Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2010-07-18 Thread dustinsterk

Just moved from the iphone (using ipeng) to a droidxyour app is
great and just what I was looking for!  Thanks!!!


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Re: [slim] Hail Mary time for Logitech with its Google TV?

2010-10-18 Thread dustinsterk

After reading this thread why would the Revue not be a candidate for the
squeezebox server?  It has everything you would need including USB ports
for adding external hard drives.  I think Logitech made a mistake and
overlooked this as a great opportunity to take the squeezebox to the
next level and finally offer the server "backend" as a physical device.
It would finally allow me to lower my home energy bill and power down
one of my home servers that is being used solely as the squeezebox
server.  Logitech please reconsider this!  :)


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Re: [slim] Hail Mary time for Logitech with its Google TV?

2010-10-19 Thread dustinsterk

I agree about the power consumptionyou can put together a small
server that costs nothing to run 24/7.  You mention the "diehard" SB
user.  That is just the thing.if Logitech wants to bring the more
"non-tech novice user" to the SB product they need to make it easier to
implement.  When I show my family and friends my setup they absolutely
love it.  I unfortunately do not recommend it most of the time because
unlike other products (Sonos, etc) it is not plug and play and requires
a more technical mindset to install and implement.  Just my 2 cents. 

iPhone;583752 Wrote: 
> I'm fairly sure Google had something to do with it as well as the price.
> Its primary function is to Google TV.
> Besides, if one really needs to reduce power consumption, then one
> needs to use a SheevaPlug or fit-PC2 as their dedicated 24/7/365 Music
> Server. My Vortexbox costs less then $15 a year to leave it on all
> year.
> Lastly, just how many people besides diehard Squeezebox users would
> need or use such an added function in the Revue? Much more TV users
> then Squeezebox users.


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-04-23 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> I thought I'd give everyone an update on what is happening on the
> hardware front. I've had a SWAMP05 put together for a couple weeks.
> Unfortunately it had some major software issues, most of the peripherals
> were turned off such as USB, S/PDIF, serial port etc. Then when CSOS R2
> was released these started working. 
> So now I have SWAMP05 working essentially the same as the wand carrier
> board, I can play music over a USB DAC etc. 
> It is now ready for the driver development to proceed. Custom drivers
> are needed to output data to the DAC chip, control the clock generation,
> configure the CPU for external clock synching etc. The software guys are
> spending their time on CSOS right now, so it might be a little while
> before this gets started.
> I have also built two other boards, one a test of the new DAC chip and
> the new ultra low noise regulator chip. Those regulator chips have been
> a major nightmare. They are in a very small QFN package which is
> exceedingly difficult to hand solder. I finally worked out a technique
> to solder them, and found they didn't work. after a couple days I
> finally tracked this down to me misinterpreting the data sheet, and
> wound up getting the pinout upside down and backwards. I spent two days
> trying to perform microsurgery on a board with an X-acto knife, super
> fine wire, a fine tip soldering iron and the most important part, a
> binocular microscope. After hours of work I managed to get one regulator
> hooked up correctly, and low and behold it actually works!
> When I first put the test board together and realized the regulators
> weren't working, I took them off one board and put in a good old
> regulator I had on hand, it's not nearly as low noise as this new one,
> but it has much bigger pins so I could easily solder it into place. 
> I connected this test board up to the I2S signal from another USB DAC
> board and got music out of the DAC chip right off the bat. After a
> couple days burnin the sound was amazing, simply stunning, the best DAC
> I have at home right now. This thing was blowing away all my twenty
> times more expensive DACs. 
> I thought this was going to be VERY good DAC, much better than what was
> in the Touch, but I had no idea it was going to be this stunning. And
> that isn't even with the ultra low noise regulator. For a PS I was just
> using the Logitech supplied Touch PS. And it still sounds amazing.
> I'm working on another board, which is used to program the DSP on the
> DAC chip so I can try different filters. The board house lost this board
> and had to re-fab it, so it's going to be a few more days before that is
> up and running.
> I'm starting to work on the CSP1 schematic now that I know that at least
> the basic compute part of the design works. I won't finalize this until
> we know that we can have working drivers for the audio part. 
> So to summarize, there has been some progress on the hardware side, but
> there is still a lot of work to do, so try and be patient, this will
> eventually get done, and I hope it's worth the wait.
> John S.

Amazing work.  I cannot wait for the SWAMP!  Thank you for all of your
hard work (along with JackofAll, Triode and others)!

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-05-05 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> I thought I'd give you all another hardware update. I've been spending
> the last three weeks trying to get a DAC chip test board with all the
> parts the parts that will be used in the actual CSP1. This turned out to
> be incredibly difficult. Some of the new chips come in tiny little
> packages that are almost impossible to solder by hand. I went through a
> whole bunch of parts, multiple boards and designs but I eventually
> worked out a process I can do in my own lab that will let me put
> together a board with any of these chips on them. 
> In addition to the DAC chip I was also trying to get the DAC chip
> programming working. I was using the BeagleBone board to program tghe
> DAC chip. This again was an interesting experience, it turns out the DAC
> chip is using a different version of the protocol than the BeagleBone's
> driver  is se3nding out. It turned out is was easier for me to hack in
> some extra hardware to change it than to figure out how to modify the
> driver. 
> Any way as of late last week I have a working DAC test board with all
> the actual parts I will be using, and I can program the registers on the
> DAC chip. 
> How do I put this, with the right parameters and tweaked just right it
> is literally spine tingling. I was listening to this with a friend
> yesterday, when it got dialed in just right I was literally getting
> goose bumps listening to music through this. 
> This is way better than I ever dared to hope.
> It's going to take awhile to get this out to you all, but it is
> definitely going to be worth it.
> John S.

Wow!  That is amazing news John!  I cannot wait.  When can I place my
order?  :)

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-07-03 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> Are you talking about the dual row .1 inch headers sometimes seen on
> Motherboards for connecting USB? I don't see why that would be better
> over having a real USB connector on the board. Those headers are NOT
> proper impedance, just cheap, putting a real connector on the board is
> much better from a signal integrity standpoint and takes up less room on
> the board. 
> For an IR receiver if you want an internal one just use one of the
> internal USB connectors. That's one of the things that will be talked
> about during the beta period, is a builtin front panel receiver
> something we have to have. 
> John S.

I cannot wait for your board to be released!  Please keep us updated on
the progress as the release draws closer.  In regards to your question
on micro or mini USB, my vote is for micro as you can find the Micro USB
OTG to USB 2.0 Adapters very cheap on amazon, etc.

I agree with epoch1970 and also always break ZIF connectors...but that
maybe the best option considering the space you have.

Thank you again for your hard work and dedication to this project.  I
look forward to seeing/auditioning the end result!

PS - any more news on the amazing sounds these new chips produce?


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2015-01-21 Thread dustinsterk

I am having a strange issue after upgrading to LMS 7.8.0.  I can no
longer "play" any of My Apps (Sirius, Pandora) channels.  The app will
browse all that way to the channel that I want to hear showing the album
art/channel art/name, etc. but it never proceeds any further to actual
allow me to select "play" and listen to the music.  Any thoughts?  

Even stranger, if I select and play the channel from the LMS web GUI,
the app will show it is playing and allow me to drill down to "play"
another channel once more.  After I navigate to another source of music
on the app it ceases to work again.

