Re: [slim] New modified SqueezeAMP batch?

2022-11-11 Thread KeBul

philippe_44 wrote: 
> No that would not work. The boost is a different PCB with a voltage
> converter that "boosts" the input voltage to whatever is needed to
> charge batteries. What can be changed on every PCB (basic and boost), by
> swapping a few components, is the number of battery cells (2 or 3) it is
> supposed to work with. By default, basic is 2 cells and boost is 3
> cells. But basic does not boost input voltage an cannot acomodate any
> charger to charge batteries.

Ahhh, yeah my bad, mis-understood what the component swap did… thanks
for the clarification.


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Re: [slim] New modified SqueezeAMP batch?

2022-11-10 Thread KeBul

bengaldave wrote: 
> Display like this?


bengaldave wrote: 
> will we have options for boost or not? I assumed most people wanted no
> boost? 

Your initial interest/order will have been for basic or boost, I believe
you can change some components on a basic to bring it up to boost
specification - but these things are tiny as are some of the components,
so decent soldering skills with the right tools for smd soldering and
steady hand and heart would be required.

If I remember correctly when Philippe receives the batch he will contact
you to confirm your requirements and advise of payment details (was via
PayPal for both my batches), I guess if you wanted to change from basic
to boost you can ask at that stage if he has any boost available. Of
course Philippe would have to confirm this - I'm not officially speaking
on his behalf.

bengaldave wrote: 
> So something like this
> 5.5mmX2.5mm connector

Yeah, but that's a big ol' psu, I think this one would also be fine

bengaldave wrote: 
> @paul, did not realize that it also had ethernet, thats great

Philippe has added Ethernet support to the SqueezeESP project but the
hardware required is not included in SqueezeAMP builds at the moment as
that would change the form factor and require another re-design of the
layout. In this latest batch Philippe has managed to add the IR receiver
without making the unit any larger, so no need for re-design of cases.
That would not be the case if an ethernet socket was added.


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Re: [slim] New modified SqueezeAMP batch?

2022-11-10 Thread KeBul

bengaldave wrote: 
> Yes, since these will have nice acrylic cases (?) largest display that
> fits in case, just the 2 line display? Or color?
> Is there anything additionally we need to purchase?
> Power supply?

The SqueezeAMP Readme on github will answer a lot of questions...

The display that fits in the case is the SSD1306, 0.91" 128x32 pixels,
the readme has a link to an example and shows a picture of it installed
inside the case.

Power supply, yes you'll need one - again the readme outlines the
options for basic or boost with or without batteries etc, I run a basic
with display no batteries using a 12v 1.5A psu from an old router and it
seems fine, but I also have 2A and 3A variants available if I need them.
Connector specs are in the readme.


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Re: [slim] New modified SqueezeAMP batch?

2022-10-07 Thread KeBul

bengaldave wrote: 
> Question on airplay support. The description for squeezeamp shows
> support for airplay.
> There is also a LMS plugin, shairtunes, which works great! Thanks!
> The author of the plugin is the same person working on squeezeamp?
> Is there a difference of capabilities between the LMS plugin and the
> squeezeamp airplay support? 
> Would the same device show up twice on the iphone since there is an LMS
> airplay for that device and the squeezeamp advertising airplay also? 
> Thanks for the great work!

Functionality wise, I think they are the same, Airplay1 and support

I think both show up, I'm sure I've seen that previously... although
just fired up one of my SqueezeAMPs and the SqueezeAMP one isn't
showing, I don't use that feature so may have disabled it or it's not
working in the somewhat older version I'm running on that SqueezeAMP. 
There is a setting in the LMS Shairtunes plugin "Allow all
Squeezelite-based players" - needs to be ticked for SqueezeAMPs to be
offered as an Airplay device.


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Re: [slim] New modified SqueezeAMP batch?

2022-10-07 Thread KeBul

bengaldave wrote: 
> Also, the squeezeamp description states support 10 band equalizer. What
> is the use case and how does a user interact with the Squeezeamp to set
> equalizer settings? LMS does not have equalizer settings, or does it?

There is a plugin for LMS - SqueezeESP32, it enables an ESP32 settings
section in the player settings within LMS for any connected SqueezeESP32
based players and provides settings for attached displays and the 10
band equilizer.

bengaldave wrote: 
> Also, there are only audio outputs, there is no line in, correct? or is
> there? 

I don't believe there is a physical line in on SqueezeAMP.

bengaldave wrote: 
> The squeezebox radio has a line in, but I am not even sure how that
> works, how do you control of the audio on the squeezebox radio from LMS?
> How do you select audio in versus the digital?

The SB Radio switches automatically to line in when a cable is plugged
into the line in socket, this can can be overridden by selecting another
music source to play from either the radio menu or LMS. 
Whilst line in is active volume is controlled from the player controls
not from LMS
There is an Applet available to enable switching to line in on the Radio
itself and I think a plugin for LMS that allows switching from LMS CLI,
both written by community contributors on this forum, a search (Google*)
for Squeezebox Radio Line In should find them


* - Other web search engines are available :p

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Re: [slim] UK - Spare Touchs & SBs for sale

2022-01-31 Thread KeBul

gvh wrote: 
> Can't wait to type that wifi key 4 times using a remote

Gotta be a case for adding a temporary SSID with short and easy passcode
just for testing, if your wifi setup allows for additional SSID's


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Re: [slim] UK - Spare Touchs & SBs for sale

2022-01-31 Thread KeBul

gvh wrote: 
> Can't wait to type that wifi key 4 times using a remote

Gotta be a case for adding a temporary SSID with short and easy passcode
just for testing, if your wifi setup allows for additional SSID's


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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-10 Thread KeBul

mherger wrote: 
> I've added a change to 4.7.2 to simply ignore 49% volume for the time 
> being. Hopefully this will give us some slack until I've figured out 
> what's really going on...

