Re: [jQuery] onClickOut?

2007-03-04 Thread Yehuda Katz
one has been deprecated since 1.1. For the same effect, you *might* be
able to do e.unbind() inside the event handler, as such:

$("#n").click(function(e) { e.unbind(); // code; return false; });

I'm not 100% that syntax made it in. That said, I don't think that's
what you're looking for. I think you want to bind a click on body, and
test to make sure that is not the element in question.

$("#n").click(function(e) {
  var self = this;
  $("body").click(function() {
if( != self && != $("#menu")[0]) $("#menu").hide();

Something like the above has worked for me in the past (obviously with
more code to actually DO what you're trying to accomplish).

On 3/4/07, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Philip Pryce schrieb:
> > Is there some way of making a bind function so that, one you click away from
> > an element (say drop down menu) it disapears. So say i've clicked a button
> > and a menus poped up, i then taken a look at the menu and i dont need it
> > again, so i click on some other part of the page and the menu hides it self
> > again. Any ideas?
> Philip, there is the "one" function, that does exactly what you need.
> $('#target').one('click', function() {
> ...
> });
> -- Klaus
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] nth-child selector

2007-02-28 Thread Yehuda Katz

Why do you want to ignore the first two items? A better solution might be to
use  to store header info outside the table and then do $("table
tbody tr:nth-child(odd)")

-- Yehuda

On 2/28/07, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Dan,
jQuery doesn't support the ":nth-child(an + b)", only ":nth-child(n)"

To select every odd item except the first two items, try this instead:

$('#search-results div:nth-child("odd"):gt(0)')

Karl Swedberg

On Feb 28, 2007, at 7:38 AM, Dan Eastwell wrote:


I'm trying to select every odd  item in a list, but not the first two

I've tried using the nth-child selector, which is fine at picking out
the nth-child, but I can't get the 2n+2 child to be selected:

stripes("#search-results div:odd"); // is ok
stripes("#search-results div:nth-child(2)"); // works


stripes("#search-results div:nth-child(2n+2)"); // doesn't.

Am I missing something about the CSS3 selector syntax?



Daniel Eastwell

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Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] :first selector perofmance question

2007-02-28 Thread Yehuda Katz

This is a smart optimization for :first. John, is this doable?

-- Yehuda

On 3/1/07, Brice Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am searching for the fastest way to fetch the first visible input of a
page, and currently using:

I thought this could be improved with the :first selector, and indeed it
seems so (as it avoids memory assignments for all matched visible
inputs), so I narrowed it down to:

I wanted to investigate the behavior further, so ran a few small tests

The page was reset/refreshed for each test, and the profiling is being
done in firebug.

My average results are as follows:

$('*:first')[0]; == 25.014ms, 1168 calls
$('*')[0]; == 160.382ms, 1159 calls

$('div:first')[0]; == 2.979ms, 122 calls

This leads me to believe that despite the :first limit, all elements are
found, and then the first one returned.  Does any jQuery selector exist
that *stops* matching after the first match is found? This would avoid
the  n*x extra system calls?

~ Brice

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Tablesorter docs

2007-02-28 Thread Yehuda Katz

I know there used to be some demo pages. Christian?

On another note, I'm going to be working with Christian on documenting some
of tablesorter. Last I spoke with him, he was going to be starting to do
much more inline documentation of the plugin. It's really very powerful and
some cool features are coming down the pike as well.

-- Yehuda

On 2/28/07, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Are there any docs or howto's for the TableSorter plugin? The plugin
source is a little lite on for documentation and the page associated with it
only contains a change log. I'm sure there used to be a page with a demo and
instructions? Does anyone know where that is?



jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] My basic navigation plugin

2007-02-27 Thread Yehuda Katz

So the basic idea is that you can create a table of contents based on a
series of links selected by a jQuery selector?

Could be useful...

-- Yehuda

On 2/27/07, Joel Birch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi jQuerivites,

I'd like to offer up my humble plugin (humble is the key word here)
to get a sense of if something this basic is of any worth to the
community. I discussed an earlier version of the plugin briefly on a
previous thread (Sites Powered by jQuery) and there is an
implementation of it on my Preshil site (I don't want to post a link
here as I don't want to seem like I'm spamming it around) which is in
the Sites Using jQuery list at

To summarise, it takes your jQuery object and creates an unordered
list of links to the elements within the object. If the elements do
not have an id (needed to provide the links with a href target), a
unique id is created for it, otherwise it uses the existing id. Get
something, do something. ;)

An options object can be passed as the only parameter. The options are:
- "head" : this is a string of html to appear above the list of
links, can be used as a heading for the list, for example.
- "divClass" : this is a space separated string of classes to be
applied on the div that wraps the entire list and head.
- "aClass" : this is a space separated string of classes to be
applied to each of the links created.

These options have defaults of course - you can see what they are in
the code. The whole thing can be styled with CSS as you see fit
(hence the extra class hooks in the options object) and enhanced
further with JavaScript. I attached scrolling to the links using the
aClass as a hook, for example.

I think the (possibly only one) redeeming feature of this plugin over
the far better and more elaborate navigation aids is that it is so
simple (at least how I have it styled on the Preshil site) that
anyone can understand the menu's purpose regardless of how tech-savy
they are. It's also very lightweight and, as far as CSS styling goes,
you only really need a background or border on the main div.

The code:

$.fn.contentMenu = function(o){
o = $.extend({  "head" : "Some handy links to help you
this page:",
"divClass" : "contentMenu",
"aClass" : "inPage" }, o || {});
$.cmCount = $.cmCount+1 || 0;
var $list = $("");
return this.each(function(i){ = || "menu"+$.cmCount+"-el"+i;
to '+this.innerHTML+'');

Example of calling the plugin:
$("#main h2").contentMenu({
"head" : "Page navigation:",

or just using the defaults:
$("#main h2").contentMenu();

I understand this is basic stuff but it's my first plugin and I'd
love to hear any feedback even if it's "this plugin is not really
interesting/useful/well made enough". I guess my question is: whilst
many people could create something like this easily and quickly
enough, should there be plugins that cover such light tasks anyway?

Thanks and sorry for the long post.
Joel Birch.

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery]

2007-02-26 Thread Yehuda Katz

Hey Matt(s). I'm heading up the effort within the jQuery team to standardize
the way we handle plugins. We've already begun adding meta-data to plugins
to make it easier to automate searches and indexing of plugins in the
subversion repository.

We're also in the process of putting together an official plugin repository
that would be hosted on the jQuery website with many of the same features
that you're suggesting. I'm really excited to see activity on this front
outside of the jQuery core team, and am looking forward to both the official
repository and each having a unique place in the evolving
world of jQuery.

More comments interspersed below.

On 2/26/07, Matt Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't want to diminish your excitement but we're already in the
> process of building a plugin repository to better manage the jQuery

Speaking of which, is there any list of things you are building into the
release? A list of future enhancements?

As I've been reading, experimenting, and developing, I had a few thoughts.
20k is the jQuery limit, that means new development on the core library
probably be really limited, and the future of jQuery really lies in the
plugins. Is this the vision?

There will definitely be more development on the jQuery (1.2 will probably
have animation improvements, for instance), but many of the things people
really want to see (like better widgets) fall into the plugin space, not the
core space.

If so, then the plugins area certainly warrants a lot of attention. It is

probably where many new jQuery users will be hooked because they can
easily do
X or Y, not because they can do the lower-level JS stuff easier with the


With these thoughts in mind, I had few suggestions - some (or all!) of which

I'm sure you're already considering:

1. The "official" list of plugins should get its own page and be clearly
separated from other non-official plugins. They should meet some tough
standards, be updated and supported, and avoid overlapping functionality
much as possible. It should be clear what is required for a plugin to be
considered "official".

I believe this is in the plans. As we move forward, official plugins will
become more like the "modules" of other libraries, adding functionality to
the core that are not provided by default. But because they'll each be
maintained by individuals with "an itch to scratch," I believe we'll have a
leg up over all-encompassing libraries.

2. Official plugins should have a common naming convention, always have the

same license as jQuery itself, and follow some similar coding guidelines.

We're already moving in that direction. Documentation is currently required
for official plugins, and in most cases, dual-licensing (GPL and MIT) is
required as well.

3. Documentation should be consistent. There should be a single format which

all plugins should follow - perhaps an enhanced version of jsdoc? This way
API for every plugin could be published using the same structure and
and multiple libraries could be combined and documented together.

All official plugins use jQuery's own documentation format, and Visual
jQuery pulls that documentation out of the plugin files for automated APIing

4. In line with #3, some meta-data should be consistent across all plugins

so a
dynamic list of plugins could be built. Name, description, author, last
updated, etc.

Yep. If you like at the svn, we're starting to add META.json to all plugins,
so that the plugins each have consistent meta info.

5. There should definitely be a ratings system or some way for the best

to quickly rise to the top. From a user perspective, there's nothing worse
a long list of optional modules like exists now. If a user is looking for
plugin, they might lack the experience or knowledge to create the
on their own. So how are they supposed to pick the best and most
plugin to accomplish a task? Those "in the know" need to help them do it
making the best ones most visible.

Absolutely. This is definitely in the works for the first release of the
official jQuery plugin repository.

Just some thoughts. I would really like information or discussion on the

documentation/API side of things, as I am currently looking for the best
way to
document a jQuery API.

This definitely needs to be better documented. There is already a very
solid, consistent doc format for jQuery code.

Matt Kruse

-- Yehdua


jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery and Rails

2007-02-21 Thread Yehuda Katz

I've carefully read all of the responses to this thread (keep em coming),
and believe that my solution will work very well for almost all of the
concerns expressed here.

I'll announce more details about the mechanism and syntax sometime in the
next week or so, but I believe everyone will be very satisfied.

-- Yehuda

On 2/21/07, Peter De Berdt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I realize there is a group of people who'd like to just write everything
in Ruby (i.e. get to
> use javascript without having to know javascript), but I think that's a
red herring.

That's not the main issue, but without MinusMOR, your RJS files would
always look like
page << "some_jquery_code;"
page << "some_jquery_code;"
I don't mind writing JavaScript myself either, but in order for jQuery
for Rails to be easily integrated into existing applications, the
helpers are a must. I have my fair share of applications that combine
both helpers and sporadically some custom JS code, but I don't want to
refactor all my RJS and view code just for being able to integrate
jQuery instead of proto/script. If it could be plug-and-play (and not
plug-and-pray) I wouldn't doubt and just deploy new versions of my
AJAXed apps just for jQuery.

> Here are the main issues I've run into:
> + unobtrusively including js specific to a view

... and a Rails way of keeping the behavior in a separate file
(separate behavior from representation). What I would do now, is
either use a partial to render the JS in the header and put it in my
layout or just add JS files to the public/javascripts directory, but I
don't find it very Rails-like, it doesn't feel like the best solution.

> So, in whatever.rhtml, do something like:
>  <% javascript :file => 'path/to/plugin.js' %>
>  <% javascript :text => %{ $('p').css('color','blue'); } %>
>  Whatever...
>  <% javascript :text => %{ $('p').css('font-size', '2em'); }% %>
> And get:
>  Whatever...

Looks like Luke Redpath's UJS4Rails way of doing things :-) It's not a
bad solution, but UJS4Rails has introduced unreliable behavior in some
of the apps I have been working on.

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] jQuery and Rails

2007-02-20 Thread Yehuda Katz

I'm in the process of building what will soon be the first release of jQuery
on Rails together with Steven Bristol, who was a winner of Rails Hackfest
(which won him a free ticket to RailsConf for his contributions to the Rails

I had a few questions that I would love if you guys could answer:

1) Are you using Rails?
2) If you're not, would you if it was easier to use jQuery with Rails?
3) Would you prefer an approach that generated JS by writing Ruby helpers
that generated jQuery code, or an approach that made is easier to link up
existing jQuery code into Rails?
4) If you've used jQuery with Rails, what issues have you run into
5) If you've used jQuery with Rails before, what type of application (size,
scope, etc.) was it?

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] ANNOUNCEMENT: jQuery & Ext Partner to Deliver Integrated JavaScript & UI, Features

2007-02-20 Thread Yehuda Katz

Well, there are fundamental tradeoffs that need to be made. If you want a
very small codebase, it's difficult to squeeze in all the speed
optimizations. And if you value speed above all else, you might produce a
fairly large, blazing library. We're looking at these issues to try and come
to a conclusion that will benefit the jQuery community.

-- Yehuda

On 2/20/07, Brian Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ideally, there should eventually be one selector base that uses the best
methods of both jQuery's selector engine and DomQuery.  That way, there's
no longer an issue of which one is used.

- Brian

> Hi Rajesh,
> We're investigating the possibility of supporting the use of DomQuery,
> Ext's selector engine, as an alternative (not a replacement) to jQuery's
> CSS Selector code.
> Rey...
> R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah wrote:
>> On Feb 20, 5:30 am, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Today, we're proud to announce that the jQuery Project and Jack
>>> Slocum's
>>> Ext Project, have partnered to integrate the amazingly lightweight and
>>> powerful jQuery framework with Ext's awesome UI library.
>>I previously asked about DOM Query support [*]. And asking the same
>> question:)
>> [*] <news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> ( <
>> c74f44b95ac863cb> )
>> --
>> Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!comBlog:
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

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Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] # or javascript:;

2007-02-16 Thread Yehuda Katz

Kenneth: Again, if you use return false, you don't need preventDefault().

