Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox no longer startup automatically

2007-01-24 Thread Michael Herger

That sure would fix some things.  However, it also then requires to
resetup your network etc which is pain to have to do everytime an
update happens to SlimServer.

Did you try it? Did it help?



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Re: [slim] Nintendo Wii + Slimserver?

2007-01-24 Thread Michael Herger

I thought maybe if there was a way to develope a new slimserver theme
with an embedded flash player that maybe that would work but I'm not
sure.  Or would it take some sort of special web portal?

A search in the forum showed up this:

Open http://yourslimserver:9000/Touch on your Wii



- - your SlimServer on a CD - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR

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Re: [slim] Re: Combining Slimserver and PVR?

2007-01-24 Thread Peter

ceejay wrote:

Yes, I have looked at that - my problem would be that I really don't
want any kind of PC in the place where the PVR is. It looks like the
6000 would do the job, if only they'd make a suitable UK version...

That's the whole point of the Lirc module. You don't want a PC in the 
place where your SB is either. My PC (Linux Server) is safely tucked 
away in its own room. The A/V outputs are connected to my living room TV 
with a CAT5 cable (over 2 A/V baluns: ). That way there's no 
PC in sight, just a TV set, an SB3 and two powered speakers. The slim 
remote controls MythTV while the SB is on standby. You can't get much 
cleaner or quieter than that IMHO.


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[slim] Re: Combining Slimserver and PVR?

2007-01-24 Thread dSw

ceejay;173455 Wrote: 
> Yes, I have looked at that - my problem would be that I really don't
> want any kind of PC in the place where the PVR is. It looks like the
> 6000 would do the job, if only they'd make a suitable UK version...
> Ceejay

If its just a network connection that you're after and you don't want a
full blown PC then you could use a Linksys NSLU2 or an Asus WL-500G to
attach the 5800 to your wireless network. No sign of the 6000 in the UK
anytime soon.


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Re: [slim] Re: lesson Learned with RAID 5 Implementation

2007-01-24 Thread Peter

mustbemad wrote:

Found a piece of software from Disk Internals Research called Linux
Reader - free - seemed too good to be true!

It mounted my disk on a Windows XP machine via USB, and reads every
file on it without any trouble.  Just extracting all the data now.

AFAICS it's just a ext2/ext3 filesystem reader, right? No obvious 
recovery tools. I believe there are two files ystem drivers that just 
allow you to read & write ext2/ext3 partitions under Linux. I've used 
one in the past (forgot which) and it seemed to work OK.


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Re: [slim] Re: "Powered offf" screen saver suddenly stopped working

2007-01-24 Thread Peter

lemmy999 wrote:
azinck3;173574 Wrote: 

Try pressing the "brightness" button...:)

I feel like an idiot..thanks!


Don't worry, we all felt like idiots... ;)

This happens a lot and if something like this goes wrong so often it's 
time to consider the possibility that the software usability design is 
at fault. I'm sure the SD support desk gets a lot of calls because of 
the brightness button. How about a nice and bright message showing just 
after the SB boots and switches to the black screensaver that says 
"Warning: Screensaver brightness is set to 0" or something in that manner?

I'm a seasoned user and that would've saved me at least half an hour in 
the past. Multiply that by the number of SD users and add the number of 
support calls, mails and forum threads wasted on this and you'll 
probably find it's worth it...


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[slim] IRBlaster plugin acess from CLI

2007-01-24 Thread Daniel Agar
Does anyone know of a way I could control the irblaster from the console
on the machine slimserver is running on?

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[slim] Old versions of Slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread jonf

How do I get hold of old versions of slimserver? I upgraded to 6.5.1 and
can not get the web front end to load at all. Switched off firewall and
everything else on here to do but no joy so want to uninstall and go
back. I hear the 'best' version is 6.3.1 - is that correct?


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[slim] Re: Combining Slimserver and PVR?

2007-01-24 Thread ceejay

Thanks for the comments.

Wiring a PC to the place where the TV/SB/PVR are isn't feasible,
unfortunately.  But I do have a wireless LAN going to the SB (actually
a TP).

Hence the 6000 seeming exactly what I need.

There are three things stopping me doing the 5800/NSLU2 thing:

1 - I'd have to find somewhere to hide the slug (ok, could probably
find a spot behind the woofer)

2 - it seems like a kludgy and inelegant solution, and I yearn for
elegance in technical solutions

3 - I'm convinced that if I do go this route, within 3 months they will
finally bring out the 6000 (or an equivalent device from someone else
will come out) and I'll be really miffed.

On the other hand, I am getting increasing frustrated by the single
tuner on my existing PVR, and my inability to transfer recordings from
it, so its just possible that this frustration may force me to take
action anyway!



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Re: [slim] Old versions of Slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread Michael Herger

How do I get hold of old versions of slimserver?

I upgraded to 6.5.1 and
can not get the web front end to load at all. Switched off firewall and
everything else on here to do but no joy so want to uninstall and go
back. I hear the 'best' version is 6.3.1 - is that correct?

No. Because there's no best for everyone. Don't update, if you don't want  
anything improved. Because then the current version is the best for you.



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Re: [slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 23/01/07, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

bergek wrote:
> brunodenis;173329 Wrote:

That would be a great idea. We already have Moose and SlimRemote, but
they're hardly full featured or easy to use/install. Hint: Have a look
at guys. It's not that hard to make
a nice install package.

An installer for Moose would be a piece of cake to write, but all it would
do would be to install the .net runtime and copy a new exe over the old one.
The download would have to include the .net runtimes, so be quite chunky,
and im not sure I can afford the extra bandwidth.

It would be nice to be able to include the database connector, but I'm not
sure I'd be allowed - i'll look into this. Also, automating the manual changes
required to slimserver's .tt file isnt really possible.

> I'd love to see an album art downloader integrated into slimserver, but
> I'm willing to guess that it's copyright law that prevents such a
> feature.
Might not be integrated in SS but definitely to Moose (.NET as well).

I wrote code to do this a while back, but never got round to hooking it in
properly. Also, it's tricky for Moose to write back to the slim folder structure
(though not out of the question). It can write to its own 'thumbs' folder quite
easily though, and a 'save as..' dialog for coverart would be pretty easy..

- Dr Lovegrove
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[slim] Re: Remote Streaming Restriction

2007-01-24 Thread Siduhe

RalphO;173370 Wrote: 
>  One idea I was looking to explore was some of Radio 5 live feeds.  You
> see I am a Brit living in the US.  Premiership football matches are
> only available on the Radio 5 web site for UK listeners.  I had the
> idea that if I could get my brother (in the UK) to install Slimserver
> and AlienBBC on his computer I might be able to connect to it over the
> internet and hear the feed.  I do not know whether it will work, I
> guess I have to try to find out.

I'm not sure this will work for you because of the restrictions that
the BBC place / have placed on them with streaming Premiership matches
over the internet.  I am based in the UK, with a UK ISP and I often
switch on R5 Live via Slimserver (using AlienBBC) and via
Squeezenetwork when the matches are on to hear a "-sorry, due to
licencing restrictions we cannot transmit this item via internet
radio-" or something similar. I can hear them fine if I open up the
feed via the BBC website or using my cable provider (which has radio


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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5.1 and NO SOUND

2007-01-24 Thread AudioFrog

Unfortunately when I attempt to run slim.exe from a CMD prompt, it just
sits there with no text output in the command window. When I attempt to
use the Slim Tray, the Icon just flashes as if it was trying to start
but never does. When I break out of slim.exe with a CTRL-C, it returns
something to the effect that it could not connect to the database.
Using the Slim Tray normally to start slimserver, it starts just fine
and all the playlists are there but no sound. Completely baffling. Are
there any command line arguments to force slim.exe to display startup

Thanks for your help,



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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread brunodenis

Dr Lovegrove,

In my previous posts, I was talking about integrating harmony3 like
features to Moose, not the automatic download. Moose has access to SS
or the folder's structure if I remember well, it could therefore
generate another display mode using the Harmony3 DLLs (if we could get
the sources).
I have .NET3 installed on my machine and Moose is working pretty well
so there should not be any major issue "pluggin'in" the two tools

One question tho. Does using moose provide from installing SS ?
Apparently not. Is it possible to stream to SB/TP clients without SS ?


