There is no conflict with using wide modes (FCC defined as up
 to the bandwidth of a communications quality phone transmission)
 as long as the baud rate of an individual tone does not exceed
 300 baud.

Hey Rick.  Thanks for the reply!

I think the confusion I have with quality phone transmission comment is the 
part that says ...of the same modulation type.

And you say the individual tone, but I read symbol rate in the regs.  Can 
an individual tone have a baud rate?  I thought the rate was how fast the tones 
were being sent, like a computer modem.  Or, are both quotes meaning the same 

From what I understand, let's say, in the 20 and 40M sub-bands, the maximum 
width for a signal is 1000 wide, not as wide as phone TX.  That's found under 
§ 97.305 Authorized emission types.

It says 20 m 14.00–14.15 MHz, RTTY, data, and refers to (3) of § 97.307(f), 
which says: The symbol rate must not exceed 300 bauds, or for frequency-shift 
keying, the frequency shift between mark and space must not exceed 1 kHz.

Reason I ask, and I'm sorry if I sound dense, is it legal to transmit on the 
digital modes sub-bands modes that are greater than 1000 wide, like Olivia 
2000?  Some modes can easily be 3000 wide, but still narrower than phone 

I've not really been able to get an answer that confirms the question:  
Assuming it's in a band or sub-band that digital modes are authorized, can we 
operate digital modes that are wider than 1k?

Thanks for the help and input!

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: 40 M band change coming soon

2009-03-13 Thread Tooner
First I've heard of it Eric.  Do you have any links to articles about these 
proposed changes?


[digitalradio] Re: EA PSK31 CONTEST 14-15th Mars

2009-02-27 Thread Tooner

[digitalradio] Re: 1000 Hz Olivia under USA new rules ?

2009-02-12 Thread Tooner
whatever came of this?

[digitalradio] Digital mode operator in Oregon?

2009-01-26 Thread Tooner
Live in Oregon?  Come see me.


f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: Digital mode operator in Oregon?

2009-01-26 Thread Tooner
I wouldn't ask a Bend resident to drive so far.  For our meetings, you
don't have to leave your home.  If there's ever anything in digimodes
you'd like to try, shoot me an email.


--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Jeff Moore tnetcen...@... wrote:

 Sorry Frank!
 I'm not particularly interested in another Portland radio club whose
meetings I can't attend.
 Thanks anyway!
 Jeff M   KE7ACY

[digitalradio] new wefax digital files

2008-12-21 Thread Tooner

f, k2ncc

PS also check out:

[digitalradio] Re: identify this mode?

2008-12-07 Thread Tooner
LA5VNA Steinar

Thank you VERY much for that assistance!

Is there any less expensive software that does what CODE300, RS
Argus, Sorcerer, etc. can?

I'm guessing that's asking too much.

I sure would like to be able to do what you had your friend do!

Anyway, thanks again!

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: identify this mode?

2008-12-06 Thread Tooner
No one in the group can ID this mode?


[digitalradio] Re: identify this mode?

2008-11-30 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Jose A. Amador [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's OK for aural reference, but a .wav cilp is required for decoding.


I gave thought to what you said and it makes sense.  The 'aural
reference' and screenshot is good, but the ability to decode is even

I was concerned that I wouldn't get that ability, but before I
committed to the concern, I decided to test the theory.  I recorded
several HF digital modes and saved them as MP3 files, set at

I could have added my own phasing, sine characteristics, modulations,
base frequency, etc.  But it's untouched audio, straight from the rig.

Upon playback, I've been able to decode every MP3 I've made.

Is there any specific modes that you were referring to?  Maybe I
missed it.

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] identify this mode?

2008-11-15 Thread Tooner
Here's a mode I hear often. Anyone know what it is and maybe what the
typical decoding settings are? (inside ZIP is MP3)

See Files link for uploaded:


f (k2ncc)

[digitalradio] Re: identify this mode?

2008-11-15 Thread Tooner
No zip, just MP3.

[digitalradio] Re: BONITO RADIOCOMM 6

2008-08-30 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Barrie Parsons
 1/Yaesu ft8900r
 2/Icom IC706MK11G
 3/Trio TS940SAT.
 Would anyone be able to tell me if the radiocomm interface can be 
 atatched to thee 3 tcvrs please?.

I have used Bonito RadioCom 5.1, and didn't care much for it.  Version
6 might be an improvement, which is nice to see they're still working
on it.

There are many fans of an alternative rig control software in this
forum.  You probably already know of it.

So, save your money and use Ham Radio Deluxe and Digital Master 780 if
what you're looking for is rig control.

