Re: [slim] Can't connect

2021-12-08 Thread kmr

RobbH wrote: 
> Try reading 'this post'
> (
> in one of the threads kidstypike sent you earlier. It provides a concise
> explanation of the likely problem. At least, this seems to be the most
> frequent cause of the misbehavior you're seeing. In short, your wireless
> network might be fine, but using new networking protocols that are
> incompatible with some older hardware, including Squeezebox Radios. Or
> your wireless network may be fine, but suffering from interference from
> your neighbors' networks, which might be using those new protocols. The
> new protocols are referred to as WiFi6.
> The following posts in that thread may provide some suggestions for ways
> to work around the problem.

I updated my router over the weekend since I got tired of NetGear
seemingly being unable to produce reliable firmware anymore, and bought
an Asus RT-AX88U; love the router but my three Squeezebox Radios stopped
working :-(  This thread pointed me to WiFi6; turning off WiFi6 fixed
the Radio issues.  I'll have to investigate the WiFi dongle solution; I
would prefer to be able to use WiFi6...

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Re: [slim] Sirius Dead on the Logitech Devices

2015-09-21 Thread kmr

Summary: we're fucked.

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Re: [slim] Sirius Dead on the Logitech Devices

2015-09-11 Thread kmr

I got it too. For the Radio that I have by the bed, I can always plug my
iPhone or iPad into the line in jack and listen to Sirius that way. But
I don't know the options for the (Slim Devices branded!) SB3 in the
living room...

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Re: [slim] New SB ?

2012-07-27 Thread kmr

Corelli45 wrote: 
 Sorry...I did misunderstand your first question. 
 During the initial listening, though I knew the resolutions my listening
 partner did not. 

That's enough to cause bias; your listening partner could have picked up
on your reactions (whether voluntary or involuntary).  All it takes is
tiny clues to invalidate a blind test.

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox (and others) on IFA trade show in Berlin

2011-09-04 Thread kmr

Pascal Hibon;655430 Wrote: 
 It is very sad but Squeezebox died the day Logitech bought Slimdevices.
 It’s been downhill ever since that day. Logitech doesn’t care about
 Squeezebox; they don’t understand the Squeezebox. It’s a real shame. 

This is just so, so very lame.  Duet, Boom, Radio, Touch all after the
Logitech acquisition.  Lots of really good stuff.  Problems too, but I
wouldn't trade my three radios for another SB3 - I love my SB3, but the
Radio form factor and price opened up another entire niche for spreading
wireless music throughout the house.

My only complaint about the direction that Logitech is taking the
Squeezebox line is the lack of resources devoted to SW devel and test. 
It's an execution thing, not a vision thing.


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Re: [slim] What's the Connection? Community and Logitech

2011-07-28 Thread kmr

erland;644611 Wrote: 
 Logitech is a big company who doesn't prioritize talking to customers in
 public. Not much different than other big companies. Apple silently
 denied the iPhone antenna problem for months, and similar scenarios can
 probably also be seen on a lot of other big companies.

erland, with all due respect, I think you're barking up the wrong tree
with respect to the iPhone's so-called antenna problem.  There were
pretty conclusive demonstrations by Apple and third parties that just
about any phone can be held in such a way to block parts of the
antenna.  It was really pretty overblown.

With regards to 7.6, I have no idea if it will turn out to be a
disaster or not for the Squeezebox line, but if it hurts Squeezebox
sales the way the so-called iPhone antenna problem has impacted iPhone
4 sales, then Logitech will be laughing all the way to the bank.


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Re: [slim] Logitech CEO Steps down

2011-07-28 Thread kmr

erland;644604 Wrote: 
 Just remember that the only thing that's fact is that the CEO is going
 to change and they have indicated they will lower the price on the
 Revue. Everything else mentioned here is just guesses. 
 What do you know about the CEO of any competitor  ? 
 Will Apple change CEO soon (Steve has been a bit sick, you know) ? 
 Do you even know who is CEO for Sonos ?
 I bet there are a lot of guesses also about Apple and Sonos future
 products, just not on this forum.

with respect to Apple, it appears that Steve Jobs is still very much
running the company, and that his health, though taking a lot of his
time, is not necessarily precarious.  So the Apple-watchers are
expecting that Jobs will continue as the head of Apple for quite a
while longer.

