Re: [slim] iTunes on Windows SlimServer on Linux

2007-02-01 Thread erland

Is there a reason that you want SlimServer to read the iTunes xml file

If you are just using iTunes for ripping and organizing tags it sounds
like it would work to just specify the Music Folder in SlimServer to
detect the music. No need for SlimServer to read the iTunes xml file in
this senario. But maybe you are using iTunes for something else that
requires the iTunes xml file information ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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Re: [slim] Don't Know If This Was Covered - Streaming SlimServer With Netvibes

2007-02-01 Thread Smiley Dan

I personally think new rich interfaces to slimserver are desperately
needed. Like you I stream my music to work and I manage to do it
despite of the hoops I jump through rather than because of it. The most
tedious hoop of all is the web interface.

Trouble with this one is the whole netvibes thing. I've never even
heard of it before and now I have to register for it? No thanks. Can't
someone just write a FF plugin to do it? And no, I don't have the time,
although I was considering an Eclipse plugin using the SoftSqueeze
streaming code :D 

Michael I've been trying your small app a little at home which seems
fairly good. How's it working out remotely? It uses the telnet
integration doesn't it?

Smiley Dan

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Re: [slim] Don't Know If This Was Covered - Streaming SlimServer With Netvibes

2007-02-01 Thread Michael Herger
 Michael I've been trying your small app a little at home which seems
 fairly good. How's it working out remotely? It uses the telnet
 integration doesn't it?

It's working surprisingly well. Don't tell anybody ;-): quite a few lines  
I developed at work, connecting to my home server through a SSH tunnel.  
The CLI is quite lean, with little data overhead to transport. As the  
application doesn't get full lists of data, but only one or two screes in  
one request, response is pretty quick.



- - your SlimServer on a CD - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR

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Re: [slim] Multiple instances of album titles

2007-02-01 Thread Siduhe

I'm afraid I don't use Itunes or Itunes integration, so I'm not sure
what further help I can offer.  It sounds like the structure of your
library should work fine.

A basic suggestion would be to open up the files for the complete album
in an entirely different tagging program - Media Rage is the only one I
know works well for Mac, but there must be others.  Have a look at the
album tags - in particular is there anything different about the
offending files ?

You don't say what format your files are in AAC ? MP3 ? but things to
look out for would be different ALBUMSORT tags from ALBUM tags, or
different ID3v1 tags vs ID3v2 (assuming MP3s).

If all else fails, force the ALBUM tag by resaving the album field for
all files and then do a full clear and rescan.  Does that sort you out



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[slim] Lost Album Art

2007-02-01 Thread peejay

Disclaimer:I'm merely socialising this problem in case someone else has
seen it, or it's already a known bug: end of Disclaimer :-)

Whenever I change an album (sometimes I rip mp3s from FLAC and
accidentally remove the original - it's a long story) and I need to
re-rip the FLAC, I then re-index via slimserver and in the album
display (fishbone) I lose the artwork. To recover it I perform a
re-scan (re-build the library from scratch - a search for changes
doesn't recover the artwork), then, as a side effect courtesy of
Firefox, I expect, I need to clear the browser cache and then refresh
the browser. I'm not complaining, as now I have a solution, but just in
case someone else has seen this
Oh, by the way, using :
SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 2 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt



After Silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible
is music - Aldous Huxley.

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Re: [slim] No radio streams or RSS feeds after upgrade

2007-02-01 Thread Aguida

I have the same problme. Was it reboots of the server or of the


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Re: [slim] SlimServer on XBOX ?

2007-02-01 Thread captainmish

Ive just turned my xbox into a server and it really isnt as hard as all
that. If you want to just use an xbox as a storage box (and maybe some
other server-ish jobs), its as easy as peeing into a well. The
softmod method is full of holes to fall into, and changes for each
version of the xbox you may have (1.0 to 1.6) - installing a modchip
involves taking apart the xbox, but this really is not that hard. You
can also get adapters that save you from having to solder anything -
definitely recommended!

If you want to still use it as a games console or use Xbox media centre
and the things that involve cracked bioses, it can be a bit more
difficult. Howtos for this are riddled with mistakes, and irc channels
to get help are full of pimply faced youths with serious emotional
problems. Saying that though, there are still people willing to help.

I decided to keep the old modded xbox/games machine as is, and get
another xbox to use as a computer to save on power and noise - now both
the squeezebox and the computers can use the new xbox as storage. Step
by step instructions here if you decide to try it:


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Re: [slim] Album by (A Thousand Artists)

2007-02-01 Thread tbessie

If I navigate to No Album, any given song will be by ALL artists with
no album.  This isn't a very intelligent side-effect.  SlimServer
should either treat No Album tracks differently (your database query
shouldn't be having 'WHERE ALBUM = ', which I suspect it does in this
case, and then picks up artists for all tracks that don't have ALBUM set
to anything; but should treat that as a special case), or it should be
an option with the Show Artist with Albums... a checkbox for Except
for tracks with No Album, to accomplish the same thing.

Just a suggestion, as it IS a common case to have many tracks with no
album info, yet you still want to see individual tracks shown with
their actual ARTIST tags.

- Tim


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Re: [slim] No radio streams or RSS feeds after upgrade

2007-02-01 Thread Skipperrik

I had the same problem with Radioio after upgrading.  Here's the
response I got from the guys at Logitech support:

Interesting, this doesn't seem to be a common problem. Perhaps it's
something local to your machine, could you try this please:

Try the following:

* Stop Slimserver
(right-click on the Slimtray icon and click Stop SlimServer)

* Remove the slimserver.pref file
(default location = C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\ )

* Remove the Slimserver Cache folder
(default location = C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\cache\ )

* Restart Slimserver


* In Slimserver under Server Settings, make sure your music folder and
playlist folder are set correctly and click Change

(if you're using iTunes, leave the music folder blank, and set the
iTunes setting to Use iTunes and click Change)

* Scroll down to Rescan Music Library, set it to Clear library and
rescan everything and click Rescan

I performed the steps and now everything is back to normal.  Strange
behavior from an upgrade!


