Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2009-01-24 Thread Youarecrazy

Here's some advice Mitchell J. Stein. Instead of posting on public
boards about spending over $50k for your listening pleasures, how about
paying your current debts? That MGM judgment alone is $1 million against
you and all the others are mounting. Your name is popular on search
engines, Mitchell J. Stein. The whole ipod talk, the bragging of money
you spend, the doberman avatar, and the lying about your fitness was a
dead giveaway.

Mitchell J. Stein;364902 Wrote: 
 I am an audiophile from the 70s.  While I haven't lost my shape or my
 athleticism, apparently I have lost everything I knew about rock 'n
 roll sound from the 70s.  In the 70s, it was about total harmonic
 distortion, bandwidth, and power.  Now, it is about DAC, soundcards,
 and . . . somehow . . . tubes.  Tubes predated the stuff I learned in
 the 70s!  So, somebody has got to help.
 I have a very simple question, and I'm not going to bore you with the
 background of why I'm asking the question.  I have homes, home
 theaters, family rooms, old klipsche speakers, bose 901 series III and
 the rest of it.
 But I also have a small office that I call my own and that is from
 where I am typing this post.  In the office, I have a kick-ass computer
 with a huge screen next to my face.  I also have a 56 inch Phillips
 Now, my problem.  I got talked into buying a Logitech 5500 and have it
 hooked up to the television and the IPOD home dock.  The television
 sounds great even though DECCO tells me I'm full of  and my home
 theater guy tells me I'm crazy.  As an audiophile (or at least a
 wantabee audiophile, or a rusty one), I use my ears.  The 5500 --
 even though it is cheap and filled with plastic -- sounds just fine in
 this room when played through the television.
 However, the IPOD home dock sounds good only on SOME rock 'n roll
 songs.  On others, it sounds HARD, ONE DIMENSIONAL, IMPERSONAL and not
 like the old ADVENTS I used to run against my 1968 tube McIntosh
 amplifiers 30 years ago.  So, what to do?  Do I spend $40,000 and
 re-tube the joint alongside all this computer equipment?  Three
 experts have told me yes.  Others have told me I am challenged. 
 And, then, there are the few new folks (all below the age of 25) who
 have told me to forget the tubes, forget DECCO, forget Panasonic and
 just get the squeezbox and that it will not only CONTROL MY THEATER, MY
 that the squeezbox will also blow my mind regarding . . . 
 Is my problem the Z 5500 or the lack of a good DAC connected to my
 IPOD?  Is the duet a good DAC?  What in the world is a DAC and why is
 so important?  Why should I be able to pay $500 for a Z5500 and get
 great sound just because I bought a duet?  Isn't that violative of all
 the laws regarding tubes, signal to noise ratio, bandwidth, total
 harmonic distortion, etc., et al.?
 Now, my second problem.  If the duet really does the trick and bypasses
 the problem of my IPOD not having the proper DAC, then why am I not just
 buying the Transporter?  Wouldn't the Transporter make this $500 Z5500
 blow away anything else I could play in this very small (600 square
 feet) personal office?  If DAC is so important, why am I not buying the
 Transporter for my personal office -- and a bunch of duets for the rest
 of the house (the rest of the house has tremendous equipment; athena
 speaker systems; powerful power amps; expensive integrated amps, etc.)?
 I am just upset because I have these very inexpensive Z5500 speakers
 and I kind of like the sound off of the TV.  So, if the sound is good,
 why am I going to do something else?
 Does the Transporter even have anything to do with DAC?  Does DAC have
 anything to do with final sound or with my emotions upon hearing the
 sound, if the end player is merely the Z5500 which boasts a paltry 10%
 total harmonic distortion (I am sophisticated enough to realize that
 digital has no distortion so 10% is a false figure -- but, still 10%
 seems very high doesn't it?)?
 Please just tell me:
 A.  Should I throw the Z5500 away?  I like the way it sounds through my
 TV, but I can't stand the IPOD sound on SOME SONGS ONLY (e.g., it
 rocks with Dazed and Confused but sounds terrible -- like an old
 a.m. transistor radio -- on Jailhouse Rock).
 B.  Will the duet improve the sound of my ITUNES as it is played
 through the Z5500?
 C.  Are the people at DECCO correct when they say no DAC makes a
 difference if you don't have the old tubes, audiophile, 70s
 equipment?  This is illogical to me, but I haven't a clue what is
 going on at this point given the intrusion of computers, sound cards
 and the rest of it into the fray.
 D.  If the duet is likely to improve this, is it really possible to
 make the Z5500 (which costs $500) a saintly audio system by using the
 Transporter?  Can the Transporter transport the Z5500 into the next
 galaxy?  Why?
 I'm sorry for the lengthy post, but I've 

Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-05 Thread Mitchell J. Stein

Thanks for the compliment, but I was merely spitting back what you guys
told me.

Again, the only issue is whether this de-apple-ization of the
Doberman will lead to a mid-life crisis.  Certainly, my intake of Whey
will increase along with my military presses.  Hope springs eternal on
all fronts.  Sad.

By the way Audials One -- $50 -- was the system I used to rip apart
the thievery created by Apple and my Ipod.  All of my tunes are now in
Windows Media Player (thanks to Audials One), sitting nicely waiting
for the Duet to transport them to the nearest way station (Heaven
Can Wait, Warren Beatty, 1980).  I'll wait for the Apple Police to get
here, then I'll take them to court -- I am a trial lawyer and I am
pissed off.  Here, I downloaded 7,000 tunes from I Tunes (everything
except the Beatles) and then I learned that I am a miniature turtle,
stuck inside of an IPOD.  Then, they try to sell me all this equipment
that digitalizes the Steeler football games.  I've been to all 6
Super Bowls in person, and the answer was NO NO NO NO NO NO.

