Re: [slim] Usage of online services in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread simbo

erland wrote: 
> One limitation I still want to apply is that with one online streaming
> account you will still only be able to stream a single song to one
> device or to multiple devices synchronized, basically no possibility to
> play different songs to different devices simultaneously as this usually
> is prohibited by the streaming providers and won't change in the future.
I confess I've never tried, but I'm surprised this is disallowed - at
least if they're all coming from the same public IP address.

erland wrote: 
> The questions I'm wondering about is related to if you have separate
> premium streaming service account for each family member or if you are
> using one account for the whole family.
One account for all.

erland wrote: 
> If you have a single account for the whole family, are you severely
> missing the ability to keep track of individual playlists or favorites
> for each family member ?
Not severely, but to some degree. I ask them -not- to "Add to Library"
and for them to use it purely as an ad-hoc listening service (I use the
library... I'm excluded from my own rule on the basis I pay for it). It
doesn't always work - I sometimes see One Direction and similar
appearing in the library. 

erland wrote: 
> Do you have any ideas how you would like online streaming services to
> work on your Squeezebox and portable devices from a family perspective ?
> How would your dream system handle it ?
First and foremost, I want our new Community-SB devices to support them!
Non-SB players can't access Rhapsody UK (Napster) and I suspect we'll be
in a similar position with the Community-SB for the time being. Beyond
that, allowing different users to have different libraries would be nice
as, when my kids get older, they're more likely to demand such a
feature. I think that's the answer you were looking for. ;-)

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread Andy Hawkins

In article ,
   erland wrote:
> Do you have a need to let each family member browse their library
> individually ?

Make do without it at the moment, but that would be nice.

> If so, where are the music files stored ? On a central computer/NAS, on
> a computer/NAS per family member or on the portable device of each
> family member ?

Central NAS, all served by Slimserver. Snapshots of the entire library on my
wife's phone, entire library on 'my' MP3 player (which tends to get taken
with us on family trips).

> If you have individual libraries, do you also have a need for shared
> libraries which is common for multiple family members ?

That would also be nice, yes.

> Do you have a need to keep track of playlists for each family member ?

Would be nice, but don't use playlists much.

> Do you have a need to keep track of favorites for each family member ?

Would be nice, yes.

> Do you have a need to keep track of ratings and playback statistics for
> each family member ?

Don't use this sort of thing at the moment.

> Does each family member have individual players which only one of the
> family members mostly use ?
> If so, should all players be controllable by everyone or do you want
> access to certain players to be restricted ? In that case why ?

I'm assuming you're talking about networked players here rather than
portable ones. We have two Squeezeboxes in the house, one connected to the
system in the living room, and another Boom in the bedroom that acts as my
alarm clock and a Radio for listening to overnight. I also listen at work
via SqueezePlay, and on my phone via SqueezePlayer.

No need to restrict things as yet. When my 4 year old is a bit older might
consider a player in her bedroom. In that case, I might want to restrict
some of the music to prevent her playing it (Rage Against the Machine for

> Does each family member have their individual remote control/smartphone
> to control the players or do you also have remote controls which you
> share between different family members ?

My wife and I both have Smartphones. I use mine to control the system
sometimes, but a lot is done using the IR remote to control the device (SB2) 
directly. We own a Controller, but it dies as soon as you take it out of the
cradle so it's not much use!

> How would your dream system work to work as good as possible for usage
> of local music on Squeezeboxes and portable devices in your family ?

1 shared library available to all. 3 individual libraries that can be
browsed seperately by each family member if required (to give them access to
all the music, but allow them to browse their own easier if required).
Ability to restrict certain tracks / albums from playback on certain players
(no Rage Against the Machine in my daughter's room for example).

Would be nice to be able to automatically transcode the library from FLAC
(the majority of my library is whole-CD FLAC files) to Ogg (or another lossy
format) for syncing with the portable players. I do this with some Python
currently so it's not a deal-breaker.


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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread simbo

erland wrote: 
> Do you have a need to let each family member browse their library
> individually ?
I don't believe so. I'm curious why this is an issue for people. Do
people have lots of explicit tracks they don't want their kids near? Or
are they embarrassed to see certain artists in their list? I prefer to
give my kids access to the whole library in the (possibly vain) hope
they may actually listen to some of the "oldie" music and like it!

erland wrote: 
> If so, where are the music files stored ? On a central computer/NAS, on
> a computer/NAS per family member or on the portable device of each
> family member ?
On a central server for the whole family. Having multiple libraries
would make backing up a nightmare.

erland wrote: 
> Do you have a need to keep track of playlists for each family member ?
I can see the benefits of individual playlists, although this could be
mediated by asking them to prefix their playlists with their names.

erland wrote: 
> Do you have a need to keep track of favorites for each family member ?
OK I see where you're coming from now. Yes, having individual favourites
lists would be a nice feature, mainly to avoid crap appearing in my
favourites lists.

