Re: [slim] Classic FM HD Audio?

2019-05-01 Thread Owen Smith

Did anyone get anywhere with LMS playing Classic FM HD? I have now found
someone that claims to have worked out the magic urls, but they change
with time. If I knew anything about writing perl and LMS plugins I'd
look at it myself. Anyway his blog entry is below, but you have to ask
for the url details he hasn't posted them.

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Re: [slim] Classic FM HD Audio?

2016-10-27 Thread Owen Smith

There's an HD on/off slider in the app on my iPad.

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Re: [slim] Classic FM HD Audio?

2016-10-26 Thread Owen Smith

Julf wrote: 
> Any idea what they actually mean by "HD"?

No. I can't find anything on the Classic FM website or elsewhere as to
what they actually mean.

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Re: [slim] Classic FM HD Audio?

2016-10-26 Thread Owen Smith

Well I'm listening to Classic FM HD with the iPad app on my Air2, but I
can't really say it sounds any better. But then I'm listening on the
Air2's builtin speakers which sound pretty rubbish anyway.

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[slim] Classic FM HD Audio?

2016-10-26 Thread Owen Smith

My Classic FM iOS App updated today. It claims to support new HD audio.
I can't find anything on their web site that says what this actually is.
But anyway, is there a way to play this with LMS?

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Re: [slim] Chromecast Audio ideal for Squeezebox replacement hardware?

2015-12-27 Thread Owen Smith

davidlymburner wrote: 
> I've got the same symptoms as Slimfast. I can see the Chromecast Bridge
> plugin and I can check it, but I can't get the plugin to activate. I'm
> using the Windows LMS downloaded from

Which version number of LMS for Windows? There are many.

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Re: [slim] Chromecast Audio ideal for Squeezebox replacement hardware?

2015-12-12 Thread Owen Smith

ftlight wrote: 
> My wife and I flew Concorde between NY and London the first year it was
> in service (1978), when there was some doubt as to whether it would be
> allowed to use JFK on a regular basis because of noise concerns. We
> could only afford to do it one-way, and came back standby on a 747.
> We still have a pair of Concorde insignia wine glasses and a set of
> Royal Doulton salt and pepper shakers, taken with the permission of the
> cabin steward, although he did say "You lot will be stripping the entire
> plane next.".

I flew on Concorde during the summer of the last year in service,
everyone was taking pictures next to the cabin data display when it
reached Mach 2.00. People were nicking everything that wasn't nailed
down, including the emergency information sheet (which it is an offence
to remove, so I didn't).

I flew back on a 747 Economy Plus, couldn't afford both ways on
Concorde. I stayed a few days in New York, simply because that was where
Concorde flew to.

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Re: [slim] Chromecast Audio ideal for Squeezebox replacement hardware?

2015-12-12 Thread Owen Smith

Julf wrote: 
> Ah, I have only experienced the original interior.

They had to refit them, the extra weight of the fuel tank liners added
after the Paris accident had to be won back somewhere. They did it by
refitting the interior, apparently the new seats were a lot lighter than
the old ones.

But this is way off topic.

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Re: [slim] Chromecast Audio ideal for Squeezebox replacement hardware?

2015-12-12 Thread Owen Smith

Julf wrote: 
> Few people realize how cramped it was.

Despite that I found the Concorde seats by far the most comfortable
airline seats I have ever sat in. They actually fitted the human back,
which others appear not to. I have a bad back and am sensitive to this
sort of thing. This was a BA Concorde with the Jasper Conran designed
seats after the last refit while they were out of service following the
Paris accident. The entire experience was wonderful, including the food
so I know decent food on a flight is possible. And the wines,
champagnes, brandies, well, I just wish I could have drunk more. The
only downside was the post 911 plastic cutlery, the Concorde badged
cutlery was only featured in pictures in the menu.

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Re: [slim] Chromecast Audio ideal for Squeezebox replacement hardware?

2015-12-12 Thread Owen Smith

Julf wrote: 
> Ah yes, absolute classics! Can't see the ISO coming up with anything to
> compete. :)

Showing it's age now given it refers to Concorde Class (a great loss, I
flew Concorde London to JFK once, sigh).

And whoever posted that X.400 lost out due to Internet mail is entirely
correct. I was also part of this history, I spent 8 years of my life
writing X.400 mail software for two different companies. For several
years the entire EU Commission used one of them, and then they replaced
it with Microsoft Exchange (which ironically uses X.400 internally, but
tries hard to be Internet-ish mail om the edges).

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Re: [slim] Chromecast Audio ideal for Squeezebox replacement hardware?

2015-12-11 Thread Owen Smith

bpa wrote: 
> I agree with you totally on the practicality but just trying to answer
> questions people ask.  Why are 192KHz DAC made in the first place ?

Because DACs do upsampling internally, which in turn makes the post DAC
filtering (which used to be done in analogue) much simpler. The hardware
has to filter out all frequencies above half the sample rate to avoid
aliasing noise, if the DAC is done at 44.1 or 48 KHz then this needs to
be a very sharp edged filter (which is hard to make) to both block the
unwanted noise while not losing audible frequencies. If the DAC
upsamples internally, then the noise that needs to be filtered out has
doubled in frequency but the audio you are trying not to lose has not,
so suddenly the filter can be both much simpler (and cheaper) and also
higher quality since it has a much simpler job to do. So far so good,
but then someone decided if the DAC can upsample internally it can also
be fed that high a sample rate from outside, then marketing got hold of
the idea without understanding sampling theory (hence all those
fictitious stair step pictures of DAC outputs) and we find ourselves
where we are now.

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Re: [slim] Chromecast Audio ideal for Squeezebox replacement hardware?

2015-12-11 Thread Owen Smith

bpa wrote: 
> First, I've done no test to see if 192kHz can play.
> Second, is the output hardware stage of the CCA up to the job - this is
> a cheap device so I wouldn't be surprised if the difference between
> 96kHz and 192kHz couldn't actually be heard with the CCA output. The
> unasked and better question is whether the digital outptu support
> 192kHz.

According to sampling theory, you'd need a dog or a bat's hearing to
hear the difference between 96 and 192KHz sampling rate since only
frequencies above 48KHz benefit from greater than 96KHz sampling. 48KHz
is already more than twice what humans with the best hearing can hear,
why would we need more than that? And if you don't agree with sampling
theory, that's a problem because it's development lead to digital audio
(and not the other way round).

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Re: [slim] Chromecast Audio ideal for Squeezebox replacement hardware?

2015-11-09 Thread Owen Smith

PasTim wrote: 
> I meant 'receive', but no matter, it's the wireless that bothers me, not
> the direction.
> It's clearly obvious to others why an extra bit of hardware is needed
> over and above the hardware (phone/tablet/laptop) that one already has
> to have to make CCA work but that can with little effort do the same job
> as the CCA.  It's just baffling to me. 
> So please people don't waste your time responding to me any more on this
> topic.

Because with your solution you have to connect the phone/tablet/laptop
directly to the hifi or speakers in the kitchen etc. to be able to play
music. With the chromecast the phone/tablet/latptop tells the chromecast
to play the music, it then gets on with it while you continue to use
your phone without connecting it to a dock.

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Re: [slim] Chromecast Audio ideal for Squeezebox replacement hardware?

2015-11-07 Thread Owen Smith

I would simply want to use a Chromecast Audio as a squeezebox player.
The casting means nothing to me, not interested. But if I could use
SqueezeToUPNP to a Chromecast Audio the same as I would with a UPNP
device to play audio as if it were a SqueezeBox, then it might be useful
to me.

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Re: [slim] Chromecast Audio ideal for Squeezebox replacement hardware?

2015-11-07 Thread Owen Smith

PasTim wrote: 
> I'm being really slow here, but what would you plug it in to, and why? 
> I'm having a total failure to see any point.
> If it's a PC/laptop I can use squeezelite.  If it's an android or apple
> device there are other players around.
> So can someone give me an example of when it would be useful?

In my hifi rack if my SqueezeBox Receiver dies. My current one is tucked
behind my TV out of sight.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2015-01-31 Thread Owen Smith

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Michael, if John or Greg has not already asked you to do this, and you
> are reading this, please, please, lock this thread.

John Swenson has edited his original post and removed the section asking
for no posts here and for the thread to be closed. I therefore see no
reason to close it. Also if a different version appear without the
apparently toxic name "Community Squeeze" attached to it, I'd like to
hear about it in this thread since I am subscribed to it. A link to a
new thread for a new version would be sufficient, but it gets the
attention of thread subscribers. Locking the thread prevents that kind
of thing.