Download starting here:

Visit the forums with questions here:

The radio-control of DM780 can connect with both your Icom and Kenwood
(Trio).  However, I own a couple of FT-7800R, which is the little
brother of the 8900R, and I don't know if it has any type of computer
control (CAT.)  I think it just uses a 6-pin DIN for data, like
memories, banks, etc.  I don't think you'll be able to change
frequencies via the computer.

Anyone may feel free to correct me.  Still sipping that first cup of


[digitalradio] Re: BONITO RADIOCOMM 6

2008-08-30 Thread Tooner
 The radio-control of DM780...

I meant HRD (Ham Radio Deluxe).

The program has too many names!  8)


[digitalradio] Re: Front mic tripped when using ACC1 port? (was IICOM IC-735)

2008-06-12 Thread Tooner
Hey Bob,

Thanks again for the rapid reply. As a rookie, I'm always looking to
learn more!

What you've said didn't make much sense to me. Oh, you're quite
clear, but the logic was confusing. Why would a radio cause a virtual
PTT, tripping the microphone when the rear ACC1 port is in use?

So, I fired up the spectrum scope. Sending tone only, the waveform
doesn't change when speaking into the microphone. Whether using PTT
or not. Regardless of mic gain and other settings.

Not to be one to doubt, but I do tend to verify. 8-)

So, I called Icom.

Icom technical support says that an earlier version of the IC-746, in
error, did that. But modifications since then have stopped that on
newer versions of that model. They said the IC-735 never had that

So, I think I'll post this in the forum. Maybe others can offer their

Vy 73, de Frank, K2NCC

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Bob Donnell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Frank,

The comparison to operating VOX sounds like you took it too
literally. The reason you want to unplug the mike is that when you
ARE transmitting with any soundcard mode via the ACC connector, the
mike will be LIVE - all room noise will be transmitted at the same
time as your data transmission. If you have the radio's mike gain
turned up pretty high for your digital setup, it'll pick up room noise
even better. Any conversation you (or anyone else) might be having in
the room at the same time as you're transmitting PSK31 (for example)
may be able to be heard by people listening to yours or other digital
stations operating near the frequency you're set up to transmit on.
This is what you don't want to have happen. VOX operation had
nothing to do with this, other than as an example of another way that
room noise could end up getting transmitted on frequencies not legal
for you to operate phone on.

73, Bob, KD7NM

[digitalradio] Re: 10 Tips for the PSK31 Digital Mode

2008-06-07 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Ed Hekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I made a similar modification to an IC-735 to use the 250Hz CW filter 
 in SSB mode although that was a bit more complicated.  
 Let me know if you would like me to send the instructions.

Hey Ed.  I now have the IC-735 and it has the FL-63 250hz filter
installed.  I'd love to know how to make it work on SSB!

Thanks for heads-up.  Coincidence that I got the 735 in trade for some
computer work!

Vy 73, de Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: IICOM IC-735

2008-06-07 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Joe Veldhuis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One note: if you use the ACC-1 jack for your soundcard interface,
 disconnect the mic when working digital, as both the front-panel
 mic and the ACC jack are live when transmitting.

Hey Joe.  This is a rather old post, but thought I'd see if you're
still around.  Or maybe someone else has a answer?

One of the things I enjoy about moving my SignaLink to the 735 is not
needing to switch out the interface and mic connectors.  Now it seems
I might still have to exercise the same effort, disconnecting the mic
when using digital modes.

Why is it a problem that the front-panel mic and the ACC1 jack is live
when transmitting?

Frank, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: what is this HF sound please?

2008-05-16 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Simon Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 No idea - but how did you make that recording?

Hello Simon,

I use a great (free, GPL) program called CamStudio.


Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] what is this HF sound please?

2008-05-08 Thread Tooner


[digitalradio] Re: PSK Reporter in DM780

2008-04-12 Thread Tooner
 1984 , just running a littel late ?

Entirely unrelated.  But, if you don't want to be found, don't transmit!


[digitalradio] Re: Vista

2008-03-25 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, wa0elm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm looking at purchasing a new laptop, and I can't find anything that 
 doesn't come with Vista.  Is anyone having success running digital 

Hey Eric,

I'm using Vista here (64-bit if that matters) and have had zero
problems running MultiPSK, MixW or (my favorite, and free!) Digital
Master 780 (Comes with Ham Radio Deluxe, see link below.)  I've also
had only minor problems with other common applications.  But then
again, I'm a geek and a good troubleshooter so was able to overcome.

Don't let people talk you out of Vista.  Particularly if you're at all
computer saavy; you'll appreciate the benefits and improvements.  I
work on computers for a living, and have seen with each new version of
Windows, people complaining about compatibility, price, upgrades,
bugs, ad naseum.

Vista has settled in just fine and should serve you well. Especially
on a new computer.