I have tried completely uninstalling and re-installing again without
success.  At this point I have had to buy Orange Squeeze since it
appears I cannot open a bug on the SqueezeCommander Trac page (the site
appears to be down).

Thanks in advanced.


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2015-01-22 Thread dustinsterk

pippin wrote: 
> Sorry, can't try Pandora anymore here in Europe, but does it work if you
> play it through the context menu? Pandora menus have always been a bit
> weird and maybe a change broke something or SC had a workaround that no
> longer works after a change in 7.8

Hi!  Thanks for the reply, I will give that a shot when I get back home.
It is not only with Pandora, any of "MyApps" seems to be broken.  Can
you try it with SiriusXM?

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2015-01-23 Thread dustinsterk

pippin wrote: 
> Ni, SiriusXM is also mit available in Europe but I do have services that
> still work with SC like Rhapsody

I have installed SC on a new android device and all seems well.  This
problem could be just an issue with my phone..please disregard my
problem and thank you for your replies and your time.


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Re: [slim] Logitech SqueezeBox replacement for under $30

2013-01-14 Thread dustinsterk

Just an FYI...there is a thread over at head-fi that another user is
trying the same thing.


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[slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-18 Thread dustinsterk

With all of the recent developments with Logitech and the end of the
squeezebox line I feel as this community has been unfairly ignored. 
This community of audiophiles, software developers, engineers, DIY
builders, and lovers of music is very strong.  Many of you have been
users of the squeezebox products since slimdevices.  With Triode's EDO
and squeezelite developments, the community behind Vortexbox (Agillis),
Erland, Pippin, and all other developers/groups and enthusiasts that
dedicate all of their free time to this product, I have been thinking we
should start a crowd (community) funded product similar to the Olive One
to develop and build a squeezebox replacement.

Sure, the Pi, Pogoplug and other hardware have bits and pieces that we
can hack into a working player but it is NOT what we really want or
need.   I would say as a community, this forum has more experience and
insight into what the next product should look like than any other up
and coming product (Olive One).  We not only have ideas, but users that
are willing to invest time and effort for no other reason then to better
an already wonderful product.

So my question to everyone is simple..if there was a community
funded project, would you invest your time?  Would you invest
monetarily?  We all have different strengths and as a community I think
we could really design one hell of a product.  

Maybe I am wrong, but I truly do feel other users want to see this
continue.  If you do, please post what you would be willing to
contribute.  Personally I would be willing to help in anyway possible.


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-18 Thread dustinsterk

JJZolx wrote: 
> I just can't imagine anyone willing to volunteer that much time and
> energy into building such a thing without realizing some monetary
> compensation. You're talking about something _way_ above and beyond the
> (albeit very impressive) software efforts put forth by third party
> software developers. System design, circuit board layout, prototyping...
> wow. I don't see anyone doing that for grins. And it's not really
> something that 100 people can pitch in on, even if they all had the
> skills. There probably aren't more than one or two people remaining with
> an interest in Squeezebox who actually have the ability to do the system
> and circuit board design necessary to create a real replacement.

I do agree that without financial compensation some may say whats the
point.  I also agree that there are a limited few that have the
background to tackle such a task.  But when I look at all the talent
here and other DIY sites (head-fi, diytube, diyaudio, diyforums, etc) I
know we could find the resources to put something together.

I guess a better question would be does anyone have interest in such a

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Re: [slim] Where are your CDs?

2013-01-18 Thread dustinsterk

TiredLegs wrote: 
> This is the way to do it. I've lost count of how many portable backup
> drives I got (5? 6?). At least one is always off site, and another one
> (encrypted) is stashed in my car. I update a couple of them once a month
> and rotate 'em around. At some point, I'll get a terabyte of cloud
> storage and put a copy of everything up there too.

Check out$60 a year for unlimited backup/cloud

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-20 Thread dustinsterk

Triode wrote: 
> I'm not sure whether we can turn this into a community product, but my
> personal view is that an effective Squeezebox replacement for the
> community can be made from a small existing arm based device + an
> external usb dac.  This means all the audio engineering can be part of
> the dac and you can spend from $5 to $5000 based on your preference
> The device itself is probably based on something already available such
> as an android stick, raspberry pi or other such device - perhaps we need
> to settle on one or a small number of recommended devices and package
> for them.  The one thing that most devices have now with hdmi, so a user
> interface using hdmi + control over that is probably required/sensible. 
> This is not a mass market consumer product, but it gets us to a very
> viable solution for community enthusiasts...  (and focusses much of the
> effort on software and packaging rather than hardware design and the
> necessary volumes this brings)
> Squeezelite part of my steps in this direction.  I'd like to look at UI
> solutions, perhaps integration with XBMC or alternative user interfaces
> hdmi - any takers?

It appears the consensus of most is that a "new device" built from the
ground up would be too time consuming and possibly the market to the
masses is not there.  So to Triodes point as well as others, what about
looking into existing ARM based products and pairing them with a nice
external DAC for the use with squeezelite?  

I have done some research on new and upcoming devices.  I found the

Allwinner A10 (still under development):

Cubieboard (just now shipping):


Other "set top" products that could work:

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-23 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> Hi guys,
> I want in on this! I have been thinking a lot about it over the last few
> months. I am well accomplished at the hardware design part of this. I'm
> not sure most of you are aware of this but I do part time consulting for
> high end hiFi companies wanting to get into digitaal audio, I have lots
> of hardware experience doing just what this project is about and making
> it into products for low volume production.
> There seems to be an assumption that you need very high volumes to get
> low prices, this is not really the case. You need high volumes to get
> REALLY low price, but medium range prices is can be had for fairly low
> volumes. For example something along the complexity of the Touch main
> board, can be manufactured for around $125 in 25 quantity, thats board,
> parts and assembly. That does NOT include the case, full assembly etc,
> just the board. At 50 quantity you can get down to $100 a board. 
> I have done designs using off the shelf boards and ones that I have done
> the whole thing from scratch, my current thinking is that for more than
> a couple systems it actually winds up being cheaper to do the whole
> thing from scratch, that way you get EXACTLY what you want. When using
> an off the shelf board you have to try and shoehorn your design into
> sombody elses vision, which rarely matches yours exactly. 
> For example, some people around here have mentioned things like IR
> remotes, if your chosen existing board doesn't have the capability, you
> either live without it or you have to add a board that does it, and
> figure out how to connect that into some port on the existing board.
> When you do the whole thing yourself it is MUCH easier to add things
> like that directly to the main board. 
> When doing it yourself you have a wide range of options available for
> including in the device, that would be very difficult to add to an
> existing board. For example as has been mentioned having FPGA based
> filters is something that is easy to add to our own board, and adds very
> little cost. I can easily put in a VERY high quality S/PDIF interface
> that will be better than just about anything out there, or even a USB
> output optimized for audio use. 
> I have been doing systems like these for many years now and the biggest
> time sinc has always been the UI. Since the SB line already has good
> external UI options, I think it makes more sense to design a product to
> be a black box (but with a web server for configuration etc so you get
> away from the Duet problems). Having a display and interface along the
> lines of the Touch seems to  me to double or tripple the complexity of
> the project. 
> I'm a little torn on one aspect of this, my passion is for very high
> quality DACs, having done systems similar to this several times I CAN
> say that I can do a better job for less money building very good DACs
> into the project than you can get by buying external DACs. It doesn't
> HAVE to be an either or. I can do a two board system, one board has the
> main guts and digital audio interfaces (S/PDIF USB) and another board
> that plugs in which has the DACs (it does NOT connect to the S/PDIF or
> USB). So if you want to spend the extra $400 you can get audio quality
> that will out perform external DACs costing many thousands. It is just
> so much easier to do a really good job of a DAC if you can build it into
> the architecture of the main system. 
> Things I am NOT good at: industrial design, please don't ask me to
> design a really good looking case for this!
> John S.

