Re: [slim] What if Logitech pulls the plug

2012-06-26 Thread 86atc250r

Sorry to get away from the UPnP / DLNA discussion but.

If Logitech was to pull the plug on, I'm guessing
there's enough programming talent and motivation in the community that a
workable solution to would become a reality pretty
quickly if push came to shove.  Who knows where it might go from
there   I've seen it happen in smaller communities already.   The
geeks will find a solution, we always do. 

What a great platform.  I can't believe after all these years, there
still isn't really anything that touches the flexibility of these boxes
in allowing me to listen to what I want, how I want.

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Re: [slim] Second hand squeezebox Boom

2010-07-16 Thread 86atc250r

Call support - don't email.

Phone support is friendly and can take care of the problem quickly for
you.   I've done it myself on several players.


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Re: [slim] Shoutcast favorites keep breaking

2010-06-27 Thread 86atc250r

I've had good luck finding streams on Shoutcast I like then googling to
find their website, where I can usually find their direct URL, then
input that into my favorites manually.   No more broken faves for me.  
Stupid shoutcast

Pandora favorites work great - never break, at least in my experience
-- even with their free acct.

Rhapsody favorites work great too.


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Re: [slim] Logitech 30 Day Trial - Any Way to Get Them to Honour It?

2010-06-17 Thread 86atc250r

 I think there are many many with similar opinions (the silent majority).

Count me with you.   I have 7 squeezeboxen at my house of various
flavors  they all work most excellently, I rarely ever have any issues
with them at all  when I do it almost always can be traced down to
something on my server or network going on (like when the wife uploads
a batch of pictures and consumes all my upstream bandwidth).

I also have about 4 devices at another location that work practically
flawlessly as well.

Good server, solid network, and good network hardware are the key in my


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Re: [slim] Rhapsody Radio

2009-12-01 Thread 86atc250r

 Pandora (free = limited to 40 hours per month)

Are you sure about that?   I listen to a *LOT* of Pandora and have
never bumped up against any limits.   

The only limit I ever hit is an 8hr continuous listening limit, at
which time you just have to verify you're still alive by clicking play


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Re: [slim] Seriously p*****d off! (rant)

2009-11-18 Thread 86atc250r

If you don't like change, then don't change stuff (i.e. install new

Personally, 7.4 went very smoothly for me.While I may not care too
much for the my names -- the my apps folder structure is VASTLY
superior to the old way that hid shoutcast three selections deep and the
seemingly redundant menu areas.   Now, all the services I use are in one
spot and are one menu level away from home -- Excellent!   It took me
about 30 sec to figure out what My Apps was for - didn't seem all that

Seems much easier for a new (and experienced) user to find what they
are looking for more quickly and with less frustration.   In fact,
internet radio could probably be grouped successfully under my apps
to further clean up the home menu.

FWIW, I started with my slim devices a couple years ago.   The
software's functionality and features are much better than they were
when I started.I don't feel at all that it's become bloated - in
fact, the restructuring of the menu system eliminated bloat if

I don't like change for the sake of change and I don't personally think
that's what's going on here.  I can see clear reasons for many of the
changes in the new software and after just a minor amount of getting
used to, the system is as much a pleasure to use as ever.

Perhaps we should have two software releases --- one stupid simple that
rarely changes and has only a few commonly used features - for Joe
Sixpack.The other as it is today for those of us who can appreciate
the features, flexibility, and power of the current system, without
getting confused or frustrated by it.


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Re: [slim] 7.4 not happy - gone back to 7.3

2009-10-03 Thread 86atc250r

 Also every time that the DUET controller restarts I would get a message
 saying I have just upgraded to 7.4 and have to click on Continue. I
 restarted it about 10 times - still the same message every time.

Were you connected to a SB2 or SB3 that requires you hold down the
brightness button in order to update the firmware?

I have several different devices on my network and found that with the
upgrade to 7.4 if I booted up and connected to one of my SB3's that I
had not yet upgraded the firmware on I would get this message on the SBC
- as if I were standing there looking at it's VFD.

 On 7.4 I experience timeouts and clicks and gaps in the music and loss
 of audio all the time for 100ms or so. Every few seconds during
 playback, including some rebuffering messages.

I get some audio anomalies occasionally while playing back on the SBC
with 7.4.No biggie though, especially since it is clear they're
working on this functionality (which is still in beta) --- now I can
listen to Pandora and Rhapsody (one or the other of which didn't work at
all before).   It's just a matter of time before playback on the SBC
works well - I'm willing to wait.


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Re: [slim] Logitech is messing up Squeezebox

2009-09-30 Thread 86atc250r

 I hadn't seen the animation on my own, thanks to FlashBlock.

Same here - I was a bit confused when I saw the first post complaining
about it!

While I don't care too much for the animation, I don't so much mind all
the recent changes in the software - if nothing else it keeps the
product interesting for me, anyway.I like everything about the My
Apps change save the name - which I can deal with.   It puts pretty
much all the services I use in one, easy to nav spot which is a big
improvement over the way it was presented in 7.3.3

There will be some things to work out as time moves forward, but I've
been using SC since 6.5 and I believe we have come a long ways since
then - and for what I do, the system was fully functional for me then -
it's just better now.   I am still very happy with my purchases - they
do everything I want and more.  The family enjoys them and doesn't mind
the occasional change in software either.

