Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread Robin Bowes
Recoveryone wrote:
> maybe you sould go back and read the rest of the thread
> and this Jim seems to think on the same level as I do concerning the
> mass appeal of this product.  Maybe I'm not in the minority.

Maybe you should re-read my post and understand that maybe, just
*maybe*, I'm actually agreeing with you.



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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread EnochLight

JimC;167529 Wrote: 
> 5. Harmony remotes, which I have yet to try, people seem to think are
> the bee's knees. A Harmony with native slimserver support, including
> 2-way communication, would be a huge win. If you build it, they will
> buy.
> Mumble, mumble...great minds and all that... mumble, mumble.

Hi Jim!  I picked up my Squeezebox about a year ago and haven't looked
back, but I must agree - the need for a Harmony-type remote with native
Slimserver support, along with some sort of 2-way communication is
absolutely key to Squeezebox's expansion and success.  The biggest
complaint I have is the anemic remote that comes with the Squeezebox
and the need for me to have a computer running just to access a
GUI-type interface.  

That's one area where the Sonos wins hands down.



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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread Peter

JJZolx wrote:
Mike Anderson;167500 Wrote: 

Based on my own preferences, and from what little I know about other
computer users:

I think you guys REALLY REALLY need a slick, responsive, clean-running
GUI along the lines of the iTunes software.  For example, the ability
to drag and drop songs to make playlists.  A slider to forward or
rewind through the song.  Something that doesn't have to refresh. 

I'd be willing to be that the present software interface (and all its
bugs) is the number one reason your average customer shies away from
this product.

As a programmer, I absolutely LOVE the current web-based software

As a rational person, however, I couldn't agree more with Mike.  You
don't have to drink the Kook-Aid to realize that the vast majority of
_potential_ (and a good majority of current) Squeezebox owners are
running Windows systems and that they have come to expect a more
feature-rich user interface.  The software interface IS the face of the
device to most people.  I think a good native Windows application would
sell many tens of thousands of Squeezeboxes.

Yes, I agree. A professional version of something Moose would do. One 
that allows you to easily manage multiple players and doesn't need 
manual setup and seperate database drivers to download. When you're 
demoing your SD setup to others the web interface doesn't make as sleek 
an impression as a dedicated (responsive) application could. Everybody 
likes things to look good. Imagine spending $2000 on a Transporter and 
being stuck with the current web interface.


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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread Peter

JimC wrote:
SuperQ;167488 Wrote: 

#1: There's very little need to tell everyone how great the squeezebox
is.. everyone that comes over and uses mine realizes that they ARE
great. ;)

Cool.  Can you open up a few hundred more houses for me to send
prospective customers to?

On a less facetious note, WHY do they realize it's great?  Do you have
a particularly cool way of demoing the features?  Do you hand them the
remote and just say "try it"?  Any insight on this sudden recognition
of greatness phenomenon?  I'm looking to understand the dynamic that
makes your visitors say to themselves, "Self, I want one of these and I
want it now."  Because if I can bottle that, I might actually be able to
retire someday.

Exactly, because in my experience, it's not an easy sell at all. When I 
show people my Squeezeboxes and tell them how they work their eyes just 
sort of become blank and they start talking about the weather or 
something. Part of that is probably because they know I'm technically 
far ahead of them, what I use must be far ahead of them as well. Even my 
technical colleagues are slow to warm up. One of them has bought a 
second hand SB1 now. I know I'm not the world's greatest salesmen, but 
the product is hard to explain, just check the "I've read and read" 
thread by metroman. That's fairly typical and he got here because he 
thought he really wanted one.


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Re: [slim] Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread Michael Herger

Hi Jim

Welcome aboard!

To that end, I would absolutely love to hear from the community about
what you think is great about Slim Devices/Squeezebox/Transporter and
about what we can do to make them better.

- It's not only about the devices, but about a certain spirit: I like the  
openness in many levels: open source, cross-platform, APIs for third party  
developers, addition of the pony to the SB2 (as requested by users) etc.

- Many folks are asking for the SqueezeBoombox. When I first saw SB3 I  
thought: this is the pluggable SB which will fit in a "docking station" -  
turned out it isn't. But the SB4 could be. Logitech is big in the iPod  
accessory business. Why not add a (some) docking station(s) which would  
upgrade the SB4 to a SqueezeBoombox?



- - your SlimServer on a CD - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR
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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread tyler_durden


Here are my thoughts.

When was the last time you bought an item at the store and and had to
jump through hoops for a week to get it working and were satisfied with
the purchase?

The whole system is too complicated for your average Joe Blow.  People
see/hear the SB3 and think it's great, but then they find out what is
involved in setting it up and they balk at the ripping/tagging, network
setup, server setup, and etc.  I think if you want to go mass market you
will need to do some sort of server hardware as someone said in a
previous post.  If it doesn't work right out of the box it will never
become a consumer item.

You might even have to start your own "itunes' type operation (or make
a deal with one of the existing ones) where you supply CORRECTLY tagged
flac files, either a disc or song at a time, that can be ordered via the
SB remote control.  Maybe set up your own web radio station to play new
releases and have a "purchase" button on the remote.  Leave out the DRM
(digital restrictions management) or forget the whole idea.

You may need to think about streaming video, too.  I don't think there
are many audio only systems left in the world except among audio



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[slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-05 Thread drewe181

i made my own cables using CAT6 wire. details can be found here

there are a few different configurations and designs, and also an
article comparing the different configurations sound and technical wise


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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread Michael Herger

But there's no reason they could not
-also- have a slick GUI for Windows and Apple users, say.

There is: human resources, limited manpower.

BTW: did you ever try Moose (Windows native) or SlimRemote (Java, cross  
platform, even PDA)?



- - your SlimServer on a CD - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR
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[slim] Re: External Hard Drives -- Most reliable (least likely to fail) brand?

2007-01-05 Thread tyler_durden

I see all sorts of stuff on different forums running down one brand or
another.  I think they are all about the same- they have to be or they
go out of business in a hurry.  Get two of whatever is cheap and use
one for backup.



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[slim] reputation points

2007-01-05 Thread drewe181

how come when i click on the rep. points icon I have ten (10), yet when
i search through my posts, I don't have any that have scored points? is
it just so people feel special if nobody else gives them any?



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[slim] Re: External Hard Drives -- Most reliable (least likely to fail) brand?

2007-01-05 Thread Skunk

Don't put all your eggs in one hard drive and you can just get the
cheapest, if you don't care about silence. So one of whatever's on sale
at newegg applied externally and internally.


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[slim] Re: External Hard Drives -- Most reliable (least likely to fail) brand?

2007-01-05 Thread drewe181

i have a 160gig Seagate external that i store both flac and mp3 for use
on my squeezbox. i'm yet to have a problem with it and it also looks
pretty stylish. i'm sure i've seen these drives in 250gig models too.
they don't support firewire but usb 2 is compatible.


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[slim] Re: Odd search/browse behaviour

2007-01-05 Thread JJZolx

chris.mason;167249 Wrote: 
> Note that Search returns Artists, Albums and Song Titles that match
> while Advanced Search returns individual tracks.
> There's something wrong with the way Search is working - has anybody
> else seen this?  Is this another "Various Artist/Compilation Album"
> problem?

The basic Search (the non-Advanced Search) searches for the string that
you enter in

1. Artist names
2. Album titles
3. Track titles

It really is a "basic" search.  All it's doing is string matching
within those items, then listing the items matched.  It won't find the
composer and then list all the albums or tracks by that composer.  If
you search for 'vivaldi' then it will list only albums and tracks that
have the string 'vivaldi' in the title.

But if you find Vivaldi (and listed in the search under Artists),
clicking on the name should list all of the albums credited to the
composer, so albums are just one additional click away.

(Note that for the basic Search to find composers, you'll also need to
have 'Composer' checked off under Server Settings > Behavior >

BTW, in looking at this I notice that my library has just one album
tagged with a composer.  It's "The Jerome Kern Songbook", with Jerome
Kern as composer on all tracks.  If I search for 'kern', then Jerome
Kern is found, and if I click the name, the album is shown.  But I
notice that under Browse Artists, Jerome Kern is nowhere to be found. 
If you have the server setting mentioned above checked off, are your
classical composers listed along with the artists on your system?



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[slim] Re: External Hard Drives -- Most reliable (least likely to fail) brand?

2007-01-05 Thread mswlogo

The WD Passport I had bad luck with, but it just may have been an
unlucky drive failure.

But the My Book one, so far I really like. It powers down when USB
power is removed. Very quiet and cool when running. The premium models
just add more and faster connections. All sizes exist.

I have it hooked to an XP laptop slimserver (which sleeps). Complete
silence and low power when asleep. The SqueezeBox issues wake-on-lan
and it's up and running in about 5 seconds.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread erland

JimC;167482 Wrote: 
> To that end, I would absolutely love to hear from the community about
> what you think is great about Slim Devices/Squeezebox/Transporter and
> about what we can do to make them better.
The main things that made me fell in love with my SqueezeBox

1. You get your whole music library easily accessible, no more CD

2. The sound quality. There are other products that solve point 1, but
often they do it in a way that decrease sound quality compared to a
standard CD player.