Hello John,
This is VERY exciting news.  I am not 100% sure where to go with this
and the next steps.  My overall feeling is that there are many users
that want a device but still questions if there is a "market" for
it.  I feel that if we assemble a small group, put together the design
and implement a "kickstarter" type project, we will get the interest
from this community.  I would assume we could easily get over 50 - 100
orders on the first batch if the price was right.

This leads to a much larger question of legalities with Logitech,
creation of an LLC or other company structure, how we further market,
etc.  Erland has already created the developers group.  I am wondering
if we should take this entire discussion to that group and the parties
that have real interest can join.



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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-23 Thread dustinsterk

erland wrote: 
> Not sure how it works now, but initially I believe it required you to
> install lame on the server.
> Not sure how/if it would cause more issues in a scenario where someone
> bundled squeezelite pre-installed on a hardware box.
> Licensing will be an issue on consumer packaged hardware unless:
> - You sell to the masses so the initial/annual license costs are small
> compared to your revenue
> or
> - Someone else has already payed the license for you (if I've understood
> correctly this can be the case for some audio circuits, at least in
> theory)
> The issues regarding licenses only cause problem if you only plan to
> sell a few devices. The per device cost is often not the issue, it's the
> initial/annual minimal costs that cause problems.

We could have two versions of the product:
1)  A 'DIY' device which would be cheaper and require the user to load
the software.
2)  A 'Ready to Go' version which includes the licensing costs and is a
little more expensive.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-23 Thread dustinsterk

TheLastMan wrote: 
> +1
> Everybody who reads these forums is an "enthusiast", but few are
> "geeks".  Most of us could cope with buying a box and following some
> step-by-step instructions to install a pre-packaged linux distro and
> software player (similar to the Vortexbox project) but that would be
> about the limit.  
> Remember some of us have wives and an ugly "Pogoplug" device with a
> totally uncoordinated USB DAC hanging off the back won't cut the "decor"
> mustard.  Ideally the thing should be at least passably attractive and
> small enough to be nearly invisible anyway.  
> We were prepared to pay £150/$200+ for our Squeezeboxes so we can afford
> this for a replacement, so a $30 player is unnecessarily cheap!  Most
> would be prepared to pay an extra £100 in order not to have to spend 30
> hours making several attempts at "hacking" linux to get the thing to
> work!
> Most stereo "hi-fi" amps do not have integrated DACs so the device will
> definitely need a DAC, but it only needs to be as good as the Receiver
> or Touch. If you want better you can buy a hi-fi DAC (as opposed to a
> computer audio DAC).
> I really like the look of the CuBox:
> In design terms it is so nearly there.  Add a halfway decent audio chip
> and it would be a done deal for me if you could download pre-packaged
> software to go on it.

I do agree that the new version must be visually attractive, with or
without a screen (to be decided later), or very small to hide the
clutter (unlike the pogoplug versions, etc).  I also like the approach
of having HDMI out and allowing this new device to display now playing
information on your choice ouput devices (TV, Monitor, etc).  The CuBox
does look to be close, just without the DAC.  I would look to John for
suggestions and input to keep costs in check, etc.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-23 Thread dustinsterk

Triode wrote: 
> Anyone reading this thread should try Squeezelite on a CuBox or a
> Rasberry Pi, Pogoplug
> My original motivation for squeezelite is for a headless linux playback
> engine which emulates as many features as possible of the Squeezebox
> hardware so that it can integrate with existing LMS, but run on a small
> linux device and drive a usb dac.  I think its close to release status
> and has a few users at present.  I.e. exactly what we could be
> talking about here...
> I think we can easliy do something which is a usable player for people
> by constraining the scope:
> 1) target a small number of linux devices and create some standard
> install scripts/images for them
> 2) start with a headless system (no ui, but target a device with hdmi
> interface as we can expand into hdmi based user interface relatively
> easliy); users can use LMS web interface, iPeng, SqueezePad etc to
> controll it
> 3) start with usb audio as this means we can use off the shelf hardware
> and let the user select the level of audio engineering they want from $5
> upwards...
> 4) assume the user has some involvement in the install process and we
> are not charging for the solution, so this allows the user to download
> standard linux codecs without concerns over patent licensing...
> Later we can add a user interface and potentially integrate server
> functions.
> For me a Cubox is making an excellent but expensive player.  A Raspberry
> Pi is cheaper, but has problems with USB dac compatiblity (hopefully to
> be resolved by the Pi developers).  Both provide usb out, ethernet and
> wifi via usb and hdmi for a future user interface

Question to John, and this maybe too early to answer:  A device similar
to the Cubox (design/features), adding the DAC, what can be expected
from time/money invested?

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-23 Thread dustinsterk

erland wrote: 
> It will work with stock LMS.

As previously discussed, I see a perfect marriage of this new device
with Vortexbox.  It is a perfect LMS platform which I am a big fan of
and use everyday!

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-25 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> What I am thinking about is one of the TI cortex A8 CPUs, armV7 based
> with the VFPv3 floating point unit. The ones I'm looking at are in the
> 600-700MHz range. You can get faster ones but they cost more, and are
> only available on the bigger chips which are much harder to route, which
> most likely means a more expensive board. 
> The design I'm thinking of has 256MB memory, it's easy to go to 512MB
> but the memory chip costs 3 times as much for doubling the capacity.
> Anything above 512MB means multiple memory chips which again increases
> the board cost. 
> If you go up to 1GHz models you have to switch memory chip architecture
> which again costs more. 
> You can go up to 2.7GHz versions, but it's a HUGE chip that is going to
> take a pretty expensive board. 
> I'm thinking that the 600MHz version is more than enough for just a
> player. If we start adding a server at the same time we probably want at
> least the 1GHz version, it will be a bit more expensive though. Anything
> above 1GHz is going to cost a lot more. With a 1GHz processor and 512MB
> of memory it's probably in the $200 to $220 range for the board. 
> John S.

Thank you for researching these items...this is very exciting!  I am
interested in the DAC and wireless chipset you have found.  The ability
to create its own network and possibly mesh multiple players is very
interesting and really allows the product to be self contained without
the need for additional equipment that an everyday user may or may not
own.  I think this feature alone could appeal to the masses.  Allowing
for the product to be truly plug and play is something that squeezebox
fell very short on and it why I feel it never took off.

I would also agree that the additional cost for the 1GHz, 512MB is worth
it.  This would leave additional room for expansion to incorporate LMS
(or some other server), etc.  I also think that IR is important if we
ever plan on utilizing the HDMI output for the display.  The headphone
jack, while not a must, maybe nice for some.

To Triode's point, we do need to validate it has real ehci usb

As far as a prototype of this board, how many would need to be ordered
to start?  Would there be an initial build fee, etc?