erland wrote: 
> Do you have a need to keep track of ratings and playback statistics for
> each family member ?
Currently I'm the only one who can rate tracks. As my kids get older I
can see them having stronger views on my ratings, so yes it would be

erland wrote: 
> Does each family member have individual players which only one of the
> family members mostly use ?
Not at the moment, but it's something I would like to do in the future,
such as giving the kids some Booms (or Community-Booms!).

erland wrote: 
> If so, should all players be controllable by everyone or do you want
> access to certain players to be restricted ? In that case why ?
I don't think so. Yes they may find it funny to remotely control the
Boom in the parent's bedroom, but the novelty would soon wear off ;-)

erland wrote: 
> Does each family member have their individual remote control/smartphone
> to control the players or do you also have remote controls which you
> share between different family members ?
Shared at the moment, but I suspect they'll have smartphones in a few

erland wrote: 
> If you have a remote control which you share between multiple family
> members, is it a IR-remote, smartphone, tablet or computer ?
A Controller, and a repurposed Joggler.

erland wrote: 
> How would your dream system work to work as good as possible for usage
> of local music on Squeezeboxes and portable devices in your family ?
I'm reluctant to give this a lot of thought, as I suspect my needs will
change. Right now, a UI that the kids -want -to use would be nice - I
find them heading for Windows Media Centre to play music all too often,
because (in their opinion) the UI is "better" for local music.

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread castalla

Probably off-topic:  the easiest interface to use is the Touch - I like
the simple layout AND the ability to have presets.

The squeezeplay/squeezelite interface is great because it simulates the
Touch (up to a point) but sadly doesn't have a preset facility.

I've found all the androidy apps too fiddly to work with.

As for music, we tend to limit our choices to either Artist and/or Album
... but then we're probably old school brought up on a box or shelf full
of those funny LP album sleeves!!!

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread ModelCitizen

Me, the wife and 11 year old boy.
Central server
For control we use handhelds, smart phones, ipod and inbuilt control on
radio and boom.

My wife only ever listens to BBC Radio 4, but my son listens to music.
I'd like desperate logins for my son and I such that at least our
libraries were separate. Ideally all would be separate, favourites,
playlists, online accounts, tailored menus, colour schemes, setting etc.
I do not want Justin Thingy in my mixes or his badly tagged music
messing up my nicely ordered collection.

However, as he gets older I would like to have access to his music and
he already wants access to mine (he's particularly fond of Flight of the
Conchords). I'd like to be able to create smart mixes and random mixes
from my library, his library or from both and have him able to do it

I do not want him to be able to add to my favourites or change my music
set up or collection in any way.

It might be handy to be able to bar him from controlling any players I
choose to.

Not too much to ask heh?   :-)

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Re: [slim] Usage of online services in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread bernt

erland wrote: 
> For those of you who are living together with a spouse or kids, I'd like
> to understand a bit better how you would like to use premium online
> streaming services. Ignore what's supported in LMS and Squeezebox today
> and instead think about how you would like it to work in the future. 
> One limitation I still want to apply is that with one online streaming
> account you will still only be able to stream a single song to one
> device or to multiple devices synchronized, basically no possibility to
> play different songs to different devices simultaneously as this usually
> is prohibited by the streaming providers and won't change in the
> future.
> The questions I'm wondering about is related to if you have separate
> premium streaming service account for each family member or if you are
> using one account for the whole family.
> If you have separate accounts, is the main purpose of that to be able to
> stream simultaneously or is it mainly to be able to keep track of
> individual favorites and playlists ?
> If you have separate accounts, do you feel it would be important to be
> able to listen to the music from one of the account on all player
> devices in the house ?
> If you have separate accounts, do you have accounts from different
> streaming providers or does all family member use the same streaming
> provider ?
> If you have a single account for the whole family, are you severely
> missing the ability to keep track of individual playlists or favorites
> for each family member ?
> Do you have any ideas how you would like online streaming services to
> work on your Squeezebox and portable devices from a family perspective ?
> How would your dream system handle it ?
> I'll post a separate thread for local music, so don't use this thread to
> say that you don't use online services.