Thanks, in place and running

This was produced by my usual method - playing through App and Connect,
on SB Touch change to playing local file, go back to Spotify App (which
is still connected to SB Touch) and click on mute, then click un-mute -
at that stage it tries to set the SB Touch to match the App volume...
which obviously in this case was 49 - no idea if that was a coincidence
I certainly didn't previously try and set the App volume to 49.
I'll continue to test around this scenario - got a few things I'd like
to check out.

Note: Debug logging in Spotty Plugin not set until after I had started
to play local music and my Spotify User has been *** out and players
Mac addresses changed.



[22-01-10 16:38:42.1566] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::
DaemonManager::initHelpers (90) Checking Spotty Connect helper
[22-01-10 16:38:42.1578] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::
DaemonManager::initHelpers (120) This is the sync group's master, or a
standalone player with Spotify Connect enabled: 00:04:20:££:££:££
[22-01-10 16:38:42.1589] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::
DaemonManager::initHelpers (120) This is the sync group's master, or a
standalone player with Spotify Connect enabled: 00:04:20:@@:@@:@@
[22-01-10 16:38:42.1599] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::
DaemonManager::initHelpers (120) This is the sync group's master, or a
standalone player with Spotify Connect enabled: 00:04:20:$$:$$:$$
[22-01-10 16:39:09.4612] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (368)
Got called from spotty helper for 00:04:20:££:££:££: volume
[22-01-10 16:39:09.4653] Plugins::Spotty::API::Token::get (202) Found
cached token:
[22-01-10 16:39:09.4660] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1336) Trying to
read from cache for me
[22-01-10 16:39:09.4671] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1339) Returning
cached data for me
[22-01-10 16:39:09.4704] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1340) do {
my $a = {
country => "GB",
display_name => "***",
explicit_content => {
filter_enabled => bless(do{\(my $o = 0)},
filter_locked  => 'fix',
external_urls => { spotify =>
"***"; },
followers => { href => undef, total => 0 },
href => "***";,
id => "***",
images => [],
product => "premium",
type => "user",
uri => "spotify:user:***",
$a->{explicit_content}{filter_locked} =
[22-01-10 16:39:10.7037] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (368)
Got called from spotty helper for 00:04:20:££:££:££: volume
[22-01-10 16:39:10.7078] Plugins::Spotty::API::Token::get (202) Found
cached token:
[22-01-10 16:39:10.7088] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1336) Trying to
read from cache for me
[22-01-10 16:39:10.7104] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1339) Returning
cached data for me
[22-01-10 16:39:10.7143] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1340) do {
my $a = {
country => "GB",
display_name => "***",
explicit_content => {
filter_enabled => bless(do{\(my $o = 0)},
filter_locked  => 'fix',
external_urls => { spotify =>
"***"; },
followers => { href => undef, total => 0 },
href => "***";,
id => "***",
images => [],
product => "premium",
type => "user",
uri => "spotify:user:***",
$a->{explicit_content}{filter_locked} =
[22-01-10 16:39:10.7161] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (385)
Ignoring volume reset to 49

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-07 Thread KeBul

slartibartfast wrote: 
> In my case the volume always jumps to 49 or 50% though. It never jumps
> to any other value.

Yeah sure, was aware of that it was 49% for the first two I had before I
tried to reproduce it, so far not been able to replicate un-asked for
jumps specifically to 49% or 50%, so there must be another factor.

Fully accept and already stated that this may not be the issue seen by
everyone, but thought it interesting enough to open discussion on it,
Michael seems pretty sure that only "connect" adjusts the volume and
this is certainly a method whereby connect is involved in changing
volume on a player not playing music through connect. 

Whilst we are on 49% or 50%, during testing I saw quite a few instances
of a 1% change in volume, logs showed the final value what was
requested/updated from spotify me cache, it happened enough for me to
notice, but decided not to confuse things further.

I asked for "thoughts?" on my post because my initial thoughts were that
the App to SB player "connect" should be cleared down if the SB player
starts to play from another source...
However, I've just tested against an Amazon Echo Dot, which behaves
similarly, once connected to the Dot from the Spotify App, if I pause
play on the Spotify App then the connect remains in place. If I then ask
Alexa to play something from Amazon Music again the connect remains in
place and changing the volume on the Spotify App changes the volume on
the Dot... But the big difference is... if I then change the volume on
the Dot itself then the volume on the Spotify App changes accordingly,
so the volume on App and device remains in sync if they are "connected"
even if I'm playing music on the Dot from another source. This doesn't
happen with LMS, once it is in that "connected but not playing from
Spotify" state LMS Web UI Player volume changes are not replicated in
the Spotify App.

That to me looks like one issue with the plugin/LMS/connect
implementation - allowing the volumes to change independently whilst a
connect session is in progress.

Also don't want to muddy the waters further but just seen a case where
by Spotify App volume is set roughly half way along slider, Touch volume
in LMS UI was set somewhere around 80, after connecting both sliders
remained in the same place, music was playing (but not sure of the
actual volume because my wife is watching the TV so has control of the
Soundbar) I increased the App volume and saw the LMS volume slider jump
back down to 62%, so it looks like the volumes didn't sync until I
changed the App volume.
Interestingly in the log files prior to change to 62% the current
connect state shows a volume_percent of 49 and prior to that there's a 
Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (377) Ignoring initial volume
reset right after daemon start 

Gonna have a break from it now and wait to see what Michael thinks.


