Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-17 Thread Peter

egd wrote:
iPhone;340681 Wrote: 

You have had it over three months and haven't asked for much help. Did
you e-mailed or called Tech Support for help? Funny that you didn't use
the 30 day no questions asked return policy.I did the same thing - I bought it 
based on my experience with multiple

SB3s and a Transporter, assuming it would be equally robust (ass-u-me).
Life happened, I got busy and didn't have time to look at it.  When I
eventually did get around to it it was nothing but trouble and
frustration.  To be fair, Logitech have sent me a replacement Duet, but
life's happened again, so I've not yet had a chance to try the

With 64 posts to just this forum in the last month or so, one would 
think you could've found a spare 15 minutes ;)


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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-17 Thread Nonreality

peter;341022 Wrote: 
 Howard Passman wrote:[color=blue]
  peter;340849 Wrote: 
 SB's aren't really for youngsters. They become interesting when you own
 a house and want to listen to the same music in many locations. 

What youngsters are you talking about?  I use mine in one location and,
yes I'm not a youngster but it would have been perfect when I was one. 
My son loves it and he is 15.  It would be great for anyone that wants
to integrate their computer and stereo and not just listen with
computer speakers. The many location thing doesn't mean a thing to me. 
I want ease of access to my music and the SB does that very well.




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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-17 Thread egd

peter;341274 Wrote: 
 With 64 posts to just this forum in the last month or so, one would
 think you could've found a spare 15 minutes ;)If 15 minutes was all it took I 
 might have had the inclination.


Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable,
monkeys can be taught to cut code, and world peace is utterly

Integrating MusicIP with SqueezeCenter...'*here's how*'

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-17 Thread maggior

Nonreality;341286 Wrote: 
 What youngsters are you talking about?  I use mine in one location and,
 yes I'm not a youngster but it would have been perfect when I was one. 
 My son loves it and he is 15.  It would be great for anyone that wants
 to integrate their computer and stereo and not just listen with
 computer speakers. The many location thing doesn't mean a thing to me. 
 I want ease of access to my music and the SB does that very well.

I agree with the applicable to multi-room setup for grownups
sentiment, but I also agree with Nonreality's point.  Looking back to
my bachelor days in my apartment, I would have been interested in the
SB for all of the reasons mentioned above.  

The single location benefit as I see it isn't so much the computer
speaker thing, but being able to control your music through either a
remote control or a simmple web page.  The line-out of a PC could
easily be connected to your stereo, but you would have to interact with
a media player to play your music.

Back in my bachelor days, I had a single stereo with 2 sets of speakers
- one set in the living room and the other in my bedroom.  I could
picture hanging out in my bedroom and controlling the music either
through the PC I had in there or with the SBC as I lay in bed reading a

At the time, it was just so cool to load up the CD changer with 5 CDs
and have it shuffle tracks on all 5 discs.  Oh how technology has


Setup: 2 SB3s, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 10.2 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.2, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread Peter
Howard Passman wrote:
 I work for a company that sells BMW automobiles.  We get a lot of
 complaints on the iDrive feature. Is it cool?  Yes.  Can you do more
 with it than without it?  Yes.  Is it necessarily progress.  No, I
 don't believe so.  At what point would you decide that enough is
 enough? When you have to reboot your toaster in order to make toast? 
 Maybe after your refrigerator spoiled the second or third batch of food
 because the thing just didn't work.  

 My only issue with technology is most manufacturers don't warn folks
 that it isn't 100% reliable and maybe requires knowlege of outside of
 the norms. A certain maount of products have always been made for
 hobbyists.  Cd players are for folks who like to listen to music.  This
 stuff is made for hobbyists who like to listen to music.  

Would be bad for business. You don't advertise that 5% of your customers 
have serious problem. If a large portion of your customers have serious 
problems, word will get around. If a large percentage of the Duet 
reviewers have serious problems you won't get such glowing reviews and 
awards. Things have to work well enough, but it's probably impossible to 
create a cross platform solution that works always and everywhere.

 Keep in mind, large parts of the world do not have electricity and
 everyone else falls in between them and you.  Just because you can deal
 with it doesn't require that everyone else must or they are dolts.