Everything that makes the SB line great is still there - it may be
shuffled around a bit, but you'll get used to it  once you do, if it
were suddenly set back to the way it was, chances are the same people
would be complaining - human nature.


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Re: [slim] Best of Luck - moving on...

2009-08-26 Thread 86atc250r

 My setup is rock solid and has been so since I started with SS 6.5.
 Dedicated server.

My setup has also been very solid with only minor issues that are easy
to diagnose and resolve --- in fact, I have two locations, one with 7
devices (including 2 booms, a Duet, a couple SB3's, an SB2, etc), the
other location has a Boom and a Duet.

I've had one Duet since they became publicly available and have never
had any significant trouble out of it.   The other is newer and haven't
had trouble out of it either.   The oldest unit is used for hours at a
time on a daily basis  has been since day 1.  It spends the vast
majority of it's time streaming pandora and shoutcast.

I do have a solid network at both locations and am running decent
server hardware  --- even XP, which many claim is far less stable than

I would really like to analyze some of the setups that are claiming to
have so much trouble.   My initial feeling is that the vast majority of
the time it could be tracked down to network and or server problems...

In my opinion, one of the greatest advantages to the slim system is
it's flexibility.   Unfortunately, that same flexibility also affords
the end user the ability to screw it up in an infinite number of ways.

FWIW, even with a total of 10 devices between my two locations (all
wireless), very seldom do I ever have to do more than turn a unit on in
order to make it work.

If you are having re-buffering issues you MOST LIKELY have network
problems.   It's time to whip out the testing tools or find someone who

I have one player that has had recurring rebuffering problems - Not a
single one of my other players does, ever.The player in question is
connected to a wireless bridge in a shop bldg that had to pass through a
metal wall in order to connect to the main AP in the other building.  
Signal quality was low, but worked fine for most computer work (i.e. web
browsing, vpn, etc).Monitoring of the network, and checking the SB
buffer display confirmed what was going on.I improved the wireless
connection by relocating the antenna to a much more advantageous
location and all problems were solved - not a single rebuffer since.

This isn't rocket science or witchcraft - with a little testing and
analysis you can see EXACTLY what is going on with these devices and the
network.  Although there are a few bugs here and there in some of the
software features, the core software and streaming capabilities are very
stable and have been for a long time.   

Pretty much all connectivity, flakiness, and rebuffering problems can
be narrowed down to network and/or server issues - by equipment,
installation, and configuration provided by the end user himself.

JMHO and experience


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Re: [slim] Rebuffering is ruining the Squeezebox experience

2009-07-18 Thread 86atc250r

Chances are extremely high that it is a problem with your network or
your internet connection if you are streaming in a music service or
internet radio --- not running the latest version of code.

If it were a fundamental software problem related to streaming, it
would be a widespread, catastrophic issue for everyone  the forum would
be flooded with angry users.

Have you done any network bandwidth testing or anything else in attempt
to isolate the issue?  If it's your network, internet connection, or the
station you're listening to, you have a couple options.

Fix your network.   If the device you're streaming to is wireless, wire
it and see if the situation improves.   If it does, you're dealing with
a wireless issue.   FLAC streams at a MUCH higher bitrate than lossy 
formats like MP3.  If you are having trouble with FLAC, chances are
*HIGHLY* likely you have a network problem.  FLAC will exacerbate any
underlying network problems - however, even FLAC should stream fine if
you don't have network issues.

Switch internet providers or get a faster service.   Just because you
can successfully browse the web on your internet or network connection,
doesn't mean you=re not dropping packets, experiencing high latency, or
running at a lower rate than the audio you're trying to stream.

If all else fails, you can increase the buffer for internet radio

Personally, I've found that the Squeezebox line streams very reliably. 
I have about seven devices at my house and about three at my parent's
house, all wireless.  Both systems always running the latest release

The devices never rebuffer, even when streaming from the internet for
hours at a time, with the occasional exception of one of my SB3 devices.
The problem with that device is that it's connected in another building
via wireless bridge with a directional antenna that has to blow through
a metal building to connect back to the mothership.   The signal quality
is very low (barely enough to even make a connection) and the connection
is unreliable - in reality, it's amazing the SB3 works as well as it
does under these conditions and streams well most of the time.


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Re: [slim] Rebuffering is ruining the Squeezebox experience

2009-07-18 Thread 86atc250r

I've been streaming all day on 7.3.3 - Rhapsody no less, in my shop,
across the wireless bridge where it is barely connected at all (rain can
drop the connection completely - luckily today is very nice).  
Streaming for around nine hours now as I work - rebuffer free...

Check your network :)

Kidding aside, you can go into settings and under your selected player,
go to Now Playing and set the display to Show Buffer Fullness.

FWIW, in streaming Rhapsody here at the shop (on the bad connection) it
buffers about 131 seconds within a few seconds of starting the song and
stays there (within a couple tenths of a second) until it counts down to
the end of the song.

Streaming Radio Paradise (internet radio) it buffers a couple seconds
and stays there (again fluctuating a couple tenths).