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-28 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> There should be no soldering needed to make the board useful. The wifi
> is a mini-PCIe form factor, it just pushes into the socket. You DO have
> to plug in an antenna of some sort, its a standard UFL jack on the
> module. 
> All the other connectors are on the board, putting it in the case is
> just putting it in place so the connectors go through the holes and
> either screwing the board in or pushing down onto some of those nylon
> hold downs. 
> I really want to put the DAC on the GEN1 board. It's a new design I
> haven't used before and I want to have a platform to play around with
> the internal DSP. I want to find out how good we can make this sound. 
> Someone else brought up an interesting aspect, if the DSP is done in the
> DAC, it can't be applied to the S/PDIF or USB. For just straight
> playback, that won't matter since the only thing I will be doing with at
> least at first is the interpolation filter, which is already included in
> any external DAC. For long term GEN2 it might be best to have the FPGA
> DSP based system, then you can do anything you want and it will be
> useful for all outputs. But that is definitely NOT going to be in GEN1.
> I did some more poking around the processor/memory issues, it's a bit
> more complicated than I thought at first. It looks like the best bet for
> GEN1 is a 720MHz processor and 256MB RAM. This does not have TDMI
> interface, it does have an LCD interface. For GEN2 a 1GHz processor and
> 512MB RAM, this comes with a full blown video controller and built in
> HDMI and VGA interface. No need for external chips, just hook up
> connectors. The GEN1 is a much simpler board layout task so I would like
> to go with it. I COULD do the faster processor from the get-go, put its
> more work and costs a little more (about $10 more for the board, about
> $15 more for the processor and $20 more for the  memory).
> I actually did a full quote on board costs and its actually right around
> what I thought, the board and assembly for a GEN1 will be $64 for 25,
> The GEN2 is about $75. So the rest of the cost is the parts which look
> like around $90 to $100 for a Gen 1. So that hits the $170 for the
> board. It's $35 for the wifi module which you can add at any time. The
> place I'm working with does the parts procurement as well, so it's just
> send files and money and a couple weeks later get a box of fully
> assembled boards. 
> The Gen1 board will have no display, so all development has to be over
> ssh or serial port. I'll probably put a serial port on it so you can
> have a hardware console during boot. 
> So it looks like it will have an ethernet jack, 2 USB-A jacks, serial
> jack, S/PDIF coax, 2 RCA jacks, SD card (probably a micro), power jack,
> socket for Wifi module. Anything else I need in there?
> The big question is, should it have a headphone jack. The easy,
> inexpensive headphone circuits are not all that great and add more
> complexity to the board. I know how to make a REALLY good headphone amp,
> but it will add quite a bit of complexity to the board and some extra
> cost. So what are your thoughts:
> 1; no headphone jack
> 2; simple, cheap, not so great
> 3; whole hog really good, but complex and pricy. 
> Also should it have a TOSLINK?
> John S.

Hello John,
Once again, I must say a BIG THANK YOU for all of the work you have
already contributed!  I do not think we would have an issue at all
achieving the 25 unit order.

My thoughts for the Headphone jack for GEN1 is "simple, cheap, not so
great".  We can always change that later with GEN2.  If TOSLINK is
possible without introducing complexity I say we should include it.

I have started a list of things we will need going forward.  Please
include your username for anything you want to help or assist with and
copy and paste this list in your post (so it continues to grow):
1)  Hardware design and implementation - John S.
2)  Compiling OS/Building a bootable image/Writing automated scripts/Etc
(this will break out much further in the future) - Dustin (Me)
3)  Squeezelite Player - Triode
4)  Case design - ? (Any designers out there with CAD abilities)
5)  Distribution - ? (Depending if we need to ship to just one location
and then send out to buyers from there)
6)  Marketing/Name of the new product- This is really for in the future
but never to early to start thinking about it
7)  Website Creation/Technical Hosting of files, scripts, news, shipping
updates, product updates, etc. - (Not sure we want to have these items
spread all throughout this forum...I think we should have a dedicated


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-28 Thread dustinsterk

cparker wrote: 
> Hi Dustin,
> I can help with 7)  As a side job alongside plugin development and my
> full time paid job, I also do ad-hoc web site development (HTML5) based
> on PHP/mySQL.  
> Example of a recent bespoke site, fully database driven with full Paypal
> functionality.  (Also at the backend for order fulfilment; there are
> auto generated shipping emails and shipping documentation etc which
> reduces admin overhead);
> If its of interest drop me a line via PM here or contact me via my
> website to discuss the intricacies.
> Cheers

That sounds wonderful!  PMed.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-28 Thread dustinsterk

simbo wrote: 
> A couple more to add...
> 8) Licensing (looking into feasibility of signing up subscriptions
> services, radio services, etc.)
> 9) Localisation


1) Hardware design and implementation - John S.
2) Compiling OS/Building a bootable image/Writing automated scripts/Etc
(this will break out much further in the future) - Dustin (Me)
3) Squeezelite Player - Triode
4) Case design - ? (Any designers out there with CAD abilities)
5) Distribution - ? (Depending if we need to ship to just one location
and then send out to buyers from there)
6) Marketing/Name of the new product- (This is really for in the future
but never to early to start thinking about it)
7) Website Creation/Technical Hosting of files, scripts, news, shipping
updates, product updates, etc. - cparker
8) Licensing (looking into feasibility of signing up subscriptions
services, radio services, etc.) - ?
9) Localisation - ?

Please continue to add as see fit.


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-28 Thread dustinsterk

eLR!C wrote: 
> I can provide help on :
> 2/ Compiling OS, building automated scripts, etc.
> 9/ Localisation (French)
> I would also add a X/ Testing :)
> Some thoughts related to the DAC part : discussing with Triode on the
> squeezelite thread, I understood that the crystal frequancy of the DAC
> may make it more or less compatible (from a synchronization perspective)
> with existing squeezeboxes. That may be something to keep in mind for
> design.

Thank you!

1) Hardware design and implementation - JohnSwenson
2) Compiling OS/Building a bootable image/Writing automated scripts/Etc
(this will break out much further in the future) - Dustinsterk (Me),
3) Squeezelite Player - Triode
4) Case design - ? (Any designers out there with CAD abilities)
5) Distribution - ? (Depending if we need to ship to just one location
and then send out to buyers from there)
6) Marketing/Name of the new product- (This is really for in the future
but never to early to start thinking about it)
7) Website Creation/Technical Hosting of files, scripts, news, shipping
updates, product updates, etc. - Cparker
8) Licensing (looking into feasibility of signing up subscriptions
services, radio services, etc.) - ?
9) Localisation - eLR!C (French)
10)  Testing (Hardware, Software, etc) - ?

Please continue to add as you see fit.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-28 Thread dustinsterk

mherger wrote: 
> > 9) Localisation - ?
> How much localization do you expect there to be? Manuals? Web site?