Large parts? Not really. Not the places where people actually live. And 
you would be surprised to see how quickly (cheap) modern technology 
penetrates into the third world these days. In many places a mobile 
phone is a lot cheaper and better than a landline. Using VOIP to call 
cheaply isn't rare either and computers are getting more and more 
popular everywhere.


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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread Howard Passman

peter;340849 Wrote: 
 Howard Passman wrote:[color=blue]
 Large parts? Not really. Not the places where people actually live. And
 you would be surprised to see how quickly (cheap) modern technology 
 penetrates into the third world these days. In many places a mobile 
 phone is a lot cheaper and better than a landline. Using VOIP to call 
 cheaply isn't rare either and computers are getting more and more 
 popular everywhere.

Hi Peter,

I live in Washington DC.  Part of my job is IT for the company.  I am
always talking to people about two things.  Photography and music.  Of
all the people I rub elbows with daily, all but one would be in deep
doo-doo with a Slim product.  My son, who is scary smart and probably
wouldn't have an issue, thinks the thing is way too much trouble when
he can liten to his iPod, which I just found out has Pandora, or his
computer.  Believe me, I've tried to get him hooked, but to no avail. 
I even try to get his buddies interested when they come over.  No go. 
And the girls...we won't even talk about the looks I get.

Anyway, since I really don't 'love' computers we probably run in
different circles, but I know a lot of bright people in the
communications business, etc. and they still are amazed when a reboot
fixes their problems.  It's like, O, fire.  

BTW, in 2005 1.6 billion people did not have access to electricity.
It's really not as prevalent as you might think.  I can drive 120 miles
out of DC and find houses without electricity or running water.  Amish
not included :-)


Howard Passman

Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online and God
knows I can't type.

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread Nonreality

Themis;340691 Wrote: 
 Well, not THAT self-contained : it still needs a server software
 installation (or a music share server software), it depends on the OS,
 the firewall, the router and several other software in the same way
 SqueezeCenter and SB/TP do. It also has software and firmware
 updates... There's no miracle : Same fuss, believe me. It's not a
 In my opinion, the main problem nowadays comes from evolving products :
 if your product is open to certain evolutions (we all want new
 functions, don't we ?), then you leave the door open to possible
 malfunctions. The only fuss-free products are the ones that can't
 evolve : when you need more functions then you buy another model. ;)
 Personally, I have got used to software updates and their inherent
 risks : Windows (with its weekly multi-updates) has ended up
 vaccinating me. :)Good post Themis, I agree.




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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread Fifer

It's a good job some ordinary folk managed to persevere with fiddling
about with the cat's whisker in the crystal set decades back ...


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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread maggior

Howard Passman;340882 Wrote: 
 My son, who is scary smart and probably wouldn't have an issue,
 thinks the thing is way too much trouble when he can liten to his iPod,
 which I just found out has Pandora, or his computer.  Believe me, I've
 tried to get him hooked, but to no avail.  I even try to get his
 buddies interested when they come over.  No go.  And the girls...we
 won't even talk about the looks I get.
 Anyway, since I really don't 'love' computers we probably run in
 different circles, but I know a lot of bright people in the
 communications business, etc. and they still are amazed when a reboot
 fixes their problems.  It's like, O, fire.  

I think it's interesting to see folks' reaction to the SB.  Your
experience with your son is interesting.  A lot of people just don't
get it regarding the squeezebox.  I've had a go at trying to get my
brother (who is a music lover too) to get a squeezebox.  He has an iPod
and XM radio and is content to continue to use them.  He has at least
moved beyond using CDs - the iPod is still a new and cool thing to him.
Now that an SB3 can be had for a very reasonable price of $230, I
thought I could nudge him. Not yet.  Instead he is investing in a
larger iPod.  To each his own.  His priority at this point is mobility,
not music access throughout the house.

Other people that come over to visit don't understand the setup and
their eyes just glaze over when I try to explain it to them.  I can
sense them thinking It's just music man, what's the big deal. 

The way I see it is that the SB devices appeal to folks with at least
one of the following characteristics:
- music fanatics
- gadget freaks
- computer/network nerds

I've witness in these forums people that were music fanatics but seemed
to be unimpressed by gadgets and were certainly casual PC users.  They
persevered (sp?) and got things going.

