Re: [slim] Thread on Sonos board

2009-07-01 Thread ptrainer

I regularly sync 7 SBRs playing flacs. It works great but my units are
all connected via Ethernet. Running only wirelessly you might run into
issues when adding more and more players. I used to have SB1s in the mix
but they caused sync problems so I got rid of them.


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Re: [slim] New "Logitech MM STREAM Squeezebox Touch" spotted !!

2009-07-01 Thread aubuti

Sike;436921 Wrote: 
> Been there, done that.
> What I was saying is: If it will be availible in 3 weeks, why not tell
> us about it so we have something to look forward to. 
> The Duet was announced about 5 months before it was readily
> availible...
It was more like 2 months for the Duet (January to March, 2008). Maybe
it wasn't "readily available" where you are until later, but obviously
they're going to announce it before the *first* ones are available. The
early announcement coincided with CES 2008. Since they seem willing to
bend the rule about early announcements for cases like that, are there
any big consumer electronics shows coming up soon on the calendar?


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Re: [slim] New "Logitech MM STREAM Squeezebox Touch" spotted !!

2009-07-01 Thread Sike

aubuti;436931 Wrote: 
> It was more like 2 months for the Duet (January to March, 2008). Maybe
> it wasn't "readily available" where you are until later, 

Ok.. I might of just felt like 5 months.. but it was more than 2 months
in switzerland.. very frustrating if you think that Slim is now a Swiss
company :)


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Re: [slim] New "Logitech MM STREAM Squeezebox Touch" spotted !!

2009-07-01 Thread dave77

Pale Blue Ego;436735 Wrote: 
> Maybe it's set up so any USB drives plugged in are immediately added to
> the database?  That wouldn't work too well if, for instance, a friend
> drops by and hooks up his 1TB hard drive to play a few songs.  So when
> he leaves, the database contains 50,000 tracks which are no longer
> present?
> So maybe SqueezeCenter creates a separate database containing just the
> songs on the external drive, and then wipes it after the drive is
> removed.

That seems more realistic to me, I was asking as I read 'this post'
on another forum


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Re: [slim] New "Logitech MM STREAM Squeezebox Touch" spotted !!

2009-07-01 Thread sebp

Pale Blue Ego;436735 Wrote: 
> Maybe it's set up so any USB drives plugged in are immediately added to
> the database?  That wouldn't work too well if, for instance, a friend
> drops by and hooks up his 1TB hard drive to play a few songs.  So when
> he leaves, the database contains 50,000 tracks which are no longer
> present?
> So maybe SqueezeCenter creates a separate database containing just the
> songs on the external drive, and then wipes it after the drive is
> removed.
That's something I've seen discussed on the developer forums, and as
far as I can remember, the idea was to use a database per musical folder
(given multiple music folders would be supported, and a USB device would
be considered as one musical folder). The question at the time was where
the associated sqlite db files should reside, either at the root of the
musical folder, or in another (SC) folder. Some people argued it would
be nice to store the db files on the root of the folder, since the db
could then be moved with a removable device, but others argued their
musical folder was read-only and they intended to keep it that way.


System : Mac Mini for ripping to FLAC (XLD) > SqueezeCenter 7.3 running
on a ReadyNAS NV+
Living room : Transporter > NuForce IA-7 v2 > KEF iQ9
Bedroom : Squeezebox 3 > Beresford DAC > NAD C315BEE > KEF iQ3
Kitchen : SB Receiver > Trends Audio TA10.1 > Celestion F10
Bathroom : SB Boom
'' (

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[slim] limiting the number of tracks to play from a playlist

2009-07-01 Thread NeilT

I have been trying to set up a playlist to use as an alarm. What I'd
like to do is play one or two random tracks from a playlist then switch
to a radio station for the news.

I've managed to make a playlist that will play a specified track, then
the radio station (which is saved as a favourite), but I need to add the
track to the playlist in advance and I'd like to start the day with a
bit of a surprise.

I've also made a dynamic playlist which plays random tracks from a
playlist, but the only way I've found to switch to the radio is to have
it set as another alarm ten minutes later. I'd rather not do this
because it means that the music will stop in the middle of a track (I
know I can switch by pressing a button, but I'd rather not have to move
and if I like the music that's playing, I might not switch over!).

I've got a suspicion that the answer might lie in limiting the number
of tracks in the dynamic playlist to one or two, but I'm not sure how to
do this.

Any ideas?



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Re: [slim] Thread on Sonos board

2009-07-01 Thread panos_k75

my 2 cents...I don't own Sonos but my friend wasn't an
issue. The main issue that kept me away from purchasing a Sonos is the
luck of features and especially the ability to create clever mixes (see
MusicIP or Genius). Having said that, there have been times that I
wanted to throw my SC system out of the window and I will admit that
there have been many occasions when I was so close in going to
Sonos...If they supported MusicIP or Genius or something similar I would
be very tempted. You are right it's all about Music in the end, but
sometimes the frustration can take the best out of me.


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Re: [slim] limiting the number of tracks to play from a playlist

2009-07-01 Thread bpa

How about two alarms - 1st alarm with playlist and 2nd a few minutes
later with news.