So, I was mistaken on the price of my little saintly system that I will
use most days:

Logitech z5500 - $400.00
Logitech Duet  - $400.00
Audials One- $ 50.00.
(Plasma TV - they cost virtually nothing now, and use a Coaxial cable
as it sounds the best; it plugs right into the coaxial input of the
piece of shit z5500 if that is what you use -- since everybody says
they are bad news, you can get one almost anywhere.)

Now, don't get me wrong.  My Phillips is 50 or so.  But my theater
room is 100.  So, on the big football games, I'll go into the media
room.  But not if I can help it.  I like this z5500 -- it just sounds

Otherwise, as I said, you can't get me out of here.  And, in a day or
two, every room will have a squeeze box just so I can control the
house from in this small study.  Eventually, it will be the movie

I looked at your website and background and you obviously know what you
are doing.  You've got the two squeeze boxes -- one wired and one
wireless.  You figured it out -- probably long ago.

I wish I had learned sooner.  You can only listen to Stairway to
Heaven in a virtual stairway so many times before you say enough is

Peace, and thanks.


Mitchell J. Stein

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-05 Thread MrSinatra


you may not believe this but i had guessed you were not only a lawyer,
but a steelers fan.  call it a premonition.  (i'm an eagles fan, 9
sacks btw, and a PSU guy as well)

in any case...

i have some possible bad news for you.  itunes really is the devil.  it
sounds like you were able to defeat the DRM on it, and thats great, but
there are at least two other related concerns i'd have with music from

the first is that the music you got from apple might have already been
compressed, and i don't mean the file format.  what i mean is who knows
how apple masters the tracks b4 it makes them available for download? 
it wouldn't surprise me in the least if in an effort to make them
louder, they compress them at the source, which is a headroom and bass

similarly, itunes itself applies changes to your local files.  i'm not
100% on how it does it, if it uses innocuous replaygain tags, or
something sinister like applying compression or actual gain changes /
normalization to the file/music itself, but here again we see apple
doing as it pleases.

i'm not saying delete all your tunes, but considering your enthusiasm,
i would consider getting the source CDs and making FLACs out of them. 
and if you like the Rolling Stones as an example, the 2002 remasters
with 24bit sound blow away the original releases.  its night and day. can help many times identifying which remasters sound
best.  (but this is a whole nother story, just wanted to clue you in)

one thing i was curious about in your post, it seemed like you were
saying that going duet  analog  z5500 was the way as opposed to
duet  digital  z5500.  is that correct?

i do the same thing essentially, b/c the DAC in the SB is better than
whats in my receiver.  (btw, SBs have a slightly better DAC than the
Duet, but i would never hear the difference.  however, you should get a
SB2 or SB3 just for the neat visualizations it does, like the EQ or VU
meters, which i consider very retro 70s and fun)

Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.3b - Win XP Pro
SP3 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-05 Thread tcutting

And realize, once you have ONE duet, you can add additional receivers -
either SBR (the receiver half of the duet) and use to Controller (SBC)
from the duet to configure it.  OR... you can get the Squeezebox
Classic (aka SB3), which can be controlled with the original duet's
controller or its own IR remote (or universal remote), AND it has
display. (I just say this because your low price description includes
$400 per location for Duet, but the SBR is $150, or a SB Classic is
Also, consider cleaning up your library... if you are sold on iTunes,
work on ripping stuff to the Apple Lossless format, OR leave the Apple
proprietary formats altogether and start transitioning to FLAC.
Who knows, you might be able to get all those other systems to actually
sound BETTER than the SBR/Z5500 combo!
Good Luck!


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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-05 Thread Mitchell J. Stein

Mr. Sinatra:

Thanks again for helping me.  Yes, the Phil. Eagles got to Big Ben. 
No, the Eagles will not win the Super Bowl.  It will be the Giants
against the Steelers.  Except for the punt over the goal post deal,
Pgh. already beat up the Giants.  It will be a good game.  (I am not
counting the Eagles out yet, but they did kick our butts now didn't

Your description about ITUNES' criminality explains a strange thing
that happened when I ripped those tunes out of ITUNES and re-compressed
them, uncompressed them, and then put them through some warmth.  Now,
those tunes are playing through the Duet and people are having sex 12
blocks away from here.  The strange thing is this:  You guys told me
not to use MP3, so I used WAV at first.  WAV is professional grade
engineering.  It is the standard.  My father in law wrote about 200
famous rock and roll songs -- neat guy.  He told me to do it.  Forget
the fact that the ripping took WAY TOO LONG AND it didn't carry the
artwork with it.  How about this:  After it was done it sounded
TERRIBLE.  I couldn't understand.  I ate my wheaties, I listened to my
FIL, I talked to Steven Stills who is a friend of mine, I did it the
right way.  So, what happened?

Then, you get these professionals who talk under their breath and you
cannot understand what they said.  Stills said if you are converting
to WAV off of a defective file -- like the Apple stuff -- WAV will
highlight the inadequacy.  I said how's that?  Stills then
disappeared into a room and was playing his guitar in his guitar room
and was no longer speaking for the day (a total maniac).  So I was left
with this sound bite from him that was what it was.  I then talked to
my FIL who recorded -- e.g., You Make Me So Very Happy -- and he said
Steve is right, but don't give up on MP3 files because it is all about
the conversion -- can you heat up the music again.  Then, to use your
logo, I had a Martini because I had no clue what these folks were
speaking about.