The SB does not appeal to:
- casual music listerners
- technophobes
- casual PC users

My brother is a borderline music fanatic and is not a gadget freak or
computer nerd.  He will require some more work to bring him on board. 
My wife says you'd think I worked for Logitech :-).

BTW Howard, your signature becomes more inaccurate the by the day :-). 
You have become quite an active participant in these forums.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 10.2 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.2, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread Dogberry2

Complaints about technology have a long history, probably going back to
the invention of the wheel. Some people have difficulty using a
screwdriver, and never do learn which direction tightens or loosens.
Millions of people using VCRs and DVD players had fits trying to
figure out how to hook them up and make them work. It's a cliche that
many people never learned how to set the clock on their VCRs. Throw in
cable boxes, DVRs and game boxes all interconnected to the same modern,
wide-screen, flat-panel television, and there are many people who simply
can't figure out which cable connects where or how to make the whole
magilla work. They get somebody else to do it for them. And if they
move house, they're flummoxed and bewildered again by the complexity
of it all. Every day, people hit buttons on their remote controls by
mistake, and end up with blank screens and no idea how to get back to
Oprah. Nothing new about any of that. And setting up a SqueezeBox
system, of any variety, does take some specialized knowledge, though
most of us might think it's fairly minimal. So for a percentage of
buyers trying to set these things up and make them work, it's no shock
that they have difficulties and grow frustrated. It doesn't
(necessarily) mean they're stupid. It also, clearly, doesn't mean the
products are junk or the company evil.

However, when an ostensible adult buys a product that clearly and
obviously is advanced technology, newly developed and just released on
the market, one would expect a certain level of awareness that its set
up and configuration might require knowledge and effort. One would also
expect that, having difficulty, a person calling for support would
listen to what the support people are saying, and cooperate with them,
following their suggestions and making some effort to understand the
product, the potential source of the problem, and how it might be

When such a supposed adult instead refuses to listen or follow
directions or make any effort to work with the support staff on
diagnosing and resolving the problem, but simply throws a tantrum and
threatens to toss the product in the trash, and then follows that
outburst with a frothing diatribe on a forum dedicated to helping
people who have trouble with the technology, all that is demonstrated
is that the user is an immature, petulant, uncivilized child,
undeserving of sympathy, support or assistance. The only thing such a
person deserves is contempt.


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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread Peter
Howard Passman wrote:
 peter;340849 Wrote: 
 Howard Passman wrote:[color=blue]
 Large parts? Not really. Not the places where people actually live. And

 you would be surprised to see how quickly (cheap) modern technology 
 penetrates into the third world these days. In many places a mobile 
 phone is a lot cheaper and better than a landline. Using VOIP to call 
 cheaply isn't rare either and computers are getting more and more 
 popular everywhere.


 Hi Peter,

 I live in Washington DC.  Part of my job is IT for the company.  I am
 always talking to people about two things.  Photography and music.  Of
 all the people I rub elbows with daily, all but one would be in deep
 doo-doo with a Slim product.  My son, who is scary smart and probably
 wouldn't have an issue, thinks the thing is way too much trouble when
 he can liten to his iPod, which I just found out has Pandora, or his
 computer.  Believe me, I've tried to get him hooked, but to no avail. 
 I even try to get his buddies interested when they come over.  No go. 
 And the girls...we won't even talk about the looks I get.

SB's aren't really for youngsters. They become interesting when you own 
a house and want to listen to the same music in many locations. Also, 
they're still ahead of the curve (is that the right expression). For 
many years I was the only one I knew with a smartphone ( ). Friends just looked blank and 
weren't interested.  Ten years later they have their own Sony Ericsson's 
and iPhone and bore me with stories about how wonderful they are. Face 
it, we're early adopters...

 Anyway, since I really don't 'love' computers we probably run in
 different circles, but I know a lot of bright people in the
 communications business, etc. and they still are amazed when a reboot
 fixes their problems.  It's like, O, fire.  

Yeah, I bet you couldn't have predicted everyone having a PC in the 
house in 95 or so. Much to complicated, let alone (wireless) networks, 
who'd ever need anything like that in the house? You weren't the only 
one. Slowly, the lure of the digital future pulls 'm all in.

 BTW, in 2005 1.6 billion people did not have access to electricity.
 It's really not as prevalent as you might think.  I can drive 120 miles
 out of DC and find houses without electricity or running water.  Amish
 not included :-)

I bet they'll have a generator or some solar cells or at very least 
battery operated stuff.