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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-07 Thread KeBul

TomS wrote: 
> I believe I am seeing this issue with Spotty/Spotify Connect.  My kid
> uses the spotify app on her phone to kick off a playlist on her sb
> radio, and various other devices seem to jump to 49%.  :(


If your daughter sometimes connects her App to your other players then
this is exactly the scenario I can envisage with the "connect open to
player but not playing" scenario in my previous post...

She connects to say the kitchen player for a while, she finishes and
pauses play/closes App and heads out. You come along and select
something else to play on the kitchen player, so now you're listening to
a radio station on the kitchen player, but her Spotify account/App has
an open connect to that player.

She comes home heads to her bedroom and opens the app and causes a
volume change on the connected kitchen player before switching her App
"connect" to her bedroom player.

Any chance this could be happening?


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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-07 Thread KeBul

Wow, I've battered my setup with testing for over 10 hours now, trying
to reproduce the issue and I think I've made some sort of progress, I've
gone from rough memory, trying to replicate what I'd done when the
volume dropped to 49% to actively abusing the setup trying to break it.
(I used to be a software tester... ah!! those good old days!!) 

I've managed to get the volume to change seeming on it's "own", is as
Michael thought, initiating a connect and play from the Spotify App
which previously had a different volume level set and the volume change
was immediate on playing...

- So Touch volume = 85 
- Open Spotify App (on MacOS) and connect to Touch - Spotify App
  volume slider moves up to a higher level, Touch volume remains at 85%
- Reduce volume using slider in Spotify App, there's no % indication
  in the App but Touch volume level follows and drops to a lower level,
  in this test 44%
- In LMS Web UI switch to playing a local file - Touch volume remains
  at 44% local file plays, Spotify App playing is paused but connect
  remains "listening" to Touch player
- Increase Touch volume back to 85% in LMS Web UI
- Go back to Spotify App and click on play for the paused track - Play
  on Touch swaps from local file to Spotify track and volume on Touch
  drops back to 44%

This, from Michael's comments is probably expected behaviour, although
re-synching of volume does seem inconsistent depending how you initiate
the connection, sometimes Spotify App will change to LMS/player volume
setting, sometimes LMS/player volume will change to Spotify App volume.

However, I've also managed to get volume changes whilst playing outside
of Spotify Connect and that's from further testing around this concept
of getting Spotify App and LMS/Spotty out of sync, especially by direct
selecting a non-Spotify track or stream in LMS Web UI whilst a Spotify
Connect is still in progress (Step 4 above), in this state, play from
the Spotify App via connect is paused *but the connect remains in place*
and the volume of the player can still be changed from the App even
though it's not actually playing through the App... Obviously this may
not be everyone's issue - but I'm fairly sure I've managed to replicate
my volume change issue...

Being new to this Spotify thing and not being overly familiar with the
App or connect, but wanting to explore the integration with LMS, I first
tried to find Plant & Krauss Raise the Roof using search in LMS Web UI,
that didn't find anything, so I used the Spotify App on my Mac and
selected my SB Touch through the devices menu. After listening to that
album Spotify continued to queue up more tracks, I then tried the search
artist option in LMS Web UI managing to find the artist and browsed for
albums on Spotify, found the album I was after and played it.
This, as I've subsequently found out, pauses the play on the Spotify App
but leaves the player connected to the App. At some time whilst
listening to this second album I must have gone back to the Spotify App
(I may even have exited the App and then re-opened it later, the connect
but not playing state remains), and whilst in the App must have adjusted
the volume - which reduced the volume on the Touch, (mute in the App
doesn't mute the player but then un-mute will then change the volume of
the player to match the App volume). Bear in mind I was new to and
playing around in the App and probably wasn't aware of the significance
of the connected status.

Along similar lines, I tested whether this behaviour occurs with the IOS
App - having put the setup back into the connected but not playing state
on the MacOS App I then closed that App and opened the Spotify IOS App
on my iPhone - that also picked up the connected but not playing state,
in this case though one "innocuous" click on the volume down button on
the side of the phone saw the volume on the player drop to 23%. 

I have log files for these incidents, but would probably need to notate
to indicate what I did where in the log file, but I think it's easily
reproduced following the steps above and having a little play around.



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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-05 Thread KeBul

I've just taken up a Spotify Premium offer, so have been using Spotty
v4.7.1 for 5 days.

I have three players sync'd and the same three players selected for use
with Spotify Connect in the Plugin settings.

On my first ever listen to tracks from Spotify I only had one of those
players turned on and streaming from Spotify, The volume of that player
is always set to 85 (SB Touch), it's hooked to the aux input of my TV
soundbar and actual listening volume is controlled by Harmony Remote
activity configured to alter the soundbar volume. Within 4 tracks of
listening (can't precisely say) the volume suddenly dropped away... the
Touch volume had dropped to 49, at first I thought I'd brushed the
volume slider on the web UI, set it back to 85 and continued listening.

Next time I listened to Spotify, same scenario, just listening to the
Touch and again within a few tracks the volume on the Touch dropped to
49 - this time I ddin't even have the web ui open so knew it wasn't an
accidental swipe this time... 

The Touch has been connected to the soundbar for 8 years and the in
conjunction with the Harmony remote for the last 4 years and the volume
on the Touch has never changed from 85 before.

The other two players SB radio and Boom have also been used but so far
their volume has not changed yet.

I regularly browse these forums and saw this thread had jumped back up
the top, read it and realised it's what I've started to see since I
started using Spotify and Spotty.