With the exception of an astoundingly speculative article a couple of
weeks ago in the WSJ that seems to have been published to manipulate
Apple's stock price, there isn't really any doubt among the analysts
about who the next CEO of Apple will be, though - it will be current
COO Tim Cook, who is extremely respected inside and outside of Apple.


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Re: [slim] Ripping to FLAC and making a copy that works with ITunes

2011-07-21 Thread kmr

Even though I'm on a Mac, I use dbpoweramp; just about the only thing I
use my WinXP virtual machine for.  I haven't found a native MacOS
ripper that I like yet (there are some interesting projects going on at, but they weren't ready for prime time the last time I

I use dbpoweramp's multi-encoder to rip to FLAC and AAC simultaneously,
then import the AACs into iTunes for use in stuffing my iPods.


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Re: [slim] Life with a Squeezebox, iTunes, FLAC, MP3, Apple Lossless, and an iPod

2011-07-08 Thread kmr

I pretty much agree with aubuti:  I rip everything with dbpoweramp (the
only thing that I use Windows for, but I just haven't found a native OS
X ripper that I like) to FLAC in one directory tree for SBS, and (using
the the multi-encode feature of dbpoweramp) simultaneously to AAC for
iTunes into a different directory tree.  I then import the AAC files
into iTunes for our various iPods.  I do NOT use iTunes integration for
SBS.  I've been using Songbird to create and export playlists for SBS;
works fairly well.

The holes in this workflow at this time are:
(1) During the dbpoweramp convert-to-AAC, I volume normalize the
resulting AAC using the track gain value; this lets me play back the
digital AAC file on systems (e.g., my car's iPod integration) that
don't pay attention to ReplayGain tags and still have smooth
track-to-track volume.  I'd like to do the volume normalize using the
album gain tag, but dbpoweramp's multi-encode feature won't work like
that since you don't know album gain until you're completely done with
the album rip.  Solution is likely to do the
convert-to-AAC-and-volume-normalize in a batch post-rip, but I just
haven't set that up yet.

(2) I buy very little music off of the iTMS, but I'd like to expand
that for tracks where I have no interest in finding and buying the
actual CD.  Therefore, I'd like to figure out a way to automatically
grab purchased files (in AAC format) from my iTunes directory, slap
ReplayGain tags on them, and copy them to my SBS music tree.  But I
haven't figured that one out yet.

Except for these two holes, I'm really happy with my two-directory
solution and only using iTunes to manage my iDevices.


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Re: [slim] Creating a Playlist (How???)

2011-06-19 Thread kmr

aubuti;637187 Wrote: 
 Here are some examples:
 J River Media Center
 Media Monkey
 Songbird (I think it does .m3u files)
 Yes, you can point Winamp (or other softare) to your NAS.

Songbird requires an extension to export playlists, but it seems to
work OK so far.  It's the best solution I've found so far for a Mac not
using iTunes integration.


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Re: [slim] Sean and Dean - We Want You Back!

2011-06-08 Thread kmr

w3wilkes;635363 Wrote: 
 Come on, in October it will be 5 years since Logitech bought Slim. I
 doubt you could have a infinite non-compete clause that would hold up
 in any court. And has Logitech really taken the Slim Device line up
 anywhere beyond where Slim was when Logitech acquired it?

Now look, Logitech has definitely f'ed up some stuff (Radio alarms w/o
SBS), but let's be real:  Radio and Touch wouldn't have happened
without Logitech, and probably not the Controller either. I love my
SD-branded SB3, but I also love my three Radios too.  Yes, they aren't
slim devices any more, and it's pretty obvious that Logitech severely
underestimated the SW effort required, but I think that 85% of a loaf is
much better than none.

