[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-08-07 Thread davidcotton

Tried updating the firmware on the sb3 itself (longshot I know),
sometimes worked for me.


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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-08-07 Thread Owen

Not an answer I'm afraid but a further question.

Now I don't seem to be able to get the SlimServer to start.

I'm running 6.3.1 on a QNAP TS -101 with a SB3. They are currently
ethernetted into an ADSL/router to avoid the complication of Ethernet
bridge and Wireless. All IP addresses are fixed and reserved. I have no
trouble accessing SqueezeNetwork. I have reset the TS-101.

I cannot get the Squeezebox Web interface up on my Mac on either the
default address ( or 

I can reach the TS-101 through it's admin interface I know the box is
working but cannot check if the SlimServer is functioning correctly. 

When I go through the Squeezebox setup it brings up the correct Device
name at step 4 (SLIMSERVER-01) but then once selected all I get is
"Connecting to SlimServer..."

If I leave it a while and power down and up again, it hangs on "Waking
up SlimServer..."

Many hours and permutations later I need help! (and wished I hadn't
touched it when it was working fine - if a little slow)

Cheers, Owen.


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[slim] Re: Administer Linux from XP Pro?

2006-08-07 Thread Apteryx

I'm no Linux head at all but manage to keep my headless FC5 working with
VNC and/or Webmin as appropriate... VNC 'cause direct interaction with
local applications is sometimes required, Webmin 'cause I can do things
with it I don't know how to do otherwise. Apart from that, it runs
Samba, so I synch my music to it from my XP capture/edit machine and
very occasionally I might use PuTTY.


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[slim] Re: I Want That: Tech Toys

2006-08-07 Thread Pale Blue Ego

Very cool segment.

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [slim] Re: 6.5 looking good

2006-08-07 Thread Jack Coates
On 8/7/06, LHawes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
stinkingpig Wrote:> YAML::Syck -- this time, I just ran the Bin/build-perl-modules.pl
 and> renamed my /etc/slimserver.conf.>I KNOW I shouldn't make light of the technical type posts but manthat's a fontfull!:)Yeah, if that's a disturbing sentence, it's best to stay away from anything marked "beta" :)
-- "I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,So across the Western ocean I must wander" -- traditional
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[slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-08-07 Thread Michaelwagner

Depending on the case, this is the power supply spec:

> Wattage
> small-form-factor chassis: 110 watts (W);
> low-profile chassis: 145 W;
> mini tower chassis: 200 W  

That is sized to power the memory, the processor, the hard drive(s),
one CD-ROM, one floppy, the fan on the PSU and the fan on the

The small form factor one can't have a second hard drive or other

The low-profile I think has room for one extra disk of some sort.

The mini-tower can do all sorts of stuff.

So depending on which case you have, the power supply could be all
sorts of things.

I assume you're trying to buy this optiplex used .. they haven't made
GX100s for a while now.

The specs are here:

If you're trying to make a large disk storage for your SB, here are
some things to consider ...

If you remove the CD-ROM, you can probably put 2 hard drives in the

I think the BIOS is old enough that you'll be limited to 137GB on each
hard drive.

USB is only USB1.1

But unlike the NASes that have been talked about recently, this has a
real processor, can be stuffed with lots and lots of memory, etc.

They're nice little machines, though.


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[slim] Re: Transporter Input / Output configurations - Eliminate cost of a Pre Amp?

2006-08-07 Thread daniels5

dean Wrote: 
> On Aug 5, 2006, at 9:21 PM, daniels5 wrote:
> > An additional use of the "tape loop" function would allow one to
> > connect an equalizer or room correction device to the Transporter. 
> In
> > other words, when using the "tape loop" mode for a pair of
> > output/inputs would loop the signal being decoded by the CPU through
> > the room correction device.  That is to say CPU -> ethernet ->
> > Transporter -> Transporter's AES/EBU output -> Rane Equalizer ->
> > Transporter's AES/EBU input -> out Transporter balanced / unbalanced
> > audio outputs.
> This is something that Sean has planned.  He's been spending a lot of 
> time with his new room correction system...

