Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-01 Thread firedog

I had been planning on getting another one anyway so I could add another
room synched to my main stereo.

I figure as long as I have copies of LMS and Touch firmware, there is no
reason a SB system can't work off a Local LMS server for many years.
Yes, if MySB goes down, some features will be lost, but at least the
multi-room streaming/synching, the random play feature, and general
local music library serving features will remain. So as far as serving
your local music library, it doesn't look like much will change for many
years, as long as the HW doesn't break down.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread erland

Please stop this discussion, none of the people here have any clue what
you are talking about. 

You only have the outside view of it, you have no idea how the profit
and solvency for the Squeezebox business looked at the end in Slim
Devices and how it looked within Logitech during the period when they
shutdown Squeezeboxes. 
You have no idea why Logitech acquired Slim Devices and you have no idea
why Slim Devices decided that it was a good idea to be acquired by
Logitech, maybe the alternative was bankruptcy and let the Squeezebox
die already 2006, we simply don't know.
You have no idea how the Logitech organization works inside, I'm pretty
sure it's not the people that manage the Squeezebox unit that made the
decision to acquire Slim Devices, this is typically a decision that's
taken a lot higher up in the organization. In big organizations a
typical problem is that the goal/vision of the top level management
doesn't always flow down properly in the organization to people on the
floor knows the vision/goal and is able to fulfill the vision/goal.

It might be easy to think that the reason one company acquire another is
mainly that they like their product and want to take it to the next
step, but in many cases there are a lot of other aspects that could be
of interest also.

I'm not defending what Logitech has done with the Squeezebox, I'm just
saying that we have no idea if Logitech and Slim Devices executives
still think it was worth the trouble or not, we can't just assume that
it's a failure because they decided change the name of the brand after a
few years.

Also, please realize that it might feel like Logitech has shutdown
Squeezeboxes but in reality what they have done is changed the name of
the brand and tried to take it to the next step of a journey they
believe is the right one. Just look at the hardware of the UE Smart
Radio, it's almost exactly the same as a Squeezebox Radio, then take a
look at the software/firmware in the UE Smart Radio solution, also that
is based on the Squeezebox software/firmware and when taking a look at
it, it's also in many parts identical. They have changed a few things
and disabled some functionality which they don't think fits in their new
strategy, but in many ways it's based on Squeezebox. Do you think
Logitech would have been able to release the UE Smart Radio without the
acquisition of Logitech, I certainly don't. Without people from Slim
Devices they would likely have released another AirPlay speaker or
possibly a UPnP player or Reciva chip based radio.

To do something like this, a name change is necessary, because it would
have been very strange to release a new Squeezebox which isn't
compatible with the others. They might also have realize that there is
too much geek history in the Squeezebox brand so to be able to reach the
mass market they needed to change the name even if Squeezebox brand was

Now, this doesn't mean I think they've done the right things, I think
many of he things they have done during last years including the UE
Smart Radio is the wrong move, I'm just saying that there could be
reasons for it and one of the reason is probably that many people in
this community (including me) no longer is the main target for the UE
Smart Radio device. For people who are in the new target group, the move
they did with UE Smart Radio might be a big step in the right direction,
but we don't know that because we don't have a clue what their long term
strategy really is.

Finally, this whole thread is a bit silly, Sean/Dean is not to be blamed
for what Logitech has done with the Squeezebox, Sean/Dean will not come
back and save Squeezebox and even if they wanted to Logitech wouldn't
allow them, so let's just stop this discussion here and now and focus on
the reality:
- Your Squeezebox works exactly as good today as it did last week before
the announcement
- Your Squeezebox is going to work great also for the next 12 months,
probably longer
- Due to this there is no reason to worry at the moment, instead look
forward to the exiting future where somebody will fill the hole left by
Logitech with something which are actively developed. If there is a need
and a market, there is a possibility for someone to do business and then
this usually happens, it just requires some time.

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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-01 Thread Mnyb

Benefactor wrote: 
> I'm just being OCD, and grabbing whatever files I think might be useful
> to have archives of later on.
> I have two new Touches I just picked up in the last few days, I haven't
> plugged them in yet - but I intend to do so shortly.

Yea if you used try a lot beta version it is good to have older versions
if something goes wrong, that's mainly why I accumulated a latge
collection of firmware versions and server version .
You should pick a bunch of server versions to , for the OCD .

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread jfo wrote: 
> I agree with you generally  but the decision to sell to Logtiech hasn't
> worked out too well for its customers . I suspect 
> then Slim's former execs are shocked as to how this all went down the
> tubes.

Maybe disappointed, but shocked..I don't know. These kind of
acquisitions...small innovative start up by large bureaucratic trans
national...are more likely to fail than succeed. I've been on both sides
several times over the years and frankly, I'm not at all shocked or
surprised...just disappointed.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread jmschnur

A lot of touches out there. There might be some $$ in it to keep my
squeezebox alive after the last warranty expires. Either by Logitech or
someone who aquires the rights.

Time will tell.


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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread Jeff52 wrote: 
> > Jeff52 wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > I never did assert this to any "culpability " of Sean Adams . If you
> > look at the post clearly, it was posed in the form of a question ,
> > wasn't it ? I wanted to hear what some forum members felt about this > > 
> Horse hockey but at least you are now backing off your disparaging
> innuendo.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread

aubuti wrote: 
> Ok, if it's really a question then my answer is absolutely not. The SD
> guys had every right to sell and are in no ways "culpable" for Logitech
> failing to run with it. The idea that they might be guilty parties
> strikes me as truly bizarre.

