Re: [slim] SB2: nothing on display. Dead?

2011-04-15 Thread smst

New power supply arrived this morning.  After plugging it in, there
followed a few seconds of disappointment while nothing happened,
followed in turn by the Logitech logo and everything being hunky-dory.

Thanks again everybody!  I have a working SB2 again, and for less than
a tenner too.


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Re: [slim] SB2: nothing on display. Dead?

2011-04-11 Thread smst

Right, I've bought it.  I have my fingers crossed that it will bring my
precious SB2 back to life!  It's had a good run if not.  Thanks again.


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Re: [slim] SB2: nothing on display. Dead?

2011-04-11 Thread smst

I'm in the UK.  There's one here on an ebay store for about £9

That's comparable to the $15 in your link.  Thankyou for the advice
though -- I had no idea how much I'd be spending on a power supply, so
you've given me a ball park I can work with!


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Re: [slim] SB2: nothing on display. Dead?

2011-04-11 Thread smst

Wifi board removed, the unit still pines for the fjords.  I can see no
illumination anywhere, so it's not looking good.  Since I can't find
another power supply in the house that's 5V (let alone fitting the
other requirements aubuti was kind enough to give) my next step is ebay
for a new plug.

Thanks everybody for your help.  I shall post back if I'm able to get
it going without buying an entire replacement!


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Re: [slim] SB2: nothing on display. Dead?

2011-04-11 Thread smst

I will remove the wifi board tonight.  Cheers.


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Re: [slim] SB2: nothing on display. Dead?

2011-04-10 Thread smst

Okay, thanks, good suggestions!  Would a faulty wifi board make the box
appear invisible to the server too?  (It's connected by ethernet.)


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Re: [slim] SB2: nothing on display. Dead?

2011-04-09 Thread smst

w3wilkes;624294 Wrote: 
> How dead is the SB2? If you bring up the webUI to your SBS can you see
> the player?

Good question!  Nothing through the web, so pretty dead I guess.  My
plan is now this:

1. Try to find another 5V power supply in the house (will any 5V power
supply do, or are there other factors I must take into account?).
2. If I can't find one, or if I do find one and it works, buy a
replacement power supply -- I've seen them on ebay for not much.
3. Buy a replacement SB2 (or SB3 if I must).  Again, ebay I think.
(4. Sell my own power supply if it turns out to still be okay!)

I was celebrating the arrival of a battery for my SB Radio yesterday,
in time for barbecue season, and carried the Radio around the house
only to encounter the dead SB2!  From a high to a low, just like that.


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[slim] SB2: nothing on display. Dead?

2011-04-08 Thread smst

My venerable Squeezebox 2 is starting to die on me, and may have already
done so.  I see nothing on the screen (and have tried changing the
brightness).  Is there an easy way to tell if it's the screen at fault
or if the whole box is dead?

I recall when I bought the SB2 some years ago that I had a screen
problem and was instructed to fiddle with the VFD to bring it back to
life.  I wonder if that could work again.

Any ideas of things to try (I see there are buttons to hold on boot
which might do something) will be gratefully received.  I can't really
afford an upgrade to the newer models; I love the SB Radio in my
kitchen but can't justify buying something new with digital out. 
(Heck, I've just realised: no SB2 means no listening to my 5.1 rips! 
I'll have to start digging out DVDs...)



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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread smst

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

The open nature of the server software, and the availability of
3rd-party plugins to extend the server's functionality, was what
attracted me to the Squeezebox over the competition.  I knew that if the
official developers were too busy to add bells and whistles, 3rd-party
devs would add all sorts of interesting things that the community would

For example, Stuart Hickinbottom's Lazy Search plugin is an essential
for me; for a numeric remote like the (old) Squeezebox's, it's a
surprise that it's not been rolled in to the core product.


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Re: [slim] Information

2008-06-13 Thread smst

Thanks for the replies.  I've unsubscribed and re-subscribed so will
look out for more newsletters.  I've checked my deleted emails (whence
all my junk mail ends up after a brief review) and there's nothing with
a From address including "slim" that looks like a newsletter; forum
notifications and bugzilla emails are there though.

I've recently noticed another email newsletter has stopped coming, so I
wonder if my ISP or my email forwarding provider are stopping them
(despite me asking them to apply no junk filtering).


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Re: [slim] Information

2008-06-13 Thread smst

mherger;311479 Wrote: 

I subscribed to that newsletter in September 2007 (and then again in
January 2008, it seems) and have never received anything beyond the
initial confirmations.  Has there been no news in the last 9 months?


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-13 Thread smst

DanielTheGreat;279099 Wrote: 
> Incidentally (smst), how do you create the little box around your code
> fragment? [You can see I'm a complete novice to this forum stuff.]

Like so: *[**code]insert code here[/**code]*


insert code here

As a general tip, if you click the "Quote" button under any reply you
can see the exact content of somebody's post, including tags.


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-12 Thread smst

DanielTheGreat;278616 Wrote: 
> SMST's suggestion to kill the gain tags is even better.  I eventually
> found a version of foobar2k that supposedly works under Win2k, and will
> try to install/test it over the next few days.
You can use metaflac to remove RG tags from FLAC files.  (I don't know
if metaflac is distributed with SlimServer or not; it's available from
the FLAC website though.)


metaflac.exe --remove-replay-gain "My DTS File.flac"

> SMST, you've made some great suggestions about special tags for surround
> tracks - I heartily agree.  Indeed, I'd like to see it go one step
> further and include a new gain tag (perhaps call it 'SurrGain'?) that
> is NOT used by replay gain players, but is broadcast (when it's
> present) along with the file header at the start of each track.  [I
> know nothing about how SC 'broadcasts' the music stream via Wi-Fi, but
> I'm assuming there's some sort of 'header' sent at the start of each
> track, with the tag info etc).  With such a SurrGain tag, I could (when
> I learn how to program network-aware DOS applications) reprogram my
> DOS6.22 touch PC that controls most functions of my (overly complex)
> surround system.  It could then adjust my system's 'pre-volume' so that
> the DTS tracks sounded the same loudness as the replay-gain-adjusted
> stereo tracks.  Of course I would need to empirically determine the
> values and tag the SurrGain for each album, but with only a few dozen
> DTS CDs, that wouldn't be arduous.
Interesting idea.  You'd need a server plugin to read that tag and pass
it on to your other PC, and to send a "revert to normal" tag if the tag
wasn't present on the next track.  Calculating the value might be
tricky, but ultimately I guess you could use some utility (BeSweet
might do it; I don't know if it has a DTS plugin) to downmix the DTS
file to a stereo WAV, and calculate the gain values using that.