-- Yehuda

On 2/16/07, Kenneth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, good points everyone and I stand corrected.

I don't advocate inline JS, however I do produce mock-up/prototype/concept
pages pretty frequently (not meant for public use or distribution) where I
need to show functionally how an element will behave. In these cases, its
easiest for me to simply use href="javascript:;" as it produces the intended
result yet has no side-effects, and it lets us click the links but doesn't
take us out of the prototype (and the only reason that's necessary is
because IE doesn't treat 's as links unless they have an href attribute
[no :hover, text-decoration, etc]).

I didn't think about it until now, but I suppose an easier method would be
to use jQuery to preventDefault() on all of the 's in my prototypes?

On 2/16/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes yes yes!
> Just a quick note: you can use "return false" perfectly fine in jQuery.
> In fact, it'll work for all browsers, even if it doesn't normally work
> exactly right. You can use preventDefault() as well, if you just want to
> stop the default action but not stopPropagation (return false in jQuery
> blocks the default action and prevents further propagation).
> -- Yehuda
> On 2/16/07, Tim Baxter < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > No... you don't put the onclick handler on the link either. Keep your
> > JS out of your HTML.
> >
> > If it's a link that's ONLY there for the JS to do something, insert
> > the link with the JS.
> > If it's a link that can degrade gracefully (the preferred scenario),
> > then put the link in, then override it's action.
> >
> > Whether the link is a full link, an anchor link, or just a dummy #
> > link, return false (or, in jquery, preventDefault();) will prevent it from
> > scrolling or otherwise causing you trouble.
> >
> > This is basic unobtrusive scripting.
> >
> >
> > On 2/16/07, Kenneth < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I actually prefer javascript:; since using # usually scrolls the
> > > page to the top which can be really annoying. If it's not a real link I
> > > don't see what the problem is there.
> > >
> > > Now, if it's an actual link that you're wanting to apply an onclick
> > > function to, you should use the onclick="javascript:return myfunc();"
> > > attribute, use the normal URL in the href="", and then return true/false
> > > from myfunc() depending on whether or not you want to link to be activated
> > > by the click.
> > >
> > > On 2/16/07, hcabbos <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > What's the best way to apply a behavior to an anchor tag?
> > > >
> > > > my text
> > > >
> > > > -- or --
> > > >
> > > > my text
> > > >
> > > > ___
> > > > jQuery mailing list
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > jQuery mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > ___
> > jQuery mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] # or javascript:;

2007-02-16 Thread Yehuda Katz

Yes yes yes!

Just a quick note: you can use "return false" perfectly fine in jQuery. In
fact, it'll work for all browsers, even if it doesn't normally work exactly
right. You can use preventDefault() as well, if you just want to stop the
default action but not stopPropagation (return false in jQuery blocks the
default action and prevents further propagation).

-- Yehuda

On 2/16/07, Tim Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No... you don't put the onclick handler on the link either. Keep your JS
out of your HTML.

If it's a link that's ONLY there for the JS to do something, insert the
link with the JS.
If it's a link that can degrade gracefully (the preferred scenario), then
put the link in, then override it's action.

Whether the link is a full link, an anchor link, or just a dummy # link,
return false (or, in jquery, preventDefault();) will prevent it from
scrolling or otherwise causing you trouble.

This is basic unobtrusive scripting.

On 2/16/07, Kenneth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I actually prefer javascript:; since using # usually scrolls the page to
> the top which can be really annoying. If it's not a real link I don't see
> what the problem is there.
> Now, if it's an actual link that you're wanting to apply an onclick
> function to, you should use the onclick="javascript:return myfunc();"
> attribute, use the normal URL in the href="", and then return true/false
> from myfunc() depending on whether or not you want to link to be activated
> by the click.
> On 2/16/07, hcabbos <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> > What's the best way to apply a behavior to an anchor tag?
> >
> > my text
> >
> > -- or --
> >
> > my text
> >
> > ___
> > jQuery mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> _______
> jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Creating an empty jQuery object

2007-02-16 Thread Yehuda Katz

You know that you can create a DOM Element by doing $(""), right?
I think that might be a better way to achieve what you're trying to achieve,
but I'm not sure. :(

I think $([]) is currently the most elegant way to get an empty object, but
this is definitely something that should be pointed out front-and-center.

-- Yehuda

On 2/16/07, Danny Wachsstock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been using jQuery for a few months now, trying to convert all my
hand-rolled javascript and came across a minor problem that I could not
documented anywhere:
I want to create DOM elements and add them into a jQuery object, as in;

var result = [empty jQuery object];
  var element = ...;

But how to create an empty jQuery? Scouring the source code, I eventually
hit upon $([]), but this is nowhere documented. Is there a better way?
Is there a good reason $() should return $(document) rather than an empty

Daniel Wachsstock

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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Google's Summer of Code

2007-02-16 Thread Yehuda Katz

Yep. It is my fault. My initial attempt at jQoR failed, but I've made a LOT
of progress recently. You guys will be seeing something soon; an early
prototype is already running on a site Steven's developing. Keep the faith,

-- Yehuda

On 2/16/07, Alex Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I blame Yehuda :)


Behalf Of Kenneth
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 9:50 AM
To: jQuery Discussion.
Subject: Re: [jQuery] Google's Summer of Code

Oh, err, is not though :o

On 2/16/07, Kenneth < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's coming up for me:
I also work on other projects, including:
* jQuery on Rails, a relatively early-on project that aims to allow the
replacements of Prototype and Scriptaculous with jQuery and Interface

On 2/16/07, Alex Cook < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Behalf Of Luke Lutman
Subject: Re: [jQuery] Google's Summer of Code

John Resig wrote:
>- Add jQuery support to a popular CMS/Framework

jQuery for Ruby On Rails would be fantastic :-)



Didn't Yehuda start this?I would link the page that's on but I'm getting a 404 error...


jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Google's Summer of Code

2007-02-16 Thread Yehuda Katz

I'm currently working on this with Steven Bristol, who was a winner of the
Rails Hackfest (and a free ticket to RailsConf). We hope to have a release
ready for RailsConf in May (before SoC starts).

-- Yehuda

On 2/16/07, Luke Lutman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

John Resig wrote:
>  - Add jQuery support to a popular CMS/Framework

jQuery for Ruby On Rails would be fantastic :-)


jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Table striping, speed question

2007-02-15 Thread Yehuda Katz

nth-child is very fast. Probably faster than the each method.

-- Yehuda

On 2/15/07, Angelo Sozzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just a minor (nice to know) question:
When stripping multiple tables or lists on a single page
$(.stripMe li:even).addClass('alt');
won't work as it itterates over all the li element regardless of the table
they are in. So I went for:
$('.stripMe').each(function(i) {$("li:odd", this).addClass('alt'); });
which seems a bit slow for the amount of list I used. Then I found the
tutorial with a new workaround:
   $('.stripMe li:nth-child(even)').addClass('alt');

Besides the fact that it is nicer code, does anyone know how
li:nth-child(even) works? Is it essentially the same as using .each(... or
what? and which one is faster?
   (yes, if necessary I'll check it out and post results but maybe someone
knows already)


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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] How to get keyCode

2007-02-06 Thread Yehuda Katz

I wrote an event fixer plugin that's in svn that provides a whole lot of
help for keys (it makes thing like keyCode and keyChar work cross-browser,
and in keypress as well as keyup).

Check it out in the fix_events folder under plugins in jQuery's svn trunk.

-- Yehuda

On 2/6/07, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Karl Swedberg schrieb:
> I just inserted the code into a test page, and it worked for me. A
> couple things you can try:
> 1. Make sure you include jquery.js before your keydown script.
> 2. wrap your script in a $(document).ready().
> So, the relevant snippet of the  might look like this (until you
> put the keydown script in a separate file, of course):
> $(document).ready(function() {
> $("#tbPageInfo").keydown(
>   function(e){
> var key = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : 0;
> alert(key);
>   }
> );
> });
> Hope that helps.

Just a little hint from me:

var key = e.charCode || e.keyCode || 0;

is more concise and avoids duplicate code.

-- Klaus

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Docs Wigdet

2007-02-01 Thread Yehuda Katz

If you guys really want something like this, it would be pretty trivial to
create. How interested is everyone?

-- Yehuda

On 2/1/07, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Alexandre Plennevaux schrieb:
> In fact as a firefox search engine plugin it would be great

I think somebody has already created one. That's still far away from a
beautifully designed Mac Dashboard Widget...

-- Klaus

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] [ANN] Downloadable Visual jQuery

2007-01-29 Thread Yehuda Katz

Hi All,

At long last, I have put together a downloadable Visual jQuery package.
Simply go to and click "Download." By default,
the package comes with the most recent HTML, but you can easily add other
versions by just saving any of the versioned HTMLs into the same directory.

I have also uploaded the docs for 1.1.1.

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Download-able documentation

2007-01-28 Thread Yehuda Katz

I will be releasing a downloadable form of Visual jQuery today.

-- Yehuda

On 1/28/07, John Keyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Ken,

You could download the recently mentioned api-browser[1] or
download the documentation site to your local disk using
a HTML spider like Free Download Manager[2] (Windows XP).

Hope that's of some help to you.

-John K


On 1/28/07, Ken Saggy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I was thinking... why not create some sort of download-able
> format? either a ZIP of HTML's of maybe even a .chm (or .hlp) file?
(kind of
> like PHP or MySQL have)
> I personally work a lot on my laptop, ofter not accessible to an
> connectionif there could be some way to have all of jQuery's
> documentation available for download it would be great. wouldn't you
> I'd like to hear what you have to say on the subject..
> Best regards,
> Ken.
> ___
> jQuery mailing list


charities: | |

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] simple selector with ID doesn't work anymore

2007-01-25 Thread Yehuda Katz

Why not just have a container (say... html) have the class of that page

Then you can do $("html.this div#id")

-- Yehuda

On 1/25/07, Olaf Bosch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

jgrucza schrieb:
> Yeah I know that, but consider this situation:
> Two different kinds of pages each have an element with the same ID.  I
> my Javascript to only affect the element on one of those pages.  So I
> precede the ID with the class name I use for that page type, to target
> right one.  Isn't this a reasonable use case?
> Jennifer

Haha, Jennifer, you search a selector for

right? ;)

Viele Grüße, Olaf


jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] simple selector with ID doesn't work anymore

2007-01-25 Thread Yehuda Katz

I suspect that "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" would work, although again, I would not rely
on bad XHTML.

-- Yehuda

On 1/25/07, Aaron Heimlich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1/25/07, jgrucza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Two different kinds of pages each have an element with the same ID.  I
> want
> my Javascript to only affect the element on one of those pages.  So I
> precede the ID with the class name I use for that page type, to target
> the
> right one.  Isn't this a reasonable use case?

Agreed; Just because element IDs have to be unique doesn't mean that the
element has to be in the same place on every page.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer
jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Kelvin's Scroll Pane

2007-01-23 Thread Yehuda Katz

Cool! I hope my efforts were useful in your updates!

I noticed a slight glitch in IE with the OSX display, which could easily be
resolved by simply moving the dragger's z-index in front of the bar (and
perhaps some sort of png opacity fix).

-- Yehuda

On 1/22/07, Kelvin Luck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK - I've done some tweaks to the jScrollPane plugin...

There is now an optional parameter "showArrows" which controls whether
or not control arrows appear at the top and the bottom of the scroller:

I've also made it easier to do advanced skinning of the bar through CSS
- check out the examples here:

Feedback appreciated,

Kelvin :)

Kelvin Luck wrote:
> Hi,
> Nice enhancements Yehuda - I'll integrate some of these ideas into the
> main branch of the plugin tonight...
> I have a couple of issues. Like Marshall, I think that clicking and
> holding an arrow should continue scrolling down as an OS scrollbar does.
> See what happens when you click and hold the mouse on an empty bit of
> track in my example (in fact, I haven't tried Safari so it might not
> happen there so check in FF if you don't see what I'm describing). There
> is already the code in the plugin which deals with setting the interval
> and with speeding up the scroll as the mouse button is held down for
> longer (like a default OS scrollbar works).
> Also, the keyboard support seems kind of strange... How useful is
> keyboard support if you have to mouseover an element to initialise it...
> I think that if there is keyboard support it should let you tab to
> select a pane and then the keyboard support should be initialised (e.g.
> onfocus). Again, this is how the os scrollbars work.
> Anyway, I'll add in optional arrow buttons tonight and let the list know
> when my page is updated,
> Cheers,
> Kelvin :)
> Yehuda Katz wrote:
>> Done.
>> However, it does not seem like mousedown continues firing if you hold
>> down. If you like, I can do a setInterval on mousedown that continues
>> firing the action until mouseup (when I clear the interval). Does that
>> sound reasonable?
>> Tomorrow, I will work on IE support, and making the scroll pane work
>> with less CSS.
>> -- Yehuda
>> On 1/21/07, *Marshall Salinger* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>> The up and down arrows only scroll the pane after releasing the
>> mouse button. I was expecting them to start scrolling the content
>> while clicking and holding the mouse button down. Similar to how it
>> scrolls when clicking in the middle of the scrollbar area.
>> -Marshall
>> -Original Message-
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>] *On Behalf Of *Yehuda Katz
>> *Sent:* Sunday, January 21, 2007 7:47 PM
>> *To:* jQuery Discussion.
>> *Subject:* Re: [jQuery] Kelvin's Scroll Pane
>> I'm not sure what you mean.
>> -- Yehuda
>> On 1/21/07, *Marshall Salinger* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>> Yehuda ,
>> These are great enhancements to the scrollbar plugin. Would it be
>> possible to have it scroll on mousedown?
>> Thanks,
>> Marshall
>> -Original Message-
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>] *On Behalf Of *Yehuda Katz
>> *Sent:* Saturday, January 20, 2007 7:31 PM
>> *To:* jQuery Discussion.
>> *Subject:* Re: [jQuery] Kelvin's Scroll Pane
>> And to see what the new scroll pane is capable of, I have updated
>> the demo:
>> On 1/20/07, *Yehuda Katz* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>> Hey Guys,
>> I have been working on a project that could make use of Kelvin's
>> scroll pane.
>> I have made a few enhancements:
>> * Keyboard support
>> * Separate top/middle/bottom elements for the dragger
>> * "activated" class for track when scrolling or key action is
>> This means that you can now have a pretty scrollbar that has a
>> separate activated/deactivated state.
>> Take a look at:
>> <>
>> It's not fully ready, so any feedback would be most appreciated.