1. Both.
2. Yes.
3. The same.
4. Yes.
5. Be able to select account per device.

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread bernt

erland wrote: 
> For those of you who are living together with a spouse or kids, I'd like
> to understand a bit better how you would like to use local music
> libraries in the future. Ignore what's supported in LMS and Squeezebox
> today and instead think about how you would like it to work in the
> future. 
> Do you have a need to let each family member browse their library
> individually ?
> If so, where are the music files stored ? On a central computer/NAS, on
> a computer/NAS per family member or on the portable device of each
> family member ?
> If you have individual libraries, do you also have a need for shared
> libraries which is common for multiple family members ?
> Do you have a need to keep track of playlists for each family member ?
> Do you have a need to keep track of favorites for each family member ?
> Do you have a need to keep track of ratings and playback statistics for
> each family member ?
> Does each family member have individual players which only one of the
> family members mostly use ?
> If so, should all players be controllable by everyone or do you want
> access to certain players to be restricted ? In that case why ?
> Does each family member have their individual remote control/smartphone
> to control the players or do you also have remote controls which you
> share between different family members ?
> If you have a remote control which you share between multiple family
> members, is it a IR-remote, smartphone, tablet or computer ?
> How would your dream system work to work as good as possible for usage
> of local music on Squeezeboxes and portable devices in your family ?

1. Yes.
2. NAS and portable devices.
3. No.
4. No.
5. No.
6. No.
7. Yes. No restrictions.
8. Both.
9. All.
10. An easy way to choose library.

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[slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-02-27 Thread simbo

As Round 1 set the cat amongst the pigeons, it only seemed fair to
follow it up with a Round 2, taking the top 2 winners from Round 1 and
combining them with a few others, including the much-requested "I don't
care/call it what you like/they're all rubbish" option.

Bear in mind this is likely to be purely a codename, while we wait
patiently for some marketing god to give up their Sonos, buy a
Squeezebox and put us all to shame with the perfect moniker.

So here are the nominations (drumroll...)

*Open Music Box* - The most popular choice from Round 1, Open Music Box
is probably the least pretentious name choice but its initials (OMB)
make a great codename which provides future variations "Boom OMB",
"Touch OMB", "Wireless OMB"... oh what fun. (Suggested by erland)

*Melodia* - On the other end of the pretentiousness scale we have
"Melodia", meaning "pleasant song" in Latin. I can almost see the
flowing calligraphic text emblazoned in graphite on the front.
(Suggested by erland)

*Phoenix* - A name with meaning; the Squeezebox -shall- rise from the
ashes. However it is a popular choice for consumer products (presumably
with similar reincarnations) which could prove tricky in the future, but
as a codename is perfectly acceptable. (Suggested by P Nelson)

*Harmonic* - I missed this from the first round due to its closeless to
music-game-developers "Harmonix" but public pressure has demanded this
be included, and for good reason; it's a great word and captures the
subtlety of well-reproduced music. (Suggested by dustinsterk)

*None of the Above* - Choose this if you mean "I don't like any of 'em",
"I think name choosing is pointless", "Let the hardware team decide",
"Box Wot Makes Noises", etc. I could separate them about but as they
would all lead to the same thing - a codename being chosen by the
hardware team - we might as well combine them.

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Re: [slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-02-27 Thread castalla

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What should we call this new device?

- Open Music Box 
- Melodia 
- Phoenix 
- Harmonic 
- None of the above

I'm reporting this to the Electoral Commission - you can't just add in a
new candidate in the runoff?  This is starting to look like the classic
election fraud.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-27 Thread garym

JJZolx wrote: 
> People move on to new passions. Doesn't strike me as either sad or
> unusual.

agree. And keep in mind that they were paid very, very well for their
previous passion.

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Re: [slim] Logitech SqueezeBox replacement for under $30

2013-02-27 Thread widman

I picked up a POGO-E02 from here for $16:

It is listed as a POGO-P21 on the site, but the one I received is
labelled as an E02.  YMMV.

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread garym

Do you have a need to let each family member browse their library
individually ?

I don't do this, but it would be helpful for my wife to have her own

If so, where are the music files stored ? On a central computer/NAS, on
a computer/NAS per family member or on the portable device of each
family member ?

central computer (vortexbox server)

If you have individual libraries, do you also have a need for shared
libraries which is common for multiple family members ?

If used individual libraries, yes I do need shared as well.

Do you have a need to keep track of playlists for each family member ?


Do you have a need to keep track of favorites for each family member ?


Do you have a need to keep track of ratings and playback statistics for
each family member ?


Does each family member have individual players which only one of the
family members mostly use ?


If so, should all players be controllable by everyone or do you want
access to certain players to be restricted ? In that case why ?

Not applicable

Does each family member have their individual remote control/smartphone
to control the players or do you also have remote controls which you
share between different family members ?

yes, but also share

If you have a remote control which you share between multiple family
members, is it a IR-remote, smartphone, tablet or computer ?

each have iphone/ipad, but also share a CONTROLLER

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread garym

simbo wrote: 
> I don't believe so. I'm curious why this is an issue for people. Do
> people have lots of explicit tracks they don't want their kids near? Or
> are they embarrassed to see certain artists in their list?