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread smst

DanielTheGreat;277787 Wrote: 
> There was some discussion last year about SS being made smarter by
> recognising DTS bit-streams and disabling gain adjustments for those
> tracks.

I forgot to mention earlier: I've previously requested that some tag
(perhaps the community could decide upon one) could be recognised by
SlimServer as meaning "the contents are for SPDIF output only".  One
could tag the relevant files without requiring that SlimServer
recognise the various bitstreams (two types of DTS, AC3, etc).  The
tag's meaning would be "do not apply RG, do not adjust volume, do not
limit bitrate, and do not use analogue outputs".

I'd find a variation on the latter helpful.  I intend to buy a new SB
for my kitchen and won't be using digital outputs.  I'd like it if the
SB would refuse to play tracks marked as SPDIF-only, especially to
avoid a nasty white-noise surprise during random mix.


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread smst

DanielTheGreat;277787 Wrote: 
> Phil, with all due respect, I have to disagree with your first sentence,
> while agreeing with your second.  When 'Track gain' is selected for
> volume adjustment, SlimServer/SqueezeCenter DOES 'scale' the audio
> samples, thereby destroying the integrity of the DTS code stream.
> There was some discussion last year about SS being made smarter by
> recognising DTS bit-streams and disabling gain adjustments for those
> tracks.  It was suggested that the developers would aim for this in
> Rev. 7, but this clearly hasn't happened (I installed SqueezeCenter 7
> yesterday and tested it today, and I still get white noise when volume
> adjustment is enabled for a DTS track.  Disabling volume adjustment
> ['none'] allows DTS FLAC files to play perfectly through the
> Squeezebox's Toslink o/p).

I'm running SlimServer 6.5.4, so things might be different for me, but
I have no problem playing back DTS files with ReplayGain enabled (with
the "smart" setting, which I believe uses "track" or "album" based on
the current track's relation to the rest of the playlist).  None of my
DTS files have ReplayGain information embedded in them, so there's
nothing for SlimServer to do -- I would have thought that it wouldn't
adjust the audio at all if there were no RG tags.

Some simple things to check (which you may have already tried):

1. Check that there are no ReplayGain values set for your DTS files.  I
use foobar2000: I can ask for a track's properties and, on the
"Properties" tab (as opposed to "Metadata") I can see RG values.  fb2k
can clear RG values too.

2. Check that the Digital Volume Control setting is "fixed" (or
similar; I don't remember the exact setting name and it may have
changed for SC).

3. Check that there's no bitrate limiting enabled.

If you can play DTS back with RG disabled, I imagine the last two are
okay, but check anyway.  Perhaps things have changed between SS 6.5.4
and SS 7, but I can't see why the server would apply RG with no RG tags


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Re: [slim] First Surround 5.1 Webradio !

2007-07-23 Thread smst

kkitts;214740 Wrote: 
> I created a 5.1 wav file through a painful laborious process - and
> played it back through the squeezebox. I'm certain that it picked up
> 5.1 channels because I can verify that on my yamaha receiver. So
> squeezebox *can* play back 5.1 files of some varieties - is that right?
> BTW, I am using the optical out to the from the SB to the yamaha
> receiver.

The SB2 and SB3 can play back WAV files, and (if you've got a fixed
digital output level and no MP3 transcoding) will pass the exact
contents of the WAV file over S/PDIF to your receiver.  The SB2/3
itself knows nothing about surround sound formats (and it's only got
stereo analogue output, so it couldn't do anything with the extra
channels anyway).

What sort of WAV did you create?  Both Dolby Digital (AC3) and DTS can
be wrapped in a WAV format, and the SB2/3 will pass them straight
through to your receiver: if it understands AC3 or DTS, it will play
them back.


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Re: [slim] Announce: DirectPlaybookPDF - turn your music collection into a book

2007-05-25 Thread smst

bephillips;202792 Wrote: 
> "The more I look at prices for barcode scanners (and even before I work
> out the cost of printing pages or cards), the more I think I won't be
> using this soon"
> I think there are programs that allow any webcam to be used to read bar
> codes.

Thanks for the suggestion.  I was hoping to avoid having a PC in the
living room, however.


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Re: [slim] Quality of Slimserver

2007-05-22 Thread smst

That sounds like this bug:

...which has affected me too (searching by artist was where I noticed
it).  Do you set ALBUMARTIST, COMPOSER or BAND for most of your albums?
I think the bug affects non-compilation albums when those tags are set
as well as ARTIST.

Comments #25 and #26 there describe a workaround which should allow you
to get the database back into a state where browsing by artist will work

(I'm only helping with that problem you're having; I'm not commenting
on the question of stability or quality of SlimServer one way or the


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Re: [slim] Announce: DirectPlaybookPDF - turn your music collection into a book

2007-05-16 Thread smst

The more I look at prices for barcode scanners (and even before I work
out the cost of printing pages or cards), the more I think I won't be
using this soon. :-)  So please don't start any work on my account --
hopefully the bump to this thread will interest more people though!

You mention ISBN; do you mean the UPC?  ISBN is for books afaik.

I hadn't thought of looking the barcode up online!  That's smart: use
the tags I've already entered to work out the UPC.  Certainly saves
scanning them all!  Although if there were a lot of cases where an
album may have more than one UPC, a compromise could be made where the
user scans each of his barcodes and the software looks up the album,
and tries to match it to something in the existing collection.

If you don't mind me asking: is it very expensive to print off that
many pages?  RFID would be interesting, but I suspect they'd be much
more expensive than barcodes (which are, after all, just ink on paper).
Barcodes are no more expensive than the print costs of the library;
RFID is an additional cost per page.  (I always fancied using RFID with
my actual CDs, but soon found out that the cost was silly.)