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Re: [slim] Running SC on $100 Linux Wall Wart

2009-07-01 Thread bebop

If you follow this thread in the 3rd party hardware section, you can see
that people are working on this, don't be confused about the
Pogoplug/Sheevaplug name confusion, they are nearly identical and runs
the same sw.
Slim devices Pogoplug thread :

Openplug Squeezecenter thread :

Very interrested in this device myself, but I have not got hold on one



SC 7.3.3 on Ubuntu 8.02, Duet SBC&SBR + Boom1 + Boom2

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Re: [slim] Driver to stream PC output to Squeezebox?

2009-07-01 Thread citoyen

bpa;436697 Wrote: 
> Linux is straightforward using Pulse.

Do you have documentation on that?


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Re: [slim] Running SC on $100 Linux Wall Wart

2009-07-01 Thread andyg

The squeezecenter+perl-armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi file will run on the
Sheevaplug.  This is a stripped-down version of SC though, and does not
include the web UI, some transcoders, etc.  We are working on fixing

This also includes our optimized build of Perl 5.10, you will need to
run SC using that version of Perl, not any other version of Perl already


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Re: [slim] Thread on Sonos board

2009-07-01 Thread Greg Klanderman
> pippin   writes:

> AAC and higher bitrate flac causes trouble with more than two since my
> server has to transcode then and runs into the limit of it's capacity

Is the server transcoding independently for each synced player?
That seems like a bug..

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Re: [slim] Driver to stream PC output to Squeezebox?

2009-07-01 Thread bpa

You need the basic plugin WaveInput for Linux ( see ) 

There are a number of discussion about using Pulse with WaveInput. A
search of the forum will find them but you could start looking at post
#35 onward in the above thread.


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Re: [slim] Driver to stream PC output to Squeezebox?

2009-07-01 Thread citoyen

Thanks! I didn't know that plugin worked with Pulse Audio.


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Re: [slim] Running SC on $100 Linux Wall Wart

2009-07-01 Thread SamS

Thanks for the links guys.  Looks like I might wait a bit longer until
the setup/installation is a bit more mapped out or "plug 'n play".  I'm
no developer or expert with command lines ;-)

In happier news, my Transporter arrives Friday :D


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Re: [slim] Running SC on $100 Linux Wall Wart

2009-07-01 Thread sjschaff

SamS;437043 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the links guys.  Looks like I might wait a bit longer until
> the setup/installation is a bit more mapped out or "plug 'n play".  I'm
> no developer or expert with command lines ;-)
> In happier news, my Transporter arrives Friday :D

Same here.  What I think I see so far are the all the parts w/o any
instruction manual.  

Having a Pogoplug I can get into the little guy and see what's
installed and the general lay of the land.  And there seems to be a
different packaging structure, at least it's not deb, based on what I
find at the Openpogo repo site

And I've got no breadcrumbs to lay down in case I get lost and really
screw things up.  The folks at Pogoplug haven't provided a "factory

So, I supposed I'll await docs before I try anything.

p.s. if anyone's got a good scheme to launch pogoplugfs on Linux after
a wireless connection happens, let me know.  I figure there must be
something in Linux that flags a successful connection so I can use cron
or something else to make the process as automagic as Windoze.


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Re: [slim] user experience with 7.3.3 = worst

2009-07-01 Thread Declan Moriarty

jo-wie;436692 Wrote: 
> It's not very common to have a Domain Name Server in a home network
> installation. Your provider DNS do not know the local names.
> It's possible that your systems support resolving host names by using
> Microsoft NetBios protocol, but that's not supported by every system.

Possibly, but my firewall ZoneAlarm talks about "DNS" Lookup when you
put computers into the trusted zone.  It can lookup my 2nd pc bunt NOT
the SqueezeBox.  So why does the SqueezeBox not work like other PC's or
Macs.  Note that my brother inlaw has a Belkin router that displays the
name of his laptop.  This implies that the router is operating a local
DNS.  My router does the same thing.  Where software requires hardcoded
DNS server entries, the router DNS is used.  The router knows about my
ISP's DNS settings.

Declan Moriarty

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Re: [slim] Thread on Sonos board

2009-07-01 Thread pippin

gregklanderman;437034 Wrote: 
> > pippin> writes:
> > AAC and higher bitrate flac causes trouble with more than two since
> my
> > server has to transcode then and runs into the limit of it's
> capacity
> Is the server transcoding independently for each synced player?
> That seems like a bug..
> greg

Not sure.
But I see it's having trouble streaming 96/24 material to the
transporter and at the same time sending transcoded 48/24 to other
players. May well be a server bandwidth issue, as I said, it's not
really powerful.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [slim] user experience with 7.3.3 = worst

2009-07-01 Thread radish

Declan Moriarty;437084 Wrote: 
> Note that my brother inlaw has a Belkin router that displays the name of
> his laptop.  This implies that the router is operating a local DNS.  
Those names are typically taken from the hostname field in the DHCP
handshake. SBs populate that field with the player name (at least, all
mine do). I've never seen a consumer router with a local DNS server (as
opposed to a proxy), but they might exist.


