[slim] Re: MySQL on 6.5b1

2006-08-23 Thread jeffluckett


I've just installed 6.5b1 - 9122 on my server box.

I was hoping to access the embedded mySQLd via sqlYog from a remote
machine, but it seems that it doesn't accept network connections. (I am
able to access it with sqlYog installed on the same machine, however).

Does anybody here know how I can either A) configure the embedded mysql
to allow network connections or B) configure SlimServer to use my
already installed MySQL on that machine ... which already allows
network connections...

I've tried to change the .pref file to connect to my already installed
MySQL, but it chokes saying the .pref file is corrupt...


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[slim] Re: MySQL on 6.5b1

2006-08-23 Thread jeffluckett

That did it.  Thanks.


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[slim] Re: using SlimServer as a small radio server

2006-08-29 Thread jeffluckett

Yes, it's possible to sync your players attached to your SlimServer.

See this page in the wiki:


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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-09-05 Thread jeffluckett

I haven't read through all 11 pages of this thread. So, if my idea here
is already mentioned ... consider this a 'vote' in favor of this

I'd like to see some more visualizations that are keyed to the music.

The various VU meters and spectrum analyzers are OK as they go, but I'd
like to see something more 'creative' and fun than just the technical

Perhaps some morphing shapes or dancing dudes or ... whatever.  Kind of
like the visualizations that already exist for most software-based
players like Winamp or Windows Media Player. It'd be nice to see
something that takes full advantage of the capabilities of the fancy,
expensive displays on SB3 and Transporter.


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[slim] Re: Browse Playlists is EMPTY - Why???

2006-09-07 Thread jeffluckett

Have you performed a re-scan since placing them in the folder?


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[slim] Question for the Experts

2006-09-08 Thread jeffluckett

If you were to do a "fresh install" of Win2k3 server on a box dedicated
to host only slimserver and MusicIP, how would you tweak it?  It will
also do some side-duty as a general purpose file-server...

Also ... if you'd prefer to not use Win2k3, what other OS would you use
and why. (note ... I'm a Linux Dolt, but willing to learn ... so keep
that in mind)

Machine Specs:
PIII - 800Mhz with 256Meg

(I'm speccing 2K3 because I actually have a legal copy from my MSDN
subscription, and that's actually what's currently installed on that


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[slim] Re: Question for the Experts

2006-09-08 Thread jeffluckett

Robin Bowes;134517 Wrote: 
> jeffluckett wrote:[color=blue]
> I'm not sure what MusicIP requirements are. If that requires Windows
> then ignore most of the following.
> Personally, I'd use Linux.
> Why? Experience has shown that slimserver runs better under Linux.
> I'm relatively experienced with it, but other new users seem to manage
> to get a Linux installation up and running and to install slimserver.
> Why not give it a go? It's free! You can always fall back to 2K3 if
> necessary.
> R.

MusicIP does have a Linux install ... Linux would be a non-starter for
me if I couldn't have MusicMagic.

I should point out that I already have it all running under Widows ...
and was hoping to tweak for maximum performance for its SlimServer
duties.  That said ... I am not above dumping Windows for Linux if
there were a strong argument in favor of that.

What distro would you use, and what benefit would you see me getting
out of the switch. (Remember, "free" isn't a consideration here, since
I already own windows.  "Secure" also isn't much of a consideration
either since I'm NAT-ed and Firewalled, and slimserver is not exposed
to the 'net)


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[slim] Re: Portrait of Slim Devicess on Gigaom.com

2006-09-08 Thread jeffluckett

Patrick Dixon;134497 Wrote: 
> And there was me, thinking it was supposed to be an audiophile player
> ...

Audiophiles are geeks too.  They just point thier geekiness at
different toys.


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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-09-11 Thread jeffluckett

jams;135168 Wrote: 
> The area i think needs some improvement is managing playlists via the
> web interface. Once you chuck some tunes into a playlist it is very
> difficult to move them about. You simply have the option to move up or
> down a place and delete. I would really like to be able to drag and
> drop file around the playlist. 
> For example you select a load of songs to be played into a playlist.
> Then you see one near the bottom that you want to hear next. I'd love
> to be able to drag it there, rather than press the up arrow 20+ times
> to get it to the top of the list.

...or at the very least, be able to edit the playlist position by
entering a number.  Similar to the way you can re-order your queue at
Netflix.  I realize drag/drop can be a bit of a challenge since it
requires some fancy DHTML and probably AJAX.


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[slim] Re: Skin Problem in 6.5

2006-09-12 Thread jeffluckett

Some quick suggestions:

1. clear your cache and reload the page. (hit ctrl+f5)
2. http://localhost:9000/default - This will bring you to the default
skin if all else fails. (replace localhost with your server IP if


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[slim] Re: Strange Noise

2006-09-14 Thread jeffluckett

I see you're using the digital coax out.

Can you try the optical, or analog out, just for kicks?


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[slim] Re: Native ogg with 6.5

2006-09-21 Thread jeffluckett

Think of it this way. 

It's the same reason you can't run WinXP on the same machine you used
to run Windows 3.1 on ... even though you were an early adopter and
have been supporting the company since early on.

Improved capability requires improved hardware spec.  Your early box
just ain't up to the task.


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[slim] Re: 6.5 bugs?

2006-09-21 Thread jeffluckett

I can help you with a couple of these..

MrSinatra;138152 Wrote: 
> "fishbone" where it says "home" when i roll my mouse over, it changes
> to albums.  i can't then get to home.  its like an old www practical
> joke for anyone who recalls...
"Home" is a slightly different concept in the Fishbone skin.  "Home"
refers to the section you have in the drop-down box, hence the reason
it changes when you hover over the mouse.

I agree this is a bit confusing, took me a while to get used to, but
overall Fisbone is my favorite skin. 

You can get to the other options you may be looking for at "Home" by
clicking the "Help" link.

MrSinatra;138152 Wrote: 
> then, big problems.  i changed to default 2, and now i can't see my
> music or get to the server or player settings page.
> (server settings link displays this on left)
> 404 Not Found: setup.html 
> Try adding page=SERVER_SETTINGS.
> (player settings link displays this on left)
> 404 Not Found: setup.html 
> Try adding page=SERVER_SETTINGS.
> browse albums says this:
> Home ARRAY(0x471bc64) 
> 1541 albums with 18753 songs by 4971 artists. 
> and no albums are listed.
> so, what do i do now???  i'm stuck in default 2 and can't get out of
> it.
> this is a bit disappointing.

Sometimes when you switch skins, stuff gets all goofed up in the
browser cache.  If you are on a PC, hit CTRL+F5 simultaneously to force
the browser to fully refresh, not use its local cached copy.

If all else fails, you can get to any other skin by simply specifying
it in the address bar like so.


So to get to default:

Hope this helps!


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[slim] Re: "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:9000."

2006-09-21 Thread jeffluckett

First, are you on the same machine as SlimServer is installed on?  If
not, then you need to use the IP address of the other machine instead
of localhost.

Second, if you are on the same machine, are you certain that SlimServer
is running?  Check the task manager under "Processes" for slim.exe ...
make sure the "show processes for all users" is checked.

Assuming you are on the same machine and Slim.exe is running, try
typing and see if that loads.


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[slim] Re: 6.5 bugs?

2006-09-21 Thread jeffluckett

MrSinatra;138165 Wrote: 
> thx alot jeff et al, all GREAT info.
> the ctrl -refresh didn't work, but by going back to default directly,
> it did.
> i don't like the way i can't get to the real home in fishbone, but
> yeah, its probably the best looking skin.  i don't see how to get to
> player settings either btw.
> also, some of my artwork is not scaling down to 130 pixels.  so some
> images look way large.
> is this a skin or SS issue?
> some skins are displaying my album art as a single column.
> (and while not serious, the default 2 bug is a bit disappointing)

Player settings are on the top-right above the "now playing" section
and player controls.  