I agree with you generally  but the decision to sell to Logtiech hasn't
worked out too well for its customers . I suspect 
then Slim's former execs are shocked as to how this all went down the
tubes.'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread aubuti

Ok, if it's really a question then my answer is absolutely not. The SD
guys had every right to sell and are in no ways "culpable" for Logitech
failing to run with it. The idea that they might be guilty parties
strikes me as truly bizarre.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread

Jeff52 wrote: 
> > wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > No disagreement by me or anyone else. I'm pleased you are no longer
> > asserting this to any "culpability" of Mr. Adams.> > 
> I never did assert this to any "culpability " of Sean Adams . If you
> look at the post clearly, it was posed in the form of a question ,
> wasn't it ? I wanted to hear what some forum members felt about this
> .Whether its a legit question in the face of the Squeezebox
> lines  demise. There may some differing opinions that I wanted to hear
> .'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread RonM

When you are in business, you are not typically there solely for the
benefit of the broader world.  You may well have an interest in doing
good for some segment of that world, but the business is your living. 
You have to make decisions about what to do with the business from time
to time.  Most small businesses fail, often because their owners are not
able to take the business to the next level, and can't survive the
challenges of scaling up.  

At a certain point, it becomes very sensible to sell out -- to recoup
your investment and get out with some profit.  I'm sure the Slim people
aren't too unhappy.  It's quite likely they couldn't have grown the
company beyond what they had -- the fact that a relatively successful
outfit like Logitech couldn't do so either does not lead to the
conclusions that the previous owners made a mistake.

On the other hand, you could as easily argue that they took Logitech to
the cleaners, knowing that their niche product could never become a
mass-market player.  As reasonable as all the other (ill-informed)
hypotheses out there.


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Re: [slim] CBC Music - doesn't work via SB but does via PC

2012-09-01 Thread RonM

castalla wrote: 
> Seems bizarre - not blocked via PC but locked via!
> I still can't find any listings for CBC On Demand ...

I did have a conversation with a CBC guy. They have definitely
geo-fenced the CBC Music streams ( the 40 odd channels of various music
genres), but have not done so for the live radio streams.  I was sure
that they hadn't geo-genced the Concerts On Demand, these are now being
handled in a different way than they used to be.  The old OPML files
which were distributed a while back don't work any more. 

I just obtained the URL for the first song of the Kate McGarrigle
tribute concert.  I can play this from within the SB system, after
saving it to favourites, so unless it's geo-fenced it should be
available to anyone.  the URL is:

I have not figured out a way to play the whole concert from a single
URL.  However, you can create a playlist that can be played in a
continuous form, and all the tracks could be added to a single

Interested to find if folks outside of Canada can access this via
favorites in SB.



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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread Jeff52 wrote: 
> > Jeff52 wrote: 
> > Yes we do and that has nothing to do with any "culpability" of Sean
> > Adams.
> > 
> > Slim devices and it's management did sell the company to Logitech .
> > Sadly, it hasn't worked out too well .> > 
> No disagreement by me or anyone else. I'm pleased you are no longer
> asserting this to any "culpability" of Mr. Adams.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread

Jeff52 wrote: 
> Yes we do and that has nothing to do with any "culpability" of Sean
> Adams.
> Slim devices and it's management did sell the company to Logitech .
> Sadly, it hasn't worked out too well .'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread Jeff52

Yes we do and that has nothing to do with any "culpability" of Sean

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread

Jeff52 wrote: 
> I have no idea whether it was a terrible fit or not, nor do you or I or
> anyone else know whether the company would have prospered if not sold to
> Logitech. I simply took issue with your reference to "Sean Adams and
> culpability" in the context of this discussion.

Well we know it didn't "prosper" in Logitech's hands .it died .'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread Jeff52 wrote: 
> The point is in hindsight ,the sale of Slim devices to Logitech was a
> terrible fit .
> Would you or anyone on this forum  disagree with that ? Would a single
> top exec from Slim Devices disagree with that ?

I have no idea whether it was a terrible fit or not, nor do you or I or
anyone else know whether the company would have prospered if not sold to
Logitech. I simply took issue with your reference to "Sean Adams and
culpability" in the context of this discussion.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread

Jeff52 wrote: 
> So what was your point then?

The point is in hindsight ,the sale of Slim devices to Logitech was a
terrible fit .

Would you or anyone on this forum  disagree with that ? Would a single
top exec from Slim Devices disagree with that ?'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread Jeff52 wrote: 
> Sheesh give me a break .I'm not implying any criminal or immoral
> behavior here.
> Maybe they thought it was the right fit .Who knows.

So what was your point then?

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread

Jeff52 wrote: 
> Culpability? Does that not connote some sort of moral blameworthiness as
> it relates to criminal or immoral behavior? Sheesh give me a break.

Sheesh give me a break .I'm not implying any criminal or immoral
behavior here.
Maybe they thought it was the right fit .Who knows.'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread Jeff52 wrote: 
> So based on this assessment,which I believe is completely correct,does
> Sean Adams have some culpability in the demise of the Squeezebox by
> selling a  small niche product to Logitech,a mass market driven company
> ,due to the fact is was never a right fit?
> Calling Sean Adams.

Culpability? Does that not connote some sort of moral blameworthiness as
it relates to criminal or immoral behavior? Sheesh give me a break.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread

bwaldron wrote: 
> I never believed it was -- which is why I hated to see the Slim Devices
> acquisition by Logitech.

So based on this assessment,which I believe is completely correct,does
Sean Adams have some culpability in the demise of the Squeezebox by
selling a  small niche product to Logitech,a mass market driven company
,due to the fact is was never a right fit?

Calling Sean Adams.'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-01 Thread

TheLastMan wrote: 
> Not really, I doubt Sonos have considered SB to be a much of a threat
> since the Touch was released. Sonos have pretty much had the field to
> themselves.  The reviews for the Touch were stellar over here, but I
> have never known such a good product have so little marketing.
> Go into any Currys or decent department store and you will see a
> dedicated Sonos display.  You never saw a SB Touch and the odd branch
> may have had the Radio - randomly stuck in amongst the iPod docks - if
> you were lucky. I bought all my kit mail order. Only a few independent
> retailers ever stocked the full range.
> What were Logitech thinking?  Invest all that money in a brand and then
> let it waste away? Appalling management.  Whoever was responsible for
> that should be shot - or sacked at the very least.

i'm in the states so I supect Currys is in Europe or Australia but there
has been absolutely  no marketing here either.None.