For me it doesn't matter, I'm happy seeing everything.  My wife would
prefer to not have such overwhelming choices. She wants to see only the
stuff she's interested in. We mostly share musical tastes, but out of my
70,000 tracks, she's interested in about 10,000 of them and would just
as soon not even see the other ones

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Re: [slim] Usage of online services in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread garym

We have single account (MOG, free Pandora).

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Re: [slim] Human Time-Frequency Acuity Beats the Fourier Uncertainty Principle

2013-02-27 Thread lrossouw

As far as I can tell it goes along the lines of: As far as I can tell
there is some proven theory that says linear systems can't discern
frequency and timing beyond a certain limit.  These guys have proven
that the human ear can do this.  The conclusion is therefore that the
human ear is not a "linear system".

The implication is that processes / systems / audio compression / etc.
that assumes that the ear is linear may miss some information and may
need to be rethinked.  I don't believe that this has anything to do with
CD sampling and lossless audio, but may be wrong.

See also:

I'm no expert though.

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Re: [slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-02-27 Thread simbo

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What should we call this new device?

- Open Music Box 
- Melodia 
- Phoenix 
- Harmonic 
- None of the above

castalla wrote: 
> I'm reporting this to the Electoral Commission - you can't just add in a
> new candidate in the runoff?  This is starting to look like the classic
> election fraud.
You've caught me out, but it was under duress... also gutted that none
of my entries made it through ;-)

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Re: [slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-02-27 Thread castalla

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What should we call this new device?

- Open Music Box 
- Melodia 
- Phoenix 
- Harmonic 
- None of the above

simbo wrote: 
> You've caught me out, but it was under duress... also gutted that none
> of my entries made it through ;-)

Well, just reinstate your favourite and fix it that it got 99.9% of the
vote - there's plenty of precedent for doing that in electoral history.

In fact, I suggest we trawl through the North Korean phrasebook and find
a suitable name & just declare that as the winner.

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Re: [slim] SB - new found love

2013-02-27 Thread jimwillsher

I'd be completely lost without my SB :-( I have 3x SB3 and one Boom and
we ALWAYS have music on in the house. Nothing else comes close in my

So I've never had the leave >> come back scenario since I've been hooked
ever since the day I bought my first SB (followed soon after by the
self-install LCD screen upgrade!).

I used to think the saddest day was when Slim Devices sold out to
Logitech, but an even sadder day was when Logitech sold us up the river
and abandoned it. Let's hope a community-funded project takes off. I'd
even buy a community-funded product even though my current SB3 setup is
working, just to support it!

Sorry, I'm going off-topic here...


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-27 Thread jimwillsher

I've jumped straight to page 49 so apologies if this is already said.

We have 3x SB3 and one Boom. We have four rooms in the house where we
need music. We have a Linux server in the loft running LMS. So
effectively, we are self-contained.

Would I be interested in a community-funded solution? Dead right I would
be! If I lost my SB setup I would feel like I'd been sent to Mars! I
couldn't bear to be without it, and would gladly contribute to something
that had a future. There's nothing as good as SB out there - and as
Logitech have pulled the rug from under us, let's strive to make
something better!


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Re: [slim] Usage of online services in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread maggior

We use slacker, pandora, and rhapsody.  Rhapsody is the only premium
service we use.

On a regular basis, different squeezeboxes are streaming different
content from Rhapsody.  If that capability was lost, I'd drop rhapsody. 

1-3 don't apply since we have a single account.
4 - Yes, it would be great to be able to track playlists and libraries
on a per user basis.  Though I'll gladly suffer this rather than pay for
separate accounts.

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread maggior

erland wrote: 
> For those of you who are living together with a spouse or kids, I'd like
> to understand a bit better how you would like to use local music
> libraries in the future. Ignore what's supported in LMS and Squeezebox
> today and instead think about how you would like it to work in the
> future. 
> Do you have a need to let each family member browse their library
> individually ?
> If so, where are the music files stored ? On a central computer/NAS, on
> a computer/NAS per family member or on the portable device of each
> family member ?
> If you have individual libraries, do you also have a need for shared
> libraries which is common for multiple family members ?
> Do you have a need to keep track of playlists for each family member ?
> Do you have a need to keep track of favorites for each family member ?
> Do you have a need to keep track of ratings and playback statistics for
> each family member ?
> Does each family member have individual players which only one of the
> family members mostly use ?
> If so, should all players be controllable by everyone or do you want
> access to certain players to be restricted ? In that case why ?
> Does each family member have their individual remote control/smartphone
> to control the players or do you also have remote controls which you
> share between different family members ?
> If you have a remote control which you share between multiple family
> members, is it a IR-remote, smartphone, tablet or computer ?
> How would your dream system work to work as good as possible for usage
> of local music on Squeezeboxes and portable devices in your family ?

Our household is myself, my wife, 2 boys (4 and 6) and 1 girl (9).

