[slim] Last.fm, worth becoming a paid member?

2009-02-28 Thread TurnipFarmer

Hey Guys

I am thinking about becoming a paid member of last.fm however is it
worth it?



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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2009-02-28 Thread pippin

auronthas;401490 Wrote: 
 Hi pippin, further to my earlier question on 'keylock'.
 Instead of 'keylock', how about a popup window (Play or cancel) will be
 appeared, when select a song whether intentionally or accidentally.

Here's something I'm currently experimenting with for 1.1:
I plan to add the TrackInfo screen (which has a lot of links, too) as a
4th mode. This would then not play anything but enter that menu. Would
that do it? Or is that too complicated?


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at penguinlovesmusic.com

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Re: [slim] Last.fm, worth becoming a paid member?

2009-02-28 Thread marklings

As far as I can tell the only thing you get is the loved tracks
availability to listen back to. But let me put it another way: These
guys are great IMHO, worth spending a few pennies on !



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Re: [slim] Last.fm, worth becoming a paid member?

2009-02-28 Thread Moonbase

I was just contemplating the same … but for € 2,50/month I’d somehow
like to get not only my »loved tracks« but playlists and »my stations«
too. So I wait.

What I like is that

- they use MusicIP to get similar tracks (which I also like at home)
- their tags function well
- you can skip to the next track using SB and SBC remotes


Moonbase: 'The Problem Solver' (http://www.kaufen-ist-toll.de/moonbase)

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2009-02-28 Thread auronthas

pippin;401516 Wrote: 
 Here's something I'm currently experimenting with for 1.1:
 I plan to add the TrackInfo screen (which has a lot of links, too) as a
 4th mode. This would then not play anything but enter that menu. Would
 that do it? Or is that too complicated?

Something simple will do, as long as users won't accidentally touch
song while scrolling the playlist.

I am not too sure which is more complicated. 

Thanks for consideration.



Tajima Power Conditioner #61614; Squeezebox 3 / Cambridge Audio 540C
V2 #61614; VDL The Source (CA) / AQ Copperhead (SB3) #61614; Krell
KAV-400xi #61614; Chord Carnival Silver Plus / VDL Goldwater (current)
#61614; Sonus Faber Concertino Domus #61614; Supra 2.5 LoRad power
cord (CA  Krell)

iMac 2.4 Ghz, 4GB DDR RAM, Mac OS X 10.5.6 - SC Version: 7.3.2 - 24695
@ Tue Jan 20 2009  - Firmware : 123

' A u r o n t h a s ' s   B l o g ' (http://auronthas.blogspot.com)

::My Recent Tracks Played::
' [image:
http://imagegen.last.fm/itunesrecent/recenttracks/auronthas.gif] '

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Re: [slim] Recommend a portable USB HDD for backups?

2009-02-28 Thread Kyle

Howard, if it were for me, I'd spend some extra dough and get a DSLR. 
But for my wife, ps is what she needs.  I think the camera I bought
will be a big improvement over what we've got now, if the specs I read
were correct.  Thanks for the tips, though.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2009-02-28 Thread Kyle

Pippin, I guess I screwed up.  I downloaded iPeng without even thinking
about the fact that I am running SS6.3 due to a change in subsequent
releases that prevents my home audio system from beginning to play when
it powers up (big WAF).  Is there any way to use the program with SS


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Re: [slim] Recommend a portable USB HDD for backups?

2009-02-28 Thread Howard Passman

Kyle;401531 Wrote: 
 Howard, if it were for me, I'd spend some extra dough and get a DSLR. 
 But for my wife, ps is what she needs.  I think the camera I bought
 will be a big improvement over what we've got now, if the specs I read
 were correct.  Thanks for the tips, though.

Cool.  I hope she enjoys it.  Lots of big improvements over the past 2
years.  2-3 years ago we were using the same tricks I mentioned even
with DSLR's for some stuff.  Not so much for the exposure, but for
focusing.  I've been shooting 35 years off and on and I still don't
know how the sport shooters in the manual focus days did it.  Lots of
film, lots of film.

Have a great weekend.


Howard Passman

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Re: [slim] Recommend a portable USB HDD for backups?

2009-02-28 Thread Kyle

I used to shoot sports back in my old newspaper days (late '70's when I
was writing sports) with a Nikkormat.  With practice, you got pretty
good at follow focusing, but it was mostly anticipation with a lot of
luck involved.  Doing your own darkroom work helped, too.  Cheers.


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Re: [slim] Recommend a portable USB HDD for backups?

2009-02-28 Thread Howard Passman

Kyle;401541 Wrote: 
 I used to shoot sports back in my old newspaper days (late '70's when I
 was writing sports) with a Nikkormat.  With practice, you got pretty
 good at follow focusing, but it was mostly anticipation with a lot of
 luck involved.  Doing your own darkroom work helped, too.  Cheers.

Sorry, didn't realize you were a shooter.  A lot has changed hasn't it.
One thing for sure, the equipment somehow got heavier didn't it?
and more expensive.

I enjoy digital, but I do miss the darkroom at times.  You're gonna
think I'm crazy, but I kept a bottle of stop bath just for old times
sake.  The smell is one of those time machines like the smell of
gasoline for those who grew up working in gas stations before unleaded
fuel :-)  I pour a little bit on my monitor every now and then...NOT


Howard Passman

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Re: [slim] Recommend a portable USB HDD for backups?

2009-02-28 Thread Kyle

Yeah, I enjoyed the darkroom work, but it's been years.  I can still
smell those chemicals, though.  I bought a film Nikon and some nice
lenses 6-7 years ago when digital was still young, but I just didn't
use it enough and ended up selling it all on ebay when I got into
digital.  I'm still using a basic ps camera, but I do some retouching
with The Gimp (open-license program similar to Photoshop), and it's
fun.  It's amazing how images can be manipulated digitally.  I remove
power lines, open half-closed eyes, remove zits, darken and blur
background distractions -- all kinds of things.  Purists would probably
scoff, but if they knew what went on in darkrooms, it's really not much


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[slim] Setting static IP address for Squeezeserver

2009-02-28 Thread Kyle

I have a Linksys WRT54GL router.  Can I assign a static IP address to my
Squeezeserver without having static IP's for everything on the network? 
Is it difficult?


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Re: [slim] Recommend a portable USB HDD for backups?