But yes there are alot of Sonos displays that I have seen.'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread garym

TheLastMan wrote: 
> With the greatest respect, that is rather a daft statement.  Willingness
> to invest is one thing, *ability* to invest is entirely another.
> If you want to install a whole house audio system made by Sonos, you
> need a bit of cash lying around. Most people can afford a couple of iPod
> docks though.
> You are right to this extent, what kit people want or need to play their
> music the way that suits them has nothing to do with their income. But
> their ability to buy that kit certainly does.  The fact that your "one
> percenter" friends only buy iPod docks is because they don't want or
> need anything more expensive.  I bet there are few among your "ninety
> nine percenter" friends who would love to buy a high end system but
> cannot afford to do so.

No offense taken, but I really don't see the "daft" aspect of this
comment. I'm only referring in my statement to my "one percenter
friends" so they all, by definition, have the *ability* to invest in
something better than an ipod/dock.  When I say I don't see any
correlation, I'm only referring to the sample that I've personally dealt
with (my friends and acquaintances since the 1960s). That's the "I see"
part of my statement.

I do agree that there are certainly ninety-nine percenters that would
like better audio systems (and houses, cars, TVs, health care, education
for their kids, etc.) that don't have the ability to purchase what they
would otherwise prefer, given no wealth constraints.  That said, when I
was a poor graduate student, the most valuable assets I owned (including
auto) were related to my stereo, speakers, and turntable. I did without
many things to have better than average audio. But I also fully
understand that being a poor graduate student is not the same as being a
poor person in general (I was consuming better audio products while poor
but in the context of a "current low income person" with prospects of
much higher income.

Anyhow, I think we're agreeing on the point I was making (i.e., that
there are many people that want only a very basic music playback system,
even in situations where they are not particularly constrained).

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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-01 Thread TheLastMan wrote: 
> What a coup for Sonos this is gonna be.
Not really, I doubt Sonos have considered SB to be a much of a threat
since the Touch was released. Sonos have pretty much had the field to
themselves.  The reviews for the Touch were stellar over here, but I
have never known such a good product have so little marketing.

Go into any Currys or decent department store and you will see a
dedicated Sonos display.  You never saw a SB Touch and the odd branch
may have had the Radio - randomly stuck in amongst the iPod docks - if
you were lucky. I bought all my kit mail order. Only a few independent
retailers ever stocked the full range.

What were Logitech thinking?  Invest all that money in a brand and then
let it waste away? Appalling management.  Whoever was responsible for
that should be shot - or sacked at the very least.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread TheLastMan

garym wrote: 
> All of my "iphone/ipod stuck in a speaker doc" friends are easily
> "one-percenters".  I don't see any correlation between income/wealth and
> willingness to invest in quality audio (either now, the 1980s, or the
> 1960s for that matter).
With the greatest respect, that is rather a daft statement.  Willingness
to invest is one thing, *ability* to invest is entirely another.
If you want to install a whole house audio system made by Sonos, you
need a bit of cash lying around. Most people can afford a couple of iPod
docks though.

You are right to this extent, what kit people want or need to play their
music the way that suits them has nothing to do with their income. But
their ability to buy that kit certainly does.  The fact that your "one
percenter" friends only buy iPod docks is because they don't want or
need anything more expensive.  I bet there are few among your "ninety
nine percenter" friends who would love to buy a high end system but
cannot afford to do so.

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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-01 Thread

I would not trust Logitech to do anything more then they think is
legally required with mysqueezebox. 

That means the warranty of the last large volume of Squeezeboxes will
determine how long mysqueezebox 
will last . A year or two is my guess. 

Since my office only uses mysqueezebox as we hae no computers only
tablets,we have already bought a Sonos
Connect attached to a Benchmark Dac that only I control .LOL .I'm the
owner,after all but I do take requests.'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-01 Thread pallfreeman

Benefactor wrote: 
> I'm just being OCD, and grabbing whatever files I think might be useful
> to have archives of later on.



  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
  # SliMP3 Server Copyright (C) 2001 Sean Adams, Slim Devices Inc.

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread snoogly

It certainly is a minefield out there. I stumbled upon the NAD C 446
streamer, thinking if Anyine could get it right, NAD could.

Great press reviews, the user reviews tell a different story:

Ironic that when researching alternatives one is often sent right back
to SB ;-)

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Re: [slim] CBC Music - doesn't work via SB but does via PC

2012-09-01 Thread castalla

bpa wrote: 
> If SB is connected to then I think it been broken for a while
> due to geo ip locking.
> See

Seems bizarre - not blocked via PC but locked via!

I still can't find any listings for CBC On Demand ...

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Re: [slim] CBC Music - doesn't work via SB but does via PC

2012-09-01 Thread bpa

If SB is connected to then I think it been broken for a while
due to geo ip locking.


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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-01 Thread

I plan on using my SLIM DEVICES TRANSPORTER for as long as long as it is
operational.I have a spare that is rarely 
used to replace this one .The Transporters will run LMS for as long as
the devices are operational for my local library 
which is about 600 GB's and climbing.
I have bought a Sonos Connect,with the coaxial output attached to the
Transporter's digital input for inside my house and
the optical output to my Benchmark dacs optical input for my enclosed
porch area. Sonos has alot more music services anyway and that's all it
will be used for .

I hope I'm set for a long long time but should  any of the posters here
like Erland decide to come up with a Squeezebox replacement ,I will buy
that too.