Streaming local FLAC files, it will actually buffer 100% of the next
song before it even starts.   It stays solid at 100% until it counts
down to the next.   In the song that I watched closely, I had about 39
seconds buffer with a FLAC file.  With 39 seconds you can take quite a
disruption before you should ever see a rebuffer message.

Have a look and it may help you determine the cause of your issues. 
You may be able to determine if your network is struggling all the time,
or just at certain times, maybe helping you isolate the source of the
trouble as well.


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Re: [slim] My personal thoughts on Squeezebox concept.

2009-07-02 Thread 86atc250r

Mine ran great from the beginning, over a year ago - and it get's used

I recently bought a 2nd that I've set up at my parent's house.   Both
continue to perform as expected, with very rare and minor issues
(certainly no more issues than any other wireless device at either

To the original poster.   Logic would seem to suggest that if your
previous software version was working great and 7.3.3 has caused you
some sort of issue, and considering the fact that no one forced you to
upgrade, perhaps you should migrate back to the sw version that you were
happy with.

FWIW, the transition to 7.3.3 for me has been trouble free.   My two
duets and other devices continue to work very well.   From what I
understand, 7.3.3 has solved a lot of issues that some were experiencing
with what I suspect are questionable wireless networks or routers/ap's.


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Re: [slim] My personal thoughts on Squeezebox concept.

2009-07-02 Thread 86atc250r

Pale Blue Ego;437489 Wrote: 
 Use SB3, dedicated server (I strongly prefer linux), and wired
 connections.  You will have no problems.

Wireless user  XP here.The main thing is you have a *good* network
and a reliable server running SC.

My personal philosophy is to wire everything that can be wired  use
wireless in places where it is convenient.  It is so convenient to have
my SBx's connected wirelessly that's how I've chosen to deploy them -
and after almost two years of using the products, I've never had a
reason to switch any of them to wired as they've been practically

If you do not have a stable wireless network, you will have problems.  
If you have questionable wireless gear, you will likely have problems. 
If you live in an area with lots of interference from other 2.4ghz
devices you will likely have problems -- simple as that.

Likewise, your choice in server OS choice is not nearly as important as
your server's configuration and how it's maintained.   Personally, I run
XP SP3 with no antivirus and no firewall on seven year old hardware
(northwood 3.06ghz).   This machine also serves as a PVR, is connected
to one local TV set and two remote ones via set top boxes.  SC and my
PVR software run extremely satisfactorily on this older hardware and is
highly reliable.

I do agree though, that it would be nice for more non-technical users
to have a server in a box option -- however, it needs to not be a low
performance NAS device.  It needs to be dedicated, fast, low power
hardware running some *nix variant.  Perhaps the new, elusive SBT will
fill this role?

With that in mind, the option to run SC on local, existing hardware
needs to remain for power users as well...


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Re: [slim] My personal thoughts on Squeezebox concept.

2009-07-02 Thread 86atc250r

The short answer to this complaint is that the player feature of the SBC
*is* a beta feature and is advertised as such, expect the unexpected.

sander;437541 Wrote: 
 Just adding my 2 cents as another Duet user. To me the issue is the
 powering down just makes the device unusable in many instances, if you
 keep it cradled generally or use it constantly so it doesn't power down
 its great.
 I use the Duet kind of like I would a Squeezebox touch, really I use it
 as a screen for the receiver near by receiver in my kitchen, and
 occasionally for a controller when it's helpful to see more screen real
 estate. For this its been great, and based on my limited usage its been
 great, and my girl friend really bought into the squeezebox system with
 the expanded ui.
 That said if it goes to sleep all bets are off. Half the time it can't
 connect and often it just needs to be rebooted. As it is sitting in the
 charger it drops in and out of the player list in Squeezecenter.
 Now before people accuse me of having some flakey network I have an Sb3
 and Boom which are twice as far as the controller ever gets and they
 stay connected 24/7.
 The issue is the SqueezeOS stuff is still pretty primitive and flakey
 next to the SB2 approach which has been honed over a period of years. I
 hope it will mature, but time will tell.


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Re: [slim] Best Router for 3rd party Software

2009-06-18 Thread 86atc250r

Why not use an elcheapo regular layer 2, 4 or 5 port switch on the
neighbors lan as it comes into your house (and before the router)?   
Adding a layer 3 or VLAN'd switch seems to be complicating things for no


  Neighbor LAN   |-| |--|   Your LAN   | |
  ---| switch  |-| M0N0wall |--| Switch/Wireless |
  |-| | Router   |  |-|
  | NAS |

Simple, cheap, effective, flexible

Another option would be to run a Linksys WRT54GL -- using DD-WRT
firmware,  VLAN out the ports, and set up appropriate firewall rules
using IpTables.  

This will be a little more difficult to set up than a M0N0wall or PF
Sense box, but it will be the cheapest option of all, and give you all
the functionality you want as well as a low power  silent box (FWIW, as
mentioned above M0N0wall can easily be built on silent, low power


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[slim] Wired Only SB3 - wireless

2009-06-17 Thread 86atc250r

I've seen conflicting reports, so does anyone definitively know:

Can you convert a wired only SB3 to wireless?

My only concern is that I once saw a post that said only the wired
SB2's had the vacant mini-pci slot  that the wired only SB3's did not.

If need be, I could tear apart my wired only SB3 and see if it has a
mini-pci slot, but I'd rather not if I'm going to find that it does not.