2009-02-28 Thread Howard Passman

Kyle;401546 Wrote: 
 Yeah, I enjoyed the darkroom work, but it's been years.  I can still
 smell those chemicals, though.  I bought a film Nikon and some nice
 lenses 6-7 years ago when digital was still young, but I just didn't
 use it enough and ended up selling it all on ebay when I got into
 digital.  I'm still using a basic ps camera, but I do some retouching
 with The Gimp (open-license program similar to Photoshop), and it's
 fun.  It's amazing how images can be manipulated digitally.  I remove
 power lines, open half-closed eyes, remove zits, darken and blur
 background distractions -- all kinds of things.  Purists would probably
 scoff, but if they knew what went on in darkrooms, it's really not much

There are certainly two trains of thought on manipulation of photos. 
Some feel they are historical recordings and shouldn't be changed and
others are considering the image and it's short comings.  I'm sure most
would agree Ansel Adams was a noteable photographer and yet he probably
never printed an image without doing his dance.  I can see both sides
and I maintain they are both correct in their own context.  Nothing
wrong with correcting a models blemishes.  It's not a historical
accounting of anything. On the other hand adding or subtracting from an
image that is a historical accounting is wrong unless it is clear the
image has been changed for artistic purposes.

In 2000 I started to carry a little Olympus PS digital camera telling
myself I would use it as a tool with my film cameras to preview
composition and the such.  It wasn't long before I was addicted and
started the move to digital.  These guys at Nikon, Canon, etc. know
what they're doing :-)  Well, except they may have overextended
themselves to Ritz :-)


Howard Passman

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Re: [slim] Annouce: New Squeezeslave 0.8 release availabe on sourceforge

2009-02-28 Thread ralphy

Try adding a -static like this, delete bin/squeezeslave and run make


  ${CC} -o bin/squeezeslave $^ -static -L/opt/local/lib -lmad -lFLAC 
-lvorbisfile -lvorbis -logg 
/System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/AudioToolbox -lpthread

If the MacPorts that you needed to install included the static versions
of the libraries you should be golden.  If not, perhaps you can check
the ports to see there's also static versions available.

A static library filename looks like libmad.a whereas a shared version
would be called libmad.so


file bin/squeezeslave

and post the output if OSX has the file command.




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Re: [slim] Why do posts suddenly require moderator approval?

2009-02-28 Thread bpa

Suddenly my posts now have to be moderated. Assuming this post is not
moderated - the last post had text and  a link to another forum post


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Re: [slim] Why do posts suddenly require moderator approval?

2009-02-28 Thread Moonbase

I’ll have to watch it – it happens on some, not all of my posts. Maybe
it really has to do something with attachments or *odd wording* used.

Hm. Sorry, Michael, I tried to behave a little in Bugzilla but I
didn’t realize someone would have problems reading posts with odd
characters like guillemets or typographical hyphens, ellipsis,
apostrophe, etc. here in the forums?

The bad thing is I sometimes don't realize ... been using typographical
characters since so many years (and actually use a special keyboard
driver for that), so my fingers just automatically reach for the
correct symbols... Its quite hard for me to deliberately ignore
everything I'm trained to use as correct and switch back to the old
ASCII symbols... Sorry again.


Moonbase: 'The Problem Solver' (http://www.kaufen-ist-toll.de/moonbase)

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Re: [slim] Recommend a portable USB HDD for backups?

2009-02-28 Thread Moonbase

Hee hee, one nice off-topic thread this has become!

I started playing with an -Olympus Camedia C-2500L- in 2000 (one of the
first halfway usable DSLRs), because I couldn't afford the -AP NC-2000-
my company sold at that time ...

Now I'm dreaming of a good Nikon DSLR body ... ;-)


Moonbase: 'The Problem Solver' (http://www.kaufen-ist-toll.de/moonbase)

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[slim] Loudness/Compression

2009-02-28 Thread Labarum

I have read posts complaining about dynamic compression and the fact
radio stations are getting forever louder.

I notice when listening to classical radio stations some are very much
louder at the same volume setting. Classic FM and Venice Radio come
over much louder than Bartok and the East European OGG transmissions.

Is this the loudness effect? For, when listening on a portable or car
radio in bad conditions the dynamic range has to be limited, so the
radio engineers can transmit at a hight general amplitude. Have I got
it right?

The less loud stations sound better, but they also have the higher



Squeezebox 3 Classic and Virgin Cable Box
Beresford DAC TC-7510 MK6/4 - Quad 405-2 refurbished by 405man
Quart 980s http://www.hifi-wiki.de/index.php/MB_Quart_980_S

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Re: [slim] Intel Atom: Suitable for transcoding?

2009-02-28 Thread Moonbase

Thanks for the feedback! Good to know, though I#8217;ll be waiting for
the MSI D-130 (Dual Atom, will be available mid-year/autumn).


Moonbase: 'The Problem Solver' (http://www.kaufen-ist-toll.de/moonbase)

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Re: [slim] Loudness/Compression

2009-02-28 Thread BlueScreenJunky

It's hard to say... maybe the other stations are just quieter. The
problem is not really loudness in itself but compression (the fact that
everything is evenly loud, instead of some parts being quieter than
So maybe those stations are just playing a little louder, which is
fine. But maybe they're also using compression in order to get
everything loud, and it's not fine anymore ;-)


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Re: [slim] Setting static IP address for Squeezeserver

2009-02-28 Thread aubuti

Kyle;401547 Wrote: 
 I have a Linksys WRT54GL router.  Can I assign a static IP address to my
 Squeezeserver without having static IP's for everything on the network? 
 Is it difficult?
I have the same router, but use Tomato instead of the stock firmware.
Setting static DHCP is easy with that firmware. All you have to do is
assign an IP address outside of the normal DHCP range to the MAC address
(hardware address) of the network card on your server. I don't remember
if it is equally easy or more difficult with the stock firmware.

Another, potentially better, approach is to set a true static IP in the
network settings of your server itself. How you do that depends on the
OS. And yes, it's no problem at all having some devices with fixed IPs
and some using DHCP. Just make sure that you set the static IPs to
addresses that are outside the range of addresses that your router
doles out via DHCP.


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Re: [slim] Intel Atom: Suitable for transcoding?

2009-02-28 Thread BlueScreenJunky

I've read somewhere that the dual core Atoms was not really useful
compared to the single core ones, because single core Atoms already
have HyperThreading (which allows them to run two threads at the same
time on one core), and are more limited by their FSB than by the power
of the processor itself.

I'll link to the article if I can find it.


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Re: [slim] Why do posts suddenly require moderator approval?

2009-02-28 Thread bpa

It looks like it happens all the time if I put a link to another forum
thread in my posts.  This needs to be sorted.


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
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Re: [slim] Recommend a portable USB HDD for backups?