I do like the idea of using Gumstix.  It's at times like this that I
wish I had more electronics knowledge: it would be fun to put something
together.  Perhaps this will give me cause to look into that some more.

Very kind of you to offer the CueCat -- I'm in the UK however so
probably won't be in the area very soon.

If I do get a scanner some time, I'll be sure to check back in.  Maybe
I'll even rifle through the code myself.  (BTW, I fully understand the
motivations behind writing something while there's a need, then letting
it be when it's satisfactory.)



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Re: [slim] Announce: DirectPlaybookPDF - turn your music collection into a book

2007-05-15 Thread smst

I was thinking about a barcode-reading feature some time ago (mentioned
it 'in this forum thread'
(, and today I
remembered it.  And I see that an implementation exists!  Excellent.  I
particularly like the use of a few special barcodes to control modes and
other functions.  Thanks for putting the work in; it looks very cool.

I've still not printed a catalogue of my collection (the expense of the
trading card storage and a new printer doesn't fit well with the
relatively low priority of the printout!) but wanted to make a
suggestion anyway, in case it's useful for others.  It concerns the ID
used to identify a given album: where does it come from?  Is it a
SlimServer db internal ID?  Is it prone to change on a rescan?

I propose this: have the basic play-this-album barcode be exactly the
barcode printed on the original CD's packaging.  For those albums which
don't have that metadata stored, use a number based on the db ID (or
whatever is used currently) but adjusted to be in a range illegal for
the CD barcode.  (I'm pretty sure there are rules and checksums for
those barcodes... least elegantly, they're not longer than 14 digits so
an adjusted ID above 1,000 million million would be sure not to clash!)

Personally, I have a PRODUCTNUMBER tag on every file (where the CD had
a barcode!) containing the relevant digits.  I imagine that one could
extend the SlimServer db to include a custom album ID based on a
user-defined tag, or generated automatically in the absence of such a
tag.  (I don't know if that's easy to do or not; it's just an idea
meant to trigger discussion.)

The obvious upshot of this is that the barcode scanner will now work in
the absence of a printed catalogue: I just scan the barcode on the disc,
which is on the shelf next to me (as I still find a use for all those
bits of plastic; haven't got SBs everywhere yet!).

Everything else ("Play all by this artist", changing mode, random mix,
etc) can be triggered by IDs outside of the album ID range.  "Play all
by this artist" could be implemented automatically, without recourse to
another ID: if the scanned number is in some special range outside of
the album range, chop off all but the last 14 digits to identify the
album then dereference it to the artist.  One could imagine other such
special ranges (eg 3x10^15, or '3' plus a 14 digit album ID, could mean
"take me to the album so I can pick a track").

Since I don't have a barcode scanner yet, and may be the only person
who would benefit from this, I'm not asking for any of it to be
implemented!  I'm merely thinking aloud.

And on that note: would I be right in thinking that cheap barcode
scanners plug into a PC?  I'd like to buy one, but I won't have a PC in
the living room, or even a laptop or PDA (and if I had the latter, there
are some good SlimServer skins to use instead).  Does anyone know of
anything wireless (IR, bluetooth, wifi)?  Although presumably that
won't be cheap.

Thanks again for DirectPlaybookPDF -- even though I haven't bought any
hardware to use it yet, I appreciate the fact that the software exists
and you've taken the time to make it work.


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Re: [slim] Forum Cleanup

2007-05-09 Thread smst

I've asked for this before, and perhaps this is a good point to mention
it again: I'd really like an announcement forum.  The general
discussion list is very high volume, and I really only subscribe to it
so I'll be notified of new SlimServer releases (and new hardware plans,

I've requested this as 'bug#3259'
(, and included a few
suggestions to make it work smoothly (essentially, an announcement
would be cross-posted to the dedicated forum and have a note appended
directing follow-ups to a thread in the general (or 3rd party, etc)

Thanks for cleaning up the forums!


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[slim] Re: Announce: Official SlimServer v6.5.1 Release

2007-01-19 Thread smst

I didn't get a message about this through the announcements list, so I'd
like to take this opportunity to again ask for it to be revived.  The
main discussion list is high volume; too high for me.  I stay
subscribed to keep abreast of announcements.

I asked about this 'before'
(, and some
interest was expressed in an announcements-only list.  It was pointed
out that one already exists but is seldom used; this announcement seems
to support that.

In 'bug#3259' ( I
suggested that the announcements list be revived.  I proposed that an
announcement made elsewhere should, if some checkbox was ticked on
submission, be copied to the announcements list along with a link to
the _original_ message.  Thus, a copy of the 6.5.1 release announcement
would be emailed to all who were interested, and would refer to this
very thread for follow-up discussion (keeping the announcements list
free of follow-ups).

This seems like a good time to raise the suggestion again.



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[slim] Re: DTS rip from DVD

2006-12-22 Thread smst

Eric Seaberg;162018 Wrote: 
> I did DL Python for OSX and got spdifconvert to open and even read the
> help file.  I have a DVD ripper that does rip the DTS files
> individually so now it's just a matter of figuring out the syntax your
> script wants.Quick update for you Eric -- jsnell has replied to the main 
thread with some more information on using spdifconvert in a terminal
on a Mac.  It might be helpful to you.


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[slim] Re: Will there ever be a video squeezebox ?

2006-12-15 Thread smst

thepainter;162691 Wrote: 
> I too am blown away by XBMC but am interested in controlling it
> remotely. I have a Logitech Harmony 880 and have heard of controlling
> it with it but can't seem to get it working. Currently I'm using a
> wireless game controller which does all kinds of great ajustments etc.
> My favorite is the fast forward which when done on my laptop (G4
> powerbook) I sometimes get a voice sync problem which I have to pause
> for a couple of seconds to catch up but with the XBOX I never have a
> problem. Anyone with the Hormony setup? I think the one I downloaded
> controlled the DVD drive but not XBMC. I recommend it highly by the
> way.