Maybe Phil Leigh is working on a device? I really miss his very wise
advice considering I have zero technical  knowledge about these devices.
I just know they
sound damn good.'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] CBC Music - doesn't work via SB but does via PC

2012-09-01 Thread RonM

Ah, that might be different.  The old OPML list doesn't work, but you
might be able to see the URL from a regular computer stream.  I thought
I had done this but can't replicate just now.  The channels work though.


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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread andy_c

rbz5416 wrote: 
> Just an case anyone -is- thinking of buying a "hifi" streamer, be aware
> that many don't support gapless playback.

Exactly.  One concern with DLNA is that gapless playback is optional,
not required.  Support for gapless is needed in both the server and
renderer for gapless playback to work.  Some really interesting threads
in the JRiver forum and elsewhere can be found by googling

Linn has their own gapless implementation outside of DLNA.  They claim
the DLNA implementation of gapless is badly flawed.  There's all kinds
of vague information floating around, including links to an Intel
document that supposedly recommends against implementing
SetNextAVTransportURI() (required for gapless).  But the links to this
document are all dead, so I don't know what's up.  The discussions in
the J-River forum involve AndrewFG (Whitebear developer), so they may be
of interest to some here.

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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-01 Thread Benefactor

JJZolx wrote: 
> Yes.
> But doesn't your server have access to the internet? If so, it should
> download the correct firmware files and you should be automatically
> prompted on the Touch to begin the upgrade.

I'm just being OCD, and grabbing whatever files I think might be useful
to have archives of later on.

I have two new Touches I just picked up in the last few days, I haven't
plugged them in yet - but I intend to do so shortly.

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread RonM

I was upgrading my car stereo yesterday, and the guy showed me a new
receiver (house not car) that was networked into the shop network. You
could see music folders on computers, and play the files. Including
playlists.  Don't know limitations, but was certainly a way to access a
library.  Did not require a server.  Worked just like a car stereo
playing files from a USB flash drive.


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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-01 Thread JJZolx

Benefactor wrote: 
> So you would want the file version that is in the folder that matches
> the version of LMS that you are currently running on your host computer?


But doesn't your server have access to the internet? If so, it should
download the correct firmware files and you should be automatically
prompted on the Touch to begin the upgrade.

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Re: [slim] CBC Music - doesn't work via SB but does via PC

2012-09-01 Thread castalla

Hmmm?  I'm trying to find the CBC On Demand stuff - particularly

Any ideas?

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Re: [slim] CBC Music - doesn't work via SB but does via PC

2012-09-01 Thread RonM

Works for me, just checked.  Not all of the channels are up on the
Internet Radio national networks list, but the most recent set aren't
there yet (e.g. Canadian Roots),and the CBC folks are blaming Logitech.
But most work fine if you have a Canadian IP address.  My work computer
is networked through our US operation, and supplies a US IP address, and
I can't get these channels through either SB or straight internet,
although things like live radio and concerts work fine.


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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-01 Thread Benefactor

JJZolx wrote: 
> They should be the same.

So you would want the file version that is in the folder that matches
the version of LMS that you are currently running on your host

(sorry if that is a dumb and/or overly obvious question)

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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-01 Thread JJZolx

Benefactor wrote: 
> Any guess what the difference between fab4.bin, and fab4x.x.x r.bin
> is?

They should be the same.

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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-01 Thread Benefactor

Mnyb wrote: 
> I download copies here .
> Touch is called Fab4 in the firmware files and Radio is called Baby

Any guess what the difference between fab4.bin, and fab4x.x.x r.bin

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[slim] CBC Music - doesn't work via SB but does via PC

2012-09-01 Thread castalla

Crazy  Forbidden via SB but loud and clear on PC.


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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread Mnyb

jimzak wrote: 
> The Media Core 600 component goes for £6000 :)

He exactly , a thing soolos got rigth is an optional very large Touch
screen (larger than any pad i seen ), wonder if should pass my Meridian
delar and ask if it does gapless

Wonder if you really need the media core component in every install
there are "simpler" options although also a very expensive, the system
is a complex, but you in this price range the dealer is expected to
present a solution and setup the thing for you .

it is however easy to use .

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-01 Thread Mitch Harding
Likewise. I'm more than happy to contribute financially to keep SB maintenance 
going, if not new development. I'm a software engineer professionally, so I'd 
also be willing to contribute that way as well, if someone else is organizing 

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve 
immortality through not dying." - Woody Allen

On Aug 30, 2012, at 7:05 AM, garym  

> erland wrote: 
>> Related to this, would you be willing to pay an annual or one time fee
>> if you would be sure it would make it possible for you to continue using
>> your Squeezebox hardware with current or similar features ?
>> I'm just asking because I think it's unlikely that Logitech or anybody
>> else will do it for free on longer terms, it's just too much work to
>> keep it working with the latest streaming services and you need to add
>> support for new streaming services when they arrive for the platform to
>> be attractive as one or more new streaming services tends to appear on
>> the market every year. Logitech won't do this even if we pay for it, but
>> there might be third parties that are interested in doing it.
> I would definitely pay a one-time or annual fee for future squeezebox
> related services. This would include helping (financially) to maintain a
> squeezebox community forum on the web.
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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread rbz5416

Just an case anyone -is- thinking of buying a "hifi" streamer, be aware
that many don't support gapless playback.

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[slim] SqueezeCommander and Tasker

2012-09-01 Thread telacc


I searched the web and can not find solution.

I set the Tasker to open SqueezeCommander when the phone is connected to
home WIFI. What I want to achieve is SqueezeCommander to play a specific
radio station from my favorites list when connected to home WIFI and
turn off Boom when disconnected from Home WIFI.

Is this possible and if yes how to set the Tasker up?

Thank you for answers and tips


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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread jimzak

Mnyb wrote: 
> A better link to the complete soolos offerings .