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[slim] Re: Slimserver, Shoutcast and Winamp

2007-01-24 Thread Scardeville

I've had much the same problem over the past few months since version
6.5. I mostly listen to CBC Radio 2 in the morning. I've chased the
stream around in various forms including the http: link from CBC
Radio's links page and the mms:// link. Sometimes it works and
sometimes it doesn't. I had this problem when I had SS 6.5 working on
my WinXP machine and I have this problem with my new headless linux

For the past two or three months I was happily listening to an Ogg
Vorbis stream but CBC has pulled that stream and I'm back to trying to
chase their Windows Media stream, and it's a day-to-day thing and very

Here's my setup:
SS 6.5 running on Fedora Core 5
D-Link DI-624, firmware 2.76, Static IP addresses
SB3 in wireless mode, WPA encryption
SB1 connected by ethernet, synced with the SB3
Cable internet connection (Rogers)

And here are my results which I find puzzling:
1. SS, of course, works fine streaming my own files (mp3 or flac)
2. I can use my Playlists or Slim Devices Picks to listen to a variety
of other radio streams without difficulty.
3. I can listen to the CBC Radio Windows Media streams using
4. I can listen to the CBC Radio Windows Media streams using Windows
Media Player or Winamp from either the http:// or the mms:// URLs.
5. But, usually, none of the CBC Radio Windows Media streams will play
from SS or from the SB. I've tried connecting from the mms:// addresses
(e.g. mms://, and from the http:// pointers from
the CBC webpage (also listed in Slim Devices Picks). When I attempt to
play them I get don't get any messages on the SB3. The display suggests
it is playing but there is no stream. Occasionally, but not always, I
get a display saying "Error decoding WMA: check file types", but
usually I just get the little musical note symbol suggesting I'm
connected, and if I go to Now Playing it suggests I'm connected. 

Yesterday, after multiple attempts to link to the CBC 2 stream it
mysteriously started to work. Today it won't work at all. And, as
noted, the stream always works on Winamp and Windows Media Player. 

6. Just for interest's sake, CBC1 on Ogg Vorbis works just fine but the
CBC2 Ogg Vorbis stream appears to be dead -- it won't work in Winamp
either. I don't know if it's my connection or CBC's problem -- since
CBC Customer Relations is an oxymoron they won't respond to my

Just to add another bit of data, I did a recent setup of SS with an SB1
for my girlfriend on a Windows machine and CBC WM streams work fine for
her.  I don't consider the difference in platform relevant since I've
had my problems on a Windows machine as well. But all this suggests
that there are three differences that could be significant; (1) she has
a Motorola router, (2) she has an SB1 instead of an SB3, and (3) she has
Videotron instead of Rogers cable internet. 

Like other posters on this stream I'm prepared to believe that the ISP
or the router setup could be involved, but I'm also frustrated that
other software can handle these streams just fine but Slimserver and/or
Squeezebox cannot. It would seem strange that I need to go and buy a new
router or change my ISP to get my SB to handle CBC radio streams when
Winamp obviously works fine with them.


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[slim] Re: Remote Streaming Restriction

2007-01-24 Thread bpa

I think it might work if you can use a RealAudio connection to 5Live or
if you force slimserver to  the transcode the 5Live WMA stream to say a
lower bit rate - the connection will be made from where the slimserver
is connected to the network - so if the slimserver is based in the UK
the connection will be made from the UK.  The squeezebox can be in the
US but it be connecting from US to the host slimserver - not the BBC.


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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread servies

brunodenis;173421 Wrote: 
> I partitaly agree. but softawre companies must answer all the needs from
> lots of different users. that's why they cover so much and some of us
> want some, others want other. This leads to your swiss knife.
No, IMHO they must not and they should not. This mostly results in an
application which does its several jobs in a very mediocre way, in
stead of its one job superb...
Par example IMHO iTunes doesn't even get near the quality of EAC
considering CD ripping...,

And how do you want slimserver to extract audio from a CD? it's running
on multiple platforms which all have different ways of accessing CD's
To give you a small idea: there's more beyond Windows, I'm running it
on a headless and keyboardless Linux server.
At this moment slimserver can run on allmost every platform, as long as
perl is available. If slimserver had been only available on Windows
because of all the junk they have to include according to you I would
not have bought a squeezebox!

> To some up only for my personnal case, pushing music from server (itunes
> for its graphical gui) is what i would like, I don't give any interest
> into all displays onto the SB/TP.

Then you should have bought an Airport Express or you should now buy a
Wifi-able PDA...

> May my target would be a tablet PC with itunes on it driven by fingers.
> But itunes does not link to SB. So, I was expecting a hacked firmware
> correcting this aspect. Might come one day. I could event help if
> necessarty because I fell sure this to be faisable.
I don't know. I'm not sure if there's enough memory in the squeezebox
to be able to fully implement the iTunes protocol next to the
slimserver protocol, and then there are still the license issues... and
the problem of a protocol over which you have absolutely no control.


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Re: [slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 24/01/07, brunodenis

In my previous posts, I was talking about integrating harmony3 like
features to Moose, not the automatic download. Moose has access to SS
or the folder's structure if I remember well, it could therefore
generate another display mode using the Harmony3 DLLs (if we could get
the sources).

Yes, Moose could do the coverflow stuff quite easily - it's more a matter
of time than anything else.. Im hoping to add some more 'choosers' in the
near future, and am currently adding some new modes to the cover-chooser..

- Dr Lovegrove
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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread brunodenis

servies;173635 Wrote: 
> No, IMHO they must not and they should not. This mostly results in an
> application which does its several jobs in a very mediocre way, in
> stead of its one job superb...
> Par example IMHO iTunes doesn't even get near the quality of EAC
> considering CD ripping...,
> And how do you want slimserver to extract audio from a CD? it's running
> on multiple platforms which all have different ways of accessing CD's
> To give you a small idea: there's more beyond Windows, I'm running it
> on a headless and keyboardless Linux server.
> At this moment slimserver can run on allmost every platform, as long as
> perl is available. If slimserver had been only available on Windows
> because of all the junk they have to include according to you I would
> not have bought a squeezebox!
> Then you should have bought an Airport Express or you should now buy a
> Wifi-able PDA...

Again, you misunderstand me. I am not saying that software companies
HAVE TO do that swiss knife but they are trying in order to satisfy
users (average joes who may be reluctant to install multiple soft on
their machine and who do not spent lots of time on forums to get
informed). Apert from that, I agree with  your conclusions.

I am more doubtfull with the ripping comparison between any CD ripper
(no name). To me, and I may wrong but demonstrate the contrary, a 0 or
a 1 is the same with any of them CD error compliant.

By the way, Dr Lovegrove, do you need help (creating the installer for
example) ?


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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5.1 and NO SOUND

2007-01-24 Thread AudioFrog

Oops, maybe instead of trying to use the web interface to play a song
for debugging sakes I was supposed to use the squeezebox via remote.
I'll try that when I get home for lunch.