Hold Logitech's feet to the fire, absolutely.  Deny the many things
they've gotten right, totally unfair.


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Re: [slim] Fed up by Squeezebox

2011-04-02 Thread kmr

Very sorry for your difficulties.  However, your best bet is to (a) go
complain at the official forums (see the sticky for the address), and
(b) call Logitech customer support.  These are community forums, not
official support forums.  There may be people here who can help you,
but don't assume that Logitech support people will answer here...

Best of luck in resolving the problems.


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Re: [slim] Revisiting iTunes alternatives for the Mac

2010-01-03 Thread kmr

My problem with playlist creation is that I like to build relatively
small playlists (50-100 songs), based on nothing more than these are
the songs I want to listen to (in a random order) today.  My music
library isn't enormous (2000 songs or so), so doing this on a
drag-n-drop interface is quite useful.  I used to use iTunes, and still
do for my lossy iPod library, but I have a separate FLAC library I use
for my Squeezeboxen, and need to create playlists for that.

That said, I just tried out Songbird with the Playlist Exporter plugin,
and it looks like it will do what I want it to do.  Doesn't solve the
OP's issue, though, because it's not a universal binary...


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Server on Mac

2010-01-03 Thread kmr

Question: did you already have a version of SBS installed?  I had a
similar (not exactly, though) problem when I upgraded from 7.4.0 to
7.4.1; I ended up removing the preference pane, reinstalling 7.4.1, and
the problem went away.  This was on MacOS X 10.5.8.

To deinstall, go to /Library/PreferencePanes and delete
Squeezebox.prefPane.  I think that's pretty much all that you need to

Hope this helps...


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Re: [slim] Can I find out what speed my Squeezeboxen are connected at?

2010-01-03 Thread kmr

Does your router / wireless access point give you that info?  Mine will
at least tell me what the connection type is.


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Re: [slim] Revisiting iTunes alternatives for the Mac

2010-01-02 Thread kmr

I tried Songbird out a couple of weeks ago but could not figure out how
to export playlists to an M3U; that's a deal killer for me.  Play from has the same issue.

For ripping and tagging, I gave up on Mac apps and now run dbpoweramp
in a Windows VM.  I tried Max from, but its tagging wasn't
very good.  Maybe the new Rip application under development there will
be better.

My big problem right now is creating playlists for mysb.  If I could
only export playlists from Songbird...


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Re: [slim] Revisiting iTunes alternatives for the Mac

2010-01-02 Thread kmr

kphinney's list is good EXCEPT it left out: playlist creation tool!!!


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Re: [slim] Going from a PC to a Mac...have questions.

2009-11-29 Thread kmr

cunobelinus;490306 Wrote: 
 Would someone please switch on the bulb for a poor unenlightened iTunes
 user (that's me) and explain (preferably in words of no more than two
 syllables and something approaching every day English!):
 1. what's so bad about it?
 2. How does one do what it does on a Mac, including its compatibility
 with iPods (and no, I'm not talking MP3 nor yet AAC. I play lossless on
 my iPod through the best headphones I can afford/carry at the time)
 preferably in a single easy-to-swallow pill, without committing whatever
 heinous crimes are the answer to (1)? Use of Parallels/VMFusionWare etc
 etc allowed!

It's not that I dislike iTunes; I still use it for managing my iPods. 
But my iPods are just for car, gym, etc; in the house, I use
Squeezeboxen (, so I wanted my library
to be FLAC since the Squeezeboxen handle it natively (they transcode
ALAC).  Plus, a lossless format on the iPods is huge overkill for my
purposes, and dramatically reduces how many songs I can carry.  Also, I
want true ReplayGain tags (album and track), which iTunes won't do.  I
just didn't see a solution on the Mac that I liked as well as dbpoweramp
on PC, and booting a WinXP virtual machine on my Mac is so I
went with dbpoweramp and its four-provider metadata solution.  I like
its metadata much better than iTunes; it can find cover art for obscure
stuff much more often, for example.  I rip 

But I do want to revisit Steve Booth's tools to see if they meet my
needs now.  Itunes won't until it natively supports FLAC, AccurateRip,
and ReplayGain.


