[slim] Re: Remote streaming with Palm/Treo 700p: security questions

2006-10-04 Thread rme

I have the 650p treo and use it to access the web interface to control
the sb that powers my outdoor speakers.  See attached for a handheld
skin that I modified for useability/speed of navigation on the treo.

Also, I sometimes stream from myip.dyndns.com:9000\stream.mp3 to my
treo using pockettunes though not that often.

I only use the slimserver based security (username/password, no ip
restrictions as my treo ip address always changes) for that streaming
as pssh is rather difficult to use.

In pockettunes, you can setup a url favorite to
username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:9000\stream.mp3.  Setup bitrate
limiting on your player on slimserver to 64k or 96k.  However, you can
only stream your harddrive music, not any internet radio streams
through your slimserver.  For some reason, internet radio does not use
bitrate limiting.

|Filename: TreoHandheld.zip |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1800|


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[slim] internet radio buffering question

2006-10-03 Thread rme

I am trying to figure out what the use of radio station buffering
seconds is in server settings/network/radio station buffering seconds.

Does it buffer data to slimserver from the internet to help with
internet download latency or buffer seconds onto a squeezebox from the
slimserver to help with lan/wireless latency locally?

I don't have any problems with lan speed, therefore would like to set
it to 1 or 0 if it only buffers between slimserver and sb and avoid
station change delays if that is the case.

However, would like to take advantage of internet latency buffering if
that is what it is really doing.

Thanks for your help


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[slim] Re: Mods to Handheld skin for field highlighting

2006-09-25 Thread rme

I got it to work by adding the following to slimserver.css

A:hover, A.selected {
color : white
font-weight : bold;


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[slim] Mods to Handheld skin for field highlighting

2006-09-22 Thread rme

I am trying to use the Handheld skin from a treo650.

However, when using the tab key to move the cursor focus from one field
to the next, there is no highlighting or reverse field color on the
field where the cursor is focused.

Does anyone know where in the html or css files, you would change the
color or highlight definitions for the fields that have the focus?



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[slim] Problems with streaming internet radio using softsqueeze and mp3 stream

2006-04-13 Thread rme

I am having a problem streaming any internet radio streams (radioio,
radioparadise.com, etc) thru either softsqueeze (v2.3 with java v5 and
java mp3 layer) or thru localhost:9000/stream.mp3.

I can stream flac music from my harddrive no problem however.

I have 2 players setup - 1 for remote internet streaming and 1 for

For both of them, in player settings/audio, I have them set to lame
quality 9, bitrate limiting 64k.

Again, no problem to stream harddrive material and it streams at 64k as
it should.

When I try and stream an internet radio site, the bitrate goes to 320k
automatically and all I get is whitenoise/static.

edit: I am using slimserver v.6.2.2 - 5333 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252 

Any thoughts.


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[slim] Re: Password protecting the server ...

2006-03-30 Thread rme

How can you limit access to mac addresses in slimserver?  

If you set this up, does it eliminate the ability to connect remotely
with software players for receiving hostipaddress:9000/stream.mp3?


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[slim] white noise on streaming radioio/shoutcast to stream.mp3

2006-03-28 Thread rme

I have a streaming player setup for access over the internet back to my
slimserver at home.

I have player settings/audio lame quality set to 9 and bitrate limiting
set to 64k.

No problems streaming flac files from my hard drive.

However, when I try and change to radioio or radioparadise.com, etc
streams, they download and play as white noise/static instead of

Is there a problem with taking internet music station streams that are
mp3 and transcoding them to stream through slimserver back over the

Anything that can be done here to hear the stations as well?



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[slim] is there a stream.ogg option?

2006-03-22 Thread rme

Is there a way to setup remote internet streaming using ogg instead of
mp3 for the address http://localhost:9000/stream.mp3?  

So for instance what changes would be necessary for


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[slim] Re: Slimserver as Internet Radio?

2006-03-22 Thread rme

How can you run rinetd as a service or automatically start it up when
windows boots?  I have windows xp and could only find the unix startup
commands in the docs.

I found a windows service however called relaytcp that allows an
automatic service startup of the

BTW, this is working for me now.  I am streaming to my treo650 using
pockettunes.  Create a bookmark with
http:/userid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/stream.mp3 and then on
my home router allow the port and redirect to port  on the
slimserver machine, then run the tcp redirect on the slimserver machine
from port  to localhost port 9000.