3. The display!. The way you can actually sit in the sofa and see which
music is playing is great. This is the thing most of the devices from
other companies are missing, they either have no display at all, a
small display that can't be seen from the sofa or requires the TV to be
on. The display is one of the things that looked even better in place in
my livingroom compared to when I read the product pages on internet. I
guess you just won't realize its potiential until you see it live.

4. The plugin architecture and open source model. This is something
that most normal customers won't think about directly. In my opinion
there is a great potential here because it means that Logitech can
focus on the core/massmarket functionality and make it really good,
simultaneously third party developers will contribute with plugins and
extensions to the slimserver code to broaden the functionality to cover
all non massmarket interests.

5. Linux support. Since I nowadays runs most of my computers on Linux I
would really hate if the linux support would be dropped. Linux also
makes it possible to run slimserver all sorts of small footprint
devices such as NAS boxes.

Point 1 and 3 is the things that will make almost anyone love the
SqueezeBox at first sight.

Some things that could be improved
1. The web interface works for me since I don't use it much, but for
people used to iTunes or similar applications its a huge step back.
Ajax is one solution a Windows client is another. I think the people
complaining on the interface are typically Windows (and maybe Mac)

2. The server hardware. A thing that has been frequently requested the
last year, when I have read these forums, is some sort of server
hardware. It is sometimes requested directly and sometimes indirectly
as a including server functionallity directly in SqueezeBox making it a
non slim device and sometimes by questions about how to install
slimserver on NAS boxes. The thing is that most massmarket customers
won't like to have their computer running 24 hours a day. Without a 24
hour server I don't think I would love the SqueezeBox as much as I do.
The problem is that instead of just switching the SqueezeBox on, I
would have to also turn on a noisy computer everytime I want to listen
to my music. To keep full flexibility I would suggest that there should
be a SqueezeBox offer with both the SqueezeBox and a dedicated
preconfigured silent server hardware. This way people which already
have a 24 hours server can buy only the SqueezeBox and people which
don't can by the SqueezeBox+server package. It's important that the
server is preconfigured with slimserver already installed, this would
probably get rid of some of the installation problems people are having

3. Stability. People are sometimes complaining about slimserver
crashes, sometimes due to actual bugs but often due to incorrect
configuration or a plugin that doesn't work correctly. With the plugin
architecture in slimserver the stability for malfunctioning plugin must
be improved, today a malfunctioning plugin will often crash slimserver.
Many times the problem is that people are running a plugin version
incompatibile with the current slimserver, but sometimes the problems
are caused by a bug in the plugin code.

4. Tagging and ripping. Today people must buy/get a separate program to
tag and rip their music before it can be used with slimserver. I think
the current solution where no ripping/tagging functionality is included
in slimserver might be correct, but there is a need to include some sort
of tagging/ripping software with the SqueezeBox/slimserver to get it
ready for the massmarket. It might be solved by bundling the software
with the SqueezeBox or just adding some links and instructions to the
slimserver download pages.

Thanks for a really great product, keep up the good work.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
'Custom Browse'

[slim] Re: The Ultimate In-Car System

2007-01-05 Thread Beann50

One of my reasons for stuffing the SB2 in the dash of my car was to be
consistent with all the other places I listen to music.  Now if I go in
my living room, bedroom, office, or car I can listen to anything in my
music collection in the same way.  I don't have to stop and think what
button to press to do a certain task, or is a certain song available. 
The only thing I ever have to think about is what song to play.  

I also only use flac files.  You can argue that you wouldn't be able to
tell the difference between flac and mp3 in a moving car, but at least
this way if I listen to older music that wasn't recorded that well I
know the limitation is the actual music and not a poorly encoded mp3. 
Actually, I shouldn't say older music since lots of recent music is not
recorded very well either.  I don't expect to ever see a system designed
to work in a car that will support lossless files, have a large amount
of storage, and sell for a reasonable amount of money.  Too many people
have embraced the whole "buy a crippled song with DRM and no physical
media for just as much money as a CD" idea.


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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread Marc Sherman

JimC wrote:

4. One word (or is it three?): Squeezeboombox.

Interesting idea.  Complicated, though, in terms of deciding just how
good it should sound.  Decent audio quality should keep it sub-$500, I
would think, but if the audio quality expectations are for something
higher it could climb over that.  How attractive do you think it would
be if it were under $500?  How much does that change at more than

I'd love to see a cheap squeezeboombox (sub-$500 seems right) that takes 
advantage of Logitech's existing powered speakers business. People who 
want high quality sound will buy the existing component products, and 
plug them into their expensive amps and speakers using expensive cables; 
the boombox version is for convenience, so I can take my squeezebox out 
on the deck, or use it as an alarm clock in the bedroom, not for high 
fidelity listening.

My wishlist for a squeezeboombox:

- powered stereo speakers built in
- knob and buttons on board (at least the buttons above the arrow quad, 
if not the full remote control pad)
- reduced i/o, if that saves costs -- just ethernet in, power in, and 
headphone out are absolutely required for this kind of device
- others have requested battery power, but that's not on my wishlist, 
and personally I think it would be impractical

All IMO, of course.

If you came out with one of those, and had some kind of buy two discount 
like the SB3 had, I'd pre-order two of them, one for my bedroom and one 
for my daughter's.

- Marc
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[slim] sever fails, drops

2007-01-05 Thread Michael Rubino

I have a SB3. I'm streaming my music from a PowerMac running OS X 10.4.7
with the latest version of iTunes over a wireless network. My problem is
that sever will quit unexpectedly. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it
doesn't. There doesn't appear to be pattern.

Any suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

Michael Rubino

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[slim] Re: Squeezebox mixed with other servers

2007-01-05 Thread bluesdoc

Thanks and you may be rightbut..I'm not ready to give up just
yet.lets see if anyone has additional suggestionsplus new
software is being developed all the time.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread Mr_Smiley

The squeeze boom box has been dicussed a number of times and I thought
about trying my hand at one (since I'm an Industrial Designer).  A
squeeze walkman has also been mentioned..  It seems to me that the
satellite radio concept could work.  Where you have a reciever that
plugs into your car or your stereo or a boom box with speakers.  Just
plug your SB3 into place and it's ready to go.  The boom box itself
would just need to have the interface, the battery and the speakers. 
Some controls and a wi-fi booster might be nice as well.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox the name...

2007-01-05 Thread jtwrace

actually, I like the song a lot.  I don't believe that's where the name
is from...


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox the name...

2007-01-05 Thread jtwrace

I hope your kidding.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox the name...

2007-01-05 Thread snarlydwarf


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[slim] Squeezebox the name...

2007-01-05 Thread jtwrace

I know this is a weird question...where did slim devices get the name
Squeezebox?  Why?  Just curious.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread snarlydwarf

JimC;167529 Wrote: 
> (I would insert a comment here to the effect that "that's how I like my
> women" but it might misread  and since my wife -- who is all three --
> doesn't read these forums I wouldn't be scoring any points with her.)

Well as long as she doesn't find out that you "like long walks on the
beach, candlelit dinners, and dancing under the stars" or at least the
context of that quote, you're okay.


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[slim] Re: WiFi frustration! (But happy ending... for now)

2007-01-05 Thread Recoveryone

I was about to ask you some question about your provider, but I notice
your in the UK, and from some other posting from people form across the
pond I come to learn your providers are like night and day from ours in
the US.


Pioneer Elite Fall in!
SqueezeBox 3 
Pioneer Elite VSX-81TX
Pioneer Elite DV-45A
Pioneer Elite M53 CD
Pioneer M66R Cassette

Server running on
P4 2.8 gigHz
2 gig DDR Dual Channel ram
Xp Home edtion Sp2
2x 80 gigHD(music/SS on same drive)
Linksys 54g wireless router
PCI Linksys 54g adapter card w/HG antana

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[slim] "Use iTunes", Album Artist, and Album Sort

2007-01-05 Thread FunkyOdor

I'm using iTunes 7 to manage my MP3 collection and use the "Use iTunes"
option in SlimServer 6.5.  I set my artist value in the MP3's so that
they sort by last name (e.g. Lee, Geddy) in both iTunes and SlimServer.
I recently discovered that if I filled in the iTunes "Album Artist"
field for the songs to be values like "Geddy Lee", then they still stay
in last name order but the Cover Flow view of the files shows the Album
Artist value.  Cool.

The downside is that in SlimServer, it's using that Album Artist value
for the displayed artist name (nice) but also for the artist sorting
(not nice).  When I add a TSOP value to the MP3s, that gets ignored, so
Geddy Lee still shows up under G instead of L as I would have expected.

Turning off "Use iTunes" gets everything back to the way it was before
I started filling in Album Artist, but I lose the playlists (and I
don't want to deal with writing some utility to auto generate m3u's
from the iTunes xml whenever I do an update in iTunes).  The reason I
don't set artist to Geddy Lee in iTunes is that iTunes doesn't support
an artist sort field like TSOP.

Is there a way to keep "Use iTunes" on and have SlimServer use the
artist sort values for sorting?