If you don't already have it, you may need to buy the DVD playback kit,
which is essentially a remote and a IR receiver.  The receiver plugs in
to a controller port and enables the remote to be used.  (You won't
really need the remote except to learn commands on the Harmony, and
maybe not even that as the official Microsoft remote/dongle is based on
the same signals as RCA DVD players use.)


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[slim] Re: Will there ever be a video squeezebox ?

2006-12-15 Thread smst

I bought an XBox two weeks ago for XBMC, and it's fantastic.

SadGamerGeek;162668 Wrote: 
> I just have one remote (Pronto) that controls it as well as my TV, Amp,
> TiVo, DVD player, Squeezebox and lights (via X10). This level of
> convenience scores very highly on the WAF (GAF) scale. The only small
> niggle is that there is no easy way to turn an Xbox on via the remote,
> and I haven't yet trained either of our dogs to push the power button
> with their noses...Depending on your definition of "easy"... for about 
> UK£15 one can buy an
additional IR receiver which draws a small amount of standby power and
will turn the XBox on when it receives a particular remote command.  It
requires that the lid be removed and some wires be soldered under the
motherboard (or, in my case, shoved into the main power connector and
taped in place), which is not massively hard to do.  (Having said that,
the model I bought integrates with a particular brand of modchip, and
may not work with "softmod" XBoxes... I don't know enough about it to
say for sure!)

So the problem can be solved.


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[slim] Re: DTS rip from DVD

2006-12-13 Thread smst

Eric Seaberg;162132 Wrote: 
> The Porcupine Tree DVD is VIDEO, not audio.  I think the copy I saw was
> converted from PAL to NTSC, which didn't really look too bad.That explains 
> the absence of a CD then!  But Burning Shed seemed to have
MP3s, which is what threw me.  Good luck with your attempts at the


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[slim] Re: DTS rip from DVD

2006-12-13 Thread smst

Eric Seaberg;162018 Wrote: 
> I did DL Python for OSX and got spdifconvert to open and even read the
> help file.  I have a DVD ripper that does rip the DTS files
> individually so now it's just a matter of figuring out the syntax your
> script wants.
> I've got too much on my plate right now to think about it.  Don't want
> my head to explode before Christmas.
Nobody wants an exploding head; I'd agree with that.  The syntax isn't
tough: in your terminal, change to the directory containing the DTS
files (likely with the 'cd' command; OSX has a linux-like shell,
right?), copy into that directory (using the Mac's GUI
for file browsing if that's easier) and run with no
arguments to check it's available.  Then just run it several times,
each time with a DTS file as argument (ie you type '',
or whatever works for you, then a space, then the name of a DTS file).

If you decide to take a look at it, do ask for any help you need in the
other thread.

> BTW, smst, have you seen the DVD of Porcupine Tree at Rockpalast?  It's
> pretty incredible, if you can find it.  I think it was shot for German
> television and is tough to find in the States.
I haven't; sounds good.  Burning Shed seem to have it for download but
I don't see a CD there... I'm in the UK so hopefully it'll be a touch
easier to find. :)


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[slim] Re: DTS rip from DVD

2006-12-12 Thread smst

Eric Seaberg;161628 Wrote: 
> I spent the time yesterday reading smst's LONG thread on doing this. 
> I'm thinkin' I'll pull out the ol' Dell Laptop to use for this as it
> seems SO MUCH EASIER than trying to re-compile for the Mac.I don't think 
> it'll be very hard to use a Mac for this, but as I've
never used one I don't know for sure!  Python is available for the Mac,
and shouldn't rely on anything Windows-specific (and if
it does, I can change it).  Current Mac OSs allow the opening of a
terminal, I think.  There must exist DVD ripping tools and a FLAC

Which is just to say: if getting that Dell out is more than a few
hours' work in itself, you might want to try the Mac anyway.  Depends
how deeply you've hidden it. :-)  (Don't forget you'll need to transfer
your new FLACs from the Dell to the box running SlimServer, so the Dell
will need a network card or a CD/DVD writer...)

Good luck with it.  If you have any problems, please post back to the
AC3/DTS thread (where problems are collected).


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[slim] Re: DTS rip from DVD

2006-12-11 Thread smst

Eric Seaberg;161124 Wrote: 
> I have a lot of DVD-A discs that also have a DTS stream available to
> play on non DVD-A players.  Since the format of the disc is the same as
> a standard DVD, i.e. Video and Audio TS folders, it's not as easy to rip
> as a DTS-CD is, which looks just like an audio CD but the files are
> encoded.As Andy says, your best bet is to rip the DTS stream directly from the
DVD-Video layer and convert it.
> I then opened BarbaBatch, which is a file format conversion program to
> SRC from 48K to 44.1.  The resultant file was then converted using FLAC
> (like I had done with my DTS-CDs) and put onto my SlimServer Music
> drive.It's not necessary to force a 44.1kHz sample rate -- the SB2/3 will be
happy with the 48kHz DTS stream from the DVD-Video.  DTS-CDs are
44.1kHz but the DTS data is a different format; even if BarbaBatch
knows there are two different formats, I don't think it's easy to
transform them (I tried it once but the resultant streams were never
useful).  But since you don't need to sample-rate convert anyway, it
doesn't matter. :-)


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[slim] Re: Surround MP3 supported?

2006-10-06 Thread smst

I haven't had a lot of time for this, but I had a quick look around and
came to the conclusion that some very useful information is in IEC
61937 (the standard which basically defines how you wrap this stuff up
for S/PDIF, before sending it using IEC 60958).  Those standards aren't
cheap to buy, so I was wondering if anyone knew of any legitimate ways
to view them for free.  Do they tend to be available in public
libraries?  (I'm in the UK.)  University libraries maybe?


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[slim] Re: Surround MP3 supported?

2006-10-02 Thread smst

Mark Lanctot;142004 Wrote: 
> Interesting!
> Well that would be the way.  You'd need a firmware change so that the
> SB could pass surround MP3 without decoding it over S/PDIF, then a
> receiver capable of decoding surround MP3.
> ...As a first pass, we could encode it to FLAC as we can for AC3/DTS, and
then without firmware changes it'll pass right through.  But that
supposes that I can work out how to convert it; I'll probably have a
look in the next few days.