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Re: [slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread Peter

servies wrote:

I don't know. I'm not sure if there's enough memory in the squeezebox
to be able to fully implement the iTunes protocol next to the
slimserver protocol, and then there are still the license issues... and
the problem of a protocol over which you have absolutely no control.

That's why a sound device driver that talks directly to the squeezebox 
could be a better option. It can't be that hard to write a device driver 
that streams audio to a squeezebox, but it would be a nice extra to have.


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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread servies

brunodenis;173650 Wrote: 
> Again, you misunderstand me. I am not saying that software companies
> HAVE TO do that swiss knife but they are trying in order to satisfy
> users (average joes who may be reluctant to install multiple soft on
> their machine and who do not spent lots of time on forums to get
> informed). Apert from that, I agree with  your conclusions.
Ah, probably the misunderstanding is caused by both being not native
English speakers.

> I am more doubtfull with the ripping comparison between any CD ripper
> (no name). To me, and I may wrong but demonstrate the contrary, a 0 or
> a 1 is the same with any of them CD error compliant.
Let me assure you that there can be a major difference in the resulting
rip by the different CD ripping programs. The difference will
exponentially grow with decreasing quality of the CD...


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Re: [slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread Michael Herger

That's why a sound device driver that talks directly to the squeezebox
could be a better option. It can't be that hard to write a device driver
that streams audio to a squeezebox, but it would be a nice extra to have.

We all know everything is really easy, if you know it. But unfortunately  
nobody in the community seems to have the knowledge. Feel free to order  
"Device Driver Development for Dummies" ;-)



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Re: [slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread Marc Sherman

Peter wrote:

That's why a sound device driver that talks directly to the squeezebox 
could be a better option. It can't be that hard to write a device driver 
that streams audio to a squeezebox, but it would be a nice extra to have.

The slim protocol is documented on the wiki. Go right ahead!

- Marc
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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread brunodenis

servies;173659 Wrote: 
> Ah, probably the misunderstanding is caused by both being not native
> English speakers, I was under the impression you were in favour of
> this...
> Let me assure you that there can be a major difference in the resulting
> rip by the different CD ripping programs. The difference will
> exponentially grow with decreasing quality of the CD...

As far as itunes does not comply with flac, as far as SS can use itunes
library but cannot rip CDs. Your advise would then to rip CDs with EAC
in maniac mode and then encode them in apple lossless so that
soundfiles are compliant with both.
Is there a huge difference between Applelossless, flac or any other
lossless codec ?


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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5.1 and NO SOUND

2007-01-24 Thread oreillymj

When you start slim.exe from a DOS prompt, you need to go back into the
WEB UI and re-enable the d_source debugging option.

Then try play an ALAC file from an SB2/3

The debug info will appear in the console window.

BTW - Andy updated the Alac binary to fix a bug but only added it to

If you wnat to try the binary, make a backup of alac.exe  in 
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread

and replace it with the version from here*checkout*/trunk/server/Bin/MSWin32-x86-multi-thread/alac.exe?rev=11240


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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread Siduhe

brunodenis;173666 Wrote: 
> As far as itunes does not comply with flac, as far as SS can use itunes
> library but cannot rip CDs. Your advise would then to rip CDs with EAC
> in maniac mode and then encode them in apple lossless so that
> soundfiles are compliant with both.

I'm not quite sure if this is your question, but EAC will rip and
encode to a wide variety of formats, including Apple Lossless.

You need to point EAC at the "Lossless Encoder" within Itunes.


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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread jeffmeh

brunodenis;173666 Wrote: 
> Is there a huge difference between Applelossless, flac or any other
> lossless codec ?

This one has been discussed before.
1) Lossless is lossless, so the bits are the same when they are
2) They can differ in terms of how much compression they achieve, but
these differences are generally negligible.
3) They can differ in how efficiently and fast they
compress/decompress.  FLAC's decompression is quite efficient and fast,
so it may save you some processing time, power, etc., but in most cases
it probably does not matter much.
4) The SB can play FLAC natively.  ALAC must be transcoded on
5) ALAC is proprietary.  Apple can change the rules in the future and
there is little you can do about it.  FLAC, on the other hand, is open.
Your FLAC files are under your own control.  Some people care about
this deeply, others do not.


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Re: [slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread Peter

Marc Sherman wrote:

Peter wrote:

That's why a sound device driver that talks directly to the 
squeezebox could be a better option. It can't be that hard to write a 
device driver that streams audio to a squeezebox, but it would be a 
nice extra to have.

The slim protocol is documented on the wiki. Go right ahead!

I've contributed enough already IMHO, rather more than average, I'd say. 
Don't forget there's a commercial company behind this thing that's just 
been sold for a measly 20 million IIRC. They must have some budget for 
developing new features. I have my own businesses to run. For now you 
and they will have to do with my more or less insightful ideas which may 
be worth exactly what you paid for them or just maybe a lot more.

I never built this device I was dreaming of in the newspost below myself 
either, but thankfully someone did... ;);

I guess my ideal device would just play network streams that were sent
to it via ethernet. Ethernet in, line out. The software on the
computer would handle everything else.

OK, maybe add a display that can be controlled from the network as
well as a IR receiver that can send command codes back. All
intelligence would reside in the (Linux) server.

I'm just waiting until someone with the means gets the same idea and
builds something affordable. 


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[slim] Re: Can't play WMA after upgrade to 6.5.1

2007-01-24 Thread colin_young

If you look at my original post, you'll see that I was able to play
these files with the previous version of the server software (and in
any case at least one of the problem files is WMA7). 

Since there has been no interest or likely solutions, my next step is
to uninstall everything slim related and reinstall. I'll post the
results back here.


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[slim] Re: Slimserver, Shoutcast and Winamp

2007-01-24 Thread andyg

Since you said it works for you on SqueezeNetwork, it's probably just a
file type problem in SlimServer.  Make sure you have "Windows Media ->
Windows Media (built-in)" checked under Server Settings -> File Types. 
Don't check any other Windows Media boxes.


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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5.1 and NO SOUND

2007-01-24 Thread AudioFrog

Thanks for the info. I'll give it a try in about 1 hour and report



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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5.1 and NO SOUND

2007-01-24 Thread SteveEast

You can also start the server with the debugging options by typing:

"c:\program files\slimserver\server\slim.exe" --d_source --d_paths



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[slim] Re: IRBlaster plugin acess from CLI

2007-01-24 Thread 4mula1

See this thread:


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[slim] Re: Compilation albums - problem

2007-01-24 Thread jimwillsher

Same problem for me, still not fixed in 6.5.1. I've just filed another
Slim bug (4708). It's probably a duplicate, but this bug has been
present for so long now that duplication is inevitable.



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[slim] Re: "Powered offf" screen saver suddenly stopped working

2007-01-24 Thread snarlydwarf

Peter;173601 Wrote: 
> This happens a lot and if something like this goes wrong so often it's
> time to consider the possibility that the software usability design is
> at fault. I'm sure the SD support desk gets a lot of calls because of 
> the brightness button. How about a nice and bright message showing just
> after the SB boots and switches to the black screensaver that says 
> "Warning: Screensaver brightness is set to 0" or something in that
> manner?

Because the bright light could wake someone 3 miles away and that is
the stuff of lawsuits?


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[slim] Re: squeezbox on a Mac

2007-01-24 Thread MelonMonkey

Read the countless threads in the forum and you will come to the
conclusion that running Slimserver under Mac OS will in all instances
provide you with a much better experience than running it in a Windows
environment. I know not of a single headache caused by  the fact it's a
Mac OS installation, versus the numerous problems associated with the
Windows version.

On top of that you'll also have a much more stable system overall if
you intend to leave it running all the time.