2009-02-28 Thread Howard Passman

Moonbase;401574 Wrote: 
 Hee hee, one nice off-topic thread this has become!
 I started playing with an -Olympus Camedia C-2500L- in 2000 (one of the
 first halfway usable DSLRs), because I couldn't afford the -AP NC-2000-
 my company sold at that time ...
 Now I'm dreaming of a good Nikon DSLR body ... ;-)

Heck, no ones looking yet so I guess we can carry on till we get called
on it.

I had my sights set on a Kodak DCS14 when they were announced, but
couldn't wait it out.  It was a huge jump from the (speaking of huge)
NC-2000.  Since then I've been on the Nikon bandwagon, although I have
no idea why.  I don't have one, but the D90 is getting some really good
press.  I half way don't want to know how good it might be.  I might
regret what I've spent :-)

Maybe we could start a Other Interests forum :-) Probably not

P.S. I'll trade ya jobs

Howard Passman

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Re: [slim] Announcement: VortexBox 0.4 released

2009-02-28 Thread Moonbase

gharris999;401395 Wrote: 
 What's your sense of how well MusicIP works with classical music?

Unfortunately I only have -very- few classical titles. I would expect
good results but you might want to ask someone that really uses MIP
with classical music. Or give -last.fm- a try — they use MusicIP’s
-MusicDNS- service (plus a little more) behind the scenes, so you might
get a feasible approximation.

gharris999;401395 Wrote: 
 I'm guessing that with 1T worth of flacs with more than 125 days of play
 time, the finger printing processing time would be a pretty serious

Indeed. About 20k files took around 7 days here … (heavily loaded
Windows machine) It’s faster when they know about the titles already,
but if you have music that’s new to their database, calculation really
eats up processor time.

gharris999;401395 Wrote: 
 Is there any way to finger print a given flac at rip time?  Or does
 the entire collection need to be printed in one go?

Well shortly after. The Windows -MusicIP Mixer GUI- will react to
directory changes for folders you can set, and thus automatically start
fingerprinting in the background. You have the option to set thread
priority for that, plus the option to automatically save the analysis
data in the tags (which I’d -highly recommend-).

You can also use the command-line -genpuid- tool in Linux to
fingerprint all or part of your collection. (Can also save to tags.)

gharris999;401395 Wrote: 
 I guess what I'm asking is this: is there a musicip tag that can
 calculated and then stored in the file which musicip could subsequently
 read for its db?

Exactly that :-)


Moonbase: 'The Problem Solver' (http://www.kaufen-ist-toll.de/moonbase)

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Re: [slim] Annouce: New Squeezeslave 0.8 release availabe on sourceforge

2009-02-28 Thread Luke Redpath

No joy so far, but happy to keep looking at this with your help.

Output of 'file squeezeslave':

 /opt/local/bin/squeezeslave: Mach-O executable i386

/opt/local/lib contains libFLAC.a, libmad.a, libogg.a, libvorbis.a and

I did a make clean and recompiled but it is failing with this error:

 gcc -o bin/squeezeslave src/squeezeslave/squeezeslave.o
 lib/portmixer/px_mac_core/px_mac_core.o lib/libslimproto.a
 lib/libportaudio.a -static -L/opt/local/lib -lmad -lFLAC -lvorbisfile
 -lvorbis -logg /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/CoreAudio
 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/AudioToolbox -lpthread
 ld_classic: can't locate file for: -lcrt0.o
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make: *** [bin/squeezeslave] Error 1

I'll keep investigating, but any ideas?

Edit: it seems like this could be relevant:

Luke Redpath

Freelance Ruby/Rails/iPhone Developer 'for hire'
'lukeredpath.co.uk' (http://lukeredpath.co.uk) | 'Squeemote - the
iPhone SqueezeBox Remote' (http://lukeredpath.co.uk/squeemote)

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Re: [slim] Why do posts suddenly require moderator approval?

2009-02-28 Thread maggior

I just made a post and got the moderated.  I included a link to another
thread in the forum, so it looks like that is the culprit.  The post I
made regards crosstalk between a couple of threads (USB drive
discussion turns to digital camera talk mid thread).  Perhaps there is
something screwy going on with the forum software in general?


Setup: 2 SB3s, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 11.0 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.2.1 (7.3 had dropouts for me) and SqueezeSlave. 
MusicIP has been turned off temporarily while I move to a lossless
version of my library.

maggior's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9080
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Re: [slim] Annouce: New Squeezeslave 0.8 release availabe on sourceforge

2009-02-28 Thread Luke Redpath

OK, using -static-intel seemed to do the trick; will this be suitable?


Edit, doesn't seem to work. I gave it to a friend to run on his system
and it failed:

 dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libmad.0.dylib
 Referenced from: /Users/james/Downloads/./squeezeslave
 Reason: image not found
 Trace/BPT trap

Luke Redpath

Freelance Ruby/Rails/iPhone Developer 'for hire'
'lukeredpath.co.uk' (http://lukeredpath.co.uk) | 'Squeemote - the
iPhone SqueezeBox Remote' (http://lukeredpath.co.uk/squeemote)

Luke Redpath's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=859
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Re: [slim] Why do posts suddenly require moderator approval?

2009-02-28 Thread radish

Looking at the posts which are being flagged, the vast majority have
links (often multiple links). I'm assuming the sensitivity is turned up
a little high, but at least there'll be less wow  n95 spam :)


radish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=77
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Re: [slim] Why do posts suddenly require moderator approval?

2009-02-28 Thread epoch1970

maggior;401601 Wrote: 
 I included a link to another thread in the forum, so it looks like that
 is the culprit.
Looks to my like a more random problem. My moderated post had no link;
I use no sig. The post was long, I composed it for a good while; it had
a CODE struct and a zip attachment.

Nobody else seen the buttons suddenly changing names ?


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Re: [slim] Recommend a portable USB HDD for backups?

2009-02-28 Thread radish

maggior;401597 Wrote: 
 So I'm reading along about USB drives and abrupbly the discussion goes
 to digital cameras!  It seems like posts from this thread
 http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=60696 somehow are being
 associated with this thread.  More screwiness of the forum software?

Things like that usually happen when something goes wrong with the mail
gateway, all the posts are back where they belong now.


radish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=77
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Re: [slim] OT: Recommend a digital camera?

2009-02-28 Thread Kyle

Howard Passman;401586 Wrote: 
 Maybe we could start a Other Interests forum :-) Probably not

Most forums have one.  I've posted a lot of OT questions here,
primarily involving technology, because there are so many members here
who are a lot more savvy than I.  I hope the mods don't get too picky
about it.


