Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-06 Thread kolding

Feel free to check out The Synchronizer, a plugin which allows you to
predefine sets of players that are synced, and rapidly switch between
them.  It's not very dynamic, if that's what you're after, but it might
do some of what you're hoping for.
or in my repository,



SqueezeBox 2 - Rotel RSX-1056 - Totem Acoustic Dreamcatchers
SqueezeBox 3 - Rotel RX-1052 - Vandersteen 1B's
SqueezeBox Boom
SliMP3 and Squeezebox 1 - Retired

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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-05 Thread autopilot

erland;379335 Wrote: 
 Is there a plan on how it will be changed ?
 I'm starting to think that we might want to configure zones where you
 can have overlapping zones. 
 For example:
 - Livingroom zone
 --- SB Classic in Livingroom
 - Bedroom zone
 --- SB Boom in bedroom
 - Kitchen zone
 --- SB Boom in kitchen
 - Whole house zone
 --- SB Classic in Livingroom
 --- SB Boom in kitchen
 --- SB Boom in bedroom
 - Daily zone
 --- SB Classic in Livingroom
 --- SB Boom in kitchen
 When when we want to be able to control a zone instead of a single
 The default installation should of course have a zone per player
 automatically configured by default so the user only have to configure
 any multi player zones.
 So instead of choosing player I would be able to choose a zone and
 select what to play in that zone. When I play something in the Daily
 zone it will make sure that SB Classic in Livingroom and SB Boom in
 kitchen in the same sync group and remove any other players from that
 syncgroup and start playing. 
 The IR controll and Boom interface would control the zone which the
 player currently is controlled by. If it's not controlled by any multi
 player zone it would control the local player.
 I'm not sure how big change this will be since there aren't any zone
 concept in SqueezeCenter today. It may be something to try out as a
 plugin first before we change it as standard.
 A solution like this will add a small complexity when setting up the
 zones but it will IMHO make it a lot easier when you want to select
 what you want to play where.
 Do you think this would work ? 
 Would it be better than a solution that controlled single players ?

I like that, that basically exactly what i have in my mind.

Basically on the home menu you would see Choose Player and also
Choose Zone, which would be like the one you created above plus a
Create New Zone  option. 

Maybe 'Zone' would need to be called 'Player Group' or 'Sync Group' to
be original ;)

For me the volume control also needs improving - you should just be
able to go into the Choose Player menu, highlight (but not select and
connect to) a player  - and while that player is highlighted the volume
buttons alter that player (even though you are 'connected' to another
player). You could then change volume of all players very quickly and

I have lost track of the many threads and discussions on this area, so
sorry if i am repeating what have been said many times already -
although it does need to be said again :)


*Lounge  :* Squeezebox Classic - Cambridge Audio Azur 640a - Mission
*Bedroom :* Squeezebox Receiver - Trends TA10.1 Class-T - Kef Cresta
*Office  :* Softsqueeze - Logitech Active 5.1's.
*Kitchen :* Squeezebox Boom -coming soon-
*Roaming : * Squeezebox Controller - Logitech mm28 portable speakers /
Shure E2c's
*Controllers :* Squeezebox Controller x 2 + Logitech Harmony one
*Server  :* SC7.3.1 (Vista 64) + AlienBBC, iPlayer  MusicIP headless.


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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-05 Thread Brian Ritchie

Re. Other Players plugin: alas, though its interface hasn't changed,
what goes on underneath has: syncing from A to C unsyncs A from B, and
loads C's playlist into A. Obviously it still pushes the same buttons,
but SC has changed what the buttons do :-( . So multiplayer syncs are
still no easier.

The zones proposal suggested here sounds pretty similar to what can
be done with The Synchronizer now, though that still has to designate
one player as the master. I guess that if the Controller said Whole
House rather than Living Room then I'd stand a better chance of not
disturbing SMBO's early night :-)  However, I almost always want to
control the individual players' volumes separately, and it's harder to
see how that would fit into the interface model; if the Controller's
set to House, then how could I turn down in just the living room?  I do
like the idea of a quick way to adjust the volume of a different

A common situation for me is that I start playing stuff, and then
realise that I want it to play elsewhere in the house too. So I really
want a mid-track sync with multiple players that definitely works in
the direction I expect (and doesn't suddenly change direction between
upgrades, please).  Of course, this is possible in 7.3, just a bit more
tedious than it was before; and unlike before, crossfade now works (if
anything, getting it to stop working is the trick!)

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie

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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-05 Thread pippin

You REALLY should try iPeng ;-)


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread funkstar

The backend sync code has been completely overhauled over the past
couple of major revisions. However the interface hasn't. I agree that
this is a great shame.

However the developers have recognised it as a failing of the system as
it stands and it will be addressed in the next revision.


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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread ScAndal

I couldn't agree more!  I think the sync (multi-zone) ui of
squeezecenter really needs to be revamped.  Please take a look at the
Sonos interface or other multi-zone interfaces for good examples.