Good news.  And yes, I have a listening room like the one Sean
describes, with an open hall attached.  It certainly calls for some
room treatment and room correction to deal with the bass suck-out and
asymmetry in first reflections etc.

It will be interesting to see what we can accomplish with the
Transporter + a Rane or a TacT.  I look forward to comparing the
results gained by using Room Correction hardware, with the results
obtained with a sophisticated software plug-in for the Squeezebox or
Transporter, like Hugh is beta-testing now. 

Hugh just sent me a new filter to try for my room and speakers, but I
am on the road and I will not be able to hear the results for another
two weeks. 

After one has solved the issues the Transporter addresses (jitter,
power, background noise, quality inputs etc.) it seems that Room
Correction is the final frontier to truly musical sound reproduction

It is good that the Transporter will be able to address this with both
hardware and a software approaches, and enable customers to harvest the
low-hanging audio fruit that comes from solving for the interaction of
speakers and the walls, floors and ceilings of listening rooms. 



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[slim] Re: I Want That: Tech Toys

2006-08-07 Thread Kyle

Nathan Beaver Wrote: 
> (They showed that screen more
> than anything else because of licensing reasons they
> couldnt show any of my actual collection 'playing'...)

Wonder if they could show "Pink Martini - Veronique" on TV?


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Re: [slim] Re: I Want That: Tech Toys

2006-08-07 Thread Nathan Beaver
I'm the guy 'Nathan' on the show.  They filmed it
about 2 months ago and were at our house for about 2
hours, so we had no idea what footage they would use. 
We watched it last night while on vacation and thought
that overall the segment came across pretty well.  Its
weird seeing yourself on television for the first
time, but since i'm such a huge fan of the squeezebox,
i hope the segment turns a few new people onto the

And i love SuperDateTime, so big props to the
developer for that.  (They showed that screen more
than anything else because of licensing reasons they
couldnt show any of my actual collection 'playing'...)


--- Kurt

> GoCubs Wrote: 
> > Looks like they're using SuperDateTime too. 
> Swet!
> > 
> > -Greg
> Yeah, that was the first thing my wife noticed.
> -- 
> Kurt
> Main Entry: au·dio·phile 
> Pronunciation: 'o-dE-O-"fI(-&)l
> Function: noun
> : a person who takes the pursuit of high-fidelity
> sound reproduction so
> seriously that they don't have to listen to music
> anymore.

> Kurt's Profile:
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2153
> View this thread:
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26184
> ___
> discuss mailing list
> discuss@lists.slimdevices.com
> http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discuss

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[slim] Re: SlimServer iTunes plugin...

2006-08-07 Thread alexfw

I messed around with the Applescript below (found via James's link
above) and could not get it to work. My incompetence is the likely
culprit, but it could also be that SlimServer and/or iTunes have
changed enough since late '04 that it just don't work. 

Should the below script still work as originally designed? Spousal
ambivalence has turned into downright hostility, and being able to use
iTunes as the interface is the key to bringing her 'round.



Old  2004-10-02, 11:12
Anton F. van der Kraaij

Posts: n/a
Default Control SlimServer _from_ iTunes
Hi Everyone,

Well I think I have a solution for my problem. This applescript will
check if a song is playing in iTunes. If that is the case, it will
it in the SlimServer. There is a check made for special symbols in
filenames. My guess is that some symbols are not fully supported yet
(it works for my library so far). Save it as an application and don't
forget to tick the 'stay open' checkbox. Probably still bugs or
features missing, but it is a start :-)

Hope this helps. Oscar, thanks for your help and the link to the old



-- Begin of Script
-- iSlimServer: Control SlimServer from iTunes
-- Plays whatever song is currently playing in iTunes on the
-- Copyright Anton F. van der Kraaij 2004
-- Thanks to a script by Barry Brown for inspiration and help from
Oscar Marsch
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- Set your variables server_address and server_port to your situation
-- Save this script as an application, making sure to click 'stay

global server_address, server_port, current_file_track

set server_address to "" -- This is the slimserver's address
set server_port to "9000" -- This is the slimserver's port

set current_file_track to ""