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[slim] WiFi frustration! (But happy ending... for now)

2007-01-05 Thread Brian Ritchie

Let me spoil this up-front by pointing out that (a) I'm not criticising
my lovely SB3, nor SlimServer and (b) this seems to have a happy
ending... but this is a tale of how frustrating and infuriatingly
incomprehensible wireless network f*ckups can be.

Tonight, some newly-ripped flacs just would not play on my SB3 - they
started skipping within about a minute of start of play.  So I turned
on Network Health etc, and the front bit said this:

Control Connection : OK
Streaming Connection   : OK
Signal Strength: OK
Buffer Fullness: Low
Server Response Time   : OK

Now, how can Buffer Fullness be Low (near the beginning of a
4-minute-plus flac file), but all the others OK?

The more detailed server and players stats told pretty much the same
story: everything's fine, but the buffer's not filling up fast enough.
Why not?

My laptop in the same room reported my wireless strength as Excellent,

Dashed upstairs to look at the server; no sign that it's having any
trouble doing its job. (OK, only using Windows Task Manager...)

My laptop noticed a couple of other networks around, but pretty
low-strength signals (confirmed by Network Stumbler); and skipping was
still happening after they dropped out.

(Yes, I have read the wiki pages.  No, I haven't had the courage yet to
change channel away from 11. But  the problem remained even when no
other networks were visible.)

I was starting to think about enabling bitrate limiting - the
last-but-one resort. (Last resort is to dig out the CDs... and hope my
aged player doesn't start skipping too!)

Then, a few minutes later, my wireless connection suddenly disappeared
(though the first evidence was failure to load an SS web page, so for a
second I thought the server had died, until the laptop reported No
Network).  Dashed upstairs again, unplugged the router, resisted the
temptation to smash it against the wall... several deep breaths later,
plugged it back in.  Waited for it to wake up, and then for everything
else to notice it. (I'd turned off the SB3 too, though I'm not sure
that was necessary.)

Since then, all has been fine. (For an hour now, at least.)

I still have no idea what really went wrong. Maybe the router was
generating a load of junk; maybe something else was. Clearly, Signal
Strength does not equal or even necessarily correlate with Actually
Useful Information Bandwidth. I probably need some better diagnostic
tools. Next time, turning the router off and on again will be the FIRST
thing I try.  And if that doesn't work, then I *will* smash the little
fecker off the wall. I don't buy these things just to waste my days
trying to get them to work!

Sigh, wireless! It really is a black art. I really am coming round to
the view that somewhere there is a WiFi Daemon, whose role is to
randomly screw up your network until you perform some sacrifice, such
as giving up being in a good mood!

So I'm not looking for help - though if anyone recognises this
situation and has a better idea of what's happening, I'd like to know.

I should add that I'm usually delighted with WiFi - it's made a huge
difference to our home entertainment - and wouldn't want to discourage
anyone from taking the plunge.  But when it does go wrong, it can be
bloody frustrating!

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie

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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread JimC

> Welcome, JimC. Your irreverence should serve you well in this eclectic
> community.

If only it served me well in real life.

> I am one of the oddball contributors to the Slimserver code--in my case,
> that is largely restricted to the Nokia770 and Touch skins...

Thanks!  One of the things that I find most intriguing about this
opportunity is the community and the third-party developers.

> 1. Don't drink the Windows-only kool-aid. One of the great things about
> slimserver is it's cross-platform support. I imagine a great deal of
> Logitech products have listed on their box "Requirements: Windows
> 2000/XP/Vista". If I ever see that happen to slimserver I'll bail quick
> as can be, along with a lot of the other pro-bono contributors to the
> software.

There are no plans that I know of to switch to Windows-only and I
certainly won't be pushing for it.

> 2. Stick a knob on the Squeezebox, a la Transporter. If you do a search
> of my posts on this forum the word "knob" comes up several dozen times,
> and not because I am one.

Hehe... he said "knob".

> ...I tried to introduce the kind of responsiveness the UI needs with
> AJAX in the Nokia770 and Touch skins. While I puff up with pride at the
> positive reviews users have given me, I really believe that what I've
> done is only a proof-of-concept, and there's a huge amount to be done
> in this area. UI should be quick, intuitive, and beautiful. Web
> browsers are notoriously poor in these areas, but it's the closest
> thing we have to a fully cross-OS GUI development platform, and with
> AJAX things can be much better.

While I haven't yet used your skins, I understand exactly what you're
asking for and I happen to agree with it 100%.  I think one of the
biggest improvements that can be made to the overall platform is the UI
on the PC side.  And it does need to be quick, intuitive, and beautiful.
(I would insert a comment here to the effect that "that's how I like my
women" but it might misread  and since my wife -- who is all three --
doesn't read these forums I wouldn't be scoring any points with her.)

> What will such an effort require? IMO, head count. I built Nokia770 on
> my own time, much like lots of stuff available for slimserver, but
> Logitech can't expect all good things to happen via the community.
> Invest in one or a couple of good front-end web programmers and reap
> the benefits of it down the line. My big hope on the Logitech
> transition is that they will backup their acquisition with the
> resources (i.e., $$) a large corporation can offer.

We do want to -- and plan to -- staff up the resources on all sides of
the business, and Dean's group has the biggest needs right now.

> 4. One word (or is it three?): Squeezeboombox.

Interesting idea.  Complicated, though, in terms of deciding just how
good it should sound.  Decent audio quality should keep it sub-$500, I
would think, but if the audio quality expectations are for something
higher it could climb over that.  How attractive do you think it would
be if it were under $500?  How much does that change at more than

> 5. Harmony remotes, which I have yet to try, people seem to think are
> the bee's knees. A Harmony with native slimserver support, including
> 2-way communication, would be a huge win. If you build it, they will
> buy.

Mumble, mumble...great minds and all that... mumble, mumble.

> I'd write more, but it's happy hour in Minnesota. Cheers and good luck,

And since it is now happy hour here in Mt. View, I'm signing off too.


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[slim] Re: Hitachi Terabyte hard Drive

2007-01-05 Thread Recoveryone

I started to watch it lastnight, but the Larkers were on TNT HD


Pioneer Elite Fall in!
SqueezeBox 3 
Pioneer Elite VSX-81TX
Pioneer Elite DV-45A
Pioneer Elite M53 CD
Pioneer M66R Cassette

Server running on
P4 2.8 gigHz
2 gig DDR Dual Channel ram
Xp Home edtion Sp2
2x 80 gigHD(music/SS on same drive)
Linksys 54g wireless router
PCI Linksys 54g adapter card w/HG antana

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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread azinck3

CatBus;167522 Wrote: 
> Plus your products look ... GORGEOUS.

Haha, how far we've come in this area, eh?  A couple of years ago I can
hardly have imagined that sentiment being uttered on these forums (well,
only mailing lists at that point).


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[slim] Re: RadioIO only 32K since Slimserver upgrade

2007-01-05 Thread radioio . com Robert

I am not sure that you should only be getting 32k streams with your
squeezebox. I am sending a message to our Radioio tech person that
handles the Slim Devices links and see if I can find out why the 32k is
all that's showing. In the meantime, contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and I'll comp you a 30 day soundpass that you can use to listen at 128k
WITHOUT the commercials! :)

-- Robert

Robert Goodman
Listen to amazing radio at (chilled electronica) (alt & indie rock) Robert's Profile:
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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread Recoveryone

maybe you sould go back and read the rest of the thread
and this Jim seems to think on the same level as I do concerning the
mass appeal of this product.  Maybe I'm not in the minority.


Pioneer Elite Fall in!
SqueezeBox 3 
Pioneer Elite VSX-81TX
Pioneer Elite DV-45A
Pioneer Elite M53 CD
Pioneer M66R Cassette

Server running on
P4 2.8 gigHz
2 gig DDR Dual Channel ram
Xp Home edtion Sp2
2x 80 gigHD(music/SS on same drive)
Linksys 54g wireless router
PCI Linksys 54g adapter card w/HG antana

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[slim] Problems with internet radio

2007-01-05 Thread Calodoucas

Can anyone help?

Have suddenly started having problems with internet radio. 

Basically, Alien BBC now doesn't connect most of the time - I get the
following message when I try to connect to the BBC stations: 'Can't
connect to retrieve playlist'

I'm running version Alien BBC 1.06 on SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 2
- Mac OS X 10.4.8.

All was working perfectly until a few days ago. Other radio streams
seem to work and accessing my music files work perfectly.

Any ideas? Thanks.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread CatBus


Here are the things I love about your products, with commentary:

I love that you can download SlimServer and SoftSqueeze and do a better
"try before you buy" than anyone else offers.  That said, this might not
be obvious to people.  More availability/demos within brick-and-mortar
stores would be great.  Maybe even a link off your front page that says
"Try before you buy!" with a link to instructions on how to do it.  But
if you push this, use appropriate warnings that the performance of
SoftSqueeze is worse than your players.

I love that I can have music "my way".  Gapless, organized correctly,
with volume normalization, in Ogg Vorbis format--all the things I can't
do with iTunes.  You have a strong appeal to very anal-retentive people.
And lots of music lovers are anal-retentive.