The Media Core 600 component goes for £6000 :)

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread castalla

chenrikson wrote: 
> IIRC a company called "Grace" has a wide range of internet players, tho
> I know nothing about the quality.
> Craig

You're going to encounter the mysteries of Reciva taking this route!

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread garym

TheLastMan wrote: 
> It must be because most of the people I mix with are a lot richer than
> me! 
> The guys who bought the Sonos systems all like their toys.

All of my "iphone/ipod stuck in a speaker doc" friends are easily
"one-percenters".  I don't see any correlation between income/wealth and
willingness to invest in quality audio (either now, the 1980s, or the
1960s for that matter).

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Re: [slim] Which is more future-proof: SB3 or Touch

2012-09-01 Thread cliveb

I have a specific requirement - to run the PowerSwitchII plugin to
control the power amps. So yesterday I snapped up an SB3 on eBay for 90
quid as a backup for my Transporter. If the TP ever dies, the SB3 will
replace it, partnered with a suitable DAC that has balanced outputs. All
of my so-called hi-res stuff is downsampled to 48kHz/24bit anyway, so I
have no need for 96kHz capability.

So that's one reason why the Touch isn't necessarily the best option
(quite apart from the fact that it costs significantly more).

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread TheLastMan

Mnyb wrote: 
> I know only one person irl that have either , me ? Never seen a live
> Sonos system and actually never anyone elses Squeezebox system either .
> I'm rudimentary sociable and able to make friends ;) so it is not that
> I'm an isolated geek that only know 1 person irl.
It must be because most of the people I mix with are a lot richer than
The guys who bought the Sonos systems all like their toys.

I started it all with the SB duet with two Receivers, kitchen and living
room. We held a party where I synced the two which impressed a friend.
He is very well off and not at all tech savvy so I recommended Sonos. He
got a professional to install a whole house system with wall and ceiling
mounted speakers in living room, kitchen, bathroom (!) and main bedroom.
Each room had its own controller. I shudder to think how much it all

I referred the second guy to the first, and he installed a less
comprehensive system for his kitchen and living room.  The next two
Sonos families, both friends of the first guy, use the little standalone
"boom box" Play:3 and Play:5.

I would describe none of them either as true music lovers or in any way
geeky.  They just use the systems for background music and parties. To
them, "hi-fi" was an '80s rack system and "s last millennium".

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread chenrikson

IIRC a company called "Grace" has a wide range of internet players, tho
I know nothing about the quality.


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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread garym

Mnyb wrote: 
> I know only one person irl that have either , me ? Never seen a live
> Sonos system and actually never anyone elses Squeezebox system either .
> I'm rudimentary sociable and able to make friends ;) so it is not that
> I'm an isolated geek that only know 1 person irl.

I know one other person that has a squeezebox that was not a
recommendation from me (she had it installed by a professional "whole
house" audio installerruns on only, feeds a small T-AMP
hidden in a cabinet, feeding ceiling speakers.  My friend actually
thinks the controller is the only hardware since she doesn't "see" the
other stuff.

The other handful of SB users I know have them because I recommended.
But of that set, only my brother uses his own music. The others use
pandora, mog, radio paradise, etc.

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread castalla

The Cocktail Audio x10 gets good reviews and user feedback - rubbish
name, 'though.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread Mnyb

toby10 wrote: 
> Very rarely do I see Sonos in use, I think I've come across two in my
> travels.  But a I've seen many Sonos systems at retail stores, US and
> abroad.

I know only one person irl that have either , me ? Never seen a live
Sonos system and actually never anyone elses Squeezebox system either .

I'm rudimentary sociable and able to make friends ;) so it is not that
I'm an isolated geek that only know 1 person irl.

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread Mnyb

A better link to the complete soolos offerings .

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread garym

jimzak wrote: 
> I got the cue to search for this from another related thread:
> Linn DS players
> I'm sure they are not cheap.

looking at akurate ds, klimax ds, sneaky ds, etc. it is hard to find a
price online with a quick look, but one will spend several thousand
pounds up to maybe 8,000 pound sterling.  And you'll be using upnp/Dlna
with some additional software (kinsky), that at its best pales in
comparison with LMS.Makes the Touch look even more of a bargain.

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread Mnyb

We are in no hurry to replace our systems yet , I expect to use years to
contemplate the issue .
And my replacement would be some product not yet existing for natural
reasons .

The current situation is very similar to what it was when i opted for
squeezeboxes in 2006 sans squeezeboxes :-/

The situation is not only that the current products compare like apples
and oranges ? it is like you desperately settle for any  kind of fruit
but your only offered dirt or sand as options .

Or choosing between cars that only go left or right , the situation is
currently impossible I'll sit on it a couple off years and will continue
to enjoy my squeezeboxes in the meantime .

I'ts sad to think that Logitech incompetence killed a truly unique
product line that really has no equal in the current market ?
It's stupendous they have a complete niche in the market for themselves
with actually no one offering something similar (with the exception of
soolos ,but they are priced silly ) and yet they fail ?

I will watch the tread if someone finds anything similar I expect it to
take time .

As I'm Hi-Fi interested I will sometimes read the sales info from
various brands and share of something comes up, but I have little faith 
in Hi-Fi engineering they simply lack the right kind of imagination and
system approach they often miss the big picture .

The Meridian Soolos brand has a system approach as given by this product
But the pricing is very very silly nothing you cant do with a HP
microserver and a box of Touch units , wait that’s what i have :)

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-01 Thread ralphy

benno wrote: 
> When the squeezeplaying hangs, I could still play stuff directly with
> "aplay" and the same ALSA-destination used in squeezeslave.
> This is related to the used hardware, the USB-amps just accept this
> rate...
> Is there a way to debug this?

aplay doesn't manipulate the ALSA driver like portaudio does, so this is
not a fair test.