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Re: [slim] Wired Only SB3 - wireless

2009-06-17 Thread 86atc250r

I may do that then.   Didn't know how much of a pain to open it was.

Seems like the card used was fairly standard, maybe something like an
Intel 2200BG - I may be mistaken on that though.   I'll do some


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Re: [slim] Wired Only SB3 - wireless

2009-06-17 Thread 86atc250r

You were correct.The MiniPCI slot is there - antennas are not.  
Should be an easy upgrade.

Based on what I've found in other threads, this is the wireless card
one wants:

I've found it on ebay ranging from $15 shipped to around $30.   It
appears to be an OEM card that gets branded various ways.   One calls it
an Atheros.  I've attached a more detailed pic of one I found.

|Filename: TL-WN660G_unit2.jpg  |


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[slim] SBR directly to amp - why not?

2009-06-16 Thread 86atc250r

I've read a couple times people on the forum recommend against hooking
up a SB3 or SBR directly to an amplifier.

What is the reasoning behind this?  It seems counter intuitive to me.

I ask because I am getting ready to buy an amp to hook up to my SBR -
and I'm having trouble identifying a reason to complicate the system
with a seemingly unnecessary preamp.


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Re: [slim] SBR directly to amp - why not?

2009-06-16 Thread 86atc250r

Thanks guys, I'll check out the audiophile section.

A pre-amp would be undesirable, but if I could install a simple
attenuator that would prevent destruction in the seemingly unlikely
event of a full signal blast, that works for me.

Digital volume -- I thought this was only an issue with the digital
outs  running to an external DAC, not the analogs.

FWIW, I'm not looking for the most pristine audio available in this
application, just reasonable quality running to feed to my reasonable
quality gear in a rec room.


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Re: [slim] SBR directly to amp - why not?

2009-06-16 Thread 86atc250r

That all said, and bearing in mind what I'm after (noise for our rec
room) --- this amp seems like it would fit the bill well to be directly
connected to a SBx:

Any thoughts/experience?


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Re: [slim] SBR directly to amp - why not?

2009-06-16 Thread 86atc250r

Thanks for the info.

I would tend to think that as long as the volume control on the amp
is set to where it's not clipping when the SBx is at max, all would be
well in the case of a catastrophic volume event.


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Re: [slim] SBR directly to amp - why not?

2009-06-16 Thread 86atc250r

That's what I want for this setup as well - a minimal configuration that
can easily be used by anyone in the house or possibly even visitors.

The AB switch may also be a nice feature in our config too because I
could send power to speakers in another nearby room.

I have two pair of these:

I'm thinking that amp will do a decent job of feeding them - and if
not, we're not out much.


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Re: [slim] Best Router for 3rd party Software

2009-06-16 Thread 86atc250r

+1 for pfSense.

pf is built on top of m0n0wall, so if you don't need the advanced
features pf offers, you can get by on a more slim installation of

I've been using both for a few years now, my m0n0wall box is rock solid
- I have had to boot one of my pf boxes once or twice (over the last two
or three years), but that may be the hardware it's on and not
necessarily pf itself.

As mentioned above you can run either on very light hardware - two of
mine run on CF drives as well (the other is a VM).   You can also scour
eBay for Intel dual nic cards out of old servers on the cheap (unless
you need GbE).


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Re: [slim] Anyone experience of dead remote?

2009-05-19 Thread 86atc250r

Yes, my first classic was this way - it's remote was DOA.

Call support - they'll hook you up.


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Re: [slim] Rhapsody Implementation Needs Improvement

2009-05-19 Thread 86atc250r

Rhapsody works for me *most* of the time.   Occasionally it's a bit

However, it's that way in their own client too.

Can't expect Slim to compensate for all of Rhapsody's shortcomings.

As a software/hardware developer, how much time can you afford to
dedicate to fighting ghosts - inconsistent, non-repeatable, undocumented
problems that may or may not clear up or change tomorrow.   How bloated
and convoluted do you allow your code become trying to deal with issues
you have no control over?

You can certainly try your best, but when the server throws you curve
balls and unexpected, unreliable, and inconsistent results - there's
only so much you can do.


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Re: [slim] Rhapsody Implementation Needs Improvement

2009-05-19 Thread 86atc250r


However, I think you missed the gist of my point.  I was not suggesting
you code with reckless abandon, expecting things will always go as

Let me detail out the reasoning behind my post:

1.) Rhapsody's service is the only service I ever have any difficulty
out of.

2.)  Rhapsody doesn't always work properly in their native client

3.)  Other friends/family report similar issues with Rhapsody's

4.)  Users of other devices report similar problems interfacing with

Do we see a pattern forming yet?

It's probably reasonable to assume that at least some effort has been
put into defensive coding due to the fact that those other services
are likely not 100% reliable either, yet for the most part they work
very well.  Perhaps the team just completely drop the ball on only
Rhapsody? That is certainly a possibility, but the evidence we do have
does not point that way.

I wasn't suggesting that any efforts to improve the interface be
stopped - I was suggesting, however, that as a developer, at some point
you have to again decide when you are going stop complicating your code
and expending your resources trying to resolve issues not under your
control.   You have, at this point put forth a reasonable effort and
must move on to dealing with things you can control.