I love that you are cross-platform and that your server software is
open-source.  People have been burned by proprietary incompatibilities
in the consumer electronics world before.  I like knowing I'm not
buying the next Betamax.

Plus your products look and sound GORGEOUS.  If you could get in-store
demos going in a few places, I think people would flip.

Also, I rave about your products to everyone who might care.  Your
customers are happy customers.  Testimonials may be helpful to you.


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Re: [slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread Robin Bowes
Recoveryone wrote:
> Mike Anderson;167500 Wrote: 
>> Based on my own preferences, and from what little I know about other
>> computer users:
>> I think you guys REALLY REALLY need a slick, responsive, clean-running
>> GUI along the lines of the iTunes software.  For example, the ability
>> to drag and drop songs to make playlists.  A slider to forward or
>> rewind through the song.  Something that doesn't have to refresh. 
>> Etc.
>> I'd be willing to be that the present software interface (and all its
>> bugs) is the number one reason your average customer shies away from
>> this product.

I would agree. It's great for me (computer professional, linux geek,
perl hacker) but there's no way on earth you could give this stuff to
your average man-in-the-street.

Hopefully, the Logitech tie-up will improve this.

> Howdy Mike, nice to see a AR face in the room.  let me warn you up
> front about your remarks.  Get ready to put up your guard, I said
> simular things about the SS interface and been punching my way out of
> the corner since on anything I say.

No, I think the reaction to your posts was rather more concerned about
correcting your factual inaccuracies.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread JimC

SuperQ;167488 Wrote: 
> #1: There's very little need to tell everyone how great the squeezebox
> is.. everyone that comes over and uses mine realizes that they ARE
> great. ;)

Cool.  Can you open up a few hundred more houses for me to send
prospective customers to?

On a less facetious note, WHY do they realize it's great?  Do you have
a particularly cool way of demoing the features?  Do you hand them the
remote and just say "try it"?  Any insight on this sudden recognition
of greatness phenomenon?  I'm looking to understand the dynamic that
makes your visitors say to themselves, "Self, I want one of these and I
want it now."  Because if I can bottle that, I might actually be able to
retire someday.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread Mike Anderson

Recoveryone;167507 Wrote: 
> let me warn you up front about your remarks.  Get ready to put up your
> guard, I said simular things about the SS interface and been punching
> my way out of the corner since on anything I say.

Oh I know, I've been through it before.

Let me just say, to all the fine folks who have worked hard to put
together the present software interface:  I do not mean this as a
slight against you, and I sincerely hope you don't take it personally.

I realize it is not easy to develop a GUI like iTunes that would work
across all platforms, and I do not mean to suggest that the company
abandon the web-based interface.  But there's no reason they could not
-also- have a slick GUI for Windows and Apple users, say.

Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (  Hours of free radical MP3s.

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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread JJZolx

Mike Anderson;167500 Wrote: 
> Based on my own preferences, and from what little I know about other
> computer users:
> I think you guys REALLY REALLY need a slick, responsive, clean-running
> GUI along the lines of the iTunes software.  For example, the ability
> to drag and drop songs to make playlists.  A slider to forward or
> rewind through the song.  Something that doesn't have to refresh. 
> Etc.
> I'd be willing to be that the present software interface (and all its
> bugs) is the number one reason your average customer shies away from
> this product.

As a programmer, I absolutely LOVE the current web-based software

As a rational person, however, I couldn't agree more with Mike.  You
don't have to drink the Kook-Aid to realize that the vast majority of
_potential_ (and a good majority of current) Squeezebox owners are
running Windows systems and that they have come to expect a more
feature-rich user interface.  The software interface IS the face of the
device to most people.  I think a good native Windows application would
sell many tens of thousands of Squeezeboxes.

Secondly, to appeal to an even greater number of people, the "slim"
approach needs to be rethought, perhaps not for all products in the
lineup, but certainly an all-in-one solution has been requested by
many, many people.  The biggest issue is that of needing to run a PC
24/7, and it comes up constantly in these forums.  A product that
houses a low power consuming server and hard drive(s) within the body
of the music device is the logical answer.

Last, I think the Transporter missed the intended mark just a little
bit.  I've seen the analog stage design critiqued by many audiophiles
and electronics designers in a number of other audio forums.  Not that
this makes the Transporter sound any worse (actually, I think it sounds
wonderful), just that I don't believe that at its price point it has
nearly the appeal to the audiophile crowd as was hoped.  If you intend
to continue pursuing this market then maybe collaborating with a good,
experienced audio electronics designer would be a good idea for future



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[slim] Re: Great Experience with Audioengine Speakers

2007-01-05 Thread Jazz1

I'd like to order a pair this weekend. I'm wondering if anyone has
additional comments, or would care to comment on other alternatives for
self powered speakers? I'm looking to replace my three piece Logitechs
with something that has better mid-range and cleaner highs.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread Recoveryone

Mike Anderson;167500 Wrote: 
> Based on my own preferences, and from what little I know about other
> computer users:
> I think you guys REALLY REALLY need a slick, responsive, clean-running
> GUI along the lines of the iTunes software.  For example, the ability
> to drag and drop songs to make playlists.  A slider to forward or
> rewind through the song.  Something that doesn't have to refresh. 
> Etc.
> I'd be willing to be that the present software interface (and all its
> bugs) is the number one reason your average customer shies away from
> this product.

Howdy Mike, nice to see a AR face in the room.  let me warn you up
front about your remarks.  Get ready to put up your guard, I said
simular things about the SS interface and been punching my way out of
the corner since on anything I say.


Pioneer Elite Fall in!
SqueezeBox 3 
Pioneer Elite VSX-81TX
Pioneer Elite DV-45A
Pioneer Elite M53 CD
Pioneer M66R Cassette

Server running on
P4 2.8 gigHz
2 gig DDR Dual Channel ram
Xp Home edtion Sp2
2x 80 gigHD(music/SS on same drive)
Linksys 54g wireless router
PCI Linksys 54g adapter card w/HG antana

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[slim] Re: Old Software Version

2007-01-05 Thread Ross L

Perhaps also consider 6.5.1:

Ross L

Ross Levine - Slim Devices Technical Support
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - +1.650.210.9400 ext. 3

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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread Mike Anderson

Based on my own preferences, and from what little I know about other
computer users:

I think you guys REALLY REALLY need a slick, responsive, clean-running
GUI along the lines of the iTunes software.  For example, the ability
to drag and drop songs to make playlists.  A slider to forward or
rewind through the song.  Something that doesn't have to refresh. 

I'd be willing to be that the present software interface (and all its
bugs) is the number one reason your average customer shies away from
this product.

Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (  Hours of free radical MP3s.

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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread bklaas

Welcome, JimC. Your irreverence should serve you well in this eclectic

I am one of the oddball contributors to the Slimserver code--in my
case, that is largely restricted to the Nokia770 and Touch skins. As
such, I've spent a lot of time on the forums and even longer on the
code itself, so I have some opinions. They are not organized. They go
like this:

1. Don't drink the Windows-only kool-aid. One of the great things about
slimserver is it's cross-platform support. I imagine a great deal of
Logitech products have listed on their box "Requirements: Windows
2000/XP/Vista". If I ever see that happen to slimserver I'll bail quick
as can be, along with a lot of the other pro-bono contributors to the

2. Stick a knob on the Squeezebox, a la Transporter. If you do a search
of my posts on this forum the word "knob" comes up several dozen times,
and not because I am one.

3. The web interface is much maligned, but there is potential for a
great deal of usability improvements that would really stimulate
customer satisfaction. 

I tried to introduce the kind of responsiveness the UI needs with AJAX
in the Nokia770 and Touch skins. While I puff up with pride at the
positive reviews users have given me, I really believe that what I've
done is only a proof-of-concept, and there's a huge amount to be done
in this area. UI should be quick, intuitive, and beautiful. Web
browsers are notoriously poor in these areas, but it's the closest
thing we have to a fully cross-OS GUI development platform, and with
AJAX things can be much better.

What will such an effort require? IMO, head count. I built Nokia770 on
my own time, much like lots of stuff available for slimserver, but
Logitech can't expect all good things to happen via the community.
Invest in one or a couple of good front-end web programmers and reap
the benefits of it down the line. My big hope on the Logitech
transition is that they will backup their acquisition with the
resources (i.e., $$) a large corporation can offer.

4. One word (or is it three?): Squeezeboombox.

5. Harmony remotes, which I have yet to try, people seem to think are
the bee's knees. A Harmony with native slimserver support, including
2-way communication, would be a huge win. If you build it, they will

I'd write more, but it's happy hour in Minnesota. Cheers and good


"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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[slim] Old Software Version

2007-01-05 Thread thekidct

Is there any way to load the previous version of the SLimServer
software? Seems with the new one, I'm missing music from my library,
playlists don't update, etc. 
I'm not very technical, so it seems that this would be the easiest


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[slim] Re: Old Software Version

2007-01-05 Thread snarlydwarf has old releases.


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[slim] Re: Anyone running AlienBBC on Mac OSX 10.3.9?

2007-01-05 Thread danco

Just a couple of comments to bpa's post.