Now, from your post, it all makes sense.  Apple is screwing with these
files in other ways.  That is why there was only one way that I could
get the Audials One (Tunebite) to make the music sound correct.  I had
to use its fantastic Perfect Audio feature.  What that does is the
following:  It rips Apple a part -- kind of like a mountain lion
attacking a coyote -- but then it does it TWICE IN A ROW IN TWO
DIFFERENT RAW FORMATS.  Then, it automatically compares the two
versions and it compares the versions to a database and marries them to
come away with one song that is Perfect; hence Perfect Audio.  It
are right, Frank S., because this is the only explanation I have for the
comments made by the two experts, because the WAV file sounded like a
horse was running beside the recording, and because once I used
Perfect Audio with MP3 I learned that MP3 is just fine IF IT IS RUN

I think -- if you are correct -- we have the grounds for a massive
class action lawsuit here.  Apple sells that they are giving you the
top and best of the best.  Yet they might be giving you the worst of
the worst.  And they are not telling anybody.  What's worse is that
they are forcing you to marry their shitty ITUNES system, which leads
to docking stations, sound systems and a digital whorehouse (Sonos does
not work -- another story) even though all that could ruin a perfectly
good $50,000 sound system.  It is about DISCLOSURE.  Why didn't they
tell me this before I downloaded my library?  What is unfair about
that?  How much downloading do you think me and the rest of us stupid
idiots have spent downloading files from Apple?

In answer to your question about analog versus digital on the back of
the squeeze box, if you are using any sort of computer stereo (even
the z5500 which is far away from it, but still has features of a
computer stereo), then you are going TOTAL DIGITAL.  TOTAL DIGITAL
-- i.e., the digital source.  The analog jacks on the back of the
squeeze box was pure brilliance because it allows you to run it once
through analog.  Because this is all timed in 1.4 seconds, after you
warm up the music again before it hits the Logitech (or any digital
system), the digital system does not have time to re-compress and to
re-screw-up the sound you've created.  And then, it is taking that
warm music and playing it back in perfect digital and thus there is
no distortion!  It is fire in a bottle.  Logitech has really thought
this through -- 24 bits . . . and fast!  This is explained in
Logitech's materials and it is completely logical -- but as you 

Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-05 Thread Mitchell J. Stein

BTW I already ordered the SB3.  I know when to follow the leader.  Tell
you how that one goes.  Thanks.

At your convenience, please tell me if I should get the Transporter --
just because.  Will it do anything for me other than look darn good?

80% chance I'm going back on the road and leaving my home.  They are
now laying odds and they are 6-5.  :)


Mitchell J. Stein

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-05 Thread Mitchell J. Stein

tcutting;366779 Wrote: 
 And realize, once you have ONE duet, you can add additional receivers -
 either SBR (the receiver half of the duet) and use to Controller (SBC)
 from the duet to configure it.  OR... you can get the Squeezebox
 Classic (aka SB3), which can be controlled with the original duet's
 controller or its own IR remote (or universal remote), AND it has
 display. (I just say this because your low price description includes
 $400 per location for Duet, but the SBR is $150, or a SB Classic is
 Also, consider cleaning up your library... if you are sold on iTunes,
 work on ripping stuff to the Apple Lossless format, OR leave the Apple
 proprietary formats altogether and start transitioning to FLAC.
 Who knows, you might be able to get all those other systems to actually
 sound BETTER than the SBR/Z5500 combo!
 Good Luck!

tcutting:  thanks.  i didn't realize that.  so (a) you are saying I can
buy the classic squeeze box (that displays) and it will work with the
new duet controller? (b) the universal remote will also work like the
controller? (c) I am no longer sold on ITUNES -- in fact I am happy
to be rid of them.  but what is Apple Lossless or FLAC?  What will FLAC
do for me?  These things sound interesting and will stir the pot even
more.  again, thank you for these recommendations.  have you ever heard
of a wannabee audiophile touting the z5500?  what's the world coming to?
its the age of the computer!!  peace.  mitch.

Mitchell J. Stein

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-04 Thread Mitchell J. Stein

Well, I've done all the tests.

I guess it appears dumb, but you were all right.  The man who responded
in blue was the most right of all -- thank you Mr. Ferrell.  You were
all spot on.

However, trust me, I am now an expert.  Do not second guess me at this
point.  If you want the truth, here it is -- although you all said it
TO ME so I am just really saying it back to you:

1.  The IPOD sucks.  It compresses files.  There is no way to get them
back out to a full listening device unless headphones is alright with
you.  I do not like headphones, although if you put me in a casket
they'll be fine.  However, trust me.  I'll kick some serious butt until
that happens.  Thunder only happens when its raining.

2.  The Z5500 -- while cheap -- kicks the shit out of my 23 bose and
boston acoustics theater on the other side of the house.  Ferrell is
correct.  The problem was a THUMPY bass and a DISTORTED high end
brought about by the IPOD.  He's just correct.  If you do not like it,
then watch the Waltons or something.  It is just a fact.  If you do not
like what my ears heard, talk to Ferrell.  He said it in his first

3.  I have $500,000 worth of stereo equipment in this house and I now
get it.  The big bose system with 10 speakers is a design to go
digital to digital.  The Athena speakers are old tube speakers that
rock -- but they must be driven.  They can blow the doors off of these
cheap, plastic Z5500 speakers BUT ONLY IF THE Z5500S are not used
properly.  If the cheap, plastic, mickey mouse, donald duck 5500s are
just treated like Ferrell suggested -- i.e., put a duet on them, rip
your cds, set them up right, and let it rock -- then guess what:  YOU
CANNOT BEAT THE 5500s unless YOU WISH TO SPEND $50,000.  Not $10,000. 
That won't do it.  $20,000?  That won't do it.  The 5500s require a lot
of things to beat them.  You need the bass.  Any sub woofer will not do.
Then you require 20,000 Hz.  Forget it without the right amp, sub
woofer, tweeter, signal to noise and -- if you are trying to hit it all
off of an IPOD -- go home boy.  YOU CANNOT HIT IT.  PERIOD.  The IPOD
cannot hit it.  Ferrell said they were blowing smoke on me.  The
Rainbow Has A Beard (Cream, 1968).  I wasted $2,000 chasing their BS. 
It is smoke.  Don't trust it.  It is untrue.  You no longer have to
spend big money to rock the house down.  PERIOD.  PERIOD.  PERIOD. 
Spend your money on women or whatever.  But this industry is different
now.  Do your research like I did.  I have the thousands in this house.
But I spend my time around the 5500s and the Duet.  And -- trust me --
I know more about music then you do.