It's not Microsoft's problem when companies don't want to re-write
software to be supported in the newer operating systems.  The demand
will be ever-diminishing to do so.

That's probably the biggest pitfall for a new O/S; backwards
compatibility.  It makes more sense to start over and leave legacy
devices behind than it is to add the millions of lines of code to
support it.  Not always the cheapest way for consumers who want to use
the new O/S.  But technology is perpetually self-supporting, no?

Meanwhile, if you insist on using XP, which is fine, computers
purchased with some versions of Vista (Business and Ultimate, if
memory serves) have the option to 'downgrade' to XP at no extra cost.

You'll be able to buy XP for years to come.  Even today, you can still
buy sealed copies of Windows 98 on eBay.  If you're buying a new
computer, have someone locally build you a 'white box' instead of
wasting your money on a Dell, dude.  I'm sure they'll find a solution
to have XP on it.

Finally, all these comparisons between operating systems will be a
moot point soon.  We'll all be booting to the Internet, saving our
files on a Microsoft or Google server, and you'll be paying for it
like all our other utilities.  You'll also never see another progress
indicator!  Instant on, like your TV.

Life is reflected well in computers; Adapt quick and often!

Frank, K2NCC

Digital Master 780:

[digitalradio] Re: Vista

2008-03-25 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Howard Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It appears your opinion is shared by others:

One can hardly consider a Linux site to be fair-and-balanced towards
it's slant on Windows.

[digitalradio] Re:Vista

2008-03-25 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Traveler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Still to many bugs with Vista for my liking.

That seems to be one of those perpetuating comments I see so often.  

Traveller, without plagiarizing someone's news article, how about
listing some of those 'bugs'?

Okay, well, maybe not here.  Methinks we've swung far enough from the
forum's topic, eh?


[digitalradio] Re: Fwd: [ARRL-LOTW] First International DominoEx Prefix Contest

2008-03-23 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Andrew O'Brien

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Jul 15, 2006 4:37 PM
 Subject: [ARRL-LOTW] First International DominoEx Prefix Contest
Any one know what mode designator would be best when uploading these
 QSO's to LoTW?
 73 John ZL1BYZ.

1- Open TQSL (not TQSL CERT)
3- Select ADIF MODES tab, then ADD
4- Type DOMINO in the ADIF mode window
5- Highlight DATA in the RESULTING MODE list.
6- Click OK
7- The window should show a line that says DOMIMO - DATA
8- Click OK

Now sign your log and uload the resulting TQ8 file.

[digitalradio] Re: RFI-Free PCs?

2008-03-21 Thread Tooner

I had the same question at one time and found building the box myself
was the best solution.  Asking for something out-of-the-box might be
like searching for the Holy Grail!

I'm using a great CoolerMaster case*, which is double-walled and uses
a metal mesh instead of plastic for the bay covers.  The power supply
uses shielded cables and has been the quietest RFI pc I've owned.

For what it's worth, here's what's in the box I have.  I don't know if
this has contributed to low noise, but here it is:

Intel motherboard (DQ35JO)  Core 2 Duo 3.0 CPU
ATI x1650 PCIE (512MB)
2 sticks of 1GB Corsair XMS2 (DDR2)
2 250GB Seagate Barracudas (RAID0)
Plextor DVD-RW
Memory card reader in the floppy slot

(All this for less than a Dell, dude.)

The board has on-board sound, but pretty decent, offering a S/N ratio
of around 95 dB.  Better than a SoundBlaster Live.  Great for digital

Using an LCD monitor is also a great idea.  I recommend taking an AM
radio to your local LCD reseller and scan across the ones they have on
display.  I got funny looks when doing so, but it's a good opportunity
to educate the salesperson!  I found that CTL and Viewsonic have some
quiet models.  PLEASE let us know the make and model if you find a RF
quiet one.  It might save us some work later.

I also added ferrites and toroids in the case to where ever I thought
they should go, including all fans.  Be sure to wrap a couple around
the cables from the front USB  audio jacks.  These might not be
necessary, but I didn't want to troubleshoot the RF later.  My
hand-held AM radio gets zero buzz from the tower, but wave it in front
of a CRT (even one of my LCDs) and it lights up!

*The case model is here:

Whichever enclosure you get, stay away from those silly Plexiglas-type
clear side panels!

I also have the system grounded and the rig and PC on the same power

I have the rig right under the PC, with a tin plate to further shield
it.  An overall picture of my setup, including my favorite 'accessory'
can be seen (for now) via the link below.

Hope that helps some!

73.  Frank K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: 10 Tips for the PSK31 Digital Mode

2008-03-12 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Rein Couperus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First thing to do of course is make sure THERE ARE NO STRONGER ONES.