The .tar.bz2 file may unpack to a .tar file automatically. If it does
not, then double-clicking on it will unpack it. And a further
double-click on the .tar file should unpack it to a folder. This avoids
step 4. And also steps 1 and 2 can be avoided in the Terminal by just
opening a new folder. But then you will have to use Terminal for the
later steps.
As bpa says, the OS X file is probably for 10.4 - I don't know if it
gives more info anywhere. Beyond that, it is actually a GUI version,
and the Unix executable mplayer is buried deep inside it. If you want
to try it, I can explain how to get the Unix mplayer from it.


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[slim] Re: External Hard Drives -- Most reliable (least likely to fail) brand?

2007-01-05 Thread Hercules

I've had a Maxtor one (albeit 160GB) for a few years.

Never had any problems with it, and they seem to have a good

(Maxtor have been taken over by Seagate I think)


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread SuperQ

JimC;167482 Wrote: 
> Hi there.
> My name is Jim Carlton.  I'm a Virgo.  I like long walks on the beach,
> candlelit dinners, and dancing under the stars.
> Wait!  That's my ad copy.
> Actually, I'm the new Director of Product Marketing here at Slim -- now
> known as the SMS Business Unit at Logitech.  Prior to accepting this
> role, I was the iPod/MP3 and wireless music business manager for
> Logitech in the America's region.  And before that, I've had stints as
> one of the founders of Virgin Electronics, as a jack-of-lots-of-trades
> at Creative Labs, and further back than that just doesn't really
> matter.
> My first order of business here is to offload some of the work of
> integrating Slim with Logitech, so Sean and Dean can get back to
> sleeping once in a while.  Overall, I'll be responsible for the
> customer-facing aspects of this business, and for helping shape how we
> tell the rest of the world about how great the products are...
> To that end, I would absolutely love to hear from the community about
> what you think is great about Slim Devices/Squeezebox/Transporter and
> about what we can do to make them better.  I plan to bring in
> additional resources to help expand the community here, as well as
> promote our third-party developers and plug-ins as a key value-add for
> our products.  It would be great to hear what YOU see as how we can
> best implement that, as well.
> If you have any questions, feedback, gripes, or just want me to finish
> that ad, let me know.

#1: There's very little need to tell everyone how great the squeezebox
is.. everyone that comes over and uses mine realizes that they ARE
great. ;)

#2: Service/Support..
a: I've never had a problem dealing with SD support people, they
answer questions simply and without any hand waving.
b: Software updates, including new product features for "old"
hardware are great.. the fact that you can still use a slimp3 with
slimserver 6.5 is great.  (I have a server built by a company that got
bought by HP, now I can't get any software for it.  bad!)


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[slim] Re: External Hard Drives -- Most reliable (least likely to fail) brand?

2007-01-05 Thread Deaf Cat

I've still got a Lacie external firewire drive that I'm stuck with, 1
replacement, 2 repairs, 3 psus, all in two years, do I trust it now

Oh and rather unresponsive customer services, who still refuse to give
a refund! (I was even told when units have been repaired five times
still no refunds are given)

Just what you want for a nice safe back up device :)

So I know a make that I would stear well clear of.

Deaf Cat

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[slim] Re: Live 365 problem

2007-01-05 Thread Ross L

Kyle hold the left arrow on your remote for 5 seconds and scroll down to
current settings and hit the right arrow, then scroll down to DNS
server(s), does it look like a logical Internet IP address or is it all
0s? The issue might just be your player not having proper DNS
information from your ISP. If this is the case, simply reboot your
router and your Squeezebox, then enjoy. 

If you need further help I'm here 'till 7pm PDT.

Ross L

Ross Levine - Slim Devices Technical Support
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - +1.650.210.9400 ext. 3

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[slim] Introducing..... me!

2007-01-05 Thread JimC

Hi there.

My name is Jim Carlton.  I'm a Virgo.  I like long walks on the beach,
candlelit dinners, and dancing under the stars.

Wait!  That's my ad copy.

Actually, I'm the new Director of Product Marketing here at Slim -- now
known as the SMS Business Unit at Logitech.  Prior to accepting this
role, I was the iPod/MP3 and wireless music business manager for
Logitech in the America's region.  And before that, I've had stints as
one of the founders of Virgin Electronics, as a jack-of-lots-of-trades
at Creative Labs, and further back than that just doesn't really

My first order of business here is to offload some of the work of
integrating Slim with Logitech, so Sean and Dean can get back to
sleeping once in a while.  Overall, I'll be responsible for the
customer-facing aspects of this business, and for helping shape how we
tell the rest of the world about how great the products are...

To that end, I would absolutely love to hear from the community about
what you think is great about Slim Devices/Squeezebox/Transporter and
about what we can do to make them better.  I plan to bring in
additional resources to help expand the community here, as well as
promote our third-party developers and plug-ins as a key value-add for
our products.  It would be great to hear what YOU see as how we can
best implement that, as well.

If you have any questions, feedback, gripes, or just want me to finish
that ad, let me know.


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[slim] Re: Itunes and aiif

2007-01-05 Thread Eric Seaberg

geraint smith;167289 Wrote: 
> isn't 48kHz actually quite a good thing because many sound cards
> surreptitiously work on that rate? And yes, as far as I'm concerned
> it's iTunes' inability to rip at 24 bit that is its biggest drawback.

IMHO, the fact that iTunes can't rip from a 16-bit source to a 24-file
file isn't really a drwaback... those last 8-bits would be ZEROs and
just take up space.  Especially if you're going to transcode to a
different format, it really doesn't make sense.

48kHz is marginally better than 44.1kHz, but was really developed to
use with VIDEO.  All video source material has an audio SR of 48kHz (or
96kHz or 192kHz).  There's still a brickwall at 20kHz in most D/A
filters (obviously only at 48kHz).

As mmcguff has mentioned above, AIFF files do not have room for a lot
of metadata within the file for TAGS and such.  Recording studios and
Production facilities are moving to BWF (Broadcast Wave File) as the
new 'standard' format due to its ability to store large amounts of
metadata.  I'd LOVE it if FLAC was a new format for OS 10.5 but would
be surprised since Apple spent so much effort on their own lossless
codec.  Still...

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego

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[slim] Re: Hitachi Terabyte hard Drive

2007-01-05 Thread Skunk

Did anyone see Wired on PBS HD last week? Something about viruses as
storage, and memory that can be injected into a being. I think
Panasonic has taken over or is funding research now. I didn't catch it
all so sorry about lack of details. Google wasn't much help.


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[slim] Re: I've read and read .............

2007-01-05 Thread metroman

Thank you all, I have now got this kit in my head, albeit simply; I
appreciate the functionality of the Squeezebox but it is so heavily
computer dependant I think I'll the moment. metroman.


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[slim] External Hard Drives -- Most reliable (least likely to fail) brand?

2007-01-05 Thread Mike Anderson

I'm looking at external hard drives, 300-500 GB in size.  Does anyone
have an opinion on what brands are least likely to fail?


Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (  Hours of free radical MP3s.

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[slim] Re: I've read and read .............

2007-01-05 Thread Recoveryone

let me fill in a few gaps for you:

1. you need a network running in your home, if want the use the
Squessze network you need broadband internet ( and yes you will enjoy
that feature)
2. you need a computer (full system) Powered up, OS on it, and a drive
large enough to hold all your music files and future files (nothing
less than 20gig to start I suggest) This computer does not need to be a
barn burner any PC/Mac running 800mhz or better will due. Ram is not
that important, but the more the better (256 min)IMHO.
3. all of this needs to be connected to the network (hardwired or
wirlelessly) the Squeeze Box can connect either way up to you.


Pioneer Elite Fall in!
SqueezeBox 3 
Pioneer Elite VSX-81TX
Pioneer Elite DV-45A
Pioneer Elite M53 CD
Pioneer M66R Cassette

Server running on
P4 2.8 gigHz
2 gig DDR Dual Channel ram
Xp Home edtion Sp2
2x 80 gigHD(music/SS on same drive)
Linksys 54g wireless router
PCI Linksys 54g adapter card w/HG antana

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[slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-05 Thread 4mula1

tomjtx;167461 Wrote: 
> Paul's IC's are harder to DIY.
> You can get the 12 guage but I'm not sure where. You can probably
> google it.
> It's maybe better not to terminate it, just sand off the insulation. I
> kinda wish I had done that and bought the A-C IC's.

The ICs are harder, yes, but not terribly so.  I've had my hands on on
a Neutrik XLR connector and soldering magnet wire to the terminals in
that would be no more difficult than stranded lead wire.

Sourcing the 12 guage wire wouldn't be a problem for me.  It's just
explaining to the boss why we have it that becomes difficult...

Unfortunately for me I don't have the free air from my amp to speakers
to make this really work for me.  If I ever get some new furniture for
my setup I'll have to consider making a set.


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[slim] Re: Ripping speed

2007-01-05 Thread Eric Seaberg

There is an option in iTunes when importing "USE ERROR CORRECTION WHEN
READING AUDIO CDs".  Since you are ripping as AIFF (which is a RAW file
format and does not use any compression, like FLAC or AAC does) there's
nothing else to change.  