It would be nice if each user could browse their library separately. 
That would make it easier for my kids to browse their music within the
larger library.  What would be cool is if each user could comprise their
library themselves from the entire library, much in the way Rhapsody
works.  Though it would be good to do this at any level, not just an
album/track level.  For instance, a user should be able to from the top
level say "add entire library to my library", or add an entire genre to
their library, or everything by an artist to their library.  Same thing
for remove.

Our music files are all stored on a central server.  They are in flac
and mp3 format.  Flac is for squeezebox server and mp3 is for itunes. 
There are ipods and andriod devices in the house.  As my daughter gets
older, I can see how a need will come up for having a separate music
library accessable by my squeezeboxes.

If we had multiple libraries, I would definitely want a common shared
library as well.  My kids to enjoy some of my music.  My wife and I
would have a lot of overlap in our libraries.  For squeezeboxes in
common areas (kitchen, family room), I would want seamless access to all
libraries.  All libraries would have to appear as one large library.

If playlists, favorites, and track stats could be tracked on a per user
basis, that would be awesome!  The boundary should not be the
individual's library.  This means content  can be part of multiple

Yes, there are players used mostly by certain family memebers - these
are the booms in each bedroom.  I would not want to restrict control
though.  It's happened where one of my kids would come downstairs saying
they want to listen to "xyz" while they are going to sleep.  As they
walk back up to their room, I'll pull out my andriod device and cue up
their request for them as well as set the sleep timer on it.

There are multiple smart devices in the house for control (my daughter's
ipod, my ipod and my andriod devices).  The controller and remote
controls are regularly used too.  

The main shared controller is the duet controller.  it is in the
kitchen, so it is centrally located.  My wife doesn't have a smart phone
or smart device, so she uses the controller.  I'm the only one that
really uses an iPod or andriod device.  My daughter will use her ipod in
her room as a controller.

We can live with the squeezebox the way it is now, but being able to
create library subsets on a per-user basis would be helpful...especially
as the kids get older.

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Re: [slim] Usage of online services in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread ajkidle

We use Rhapsody and Pandora ONE.  Single accounts for the family,
although it's possible that will change as the kids get older. 
Rhapsody's current offering of "family plans" is severely limiting and

Currently I'm the only one in the family who really plays with
maintaining a library, favorites, playlist, etc., so none of that has
been a problem.  Again, this may change as the kids get older.  It would
be nice if I could quarantine the kid music within my Rhapsody library,
but Rhapsody's library management tools are already very weak. 
(Orphaned albums being the most pesky annoyance - stuff that was
available at one itme, but is no longer for whatever reaon.)  And I
worry that material changes to library management on the SBS side would
confuse how I interact with Rhapsody directly via my iPhone or PC.  

My dream SBS system would combine results of my local FLAC library with
my Rhapsody library.  And there would be some indicator that let's me
know the source of the content (local vs Rhapsody.)  I'd be okay with
(and might prefer) seeing duplication - i.e., under Pink Floyd I'd see
the the FLAC version of Wish You Were Here and the Rhapsody version of
the same album.

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread Julf

garym wrote: 
> For me it doesn't matter, I'm happy seeing everything.  My wife would
> prefer to not have such overwhelming choices. She wants to see only the
> stuff she's interested in. We mostly share musical tastes, but out of my
> 70,000 tracks, she's interested in about 10,000 of them and would just
> as soon not even see the other ones

I still have an 'empeg player' ( (the
first in-car mp3 player from almost 15 years ago, arm-based, running
linux) in my car. It has an interesting feature - the "Wendy Switch"
(named after a former girfriend of the main designer). A pin on the
player could be wired to the seat sensor for the passenger seat airbag,
so the player actually knows if you are alone in the car, or have a
passenger. You can tag your music, and mark songs, artists or albums so
that the "Wendy Filter" will not show them at all if there is a
passenger in the car... :)

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-27 Thread dustinsterk

garym wrote: 
> agree. And keep in mind that they were paid very, very well for their
> previous passion.

I would venture to say that they are probably very proud that something
they created is being kept alive by the community that loves it.  In my
eyes that is a true success.

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Re: [slim] SB - new found love

2013-02-27 Thread froth

As much as I enjoy my SB system I doubt that I would look to a community
funded SB should I have to look to replace my system.  Perhaps if a new
company came to life and ran with this I may take a look.  The challenge
I see is that the SB system which I do enjoy requires some tinkering
from time to time.  To say it is more technical then some of the other
industry offerings would be correct.  Yes you may get some more features
because the system is more open but I know my wife could not resolve all
issues should they arise.  Thus I could not see a community funded SB
system solving this issue and in fact I see it possibly becoming more

With all that said, I will keep my SB system until I can no longer keep
it going which I do not see happening for years to come.  I have all
somewhat new hardware with the Slim Devices Classics being my oldest
technogies in my SB system.  Heck there are people with even older SB
tech running still.