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Kelvin's Scroll Pane

2007-01-21 Thread Yehuda Katz


However, it does not seem like mousedown continues firing if you hold it
down. If you like, I can do a setInterval on mousedown that continues firing
the action until mouseup (when I clear the interval). Does that sound

Tomorrow, I will work on IE support, and making the scroll pane work with
less CSS.

-- Yehuda

On 1/21/07, Marshall Salinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 The up and down arrows only scroll the pane after releasing the mouse
button. I was expecting them to start scrolling the content while clicking
and holding the mouse button down. Similar to how it scrolls when clicking
in the middle of the scrollbar area.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of *Yehuda Katz
*Sent:* Sunday, January 21, 2007 7:47 PM
*To:* jQuery Discussion.
*Subject:* Re: [jQuery] Kelvin's Scroll Pane

I'm not sure what you mean.

-- Yehuda

On 1/21/07, *Marshall Salinger* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Yehuda ,

These are great enhancements to the scrollbar plugin. Would it be possible
to have it scroll on mousedown?


-Original Message-
Behalf Of *Yehuda Katz
*Sent:* Saturday, January 20, 2007 7:31 PM
*To:* jQuery Discussion.
*Subject:* Re: [jQuery] Kelvin's Scroll Pane

And to see what the new scroll pane is capable of, I have updated the

On 1/20/07, *Yehuda Katz* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Guys,

I have been working on a project that could make use of Kelvin's scroll

I have made a few enhancements:
* Keyboard support
* Separate top/middle/bottom elements for the dragger
* "activated" class for track when scrolling or key action is possible

This means that you can now have a pretty scrollbar that has a separate
activated/deactivated state.

Take a look at:

It's not fully ready, so any feedback would be most appreciated.

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Kelvin's Scroll Pane

2007-01-21 Thread Yehuda Katz

I'm not sure what you mean.

-- Yehuda

On 1/21/07, Marshall Salinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


These are great enhancements to the scrollbar plugin. Would it be possible
to have it scroll on mousedown?


-Original Message-
Behalf Of *Yehuda Katz
*Sent:* Saturday, January 20, 2007 7:31 PM
*To:* jQuery Discussion.
*Subject:* Re: [jQuery] Kelvin's Scroll Pane

And to see what the new scroll pane is capable of, I have updated the

On 1/20/07, *Yehuda Katz* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Guys,

I have been working on a project that could make use of Kelvin's scroll

I have made a few enhancements:
* Keyboard support
* Separate top/middle/bottom elements for the dragger
* "activated" class for track when scrolling or key action is possible

This means that you can now have a pretty scrollbar that has a separate
activated/deactivated state.

Take a look at:

It's not fully ready, so any feedback would be most appreciated.

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Kelvin's Scroll Pane

2007-01-20 Thread Yehuda Katz

Now it's just two scroll panes ;)

-- Yehuda

On 1/20/07, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Yehuda,
It was looking really cool when there was only one scroll pane on the
page. Now it looks like it's just a couple DIVs with a set height and width
and overflow: auto.

Maybe something isn't firing? Looked at it in FF2 Mac.

Karl Swedberg

On Jan 20, 2007, at 10:31 PM, Yehuda Katz wrote:

And to see what the new scroll pane is capable of, I have updated the

On 1/20/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I have been working on a project that could make use of Kelvin's scroll
> pane.
> I have made a few enhancements:
> * Keyboard support
> * Separate top/middle/bottom elements for the dragger
> * "activated" class for track when scrolling or key action is possible
> This means that you can now have a pretty scrollbar that has a separate
> activated/deactivated state.
> Take a look at:
> It's not fully ready, so any feedback would be most appreciated.
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Kelvin's Scroll Pane

2007-01-20 Thread Yehuda Katz

And yes, I know IE hates it at the moment,

-- Yehuda

On 1/20/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And to see what the new scroll pane is capable of, I have updated the

On 1/20/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I have been working on a project that could make use of Kelvin's scroll
> pane.
> I have made a few enhancements:
> * Keyboard support
> * Separate top/middle/bottom elements for the dragger
> * "activated" class for track when scrolling or key action is possible
> This means that you can now have a pretty scrollbar that has a separate
> activated/deactivated state.
> Take a look at:
> It's not fully ready, so any feedback would be most appreciated.
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Kelvin's Scroll Pane

2007-01-20 Thread Yehuda Katz

And to see what the new scroll pane is capable of, I have updated the demo:

On 1/20/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Guys,

I have been working on a project that could make use of Kelvin's scroll

I have made a few enhancements:
* Keyboard support
* Separate top/middle/bottom elements for the dragger
* "activated" class for track when scrolling or key action is possible

This means that you can now have a pretty scrollbar that has a separate
activated/deactivated state.

Take a look at:

It's not fully ready, so any feedback would be most appreciated.

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Kelvin's Scroll Pane

2007-01-20 Thread Yehuda Katz

Hey Guys,

I have been working on a project that could make use of Kelvin's scroll

I have made a few enhancements:
* Keyboard support
* Separate top/middle/bottom elements for the dragger
* "activated" class for track when scrolling or key action is possible

This means that you can now have a pretty scrollbar that has a separate
activated/deactivated state.

Take a look at:

It's not fully ready, so any feedback would be most appreciated.

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Dom Updates?

2007-01-18 Thread Yehuda Katz

Yep. I think there should be a way to encapsulate it, but I'll have to give
it more thought. I use this technique in an app that has some people
insisting on using Prototype, and the great thing is that they can use it
to. They simply call docReady("#theirId")

-- Yehuda

On 1/18/07, Justin Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1/19/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I do is apply a context to the function called by document.ready,
> use that context in all of the calls I make in it. Then, on load()'s
> complete, I pass the stuff being updated into that method.
> docReady = function(cx) {
>   cx = cx || document;
>   $("tr:odd", cx).addClass("odd")
> }
> $(docReady);
> $("#container").load(url, function(html) { docReady(html) })
> Something like that should work :-D
> -- Yehuda

That's a great tip Yehuda! Keeps everything contained in 1 nice function


jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Dom Updates?

2007-01-18 Thread Yehuda Katz

What I do is apply a context to the function called by document.ready, and
use that context in all of the calls I make in it. Then, on load()'s
complete, I pass the stuff being updated into that method.

docReady = function(cx) {
 cx = cx || document;
 $("tr:odd", cx).addClass("odd")


$("#container").load(url, function(html) { docReady(html) })

Something like that should work :-D

-- Yehuda

On 1/18/07, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

tmcw schrieb:
> Does jQuery automatically update the DOM after new content is loaded via
> .load() function? It seems like it's working in some cases and failing
> others right now. If not, is there a way to manually update it? I'm
> a function to links with a certain class on document.ready, but when new
> links are loaded in, they don't trigger the function.
You have to reapply the event bindings to elements that you add later to
the DOM, like the ones loaded via load().

See also

Jörn Zaefferer

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] PDFs of JQuery docs

2007-01-18 Thread Yehuda Katz


I have some solutions in Visual jQuery for dealing with line-breaks (I
assume you're using XSL). They won't perfectly match what you're doing, but
you can see the basic technique for splitting up lines and reformatting.

-- Yehuda

On 1/18/07, Dotan Dimet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've updated all my PDF files to have a cover page and title.

I ended up using the classic "hat.gif" - - because it was easiest to find on
the site.

For my updated script to work, you need to save that file in the same
directory as the build.xml and version.txt files.

My script also doesn't distinguish between documentation produced by
looking at all the plugin files and documentation generated by reading
the jquery-including-all-plugins file that the build generates. Maybe I
should drop the word "all" (which I use in both cases, because it sounds
better than "a random assortment of").

What I'd really like to see in documentation is the selectors explanation:

But I realize it's tricky sticking in parsable doc-comments.

I also need to improve how I format description blocks - I either insert
too many line breaks or not enough.

- Dotan.

Sam Collett wrote:

> On 18/01/07, Dotan Dimet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Sam, a cover page is a fine idea.
>> There's a version.txt file in the source repository, but no image files
>> - can you help me hunt down a suitable logo for the cover page?
>> My script can deduce if it's building docs for JQuery or for JQuery +
>> plugins by looking at its arguments, But I probably won't bother
>> differentiating between "with plugins" and "with all plugins" - the
>> latter is created by running the script from the command line on all
>> .js files I can find in the plugins directory, and hopefully all these
>> (things like blockUI, for example), will eventually make it into the
>> build file.
>> - Dotan
> There is the image that is used for the background of the jQuery home
> page, but it has a black background.
> There is also a bunch of 'powered by' logos in this blog post:
> In case John (or whoever designed the logo) reads this, perhaps the
> logo should be in SVN (in various formats, like PSD, GIF, JPG and
> PNG). If it was, documentation (like the PDF's generated by Dotan)
> could look better and be relevant to the version in question (the logo
> could change for each point release (1.2, 1.3 etc)).
>> Sam Collett wrote:
>>> Some suggestions.
>>> How about a cover page showing the version number of jQuery (and maybe
>>> even the logo - if that is in SVN)? Also maybe the document title
>>> should be set ('jQuery 1.1 with all plugins
>>> ___
>>> jQuery mailing list
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery fix to IE's lack of 'max-width' CSS support??

2007-01-17 Thread Yehuda Katz

Any reason not to use IE's expressions?

Perhaps a plugin that created the appropriate expressions would be useful.

-- Yehuda

On 1/17/07, tony rasmus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

IE5/6 do not support CSS 'max-width'.

I love JQuery, and I wonder if there is a way jQuery can help.  Does
know of a jQuery fix to IE's lack of 'max-width'?



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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Proper OOP paradigm using jquery - examples for $.extend() ?

2007-01-16 Thread Yehuda Katz


I'm actually working on something just like that right now with some jQuery

IM me off-list at outlookeic (AIM) or [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GTalk).

-- Yehuda

On 1/16/07, Austin Schutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm a newb to the list, so hello to all the people who have posted
to the list and made the list archives so helpful the last month or two!

I'm trying to understand the use of OOP with jQuery. In creating
a fairly complex web application I have made extensive use of the class
attribute. Further, I've been successful in binding events to the classes,
setting styles, and that sort of thing.
What I have not had much luck with is the creation of class
or methods. I simply don't understand the technique, and this seems to be
the one spot where the (really great!) docs are a bit sparse.

For example, let's say I have a doctor's office, and want to track
patients. My html would look something like:



And the DOM would look something like:



.. and now I can operate on those elements.

What I want to do is create have a jquery enabled Patient
class which has methods and attributes I can access, and have the patient
div be an instance of that class. That will make it possible to do
like $('#spouse').getHomeAddress().

Ideally it would be possible to use subclasses, and have the DOM
children be accessible as attributes, etc.

The docs suggest extend() can be used for this, but the
isn't clear to me. That is, I _know_ I can extend jquery, and understand
more or less how the plugins work, but I don't understand how to relate
_elements_ to subclassed jquery classes. I don't just want to crap a bunch
of methods and attributes into the jQuery class itself.

Uh, did that make any sense? :-)


jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] what's the difference between document.getElementById('id') and $('#id') ?

2007-01-16 Thread Yehuda Katz

There's a reasonable explanation of the jQuery object in the Visual jQuery
Magazine at

On 1/16/07, PragueExpat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for the explaination. The reason for my request was my curiosity of
what exactly makes up the JQuery Object. For example, I didn't understand
that [0] is a reference to the first DOM object.

I ran this to try to look at the Object (using 1.04):


  var t = $(".test");
  var s;
  for (property in t)
s = s + "<br><br><hr /><br><br> "+property.toString()+" :


and learned quite a bit.  (Although the page never fully loads, not sure
why). Anyway, I would recommend looking at this page for anyone who wants
learn more.

(If there is a better way to look at the Object, please post here)

- Rich

malsup wrote:
>> I second the request for a good understanding of what the JQuery object
>> is.
> The jQuery object is just a JavaScript object (like Date or Array).
> It encapsulates zero or more DOM elements and lets you manipulate
> those elements using the jQuery API.
> var jq = $('.myClass');
> The statement above selects all elements that have a class of
> 'myClass' and wraps them in an object - the jQuery object.  Once those
> elements are wrapped in a jQuery object you can use the jQuery API to
> do all kinds of things with them.  Like show them all:
> or add a click event handler to all of them:
> { alert ('I was clicked'); });
> or access each of the selected DOM elements:
> jq.each(function(i) {
> // 'this' is the DOM element inside the 'each' method
> this.innerHTML = 'my index is ' + i;
> });
> That's really the nuts and bolts of it.  jQuery lets you easily select
> elements in the DOM and do something with them.  It's selection
> capabilities are very powerful and very fast.  And it's API is quite
> extensive.
> You'll also find that most of the functions in the jQuery API return
> the jQuery object on which they operate.  This means they are
> chainable and this is great when you want to do more than one thing
> with the selected elements.  The examples above could be combined into
> a single statement like this:
> $('.myClass').show().click(function() {
> alert ('I was clicked');
> }).each(function(i) {
> this.innerHTML = 'my index is ' + i;
> });
> Mike
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

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Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Get first ancestor of type

2007-01-15 Thread Yehuda Katz

It would probably be $("#someElement").parents("tr:first").