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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread lanierb

Dogberry2;340997 Wrote: 
 [see Dogberry2's post above]

Awesome post Dogberry!


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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread androidtopp

Dogberry2;340997 Wrote: 
 When such a supposed adult instead refuses to listen or follow
 directions or make any effort to work with the support staff on
 diagnosing and resolving the problem, but simply throws a tantrum and
 threatens to toss the product in the trash, and then follows that
 outburst with a frothing diatribe on a forum dedicated to helping
 people who have trouble with the technology, all that is demonstrated
 is that the user is an immature, petulant, uncivilized child,
 undeserving of sympathy, support or assistance. The only thing such a
 person deserves is contempt.

I think that pretty much sums it up. I have to wonder what said person
wanted to accomplish. It's hard to believe anyone could happen across a
forum that's overwhelmingly populated by people who a) already own the
product and b) love it and be swayed by that one voice. I'm picturing
someone sitting at home, reading forums, and suddenly realizing, holy
crap, the Squeezebox is *terrible,* dashing to the stereo, and
violently ripping the thing out.


My SB3 is the most expensive part of my stereo. So I'm not going to brag
about it.

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread Pat Farrell
Fifer wrote:
 It's a good job some ordinary folk managed to persevere with fiddling
 about with the cat's whisker in the crystal set decades back ...

Many decades back :-)
My dad built one for me when I was a kid. He was a geek, and did it the
old way. It was cool. Of course, at the time, you could buy a cheap
Japanese transistor radio and just turn it on and listen.

The crystal set had to be grounded to the radiator and had an antenna
that went out to a big maple tree in the front yard.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread Howard Passman

Nonreality;340888 Wrote: 
 Yeah but we slapped you a bit too.  :)

Darn, you did didn't you :-)

I forgive you

Howard Passman

Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online and God
knows I can't type.

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread Howard Passman

maggior;340983 Wrote: 
 BTW Howard, your signature becomes more inaccurate the by the day :-). 
 You have become quite an active participant in these forums.

See what a bad influence you guys are on me :-)  Well, that and
business is slow.

The typing part still goes.


Howard Passman

Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online and God
knows I can't type.

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread Howard Passman

Dogberry2;340997 Wrote: 
 However, when an ostensible adult buys a product that clearly and
 obviously is advanced technology, newly developed and just released on
 the market, one would expect a certain level of awareness that its set
 up and configuration might require knowledge and effort. 

When I bought my DUET I had no idea it was something new.  Only someone
already involved would know that.  If we assumed everything advertised
as New or New and Improved really was, we would be wrong most of
the time.

Frustration is a tough thing.  It makes ordinary people in to something
they might not be.  Crimes of passion are rooted in frustration.  We all
have different triggers.  In the U.S. driving is a big one now.  Folks
who are seemingly rational completely lose it when driving.  

I guess all I'm saying is the OP was very frustrated and may (or may
not)have said things he never really meant.  Seems we've have more
patience for devices than people these days.

Just my opinion because I know I can get frustrated and I can be short
to folks who are frustrated also.


Howard Passman

Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online and God
knows I can't type.

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-16 Thread philippe_44

I have duets and a boom and really do love them - I'm rediscovering my
music. Anyway, at the risk of sounding arrogant I tend to believe that
people (we) are becoming lazy. We refuse to use our brain and to try to
just process what we have in front of our eyes. We wait for somebody
else to do it for us. See how the business of make all sort of choices
for you is developping. This is bad - nevermind


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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-15 Thread Themis

andlauer;340357 Wrote: 
 To quote Steven Moore: it just doesn't work sometimes.To be honest, no 
 complicated software-upgradable/hardware bundle works
all the time in any case.
It's the same with software players on PC/MACs, Sonos, SB, even muy PS3
and my Denon 3808 have occasionnal dropouts and certain cases when
they don't work as they should.

Stating that SB has more than one could expect software glitches is
not correct. In fact, it has much, much less than average. Simply, this
kind of gear can't work in any situation. Only in most.


SB3 - Denon 3808 - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-15 Thread androidtopp

I definitely agree with Themis. My calculator always works. And my
computer sometimes has problems. But you sure can do a hell of a lot
more with the computer.