This can be done various ways.  Typically, I use the variable
bandwidth tuning and IF shift to avoid strong signals.  But, that's
rare to need to do so.  I am rarely unable to decode a trace, even
with a much stronger signal close by.

 we used so-called X-tal filters to filter out signals...  This
 worked perfectly.  Since hams started tuning with clicking a mouse
 instead of turning a frequency dial this became impossible.

I can appreciate the old-school guys.  They had to work hard to get
where they are.  I am using an old rig that has no DSP and would say
it does a better job than most modern rigs.  However, don't be so bent
on mouse-clicks.  Evolve or die, I say.  I love big knobs as much as
the next guy, but I also like to expand my knowledge beyond the box.

 QSB on a PSK signal can amount to 80 dB, and using (slow) AGC is a
must if you want to copy the weak ones.

AGC appears to do nothing for weak signals.  AGC is for leveling sound
but doesn't appear to increase it.  Have you ever used AGC and saw a
weak signal get stronger?  I haven't.  When I notch out everything but
a weak trace, then turn on the AGC, the trace doesn't intensify, but
fades.  Another reason I used RF ATT and just bumped up the volume. 
That way I can see the whole pass band and get very little splatter.

But, again, this is on a single rig.  Everyone can feel free to send
me your radios so that I may conduct further tests!  8)

 Just using an RF attenuator because there is a strong alien signal
 within your passband is the WRONG weapon against this.

When I use AGC, it gives more to the stronger signals.  Unless I'm
working that strong signal, I leave AGC off.  When I use RF ATT, it
balances all the signals out to a softer level.  When I work a very
weak station, I leave RF ATT off.

I have reconsidered the constant use of my RF ATT.  I've done further
experimenting since this article (almost two months old) and found
that there are times that a very weak signal fades right off the
waterfall when I use RF ATT.  But it's nearly always a TX that I can't
copy very well anyway, so I think the benefits could swing either way.

 Moreover, NO RX IS LINEAR, so it will produce mixing products which
will hit your weak signal.

Keep in mind I'm a new ham, with little technical expertise in this
hobby beyond my two years of study and HF operation.  I don't always
know why something does what it does, but experience and the ability
to recreate results is what drives my proclamations.  I'm always
willing to be educated, but I may squirm a bit until I get it.

 ... if you want to really take advantage of the small bandwidth why
add all that bad stuff on the RX side?

By all that bad stuff, do you mean the RF ATT and AGC recommendations?

Hardly seems to be as massive an issue as suggested.  RF ATT may need
more consideration, true, yet it still works nicely in 90% of my
traces, so I think little harm is done.

 To make copy more difficult?

That does not seem to be a major case here.  If you're in a room full
of people, all speaking very loudly, you might not be able to hear the
guy right next to you.  Drop the room (and the guy's) volume down
40db, and imagine how clearly you will hear him then.  I don't think
adding AGC will increase his volume, but of you put walls around him
(notching) or eliminate 80% of the voices (VBT), it'll be even better.

 Come on, with CW there was an operator who did the decoding.
 You cannot expect a computer to be as efficient as that.

This seems only vaguely related, so I'm guessing you're a hard-core CW
fan?  Your rig, if younger than a decade or so, IS a computer.

 So why not help the poor DSP and filter out noise

That's assuming one has a DSP filter.  I use IF Shift, Notch and VBT.
 Again, on a different rig, I might get different results.

 This is a fairly stupid advice, and if you follow it you will miss
 about 50% of the fun.

'Fairly stupid advice' is a trolling expression and not the best way
to get a diplomatic response.  I doubt 50% is a fair number either,
but anyway.

I welcome corrections and will change my mind based upon new
information.  I appreciate your advice and hope to hear more.  You
appear to be more technically savvy with the radios, so maybe you'll
offer some sort of test for us to try.  I'd love to compare numbers
and to learn more.

Keep in mind, the article isn't meant for as a bible of PSK.  It's
just sharing what I've learned in the last year, which is constantly
evolving.  The majority of the article still stands on it's merit.

Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: 10 Tips for the PSK31 Digital Mode

2008-03-12 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Rein Couperus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ... I have visited several hams who could hear MORE than twice
 the stations after switching from a 2.5 kHz (panoramic) to 250 Hz

While on the subject of filters, my current setup allows me to narrow
my SSB signal down to 500 Hz.  Maxed out, the pass band is about 2.7
kHz, (3.6 on CW Wide.)

I have no optional filters installed, so I've been thinking of adding
one or two (I think YK-88CN and YG-455CN).