*'Twisted Melon - Fine Mac OS Software' ( |
'mira - Personal Control for your Apple Remote'

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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5.1 and NO SOUND

2007-01-24 Thread AudioFrog

Here is the output just starting slim.exe:

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server>slim.exe --d_source --d_paths
2007-01-24 11:27:01.3906 Checking for mDNSResponderPosix.exe in
C:\Program Files
2007-01-24 11:27:01.3909 Checking for mDNSResponderPosix.exe in
C:\Program Files
2007-01-24 11:27:01.3911 Checking for mDNSResponderPosix.exe in
C:\Program Files
2007-01-24 11:27:01.3913 Checking for mDNSResponderPosix.exe in
2007-01-24 11:27:01.4069 Found binary undef for mDNSResponderPosix.exe
2007-01-24 11:27:02.4375 Checking for mysqld.exe in C:\Program
2007-01-24 11:27:02.4377 Found binary C:\Program
in32-x86-multi-thread\mysqld.exe for mysqld.exe
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3593 loading conversion config files...
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3608 input: 'mov' output: 'mp3' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[mov123] $FILE$ | [lame] --resample 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ -b
$ -r - -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3610 input: 'alc' output: 'mp3' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[alac] -r $FILE$ | [lame] --resample 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$
E$ -r -x - -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3612 input: 'ogg' output: 'mp3' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[sox] -t ogg $FILE$ -t raw -r 44100 -c 2 -w -s $-x$ - | [lame]
--resample 4
4100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$ -r - -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3613 input: 'wav' output: 'mp3' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[lame] --resample 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$
$FILE$ -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3614 input: 'aif' output: 'mp3' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[lame] --resample 44100  --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$
$FILE$ -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3616 input: 'shn' output: 'mp3' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[shorten] -x $FILE$ - | [lame] --resample 44100  --silent -q
$QUALITY$ --ab
r $BITRATE$ - -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3617 input: 'flc' output: 'mp3' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[flac] -dcs --skip=$START$ --until=$END$ -- $FILE$ | [lame]
--resample 4410
0  --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$ - -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3619 input: 'wma' output: 'mp3' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[wmadec] -r 44100 -b 16 -n 2 $FILE$ | [lame] -x --resample 44100 
-q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$ - -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3620 input: 'mpc' output: 'mp3' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[mppdec] --raw-le --silent --prev --gain 3 $FILE$ - | [lame] -x
44100  --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$ - -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3622 input: 'ape' output: 'mp3' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[mac] $FILE$ - -d | [lame] --resample 44100  -x --silent -q 9
--abr $BITRAT
E$ - -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3623 input: 'mp3' output: 'mp3' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '-'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3624 input: 'aif' output: 'aif' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '-'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3626 input: 'wav' output: 'wav' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '-'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3627 input: 'shn' output: 'wav' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[shorten] -x $FILE$ -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3628 input: 'flc' output: 'wav' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[flac] -dcs --force-raw-format --endian=little --sign=signed
--until=$END$ -- $FILE$'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3630 input: 'ogg' output: 'ogg' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '-'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3631 input: 'ogg' output: 'aif' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[sox] -t ogg $FILE$ -t raw -r 44100 -c 2 -w -s $-x$ -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3632 input: 'wma' output: 'wav' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[wmadec] -r 44100 -b 16 -n 2 $FILE$'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3634 input: 'mpc' output: 'wav' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[mppdec] --raw-le --silent --prev --gain 2 $FILE$ -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3635 input: 'ape' output: 'wav' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[mac] $FILE$ - -d'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3636 input: 'mpc' output: 'aif' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[mppdec] --raw-be --silent --prev --gain 2 $FILE$ -'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3637 input: 'alc' output: 'wav' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[alac] -r $FILE$'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3639 input: 'mov' output: 'aif' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[mov123] $FILE$'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3640 input: 'wma' output: 'wma' clienttype:
'squeezebox2': c
lientid: '*': '-'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3641 input: 'flc' output: 'flc' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '-'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3643 input: 'aif' output: 'flc' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --skip=$START$
ND$ -- $FILE$'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3644 input: 'wav' output: 'flc' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --skip=$START$
ND$ -- $FILE$'
2007-01-24 11:27:03.3646 input: 'shn' output: 'flc' clienttype: '*':
clientid: '
*': '[shorten] -x

[slim] Re: FF very rough

2007-01-24 Thread MelonMonkey

Using one button for Fast Forward and Next track is pretty common in an
audio player.  Nothing wrong with that.  What complicates matters is
that holding the button does not do a standard fast forward (one that
forwards at a specific rate while holding and starts normal playback
once released).

I understand trying to get the extra functionality in, but this is just
a poor design.  It's one of the only faults I can immediately point out
with the standard remote configuration.


*'Twisted Melon - Fine Mac OS Software' ( |
'mira - Personal Control for your Apple Remote'

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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5.1 and NO SOUND

2007-01-24 Thread AudioFrog

and here is some of the very long output when trying to play a song:

2007-01-24 11:29:33.3442 00:02:08:00:00:01 New play mode: playout-play
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3449 00:02:08:00:00:01: Current playmode:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3450 No pending chunks - we're dropping the
streaming connec
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3454 00:02:08:00:00:01: Can't opennext, returning
no chunk.
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3558 00:02:08:00:00:01: Decoder underrun while this
mode: pl
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3561 the next song is number 7, was 6
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3564 **skipahead: opening next song
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3565 opening next song...
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3567 the next song is number 7, was 6
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3571 undermax = 1, type = mov, squeezebox2 =
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3573 getConvertCommand: track is alac - updating
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3575 checking formats for:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3576 checking formats for:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3577 checking formats for: alc-wma-squeezebox2-*
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3578 checking formats for: alc-wma-*-*
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3580 checking formats for:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3581 checking formats for:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3582 checking formats for: alc-ogg-squeezebox2-*
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3583 checking formats for: alc-ogg-*-*
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3585 checking formats for:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3586 checking formats for:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3587 checking formats for: alc-flc-squeezebox2-*
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3589 checking formats for: alc-flc-*-*
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3590 Checking to see if alc-flc-*-* is enabled
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3591enabled
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3592   Found command: [alac] $FILE$ | [flac] -cs
ilent --compression-level-0 --endian big --sign signed --channels 2
--bps 16 --s
ample-rate 44100 -
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3594 Matched Format: flc Type: alc Command: [alac]
$FILE$ |
[flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --endian big --sign
signed --c
hannels 2 --bps 16 --sample-rate 44100 -
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3596 opening next song (old format: flc, new: flc)
current p
laymode: playout-play
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3597 Adding song index 7 to song queue
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3599 Song queue is now
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3600 **skipahead: restarting
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3602 00:02:08:00:00:01: Switching to mode play from
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3638 openSong on:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3646 openSong: duration: [252] size: [26729933]
endian [] of
fset: [0] for
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3651 undermax = 1, type = mov, squeezebox2 =
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3653 getConvertCommand: track is alac - updating
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3654 checking formats for:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3655 checking formats for:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3657 checking formats for: alc-wma-squeezebox2-*
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3658 checking formats for: alc-wma-*-*
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3659 checking formats for:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3661 checking formats for:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3662 checking formats for: alc-ogg-squeezebox2-*
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3663 checking formats for: alc-ogg-*-*
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3664 checking formats for:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3666 checking formats for:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3667 checking formats for: alc-flc-squeezebox2-*
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3668 checking formats for: alc-flc-*-*
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3669 Checking to see if alc-flc-*-* is enabled
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3671enabled
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3672   Found command: [alac] $FILE$ | [flac] -cs
ilent --compression-level-0 --endian big --sign signed --channels 2
--bps 16 --s
ample-rate 44100 -
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3674 Matched Format: flc Type: alc Command: [alac]
$FILE$ |
[flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --endian big --sign
signed --c
hannels 2 --bps 16 --sample-rate 44100 -
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3675 openSong: this is an alc file:
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3677   file type: alc format: flc inrate: 830
maxRate: 0
2007-01-24 11:29:33.3678   command: [alac] $FILE$ | [flac] -cs
--compression-level-0 --endian big --sign signed --channels 2 --bps 16

[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5.1 and NO SOUND

2007-01-24 Thread AudioFrog

There was a lot more debugging output but I was only allowed 1000
characters for the posting.