I think I might be more willing to accept difficulties from stuff like
this becuase the payoff is so great. Yes, my CD player has never failed
to play a CD. But the sheer joy of having so much music at my fingertips
outweighs any difficulties with any of my Squeezeboxen. And frankly, it
would outweigh a whole lot more difficulty than I've experienced. I server running SC crashed and I had to restart it.
Which isn't even a Slim Devices problem.

But (in what I'm sure will bring the flames) I should point out that if
there are lots of people who do have it working...many with very small
difficulty...and you can't get it working...I'm not so sure that means
the *software* is the thing that's broken...;-)


My SB3 is the most expensive part of my stereo. So I'm not going to brag
about it.

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-15 Thread Howard Passman

I work for a company that sells BMW automobiles.  We get a lot of
complaints on the iDrive feature. Is it cool?  Yes.  Can you do more
with it than without it?  Yes.  Is it necessarily progress.  No, I
don't believe so.  At what point would you decide that enough is
enough? When you have to reboot your toaster in order to make toast? 
Maybe after your refrigerator spoiled the second or third batch of food
because the thing just didn't work.  

My only issue with technology is most manufacturers don't warn folks
that it isn't 100% reliable and maybe requires knowlege of outside of
the norms. A certain maount of products have always been made for
hobbyists.  Cd players are for folks who like to listen to music.  This
stuff is made for hobbyists who like to listen to music.  

Keep in mind, large parts of the world do not have electricity and
everyone else falls in between them and you.  Just because you can deal
with it doesn't require that everyone else must or they are dolts.


Howard Passman

Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online and God
knows I can't type.

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-15 Thread iPhone

phaedra;340113 Wrote: 
 I bought the Squeeze box Duet over the Sonos some 3 months ago, BIG
 mistake, but the hardware seemed so much better.
 Running on MacBook/MacPro Leopard/iTunes8,Squeezecenter 7.2.
 The autorescan never worked since v 7.0.1 for me, now more issues
 during installation, the remote will not update anything, says it
 failed, and to contact support.
 Well, in the RUBBISH BIN it all went, I am sick of products that never
 work and spending frustrating weeks trying to fix something that should
 Will get a Sonos in the next few days, and actually LISTEN to music
 instead of endless fiddling.
 Good Luck.

You have had it over three months and haven't asked for much help. Did
you e-mailed or called Tech Support for help? Funny that you didn't use
the 30 day no questions asked return policy.

Even stranger is not bothering to see what a used one goes for on Ebay
and then selling it, getting 3/4 of your investemt back as they hold
much of their value! Even getting 50% in a quick buy it now sale.

So you must be the type that says, I'm going to show Logitech, I'm
going to just throw the Duet out. You showed them alright and
everybody else on the Forum that your missing something (pick your own

My sister and mother have NO netwrok or computer skills other then
knowing how to turn them on, and they enjoy their Slim Devices
products. And when they do have an issue or problem they e-mail or call
tech support which has been maybe once or twice due to storms (DHCP
reboot order problem and they now know to turn everything off and back
on in specific order if it happens again).

Yes Sonos is all self-contained, three times the price, closed system,
expensive to expand, and limited in how much music it can store. Sounds
just like your kind of product. Good luck, but you'll probably have
issues with Sonos also and put it in the trash without using the return
policy or Tech Support!


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: SB3, GFR-700HD, Thiel 2.3, Second Boom
Home Office: SB3, NAD C370, two VSM-1
Home Gym: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, Thiel PowerPoint 1.2
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-15 Thread Themis

iPhone;340681 Wrote: 
 Yes Sonos is all self-containedWell, not THAT self-contained : it still needs 
 a server software
installation (or a music share server software), it depends on the OS,
the firewall, the router and several other software in the same way
SqueezeCenter and SB/TP do. It also has software and firmware
updates... There's no miracle : Same fuss, believe me. It's not a

In my opinion, the main problem nowadays comes from evolving products :
if your product is open to certain evolutions (we all want new
functions, don't we ?), then you leave the door open to possible
malfunctions. The only fuss-free products are the ones that can't
evolve : when you need more functions then you buy another model. ;)

Personally, I have got used to software updates and their inherent
risks : Windows (with its weekly multi-updates) has ended up
vaccinating me. :)


SB3 - Denon 3808 - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-15 Thread Howard Passman

iPhone;340681 Wrote: 
 My sister and mother have NO netwrok or computer skills other then
 knowing how to turn them on, and they enjoy their Slim Devices
 products. And when they do have an issue or problem they e-mail or call
 tech support which has been maybe once or twice due to storms (DHCP
 reboot order problem and they now know to turn everything off and back
 on in specific order if it happens again).