-- Yehuda Katz

On 1/15/07, Matt Stith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

easy, try something like this:


That would select the first 'tr' element that is above #someElement.
On 1/15/07, Chris Domigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi there,
> How would I select the first ancestor of a certain type? Eg if I want to
> select the first div that is found while searching up the DOM from an
> element.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Safari Widget Pack

2007-01-14 Thread Yehuda Katz


Thanks. I do plan to continue it. If you have any specific suggestions for
improvement I can get on them ASAP.

And yes; the idea was that creating a widget with this mini-library would be
ridiculously easy (I had to read all of the API to create this, and let me
tell you that it is *not* easy as it currently stands).

-- Yehuda

On 1/14/07, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Yehuda,I've been meaning to respond to this for a while. Just wanted
to say that I'm really impressed with the initial work you've put into this
and hope that you'll continue developing it. It shows a lot of promise, and
the tiny bit of code that would be needed, along with jquery.js and your
plugin, to create a widget is remarkable. Keep up the great work!

Karl Swedberg

On Jan 11, 2007, at 5:11 AM, Yehuda Katz wrote:

I've begun work on a Safari widget pack, that allows you to work with
Safari widgets in a way more jQuery way.

For example:

  var y =
$("#scrollArea").makeScrollAreaWithBars({singlepressScrollPixels: 50}, {id:
"scrollBar"}, {id: "horizBar"})
.bind("mouseover", function() { y.focus(); }).bind("mouseout",
function() { y.blur(); })
  z = $("button").makeGlassButton();
  z[0].click(function() { y.horizontalScrollbar ().toggleAutohide();
  z[1].click(function() { y.verticalScrollbar().toggle(); })

The above code does the following:

Line 1: Converts a div with id scrollArea into an AppleScrollArea with
horizontal and vertical scrollBars (with attributes provided)
Line 2: binds a mouseover event to the newly created scrollArea widget and
then a mouseout event
Line 3: Converts all buttons on the page into glass buttons, and returns
an array of the new glass buttons
Line 4: Gets the first glassButton and binds a click handler which toggles
the autohide on the scrollArea's horizontal scrollbar
Line 5: Gets the second glassButon and binds a click handler which toggles
the vertical scrollbar

This would obviously be way more than 5 lines if you used the Apple API ;)

The files are in the plugins in svn under safari_widgets. There's still a
lot of work to do, but I wanted to get some feedback on the work I did. The
best way to look at it is to open the HTML file that's packed with the svn.
You'll need OSX 10.4.3 or higher.


Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Big problem with jquery and IE, Opera

2007-01-12 Thread Yehuda Katz

I believe that Symfony requires submit tags to have name="submit."

In IE, form element names become methods of the form, so the submit tag
would be form.submit.

That's all well and good, until you try to do form.submit() (since the
submit method has been overriden).

Is that possibly the issue?

-- Yehuda

On 1/12/07, James Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Difficult to determine why without an example of the failing code.

WaM wrote:
> Hi,
> It's my first day and I already have a problem for you. I make a
> using Jquery librairies and Symfony Framework.
> Before today, I only test my website on Firefox. But today, I tried with
> Opera 8.54 and with IE 7. On my website, I have two big forms using
> Jquery. Both of them works perfectly with FF, but they don't work with
> and Opera. I tried to post this subject with Opera, and I couldn't.
> strange I found. So I'm posting this with Firefox lol.
> So, if someone could explain me why Jquery doesn't work in Opera and IE,
> I'll be very gratefull. Thanks for advance.
> With regards,
> WaM.

View this message in context:
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Jquery SlideToggle Effect and SEO issue?

2007-01-12 Thread Yehuda Katz

As a side note, that technique could be used as a "black-hat" SEO trick so
it's possible google will account for it at some point.

-- Yehuda

On 1/12/07, jacmaes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks a million, Brandon. Boy, that was much easier than I thought. If
I had taken the time of reading the docs...

Sure ... just hide it in the DOM Ready event.

$(function() {
   $("h4").click(function() {
   }).next().css('display', 'none');

Brandon Aaron
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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Select _other_ elements (with a specific class) in same tr

2007-01-11 Thread Yehuda Katz

I was just doing this not a half hour ago:

Assuming that "this" is the checkbox you clicked,


Worked great for me! I used the following code to achieve the effect I
believe you're searching for (radio button-like functionality made out of
checkboxes, so you can easily turn go back to none selected):

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
 jQuery("input:checkbox").click(function() {

jQuery.fn.uncheck = function() {
   this.checked = false;

On 1/11/07, jazzle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That title may not make much sense, so here's the code:


I want to be able to select _none or one_ of the checkboxes (note: not
So I would like to know how to address the _other_ checkboxes (with the
class noneorone) in the same .

Do I need some XPath mixed with CSS or what?

Thanks in advance for any help.
View this message in context:
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Safari Widget Pack

2007-01-11 Thread Yehuda Katz

I've begun work on a Safari widget pack, that allows you to work with Safari
widgets in a way more jQuery way.

For example:

 var y =
$("#scrollArea").makeScrollAreaWithBars({singlepressScrollPixels: 50}, {id:
"scrollBar"}, {id: "horizBar"})
   .bind("mouseover", function() { y.focus(); }).bind("mouseout",
function() { y.blur(); })
 z = $("button").makeGlassButton();
 z[0].click(function() { y.horizontalScrollbar().toggleAutohide(); });
 z[1].click(function() { y.verticalScrollbar().toggle(); })

The above code does the following:

Line 1: Converts a div with id scrollArea into an AppleScrollArea with
horizontal and vertical scrollBars (with attributes provided)
Line 2: binds a mouseover event to the newly created scrollArea widget and
then a mouseout event
Line 3: Converts all buttons on the page into glass buttons, and returns an
array of the new glass buttons
Line 4: Gets the first glassButton and binds a click handler which toggles
the autohide on the scrollArea's horizontal scrollbar
Line 5: Gets the second glassButon and binds a click handler which toggles
the vertical scrollbar

This would obviously be way more than 5 lines if you used the Apple API ;)

The files are in the plugins in svn under safari_widgets. There's still a
lot of work to do, but I wanted to get some feedback on the work I did. The
best way to look at it is to open the HTML file that's packed with the svn.
You'll need OSX 10.4.3 or higher.


Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery Star Ratings

2007-01-09 Thread Yehuda Katz

I'm going to clean it up and doc it some more tomorrow. Today, I was mainly
focused on the refactoring. I'm glad to see I did a reasonable job.

-- Yehuda

On 1/9/07, xiaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Looks like a very nice reference implementation of a wide range of core
jQuery functionality. Any chance of getting this into SVN with some
documentation? When I was starting out with jQuery last summer, I really
appreciated examples like this with good documentation as a guide when
writing my own plugins.


wycats wrote:
> Building on the good conceptual work of Wil Stuckey for Star Ratings, I
> have
> refactored the star rating he built.
> Some notable changes:
> * It's around 1/2 the size
> * I removed the option to do 0 stars, because it was confusing and the
> people I asked to quickly usability test it couldn't figure out what it
> did
> * Selecting a number of stars prevents further changes.
> I reused Wil's demo page, because the API is exactly the same (even
> most of the code is rewritten). While I rewrote a lot of the code, I
> entirely reused the basic concept behind the plugin, so kudos WIl!
> You can check it out at
> Let me know what you think.
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

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Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery Star Ratings

2007-01-09 Thread Yehuda Katz

yep. I didn't change anything. I just wanted to get feedback first ;)

-- Yehuda

On 1/10/07, Su <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

FYI: Still has Will's e-mail address in there for contact *grin*

On 1/9/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Building on the good conceptual work of Wil Stuckey for Star Ratings, I
> have refactored the star rating he built.
> Some notable changes:
> * It's around 1/2 the size
> * I removed the option to do 0 stars, because it was confusing and the
> few people I asked to quickly usability test it couldn't figure out what it
> did
> * Selecting a number of stars prevents further changes.
> I reused Wil's demo page, because the API is exactly the same (even
> though most of the code is rewritten). While I rewrote a lot of the code, I
> entirely reused the basic concept behind the plugin, so kudos WIl!
> You can check it out at
> Let me know what you think.
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] jQuery Star Ratings

2007-01-09 Thread Yehuda Katz

Building on the good conceptual work of Wil Stuckey for Star Ratings, I have
refactored the star rating he built.

Some notable changes:
* It's around 1/2 the size
* I removed the option to do 0 stars, because it was confusing and the few
people I asked to quickly usability test it couldn't figure out what it did
* Selecting a number of stars prevents further changes.

I reused Wil's demo page, because the API is exactly the same (even though
most of the code is rewritten). While I rewrote a lot of the code, I
entirely reused the basic concept behind the plugin, so kudos WIl!

You can check it out at

Let me know what you think.

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Mac OS X Widgets?

2007-01-09 Thread Yehuda Katz

Yep... I just investigated it and had some ideas. Contact me offlist if you
want to discuss this further.

-- Yehuda

On 1/9/07, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I dissected several widgets, they're mainly mainly 2 html pages, with
a few (apple supplied) javascript files... I suspect  iPhone widgets
are very similar to regular os x widgets same apple webkit that
supports safari.

On 1/9/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm actually looking at the widget development information now, and it
> be really easy to write some nice jQuery extensions to handle widgets
> regarding new widget-specific events).
> -- Yehuda
>  On 1/9/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How easy is it to package a widget with jQuery? I would assume that
such a
> packaged version would be able to completely eliminate form and AJAX
> (in most cases). I'd be curious if the phone version of the widgets was
> exactly the same...
> >
> > -- Yehuda
> >
> >
> >
> > On 1/9/07, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Today has been a big day for the mac, and the iphone is about 6
> > > away. It runs Safari and a mini version of OS X. And it supports
> > > widgets!
> > >
> > > Widgets can be written in javascript, and can run un-encumbered by
> > > normal ajax cross host security restriction!
> > >
> > > So to get back on target... Has anyone written any jquery widgets?
> > >
> > > --
> > > Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ
> > > _______
> > > jQuery mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Yehuda Katz
> > Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> > (ph)  718.877.1325
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ
jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Mac OS X Widgets?

2007-01-09 Thread Yehuda Katz

I'm actually looking at the widget development information now, and it would
be really easy to write some nice jQuery extensions to handle widgets (esp.
regarding new widget-specific events).

-- Yehuda

On 1/9/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How easy is it to package a widget with jQuery? I would assume that such a
packaged version would be able to completely eliminate form and AJAX support
(in most cases). I'd be curious if the phone version of the widgets was
exactly the same...

-- Yehuda

On 1/9/07, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Today has been a big day for the mac, and the iphone is about 6 months
> away. It runs Safari and a mini version of OS X. And it supports
> widgets!
> Widgets can be written in javascript, and can run un-encumbered by the
> normal ajax cross host security restriction!
> So to get back on target... Has anyone written any jquery widgets?
> --
> Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Mac OS X Widgets?

2007-01-09 Thread Yehuda Katz

How easy is it to package a widget with jQuery? I would assume that such a
packaged version would be able to completely eliminate form and AJAX support
(in most cases). I'd be curious if the phone version of the widgets was
exactly the same...

-- Yehuda

On 1/9/07, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Today has been a big day for the mac, and the iphone is about 6 months
away. It runs Safari and a mini version of OS X. And it supports

Widgets can be written in javascript, and can run un-encumbered by the
normal ajax cross host security restriction!

So to get back on target... Has anyone written any jquery widgets?

Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ
jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] List of jQuery-Powered Sites

2007-01-09 Thread Yehuda Katz uses jQuery.

The site that comes up when you go to that URL is a Flash *marketing* site.
We offer a project management tool for construction companies. The tool is
built in Rails (it's really, really complex), and we offer some cool
features like webcam integration (so that a contractor's clients can see
what's happening on site) and MS Project integration.

I use jQuery fairly extensively through the site, which also uses Prototype
in some places where I wasn't the guy who wrote the code (there's
Proto/Rails stuff everywhere ;)). There are around 5 full-time developers
who have been working on the project, and I've gotten most of them to at
least try using jQuery when JavaScript stuff comes us (although I've become
the unofficial UI/JS dude, so all of the new stuff is in jQuery).

We have an application-wide JavaScript file, which does all sorts of neat
* Defines rules for forms
** inline documentation (marked with class="inline-documentation") appears
when a form
   element is focused
** Items marked "show_with_checkbox" appear when a sibling checkbox is
** Items marked "show_with_select" appear when a sibling select box has the
correct value
** We built a "select-mover" widget, which consists of two multiple select
boxes that stuff can be
   moved between. You can also sort the contents of the boxes by company or
* All tables with the class "data_panel" are sortable
** Throughout the site, there are markup-based facilities for getting the
sortable-ness to be turned off
   for a particular column.
** We built custom parsers for table sorter.
* We have a date-picker widget that was originally written in pure DOM but
that has gotten heavy jQuery
* The entire startup section of my app takes a "context" param, which can be
used to run the startup
  application-related stuff on a newly loaded Ajax section (this is a
function called by $(document).ready)
* We hide and show advanced filters via a simple jQuery one-liner.
* There's a lot more functionality in the site, but I can't find it all at
the moment.