Kyle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2541
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Re: [slim] Why do posts suddenly require moderator approval?

2009-02-28 Thread jo-wie

I got also the Moderator message with a post including a link.


SB Classic, SC 7.3.2 auf GigaByte STA/C mit VIA C7 1GHz, 1GB RAM, 250 GB
2,5 HD, Ubuntu Desktop 8.04

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Re: [slim] Setting static IP address for Squeezeserver

2009-02-28 Thread Kyle

aubuti;401580 Wrote: 
 Another, potentially better, approach is to set a true static IP in the
 network settings of your server itself. How you do that depends on the
 OS. And yes, it's no problem at all having some devices with fixed IPs
 and some using DHCP. Just make sure that you set the static IPs to
 addresses that are outside the range of addresses that your router
 doles out via DHCP.
My server is on Windows XP.  Can you tell me what steps to take?


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Re: [slim] Setting static IP address for Squeezeserver

2009-02-28 Thread aubuti

Kyle;401624 Wrote: 
 My server is on Windows XP.  Can you tell me what steps to take?
This is what I have on WinXP Pro:
1. Start  Control Panel  Network Connections
2. Select the appropriate connection (wired/wireless) and right click
for Properties
3. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
4. Select Properties
5. Under General tab, choose Use the following IP address, then
*IP address:* the IP address you want to use. The first three parts
should be the same as the address of your router (typically either
192.168.0 or 192.168.1). The last part must not already be in use, and
should be outside the range of DHCP addresses that your router
*Subnet mask:* use
*Default gateway:* the IP address of your router, typically


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Re: [slim] Software Player Synchronisation Rallying call!

2009-02-28 Thread netnewt

mherger;397771 Wrote: 
  I really think development should have been continued with
  whilst there is no viable alternative
 We're rather concentrating on the new software than trying to fix
 legacy code. SqueezePlay will be much better as a player than
 SoftSqueeze has ever been.

I remain passionately for Softsqueeze. I assume you have no plans to
make Squeezeplay VISIBLY EMULATE the range of hardware players? Do you?
You seem to be missing the point that this is what many users like. I
agree with Mick Seymour. No-one has yet been able to tell me the point
of Squeezeplay over the standard Squeezecentre GUI? Please tell me what
it's for and what advantage it has over the standard GUI and its
selection of skins?


netnewt's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=11734
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Re: [slim] [ANN] Squeemote 1.2, now with device sync!

2009-02-28 Thread Luke Redpath

Just a quick note, I've updated the FAQs on the site with some
instructions regarding the new device management screen.


If you've bought Squeemote and like it, I'd really appreciate any
reviews you can leave on the iTunes store and if you've previously
reviewed it and you feel it has changed for the better in recent
releases, don't forget to update your reviews. Thanks.

Luke Redpath

Freelance Ruby/Rails/iPhone Developer 'for hire'
'lukeredpath.co.uk' (http://lukeredpath.co.uk) | 'Squeemote - the
iPhone SqueezeBox Remote' (http://lukeredpath.co.uk/squeemote)

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Re: [slim] Software Player Synchronisation Rallying call!

2009-02-28 Thread andyg

Bottom line, it is not possible to get perfect sync with a software
player for every possible OS/soundcard combo right out of the box.  The
latency in the OS, sound card driver, etc is just out of our control. 
There are several knobs you can tweak in the sync preferences to try to
get perfect sync.  If sync is very important to you, you can always pick
up additional hardware players which do work out of the box. :) What may
be useful is for someone to create a wiki page listing known-good
OS/soundcard combinations that are able to sync, and to post your sync
preference values.


andyg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3292
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Re: [slim] Software Player Synchronisation Rallying call!

2009-02-28 Thread aubuti

netnewt;401633 Wrote: 
 No-one has yet been able to tell me the point of Squeezeplay over the
 standard Squeezecentre GUI? If it's not going to emulate the hardware
 players, please tell me what it's for and what advantage it has over
 the standard GUI and its selection of skins?
It's so simple you must have overlooked it: Squeezeplay plays music on
your computer. The SC gui has absolutely zero playback function.


aubuti's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2074
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Re: [slim] Why do posts suddenly require moderator approval?

2009-02-28 Thread iPhone

radish;401611 Wrote: 
 Looking at the posts which are being flagged, the vast majority have
 links (often multiple links). I'm assuming the sensitivity is turned up
 a little high, but at least there'll be less wow  n95 spam :)

Speaking of sensitivity, is their an adjustment in the software for
user level? Look at every post in this thread so far, everybody posting
up to and including this reply is a Senior Member.

I would think that most Senior Members would be at a point that they
didn't need to be moderated when including a URL link in their posts.
But that's just my thoughts.


'Last.FM' (http://www.last.fm/user/mephone)
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: SB3, GFR-700HD, Thiel 2.3, Second Boom
Home Office: SB3, NAD C370, two VSM-1
Home Gym: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, Thiel PowerPoint 1.2
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5

iPhone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13622
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Re: [slim] Software Player Synchronisation Rallying call!

2009-02-28 Thread epoch1970

netnewt;401633 Wrote: 
 I remain passionately for Softsqueeze. I assume you have no plans to
 make Squeezeplay VISIBLY EMULATE the range of hardware players? 

IMO, Softsqueeze is a great presales tool for the SB3. It looks and
works like the real thing. SP works like an SBC, but that's not


epoch1970's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16711
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[slim] Best Sites to Download Music in FLAC

2009-02-28 Thread timequest

I’m just getting started, so I don’t know the answers to what I’m sure
are pretty obvious questions.  I want to add to my music library, which
is currently all from ripped CDs, by downloading sound/albums in FLAC. 
What are some good sites to go to?


timequest's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=25640
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Re: [slim] Best Sites to Download Music in FLAC

2009-02-28 Thread RichardL

HDTracks.com has a good selection of 16/44.1 tracks and also a library
of 24/96 tracks in FLAC for purchase


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[slim] No nonsense NAS server

2009-02-28 Thread jadeking

Could someone please recommend a NAS server that can run squeezecenter
without any problems, and which works out of the box? It seems many
servers have a long list of instructions for how to get it to work with
squeezecenter. It needs to be silent to0, so a fanless server is


jadeking's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=25670
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[slim] General Dissatisfaction

2009-02-28 Thread drs

I apologize for this rant in advance, but I am really frustrated.

I've had a Squeezebox 3 since early 2006, and had wanted one for a long
time previous to that.  Conceptually, I think it is about the best idea
ever, but in practice, I am thoroughly unhappy with it -- indeed, my
wife refers to it as the bane of my existence.  I am wondering if
perhaps anyone can suggest ways to make me happier with it.