Why are you so keen for threads to be locked and all discussion stifled?

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2015-01-31 Thread Owen Smith

skip_pack wrote: 
> It would seem that the most provocative characteristic of these
> revelations is the name -Community Squeeze-. I would hope a path whose
> goals are consonant with those associated with that dreaded name will
> become apparent.
> Skip

In which case why wasn't that said in the first posting about there
being a problem?

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2015-01-30 Thread Owen Smith

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> Due to legal issues that I was not aware of, this project is hereby
> terminated. Please do not make any more posts on this thread. Please do
> not ask any questions on this thread. 
> I'm sorry to all of you that have been interested in this for quite some
> time, but this must cease now.
> John S.

I for one want to know what all these legal issues are. Because having
spoken to a lawyer friend and described the situation as it is publicly
known on these threads, he can't see what the so called legal issue is.

I'm sorry, but I just don't believe this. Hence I am asking questions on
this thread, since the previous chap who gave up on CSOS for the same
so-called reasons wouldn't reply.

You are doing yourselves no favours by not explaining what the alleged
legal issues are.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2014-07-11 Thread Owen Smith

Dogberry2 wrote: 
> That's odd. They should sync perfectly. I have a variety of devices all
> over the house (2 Receivers, 2 Radios, 2 Touches, 3 Booms), all
> connected via WiFi, and I routinely have at least 4 or 5 playing in sync
> (and at times have had all 9), sometimes for several hours, with no
> glitches. On weekends there are often two Receivers, a Touch, Radio and
> Boom all playing in sync all day. If yours were cabled and still didn't
> sync, I wonder if there might be a hardware problem, rather than
> something with the software.

With just a Receiver and Boom sync'd, cabled ethernet from the same
switch, I got several glitches per minute. It was unusable. I posted
logs, turned up server logging levels on request and posted more logs
etc. Never got any significant insight so I gave up. I could also never
get SqueezePlay on my laptop to reliably sync with either the Receiver
or the Boom.

Instead I just run a Receiver into my hifi. Then to multi room the hifi
I bought two pairs of Dynaudio Xeo 3 wireless speakers, one pair for the
kitchen and one pair fo my study. Damned expensive for what they do, but
worth ever penny. The sound quality is more than I could ever have
expected, especially given the speaker positions. And now I can multi
room sync FM radio or the TV if I want to.

All I'm looking for from a SqueezeBox replacement is something like the
Receiver ie. converts ethernet to SPDIF, but can handle up to 24/96
native without needing resamplng in LMS. If it could handle multi
channel up to 5.1 FLACs that would be a bonus, but I'd need it as 5.1
analogue outputs (no HDMI audio in my AV amp) so that seems unlikely.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2014-07-11 Thread Owen Smith

Antoniop wrote: 
> What do you mean by "abandoned the Squeezebox lineup" ? They still have
> the UE smart radio.

UE Smart Radio is not a SqueezeBox, at least not as sold. And even if it
were, that's hardly a complete product lineup all on its own is it?
Frankly, something like the SqueezeBox 3 is a more complete product.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2014-07-11 Thread Owen Smith

JJZolx wrote: 
> How well are the Squeezebox clones built on consumer ARM-based boards
> doing sync these days?

I could never get a Boom and a Receiver to sync reliably. I gave up
trying after a couple of years of messing about with no significant
improvement. Even feeding them both with cabled ethernet from the same
network switch didn't help.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2014-06-09 Thread Owen Smith

SamS wrote: 
> Has anyone thought about using an Intel fanless NUC as a software
> player?
> A bit more expensive than a Raspberry Pi solution, but maybe not
> extraordinarily so?  And I'm thinking it would be more flexible, and
> maybe easier to troubleshoot?

That looks far more like a server to me, it's highly capable of running

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2014-06-05 Thread Owen Smith

Gadgety1 wrote: 
> Could you supply a reference for that claim?

Personal experience of JTAG pin jigs at work. They have spring loaded
pins with either sharp points or rounded ends that make contact with
flat PCB pads. All gold plated. They make good contact initially, but if
I leave one assembled on the jig after a few months the debugger stops
working. I have to slacken the mounting pillars and move the connections
about to get a clean contact. If they're really bad I have to clean then
with alcohol.

I note that the Wolfson fitting instructions say you should clean the
PCB holes with alcohol to get a good connection. My first thought was
"and how long before that needs doing again?".

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Re: [slim] Yet another thread on replacing squeezebox devices

2014-06-04 Thread Owen Smith

If I had a DLNA renderer in my amp I would be trying this out, it seems
like a great idea to me. I agree with not creating more hardware boxes
if none are needed.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2014-06-01 Thread Owen Smith

And the HiFiBerry solders the P5 connectore pins onto the Pi. Much
better. The sprung pins connection on the Wolfson board is virtually
gauranteed to give poor connections in a couple of years time.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2014-05-10 Thread Owen Smith

I am interested in this project but will be waiting until I can buy a
complete finished item from a single source. I believe that means I'm
waiting for version 2.

I currently use a Duet Receiver on cabled ethernet behind the TV
connected to my AV amp. This project sounds like a similar headless
player with no user interface so it sounds an ideal replacement. It will
be nice to be able to play 24/96 without downsampling, the Receiver
needs these downsampling by the server (which I run on a WHS v1 box).

Good luck with the project, I hope there is much life left in the
SqueezeBox system.

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Re: [slim] [Announce] iPeng 7, the iOS 7 Squeezebox App for iPhone and iPad

2014-03-18 Thread Owen Smith

garym wrote: 
> Aha. that explains it.And also explains why going back to same artist,
> album listing is much faster. I use recent 7.8 but haven't done a clear
> and rescan in a long while. I'll have to try that too.  I don't know if
> it had any effect that I am using ipeng7 on two different servers (two
> different locations) and it seems to be slower when I move to the
> current server after being on the old one.  And one server was 7.7.2
> until recently (and not 7.8).  Now both are same version of 7.8.

This is where my nightly full clear and rescan wins, I never have to
sort out this kind of thing.

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Re: [slim] [Announce] iPeng 7, the iOS 7 Squeezebox App for iPhone and iPad

2014-01-13 Thread Owen Smith

Mnyb wrote: 
> We where discussing ratings 5 or 10/half star both would work for me .
> But whats really lacking (and why I not rate much ) is the ability to
> rate a whole album at the time .
> I dont have the time or OCD to always have an opinion on each and every
> song :)

I agree completely. I'd want to rate albums if I could find the time to
do ratings at all.

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Re: [slim] [Announce] iPeng 7, the iOS 7 Squeezebox App for iPhone and iPad

2014-01-12 Thread Owen Smith

I've pretty much stopped updating any apps. Most are now doing a new iOS
7 styled UI, and in the process making the text too small for me to
read. I've downgraded GoodReader to the previous version and avoided a
couple of other upgrades having seen them on other people's iPads. I'm
happy with how iPeng HD works so I can't see why I'd risk iPeng 7,
though at least it's a new app and the old one is still there.
Downgrading apps can be a painful process, since the only way is to
delete them, re-install the old version and then re-enter all your
configuration by hand. I just can't risk app upgrades any more, I don't
have the time to do all the downgrades when I find the text is
unreadably small.

What is it with iOS 7 apps and text so small only teenagers with perfect
vision can read it? I dread to think what happens on iPad Mini, it's bad
enough on a full sized iPad 3.

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Re: [slim] Logitech Media Server 7.7.3 released

2014-01-01 Thread Owen Smith

markmanner wrote: 
> The 7.7.2 version installed automatically from the 'packages' feature on
> the Synology Diskstation, and seems to require a .spk file to update.  I
> tried the update path via the Synology packages, and it won't
> accept/recognize the LMS 7.7.3 downloads from the website. I am new to
> NAS units, so maybe there is  way to just install LMS on it and avoid
> the Synology packages route?