-- Yehuda

On 1/9/07, Brandon Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Rey,

Here are a few sites we've launched that use jQuery and another is
supposed to launch this week.

Ensemble Studioes: Age of Empires III (
jQuery helped us quickly throw together an expandable nav and to very
easily address some cross browser issues.

Sewell (
jQuery saved the day for me on this site. I was previously using
Prototype + Scriptaculous and the whole site felt extremely heavy and
sluggish. I spent a weekend porting the whole site over to jQuery and
that is when I realized the astounding benefits of jQuery. I
immediately cut the library in 1/3 and cut my own JavaScript in half
in a few places. I found that once I switched to jQuery my code became
much easier for myself and other team members to read and maintain.
You can find jQuery in use on every page of this site.

Hope Cottage (
You can find jQuery behind the scenes helping us build the unique
navigation on the Home page and delivering an enhanced user experience
in the FAQs.

Dallas Symphony Orchestra (
jQuery's excellent AJAX support enabled us to quickly create an
AJAX'ified calendar widget and made creating the drop down navigation
a breeze.

Brandon Aaron

On 1/9/07, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> With the release jQuery v1.1 eminent, I'd like to begin compiling a list
> of jQuery powered sites for posting on the jQuery site. The sites *DO
> NOT* have to be jQuery v1.1 specific. Sites using prior versions of
> jQuery are perfectly fine for this list. Also, if you're using jQuery
> with another library (YUI, PT, Dojo, et al), that's fine as well. We
> want to know which sites are using jQuery.
> If you could, please provide a description of where jQuery is being used
> within the website.
> Please reply to this email and I'll begin compiling the list.
> Thanks,
> Rey
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] select links not children of li

2007-01-08 Thread Yehuda Katz

Because "li a" is not a "filter" ;)

-- Yehuda

On 1/8/07, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


So then why wouldn't THIS work:
$('a').filter('li a').click( function() {
return false;


Andy Matthews
*Senior Coldfusion Developer

Office:  877.707.5467 x747
Direct:  615.627.9747
Fax:  615.467.6249

Behalf Of *Yehuda Katz
*Sent:* Monday, January 08, 2007 4:29 PM
*To:* jQuery Discussion.
*Subject:* Re: [jQuery] select links not children of li

.not(n) only works when n is a filter, like .not(".absolute") or
.not(":visible")... it can not be used to test arbitrary expressions.

-- Yehuda

On 1/8/07, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why doesn't this work:
> $('a').not('li a').click( function() {
> $(this).remove();
> return false;
> });
> On this code:
> this is a link
> a link inside an li tag
> and another
> and finally another link at the bottom
> It correctly removes the bottom and top links, but it also removes the
> two
> links found within LI tags, which from the way I read the API it should
> not.
> Andy Matthews
> Senior Coldfusion Developer
> Office:  877.707.5467 x747
> Direct:  615.627.9747
> Fax:  615.467.6249
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Jörn Zaefferer
> Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:59 PM
> To: jQuery Discussion.
> Subject: Re: [jQuery] select links not children of li
> spinnach schrieb:
> > to select all links on a page that are not inside a list (not
> > children of 'li')?..
> >
> Untested:
> $("a").filter(function() { return !$(this).parents().is("ul "); })
> Requires 1.1
> --
> Jörn Zaefferer
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] select links not children of li

2007-01-08 Thread Yehuda Katz

And John's better alternative:

$.fn.notFind = function(obj) {
 if ( obj.constructor == String ) obj = $(obj);
 return jQuery.set( jQuery.grep(this, function(i) { return obj.index(i) ==
-1 }) );

On 1/8/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Make that

$.fn.notFind = function(obj) {
  if(typeof obj == "string") return $.map(this, function(i) { return
$(obj).index(i) == -1 ? i : null  })
  else if(obj.jquery) return $.map(this, function(i) { return obj.index(i)
== -1 ? i : null  })

On 1/8/07, Yehuda Katz < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could do something like this:
> $.fn.notFind = function(obj) {
>   if(typeof obj == "string") return $.map(this, function(i) { return
> $(obj).index(i) == -1 ? i : null  })
>   else if(obj.jquery) return $.map(obj, function(i) { return obj.index(i)
> == -1 ? i : null  })
> }
> then you could do $("a").notFind("li a")
> -- Yehuda
> On 1/8/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > .not(n) only works when n is a filter, like .not(".absolute") or
> > .not(":visible")... it can not be used to test arbitrary expressions.
> >
> > -- Yehuda
> >
> > On 1/8/07, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Why doesn't this work:
> > >
> > > $('a').not('li a').click( function() {
> > > $(this).remove();
> > > return false;
> > > });
> > >
> > > On this code:
> > > this is a link
> > > 
> > >
> > > a link inside an li tag
> > > and another
> > >
> > > 
> > > and finally another link at the bottom
> > >
> > > It correctly removes the bottom and top links, but it also removes
> > > the two
> > > links found within LI tags, which from the way I read the API it
> > > should not.
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > Andy Matthews
> > > Senior Coldfusion Developer
> > >
> > > Office:  877.707.5467 x747
> > > Direct:  615.627.9747
> > > Fax:  615.467.6249
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > On
> > > Behalf Of Jörn Zaefferer
> > > Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:59 PM
> > > To: jQuery Discussion.
> > > Subject: Re: [jQuery] select links not children of li
> > >
> > > spinnach schrieb:
> > > > to select all links on a page that are not inside a list
> > > (not
> > > > children of 'li')?..
> > > >
> > > Untested:
> > > $("a").filter(function() { return !$(this).parents().is("ul "); })
> > >
> > > Requires 1.1
> > >
> > > --
> > > Jörn Zaefferer
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > jQuery mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > jQuery mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Yehuda Katz
> > Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> > (ph)  718.877.1325
> >
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] select links not children of li

2007-01-08 Thread Yehuda Katz

Make that

$.fn.notFind = function(obj) {
 if(typeof obj == "string") return $.map(this, function(i) { return
$(obj).index(i) == -1 ? i : null  })
 else if(obj.jquery) return $.map(this, function(i) { return obj.index(i)
== -1 ? i : null  })

On 1/8/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You could do something like this:

$.fn.notFind = function(obj) {
  if(typeof obj == "string") return $.map(this, function(i) { return
$(obj).index(i) == -1 ? i : null  })
  else if(obj.jquery) return $.map(obj, function(i) { return obj.index(i)
== -1 ? i : null  })

then you could do $("a").notFind("li a")

-- Yehuda

On 1/8/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> .not(n) only works when n is a filter, like .not(".absolute") or
> .not(":visible")... it can not be used to test arbitrary expressions.
> -- Yehuda
> On 1/8/07, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Why doesn't this work:
> >
> > $('a').not('li a').click( function() {
> > $(this).remove();
> > return false;
> > });
> >
> > On this code:
> > this is a link
> > 
> >
> > a link inside an li tag
> > and another
> >
> > 
> > and finally another link at the bottom
> >
> > It correctly removes the bottom and top links, but it also removes the
> > two
> > links found within LI tags, which from the way I read the API it
> > should not.
> >
> > 
> >
> > Andy Matthews
> > Senior Coldfusion Developer
> >
> > Office:  877.707.5467 x747
> > Direct:  615.627.9747
> > Fax:  615.467.6249
> >
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > On
> > Behalf Of Jörn Zaefferer
> > Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:59 PM
> > To: jQuery Discussion.
> > Subject: Re: [jQuery] select links not children of li
> >
> > spinnach schrieb:
> > > to select all links on a page that are not inside a list (not
> > > children of 'li')?..
> > >
> > Untested:
> > $("a").filter(function() { return !$(this).parents().is("ul "); })
> >
> > Requires 1.1
> >
> > --
> > Jörn Zaefferer
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > jQuery mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > jQuery mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] select links not children of li

2007-01-08 Thread Yehuda Katz

You could do something like this:

$.fn.notFind = function(obj) {
 if(typeof obj == "string") return $.map(this, function(i) { return
$(obj).index(i) == -1 ? i : null  })
 else if(obj.jquery) return $.map(obj, function(i) { return obj.index(i) ==
-1 ? i : null  })

then you could do $("a").notFind("li a")

-- Yehuda

On 1/8/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

.not(n) only works when n is a filter, like .not(".absolute") or
.not(":visible")... it can not be used to test arbitrary expressions.

-- Yehuda

On 1/8/07, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why doesn't this work:
> $('a').not('li a').click( function() {
> $(this).remove();
> return false;
> });
> On this code:
> this is a link
> a link inside an li tag
> and another
> and finally another link at the bottom
> It correctly removes the bottom and top links, but it also removes the
> two
> links found within LI tags, which from the way I read the API it should
> not.
> Andy Matthews
> Senior Coldfusion Developer
> Office:  877.707.5467 x747
> Direct:  615.627.9747
> Fax:  615.467.6249
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Jörn Zaefferer
> Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:59 PM
> To: jQuery Discussion.
> Subject: Re: [jQuery] select links not children of li
> spinnach schrieb:
> > to select all links on a page that are not inside a list (not
> > children of 'li')?..
> >
> Untested:
> $("a").filter(function() { return !$(this).parents().is("ul "); })
> Requires 1.1
> --
> Jörn Zaefferer
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] select links not children of li

2007-01-08 Thread Yehuda Katz

.not(n) only works when n is a filter, like .not(".absolute") or
.not(":visible")... it can not be used to test arbitrary expressions.

-- Yehuda

On 1/8/07, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Why doesn't this work:

$('a').not('li a').click( function() {
return false;

On this code:
this is a link

a link inside an li tag
and another

and finally another link at the bottom

It correctly removes the bottom and top links, but it also removes the two
links found within LI tags, which from the way I read the API it should

Andy Matthews
Senior Coldfusion Developer

Office:  877.707.5467 x747
Direct:  615.627.9747
Fax:  615.467.6249

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Jörn Zaefferer
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:59 PM
To: jQuery Discussion.
Subject: Re: [jQuery] select links not children of li

spinnach schrieb:
> to select all links on a page that are not inside a list (not
> children of 'li')?..
$("a").filter(function() { return !$(this).parents().is("ul "); })

Requires 1.1

Jörn Zaefferer

jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] select links not children of li

2007-01-08 Thread Yehuda Katz

You'd use a custom filter:

$("a").filter(function(elem){ return $(elem).parent("li").length == 0; })

On 1/8/07, spinnach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: to select all links on a page that are not inside a list (not
children of 'li')?..

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] IE woes (was Exteranl Links)

2007-01-08 Thread Yehuda Katz

$("[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...").attr("_target", "blank")


$("[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...").click(function() {
this.href) })

On 1/8/07, agent2026 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Back from the holidays, and back to my problem :)

In short:

I want to go through all links on a page and, barring my array of
exceptions, make all external links open in new windows without using the
target attribute.  In addition, the exception urls must be able to just
contain the exception strings (using something like .match) and not have
be an exact match.  In other words any urls within those domains will be

previous thread  I started got a lot of help, but required an exact match
and started to go a bit over my head.  So I've started fresh:

var a = ($('a'));
var intLink = ['','','',''];  //
treat as internal
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Visual jQuery Redux

2007-01-08 Thread Yehuda Katz

What would the back button do? I agree with you on the centered headlines.

On 1/8/07, Anders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Looks nice. Two things:

* Working back button: Have you for example looked at the jQuery
history plugin, or the tabs plugin implementation?
* The centered headlines (Returns, Parameters etc) looks out of place
on my wide screen. Aligned to the left would work better.


jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Visual jQuery Redux

2007-01-08 Thread Yehuda Katz

Both issues are resolved. The reason control was giving you that issue is
that there's a currently undocumented feature that allows you to press
ctrl-left-arrow or ctrl-right-arrow to scroll left or right. It's currently
undocumented because if you hit the buttons too quickly, you will get
rendering errors.

I will fix that when I get some time. For now, use with caution.

-- Yehda

On 1/8/07, Krzysztof FF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

New layout is great and much more efficient.

Two remarks:

- after going in one branch, e.g. DOM, deeper in hierarchy, e.g. showing
path 'DOM /Manipulation /clone()', and switching to another branch, e.g.
Effects, the path reads: 'Effects /Manipulation /clone()';

- pressing Ctrl, Shift or Alt causes error:

Line: 88
Error: 'console' is undefined

With regards,


View this message in context:
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Do something as soon as an element has loaded? (Before document ready)

2007-01-08 Thread Yehuda Katz

You could try creating a setInterval that constantly checks for the
existence of your element, but that's a pretty dirty hack.

-- Yehuda

On 1/8/07, Phillip B Oldham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi all

I need to fire an event/run a method once an element (in this case a div
with a list inside) has loaded, but before $(document).ready().

I'd like to be able to use simple jQuery objects... something like:

//do something here

//do the rest of the "window.onload" events here

I've been looking through the source, and it seems to me that doing
$('#mydiv').ready(function(){}); will fire when the whole DOM has loaded,
which will probably be a little late for me.