At the root of the problem is SqueezeCenter. I have it running on a
reasonably fast (2.8GHz, 3GB) XP computer connected via ethernet
cables.  But, no matter what I do, it is too slow.  The process of
finding music is slow (I have about 11,000 tracks to dig through, and
adding a song generally requires numerous clicks, and lots of waiting),
the process of adding/removing things from a playlist is cumbersome and
slow, it doesn't seem to keep any statistics on what is played or when,
the process of scanning my library was horrible -- most albums have
wrong album art, the same album will show up multiple times, each with
only some of the tracks in it (this is after ripping with EAC), if I
have 2 versions of a track (MP3 and FLAC) no distinction is made until
one drills down meaning that it takes as long to find a track as the
previous one took to play, and playback drops out or freezes
periodically. Moreover, it is buggy software -- I listened to an album
the other day.  Then, last night I listened to something else.  Today,
the playlist from days ago was back in the queue. When I move tracks
around in the list, they don't always move to were they were put. Often
what is playing and what squeezecenter says is playing are different,

The Squeezebox has been back and needed a new CPU at one point, so the
device itself seems to work fine. And, the computer has been rebuilt
and been clean installed.  Moreover, I tried other computers with no
better results.

Basically, what I am saying is that the Squeezebox, for me, should do
three things.  It should play music, it should make organizing music
simple, and it should present a clean interface.  It utterly fails at
the second two, and periodically fails at the first.

Conversely, programs like Winamp, Foobar, iTunes, and even WMP present
user interfaces that are remarkably better.  Yes, I understand that
Squeezecenter presents a web interface so it can be used from remote
systems, but does that need to preclude a reasonable non-web interface
from running locally, or via remote desktop? And yes, I understand that
it is opensource, so I can implement these things myself, but that it
not an excuse.  Logitech is a big company and can supply reasonable
software for their hardware. I am a programmer, and I designed and
build my whole stereo (DAC, preamp, power amp, and speakers), and I
don't have that kind of time.

So, what I think this thing needs is either its own non-web based
interface (I've tried Moose -- neat software, but too slow both because
.Net is miserable and because it is still just interfacing with the same
horrible backend), or a plugin for Winamp, Foobar, or whatever to make
it behave like a remote soundcard.  I have seen a few scattered posts
of others asking for this, but to date nothing that works has jumped
out at me.

As I say, I really wanted this to work, and I am really sad that it is
just not the device for me. Conceptually, everything about is
fantastic, but every time I try to use it it makes me angry.


drs's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3536
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Re: [slim] Softsqueeze for Windows Mobile or iPhone (for my Car)

2009-02-28 Thread mark-e-mark

I tried Satellite radio and found the sound quality sirius-ly lacking
(pun intended).  I have a new Samsung Omnia from verizon and the
coverage is terrific where I am.  Carriers are quickly becoming
internet gateways anyway, so is anyone developing a light, mobile
player that will work with squeezenetwork?  I thought of softsqueeze
development because the app already works with squeezenetwork, and
because WinMo development may also lead to a lighter PC version, a
needed improvement in my opinion.


mark-e-mark's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4726
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Re: [slim] General Dissatisfaction

2009-02-28 Thread ds2021

I can't help but feel that there is some outside variable that is
causing your problems. My setup is very similar to yours, if not
slightly worse: 13,000 tracks; XP 2.8ghz 4GB which also serves as a
Media Center which may be serving video or recording TV on up to three
tuners while serving SqueezeCenter to up to 7 Squeezebox devices
(depending on season); wi-fi setup mainly (which should be considerably
worse than wired networking).

I have never run into it, but antivirus is a common cause of problems
apparently. Have you reviewed those threads to determine if this may be
affecting you? Network problems also account for a large proportion of
frustrations, and i have been victim to this in the past, although due
to wi-fi issues. Elaborating on your network environment may help
others troubleshoot your problems.

As far as the web interface is concerned, this could be a debate that
lasts until the end of time. As I myself never control my music from
the computer which hosts SC, the web interface seems like the natural
choice and I have no complaints with it; use of a local application via
remote desktop would not make sense for me. I find adding, choosing, and
changing tracks to be a virtually instantaneous event, although I
primarily browse tracks by folder and not tags, and so do not need to
rescan with each addition. Album art is a tricky affair that requires a
lot of work to get right, but this is the nature of the mp3
downloading/ripping world if you do not use the itunes store primarily.

Anyhow these are some thoughts that might lead to a solution. Or might
not. Again, networking and system environment variables seem to
represent the vast majority of problems that I have encountered
personally or read about here. These units would not be nearly so
popular if your experience is representative of the average user.


All your bass are belong to us.

ds2021's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10078
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[slim] EveryThing you need To Run your voip/pc2phone/callBack/callShop/Calling card Business

2009-02-28 Thread solution4voip786

Dear Friends:

Want to setup VoIP company, a business under your own brand name? We
have complete solution to launche VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol)
company. All support comes included.

Features: PC2Phone, Device2Phone, Calling Card, Callback,sms callback
solution, Ani Callback solution, DID callback solution, Cli Callback,
Pin Callback, Wholesale Termination, Online Billing, Unlimited
Resellers Creating, online shop, invoice generator, paypal integrated
online shop, pin recharge modules, H323 and SIP.

No ties to us, deal with the wholesalers you want and buy VoIP minutes
from any one in the market without any expensive equipment.


Single platform solution

Rapid Service Rollout

Pre-configured templates 

Scalability - phased investment

Quick, flexible reporting

Open database architecture allowing for extended reporting functions
and use of external scripts


Carrier-grade softswitch

Gatekeeper, registrar and proxy functionality

SIP and H323 protocol support 

Protocols transparent conversion

Network protection capabilities

Advanced routing

Single entry point into VoIP infrastructure

Flexible proxy methods


Various authentication methods

Prepaid/postpaid accounts

Robust engine

Fully integration with the softswitch

Cooperation with MySQL or MSSQL

Management interface 

Real-time traffic and system's performance monitor 

Windows graphical interface 

Web-based interface 

Web interface for endusers 

Customizable customer self care web interface

Admin section with embedded html editors

Ready to use design templates

CDRs, payments, invoices, address book, user's profile and others/

Sending SMS, web callback


Customizable IVR scenarios (XML)

Ready to use templates

Caller ID recognition

One or two stage calling procedures

Support for DIDs as access numbers


Based on SIP protocol

Proprietary VOIP tunnel technology - making/receieving calls even
behind voip blockades