Putting in fixes as suggested by the OP seems like it would be
counter productive - handing unexpected errors is one thing - trying to
predict the various failure modes of an unpredictable system and counter
them undocumented, trial  error methods that will likely lead to more
complex, difficult to maintain, and bug prone code is quite another.


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Re: [slim] Anyone using an SB2 or SB3 as a wireless bridge to a PC?

2009-05-15 Thread 86atc250r

+1 for reliable connection through a SB2.

I don't use mine consistently for this purpose, but I have used it for
working on various systems and for doing big downloads.If I remember
right, I've verified 20mbps throughput.I know for a fact it will
sustain 8mbps for extended periods.


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Re: [slim] Favorite service?

2009-04-23 Thread 86atc250r

I use Pandora a lot as well as a few shoutcast streams.Rhapsody is
also good when I'm looking for specific songs. When I just want to
put it on autopilot though, I listen most to Pandora or Shoutcast.

Between these three services, I almost never listen to my local


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Re: [slim] Music Services, which ones are free?

2009-04-19 Thread 86atc250r

FWIW, I'd lump Pandora more into the completely free but membership
required category.   

Their paid service seems more geared toward web listeners and those
using mobile devices than squeezeboxes.   I personally use their free
service all the time and have found it far from limited  at this
point, don't see any advantages to using their paid service with a

I'd probably say the same for Slacker as well.

Neither of those are a paid subscription service like, say, Rhapsody or
Sirius is.

For that matter - probably live365 as well, although I haven't used
them much so I can't say for certain.For whatever reason, it seems
they fall under internet radio instead of music services.   Probably
because they operate more like traditional radio than the customized
service Pandora offers.


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Re: [slim] Remote administration

2009-04-18 Thread 86atc250r

If the WHS has a firewall, make sure port 9000 is open or set an
exception for Squeezecenter.

Then point your web browser to either:

http://whs ip address:9000/

If web access is not what you're after - I'm not sure if there's a
Remote Desktop Client available for Mac's, but if there is not, check
out VNC.


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Re: [slim] Any new toys coming out from SD

2009-04-18 Thread 86atc250r

I don't agree that the iphone/itouch solution is a huge factor.

Reason being it is a personal solution.I have four people in my
house.   If I had an iPhone with iPeng software, it may very well be
handy for me - it is not, however, handy for anyone else in the
household, nor do I think I would be real comfortable passing it around
at a party.

I think it's great that it is an option - and a very viable one.   Even
if it does cannibalize some SBC sales, I think it offers value to
Logitech in that it adds value to their other products and fills a void
that they don't and probably can't really fill - a personal device that
is on you most all the time.

Video -- not sure.   It would be a cool addition, but audio and video
are two completely different products.   

I am perfectly happy having my squeezenetwork be my audio solution.  
I have a completely separate IP video solution that I'm pretty happy
with too for the time being.   Not sure it's in anyone's best interest
for slim to try to be the best video solution and the best audio
solution out there.Let's focus on what we know, make it better,
make it appeal to a wider audience, make it easy for the technically

The potential audio market is huge as IP audio takes over traditional
audiom, we are only at the very beginning stages.   Some strides have
to be made to make it feasible for Joe Sixpack to be able to: 
1.) afford it. 
2.) understand how to make it work.

Video would cloud  complicate the issue at a time when it probably
doesn't need to be clouded or complicated.

A good video solution would be very cool - but a whole 'nother
development team would likely be needed so that the audio side of
things wouldn't suffer.   

There's a lot to be said for not spreading yourself too thin and not
trying to be the best at everything.


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Re: [slim] Any new toys coming out from SD

2009-04-18 Thread 86atc250r

All very true.   I don't have any movies set up in my video system at
all, either.

I use mine as a DVR on steroids.   I have two weeks of programming info
at any given time, powerful search functions, etc. I can stream any
recorded programs to three different TV's in the house, the kids can
easily watch any of their recorded programs in their room - I can
control what channels they have access to, etc - all over the IP
network and a set top box.

I've also had the ability for years to schedule my recordings over the
internet, even live stream my tuner or recorded programs over the net,
although, really - unless you're a total junkie, there's little reason
for it.

It's perfect for my needs.   I don't see a huge need for indexing, dvd
storage (and the numerous problems the encryption causes), etc.But
as a networked DVR, it's awesome.   Random play of recorded video is
cool for the kids - they love selecting random shows to play at night
as they go to bed.

As for DVD's - if I play a DVD, I have full access to the menu
structure via MCE remote control.   You still do if you have the DVD
stored in DVD format on the HDD also --- a feature I've helped friends
with, but don't use myself.

FWIW, I don't use my video solution at all in the same manner as I do
my audio system.


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Re: [slim] Any new toys coming out from SD

2009-04-17 Thread 86atc250r

A receiver type device with built in amp (maybe offered in various
sizes) -- just hook to your traditional speakers and go.

Taking it a step further, maybe offer the DSP functionality of the
Boom, adjustable crossover freq's, sub out, etc.., settings tweakable
from squeezecenter.


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Re: [slim] Any new toys coming out from SD

2009-04-17 Thread 86atc250r

Neat -- I was unaware of that product.   Am I reading right that it
basically acts as an SBR  interfaces to Squeezecenter? I wonder if
it handles Rhapsody, Pandora, etc?