Any idea on how I can do this?


jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Visual jQuery Redux

2007-01-08 Thread Yehuda Katz

You can actually go to (actually, any
version from the 1.0.x series after 1.0.2 -- 1.0 and 1.0.1 seem to have
incompatible XML files for some reason)

-- Yehuda

On 1/8/07, Sam Collett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 08/01/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I've been listening to all of the feedback I've gotten about Visual
> and I've built a new version that I believe responds to many of those
> concerns:
> * a dramatically reduced title-bar (20px high)
> * a "path" in the titlebar indicating the current location in the API
> * the "text" area takes up the full remaining area of the screen
> * if the "text" area is less than 350px wide, it expands a column,
> the remaining columns to the left
> * you can move columns off to the left to get more space for text (even
> it has not automatically expanded)
> * selecting an node automatically jumps up to the top of the screen
> (specifically useful for automatically getting to the top of "text"
> * the rendering is done differently, so the normal drawbacks of nesting
> no longer present
> Check it out at:
>  Note that there are still some bugs, so I won't get upset if you report
> them. Just tell me exactly what you did and what went wrong.
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325

Looks good. It is important to have documentation for both versions.
It would be fine to keep 1.0 as it is now though (as long as it is
still available). So when 1.1 is out you could go to to still access the old documentation.

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery 1.1a

2007-01-07 Thread Yehuda Katz

First bug (let me know if I'm crazy):

$("garbage")[0] returns window, not undefined as I'd expect.

-- Yehuda

On 1/8/07, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Everyone -

We've just pushed jQuery 1.1a live. This is a testing release - so
your help would be appreciated in testing it out and finding any bugs.
1.1 will be released this weekend (January 14th).

Here's the quick-and-dirty on jQuery 1.1:
* Its selectors are 10-20x faster than those in jQuery 1.0.4.
* The documentation has been completely revamped.
* The complexity of the API has dropped by 47%.
* It has a ton of bug fixes.
* It has a bunch of great new features.
* … and it's still the small 19KB that you've come to expect.

More information can be found here:

You can download the code here:

And submit a new bug report here:

Please post any bugs that you find to the bug tracker, and any
comments that you have to this thread, or to the blog post. Thanks!


jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Visual jQuery Redux

2007-01-07 Thread Yehuda Katz

it's a silly offset() exception that doesn't work when you don't give it
elements. That's not normal jQuery behavior and, imho, should be changed.

-- Yehuda

On 1/7/07, Aaron Heimlich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Yehuda,

Very cool stuff! But I get the following error in Firefox whenever I click
on the blue arrow in the header that points to the right:

uncaught exception: jQuery.fn.offset requires an element. (no line #

It happens in IE (and, given the message, I would assume others as well)
too, but with a much less helpful error message. Strangely, the (very cool)
effect doesn't seem to be affected by this at all.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

On 1/7/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I've been listening to all of the feedback I've gotten about Visual
> jQuery, and I've built a new version that I believe responds to many of
> those concerns:
> * a dramatically reduced title-bar (20px high)
> * a "path" in the titlebar indicating the current location in the API
> tree
> * the "text" area takes up the full remaining area of the screen
> * if the "text" area is less than 350px wide, it expands a column,
> pushing the remaining columns to the left
> * you can move columns off to the left to get more space for text (even
> if it has not automatically expanded)
> * selecting an node automatically jumps up to the top of the screen
> (specifically useful for automatically getting to the top of "text" areas)
> * the rendering is done differently, so the normal drawbacks of nesting
> are no longer present
> Check it out at:
> Note that there are still some bugs, so I won't get upset if you report
> them. Just tell me exactly what you did and what went wrong.
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Visual jQuery Redux

2007-01-07 Thread Yehuda Katz

You can IM me at outlookeic.

-- Yehuda

On 1/7/07, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I understand about browsers stuck at xsl 1, and when you try something
new... they break!
Do you have a handle on the incompatibility or do you need some xsl
help? I've written some mean xsl 2 code, that won't run on any
browser, but makes some pleasant xhtml.

I read every line of the original xsl, and loved it!

On 1/7/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mozilla wasn't liking the XSL sheet this time around, so I'm doing the
> transform through Oxygen. I'm going to be finding a better solution to
> automate this thing better.
> I'm also going to be releasing an offline version in the near future in
> conjunction with jQuery 1.1.
> Regarding the Methods plugin, I'm in favor of a new "@plugin" doc tag
> would allow plugins that extended core functionality to be placed inside
> main API, but that I could set off with a different color (red?) inside.
> would not use it extensively, because it could be confusing, but there
> certain situations where plugins are adequately "official" to be in the
> API.
> -- Yehuda
> On 1/7/07, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's beautiful! Your site has always been my first stop for reading
> docs!
> >
> > is it still xsl based? Did you have to do it offline because of xsl 2
> stuff?
> >
> > On 1/7/07, Yehuda Katz < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hey guys,
> > >
> > > I've been listening to all of the feedback I've gotten about Visual
> jQuery,
> > > and I've built a new version that I believe responds to many of
> > > concerns:
> > > * a dramatically reduced title-bar (20px high)
> > > * a "path" in the titlebar indicating the current location in the
> tree
> > > * the "text" area takes up the full remaining area of the screen
> > > * if the "text" area is less than 350px wide, it expands a column,
> pushing
> > > the remaining columns to the left
> > > * you can move columns off to the left to get more space for text
> if
> > > it has not automatically expanded)
> > > * selecting an node automatically jumps up to the top of the screen
> > > (specifically useful for automatically getting to the top of "text"
> areas)
> > > * the rendering is done differently, so the normal drawbacks of
> are
> > > no longer present
> > >
> > > Check it out at:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >  Note that there are still some bugs, so I won't get upset if you
> > > them. Just tell me exactly what you did and what went wrong.
> > >
> > > --
> > > Yehuda Katz
> > > Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> > > (ph)  718.877.1325
> > > ___
> > > jQuery mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ
> > ___
> > jQuery mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ
jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Visual jQuery Redux

2007-01-07 Thread Yehuda Katz

Mozilla wasn't liking the XSL sheet this time around, so I'm doing the
transform through Oxygen. I'm going to be finding a better solution to
automate this thing better.

I'm also going to be releasing an offline version in the near future in
conjunction with jQuery 1.1.

Regarding the Methods plugin, I'm in favor of a new "@plugin" doc tag that
would allow plugins that extended core functionality to be placed inside the
main API, but that I could set off with a different color (red?) inside. I
would not use it extensively, because it could be confusing, but there are
certain situations where plugins are adequately "official" to be in the main

-- Yehuda

On 1/7/07, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's beautiful! Your site has always been my first stop for reading the

is it still xsl based? Did you have to do it offline because of xsl 2

On 1/7/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I've been listening to all of the feedback I've gotten about Visual
> and I've built a new version that I believe responds to many of those
> concerns:
> * a dramatically reduced title-bar (20px high)
> * a "path" in the titlebar indicating the current location in the API
> * the "text" area takes up the full remaining area of the screen
> * if the "text" area is less than 350px wide, it expands a column,
> the remaining columns to the left
> * you can move columns off to the left to get more space for text (even
> it has not automatically expanded)
> * selecting an node automatically jumps up to the top of the screen
> (specifically useful for automatically getting to the top of "text"
> * the rendering is done differently, so the normal drawbacks of nesting
> no longer present
> Check it out at:
>  Note that there are still some bugs, so I won't get upset if you report
> them. Just tell me exactly what you did and what went wrong.
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ
jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Visual jQuery Redux

2007-01-07 Thread Yehuda Katz

Hey guys,

I've been listening to all of the feedback I've gotten about Visual jQuery,
and I've built a new version that I believe responds to many of those
* a dramatically reduced title-bar (20px high)
* a "path" in the titlebar indicating the current location in the API tree
* the "text" area takes up the full remaining area of the screen
* if the "text" area is less than 350px wide, it expands a column, pushing
the remaining columns to the left
* you can move columns off to the left to get more space for text (even if
it has not automatically expanded)
* selecting an node automatically jumps up to the top of the screen
(specifically useful for automatically getting to the top of "text" areas)
* the rendering is done differently, so the normal drawbacks of nesting are
no longer present

Check it out at:

Note that there are still some bugs, so I won't get upset if you report
them. Just tell me exactly what you did and what went wrong.

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] JQuery on Rails

2007-01-05 Thread Yehuda Katz

It's going to take a different approach than the built-in Rails one that
makes more of an effort to make use of the inherent power of JavaScript.

It's also going to make some thing easier (like sortable lists):

In the view, you'll do <%= sortable_list :url => { ... }, ... %>
In the controller, you'll do processes_sortable { options ... }
In the model, you'll do acts_as_sortable_list

And that's all folks.

-- Yehuda

On 1/5/07, Jon Baer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can I ask how the overall approach for this will be?  (ie, will it be a
rails plugin overriding all the helpers?) Or will there be additional


- Jon

On Jan 5, 2007, at 5:14 PM, Francisco Brito wrote:

I'm looking forward to this. Seems like a very good opportunity for jQ
promotion especially since proto/culous enjoys the advantage of being
pre-packaged in rails.

On 1/5/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm going to have something with jQuery 1.1 mid-January.
> -- Yehuda
> On 1/5/07, Jon Baer < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Just coming back from holidays and playing catch up ...
> >
> > I know there was some discussion a while ago and it seems this was
> > setup:
> >
> >
> >
> > But is there an update on it?  (Also is there any similar approach to
> > CakePHP 1.2?)  Ive read there were generic adapters but can't tell
> > from the code/svn log.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > - Jon
> >
> > ___
> > jQuery mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

Francisco Brito | |
jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] break in $.each

2007-01-04 Thread Yehuda Katz

Aaron: That's correct and it can be extremely useful in DOM manipulation if
you need to build unique strings based on the object (say, ids).

-- Yehuda

On 1/4/07, Aaron Heimlich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just took a look at the code for $.each and noticed that is passes two
arguments to the callback, the name/index of the current item and the item
itself (in that order).

Test page:

On 1/4/07, Michael Geary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Andreas, if I remember correctly, the following should work:
> > >
> > > $.each(object, function() {
> > >
> > >  return false;
> > > });
> > That isn't supported. The necessary code was removed due to
> > unsolved problems. Actually the stuff that Michael just
> > posted would help a lot to solve it, though I'm not sure if
> > it is even possible, due to the Function.apply usage.
> The code I posted does solve this problem completely - simply use
> objectEach
> instead of $.each, and change your callback function to take explicit
> parameters instead of using "this".
> Using "this" in an object iterator doesn't make much sense anyway. You
> need
> two arguments (name and value) regardless, and the code is much more
> understandable when they are both named parameters.
> $.each should be regarded as a jQuery internal function only - there's
> no
> reason to use it when it's so easy to write your own, more
> straightforward
> iterator.
> -Mike
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer
jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] JQuery on Rails

2007-01-04 Thread Yehuda Katz

I'm going to have something with jQuery 1.1 mid-January.

-- Yehuda

On 1/5/07, Jon Baer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Just coming back from holidays and playing catch up ...

I know there was some discussion a while ago and it seems this was

But is there an update on it?  (Also is there any similar approach to
CakePHP 1.2?)  Ive read there were generic adapters but can't tell
from the code/svn log.


- Jon

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Selectors..

2007-01-04 Thread Yehuda Katz

Yep. That's one workaround. I personally like the idea of [EMAIL PROTECTED]|z] 

-- Yehuda

On 1/4/07, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

what happened to filter with a function param??? that sounded like a
work-around for the regex.

On 1/4/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Allowing Regex is a non-trivial problem. These solutions, which target
> specific use-cases, are much more likely.
> -- Yehuda

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Selectors..

2007-01-04 Thread Yehuda Katz

Allowing Regex is a non-trivial problem. These solutions, which target
specific use-cases, are much more likely.

-- Yehuda

On 1/4/07, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

wasn't there some chat about allowing a regex in the selection? or was
it a plugin?

I think it's a very good idea!

On 1/4/07, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a very interesting request. I second the motion.
> On 1/4/07, spinnach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ..that's basically the same as
> docs say using
> > :text is faster.. but it would be nice to have the ability to select
> > elements in such manner ( eg. $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]|bar]') or
> > $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]|bar]') )
> > i had a need for such things a few times..
> >
> > Mike Alsup wrote:
> > >>  do jquery selectors support something like 'select every
> > >> OR password]', eg: $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]|password]) ? .. i know i can
> select
> > >> them like
> $('[EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED]'), but the other
> method
> > >> could be faster, if supported, i think :)..
> > >
> > > I think you can do $(':text,:password');
> > >
> > > ___
> > > jQuery mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > jQuery mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ
jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] A couple of simple questions.

2007-01-04 Thread Yehuda Katz

I'm pretty sure $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]") would work fine.

-- Yehuda

On 1/4/07, Christopher Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Klaus Hartl wrote:

Christopher Jordan schrieb:

 Hi folks,

How can I tell what class (or classes) an element has? For instance I've
got an elements like:

How can I select all elements that have classA and ClassB but not classC?

 $('div.classA, div.classB').not('.classC')

In case you want only elements that are of classA and classB use this:


 I had tried something like this, but didn't get the syntax quite right. I
wasn't caring about the div part of it and just said:
$(.classA .classB)... with a space.

  I'd also like to know how to select all items of a certain class and
attribute. For instance:

I want jQuery to match all the elements that are of classA and that have
the Status attribute set to "On". How would I do that?

$('div.classA').filter('[EMAIL PROTECTED]"On"]')

 Ah! I looked at contains... didn't even see filter. My eyes must have
just passed over it in scanning the API.