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Re: [slim] Re: FF very rough

2007-01-24 Thread kdf

On 24-Jan-07, at 8:34 AM, MelonMonkey wrote:

What complicates matters is
that holding the button does not do a standard fast forward (one that
forwards at a specific rate while holding and starts normal playback
once released).

please feel free to line up the sample set and prove "standard".
I have 3 dvd players, and oddly all three work by working up through 
2x, 8x, 32x and go back to play on PLAY.   It doesn't work for you, 
that's fair, but this point has been brought up every time and it 
doesn't carry.


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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5.1 and NO SOUND

2007-01-24 Thread kdf

you generally don't need to post more than that.  it seems that the
transcoders are no longer dumping any info, or arent the problem after
all.  There is an open bug report that seems to indicate a problem with
command length in windows.

there is a log attached there too, which shows similar output. If you
wish to keep tabs on the progress there, please sign up on and add your email address to the cc list on that



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[slim] Re: squeezbox on a Mac

2007-01-24 Thread Eric Seaberg

Thesil, I have SS running exclusively on a Mac MINI 1.83GHz Core Duo.  I
don't want to waste bandwidth here going into how easy it was to setup
and keep running, so if you want to email me offline, I'd be happy to
help in anyway I can.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego

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[slim] Re: Sean "Please" -SlimServer & Salling Clicker 3.0

2007-01-24 Thread donmesserli

I did get some progress done on this and then life got hectic as it
usually does.  Unfortunately, I have accepted a new job at a company
where this would be a conflict of interest.

I will no longer be working on this.  Sorry.



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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5.1 and NO SOUND

2007-01-24 Thread SteveEast

I suppose you could try some experiments to shorten the total command
length. One would be to create a small test music folder somewhat
closer to the root of your disk. Another would be streaming as WAV
which would avoid the flac command.



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[slim] Another LAME question

2007-01-24 Thread thesil

Well I finally downloaded LAME, and I have two questions. First, What
quality level should I choose, and what bitrate level. Thanks everyone
for all your help, I am a little new at this


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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5.1 and NO SOUND

2007-01-24 Thread AudioFrog

Thank you for all your help. Sorry this is an existing issue and that
you had to re-diagnose the problem. This has been baffling me for
awhile now and it appears that 7.0 has the same bug (I tried it before
posting my issue then went back to 6.5.1). I will sign up for that bug
tracker notification, go back to 6.5 and wait it out.

Thanks again,



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[slim] Re: Another LAME question

2007-01-24 Thread snarlydwarf is a reasonable
start.  (Though they should have boldfaced that "archiving" with mp3 is

-V0 --vbr-new is probably what you want.  You may be able to survive
with -V1 or -V2 as well, depending on your hearing, but the disk space
isnt that important even on a portable.


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[slim] Re: Another LAME question

2007-01-24 Thread JJZolx

thesil;173745 Wrote: 
> Well I finally downloaded LAME, and I have two questions. First, What
> quality level should I choose, and what bitrate level. Thanks everyone
> for all your help, I am a little new at this

Quality level - I'd definitely increase it from the default 9, but it
will increase the load on your server.  Depends on how busy the server
is and whether or not it's performing other tasks.  Move it the whole
way to 0 and see if the server falters at all.  Back it off if the CPU
load seems too high.

How will you be using the transcoded MP3 stream?  Will you be streaming
outside of your home network?  If so, keep it low enough that it can be
accomodated by your outgoing bandwidth.  At home I have 768kbps
outgoing on a cable connection, but I have a tough time seemlessly
streaming at anything about 160kbps.  If we're talking about on the
home network, I'm not sure why you'd transcode to MP3 at all.



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[slim] Re: squeezbox on a Mac

2007-01-24 Thread Kevin O. Lepard

Thesil, I have SS running exclusively on a Mac MINI 1.83GHz Core Duo.

I'm doing the same on a comparatively ancient 700 MHz G3 iMac.  Works great.

Kevin O. Lepard

Happiness is being 100% Microsoft free.
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[slim] Re: Another LAME question

2007-01-24 Thread thesil

I am sorry, but I don't understand, please bear with me. I have already
downloaded Lame, you gave me another website for downloading. I just
need to know what bitrate level anf what quality level to set my player
at. Thanks in advance


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[slim] Wired SB3 no longer offered?

2007-01-24 Thread jmpage2

I was just going to order a new SB3 for my family room and noticed that
the wired version is no longer offered?

I have wired cat5 to every room in my house on a switched network, and
I really, really don't want to have to spend an extra $50 on something
I will never use (that's beer and nachos money).

Slim, won't you guys reconsider offering wired versions?  I know it's
probably more cost effective to offer a single version but you are
pricing the SB3 up and out of the range of people who don't need the
wireless unit.


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[slim] Re: Another LAME question

2007-01-24 Thread JJZolx

snarlydwarf;173749 Wrote: 
> is a reasonable
> start.  (Though they should have boldfaced that "archiving" with mp3 is
> silly.)
> -V0 --vbr-new is probably what you want.  You may be able to survive
> with -V1 or -V2 as well, depending on your hearing, but the disk space
> isnt that important even on a portable.

He's talking about the two settings available in SlimServer's player
settings > audio.  SlimServer uses ABR, so the -V settings don't apply.



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[slim] Re: Another LAME question

2007-01-24 Thread snarlydwarf

thesil;173751 Wrote: 
> I am sorry, but I don't understand, please bear with me. I have already
> downloaded Lame, you gave me another website for downloading. I just
> need to know what bitrate level anf what quality level to set my player
> at. Thanks in advance

That isnt a site for downloading LAME, it is a site explaining the
settings.  I assumed that you were talking about using LAME to encode
ripped files, not transcode for playback.

Answering the transcoding question is more complex as JJZolx pointed

I transcode to 64k to work, but then it isnt like my work environment
is a good listening place and I don't want to waste bandwidth on
quality I can't hear.

I left quality at 9 because, again, it isnt like this is the greatest
listening environment.

What are you trying to solve with transcoding?


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[slim] Re: Wired SB3 no longer offered?

2007-01-24 Thread widman

Agreed.  I recently bought a wired model and was hoping to get a second
wired Squeezebox this year.  



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[slim] Re: Wired SB3 no longer offered?

2007-01-24 Thread Skunk

I would like to add: Please?


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[slim] Re: Another LAME question

2007-01-24 Thread snarlydwarf

JJZolx;173757 Wrote: 
> He's talking about the two settings available in SlimServer's player
> settings > audio.  SlimServer uses ABR, so the -V settings don't apply.

Yeah, I see that ... sort of..

But he originally wrote in that he didnt know
if he needed LAME or not...

And he hasn't answered why he thinks he needs it.

If you don't transcode to mp3, you don't need LAME.  In fact, if you
don't bandwidth limit, you don't need it.


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[slim] Re: Nokia N800

2007-01-24 Thread mrchrispy

CNet posted a great review of the Nokia 800: 7.7 out of 10 and called it
the ultimate WiFi tablet.  Review here:


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[slim] Re: squeezbox on a Mac

2007-01-24 Thread Rick B .