Fully integration with the web interface

Quick access to voicemail

Sending SMS


Authentication by callerID or PIN

Various methods of realizing callback

Support for DIDs as callback service numbers

SMS and Web triggered callback

Embedded IVR system

Resellers system (VSR) 

Multilevel structure

Web-based comprehensive interface

Support for multi-currency

Customizable web interface for end-users

Integration with the E-Shop


Real-time monitoring and billing

Booths visualisation

Standalone and web based versions invoicing


Various payments processors

Credit cards, paypal, moneybookers

Automatic sign-up procedure

Recharge, also by vouchers/PINs

Basket for selling products online

SMS module 

Support for http methods

Extended routing plan with support for multiple SMS providers

Integrated with the softphone and the end-users web interface

Support for wholesale SMS traffic

[b] ( WTP ( WholeSale Trading Platform ) :


Average result 1000 conncurent calls (full proxy) on one server (Dual
Xeon CPU 2GB RAM*). For higher traffic recommended is cluster
configuration with two or three servers with voipswitch software
running on seperate servers and connected to one, shared SQL database
installed on a dedicated server. Web services running on a backup SQL
server set in replication mode so that the load from web requests (for
example browsing CDRs, statistics) does not affect the performance of
the main SQL server. 

* tested and certified for SIP interoperatibility with Level3 (US based
tier one carrier)


Phased implementation of new services by enabling additional modules. 

Operating system

Windows 2000, XP pro, Windows 2003 (both standard and web editions)

Hardware requirements

Recommended are servers based on Intel Xeon processors 

dual core or quad core, in configuration of single or dual CPU,

RAM minimum 1GB,


Contact us if you are interested.

Thank you,

Solution4 VOIP (.) com

Phone : +12169204393


solution4voip786's Profile: 
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Re: [slim] Softsqueeze for Windows Mobile or iPhone (for my Car)

2009-02-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

SoftSqueeze is no longer in development, so this is not going to happen.
I believe it is open source, so anyone can take it up if they want

SqueezePlay is the new software player.  It's much lighter than SS
(written in lua as opposed to Java) so it may actually be easier to
have it run on lower-power mobile devices.  Whether this will happen, I
don't know.

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta), SBC (early beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta)
Sold: SB3, Duet

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Re: [slim] Setting static IP address for Squeezeserver

2009-02-28 Thread Kyle

Thanks.  Perfect instructions!


Kyle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2541
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Re: [slim] General Dissatisfaction

2009-02-28 Thread iPhone

drs;401730 Wrote: 
 I apologize for this rant in advance, but I am really frustrated.
 I've had a Squeezebox 3 since early 2006, and had wanted one for a long
 time previous to that.  Conceptually, I think it is about the best idea
 ever, but in practice, I am thoroughly unhappy with it -- indeed, my
 wife refers to it as the bane of my existence.  I am wondering if
 perhaps anyone can suggest ways to make me happier with it.
 At the root of the problem is SqueezeCenter. I have it running on a
 reasonably fast (2.8GHz, 3GB) XP computer connected via ethernet
 cables.  But, no matter what I do, it is too slow.  The process of
 finding music is slow (I have about 11,000 tracks to dig through, and
 adding a song generally requires numerous clicks, and lots of waiting),
 the process of adding/removing things from a playlist is cumbersome and
 slow, it doesn't seem to keep any statistics on what is played or when,
 the process of scanning my library was horrible -- most albums have
 wrong album art, the same album will show up multiple times, each with
 only some of the tracks in it (this is after ripping with EAC), if I
 have 2 versions of a track (MP3 and FLAC) no distinction is made until
 one drills down meaning that it takes as long to find a track as the
 previous one took to play, and playback drops out or freezes
 periodically. Moreover, it is buggy software -- I listened to an album
 the other day.  Then, last night I listened to something else.  Today,
 the playlist from days ago was back in the queue. When I move tracks
 around in the list, they don't always move to were they were put. Often
 what is playing and what squeezecenter says is playing are different,
 The Squeezebox has been back and needed a new CPU at one point, so the
 device itself seems to work fine. And, the computer has been rebuilt
 and been clean installed.  Moreover, I tried other computers with no
 better results.
 Basically, what I am saying is that the Squeezebox, for me, should do
 three things.  It should play music, it should make organizing music
 simple, and it should present a clean interface.  It utterly fails at
 the second two, and periodically fails at the first.
 Conversely, programs like Winamp, Foobar, iTunes, and even WMP present
 user interfaces that are remarkably better.  Yes, I understand that
 Squeezecenter presents a web interface so it can be used from remote
 systems, but does that need to preclude a reasonable non-web interface
 from running locally, or via remote desktop? And yes, I understand that
 it is opensource, so I can implement these things myself, but that it
 not an excuse.  Logitech is a big company and can supply reasonable
 software for their hardware. I am a programmer, and I designed and
 build my whole stereo (DAC, preamp, power amp, and speakers), and I
 don't have that kind of time.
 So, what I think this thing needs is either its own non-web based
 interface (I've tried Moose -- neat software, but too slow both because
 .Net is miserable and because it is still just interfacing with the same
 horrible backend), or a plugin for Winamp, Foobar, or whatever to make
 it behave like a remote soundcard.  I have seen a few scattered posts
 of others asking for this, but to date nothing that works has jumped
 out at me.
 As I say, I really wanted this to work, and I am really sad that it is
 just not the device for me. Conceptually, everything about is
 fantastic, but every time I try to use it it makes me angry.

What Internet Browser are you using? What Tagging software do you use?
What version of SC are you currently running? How do you think of your
music? What I mean is do you treat all music as Albums/CDs, or artists,
or genre. Are you using any of the plugins to help with your music
selection? Many users really like using the Custom Browse plugin.

Have you thought about building or using a dedicated PC as an SC

I keep my MP3s separate from my FLAC library except where I don't have
the MP3 in FLAC format also. So those few MP3s I have in the FLAC
directory are for use with SC only. I don't let iTunes see that library
and SC does not see the directory that my MP3s are in that I use with
iTunes (only reason I even have iTunes is because of my iPhone). And I
dislike iTunes because it was made so even my parents and my sister can
use it. It is my opinion that one should never ask iTunes to
repair/fix/find album art or tags. If iTunes would ask if this IS the
correct album art one wants to use, then maybe, but just like Windows,
it does what it wants and hoses ones whole library.