4.  I like all my other systems but AS FERRELL HAS SAID (and Sinatra)
if you are running an IPOD through those systems then it is garbage
in.  Ferrell told me get the Duet first and then get the
Transporter.  I got the Duet.  I've tested all of my systems with
studio equipment and back up.  Right now, Purple Haze has just come
on Slacker as we speak.  The other systems, besides the Z5500, cannot
reproduce what I am hearing right now.  I am neither drunk nor high.  I
am 50 years old.  I am telling you that the Duet softens the lows and
accentuates the highs like nothing you've heard.  I'll be specific. 
Put on an IPOD with Purple Haze.  Tell me what Jimmy Hendrix says in
the middle of the song.  Just paste the words here
Well, I can hear them all being said and now Hendrix is moaning as his
amp is hitting on all cylinders vis a vis his fingers.

5.  Now Slacker is playing Under My Thumb by the Stones.  I don't
like the Stones (more a Beatles fan; sorry but enjoyed pasting the art
when ripping my heart out of apple's BS).  However, again, I am
listening and he says she's the sweetest pet in the world.  I never
heard that line before.  I'm sure it is my fault.  However, isn't that
what Ferrell and perhaps Sinatra predicted.

6.  I simply ran the Duet through my analogue like Ferrell suggested. 
We can't go from shitty digital to shitty digital (and the Z5500 is
in fact shitty if you do not de-digitalize the signal first) now can
we.  So I ran it back to analogue.  Just like they wrote it up.  And
now:  The only issue is whether I will leave home.  Rock 'n roll shall
never die. 

7.  This system blows them all away.  It is cheap.  It is a Z5500 and a
Duet.  That is it.  I have nothing else.  I dunno if I will even buy a
Transporter.   Maybe -- but really as Ferrell said it is not necessary
(I am a rock 'n roll freak so I'll probably do it just BECAUSE).  In
the end, I'll buy the Transporter because I feel guilty that I have
spent no money to get all this music and and all this sound.  Hell, in
1982, this entire set up including the music would be priceless -- at
least $100,000 -- and remember the songs weren't there yet (e.g.,
Journey: Who's Crying Now). 

8.  Now, let's break this down:

A.  Theater room:  McIntosh $28,000 amp. 

Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-04 Thread JadeMonkee

That post was awesome.


2x squeezebox classics {1x wired, 1x wifi} | squeezecentre v7.2.1 |
'readynas duo' ( {
raidiator 4.14 | 1gb hynix hymd512m646cfp8-j | 2x 1tb samsung hd103uj }
| d-link dir-655

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-03 Thread sc53

To reiterate what the prior guys said--you need to check your iTunes
preferences to see what format you are improting your CDs with. The
default format is LOSSY compressed bad sounding audio. You have to
manually change the format to the Apple Lossless format for importing
CDs. If you haven't done that, you must re-rip all the CDs in your
iTunes library. If you have downloaded music into that library,
undoubtedly that is also in a LOSSY format which will also sound bad
through a decent system.  Lastly, if you have downloaded music from the
iTunes music store, none of it will play through
Duet/Squeezebox/Transporter because that music is copy protected and
won't stream to the Duet etc.
So you have preliminary tasks to do before you go out and buy new
electronics. Once you upgrade your music library to Lossless format,
you may find you don't need any new speakers, amps etc.
I read the Decco ad and that piece does not look like a bad compromise
if you have good mini monitor speakers to hook the piece up to. Didn't
see what the price of it is but if not too expensive it might be worth
a try with small mini monitors and a Squeezebox.


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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-03 Thread MrSinatra

a lot of advice will be coming at you, and a lot of it here is good.

money doesn't seem to be an issue, so why not buy a duet, and try it
out?  my guess is you'll love it.  and from there, you can get more
SBRs, SBs, transports, whatever.

when i give advice to people, i like to try to figure out HOW they will
use the music.  if they are an audiophile, i tell them go flac.  if they
want convenience, i tell them go mp3.

one thing i always stress is that i hate itunes.  i wonder if you're
now tied into it due to DRM concerns.  i would never trust ANY music
from apple, and i hate the way itunes does things, not just
organizationally, but to the music itself.

in my case, i play it by ear, so to speak.  i can't tell a CD from a
256kbps mp3, and so i simply rip all my CDs myself, and that way i know
exactly what i got, where it came from, and what process was used to
make the mp3.  (i have some downloads, but i archive them separately)

at some future point, i might archive some fave material in flac, but i
don't find it necessary to do so at the moment.

so, i suggest you get EAC or dbpoweramp (google em) make some secure
rips in FLAC (since you're an audiophile and money is no problem) and
then play them back using SC over your Duet.

my guess is you will love what you hear.  you can them compare your
control group of self made rips to all your other stuff, and decide
where to go from there.

Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.3b - Win XP Pro
SP3 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-02 Thread JadeMonkee

Hi there,
I honestly believe that if you think your existing speakers are fine
for most of the music or movies you use them for, then changing to
either the Transporter, or even a Duet won't help because they aren't
related to the problem. Keep the ipod; I think the problem lies in your
music library.
I think the very fact that some songs sound good, and some songs sound
bad is because they are compressed at different levels.
Go into the settings in iTunes and tell us what quality (not just
format) you are ripping at.
If we here believe it is at an acceptable level (by default, I belive
it isn't), then create a (short) list of (some of) the songs that sound
You may find that these are the ones you downloaded. Play them and find
out what bitrate they are encoded at (this is the easiest way to find
out quality). If there is no bitrate info, then look at the file size.
It should be (for mp3 or mp4) about 1MB for every minute of a song (not
a definitie rule).
If the iTunes encoding quality is at a low level, then we've solved
your problem (and for free no less).
I'm almost positive you'll find that the songs that sound bad are
related to the quality at which they were encoded, and NOT your
Those with smaller file sizes and lower bitrates will sound worse than
those with larger.
Save yourself the money, dig out your old CDs and rip them in a
lossless format; you certainly seem to have the storage available.
If you can't fit them all on your ipod in lossless format (it's about
10x larger than lossy), then rip to a high quality lossy (we can help
you in choosing which one).
There is plenty of information on the different formats available on
the internet. The 'wiki at Hydrogen Audio'
( is a goldmine.

Note that I am not an iTunes user, so can't answer any help questions
about it.

Hope that helps.

Oh, and you can't trust music you've downloaded from the internet for
quality. High quality downloads are usually few and far between.


2x squeezebox classics {1x wired, 1x wifi} | squeezecentre v7.2.1 |
'readynas duo' ( {
raidiator 4.14 | 1gb hynix hymd512m646cfp8-j | 2x 1tb samsung hd103uj }
| d-link dir-655

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is there a gap in Logitech's web site?

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- Bad/stupid questions

In response to your question about what the Transporter has that the
Duet does not:

- better DAC.  Better than the Duet, much better than the iPod.

- better power regulation to allow all components to perform better

- 24/96 playback capability.  You probably don't have 24/96 files right

- 2 screens (the Duet has none built into it, just in the controller). 
This allows it to be seen across the room and it also allows nice
visualizers - VU meters, spectrum analyzers, etc.

- front controls, including a force feedback knob.

- ability to be used as a DAC for other digital components

- advanced connectivity features you can't use now like RS-232, BNC,
XLR, AES/EBU and word clock in connectors

- IR port.  This allows it to be controlled by a universal remote.  The
Duet doesn't have an IR port.  There's also an IR out port to control
other devices.

- much better wireless connectivity - two large aerials.

So - some of these things might be useful to you, some might not.

Yes, the Transporter does sound better than the Duet - with the price
difference, it ought to.  However whether the price difference
justifies how much better you perceive it to be is up to what you
connect it to, your ears and personal preferences.

Connecting the Transporter to the Z5500s is no doubt a waste. 
Connecting it to a preamp, a powerful amp and your old Advents is
another story...Start with the Duet to the Z5500s and see if you like
it though.

In regards to your comment that with digital -- there IS NO distortion
so the amplifier specs don't really matter that much if the DAC and file
formats are right, well, of course there's always distortion.  There's
never going to be perfect playback.  It's a different sort of
distortion than analog components though.  It's managed through good
power supplies and good DACs - the iPod is mediocre on both counts. 
However amplifier specs do have a huge part to play in the final sound
- at some point the sound still has to go through an amplifier and
speakers and both have a HUGE role to play, arguably much more so than
the digital source.  The differences between amplifiers and speakers
can easily negate the sound differences between the Duet and the
Transporter.  The differences are arguably much larger.

Finally, in regards to why Logitech doesn't make speakers to go with
the Transporter - the Transporter was developed by a company called
Slim Devices which was acquired by Logitech only a short time ago (2
years?).  Logitech just haven't had development time to really
integrate the Slim Devices stuff into their product line, but it's
happening.  Boom is an example of this, it uses Logitech-sourced
speakers (what's innovative is that they're driven by a chip which
compensates for the shortcomings of these small speakers, but that's
another story).

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta), SBC (beta - no battery)
Sold: SB3, Duet

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-12-01 Thread tcutting

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I think you are missing something with regards to file formats. 
Anything bought from the iTunes store will be in a lossy format.  MP3
players and iPods have limited storage capacity, so the files are
compressed to make them smaller.  MP3 is a standard compression format,
and Apple uses a similar format (AAC, I believe).  Not sure about your
MP4, but I think the Apple AACs may show up as MP4 - anyway, these
are all LOSSY compression formats.  To make the files small, some of
the original information was thrown away using complex computer
algorithms which try to determine what information is least
important.  There are various levels of lossy-ness, depending on the
parameters used to convert the information.
There are, however, lossless compression formats which provide some
file-size reduction (but a lot less than the lossy compression), but
provide bit-accurate representation of the original information.  For
example, if you rip a CD, using a lossless compression format you
will end up with ALL the information which was on the CD (you don't
throw anything away).  If, however, you convert/store into a lossy
format (MP3 or AAC or MP4(?)), you've created a smaller file, but lost
some information in the process.

All that said, to get the best sound, you really should stick with
lossless file formats.  FLAC is the generally recommended standard, and
there is also an Apple lossless format (ALAC, I believe).  For
anything you have already on CD, this would require re-ripping the CDs,
and storing in one of these lossless formats.  The Squeezebox Receiver
(player part of the Duet), Transporter, Squeezebox2, Squeezebox3 all
can play the FLAC format directly.  There are tools for doing this, and
plenty of more detail in the Ripping / Encoding / Transcoding /
Tagging forum, and probably on the wiki as well.


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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-11-30 Thread amcluesent

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By the way, file format is the usual Apple file format when you
download from Apple

From the iTunes Store? If so, the music will have Apple's Digital
rights Managament (DRM) applied, so can only be played through Apple

You may do better with Apple's Airport express and Airtunes.

is it really possible to make the Z5500 (which costs $500) a saintly
audio system by using the Transporter?