Thanks heaps, Klaus! I really appreciate it! :o)



jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Selectors..

2007-01-04 Thread Yehuda Katz

This is a very interesting request. I second the motion.

On 1/4/07, spinnach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

..that's basically the same as
$('[EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED]'), but the docs say using
:text is faster.. but it would be nice to have the ability to select
elements in such manner ( eg. $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]|bar]') or
$('[EMAIL PROTECTED]|bar]') )
i had a need for such things a few times..

Mike Alsup wrote:
>>  do jquery selectors support something like 'select every
>> OR password]', eg: $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]|password]) ? .. i know i can
>> them like $('[EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED]'), but the other
>> could be faster, if supported, i think :)..
> I think you can do $(':text,:password');
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

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Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Recent updates to the form plugin

2007-01-03 Thread Yehuda Katz


Thanks for clearInputs. Did you resolve the bug in resetForm?

-- Yehuda

On 1/3/07, Mike Alsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The latest version of the form plugin has some new features that you
may not be aware of.

New Functions:
resetForm, clearForm and clearInputs

// invokes the form's native 'reset' method

// clears all (appropriate) fields in the form

// clears matched fields

New Options for ajaxSubmit and ajaxForm:
resetForm, clearForm

// resets form after successful server response
$('#myForm').ajaxForm({ resetForm: true });

// clears form after successful server response
$('#myForm').ajaxForm({ clearForm: true });

As always, the latest form plugin can be found at:

Full documentation can be found in the source file.


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Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Group

2007-01-03 Thread Yehuda Katz

And good news: I just updated Visual jQuery with the latest plugins in svn
and jQuery 1.0.4.

-- Yehuda

On 1/3/07, Andreas Wahlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

you've probably heard about it but just in case, visual jquery is
really helpful


jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Please wait.. tutorial

2007-01-02 Thread Yehuda Katz


It almost certainly would require dimensions.js. That said, I wouldn't mind.
I suspect that dimensions.js will become a pretty universally used plugin in
the near future. It adds some nice cross-browser stuff that's really
frequently used, and it's pretty small.

At this point, I would say that any new jQuery user include dimensions.jsand
forms.js by default. They both extend jQuery in really useful and needed

-- Yehuda

On 1/2/07, Mike Alsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It occurs to me that it would be cool if you could constrain the UI
> to a specific element. Mike?

I'll look into it, but it may add a dependency on the dimensions plugin.

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] disable div oncontextmenu?

2007-01-02 Thread Yehuda Katz

Eh. Good point. You should probably be using .bind anyway, even for stuff
like "click", to keep your apps future-proof.

-- Yehuda

On 1/2/07, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> no luck. IE7 says this object does not support this method or property.

I think he meant:
$("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").bind("contextmenu", function() { return false; });

There's no contextmenu event method, which is what causes the error
that you saw.


jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Stopping animation..

2007-01-02 Thread Yehuda Katz

Not currently. What syntax would you think would be appropriate?

-- Yehuda

On 1/2/07, spinnach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 no, i mean stopping an animation that's already started..

Michael E. Carluen wrote:

 Do you mean pause? If so you can pause an execution by using:

setTimeout(function() {


}, 5000 );


*On Behalf Of *spinnach
*Sent:* Tuesday, January 02, 2007 1:52 PM
*To:* jQuery Discussion.
*Subject:* [jQuery] Stopping animation..

Is there any way to stop an animation or fade? How to stop
$('#div').fadeTo(500,0) on click or something?


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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] A question on itteration

2007-01-02 Thread Yehuda Katz

Just so you know, CSS supports [x=y] notation, but jQuery uses [EMAIL 
can use plain [] for "contains"

-- Yehuda

On 1/2/07, Christopher Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Yeah I knew it was the attribute selection that was XPath. Thanks for the
link, too! :o)

BTW, Karl. Your solution worked great!


Felix Geisendörfer wrote:

The attribute selection is XPath style, which is part of jQuery's
'supported, but different' CSS selectors:

-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined

Christopher Jordan wrote:

Thanks Karl. That's XPath notation, right? I've got to pick some of that
up. I know next to nothing about it. There seems to be a problem with the
example I gave in my original post, so I'm going to give your solution a
shot. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks!


Karl Swedberg wrote:

Hi Christopher,
 I think you can get away with using an attribute selector on the td:

 $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').each(function() {
  //do whatever it is you're going to do...

Karl Swedberg

 On Jan 2, 2007, at 3:30 PM, Christopher Jordan wrote:

 Hi folks,

I've got a page with a table and various tds that look something like

In some cases the status is set to "on" and in others it's left as "off".
I'd like to be able to get the dateValue that is associated with each td
that has a status of "on".

Is there a better way to do that than this:

if(this.status == "on"){
   //do whatever it is i'm going to do...

I'm thinkin' this might be it, but thought I'd check with the group to see
if maybe there was a more super-cool way to accomplish this. :o)



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Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] googlemaps plugin

2007-01-02 Thread Yehuda Katz

There is no forEach in IE. Either do a regular loop or use $.each.

-- Yehuda

On 12/28/06, Vincent Majer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm working on the plugin for jquery :

it's really great with firefox.. but it doesn't work in IE...

I've made some tests and it seems that the problem comes from this
foreach  :

 locations.forEach(function(element, index, array) {
 var marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(element.latitude,
element.longitude), {title:});
 GEvent.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
 marker.openInfoWindowHtml('Name: ''Latitude: '+element.latitude+'Longitude:
 link = '''';

locations.forEach seems to cause problems with IE...
Is there a workaround ?

thanks in advance

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] disable div oncontextmenu?

2007-01-02 Thread Yehuda Katz

Try $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").contextmenu(function() { return false; });

-- Yehuda

On 1/2/07, xmrcivicboix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi guys, I wanted to know if it's possible to disable contextmenu from a
given element: span for instance. IE7 doesn't seem to like it very well?

begin: function(){
var selectors = $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");

$.each(selectors, function(i) {
$(selectors[i]).oncontextmenu = function() {
return false; } or
$(selectors[i]).attr("oncontextmenu", "return
return true;

for some reason, it would only disable at the initial page loading. after
the first right click, it goes back to normal.
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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jquery expression language docs - are they in SVN?

2007-01-02 Thread Yehuda Katz

you could theoretically document each expression like a property. We might
need to tweak our XSLs, but I think it could work.

On 1/2/07, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dotan Dimet schrieb:
> Anyone willing to add this?
The problem is the format. How do you document the quite complex

The API docs so far are all based around methods, each with a name,
paramters, return types, description and examples.

Any ideas how to effectively document the expressions are appreciated.

Jörn Zaefferer

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] find mouse cooridate?

2007-01-02 Thread Yehuda Katz

There's a browser issue here. IE supports window.event, while FF requires
event. jQuery works around this by accepting an "e" parameter to event
handlers, which will always return the event object.

begin: function(){
  var selectors = $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");

  $.each(selectors, function(i) {
  $(selectors[i]).bind("contextmenu", function(e) {

  eip.mouse(e); // THIS IS WHERE I'M STUCK

  return true;

mouse: function(evt){
  "clientX value: " + evt.clientX + "\n" +
  "clientY value: " + evt.clientY + "\n"

On 1/2/07, bmsterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I use "event" not "window.event" and works fine.
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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Please wait.. tutorial

2007-01-02 Thread Yehuda Katz

Yep. The first response to the thread linked to it:

It occurs to me that it would be cool if you could constrain the UI blocking
to a specific element. Mike?

-- Yehuda

On 1/2/07, Christopher Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I can't remember who (sorry), but someone created a simple disable UI
plug-in. It allows for a message like (please wait). You should be able to
search the archives for it. It wasn't but a week or so ago that the thread
was posted.


Dan Atkinson wrote:

This looks really cool!

I wonder if anyone has something like this which temporarily ghosts specific
elements for a period of time at all, instead of entire pages?


Dan Atkinson

AHeimlich wrote: might interest you.

Happy New Year!


On 12/31/06, Mungbeans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Does anyone know where there is a good tutorial on coding a "Please
sign to appear in the middle of the page whenever ajax commands are being

I've tried, but so far haven't had much success.
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Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

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Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] find mouse cooridate?

2007-01-02 Thread Yehuda Katz

I think pageX would be the appropriate method, not clientX. Are you looking
for the mouse position relative to the page or relative to the element in

-- Yehuda

On 1/2/07, xmrcivicboix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hi guys,

I'm trying to find the mouse coordinate whenever I right click but it I
can't get passed this point. Here is my code:

begin: function(){
var selectors = $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");

$.each(selectors, function(i) {
$(selectors[i]).bind("contextmenu", function() {

eip.mouse(window.event); // THIS IS WHERE

return true;

mouse: function(evt){
"clientX value: " + evt.clientX + "\n" +
"clientY value: " + evt.clientY + "\n"
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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] .not($(obj))

2006-12-31 Thread Yehuda Katz

What about something like: $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").parents("li")

The first expression will return ol's with any kids attribute, and then grab
all parent nodes that are "li"s.

Does that help?

-- Yehuda

On 1/1/07, Oliver Boermans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 31/12/06, Blair Mitchelmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure but I think that .not(obj) is currently implemented to
> exclude singular DOM elements, meaning arrays of elements and jQuery
> element sets wouldn't do anything. That could maybe be an API change for
> jQuery 1.1?
> -blair

Sounds like a good idea - I guess the next step is to submit a bug?

In the meantime - perhaps there is a different way to solve the
problem I am tackling. If it's messy enough perhaps the need for added
.not() functionality will be clarified.

I am aiming to select every li whose immediate children ol elements
ALL have a particular attribute set (previously with javascript).

Example HTML:







Another way of expressing what I'm trying to do:

$("li").not("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'undefined']]")...

Obviously this doesn't work on a number of levels.

It occured to me that I could, earlier in the process, set kids to 0
on every ol. Allowing for something more like

$("li").not("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'0']]")...

But this didn't solve my fundamental problem - how do I check
attributes of ALL the children of the li?

Am I asking the right question?
My mind is a soup of confused double negatives ;/

Happy New Year!

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Thanks -- Jquery for a great tool in 2006

2006-12-31 Thread Yehuda Katz

Hear hear!

On 12/31/06, Scottus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Jquery is the first Javascript library that I found useful so I
actually use it.

Great job everyone who helped.

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] How to get the form name

2006-12-31 Thread Yehuda Katz

$("#ul_opts").parents("form")[0].id ?

-- Yehuda

On 12/31/06, blemming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a UL inside some form tags and a I want to be able to get the name
id of that form.


Works in IE but returns null in FF. Any thoughts?

Thanks, David
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Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] animate not pixel perfect?

2006-12-31 Thread Yehuda Katz

Yep :(

On 12/31/06, Will Olbrys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for the response. Reading that bug ticket... does it mean the bug
yet to be fixed in 1.1?


wycats wrote:
> My guess is that it has to do with:
> -- Yehuda
> On 12/31/06, Will Olbrys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm having a problem with the .animate method.
>> I'm using it to slide some div's left and right. One part of the
>> does not have alot of text but has some background images and some
>> images,
>> the other is very textheavy. One of these effects is loaded
>> asynchronously
>> and the other is loaded on page load, but they both experience the same
>> problem.
>> It runs fine, but about 3 out of 5 times it doesnt end up at the right
>> position. Such as when I slide the text left and then slide it back
>> again it may be off by two pixels, it may be off by 15-30 pixels. I've
>> hypothesized that this is somehow related to my cpu performance,
>> it
>> seems to be farther off when my browser freezes briefly (as though it
>> doing some serious number crunching). This happens much more frequently
>> in
>> Firefox 2 than in IE 7 (which runs much more smoothly).
>> Here is an example of the calls:
>> newPos = (articlesWidth*articleCursor*-1);
>> inMotion = true;
>> articlePreview.animate({left: newPos}, 600, function(){inMotion =
>> false;});
>> It also happens less severely when I took the calculation of newPos out
>> of
>> the animate method.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Thank you,
>> Will
>> --
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>> Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> _______
> jQuery mailing list

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Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Sortable Reorder?

2006-12-31 Thread Yehuda Katz

No problem :-D

-- Yehuda

On 12/31/06, Philip Pryce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dude, you've saved my life, thanks soo much, it worked with out too much

On 31/12/06, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> so say you get "1|3|2" and your nodes have id "li_1" etc.
> something like the following should work:
> var sortedList = "1|3|2".split("|")
> var expr = "#li_" + sortedList.join(", #li_")
> jQuery(expr).appendTo("#container")
> -- Yehuda
> On 12/31/06, Philip Pryce < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > slight typo,
> > Each node has an id, and i have it on a list, i just need the "li"'s
> > to be reordered once the page is loaded again to this order.
> >
> > On 31/12/06, Philip Pryce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > each node has and id, and i have it listed, i just need to reorder
> > > them once the page loads again.
> > >
> > > On 31/12/06, Yehuda Katz < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Do each of the nodes have an ID? Or are you basing it on their
> > > > initial order?
> > > >
> > > > -- Yehuda
> > > >
> > > > On 12/31/06, Philip Pryce < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > i've already found a way to remember the serialized code for the
> > > > > lists, just how to restore the serialized numbers back into lists?
> > > > > thanks.
> > > > >
> > > > > On 31/12/06, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Do you mean without any server-side script? If so, you might
> > > > > > try using the cookie plugin to store the data and pull it back out 
> > > > > > page-load.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > -- Yehuda
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On 12/31/06, Philip Pryce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > When i save my sortables as serialized data, is there a way
> > > > > > > of restoring it
> > > > > > > using the a sortable (sort?)  function i jQuery?
> > > > > > > Say a list like:
> > > > > > > left = '1|3|2';
> > > > > > > right = '3|1|2';
> > > > > > > then when the page loads it sorts it into that order
> > > > > > > automagically?
> > > > > > > Thanks in Advanced.
> > > > > > > --
> > > > > > > View this message in context:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > ___
> > > > > > > jQuery mailing list
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --
> > > > > > Yehuda Katz
> > > > > > Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> > > > > > (ph)  718.877.1325
> > > > > > ___
> > > > > > jQuery mailing list
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > ~Philip Pryce
> > > > > ___
> > > > > jQuery mailing list
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Yehuda Katz
> > > > Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> > > > (ph)  718.877.1325
> > > >
> > > > ___
> > > > jQuery mailing list
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > ~Philip Pryce
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > ~Philip Pryce
> > ___
> > jQuery mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

~Philip Pryce

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] animate not pixel perfect?