Now for my rant as you are not alone. Is SC perfect? I don’t think it’s
perfect, but it sure does a bunch of different and important things. I
have some overly large Playlists and have to agree that the one area
that SC is really lacking for me is how Playlists are built,
maintained, and edited. I really wish there was a drag and drop that
spanned the page breaks or a way to move a 

Re: [slim] General Dissatisfaction

2009-02-28 Thread Pat Farrell
drs wrote:
 I apologize for this rant in advance, but I am really frustrated.
 I am wondering if

Your computer should be more than enough. But my first suggestion is get
a cheap, dedicated old PC. Something like this:

Just $60, of course, you may not be near it, but there are usually
equivalent boxes everywhere. Its slow, but has space for five or six
drives. These days, that would be 5 TB or so.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Softsqueeze for Windows Mobile or iPhone (for my Car)

2009-02-28 Thread mark-e-mark

Mark Lanctot;401739 Wrote: 
 SqueezePlay is the new software player.  It's much lighter than SS...

I'll definitely try out the new player. Thanks for letting me know!


mark-e-mark's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4726
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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2009-02-28 Thread pippin

Kyle;401533 Wrote: 
 Pippin, I guess I screwed up.  I downloaded iPeng without even thinking
 about the fact that I am running SS6.3 due to a change in subsequent
 releases that prevents my home audio system from beginning to play when
 it powers up (big WAF).  Is there any way to use the program with SS

Sorry, but the interface used by iPeng (and most other remote control
apps, including all for iPhone) is not present in 6.3.
What is your issue with the power up and 7.x? Have you tried to find a
solution here on the forum?


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at penguinlovesmusic.com

pippin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13777
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Re: [slim] General Dissatisfaction

2009-02-28 Thread drs

ds2021;401737 Wrote: 
 I can't help but feel that there is some outside variable that is
 causing your problems.

It seems like this must be right, but I have tried it on other
computers, too, with no better results. The one in question, in
addition to the speed listed, has gigabit ethernet, sata raid, etc.
Indeed, everything in it has been upgraded/replaced at some point
except the mobo.  Maybe that's the issue -- everything else seems to
run OK, however.

Also, it runs as a file server, but otherwise really is dedicated to
squeezecenter.  Well, it is connected to the TV and my wife watches 30
Rock with it occasionally, but never at the same time.

ds2021;401737 Wrote: 
 I have never run into it, but antivirus is a common cause of problems

Don't run it on that computer.

ds2021;401737 Wrote: 
 Elaborating on your network environment may help others troubleshoot
 your problems.

Basically a netgear router with everything connected to it.  Laptop is
wireless, everything else wired.  I tried to use the SB as a wireless
bridge, but it was too slow for connecting the laptop to the
fileserver. I also used a hardware switch to see if the NG ports were
just slow.

ds2021;401737 Wrote: 
 As far as the web interface is concerned, this could be a debate that
 lasts until the end of time. As I myself never control my music from
 the computer which hosts SC, the web interface seems like the natural
 choice and I have no complaints with it; use of a local application via
 remote desktop would not make sense for me.

I think it is the Winamp search and library that I like so much. It is
one of those things that just works for me. And, I use this remotely
with the files on the fileserver and don't suffer any slowdowns. This
is why I'd like to tie it to the SB using SC as an output option and
get rid of the web server and MySQL.

My sense is that there must be a way to run SC-lite that does just
this, and there must be API hooks to allow it to be a simply output
driver.  But, the fact that nobody seems to have done it suggests to me
otherwise. It is funny, but the structire of the SB and SC feels liht
eht e structure of X-windows.  And, X windows is frankly the *nix
Achilles heal. 

ds2021;401737 Wrote: 
 These units would not be nearly so popular if your experience is
 representative of the average user.

This seems right, which is why I am so frustrated.

 What Internet Browser are you using? What Tagging software do you use?
 What version of SC are you currently running? How do you think of your

SeaMonkey, but I've also tried IE and Mozilla with no better results.
Tagging? whatever EAC does. SC -- most up to date.  Music is organized
artist/album/track, but really, this shouldn't matter.  Search should
sort through it.

 It is my opinion that one should never ask iTunes to repair/fix/find
 album art or tags. If iTunes would ask if this IS the correct album art
 one wants to use, then maybe, but just like Windows, it does what it
 wants and hoses ones whole library.

I am no lover of apple or the do it for me nature of it.  I have win32
at home, Ubuntu at the office, and FreeBSD on my webserver.  As I say,
I design and build my own 'audio gear'
(http://www.ecp.cc/diy-audio.html), so I am pretty hands on.  However,
I do like it when things work :) I am actually thinking that an Airport
Express may be the right solution for me as it seems it can be set to
work as a simple external soundcard with spdif out, which is all I
really want. I'd like it if the SB could do this and show some stuff in
the display, but this does not seem to be in the cards.

ds2021;401737 Wrote: 
 These units would not be nearly so popular if your experience is
 representative of the average user.

On the one hand, this seems right, which is why I am so frustrated.
However, it might not be the right question.  One could use an Airport
Express with softsqueeze and AirFoil to basically have a SB for less
money.  The question is, does anyone do this? That is, if nobody does,
it suggests to me that people might prefer the SB hardware, but the AE

Anyway, I am not trying to talk anyone else out of the SB. And I would
love to find something to make my experience better.  I'll look into
the Custom Browse plugin, and anything else like that I can find. But
search and stats would be really nice.


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Re: [slim] General Dissatisfaction

2009-02-28 Thread snarlydwarf

drs;401785 Wrote: 
 Tagging? whatever EAC does. SC -- most up to date.  Music is organized
 artist/album/track, but really, this shouldn't matter.  Search should
 sort through it.

EAC uses Freedb which is basically random users on the 'net typed this
in, with no real peer review, consistency or even spelling correction

So, your initial dataset from the tags is... random.  And you think a
search function would be useful?

Really, the first order should be to check your tags for consistency:
is Elvis filed under 'Elvis'?  Or 'Elvis Presley'?  Or did someone have
a misguided sense of reality and try to force an artist sort by setting
the artist to 'Presley, Elvis'?

The Search function works off... tags (unless you have no tags at all
on your music, which is even harder to fix).  If the data in the tags
is crap, searching will be craptastic.

Musicbrainz is a pain in the butt most days and there are religious
wars about the 'right' way to tag things...but..at least it is
consistent (mostly, I still don't understand their disparity between
Santana and Carlos Santana).

But with the random data of Freedb... no wonder you have problems.


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Re: [slim] General Dissatisfaction

2009-02-28 Thread chrol

I have found moose an excellent companion at times - and of course I
couldn't live without lazysearch and playlist manager plugins.

It would be interesting if they could also add a desktop optimized jive
- but it still depends on squeezecenter's database and backend.

I don't do it but using iTunes to manage your playlists should work as
well - but it is less direct.