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[slim] Re: Surround MP3 supported?

2006-10-02 Thread smst

Mark Lanctot;141978 Wrote: 
> I believe 6-channel PCM can't be transmitted over S/PDIF due to
> insufficient bandwidth.
I had a feeling that might be the case; I think I remember reading that
S/PDIF had insufficient bandwidth for DVD-Audio also.

> Unfortunately that leaves this sort of multichannel support for the
> Squeezebox high and dry.  It can't transmit anything other than
> 2-channel PCM over S/PDIF and since surround MP3 isn't contained in a
> specially-encoded 2-channel PCM stream like DD and DTS, it can't be
> passed to a receiver, even if the receiver could decode such a stream.
But might it not be possible to encode streams other than AC3/DTS in
the same way?  For example, this S/PDIF information mentions MPEG audio
as one possible thing to put into the stream (although it might be

And indeed it seems that Harmon Kardon produce an amp capable of
receiving MP3s over S/PDIF:

Of course, the existing players will only be able to produce stereo
from the new MP3 Surround files, but if we could wrap up an MP3 in the
same way we can wrap an AC3 or DTS file, we might still be able to
transmit it to a suitable receiver.  (I wonder if anybody other than HK
make such a thing?)  And if we can transmit a stereo MP3 to a receiver,
I'd imagine that adding support for MP3 Surround would be fairly easy,
should a receiver come to exist which can support it.

Transformed MP3s would almost certainly be as big as their decompressed
stereo-WAV equivalents, but would compress well to FLAC due to all the
padding (going by the way AC3/DTS behaves).  Unfortunately my receiver
can't take MP3 files, but it would certainly be interesting to get this
going.  And if it could be made to work, the SB2/3 firmware could
probably do it for us.


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[slim] Re: Surround MP3 supported?

2006-10-02 Thread smst

SlimPvC;141950 Wrote: 
> Don't know what you mean exactly here, but I'm playing DTS WAVS (= 6
> channel wavs) perfectly through the SB2. These are the wavs that play
> extreme white noise when played undecoded. So I guess the SB2 is
> capable of decoding these wav files on the fly and sending a digital
> signal to the receiver?

It's not -- I wasn't clear.  I was referring to WAV files containing 6
channels of uncompressed PCM audio.  Your DTS WAVs actually contain
specially encoded DTS data which is masquerading as PCM data.  That's
why they sound like white noise when played normally: most players
think they're reading 2 channels of uncompressed PCM audio (it's all
just bytes, after all) and the sound is horrible.

That happens when the player is trying to convert the PCM data to an
analog format to be sent to speakers (say, you have your PC hooked up
to a pair of stereo speakers, and playing the WAV back through WinAmp
or fb2k results in white noise).  But if you have the player hooked up
to a DTS-aware receiver using a digital connection, the playing
software doesn't try to interpret the data and the receiver does the
work instead -- and the receiver is clever enough to spot the DTS data
and decode appropriately.  You can connect a PC soundcard's S/PDIF
output to a DTS-aware receiver and play DTS WAVs successfully (but
you'll need to be careful that your OS and music playback software
leave the volume alone -- for fb2k that means an attenuation of 0.00,
and with Windows the volume slider needs to be at max IIRC (if you try
this, turn your receiver's volume down very low at first in case I'm

So anyway, the SB2 doesn't actually know anything about DTS WAVs.  It
does know that if it receives a WAV file and has been told to play it
back at full volume over its digital output, it should shunt the data
right out over the S/PDIF connection to the receiver, untouched.  It's
just a simple conduit for getting the DTS data from your PC to your
DTS-aware receiver.  (It's the same with Dolby Digital files from DVD,
after they've been suitably wrapped in WAV format; DTS files from DVD
too.  DTS WAVs ripped direct from special DTS CDs can be passed through
with no work at all.)

So passing DTS and AC3 (Dolby Digital) data straight through to the
receiver is what the SB2 can do now.  Those are formats that the
receiver can understand, and the SB2 need do no special work to pass
them on.  I'm wondering if there's another format (maybe an MPEG
format?) that can carry 6 uncompressed channels and which is understood
by many receivers.  If there is such a format, perhaps it would be
possible to decode MP3 Surround files on the SB2 and pump the 6
channels out over S/PDIF.  Of course, in theory the SB2 could create an
AC3 or DTS stream to get that data to the receiver, but I'd be surprised
if the box had the horsepower to do so, and there may be licensing
issues.  (Plus it's a lossy-to-lossy conversion which isn't usually a
great idea.)

If receivers start to support MP3 Surround, it might be possible to
just wrap such a file in a WAV container (as we can do for AC3/DTS
files sourced from DVD) and pass it straight through.  Would be nicer
if the SB2 could support it though.


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[slim] Re: Surround MP3 supported?

2006-10-02 Thread smst

Disclaimer: I'm speculating on much of this, and would love it if
somebody with more knowledge of the various specs could show me I was

funkstar;141448 Wrote: 
> the reason DTS or AC3 wrapped up in a WAV or FLAC works is that the SB
> doesn't need to do any surround processing, it just thinks it is
> regular audio and passes it as is to the AV reciever. I'm guessing that
> surround MP3 would need to be decoded and then sent to the digital outs.
> So it is completely different process than what will currently work.

I think that sending to the receiver will be the hard part.  I wonder
if it's possible to send a 6-channel WAV directly to a receiver... if
not, the problem is (as you say) that the MP3 will have to be decoded
and then re-encoded to some format the receiver understands (AC3 or
DTS?  Possibly not practical; I don't know what the licensing or
processor power issues are).

Decoding: according to Fraunhofer, "decoding the six channels needs
around three times the processing power of decoding stereo MP3".  I
have no idea if the SB2/3 could support that.

Fraunhofer also claim that an MP3 Surround stream can be sent over
S/PDIF just like MP3.  I presume that implies the receiver will be
decoding it, and that a compliant receiver would be required for the
surround effect (but I'm just guessing).


Just checked the specs for my receiver, which can handle AC3 and DTS --
there's no mention of multichannel PCM support (and indeed it seems to
be that PCM data is forced to be stereo).  That's just one receiver out
of many, so maybe 6-channel PCM is still viable.