Presto, I can now keep my default setup for the localhost player while
accessing from changing tcp addresses.

Thanks for the tip!

Now if only we could get ogg streaming instead of mp3!


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[slim] Re: Advice on web hosted slimserver

2006-03-16 Thread rme


Then is there a way to store my data on the web host, map a network
drive (ftp? or other way?) to the remote web host as a disk drive where
the music is and run a local slim server on my local machines?

That way at least I only have to have the music in 1 location on the
web host and could run slimservers on pc's in multiple locations as I
want it to run off the same music at different houses.



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[slim] Advice on web hosted slimserver

2006-03-15 Thread rme

I am looking to install slimserver on in a web hosted solution at
1and1.com see link:


The question I have is whether this can be done and if I should select
the MS or Unix hosted solution from 1and1?

Any advice?

My thought was to load my music and try and install slimserver to the
host for my domain name, then run slimserver from there and access it
through a fixed ip address they would give me.

What access privilages do I need and scripts availability, etc at the
host do I need to install, run and admin there?

Thanks in advance for your knowledge.


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[slim] Re: Last.fm question

2006-02-14 Thread rme

Insert the following into C:\program
files\slimserver\server\ir\custom.map under the [common] section

# LastFM skp/love/ban
arrow_right.hold= lastfm_skip
arrow_up.hold   = lastfm_love
arrow_down.hold = lastfm_ban

This will allow your remote to do the following lastfm commands:
press and hold right arrow will issue a skip current song
press and hold up arrow will issue a love current song
press and hold down arrow will issue a ban current song 

However, I still run into a problem where sometimes (when the
screensaver has not engaged yet), even though I press and hold the
up/down or right button, it will still first issue a single up/down or
right command, then the press and hold command.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to make sure that the single
up/down/right command does not get issued first?


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[slim] Re: Last.fm question

2006-02-14 Thread rme

Craig, James (IT) Wrote: 
 Thanks! I shall add these notes to my web page.
 Don't you have to do
 arrow_right = dead
 arrow_right.single = whatever arrow_right was before
 arrow_right.hold = lastfm_skip
 To remove the initial command?

I tried that and if I remember correctly, it hung up after the first
single and didn't go to the hold.

See if it works for you and let me know.


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[slim] Re: Remote Streaming Over Internet

2006-01-05 Thread rme

why is public key auth better than userid and password?


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[slim] Re: Updated skin for Handheld/PDA use

2005-12-04 Thread rme

nice skin, thanks!

I am having one issue with this and the default handheld skin.

I access using a Palm OS treo650 through their blazer web viewer.

I have a problem with the volume controls on your skin in that when I
select a new volume (say changing from 6 to 7) for the first time, it
will transmit and process the change properly.  The web browser says
sending and then receiving

However, when I select a previously selected volume level (say changing
back to 6 or from 8 to 7 when previously selected above), the web
browser does not transmit the change.  It only says redrawing.

It seems that in the palm browser it does not force a refresh ande
resend of the volume level if it is had prevously been selected.

Is there a way to program your skin to more specifically force a
refresh everytime something gets selected or touched on a screen, even
if it was previously selected?

One other item, how can I get your skin to default to the home page
instead of the browse artists page when I start it up?

Thanks again.


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[slim] Re: Updated skin for Handheld/PDA use

2005-12-04 Thread rme

I think you need to right click on the link and save target as to your
hard drive, then you can open it.


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[slim] Re: Streaming hosting services?

2005-12-01 Thread rme

or you may want to vote for bug#2661


This would allow for you to setup one slimserver on one host machine
and have all your remote squeezeboxes communicating back to that one


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[slim] Re: Feature Request: Squeezebox 3 remote connect to my home server

2005-11-29 Thread rme

Is there any way for sb2 to access an internet address based slimserver
similar to softsqueeze parameters to set, without connecting through a
pc for tunneling.

For example, if I had an sb2 connected to a router in my office using a
url/port/ssh info for the slimserver address?

Is that possible as well?


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[slim] Re: Problem refreshing handheld skin from pda

2005-11-22 Thread rme

Ok, I'll post a bugzilla and see where it goes.