Not really sure about the album art thing ... all my art is already at
130px, so no scaling necessary, so I'll let someone else address that.


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[slim] Re: Hifi over wifi

2006-09-21 Thread jeffluckett

bungle3;138174 Wrote: 
> Many thanks. Just given it a try and its much simpler to the way i
> thought of solving the problem. Seems like these squeezeboxes can do
> almost anything!

It gets even better.  There's skins that are optimized for handheld
devices, so If you've got a wifi card for your PDA, or look into one of
those Nokia770 devices, the laptop even drops out of the picture.  

Another option (that I'm currently looking into), is to get a
touch-screen and run your browser in kiosk mode.  There's even a skin
that's set up for touch-screen use.

Currently, my setup is SlimServer running in a box in the basement.
Squeezebox 3 connected wirelessly.  Optical out to my main receiver,
and digital out to a receiver in another room.

I when listening on my "main" receiver, I control the SB with the
remote, and when I'm in the other room, I use a laptop ... or the pc in
another adjacent room.  Ideally, I'll have my touch-screen set up here
so I don't need to fire up my laptop or go to the other pc to control
SB when in the "secondary" listening area.


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[slim] Re: Uninstall Slimserver 6.3 prior to installing 6.5

2006-09-21 Thread jeffluckett

Don't consider this an "official answer", but I would say that it'd be
best to un-install the 6.3 before installing 6.5.

The only reason I could think of that you wouldn't want to do this is
A. you don't want to do a rescan or B. you don't want to reinstall your

However ... since they're moving from sqllite to MySQL on this release,
you'll need to rescan anyway, and most of your 6.3 plugins won't be
compatible with 6.5.  So, reasons A&B are out the door.

So ... with that said ... uninstall, and do a clean install, and avoid
any possible "version poisoning" that could occur by installing 6.5
over 6.x.  Frankly, I think they could've made the install for 6.5 a
little "smarter", but I think they rushed the release due to the need
to supporth the high-dollar transporter they're currently shipping to
consumers, and needs 6.5 to run.


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[slim] Re: "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:9000."

2006-09-21 Thread jeffluckett

Try doing an un-install and then a re-install using 6.5.

Most of the 6.3 plugins aren't compatible with 6.5, and they aren't
removed on install either, so that might explain your crashing.

6.5 is worth the upgrade, and it's running strong on my windows box. 
But 6.3 and 6.5 don't play nice.


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[slim] Re: "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:9000."

2006-09-22 Thread jeffluckett

Kyle;138387 Wrote: 
> Does the Windows installer not uninstall 6.3?  I can try it manually,
> and I do use some plugins -- SuperDateTime, LazySearch and Moose. 
> Moose is in a separate folder, so I wouldn't think it would intefere. 
> Do you know anything specifically about the others?

Any 6.3 plugin could potentially cause an issue. No, the installer
doesn't un-install previous versions, it simply overwrites old files
that already exist with the new version, and adds new ones when
necessary.  So, you'll end up with old skins that may have been
discontinued (like default2) and any plugins you had in your plugins

It would be nice if the installer would 'disable' any existing plugins
at the very least ... especially in this case where old plugins are
causing crashes, and they're not telling folks that it's best to do a
fresh install.

Anyway ... if you do a complete un-install, and a fresh install (make
sure you delete or rename the slimserver folder in "Program Files") you
will probably not have any issues at all.

I've been running 6.5 since just before they split off the trunk for
7.0, and have been very happy with it, so it's worth the trouble to
make it work.


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[slim] Re: 6.5 bugs?

2006-09-22 Thread jeffluckett

aubuti;138415 Wrote: 
> Or to look at it another way, in Fishbone, you're already home! Except
> if you're in one of the search screens (Advanced Search and Search
> Music), Tune In URL, Switch to SqueezeNetwork, or Statistics. In those
> cases 'home' is the last browse screen you were at.
> Personally, the Fishbone skin is too busy for my tastes, but it does a
> nice job of implementing a couple great ideas, like undocking the
> player and the dropdown menu in place of a 'home' page. Why go back to
> a home page to go to another menu (eg, Browse Albums to Favorites) when
> you can save step by picking the new destination directly from the
> dropdown? That's especially a nice touch when running slimserver on a
> NAS or otherwise under-powered computer. But to each his own.

I definitely agree that Fishbone isn't perfect.  But I like it best for
"day-to-day" use when I'm playing music, etc...  However, I'll drop down
to the DEFAULT skin when I want to do things like edit settings and
stuff.  So, I guess I'm 95% fishbone and 5% default.


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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-09-22 Thread jeffluckett

Things I'd like to see:

1: A clean install process for upgraders. Quite a mess for those who
are migrating from 6.3.x and lower to 6.5.

2: Stability, stability, stability.

3: Optimize the SQL currently in use.  It seems there's lots of
inefficient queries ... the web and SB interfaces and could be so much
more responsive with some good SQL optimization.

4: Reduced resources footprint.  It's beginning to look pretty fat for
something called "Slim"Server.

5: Enhance the scanning process.  There are lots of apps out there that
monitor drive folders for changes without the intensive scanning process
used by Slim (except for initial scan of course...).  It'd be much nicer
if SS would add music and playlists to my library on the fly as their
added to the directory.

6: Improve the scan process.  Does it really need to take as long as it
does??  MusicMagic scans my whole library in 1/4 the time SlimServer
does ...  seems there's room for improvement there.  Probably relates
to item #3 on some level.

7: Begin more thoroughly embracing AJAX on the web interface ... it's
really getting dated with the old
click/reload-the-whole-page-for-changes paradigm.  ...especially with
how long page loads can take sometimes.

Overall, I'd say that the server software has all the features 90% of
users could want.  It'd be good to focus on making those features as
good as they can be before hanging on a bunch more fluff.


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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-09-22 Thread jeffluckett

> What, exactly, do you mean?
> Transparent upgrades are a serious challenge for all software, not just
> SlimServer. The more you expect it to remember, the harder it gets. At
> some point, it becomes impractical.
> Seems to me that a reasonable list of things for the SlimServer to
> remember across upgrades (IMHO) are
> 1) remember your library directory
> 2) remember your player names
> 3) remember choses skin
> I personally don't care about plugins, some others may care more. At
> some point, it may be too hard.

I mean to upgrade without leaving stuff behind that causes it to crash.
There are currently no shortage of active threads talking about how the
6.3 plugins, and the default2 skin that get left in place during upgrade
are causing issues.  By and large, when I upgrade software it works, and
is not hampered by the fact that an earlier version had been installed.

> Its the server for a SlimDevice, the SqueezeBox.
> I don't see any reason to worry about it, an old obsolte PC runs it
> perfectly. Mine has been up
> 13:30:13 up 460 days, 41 min, 2 users, load average: 0.07, 0.13, 0.09

I run it on a dedicated box with an 800mhz processor, win2k3 and 512MB
RAM.  When the scanner is running, navigating the web interface is
painful, and my SB's interface gets laggy.  I'm not at home right now,
so I can't quote any numbers, but I do remember being rather astonished
at the size of the memory footprint of both the scanner and slim.exe

They also want this to run on NAS devices, which are pretty limited on
proc. and memory resources...

> I probably have to add AJAX on the interface to what I do for a living,
> and I am terrified. Doing it properly for lots of OS and browser
> combinations looks extremely hard. Just testing all the combinations is
> going to take many weeks if not many months.
> AJAX is cool, but the tools to support it professionally are seriously
> lacking. IMHO, YMMV, etc.