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread pgnyc

erland wrote: 
> For those of you who are living together with a spouse or kids, I'd like
> to understand a bit better how you would like to use local music
> libraries in the future. Ignore what's supported in LMS and Squeezebox
> today and instead think about how you would like it to work in the
> future. 
> ?

2 adults, 2 kids 6,7 

1) the whole library would be shared, like today
2) a new menu , with user name 
3) within this user, you can add artist or album or song to an user

for playing , just pick the user and chose .


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Re: [slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-02-27 Thread Gandhi

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results, please visit

Question: What should we call this new device?

- Open Music Box 
- Melodia 
- Phoenix 
- Harmonic 
- None of the above

OMG - Open Music Gadget?

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Re: [slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-02-27 Thread bobertuk

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Question: What should we call this new device?

- Open Music Box 
- Melodia 
- Phoenix 
- Harmonic 
- None of the above

How about...

OMD - Open Music Device

... And it's namesake 'Orchestral Manoeuvres ...' Oops - too close
perhaps 😃


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Re: [slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-02-27 Thread ModelCitizen

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Question: What should we call this new device?

- Open Music Box 
- Melodia 
- Phoenix 
- Harmonic 
- None of the above

Yeah, and where's the late starter Whole Audio Player (WAP)?  :-)

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Re: [slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-02-27 Thread castalla

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Question: What should we call this new device?

- Open Music Box 
- Melodia 
- Phoenix 
- Harmonic 
- None of the above

Communique from the Central Naming Committee

I am happy to announce to the waiting masses that the new music player
will officially be called the

Meosjin Eum-Ag

This name has been chosen and must be used.  All other names are not
official and will not be tolerated.

The only acceptable alternative will be the official approved

멋진 음악

All other names are now considered renegade, unpatriotic and divisionist
and betray the communal priciples of the valiant efforts being made to
provide you with Great Music.

End of communique

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread lrossouw

Not really using multi library stuff at the moment.

What I see as being useful under this topic is the ability to
dynamically include folders on pc that are not always there.  For
example a spouse's laptop may contian some music.  Or a kid's.  If the
server can include this when it's available and hide content if that
data is not available.  

Not really a library but more having folders in a library that can be
"dynamic".  If they are there they are scanned and updated, if not the
data is just hidden from view.

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread mdconnelly

garym wrote: 
> For me it doesn't matter, I'm happy seeing everything.  My wife would
> prefer to not have such overwhelming choices. She wants to see only the
> stuff she's interested in. We mostly share musical tastes, but out of my
> 70,000 tracks, she's interested in about 10,000 of them and would just
> as soon not even see the other ones

+1 on this.  My wife actually gets annoyed that our music library is so
big.   She likes to have maybe 10 to 20 albums that she routinely
listens to with the ability to change those to a different set whenever
the whim hits.  Most of the time she still prefers pulling CDs off the
rack, despite all the music being readily accessible via a Touch or SB3.
If she had her own 'favorites' with the ability to change them
whenever she wants to, that "might" break her CD habit.  Maybe.

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Re: [slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-02-27 Thread Julf

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Question: What should we call this new device?

- Open Music Box 
- Melodia 
- Phoenix 
- Harmonic 
- None of the above

castalla wrote: 
> I am happy to announce to the waiting masses that the new music player
> will officially be called the
> Meosjin Eum-Ag

I find that unbelievably offensive! How could anyone have chosen such a
blatantly scatological name?

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread garym

mdconnelly wrote: 
> +1 on this.  My wife actually gets annoyed that our music library is so
> big.   She likes to have maybe 10 to 20 albums that she routinely
> listens to with the ability to change those to a different set whenever
> the whim hits.  Most of the time she still prefers pulling CDs off the
> rack, despite all the music being readily accessible via a Touch or SB3.
> If she had her own 'favorites' with the ability to change them
> whenever she wants to, that "might" break her CD habit.  Maybe.

When visitors are impressed with my automated, server based music setup
(the guys), my wife says to the wives something along the lines of "I
can't find anything anymoreI wish I could just pull out the CDs
instead".  This said, my wife doesn't realize that she has become 100%
addicted to internet radio and sirusXM being at her fingertips. She
easily flips between about 4 or 5 different sources every morning and
every evening on return from work. Of course because all these are saved
as favorites and at her fingertips in the Controller, she doesn't even
quite realize what she's actually doing with a few presses on the
Controller. Even the amp is autosensing, so she has NOTHING to actually
turn a key, hear sound in seconds (in 5 different rooms no