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[slim] Re: Problem refreshing handheld skin from pda

2005-11-21 Thread rme

Ok, here are the page addresses and the various situations:

Initial status page address before changing any volume, initial startup
volume = 8:


Status page volume after changing volume from 8 to 7 - This works and
you see internet access of Sending and Receiving:


Status page changed from 7 back to 8 - This doesn't work, the only
internet traffic on the browser says Redrawing and the volume stays
the same physically on the sb2:


So it seems like the html is not forcing a refresh, only a redrawing of
the screen, once a specific volume has already previously been

However, if I manually press the refresh button after changing to a
volume which was previously selectecd, it will say Sending and then
Receiving and the volume will change properly.


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[slim] Re: Problem refreshing handheld skin from pda

2005-11-21 Thread rme

When I go into the browser settings and clear the cache, it will change
volumes properly btw.  So not sure if anything can be done to the html
to more explicitly force a refresh or cache clear or something.

The browser in the Palm Treo650 is Palm's new web browser whcih is
Blazer v4.0

Any ideas of what could be done to the screen html to force it more?


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[slim] Re: Problem refreshing handheld skin from pda

2005-11-20 Thread rme

mherger Wrote: 
   And it's such a basic link that I really don't see what we  
 can do wrong. Can you display the web page's code on the palm?

I'm not sure how I would display the web page code.  Give me some hints
and I'll try tomorrow.  I can display the hyperlink for the web page
however if that is what you are asking about.


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[slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-11-15 Thread rme

FWIW I have definately been hearing the static over the past week or so
and thought it was my system.  It is periodically there when I listen
to the acoustic channel.

This is not your imagination as independently I had concerns on this
for a while now.


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[slim] Re: Slimscrobbler- why should I have it?

2005-10-16 Thread rme

Ok, I got it working so far...

Go to last.fm and create an account

Go to  http://www.last.fm/postsignup.php and download the windows or
whatever version of audioscrobbler

Go to http://www.last.fm/help/plugin/?id=13 and download the slimserver
plugin - which redirects you to http://slimscrobbler.sourceforge.net to
download the latest slimserver plugin.  There are 2 files

- Put Scrobbler.pm into the Plugins directory.

- Put the entire SlimScrobbleSupport directory into the Plugins

- Restart SlimServer.

Go to slimserver http page and then server settings/plugins page and
make sure that audioscrobbler submitter is checked and under the
audioscrobbler options below - make sure you enter your last.fm userid
and password and set autosubmit to on.  I think this then submits what
you listen to on sb2 automatically to your last.fm profile - not sure
what max pending requests means - let us know if you figure this out.

Go to slimserver/server settings/internet radio settings and check
lastfm under internet radio and under last fm internet radio settings
below enter your userid and password.  Under enter your favorite lastfm
stations - enter the tag type and names that you are interested in.  For
example I entered user/enter your user id here for my personal station,
then in the next box I entered globaltags/progressive rock for their
progressive rock station.  when you press change, then it will give you
more boxes to add more stations.  You can find the global tag stations
at http://www.last.fm/tags/ to enter.

On your sb2, you can then go to internet radio on the main menu and
below that you should see LastFM station, then press right and it will
say press play to start LastFM.  once it is started, you can press up
or down arrow to change stations then right arrow to see all the
stations you added in your slimserver favorite radion stations above

Seems to be working so far...

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[slim] Re: Unreliable Wireless Connection

2005-10-10 Thread rme

Unfortunately this won't help you, but I have the same exact problem
with the Dlink DI-624 router.  It usually won't reconnect unless I put
it in a magical space where it suddenly connects, even though signal
strenth is 40%+.  When connected, it usually goes to 0%, then 100%,
then counts down to about the normal signal strength of 40% or so.

Very annoying on the reconnection issue, however.

I am not at home, but I am not sure if there is a Upnp setting to turn
off like the Belkin as suggested previously.  I will try this weekend.

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[slim] Re: Power Supply RF EMI

2005-10-09 Thread rme

An additional question on this thread as well for the power experts out

Is there increased RFI/EMI if the dc power cable portion of the sb2
power supply is run tied to an amplifier's ac power cord or doesn't
that matter?  In other words, should the dc part of the cable be kept
away from any other ac power cords?

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[slim] Re: Equalizer implementation in SS or SB2?