Have you modified squeezeslave to open the device at the 46875 sample
rate?  That's more than the 1% currently defined.

Have you built squeezeslave from the latest trunk on the hardware you're
using? If not, I'd suggest starting there.  Also search all the past
squeezeslave release support threads as this has been discussed at
length in the past.

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread jimzak

I got the cue to search for this from another related thread:

Linn DS players

I'm sure they are not cheap.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-01 Thread ralphy

DareVanReed wrote: 
> i'm not sure what changed internally in the code between the two
> versions, but everything seems to be ok now for me, so i'm happy.
> thanks again for the brilliant little daemon, ralphy.

I've replaced the portaudio calls to Pa_AbortStream with Pa_StopStream
for the STOP state in r366

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread garym

toby10 wrote: 
> Very rarely do I see Sonos in use, I think I've come across two in my
> travels.  But a I've seen many Sonos systems at retail stores, US and
> abroad.

agree. I only know one person that has a sonos.  Almost everyone I know
is an "ipod/iphone" in a speaker doc person.  My friends that are
obsessive about music like me are primarily in the "I listen to albums
one at a time" and they spent many years fighting the "vinyl albums are
so much better than CDs" phobia. They are now very much into their very
large CD collections but not digital files.  One friend has just now
started creating some m4a versions for his iphone to use while
travelling.  When I try to explain, "rip once, rip right, use dbpa to
create FLAC, be systematic with tagging, then create lossy versions for
your phone/ipod anytime you want" his eyes just glaze over He'll get
there eventually.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread bwaldron wrote: 
> Would you consider Sonos to be a mass market music player ?


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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread toby10

epoch1970 wrote: 
> I often wondered about this. So you say the SBs are rarely spotted. Do
> you see many Sonos systems (in absolute terms) ?

Very rarely do I see Sonos in use, I think I've come across two in my
travels.  But a I've seen many Sonos systems at retail stores, US and

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread epoch1970

TheLastMan wrote: 
> I think you will quickly find that most people will move on. For 99% of
> buyers music streaming does not have to be as complicated as Squeezebox
> made it.Agreed. wrote: 
> Yeah I attached my iPhone to a Bluetooth speaker once and I heard more
> boings 
> from emails,text messages and other notifications then music .:) reminds me 
> of my HTPC days…

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-01 Thread Rangdo

My next system will be the replacement Touch I just ordered in case my
current one dies. ;)

I don't use any online services, don't even do multi-room syncing; just
play my local library.  The only features I use are new music and
random.  I reckon I've got years before I need to worry about a
replacement. :)

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread

epoch1970 wrote: 
> Thanks.
> I've seen that too.

Yeah I attached my iPhone to a Bluetooth speaker once and I heard more
from emails,text messages and other notifications then music .'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread TheLastMan

epoch1970 wrote: 
> Because the slim protocol does work pretty damn well. I for one will not
> regress to DLNA or this kind of nonsense. Maybe future versions of
> airplay or the elusive android@home protocols will be able to supersede
> it. 
I haven't lost hope that Logitech will develop the UE setup sufficiently
to replace the core SB functionality (which is all *I* personally
require). It is after all based on the LMS server software and the new
Radio is clearly SB hardware.

Sure, if you want SB with all the bells and whistles then I wish you
good luck keeping the system alive. I think you will quickly find that
most people will move on. For 99% of buyers music streaming does not
have to be as complicated as Squeezebox made it.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread epoch1970

TheLastMan wrote: 
> Last time we went to a BBQ there he showed off his new Bluetooth "radio"
> thingy which was happily playing music from the iPhone in his pocket.
I've seen that too.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread TheLastMan

epoch1970 wrote: 
> I often wondered about this. So you say the SBs are rarely spotted. Do
> you see many Sonos systems (in absolute terms) ?
I have four friends with Sonos and two who bought Squeezebox. Two bought
the Sonos on my recommendation (I was having a hard time with SB at the
time) and the other two after they saw the first two's systems. The two
SB owners are fellow computer geeks who bought after seeing my system,
but not on my recommendation. My only comment was "caveat emptor"! One
bought a Duet the other a Touch.

None of the Sonos owners are tech minded, all wanted easy plug and play
and two got them professionally installed. All four are very satisfied
with their systems, three have extended them, all still use them and all
are now using iPads as controllers.

The SB Touch owner bought a Naim steamer for his hi-fi (he has an
otherwise fully Naim hi-fi) and relegated the SB to his study. He never
bought another SB device after the Touch.  The Duet owner ditched the
system altogether and now uses iPod docks which fit better with his wife
and three daughters needs. The whole family all have either iPhones or
iPod touches and have independent music collections held on laptops. 
Last time we went to a BBQ there he showed off his new Bluetooth "radio"
thingy which was happily playing music from the iPhone in his pocket.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread epoch1970

TheLastMan wrote: 
> Why? "Squeezebox" will be a dead system.
Because the slim protocol does work pretty damn well. I for one will not
regress do DLNA or this kind of nonsense. Maybe future versions of
airplay or the elusive android@home protocols will be able to supersede
it. But given the niche status we seem to agree on, I don't believe
progress will be lightning fast. 
> I like the idea of plugins, but would prefer an Apple App or Android /
> Google Play way of doing it with only "approved" Apps / plugins making
> it through.
There are factory standard plugins, there are "approved" plugins. I've
never seen any hint of privacy issue with any plugin. Plugin quality and
support is fine. Why do you think more "control" would help? The Duet, I
was in that boat too. Its poor initial (and final, IMHO) performance was
100% due to Logi, not to 3rd party devs.