It sounds to me like Synology did something to provide the 7.7.2 .spk
file. There is no such file in the Logitech 7.7.2 downloads directory:

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Re: [slim] Logitech Media Server 7.7.3 released

2014-01-01 Thread Owen Smith

markmanner wrote: 
> Hi, is there a way to get a version of 7.7.3 for my Synololgy Disk
> Station NAS to use to upgrade LMS from 7.7.2?
> Thanks
> Mark

The 7.7.3 release on the web site appeared to have exactly the same list
of platforms and binaries as 7.7.2 so whatever you did to install 7.7.2
should just work for 7.7.3. Binaries can be found on the normal download

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Re: [slim] Logitech Media Server 7.7.3 released

2013-12-24 Thread Owen Smith

w3wilkes wrote: 
> Yes it's true that the code for Net::UDAP is beta at best. That being
> said I had a problem once with one of my Duet receivers where using the
> controller I was unable to connect to the server regardless of what I
> tried. I then used Net::UDAP to configure my LMS server IP into the
> receiver and fixed the problem. I will always keep a copy and use it as
> a last resort. There is a Windows compiled version that doesn't require
> a separate Pearl install that is nice for those of us that have a
> Windows machine to use. It can be found here;

Thanks, I've saved a copy of that compiled Net::UDAP.

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Re: [slim] Logitech Media Server 7.7.3 released

2013-12-24 Thread Owen Smith

Last time I looked at Net::UDAP, even the author admitted it was alpha
quality software. I found it very awkward to use, and needed Perl
installing on my laptop if I remember correctly. Now that I have several
working Controllers, I have uninstalled Perl and Net::UDAP.

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Re: [slim] Logitech Media Server 7.7.3 released

2013-10-05 Thread Owen Smith

GeeJay wrote: 
> Thanks for the upgrade, Michael. I have been running 7.7.3 on OSX for
> the past month, and it boots and runs flawlessly!

After my initial problems with BBC iPlayer disappearing and re-appearing
(twice), 7.7.3 is working fine for me too. It's great to have a database
that doesn't keep growing endlessly.

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Re: [slim] Logitech Media Server 7.7.3 released

2013-09-10 Thread Owen Smith

garym wrote: 
> all available here:

I always have copies of all the release files for the LMS release I'm
currently running and one or two previous stable ones. So even if the
plug is pulled on the downloads server, I have what I need.

7.7.3 claims to fix the thing that took me months to track down on my
WHS v1 box, the ever growing cache files. Now I just have to get round
to installing 7.7.3.

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Re: [slim] Squeezeboxes up for grabs

2012-10-09 Thread Owen Smith

realcodeguy wrote: 
> Glad to hear it arrived in good shape, i know you'll enjoy it.  
> Don't forget that the Duet is still available. email me at
> to make an offer.
> Thanks

I'd make you an offer on the Duet but I'm in the UK.

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Re: [slim] 2 years and counting

2011-10-23 Thread Owen Smith

garym;664911 Wrote: 
> Sonos does a very good job with its products and its marketing as far as
> I can tell, but it is too limiting for me.  Sorta the apple of networked
> music players. And don't get me wrong, I love my apple stuff for certain
> uses

It's just a shame that Sonos is going from strength to strength and yet
in the same market Squeezebox is struggling and the beginnings of the
end are in sight. I blame the bugs and complexity, there's no way I'd
recommend a Squeezebox to my parents its simply too unreliable.

Owen Smith
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Re: [slim] 2 years and counting

2011-10-22 Thread Owen Smith

maggior;664672 Wrote: 
> If they do drop squeezeboxes, I guess I should take solice in the fact
> that I can drive 2 miles to my local Target and buy a Sonos system.
> :-(.

But the Sonos only supports 44.1/16 tracks, there is no support for hi
def files. I have quite a lot of 48/24 and some 96/24, this was the
original reason I chose Squeezebox instead of Sonos. I'm now seriously
into Triode's excellent BBC iPlayer plugin for the Squeezebox, I have
no idea if anything similar exists on Sonos for iPlayer Listen Again.

Owen Smith
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Re: [slim] BBC Radio 3 HD outside UK

2011-05-15 Thread Owen Smith

Triode;630473 Wrote: 
> I've not tried this stream outside the uk, but bear in mind that the aac
> over http streams are considered experiemental by the BBC at present.

I have friends who remember when all the BBC radio streams were OGG
over http and it worked great. Then someone at the BBC got infected by
Flash and everything has become more difficult since.

Owen Smith
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Re: [slim] Original SB Graphic HELP!

2010-02-05 Thread Roy Owen

The SDT I can live with out Live 365 I cannot as I am a paying
subscriber.  And this USED to be the offical support forum!

Roy Owen

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Re: [slim] Original SB Graphic HELP!

2010-02-05 Thread Roy Owen

This place has gone down hill since I first purchased my SB's 2003.  I
even added the extra info requested and no one has even said boo.  As I
stated previously the SB's that I have DO NOT/ Cannot connect to the
Squeeze Network and Live 365 has disappeared as on option in my Server
Software.  Sadly I must pull the plug on over $500 worth of electronics
because I can no longer receive technical support.  So long Squeeze Box
it was fun while it lasted.

Roy Owen

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Re: [slim] Original SB Graphic HELP!

2010-01-14 Thread Roy Owen

First of all the SB are the original SB with the graphic display. They
do not sync/connect with  I am fairly certain that I'm
running Squeeze center 7.3. I do not see any way to connect with Live365
from inside of squeeze center, it has vanished.

Roy Owen

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[slim] Original SB Graphic HELP!

2010-01-14 Thread Roy Owen

Last night both of my SB's began having the same problem.  Super Date
Time stopped displaying the temperature and Live365 is nolonger
available in my menus.  I do not have the latest slim server software,
as it caused a similar problem about 2 months ago.  What's up? Do I need
to replace my SB's?

Roy Owen

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Re: [slim] new radio -- are these known issues?

2009-12-11 Thread Owen Emry
dblack wrote:
> How do you plan to get firmware/software updates with no internet
> access?

My other squeezebox devices take their firmware updates from the server on the 
network (which is updated once in a great while), not over the internet.

The device should not, in general, be so buggy as to require frequent firmware 
updates.  If it is, then I will put it in the box and send it back.  The reason 
for my inquiry was to find out if it is known to have shipped before it was 
done and is therefore still a work in progress.  I'm willing to wait a bit for 
it to settle down and stabilize.

> My radio had the problem with the burst of noise when the alarm
> went off when I first got it, but it no longer does that...I presume it
> was fixed with a firmware/software update.

What firmware version does yours show?  Mine took an update immediately on 
first powerup, but since it did have internet access at the time, I'm not sure 
where it came from.  It claims to have "7.4.1-r7915" installed now.

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[slim] new radio -- are these known issues?

2009-12-11 Thread Owen Emry
Just took delivery of three radios, took one out of the box, and noticed the 

- The radio tries hard to make me create a account, which I 
don't plan to do, since these will get used on a LAN with no internet access 

- After switching tracks, I often get very noisy (scratchy) skipping for 
several seconds.  (All I'm trying to do is play my own music collection from 
SBS running on a linux machine -- these tracks play fine on my SB3.  You guys 
do still test the Vorbis decoder, right?)

- When an alarm goes off, I get a loud, jarring ~250msec blast of sound 
(perhaps a buffer emptying?) before the audio silences AND THEN fades in.

- The LCD doesn't seem to display Japanese/Chinese fonts at all.

Are these known issues, and is the radio still a work in progress?  The FAQ 
doesn't seem to cover any of the above -- just basic stuff like walking you 
through the install process.  I'm seriously considering returning them if this 
is par for release quality software.

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Re: [slim] Japanese fonts

2009-12-05 Thread Owen Emry
andyg wrote:
> Non-ASCII chars are handled by creating a bitmapped version of the
> character from a font file.  So at smaller font sizes these can look a
> bit weird I guess as less pixels are available to render the character.
> I have some Japanese tags and they look fine to me.  Maybe you can take
> a picture and show what you mean?

I managed to reproduce my original problem while experimenting with SoftSqueeze 
and SBS on Windows.  Something is simply wrong with the font rendering/scaling. 
 The graphics must be provided by the server (?) because the problem follows 
the server, not the player.  Reinstalling the server eventually seems to make 
the problem go away.

Here are screenshots of a SoftSqueeze "Transporter" displaying the same artist 
(Yoshimura Yumi, FWIW) correctly (connected to SBS 7.4.2 on Ubuntu) and 
incorrectly (connected to SBS 7.4.1 on Windows).

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[slim] softsqueeze hangs at the end of tracks

2009-12-05 Thread Owen Emry
Hello, and apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.

I'm using SoftSqueeze 3.8 (on WinXP) with server 7.4.x (on Ubuntu) and have 
found that playback often hangs at the end of tracks.