You should, however, make SURE you have it set to AUTOMATIC and NOT
CHANGE THE SAMPLE RATE. (are you the guy that was ripping AIFF at 48k
and posted somewhere else?).  Even though SlimServer can playback other
sample rates, you will NOT be able to re-burn 48k files to an audio CD,
128k, 256k, 320k, whatever.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego

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[slim] Re: I've read and read .............

2007-01-05 Thread snarlydwarf

No, the Pikaone is a pure USB box, so no ethernet for it.

But you can run Slimserver on your desktop upstairs... and play music
downstairs just fine (assuming either wire or wirelss works down there
for ethernet).

My setup: a server that is hiding under an otherwise useless Bar (I
rarely drink booze, so the bar is useless) and Squeezeboxes in the
Living Room and Bedroom.  I can choose to play songs without ever
removing my ass from the sofa or bed, or going anywhere near the PC.


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[slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-05 Thread tomjtx

4mula1;167453 Wrote: 
> My employer manufactures electrical coils so I am very familiar with
> magnet wire.  Just not in an application such as this.  You mentioned
> Radio Shack and they sell 22AWG and finer magnet wire, where Anti Cable
> has 12AWG.  That's an enormous difference!
> These are definitely something I could make at work.  Too bad the
> largest wire we have is 14AWG.  Paul Speltz is right, they are easy to
> make.  He's making a very nice margin on these...

Paul's IC's are harder to DIY.
You can get the 12 guage but I'm not sure where. You can probably
google it.
It's maybe better not to terminate it, just sand off the insulation. I
kinda wish I had done that and bought the A-C IC's.


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[slim] Re: I've read and read .............

2007-01-05 Thread jeffmeh

If it is simply an external drive, then you will need a computer to run
SlimServer and access that drive.  SlimServer will then stream your
music from that drive to the Squeezebox.


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[slim] Re: Hitachi Terabyte hard Drive

2007-01-05 Thread ezkcdude

Yeah, there's a reason. Basically, the prediction is actually the
storage density, which they say will get to 50 Tb within the next
decade. The 'article'
(,72387-0.html) extrapolates that
to a current 3.5 in hard drive area, giving the 37.5 TB figure.


DIY projects page:

SB3->EZDAC->MIT Terminator 2 interconnects->Endler Audio 24-step
Attenuators (RCA-direct)->Parasound Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier->Speltz
anti-cables->DIY 2-ways + Dayton Titanic 10" subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

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[slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-05 Thread tomjtx

adamslim;167437 Wrote: 
> Hey that's good to hear - I just ordered some anti-cables just to see -
> for the price, you can't go wrong!  The thing that actually made me
> order, though, was their rigidity - in my setup, I need to train the
> cables around the room perimeter, 2-3 feet above floor level.  I think
> I can do this with the Antis when I couldn't with most others.
> Happily, I have never spent 3k (or even close!) on cables!
> Adam

The 3,000.00 was retail and I got 40% off. Big deal :1,800.00 was still
WAY too much to pay:-)
In my defense I plead temporary insanity and the folly of youth(it was
10 years ago)

I think you will be delighted with the anti cable.
I am thinking about his IC's but since I only have balanced gear they
are a bit pricey. Still inasanely cheap compared to my current IC's.
I'll come out way ahead when I sell the old wire.


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[slim] Re: I've read and read .............

2007-01-05 Thread metroman

The Pikaone external drive has no way to connect to the internet but can
be independantly powered unless the pc is on. Will the Sqeezebox "see"
the Pikaone if it powered alone after initial configuration obviously?


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[slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-05 Thread 4mula1

tomjtx;167378 Wrote: 
> Yes, I am serious about magnet wire and many others are too. The Anti
> Cables sound better than my previous 3,000.00 cable and I liked them
> better than the top Nordhost I auditioned!
> Speltz of Anti Cable lists the measured imedance, and capacitance etc.
> both twisted and untwisted, which is more than a lot of cable
> manufacturers do.
> Bending does nothing to degrade the sound acording to Speltz and he
> tests all this stuff.
> The Anti's are the best speaker cable I have had in my system and are
> dirt cheap.
> So cheap you should give them a try, I think he offers a trial.
> Or go to RS and spend 10.00 and give it a try. Most people sell their
> expensive wire after doing this.
> Maybe you won't like them but it's a very cheap experiment.

My employer manufactures electrical coils so I am very familiar with
magnet wire.  Just not in an application such as this.  You mentioned
Radio Shack and they sell 22AWG and finer magnet wire, where Anti Cable
has 12AWG.  That's an enormous difference!

These are definitely something I could make at work.  Too bad the
largest wire we have is 14AWG.  Paul Speltz is right, they are easy to
make.  He's making a very nice margin on these...


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[slim] Re: Anyone running AlienBBC on Mac OSX 10.3.9?

2007-01-05 Thread bpa

I don't have an Apple system so the following is my "guess" at what you
need to do based on Linux experience and the Jon Simpson's blog .

1. Open a Terminal Window - this will be a command line interface.
2. cd to a directory where you will store the mplayer source and you
will build the new mplayer executable.  
For example (comments in brackets - do not type) :
a. cd(this will bring you to home directory) 
b. mkdir mplayersrc  (this will make a directory called
c. cd mplayersrc
3. From OSX GUI Download a copy of MPlayer-1.0pre8.tar.bz2 (found here and
move it into the mplayersrc (or whatever you named it) directory 
4.  Using Terminal window where you are currently in the mplayersrc
directory and now contains the MPlayer-1.0pre8.tar.bz2 file. Use the
following command to unpack the tar file - you should lots of text
scrolling past - a line per file
tar xvjf MPlayer-1.0pre8.tar.bz2
5. There be one new directory MPlayer-1.0pre8.  cd to this directory
6. Type the following command not the leading dot and slash
./configure --disable-gl --disable-x11

Some users have used the following but it makes no sense with the
disable-X11 option.
./configure --disable-gl --disable-x11
7. Assuming no errors - type the following command and compilation
should start with lots of text scrolling over the screen
8 Assuming no errors type the following to test - you should get a
./mplayer --version

If you have errors after steps 7 - post the error messages.

9 If mplayer is OK with a banner then you need to install mplayer but
I'm not sure excactly where. Post when you get this far.


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[slim] Re: I've read and read .............

2007-01-05 Thread SuperQ

metroman;167444 Wrote: 
> Thank you for the quick replies everyone. I am now getting the picture.
> I have a pc upstairs connected to the internet. I have a pikaone 300
> gig external drive (USB / RCA only)could this act as my server?
> metroman

yep, that's the way to do it.  Go download slimserver from the support
tab on the website, install it on the server.. and then using your
laptop, you can test softsqeeze.. if you like the way it works, you can
buy a squeezebox.


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[slim] Re: I've read and read .............

2007-01-05 Thread metroman

Thank you for the quick replies everyone. I am now getting the picture.
I have a pc upstairs connected to the internet. I have a pikaone 300
gig external drive (USB / RCA only)could this act as my server?


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[slim] Re: Ripping speed

2007-01-05 Thread SuperQ

KeithL;167434 Wrote: 
> I use itunes to rip to aiff at the highest setting. I have asked this
> before but received no replies. Does it matter what speed the cd is
> being read at? Itunes does not allow me to control the read speed. I am
> looking for the highest quality.
> Keith

If you're looking for highest quality, you should use a "secure" ripper
like EAC or cdparanoia.  If you have a windows, EAC is the way to go, if
you have a mac, supposedly this is good.

See the guide in the wiki:


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[slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-05 Thread adamslim

tomjtx;167378 Wrote: 
> The Anti Cables sound better than my previous 3,000.00 cable and I liked
> them better than the top Nordhost I auditioned!
> The Anti's are the best speaker cable I have had in my system and are
> dirt cheap.
> So cheap you should give them a try, I think he offers a trial.
> Or go to RS and spend 10.00 and give it a try. Most people sell their
> expensive wire after doing this.
> Maybe you won't like them but it's a very cheap experiment.

Hey that's good to hear - I just ordered some anti-cables just to see -
for the price, you can't go wrong!  The thing that actually made me
order, though, was their rigidity - in my setup, I need to train the
cables around the room perimeter, 2-3 feet above floor level.  I think
I can do this with the Antis when I couldn't with most others.

Happily, I have never spent 3k (or even close!) on cables!



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[slim] Re: FLAC Vs WAV

2007-01-05 Thread Greg Erskine

mswlogo;167344 Wrote: 
> I think the most useful feature of FLAC is that the file is checksummed
> but WAV is not.
> So when you mass convert your library you basically check the quality
> of your "masters". If you use WAV it will happily read garbage.

Hi mswlogo,

Can you give me more inforamtion. I don't understand how this works.


Greg Erskine

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Re: [slim] I've read and read .............

2007-01-05 Thread Michael Herger

and I still don't know if this Squeezebox is for me! I want a
jukebox set-up. If I connect my laptop to my hi-fi then this gives me a
Jukebox so why the Squeezebox?.