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Re: [slim] Going from a PC to a Mac...have questions.

2009-11-28 Thread kmr

bigbwb;490100 Wrote: 
 So from the sounds of things and after doing more research, my best bet
 seems to be to use paralells or a similar program and tag, edit, create
 playlists, and etc running windows on the mac.  I would assume once I
 finish my editing of music on the windows side using media monkey, I
 will then have access to these same files in the mac OS?

As long as you set up your music directory so that it can be seen from
both the Windows VM and MacOS, then yes.  I created a music directory
in /User/Shared and store all of my music in there; under VMWare Fusion,
I have that specified as a shared drive, and dbpoweramp writes ripped
files to that directory.


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Re: [slim] Going from a PC to a Mac...have questions.

2009-11-27 Thread kmr

exile;489920 Wrote: 
 good luck and may you never have to open a microsoft program or internet
 explorer ever again.

I confess that, despite being about as fervent a Machead as you can
find, that I use dbpoweramp (running in a WinXP virtual machine) to do
my ripping and initial tagging.  I'm eagerly awaiting Steve Booth's Rip
application to get out of beta, but even then it won't have the multiple
metadata sources that the registered version of dbpoweramp has.  I don't
know if it will do multiple conversions and compute track and album
gains either; my dbpoweramp chain spits out FLAC and m4a simultaneously,
with ReplayGain computations to boot.

I don't know of any ways to make playlists for SBServer on the Mac
outside of SBServer (unless you use Itunes integration, which I don't
for other reasons).  Maybe somebody else does...


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Re: [slim] Going from a PC to a Mac...have questions.

2009-11-27 Thread kmr

kmr;489921 Wrote: 
 I'm eagerly awaiting Steve Booth's Rip application to get out of beta,
 but even then it won't have the multiple metadata sources that the
 registered version of dbpoweramp has.  I don't know if it will do
 multiple conversions and compute track and album gains either; my
 dbpoweramp chain spits out FLAC and m4a simultaneously, with ReplayGain
 computations to boot.

I was perusing the Rip / Max / Play etc site, and it appears that Rip
does support ReplayGain, both track gain and album gain.  Not sure if
you can adjust the target value or not as you can with dbpoweramp.  Max
can handle conversions to different formats.  Maybe I should look into
these tools again...


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Re: [slim] Why so many rude comments?

2009-10-08 Thread kmr

I'll try one more time:

MrSinatra;468847 Wrote: 
 like, does washing dishes mean you can't use a boom?  can one not tell
 the difference between a boom or a sbradio if they don't have perfect
 stereo imaging body placement?  or some other room noise?  if i work on
 my car, am i not more likely to want a louder device than a quieter one?
 just b/c the environment isn't perfect, does that mean i need to
 cripple my audio player to save $50?
 like i said, i get it, some in this thread disagree, fair enough.

As many people have said:  THE BOOM ISN'T PORTABLE THE SAME WAY THE
RADIO IS PORTABLE.  The Boom requires AC power; the Radio (once the
battery pack is released) doesn't.  That's a big deal for me; but I
don't claim that the Boom is crippled because it requires AC power -
just that it is much less effective for MY needs.  The Boom is twice the
size of the Radio; that makes it too big for my nightstand - but the
Radio fits fine.  Maybe you can buy a bigger nightstand if you need to,
but new bedside furniture is way down on my priority list.

As many people have said:  I am quite certain that the Boom would sound
better than the Radio in a blind listening test.  However, THAT DOES NOT
MEAN THE RADIO SOUNDS BAD.  Lots of folks who were part of the Radio
beta program have said that the Radio is comparable to stuff that I
*have* heard and liked, such as the Tivoli One.  Doesn't mean that YOU
have to like it, but it doesn't make my liking it any less valid.  If
you would stop using such phrases as cripple my audio player, you
would be taken more seriously.