I see lots of options in the debug log but don't know what red flags to look 
for among the reams of data.  Any assistance with further debugging would be 
greatly appreciated.

What I know so far:

- the player switches to "stop" at the end of certain tracks instead of 
advancing to the next track
- roughly 1/3 of my tracks cause this behavior (all of my library is stored in 
Vorbis (.ogg) files
- any given track either hangs with 100% reproducibility, or works correctly 
100% of the time (i.e. the hang depends entirely on the track)
- the files are not corrupt, were ripped recently, encoded with mainline 
oggenc, and decode just fine on my (real) SB3
- the hang behavior is the same regardless of whether the SoftSqueeze is 
connected via LAN, tunneled over SSH built-in, tunneled over a Putty SSH 
connection, or connected through a VPN tunnel (i.e. I don't think network 
problems are involved)
- I tried the Windows server (7.4.1) with the same result, so I don't believe 
it's a server problem.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Re: [slim] Japanese fonts

2009-11-25 Thread Owen Emry
andyg wrote:
> Non-ASCII chars are handled by creating a bitmapped version of the
> character from a font file.  So at smaller font sizes these can look a
> bit weird I guess as less pixels are available to render the character.
> I have some Japanese tags and they look fine to me.  Maybe you can take
> a picture and show what you mean?

Alas, I am now unable to reproduce it.

I regressed all the way back to nightly build 7.4.2~29410 (SB3 firmware 130) 
and the Japanese fonts still look good.  My wife confirms they weren't working 
before -- so I'm not definitely crazy.  :-)


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Re: [slim] Japanese fonts

2009-11-25 Thread Owen Emry
andyg wrote:
> Non-ASCII chars are handled by creating a bitmapped version of the
> character from a font file.  So at smaller font sizes these can look a
> bit weird I guess as less pixels are available to render the character.

No, it's not that.  They really are borked.  To me it looks like when a 
smoothly-aliased grayscale font has been forced to a 2bpp rendering.  (The 
glyphs show up as mostly black, with vestiges of the strokes.)

> I have some Japanese tags and they look fine to me.  Maybe you can take
> a picture and show what you mean?

I fixed it by reverting to servers 7.2.1 and 7.3.4 (which installed SB3 
firmwares 113 and 127, respectively).

Still closing in on the version that broke it, but it definitely was broken 
with server 7.4.2 and firmware 130.  I will post a photograph when I manage to 
break it again.


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Re: [slim] Japanese fonts

2009-11-25 Thread Owen Emry
I can confirm that Japanese fonts aren't displaying correctly on my SB3 
(firmware 130).  The tags are correct (UTF-8) and they look great in the server 
(7.4.2 on Ubuntu) but on the SB3 display they show up looking badly aliased.  

To me, it looks like they were transferred as graphics and poorly resized on 
the fly.  They're almost legible with the largest font size, but anything 
smaller shows up as mostly black.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-08-11 Thread Owen

davidcotton Wrote: 
> Try pming Paul/ultra on here.  Cooltopia/Progressive were in the middle
> of moving warehouse this week, so that may be why you arn't getting a
> responce!

Thanks David, I found an email for Paul, received a reply within
minutes and after speaking to him and the TS-101 is going back for him
to check over. The sort of quality service I think we have come to
expect. Will post the outcome in any case. Thanks for all the help I've
received on the forum.



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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-08-11 Thread Owen

tektite Wrote: 
> I may be wrong, but I seem to remember some people reporting problems
> using fixed IP addresses.  If you want to always have the same
> addresses, it may be best to use DHCP but reserve the relevant IP
> address for each device.  That way, the IP addresses is allocated by
> DHCP but is always the same one.

Chees. Tried the DHCP at my office where we have a SB1 instead of a
SB3. Did the same thing - recognised that there was a SlimServer
running on the NAS box but when I connected to it in the final step
"Problem, lost connection..."

Tried CoolTopia/ProgressiveAV but it just rings out.

Any more thoughts? Getting dissillusioned with TS-101 now. How do you
replace the SlimServer software on it?


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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-08-09 Thread Owen

Hi Nick

To my knowledge you can't block ports in Safari. Given that this TS-101
SlimServer/Squeezebox were working fine before an update I don't think
that blcked ports are the answer. Cheers though. Owen


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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-08-08 Thread Owen

Thanks for your replies... well, I updated the firmware by updating and
running a 6.3.1 SlimServer on my Mac, linking the SB3 to it and hey
presto back to FW55.

Went back to the list of apparently running/detected SlimServers and
the TS-101 based "SLIMSERVER-01" was still there. Tried connecting to
it and the SB3 screen just goes black.

Had a go entering the TS-101 admin screen (no problem) and then changed
it from 6000 to 9000 and I was back to "Safari can’t open the page
“”. The error was: “lost network connection”

So far, no joy. How can you check if a SlimServer is running correctly
on a TS-101? It was pre-installed at Progressive AV so I don't even
know how to re-install the software or if that would help. Over the
last few days this kit has been restarted more times than I care to
consider so that particular avenue is also closed in this case.


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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-08-07 Thread Owen

Not an answer I'm afraid but a further question.

Now I don't seem to be able to get the SlimServer to start.

I'm running 6.3.1 on a QNAP TS -101 with a SB3. They are currently
ethernetted into an ADSL/router to avoid the complication of Ethernet
bridge and Wireless. All IP addresses are fixed and reserved. I have no
trouble accessing SqueezeNetwork. I have reset the TS-101.

I cannot get the Squeezebox Web interface up on my Mac on either the
default address ( or 

I can reach the TS-101 through it's admin interface I know the box is
working but cannot check if the SlimServer is functioning correctly. 

When I go through the Squeezebox setup it brings up the correct Device
name at step 4 (SLIMSERVER-01) but then once selected all I get is
"Connecting to SlimServer..."

If I leave it a while and power down and up again, it hangs on "Waking
up SlimServer..."

Many hours and permutations later I need help! (and wished I hadn't
touched it when it was working fine - if a little slow)

Cheers, Owen.


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Re: [slim] Re: Switch on and off my server with the SB

2005-12-09 Thread Roy Owen
Don't forget that the OS and the page file will also consume a large
amount of HD space.  For Windows XP I like to use a minimum of
10GB for the system partition (C:\), due to all the junk that Windows
places in C:\Documents And Settings\.  If you have
the physical resources use 2 physical disks one for the system and one
for programs and data.On 12/9/05, Toby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, I've read this, but I have some more space on my harddisc than myRAM has. It don't has to be the same space, but minimum the RAM space.
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Re: [slim] Re: Accessing SlimServer prior to login

2005-12-09 Thread Roy Owen
Now we see the flaws inherent in Windows... <> Unfortunately there are no easy fixes for this
situation.  As a professional Windows developer I run into this *A
LOT* especially in a corporate network.   In Windows
the  System  account does not  have access to the
network, although a service that logs in as a named user can access the
network it must be done using UNC conventions and not maped
drives.  However you should still be able to access the port 9000
web interface.  Double check the user password on the
service.  You may need to setup an account for the Slimserver
service and assign it to the Local Administrators group or create
a  Slimserver role and give it permissions to run as a service.On 12/9/05, aix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:It's set up run using my account, not LocalSystem. This is to enable it
to access network shares that LocalSystem has no access to.There are no firewalls (software or otherwise) between SlimServer  andthe machine I am accessing it from.--aix
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Re: [slim] Locked out of server

2005-12-07 Thread Roy Owen
Oops my bad.  That's the way it works for the plugin to lock the player/server settingsOn 12/7/05, Roy Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:What version of SlimServer?  It used to work by restarting the Service(Windows) or stopping and starting the daemon(Linux).
On 12/7/05, dfk <

[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:If you password protect the server and get locked out, how do you get
back in?Thanks--dfkdfk's Profile:
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Re: [slim] Locked out of server

2005-12-07 Thread Roy Owen
What version of SlimServer?  It used to work by restarting the Service(Windows) or stopping and starting the daemon(Linux).On 12/7/05, dfk <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:If you password protect the server and get locked out, how do you get
back in?Thanks--dfkdfk's Profile:
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Re: [slim] Re: Did The Boys At Slim Do A Bad Thing By Being So Customer Friendly?