2006-12-31 Thread Yehuda Katz

My guess is that it has to do with:

-- Yehuda

On 12/31/06, Will Olbrys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm having a problem with the .animate method.

I'm using it to slide some div's left and right. One part of the project
does not have alot of text but has some background images and some images,
the other is very textheavy. One of these effects is loaded asynchronously
and the other is loaded on page load, but they both experience the same

It runs fine, but about 3 out of 5 times it doesnt end up at the right
position. Such as when I slide the text left and then slide it back right
again it may be off by two pixels, it may be off by 15-30 pixels. I've
hypothesized that this is somehow related to my cpu performance, because
seems to be farther off when my browser freezes briefly (as though it is
doing some serious number crunching). This happens much more frequently in
Firefox 2 than in IE 7 (which runs much more smoothly).

Here is an example of the calls:

newPos = (articlesWidth*articleCursor*-1);
inMotion = true;
articlePreview.animate({left: newPos}, 600, function(){inMotion =

It also happens less severely when I took the calculation of newPos out of
the animate method.

Any thoughts?

Thank you,

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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Sortable Reorder?

2006-12-31 Thread Yehuda Katz

so say you get "1|3|2" and your nodes have id "li_1" etc.

something like the following should work:

var sortedList = "1|3|2".split("|")
var expr = "#li_" + sortedList.join(", #li_")

-- Yehuda

On 12/31/06, Philip Pryce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

slight typo,
Each node has an id, and i have it on a list, i just need the "li"'s to be
reordered once the page is loaded again to this order.

On 31/12/06, Philip Pryce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> each node has and id, and i have it listed, i just need to reorder them
> once the page loads again.
> On 31/12/06, Yehuda Katz < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Do each of the nodes have an ID? Or are you basing it on their initial
> > order?
> >
> > -- Yehuda
> >
> > On 12/31/06, Philip Pryce < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > i've already found a way to remember the serialized code for the
> > > lists, just how to restore the serialized numbers back into lists?
> > > thanks.
> > >
> > > On 31/12/06, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Do you mean without any server-side script? If so, you might try
> > > > using the cookie plugin to store the data and pull it back out on 
> > > >
> > > > -- Yehuda
> > > >
> > > > On 12/31/06, Philip Pryce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > When i save my sortables as serialized data, is there a way of
> > > > > restoring it
> > > > > using the a sortable (sort?)  function i jQuery?
> > > > > Say a list like:
> > > > > left = '1|3|2';
> > > > > right = '3|1|2';
> > > > > then when the page loads it sorts it into that order
> > > > > automagically?
> > > > > Thanks in Advanced.
> > > > > --
> > > > > View this message in context:
> > > > >
> > > > > Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > ___
> > > > > jQuery mailing list
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Yehuda Katz
> > > > Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> > > > (ph)  718.877.1325
> > > > _______
> > > > jQuery mailing list
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
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> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > ~Philip Pryce
> > > ___
> > > jQuery mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Yehuda Katz
> > Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> > (ph)  718.877.1325
> >
> > ___
> > jQuery mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> ~Philip Pryce

~Philip Pryce
jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Sortable Reorder?

2006-12-31 Thread Yehuda Katz

Do each of the nodes have an ID? Or are you basing it on their initial

-- Yehuda

On 12/31/06, Philip Pryce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i've already found a way to remember the serialized code for the lists,
just how to restore the serialized numbers back into lists?

On 31/12/06, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you mean without any server-side script? If so, you might try using
> the cookie plugin to store the data and pull it back out on page-load.
> -- Yehuda
> On 12/31/06, Philip Pryce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > When i save my sortables as serialized data, is there a way of
> > restoring it
> > using the a sortable (sort?)  function i jQuery?
> > Say a list like:
> > left = '1|3|2';
> > right = '3|1|2';
> > then when the page loads it sorts it into that order automagically?
> > Thanks in Advanced.
> > --
> > View this message in context:
> >
> > Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at
> >
> >
> > ___
> > jQuery mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

~Philip Pryce
jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Having an issue accessing a node.

2006-12-31 Thread Yehuda Katz

I'm not sure I read it that way:

The following example illustrates that
name <> must be the
same when both appear in an element's start tag:


The language is pretty unambiguous. Am I missing something obvious?

-- Yehuda

On 12/31/06, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yehuda Katz schrieb:
> HTML 4.01, section 12.2.3:

Yes, but this refers to anchors only. Obviously following construct
makes no sense:


 ... An anchor ...

Now there are two anchors in the document with the same namespace. Which
one should the browser focus when clicking on a link pointing to

That is what is meant here. See the illegal example. Id and name
attribute must only be the same, if you declare them both for an anchor,
for example for backwards compatibility if you're serving XHTML as
text/html, compare:

The name attribute is deprecated for anchors anyway.

It is perfectly valid to use different names and ids for form elements.

-- Klaus

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Sortable Reorder?

2006-12-31 Thread Yehuda Katz

Do you mean without any server-side script? If so, you might try using the
cookie plugin to store the data and pull it back out on page-load.

-- Yehuda

On 12/31/06, Philip Pryce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When i save my sortables as serialized data, is there a way of restoring
using the a sortable (sort?)  function i jQuery?
Say a list like:
left = '1|3|2';
right = '3|1|2';
then when the page loads it sorts it into that order automagically?
Thanks in Advanced.
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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Having an issue accessing a node.

2006-12-31 Thread Yehuda Katz

HTML 4.01, section 12.2.3:

"The id <> and
share the same name
space. This means that they cannot both define an anchor with the same name
in the same document. It is permissible to use both attributes to specify an
element's unique identifier for the following elements:
IMG <>, and
When both attributes are used on a single element, their values must be
identical." (emphasis mine).

-- Yehuda
On 12/31/06, Michael Geary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...since the spec requires name and ID to be
> identical, it's technically illegal to have a name with "["
> and an ID as well (since IDs cannot contain "[").

Um, where does it say the name and id have to be the same?


jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Having an issue accessing a node.

2006-12-30 Thread Yehuda Katz

What's interesting is that you can use traditional DOM methods to easily
access nodes by name. According to the spec, name and id share a namespace,
and form["ident"] (same as form.ident) returns an element in the form with
the id or name "name". So you might be able to optimize your code a bit.
That said, since the spec requires name and ID to be identical, it's
technically illegal to have a name with "[" and an ID as well (since IDs
cannot contain "[").

Weird, huh?

-- Yehuda

On 12/30/06, Blair McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

$("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'blog[headline]']") will work. A lot slower than selecting
by id though.


On 12/30/06, Aaron Heimlich < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 12/30/06, Jason Yeckel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Blast but it groups them in to an array and is so nice sometimes lol
> > *shrugs*
> >
> [] is perfectly acceptable in the "name" attribute[1][2] (in fact, PHP
> will even use them to create arrays of form variables[3]). It is not,
> however, acceptable in the "id" attribute, and using them can lead to the
> kinds of issues you are having.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> Aaron Heimlich
> Web Developer
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQBrowser²

2006-12-29 Thread Yehuda Katz

Rocking good stuff. I may actually have a use for this :)

-- Yehuda

On 12/29/06, Nate Cavanaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My very first plugin, but of course, I only compiled it from two other
scripts, so much kudos to the original authors. Just consider this an
improvement on their work :)
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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] $('a')[0].click() not working?

2006-12-29 Thread Yehuda Katz

The issue is that you can't trigger a link's default action via a click.
I've worked around it with the following code:

   jQuery("table.data_panel tr").each(function(){
 if(jQuery("a", this).length == 1) jQuery(this).click(function(e) {
   var link = jQuery(this).find("a")[0];
   if(!jQuery(":input") && !jQuery("option")
&& !link.onclick) {, || "_self");
 return false;
   } else if(!jQuery(":input") &&
&& link.onclick) {
 return false;

That code is a bit more complex, because it tests for other situations, but
the meat of it, which is:

var link = jQuery("> a", this)
if(!link.onclick), || "_self")
else jQuery(link).click()

is what you need. That will open the link with the current target (defaults
to self) if there's no existing click binding, otherwise it'll fire the
click event.

-- Yehuda

On 12/29/06, Jonathan Sharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm embarassed to post this, but is the click() method not supported for
links to trigger them?

I have a div that has a link inside of it that I want to trigger as if
someone clicked that link when they click the div.";>MyLink

$('#foo').bind('click', function(){
 // Works in IE, not Firefox
 $('> a', this)[0].click();
 // I've also tried
 $('> a', this).trigger('click');

Does the click method just not work like I am expecting it to?


jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] My First Plugin - Custom Select Box

2006-12-28 Thread Yehuda Katz


My ideal situation would be to have a select box that gets converted via JS
for graceful degradation.

-- Yehuda

On 12/29/06, blemming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Be stylable in terms of borders and padding (based on the styles on the
select box itself)

There is no select box present in my plugin. If you notice it is based on
grouping of nested divs and the padding and borders can be controled via

* Delegate events on the custom select to the actual select (to allow for
$("select").click( // ))

Since there is no select box present I'm not sure how to delegate the
to $("select") but I would love to know how to do it

* Position as you would expect a normal select box to position (minus
off-pixel problems)

it does

* Be able to float

Yep, the container div can be styled to float.

wycats wrote:
> My ideal custom select would:
>  * Be stylable in terms of borders and padding (based on the styles on
> select box itself)
>  * Delegate events on the custom select to the actual select (to allow
> $("select").click( // ))
>  * Position as you would expect a normal select box to position (minus
> weird
> off-pixel problems)
>  * Be able to float
> In other words, I would want the existence of the custom select to be
> basically invisible from an implementer. How well does your custom
> do
> this?
> -- Yehuda
> On 12/28/06, blemming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Here is my first attempt at a plug-in.  It is definitely in the early
>> stage
>> of development, but I thought I'd put it out here for you guys to rip
>> apart
>> (and hopefully provide a suggestions or two)
>> Here it is => Custom Select
>> Plugin
>> Let me know what you think.
>> Thanks, David
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] My First Plugin - Custom Select Box

2006-12-28 Thread Yehuda Katz


I was asking a question about your plugin ;)

On 12/29/06, blemming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

well, I guess my plugin must not be that goodmy post got warpped into
completely different topic :(

blemming wrote:
> Here is my first attempt at a plug-in.  It is definitely in the early
> stage of development, but I thought I'd put it out here for you guys to
> rip apart (and hopefully provide a suggestions or two)
> Here it is => Custom Select
> Plugin
> Let me know what you think.
> Thanks, David

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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] My First Plugin - Custom Select Box

2006-12-28 Thread Yehuda Katz

My ideal custom select would:
* Be stylable in terms of borders and padding (based on the styles on the
select box itself)
* Delegate events on the custom select to the actual select (to allow for
$("select").click( // ))
* Position as you would expect a normal select box to position (minus weird
off-pixel problems)
* Be able to float

In other words, I would want the existence of the custom select to be
basically invisible from an implementer. How well does your custom select do

-- Yehuda

On 12/28/06, blemming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here is my first attempt at a plug-in.  It is definitely in the early
of development, but I thought I'd put it out here for you guys to rip
(and hopefully provide a suggestions or two)

Here it is => Custom Select

Let me know what you think.

Thanks, David
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jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Duplicating Events in a New Object

2006-12-28 Thread Yehuda Katz

element.onclick should be a pointer to the click function, if it exists.

Is that what you need?

-- Yehuda

On 12/28/06, Michael Haggerty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I need to know how to copy all of the events from one object to another.
Really getting stuck on this one.

What I am trying to do is write a script that replaces an A tag with a
of clustered divs, and want to take the events from A tag (an onclick and
some custom ones generated by jquery) and attach them to the new div.

I am finding it's easy to get the names of the events, but I have no clue
how to copy the methods themselves.


Thank you,
Michael Haggerty
Managing Partner
Trellon, LLC
(p) 301-577-6162
(c) 240-643-6561
(f) 413-691-9114
(aim) haggerty321
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of bmsterling
> Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 10:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [jQuery] My First Plugin - Custom Select Box
> Damn David, have you been looking at my computer!!!  I was working on
> something like this because I get a lot of designs from my designers
> a
> fancy select menu and I figured I create something with jquery to do
> you did.  Oh well, your's looks better then what I was doing.
> Nice job!
> --
> View this message in context:
> Custom-Select-Box-tf2893253.html#a8083589
> Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at
> ___
> jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

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