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Re: [slim] No radio streams or RSS feeds after upgrade

2007-02-01 Thread Aguida

Wow, removing the pref file is not going to delete all the settings I
have in my slimserver?

Better writing down everything then before trying it.


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Re: [slim] Slim splits CD into 2 or more Albums

2007-02-01 Thread neilcoburn

I'm resurrecting this old post because I've got the same problem with
Slimserver splitting certain albums into two or more. I am using SS
6.5.1 from 17/01/07.  

Most of the albums in question are those which I've ripped on two
different occasions (e.g. having first used iTunes to rip, I later
replaced certain tracks which skipped with EAC rips.  (It's OK, I now
know that iTunes ripping is inferior!)) In some cases, the album
therefore comprises some MP3s, and some AAC/MP4s. But should this
really matter?

So, there are reasons why SS might split them, but the tag variables
which I would expect to matter (i.e. Artist and Album) are consistent -
I checked this with mp3tag. All the directory trees are correct, with no
splits across Windows directories.

My question is, in order to prevent this problem, do I really have to
have completely consistent tags across all tracks within an album, and
consistent file formats too? Other programs I use like MusicIP and
iTunes don't spilt albums like this.

Incidentally, I use MusicIP with SS, and run Windows XP Pro. To prevent
any conflicts or duplication, I leave the music directory blank, and
although I use iTunes for other purposes, within SS I've selected 'do
not use iTunes'.


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Re: [slim] Slim splits CD into 2 or more Albums

2007-02-01 Thread oreillymj

I opened a bug some time ago for this issue. Although the circumstances
triggering the bug might be a little different.

In my case, the same album by the same artist split over 2 dirs in the
file system result in 2 album entries. Also updating 1 track within an
album and hitting Look for new... resulted in that track getting
split off into it's own album.

There is another thread discussing the issue here

I haven't noticed the problem in some time, but I'm not sure anything
was done to scanner to fix it.


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Re: [slim] mailing list memberships reminder

2007-02-01 Thread CCRDude

Hey nice, now we all know the official password...


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[slim] FLAC to MP3 player on the fly -- no sound

2007-02-01 Thread ifoster

I have my music library FLAC encoded on a Win2k PC and want to be able
to access it remotely using an MP3 player like WinAmp or Windows Media

I can remotely connect to SlimServer using a browser via port 9000, and
I can see the MP3 player listed as a player device, however I can't hear
anything. The player shows it is connected to SlimServer
(http://hostIP:9000/stream.mp3) and even pauses to buffer before
starting to play, but there's no sound. 

I have installed LAME into the \Slimserver\server\bin directory and
SlimServer reports LAME is installed correctly. I have tried various
settings for bitrate limiting and audio quality with no success. I have
tried two different players with the same results on each, and have
tried accessing it from two different remote PCs.

If I had to guess I'd say the problem was either getting LAME to
translate on the fly, or that the player needs another firewall port
(in addition to 9000) open for the stream.

Anyone have any suggestions?


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Re: [slim] play interruption

2007-02-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

Yes, a 2-hop wireless arrangement doesn't work for everybody.

Could you not temporarily wire up the pre-n router to the server with a
long patch cable?  Or move the pre-n router close enough to be wired,
just for tests (even if this involves unplugging the pre-n from your
Internet connection)?  It'll be ugly, but it'll only be temporary - if
the issues go away then you can unplug the cable and buy a g router.

No need to guy a new router if the problem is caused by something else.

Mark Lanctot

It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response. - Jon Heal

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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-02-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

desertrat58;175965 Wrote: 
 Vista, hell. I see Linux in my future after all.

earthbased;176365 Wrote: 
 XP is my last MS OS.

Same here.  Once support for XP is dropped, I won't be going to Vista. 
Instead I'll be going to Ubuntu Linux full-time.

Ubuntu is the first Linux distro I can actually see myself using.  I
tried others years earlier and there was always something broken.  In
the few years since I first started experimenting with it, Linux has
come a long way.  By the time XP support is dropped, it'll be even

Aside the DRM stuff, all I see in Vista is eye candy.  Big whoop.

Mark Lanctot

It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response. - Jon Heal

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Re: [slim] SB3 rebooting very frequently

2007-02-01 Thread msui772

The itunes cover art is something I am having difficulty answering. I do
use itunes to rip and it may have embedded artwork for some albums. What
I can say is this It definitely crashes - reboots on albums with no
cover art.

Support asked me to uninstall and re-install 6.5.1. and perform a full
scan. I did this and my squeezeboxes went from firmware 71 to firmware
72. This did not fix the problem.

I turned on debugging and captured the following lines during the
reset. The surprising lines, to me, (and I’m not familiar with the logs
so it may be normal) are:

2007-01-31 21:29:24.0098 Checking if 00:04:20:06:1a:54 is still alive
2007-01-31 21:29:24.0106 Haven't heard from 00:04:20:06:1a:54 in 18
seconds, closing connection
2007-01-31 21:29:24.0113 Slimproto connection closed

For the test I turned off (removed the plug) from the other 3 SB3s so
the log should only contain info for the problematic Squeezebox mac:
00:04:20:06:1a:54 ip:

anyone have a clue if this is normal?

I'll leave the log file here :

in case the extra info helps.