And maybe $100 dollars (not including the battery pack) is no big deal
to you, but to other people, it can be the difference between I can
afford this and I can't afford this.  (I'm assuming that if someone
has seriously considered the Boom, the portability factor is not an
overriding concern, so the extra $50 for the battery pack is moot.)

I'd love to have a Boom or two for various places around the house, but
I just can't justify $300 right now for a smallish self-contained
streaming music player that is tied to a wall outlet.  But I CAN justify
$250 for the smaller Radio and its battery pack; the size and the
portability are big enough positives to tip the scales.  If I don't like
the sound, I'll send it back and keep looking.  But please feel free to
buy all the Booms you want - they do sound great and it helps keeps the
Logitech SMBU profitable, and hopefully keeps you happy with good music.
Isn't that what it's all about anyway?


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Re: [slim] Why so many rude comments?

2009-10-07 Thread kmr

MrSinatra;468546 Wrote: 
 i have no beef against mono sources, like say the beatles mono set.  but
 if i listen to that, it won't be on this silly sbradio, it'll be on some
 kind of stereo which is geared towards music.
 thats fair enough, but my point is that is incredibly niche imo, and
 even then not suitable for music, talk only.  seems to me the SBC suits
 that scenario better.

There are tons of places in my house where I want to listen to music
that don't qualify as suitable for music - the kitchen, washing
dishes; the garage, working on the car; the back porch, enjoying the
almost-always-beautiful SoCal weather; etc, etc.  Headphones are not an
option in these places, but portability is paramount.  The non-silly SB
Radio looks just like what the Dr. ordered for me, and likely for lots
of folks that don't require that all of our music listening be in
stereo.  If you're not one of those people, fine; but it's rather
presumptious to assume that your biases prevail.  Maybe if you had said
I personally can't stand listening to music from a mono-only source...
you wouldn't be getting the reaction you're getting.


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Re: [slim] Why so many rude comments?

2009-10-07 Thread kmr

MrSinatra;468841 Wrote: 
 i'm getting the reaction i'm getting b/c some people can't stand any
 criticism of slim stuff, and others have long standing beef with me.
 if i believe the sbradio is dopey, thats my right, and if others
 disagree, thats their right.  but i do back up why i feel that way and
 simply having a negative view on something slim offers is not troll
 behavior, nor reason to attack me.

I think you're getting the reaction you're getting because you've been
saying stuff like:

MrSinatra;468514 Wrote: 
 if anyone were to buy this thing to listen to music, i'd think they
 should have their head examined, (or at least their hearing). even a
 mono music source doesn't get justice on a tiny thing like this. i mean
 come on, this thing is simply not geared to music, lets not argue the


MrSinatra;468546 Wrote: 
 but my point is that is incredibly niche imo, and even then not suitable
 for music, talk only. seems to me the SBC suits that scenario better.

Seriously, are we to laugh or cry at this?  Obviously you have the
complete right to your opinions; but despite occasional claims of
jmho, you're strongly asserting that people who don't share your
opinions should have their head examined and this thing is simply not
geared for music.  I think it has been demonstrated by the replies in
this thread that there are a lot of sane people, who appreciate quality
music reproduction, that have heard highly musical reproduction of
stereo music through mono systems; who value having a medium-fidelity,
highly portable SB streamer; who are not well served by attaching
headphones to an SBC; and who are not claiming that their opinions are
more-or-less universal truths (you didn't say those words, but it's a
pretty fair summation of the totality of your posts on this subject).

I'm not trying to argue with you at all, and I'm not trying to convince
you that your position is wrong FOR YOU; but your position is wrong for
a lot of other people, and you are doing them a disservice by your
thoughtless comments such as should have their heads examined.  Hope
you take this post in the constructive criticism spirit in which it is
intended.  Your comments haven't seemed trollish at all to me, just
less-well-thought-out than they could be...