I suspect that the best way to get this to work would be if a receiver
supported MP3 Surround files natively, and could be passed the data
over S/PDIF.


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[slim] Re: Problem with FFWD/REW of Ogg Vorbis

2006-09-25 Thread smst

It's fast-forward/rewind only; normal playback is fine.  I hadn't
actually considered the possibility that the files wouldn't be
supported at all!  The native support is still very welcome -- I'm
pleased not to be transcoding on the server now (since the overwhelming
majority of my music is Ogg Vorbis).



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[slim] Re: Problem with FFWD/REW of Ogg Vorbis

2006-09-25 Thread smst

I see; thanks for pointing that out.  I can do without it, as I have
done until now -- just wanted to be sure there wasn't something broken
at my end.



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[slim] Problem with FFWD/REW of Ogg Vorbis

2006-09-25 Thread smst

Hi all,

I upgraded to 6.5 last week (_love_ the new gallery view!) but have so
far been unsuccessful with native support of Ogg Vorbis.  When I hit
the FFWD button, the SB2 shows "PROBLEM: CAN'T OPEN FILE FOR:" (I
believe that's the wording I saw).

My SlimServer build is:

6.5.0 - 9916 - Windows 2000 - EN - cp1252

The player firmware version is 64.

My Ogg Vorbis files are all q6, and can all be played back at normal
speed.  They're on an NTFS volume, and the only permissions wrinkle is
that I've disabled deletion for all users (although I'm sure that's not
relevant!).  The "File Types" settings are:

[Y] Ogg Vorbis  AIFFsox 
[Y] Ogg Vorbis  FLACsox/flac
[ ] Ogg Vorbis  MP3 sox/lame
[Y] Ogg Vorbis  Ogg Vorbis  (built-in) that order.  I've tried unticking all but the last one (and
submitting the form) but I get the same error.  (And presumably the
built-in version would have been used by default, right?)

Is this a known problem?  Can anyone suggest something I've overlooked?
Which debugging flags should I enable to help diagnose the error?



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[slim] Re: Squeezebox wav frequency limitations

2006-09-22 Thread smst

I've just noticed btw that although that bug specifically isn't marked
as being resolved, the 6.5.0 changelog:

...says "Fixed WAV playback for various bitrates and sample sizes" for
SB2/3.  Still doesn't help for your SB1, but I thought I'd mention it.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox wav frequency limitations

2006-09-21 Thread smst

Sounds like Bug#128:


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[slim] Re: Mediamax

2006-09-14 Thread smst

According to this page:

...the AudioDeck starts at $600 (US dollars I suppose) for a wired
version.  That's quite a lot more than the SB3 price, isn't it?


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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-09-04 Thread smst

Steve;133412 Wrote: 
> As a work around I've tagged albums and tracks I know are dodgy with
> "NotForKids" so if I want to play random music I just exclude this
> genre. Dirty but works, but means I lose the genre tag.I'm not sure you 
> should have to lose the GENRE tag, although I guess it
depends on the audio format.  Do you use a format which supports
multiple genres?  (And does SlimServer support that?)  You might be
able to just add that NotForKids genre to the existing genre.


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[slim] Re: TRACKNUMBER tag in MP3s not recognised

2006-07-07 Thread smst

I found the relevant settings in fb2k, and tested a few files: it is
indeed the case that if ID3v1 is present at all, the tracknumber is
ignored.  I set all my MP3s to have purely ID3v2 tags (I don't think I
need the backwards-compatibility) and re-scanned, and everything looks

Thanks for your help guys.


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[slim] Re: TRACKNUMBER tag in MP3s not recognised

2006-07-07 Thread smst

Aha, an excellent point.  Foobar2000 apparently has the ID3v2 plugin
installed, but it doesn't tell me what sort of tags I have... okay
another utility seems to thing I've got ID3v1 and APEv2 tags in place.

I'll try to work out how to get fb2k to really write ID3v2 tags, and
report back.  Thanks for the suggestion.


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[slim] TRACKNUMBER tag in MP3s not recognised

2006-07-07 Thread smst

My music collection contains Ogg Vorbis files, FLACs and MP3s. For every
file I use a TRACKNUMBER tag.

I've just noticed that the TRACKNUMBER tag is ignored in all my MP3s. 
The other files are fine.  By "ignored", I mean that if I go to New
Music and choose an MP3 album, the files are listed in title order; if
I click on a single track, there's no "Track:" entry in the metadata

I've never noticed this before, but I don't have a lot of MP3s so
perhaps the behaviour is not new.  I've just upgraded to SlimServer 6.3
and done a full re-scan.

Should I be using a different tag name in MP3s for the track number?



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[slim] Re: DTS problem

2006-05-04 Thread smst

I've not noticed this problem myself, but I may not have encountered the
situation in the first place.  The auto-detect mode of a receiver will
work by looking for magic numbers in the data stream which tell it what
sort of data is being sent.  If those magic numbers disappear, the
receiver has to decide what to do -- in your case, I guess it thinks
it's having difficulty re-syncing with a DTS stream and elects not to
just push that digital data out to the speakers (where it would sound

I presume that the SB3 could interrupt its output stream to force the
receiver to reconsider what it was receiving, but I suppose that could
ruin gapless playback between ordinary PCM tracks.

I've proposed in 'Bug 3047'
( that it would be
useful if the SB2/3 could provide certain special behaviour if it knows
it's handling a non-PCM digital stream (such as disabling analogue
outputs). It seems to me that another useful effect might be to force a
stream interruption of some sort if a DTS track is followed by a PCM
track.  I've added that idea to the bug.

(Identification of such tracks in the above scenario is another matter,
but might be through a custom tag or the presence of certain values
(DTS, Dolby Digital, etc) in a genre list.)


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[slim] Re: Is there an announcements-only mailing list?

2006-04-12 Thread smst

Given the low volume of, and lack of publicity for, the existing
announce-list, I've added my request to the bug database:

Please vote for it if this is something you think you'd benefit from.


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[slim] Re: Is there an announcements-only mailing list?