- because you don't want a computer sitting on your hi-fi
- because you'll want to share the same music experience in your bedroom,  
office, bathroom, kitchen...
- because besides the noise your laptop makes the soundcard is of mediocre  
- because you don't want to get up from the couch to change a song, but  
prefer using a remote

...and I'm sure there are more reasons.

Once the Squeezebox "has indexed" all
the music on my laptop then there is no need for the laptop to be
turned on?

You'll still a computer running slimserver. The Squeezebox without a  
server doesn't play anything.

BUT this computer can be one of the Squeezenetwork servers: connect your  
SB to the Squeezenetwork, shut down your laptop, and you'll still be able  
to listen to internet radio, Pandora, Podcasts etc.

Someone SELL this to me please. metroman.

I'm no salesman. But a few years back the then state of the art SliMP3  
changed the way I was listening to my music. I quickly gave up the  
computer on my hi-fi idea.



- - your SlimServer on a CD - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR
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Re: [slim] I've read and read .............

2007-01-05 Thread Andy Hawkins

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
   metroman<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> and I still don't know if this Squeezebox is for me! I want a
> jukebox set-up. If I connect my laptop to my hi-fi then this gives me a
> Jukebox so why the Squeezebox?. 

The audio output from the Squeezebox is likely to be significantly better
than that you'd get from the laptop. Also, the Squeezebox is a small device
that can sit in with your HiFi system. The PC that has your music can be
anywhere in the house (so long as the SB can connect to it over wired or
wireless network.

> Once the Squeezebox "has indexed" all the music on my laptop then there is
> no need for the laptop to be turned on?

No. The Squeezebox just receives a 'stream' of audio from somewhere, so this
source (either a PC with your own music or SqueezeNetwork) must be always


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[slim] Re: RSS / Weathertime Screensavers not working

2007-01-05 Thread heyho

Durrr, what a plonker.

I didn't have either my gateway ip address or isp ip address in

Could wget and ping ip address but not get dns lookup back.

Solved and happy.


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[slim] Ripping speed

2007-01-05 Thread KeithL

I use itunes to rip to aiff at the highest setting. I have asked this
before but received no replies. Does it matter what speed the cd is
being read at? Itunes does not allow me to control the read speed. I am
looking for the highest quality.


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[slim] Free Music Thread - Legally

2007-01-05 Thread jrmeade77

Please head over to the Music forum and check this post.  

"Free Music Thread - Legally"

Trying to compile a list of free music sources without DRM protection.

Much appreciated.


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[slim] Re: Hitachi Terabyte hard Drive

2007-01-05 Thread adamslim

ezkcdude;167409 Wrote: 
> If you like that, have you heard that Seagate predicts a 37.5TB HDD
> within a few years?

Wow that's precise.  Those will be the days that the odd 500GB will be
neither here nor there, I feel :)


SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[slim] Re: I've read and read .............

2007-01-05 Thread CatBus

You still need a computer on somewhere for a Squeezebox, running
SlimServer (SlimServer is the software that indexes tracks, and it is
still stored on the PC).

One difference is that the computer can be located very very far away
from the stereo.  So if your computer makes noise, it no longer impacts
the music.

Another difference is that the analog output from the Squeezebox almost
definitely sounds much better that the analog output from your sound
card.  Again, it'll sound better.  If you use an optical connection,
though, it's the same.

Another difference is that the Squeezebox is easier to work with.  It's
not as heavy, it has a handy easy-to-use remote control, and although I
still wouldn't recommend it, it's probably a bit safer to use in a
hazardous party-like environment where one spilled drink could fry your
laptop for good.

And finally, Squeezebox supports lots of features that aren't even
supported by some big-name PC jukebox software.  Features like: gapless
playback, automatic volume adjustment (that CD from the eighties won't
be all quiet compared to your other CDs anymore), ARTISTSORT (want Bob
Dylan sorted under "D"?  No problem!), etc.

It's worth it.  Really.  Every penny.


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Re: [slim] I've read and read .............

2007-01-05 Thread Ben Sandee

On 1/5/07, metroman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

and I still don't know if this Squeezebox is for me! I want a
jukebox set-up. If I connect my laptop to my hi-fi then this gives me a
Jukebox so why the Squeezebox?. Once the Squeezebox "has indexed" all
the music on my laptop then there is no need for the laptop to be
turned on? everything can then be called up on the Squeezebox, album,
track, genre, whatever, rather like my mp3 player? Internet radio is a
low priority but accessing ALL my mp3's at a touch is a priority.
Someone SELL this to me please. metroman.

The SB doesn't have any storage of its own so you'll need a laptop or other
server on in order to serve up your mp3's.

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[slim] I've read and read .............

2007-01-05 Thread metroman

and I still don't know if this Squeezebox is for me! I want a
jukebox set-up. If I connect my laptop to my hi-fi then this gives me a
Jukebox so why the Squeezebox?. Once the Squeezebox "has indexed" all
the music on my laptop then there is no need for the laptop to be
turned on? everything can then be called up on the Squeezebox, album,
track, genre, whatever, rather like my mp3 player? Internet radio is a
low priority but accessing ALL my mp3's at a touch is a priority.
Someone SELL this to me please. metroman.


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[slim] Re: Smiles and Kisses

2007-01-05 Thread Recoveryone

aubuti;167397 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the info, but it seems to me that the relevant comparisons
> are missing. How does the "retrieved" mp3 sound compared to the direct
> stream of the flac (or the CD)? And as someone else suggested, how does
> the direct stream flac compare to the "retrieved" flac? Keeping in mind
> the earlier good suggestions about volume settings, replaygain, etc.

Let me see if I can hit this nail on the head this time.

The retriever sounded Mp3 was more of a fuller sound than without it
on.  Compare to direct stream the same.  I only compared the lossless
file against the CD, due that I knew that was such a high level rip,
But I will do the same with the Mp3 and get back to you.


Pioneer Elite Fall in!
SqueezeBox 3 
Pioneer Elite VSX-81TX
Pioneer Elite DV-45A
Pioneer Elite M53 CD
Pioneer M66R Cassette

Server running on
P4 2.8 gigHz
2 gig DDR Dual Channel ram
Xp Home edtion Sp2
2x 80 gigHD(music/SS on same drive)
Linksys 54g wireless router
PCI Linksys 54g adapter card w/HG antana

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[slim] Re: Hitachi Terabyte hard Drive

2007-01-05 Thread ezkcdude

If you like that, have you heard that Seagate predicts a 37.5TB HDD
within a few years?


DIY projects page:

SB3->EZDAC->MIT Terminator 2 interconnects->Endler Audio 24-step
Attenuators (RCA-direct)->Parasound Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier->Speltz
anti-cables->DIY 2-ways + Dayton Titanic 10" subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

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[slim] Re: Dean Blackketter

2007-01-05 Thread dwc

Prolly some kalua pork...


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[slim] Hitachi Terabyte hard Drive

2007-01-05 Thread dwc

Mm tasty.


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[slim] Re: Smiles and Kisses

2007-01-05 Thread aubuti

Thanks for the info, but it seems to me that the relevant comparisons
are missing. How does the "retrieved" mp3 sound compared to the direct
stream of the flac (or the CD)? And as someone else suggested, how does
the direct stream flac compare to the "retrieved" flac? Keeping in mind
the earlier good suggestions about volume settings, replaygain, etc.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox mixed with other servers

2007-01-05 Thread funkstar

In that case it doesn't sound like the SB is for you. which is a shame


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[slim] Re: Smiles and Kisses

2007-01-05 Thread Recoveryone

aubuti;167369 Wrote: 
> VBR is Variable bitrate and CBR is Constant bitrate. The VBR compression
> algorithm uses higher bitrates for more complex music, and lower
> bitrates for less complex music. So for less complex music it throws
> away more data, yielding smaller file sizes. If the same VBR quality
> setting was used for all the files, and your ears tell you that the VBR
> files with lower bitrates sound worse, then it's not doing a good job of
> choosing the bitrate. If the lower bitrate is the result of choosing a
> lower quality setting, then you should expect it to sound worse. 
> The Sound Retriever sound was barely improved from *which* direct
> stream, the mp3 or the flac? Also, you explained why you list your gear
> in your sig, but I don't see any speakers in that list

thank you for the information, I had a feeling that was it just wanted
to be sure.

When I played the Mp3 files of the CD, I played the same songs using
the Sound Retirever (normal stereo) and without it on, the retriever
does not work in Direct stream.  I had my wife switch the settings back
and forth so I would not know the setting when listening. That way I
could not be bias.

Center..Jensen CCS (not used for music listening)
Fronts..Optimus LS30 (mounted 7' up 20 deg tilt down)
Sub.Optimus Pro Sw200
Rears...Optimus Pro X77s (not used for music listening)

One other feature on the receiver that made big diffirence is the use
of the MCACC setup system.  It uses a mic and test tones to set your
system to your rooms enviroment, hardwood floors/carpeting/sound
refection off walls/speaker distance..etc

With my old receiver I used an analog sound meter (hand held), but I
could only set it for the HT mode.  this new one does it for each type
of listening mode you want.