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread saeyedoc

mdconnelly wrote: 
> While I'm not about to dump my Squeezeboxen anytime soon, one product
> that I'm curious about is the AudioEngine D2.  I'm not clear if you can
> bypass the D2 Receiver's DAC to use your own, but the concept of a D2
> Sender working with up to 3 D2 Receivers is intriguing.  Might be worth
> checking out...
Yes, the receiver does have digital out. What I'd like is a less
expensive unit that does away with the DAC. That might get the price
down to a reasonable level.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread TheLastMan

mrfantasy wrote: 
> ... the important thing is maintaining the Slim protocol and ensuring
> new servers and clients can be developed to it.
> --MikeWhy? "Squeezebox" will be a dead system. Other systems will come along
to replace and supersede it, maybe not immediately but within a couple
of years somebody (maybe even Logitech) will realise it is possible to
do audio a lot better and cheaper than Sonos. In time they will do it
better and cheaper than Squeezebox too.

Personally I had a love-hate relationship with Squeezebox. The early
days of the Duet were dire, with one catastrophic sever software update
making the system unusable for about 3 months until they produced a
fixed one.  I think the setup and web config pages are too geeky and
over-complicated for 99% of users who simply aren't interested.

I like the idea of plugins, but would prefer an Apple App or Android /
Google Play way of doing it with only "approved" Apps / plugins making
it through.  With some care and attention to their market the UE line
has the potential to carry on where SB left off - but in a more
"consumer friendly" way that would make the whole system more attractive
to the mass market and more sustainable in the long term.

They will have to produce a proper "hi-fi" player like the Touch though
- with analogue stereo and digital outputs - otherwise I will look
elsewhere for any replacement.

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread toby10

jimzak wrote: 
> .  Anyway Google DNP720AE

Looks like a decent unit.  But at $499 and such a large size I'd much
prefer a SB Touch with it's additional digital out, SD card, touch
screen, server access (I don't use iTunes nor do I own an Apple device),
and for $200 less.  But then, I am a bit biased.   :)

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread epoch1970

toby10 wrote: 
> No, but probably the closest thing there is too that.  Think about it,
> how many people do you know that have a Sonos?  Or anything remotely
> close to it (like SB)?
> The only people I know (and I'm in many peoples homes/apartments) that
> have a SB are those I introduced to SB.  Even then, very small number.

I often wondered about this. So you say the SBs are rarely spotted. Do
you see many Sonos systems (in absolute terms) ?

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread

toby10 wrote: 
> No, but probably the closest thing there is too that.  Think about it,
> how many people do you know that have a Sonos?  Or anything remotely
> close to it (like SB)?
> The only people I know (and I'm in many peoples homes/apartments) that
> have a SB are those I introduced to SB.  Even then, very small number.

Yeah come to think of it I know of noone that has my Squeezebox setup . 
So why would Logitech buy Slim Devices ? What were they thinking as they
are a mass market company buying a small niche business ?'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-01 Thread TheLastMan

> Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?
It is not dead yet, just has been told it has only two years to live and
that it won't be able to have any more children!

Two years is a long time in technology, not only will new products come
along but Logitech have time to develop and improve the UE lineup and
there is always Sonos.  I doubt I will buy a streaming solution from one
of the "hi-fi" manufacturers, these are generally grossly overpriced,
although I might buy a DAC for whatever solution I do eventually choose
if it has a digital output.

"Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread toby10 wrote: 
> Would you consider Sonos to be a mass market music player ?

No, but probably the closest thing there is too that.  Think about it,
how many people do you know that have a Sonos?  Or anything remotely
close to it (like SB)?
The only people I know (and I'm in many peoples homes/apartments) that
have a SB are those I introduced to SB.  Even then, very small number.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread

Well isn't Sonos a mass market item ?'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-01 Thread bwaldron

mrfantasy wrote: 
> Let's be realistic, people.  The idea of a dedicated music player is not
> a mass-market item anymore

I never believed it was -- which is why I hated to see the Slim Devices
acquisition by Logitech.

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread mdconnelly

While I'm not about to dump my Squeezeboxen anytime soon, one product
that I'm curious about is the AudioEngine D2.  I'm not clear if you can
bypass the D2 Receiver's DAC to use your own, but the concept of a D2
Sender working with up to 3 D2 Receivers is intriguing.  Might be worth
checking out...

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread erland

Mnyb wrote: 
> As for controll on iSomething or Andriod what would be good ?
The Kinsky iOS app from Linn is the best UPnP/DLNA controller I've seen,
no idea if it works with the Denon hardware, often there seems to be a
bit incompatibilities between UPnP devices from different
Kinsky is not as good as iPeng but it's a lot better than many of the
other UPnP controllers available IMHO.

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread Mnyb

jimzak wrote: 
> Denon's entry looks good:

DLNA wonder what server you should choose for that , migth influence the
actual experience of it a bit .

You could use LMS + whitebear if on windows ... or something else .

As for controll on iSomething or Andriod what would be good ?

As predicted by Erland I think multiroom sync is not there at all, and
it has a 24/96 DAC but specs are sketchy about file support at thoose
rates "FLAC" could mean anything .

But price is not to much , but not the most appealing option .

Anuthyng out there that supports multichannel flac and has hdmi out ?

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread jimzak

Here are 77 pages of music players, most of which are not applicable to
our situation, but interesting:

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread erland

jimzak wrote: 
> Addendum:  I don't understand why this URL does not work because when I
> go to the product page via Google, this is the URL.
> Anyway Google DNP720AE
> ?!

It's caused by forum software skipping the last ) in the url, the
correct URL is:

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread jimzak

toby10 wrote: 
> Denon url is dead.

Addendum:  I don't understand why this URL does not work because when I
go to the product page via Google, this is the URL.

Anyway Google DNP720AE


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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-01 Thread dennis55

i will continue to use my SB products, which have given such enjoyment
over the years

my next system already sits alongside my digital
brethren.the mighty Linn Sondek LP12

I considered purchasing Linn's digital offerings years ago, but they
were in an early stage of development and couldn't match SqueezeServer's

i may HAVE to re-consider one


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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread toby10

Denon url is dead.