2005-09-20 Thread rme

I looked into this and it was way too complicated to try and implement.

Does dean have any idea if it could be developed by and incorporated
into slimserver and be able to be set in the sb2 similar to volume?

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[slim] Re: SlimTray not really starting slim.exe

2005-09-19 Thread rme

I'm actually having the opposite problem in that slimserver is setup as
an automatic windows service and starts up properly automatically. 
However, when I right click on the tray icon and exit/close, the
slim.exe programs stays resident when I look in task manager.

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[slim] Equalizer implementation in SS or SB2?

2005-09-19 Thread rme

Anyone know if there is a way to implement a good digital equalizer
function (7 band or 13 band) in Slimserver or SB2 firmware which could
be set differently for each player settings?  

I don't have a preamp or digital eq in my system so this would be great
for me.

If you have any thoughts on how this could be done/if this could be
done, let me know.

I have entered a request into bugzilla #2133

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[slim] Re: Received the Elpac power supply today

2005-09-18 Thread rme

I thought a 2a supply was needed instead of 1.5a.  What if any issues
could less amps create?

Do you have the wireless version of SB2?

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[slim] Any way to edit sub menu items?

2005-09-18 Thread rme

Anyone know if/how you can edit sub-menus structures?

I would like to change Browse Music sub menus so that it is ordered by
Browse Playlists, then Browse Artists, then Search Music, then Browse
Genres and delte all of the other sub menus.

If this is not possible now, would SD consider enabling it so we can
simplify the menus when viewed on the SB2?

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[slim] Re: Any way to edit sub menu items?

2005-09-18 Thread rme

Actually, it's the level of sub menu items that are listed below this
menu level that I would like to modify.

For instance, the player settings/menu settings allow you to add or
remove browse playlists, browse music, etc.

But underneath browse music I would like to change the sub menu items
by leaving by artist, deleting by album, adding favorites, etc.

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[slim] Re: Received the Elpac power supply today

2005-09-18 Thread rme

Anyone know if the 1.5a is enough for the wireless sb2?

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[slim] Re: Replay Gain!!

2005-09-17 Thread rme

You can include the option --replay-gain in the command line for the
flac.exe in EAC.  see http://flac.sourceforge.net/documentation.html

Calculate ReplayGain values and store in FLAC tags, similar to
VorbisGain. Title gains/peaks will be computed for each input file, and
an album gain/peak will be computed for all files. All input files must
have the same resolution, sample rate, and number of channels. Only
mono and stereo files are allowed, and the sample rate must be one of
8, 11.025, 12, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, or 48 kHz. Also note that this
option may leave a few extra bytes in a PADDING block as the exact size
of the tags is not known until all files are processed.

Note that this option cannot be used when encoding to standard output

I think this is only track gain, but I am not sure.

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[slim] Re: Hook up both amp speakers to rca jacks, and selfpowered speakers to 1/8 jack

2005-09-13 Thread rme

audiofi Wrote: 
 Another option would be to get some powered speakers with digital inputs
 (Edirol do them and I imagine creative etc. do as well) and then use
 analogue RCA for the hifi and digital for the powered speakers.
how far can you run the following effectively to your mentioned powered
- coax digital cable?
- optical digital cable?

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[slim] Re: Hook up both amp speakers to rca jacks, and selfpowered speakers to 1/8 jack

2005-09-13 Thread rme

Anyone know the voltage out on the 1/8 headphone line?

I am looking at the swan m200 selfpowered speakers and I think that the
analog line in on them is 800mV

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[slim] Hook up both amp speakers to rca jacks, and selfpowered speakers to 1/8 jack

2005-09-12 Thread rme

title says it all,

I know the answer is probably try it an see, but I thought, prior to
running out and buying the self powered speakers I would ask here

I plan on hooking up my SB2 to nuforce ref8 amps thru rca jacks and
then on to kef reference speakers.

Can I also on the same sb2, use the 1/8 jack and hook up a 25' cable
to a separate set of self powered speakers (computer type) in another

Will that screw up the output levels on the rca jacks?

Anyone know if the 25' run on the cable to the self powered speakers is
effective or too far?

Thanks for any help or ideas.

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[slim] Programming remote keys

2005-09-09 Thread rme

Is there a way to program the remote control keys to do the following:

Press and hold the now playing key would jump to the playlists

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