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Re: [slim] Why so many rude comments?

2009-10-06 Thread kmr

MrSinatra;467944 Wrote: 
 (altho i personally think the radio is one stupid product, and
 transporter ridiculously overpriced)

I can't fathom your lack of love for the SB Radio.  What's not to like?
Compact, tote-able package; the forthcoming battery pack for true
mobility; great sound (according to the beta testers - I haven't heard
it yet); the color display; and an extremely affordable price.  The only
knock I've heard on it is the lack of stereo, and that shouldn't be much
of a problem in that small a package - mono output is fine.  Actually,
I'll rephrase my question at the top: what's not to LOVE?  I predict the
Radio will be a big hit, and almost certainly will be the product that
moves me to a multi-Squeezebox household in the near future.

The Transporter, on the other hand, is an extremely niche product.  I
have no idea how much the markup on it is, but it's probably a lot.  But
if it were priced a lot less expensively, it would not appeal to a
significant segment of the audiophile market because they would refuse
to believe that it was any good at that price.  (An aside: when did the
woo-woo fringe take over audiophile country?  Back in the '70s and '80s,
in the glory days of Stereo Review magazine featuring the hardnosed
engineer Julian Hirsch as their equipment maven, there was an emphasis
on scientific method: what differences can be reliably distinguished in
listening tests? how do those differences correlate to measurable
characteristics of equipment? how do we test to minimize listener bias?
Etc.; for example, Hirsch was one of the first to debunk the myths of
gourmet speaker cables.  You could go into your local hi-fi store and
assemble a decent system, with components from good manufacturers, for a
decent price.  Nowadays, the middle-priced high-quality stereo equipment
market seems to have gone the way of the dodo, and most of the
information out there - certainly the magazines - seem to be written by
woo-woo charlatans.)


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Re: [slim] Why so many rude comments?

2009-10-04 Thread kmr

I have a simple system: SB3 (SD branded), iMac running MacOS 10.5.x. 
Absolutely smooth, including mySB integration.  I really like the new
preference pane for the server.  I feel for the folks that have had
problems, but I strongly suspect they are a small minority (recognizing
though that it's still a problem).


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Re: [slim] Future of Squeezebox Classic

2009-09-05 Thread kmr

dBerriff;455311 Wrote: 
 In my humble opinion, Logitech can fiddle around all they want with the
 front-end (and I believe they already have the best solutions) but if
 the ripping/tagging/WiFi/distribution back-end stays as it is then the
 various Squeeze devices will remain a mail-order only (I speak for the
 UK) niche product.

niche market right now.  For the most part, people are listening to
low-fi all-in-one stereo systems, either via CDs or by plugging in their
iPods, or maybe playing music back from CDs or iPod on their $299
home-theater-in-a-box system.  Few people have the patience to either
buy or hook up even a modest hi-fidelity (note I am NOT using the
oft-pejorative term audiophile) system.  So I think that the market
for any network music player is somewhat limited.  That's why the iTunes
integration is so important - most people who have digital music
collections only have them because they wanted to get their existing CD
collection onto their iPods.

I think that the Radio in particular may be the breakout product; it's
cheap enough ($199) so that people will buy it without much agony.  As
long as SqueezeCenter's iTunes integration continues to work reasonably
well, it will not be a big effort.  Then they'll start figuring out what
they are missing and start looking at the Touch, Boom, etc.


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Re: [slim] iTunes going DRM Free

2009-01-06 Thread kmr

iPhone;380341 Wrote: 
 But greed and losing some market share to Amazon finally killed Apple

Actually, Apple has been trying to get rid of DRM for a couple of years
now, but the labels wouldn't go along with it (except some of EMI)
because they were trying to wring concessions out of Apple,
specifically variable pricing.  Looks like Apple finally decided that
the tradeoff was worth it.


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Re: [slim] Fixing iTunes downloaded cover art

2009-01-03 Thread kmr

tony79;378658 Wrote: 
 Why was it enough for you to embed the artwork only in the first track? 