I like the idea of having a narrower VBT of 250 Hz (-6 dB) to 500 Hz
(-60 dB) with the YG-455CN filter. BUT, it seems that's for the CW
Narrow mode switch position.  Will that do anything all all for SSB?

It's a Kenwood hybrid (TS-830S).  If a CW Narrow filter isn't going to
help my digital modes RX, then is there some other filter I can add
that will give the improvement you've stated above?

I've heard of a YG-88S, but don't see any mention of it in the manual.
 Looks like http://www.qth.com/inrad/ has some in stock.

Any suggestions?  Well, other than buy a new radio! 8)

Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Hey, I'm famous! PSK31 Article on ARRLWeb

2008-03-11 Thread Tooner
Hello all,

You've seen it here first (files, psk31_tips.pdf) and now live on
ARRLWeb News:

If you have any good articles that you'd like to see in lights, ARRL
will pay to post them.

73. Frank K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: MFJ-1278 software

2008-02-07 Thread Tooner
A quick search of this group for MFJ-1278 software may give you the
answer you seek.

I would start here:

Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: RFI follow-up

2008-02-05 Thread Tooner
You might find some RFI help here:

[digitalradio] Re: Bands improving

2008-02-02 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Leskep [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 US ssb stations now readable on 7183 lsb at 0600 utc   W5RG BOB
 s8/9  A lift in conditions   maybe heralds things to come
 SF=71  A=19  K=5 and SSN is 19

We've had these numbers in the recent past, if memory serves.

I thought ideal would be A and K indexes low, and SF and SSN numbers
high, right?

Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: New release (4.7) of MULTIPSK

2008-01-31 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Simon Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 IMO the user community should be very grateful to Patrick

No doubt.  There's no complaint in providing the service, as each
programmer has given many of us new things to try, and the ability to
work with what we previously might not have been able.

I understand the specifications, as also found in Sholto's excellent
post of Here's a rundown  What I haven't seen a reply that
answers the original question of Any big fans of MULTIPSK that might
like offer why they use it?.  If it's the unique modes it offers,
what modes have you  successfully used?  If it's the layout, what do
you like about it compared to others?

Again, this wasn't about Fords-vs-Chevys.  We all have our tastes.  I
was trying to find out what others like.

I hope I didn't offend anyone in this pursuit of curiosity.  It wasn't
meant to devalue as it was to raise awareness.  If only my own.

73. Frank K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: MULTIPSK FAE 400 (formally New release of...)

2008-01-31 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The main reason for using Multipsk for me now has been the
 superb FAE 400 mode.

Thanks for that Rick.  I've never use FAE 400 (or any other ARQ, ALE
type modes.)  I haven't found much local interest in experimenting
with the connection-type modes, or anything people can't just jump
right into without some study.

I'll look more into FAE400 and ALE, which I'm sorely inexperienced. Is
FAE400 good for HF as well as VHF/UHF?  I'll do so more reading and
probably find that out, but in case you know any more off the top. 
Like calling frequency, if any.  etc.

  Now if we could just get more hams to use it.

I can usually get Wisconsin from here pretty solid into Oregon if you
want to try something later.

Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: New release (4.7) of MULTIPSK

2008-01-31 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Lindecker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello Frank,
 Windows - No Disk Exception Processing Message 0xc013 Parameters
 Did you have this problem at the second starting? Or is it permanent
each time you start it?

Every time I start it.


[digitalradio] DM780 - 90 second preview

2008-01-31 Thread Tooner
Here's a quick-n-dirty home video of some of the features of Digital
Master 780:


[digitalradio] Re: New release (4.7) of MULTIPSK

2008-01-31 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Les Warriner leswa7ham@ wrote:
  Thanks Much!!!
 Wow! all these 4.7 Multipsk posts after I asked my question - and no
 answer. So I'll try again.

Paul, I believe message #26409 answered your question?


Pardon me if I'm wrong, as it was just a quick glance.

Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: New release (4.7) of MULTIPSK

2008-01-30 Thread Tooner
MultiPSK gives an error in Vista 64-bit:

Windows - No Disk
Exception Processing Message 0xc013 Parameters
Cancel, Try Again, Continue

Selecting either will still pull up the program.  Seems to work fine.

Not a biggie, but in case someone else is using the same O/S, let us
know if you see anything similar.

Meanwhile, it's aood program for the 'rarer' modes like PAX or CHIP,
but still kinda clunky and cluttered.  You can tell the same author
designed the web-site.

Any big fans of MULTIPSK that might like offer why they use it?  I'm
guessing you're using it for the ALE applications?

Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: New release (4.7) of MULTIPSK

2008-01-30 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Sholto Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 MultiPSK has a lot more in it than just the ALE Frank.