I've tried to reproduce the issue but annoyingly no luck so far, I got
the impression that both times it was several tracks in after search for
an Artist or Album and then selecting an album to play. I've now set
Spotty logging to info - will report back with log files if it happens


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Re: [slim] LMS 7.9.0 not recognizing my players in Windows 10

2021-09-15 Thread KeBul

jeffstake wrote: 
> I cannot see a list like that which appears at the upper right of your
> screen.
> Am I on the wrong page?
> best
> jeff

Yes, you are on LMS Settings, try 



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Re: [slim] Outside speakers wireless fed by lms and sync possible?

2021-09-14 Thread KeBul

KeBul wrote: 
> As for syncing, I remember testing syncing on my sister's SqueezeAMP
> before I fitted in place, but I would guess that was using wired
> speakers. Can't say for sure if I've ever tested how reliably you can
> sync players when bluetooth is involved, but if the bluetooth delay is
> reliable/fairly constant then you should be able to adjust the player
> audio delay to match in LMS
> Kev

I've just setup a SqueezeAMP bluetoothed to my headphones and was able
to sync that with a SB Touch, needed 25ms of Player Audio Delay on the
SqueezeAMP and seems to be holding out fine. Quite impressive really,
the Touch is hardwired to the network, obviously the SqueezeAMP is
wireless to the network and then wireless again to the headphones - I
love my SqueezeBox stuff!!! :o

I'll continue to test over the next few days see if the delay through
bluetooth remains the same.


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Re: [slim] Outside speakers wireless fed by lms and sync possible?

2021-09-11 Thread KeBul

There are a few options available to you. Some already outlined.

It all depends on how much you like to play and also whether you have
decent wifi signal outside.

If you've got decent wifi outside then quite simply a SB Radio with
battery... still available to purchase second hand, with or without
battery, batteries can also be purchased.
This is how my sister gets her sounds out further into her garden, I'd
already fitted a wifi access point to improve the reception at the rear
of their house and so far it's providing a good enough signal that she
can un-plug her kitchen SB Radio and take it out into the garden with
She also has a SqueezeAmp that feeds wired speakers out to their patio
seating area, the SqueezeAmp lives on top of her kitchen cabinets, the
speakers are mounted on the external side of the wall with wires going
straight through the external wall. I went down this route for her
because it's very reliable, the bluetooth option from the SqueezeAMP can
be a bit more fiddly and less reliable. Unfortunately SqueezeAMPs have
sold out so not really an option unless you are prepared to build one
yourself or maybe buy an A1S (see below)

Bluetooth speaker options... this is what I use, but it's a tinkerer's
world, I have a SqueezeESP32 based setup (AI Thinker A1S Audio developer
board at £13) and a £20 (on offer) Anker Bluetooth speaker. The A1S has
SqueezeESP32 loaded and is configured to connect to my Anker speaker.
The A1S lives inside my workshop and I can get decent and pretty
reliable bluetooth signal up to about 50 feet away.
I could also use a SqueezeAMP for this, but for me the A1S is not quite
as precious as one of my SqueezeAMPs and also has the advantage that it
can be powered by a USB power socket. (It also lives, rather stylishly I
think, in an old plastic oxo cube box re-purposed with a push to
play/pause and volume control knob fitted), I mean c'mon who else has a
player called SqueezeOXO :D
I previously mentioned this being fiddly and unreliable... fiddly in
that you have to power on the speaker, wait a minute and then power on
the A1S and then leave for a minute or so before playing... for me if
you try and do it all too quickly then it will invariably either not
connect, connect but not play or connect and play but broken up play.
Once in one of these states you have to turn off both devices and wait
for the player to disappear from LMS, then power up again with patience
On very rare occasions after listening for a few hours it just stops
playing and you have to power off player and speaker and start again.

I believe, but have not tried it, you can also use a Raspberry Pi and
pCP Squeezelite setup to connect to and play through bluetooth

And then you have Bluetooth transmitters/receivers, feed the wired audio
output from your duet receiver into one of these and bluetooth connect
the transmitter/receiver to a speaker.

As for syncing, I remember testing syncing on my sister's SqueezeAMP
before I fitted in place, but I would guess that was using wired
speakers. Can't say for sure if I've ever test how reliably you can sync
players when Bluetooth is involved, but if the bluetooth delay is
reliable/fairly constant then you should be able to adjust the player
audio delay to match in LMS


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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-10 Thread KeBul

slartibartfast wrote: 
> So was the original issue just that you didn't know the IP address of
> the Pi and connecting the monitor allowed you to find it? If so looking
> at devices connected to your router or using a phone app like Fing would
> also have allowed you to find it. I thought that was suggested earlier
> but maybe not.

Yeah it was suggested, but to be fair to the OP (and others in this sort
of situation) lots of people try and help and it can be something of a
bombardment of ideas tips and things to try - effectively becoming an
information overload for someone who is already struggling.

But better to get a bit too much help than none - and as ever this forum
is full of very knowledgeable and helpful souls.

Glad the OP has moved onto the second part of his adventure.. Roll on
Squeezelite with a Topping and LMS!!!


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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-09 Thread KeBul

Well if you're feeling a touch more masochistic, then you could always
try and configure up the RPi/pCP for wifi... not as an final solution
but just to see if you can get further into the process.

Instructions here:

If you do decide to have a play with this - then use a "code" text
editor such as Notepad++ on Windows or BBEdit on Mac OS, when you edit
your wpa_supplicant.conf file.

The in-built text editors (Windows Notepad or Mac OS TextEdit) can put
some weird characters and formatting into your file that you can't see
but will mess up your attempts to configure your wifi SSID and passcode
preventing a successful connection.