Thanks in advance, 



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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-02-01 Thread Dave Dewey
Quoting Mark Lanctot ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 desertrat58;175965 Wrote: 
  Vista, hell. I see Linux in my future after all.
 earthbased;176365 Wrote: 
  XP is my last MS OS.
 Same here.  Once support for XP is dropped, I won't be going to Vista. 
 Instead I'll be going to Ubuntu Linux full-time.
 Ubuntu is the first Linux distro I can actually see myself using.  I
 tried others years earlier and there was always something broken.  In
 the few years since I first started experimenting with it, Linux has
 come a long way.  By the time XP support is dropped, it'll be even
 Aside the DRM stuff, all I see in Vista is eye candy.  Big whoop.

And all that eye candy is available in Linux too.  Check out Beryl (which
you can run in Ubuntu).


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Re: [slim] very long gap between songs, rebuffering

2007-02-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

Is this playing Internet Radio or files from your own collection?  If
from your own collection, what file type are they?

What does Help - Server  Network Health - Network Test show?

Mark Lanctot

It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response. - Jon Heal

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Re: [slim] very long gap between songs, rebuffering

2007-02-01 Thread jeffmeh

It sounds like a wireless issue (if you are using wireless).  If so,
search the forums for wireless interference.


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Re: [slim] Multiple instances of album titles

2007-02-01 Thread SteveEast

sdhubbard;176270 Wrote: 
 It gets stranger. I've just had a look at a couple more of the problem
 listings, and I've found one with tracks 1, 2 and 10 from a 10-track
 album listed, with another listing, under the same album name with
 tracks 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9.

Make sure that iTunes has the same Disc Number info for all the tracks,
i.e. 1 of 1 for a single album. Select all the tracks, do Get Info - you
should then see the tags that are the same across all the tracks. Should
be at least artist, album, Disc Number (1 of 1) and total number of



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Re: [slim] Slimserver won't start automatically

2007-02-01 Thread Mongo

I also found the switch from run at system start to run at login did
the trick on my work and home computers. Both  computers now start
automatically, no hangups. On home computer, I removed references to
proxy address and now internet radio and RSS feeds work as well.  What
a leap from 6.5 to 6.5.1. Neither Windows media player 11 or which
version of Internet Explorer (6 or 7)seemed to have any impact.


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Re: [slim] RSS failure

2007-02-01 Thread Mongo

FWIW, I found the switch from run at system start to run at login
did the trick on my work and home computers. Both  computers now start
automatically, no hangups. On home computer, I removed references to
proxy address and now internet radio and RSS feeds work as well.  
Neither Windows media player 11 or which version of Internet Explorer
(6 or 7)seemed to have any impact on this issue.


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Re: [slim] Music IP question.... sigh.....sigh... :)

2007-02-01 Thread Zevs

thing-fish;176274 Wrote: 
  The big thing is that MusicMagicMixer has to have its API service
 turned on (regardless of whether it's the headless or GUI version), and
 it needs to be running before SlimServer starts.

Thanks for the reply!! I tried to test this by disabling the autostart
of SS when rebooting Windows, and then starting it manually after I had
started MusicIP. Unfortunately nothing changed and no MM symbols are

thing-fish;176274 Wrote: 
 However!  At least as a temporary workaround, you can go to the Server
 Settings-Plugins page and tell Slimserver to load plugins on the fly
 instead of at startup only.  Make sure MusicMagic is checked.

I did try this also, but again nothing changed no M symbols showing up.

thing-fish;176274 Wrote: 
 For a more permanent fix, I'm assuming you're running on Windows since
 you talked about services.msc.  I did find a site that describes how to
 edit the registry to make one service dependent on another:  However, I
 don't know if slimserver runs as a service on Windows, someone else
 will have to jump in on that!

Well, it seems this ref is more or less telling how to make one service
wait on something else, and since the manual way of starting slimserver
after MusicIP has started didn't work, I don't think this might work
either. I guess also it was a bit too technical so I I felt unsafe to
test it out :) I did find though something with this instuction at:
1. Install the service of MusicIP in Dos Box.
Open a Command Prompt and change directory to C:\Program
Files\MusicIP\MusicIP Mixer and type MusicmagicServer install

2. Add the following value to your Registry using regedit (Edit, New,
Multi-String Value):

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\slimsvc\
Value Name: DependOnService
Value Type: REG_MULTI_SZ
Value Data: MusicIP Server

3. Reboot

I tried this also and both servers are running after rebooting but
there is no dependancey and still no M icons showing up



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Re: [slim] Music IP question.... sigh.....sigh... :)

2007-02-01 Thread Zevs

Ron Olsen;176330 Wrote: 
 Are you sure the MusicIP Server is running?  Point your browser to
 http://localhost:10002/; you should get the MusicIP Server page.
 If you don't get anything at this URL, then you need to restart the
 MusicIP Server so it can communicate with SlimServer.

Yes Ron, the MusicIP server is for sure running, and I do get to a
correct page when trying to do what you suggested...



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[slim] Recommendations for a notebook sound card?

2007-02-01 Thread Kyle

I'm looking for a notebook soundcard (PC slot or USB) to play my flac
files on the road.  Any suggestions?


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Re: [slim] Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2007-02-01 Thread bobore

Hi guys, I read all of the stuff you wrote on these pages, and all I can
say is ''Time will see''.
The big company that acquires the small one doesn't necessary mean a
drop of quality; Logitech surely has a lot of resources to spend in
this project, and Slimdevices has a killer application to sell.
I'm very interested in this situation, cause I'd like to buy the
Transporter, which is available only if imported (a lot of useless
costs, specially in Italy), but there's no official distribution
outside the U.S.
Logitech is obviously a new entry in this sector, it sells
music-related products but nothing like the Squeezebox, not to mention
the Transporter. But it owns good satellite companies that produce high
quality material, and it means a lot. Just look at the brand
3dConnexion, with its pointing devices: I have the small
SpaceTraveller, and it's absolutely a rock (even the box that comes
with it is perfect). Well, a few years ago this gadget cost 600 $, US
only, today the same article costs 200 $ worldwide available, no
quality loss (it's still a piece of metal with the jog wheel upon it).
So if Logitech wants to mantain this price/quality balance they only
have to open the market, assisting SD for sells and perhaps adding a
good remote in the box. I don't mention the software cause I'dont know
it yet, but the opensource community did a great job improoving it
first, so tomorrow they could have to develop a lot more, maybe
supported by a Logitech team.