That's cool, and I can appreciate that.  I've played with most of the
common digital modes software and have to say MultiPSK has a lot of
'meat' to it.  However, as a casual HF digital modes user, and my
particular setup, MultiPSK doesn't do anything more for me than what
I'm using.

 ... rather than wasting it on making the program look like something
Microsoft developed.

True, but there's something to be said about having a clean layout.

Here's a screenshot of what I get to stare at for hours on end:

Notice the full screen waterfall (with spectrum analysis), the quick
access to other components of a QSO like instant logging, and the
ability to separate the program windows for optimal layouts.  There's
plenty more, but that can be discovered (detailed signal analysis,
etc.) by the more industrious.  Not that this is a feature comparison,
as much as a visual representation.

If a user unfamiliar with either program compared the two, which do
you think would be more appealing?  The difference in 'abilities' is
minor for all most the most active hams.  Maybe even then.

Also, if one wants the full features of MultiPSK (like the spectrum
analyzer or oscilloscope) you'll have to fork up $45.00).

 It's kinda like homebrewing a qrp radio...

True, as the creator of the QRP rig.  As a hand-me-down it might not
hold the same feelings.

I think it's more like the hard-core DOS or CW guys that refuse
to let go of to what they're accustomed.  Technology  requires that
one adapts often and adapts quickly.  There are always some drawback
to letting go of what worked for so long, but the benefits usually
(or eventually) outweigh the disadvantages.  Digital TV isn't as good
as analog, but now I have 400 channels of junk instead of six! 8-)

 Who cares what it looks like it's how well it does the job

There's a lot to be said for looks and ease-of-use!  I'd much rather
have the best of both worlds

Meanwhile, what 'job' does MultiPSK do for you personally?  Or, if
someone else wants to pipe in with their answer.

This shouldn't turn into a Fords-vs-Chevys battle, but I am interested
in the exchange of opinions and information.  I reserve the right to
adapt and change my mind with new information!  ;)

73.  Frank K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: New release (4.7) of MULTIPSK

2008-01-30 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Jose A. Amador [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ... but what it does and how it does.
 ... And certainly MultiPSK does its stuff WELL
 ... as a peek at its specs will show you.

How about telling us what that 'stuff' is, as you are more familiar
than I?  Specifics would be nice.

 It is not the first time that Vista FAILS with an otherwise working 

True, but the applications need to keep up with the operating system,
not the other-way-around.  That's one of the reasons Windows has so
many issues, the demand for backwards compatibility.  If Microsoft
would just start over, from scratch, and offer no recourse for older
apps, then we'd have an O/S closer to what a modern PC can really do.

20 years ago, that would be the kiss-of-death for a company.  But as
ingrained as Windows O/S is, I imagine it would hardly dent their
pocketbook.  Anyway, we'll be booting to the Internet before long and
what operating system your computer will run will be a moot point.

Meanwhile, I can still do many things in seconds that takes even a
skilled operator quite a bit longer in a Linux box.  (For instance,
try setting up dual monitors in Linux!)

Yes, Windows isn't the most stable operating system.  It is however,
the most usable for the masses.  No matter how skilled you are at your
preferred O/S, you'll more likely sit down to a Windows PC vs any
other flavor.  Except maybe at your personal station/s.

Anyway, that's not really the point here.  I'm just trying to nail
someone down with specifics of what MultiPSK offers that would make
someone reconsider what they're currently using.

 changing the car controls in a new car model, which requires a new
 kind of highways.

Keeping to the analogy: Besides looking funny, you'd be far behind if
you relied on a freeway when the rest of us are driving hovercrafts!

 Can you correctly guess now what is flawed?

I doubt it's a flaw in strictest sense.  Just a mis-translation.  None
of the other digital apps gave an error using the same O/S.

 Beauty is on the eye of the beholder. And it does not tell the whole

No doubt.  But layout counts towards usability.  I prefer my old boat
anchor due to it's signal quality and suburb reception.  A newer radio
would look nice, but offers little towards the two most important
things: TX and RX!

Again, no one has given specifics yet to what MultiPSK does better
than other digital software?  For the most common modes, it translates
about as well as any other.  What, besides the different modes
available and costs, keeps one a die-hard MultiPSK fan?

Frank, K2NCC

Life is too short for CW, QRP and DOS!

[digitalradio] Re: New release (4.7) of MULTIPSK

2008-01-30 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Sholto Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For me personally MultiPSK allows me to enjoy ham radio my way. I like 
 to experiment and be on the edge of new digimode technology and 
 concepts. The learning curve keeps my mind sharp.

I can appreciate that!  Simon, with HRD, is similar in his approaches.
 Good support, constant development and new modes, and takes into
consideration user opinions.  He's added many features based upon for
what a forum like this cheers.