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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-06 Thread KeBul

slartibartfast wrote: 
> With the Pi4 you need a micro HDMI adaptor so it isn't quite so easy.

Ah yeah! good point, had no issues setting up my 2 RPi 4s with pCP
headless, so never got near needing to hook them up to a monitor. 

Done it many times on my 2 and 3 versions though.

in these instances Amazon Prime would be your friend at £4 for a cable
or adapter and next day delivery.

Apologies to AC48 for not remembering that. 


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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-06 Thread KeBul

As I suspected lots of good help being offered,

So far it looks like you're on the correct path, you've imaged - your
directory listing looks OK, so now it's either booted up OK and you
can't find its IP address in your router or it's not booting up
properly/or able to join your network. So

I'd agree with the consensus, get a screen onto your RPi so you can see
what's it's actually doing when powered up.

For me, without a PC monitor available, I use my TV - easy to pull the
HDMI cable out from the back of my cable box or Blu-Ray player and plug
that into the RPi HDMI port, power on the TV change it's input to the
correct HDMI port and then power up the RPi.

>From me one other thing to try in the meantime... on your Mac in the App
store search for an app called LanScan, it's free, get that and once
installed run it and do a scan of your network (button above Start
LanScan) with your RPI connected to your router and powered up.

If you RPi is out there in the correct address range then it will show
with Raspberry Pi trading Ltd (or foundation) as a vendor, if it's there
then LanScan will show its IP Address, which you can use in your web
browser to access pCP configuration pages.

But as others have said - try and get a monitor of some kind connected
to it, once it's booting properly and you know it's IP Address you can
carry on configuration using the pCP web user interface.


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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-03 Thread KeBul

Obviously you can get bombarded with information in such instances as

First of all the Pi needs to be connected to your network by being
connected (wired) to a network port on your router, *not* directly wired
to your PC.

But as Kidstypike has queried, let's try and determine you have
correctly imaged your micro sd card with pCP.

To do this you'll need an additional program...

For Windows you can use:

- Balena Etcher for Windows
- Win32Diskimager
- Raspberry Pi Imager

On Mac:

- Balena Etcher for Mac OS
- ApplePiBaker
- Raspberry Pi Imager 

The premise is you use one of those utilities, specify the card you want
your image to be written to (your micro SD card), specify the image file
(your downloaded and unzipped picoreplayer.img file and then the utility
will format the card, create all the necessary partitions, unpack and
copy the files and make the card bootable.

On windows you may need to run the utility as administrator (right mouse
click the icon and select "run as administrator" from the context menu)

On mac OS the utility may ask you for an admin password.

Once that is successful you can place the card in your RPi, connect the
RPi to your router and power it up, leave it for a few minutes to allow
it to boot and then look for its IP address in your router.


PS apologies on my previous posts - missing that you wanted to use pCP
as a player as well as LMS, in that case you can skip the bits about
turning off Squeezelite and disabling Squeezelite autostart. I'l leave
setting up your Topping on pCP to others - I'm not familiar with that

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-03 Thread KeBul

Other important things with pCP configuration...

You'll see in the web interface a lot of settings have a "Save" button
either beneath the setting or at the bottom of a section of settings.

Remember I mentioned pCP is running in a virtual disk created during
boot, changes to configuration are made in that virtual disk and need to
be written back out to the boot image or they will be lost next time pCP
is booted and the virtual disk is recreated...

So the mantra is... make a change - save, make a change save...

On the Main page there is also a "Backup" button, this will save all
changes back to the boot image - so a "catch all" save for any changes

You'll also go through a few reboots to pick up some changes, pCP will
prompt for those.

As kidstypike said, go into Beta mode (along the bottom of the main
page) this will show you all available config options and will be
required for things like setting static IP address.
Then you'll be working along the menus below the "Squeeze Audio Device"
banner on the Main page.
(Main Page, Squeezelite Settings, Wifi settings, Tweaks and LMS)


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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-03 Thread KeBul

OK, in addition to Greg's links to the documentation and kidstypike's
good simple run through...

First of all, relax and enjoy the learning experience, you say you want
to get it right, but it's so quick and easy to start from scratch...
getting anything wrong will just be a good lesson. It takes me less than
an hour to complete my full setup from scratch (including full scan of
local music library, installation of plugins on LMS and configuring all
of my 7 Players).

I've seen some of your other threads and I'll start by trying to clarify
a few things, piCorePlayer is a small distribution based on Tiny Core
Linux, originally created as a Squeezelite Squeezebox player that boots
into and runs from a virtual disk created ram in the RPi, meaning the
software based on the SD card is only used during boot to "create" your
Squeezelite player. The pCP team have subsequently improved and expanded
its capabilities way beyond just a Squeezelite player... LMS, Bluetooth,
Shairtunes, Jivelite, Samba, USB storage support, comprehensive web
based configuration and probably more, LMS particularly has altered the
original philosophy in that it does write back to the the original SD
card and unlike a pure Squeezelite setup it should not just be powered
off (stop LMS before pCP shutdown, reboot or RPi power off).

Squeezelite - Player (A later project for you!)
Jivelite - Controller (Not needed for you, but allows your RPi/pCP with
a screen added to become a controller)
LMS - Server

So onto your specific needs, from what I have gleaned from your other
posts is all you need to start with is an LMS server... using the RPi
and pCP as a player can be done later if required, if you are
referencing the official documentation... it is biased towards pCP being
a player, don't get lost in that, all you need is pCP imaged and running
on your RPi on the same network as your laptop and you accessing pCP via
a web browser to configure it for your needs for now, i.e. LMS

Ideally as an LMS server the RPi should be connected to your network by
ethernet, i.e. cabled not wifi.