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Re: [slim] Music IP question.... sigh.....sigh... :)

2007-02-01 Thread Ron Olsen

Try stopping and restarting SlimServer.  Sometimes that helps get in
into sync with MusicIP Server.

Ron Olsen

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Re: [slim] play interruption

2007-02-01 Thread randybrand

I could bum a router from work and try that I suppose.  I am thinking
that it might be something else because I set the slimserver display to
show the buffer size and it pegs at 100% when cutting out.  Does the
wireless network have anything to do with the slimserver buffer?


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Re: [slim] Music IP question.... sigh.....sigh... :)

2007-02-01 Thread Zevs

Hi Ron thanks for helping!!!

Yes for sure all these things you mention I have done and checked or
they are running and showing up as supposed to. The only difference is
that my MusicIP is set to 10040, but that is also what it says in the
Slimserver setting for its HTTP port would this be a problem.



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[slim] Slimserver Shuffle problems

2007-02-01 Thread MarkBee

Has anybody else noticed that when you select a playlist and then switch
shuffle on, the track names get seperated from its artist and album so
EVERYTHING gets shuffled!


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Re: [slim] play interruption

2007-02-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

randybrand;176535 Wrote: 
 Does the wireless network have anything to do with the slimserver

Yes, definitely, but if you indicate it's at 100% it shouldn't be
cutting out.

Try all the steps here then:

and copy/paste the text it gives you when you carry out that last

Mark Lanctot

It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response. - Jon Heal

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[slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread fingers

I installed Windows VISTA (clean) last evening and this morning
downloaded and installed the latest build of 6.5.2 thinking that it
would probably be a better match for the newly released OS.

However, SlimServer does not start and I am getting the following

Localhost is not set up to establish a conneciton on port 9000 with
this computer.


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Re: [slim] Lost Album Art

2007-02-01 Thread polocruz

I started this thread last week:



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Re: [slim] Naxos radio

2007-02-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

MrStan;176066 Wrote: 
 If you want to subscribe to listen to any Naxos CD's plus a lot of other
 classical labels then you can either pay around 20$/Euros a year and get
 a 20k WM stream using their normal search facility (yes it is awful
 quality) or you can pay about 150 or 250$/Euros per year for for a 64k or 128k WM stream. 

Is it just me, or are those prices outrageous for what you get?

$250 for 128k?  That's $20 a month!

Mark Lanctot

It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response. - Jon Heal

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Re: [slim] FLAC to MP3 player on the fly -- no sound

2007-02-01 Thread pjalle

I have the same problem with SlimServer 6.5.1. Try going back to 6.5.0.
That solved the problem for me.


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Re: [slim] Converting to Apple Lossless

2007-02-01 Thread geraint smith

thesil;175777 Wrote: 
 I am a mac person as well and I am supported by iTunes. In that case,
 what should I be ripping new tunes as?

Two good choices: Apple Lossless or .aiff. Squeezeboxes don't seem to
enjoy the former much: no ff or rew function, and it has to be
transcoded on the fly to something they can read natively. However, it
takes up no more space than FLAC (which has no such problems, but which
iTunes and iPod can't play at all.).

Aiff, on the other hand, takes up about twice as much space as ALAC,
but otherwise handles better because Squeezebox can read it natively.
It does not need to be transcoded. FF and REW work, and there's much
less burden on the server because there's no transcoding being done (so
less likelihood of dropouts if you're using a slow old box like mine to
run Slimserver). If you run the SB on a wireless network using Airport
Extreme you may find that you get drop outs using Aiff if your house is
nasty to it, in which case try setting up an Airport Express as a
wireless/ethernet bridge (ie the AE receives the signal but transfers
it to the Squeezebox via ethernet cable). I use this setup, with aiff,
and it runs extremely well (but you need lots of disc space - ie 600Mb
or so on average per CD).

Loads of threads on aiff/alac/flac etc. Try this one:

geraint smith

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Re: [slim] play interruption

2007-02-01 Thread randybrand

Do you know if that test is available in 6.3?  I rolled back to get rid
of the problem with the end of songs getting chopped off.


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Re: [slim] iTunes on Windows SlimServer on Linux

2007-02-01 Thread Gildahl

I had the same problem.  There is some data and metadata in the XML that
is not available elsewhere. Unfortunately, you cannot change the
location of the xml file on your Windows box.  You can, however, share
a Linux directory with Windows, and copy the xml file to this location
after you've made changes in iTunes.  This works well for me.  You will
just need to make sure the ITUNES MUSIC LIBRARY.XML LOCATION option in
the iTunes server settings is set to the path to this shared location
(as Linux sees it).

jst1;176369 Wrote: 
 SlimServer on Linux box; iTunes on Windows with iTunes folder (via
 samba) the same directory as SlimServer  Music Folder (/srv/music).
 The iTunes iTunes Music Library.xml file is on my Windows box
 'C:\Documents and Settings\my_username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes'.
 Can I change the location of this file so that my slimserver on linux
 can read it? Can the xml file be located anywhere else?
 I rip CDs and organize tags with iTunes, and use SlimServer to stream
 to a SqueezeBox and remote players over an ssh tunnel.
 Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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Re: [slim] Don't Know If This Was Covered - Streaming SlimServer With Netvibes

2007-02-01 Thread Smiley Dan

I noticed a couple of bugs around the synchronisation but I'm not sure
how much it's come on now. Looks like good work... my feature request
would be that it supports plugins, and TrackStat ratings in particular.