Meanwhile, as a digimode fan, be sure to check out Roland Prosch's
Technical Handbook for Radio Monitoring.  It's a book with the best
coverage of digital modes I've ever seen.  Introduced me to HUNDREDS
of digital modes I've never know.  Then again, I've only been a ham
for a short while!  8)

What are some of your favorite, less common modes Sholto?

Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: New release (4.7) of MULTIPSK

2008-01-30 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Kevin O'Rorke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Those who complain about the UI really need to go away and use
another Program.

Sorry Kevin, in this country, our opinions are equal.  In theory at
least.  Those who complain.. don't just get up and leave we
bitch about it until someone fixes it!


 ... as it has all the other digital programs and more.

What part of and more do you use most Kevin?

Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: New Beta release of NBEMS, version 1.2.0

2008-01-27 Thread Tooner
Doesn't work in 64-bit Vista.  8(

Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: Introducing the K3UK Quick and Dirty Guide to Narrow-Band SSTV

2008-01-23 Thread Tooner
Great page and excellent advice.  I appreciate the work you've done!

73. Frank K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: [ARRL-LOTW] First International DominoEx Prefix Contest

2008-01-21 Thread Tooner
Hello Group.  I searched this forum to see if anyone else had a
question about 'Domino' digital modes and ARRL's Logbook-of-The-World.

All I found was the following request:

 Subject: [ARRL-LOTW] First International DominoEx Prefix Contest
 Any one know what mode designator would be best when uploading
 these QSO's to LoTW?
 73 John ZL1BYZ.

I sent an email earlier this month to ask ARRL about adding Domino to
LoTW, as it's refused on any upload attempts.

Here's the email I sent:

 Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 10:55 PM
To: lotw-help
Subject: k2ncc - domino and LoTW


I see that Domino digital modes are not accepted in LoTW.

Any chance that Domino can be added as a 'DATA' emission mode?  It's
certainly more popular than Clover or FSK441.

A complete search of your site doesn't return anything for Domino,
although at least two of the popular digital-modes software has it as
an option.

Many thanks for your considerations.

73.  Frank K2NCC 

. Here's ARRL's rather generic response:

from   Fusaro, Norm W3IZ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
dateJan 21, 2008 12:30 PM
subject RE: k2ncc - domino and LoTW
mailed-by   arrl.org

Hi Frank.

Thank you for your suggestion. 

Logbook of The World is a service to verify two way radio contacts
that radio amateurs can use as verification in their pursuit towards
operating awards.  Currently LoTW supports DXCC and WAS. 

The development of new digital modes offers radio amateurs many
options to have exchanges over the airwaves however when it comes to
chasing awards all digital or data modes are treated equally.  This is
similar to the way voice modes are treated in LoTW where AM, FM and
SSB are all the same as far as the award is concerned.

The table of different modes is to accommodate electronic logging
programs and LoTW uses the standard ADIF table.  At the time of LoTW
development some modes had not yet been invented and are missing from
the table. 

If you are having difficulty signing your log because the mode is not
recognized you may have to convert the mode to something generic such
as data.

I hope that this helps you in your pursuit of DXCC.

Thank you for using Logbook of The World.


Norm Fusaro, W3IZ
Assistant Manager,
Membership  Volunteer Programs Department
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio

So, in summary, Domino digital mode QSOs are to be put in our logs as
DATA or some other IFK mode like MFSK.  For what it's worth, I don't
think that really represents an accurate log entry.

Here's the list of accepted modes for LoTW:

Anyone else think this, or other emission types you might use, should
be added to ARRL's Logbook-of-The-World supported modes?

73.  Frank K2NCC

[digitalradio] been thinking about an oscilloscope

2008-01-21 Thread Tooner
I've been thinking about getting an oscilloscope.  I've got some idea
of what to look for in one when using it with amateur radio, but am
wondering about one I've found several of for under 200 bucks.

It's the Tektronix 465 dual trace oscilloscope.

Here's the specifications: http://tinyurl.com/2jxwux

Think this will do everything I would want with servicing and
analyzing my old Kenwood hybrid (TS-830S) rig?

Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: been thinking about an oscilloscope

2008-01-21 Thread Tooner
Thank you for that information Michael!


[digitalradio] Re: been thinking about an oscilloscope

2008-01-21 Thread Tooner
What's the difference between an oscilloscope and a spectrum analyzer?
 I use software spectrum analyzers, but still have ambient baseline
noise since it's input is via a soundcard.  Can I get the same
benefits with an oscilloscope that I get with spectrum analyzer?  I'd
like to be able to evaluate digital waveforms I pluck from the air as
well as have a tool to work on the rigs.  Any suggestions if they're
not interchangeable for these needs?