Well, if you look at the log files in the original thread,
SqueezeCenter was only looking at the first track for each album for
artwork, so I only embedded the artwork in the first track.  I may go
ahead and embed all of them, though - the extra disk space isn't much. 
But it may be moot soon; I'm starting on a project to re-rip everything
to FLAC using Max, then batch convert to AAC-192kbps for iPod / iTunes.
But that's another story...


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Re: [slim] Fixing iTunes downloaded cover art

2009-01-02 Thread kmr

I had the problem where 7.3 did NOT find the artwork I downloaded via
iTunes for my ripped CDs.  (See for the thread in
the SqueezeCenter forum.)  Since I'm on a Mac, I ended up using the
Embed Artwork AppleScript
( from Doug's
AppleScripts to embed the artwork in the first track of each album. 
See the referenced thread for all the details.  I should turn this into
a bug report...


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Re: [slim] Shuffle algorithm

2008-05-10 Thread kmr

pippin;300323 Wrote: 
 Can you describe what a similar but not identical random sequence is?
 You are correct, my car radio plays IDENTICAL sequenced. But I don't
 fully understand what you mean, then. To have similar sequences is not
 necessarily a correlation, a correlations means predictability.

Correlation does NOT mean predictability: the most common statistical
meaning of correlation is the Pearson correlation coefficient, which is
what I have been referring to here (see if you want
the gory details).  The amount of correlation between two random
variables measures the linear dependence of those two random variables,
but does not imply prediction (the post hoc ergo prompter hoc fallacy).

If I spoke Perl (I don't - I'm a Python hacker), I would dig into the
source and see what RNG gets used for the shuffle.  But I don't feel
like spending the time to learn enough Perl and learn the ins-and-outs
of its RNG(s) to do that right now.  I don't use shuffle mode for
SqueezeCenter much anyway!


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Re: [slim] Shuffle algorithm

2008-05-08 Thread kmr

pippin;299889 Wrote: 
 No. I have the same thing in my car radio. This is usually not a
 correlation thing, because you don't hear correlations, as soon as the
 first track is different you are on a completely new trail and don't
 tell me that you can hear a correlation like in
 1 20 4 80 5 vs 2 40 8 160 10
 What you describe usually is a bad randseed issue, that is: the same
 start value is used on consecutive rand sequences instead of using
 something like time() as a start value.

I think you're mistaken here; if the RNG seed were the same, you'd get
the SAME random number sequence.  What I get with my iPod and dislike
is similar but not identical random number sequences - a classic sign
of correlation with the RNG (i.e., different seeds produce similar
sequences). And yes, I can tell that, out of several thousand songs, I
tend to hear the same ones in the first 100 or so.


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Re: [slim] Shuffle algorithm

2008-05-07 Thread kmr

pippin;298814 Wrote: 
 Do you plan to encrypt something with the titles in your playlist?
 Otherwise even rand() should be good enough for shuffling.

It's not the sorted order of an individual playlist that is the
problem; I totally agree that rand() is good enough for that.

What I really dislike is correlation in the successive random number
sequences.  For example, I like to use shuffle songs on my late 2004
4th gen iPod in my car; however, if I don't use the iPod over the
weekend, it resets itself and on Monday morning, I select shuffle
songs again.  The new random playlist is strongly correlated with
the last random playlist - I hear largely the same songs in not too
far off from the same order.  This is a classic case of correlation in
the RNG.  So, I was curious if the SqueezeCenter shuffle algorithm uses
a good, uncorrelated RNG or not (and yes, I'm well aware that
correlation is only one of many tests to determine the goodness of an


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Re: [slim] Shuffle algorithm

2008-05-04 Thread kmr

But what algorithm produces the random numbers?  Hopefully not the C
rand() function! 

BTW, a member of the ANSI C committee once told me that the only thing
rand is used for in C code is to decide whether to pick up the axe or
throw the dwarf... - from Tim Peters, numerical methods wizard and
Python hacker extraordinare


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