Smiley Dan

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[slim] Favorites with artist name displayed

2007-02-01 Thread mantis007

any way to do this?  Right now it just displays the song name.



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Re: [slim] play interruption

2007-02-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

randybrand;176555 Wrote: 
 Do you know if that test is available in 6.3?  I rolled back to get rid
 of the problem with the end of songs getting chopped off.

Oh.  Back then Network Test and Server and Network Health were plugins.

There were posts containing the files back in the Developers section (I
think Triode wrote these) but the forum search seems to be down today.

Edit: Network Test is here: but I don't
know where Server  Network Health is, and that's the important one.

IIRC Server  Network Health might have been included in 6.3 as a
built-in plugin.  See Server Settings - Plugins.

Mark Lanctot

It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response. - Jon Heal

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Re: [slim] Music IP question.... sigh.....sigh... :)

2007-02-01 Thread Ron Olsen

Zevs;176536 Wrote: 
 Hi Ron thanks for helping!!!
 Yes for sure all these things you mention I have done and checked or
 they are running and showing up as supposed to. The only difference is
 that my MusicIP is set to 10040, but that is also what it says in the
 Slimserver setting for its HTTP port would this be a problem.
If both SlimServer and MusicIP have the port set to 10040, and you can
access the MusicIP Server at http://localhost:10040, then you are good
to go. 

When you look at the MusicMagic Server webpage at
http://localhost:10040, what are the counts for Total songs, Mixable
songs, and Songs to validate? 
How does the count of Total Songs in MusicMagic Server compare to the
count of songs in SlimServer?

Try the Test Connection button at the bottom of the
http://localhost:10040 web page; you should get Server connection is

If all of this looks good, try stopping and restarting SlimServer.

Ron Olsen

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Re: [slim] Music IP question.... sigh.....sigh... :)

2007-02-01 Thread Siduhe

Sorry to mention the obvious here - but you have checked Use Music
Magic in the Server Settings Page of Slimserver have you ?

Sometimes, uninstalling MIP will cause Slimserver to default to no -
and you need to manually reset Slimserver to look for MusicIP.


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Re: [slim] play interruption

2007-02-01 Thread randybrand

Thanks, I'll work on that tonight.


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Re: [slim] Can anyone recommend headphones?

2007-02-01 Thread PhilD

Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I bought a pair of Sennheiser
HD280s today. (Those in ear things are just too expensive!)


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Re: [slim] Music IP question.... sigh.....sigh... :)

2007-02-01 Thread Zevs

Hi again Ron!

I noticed something strange that I don't really understand. I tried to
change the port values and realized I couldn't change the port in Music
IP to 10002. The program said I needed to try another port. Using
services.mcs I then looked at the MusicIP service and stopped that.
Then I could change the port number in the program to 10002, and also
then restarting the service in service.mcs worked fine. So it seemed
that when I reboot windows I have one service atrributed to MusicIP
running on port 10002 and then when I start the actual MusicIp GUI
program then that runs a service at anoter port, I had it set to 10040
for example. Then if I follow the link http://localhost:10002 I get to
a MusicIP page where I can see the number of songs and such, but when I
go to the http://localhost:10040 page then I get to a page that just say
Active service API (where API is a link) . so not sure what is going
on with this. But it seems irrespective if I have SS set for port 10040
or 10002 I still don't connect to MusicIP and get any M icons. Sorry
for the long winded explanation, but something doesn't seem right...



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Re: [slim] Multiple instances of album titles

2007-02-01 Thread sdhubbard

Thanks for the suggestions again. I've fixed the problem. The location
of my iTunes library as I'd configured it in the web interface and its
actual location on the external disk were different (I'd set its
location to /external/Music whereas the iTunes library  was actually
stored in external/Music/iTunes Music). Clearing the incorrect option
from the basic settings of the server and doing a complete rescan of
the library has corrected the issue.



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Re: [slim] Music IP question.... sigh.....sigh... :)

2007-02-01 Thread Siduhe

Zevs;176586 Wrote: 
 Hi again Ron!
 I noticed something strange that I don't really understand. I tried to
 change the port values and realized I couldn't change the port in Music
 IP to 10002. The program said I needed to try another port. Using
 services.mcs I then looked at the MusicIP service and stopped that.
 Then I could change the port number in the program to 10002, and also
 then restarting the service in service.mcs worked fine. So it seemed
 that when I reboot windows I have one service atrributed to MusicIP
 running on port 10002 and then when I start the actual MusicIp GUI
 program then that runs a service at anoter port, I had it set to 10040
 for example. Then if I follow the link http://localhost:10002 I get to
 a MusicIP page where I can see the number of songs and such, but when I
 go to the http://localhost:10040 page then I get to a page that just say
 Active service API (where API is a link) . so not sure what is going
 on with this. But it seems irrespective if I have SS set for port 10040
 or 10002 I still don't connect to MusicIP and get any M icons. Sorry
 for the long winded explanation, but something doesn't seem right...

Zevs, it seems to me from your last long post that you may have two
versions of MusicIP running as a service - one headless and one with
the GUI.

Couple of suggestions if you can bear it ?  

Change your Slimserver MusicMagic port setting to whichever port you
want the headless version to use.  Save the change.  Stop Slimserver
(right click the Slimserver Icon and select stop Slimserver).  Go into
the Slimserver folder and delete the Cache file entirely.

Open up the user interface for MusicIP (not the headless webpage,
double click the MIP icon).  *Stop* the communication API in the user
interface (File, Preferences, Services), click stop and make sure the
API checkbox is unchecked. 