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Re: [slim] can a wired SB3 be upgraded to wireless?

2009-04-03 Thread 86atc250r

Are you sure you can upgrade the SB3 to wireless?

I have a wired only SB3  in searching on this forum I was lead to
believe by a fairly convincing post that the SB2 wired only units had
the mini-pci slot, but the SB3's did not.   

I've not opened mine up to find out since it's sitting next to a
WRT54GL that's a client bridge to another building anyways, but in the
future it might be nice to upgrade it if possible.


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Re: [slim] Help! A second hand Squeezebox v3

2009-04-01 Thread 86atc250r

 If these units are 'leaking' out of our factory with invalid MAC
 addresses then this is a very serious problem for us. :( 

That's what I was just thinking.

I have a friend that bought a Cisco Pix box on eBay a while back at a
good price.   Turns out, the factory in China was making some for
Cisco, and making some for themselves.

The one he got was a counterfeit  Cisco understandably wouldn't
allow him to purchase software for it.Seems like that may be an
issue that may become a bigger problem as time goes forward.


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Re: [slim] Radio stations gone - Please confirm

2009-03-23 Thread 86atc250r

Bummer - confirmed working in the USA.


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Re: [slim] Possible to sync new players (classic, boom) with ROKU soundbridges?

2009-02-19 Thread 86atc250r

What Dogberry said

Mine is also used daily by both myself and the wife.   No appreciable
problems - it just works, not sure what others problems are.


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Re: [slim] please help me pick a new router

2009-02-16 Thread 86atc250r

+1 for the WRT54GL.   As others mentioned, note the L at the end.

I have not experienced any packet throughput problems at all with mine.
I have logged 22mbps from wireless to wired devices (which is as good
as I've seen from any wireless-G gear), 90 some odd mbps wired to wired
across it's switch, and it handles my 8mbps internet connection via it's
router with numerous connected devices without any trouble.   I've also
installed dozens of these routers for customers, friends, and family
with no complaints.   

In fact, I have about six of these routers in a business VOIP
application that all connect to a central trixbox located in middle
America - with GL's and phones as far away as Canada and even one in
Hong Kong.   The routers are even establishing  maintaining an OpenVPN
connection to the trixbox prevent NAT issues with the VOIP.   This
system has been in place for about a year  I almost never have to work
on it - it just works.   Amazing for ~$50 hardware.

We also run a game server through another one of them with no trouble
-- this particular one is one of three covering an 8000 sq/ft house,
while also running VOIP and maintaining an OpenVPN session at all


I'd also suggest running the DD-WRT firmware.   I think this is an
important part of not only giving you the flexibility to do all sorts
of things, but to making the router rock solid reliable as far as
consumer level devices go.

The system has great reliability and I have no trouble what-so-ever out
of my network of squeezeboxen at home - they work well and reliably, no
complaints at all.


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Re: [slim] Love My Squeezebox! What's The Equivalent For Video?

2008-12-08 Thread 86atc250r

sgmlaw;366997 Wrote: 
 The MediaMVP running GBPVR costs next to nothing
 is FREE) and can play standard resolution video over LAN with no
 problems whatsoever.  With a decent tuner/capture card, you've got a
 solid PVR.  The trick is having a strong server system.  
 I run ours through a modulator into our TV distribution system.  With
 an RF remote kit (, we have
 a private HDD-based video library that you access and watch on every TV
 in the house over Ch 123.

I've been running GBPVR for 3 years now - excellent software  great
WAF.   The commercial skip abilities alone are worth the price of

We have two MVP's running MVPMC for distribution to other TVs in the
house (in fact, one of them is getting ready to be a client bridge off
a SB2 to see how well that works).

The MVP does great with SD playback - it's got a hardware MPEG2
decoder.  The menus with GBPVR are a touch laggy, but it's mostly
related to the server PC because w/GBPVR the menus are actually an MPEG
stream from the server.   For whoever was saying formats were a problem,
I believe GBPVR can transcode, but I've never done it, all my video is
either recorded or live TV from my hardware encoder.

There's a pretty active community of GBPVR users with Popcorn Hour
devices - may be worth checking out the forum if you're needing more
than the MVP will do.

I've heard that MythTV is a bear to get  keep working, even for
seasoned *nix guys - be aware of that if you decide to try that route.


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Re: [slim] Email support is not very impressive

2008-11-17 Thread 86atc250r

 *ouch* thats a bit harsh, if we are looking at the same thread he asked
 a question, had to bump it up as no one responded then somebody
 suggested something, he then replied to say that wasn't it, end of

Apparently we weren't looking at the same thread because the one I
currently see wasn't answered by two people, nor was it abandoned...  
Unfortunately, now I can't find the one I originally wrote that about. 
Maybe I was imagining it :)

 If Logitech offer e-mail support then they should reply to e-mails and
 not leave them hanging, users should not have to phone up to get the
 same level of service.

I don't disagree, but what should be and what is, are two different
things.   Poor email support is not uncommon  probably has numerous
reasons - from being inundated with spam, to incoherent questions from
people with no writing skills.

I pretty much expect poor email support and consider it a treat when I
get a fast and detailed response.  Phone support seems much more
productive most of the time, especially once you get past the 1st tier
script readers.