I would say we are still too early to tell.  This could range from
manuals/websites to UI on the player itself.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-28 Thread dustinsterk

erland wrote: 
> The fact that it doesn't have a display doesn't mean that I don't want
> people to see it, I want show what people in the Squeezebox community
> has accomplished and then it needs to look nice. Maybe not important for
> GEN1 but definitely for GEN2.
> Maybe a transparent box so we can see the board, something similar to
> this Raspberry Pi case:
> (In this case I want the circuit board personally signed by John since I
> will be able to view the signature through the transparent case)
> :-)
> As an alternative, I guess I could always build one myself with lego:

Haha...I second this.  Maybe not GEN1, but eventually I want a pretty
case for it.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-28 Thread dustinsterk

didjean wrote: 
> Totally agree with this. First things first!
> My centre of expertise is between 6-10. I would be more than happy to
> help as soon as you really need me :-)

This is fine, lets just focus on 1-5 for now to keep it
relevant.6-10 can come at a later date when it is needed:

1) Hardware design and implementation - JohnSwenson
2) Compiling OS/Building a bootable image/Writing automated scripts/Etc
(this will break out much further in the future) - Dustinsterk (Me),
3) Squeezelite Player - Triode
4) Case design - ? (Any designers out there with CAD abilities)
5) Distribution - ? (Depending if we need to ship to just one location
and then send out to buyers from there)

6) Marketing/Name of the new product- (This is really for in the future
but never to early to start thinking about it)
7) Website Creation/Technical Hosting of files, scripts, news, shipping
updates, product updates, etc. - Cparker
8) Licensing (looking into feasibility of signing up subscriptions
services, radio services, etc.) - ?
9) Localisation - eLR!C (French), mherger (German)
10) Testing (Hardware, Software, etc) - ?

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-28 Thread dustinsterk

norman12 wrote: 
> I don't post much, but I often pop in - this thread has to be the most
> interesting for some time.
> I'm happy to help with case design if needed.
> I've a fair amount of engineering experience along with 3D CAD.
> norm.

That is greatwith John's design work I am sure we can get you a
version/schematic for a case mockup.


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-28 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> I do think we need a name for the project, so I can quick calling it
> "the box" or "that thing". In my own mind I have started calling it
> "OSB": Open Squeeze Box. That's the best I can come up for now.
> John S.

Whenever I hear the name Squeezebox it has always reminded me of the
child drink boxes. Any opinions on any of the following names
Thinking out loud:

Juice Box
Fresh squeeze (like the orange juice) 
Juicey Juice (although this is a brand name) 
O. J. (like orange juice but an acronym for 'Open Juice') 

You can be honest if you hate them all. I am just rambling.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-29 Thread dustinsterk

simbo wrote: 
> :-) The way I look at it, these kind of "what shall we call it?"
> discussions are inevitable, and as long as they don't detract from the
> more pressing discussions over architecture and design (which is why I
> wanted to separate them out) then I see no harm... I think they're
> actually a good thing as they give contributors a sense of ownership and
> community.
> EDIT: Oh, and I've always seen myself as an "A-Ark" kind of person...
> but sometimes at work I have to wonder ;-)

Thanks for separating that out in a new thread.  Back to the technical

Question for John.when it comes to distribution, once the order is
placed will the product need to ship to just one location and distribute
to end buyers from there?  I am located in the USA in the state or
Delaware/Pennsylvania (right on the boarder).  It seems the majority of
this community is in the EU or UK.  John, where are you located?  Will
you need assistance with this process?  You are already doing a lot so I
want to assist in any way possible.


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox: Product Name

2013-01-29 Thread dustinsterk

As the names are added can we keep a running list on the first post?  We
should also think about turning this into a poll as we will need to vote
at some point in time.  :)


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox: Product Name

2013-01-29 Thread dustinsterk

simbo wrote: 
> OK done, but the list is getting a little long and I'm not sure every
> idea is serious ;-)
> Here's my suggestion; *names that get multiple votes (+1) will be
> shortlisted, and from there we can have a poll.*
> Such a shame that Vuvuzela vote got cancelled out

Nice workthanks for that!  I agree, lets have either new suggestions
or a +1 on an existing name in the first post.  After that it can go to
vote.  :)

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-29 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> I'm in California, San Francisco Bay area in specific, the place I'm
> having do the boards is in Canada, somewhere in Ontario. I would GREATLY
> appreciate someone else taking charge of distribution of boards. 
> The other issue is money. Kickstarter might be a nice way to do this,
> since they take care of everything. For the first phase it doesn't even
> have to be a fancy video etc, at this point we are not looking to have
> large numbers of "the public" in on the development board. Or maybe that
> is TOO public for the devdelopment phase. 
> John S.

I would be happy to start a Kickstarter Project site.  It will take some
time to get setup with amazon payments, etc.  Is our goal 25 boards @
$150 a board for all of the goodies?

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-29 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> I have been looking into what processor to use, IF the BeagleBone tests
> go well I would like to keep it with the TI processor line I have been
> looking at, they have really good support systems behind it, much better
> than many of the other manufacturers, which will make getting a board
> out much quicker. In particular they have spent a lot of effort
> optimizing their ball layout to make it easier to layout these large
> BGAs, which makes my task much easier to do than if we used another
> company's competing products. 
> If things turn out I have a dilema, which processor to use, the AM3358
> or the AM3874. The AM3358 is $20 cheaper, has a much smaller package
> which is easier to route. Mostly because it does not have a display
> subsystem so there are much fewer pins. It also hassome  limitations on
> what memory chips it can take. The max speed is 720MHz. 
> The AM3874 has a max speed of 1GHz, has a full blown display subsystem
> with HDMI, VGA, component video etc all built in to the chip. It's
> memory interface is more flexible so it can support the larger single
> chip memories. This is the chip I was thinking of using for Gen2. 
> So what do we use for Gen1? The max memory in one chip you can use for
> the 3358 is 256MB, but you can get up to 512GB with the 3874 but it
> costs $20 more to  do that. 
> I looked carefully at the 3874 pinout and found  that TI has  done a
> really good job making it easy to route, so that part is not as bad as I
> thought originaly. 
> I'm leaning on just going with the  3874 for Gen1 so it is the same as
> Gen2, just not  the display subsystem etc. Just doing that increases the
> cost by about $35, so we are now up to $205, if we go with the 512MB
> that adds another $25 or so, so we are now up to $230, $60 more than I
> originally predicted. 
> What do you all think?
> John S.

I also agree that it makes sense to stick with the same processor. 
Since this is GEN1, I think we should go for less RAM at the decreased
expense as we have to also add the costs for the wireless module.  This
would bring the grand total to $235 for a unit all in (no case
included).  Please correct me if I am wrong.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-29 Thread dustinsterk

As a side note for the kickstarter site.  I cannot create anything until
the following has been completed.  So we maybe a little early for it
just yet.  I may need to have a more formal discussion with you once
this is a little further along:

A functional prototype. Projects in the back-of-a-napkin or 3D-rendering
phase are too early to raise funds on Kickstarter. Projects must have at
least a functional prototype before launching on Kickstarter.

A production plan. How and where will you be making your project? Share
the details on how you will complete it. This must be established prior
to launch.


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox: Product Name

2013-01-29 Thread dustinsterk

What about just plain simple:


A harmonic is any of a set of sine waves by which a complex tone is

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-29 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> Yep, 
> it looks like kickstarter will be much better for GEN2. 
> My own personal feeling is that we want to keep GEN1 to 25 at least for
> a while. During the phase where linux distributions are being developed
> etc it's going to be a VERY geeky thing, I don't want too many
> non-technical developers involved at that point, it could get a bad
> reputation. Once a good distribution gets developed so it can be booted
> up and running Squeezelite without intervention then it's possible to
> get a wider distribution. At that point we want people to try lots of
> diffeent DACs etc, make sure things work, and also this is the time
> where we can look into finding out things like thread priorities, buffer
> sizes etc. That can do well with interested non-technical people. If the
> group wants more than 25 GEN1 boards we can always make more (2nd and up
> batches cost less, a lot of the setup costs have already been paid
> for).
> John S.