No, it's not that hard.  I'm a programmer as well (8 years in the biz),
and have been doing AJAX for about a year or so.  Compatibility is not
an issue, there's just MS vs. EVERYONE ELSE on exactly how you call up
the XMLHttpRequest object, but it's pretty easy to pick the right way
via object detection ... or just use one of the many and useful AJAX
libraries out there.  I think I remember seeing that Fishbone uses
Prototype.js ... but I could be mistaken.

As for debugging tools, pretty much using the FireBug extension in
Firefox is all I've ever needed, and then standard debugging techniques
from there.  It's not as hard as you think, but you have to stop
thinking the way you used to in regards to how web-apps are supposed to

Now, you're going to say, "if your such a fantabluous programmer why
don't you contribute to the project."  

Fair jab.  I have two reasons:
1. I typically do a 50 hour week at the office.  I also have a wife and
child ... and I do a little freelance work too.  By the time I finish
programming for money, I just want to Listen to my SB, talk to my wife
and play with my baby.  As much as I'd like to contribute, I frankly
don't have the time.

2. Perl. I hate it.  Makes my head hurt.


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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-09-22 Thread jeffluckett

> Pretty sure there would be cross platform issues with this, but there
> may be ways round that.

I'm sure it would not be without some difficulty, or I'm sure it'd have
been implemented by now.

It seems one of the more recurrent complaints is grumbling about the
scanning process.  I ESPECIALLY hate the "dump and rescan" option. :(

> One of the SlimDevices guys (i think it was Dean) stated in the past
> that right now they haven't done a huge amount of optimisation on the
> SQL queries for scanning. As they were moving to MySQL in 6.5 i think
> they just wanted it to work reliably before they spend time on
> optimising and tweaking. I would expect to see a speed improvement in
> future versions as the Devs get more used to what MySQL can really do
> for them :)

Agreed ... that's why I was putting in the 7.0 wish list.  I've worked
with SQLite before, and am aware of the limitations, and the sometimes
screwy queries that you have to write for it.

Glad to hear that query optimization is on the TODO list now that a
more capable database engine is in place.


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[slim] Re: Is 6.5 ready for non techies?

2006-09-25 Thread jeffluckett

I agree with the previous poster.

As long as you do a complete un-install of your previous version, 6.5
installs and runs fine.  MOST of the issues I've seen seem to stem from
"previous version poisoning", and also people who are using the more
advanced features or have lots of plugins.

There's enough "new goodness" there to make it worth your while.


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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-09-27 Thread jeffluckett

funkstar;140165 Wrote: 
> the ability to have multiple library folders would cut down on the
> number of people asking if it is possible and would make it easier for
> the NAS systems out there too. I know there has been a lot of
> discussion in the Qnap threads about symlinks/shortcuts as there isn't
> an easy way to set these up at the moment.

I really don't see why it is so hard to incorporate this functionality.
Wouldn't it be a simple matter of keeping a list of
PATH_TO_MUSIC_FOLDERS in the database, or in the config file ... the
scanner just iterates through the list as it completes the scanning
process until it's out of paths...

Another benefit of this is that you can then build functionality around
this like segregated music libraries (Wife's stuff, My Stuff, Party
Stuff, whatever...), without having to go through the trouble of
tagging all your songs in some way to help you identify them.

You can envision having the UI incorporate some functionality like,
"Play only songs from drive X:\" or, "Click to select folders to
include in the playlist", etc...


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[slim] Re: Rescan Clears Player Playlist

2006-09-27 Thread jeffluckett

bishopdonmiguel;139780 Wrote: 
> Recently upgraded to 6.5.1 running under Debian.  I had previously been
> using the Rescan Music Library plugin to automatically rebuild nightly
> using "Clear Library and Rescan Everything."  Never had problems doing
> this with 6.3.1 but now each morning I notice the playlists on all of
> the players are empty.  A manual "rescan everything" also wipes all of
> the player playlists.  Is this the expected behavior?

Well, since you are doing a 'dump and rescan' of your database, your
player no longer has any reason to suspect the current playlist in
memory is at all valid.  So, it makes sense that when you do a full
rescan ... EVERYTHING is nulled out and rebuilt.


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[slim] Re: Rescan Clears Player Playlist

2006-09-27 Thread jeffluckett

smc2911;140208 Wrote: 
> Perhaps there is room for an additional scanning option: "Scan
> Everything" as opposed to "Clear Library and Rescan Everything" which
> could simply be used to picking up tweaks to tags.

There are currently 3 rescan options:

1. Look for New and Changed Music
2. Dump and rescan
3. Playlists only

Options 1. and 3. should not clear your playlist ... you should only
need option 2 if there's a specific reason. I believe option 1.
incorporates the functionality you are looking for.


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[slim] Re: Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-10-01 Thread jeffluckett

To get the latest firmare onto your SB, you'll need to connect via the
Ethernet port log enough to do the firmware update.

After that (assuming the firmware upgrade helps your wireless issue),
you'll be able to connect wirelessly.


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[slim] Re: 6.5.0 gotchas and instructions

2006-10-01 Thread jeffluckett

Before you can get much help, you'll need to state what OS you're
running on, and perhaps some specifics about your hardware.

FWIW ... I think most people have had success with a "Fresh" install. 
Most problems seem to occur when installing over old versions.


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[slim] Re: Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-10-01 Thread jeffluckett

Bruce S.;141857 Wrote: 
> I am not connecting to my neighbor's system. 
> How can I use a cable if my router has no open "ports" into which I can
> insert the connector? If I take out the one ethernet cable that is
> presently inserted so as to plug in a wire from the SB3 to it, I  lose
> connectivity to my server PC which is, of course, tethered to the
> router via that cable. Is the idea that I can download the firmware
> auto-magically directly from the SB3 to the internet?

The only connections you need are the SB, and the machine that houses
the SlimServer.

I assume your router has at least 4 ports.  To do your SB firmare
update, simply make sure that your SlimServer machine is on one port,
and your SB is on another.

This only needs to be a temporary setup while you flash your firmware.


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[slim] Re: 6.5.0 is OK except for....

2006-10-02 Thread jeffluckett

When I first went to 6.5 before it became an "official" beta I had
similar problems.

It may be a simple matter of your browser cache needing to be
refreshed.  Either try ctrl+f5 to force a refresh, or go into your
browser's menu item and manually clear the cache.


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[slim] Re: 6.5.0 is OK except for....

2006-10-02 Thread jeffluckett

ncpl;141979 Wrote: 
> Thanks Jeff,
> Just before I picked up your response, I changed skin from default to
> dark, and it seems to refresh.
> Changing back to default and it doesn't.  Perhaps it's juyst an issue
> with the default skin.  I know not to touch default 2 anyway now having
> been caught out by that last week.
> Seems also that ctrl+F5 is the only way to fully change a skin also.  
> Any thoughts on no album/no artist ?
> Cheers

Sorry, no input on that I'm afraid.  I'm not experiencing that issue.


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[slim] Re: Slim 6.5.1 and MusicIP problems

2006-10-03 Thread jeffluckett

I posted another MusicIP related problem for this nightly in this

Basically, I did a full rescan and it did manage to import my library
(1036 albums, 6147 songs, 704 artists), but it crashes the server and
scanner (presumably)just before importing the MusicIP information, as
none of my music is "mixable".  If I manually restart the server, it's
fine as long as I don't initiate a scan.

I'm using the latest nightly (10130) on Win2k3 Server.


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[slim] Re: Slim 6.5.1 and MusicIP problems

2006-10-03 Thread jeffluckett

chris.mason;142375 Wrote: 
> Thanks Jeff, maybe its a related issue..?
> I've not got any problems with accented characters coming from MIP, but
> I used to have problems.  I spent some time investigating this and
> discovered the issue lay with file and directory names (at least on
> Windows) that had accented names.  I figured out that the  MIP API or
> SlimServer were not correctly passing/receiving file/directory names
> with extended characters, which meant that when Slim looked for the
> files on the disk, it couldn't find them.
> I then decided to just remove the extended characters from the file and
> folder names, keeping the track name tags intact with their accented
> characters.  This has worked perfectly ever since.
> Chris.