To specifically answer the questions you've asked in this post:

Micro SD Card size - anything from 8Gb upwards is plenty, bit you'll
probably struggle to get one that small these days!
LMS Controller - once LMS is running you can control it and any players
using your Duet Controller, smart phone, tablet, laptop web interface
and more.
Setting up using your laptop - all you need is a Micro SD card with a
fresh image of pCP, PSU for RPi, network connection for RPi and a
browser on your laptop

Kidstypike has given you a good outline, a couple of additions to his

In pCP downloads:
use *PiCorePlayer 7.0.0 - Standard Version* for older RPis or 4B with
2Gb memory
use *PiCorePlayer 7.0.0 - 64 bit Kernel* if your RPi is a 4B with 4Gb of

After download of pCP image - unzip it... it is the .img file you need
to burn to your micro SD card

Here's my edited checklist of tasks for an LMS only build, I've removed
tasks irrelevant to you to keep it clearer and LMS Plugins you'll have
to decide which ones you need:

PC work prior to RPi boot:

- Initial image to card
>From web browser after RPi boot:

- Stop squeezelite
- Disable squeezelite autostart
- Fixed IP Address
- PcP updates: full, minor and patch
- Name
- Timezone
- Turn off  wifi
- Turn off hdmi
- Add time update line to Cron
- Resize file system
- Install additional file systems
- Change pCP password 
and onto LMS

- Install LMS
- Login to mysqueezebox
- Configure each player settings
- add LMS plugins:

- Powersave
- Material
- Shairtunes
- BBC Sounds
- Play Windows Media
- Group players
- LastMix
- Global Player
- RadioNet

Obviously if you're stuck on any task, just come back here and ask for
more details.

Hope this helps


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Re: [slim] ASUS ZenWifi AX (XT8) firmware upgrade disconnects my squeezeboxes

2021-06-23 Thread KeBul

There's quite a few threads discussing wifi issues in the Squeezebox
Radio forum, some similar to your issue of running the older SB hardware
on new wifi 6 mesh type routers.

Have a quick read through those - if I remember correctly there are
posts which indicate specific features to turn off to re-establish
reliable wireless connections on Squeezebox players.


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Re: [slim] OT - variables in CD ripping speed

2021-04-30 Thread KeBul

I use EAC for ripping and that has an indication of when it is doing
error corrections for each track it is reading, in general most tracks
fly through with no errors, some have a few and some fill up the
indicator box completely taking quite some time to do so.
It still reports 100% accurate rip in the summary at the end, so the
error correction mechanism apparently works.

Only one it actually couldn't do, on inspection when held up to the
light, you could see the hole in the disc, no doubt caused by the
printing on the disc.

So I would venture quality of pits and style of construction
specifically whether the label is printed on the foil I'm sure I
remember that being an issue with early failure of some retail CDs


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Classic (SB3) Repair Considerations

2020-12-19 Thread KeBul

Beast Of Bodmin wrote: 
> Maybe it's time to throw in the towel for my SB3?
> I tried to resurrect it today.
> The WiFi card died many years ago.
> It fell into disuse after the WiFi died, because my apartment didn't
> have ethernet cables in the walls to where cable modem was. Now my main
> cable modem is less than a metre away.
> I can't do a factory reset, because it won't respond to the remote
> control. I think the remote works because if I point my mobile phone's
> camera at the remote and press buttons, I see a light.
> How involved is checking and then replacing the IR diode?

With respect to the above quoted issues... 
First make sure you have removed the failed wifi card even if ethernet
port is configured for use a failed wifi card can cause problems

and second, for the remote receiver issues, try a new PSU, it's fairly
common for a failing PSU to cause issues with the IR receiver (actually
seen this myself with my SB Touch).

Then, if a new PSU resolves the IR issue, then it would be worth
plugging the wifi card back in and see if that bursts back into life
with the new PSU.


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Re: [slim] SD card unreadable after power cut

2020-11-28 Thread KeBul

Hi Jouteur,

When you say you can't connect to Pi after a power fail... is that
connect to LMS on the Pi? or piCorePlayer on the Pi?

If it's piCorePlayer then I'd suspect your card, but you could try
stopping LMS and shutting down piCorePlayer and then power cycle to see
if it survives that, if not then I'd definitely be looking at trying a
different card.

If it's just LMS that stops working, then it's not unusual for LMS
database and cache to get corrupted by a power fail, my sister's setup
suffers from this because she has a whole house RCD mains protector that
trips rather too keenly. In her case we can normally get back in via ssh
and pCP web interface to delete the Db and cache files and start again
without re-flashing the card.

I can't say for sure, but I think I've seen somewhere on the forum that
having a USB thumb drive on the Pi with LMS cache and Db files moved
onto it is more reliable, perhaps because it's an external drive the
data gets written out to the usb stick rather than cached in memory.


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Re: [slim] Transporter for sale

2020-09-11 Thread KeBul

pkfox wrote: 
> Hi Paul what is nx100

n = number

x = multiply

100 GBP = £100

So hundreds of pounds, for example if n=4 then £400 


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Re: [slim] Help reviving SB3 needed

2020-02-13 Thread KeBul

Here's a link to a thread discussing common SB3 hardware issues.

Failing capacitors certainly seems worth looking at, no experience on
SB3's but I've fixed many failed devices suffering from capacitor
failure very cheaply.

Good luck


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Re: [slim] Alarm toggle

2019-09-20 Thread KeBul

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Can anyone having this issue check the status of the alarm in the web
> interface after turning the alarm off using the power button?