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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread pippin

try iPeng :-)


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread morgan4x4

Would use iPeng is I were a iPhone user.  I have 3 SB Controllers that I
use, and on occasions the web interface.

UpstateMike - The sync play itself works much better in 7.3+, including
much better music service sync (Slacker, Rhapsody, etc.)  To Logitech's
credit they have also overcome the Rhapsody 3 player limit! - I'm
simply upset about how difficult it is to sync and unsync multiple
players in the Web and SBC UI.


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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread peterw

ScAndal;379104 Wrote: 
 I couldn't agree more!  I think the sync (multi-zone) ui of
 squeezecenter really needs to be revamped.  Please take a look at the
 Sonos interface or other multi-zone interfaces for good examples.

There's a fundamental difference between RF-based interfaces like the
and Sonos controller units and interfaces based on physical buttons
and IR remotes. With a nearby UI like the Boom knob or Classic UI,
the pull sync model is more apt. It makes more sense to change what's
playing on the nearby player than foist changes on a distant player.
With roaming interfaces like the Controller, push makes more sense
-- with RF-based UIs, the focus is the playlist, not the player. 

SqueezeCenter 7-7.2 got one thing right: each UI offered the most
appropriate sync model for that UI. But it used the same simple word,
sync, which made it confusing for those of us with both Controllers
and Boom/Classic/Transporter units.

7.3 fixes the linguistic confusion, but the cost is awkwardness in the
roaming interfaces, esp. the Controller, as switching between
controlled players is still a little sluggish.

Sonos has it easy, they only have roaming/RF. SqueezeCenter needs to
address RF/web and IR/buttons. None of the 7.x releases have done that
as well as anyone, including Logitech/Slim Devices, would like.

free plugins:
AllQuiet BlankSaver ContextMenu FuzzyTime KidsPlay
KitchenTimer PlayLog PowerCenter/BottleRocket SaverSwitcher
SettingsManager SleepFade StatusFirst SyncOptions VolumeLock

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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread pippin

morgan4x4;379119 Wrote: 
 Would use iPeng is I were a iPhone user.  I have 3 SB Controllers that I
 use, and on occasions the web interface.
 UpstateMike - The sync play itself works much better in 7.3+, including
 much better music service sync (Slacker, Rhapsody, etc.)  To Logitech's
 credit they have also overcome the Rhapsody 3 player limit! - I'm
 simply upset about how difficult it is to sync and unsync multiple
 players in the Web and SBC UI.

an iPod touch isn't more expensive than a controller, and you've got
three of those! It's worth a try, believe me :-)


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread morgan4x4

PeterW, confusing to who?  Did Logitech get compaints about the word
sync un different intefaces?  Hard to believe that csonsumers that have
moved to the SBC will do a lot of, if any, syncing on the SB physical
devices.  For me it was a no-brainer switching between controller, web
and SB2 units.  Now I am more confused than ever - see my Study /
Dining Room sync example.  Seems as if the desire to have everything
operate the same overrode common sense.

Anyway, my only hope is that the future holds a remedy to this problem!


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[slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread morgan4x4

Excuse me while I spend a few minutes on a rant about the absurty of the
new sync UI in 7.3+.  First a bit about my setup - Nine zones controlled
by SB2s and SBR's, and three controllers.  On any given day I might add
together the master bedroom and master bath, or alternativly let my
wife sleep while listening in the bathroom.  Sometimes I want all zones
on for whole house, and other days a single zone in my office is all I

Previously I simply checked boxes to bring players in and out of a
zone.  now I have to follow a sequence of switching players, then
syncing, then switching players, then syncing, then switching player,
then syncing - up to 8 times.  Unsyncing is just as ridiculous.

The Logitech folks claim this was all in the spirit of making things
consistent across devices.  Huh?  You have now made if difficult across
all interfaces!  What a philosphy - make things more difficult just so
they work the same.  I do not understand this at all.

Other quirks with the new interfact are just as interesting.  An
example: I have a sync'd zone, say study and dinig room.  I start a
song from the controller attached to study.  I then go to synchronize,
and remove the dining room from the sync group.  Guess what - the study
stops and the dining room continues playing!  Huh?

PLEASE make this useable - if you want to play in the same league as
Sonos, you need to make bringing players on and off easy!

Many thanks!


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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread upstatemike

I was looking forward to upgrading to 7.31 precisely for the fact that
it is supposed to improve synchronized payback but now you have me
worried that I should wait for a later release. I thought synchronized
playback was supposed to be one of the core technologies and key
reasons for buying multiple streaming music players. I'm kind of
surprised that this isn't more polished and that features like
pre-defined groups of players that you can enable in a single step, or
add as a group to a larger synch group, are not supported in the main
sofware release. I think some features (and maybe more rational
controller menus?) are available through plugins but shouldn't this be
part of the core development?


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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread Brian Ritchie

Even with only 3 devices that I sync (in various permutations), I too
find the new sync behaviour a bit of a pain.