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread garym

Julf wrote: 
> I still have an 'empeg player' ( (the
> first in-car mp3 player from almost 15 years ago, arm-based, running
> linux) in my car. It has an interesting feature - the "Wendy Switch"
> (named after a former girfriend of the main designer). A pin on the
> player could be wired to the seat sensor for the passenger seat airbag,
> so the player actually knows if you are alone in the car, or have a
> passenger. You can tag your music, and mark songs, artists or albums so
> that the "Wendy Filter" will not show them at all if there is a
> passenger in the car... :)

Very cool.  Ok, now I'm imagining a home system that knows who is in the
house and bases random play on info from that fact.  So when my wife is
in the house, the random music choices exclude certain things (Grateful
Dead live shows!).  Maybe it knows because it picks up that my wife's
iphone is connected to our local network. And maybe we register our
friends, so that when their smartphones connect to our network, the
playlist is modified to better fit their tastes.  When Bob comes over,
it plays more Blues. When MaryJane comes over it plays more 80s
powerpop, etc.

This sounds a lot like what I recall reading about Bill Gates house he
built a few years ago. When you entered a room, the house knew who you
were and the digital artwork, lighting, and music changed to fit your
predetermined profile.

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Re: [slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-02-27 Thread castalla

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results, please visit

Question: What should we call this new device?

- Open Music Box 
- Melodia 
- Phoenix 
- Harmonic 
- None of the above

Julf wrote: 
> I find that unbelievably offensive! How could anyone have chosen such a
> blatantly scatological name?

You will be contacted shortly by a unit of the Music Listener
Counter-Revolutionary Brigade to 'discuss' your lickspittle running-dog
attitude to the Great Name announcement.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-27 Thread gorman

Dustinsterk reasoning is spot on IMO.

A labour of love being carried on with love and passion by its users.
Could a creator wish for more?

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Re: [slim] A Rare Find?

2013-02-27 Thread gorman

You could tell from the VFD. Before storing mine I checked and it was in
pristine conditions with no sign of uneven wear.

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[slim] Boston Pete problems.

2013-02-27 Thread chenrikson

seem to have lost all the audio feeds.  I thought perhaps
they were down, but this does not seem to be the case.  I have cleared
the browser cache , the dns cache and checked the firewall settings. All
should be OK but I cannot play any of the streams on my SB  or my PC. 
Any thoughts??


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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread cparker

erland wrote: 
> Do you have a need to let each family member browse their library
> individually ?


erland wrote: 
> If so, where are the music files stored ? On a central computer/NAS, on
> a computer/NAS per family member or on the portable device of each
> family member ?


erland wrote: 
> If you have individual libraries, do you also have a need for shared
> libraries which is common for multiple family members ?


erland wrote: 
> Do you have a need to keep track of playlists for each family member ?

Yep, I use; 
you/anybody is welcome to use it as a framework and expand it.  :)

erland wrote: 
> Do you have a need to keep track of favorites for each family member ?

erland wrote: 
> Do you have a need to keep track of ratings and playback statistics for
> each family member ?

In part, it would be great for TrackStat to be per player specific, even
just enabled/disabled.  I have a player that I use while drumming so I
jump tracks a lot, so its obviously changing the stats for tracks even
though I dont want them changed.  I've thought many times about adding
per player functionality or mentioning it but never got around to it :)

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[slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread mikael_b

If I understand correctly, once is turned off, the functionality
of TuneIn Radio will be lost. But, as TuneIn radio is available for many
platforms, is there any hope they might release a version for the


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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread pippin

If you pay them enough, probably

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Re: [slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-02-27 Thread jmschnur

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results, please visit

Question: What should we call this new device?

- Open Music Box 
- Melodia 
- Phoenix 
- Harmonic 
- None of the above

Slim gen # 


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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread mikael_b

pippin wrote: 
> If you pay them enough, probably

I payed 7 swedish crowns, .99$, for the plus version for my iThings if I
remember correctly, but the basic version is free.
Why must I rely on for the Squeezeboxes when my iPad connects
directly to and my account there. One could suspect that
there is only one line of code to change?


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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread castalla

mikael_b wrote: 
> I payed 7 swedish crowns, .99$, for the plus version for my iThings if I
> remember correctly, but the basic version is free.
> Why must I rely on for the Squeezeboxes when my iPad connects
> directly to and my account there. One could suspect that
> there is only one line of code to change?
> Mikael

There are 2 versions for Android.  One is free & works fine.  The
paid-for Pro lets you record.

Can't see why a free or cheap version couldn't be made available.

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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread maggior

There probably aren't enough squeezeboxes out there for TuneIn to care
about.  You also have to factor in that the number of squeezeboxes out
there is not growing, they will probaly shrink as people stop using them
or they fail.

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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread mikael_b

castalla wrote: 
> There are 2 versions for Android.  One is free & works fine.  The
> paid-for Pro lets you record.
> Can't see why a free or cheap version couldn't be made available.

Same for iThings, I really like the recording capability so I went for
the paid, expensive, version which might not be an option for the
squeezeboxes, or maybe for a Touch with usb memory?