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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-11-30 Thread Mitchell J. Stein

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JJZolx;364915 Wrote: 
 The spotty thing may be impossible to diagnose remotely, but I think
 it's fair to say that everybody has recordings that just sound like
 crap on their system, no matter what they do.  Could be the original
 recording, the transfer from old tapes, the CD mastering, or any of a
 dozen other things making for a bad sounding recording.
 You have a lot of options at the point where you find yourself.  I
 don't I'd be completely out of line saying that you should consider
 starting all over.
 First, if you want optimal sound, I'd give some thought to the file
 format that you use to encode your ripped CDs.  If you're using lossy
 AAC or MP3, then you're at a disadvantage right from the get go.  You
 may or may notice a difference by ripping to a lossless format like
 Flac or ALAC, but at least you could eliminate one source for sound
 Next is the source.  An iPod can sound Ok, but seldom as good as a fine
 CD player or a player such as a Squeezebox or Transporter.  I'd say
 you're at a point where even thinking about the Transporter should be
 out of the question.  Get a Duet or Squeezebox Classic first.  See how
 you like it.  Upgrading either one can take the form of either adding a
 nice sound external DAC or upgrading to the Transporter.
 Then there's amplification and speakers.  If you like the Z5500, great,
 but I'm sure you could improve upon the sound with better amplification
 and speakers.  I would be very surprised if a Transporter would sound
 much different than a Duet through that system, particularly playing
 lossy files.

Helpful post.  That was my instinct.  10% THD doesn't seem to cut it,
at least on paper.  I wonder why logitech doesn't come out with a
better amplification system?  If they are charging $1800 for a
Transporter, you'd think they have a spiffy amplifier, a great
subwoofer and a fantastic pair of bookshelf speakers to buy.  I guess
maybe in the future.  But the post is helpful.  Along with the other
posts, it convinces me:  I'm just going to try the Duet (I'm not much
worried about Apple's rights because I scanned a lot of the CDs in
myself as well; although based upon your post I'm not going to throw
the home dock away so quickly!).  If the Duet doesn't improve this
Z5500 set up, I'm going to scrap it, get the Advents out of the
basement and go shopping for a monster receiver.  However, if the Z5500
IS improved, I'll tell you all on Wednesday because it says a lot about
sound these days.  Thanks again.

Mitchell J. Stein

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-11-30 Thread Mitchell J. Stein

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Please see below as these messages don't link up well on my screen.

pfarrell;364923 Wrote: 
 Mitchell J. Stein wrote:
  I have a very simple question, and I'm not going to bore you with
  background of why I'm asking the question.  I have homes, home
  theaters, family rooms, old klipsche speakers, bose 901 series III
  the rest of it.
 Do you still have your Large Advents? I still have two ( I gave two
 others to a buddy.) They aren't my main listening speakers, but I sure
 know what they sound like. They still bring a lot of bang for the
 but you need a big amp to drive those old things. I started with a
 Dynaco ST120, and found that 400 watts or more helped a lot. (solid
 state, you could get away with less when using quality tube amps.
   As an audiophile (or at least a
  wantabee audiophile, or a rusty one), I use my ears.
 That is the only thing that anyone can trust.
  However, the IPOD home dock sounds good only on SOME rock 'n roll
  songs.  On others, it sounds HARD, ONE DIMENSIONAL, IMPERSONAL and
  like the old ADVENTS I used to run against my 1968 tube McIntosh
  amplifiers 30 years ago.  So, what to do? 
 First get something other than the iPod as a source.
 Second, to get real sounds, you can't use low end MP3 files.
 But we can help with that.
 Do you have a CD that you like? Say Dire Staits Brothers in Arms? or
 some old Byrds?
  Do I spend $40,000 and  re-tube the joint alongside all this computer
 equipment?  Three
  experts have told me yes.
 They are either crooks, or think you have too much money.
 But you may have to spend a few thousand to get back in the game.
  Is my problem the Z 5500 or the lack of a good DAC connected to my
  IPOD?  Is the duet a good DAC?  
 The duet has a very decent DAC, when you feed it good sources.
  What in the world is a DAC and why is  so important? 
 Digital to Analog Convertor. Its what converts bits to sound waves
 you can feed to an amp to feed to your speakers.
  Now, my second problem.  If the duet really does the trick and
  the problem of my IPOD not having the proper DAC, then why am I not
  buying the Transporter? 
 You can do that, but I recommend you start lower, spend less, and make
 sure you are going the correct way.
 Where are you physically? You may find someone here that is willing to
 let you come to their house. For example, I live outside Washington
  Does the Transporter even have anything to do with DAC? 
 The Transporter contains a DAC.
 The Duet contains a DAC, it just costs less than the one in the
  C.  Are the people at DECCO correct when they say no DAC makes a
  difference if you don't have the old tubes, audiophile, 70s
  equipment?  This is illogical to me
 They are blowing smoke.
 Pat, thanks for the comprehensive post.  It really helps because I am
 impulsive and was capable of buying all kinds of wasteful things.  I am
 new to this forum, and can't figure out how you are able to post in blue
 responsive to each question.  Kind of neat.  I'll figure it out
 eventually.  Here's some responses and why your answers were helpful:
 1.  I still have the Advents (the speakers are such that the word
 Advent must always be capitalized).  If the Duet doesn't completely
 solve the problem, I'm bringing them out and replacing the woofers in
 the process.  But after seeing the posts, and reading yours carefully,
 my opinion is not so fast.  I want to see what the Duet does.  I told
 DECCO to take a hike.  In any event, I originally ran the Advents off a
 1978 Pioneer SX-1280.  I remember listening to Boston and Zeppelin and
 The Beatles and Wings off of them 12 hours per day in my college dorm
 room.  I was at Indiana U.  My dorm mates would be competing with the
 Grateful Dead, who I never much liked but respected that they got off
 on it.  So I would just shove Achilles Last Stand down their throat on
 the Advents (even if I had to play it 30 straight times) and they'd
 leave for the day.  It seems like yesterday and nothing I've seen has
 sounded that good since.  However, in a spring cleaning with my x-wife
 (note I said x), she sold the monster Pioneer (which was also quite
 beautiful) in a yard sale circa 1988 for $100.  Obviously, we were
 divorced within a few years from that fateful day.  (I was practicing
 law and only interested in my car stereo at the time.)
 2.  Thanks for the comment on the IPOD.  You'd be surprised.  

Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-11-30 Thread Mitchell J. Stein

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JJZolx;364915 Wrote: 
 The spotty thing may be impossible to diagnose remotely, but I think
 it's fair to say that everybody has recordings that just sound like
 crap on their system, no matter what they do.  Could be the original
 recording, the transfer from old tapes, the CD mastering, or any of a
 dozen other things making for a bad sounding recording.
 You have a lot of options at the point where you find yourself.  I
 don't I'd be completely out of line saying that you should consider
 starting all over.
 First, if you want optimal sound, I'd give some thought to the file
 format that you use to encode your ripped CDs.  If you're using lossy
 AAC or MP3, then you're at a disadvantage right from the get go.  You
 may or may notice a difference by ripping to a lossless format like
 Flac or ALAC, but at least you could eliminate one source for sound
 Next is the source.  An iPod can sound Ok, but seldom as good as a fine
 CD player or a player such as a Squeezebox or Transporter.  I'd say
 you're at a point where even thinking about the Transporter should be
 out of the question.  Get a Duet or Squeezebox Classic first.  See how
 you like it.  Upgrading either one can take the form of either adding a
 nice sound external DAC or upgrading to the Transporter.
 Then there's amplification and speakers.  If you like the Z5500, great,
 but I'm sure you could improve upon the sound with better amplification
 and speakers.  I would be very surprised if a Transporter would sound
 much different than a Duet through that system, particularly playing
 lossy files.

Thanks JJ.  Your post just amplifies the others.  I am using MPEG-4
format, so that is probably alright.  As I said to the other guys,
thanks for just telling me that IPOD as a source is probably not that
good.  It is nice to just hear it, since nobody at an audio store will
say it.  You say get the Duet first, which is now the consensus.  That
is what I am doing.  If it works, though, maybe somebody can tell me
what other bells and whistles exist in the Transporter.  The thing
looks great, and maybe it will even make a greater difference.  I agree
I can improve on the sound of the Z5500 -- that is obvious from the
specs -- but yet it sounds good coming from the Phillips TV source? 
However, it makes no logical sense that I could clean up a Z5500 with
an expensive Transporter.  But, I'm crazy enough to do the test for
you.  Just walk me through it.  I'm starting with the Duet (will arrive
Tuesday) and will report back.  If the Duet makes a difference in my own
ears, then I'm ready to do the test with the Transporter.  I read
somewhere that -- with digital -- there IS NO distortion so the
amplifier specs don't really matter that much if the DAC and file
formats are right.  So, it appears we are about to find out what is
more important: DAC/file formats . . . or amplification methods . . .
or both.  Thanks a lot for your answers.  The consensus it creates
makes me know I'm on the right track.

Mitchell J. Stein

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-11-30 Thread Mitchell J. Stein

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amcluesent;364942 Wrote: 
 By the way, file format is the usual Apple file format when you
 download from Apple
 From the iTunes Store? If so, the music will have Apple's Digital
 rights Managament (DRM) applied, so can only be played through Apple
 You may do better with Apple's Airport express and Airtunes if you've
 already bought into Apple's kit with Ipods etc. Or maybe AppleTV to
 hook up to your TV.
 is it really possible to make the Z5500 (which costs $500) a saintly
 audio system by using the Transporter?


I know the Z5500 is not going to turn into the movie theater around the
corner here,  just from the Transporter.  But hope springs eternal! 
I've put a lot of my disks into ITUNES myself, so I'm not sure it is a
problem.  However, I've downloaded a lot too.  How will Apple know that
my ITUNES library is being read off of a router by Duet?  If that is the
case, then I'll create new Internet playlists off of using Rhapsody or
the other station.  I cannot go down the road with Apple any more. 
They have sold me too much hogwash in trying to leverage off of the
IPOD.  In fact, they have sold me 3 different generations of IPODs, and
I Phone (that they said had a DAC) and a Touch POD or something of the

Now, if the Duet does not SOUND BETTER TO ME, then maybe I'll go back
and look at Apple.  But if the Duet gives me the sound, then it is
obviously the source and my computer is a darn good source and I've
spent a bundle on it.

Thanks a lot for your post.  I'll let you know how much trouble I get
in when the Duet arrives.

Mitchell J. Stein

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-11-30 Thread Patrick Dixon

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The Transporter was designed by Slim Devices well before Logitech bought
the company.  I doubt very much that Logitech bought Slim Devices
because of the Transporter, I think they were much more interested in
the SB3 technology, which is more in keeping with the mass market
appeal of Logitech's other products.

Logitech have subsequently designed the Duet and the Boom, both great
mass market appeal products, so I'd guess, if pushed, they'd agree that
the TP is 'unsual' in their product range, rather than there being a gap
where other 'high end' products might be.