2006-04-05 Thread smst

Perfect!  Just what I was looking for.  Is that referenced anywhere?  I
couldn't find it when I was looking for such a thing earlier.



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[slim] Is there an announcements-only mailing list?

2006-04-05 Thread smst

I'm finding the volume of messages in the General Discussion forum a
little high, and was about to unsubscribe when I realised it's the
vector by which I receive announcements (new SlimServer releases, new
hardware, new/upgraded plugins etc).

Is there a forum or mailing list which exists just for announcements? 
If not, could such a thing be created?

I know that a lot of announcements already occur in General Discussion,
and others are made in the 3rd Party forum; I think that's good as
follow-up discussion belongs in those places.  Would it be possible to
(essentially) allow announcements to be cross-posted to a dedicated
announcements forum which doesn't allow replies?

I'm thinking, roughly, that when somebody starts a new thread to
announce something, a check-box could be ticked which creates a copy of
the post in the new forum and appends a link to the real thread.  Then
the subscribers to the announcements forum would see the announcement
notices only, and anybody who wanted to follow up could do so in the
real location.

I guess the announcements forum might need to be moderated to prevent
abuse (and in case the forum software couldn't be modified as suggested

What does everyone think?  Should this be filed in the bugs DB?  Is it


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[slim] Re: 48KHz playback?

2006-02-22 Thread smst

chrisal Wrote: 
> Well I've actually tried ripping a 5.1 mix to seperate ac3 files then
> converting it to wav using your your utility (thanks btw) then encoding
> the files to flac and tagging them.You're welcome!

Anyway, I've tried it out and I also get the gap between FLACs.  I
updated to the latest nightly for that new firmware and I still get a
gap between AC3.FLAC files; I haven't tried stereo files since the

(And that new firmware appears to solve my full-bitrate DTS issues too,
which is extremely pleasing!)


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[slim] Re: 48KHz playback?

2006-02-21 Thread smst

chrisal Wrote: 
> smts - have you experienced the lack of gapless on your 48khz dvd rips
> too? I'm trying to find out if it's just me but I got no responses from
> a previous thread eitherI haven't tried it actually -- the only DVD rips 
> I have as FLAC are
discrete songs anyway.  I'll try it out with concert footage if I can
find the time; you're just grabbing the stereo, not the 5.1 mix, right?


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[slim] Re: 48KHz playback?

2006-02-21 Thread smst

dean Wrote: 
> Indeed, SlimServer is assuming that the sample rate for uncompressed
> (and converted) format is at 44.1k.  This is a known bug and we'll be
> addressing it.
I see that this message is getting on for two years old.  The bug in
question is 'Bug#128'
(, right?  Is this
still slated to be fixed?


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[slim] Re: The only downside I've noticed

2006-02-16 Thread smst

Jon Wrote: 
> What I have not yet figured out is how to keep this book up to date when
> I get new CDs, without having to reprint the entire thing (or at least
> the entire genre) ... I am thinking about leaving some blank space on
> every page, so I can just reprint single pages (for a while, anyway)
> ... or, alternately, printing supplimental pages as I acquire new CDs,
> then once a year or so reprinting the entire book.  
> Again, suggestions for better tools to use, or better ways to keep this
> book up-to-date are welcome!How about using trading card polyethylene 
> pockets?  Here's what I mean:

Figure out the dimensions of a card, and make templates accordingly (if
your software allows it).  You'd probably have to print several items
per page and then use a guillotine or scissors to slice them up, but
then you've got movable entries which you can rearrange without
re-printing.  Sturdy paper would be a good idea, but not too thick if
you want to place two back-to-back.

One of those cards could show a cover image in the top half (not quite
up to the side margins), with artist/title/year in the bottom and room
still for that all-important barcode.  Consider also having small icons
along one edge to convey certain simple information; for example, a
small box which is usually empty but displays "VA" for compilations, or
five outlines of stars, some of which are filled in according to some
rating.  (I imagine that trading cards, particularly from CCGs like
Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh etc, will be able to inspire other useful layouts.)

Tracks could be listed individually on the rear of each card if desired
(but of course you'll then be halving your capacity).

Consider leaving one empty slot on each page to make incremental
updates easier; as time goes on the amount of padding space will
decrease and you'll need to do the occasional full re-arrange (with new

You could print multiple copies of each card, for inclusion in
different sections or binders which are ordered differently (by artist,
title, genre, year...).

An alternative to the 9-card pocket above is this 10-card pocket
intended for business cards (so the cards would be a different shape):

I think that something which could hold index cards would be nicer
(probably only 4 or 6 per page, but more real estate per card).  Or
follow the example earlier in the thread and buy sheets which will hold
CDs and inlays -- say, a 2x2 sheet with two discs in the left column and
two 5" cards in the right to list metadata.  (Depends whether you want
all your discs in this book as well!)

Finally, bear in mind that the database ID is subject to change on a
full rescan, which is why I originally suggested using a disc's own
barcode (and creating your own for those without one).  I've typed all
my CDs' barcodes in as metadata already, but the prospect of getting
all that information may seem a little daunting...


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[slim] Re: DTS files

2006-02-13 Thread smst

Pale Blue Ego Wrote: 
> Would it be possible to consider .dts as a separate filetype, then have
> an option to enable or disable DTS playback for each player?  That
> would seem to be the most elegant solution.
I've thought about this before; an alternative solution might be to
standardise on a FLAC tag indicating the presence of digital (not just
DTS) data, which could be used to disable analogue outputs (and perhaps
have other effects).  This would require support in the firmware,

And the harder bit: deciding on the name of the tag!  Currently I use
SPDIF_ONLY with a value of, say "DTS" (with the intention that any
non-null value means "this is digital").  But I don't actually do
anything with that tag. :-)


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[slim] Re: Zaireeka

2006-02-13 Thread smst

JohnQuirk Wrote: 
> I like the suggestion that downmixing them all to mono and re-encoding
> is the "lazy" way. Sounds far too much like hard work to me. Was it
> worth it?It's hard the first time, then lazy every time thereafter. :-)

Worth it?  Well, it achieved what I was aiming for, which was each disc
being played from a different point in space, so I do get to listen to
the whole thing.