Dude!  You don't even help your own mom and sis!?  I bet they call you
first ;-)


Howard Passman

Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online and God
knows I can't type.

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-15 Thread egd

iPhone;340681 Wrote: 
 You have had it over three months and haven't asked for much help. Did
 you e-mailed or called Tech Support for help? Funny that you didn't use
 the 30 day no questions asked return policy.I did the same thing - I bought 
 it based on my experience with multiple
SB3s and a Transporter, assuming it would be equally robust (ass-u-me).
Life happened, I got busy and didn't have time to look at it.  When I
eventually did get around to it it was nothing but trouble and
frustration.  To be fair, Logitech have sent me a replacement Duet, but
life's happened again, so I've not yet had a chance to try the


Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable,
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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread Chris Laplante
For that matter, where's your trash... I'm not proud and mine work great.


On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 10:59 PM, kdf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 13-Sep-08, at 10:39 PM, phaedra wrote:

 Well, in the RUBBISH BIN it all went

 At least return it or recycle it, instead of adding more to landfills.
 Sick of people who just toss thing out when they are done.

 sorry...just venting. :)
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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread Pat Farrell
phaedra wrote:
 I bought the Squeeze box Duet over the Sonos some 3 months ago, BIG

They have a 30 day, money back, no questions asked return policy. Why
did you wait so long.

And as KDF said, recycle, resell or give it away, there is too much
stuff in the bins already.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread amcluesent

So why are you so sure the Sonos will work for you?


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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread PLynas

You sound very angry. You're also making a mistake.

I wish I had that much money to throw in the bin, how about I pay your
postage and you send it to me instead?


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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread bhaagensen

phaedra;340113 Wrote: 
 Well, in the RUBBISH BIN it all went, I am sick of products that never
 work and spending frustrating weeks trying to fix something that should


sorry to hear that you've been having so many problems. Its a shame as
lots of people, including myself, virtually never have any hickups and
appreciate the products alot. I understand that one can get frustrated
and need to vent, but IMHO when you come with statements like that it
just starts to get funny (no offense) because it is highly irrational
solution (I picture an angry person kicking up to front door and
heading for the trashbin with a couple of black boxes and cables flying
all over the place). You could just give it to some friends, sell it 2.
hand, post it up for grabs at these forums etc.

Most problems seems to be solvable via guidance from the folks on these
forums, but if you've decided that you'll go with the Sonos that's fair
enough. Good luck.



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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread egd

Not being a very patient individual myself I can sympathise somewhat
with Phaedra's frustration.  When I choose to listen to music, it's
generally because I've found or made some spare time and want to RELAX.
Troubleshooting one's audio setup at such times serves to exact the
opposite response.  And, truth be told, my experiences with the Duet
have definitely damaged SD/Logitech's brand positioning insofar as I'm

I'm looking forward to a stable setup once we've relocated and I get to
enjoy a dedicated listening room again.  At that point I'm hoping that
things just work - to this end I'll rely on wired ethernet and the IR
because I know from experience that all things being equal it will just
work, whereas I also know from experience that the Controller is hit and
miss, and more often than not, a complete miss.


Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable,
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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread Pale Blue Ego

Wired SB3 using IR remote certainly has fewer potential problems than
wifi player with wifi remote.  Mostly seems like wifi is the culprit,

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread andlauer

I agree with egd: I would have recommended Slim Devices a year ago, but
not anymore. New versions of Squeezecenter do not seem to be tested
thouroughly enough before they are released. In fact, Squeezecenter is
just like a banana: it ripens at the customer's.



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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread Fifer

Are we really supposed to give credence to the advice of someone who
rubbishes a company's entire product line after a bad experience of one
sample of one product and who claims to have binned it whilst it was
still within warranty. Sorry, but I think I'd be more inclined to take
Harpo Marx seriously.