2005-12-06 Thread Roy Owen
Check out
it even comes with free (as in beer) and OS software.  On 12/6/05, Maditude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:snarlydwarf wrote:> I wanna get one of those weather station things so I have
> -real- conditions, not just what things are like at the> airport... I'm Not At The Airport!   Of course, that's after I> figure out what I'm doing with 'home automation' stuff and how to> work the SB into that...
I think it's time for an intervention here, snarly's going over thedeep end of nerd-dom.(Just kidding ya, snarly, couldn't resist -- I've had the exact samethought)  ;-)--Maditude
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Re: [slim] Re: Powered speaker hum

2005-11-16 Thread Roy Owen
On 11/16/05, Alex Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wednesday 16 November 2005 12:57, max.spicer wrote:> Alex Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes Wrote:> > does this occur only when both speakers are connected to the squeeze> > box?>> I'm not sure.  I'll experiment tonight.
>> > Also, how are the speakers powered?  Is there a separate supply for each> >> > speaker or are they daisy-chained together in some way?>> The left speaker is daisy-chained from the right speaker.  The right
> speaker has a input from a separate power supply.Is the speaker power supply earthed?Alex
Good point.  You might try using a 3 prong adapter or ground
lift.  I've seen this problem many times at live music
events.  Usulally it happens when the mixer is at a differnt
ground ponential than the instruments.  Using a ground lift almost
always solves thsi problem.
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Re: [slim] Re: wake-on lan for squeezebox 1

2005-11-14 Thread Roy Owen
I think there must be major differences here between Mac and Windows.What about Linux?
is a hardware thing not necessarily an OS thing.  If the machine
is powered down then it MUST reboot to load the OS.  However, if
the machine is in a hibernation state then the hibernation file can be
scraped off of the HD and system state is restored.  Caution is
advised however if you powerdown a machine, some machines (HP/Compaq
for one) have a pwere off state in which the PC is truely off and
cannot be waked by magic packets.-- Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.
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Re: [slim] Re: Phones that don't interfere with wireless networking

2005-11-11 Thread Roy Owen
I have a Uniden 2.4 GHz phone and no problems with my WiFi
network.  The Network is set to CH6 (Only CH that the Netgear 105
MB boost works with), I will refrain from comment on my Netgear WiFi
Router though.  I also have no problems with the microwave
however, it is circa 1986.  As with all things YMMV.On 11/10/05, PhilNYC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:If you have a 2.4Ghz phone, I've found that setting your wireless
network to use Channel 10 or 11 eliminates any interference problemsbetween phone and network.(unfortunately, my microwave oven still knocks out my wirelessnetwork...) :-(--PhilNYCSonic Spirits Inc.
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Re: [slim] Re: slime.exe ok, but not slimtray

2005-11-08 Thread Roy Owen
"C:\program files\SlimServer\Server\Slim
.exe -uninstall"

"C:\program files\SlimServer\Server\Slim
.exe -install"

This will remove the service and then re-install it.On 11/8/05, shifty1725 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:I had exactly the same problem, but when I try the solution offered I
just get an error message stating..."CreateService failed: The specified service already exists"I have tried different servers...  6.1.1, 6.2.1 and the 6.5b's andstill can't get past the server stating phase.  I am on AOL broadband
(UK) and have both firefox and IE installed.I connect through a Belkin modem/router and still have the sameproblems when I disable all firewalls etc.Can anyone help?--shifty1725
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Re: [slim] Re: SqueezeBox in my Car!

2005-11-02 Thread Roy Owen
I thought you were talking about embedded Linux Controllers with SSH
and network interfaces.  I'd like to build a hardware interface
for my squeezebox at work to conenct  to my ssh server.On 11/2/05, skyrush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:Roy Owen Wrote:>> I've been looking for embeded solutions to no avail, do you have a
> source?>I now remember the name - one is Omnifi (the one that has wifiability): they existed (and crutfield has dropped Omnifi, so I wonder...),
there was/is Phatnoise and Kenwood's version of Phatnoise (the KenwoodMusic Keg, and it looks like the higher-end 20GB model is gone now): few years ago, when I looked into Phatnoise, they were expensive
(~$900), and they were designed to work with specific factory radiosetups (mine was not one).  Kenwood's version will interface to aKenwood head unit or has an option of a separate control faceplate.Looks like Omnifi has this as well.  I do not know how good navigating
the library is.  Only Phatnoise seems to have decently large harddrives now (another advantage to using a small "PC" instead of anembedded unit is that you can get as much storage as you want).
-Joe--skyrush___Discuss mailing Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.
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Re: [slim] Re: SqueezeBox in my Car!

2005-11-02 Thread Roy Owen
>>In a way, yeah, it's overkill.  I mean, who needs a full-blown PC
connected by ethernet to a Squeezebox in the dash when there are
embedded solutions that are cheaper?  But still, it is awfully cool to
ssh to the Linux box under the seat!  ;)<<

I've been looking for embeded solutions to no avail, do you have a source?
On 11/1/05, skyrush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
fathom39 Wrote:> I am very impressed with skyrush's creativity, efforts, and results,
> especially the ssh-into-linux-box-under-the-seat via wireless and the> future steering wheel controls project.  OK, here comes the but ...> After thinking about how cool his in-dash unit was for a day or so I
> saw a Fry's ad for a 30 GB Zen mp3 player for about $150 after rebate.> The legitmacy of using VBR mp3 audio for cars or head phones has been> discussed and settled in the forums already.In a way, yeah, it's overkill.  I mean, who needs a full-blown PC
connected by ethernet to a Squeezebox in the dash when there areembedded solutions that are cheaper?  But still, it is awfully cool tossh to the Linux box under the seat!  ;)Plus, I have a lot of freedom to make it work the way I want it to.
There is another device ("Omni" something or other) that has a wifisolution to sync with the PC in the house, but I can imagine runninginto road blocks with proprietary software, etc.  Hey, I just use the
standard Linux tools and scripts, and it works great!And personally I ruled out portable solutions like Ipods (the Zen youmention is portable, right?).  The basic reason is that that are*portable*.  With a portable unit that interfaces to a car stereo,
there's always a chance the unit is in the house, in your backpack,whatever.  I like the idea the the music will always be there in mydash.  Strange reasoning, perhaps, but it works for me.I've been having a blast with this - the sound is awesome!  And at
night, the glow of the SB2 display is pretty damn cool!-Joe--skyrush___Discuss mailing list
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Re: [slim] IR "STOP" Command?

2005-10-28 Thread Roy Owen
Pressing and holding Pause for several seconds will put the SB inso a Stopped state.On 10/28/05, orrinc <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Is there a remote "STOP" command available in the IR remote code set?
I've been using the "PAUSE" command to stop the SQ2 player at night,and then "PLAY" to start it again in the morning.  However, if theplayer had previously been paused, giving it anouther "PAUSE" command
causes it to play, which is very annoying!Is there a discreet "STOP" command that will do the same thing as"PAUSE"; i.e., stop playing at that point in the playlist and resumefrom the same point later, that will not toggle?
I can use "POWER", but that also toggles . . .I'm using SQ2 with a StarGate system to automate my house, so the IRcommands are sent by the automation system as part of a "Good Night"
and "Wake Up" sequence, not directly from the IR remote . . .Orrin--orrinc___Discuss mailing list
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Re: [slim] Re: Live365 Session ID Invalid

2005-10-11 Thread Roy Owen
I'm not sure how to sort the Live365 presets.  They appear to be
sorted by listener hours, not my ideal but I keep my preset list fairly
short.On 10/10/05, fozzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Roy Owen Wrote:> Log on to Live365 and add the station to your presets. With the addition
> of> the Live365 presets to the web interface this really is the easiest way> to> use Live365 and Squeezebox. BTW I have a VIP membership. You can also> move> the menu items around so that the first menu after Now Playing is the
> Live365 menu.Thanks for the info.  That's what I'm now having to do, but it's notideal with all the stations in one big long list and no way of sortingit.  I liked the idea of having individual playlists on Slimserver for Dance, one for Disco etc.  Unless I'm missing something, I don'tthink this can be done with the Live365 presets?--fozzie___Discuss mailing list
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Re: [slim] Re: Live365 Session ID Invalid

2005-10-10 Thread Roy Owen
Log on to Live365 and add the station to your presets.  With the
addition of the Live365 presets to the web interface this really is the
easiest way to use Live365 and Squeezebox.  BTW I have a VIP
membership.  You can also move the menu items around so that the
first menu after Now Playing is the Live365 menu.