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Re: [slim] Email support is not very impressive

2008-11-12 Thread 86atc250r

Looks to me like you abandoned your previous thread.

You had two responses that you didn't bother to respond to.  You can't
just expect people to start crawling out of the woodwork with all sorts
of helpful suggestions when you don't bother to respond to those who did
at least try to offer up some help - regardless if their attempts at
assistance were helpful or not.

To get a dialog going on the forums, you have to be an active

If this issue is causing you so much grief that you are considering
uprooting your system and rolling the dice with another company's
higher priced  less flexible products, why not put forth the minimal
effort required to place a phone call to support before throwing in the
towel?Personally I've found email support and even serious sales
inquiries via email pretty sketchy from practically all companies these

FWIW, the one time I had an issue with my squeezebox, I called Logitech
support and was met with a friendly  helpful crew that got my issue
taken care of straight away.


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Re: [slim] Complete frustration

2008-11-07 Thread 86atc250r

Yikes!  Getting to the web interface shouldn't take weeks of tinkering
unless something's gone horribly wrong.

I've had great luck with the installer, personally - but we probably
need a little more info about your setup.  I literally had my first
setup playing music in a few minutes.

What OS, how old/fast/slow is the hardware?

Are you using the default skin?

What version of Squeezecenter are you using?

What kind of Squeezeboxen do you have plugged in?

Are you running firewall software on the computer running

What browser are you using? (please don't say mosiac or netscape 1.0)

What is your network setup?

More detail about the exact problem as well.

If you're dealing with music library items, you use the + graphic to
move things from the left to the right (and build a playlist of items).
If you want to play immediately, click the play icon.   Be sure the
correct player is selected in the dropdown on the top right.

If you've built a playlist with the + graphic, you can play the list by
clicking the play icon in the top right panel.


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Re: [slim] What an election.

2008-11-07 Thread 86atc250r

Wow, for the most part I'm pretty proud of those participating in this
thread, in many other boards I visit the discussion would have went
afoul much longer ago.

 So, when does George Bush go on trial? Weapons of mass destruction my

I love this argument - If Bush was as corrupt as many of you seem to
believe, we *WOULD* have found WMD's, doesn't take a genius to think
that one through.  Comparing his administration to Nazi Germany is as
ignorant as it is insulting for all of us on this side of the pond -
regardless of your politics.

So the guy got some bad info (maybe) - intelligence is never 100%
accurate and all you can do is follow what you feel in your gut  the
information you've been provided.   It's unfortunate we didn't find any
WMD's to shut everyone up, but the gist of it is that WE ARE doing good
things in Iraq, Saddam's regime was truly guilty of many crimes against
humanity, and most of the regular folk there do appreciate us - at
least according to the military personnel I've talked to that have been
there.  It's unfortunate that almost no one else had the nuts to go
over there with us and remove this dangerous person from a position of
power.I just personally hope we can get Iraq's security shored up
before we make a knee jerk reaction and pull out prematurely, further
destabilizing the region and giving an opportunity to other extremists
groups like the Taliban.

The other thing I have a problem with is people blaming the current
state of the economy on those awful republicans.   No offense to anyone
in particular but this discussion is so complex and long in the making
that assigning blame toward one side or the other is a sure sign you've
been brainwashed by your media or have limited capacity to process the
scope of the situation.

Personally I feel a lot of greed by various groups lead us to this.  
Firstly, there's only so much $5+/gallon diesel the US economy, as
powerful as it is/was can support.   I'm well aware many in the world
would find this a bargain, but we're a big country with large open
spaces and the need to do a LOT of transportation to support our
economy and citizens - the whole country practically runs on diesel in
one form or fashion.   Certainly a large part of the blame for this
quagmire falls right in the laps of those responsible - whoever you
believe that is.   Hopefully the end result of this is a lot more money
poured into developing alternative and cleaner energy sources, a lot
more quickly.

Another HUGE part of the problem were the lineant lending practices
that allowed a huge rush of unqualified people to purchase property
they absolutely could not afford in attempt to flip it and make a
mint in the process.  

This phenomenon lead to a huge inflation of real estate prices on both
the coasts (and to a lesser extent, the middle of the country) that
could absolutely not be sustained for any reasonable period of time.  

Combine this with skyrocketing energy costs (which affect the cost of
*EVERYTHING* else) and you have the perfect storm

Now - the reality is, as long as energy is available, and we have
natural resources (and use them wisely), the prices  economy will
correct themselves with time.  We've already seen it with oil returning
to the $60~70 range - it may not stay there but I bet it will be at
least a little while before we see it at $150/barrel again.

FWIW - it's going to be an interesting four years for sure.   As others
in this thread I congratulate Mr Obama on his victory  hope he does a
great job for us all as well as heals our relationship with the world
(which I believe was unduly tarnished by the media's extreme hatred
of Bush).   Three of my biggest concerns though are his experience -
it's one thing to make a good speech, it's quite another to make good
decisions.   Next, the amount of money he spent to get there - that
simply equals a *lot* of favors to a *lot* of people.  The other is his
current voting record making him one of the most (if not the most)
partisan liberals in the Senate.


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Re: [slim] What an election.