While looking more into the Kickstarter requirements the GEN1 prototype
does need to exist first before we could qualify to create a project.
Keeping it to a small number of units I think will be very beneficial as
it will be very technical at first.

John if things go well with the testing of the 3358, do you have any
time estimates on the first order being placed?  Are we looking at weeks
or months?

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-29 Thread dustinsterk

epoch1970 wrote: 
> However the thread is aptly named "Community *Funded* Squeezebox
> Replacement". How about someone (John S. ?) pooling donations from the
> community at large, to help financing the 1st batch of development
> machines ?

Not a bad idea.but the question remains would the community be
willing to donate for the first round?  Even at $10.00 a donation we
would need over 500 users to reach a goal of 25 units @ $200 a board.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-30 Thread dustinsterk

Mnyb wrote: 
> Is hdmi in or out of the picture ?
> Not for streaming movies but for multichannel audio , this would also
> demand some small changes in the server to make it accept 5.1 and 7.1
> FLAC and WAV (I mean 24bit lpcm over hdmi )
> In many cases with a home cinema hdmi is all you need .
> Maybe not for the audiophile as some hdmi implementations are horrific
> (not all ) , but I have no shortage of inputs so I use will use both :)
> (coax for stereo sound ) and I have the Meridian HD621 that copes with
> hdmi jitter problems (so they say ) .

For GEN1 it is out.  It is planned for GEN2 as of now.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-31 Thread dustinsterk

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Already exists. Before anyone else starts working on this, I already am.
> To the point where the files are imported to the library and then can be
> transcoded to native PCM using 'dsd2pcm'
> (
> > 

  >   > 
  > dff flc * *
  > # I
  > [dsd2pcm] 2 m 24 | [sox] -t raw -r 352.8k -s -3 -c 2 - -t flac -C0 - sinc 

> > 
> The code to import into LMS library is very basic, although I should
> have the necessary code finished soon to import the tags from dsf
> files using perl Audio-Scan. More interesting is 'DoP'
> (,
> where via a transcoding plug the data can be "tunnelled" to a DAC
> capable of decoding it, allowing native DSD playback.

Very Cool!  Nice work JackOfAll!!!

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-01-31 Thread dustinsterk

Gandhi wrote: 
> (First time poster, loong time lurker.)
> My thanks to all involved for a great and very promising initiative! 
> I think the following premature detail would be useful for many of us
> Squeeople: an output for a power on/off signal to control an amplifier,
> perhaps just a +5V or +12V output when "on", for use with for instance a
> solid state relay. 
> A headphones out jack could be used instead together with an applet or
> plugin like PowerSwitchII (which I use), but I believe it's better not
> to hinder normal use of headphones. 
> Best Regards,
> Gandhi
> not often enough well recorded and mastered cds *|* dbpoweramp with
> accuraterip *|* flac *|* fanless asrock z77e-itx intel i5-3570t *|*
> ubuntu 12.04.1 lts 32-bit *|* lms 7.7.3 *|* brutefirdrc 3.0 *|*
> transporter (balanced out) *|* thule ia252b *|* audio physic scorpio *|*
> no fancy cables. *+* also some booms. *+* harmony 525s for them all,
> including waking the server from s3.

+1 to this..I would look for a response from John but it seems like
that should not be too hard.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox: Product Name

2013-01-31 Thread dustinsterk

simbo wrote: 
> I have a sneaky suspicion half the people on here are developers. All
> the marketing guys have Sonos.

LOL...I think you are right on this one.  :)

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Re: [slim] Logitech SqueezeBox replacement for under $30

2013-01-31 Thread dustinsterk

agillis wrote: 
> VAMP 0.3 image is now up! If you are running the old image you will need
> to run these commands.
> fw_setenv arcNumber
> fw_setenv machid dd6
> New features include
> - Custom kernel
> - Support for the LED on the front on the PogoPlug (now goes green when
> unit is running and Internet is up)
> - Latest SqueezeLite
> - Improvements in the web GUI

Nice work Andrew!  I updated mine last night from .2working great!

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-04 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> On sample rates, DSD etc here are my thoughts, the design I'm looking at
> will go up to 384 as is, hardware wise. Whether it will actually go that
> fast is going to be purely a software issue. As to doing DSD, a DSD over
> I2S implementation may not be too hard, but I can guarantee it will not
> be in Gen1. If it is decided to be a good thing, I will want to do a
> separate test board (with just the DAC and what it takes to do the DSD)
> to make sure it can be done without sacrificing the "normal" output. The
> problem is that unless we add a separate set of output jacks the output
> of the the DAC and DSD have to be muxed together to go out over the
> single set of output jacks. I need to do some experimenting to make sure
> it can be done well.
> On the board size, the picture from Norm is exactly what I was
> envisioning for Gen1. One aspect missing here is that stuff is going to
> be on both sides of the board. So not all connectors have to be lined up
> next to each other on the same side. 
> My original thought of 3x3 was based on an estimate of the board area
> needed, it's not cast in concrete. I don't really want to make the board
> too large, you actually get better results if you keep things tight in a
> small board area. It can certainly grow if we need the space. 
> I was envisioning that Gen2 would probably be a little larger than Gen1
> anyway, just to get all the connectors on there!
> Thanks Norm for the pictures, that helps to visualize what was in my
> head.
> John S.

Wow, I am excited to see so many posts over this weekend!  John and Norm
great work so far, I am excited to see things heading in the right
direction.  As to the discussion over DSD, etc, I would agree with John,
lets leave GEN1 as a prototype for design and testing of basic
functionality as a player.  We can work out the final details later for
the GEN2 release and add all of the bells and whistles as needed.

The pops and clicks do worry me a little.  Non-ehci hardware I think
would be a deal breaker and leave us in the same situation as the Pi. 
Lets hope it just need a few tweaks on the thread priority.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-05 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> This wandboard sounds REALLY interesting. That core module looks like it
> could be the guts of our project as is, IF they have the clock inputs
> for the I2S and S/PDIF going over that EDM connector then I could do
> everything I want to do on the "carrier board". That would certainly
> make the design way simpler. 
> With the guts the same we could come up with more than one carrier board
> if there are things that want to be done that make sense for different
> hardware. Like a board with power amps for a "boom". Or a board with LCD
> display. Having a constant core module makes upgrading easier as well. 
> AND it comes in single or dual core versions, when doing a HDMI display
> that dual core might come in handy. 
> The one issue here is I need to find out exactly what pins are on that
> connector. Unfortunately I cannot find any documentation on that.
> Anybody else have any luck finding a spec?
> It looks like they are going to start shipping from distributors in a
> week or two, I'm going to go ahead and buy one of these and check  it
> out. 
> Thanks for finding this, it could be a game changer for this project. 
> John S.

This sounds very promising! Triode great find! 

John from their blog I have found the following. It is not super
detailed but shows the connector pinout. 