on idle
tell application "Finder"
if (get name of every process) contains "iTunes" then set okflag to
end tell
if okflag then
-- iTunes is running. Check if it is playing a song.
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is paused or player state is stopped then
-- iTunes is not playing. Stop slimserver.
do shell script ("curl \"http://"; & server_address & ":" &
server_port & "/status.html?p0=stop\"")
set okflag to false
return 10
end if
end tell
end if
if okflag then
tell application "iTunes"
if class of current track is file track then
copy current track's location to file_path_of_track
on error errText
display dialog errText buttons {"Cancel"} with icon 0
end try
end if -- not a file track
-- return file_path_of_track
if (current_file_track is not file_path_of_track) then
-- File in iTunes is different than file on SlimServer.
-- Thus update variable
set current_file_track to file_path_of_track

-- convert mac path to unix path for use in URL with curl (be
careful with special characters here)
set mac_path to (file_path_of_track as text)
set root to (offset of ":" in mac_path)
set rootdisk to (characters 1 thru (root - 1) of mac_path)
tell application "Finder"
if (disk (rootdisk as string) is the startup disk) then
set unixpath to "%2f" & (characters (root + 1) thru end of
set unixpath to "%2fVolumes:" & mac_path
end if
end tell
set chars to every character of unixpath
repeat with i from 2 to length of chars
if item i of chars as text is equal to "/" then
set item i of chars to ":"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to ":" then
set item i of chars to "%2f"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to "\"" then
set item i of chars to "\\" & "\""
else if item i of chars as text is equal to "*" then
set item i of chars to "\\*"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to "?" then
set item i of chars to "\\?"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to " " then
set item i of chars to "%20"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to "+" then
set item i of chars to "%2b"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to "&" then
set item i of chars to "%26"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to "\\" then
set item i of chars to ""
end if
end repeat
set filetoplay to every item of chars as string
-- end conversion
-- Tell slimserver to stop current song and play the song
currently playing in iTunes
do shell script ("curl \"http://"; & server_address & ":" &
server_port & "/status.html?p0=stop\"")
do shell script ("curl \"http://"; & server_address & ":" &
server_port & "/status.html?p0=playlist&p1=play&p2=" & filetoplay &
end if
end tell
end if
end try
return 10
end idle
-- end of script


[slim] Re: Help please with multi-SB integration questions

2006-08-07 Thread FPP

Wel I appreciate the prompt response, even if it's not particularly

JJZolx Wrote: 
> You're going to run Ethernet to the room to feed a stream into the SB,
> then the output of the SB, whether digital or analog, will go to a
> centrally located amp, then back to the room's speakers?

Basically yes, although I will also be installing a matrix switcher
(Autopatch) in-between that I will be controlling via CQC. I didn't
want to make the story too complicated at this point.

> IMO, this sounds extraordinarily convoluted, particularly if you wish to
> use the digital out.  At least using the analog outs you could use a big
> honkin' multi-channel amp to handle more than one room.

A big honking multichannel amp is what I'm actually trying to avoid. A
nice little efficient digital multichannel amp is more what I had in

Besides which I'm a digital kind of guy, my main system's all

> Ditch the idea of an enclosure in the wall.  What if in a couple of
> years you come up with a better solution that doesn't fit so neatly
> into the enclosure?  What if you want to move furniture in front of the
> enclosure?

Points noted. I did rather like the idea of just the graphic display
appearing in view but I'm not wedded to the idea.

> And you want to provide remote power?  The Squezebox just wasn't
> designed for this type of installation.  You'd like to have nothing but
> the player and remote, plus a pair of speakers in the room, but I can't
> see that as practical without a _lot_ of very odd cabling.

I know it wasn't designed for that, but is there any reason why it
couldn't be done? As for odd cabling there will be lots of other low
voltage cabling of different types all over the place for smokes, alarm
sensors, lighting, thermos etc. A few more won't make that much

And actually running the digital audio out over Cat5e seems to me to be
quite an elegant approach (I agree it could also be done with the analog
as well).

I guess what I'm really asking is if anyone has come across a 5V power
distribution unit like the 12/24V unit that Elk has for its M1-Gold
(which I already have).