2008-11-07 Thread 86atc250r

You can believe what you like - take the pessimist view and believe
everything is motived by bad.

Sure, there is plenty of things that go afoul in other countries around
the world - but we can't fix 'em all - and some of them present more of
a direct threat (real or perceived) to us and our allies.   

Sometimes it's just bad to draw attention to yourself at the wrong time
- that's what Afghanistan  Iraq did.   Was it for financial purposes?  
Not as far as I can tell - we're certainly no better off financially for
doing it  stealing their oil as much of the world accused us of for a
time, certainly didn't help us when oil was $150/barrel.   Shouldn't we
have been swimming in the stuff  laughing at as the rest of the world
bought oil at a 400% premium or more?

Surely you can't be serious about this being simply an economic issue. 
Again, much like the economy this subject of the middle east is so
complex and has so many intricacies, it would be very difficult to
discuss it with any resemblance of intelligence without first hand
involvement for many years.   It's awfully easy to spout ancillary
accusations from afar, especially if they're being fed to you as


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Re: [slim] What an election.

2008-11-07 Thread 86atc250r

You can believe what you like - take the pessimist view and believe
everything is motived by bad.

Sure, there is plenty of things that go afoul in other countries around
the world - but we can't fix 'em all, especially practically alone - and
some of them present more of a direct threat (real or perceived) to us
and our allies.   

Sometimes it's just bad to draw attention to yourself at the wrong time
- that's what Afghanistan  Iraq did.   Was it for financial purposes?  
Not as far as I can tell - we're certainly no better off financially for
doing it  stealing their oil as much of the world accused us of for a
time, certainly didn't help us when oil was $150/barrel.   Shouldn't we
have been swimming in the stuff  laughing at as the rest of the world
bought oil at a 400% premium or more?

Surely you can't be serious about this being simply an economic issue. 
Again, much like the economy this subject is so complex it would be very
difficult to discuss it with any resemblance of intelligence without
first hand involvement for many years.   It's awfully easy to spout
ancillary accusations from afar, especially if they're being fed to you
as propaganda.


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Re: [slim] What an election.

2008-11-07 Thread 86atc250r

Certainly humanity wasn't the only issue - I wasn't presenting it that
way either - I just made mention that we HAVE done a lot of good there
 that many residents of Iraq are appreciative of our intervention.   
Should intervention be avoided if it may be perceived that there is
some financial benefit?   There better be a bunch as we've certainly
spent a bunch over there.

Personally, I believe the situation had much more to do with a
perceived threat to our country - certainly in Afghanistan's case - we
were attacked on our own soil by all means by those being harbored 
training there (unless you really believe those fictional videos that
somewhere along the line, got picked up by the conspiracy theory folks
and presented as reality).   Iraq was maybe more of a threat to our
allies, the stability of the region - and of course, a number of the
citizens that live there.   As mentioned before, I'm fairly certain
there is MUCH more to this than this lowly, hourly worker bee is aware
of - and I'm quite certain none of us will ever have a full big
picture of the situation.

I'm right there with you on the celebrity issue. :)


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread 86atc250r

My parents were building a new  large house.

Instead of running analog speaker cable all over the house and deal
with all the issues involved with that, I started searching google for
IP Audio Distribution.  I also slipped some synchronization keywords
here and there because they like to entertain  being able to sync the
music was a must.

I first ran across only a couple solutions.  Then I found the Sonos
stuff.  It looked cool but was a bit pricey  I didn't like the fact
that their high dollar remote had a fixed. non-replaceable battery.

After finding Sonos, I saw some people comparing their setup to a
device called the squeezebox, so I came over here to look around.   I
liked the open source flexibility - another big selling point for me was
I was able to demo the system for free and without obligation.

I downloaded softsqueeze to three laptops, set up a slim server on a
desktop and proceeded to sync them to an internet radio station.   
Very Cool!   I figured if it worked that well with a java software
client, running on wireless laptops, to an internet radio station no
less - the hardware should run great.

The only thing was that the LCD remote of the Sonos system was very
cool, however, the expense, the non replaceable battery, and the fact
that it was a closed system (meaning your hostage to how often they
decide to update  add features) held me back.

I bought my first squeezebox  shortly after that, I saw that a
controller was being worked on  in the beta stages, Excellent!

Now I have a Squeezebox, a Duet, a software player, and a Boom.   They
get used almost daily (in fact, I'm listening to Radio Paradise right

That all said, I still haven't talked my parents into populating their
new house with any audio devices


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Receiver and Controller now shipping!

2008-05-14 Thread 86atc250r

 SD's pricing on the Duet may be derived as a market position relative to
 Sonos technology, but $400 for that product seems wrong to this long
 time electronics consumer.

Considering it's only $100 more than a regular SB3, the price seems
pretty good for what you're getting.Considering it's substantially
less than it's nearest competitor, it seems even better.

With the receivers being available for $150 by themselves, it brings
populating the house with zones that don't necessarily need a display
of their own within reach of a much wider audience - and with the SBC,
you get a really slick way to control them.

The SBC really brings the system together  is a pretty slick piece of
technology that will only get better with time


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCentre XP SP3

2008-05-09 Thread 86atc250r

I've done several SP3 upgrades now with not a problem -- including the
box that runs squeezecenter :)


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