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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread lanierb

andlauer;340216 Wrote: 
 I agree with egd: I would have recommended Slim Devices a year ago, but
 not anymore. New versions of Squeezecenter do not seem to be tested
 thouroughly enough before they are released. In fact, Squeezecenter is
 just like a banana: it ripens at the customer's.
It sucks that *you* have had a problem, but what makes you think you
know what the overall incidence of problems is?  People don't usually
post in user forums saying everything is running great today as usual
(and if they did I assure you you wouldn't be able to find the problems

Do you really think the problem rate is higher than it is with other
software like Windows or Firefox or iTunes?  I realize it's higher for
you but you are one measly person.  There are many of us who have no
problems at all with SC... ever.  Never had a single one in many years
and I'm now up to 5 SB3's and a boom.  And my non-techie wife even
loves them.  Can't say the same for Windows, Firefox, or iTunes.

(As an aside one time I changed the drive letter on my music library. 
It turns out that if you do this simple thing iTunes will crash and
NOTHING will fix it, not completely cleaning it out and reinstalling,
nothing.  Not even changing the drive letter back will fix it because
now it knows about both drive letters.  After hours of searching the
web finding many people with a similar problem and no solution I found
someone who fixed it by editing the registry and searching for every
incidence of your music folder and deleting it.  Hand editing the
registry for orphaned entries!  There's a user friendly software.  Only
other solution, probably what most non-techies would resort to, would
have been a complete wipe of the HD and reinstall of Windows.)


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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread Themis

Good luck with Sonos.

And don't forget to go and take a look at their forums for eventual
software problems before you buy a product... Pity, too late, you
already bought one. :)


SB3 - Denon 3808 - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread maggior

At first I thought this was a dead thread that was brought back to life.
I remember one other person having a reaction like this and many of us
offered to come pick up his trash.  Thankfully these types of posts are
extremely rare.

When I make large investments like this, I always make sure I have
myself covered with the return policy and that I'll have the free time
to make the evaluation in the appropriate amount of time.  Otherwise
what is the point?

Since he is willing to toss it in the trash, he obviously has the money
to burn so I guess it doesn't matter.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 10.2 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.2, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread Steven Moore

andlauer;340216 Wrote: 
 I agree with egd: I would have recommended Slim Devices a year ago, but
 not anymore. New versions of Squeezecenter do not seem to be tested
 thouroughly enough before they are released. In fact, Squeezecenter is
 just like a banana: it ripens at the customer's.

I love my sb1 and have learned to love sc. I do agree however that I
wouldn't recommend the set-up to a non-techie person. To paraphrase it
just doesn't work sometimes.

Steven Moore

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread G-dude

betcha wifi is the problem...I plugged in and opened ports (as per
owner's manual...although I didn't see it when I first did install) and
it has worked and worked and worked since

I agree troubleshooting takes fun out of music and I am glad I had the
patience at first cuz Squeezebox is awesome and I actually makes it
EASIER to enjoy music.


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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread andlauer

Hello lanierb,

lanierb;340257 Wrote: 
 It sucks that *you* have had a problem...
First of all, thank you for your compassion!

lanierb;340257 Wrote: are one measly person.
However, it will take more than adding insult to injury to change my
opinion about Slim devices.

To quote Steven Moore: it just doesn't work sometimes.

I sincerely believe that it is possible to improve the quality of new
releases of Squeezecenter, especially lately.



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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-14 Thread Howard Passman

...having persevered with my original DUET I now enjoy 2 Duets and the
Boom, but in no way do I belittle anyone who has problems with the
DUET.  The manual is poor and the set up is painful...unless it just
worked for you.

As for ongoing issues, I constantly have little things happen and I
just ignore them until they go away.  That is of course unless
rebooting the controller or the revceiver or SC cures it quickly.

This ain't you daddy's radio.

Let the poor guy vent.  I did and look where I am today :-)


Howard Passman

Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online and God
knows I can't type.

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Re: [slim] Do not buy any Squeezebox products, my advice!

2008-09-13 Thread kdf

On 13-Sep-08, at 10:39 PM, phaedra wrote:

 Well, in the RUBBISH BIN it all went

At least return it or recycle it, instead of adding more to landfills.
Sick of people who just toss thing out when they are done.

sorry...just venting. :)
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