Mark Lanctot;172430 Wrote: 
> The main question is, why do you want to do this?  :-)

In my case - My son has a Windows laptop and his wife has a Mac laptop.
We were firstly going to set up only my son's laptop to access all music
on both computers. His wife asked "What happens if he takes his laptop
out of the house? Hmm

We instead installed the software on both laptops. Now, they  can each
access their own music files even if the other one has taken their
laptop out of the house.

Works like a charm.

Rick B.

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[slim] Re: squeezbox on a Mac

2007-01-24 Thread Mark Lanctot

Rick B.;173766 Wrote: 
> In my case - My son has a Windows laptop and his wife has a Mac laptop.
> We were firstly going to set up only my son's laptop to access all
> music on both computers. His wife asked "What happens if he takes his
> laptop out of the house? Hmm
> We instead installed the software on both laptops. Now, they  can each
> access their own music files even if the other one has taken their
> laptop out of the house.
> Works like a charm.

Aha.  Makes sense, glad it works.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal

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[slim] Re: squeezbox on a Mac

2007-01-24 Thread thesil

Thanks guys for all your help and advice. I am currently in the process
of converting to Mac from PC and it is a little confusing. I have
downloaded SL to my Mac but haven't played it yet as I was having some
trouble with the LAME file on my PC. If you read my other posts, you
will understand. Thanks again


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[slim] Mulitple directory capabilities for Music folder

2007-01-24 Thread sfraser

Hey guy's I am not sure how difficult this would be to implement, but
with all the questions/answers in  regards to implementing shortcuts,
correct permissions etc. for the Slimserver Music directory, how
difficult would it be to implement a feature where the user would be
able to specify multiple directories/file folders?




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[slim] Re: Another LAME question

2007-01-24 Thread thesil

Hi guys, I will only be streaming at home. The only reason I got
involved  with LAME is that I noticed in my settings that it was not
there. So, first I had trouble downloading, then when I did I was not
sure what settings to use. I am not much of a "tekkie", so I don't know
too much about encoding and why I need it.


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[slim] Re: Another LAME question

2007-01-24 Thread snarlydwarf

You only need it if you transcode to mp3.  This is useful for things
like listening to music at work (which will take other setup as well
and may or may not be doable depending on firewalls at work...) where
you really don't want to be streaming 800kbps FLACs and using a lot of
bandwidth for radio-type listening.

If you are just listening to music at home, you don't need it, nor do
you want to limit bandwidth.  There is no reason to degrade your sound
at home.


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[slim] Re: Another LAME question

2007-01-24 Thread JJZolx

thesil;173771 Wrote: 
> Hi guys, I will only be streaming at home. The only reason I got
> involved  with LAME is that I noticed in my settings that it was not
> there. So, first I had trouble downloading, then when I did I was not
> sure what settings to use. I am not much of a "tekkie", so I don't know
> too much about encoding and why I need it.

You can install LAME if you like, but you'll probably never use it
unless you stream to a remote network.

For Squeezeboxes on your home network, leave the 'Bitrate Limiting'
setting at 'No Limit'.  This will give you the highest possible
quality, whatever the original file format of the music.  The other
setting then doesn't matter, since it's only used when transcoding with



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Re: [slim] Mulitple directory capabilities for Music folder

2007-01-24 Thread kdf

Quoting sfraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hey guy's I am not sure how difficult this would be to implement, but
with all the questions/answers in  regards to implementing shortcuts,
correct permissions etc. for the Slimserver Music directory, how
difficult would it be to implement a feature where the user would be
able to specify multiple directories/file folders?

certainly harder than pointing to one folder then dragging any number  
of folders as shortcuts into the one (though it is simpler to add now  
than it once was).  Of course, neither that nor multiple entries in  
the server settings will solve the permissions issues.  And, if there  
are problems with shortcuts in slimserver, then those still need to  
work for those who do have shortcuts anywhere within their music  

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[slim] Re: Mulitple directory capabilities for Music folder

2007-01-24 Thread Fletch

You might want to try this new plugin:


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[slim] Re: Mulitple directory capabilities for Music folder

2007-01-24 Thread JJZolx

sfraser;173772 Wrote: 
> Hey guy's I am not sure how difficult this would be to implement, but
> with all the questions/answers in  regards to implementing shortcuts,
> correct permissions etc. for the Slimserver Music directory, how
> difficult would it be to implement a feature where the user would be
> able to specify multiple directories/file folders?

Been wondering about that one myself for quite a while.  And it's been
discussed.  No reasons given why it hasn't been done yet - just that
it's low priority when there's a workaround.

It won't address permission issues, though.  Just a matter of
convenience and easier library management.  It would be a lot nicer to
be able to do this completely from the web interface instead of dicking
around with shortcuts.

One factor, I'm certain, is the *nix mindset of the developers. 
Creating a link to another folder in Linux is second nature and pretty
transparent.  Much less so for the typical Windows user.



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[slim] Re: Another LAME question

2007-01-24 Thread thesil

Great! thanks, Jim


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[slim] Re: Mulitple directory capabilities for Music folder

2007-01-24 Thread sfraser

kdf;173780 Wrote: 
> Quoting sfraser>:
> >
> > Hey guy's I am not sure how difficult this would be to implement,
> but
> > with all the questions/answers in  regards to implementing
> shortcuts,
> > correct permissions etc. for the Slimserver Music directory, how
> > difficult would it be to implement a feature where the user would be
> > able to specify multiple directories/file folders?
> certainly harder than pointing to one folder then dragging any number 
> of folders as shortcuts into the one (though it is simpler to add now 
> than it once was).  Of course, neither that nor multiple entries in  
> the server settings will solve the permissions issues.  And, if there 
> are problems with shortcuts in slimserver, then those still need to  
> work for those who do have shortcuts anywhere within their music  
> library.
> -kdf

It's funny, i have had issues where slimserver is using the same
account (service account) as I am logged in with, all folder shortcuts
reside on a the same platform (multiple drives however). Slimerver
cannot access some shortcuts, yet I can bounce around with file
explorer between directories, and play files. That never made any sense
to me, the SS should have same access rights as the account it uses to
initiate itself?


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[slim] Re: Wired SB3 no longer offered?

2007-01-24 Thread loran

All the squeezeboxes still have the option for ethernet via rj45.  What
has changed is that a wired only version is not available.  That causes
those of us that hardwire everything have to pay the extra $50 for the
wireless function that we will not use.  On the other hand, the
function is there if we ever want to use it.


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[slim] Re: Mulitple directory capabilities for Music folder

2007-01-24 Thread kdf

JJZolx;173781 Wrote: 
> Much less so for the typical Windows user.

Does Microsoft know how hard their drag n drop concept is for people? 
I feel kinda stupid knowing that I have to re-read the help every time
I want to create a link on my slimserver machine.



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[slim] Re: Mulitple directory capabilities for Music folder

2007-01-24 Thread JJZolx

sfraser;173789 Wrote: 
> It's funny, i have had issues where slimserver is using the same account
> (service account) as I am logged in with, all folder shortcuts reside on
> a the same platform (multiple drives however). Slimerver cannot access
> some shortcuts, yet I can bounce around with file explorer between
> directories, and play files. That never made any sense to me, the SS
> should have same access rights as the account it uses to initiate
> itself?

No. SlimServer running as a Windows service will run by default logged
in using the local system account, not the user that installed it.  It
differs from system to system, but you may have to run the service
under a user account if you want to access network file shares.

An oddity that I once ran into (one of those "feature, not a bug"
things) is that if you're logged in on the server machine as a user
with mapped drives and set a UNC path to your music folder in the web
interface, SlimServer may translate that path to a mapped drive letter.
Then when the SlimServer service starts up, the path will not work. 
I'm sure that's bit more than a few people in the butt.