In part it's just a learning experience, I think. If I'm in the
living-room and realise I have to go upstairs for a while, I *guess*
what I need to do is switch the controller to Upstairs, then ask to
sync with the Living-room (or its group).  But there's no quick way to
synchronise all three players.

I find the Synchroniser plugin more useful; and though it lets me
create predefined sync groups (each with a designated master), I end up
using its sync all others to this player option most of all.  Only
trouble is, it only seems to work if the master is stopped (not just
paused), which renders all the nice mid-play sync work pointless.

(A slight secondary problem of my own making was that after doing sync
all to this one day, a few minutes later, I noticed a tinny echo of the
music, which I eventually realised was coming from the Controller. Yes,
I'd enabled the controller as a player, so of course it was

I miss the Other Players plugin (which wasn't available for 7.3 last
time I checked); I found it intuitive and (a real boon) didn't have to
keep changing players in the Controller in order to sync in either
direction, or to grab/send the current playlist.

I think I'm falling foul of another quirk with sync (but really need
more tests to confirm): if any player in a group had crossfade enabled
before sync, then even if it wasn't the master, the sync group will
crossfade. The settings for the master still show No Crossfade. So then
I have to cycle round the players to find the culprit and change it. It
would seem more intuitive to me for the sync group to use the master's
settings. (Quite right though that uniform volume control is

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie

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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread pippin

Brian Ritchie;379287 Wrote: 
 I miss the Other Players plugin (which wasn't available for 7.3 last
 time I checked);

Check again :-)


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread Brian Ritchie

pippin;379292 Wrote: 
 Check again :-)

Yes, just did - started with General and worked down to 3rd Party
Plugins.  If only I'd worked up the list, not down :-)

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie

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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread aubuti

morgan4x4;379179 Wrote: 
 PeterW, confusing to who?  Did Logitech get compaints about the word
 sync un different intefaces?  Hard to believe that csonsumers that have
 moved to the SBC will do a lot of, if any, syncing on the SB physical
 devices.  For me it was a no-brainer switching between controller, web
 and SB2 units.  Now I am more confused than ever - see my Study /
 Dining Room sync example.  Seems as if the desire to have everything
 operate the same overrode common sense.
In fact, they did get complaints -- search these forums and you'll see
them, as well as an active discussion of alternatives. And yes, a lot
of people do still use combinations of SBC, IR remotes on SB classics,
and web ui to control sync'ing. I see problems with both ways, but I
agree that the 7.3.x ui is a step backwards.


Nothing high-end, but music anywhere I want it. MSI Wind desktop (Ubuntu
8.10) feeding: Basement: SB2  JVC JA-S44  ESS Tempest LS8;
Kitchen/Dining: Duet  AudioSource Amp100  2 pairs Polk RC60i; Living
room: SB3  Technics SA-EX140  Bose Acoustimass 3; Bedroom: Boom +
SBC; Study: Duet  Klipsch ProMedia 2.0; Kid's bedroom: SB2  Klipsch
ProMedia 2.0

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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread peterw

What do you all think of the proposal I described here: ?


free plugins:
AllQuiet BlankSaver ContextMenu FuzzyTime KidsPlay
KitchenTimer PlayLog PowerCenter/BottleRocket SaverSwitcher
SettingsManager SleepFade StatusFirst SyncOptions VolumeLock

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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread Mnyb

The Old behaviour maked perfect sense to me too.

But I've learned now I just do the *opposite* of what feels right.

It is way to many player switches involved even with two players.


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Re: [slim] Sync Interface Rant

2009-01-04 Thread erland

funkstar;379064 Wrote: 
 However the developers have recognised it as a failing of the system as
 it stands and it will be addressed in the next revision.
Is there a plan on how it will be changed ?

I'm starting to think that we might want to configure zones where you
can have overlapping zones. 

For example:
- Livingroom zone
--- SB Classic in Livingroom
- Bedroom zone
--- SB Boom in bedroom
- Kitchen zone
--- SB Boom in kitchen
- Whole house zone
--- SB Classic in Livingroom
--- SB Boom in kitchen
--- SB Boom in bedroom
- Daily zone
--- SB Classic in Livingroom
--- SB Boom in kitchen

When when we want to be able to control a zone instead of a single
The default installation should of course have a zone per player
automatically configured by default so the user only have to configure
any multi player zones.

So instead of choosing player I would be able to choose a zone and
select what to play in that zone. When I play something in the Daily
zone it will make sure that SB Classic in Livingroom and SB Boom in
kitchen in the same sync group and remove any other players from that
syncgroup and start playing. 

The IR controll and Boom interface would control the zone which the
player currently is controlled by. If it's not controlled by any multi
player zone it would control the local player.

I'm not sure how big change this will be since there aren't any zone
concept in SqueezeCenter today. It may be something to try out as a
plugin first before we change it as standard.

A solution like this will add a small complexity when setting up the
zones but it will IMHO make it a lot easier when you want to select
what you want to play where.

Do you think this would work ? 
Would it be better than a solution that controlled single players ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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