On 10/10/05, fozzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
mherger Wrote:> > It would appear to me that what is needed is for Slimserver to store> > the URLs without the session ID and then somehow detect the current> > valid session ID and then append that to the stored URL, before
> > submitting it. Would this be possibe?>> Possible, yes, I think so. But this is beyond my scope...Do you know anyone that might be able to?Am I the only one with this problem or do people not have VIP
memberships/store Live365 stations as playlists/favourites?  It wouldbe nice to know either way.--fozzie___Discuss mailing list
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Re: [slim] Support for iTunes Smart playlists?

2005-10-07 Thread Roy Owen
I agree if you are exporting the iTunes playlists as m3u files.  I
dissagree if you have SS pointed at the iTunes xml file.  By
pointing SS at the iTunes xml file you do get dynamic changes - as long
as you use iTunes to manage your mp3 library.On 10/7/05, Craig, James (IT) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> As 
long as you use iTunes ot manage your library the smart playlists will stay 
smart.  Slimserver reads the iTunes xml file to determine what should or 
should not be in an iTunes playlist.
I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or 
An iTunes 'smart' playlist changes dynamically 
based on a set of conditions. 
iTunes 'smart' playlists don't do that once they're in SS. 

So they're not 

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Re: [slim] Support for iTunes Smart playlists?

2005-10-07 Thread Roy Owen
As long as you use iTunes ot manage your library the smart playlists
will stay smart.  Slimserver reads the iTunes xml file to
determine what should or should not be in an iTunes playlist.On 10/7/05, Craig, James (IT) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

it works very well, but you should note that the playlists 
are no longer 'smart' when they're in SlimServer.
They are just a snapshot of the contents of the playlist at 
the time SS scanned the iTunes library.
But you can run this scan as often as you want ( well, 
depending on the size of your library).
I think it will not be too long before we have smart 
playlists in SS itself though!

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Re: [slim] Re: Quick survey for genre filter prefs in Random Mix

2005-10-07 Thread Roy Owen
I haven't commented so far, but what does "ignore" mean?  "exclude" and "include" make sense.On 10/6/05, Marc Sherman <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:max.spicer
 wrote:> What are you trying to say?  That link goes to a post that doesn't seem> relevant at all.>People seem to be debating the behaviour of inclusion and exclusion ofeach individual genre; my point is that it makes more sense to think of
a tri-state for each genre, "exclude", "include", or "ignore".- Marc___Discuss mailing list
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Re: [slim] Support for iTunes Smart playlists?

2005-10-06 Thread Roy Owen
Back when my SlimServer ran on Windows I used the iTunes feature and
was quite happy with it.  In the server setup screen just provide
the path to the iTunes folder(s) and the smart playlists should show up
under the playlists menu in SlimServer.On 10/6/05, Lumsmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:Here is what it says on thier website..."iTunes (Mac or Windows)—Use iTunes to add and manage music files and
your library automatically available to SlimServer—no more rescan!SlimServer also streams iTunes' powerful Smart Playlists."Does this really work? How does it work? Do I need to export myplaylists/music library/etc?
I'm looking for a solution where I only need to use iTunes to manage mymusic library. Most of the other technology (Creative Labs, Squeezbox,etc) require managing MP3 library in their tool.Thanks.
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Re: [slim] Trouble tunneling SoftSqueeze over ssh

2005-10-05 Thread Roy Owen
The tunnel should be started from the same machine that is running
softsqueeze.  If you have Cygwin installed the ssh client there
will work.  Add the following to your ~/.ssh/ssh_config

Host MyServer
   HostName Myserver
   GatewayPorts no
   TCPKeepAlive yes
   Compression no
   #port forwarding for slimserver
   LocalForward 9000 LocalHost:9000
   LocalForward 3483 LocalHost:3483

Then in xterm type ssh MyServer -N -f  If every thing is set up
correctly this will create a tunnel with out the need to keep xterm
open.  I use a similar setup to create a tunnel for my SBG.On 10/5/05, Wendy Seltzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/5/05, Roy Owen <

You didn't say what OS you are using, I'll assume MS Windows. 
Have you tried using a client like tunnelier from BitVise or
PuTTy?  I've found that using a seperate ssh client to create the
tunnel and forward the ports is quite often more reliable.
I'll start with SoftSqueeze on Windows (cygwin available) to access
slimserver on Linux.  On which side are you suggesting to build
the tunnel?


On 10/5/05, 
Wendy Seltzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I can't seem to make SoftSqueeze tunnel over ssh, even though I can
start a normal ssh session to the machine.  It shows "ssh
connecting" then "Connection failed. Please check server
settings."  The not-very-informative messages on the command line
are below.

Thanks for any suggestions.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/c/Program Files/Softsqueeze
$  java -jar SoftSqueeze.jar
16   [main] ERROR ssh  - Cannot connect ssh tunnel
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail
    at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Unknown Source)
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SSHTunnel.connect(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.connect(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.main(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.Application.main(
16   [main] WARN  softsqueeze  - Exception in connect Auth fail
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SSHTunnel.connect(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.connect(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.main(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.Application.main(

___Discuss mailing Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.
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Re: [slim] Trouble tunneling SoftSqueeze over ssh

2005-10-05 Thread Roy Owen
You didn't say what OS you are using, I'll assume MS Windows. 
Have you tried using a client like tunnelier from BitVise or
PuTTy?  I've found that using a seperate ssh client to create the
tunnel and forward the ports is quite often more reliable.On 10/5/05, Wendy Seltzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I can't seem to make SoftSqueeze tunnel over ssh, even though I can
start a normal ssh session to the machine.  It shows "ssh
connecting" then "Connection failed. Please check server
settings."  The not-very-informative messages on the command line
are below.

Thanks for any suggestions.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/c/Program Files/Softsqueeze
$  java -jar SoftSqueeze.jar
16   [main] ERROR ssh  - Cannot connect ssh tunnel
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail
    at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Unknown Source)
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SSHTunnel.connect(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.connect(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.main(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.Application.main(
16   [main] WARN  softsqueeze  - Exception in connect Auth fail
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SSHTunnel.connect(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.connect(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.SoftSqueeze.main(
    at com.slim.softsqueeze.Application.main(
-- Wendy Seltzer

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[slim] Re: SuperDateTime Screensaver Question

2005-09-26 Thread Roy Owen
Never Mind.  I found the problem.  Instead of copying the
updated plugin to /usr/local/slimserver/Plugins/SuperDateTime I copied
it to 
/usr/local/slimserver/Plugins/SuperDateTime/SuperDateTime.  (D'OH
smacks head with palm of hand, hangs head in shame and sits in corner)On 9/26/05, Roy Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:I'm running 2 SBG's, my server is running on Debian.  I thought
that I would take a look at the SuperDateTime Screen Saver (SDTSS) to
see if I could hack it to show other weather info.  Much to my
suprise most of what I want to see is there however, I am unable to
access any sub menus with my SBG or on the SS web interface.  Is
this plugin strictly an SB2 deal?  

Thanks-- Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.

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[slim] SuperDateTime Screensaver Question

2005-09-26 Thread Roy Owen
I'm running 2 SBG's, my server is running on Debian.  I thought
that I would take a look at the SuperDateTime Screen Saver (SDTSS) to
see if I could hack it to show other weather info.  Much to my
suprise most of what I want to see is there however, I am unable to
access any sub menus with my SBG or on the SS web interface.  Is
this plugin strictly an SB2 deal?  

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Re: [slim] Slimp3 causes router to crash

2005-09-08 Thread Roy Owen
Fire up ethereal and see what is happening on the network just before it crashes.On 9/8/05, uffa <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:So I have the ol' boy Slimp3 which has worked fine since I got it.  Now
when I connect it to my network, I immediately lose connectivity toeverything, inside and out.  If I disconnect it and reboot the Linksysrouter, the network comes back.I recall updating the firmware a few months ago, but I have to check.
I also haven't pulled it down to attach to a separate network with justa switch and PC, but anyone have any thoughts?  Is it busted or am Imissing something?Andy--uffa___
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Re: [slim] Re: Slimserver over Internet?