Getting rid of the extended characters would certainly be a work-around
to that issue.  However, I actually have quite a bit of latin music and
Classical music in my library ... both of which tend to have quite a
bit of extended ASCII characters in the names ... so it would be quite
an undertaking to clean up the file and folder names.  Additionally, I
use MusicBrainz for tagging and renaming ... and it always uses
'proper' spelling with accented characters.  Not really a viable option
for me.

I had heard that the issue was to be addressed in 6.5.1 ... but since I
can't complete a scan, I can't tell if that's true yet.


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[slim] Re: Slim 6.5.1 and MusicIP problems

2006-10-03 Thread jeffluckett

gutted;142389 Wrote: 
> Jeff - do you store MIP music fingerprint into your tags? If so, then in
> theory, a quick(ish) test would be to create a new music folder (test,
> for example) with only 1 track in it.  You could use MIP to store
> fingerprint into the track tags and then get Slim to try and scan the
> track in; if that fails, try removing the fingerprint data and rescan
> the single track again.
> If it is, indeed, something to do with fingerprint data and you
> performed the test above you could log it as a bug (?)

Ok, here's what I did:

I created a folder, and added a single file (without accented
characters to keep things simple).  

The track is Zenyatta Mondatta-11-The Other Way of Stopping.flac, and
it did indeed have MisicMagic fingerprint tags in it.

First, I pointed SlimServer at this test folder, and did a clear and
rescan.  It dumped my database, found the single track, added it to my
library and then crashed.

Second,used Mp3Tag v32.36 to remove the MusicMagic tags from the file
(there were still a bunch of MusicBrainz tags in there through), did a
clear and rescan with the same result as above.

Third, I turned off the "Use MusicMagic" setting, and did a
clear/rescan and again, it crashed.

Fourth, I disabled TrackStat and rescanned ... no crash ... so it looks
like the problem is with TrackStat.

Fifth, I replaced the file with the original to restore the mIP tags,
re-enabled "Use MusicMagic" and rescanned ... no crash ... but the song
also didn't end up with the "mm" link indicating it should be mixable. 
I think this is not a surprise, however, since the track isn't where
it's "supposed" to be.

I'm currently rescanning my entire library now, with TrackStat
disabled, and MusicMagic ENABLED ... I'll report back when that


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[slim] Re: Slim 6.5.1 and MusicIP problems

2006-10-03 Thread jeffluckett

gutted;142419 Wrote: 
> Nicely done...  Looks like you're onto something with the TrackStat.
> (What is TrackStat, out of interest?  I could Google it, but I'm very
> lazy :P )

TrackStat is a plugin that keeps track of play counts, ratings, etc...

It's supposed to be able to survive rescans, unlike the 'default' track
statistics.  It also allows you to make playlists based upon varous
stats like "highest rated", "Most frequently played", "Least Frequently
Played", etc...

Still scanning BTW...  No crash yet. ;)


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[slim] Re: Slim 6.5.1 and MusicIP problems

2006-10-03 Thread jeffluckett

Ok ... the scan completed, and SlimServer did not crash *BUT* none of my
tracks are mixable, so it seems MusicMagic data isn't being brought in,
or the MusicMagic plugin is borked.


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[slim] Re: Slim 6.5.1 and MusicIP problems

2006-10-03 Thread jeffluckett

gutted;142421 Wrote: 
> Sounds very cool (apart from the crashes and all ;)
> You sure you're running a version which is suitable for your updated
> version of slim?  Maybe there are some old plugin files hanging around
> which are upsetting slim?

It was running fine under 6.5.0 ... didn't see anything in the 3rd
party Newsgroup about an update for 6.5.1, so maybe this is something


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[slim] Re: Slim 6.5.1 and MusicIP problems

2006-10-03 Thread jeffluckett

I should add that I did confirm that MusicMagic was enabled in my
settings, and that the MusicMagicServer is indeed running and
accessible via http://[server_ip]:10002


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[slim] Re: Slim 6.5.1 and MusicIP problems

2006-10-03 Thread jeffluckett

gutted;142433 Wrote: 
> This happens on a recent nightly?  If so, I'm not sure whether users
> like ourselves are supposed to log problems (in bugzilla) for nightlies
> since they are - in effect - "beta" versions.
> Hopefully someone else will know how to address reproducible problems
> in nightly releases and whether they should be logged (and where they
> should be logged)

Yeah ... on last night's nightly build.  I won't log a bug unless
directed to by someone.

I cross-linked this thread to the one I originally started in the Beta
newsgroup, before this one became the active discussion thread. :P

Hopefully someone will pick up on it there.


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[slim] Re: Slim 6.5.1 and MusicIP problems

2006-10-04 Thread jeffluckett

I installed the Oct. 4th nightly this evening (SlimServer Version: 6.5.1
- 10169 ) and appears that MusicMagic is back in business for me now.

...and to completely round out my joy ... songs with accented
characters in thier titles are now presenting as mixable.

Good job to whoever was involved in that fix.


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[slim] Re: white NOT BLACK!

2006-10-04 Thread jeffluckett

grimholtz;143127 Wrote: 
> Anyone know if they cross-ship?

I don't know for sure, but if this was indeed thier mistake, I'm sure
they'll be quite accomodating.  I've never had anything but first-rate
experience with thier customer service.

Even if it wasn't thier mistake, they still might do it.  However, the
only ones who can answer that is the folks over at SD.  Give 'em a call
in the morning.

BTW ... I live just outside Boston myself ... waving "hi". :)


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[slim] Re: white NOT BLACK!

2006-10-04 Thread jeffluckett

grimholtz;143133 Wrote: 
> Hi Jeff. I'm in Arlington. You? Went to Tweeter 2 weeks ago to get them
> to do whole-house audio installation. They weren't interested after I
> told them I wanted to stick to my SBs instead of buying Sonos through
> them. Pretty amazing since the rest of the setup (amps, switches,
> wiring, in-wall speakers, remotes, etc) still would have been lots of
> business for them.
> Know anyone who does whole-house audio installation in our area? I'm
> not much of a cable puller.

I'm out in Acton, myself.  I used to live in Watertown up until about 3
years ago...

Anyway ... as to an AV installer, I think I may have someone to
recommend to you.  I haven't used his services, but he was a member of
my BNI (Business Networking International) group until about a year

The name of the company is ComEnt, Inc.  They're based in Concord, MA.

I'll send you his information via a private message.


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[slim] Re: Browse Files ?

2006-10-05 Thread jeffluckett

andyg;143322 Wrote: 
> Browse -> Music Folder ?

That won't work, since he said he's got his music cast all over as many
as three separate hard drives.

That is ... unless he wants to put shortcuts in his music folder to all
the locations he could possibly want to have music stored.


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[slim] phantom tracks reappearing

2006-10-10 Thread jeffluckett

I have been going through my music library and clearing out the 'crap'
that's accumulated after about 8 years of collecting digital music.
(Low bitrate stuff, partial songs, "why did I download that?", etc...) 
I've also done quite a bit of moving tracks around, since I've got a lot
of folders like "Beatles", and "Beatles,The" ... depending upon varous
tagging apps I've used over time.

Well after a marathon session with the "Delete" and cut/paste keys, I
told SlimServer do a Clear and Rescan ... twice.  However, on
completion of the scan both times ... it still thinks some of the
things I deleted or moved are in the old locations!  In some cases,
whole directories have been completely deleted by me ... but SS thinks
they're still there.