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Re: [slim] Controlling Squeezecentre with a Nokia phone

2009-07-01 Thread brijus123

Hi There,

same again nokia 5800 but will not let me connect to server enter my ip
example and also tried nokia 770 but
keeps on coming with no gateway reply.

I have had this working on both my PSP & XDA Orbit but can not seem to
get it working on my Nokia please help what am i doing wrong.



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Re: [slim] PDA controller solution

2009-07-01 Thread mertles

Downloaded SlimControl last night and I'm very impressed - running on an
old T-Mobile MDA with 3000+ artists and the speed is exceptional. Have
only played around it for an hour or so far but have a few suggestions
before I forget them:

1. A shuffle button (next to the repeat button) on the playlist screen
would be nice. Can I shuffle from elsewhere at the moment?

2. The three buttons for adding/inserting etc. to the playlist are
intuitive I thought and are perfectly good.

3. It would be nice if that after the very first time I select an
artist it doesn't go off and fetch all 3000+ album details straight
away, but recognises this is the first time I'd seleced an artist since
loading so just goes and fetches the album details for that artist.
Maybe go and get the rest of the album details after the software
recognises I haven't touched it for a couple of minutes?

4. Love the touch scrolling, but like others I'm accidentally select
songs etc. quite regularly. Is it possible to invisibly split the screen
in half vertically, and have the left hand side for selecting and the
right hand side for scrolling (with selecting disabled on the scrolling

Otherwise superb - love it!

Cheers, Paul


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Re: [slim] PDA controller solution

2009-07-01 Thread Locuth

mertles;437227 Wrote: 
> 1. A shuffle button (next to the repeat button) on the playlist screen
> would be nice. Can I shuffle from elsewhere at the moment?
Hey mertles
The shuffle button is implemented in version 0.96 which is coming up.
I need some beta testers actually.

> 2. The three buttons for adding/inserting etc. to the playlist are
> intuitive I thought and are perfectly good.
Good, I was hoping people would find them intuitive.

> 3. It would be nice if that after the very first time I select an
> artist it doesn't go off and fetch all 3000+ album details straight
> away, but recognises this is the first time I'd seleced an artist since
> loading so just goes and fetches the album details for that artist.
> Maybe go and get the rest of the album details after the software
> recognises I haven't touched it for a couple of minutes?
Yeah, you're right. 
I will try and have Slimcontrol skip the complete loading, when you
select albums of a particular artist. (or artists for a particular
BTW, v.0.96 caches all that album, artist, genre information. 

> 4. Love the touch scrolling, but like others I'm accidentally select
> songs etc. quite regularly. Is it possible to invisibly split the screen
> in half vertically, and have the left hand side for selecting and the
> right hand side for scrolling (with selecting disabled on the scrolling
> side). 
Good idea, I'll consider it.


Use your PDA as SqueezeBox remote --

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Re: [slim] user experience with 7.3.3 = worst

2009-07-01 Thread Nonreality

pfarrell;436776 Wrote: 
> rfreedman wrote:
> > This is known as "Static DHCP", and I can confirm that it works
> quite
> > well in this situation.
> I do this on all the things in my house. All my laptops, squeezeboxes,
> transporter, etc. I do leave normal DHCP available for an occasional 
> guest who brings their own laptop.
> I highly recommend it.
> pat
> -- 
> Pat Farrell

Same thing I do.  Works great.  I'm not sure all routers have the
option to use mac address reserved addressing.  Some you may have to go
all fixed addresses. I like have the option for guests or new devices to
test before adding them to the reserved list.




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Re: [slim] user experience with 7.3.3 = worst

2009-07-01 Thread Phil Leigh

Declan Moriarty;436678 Wrote: 
> One problem why dynamic IP Addresses can possibly be difficult using the
> SqueezeBox products is that SqueezeBox doesn't use DNS!  I have 2 PC's. 
> Both have different computer names.  I refer to them using the names not
> the IP Addresses.  My firewall uses the name of my 2nd PC NOT its IP
> address.  The squeezeBox uses the IP Address since it dowsn't appear to
> have a DNS entry!  There is a player name in SqueezeCenter but this is
> only in SqueezeCenter and not the DNS!  Considering people have
> connectivity issues with Duets/Controllers this seems to be a major
> design oversight.
> No wonder people are using static IP's - they have no choice!

This isn't correct. The SB device name is defined inside Squeezecenter,
not in the SB device itself. Therefore, when the player first asks for
an IP address from the DHCP server (within the router or elsewhere), it
has no name yet, only a numeric MAC address - so the assigned  - via
DHCP - IP address is what displays in the router DHCP table initially.
You will see the player name in the router DHCP table if the lease
renews or reconnection occurs (because now the machine name is known amd
passed in the DHCP request from SB device to router).

Machine/device names are always optional for this very reason. It is
the MAC address that defines physical uniqueness for IP assignment in
the first instance.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
SB3 (wired) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Outdoors: Boom

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