> I'm not a fan of trying to run the Squeezebox without a volume control
> on a local amp.  The cleanest install would then be a small integrated
> amp in the room, plus the Squeezebox on top or nearby, with Ethernet
> and speaker cabling jacks on a wall plate.  If you find an amp with an
> AC outlet, you could reduce your power plugs going to the wall to just
> one.

I guess one is either a Centralist or a Distributionist in such


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[slim] Re: 6.5 looking good

2006-08-07 Thread LHawes

stinkingpig Wrote: 
> YAML::Syck -- this time, I just ran the Bin/build-perl-modules.pl and
> renamed my /etc/slimserver.conf. 

I KNOW I shouldn't make light of the technical type posts but man
that's a fontfull!:)


LHawes's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6244
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[slim] Re: Slim splits CD into 2 or more Albums

2006-08-07 Thread oriordan

Thanks for this suggestion. Now I'm really stumped :-(

I did what you said and mp3tag seems to show that they're all
identical. For example, Slim split Abbey Road into 2 Albums, one with
the first 4 songs below and one with the last 13. Here's the exported
Tag data from mp3tag for the entire album. (I added Tag as the 3rd
entry below per your suggestion):

The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Come Together  -  1  -  1969  - 
Rock  -  
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Something  -  2  -  1969  -  Rock 
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Maxwell's Silver Hammer  -  3  - 
1969  -  Rock  -  
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Oh! Darling  -  4  -  1969  -  Rock
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Octopus's Garden  -  5  -  1969  - 
Rock  -  
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - I Want You (She's So Heavy)  -  6 
-  1969  -  Rock  -  
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Here Comes The Sun  -  7  -  1969 
-  Rock  -  
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Because  -  8  -  1969  -  Rock  - 

The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - You Never Give Me Your Money  -  9 
-  1969  -  Rock  -  
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Sun King  -  10  -  1969  -  Rock 
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Mean Mr. Mustard  -  11  -  1969  -
Rock  -  
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Polythene Pam  -  12  -  1969  - 
Rock  -  
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - She Came In Through The Bathroom
Window  -  13  -  1969  -  Rock  -  
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Golden Slumbers  -  14  -  1969  - 
Rock  -  
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Carry That Weight  -  15  -  1969 
-  Rock  -  
The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - The End  -  16  -  1969  -  Rock  -

The Beatles  -  Abbey Road  - MP4 - Her Majesty  -  17  -  1969  - 
Rock  -


oriordan's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3698
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[slim] Re: Help please with multi-SB integration questions

2006-08-07 Thread JJZolx

You're going to run Ethernet to the room to feed a stream into the SB,
then the output of the SB, whether digital or analog, will go to a
centrally located amp, then back to the room's speakers?

IMO, this sounds extraordinarily convoluted, particularly if you wish
to use the digital out.  At least using the analog outs you could use a
big honkin' multi-channel amp to handle more than one room.

Ditch the idea of an enclosure in the wall.  What if in a couple of
years you come up with a better solution that doesn't fit so neatly
into the enclosure?  What if you want to move furniture in front of the

And you want to provide remote power?  The Squezebox just wasn't
designed for this type of installation.  You'd like to have nothing but
the player and remote, plus a pair of speakers in the room, but I can't
see that as practical without a _lot_ of very odd cabling.

I'm not a fan of trying to run the Squeezebox without a volume control
on a local amp.  The cleanest install would then be a small integrated
amp in the room, plus the Squeezebox on top or nearby, with Ethernet
and speaker cabling jacks on a wall plate.  If you find an amp with an
AC outlet, you could reduce your power plugs going to the wall to just



JJZolx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10
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[slim] Help please with multi-SB integration questions

2006-08-07 Thread FPP

Sanity check requested please!

I’m in the process of finalizing the structured cabling for a new
house that we expect to move in to late Q1 next year.

One of the things I’m wrestling with is how to integrate multiple
SB3s into the system. I’ve pretty much decided to go with Cat 5e/6
cabling throughout, including all video and audio streams.

For each SB, I am contemplating contructing a shoebox-sized enclosure
that will be set into the wall. Coming into the rear will be two Cat 5e
cables plus a power feed. One of the Cat5e cables will c onnect to the
SS machine, the other will carry the audio back to the matrix switch,
and hence via an amp to the speakers.