What do I need to do to get SlimServer to REALLY forget about
everything it knew about my library and load it all fresh?

I'm using 6.5.0 on Win2k3.


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[slim] Re: phantom tracks reappearing

2006-10-10 Thread jeffluckett

radish;145149 Wrote: 
> Do you have any playlists referencing the deleted files? If so,
> Slimserver will read them and assume the tracks exist, and add them to
> the DB.

Ah, I think I found it .. thanks.  It was MusicMagic ... I had to tell
the MusicMagic server to reload the cache.  I had refreshed the MM
library using the GUI, but forgot that the service would be working off
the old cache.

All is well now.  Thanks.


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[slim] Re: More than one location for files

2006-10-11 Thread jeffluckett

In order to have your library spread over multiple locations, you set
one of those locations as the home for the music library in the
SlimServer config.

Then, you put a shortcut (or symlink depending on your OS) in the root
of your primary music folder that points to the other location
containing additional music.

On a scan, SlimServer will follow the link and include whatever it
finds at that location as well.


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[slim] Re: options setting up slim server

2006-10-11 Thread jeffluckett

I've got my SlimServer running on a headless Win2k3 box with an 800Mhz
PIII and 512mb RAM.  

OS choice was simply because I got Win2K3 free with a MSDN subscription
at work, and I'm familiar with it.  I plan on doing a *nix (probably
Ubuntu) setup eventually when I've got a little tinkering time.

I like the "dedicated box for slimserver" option primarily for the
flexibility it affords me.  Very easy to add/remove plugins and muck
about with the internals when I feel the whim.

I also run MusicIP mixer on this box, and have SQLyog installed so I
can play around with the database when I feel the need.  These things
would be more challenging to do if I were to run a NAS.


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[slim] Re: What's all the Ruckus?

2006-10-12 Thread jeffluckett

Press release on the Ruckus webiste here:


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[slim] Decent Universal Remote

2006-10-13 Thread jeffluckett

In my entertainment room, I'm currently drowning in remotes.

I have:
1. SB Remote
2. Receiver Remote
3. DVD Remote
4. Cable Box remote
5. VCR Remote
6. Television Remote (required in active service to change input
sources and display modes for various sources and programming)

This is a pain, and inevitably the ONE remote I need at any given time
has been kicked under a couch, or hidden somewhere by my toddler.

Has anyone here had any experience with universal remotes, and can
recommend one that can at least tackle the "Everyday" tasks these
devices require?

I know they range in price from about $50.00 to $500 or $600.  I'm
hoping someone might have had a good experience with a device in  the
~$100.00 (or less) price point that they could recommend.

Here's one I'm looking at:


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[slim] Re: Decent Universal Remote

2006-10-13 Thread jeffluckett

Thanks all for the vote of confidence in the Harmony line.  I guess
that's where I'll target my research.



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[slim] slim.exe @ 172MB

2006-10-13 Thread jeffluckett

Is it normal for SlimServer to be running at about 170MB Ram?  This
seems horribly excessive, and is impacting system performance.


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[slim] Re: New User - A few problems

2006-10-17 Thread jeffluckett

> Thanks, I have that link. But, that's just the problem, almost all the
> Los Angeles stations I like are non-winamp.

The AlienBBC plugin allows you to listen to RealAudio streams.  You'll
probably need the "Install pack for SlimServer 6.5/7.0" off the


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[slim] Re: Real Music Visualisation

2006-10-18 Thread jeffluckett

Wheee ... SCIENCE!! And flames.


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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-18 Thread jeffluckett

Hooray for Slim.  I hope the goodness that has befallen you extends to
us that bought your product.

I've been using logitech mouses (mice?) for years ... I'm a trackball
snob ... and have largely been impressed with the quality of thier
hardware.  Where I've never been impressed is with the quality of thier

I am in the camp that believes that SlimServer is in need of some major
help in the UI and performance department.  Hopefully Logitech will be
able to bring some resources to bear and get the Server whipped into
shape ... just as long as they keep thier in-house developers *far*
away from the project.


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[slim] Re: Decent Universal Remote

2006-10-18 Thread jeffluckett

So ... does the Harmony manage to replace the SlimDevices remote as


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[slim] Re: Decent Universal Remote

2006-10-18 Thread jeffluckett

> Looks like you're headed for a Harmony, just thought I'd mention the
> URC one more time. A remote w/ customizable LCD or $50, it's a steal
> and can do whatever you need.

I am leaning toward the harmony ... although you did almost sway me.

There are two things in favor of the Harmony that are shifting the
balance that way.

1. It remembers the states of your various bits of equipment, so that
when you decide to "Watch TV" after "Listening to Slim", it doesn't
turn off your receiver while turning on the rest of the kit.

2. Programmable via USB.  Most of the reviews I've read about the URC
vs. the Harmony lean in favor of the Harmony for programming ease.

The URC device was indeed compelling, but I think there are some ease
of use factors that are pushing me to Harmony.  One of the primary
reasons for looking for a universal remote was to make it easier for
all members of the family to use my system, and I think Harmony has
that figured out.

Got a "killer point" to swing me back to URC?


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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-19 Thread jeffluckett

I think it's definitely too early to tell how this is going to impact
the future generations of the SqueezeBox and Transporter lines ... my
personal feeling is that they're going to loose some "Street Cred"
if/when logitech puts thier big goofy-looking logo on the product.

I am quite happy that I bought a pre-logitch device, because I will
always have that "known quantity" for as long as it continues to
operate.  Hopefully it'll last as long as some of the other electronics
in my posession ... some on the order of decades.

That said, I'm future-proofing myself by keeping copies of old
SlimServer versions so I know I'll always have -something- that works
with my SB, even if Logitech manages to bumble up the Server software
down the line in some capacity or other.

I also worry about the future of the SqueezeNetwork ... I don't see
that as much of a cash cow ... there's no advertising ... maybe there's
some kick-back from Pandora subscriptions ... dunno.  I can't see
Logitech keeping SqueezeNetwork alive if it is mostly liability with
little potential for profit.

I predict that SqueezeNetwork will either be scuttled, become a
fee-based subscription service, or be riddled with advertising (unless
you pay your ransom and subscribe).

Fortunately I'm not "addicted" to SqueezeNetwork, and I have my old
server software which supports internet radio, and my old hardware that
isn't 'locked down' at the firmware level from being able to have the
flexibility I now enjoy.

I know this is fairly pessimistic view of the future of SlimDevice's
product line ... but history shows what happens in cases where a small,
innovative, flexible, service-oriented company is taken over by a
publicly traded Corp-monster who's primary responsibility is to
shareholders, and customers are just money trees to be plucked and
groomed only enough that they keep sprouting dollar bills.


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[slim] Re: Decent Universal Remote

2006-10-19 Thread jeffluckett

808htfan;147549 Wrote: 
> Nah, just the price.
> In order to get discrete on/off/etc codes and pc programming you'd have
> to get one of their more expensive models.  They're really good but cost
> so dang much!
> Actually, the MX-500 could be programmed using an IRClone-Mx and its
> software, but they're almost impossible to find and the website is long
> gone.
> Good luck

I just ordered the Harmony 688 for $69 from NewEgg
Overall, I think the "state memory" is worth the extra price.   The
rest of the Harmony line definitely prices me out of the market though.


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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-19 Thread jeffluckett

Robert_W;147854 Wrote: 
> Here hereexactly. 
> FLAC support? What'll you bet it goes away real quick?
> I've read all 16 pages now and have yet to see any one from SD or
> Logitech address specifics.
> Please give us all some reasurance that the things that make these
> audio products great will continue to be the main stay of the business
> model.

Just curious ... but what motivation would Logitech have for dropping
FLAC support???