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-11-29 Thread JJZolx

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Is your planned source component an iPod?  If so, neither the Duet nor
Transporter is what you want.  What file format are your music files



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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-11-29 Thread Mitchell J. Stein

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JJZolx;364908 Wrote: 
 Is your planned source component an iPod?  If so, neither the Duet nor
 Transporter is what you want.  What file format are your music files

Thanks for responding.  I'm sorry but I got so confused I didn't make
that clear.  My source component is a gigantic ITUNES file in my
computer with a huge network.  That is what got me interested in Duet
and Transporter.  I plan on throwing all the IPODs away, because people
are telling me the DAC on the IPODS and home docks are the source of the
problem.  Is that right?  Is that what is making the Z5500 sound
spotty (only good on certain tunes) or is it the cheapness of the
Z5500 itself?  The TV sounds great through the Z5500 and so I guess
your question brings out the key question:

Is the Duet (or Transporter) playing off of a computer ITUNES (or
internet radio) going to sound audiophile quality if played through a

Go Steelers.

Mitchell J. Stein

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-11-29 Thread Mitchell J. Stein

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JJZolx;364908 Wrote: 
 Is your planned source component an iPod?  If so, neither the Duet nor
 Transporter is what you want.  What file format are your music files

By the way, file format is the usual Apple file format when you
download from Apple. I think it is called MPEG but I have no idea what
that means.  But the IPOD is just a download of these files.  There
must be every serious rock 'n roll song from 1956-1986 in there -- all
in MPEG.

Thanks again.

Mitchell J. Stein

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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-11-29 Thread JJZolx

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Mitchell J. Stein;364912 Wrote: 
 Thanks for responding.  I'm sorry but I got so confused I didn't make
 that clear.  My source component is a gigantic ITUNES file in my
 computer with a huge network.  That is what got me interested in Duet
 and Transporter.  I plan on throwing all the IPODs away, because people
 are telling me the DAC on the IPODS and home docks are the source of the
 problem.  Is that right?  Is that what is making the Z5500 sound
 spotty (only good on certain tunes) or is it the cheapness of the
 Z5500 itself?  The TV sounds great through the Z5500 and so I guess
 your question brings out the key question:
 Is the Duet (or Transporter) playing off of a computer ITUNES (or
 internet radio) going to sound audiophile quality if played through a

The spotty thing may be impossible to diagnose remotely, but I think
it's fair to say that everybody has recordings that just sound like
crap on their system, no matter what they do.  Could be the original
recording, the transfer from old tapes, the CD mastering, or any of a
dozen other things making for a bad sounding recording.

You have a lot of options at the point where you find yourself.  I
don't I'd be completely out of line saying that you should consider
starting all over.

First, if you want optimal sound, I'd give some thought to the file
format that you use to encode your ripped CDs.  If you're using lossy
AAC or MP3, then you're at a disadvantage right from the get go.  You
may or may notice a difference by ripping to a lossless format like
Flac or ALAC, but at least you could eliminate one source for sound

Next is the source.  An iPod can sound Ok, but seldom as good as a fine
CD player or a player such as a Squeezebox or Transporter.  I'd say
you're at a point where even thinking about the Transporter should be
out of the question.  Get a Duet or Squeezebox Classic first.  See how
you like it.  Upgrading either one can take the form of either adding a
nice sound external DAC or upgrading to the Transporter.

Then there's amplification and speakers.  If you like the Z5500, great,
but I'm sure you could improve upon the sound with better amplification
and speakers.  I would be very surprised if a Transporter would sound
much different than a Duet through that system, particularly playing
lossy files.



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Re: [slim] First Post; Please Help

2008-11-29 Thread Pat Farrell
Mitchell J. Stein wrote:
 I have a very simple question, and I'm not going to bore you with the
 background of why I'm asking the question.  I have homes, home
 theaters, family rooms, old klipsche speakers, bose 901 series III and
 the rest of it.

Do you still have your Large Advents? I still have two ( I gave two
others to a buddy.) They aren't my main listening speakers, but I sure
know what they sound like. They still bring a lot of bang for the buck,
but you need a big amp to drive those old things. I started with a
Dynaco ST120, and found that 400 watts or more helped a lot. (solid
state, you could get away with less when using quality tube amps.

  As an audiophile (or at least a
 wantabee audiophile, or a rusty one), I use my ears.

That is the only thing that anyone can trust.

 However, the IPOD home dock sounds good only on SOME rock 'n roll
 songs.  On others, it sounds HARD, ONE DIMENSIONAL, IMPERSONAL and not
 like the old ADVENTS I used to run against my 1968 tube McIntosh
 amplifiers 30 years ago.  So, what to do? 

First get something other than the iPod as a source.
Second, to get real sounds, you can't use low end MP3 files.
But we can help with that.

Do you have a CD that you like? Say Dire Staits Brothers in Arms? or
some old Byrds?

 Do I spend $40,000 and  re-tube the joint alongside all this computer 
 equipment?  Three
 experts have told me yes.

They are either crooks, or think you have too much money.

But you may have to spend a few thousand to get back in the game.

 Is my problem the Z 5500 or the lack of a good DAC connected to my
 IPOD?  Is the duet a good DAC?  

The duet has a very decent DAC, when you feed it good sources.

 What in the world is a DAC and why is  so important? 

Digital to Analog Convertor. Its what converts bits to sound waves that
you can feed to an amp to feed to your speakers.

 Now, my second problem.  If the duet really does the trick and bypasses
 the problem of my IPOD not having the proper DAC, then why am I not just
 buying the Transporter? 

You can do that, but I recommend you start lower, spend less, and make
sure you are going the correct way.

Where are you physically? You may find someone here that is willing to
let you come to their house. For example, I live outside Washington DC.

 Does the Transporter even have anything to do with DAC? 

The Transporter contains a DAC.
The Duet contains a DAC, it just costs less than the one in the Transporter.

 C.  Are the people at DECCO correct when they say no DAC makes a
 difference if you don't have the old tubes, audiophile, 70s
 equipment?  This is illogical to me

They are blowing smoke.


Pat Farrell

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