2005-09-02 Thread Roy Owen
For port forwarding (and Windows Remote Desktop) I find Tunnelier
superb.  Mostly because it sits in my tool tray and not in my task
bar.  I've got it configured to start and login to my ssh server
when I log in to my workstation.  Tunnelier also has a pretty good
sftp client built in, not great but it is stable and solid.On 9/2/05, Steve Bernard, Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:On 9/2/05, Robin Bowes wrote:> Roy Owen wrote:> > For all of you that use Windows for workstations etc.
> >  has a very good (free) ssh client that is simple> > to setup for this (or any other) purpose.  I use this solution at work> > with an SBG and it works great.
>> PuTTY is the defacto standard ssh client for Windows:>>>> Details of how to configure port forwarding are here:
>> too recently started using Tunnelier from Bitvise after PuTTY proved
to do a pretty lousy job forwarding here to work without crashing.Cygwin also worked pretty well, but was a bit more than I needed herein the office for day-to-day stuff.  I do still find PuTTY much easier
to work with than Tunnelier for connecting quickly to remote shellsthat I don't intend to stay in all day.-Steve___Discuss mailing list
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Re: [slim] Re: Slimserver over Internet?

2005-09-02 Thread Roy Owen
For all of you that use Windows for workstations etc.  has a very good (free) ssh client that is
simple to setup for this (or any other) purpose.  I use this
solution at work with an SBG and it works great.On 9/2/05, Robin Bowes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:chris wrote:> Yeah, I'm also a little confused as to how could you do that unless the
> SB2 itself supported ssh tunneling?>> Perhaps you open the SSH tunnel on a local PC, and then point the SB at> that machine as the server? (he says, guessing)Yes, that's exactly how you would do it.
Set up ssh tunneling from a local PC to your remote server (ports3483/TCP, 3483/UDP, 9000/TCP) and point your SB at the local PC.R.--
If a man speaks in a forest,and his wife's not there,is he still wrong?___Discuss mailing Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.
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Re: [slim] Re: Slimserver on Debian Linux

2005-08-20 Thread Roy Owen
On 8/20/05, Dan Sully <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
* Roy Owen shaped the electrons to say...>Okay, about 3 weeks a go my Windows box was struck by lightning, so now>thanks to the insurance company I have a shiny new Dual Xeon EM64T 2.8 GHz>box. I've finally gotten Debian to run. When I run slimserver I get "The
>following modules failed to load: XML::Parser.>To download and compile them please run /usr/local/.."Wow - how do I get my Windows box struck by lightning? :)It wasn't fun.  I lost a server a TV, my cable modem, my Wireless router...

It sounded like I was in a popcorn poper.  Started just a little
after midnight, the first crack brought me straight up out of bed.

 >Okay, so I run the build-perl-modules script and I get the error "Couldn't
>find a valid dynamic library for XML-Parser2.34.tar.gz".>I assumed that I needed to download the module so I got a copy from source>forge. Now what am I supposed to do with it. I'm really a Linux noob so be
>gentle. I do program for a living but only for Windows.You probably need to install libexpat-dev:apt-get install libexpat1-devThanks.

 -D--"My pockets hurt." - Homer Simpson___
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[slim] Slimserver on Debian Linux

2005-08-20 Thread Roy Owen
Okay, about 3 weeks a go my Windows box was struck by lightning, so now
thanks to the insurance company I have a shiny new Dual Xeon EM64T 2.8
GHz box.  I've finally gotten Debian to run.  When I run
slimserver I get "The following modules failed to load: 
To download and compile them please run /usr/local/.."

Okay, so I run the build-perl-modules script and I get the error
"Couldn't find a valid dynamic library for XML-Parser2.34.tar.gz".
I assumed that I needed to download the module so I got a copy from
source forge.  Now what am I supposed to do with it.  I'm
really a Linux noob so be gentle.  I do program for a living but
only for Windows.

Roy-- Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.
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Re: [slim] What I want, what I really really want is...

2005-08-19 Thread Roy Owen
Basically what you want is a SqueezeBox Boom Box.  I've got some
ideas rattling around in my head but nothing firm as of yet...On 8/19/05, Dr Spanner <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:A portable speaker system that the squeezebox can plug straight into,
but made specifically for the squeezebox.I'd like to take my squeezebox into the garden and not have to havespeakers trailing it.Too much to wish for?--Dr Spanner___
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Re: [slim] Re: Multi Folders

2005-08-16 Thread Roy Owen
UNC=Universal Naming Convention  eg: \\ServerName\ShareName\FileName

For the service you need to edit the service properties and fill in the "LogIn as User" section.On 8/16/05, jmallan <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Thanks for your reply but as anovice Windows XP user I do not understnad
what to do here.What is SS? and can you gave me an example of where to change the SS tolog in as a "named user"? I also do not understnad the hint to change myshortcut to use UNC notation?
SORRY--- thanks for the help!It appears that you are running some version of Windows, if you arerunningSS as a service you won't be able to access the network shares viadriveletter. Change the SS service to log in as a named user, and then
changeyour short cuts to use UNC notation rather than a drive letter.--jmallan___Discuss mailing list
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Re: [slim] "Now Playing" instead of title

2005-08-13 Thread Roy Owen
Never mind.  I was using the MusicInfo plugin on an internet radio station.  My Bad.On 8/13/05, Roy Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:I can confirm this.  It appears to be a bug in the 2005-08-12
nightly.  I'll install the 2005-08-13 nightly and check back.On 8/12/05, Wallaby <
> wrote:Hi guys, this is my first post here since I took delivery of my SB2
about a week ago. The SB2 is great and and has surpassed myexpectations.I've got a small issue and I'm not sure if it's something I've done orwhether it was the upgrade to Slimserver 6.1.2. Anyway, the SB2 display
is defaulting to the words "Now Playing" but before it used to displaythe artist and title that was playing. I can change it to display theartist and title with the keypad but it changes back to "Now Playing"
(presumably after a refresh). I'd obviously like it to display theartist and title of the currently playing music - can anyone tell mewhat I need to do to get the old display backI'm sure there's an easy solution, so I'm sorry and thanks in advance.
regards from downunderScottThis is a good start - I even posted in the wrong forum:-O. Can anadministrator move this to the beginners forum - sorry.--Wallaby___
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Re: [slim] "Now Playing" instead of title

2005-08-13 Thread Roy Owen
I can confirm this.  It appears to be a bug in the 2005-08-12
nightly.  I'll install the 2005-08-13 nightly and check back.On 8/12/05, Wallaby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:Hi guys, this is my first post here since I took delivery of my SB2
about a week ago. The SB2 is great and and has surpassed myexpectations.I've got a small issue and I'm not sure if it's something I've done orwhether it was the upgrade to Slimserver 6.1.2. Anyway, the SB2 display
is defaulting to the words "Now Playing" but before it used to displaythe artist and title that was playing. I can change it to display theartist and title with the keypad but it changes back to "Now Playing"
(presumably after a refresh). I'd obviously like it to display theartist and title of the currently playing music - can anyone tell mewhat I need to do to get the old display backI'm sure there's an easy solution, so I'm sorry and thanks in advance.
regards from downunderScottThis is a good start - I even posted in the wrong forum:-O. Can anadministrator move this to the beginners forum - sorry.--Wallaby___
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Re: [slim] Multi Folders

2005-08-11 Thread Roy Owen
It appears that you are running some version of Windows, if you are
running SS as a service you won't be able to access the network shares
via drive letter.  Change the SS service to log in as a named
user, and then change your short cuts to use UNC notation rather than a
drive letter.On 8/10/05, jmallan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have my slimdeveices pointed to my iTunes direcory but also ahve songsstored on a linkstation. The FAQ states:
How do I use multiple folders or disks with my Music Library?You can create links or shortcuts to other folders and place them inyour specified Music Library Folder. The contents of the linked folderswill then be part of your Music Library.
Not sure if i am dong this correctly but when I placed a chsort cut tothe Linkstation (G:\music) it does not get add the alumns. The tag fileis correct and dsiplays the correct number of songs but if I browse
alums all I get are those in the iTunes library--jmallan___Discuss mailing Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.
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Re: [slim] Small FM transmitter...

2005-08-10 Thread Roy Owen
It's not very powerfull but I like the iRock.  Works great for my MP3 player in the car.On 8/10/05, nhopton <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Fellow Squeezers, I've been toying with the idea of buying a little
low-powered FM transmitter to plug into the headphone socket of theSqueezebox so that I can listen to the SB on any of the FM portableradios that we have about the house. Like when I'm in the bath, forexample. Mono would do.
Does anyone have any recommendations?Of course, I would have to give the most solemn assurances to anyseller that the unit would not be used within the UK.Regards,Nick Hopton.--
nhopton___Discuss mailing Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.
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Re: [slim] Multiple 'Music Librarys' - virtual merging

2005-08-09 Thread Roy Owen
I use SSH tunnels and port forwarding.  If you're "just around the corner" would WiFi work?-- Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.
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Re: [slim] Re: How much demand for an audio rack sized Squeezebox?