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[slim] Re: Mulitple directory capabilities for Music folder

2007-01-24 Thread kdf

sfraser;173789 Wrote: 
> That never made any sense to me, the SS should have same access rights
> as the account it uses to initiate itself?

yes, it should.  This can depend on whether the server is initiated as
a system service (default), as a user service or manually by the  user.
*nix is a bit easier for this type of case, simply becuase an
application really can't tell the difference beween a link and a
directory.  On windows, shortcuts are a special case. If there are
problems other than user/system access issues, they should get
resolved.  In my own experience, slimserver seems to handle shortcuts
well enough when I use them.  But, I'm only dealing with local drives
and I run the server manually after I'm logged in.



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[slim] Re: Can't play WMA after upgrade to 6.5.1

2007-01-24 Thread oreillymj

It's likely you've gone from a version of Slimserver where WMA files had
to be transcoded to a format supported by hardware/Softsqueeze to the
current version where WMA files can be decoded natively by the
Squeezebox hardware.

Unfortunately the Softsqueeze app still does not support native
playback of WMA so it barfs when you try to play a WMA file.

To go back to the old method of transcoding, go to 

Server Settings->File types. Go to the last entry in the list

Windows Media   Windows Media   (built-in)

...and disable it.

Restart Softsqueeze.

Now any WMA files you try to play will be transcoded on the fly and
sent to Softsqueeze as an MP3 file. Sorted.


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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread morberg

Peter;173227 Wrote: 
> I suppose it wouldn't be a very difficult task to create SB3 firmware 
> that behaves as an airport express, so why don't you get some others to
> join you and write it?
I'm guessing it would be rather difficult 'considering the FW is closed
source' ( But
perhaps you have some pointers on getting started hacking the FW that
I've missed?


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Re: [slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread Peter

morberg wrote:
Peter;173227 Wrote: 
I suppose it wouldn't be a very difficult task to create SB3 firmware 
that behaves as an airport express, so why don't you get some others to

join you and write it?

I'm guessing it would be rather difficult 'considering the FW is closed
source' ( But
perhaps you have some pointers on getting started hacking the FW that
I've missed?

I was proposing him to write his own firmware, not adapt the existing one ;)

There's lots of people doing it for all sorts of devices, all closed 

But obviously it would be a more suitable project for SD.


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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread bpa

The iTunes protocol is proprietary and needs to be licensed from Apple.
Roku got a licence for the own branded devices but when Pinnacle
started selling their version of Roku products, Apple refused Pinnacle
a licence.  So Roku had to adopt a server mt-daapd and then developed a
proprietary protocol to provide the iTunes support and more
functionality to Pinnacle. Roku having criticised SD for having its own
non-standard server and protocol, have now arrived at the same

Recently even Roku owners discovered the problem when you don't own the
protocol - Apple changed it for iTunes 7 and Roku users couldn't use
iTunes 7 for a few months.

Logitech/SD should stick to its own products and own development - that
way users won't get caught out.


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[slim] Re: Slimserver, Shoutcast and Winamp

2007-01-24 Thread MrSinatra

i was thinking along those lines for him too andy, i'll be curious to
see his reply...

however, assuming that ISN'T it, i would ask how long did you try the

my results were that sometimes SN would last a bit longer than the
local SS/SB setup.  sometimes worse.  very random.

also, have you tried your experiments on softsqueeze as someone noted
above?  it would be interesting to know.

lately the problem has been coming back for me, BUT not dramatically
so.  i think it occurs more often during peak usage of the comcast ISP,
BUT again, i can have multiple 128 streams on winamp, and not even one
stable 32 stream on SD.

if it gets worse, i will try some things on my end, (like softsqueeze,
wired, and earlier SS versions) but its only intermittent and not too
severe at the moment.

Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.1 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram

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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread MrSinatra

is there a reason why we can't have both?

why can't there be a virtual device driver to power the SB so that any
app on your computer could power it?

it would really be great for those of us who find the SD way annoying
to frustrating to awful.

not to mention a great workaround for the technical problems, such as
streaming internet stations.

dare we have choice?

Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.1 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram

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[slim] Re: Is firmware open source?

2007-01-24 Thread funkstar

mswlogo;171298 Wrote: 
> Is the firmware open source or just SlimServer.
Just SlimServer. I think part of the problem is that the development
environment for the Ubicom processor is $20k or something like that.
There was a project page on that spoke about this at one


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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread snarlydwarf

MrSinatra;173824 Wrote: 
> is there a reason why we can't have both?
> why can't there be a virtual device driver to power the SB so that any
> app on your computer could power it?

No reason at all you can't.  All you would need is a shoutcast server
that acted as a VXD on Windows.

The only problem there is the mp3 conversion but stream it at something
like 320kbps and it shouldnt be too annoying.

Of course, that assumes that your operating system doesn't insist on
signed drivers in order to protect the output chain.

No idea how whiney Vista is about such things.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-24 Thread Balthazar_B

mrchrispy;173454 Wrote: 
> Not much new for me to add, but wanted to be another voice in the chorus
> of people looking for a slick ui on the computer side.  In an ideal
> world iTunes would be able to actually drive the squeezebox since
> millions of iPod users have made it the most widely accepted standard
> out there (itunes isn't perfect, but it's close for the vast majority
> of users).

:) That would have happened only had Apple purchased SlimDevices.  Of
course, that would have probably meant no more open-source -- or if OS,
a severely-crippled -- SlimServer...


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[slim] Re: Slimserver, Shoutcast and Winamp

2007-01-24 Thread bflatmajor

I used to have a similar problem,

Some shoutcast streams would work and some wouldn't
Some shoutcast streams would work and then low and behold it would stop

what I noticed was that my network was dropping packets between my pc
and sb 2.

Btw, it's a wireless connection from pc to sb2 .  Wired from router to

What seem to have resolved the issue was that I changed my MTU value in
the router configuration. I had the linksys tech people on the line and
explained to them what was going on and told them I thought it was
dropping packets. They walked me through the change and now all my
streams play without an issue. 

Now that I've said that, watch me go home and tune in and the issue
will happen again.  :-)


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[slim] Hash (#) signs in music library directory names

2007-01-24 Thread 2eleven

Hi Folks,

I came accross this when I upgraded from 6.2.2 to 6.5.1 recently. 
I'm wondering if anyone has filed a bug, and if not, what the proper
way to go about filing one is.

If you have a '#' in a directory name within your library (like Big
Star "#1 Record" or "Reggae Compilation #3") slimserver >= 6.5.0 pukes
when attempting to play a song from that directory. Filenames are ok
with the '#' - "Funk #49", for example, plays fine.

I have a lot of directories like this, and I'd rather not start
renaming classic album titles because of a slimserver bug, so I've
backed down to 6.3.1 which works like a charm.

I run slimserver on a linux system. Here's the log:

2007-01-23 14:35:04.9320 ERROR: openSong:
eet.flac] Unrecognized type flc!