Open a command window (Start, Run, cmd) and type [net stop MusicIP
Server] [deleting the square brackets]

Open up the mmm.ini file in the MusicIP folder using a text editor. 
What does the line port= say ?  Change it to whichever port you want
MusicIP headless to use (same as the one you gave to Slimserver, save
file, close.

Open a command window (Start, Run, cmd) and type [net start MusicIP
Server] [deleting the square brackets]

Check you can access the API at http://localhost:10002/
Right click the Slimserver icon, start Slimserver.  When it opens up,
you should see it starting a completely fresh scan.  It will only add
the MM icons at the end of the scan, so you'll have to wait until it
builds the Slimserver database first.

Let us know if any of this helps.


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-02-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

bklaas;176160 Wrote: 
 I'm pretty sure they do. When I got my squeezebox, in it was a flyer
 that said that a portion of the profits had been donated to EFF.

There's a HUGE Slim Devices banner here, right at the top of the page:

I don't know how things will change with Logitech at the
helm...unfortunately multinationals tend to toe the media company

Mark Lanctot

It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response. - Jon Heal

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Re: [slim] Music IP question.... sigh.....sigh... :)

2007-02-01 Thread Ron Olsen

Zevs;176586 Wrote: 
 Hi again Ron!
 I noticed something strange that I don't really understand. I tried to
 change the port values and realized I couldn't change the port in Music
 IP to 10002. The program said I needed to try another port. Using
 services.mcs I then looked at the MusicIP service and stopped that.
 Then I could change the port number in the program to 10002, and also
 then restarting the service in service.mcs worked fine. So it seemed
 that when I reboot windows I have one service atrributed to MusicIP
 running on port 10002 and then when I start the actual MusicIp GUI
 program then that runs a service at anoter port, I had it set to 10040
 for example. Then if I follow the link http://localhost:10002 I get to
 a MusicIP page where I can see the number of songs and such, but when I
 go to the http://localhost:10040 page then I get to a page that just say
 Active service API (where API is a link) . so not sure what is going
 on with this. But it seems irrespective if I have SS set for port 10040
 or 10002 I still don't connect to MusicIP and get any M icons. Sorry
 for the long winded explanation, but something doesn't seem right...

Just make sure that SlimServer and MusicIP are set for the same port;
use 10002 if you can. If you can't use 10002 for some reason, try
10040. Make sure there are no other services on your machine using that
port.  I don't run Windows, so I can't help you with that.  

Run the Test Connection button at the bottom of the MusicIP
http://localhost:10002|10040 page to make sure the connection is OK.

Ron Olsen

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Re: [slim] Album by (A Thousand Artists)

2007-02-01 Thread JJZolx

Bug filed:

Please vote if you care to see this corrected.



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Re: [slim] Any UK Users using SB3 wireless with Sky Broadband router?

2007-02-01 Thread celldee

Hey Gazza,

Would you be so kind as to tell us exactly what you did to get up and
running because I'm having problems connecting to my Slimserver using
the Sky router. I appear to be connecting to the wireless network
initially through the networking setup dialogue, but when I get an IP
address via DHCP or try to enter a static one my SB3 fails to connect.


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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread Gregory Hamilton

Which Version of Vista?
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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread fingers

Gregory Hamilton;176644 Wrote: 
 Which Version of Vista?

Version is: Ultimate 32 Bit


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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread mlsstl

 Localhost is not set up to establish a connection on port 9000 with
this computer.

Sounds like Vista comes configured with a fairly restrictive firewall
that even applies to itself. I haven't played with Vista yet but I
suspect you'll need to authorize port 9000 in the security settings.


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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread Gregory Hamilton


During the install did you accept all the defaults?

Can you confirm if the Service Slim.exe is running?
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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread fingers

mlsstl;176652 Wrote: 
  Localhost is not set up to establish a connection on port 9000 with
 this computer.
 Sounds like Vista comes configured with a fairly restrictive firewall
 that even applies to itself. I haven't played with Vista yet but I
 suspect you'll need to authorize port 9000 in the security settings.

I added an exception for Slim.exe in the Vista firewall.  Now all I get
is a blank browser page when launching SlimServer


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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-02-01 Thread Eelcovb

I think everyone agrees that music is all about emotion. Music creates
emotions and sometimes you want to strengthen your current emotion
through music.

In all kinds of theories about emotion, including the ancient chinese
ones, there are 7 emotions:
Sadness, Anger, Surprise, Contempt, Enjoyment, Disgust, Fear

Why not think of a way to be able to select music on the (combination
of the) rating of one or more base emotions? 

I could imagine a circle with all emotions on them and per emotion a
rating from 0(no emotion)-3(high). Like in Excel, you could then create
something like a radar-graph (spiderweb) which represents the emotion

Also notice that a rating system always should have an even number of
choices, so it makes it harder to go for the easy middle way..

When you want to select music, you just select the ratings for emotion
the emotions you want to have your selection stay within.

If you set the anger emotion to 0, no song will be played which will
make you angry. If you set Enjoyment to 3, all songs with 3,2,1 ratings
are in the filter, but songs with 3 will be played first, or last,
depending you want to strengthen of diminish you mood. The lower the
rate, the more relaxed you are, with the ultimate relaxedness: all
zeros:no emotion, no heartbeat..;-)

You could point out your current emotion(s) and desired emotion(s). The
music mix will slowly bring yo there! Wouldn't that be magnificent??

I know it'll be a lot of work to mark all songs, and all marks are
personal. Perhaps storing the emotion-ratings in different fields. On
the squeezebox, rate the song by using the cursors to set the spot or
area of all rated emotions.