Pioneer Elite Fall in!
SqueezeBox 3 
Pioneer Elite VSX-81TX
Pioneer Elite DV-45A
Pioneer Elite M53 CD
Pioneer M66R Cassette

Server running on
P4 2.8 gigHz
2 gig DDR Dual Channel ram
Xp Home edtion Sp2
2x 80 gigHD(music/SS on same drive)
Linksys 54g wireless router
PCI Linksys 54g adapter card w/HG antana

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[slim] Re: Anyone running AlienBBC on Mac OSX 10.3.9?

2007-01-05 Thread bpa

I'll post a more detailed response late this evening on the steps but to
answer the last post.  

The first file is a compressed tar file (Linux' version of zip) of the
source code - this is the file you need.
The second MD5 file is a checksum to ensure that the first first hasn't
been infected by virus etc. 
The OSX file is a OSX compiled version of mplayer but I think it is for
10.4 (Intel & PowerPC).


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[slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-05 Thread tomjtx

4mula1;167348 Wrote: 
> You can't be serious about using magnet wire!  Most decent speaker wire
> I have seen has had a high strand count to not only help in flexibility
> but to reduce impedance.  Magnet wire would be relatively stiff and
> would have a higher impedance than a stranded wire.  Any repeated
> bending would degrade the magnet wire's performance in a speaker wire
> application.
> Plus an enameled wire won't be as forgiving of surface damage (abrasion
> etc.) as an extruded insulation would be.

Yes, I am serious about magnet wire and many others are to. The Anti
Cables sound better than my previous 3,000.00 cable and I liked them
better than the top Nordhost I auditioned!
Speltz of Anti Cable lists the measured imedance, and capacitance etc.
both twisted and untwisted, which is more than a lot of cable
manufacturers do.

Bending does nothing to degrade the sound as Speltz shows with

The Anti's are the best speaker cable I have had in my system and are
dirt cheap.
So cheap you should give them a try, I think he offers a trial.
Or go to RS and spen 10.00 and give it a try. Most people sell their
expensive wire after doing this.


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Re: [slim] on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-05 Thread jan van mourik

Well, copper may be copper, but speaker wires do sound different. I
recently tried a few, all copper, and preferred a Chinese cable,
Yingwang I think. But for now i'm using blue jeans cable that's
$0.79/Ft . The gray version is $0.59/Ft. :-D They use Belden cable.

On 1/5/07, Solvason-Pastuch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


At the frequencies in question, under 20KHz, copper is copper is copper.

Want to spend big bucks on Monster Cable, etc., go for it, but you won't
hear any differerence.  Impresses people, though.

Go to your local Home Depot and check out the zip cord, bigger the better.


- Original Message -
From: "dazm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 8:50 AM
Subject: [slim] on the question of speaker cable

> hi ,what do i look for in speaker cable quality,apart from the price
> theres a lot to choose from,thanks dazm
> --
> dazm
> dazm's Profile:
> View this thread:
> ___
> discuss mailing list

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[slim] Re: Smiles and Kisses

2007-01-05 Thread aubuti

VBR is Variable bitrate and CBR is Constant bitrate. The VBR compression
algorithm uses higher bitrates for more complex music, and lower
bitrates for less complex music. So for less complex music it throws
away more data, yielding smaller file sizes. If the same VBR quality
setting was used for all the files, and your ears tell you that the VBR
files with lower bitrates sound worse, then it's not doing a good job of
choosing the bitrate. If the lower bitrate is the result of choosing a
lower quality setting, then you should expect it to sound worse. 

The Sound Retriever sound was barely improved from *which* direct
stream, the mp3 or the flac? Also, you explained why you list your gear
in your sig, but I don't see any speakers in that list


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[slim] Re: Anyone running AlienBBC on Mac OSX 10.3.9?

2007-01-05 Thread whitman

One other thing, bpa. I see on the mplayer site three similar files to
the one you mention, and I'm not sure which I need.

They are:

MPlayer-1.0pre8.tar.bz2.md5 (tiny)

The first looks nearest to what you describe, but the third does have
'OSX' in it.

Which is the one I need?


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[slim] Re: Anyone running AlienBBC on Mac OSX 10.3.9?

2007-01-05 Thread whitman

Again thank you, bpa.

OK, I've installed Xcode successfully. I'm about to get the mplayer tar
file you specify, but presumably first I should dump the non-working
mplayer bits and pieces I already have.

When I've done all that, where do I type the 'configure', 'make' and
'make install' commands you mention? Is that somewhere in Xcode?

And yes, hopefully once I've got it all going, I can send you the
working program for others to use.


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[slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-05 Thread jonheal

How about stringing coat hangers together? If you're afraid they'll
short, wrap 'em with masking tape. That blue stuff looks pretty neat.

Here's what I did (halfway down the page):


Jon Heal says:
Have a nice day!

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[slim] Re: Itunes and aiif

2007-01-05 Thread mmcguff

One mild warning about ripping to aiff files:  There seems to be some
sort of issue in more recent versions of Slimserver with not reading
all the tag information correctly (for me, at least).  If I have "use
iTunes" turned off, Slimserver seems to only sporadically pick up
certain tag fields (disk #, composer, occasionally even some more
common fields), sometimes doing different things for different tracks
of the same CD.  It DOES seem to work properly if I have "use iTunes"
turned on, but then it isn't really reading track info from the files,
but from your iTunes XML file.  (Why would you want to set "use iTunes"
off?  Well, for example, I don't want my audiobooks to show up in
Slimserver, so I keep them in a separate directory and just have
Slimserver scan the music folder.  I wish I knew a different way to
exclude a genre from Slimserver without affecting iTunes...)

I did try to bring this up with Slimdevices tech support, but was told
that Slimserver didn't support tags in aiff files and they were just
like wav files, where it tries to figure out the info from directory
structure.  This clearly is not the case (otherwise how could it pick
up composer info for at least SOME tracks?), but the person I was
emailing lost interest when I found that setting "use iTunes" on would
take care of things, so I doubt anybody is actually looking into the
intermittent way tag info is read.

I have heard rumors that the next version of OS X (Leopard) might
support FLAC files natively.  If that DOES turn out to be true, then I
will be converting everything over to FLAC's, but for the time being
aiff's seem a decent choice, if you have the disk space.


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Re: [slim] Re: Radio Paradise

2007-01-05 Thread Ben Sandee

On 1/5/07, andyg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yikes that's a lot of work.  Have you tried setting the HTTP Proxy
option in SlimServer?  That should tell the SB2/3 to connect to streams
using that proxy server.

Agreed.  I won't be using it myself as I find 128K RP is sufficient on my
setup.  Also, I suspect that it might not work on Windows because it might
be very tightly integrated with the media players.

I don't understand how setting the HTTP proxy settings would help because I
don't actually have a proxy server.  Octoshape is a *sort* of proxy server,
but not an *actual* proxy server.  The only stream it will serve is the one
it was launched with.

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[slim] Re: Radio Paradise

2007-01-05 Thread andyg

Yikes that's a lot of work.  Have you tried setting the HTTP Proxy
option in SlimServer?  That should tell the SB2/3 to connect to streams
using that proxy server.


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Re: [slim] Re: Radio Paradise

2007-01-05 Thread Ben Sandee

On 1/5/07, andyg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

That's a bummer, Octoshape is a proprietary technology so there's no
information on how to support something like that.  At least you can
still listen to their normal stream.

Definitely a bummer.  Maybe there is hope:  I was able to listen to the
Octoshape stream on my SliMP3 (but not SB2/3!) using this technique:

FWIW, I did some messin' around on my Linux machine w/SlimServer and it
looks like Octoshape acts as a sort of proxy server.  It launches and
handles the network connection to the various peers and produces a standard
local mp3 radio stream for the local client (the stream is only accessible
to localhost, which is important as you'll see).

I wrote a stupid-simple C program to act as a proxy (octoproxy):


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int i;
   char str[2];


Then I launched the Octoshape client using this URL:

OctoshapeClient -url:octoshape:PARADISE.stream1_mp3

Next, I did a 'ps ax' command and found this URL waiting for me:

11988 pts/0S+ 0:00 octoproxy

I pasted this URL into Radio Tune-In on my SliMP3 player page and the music
started instantly.  I did the same process for my SB2 and SB3 devices and it
did not work -- I eventually narrowed this down to the fact that the SB
player was attempting to connect to the URL directly rather than letting
SlimServer do it.  For older devices, they don't connect to radio stations

Anyway, maybe there's hope The right helper program and the right
command-line manipulation could automate most, if not all of this.  Is there
any way to force SlimServer to stream the URL rather than having the player
connect to the URL?

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[slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-05 Thread 4mula1

tomjtx;167329 Wrote: 
> Or, go to Radio Shack and buy magnet wire and DIY for about 20 cents per
> foot.

You can't be serious about using magnet wire!  Most decent speaker wire
I have seen has had a high strand count to not only help in flexibility
but to reduce impedance.  Magnet wire would be relatively stiff and
would have a higher impedance than a stranded wire.  Any repeated
bending would degrade the magnet wire's performance in a speaker wire

Plus an enameled wire won't be as forgiving of surface damage (abrasion
etc.) as an extruded insulation would be.


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