The two items I’m having trouble finding a solution for:

(a) Ideally I would like to dispense with the wall wart and a 110V feed
in place of a dc feed from the wiring closet. I’d like to know if
anyone has done anything similar and can share advice/experience on

(b) Second, I’d like to use the digital output from the SB, and
connect via an audio balun to a digital amp in the wiring closet.
However I’ve been unable to locate reasonably priced amps with
digital input, of which I’ll need at least five probably six. Can
anyone provide suggestions on this as well? Something like the 'Flying
Mole Cascade'
modular power amp system would be an ideal solution but it only takes
analog inputs.

Thanks in advance.


FPP's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2770
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[slim] Re: Playlist Locks SlimServer on NV

2006-08-07 Thread studley


I have two Squeezeboxes, but I believe I have tried that already... I
will try it again.

Additionally, I tried installing SlimServer on my PC (vs. the NV) and
used the NV shares.  With this setup I have no problem saving playlists
to the NV share.  It is the same version.

Using the SlimServer running on the NV, I get the error.

Any more ideas?  More info I can provide?



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[slim] Re: 6.5 looking good

2006-08-07 Thread smc2911

I stayed away for quite a while after the scanner split, but I've been
back on board for about a month now(using the deb package on Ubuntu
Dapper Drake) and it's working like a charm. The only drawback is that
there are still a few plugins that haven't caught up with the changes
and don't work, but that list is rapidly shrinking.


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[slim] Re: Playlist Locks SlimServer on NV

2006-08-07 Thread ChrisOwens

I am having a hard time trying to reproduce this problem.

Do you have multiple Squeezeboxes?  If so, does this problem still
happen if you unplug one of them?


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: Multiple SoftSqueeze instances on a single PC

2006-08-07 Thread bmarston

> You just configure each softsqueeze instance with one of the stereo pair
> virtual devices

How do you do that?


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[slim] Re: 6.5 looking good

2006-08-07 Thread dwc

good news! thanks.

Is now a good time to snag a nightly (i.e. how's the stability index)?
The dhcp ip address fix is in 6.5 and I'd like to grab it for that.



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[slim] Re: Irregular Album Art Names

2006-08-07 Thread JJZolx

DougP Wrote: 
> Hi All,
> I use Music Collectorz (www.collectorz.com) to catalogue my CDs (some
> 1300).  This app has already downloaded CD album covers for it's own
> use and I would like to use the covers for Slimserver.  Trouble is the
> names are not complete and have names like:
> HeavyWeatherWeatherReport54072_f
> FeversAndMirrorsBrightEy53882_f
> As you can see it drops some characters and has random numbers.  
> Anybody advise how to use these files within slimserver config?  And
> will 1300 covers really slow the server down (I have XP with 1G RAM,
> and not much else really using the PC).There's no way to get SlimServer to 
> recognize these as track/album
artwork.  If you have your library organized into one album per folder,
then you'd rename or copy them all to files named either 'cover.jpg' or

There are some slight speed penalties associated with using cover art,
but I wouldn't worry about them unless your server is quite slow. 
First, the server has to catalog the artwork when it scans your
library.  Second, the artwork (in version 6.5, which is due out
shortly) is resized by the server to generate the smaller thumbnails
that you see in the gallery views.  Lastly, when the artwork is
available, particularly in those gallery views, it has to be served up
by the server to render a web page.  On a relateively fast local
network that last point shouldn't be an issue.



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[slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-08-07 Thread Mark Lanctot

doncmdr Wrote: 
> As I figured out it has an 100W power supply, but I hope it doesn't need
> that.

No, power supplies are sized for peak power demands - CPU at full load,
devices at high power, etc.  This type of load can happen on startup.

Idle power consumption should be a fraction of that.

Power supplies these days start at 350 W and go all the way to 1000 W+,
so a 100 W PS is very small indeed.  Put it this way, my first PC from
1998, an AMD K6-2 400 MHz on a microATX board, uses a 200 W PS.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Signal Strenght

2006-08-07 Thread Mark Lanctot

Consider relocating the AP.  Put it so that it's up high like a
broadcast antenna.

Don't put it next to anything metal like a PC case because that will
block the signal.