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Re: [slim] Batteries and Beer Hang my SqueezeBox

2007-02-01 Thread jabrazil

Nothing show up in the log files.  The problem also occurs with
squeezenetwork.  Does anybody else listen to this station?  Does it


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Re: [slim] Update to v6.5.1 creates problems

2007-02-01 Thread smoj

I was using 6.5.0 previously.


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[slim] Using v3 with no remote

2007-02-01 Thread aiken

Ouch.  So I'm moving, and I already shipped my box of remotes, including
the Squeezebox v3's.  The unit itself is going in a later, faster

So now I've got an empty house, and I'd like to use the thing.  More
importantly, in a couple of days in the new place, I'd like to use the

Problem is, the squeezebox is configured for a network that no longer
exists, and a slimserver that no longer exists.

I've tried adding its MAC address to my ARP table, but can't even ping
the thing.  Is there a way to get it back and configure it without the



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Re: [slim] Batteries and Beer Hang my SqueezeBox

2007-02-01 Thread peterw

I've had some Squeezebox reboots when listening to Internet Radio, too.
I think it's only been since upgrading from 6.3.x to 6.5.1, but I
haven't kept track very well.

mflint -- I think this is different. In my case, for instance, my SB2
crashed/rebooted the other day (on but I believe
Slimserver kept running  properly updating the When Off screensaver on
the SB3 in the next room. I certainly didn't have to restart

I suspect it's a SB/firmware problem -- don't SB2/SB3 devices connect
directly to HTTP streaming stations? I've suspected it's a bug in the
TCP stack of the SB. Would installing something like Squid on my
Slimserver and configuring Slimserver with that as a proxy force my
SB to fetch streams through the Slimserver host? It'd be a (relatively)
huge waste of bandwidth (especially in my case, as my Slimserver host
hangs off a WiFi bridge), but I have more confidence in my local
network's packets, and my Slimserver host's ability to deal with
Internet flakiness.

Slim folks -- do you torture test the firmware networking to make
sure glitches can't adversely affect our players?


P.S. A little off-topic, but what's the URL for Batteries  Beer? I've
been a little down since TwangCity's latest outage has stretched on
longer than expected...

P.P.S. My SB2 has crashed on at least one stream other than FolkAlley.
It might've been Twang City, but I really don't recall.


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Re: [slim] Using v3 with no remote

2007-02-01 Thread aiken

I realized I wasn't clear about what I'm looking to do -- I can get the
thing to work by setting up a computer to pretend to be the old
slimserver.  What I can't seem to do is actually alter the network
settings on the squeezebox remotely (ie, switch it from wired to


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Re: [slim] Using v3 with no remote

2007-02-01 Thread seanadams

aiken;176679 Wrote: 
 I realized I wasn't clear about what I'm looking to do -- I can get the
 thing to work by setting up a computer to pretend to be the old
 slimserver.  What I can't seem to do is actually alter the network
 settings on the squeezebox remotely (ie, switch it from wired to

No can do. Have you got a universal remote that can send JVC DVD codes?


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Re: [slim] Using v3 with no remote

2007-02-01 Thread aiken

seanadams;176681 Wrote: 
 No can do. Have you got a universal remote that can send JVC DVD codes?

Yep... packed up with the rest of my stuff :)

However, that should be easier to find, so at least I won't be entirely
without music for the 4 weeks or so the actual remote is in shipping.



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Re: [slim] Clearing the DB

2007-02-01 Thread sellars

Server Settings  Rescan Library  Clear Everything.

Where is this setting? Not on my server...
I just want to clean out the library. I want to rescan it at a later


SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 10879 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt


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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread fingers

I can't possibly be the only one that is trying to install SlimServer on
Windows Vista?  I can't believe that SlimServer has not been tested on
this OS.


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Re: [slim] Album by (A Thousand Artists)

2007-02-01 Thread tbessie

It's not horrendous, but I think would indeed qualify as a bug.
I'll go vote on it.

- Tim


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Re: [slim] low volume

2007-02-01 Thread jlrood

I'm using analog ouput ,i know all about the volume gains the preamp
volume the remote volume, the this the that  it plays my music ALOT
LOWER than anything else I have hooked up to my stereo! that
includes my old dell mp3 DAR that played the exact same mp3's off my
pc. can anyone help?!!!


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Re: [slim] Batteries and Beer Hang my SqueezeBox

2007-02-01 Thread jabrazil

Here's the URL:

What is strange is that I can play any and all of my other stations,
but once I try and play this station the squeezebox just locks up
imediately, everytime. I've never had a problem with other stations
like Folk Alley, Moxie, etc.


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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread Gregory Hamilton

I am testing on a VM now for you.  During the installation did you notice a
prompt for elevation?
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Re: [slim] low volume

2007-02-01 Thread CatBus

While the music is playing, point the remote that came with the
Squeezebox at the Squeezebox and hold down the button at the very top
of the remote, in the middle, with an up arrow on it.  Hold it down for
several seconds.  Does that help?  Does it appear to do anything at all?


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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread fingers

Gregory Hamilton;176697 Wrote: 
 I am testing on a VM now for you.  During the installation did you
 notice a
 prompt for elevation?

A prompt for what??


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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread bergek

The Slimtray application runs under the account of the logged in user.
However, the slimserver service is set to run under the system account.
Unfortunately, under Vista, normal users are not allowed to start
services. Try yourself by opening a command prompt and type 'net start
slimserver' and you will be met with 'Access denied'. There might be a
setting under Local Security Policies but I haven't found it.

If you open up the services snap-in (Click Run... and type
services.msc) you can start it there. That solved it for me and after
that the web page works fine.

Another alternative could be to change the slimserver service to run
under your own account. I haven't tested that though.

What is the purpose of the tray application BTW? Why not remove it from
the startup folder and change the service settings so that Slimserver
starts with Windows? The only thing that really works for me under
Vista is the shortcut at the top to the web page but that can be done
with a standard shortcut anyway.