2005-08-05 Thread Roy Owen
Have a look at SLIMP3 Boom Box from the plugins page.  I've seriously thought about something like this for my Squeezebox G.On 8/5/05, 
MeSue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Colin Burn-Murdoch Wrote:> how about a SqueezeBox-BoomBoxI would LOVE a Squeezebox Boombox to take out by the pool with me. Infact, I searched this forum just the other day to see if this idea had
ever been tossed around--didn't turn up this thread, though.I'd want the ability to run it on AC power in addition to batteries.Actually, I'd even buy one if AC power was the only option. Before Ibought the SB2, I was looking at both the Linksys and HomePod network
players because they both had built-in speakers. Despite the poorreviews, I stupidly bought the HomePod and ended up returning it. Itwas horrible!--MeSueSue___
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Re: [slim] Re: Security consequences of opening port 9000

2005-08-05 Thread Roy Owen
Your network at work won't allow an outbound SSH tunnel?  That is
usually one of the few outbound ports that are allowed.  You could
try setting your tunnel up on a different port (80), usually the
firewall/proxy are not protocall specific, however they can be. 
Ask your network admin (very nicely) to allow outbound SSH traffic.On 8/5/05, sbjaerum <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:chris Wrote:> I personally wouldn't do this. I also use SSH to tunnel the connection,
> but my slimserver is on a linux machine.>> This leads interesting results, and shows you what may happen:>
Unfortunately, the firewall/proxy at work does not allow sshconnection. Anyway, I have managed to set up ssh on my slimserver.Tested by successful tunneling from another machine on my home network.
So at the moment, my only option is to connect using http.How effective/robust is the IP blocking feature available at Serversettings -> Security?I guess I should only allow IP adresses matching the local network and
the domain at work.Will the server be visible (e.g. for Google), but not allowconnections, or will the server be invisible for all IP adressesoutside the allowed range?Steinar--sbjaerum
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Re: [slim] Re: Security consequences of opening port 9000

2005-08-04 Thread Roy Owen
SSH for Windows:
SSH Setup

Easy SSH client

All of the above software is free and not nag-ware.
On 8/4/05, MrC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Free or can you pay a little?Pay: for the easiest method, try vshell from  Theyhave outstanding support, excellent forums, and its a one programsolution.  They have the premiere SSH products for Windows.  You can
download a 30 day eval product.  Its not cheap, but it is excellent.Free: you can use the open source cygwin environment (Unix/Linuxenvironment for your PC) and use the openssh server available.  This is
more work, and requires more learning on your part.  You an start bygoing to www.cygwin.comIf your work allows inward SSH connections, you don't need an SSHserver, but can just use an SSH client (free [ putty ] or pay [
secureCRT, Entunnel ]), make the remote connection inward and use areverse tunnel.  You'll have to check with your work's admins if theysupport SSH connections, saving the setup.exe program to your desktop,
and run it.  It will download the necessary components (plus lots morethat you can disable).  Then all you need to do is configure.By the way, once you have SSH installed, you can setup secure, completeaccess to your desktop at home.
Post more when you have considered which direction you want to go, andhave started down the road.--MrC___Discuss mailing list
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[slim] SqueezeBox G Anomaly

2005-08-03 Thread Roy Owen
I have just encountered an interesting anomaly on my SBG.  Firstly
I've created an SSH tunnel work to my Slimserver pc at home.  If I
actually run Slimserver on work PC the display on my SBG is fine. 
However if I stop the SlimServer and start the SSH tunnel the left most
column of pixels has some pixels that are "inverted".  In other
words when the display is supposed blank they are lit and if the
display is lit they are dark.  If I reboot the SBG everything is
fine until I stop the tunnel and re-establish it.  It is always
the same group of six pixels,and in the same pattern.  I'm
assuming that some extraneous data is being sent to the SBG.  Any
ideas, and is it going to harm my beloved SBG?

Roy-- Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.
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Re: [slim] Re: Music for my party

2005-07-26 Thread Roy Owen
There is also a plugin that that accomplishes this.On 7/26/05, ChrisDev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:robertwallace Wrote:> Is there a kiosk-mode skin for Slimserver?
>> Robert>Try the "touch pad" skin, nice and user friendly!Chris--ChrisDev___Discuss mailing list
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Re: [slim] Re: Slimserver 6.1.1 cannot set music folder to network drive on XP

2005-07-25 Thread Roy Owen
You should still be able to start slimserver from the command line once you are logged into windows.On 7/25/05, dSw <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Roy Owen Wrote:> This is a Windows issue. Mapped network drives with letters are not
> available to services, they are part of the user's profile. In order to> use> the share you *MUST* use UNC notation, if you are using a disparet> network> (ie not Windows) you are out of luck. Also try having the service run
> as a> named user and not as system (the default), you still have to use UNC> notation but connection is easier/more reliable.>I guess what you are saying is that 6.1 now only installs as a service
(albeit with a choice of manual or automatic), as opposed to 6.0.2 andbelow, which gave you the option of installing as a service or not.--dSw___
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Re: [slim] Re: Q on 6.1.1

2005-07-25 Thread Roy Owen
Technicallly it is a Service Helper App.On 7/25/05, Philip Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>A new>SlimTray.exe has replaced it which is a proper tray application and>simply launches your web browser when activated.
don't think of it as a "proper" tray application.  A proper
application that sits in the tray should really be a full application
that is available on demand.  The slimtray app isn't really
an app - it's a means to launch the app; not much more than a url
shortcut.It's like "WinAmp Agent" - it only sits there providing a means to launch the real thing.It
would be nice if there was an option in the installer to install the
SlimTray app.  Each time I upgrade the server, I have to
remove it from the startup folder.Phil___Discuss mailing Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.
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Re: [slim] Re: Slimserver 6.1.1 cannot set music folder to network drive on XP

2005-07-25 Thread Roy Owen
This is a Windows issue.  Mapped network drives with letters are
not available to services, they are part of the user's profile. 
In order to use the share you *MUST* use UNC notation, if you are using
a disparet network (ie not Windows) you are out of luck.  Also try
having the service run as a named user and not as system (the default),
you still have to use UNC notation but connection is easier/more
reliable.On 7/25/05, dSw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I started having the same problem after upgrading to 6.1.To fix it, I first of all switched to starting the SlimServer appmanually after boot up (! couldn't be bothered setting up a newpassword-locked account!).
This still didn't allow SlimServer to see my music folder so I had tochange my music folder specification from "M:" to "\\LS1" and now thefolder can be seen ok by SlimServer.I also changed my symbolic links from the drive letter to their
equivalent machine name, however I'm not entirely clear if this wasnecessary or not.Was the drive letter change mentioned anywhere in the 6.1 docs? If notit should have been. The only mention I see of it is for starting
SlimServer as a Service.--dSw___Discuss mailing Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.
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Re: [slim] 12 hour time format

2005-07-19 Thread Roy Owen
Stop the slimserver 
open up the SlimServer.pref file change the  line for the time fromat 

timeFormat = |%I:%M:%S %p

timeFormat = |%I:%M

restart the slimserverOn 7/19/05, Bart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have looked at all the "time format" options and the one I want is
missing.  I would like to display the time as hh:mm in 12h format.  Ican display as hh:mm in 24h format but the closest option available in12h is hh:mm (am/pm).  Can we have it without the am/pm, just thehh:mm?  Should I file a report as a feature request?
--Bart___Discuss mailing Do meddle in the affairs of Dragons,for you are crunchy and good with Tabasco.
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Re: [slim] Re: no digital output for internet radio

2005-07-13 Thread Roy Owen
That's a great station Greg.  Thanks for the link.On 7/13/05, Greg Klanderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> radish  <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:> FYI, that particular station is 22kHz. Winamp does indeed display the> sample rate.thanks Radish!___
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Re: [slim] no digital output for internet radio

2005-07-12 Thread Roy Owen
On 7/12/05, Greg Klanderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I assume you mean in the SB2 box itself, rather than the server?Is there any way to do the sample rate conversion on the serverside for an SB1?
Not that I am aware of.  I face a similar problem.  I've
resolved it by using both the digital and analog outputs of my
SBG.  When I want to listen to Mp3's etc I use the input on my
reciever that has the digital input(Video 2).  When I listen to
internet radio I use the analog device (CD).
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