If you mean in Settings/Player/Alarm Clock then these settings are not
changed, after my weekly test when I checked the alarm settings they
were exactly the same as I had initially set, I think the OP has also
stated this as well and implies it by saying they have to toggle the
alarm (turn off, turn on) to get it to work again and as I stated in a
previous post when our main bedroom SBRadio is on from an alarm we we
turn it off using the power button pretty much every weekday and it has
never changed the alarm setting in the web interface or caused the alarm
to fail the following day.


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Re: [slim] Alarm toggle

2019-09-20 Thread KeBul

slartibartfast wrote: 
> How did you turn off the alarm? Using the Rotary knob or the Power
> button?

Well can't say for sure, I did it a few weeks ago, but most likely the
power button.

Our normal daily alarm is always turned off by either the power button
or by letting it run its course set by Alarm Timeout (in minutes), never
by the main control knob, I've never seen this issue before and my wife
gets up for work every weekday woken by that alarm.

So the differences between OP's alarm use and mine is once a week rather
than daily and we use a favourite with a radio station stored in it as
the alarm sound rather than one of the pre-selectable alarm sounds.

I'll do some more testing... I've changed my test "Friday only" alarm to
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with Brainfluid as the sound and will turn
it off by power button each time to see if it fails.

I can set it back to weekly on Sunday before I go away for the week 


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Re: [slim] Alarm toggle

2019-09-20 Thread KeBul

Apologies for not getting back sooner, kept forgetting to check and
testing a once a week event takes... well, a week!

Having set one of my Radios to alarm the same as yours (liquefy)... one
day a week, brainfluid sound, repeat alarm.

I can confirm the behaviour you are seeing...

When initially configured the radio displays the alarm bell icon and
comes on at the correct time, the following week no visual display and
no alarm.

Only thing I've realised may have affected it the Radio was sync'd to an
SB Touch, so I've removed the sync, away again next week though, so next
update will be in 2 weeks time if I remember :o


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Re: [slim] Alarm toggle

2019-08-28 Thread KeBul


I've used the alarm function for many years and not seen the issue you
are having, but if I'm understanding your use case it's slightly
different to mine. 

We tend to use two alarm configs, one for weekday, MTWTF and a second
for weekend SS, sometimes the second is used for an earlier alarm time
on a weekday as well, I also play a radio station, but from your
screenshot you have one alarm day a week, Wednesday and play an alarm

I've configured another one of my radios to alarm just on Friday, using
Brainfluid sound, (can't use Wednesday because I'm away for the next two
Wednesdays) and If no progress has been made here I'll report back on
the behaviour I see.

The alarm bell symbol on the player display seems to come on about 23
hours 53 minutes before the next alarm event.

I also switch off the alarm using the power button, so that shouldn't be
the issue.

Just for further troubleshooting information, you mention you've used
many versions of LMS, how have you upgraded over the years? 
Have you had any fresh builds and setup/configured from scratch?
What platform?



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Re: [slim] Synchronize players: worked fine, now constant hiccups

2019-01-03 Thread KeBul

Man in a van wrote: 
> Required raspberry pi voltage is a tad over 5volts

But he's running a Hifiberry AMP2 which requires 12-24v PSU (the
Hifiberry AMP2 supplies the 5v power required by the RPI itself).

Hifiberry recommend a minimum of 3A for an AMP2, I wonder if you are
right on the limit of 3A with your setup.

Doesn't really make sense with some of your symptoms, (why would this be
affected by the addition of a new zero base player), but I can see some
of your symptoms occurring if you start to run out of power/current.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Radio alternative?

2018-12-08 Thread KeBul

What about a

Squeezebox Radio

Easy to find second user variants on a certain online auction site.


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Re: [slim] (4) Squeezebox radios for sale

2018-12-08 Thread KeBul

Would be useful if you told us where you are in the world.


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Re: [slim] From PC to NAS

2018-11-03 Thread KeBul

As others have replied, Raspberry Pi is a good option, you can either
install from scratch as it were with Raspian/Debian and download and
install all the necessary packages manually or use pre-prepared packages
from Max2Play or PiCorePlayer, both of these are easy to get up and
running and well supported by their authoring teams.

For QNAP NAS's Digimaster's (forum user) excellent work on his
QLogitechMediaServer QPKG has breathed a new lease of life into easily
running LMS on that platform, but only working on Intel x86 and x86_64
processors at the moment, he's hoping to expand that to Arm processors
soon, There's threads here and on the QNAP Community forum about his

I currently use an RPI 2B with Max2Play and it's very stable and not too
bad for speed, local music files are stored on a QNAP.
I'm also testing QLogitechMediaServer and I have to say it's quick,
although perhaps it should be it's running on a 4 core 2Ghz Intel
Celeron processor with 16Mb of RAM available.

Some nice choices out there at the moment - RPi, QNAP and Synology -
times are good!

To try and answer some of your other questions...

I use Mediamonkey, MP3Tag and MP3Gain to maintain my library of music, a
master copy is kept on my PC and then it is copied up to the NAS. Of
course these days I'm only adding the odd album, so I prep that by
checking tags, album art and applying track gain on the PC, then I copy
the folder for that album up to the NAS, pretty standard file structure
of Music/Artist/Album.

Updates to LMS - never run LMS on a PC or Synology so not sure exactly
what mechanisms for updates they utilise, On a Pi, I think if using
raspbian/debian on a manual install you can just use wget to download
and install the latest package, I think it's the same for PiCorePlayer
(details on the help pages at Max2play offer an
upgrade/install LMS, with a drop down to specify which version, from
their Web based management screen plus the ability to specify a
downloaded file (so you can download the latest version for Debian from
the Squeeze downloads page and then tell Max2Play to upgrade using that
QLogitechMediaServer, I think downloads and updates to the latest
version everytime it starts, you can change that behaviour though in the
config files.