Transporter - Squeezebox 3 - Serener GS-L02 - Via EPIA SP8000 - Ubuntu
6.06 Server

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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread Gregory Hamilton

A prompt to allow the installation to run at the administrative or
elevated level.

At the very least you would have received a dimmed screen and a continue
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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread fingers

bergek;176699 Wrote: 
 The Slimtray application runs under the account of the logged in user.
 However, the slimserver service is set to run under the system account.
 Unfortunately, under Vista, normal users are not allowed to start
 services. Try yourself by opening a command prompt and type 'net start
 slimserver' and you will be met with 'Access denied'. There might be a
 setting under Local Security Policies but I haven't found it.
 If you open up the services snap-in (Click Run... and type
 services.msc) you can start it there. That solved it for me and after
 that the web page works fine.
 Another alternative could be to change the slimserver service to run
 under your own account. I haven't tested that though.
 What is the purpose of the tray application BTW? Why not remove it from
 the startup folder and change the service settings so that Slimserver
 starts with Windows? The only thing that really works for me under
 Vista is the shortcut at the top to the web page but that can be done
 with a standard shortcut anyway.

Yes I got an Access Denied error however, it was proceed by a syntax

I attempted to start SlimServer from the CM and it start for a second
but then throws the following error:

The SlimServer service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some
services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or


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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread fingers

Gregory Hamilton;176702 Wrote: 
 A prompt to allow the installation to run at the administrative or
 elevated level.
 At the very least you would have received a dimmed screen and a

a got it... YES


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Re: [slim] low volume

2007-02-01 Thread SteveEast

Have you tried connecting the SB to one of your stereo inputs that is
playing normally?



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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread fingers

It is getting even more amazing to me that it appears that Slim folks
have not tested any of this on VISTA.  I contacted support this even
and have been waiting to hear back as support admitted they have no
VISTA machine to troubleshoot on after attemtping everything they could
think of based on having no VISTA machine to troubleshoot on said they
needed to consult others and would get back to me.  This ought to be
good  ;)


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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread AudioVideo

I disabled the firewall in Vista and now my SqueezeBox is working. I
would like to know if anyone working for SlimDevices can tell us what
particular settings need to be configured so that the firewall does not
need to be shut off entirely.


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Re: [slim] Update to v6.5.1 creates problems

2007-02-01 Thread smoj

Reverting to v6.5.0 leaves me with 0 albums with 0 songs by 0 artists
instead of the aforementioned (and false) 1/1/1, which obviously is no
better.  I'm getting closer and closer to formatting the computer and
starting over, but before I do that I'm going to go ahead and continue
reverting back Slimserver with each version I can find just in case one

Does anyone happen to know where all of the registry entries made by
Slimserver can be found so that I can clear them out as well in case
there's any problem there?


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[slim] updatede slimserver and now ???

2007-02-01 Thread Steve Lyde

I just updated slimserver and now when I add new cd's slimserver does
not find the first song of ever cd.

It found all of the songs from all of the cd's that were already
ripped.  But the new cd's that I have ripped, it only finds the songs
after song 1 how can this be?

I have checked the hard drive to see that indeed all 12 songs are there
but slimserver only finds 11, it has omitted the first song on every new
cd ripped.

someone please help me.

Steve Lyde

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Re: [slim] Update to v6.5.1 creates problems

2007-02-01 Thread smoj

Windows event logs contain nothing to do with SlimServer (although there
were multiple mySQL errors that I haven't yet dug through very far...are
these important?) and I became impatient with v6.3.1 after installing it
and waiting 30 minutes only for it still to be starting Slimserver.


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Re: [slim] Music IP question.... sigh.....sigh... :)

2007-02-01 Thread Zevs

Thanks Siduhe for the detailed and clear instructions!! 

I went through them and SS is now rescanning the library. The only
thing that surpised me a bit was that the icon for SS disappeared from
the tray as soon as the scan started. It is for sure scanning though!
Will let you know the result when ready, will take several hours though
I suspect.



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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-02-01 Thread rkeeney

ddewey;175828 Wrote: 
 I know it's long and fairly techie, but this is an important read,
 especially for this community.]
 Interesting article. I guess it's no accident I've been buying only
 used vinyl lately or working a little harder to find music I can buy in
 my preferred format (non-DRM FLAC).
 Unfortunately, I think we are in too big a minority to make any
 difference. I see iPods everywhere and most of the users seem
 completely unaware that in a few years (or less) they will have
 difficulty playing their purchased music on anything. When I mention
 that they are only *renting* their music they don't quite understand
 the concept. Oh long as there are used record stores I'll be


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-02-01 Thread Skunk

Mark Lanctot;176598 Wrote: 
 There's a HUGE Slim Devices banner here, right at the top of the page:

Thanks Mark! Never thought to look there :-)

Slim Devices deserves a pat on the back.


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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-01 Thread fingers

AudioVideo;176713 Wrote: 
 I disabled the firewall in Vista and now my SqueezeBox is working. I
 would like to know if anyone working for SlimDevices can tell us what
 particular settings need to be configured so that the firewall does not
 need to be shut off entirely.

I also disabled the Firewall in Vista... but it made no difference. 
Wondering why no one hears from SD


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Re: [slim] Clearing the DB

2007-02-01 Thread Michael Herger
 I just want to clean out the library. I want to rescan it at a later

That's currently no option.



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Re: [slim] updatede slimserver and now ???

2007-02-01 Thread Michael Herger
 I just updated slimserver and now when I add new cd's slimserver does
 not find the first song of ever cd.

First of all, please give us some information about your system. You  
updated from? To? What operating system? What file format? Did you try a  
full rescan? Have you tried turning on logging (d_info d_scan) and watch  
the log file?



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