Frank, K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: RFI Identification

2008-01-20 Thread Tooner
If this turns out to be the motion detector, or anything that you
identify, please send me a screenshot or the sound file so I can put
it up on our radio interference Yahoo forum.  Check out QRZ.COM to get
my email address.

Thank you!
Frank, K2NCC


[digitalradio] Re: HAARP and Moon Echo of HAARP received well in South Bend, Indiana 6.7925

2008-01-19 Thread Tooner
In case it hasn't been mentioned, here's a great site on HAARP:


[digitalradio] Re: New file uploaded to digitalradio

2008-01-17 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, John Becker, WØJAB [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Would someone like to step up and take credit for this?
 John, W0JAB

Hey John, this is an article I submitted to our local ham club's
newsletter*.  Let me know if there's anything glaringly wrong, as it
won't get printed until a week or so from now.  Opinions are also

Hey, anyone notice all the 20M PSK31 activity today?  Busiest
weeknight I've seen in a while!

73.  Frank, K2NCC

* Back issues and other info for OTVARC can be found here:

[digitalradio] center of the waterfall question

2007-09-04 Thread Tooner
Hey group, this is Frank K2NCC,

Just wanted to ask what is surely a noobie question or two.

If my waterfall (using MixW) can receive a signal between 300KHz and
3000KHz on the spectrum, that's my bandwidth of the radio, right? 
Seems to match what the manual says, 2700.

I've read where PSK31 is best at 1000KHz on the audio marker in a QSO.
But, one could QSO pretty far on either side of that line if you
avoid the fringes.  Right?

Oh, if it matters, the radio is TS-830S and a Signalink.

Well, the halfway point on the waterfall for me is about 1650 on the
audio marker.

I'm guessing that whatever frequency I'm on when I tune the signal to
that 1650 point, is the frequency they're transmitting on.  I asked
and have been very close, but can only hope that my rig is on the
mark.  Either way, it's not been off by more than 3Hz.  Since the rig
only has six digit display, I round it off anyway.

Is that the best place to transmit and receive?  Dead center of the
frequency seems to be the ideal place if both sides are doing the same.

73.  Frank K2NCC

[digitalradio] center of the waterfall question

2007-09-04 Thread Tooner
Hey group, this is Frank K2NCC,

Just wanted to ask what is surely a noobie question or two.

If my waterfall (using MixW) can receive a signal between 300KHz and
3000KHz on the spectrum, that's my bandwidth of the radio, right? 
Seems to match what the manual says, 2700.

I've read where PSK31 is best at 1000KHz on the audio marker in a QSO.
But, one could QSO pretty far on either side of that line if you
avoid the fringes.  Right?

Oh, if it matters, the radio is TS-830S and a Signalink.

Well, the halfway point on the waterfall for me is about 1650 on the
audio marker.

I'm guessing that whatever frequency I'm on when I tune the signal to
that 1650 point, is the frequency they're transmitting on.  I asked
and have been very close, but can only hope that my rig is on the
mark.  Either way, it's not been off by more than 3Hz.  Since the rig
only has six digit display, I round it off anyway.

Is that the best place to transmit and receive?  Dead center of the
frequency seems to be the ideal place if both sides are doing the same.

73.  Frank K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: what the heck is this waterfall display telling me?

2007-04-29 Thread Tooner
Looks like you might be right.  Did you find out anything new?

That signal seems to meet the specs found here:

(A musical jumble of notes.)

MultiPSK decodes it, but there's another Domino-specific software that
can be downloaded from the link above.

73.  Frank K2NCC

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Andrew O'Brien

 I think this is the same odd tones that I reported in an other
 thread this week.  I heard it again a few minutes ago and got a better
 picture of it in my waterfall.  It looked similar to your picture. 
 Since Bill and others suggested the tones I heard
 (http://www.obriensweb.com/signal.mp3 )  might be slow DominoEX, I
 tried DominoEX 4.  The signal I received is slower, almost Dominoex 2,
 if there was such a thing.  I answered in DominoEX4 but received no
 Andy K3UK

[digitalradio] Re: what the heck is this waterfall display telling me?

2007-03-30 Thread Tooner

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Kevin  Natalia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What freq is it on? Interesting pic.

[digitalradio] what the heck is this waterfall display telling me?

2007-03-29 Thread Tooner
Hey group,

Heard this noise today, but couldn't identify it as a digital signal.
 Been in the same spot for a year now and have never seen this on my
MixW display!

Screen shot here:


On and off for a couple of minutes, then nothing.  Strong enough
signal to trip my digital interface, so I'm guessing it's around my
neighborhood.  Doesn't fit any RFI, etc. that I've seen before.

Any ideas?

73.  Frank K2NCC