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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread pippin

castalla wrote: 
> Can't see why a free or cheap version couldn't be made available.

Because that's TuneIn's business model. What do you believe they are
making money on? Selling groceries?
The smartphone Apps are marketing tools for them to attract radio
stations, the business is selling to hardware and software vendors.

Do you believe Logitech gets their service for free?

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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread castalla

pippin wrote: 
> Because that's TuneIn's business model. What do you believe they are
> making money on? Selling groceries?
> The smartphone Apps are marketing tools for them to attract radio
> stations, the business is selling to hardware and software vendors.
> Do you believe Logitech gets their service for free?

Well, android users, Roku users and others get it for free ...

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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread pippin

castalla wrote: 
> Well, android users, Roku users and others get it for free ...

Have you actually read my comment?

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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread Michael Herger

Well, android users, Roku users and others get it for free ...

You get ads. That's one other way to earn money. Ask Google.


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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread castalla

pippin wrote: 
> Have you actually read my comment?

No need to be so snippy.

Apple charge for the app - others don't.  That's all I'm saying.

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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread pippin

castalla wrote: 
> Apple charge for the app - others don't.  That's all I'm saying.

And it's just completely wrong.
"Apple" doesn't charge at all. Apple provides a platform for a developer
or service provider to sell Apps - at the same terms Google does. Both
take 30% off paid Apps and nothing off free ones.

It's not Apple deciding on the price, it's TuneIn. They do what best
fits their business model which is selling radio lookup services to
other companies. Selling to consumers is probably a test balloon for

You don't have to believe me, but you'll eventually have a meeting with
reality, then.

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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-02-27 Thread castalla

pippin wrote: 
> And it's just completely wrong.
> "Apple" doesn't charge at all. Apple provides a platform for a developer
> or service provider to sell Apps - at the same terms Google does. Both
> take 30% off paid Apps and nothing off free ones.
> It's not Apple deciding on the price, it's TuneIn. They do what best
> fits their business model which is selling radio lookup services to
> other companies. Selling to consumers is probably a test balloon for
> them.
> You don't have to believe me, but you'll eventually have a meeting with
> reality, then.

Deary, deary me ... how aggressive.  Glad I don't have an iThing to
tempt me to waste giving you 30% for your business opportunity.  Still I
suppose you have to make a living somehow.

Leave it.

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Classic - Right channel output has almost no volume

2013-02-27 Thread walkie74

My Squeezebox Classic is having the same issue. I'm looking at the
schematic for the SB2, but I don't see C16 or C20. Wolfzell, where did
you find them? And I'm guessing you had to do some soldering to get them
to work? If so, what did you use? (I'm totally new at this electronic
repair thing, but if it'll save my Squeezebox, I'll do it. )

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-27 Thread andyg

Hi everyone. Unsurprisingly, the other shoe began to drop today with
Logitech laying off a handful of folks within the team, including
myself. I haven't read through very much of this thread but I wanted to
say that I am very pleased to see this effort in finding a way forward
in the post-Logitech world, and I had no doubt this great community
would already be on top of things here. :)

A couple of changes I was thinking of implementing involve removing support from the ip3k firmware, SqueezePlay, and LMS. I
do not know what Logitech plans to do with MySB but it is just a matter
of time before either they stop funding it, or it breaks with no one to
fix it. Sadly most music services will have to be removed, but Triode's
Spotify plugin shows it might be possible for the community to
reimplement some of them, if they have public documentation.

As for Smart Radio, personally I'd like to see those devices allowed to
become SB Radios if Logitech decides to stop supporting the backend. Unfortunately Logitech controls distribution
of the SR firmware so this will require cooperation from them. I would
recommend not investing any time into supporting Smart Radio.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-27 Thread SamS

Terrible to hear this news, Andy. I hope your talents and effort are
appreciated quickly with a new line of work. 

Your continued insight and help could be critical to perpetuation of our
continued enjoyment of this system. I still think its nuts that
something used and loved by so many ends up dying this slow death.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-27 Thread dasmueller

Best of luck to you Andy wherever life may lead you. Thanks for your
help and insight over the years.


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Re: [slim] Usage of online services in your family ?

2013-02-27 Thread HeadBanger

We've just started using Napster after a disappointing trial of Spotify
and really like it.

It has a very intuitive GUI meaning that you can actually find new
stuff. Much better than Spotify in this regard. Also, we can stream
separately to each of our SBs whilst Spotify will only allow one steam
(which can of course be shared by synchronising).

Spotify wins on SQ (320kbps vs 192kbps) and also plays gaplessly which
Napster does not. However, we're not using this as our primary music
source but as a way to actually find new music we like (which is
stupidly hard on Spotify). This plus the fact that it is half the price
of Spotify means it is an overall winner for us.

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