Do you have metal mesh lath in your walls?

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Re: Playlist Locks SlimServer on NV

2006-08-07 Thread studley

The server settings page reports:

SlimServer Version: 6.3.1 - 8154 - Debian - EN - utf8 

This is installed as part of a complete installation of the NV

Looks like this is a different error or it is only partially fixed.

Please check into it again.

Thanks, David


studley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6441
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[slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-08-07 Thread doncmdr

I recently thought about buying an Optiplex GX100 for my Slimserver.
Does someone know about the power consumption of the device?
As I figured out it has an 100W power supply, but I hope it doesn't
need that.
Some info would help me with my decision.


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[slim] Irregular Album Art Names

2006-08-07 Thread DougP

Hi All,

I use Music Collectorz (www.collectorz.com) to catalogue my CDs (some
1300).  This app has already downloaded CD album covers for it's own
use and I would like to use the covers for Slimserver.  Trouble is the
names are not complete and have names like:


As you can see it drops some characters and has random numbers.  
Anybody advise how to use these files within slimserver config?  And
will 1300 covers really slow the server down (I have XP with 1G RAM,
and not much else really using the PC).



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[slim] Re: Streaming across internet troubles

2006-08-07 Thread Mark Lanctot

Did you get it installed?

Sorry I didn't let you know where to install it but I didn't know the
installation location off the top of my head.  Hopefully you found it,
installed it and it's working for you.

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26164

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[slim] Re: Streaming across internet troubles

2006-08-07 Thread dkurtaz

Thank you!


dkurtaz's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4913
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Re: [slim] Re: Slim splits CD into 2 or more Albums

2006-08-07 Thread Geoff B

A good way to check for inconsistencies, and unusual tags in MP3Tag:
select all the files in the album, and press Alt-T to get the list of
tags.  Check that the 'Album' and 'Artist' tags aren't shown as
something like "" (which indicates that they aren't all the
same) - it should be the actual album or artist,  Also check that
there aren't any unusual tags.

Finally, check that there aren't multiple tag versions in the files:
1. Right-click the column headers, select 'customize'
2. Click on the new tag button, and put in:
Name: Tags (or whatever you want)
Value: %_tag%
Field: %_tag%
Sort by: (leave blank)
You should get only one tag type in that column, for your files (e.g.


On 8/7/06, oriordan

I downloaded mp3tag but it didn't show any obvious differences between
the tracks grouped as one album and the tracks grouped as a separate
one. I also am not running MusicMagic. I've noticed that it's typically
the last track on the album that's split off by itself, but I did check
that the TOTALTRACKS count is correct. I was going to copy and paste
the tag info into this thread but I don't think mp3tag lets me do it.

Any other suggestions?


oriordan's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3698
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[slim] Signal Strenght

2006-08-07 Thread gian

Hallo, All,

I love my SB2, and works fine with SS6.3.1 onto an Ubuntu Dapper box.

My only concern is the signal strenght.
The SB is 10 away from the AP, with a thin wood and glass door in
between, and I get:

Player Firmware Version: 55
The IP address for this player is:
The ethernet MAC address for this player is: 00:04:20:05:b8:5c
Wireless Signal Strength: 33%

Placed in the current location, the music stream has no hiccups, but if
I move the player in my room, it won't hear the AP, won't show even the
SSID. My notebook still shows 4 bars out of five, there.

I so wanted to buy a second one for my bedroom...



gian's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6702
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[slim] Re: I Want That: Tech Toys

2006-08-07 Thread Kurt

GoCubs Wrote: 
> Looks like they're using SuperDateTime too.  Swet!
> -Greg

Yeah, that was the first thing my wife noticed.


Main Entry: au·dio·phile 
Pronunciation: 'o-dE-O-"fI(-&)l
Function: noun
: a person who takes the pursuit of high-fidelity sound reproduction so
seriously that they don't have to listen to music anymore.

Kurt's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2153
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[slim] Re: Sirius Radio on SB1?

2006-08-07 Thread jwhittier

After 2 restarts of the server all the channels appear to be availble. 
Thanks again.


jwhittier's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6717
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[slim] Re: I Want That: Tech Toys

2006-08-07 Thread GoCubs

andyg Wrote: 
> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2867593746917474007
Looks like they're using SuperDateTime too.  Swet!