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread jimzak

Denon's entry looks good:

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread michael123

I do not care about open/closed source unless it is properly supported.
There are many open source projects that it is just a facade and a
mechanism to not doing any kind of proper support and commitment.
Open source projects frequently lack any kind of roadmap and what's
actually assures you in the continuation of the project is the community
of users and availability of developers.

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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-01 Thread toby10

I looked into both Olive and MusicCast before coming to SB.  Both
systems were:
-  closed source
-  limited features
-  almost no customization
-  very limited offered services / subscriptions
-  minimal codec support
-  big, clunky, ugly boxes (worse than Sonos ;))
-  no "players" to utilize the main units library/services (I think
MusicCast did eventually add these later, before dropping the whole
-  both were WAY overpriced

Olive is essentially an overpriced VortexBox with fewer features.  

MusicCast is so closed source you couldn't even backup your library
without "special" software from Yamaha.  To simply upgrade the MusicCast
HDD required sending the entire unit to a Yamaha service center (or an
unauthorized third party) to again run special Yamaha proprietary
software to transfer the HDD data to another HDD.  This service cost
hundreds (not including the cost of the HDD itself) and took weeks. 
Yamaha would only allow "their" HDD's be used, which were off the shelf
HDD's that Yamaha marked up over 100% above mfr list price.

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Re: [slim] What steps does community need to take to ensure continued function of SB players

2012-09-01 Thread Mnyb

Labarum wrote: 
> That's all I need to know - thanks.
> My Squeezeboxes will work for a good few years yet, I hope. If I see
> second hand stuff at the right price I might be tempted to buy some
> spares - but didn't the Boom go up in price after being discontinued?

That happened to receivers too until they released Touch, there is still
a demand for the product .
And boom is still not really replaced by anything else radio does not
really cover all the stuff boom could do.
For example backlight buttons and a real snooze button, makes a superior
clock radio .

But squeezeboxes seem to fall between the cracks it sells more than a
typical niche hifi product but to little to be a mass market thing ?
Peculiar , that's may be why Logitech actually runned with for such a
long time ? Never managing to take it beyond a very large niche , maybe
one of the more widespread cult/niche products ever ?

So I think there are enough squeezebox fans to absorbe most used units
at fairly good prices

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Re: [slim] What a time to launch a new SqueezeBox based product.

2012-09-01 Thread autopilot

A think a few other companies make similar products too. 

Do they have some sort of licensing deal with Logitech? 

I wonder if companies like this could actually help keep the SB alive in
some way?

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Re: [slim] No more radio streaming on SB Classic after network reconfiguration

2012-09-01 Thread gdude

Thanks to all for numerous and quick responses. I finally got it
working, even though I"m still unsure what exactly caused the problem. 

I first replaced my WRT54GL router with an old crappy Zyxel and forced
the SB Classic back to factory settings (holding + while powering off
and on). Everything suddenly worked normally, i.e., connection to LMS
and to the outside world ( and radio streams) at the same time.

Then I powered down the SB Classic again, put back in my WRT54GL, saved
its configuration, restored it to default router settings, restored it
to the saved configuration, forced the SB Classic back to factory
settings, and voila, everything worked normally.

My guess is that either the WRT54GL or the SB Classic caches some
network or routing tables in a way that is hard to flush. Anyway,
everything works now, so I'm happy. :-)

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Re: [slim] What a time to launch a new SqueezeBox based product.

2012-09-01 Thread Squeezemenicely

I am sure they are feeling really happy at the moment.

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Re: [slim] What a time to launch a new SqueezeBox based product.

2012-09-01 Thread autopilot


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Re: [slim] What steps does community need to take to ensure continued function of SB players

2012-09-01 Thread Labarum

Triode wrote: 
> I think its premature to be panicking about this - I will definitely be
> expecting to maintain support for my BBCiPlayer and Spotify plugins to
> work with my ip3k based transporter and other players + touch (or
> emulators..).  If Logi does pull the plug then I see a community fork of
> LMS for stand alone server operation as viable.  It won't be able to
> install new firmware, but then it needs something to break to need new
> firmware anyway...  

That's all I need to know - thanks.

My Squeezeboxes will work for a good few years yet, I hope. If I see
second hand stuff at the right price I might be tempted to buy some
spares - but didn't the Boom go up in price after being discontinued?

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-01 Thread callesoroe

garym wrote: 
> I would definitely pay a one-time or annual fee for future squeezebox
> related services. This would include helping (financially) to maintain a
> squeezebox community forum on the web.

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Re: [slim] What steps does community need to take to ensure continued function of SB players

2012-09-01 Thread Triode

Mnyb wrote: 
> We need to fix the My apps menu to work without .
> I have two local " apps" , triodes spotify and mhergers bandcamp , these
> are local plugins but their UI resides in my apps .
> If the conection with breaks I have observed that this menu is
> totally empty ? No local apps ?
> You can via a setting make triodes spotify appear in the radio meny ? I
> think .

Plugins can also be rewritten to avoid putting them in the myapps
menu... That was only done to try to make them match the UI of the rest
of the system in many cases.

I think its premature to be panicking about this - I will definitely be
expecting to maintain support for my BBCiPlayer and Spotify plugins to
work with my ip3k based transporter and other players + touch (or
emulators..).  If Logi does pull the plug then I see a community fork of
LMS for stand alone server operation as viable.  It won't be able to
install new firmware, but then it needs something to break to need new
firmware anyway...  Whether Logi wish to continue support of 3rd party
stuff working with their new product(s) is another thing though.

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Re: [slim] What steps does community need to take to ensure continued function of SB players

2012-09-01 Thread cparker

Hi guys

If there is any assistance I can provide drop me a line through my
website.  I dont plan on going anywhere and will continue to support my
plugins for the foreseeable future :)


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