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[slim] Re: OT: Scanning photographs

2006-10-19 Thread jeffluckett

I have an Epson Cx4800 Printer/Scanner/Copier, and it does a very
respectable job scanning photos.  It even does color correction and
some basic fixes.

Of course, the quality of your final product is going to be dependent
upon the quality of the original print (make sure it and the scanner
glass are clean), but for all but the most finicky, I'm sure most
consumer-level scanners out there today will do a fine job.


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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-20 Thread jeffluckett

sorenson;148140 Wrote: 
> Yes, I would have to say you are correct in your assumption, but my
> point being that with large databases the VFD is a bit limited to work
> with (it might be that I am the limited one!), but I do see you point
> and have to agree with it, so it would have to be the remote using the
> LCD.

This is going off-topic ... but...

1. I love my SB3 with the VFD, it's quite beautiful.  It's very bright,
and with the text set to LARGE, I can easily see it from across the
room.  I do wish that it could display more information sometimes, but
I'm willing to give that up, as I can easily use my laptop and the web
interface when I'm doing something that requires more information than
what fits on the SB screen.

2. I agree the LCD would be a good choice for the remote, as I'd really
want the cost of that to be kept as low as possible, and VFD is also
simply too power-hungry to use on a remote relying on batteries. I'd
also like it to be full color displaying album art and such.  LCD and
OLED displays are coming down in price so much, I'm sure a remote
capable of interacting with the Slim web interface could be built
economically.  Unfortunately I fear that it'd be priced to high (no
matter how inexpensively it could be built) for me to justify the
purchase though (at least initially) ... because that's how the
electronics indurstry is.


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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-20 Thread jeffluckett

> Or has Logitech already placed limits on what they can address in their
> posts?

They've been chained to thier desks in a cube farm somewhere and are
not given internet access so that thier productivity isn't harmed by
browsing and forum-posting activities.

Logitech is protecting thier investment, and are sqeezing every last
drop of work possible out of Sean et. al.

They get two 15 min. breaks and a 30 minute lunch hour where they are
escorted to the break room and forced to read tech manuals and eat
stale bread.

...either that ... or they're all wicked busy with all the
"integration" meetings and such that is inevitably going on now.


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[slim] Re: Light-hearted: what will the new company name be?

2006-10-20 Thread jeffluckett

You missed the obvious:



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[slim] Re: Light-hearted: what will the new company name be?

2006-10-20 Thread jeffluckett

jonheal;148292 Wrote: 
> ReallyDangerouslyObeseButLogicalDevices

Interesting ... the acronym for that would be RDOBLD ... which sounds
like "Redoubled".


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[slim] Re: Buy a Squeezebox now or wait?

2006-10-22 Thread jeffluckett

Really your choices are quite simple.

If you buy now, you're getting a known quantity.

If you buy later, you can't be sure what you're going to get.  Will it
be better, or compromised for mass-market appeal?  Will the pricepoint
shift?  Who knows.

So, if you're a gambling man, wait ... play the market, put all your
chips on 13 Black.  But if you are a "money in the bank" kinda fella
... then buy one now.


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[slim] Re: Buy a Squeezebox now or wait?

2006-10-23 Thread jeffluckett

> What are people using for compact players with the Squeezebox?

I have heard of people using setups as inexpensive as a set of powered
set of PC speakers connected to the headphone jack on up to high-dollar
audiophile mini systems.

It all depends on how good you want your sound to be in the kitchen ...
keeping in mind that kitchens don't typically make the most ideal
listening environment with lots of hard surfaces, ambient noise, things
that rattle, etc...

Personally, I think a quality set of powered speakers would do you just
fine if you don't also need the ability to play CD's or other "packaged"
media or tune into "over the air" broadcasts.


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[slim] Harmony Owners - Setup suggestions

2006-10-23 Thread jeffluckett

I just purchased a Harmony 688 and am quite happy to have been able to
stow MOST of my collection of remotes.

However I haven't been able to put the Slim remote away just yet as 
I've noticed the default profile they have for Squeezebox is rather ...

Please share how you have configured your Harmony remote to work with
your SB.


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[slim] Re: Harmony Owners - Setup suggestions

2006-10-23 Thread jeffluckett

radish;149207 Wrote: 
> Can you elaborate as to what's "screwy"? I've remapped some of the
> buttons but that's about it.

Ok ... the basic buttons are pretty much ok.  I've remapped and added a
few so I don't quite recall the original setup, it was ok but less than

The soft buttons on the other hand are rather odd...

LED??  What's that?

Then the Album, Artist, Song soft buttons seem to have zero effect at

I guess I could just delete them off the profile, but I'm wondering if
someone's figured out how to make use of them.  Do I need some plugin
for SS?  Do I need to be on a particular menu to make them work?

I guess I'm also looking to hear about how people might have mapped or
remapped the "hard" buttons to be a little more intuitive or useful to

Keep in mind, I'm not complaining at all about the Harmony.  Quite the
opposite, I am quite happy with it, just looking for some user
experience on how to get the most out of it.


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[slim] Re: Browse Music Folders Issue

2006-10-28 Thread jeffluckett

radish;150544 Wrote: 
> There's no way (that I know of) to remove something from the DB without
> a rescan. How long does it really take? Can't you leave it overnight?

Well ... if you know SQL ... it's quite easy to remove something from
the database.


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[slim] TiVo for Internet Radio?

2006-10-31 Thread jeffluckett

Does anybody know of a TiVo like application for internet radio?  There
are some radio shows I like to listen to, but I often miss them due to

One example would be NPR's Car Talk.  They do podcast thier shows, but
you have to pay for them over at audible.com.  I'm slightly averse to
that ... I already give an annual donation to my local NPR affiliate. 

It'd be a much better solution if I could just InternetRadio-Vo (to
badly coin a term) the show and time-shift it to my convenience. I feel
as though this would be "Fair Use" since I technically could use an
Audio tape to record the over-the-air broadcast, or even record the
'net stream using several different applications I found google-ing. 
What seems to be missing from the equation is the capability to
schedule the beginning and end of recording to happen automatically.

It'd be really cool if it were a SS plugin, but I haven't seen anything
like that in the plugin list.  A stand-alone program would be fine too.



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[slim] Re: Flakey forum searches

2006-10-31 Thread jeffluckett

I've been having an issue where Firefox tries to "download" the search
result rather than display them.

The file download is search.php.  Very strange.


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[slim] Re: Someone (kind of) figured out how to stream DRM music

2006-11-01 Thread jeffluckett

Yeah, this has been around for a while, and it isn't the only one of its
breed. (Don't feel like googling for its competitors)  I saw this unit
back before I bought my SB3 when I was checking out the market for
these devices.

This has several major drawbacks:

1. Plays "what you hear" on your computer.  Including any sounds your
computer makes while playing a track. (New mail, various beeps,

2. No remote control capability.  You have to go to the host computer
to make playlist changes.

3. Dubious sound quality


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[slim] Re: Now that Slimserver is using MySql ...

2006-11-01 Thread jeffluckett

You could try SQLYog ... that's what I use.



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[slim] Re: Why so many MusicIP menus in Slimserver?

2006-11-02 Thread jeffluckett

> Why not just the one menu under each player? So if I had two
> slimplayers in different rooms I can have different mixes on them. I
> dont get the purpose of the server settings which is just duplication
> for no benefit, or is there some special purpose that I'm not
> understanding?

Basically, it's so that you can set server-wide defaults, but then have
per-device changes if you so desire.

One use-case would be that perhaps in your living room, you might
prefer to have the device use "tighter" rules for picking tracks, but
then have another SB feeding a whole-house audio system for 'ambient'
music which you may want to allow more free-ranging settings for the

It also allows you to have one set of rules that you use "most of the
time", while allowing you to tweak those settings right at the device
from time to time when you feel like experimenting.