GoCubs's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=312
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[slim] Re: MAC Address changed?

2006-08-07 Thread ChrisOwens

The bug is 2283, and it's been bothering me for some time, but we
haven't been able to reproduce it here.  


I'd love for you to add any information you can provide about the bug,

What was your MAC before the change?  What did it change to?  Had you
ever set it previously?

How complicated is your network?  Do you have a lot of machines and
services running over it?

Thanks for any info!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: Where to get SlimServer 6.2.2 for Infrant ReadyNAS?

2006-08-07 Thread fezman

I've just found this useful thread on Infrant's forum which links to
their various SlimServer downloads:


fezman's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6801
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[slim] Re: I Want That: Tech Toys

2006-08-07 Thread andyg



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[slim] Re: Problem with SliMP3 player

2006-08-07 Thread Heimiko

I was happy when i read that i could easily do an update.
So I tried

right after the firmware update, i was holding my breath, but i'm sorry
to say, it didn't help. 
Although the giberish after startup seems gone, problem when trying to
play music remains the same: the player reboots immediately.

Anyone any suggestions what i can try next?


Heimiko's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3462
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[slim] Re: Slim splits CD into 2 or more Albums

2006-08-07 Thread oriordan

I downloaded mp3tag but it didn't show any obvious differences between
the tracks grouped as one album and the tracks grouped as a separate
one. I also am not running MusicMagic. I've noticed that it's typically
the last track on the album that's split off by itself, but I did check
that the TOTALTRACKS count is correct. I was going to copy and paste
the tag info into this thread but I don't think mp3tag lets me do it.

Any other suggestions?


oriordan's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3698
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[slim] 6.5 looking good

2006-08-07 Thread Jack Coates
I tried a 6.5 nightly out last night on my SuSE 10 box. The last time I had attempted to run with the local modules and had some problems with YAML::Syck -- this time, I just ran the Bin/build-perl-modules.pl and renamed my /etc/slimserver.conf. I didn't upgrade firmware on any of my real players or install any plugins, but I did use Softsqueeze and do a little stress testing.
The system load is lower and the performance is markedly better than 6.3.1. Fishbone works great and has lots of little usability improvements; I like the gallery mode quite a lot. Nice work, folks! I'll probably switch my main installation over and try the plugins when the next semi-official comes out.
-- "I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,So across the Western ocean I must wander" -- traditional
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Re: [slim] Radio stream and Bandwidth consumption

2006-08-07 Thread dean blackketter

On Aug 5, 2006, at 2:27 AM, yeomanspc wrote:

1. If, when listening to internet radio, you simply turn the SB off,
does it stop the streaming into the server? - I appreciate it stops
streaming to the SB. (I assume it does).

It does.

2. If a radio station is already being streamed to one player, is it
possible (has anyone considered) - as an option - automatically
synching to the already streamed player to save upline bandwidth.
Only if you have the players set up as synced will it share a  
stream.   One issue here is that some stations have playlists and or  
dynamically created streams, so sharing feeds might not work in a  
significant number of cases.

3. When synching players to a radio station I understand that they get
out of synch due to 'no start of track' - has anyone considered (as a
synch option) to insert a 're-synch' every (say) 5 minutes?
That's something we're definitely planning on, keeping long songs and  
radio stations in sync by tracking playback time with fine grained  
network clocks.

As a short term fix, I have installed the powersave plugin to turn
players off every hour by default but this is a bit cumbersome.

That'll work too!

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[slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? "The Transporter" per 6moons.com??

2006-08-07 Thread Michaelwagner

Mitch Harding Wrote: 
> Well, nobody has tried Transporter yet outside of SD, so of course this
> is all speculation.
Right. We can look at pictures and talk about the look, but no one can
really say anything about the sound of it so far, or how the two
screens will work, together or separately, or any of the other


Michaelwagner's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=428
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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-08-07 Thread Kyle

TomDac Wrote: 
> I would have NEVER got Sirius if not for Howard Stern who I've listened
> to since the late 80's.  I would never pay for a plugin.  
> My .02

The point is moot now since Greg (GoCubs) developed the plugin anyway
and would not accept payment for his work.  So, it's available free of
charge for anyone who wants it.  (And it works great!)