My bet would be moose ( http://www.rusticrhino.com/drlovegrove/ ) and
lazysearch to try something simple.

I have multiple squeezeboxes and I love it when they work well and
synced and... - but I feel your pain - the customization and
configuration options are both a blessing and a curse...

(The 7.3.3 nightlies have been extremely well working for me)

Best of luck!


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Re: [slim] General Dissatisfaction

2009-02-28 Thread BlueScreenJunky

Maybe the Squeezebox is just not the right solution for you :-/
I still think it's a great product (it has some flaws, but on the whole
it works just fine for me and is by far the best in its price range and
even above), but if you're constantly adding new tracks, need to browse
your music really fast, and have no use for multiple squeezebox in your
house... Well you might be better of with a quiet PC with a good
soundcard (Xonar Essence STX maybe ? or a juli@ ?) running Foobar2000.
It will cost more, take more space, maybe not look as good, but it
might suite your needs better.


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Re: [slim] General Dissatisfaction

2009-02-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

It really seems like you have all your bases covered here, and it's
really too bad it's not working for you.

If you're up for one last push, see

But yeah, it definitely should not work this poorly for you.

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta), SBC (early beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta)
Sold: SB3, Duet

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Re: [slim] Setting static IP address for Squeezeserver

2009-02-28 Thread Kyle

EXCEPT:  Now my desktop can't get on the internet.  I still can through
my laptop.  Do I have to change a router setting to allow the desktop
to access the internet?


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Re: [slim] iPeng, Squidgy or Squeezemote?

2009-02-28 Thread nanckekr

I have an iPhone 3G and purchased the squeezemote application. I like it
very much, but I am experiencing random wifi dropout where the wifi icon
disappears from the iPhone and obviously then I loose connection to the

Hence I am unable to use this as a remote control due to the
unreliability of the wifi connection.

I was wondering if any of the other iPhone remote application users are
experiencing similar problems? My dropouts come randomly, and can be
while I am in fact using the application. It can come 5 minutes after I
start the application, but will appear within 30 minutes for sure. I
have tried with two different wifi access points and two different kind
of remote control applications (squeezemote is one of them). 

Could this be a hardware problem on my iPhone 3G?


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Re: [slim] Best Sites to Download Music in FLAC

2009-02-28 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 2:06 PM, timequest wrote:
 I’m just getting started, so I don’t know the answers to what I’m sure
 are pretty obvious questions.  I want to add to my music library, which
 is currently all from ripped CDs, by downloading sound/albums in FLAC.
 What are some good sites to go to?

Here are all of the sites where I have personally bought FLAC music:

www.boomkat.com (site is in England, and there are sometimes issues
buying tracks from the US, but mainly I have had good experiences)
www.bleep.com (FLAC selection is not huge and there isn't a good way
to search for just FLAC versions, but I've bought a handful of albums
www.zunior.com (site is Canadian, but I've never had trouble
purchasing anything)
www.musicishere.com (bit of an erratic selection, but some good finds)
www.necodo.com (weird purchasing deal where you buy credits and then
trade them in for tracks, but this has translated to good overall
pricing for me)
www.junodownload.com (if you purchase songs as wav you'll get the
option to download in FLAC instead)
www.digital-tunes.net (I have had some issues with glitchy downloads
and wouldn't recommend using this site)

Hope this helps.

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Re: [slim] iPeng, Squidgy or Squeezemote?

2009-02-28 Thread pippin

nanckekr;401810 Wrote: 
 Could this be a hardware problem on my iPhone 3G?

Typically, it's the AP.
iPhone is quite sensitive about power saving routers, my old LinkSys
gave me lots of trouble, I'm not seeing his whith my newer AVM one

If it's the WiFi-Icon it's highly unlikely the app has anything to do
with it.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at penguinlovesmusic.com

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[slim] web concert audio AND video?

2009-02-28 Thread Fahzz

Joe Henry has a full length live concert on his website.
there  a way to view the video on my PC and play the audio through a
duet at the same time?


Taylor Made R580XD Driver, Orlimar Trimetal(original)#3 5 7 fairway
woods,Cleveland Halo #3 hybrid,Cleveland TA4 Irons,Cleveland Tour
Action 56 and 60 Wedges, Taylor Made Rossa Modena 8 putter, Handicap

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Re: [slim] web concert audio AND video?

2009-02-28 Thread agillis

This is a flash video so it's very hard to do anything with it. I would
just connect spdif from your computer directly to your stereo. That
would work better then using your SB.


rip, tag, get cover art… All you do is insert the CD!


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Re: [slim] Setting static IP address for Squeezeserver

2009-02-28 Thread agillis

Did you set your DNS servers as well? You need to set them to the ones
you were getting from DHCP or to a good high speed free DNS service
like OpenDNS

OpenDNS DNS servers

I use openDNS because it is quite a bit faster then the DNS server
provided by me internet provider.


rip, tag, get cover art… All you do is insert the CD!


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Re: [slim] No nonsense NAS server

2009-02-28 Thread agillis

Get a small fanless Atom box and run VortexBox. You should be able to
get at 1TB system for less than $400.


rip, tag, get cover art… All you do is insert the CD!


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Re: [slim] web concert audio AND video?

2009-02-28 Thread Fahzz

Thanks-That's what i thought, but i Thought i'd throw it out to the


Taylor Made R580XD Driver, Orlimar Trimetal(original)#3 5 7 fairway
woods,Cleveland Halo #3 hybrid,Cleveland TA4 Irons,Cleveland Tour
Action 56 and 60 Wedges, Taylor Made Rossa Modena 8 putter, Handicap

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Re: [slim] Why do posts suddenly require moderator approval?

2009-02-28 Thread Diana

I just got moderated - for the first time ever.  I put a URL to a wiki
page in the message, so I guess that's what did it.

But this needs fixing, as many people reply quickly to requests for
help by simply giving a URL, so the member who's stuck can get on with
their solution.  This new 'feature' doesn't help this sort of rapid


Diana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7463
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Re: [slim] Why do posts suddenly require moderator approval?

2009-02-28 Thread Diana

iPhone;401682 Wrote: 
 ...everybody posting up to and including this reply is a Senior Member.

I guess that's because senior members are the most likely people to
respond to requests for help by giving a URL to the required info.


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Re: [slim] Why do posts suddenly require moderator approval?

2009-02-28 Thread erland

Diana;401844 Wrote: 
 I just got moderated - for the first time ever.  I put a URL to a wiki
 page in the message, so I guess that's what did it.
I got moderated too, but I had an url to an enhancement request.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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