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Re: [slim] What are your long-term SqueezeBox solutions?

2018-03-17 Thread KeBul

drmatt wrote: 
> I also found the squeezebox build on Joggler wasn't so stable for long
> term playback. My touch will stream iPlayer live radio for days and days
> without hiccup, but the touch would regularly fail and require a power
> cycle (same if it was streaming local media tbh). I suspected the audio
> driver. Maybe that's just mine, don't know. Gave up with it. Raspberry
> Pi is the future for all things, imho. LMS need not die.
> -Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

Assume drmatt actually means "but the Joggler would regularly fail" and
I would agree with this from my experiences, I found the Joggler touch
screen to often be difficult and on one running SqueezeOS at my sister's
had far more failures and hassle with it than I would have liked, many
reboots required and lost network connections. Finally it crashed and
failed to reboot into SqueezeOS, no doubt a re-flash required.

During the same period (and for many years previously), not one issue
with my SB Touch, so I bit the bullet and upgraded her Joggler to a
Touch and we've not looked back, plus the Touch is fully functional with
our Harmony remotes using a "Squeeze me baby" activity which turns on
the Touch, TV soundbar and sets the correct input on the soundbar.

For me Jogglers just weren't quite good enough to remain in mainstream
use but are good for playtime and one did a sterling job for a couple of
years, booting into Android so I could run a Dementia Day Clock App for
my mother.


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Re: [slim] What are your long-term SqueezeBox solutions?

2018-03-15 Thread KeBul

drmatt wrote: 
> Buy plenty of spares..


I've been picking up spare players from eBay for a couple of years now,
I look after my system of 3 Radios, 1 Boom and 1 Touch and my sister's
setup with 2 Radios and a Touch. 

At the moment we both only listen to either our own collection of ripped
music or radio, no paid music streaming services yet so will happily
continue with LMS, my sister has an Amazon Alexa and we were looking
forward to trying the voice control of LMS by HaB-Tunes but sadly that
seems on hold at the moment. If I ever go to a paid service then at the
moment it would be Spotify so I can continue with LMS and Spotty, but
maybe in the long term that will lead to a simpler setup with no
maintenance probably one of the smart speakers.

For spares I currently have 4 working Radios, a Touch, 2 SB3 Classics, a
Duet and a brand new in-box Boom plus two failed Radios that when I feel
the need I will make one good one out of the two, I also have new
replacement screen for a Radio should we get another Radio screen
failure (had two so far and one of the broken spares I picked up from
eBay is a failed screen).

Server wise I have switched from QNAP based to RPI based, for me not
quite as reliable, but easier to maintain especially with all the latest
plugins, if Digimaster's QLogitechMediaServer ever gets fully up and
running with Shairtunes as well as all the good stuff he's already
managed so far then I will look at switching back to a QNAP for LMS as
my 4 core NAS is considerably faster than the RPI.


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Re: [slim] downloading files from LMS

2018-01-30 Thread KeBul


No worries, it can be difficult to respond to all the requests for
further info and ideas for troubleshooting when receiving help on
forums, of course it's a good thing that many want to help out, the
ongoing community support here is great.

Glad you are sorted


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Re: [slim] downloading files from LMS

2018-01-30 Thread KeBul

Ok so I'll try one more time...

Have you used LMS to drill down to a working track and find the path
that LMS is using? 

Likewise you could do the same for a non-working track and compare the
two paths to see the difference (or not).

To me this is crucial - if LMS can see the working files then you need
to find out where LMS is looking.


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Re: [slim] downloading files from LMS

2018-01-24 Thread KeBul

In LMS if you drill down through your library to an individual track, in
the left hand pane, you should get a location for that track, this may
provide you with a clue as to the whereabouts of the good working

Also on my system If I right click on the location I get the option to
download the linked file, (also a Linux mount point to a share on a NAS)
which works for me. Might be time consuming but if no better methods
appear at least you might be able to get your rare mp3's safely off the

Good lesson learnt here, regarding backups... even a couple of 2.5"
external USB hard drives won't break the bank and would give you two
separate copies to recover from.

Good luck 


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Re: [slim] Sqeezebox pushbutton remove?

2018-01-06 Thread KeBul


The knobs are coated with a thin layer of rubber paint and this can
deteriorate and become sticky, so it may not be kitchen grease residue.

Anyway, just pull the knobs straight out from the radio to get them off,
they are just a friction fit on the spindles.

Good luck with the clean up.


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Re: [slim] Original Squeezebox song storage options?

2015-05-20 Thread KeBul

I've just swapped to this setup... Cost £52 for a Raspberry Pi 2, 8gb
MicroSD card, PSU and case.

SqueezePlug/Max2Play is a headless setup, configure up your micro SD
card with the Max2Play software on it on your PC, put the card into you
Raspberry Pi and power up. Wait 20 minutes and then you've have a web
interface to access max2Play and configure your new Logitech Media

Depending on the size of your music collection, you can either get a big
enough micro SD card to store your music as well as the OS/Server or
purchase a large usb flash drive and put your music on that and plug it
into the Raspberry Pi.

Low cost, Low power consumption, Always on and very quick.

Start reading here,

and no doubt there's plenty more info on these forums... as well as help
if you need it.


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Re: [slim] Can't get a reset password email

2015-04-21 Thread KeBul

But now fixed - woohoo, been trying to post for a couple of weeks!

Thanks to whoever sorted it.


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