2007-01-23 14:35:04.9325 Backtrace:

frame 0: Slim::Player::Source::errorOpening
er/ line 1718)
frame 1: Slim::Player::Source::openSong
(/opt/SlimServer_v6.5.1/Slim/Player/S line 380)
frame 2: Slim::Player::Source::playmode
(/opt/SlimServer_v6.5.1/Slim/Player/S line 972)
frame 3: Slim::Player::Source::jumpto
(/opt/SlimServer_v6.5.1/Slim/Control/Co line 1103)
frame 4: Slim::Control::Commands::playlistXtracksCommand
5.1/Slim/Control/ line 1483)
frame 5: (eval) (/opt/SlimServer_v6.5.1/Slim/Control/ line
frame 6: Slim::Control::Request::execute
/ line 772)
frame 7: Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest
Web/ line 686)
frame 8: Slim::Web::HTTP::processURL
line 536)
frame 9: Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP
/ line 238)
frame 10: (eval) (/opt/SlimServer_v6.5.1/Slim/Networking/
line 238)
frame 11: Slim::Networking::Select::select
(/opt/SlimServer/ lin
e 492)
frame 12: main::idle (/opt/SlimServer/ line 445)
frame 13: main::main (/opt/SlimServer/ line 1071)

Searching the forums, this fellow found the problem a while back and
worked around it by renaming his directories:

I'm a little more stubborn. ;-)




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[slim] Re: Slimserver, Shoutcast and Winamp

2007-01-24 Thread MrSinatra

my MTU is 1492, whats yours?

(btw, some people in here are wired with the problem, fyi)

Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.1 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram

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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread MrSinatra

forgive me for being thick, but how does one take the massive SS pgm and
make it into a vxd?  i thought someone would have to write a vxd based
on portions of the SS source code, to make a far smaller file.

if its as easy as you make it sound, i think a lot of cranks (like me)
on here may find nirvana...

also, can you explain the conversion bit?

i thought the SB was capable of playing uncompressed audio?

why would everything need converted to 320 mp3?

in my case, i have 256 mp3s, i would simply want them played straight,
no conversions except in the DAC.  

but i would also want to be able to play a DVD uncompressed or altered
in any way by the SB.  is this totally ignorant of how it actually

Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.1 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram

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[slim] Re: Hash (#) signs in music library directory names

2007-01-24 Thread ceejay

go to buzilla at - you'll need to create an ID for
yourself to create the bug report, though you can search first without
an ID.



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Re: [slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread Marc Sherman

MrSinatra wrote:

forgive me for being thick, but how does one take the massive SS pgm and
make it into a vxd?  i thought someone would have to write a vxd based
on portions of the SS source code, to make a far smaller file.

You would write a vxd that communicated directly with the squeezebox 
using the (documented) slimproto.

i thought the SB was capable of playing uncompressed audio?

why would everything need converted to 320 mp3?

Or FLAC. You certainly wouldn't want to stream uncompressed WAV to the 
squeezebox, it would trash your network.

in my case, i have 256 mp3s, i would simply want them played straight,
no conversions except in the DAC.  

That's not how a windows sound driver works. Windows sound drivers take 
uncompressed audio data and push them out to a speaker. The mp3 would 
already be uncompressed by some client app, like WMP.

but i would also want to be able to play a DVD uncompressed or altered
in any way by the SB.  is this totally ignorant of how it actually

As above, you'd probably need your vxd to recompress the audio (either 
MP3 or FLAC) just for bandwidth reasons before streaming to the SB. So 
your data would be uncompressed by the player and then recompressed by 
the driver.

- Marc
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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread snarlydwarf

MrSinatra;173840 Wrote: 
> forgive me for being thick, but how does one take the massive SS pgm and
> make it into a vxd?  i thought someone would have to write a vxd based
> on portions of the SS source code, to make a far smaller file.

No reason to: just a VXD that appears to Windows applications as a
sound card... but actually captures the sound and redirects it to
Shoutcast.  Then use the "Tune in URL" thing on Slimserver to listen to
the shoutcast station.

> if its as easy as you make it sound, i think a lot of cranks (like me)
> on here may find nirvana...

It shouldnt be hard at all assuming one knows how to write Windows
device drivers.  It wouldnt be at all crossplatform, but something
similar should be doable on Linux and MacOS.

> i thought the SB was capable of playing uncompressed audio?

Shoutcast isn't: streaming mp3's have to be fixed rate.
> but i would also want to be able to play a DVD uncompressed or altered
> in any way by the SB.  is this totally ignorant of how it actually
> works?

You would have to come up with some other mechanism than TuneInURL...
though I wouldnt be surprised if it worked with WAV files.  Ie,
something like a stripped down shoutcast server that didnt even bother
encoding to mp3, but had a "stream.wav"...

Remember the way the Squeezebox works on native-supported radio
stations is pretty simple:  there is still the "control" connection
sent to the PC with all the volume control and other stuff as well as
remote codes coming back from the SB...

But the SB is smart enough to do an HTTP GET for the stream itself...
if it allows you to get a WAV as well as FLAC, MP3, OGG, WMA... (and I
don't see why it wouldn't), then, sure, you could stream a WAV.

The real trick is still "can you provide a VXD that can intercept audio
on the way to a non-existent sound card and loop it back to be served to
a network socket"?

It is very possible on Linux... no idea about Windows nor how well that
would fit with all the DRM stuff in Vista: I can imagine that is exactly
the sort of thing that Microsoft would have a cow about and that it
could be seen as a violation of the DMCA in the US since it would
circumvent access controls.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-24 Thread Pale Blue Ego

mrchrispy;173454 Wrote: 
> Related to the above point I'd like to see some way to initiate a
> limited rescan on specific items.  For instance if I've just corrected
> a tag in some way I'd like to ask Slimserver to rescan that album
> rather than just generically telling it to look for new and changed
> music and waiting for it to finish.

There's an easy way to do this.  Just browse the Music Folder via the
remote control or the web interface.  Navigate to the location where
the new or changed tracks are, and they will be added to the database.

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [slim] Re: Hash (#) signs in music library directory names

2007-01-24 Thread kdf

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[slim] Re: Hash (#) signs in music library directory names

2007-01-24 Thread 2eleven

Thanks - done.



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[slim] Re: Hash (#) signs in music library directory names

2007-01-24 Thread ulvi

> If you have a '#' in a directory name within your library
> (like Big Star "#1 Record" or "Reggae Compilation #3")
> slimserver >= 6.5.0 pukes when attempting to play a song from
> that directory. Filenames are ok with the '#' - "Funk #49",
> for example, plays fine.

I have lots of directories with '#" in them; so I just
checked. Everything works fine for me (all my files
are MP3, in case that matters).

SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt 



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[slim] Re: Hash (#) signs in music library directory names

2007-01-24 Thread 2eleven

Doh! I guess I can dup the bug I just filed...


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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread bpa

IIRC last year somebody added a soundcard to their PC and looped a cable
from speaker out into the "line in" and then created an MP3 stream from
the "line-in".  The MP3 was then fed to slimserver using something like

This can be done today with no s/w development and small h/w costs.


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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-24 Thread snarlydwarf

bpa;173857 Wrote: 
> IIRC last year somebody added a soundcard to their PC and looped a cable
> from speaker out into the "line in" and then created an MP3 stream from
> the "line-in".  The MP3 was then fed to slimserver using something like
> Shoutcast.
> This can be done today with no s/w development and small h/w costs.

Yep, though it would add an extra D/A/D conversion.  The VXD method is
just to avoid that and should be doable unless the OS blocked it for
some reason (ie, as a way to bypass DRM...).


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[slim] Re: Hash (#) signs in music library directory names

2007-01-24 Thread 2eleven

Interesting Ulvi - my files are all flac. I wonder if that's part of the
formula. I'd love to find a workaround if I can.

For me, it's consistently reproducible in 6.5.0 & 6.5.1. Further, 6.3.1
and 6.2.2 both work fine. Seems this might have come in with the mysql
stuff, but perhaps it doesn't affect all file types.



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[slim] Re: Can't play WMA after upgrade to 6.5.1

2007-01-24 Thread colin_young

Unfortunately no. You'll note from my original post that I've already
tried that. I'm uninstalling now and then I'll manually search for any
leftovers to see if that fixes things up.


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