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[slim] Re: Recomend a Wireless

2006-11-02 Thread jeffluckett

vdorta;151936 Wrote: 
> I have a Linksys WRT54G v5, I upgraded the firmware as soon as I got it
> (twice now) and it has worked perfectly ever since; I have never had
> any problems with my wireless SB2 either. I believe most of the bad
> comments about version 5 don't apply now.

I too have a V.5 with the DD_WRT firmware.  The only thing that is a
"downer" for using the v.5 for dd-wrt is the limited memory.  However,
it works perfectly for me.  I have it set to reboot itself nightly in
the wee hours which goes a long way toward keeping it stable.  I think
it keeps its routing tables in memory, and doesn't do a good job of
trimming them. So the reboot causes those to be cleared.


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[slim] Re: Browse Music Folders Issue

2006-11-02 Thread jeffluckett

saltydog4791;150743 Wrote: 
> But I am confused.  Doesn't "browse music folders" do just that? 
> Shouldn't it just be reading what is in the folders, even at the root? 
> I don't see why altering the DB or doing a rescan should matter.  If I
> were to drill down thru the directories it would function that way,
> right?  So how do you get slim to do that from the top of the tree?  I
> hope that makes some more sense re: my original question.
> mike m.

Browsing music folders, and scan for changes only is an additive
process only.  For whatever reason, if you delete something from the
music folder, you have to do a complete dump and rescan for it to be


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[slim] Re: Recomend a Wireless

2006-11-02 Thread jeffluckett

vdorta;151955 Wrote: 
> The latest WRT54G v5 firmware is 'here'
> (http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?c=L_Download_C2&childpagename=US%2FLayout&cid=1115417109974&packedargs=sku%3D1127782957298&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper).

I guess I misunderstood your post. I replaced the Linksys firmware with
the DD-WRT open-source firmware which gives you a lot more capabilities.
(Like QOS that actually works, the ability to crank up the signal
strenght on the radio, etc...)


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[slim] Crash after scheduled scan

2006-11-02 Thread jeffluckett

Hi, I'm running SlimServer 6.5.0 on Win2k3.

This evening, I got home and noticed my SB's screen was dark.  

Checked the server and found out it had crashed ... probably after my
scheduled scan, which occurs at 4:00 AM.

I looked in my Application Event log and found the following at 4:26

The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( Application ) cannot be
found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry
information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote
computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this
description; see Help and Support for details. The following
information is part of the event: Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): Error
executing 'UPDATE tracks SET lastplayed = ?, playcount = ? WHERE ( id =
? )': DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try
restarting transaction at D:\Program
Files\SlimServer\server\CPAN/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm line 771.


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[slim] Re: Crash after scheduled scan

2006-11-02 Thread jeffluckett

kdf;152082 Wrote: 
> anything else scheduled to run at that time?
> http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4423
> -kdf

Nope, the machine is a dedicated SS box, and I have no other scheduled
processes running against it.


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[slim] Re: Anyway to create a CD list with Slim device?

2006-11-03 Thread jeffluckett

Someone over in this thread:

Is putting together a Java application to create a PDF document from
your music library.

It's in early development, but keep an eye on it.


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[slim] Re: Crash after scheduled scan

2006-11-03 Thread jeffluckett

ceejay;152265 Wrote: 
> check you have the latest versions of all the plugins you are using. I
> had a similar problem which was fixed by getting the latest version of
> Lazysearch.
> Ceejay

All my plugins are up-to-date as of early this week.

I should mention that I did not have a crash last night and I did
nothing besides restart my Slim service after discovering the crash. 
No config changes.  So it would appear this is a random event... don't
know how to reproduce.  All I have to go on is the error the Event log
captured, and I posted above.


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[slim] Re: Crash after scheduled scan

2006-11-03 Thread jeffluckett

snarlydwarf;152285 Wrote: 
> Is this on Windows?  Is your antivirus software playing with the .my*
> files?  The error is basically saying it tried to update the database,
> but the file was locked ... if antivirus software is scanning it, it
> may be locking it.

No AV software installed on that machine.


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[slim] Re: Crestron Demo Module

2006-11-03 Thread jeffluckett

Limping_Pylon;152341 Wrote: 
> the title says it all

It's a plugin for a home automation system to allow it to control

You don't need it if you don't have a crestron home automation setup.


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[slim] Re: 6.5 or 6.5.1 nightly? With MM or MIP?

2006-11-04 Thread jeffluckett

Personally, I've had bad luck with the 6.5.1 nightlies.

If you want solid performance without "fiddling" with stuff, use 6.5.0
official ... it's generally pretty solid.

The only issue I've had with 6.5.0 and MIP (I'm using 7) is that
SlimServer doesn't recognize any tracks that have accented characters
as mixable.  Other than that it's fine with MIP.


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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5 an hour ago

2006-11-05 Thread jeffluckett

Did you un-install your previous version of SS before installing 6.5?

6.5 does not play well with older versions.  Try doing a clean install.


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[slim] Re: Slim Server 6.5 - formatting garbled in Firefox

2006-11-15 Thread jeffluckett

Cleve;154906 Wrote: 
> It would be nice, though, if the default skin looked better in Firefox.
> That could cause problems for new owners of SB3. 
> The previous version of Slimserver defaulted to pretty much the same
> appearance in Mozilla/Firefox that it did in Internet Explorer.

Your problem is probably just related to a browser cache issue. The
Default skin is working just fine in FF2 for me.

Here's what you need to do:

1. Switch back to the default skin and wait for the page to reload.
2. Hit CTRL+F5 (This forces the browser to reload the page and NOT use
its cached data)
3. Wait for page to reload again.
4. If it looks fine, great! If not, proceed to step 5.
5. In Firefox, go to Tools->options, then click the "Advanced" option
and then the "Network" tab.
6. Click "Clear Now" in the Cache section.
7. Reload the page.
8. Everything should work fine now.

Why do you need to do this?

For some reason, your local cache of SlimServer pages is particularly
"sticky".  In the 6.5 release, they made significant changes to the
display code of the Default skin, but they didn't change the page
names.  When you visit the page after an upgrade, you are still holding
the cached version of the display code.  Clearing your cache forces you
to download a new local copy to your browser.

People doing a new install will not encounter this issue because they
don't have any cached versions of the web UI pages.


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[slim] Re: Slim Server 6.5 - formatting garbled in Firefox

2006-11-15 Thread jeffluckett

Cleve;154907 Wrote: 
> Sigh, now a NEW problem.  I was checking out the different skins - I
> selected "Default 2" which squishes the entire Slimserver GUI down to a
> little box at the top left corner of my browser window.
> To make matters worse,  When I try to access server settings to change
> it back, I get a message "404 Not Found: Setup.html  Try adding
> I've tried closing Slimserver and restarting.  I STILL get this
> message.  How can I get out of this?  :(

You can always switch skins by doing the following:

http://[your server IP]:9000/[skin_name]

So, if you wanted to go to Default, use the following:
http://[your server IP]:9000/Default

I beleive that Default2 was removed by the 6.5.0 release.  However, if
you installed over your previous version, the installer didn't delete
it.  So when you switched to Default2, you got a "broken" skin that
isn't compatible with 6.5.

Unfortuntately, the best way to upgrade to 6.5 is to UNINSTALL your
previous version, and then do a clean install of 6.5.  This fact is
poorly documented.  Also, if you were using any plugins with your
earlier version, you will probably find that they won't work with 6.5,
or may even cause crashes.


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[slim] Re: Today's Woot!