Kyle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2541
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Re: [slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? "The Transporter" per 6moons.com??

2006-08-07 Thread Mitch Harding
Well, nobody has tried Transporter yet outside of SD, so of course this is all speculation.On 8/6/06, rhyzome <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:If you don't already own a TV capable of accepting a PC input $400 would
get a decent 20" monitor retail - cheaper with rebates, etc. Seen FrontRow on 20" monitor (heck, even a 17" monitor)? Blows the snot out of SBvisibility / navigability (sic)My Fireface is mounted around the side of the rack towards the rear as
I don't have to see / otherwise manipulate it. The Mini is plentyeye-pleasing on the rack - and it ships with a remote. I'm guessing tooas regards the Transporter's ultimate audio abilities but jeez, you guys
don't even have any sort of assumption base to even start from. As Isaid if you've never tried it, you won't know I guess.--rhyzome
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[slim] Re: Dead squeeze3, what to do?

2006-08-07 Thread eviladmin

Thank you for the feedback/pointer.


eviladmin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4670
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Re: [slim] Dead squeeze3, what to do?

2006-08-07 Thread dean blackketter
Please get in touch with our support team at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
to help diagnose the problem.

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Re: [slim] I Want That: Tech Toys

2006-08-07 Thread dean blackketter
Yes, this is something that Patrick set up with the folks at HGTV.   
Sounds like it came off well!

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[slim] Dead squeeze3, what to do?

2006-08-07 Thread eviladmin

Today when I got back to my home one of my squeezeboxes has died. If I
give it power in a dark room I can see small red lines on the display
(faint), but else no life. My other squeezebox works like a charm with
the same power-adapter etc. Is there anything I can do except sending
the machine back? It's been working like a charm for three-four months.


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Re: [slim] Re: Transporter Input / Output configurations - Eliminate cost of a Pre Amp?

2006-08-07 Thread dean blackketter

On Aug 5, 2006, at 9:21 PM, daniels5 wrote:

An additional use of the "tape loop" function would allow one to
connect an equalizer or room correction device to the Transporter.  In
other words, when using the "tape loop" mode for a pair of
output/inputs would loop the signal being decoded by the CPU through
the room correction device.  That is to say CPU -> ethernet ->
Transporter -> Transporter's AES/EBU output -> Rane Equalizer ->
Transporter's AES/EBU input -> out Transporter balanced / unbalanced
audio outputs.
This is something that Sean has planned.  He's been spending a lot of  
time with his new room correction system...

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[slim] Re: Where to get SlimServer 6.2.2 for Infrant ReadyNAS?

2006-08-07 Thread fezman

Thanks funkstar.  Infrant.com is working again and I found SlimServer
6.2.1 on their downloads page

I'll give it a go tonight.


fezman's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6801
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[slim] Re: Where to get SlimServer 6.2.2 for Infrant ReadyNAS?

2006-08-07 Thread funkstar

You'll need to get the builds from Infrant. They packaged the official
releases specifically for the unit.

Their website is working fine for me this morning.


funkstar's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2335
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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-08-07 Thread tektite

iangude Wrote: 
> Is it possible for me to purchase a QNAP 101 (with preinstalled
> slimserver), and point a 'shortcut' from the Music folder to my other
> NAS, hence using the QNAP to run Slimserver (and store a small amount
> of music etc), but storing my main music share on another NAS (on the
> same network obviously..).

In a word: Yes!


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Re: [slim] Re: Browsing to specific folders

2006-08-07 Thread Michael Herger

Thanks for your reply -- I tried that earlier, but the only items listed
were 'itunes' and 'sample music.'  Maybe I can set up a custom path to
that link instead.  I'll play around with it.

Do you have the music path in slimserver defined?



Help translate SlimServer by using the
SlimString Translation Helper (http://www.herger.net/slim/)

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[slim] Re: MAC Address changed?

2006-08-07 Thread danco

There is - or possibly was, I don't know if or when it was corrected - a
bug that would sometimes change the MAC address.


danco's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=210
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