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-07 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> If the wandboard is viable for us, I'm thinking about doing a Gen0.5,
> this is a quick and dirty carrier board with:
> DAC chip
> 2 USB jacks (one for host only and one for OTG)
> ethernet,
> serial port
> I will make just three of these by hand, keep one and send the others to
> Triode and probably JackOfAll. 
> The purpose of this is to test out the USB interface and get a linux
> image working with Squeezelite so we have something to put in the SD
> card slot for Gen1. I'm putting DAC and S/PDIF on the board in hopes
> that we can get these working as well during the 0.5 phase. Since
> wandboard already has a codec using I2S and S/PDIF working my hope is
> that getting these to work will not be a big issue.  
> The only issue I can forsee is that I will have the two audio clocks on
> the board and a clock mux, somehow we need to get the processor to
> select the clock frequency based on the sample rate. I'm going to
> connect the mux up to one of the GPIOs on the connector and  hope we can
> figure out how to control it. 
> While this software phase is going on I can work on the Gen1 design with
> all the features allready discussed. Since HDMI is already on the EDM I
> might just go ahead and put it on the board. This is when we really need
> to talk about board size, connector placement etc.
> Hopefully by the time these boards are ready phase 0.5 will have
> produced an SD card image that boots the system up and can play music. 
> So for both Gen 0.5 and Gen1 the users will have to perform the
> following:
> buy a wandboard, take the module off of the supplied carrier and
> install it in our board. 
> download an SD card image and copy it onto a micro SD card. Put this
> card into the wandboard module.
> have fun!
> Hopeully by the time this gets to Gen2 wandboard will be selling just
> the modules.
> Schedule: wandboard says they are releasing the schematics on Friday,
> I'm going to be busy all  next week. The week after that I can start
> designing the board, this is simple so it should only take a week to get
> the design done. It takes two weeks to get the boards back, and then a
> week to assemble them. So best case is 5 weeks to get the Gen0.5 boards
> working. Hopefully by then a few of us can have some wandboards in hand.
> John S.

This sounds great!  Hopefully Wandboard will meet their time frames and
start shipping in mass quantity soon.  It looks like today they released
a Jellybean (Android) and Ubuntu preview image.  John did you say you
purchased one of these already?  I do not see a US distributor listed?

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-08 Thread dustinsterk

DITC101 wrote: 
> Schematics for the wandboard are online:

Very niceThey came through!

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-14 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> This looks doable, normally the I2S and S/PDIF signals are referenced to
> an internal PLL, but there is a register that bypasses the PLL with a
> clock from an external pin. There are two of these external clocks, one
> of which connects to the EDM connecttor. On the wand carrier board that
> clock is not connected to anything so it looks like we can use it to
> feed in the external oscilator clock.
> The only problem with this is that it is not clear where the bypass
> happens, it's not shown in the block diagram. It could either be a
> bypass of just the PLL, in which case we need to set the PLL dividers to
> 1 (normally the PLL runs at 630MHz), OR it might be injected after the
> dividers, in which case we don't care about  the divider values.
> We still need a pin to control the external clock mux. There is nothing
> specific for this in the audio subsystem, it is going to have to a GPIO,
> of which there are plenty. I just have to choose one which is active in
> the IO mux mode we will be running in. (of which I don't know yet). This
> is the one unclear issue preventing me from starting a board layout
> right  now. I think I can figure this out from finding  a specific
> signal that IS being used, find out what pin its physically on and then 
> determine which IO mux mode has to be in play for that function to be on
> the pin. With the mux mode I can then choose a GPIO that is active  in
> that mode.
> In any case it looks like there is a way to get an external clock into
> the chip and it is on the EDM connector. So I think the wandboard is
> good to go as a base hardware platform. 
> John S.

Hey John,
Any update with things?  I have been checking the Wandboard forums
everyday but have not seem who the US distributor will be.  I will be
purchasing one of these as soon as this is released.


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-16 Thread dustinsterk

A little bird told me a secret :)

For those of us in the USAyou can find the wandboard at the
following online distributor (although it will not be shipping for a
week or two):

Wandboard (both versions)

Case and antennas:


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-19 Thread dustinsterk

JackOfAll wrote: 
> I have made an img for the dual model that I have.
> 'wandboard-squeezelite-20130219.img.gz'
> (
> Hopefully this will help others who wish to get involved at this early
> stage, up and running quickly.
> It's based on a minimal ubuntu 12.10 rootfs,
> (ubuntu-12.10-r3-minimal-armhf-2013-01-12), so its ARM7 and hard float.
> Being minimal it doesn't have all the gui bloat of the "official"
> Wandboard ubuntu image and is more optimised for the hardware. The
> kernel, I have custom compiled so USB audio is available from the get
> go.
> > 

  >   > 
  > dd if=wandboard-squeezelite-20130219.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M

> > 
> gunzip the img.gz. Replace /dev/sdX (above) with the deviceId of the
> sdcard. dd to your mini sdcard. Put in the slot on the cpu board, not
> the carrier board. Plug in network cable. Power on. Wait 30 secs.
> Router should give a dhcp address to eth0. Go to your router to find
> out what address it has given. Then ssh into it. User: ubuntu
> Password: temppwd.
> In ubuntu user home dir, squeezelite-1.0 src dir. All needed
> dependencies to build and run installed. eg. libflac-dev, libmad0-dev,
> etc, etc. It is built, but 'make clean && make' and it will build
> again. Also in the user dir, kernel-3.0.35.tgz contains the ubootable
> kernel image I built, (uImage), the modules (in a tgz) and the config
> that was used to compile it from the wandboard-sdk.
> I probably won't have any more time to spend tinkering with the
> Wandboard until the weekend, so that's it for now.

JackOfAll, Great work!!  I am too waiting for the Wandboard from
Digikey.  I am really excited to see how this plays out.

John, if all goes well with the Gen.5 board would you be looking for
testers and producing a larger batch or are you going to limit them to
you, JackOfAll, and Triode?  Then fix any issues/re-design and produce a
public batch for Gen1.0?

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-19 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> Since I'm going to start designing the Gen0.5 boards in couple days, I
> wanted to go into a little detail on what I'm planning on doing and what
> the specific goals are for this board. So if there are changes desired I
> can get the concepts in before I get too far in the board design.
> As I see it there are three goals for Gen0.5:
> 1; Get a working linux distro that can be put on the SD card that
> includes what of linux is needed, and Squeezelite. So that when Gen1
> comes out it can do SOMETHING out of the box. 
> 2; test out both USB ports configured as host ports, see what works,
> what doesn't and if the two ports behave the same or not.
> 3; get drivers working that can talk to the DAC chip and S/PDIF out.
> Drivers currently exist that can send out I2S and S/PDIF, we need to
> make sure they can work with our hardware, and what may be the most
> difficult part, handle an external MCLK source and select between clock
> frequencies for the different sample rate families. 
> I'm planning on the Gen0.5 board being very simple and inexpensive,
> something that I can solder by hand. The board fab I use makes three
> copies of the board, so we will have three boards. 
> I'm planning on the board having the following:  EDM connector, Ethernet
> connector(gigabit), two full size USB type A connectors, DAC chip
> driving two RCA jacks, TOSLINK S/PDIF out, two oscillators with
> appropriate audio frequencies, clock mux, I2S and S/PDIF reclocking
> flops, clock driver for the module and voltage regulators. No wifi, no
> headphone. Just enough to test out the software for the three interfaces
> (USB, I2S to DAC and S/PDIF)
> I am NOT going to be doing any of the fancy very low noise ground plane
> schemes, super low noise regulators etc. This is not being designed to
> get the best sound, but to be a platform for initial software
> development. Gen1 will have those things. 
> As mentioned I'm trying to keep this phase as simple as possible. All
> the rest of the development will take place in Gen1. I'm trying to
> prevent creeping featurism in this phase.
> Does anybody have any changes they would like to make to this, either
> goals or hardware? 
> Thanks,
> John S.