2006-11-16 Thread jeffluckett

mrfantasy;155242 Wrote: 
> Today's Woot (http://www.woot.com/) is a Logitech Wireless Music System
> for $34.99.
> No, not a Squeezebox, rather, some thing that plugs into your iPod. 
> Still, it was funny.

They're doing a woot-off today.  This product is nearly sold out as of
11:04AM EST.  I wouldn't expect this product to be available for more
than the next 30 mins or so.


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[slim] Re: using package MySQL server

2006-12-29 Thread jeffluckett

I use SQLYog as an interface to the packaged MySQL.

It's important to note that Slim's instance of MySQL doesn't run on the
default port 3306.  I think it's port 9092, but you can look it up in
the SlimServer prefs file.


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[slim] Re: FLAC Vs WAV

2007-01-04 Thread jeffluckett

ASenna04;166955 Wrote: 
> I currently have all my music files on QNAP ripped in wav format. I
> notice most people use flac. Is there any benefit to use flac in terms
> of sound qaulity or processing resources apart from disk space?
> Thanks,
> ASenna04

Well, FLAC is lossless, so sound quality will be identical.

There's only a processing cost incurred (on the server) if you are
down-sampling to MP3 for lower bandwidth streaming.  FLAC is natively
decoded on the Squeeze Box.

You reduce your network traffic, since FLAC is streamed directly to
your player in its compressed form (as is WAV).  But since FLAC is
compressed that's less KBPS going over your wired or wireless ethernet.
You'll still probably have to down-convert for internet streaming

So, in a nutshell here's what FLAC has over WAV:

1. Losseless codec, sound quality identical to WAV.
2. Reduced file size
3. Reduced network traffic
4. Tagging support


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[slim] Re: Touch screen Media Layout

2007-01-12 Thread jeffluckett

Sco Logic;169538 Wrote: 
> Has there been a version of a software player that has big buttons to be
> used with a touch screen interface?
> I have an ubundance of all in one touchscreen pc's(i sell retails
> systems) and I'm looking to have a system linked to slim server to play
> and select tracks.
> Alternativly is there source code to change the slim player ?
> Sco

There are two Skins available for touch screen use. One is called 
"Touch", and the other one (which is based on touch) is customized for
the Nokia 770 is called simply "Nokia770".

The SlimServer is fully open-source Perl code, so yes ... source is


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[slim] Re: Streaming over the internet

2007-01-15 Thread jeffluckett

neyz;170522 Wrote: 
> Hello to all of you !
> I have just ordered a SB3 and was wondering if instead of installing
> the Slimserver on my local windows computer and having to leave it on
> when i want music i could make it connect to a Linux box i have outside
> of my LAN network running 24/7 ? If yes, would i be able to refresh the
> database from the SB or would i have to do it manually on the Linux box
> ?
> Sorry if this question has already been asked but I didn't manage to
> find anything.
> Thanks in advance and good evening !

As long that machine is accessible to your network, then you can access
it with your SqueezeBox.  If you are relying upon your internet
connection to access that box, just realize that you may be bandwidth
limited, and you'll possibly need to down-convert for stutter-free


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[slim] Re: Faster Access to new MP3s or just play a file not in the archive instantly

2007-01-16 Thread jeffluckett

Use the Browse -> Folders functionality.

This method gives you instant access AND adds the tracks to your
library without a rescan.


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[slim] Re: Faster Access to new MP3s or just play a file not in the archive instantly

2007-01-16 Thread jeffluckett

analographi;170862 Wrote: 
> great! 
> Never saw it, was blind to it, since I'm so much into tagged music and
> the album, artist, title thing :-)
> when does it add them? If I have it in a temp folder and play it...
> it's not then added, is it?

I believe it adds it to the library the moment you browse the folder
and it finds unrecognized files.

So, if you were to play it out of a temp folder, it would add the track
at that location.  If you were to then move the file, and then later
browse to the new location or do a "New Music" scan ... SlimServer
would think you had that track in both locations.

What I usually do when I'm adding new tracks to my library is something
like what you want to do, then schedule a complete rescan to happen

That way you can have the convenience of "sampling" new tracks out of
your temp directory, but then your library gets itself squared away
while you sleep.


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[slim] Re: Night terrors caused by SqueezeBox

2007-01-16 Thread jeffluckett

mecouc;170861 Wrote: 
> I find the lack of an Off button a bit of a pain. My Squeezeboxes keep
> having the power lead pulled out either by myself or my wife because
> they don't turn off.. and then the lead drops down the back of the
> cupboards and you can't reach it to reconnect it..

Simple solution for you ... get an inline cord switch from your local
hardware store or radioshack.

Then you can just switch it off there, and you don't have to unplug and
subsequently drop the wire from the SB.


jeffluckett's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6179
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=31652

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[slim] Re: Night terrors caused by SqueezeBox

2007-01-16 Thread jeffluckett

NauticusLX;171080 Wrote: 
> Regarding the in-line power switch suggestion, which has been made in a
> few postings, do you think it best to hit the red button first, to
> disconnect from the server, and then flick the in-line switch, or would
> it matter? 
Shouldn't make a wit of difference.
> A related question that arises is does the SqueezeBox benefit from
> being completely powered down occassionally – an in-line power switch
> would serve this added benefit.
"They" say that solid state electronics actually "prefer" to stay in a
powered-on state at operating temperature all the time for longest
life.  So, if that is true, then I guess you're doing a little damage
any time you turn it off.  In reality, it probably doesn't hurt in any
measurable amount.  

Now, the display will live a longer life if it's not glowing 24/7 ...
but probably the same benefit is had by setting the brightness to 0.
> A question that’s occurred to me is, what does the red button actually
> do?  It doesn’t disconnect from the most recently used server,
> according to prevous posts.  Does it simply turn off the light display
> and terminate the flow of sound?


jeffluckett's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6179
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[slim] Re: Clean up music collection

2007-01-16 Thread jeffluckett

Bill Moseley;170990 Wrote: 
> Over the years I've ripped my CDs to MP3, Ogg, FLAC, and maybe a few
> other formats.  In addition, files are not always organized very well
> and the file names are not consistent.
> Anyone know if there's a script (for Linux-type system) that can go
> through my music directory and try and figure out album and song from
> id3/meta data (or perhaps by consulting a local CDDB copy and the
> file's name) and organize the collection into artist/album
> directories?
> Fetching album art would be nice, too. ;)
> I downloaded the CDDB some months back to start this project, but ran
> out of time.  But before I start again I want to make sure there isn't
> already something available.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Bill Moseley
> moseley (AT) hank (DOT) org

Check out www.musicbrainz.org.  It uses "signatures" to match up your
tracks and apply standardized tagging information and then rename the
files with the conventions you specify.  While you CAN just let it do
its thing, I recommend supervising it as it's not 100% perfect.


jeffluckett's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6179
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[slim] Re: Dead squeezebox HELP !!!!!

2007-01-19 Thread jeffluckett

Also ... maybe the display is dead, but not the audio portion...

Make sure the volume is up loud enough ... perhaps that's why it's not

(Certainly you'd like to have a working display too ... but if you can
at least get sound ... that's something.)


jeffluckett's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6179
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[slim] Re: What is considered enough Ram for Slimsever?

2007-01-22 Thread jeffluckett

servies;172865 Wrote: 
> I'm using a Pentium III 800MHz with 512MB ram, running Fedora Core 5. I
> use it as mailserver (including virusscanner, blacklisting and
> greylisting), webserver, fileserver, databaseserver, dns-server, dhcp
> server and some more minor stuff. It's running slimserver without a
> problem.
> Compared to my server your specs are overkill... So I think it'll be
> enough...

I have a dedicated machine with an 800MHz PIII and 256MB running
win2k3.  My only complaint is slow load times on the web interface,
otherwise, it's flawless.


jeffluckett's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6179
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=31951

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