OTOH it completely sidesteps the requirement which was arguably the
original intention of the piece: having a group of friends around for a
bizarre listening party.  I feel like I've turned to the last page of a
novel to read the ending without experiencing the journey...

And TBH it's not an album I tend to listen to very often -- it's
certainly not as accessible as their "proper" albums.  Still, it's nice
to get these things working.


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[slim] Re: Zaireeka

2006-02-13 Thread smst

When I tried this with CD players, I "just" employed multiple hands to
unpause each player at the same time.  Could you do the same with the
SqueezeBoxen?  If they were all in one place you could even use just
one remote signal.

I went the lazy route in the end: I ripped the CDs, downmixed each to
mono and used a Dolby Digital encoder to put each disc on a separate
channel.  Not quite as organic as doing it the "proper" way. :-)


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[slim] Re: The only downside I've noticed

2006-01-17 Thread smst

cliveb Wrote: 
> Back in the days when I used a CD player, there was a wall full of CDs
> in a rack. When I fancied listening to some music, I'd walk up to the
> rack and start browsing, often scanning almost at random. I'd spot a CD
> that took my fancy and put it on.

I've idly wondered about solutions to this in the past, but have
ultimately not had the motivation to look more deeply into them.  What
I'd like to see is a setup involving some form of lightweight portable
hardware (or something attached to my CD rack) and a server plugin --
the hardware to be applied to a chosen CD in some way and the plugin to
start playing the associated files.

This would restore the tactile component to browsing and choosing a
disc to play -- with potential benefits including the ability to queue
up several discs.  What follows is all speculative, and I've neither
implemented nor entirely thought through any of it.

Many (indeed, most commercial) CDs have barcodes printed on the
outside.  A cheap barcode reader could be used to scan the barcode and
trigger playback (or playlist addition).  Disadvantage: no good if
there's no barcode on the disc!

Most CDs will have unique cover art.  Perhaps some sort of optical
device (a handheld scanner) could take a picture and use image
recognition routines to try matching against known CD covers?  This
would be complicated, of course (not to mention the fact that the
software would have to orientate the image to be square with the x & y
axes, and repeat its checks for the 4 possible rotations).  Efficient
matching might look for rough commonality at first then increase the
accuracy to whittle down the choices -- if there's a match at the
quick-and-dirty stage, it wouldn't necessarily have to make the harder
checks if the disc was assumed to be in the database.  I know little
enough about image processing that the preceding suggestion may be
utterly fanciful. :-)  Disadvantage: CDs with no (official) packaging
can't be recognised (but this could be mitigated by the use of custom
covers which utilise some base design and, say, a large-print 5-digit
serial number).

(Dealing with ambiguous results in the above suggestion would be easier
if user feedback were possible: perhaps a PDA or phone with built-in
camera could take the snapshot and also allow user interaction, such as
disambiguation within a shortlist, play/add choice, choice of individual

RFID: if one could get hold of a number of small RFID tags, one could
somehow attach a tag to each CD's packaging.  To make this unobtrusive,
the tag would need to be small; it may fit nicely between the two layers
of the back of a standard jewel case.  With hundreds of RFID tags in one
place, the reading hardware would need some sort of shielded area in
which to wave/swipe/place the desired CD... I think.  I don't know much
about RFID technology!  Disadvantage: cost of tags (barcodes and cover
art are inherent in the packaging and require no purchases).

(Another possible use for RFID tags, assuming a reasonable range and
ability to determine direction, might be to set up readers at three
points in the house and triangulate in 3D the position of a misplaced

Any other ideas?  Any comments on the viability of these suggestions
("it'll never work" is fine, but I'd appreciate an explanation in that
case)?  The core idea is to read and store some physical attribute of
each CD, so that files (or directories, or some other entity
representing a CD) may be associated with it.  (Aside: a multi-disc set
which lives in a single jewel case would likely have all discs
associated with a single attribute.  A set which had individual discs
in their own jewel case, all stored within a larger box, could have
individual disc associations as well as the association of the box with
the whole set... because the association is not with a disc, but with
the box, essentially.)



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[slim] Re: SB3/6.1.1 and DTS issues

2005-11-25 Thread smst

machinehead Wrote: 
> I did try one of my DTS CD's, ripped to FLAC, but can't get it working
> on my Squeezebox 1.  Not entirely sure why, there shouldn't be any
> bit-mangling, but I can't find any reference to DTS working on anything
> less than a SB2.
SB1 doesn't pass the bits through quite correctly -- I asked the other
day and was told, IIRC, that the sign of each 16-bit word is inverted
(or something along those lines).

In theory one could modify the underlying WAV to compensate for this...


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[slim] Re: Telling SlimServer about new music (XML? CLI?)

2005-09-08 Thread smst

radish Wrote: 
> My solution to this is to upload new music to the server in a batch, and
> then trigger a rescan. This thread:
> includes my script
> for doing that. It might be useful.
Thanks for the suggestion.  I've considered a rescan as a possibility,
and while I finish ripping my CD collection I might stick with it, but
when The Big Rip is done I'll be performing individual rips every so
often (as I buy new CDs).  At that point a rescan seems excessive; but
if I've bought five new CDs I have to bother browsing to five different
directories (which also seems like hard work! ).

Thanks again, though.

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[slim] Telling SlimServer about new music (XML? CLI?)

2005-09-08 Thread smst

Hi all,

A while ago I asked how to tell SlimServer that I had some new music
for it to look at, and was told I could use "Browse Music Folder".  An
excellent and accurate suggestion.

I'd like to add this step to my ripping scripts.  I could probably
parse the HTML of the various pages to drill down to the right folder,
but there must be a better way.  I'd like to use the CLI (I wondered
if, if I asked for song info on a new file, would SlimServer then see
it?), or the XML-based RPC stuff.

I can't seem to get the CLI to work as I expect it to, even for
existing songs.  I tried several variants on this:

songinfo 0 6

...but I always got a 'count%A30' result.

I'd be happy to take the XML route, but I don't know where to start --
are there any docs for it?  Or can someone give me a couple of local
URLs to try so I can play with it myself?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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