John, scratch my question, just re-read this post.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox: Product Name

2013-02-19 Thread dustinsterk

simbo wrote: 
> OK I've had enough of this malarkey. I'm posting the shortlist as a poll
> to see where it leads us. If we hate the name, we'll just end up calling
> it GEN-x- anyway.

I like the poll but feel that "Harmonic" should still be on the list. 
It did have a +3.  :)

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox: Product Name

2013-02-20 Thread dustinsterk

simbo wrote: 
> Yeah probably.. I'll add it to the next round, along with Harmonic.

:)  Thanks!

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-21 Thread dustinsterk

guidof wrote: 
> Wow, John. This IS exciting indeed!
> I'm sure there are many in the community that are as excited and are
> eager for you and friends to succeed in this endeavor.
> Best,
> Guido F.


John, very very exciting.if the DAC implementation is what you are
expecting in results, for the cost, I think there could be a huge market
for this product.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-21 Thread dustinsterk

JackOfAll wrote: 
> John, 
> Give me a day or two. I'm currently digesting the Freescale manual and
> looking at the driver code. So if the discussion about GPIO's, the MUX
> clock switching and driver could wait until the weekend...
> Triode,
> Cool. You're already working on a GUI!
> eLR!C,
> I think I switched compiler between the first and second images. Still
> works for me. Later today I'll make another image using the kernel from
> the first image.
> All,
> Running LMS and transcoding, (as well as streaming to multiple clients),
> ... I think you are going to be surprised, but in a good way.  I have
> another image based on Fedora 18 ARM7HF nearly ready to go. Before
> anyone groans, I'll need to explain why the choice of Fedora and that it
> leverages the work that has already been put into the rpm packages I
> provide (squeezelite, LMS) for F18. More later.

JackOfAll, if going down the road of Fedora, any plans on talking with
Andrew @ Vortexbox?  He reached out to me a few weeks back asking about
this thread.

I wonder if anyone from Logitech is also following this  :)

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-21 Thread dustinsterk

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Someone is reading my mind! Yes, I have been in contact with Andrew
> recently, not specifically about this, but I have made LMS RPM builds
> for VB2.2 that I believe Andrew may be intending to leverage for the
> next VB which will be based on F18. So yes, what I'm thinking is that
> wouldn't it be great if there was a VortexBox ARM7 version. I don't want
> to say too much now cause it is not finished, but I have taken
> inspiration for the way vortexbox-player (the VB client player) is
> configured from the web interface. There is already a certain amount of
> synergy here. Andrew is intending to distribute Squeezelite with the
> next VB build (I am not sure if it will now be the default client
> player, replacing vortexbox-player) but I would expect it would have a
> web configuration interface (which is what JS has asked for anyway for
> our project) to configure it. At the moment, I don't think our goals
> match Andrews exactly, but yes, I think there is a conversation to be
> had with him about a VB ARM7 version. But again, I don't want to divert
> attention from our stated goal, which is in the first instance to have a
> player, not a server! (If there was a VB ARM build, LMS doesn't have to
> be running, it could be disabled by default. We could just be leveraging
> the existing web GUI for configuring the client and the network
> interfaces.)

Very Nice!  I agree yes, lets get the player first, but I was thinking
the same thing as you.  VB and this hardware would fit together very
nicely.  From the gui layout to the web configuration it all seems to
play well.  Day by day I see this evolving into exactly what I had hoped
for.  Thanks again to everyone that is involvedthe time, money, and
dedication spend toward this initiative is like none other I have ever
seen from an online community (and I frequent a lot of them).


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-21 Thread dustinsterk

I know were also waiting for Digikey to receive stockit seems Future
Electronics is also selling the boards to the US for even cheaper than
Digikey (still not in stock yet).


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-02-27 Thread dustinsterk

garym wrote: 
> agree. And keep in mind that they were paid very, very well for their
> previous passion.

I would venture to say that they are probably very proud that something
they created is being kept alive by the community that loves it.  In my
eyes that is a true success.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-04 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> The Gen05 board (named SWAMP05) is about 2/3 done, I had hoped to get it
> done today, but some emergency stuff at work came up so it didn't get
> done. Unfortunately next week is going to be a very busy week, so I
> probably won't be able to get it done until next weekend. Then it's two
> weeks to get the boards back, and about a week for me to solder them
> together. So it looks about the first week of April I might have some up
> and running. 
> Hopefully by then my wandboard will have come in!
> John S.

Excited by the progress.please keep us posted John!

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Re: [slim] Which online services do you use (if any)?

2013-03-07 Thread dustinsterk

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which online services do you use?

- Deezer 
- Internet Radio / TuneIn 
- MOG 
- Pandora 
- Rhapsody/Napster 
- Slacker 
- Spotify 
- Other (i.e. one I've forgotten) 
- NONE - I don't use any online services

simbo wrote: 
> To those selecting "Other" - please can you respond with the service you
> use? Thanks.

Hey Simbo,
Sirius/XM I think is one you missed.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-11 Thread dustinsterk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> Here is a PDF of the SWAMP05 layout. If you print it 1:1 it will be the
> actual size. With your favorite PDF reader you can zoom in and see the
> detail.
> John S.

Wow!!!  John amazing work, this looks very nice.  I am very exited for
SWAMP 1.0.

I would also agree separating the balanced outputs onto a daughter card.
Not everyone will need them, and for those who do, I am sure the
additional cost would not be an issue.

In regards to the wifi optionsI do like the idea of having the
ability to create mesh networks with the Wizfi630.  This brings the
ability for a completely stand along product.

I assume the dev boards will we tested by Triode and JackOfAll. 
Assuming all goes well what are the next steps in your mind?


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-27 Thread dustinsterk

Awesome news John!  Really looking forward to seeing the SWAMP and
testing v1.0!


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[slim] Chromcast audio has added multi-room support!

2015-12-10 Thread dustinsterk

Chromecast Audio also got support for a higher resolution audio stream:
it can now handle audio up to 96KHz/24bit lossless.

This is big and for the price is not a bad entry level solution.

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Re: [slim] Chromecast Audio ideal for Squeezebox replacement hardware?

2016-01-02 Thread dustinsterk

Furry wrote: 
> Using 'original' Chromecast dongle, connected to TV HDMI.
> Installed and apparently working (after some oddities with LMS crashing,
> and not restarting until full server reboot), however doesn't actually
> play anything;
> It does cause the TV to display a blank artwork, under which [LMS to
> UPnP] etc., but constant 'connecting' and buffering to no more than
> around 20%.
> Server details as below in sig.
> Also, if I make any changes to the plugin settings, it takes a very long
> time / forever to update the browser screen.
> Edit: Windows firewall was the problem. Still no artwork, artist or
> album info appearing on the TV though.

As per the thread in third part software...turn of the LMS password.
Artwork should appear.

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