Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-25 Thread Rick B .

Hi, Frank. Thank you for this most useful tool. I have made a donation

Rick B.

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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-14 Thread cburke

I am generally anti-DRM. That said, I'm also a 9 year audible subscriber
and an avid audio book listener (both from Audible and my local library)
and I think there are two sides to the story.

First I want to point out that audio books are not quite the same as
music. This is because the primary format of a book is, well, a book.
The audio version is a secondary format and one which brings in
additional revenue to be sure, but isn't the main focus of the
publisher. Audio versions of books are optional, audio versions of music
are required :-)

After years of hating DRM, it was my library which finally made me see
the other side of the argument (not that I prefer DRM'd content even

They have an online system via MediaMall which allows you to
check-out audio books from their library (for free with your library
card number). They are typically in DRM'd WMA format and only play for 4
weeks. I initially thought this was crazy and weird - but when I spoke
with someone at the library about this they explained that this system
allows them to buy a number of virtual copies of an audio book and the
enforce a virtual checkout and return process. Overall, this led to
the audio book publishers being able to sell virtual copies of their
audiobooks without worying about losing revenue (because they act just
like the CD sets they sell). By the end of the first year, the audiobook
selection was easily 50 times the size it was before this. So this is a
case where I am emphatically pro-DRM because I know for sure this
content would not be available free from my library without it.

Since audio versions of books are not compulsory, I don't think the all
same (music/movie) DRM arguments apply (at least in the same way).



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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-14 Thread pippin

On the other hand you (as a publisher) could just calculate each copy of
an audio book just like a rented one. I also own hundreds if audio books
and I can safely say that I rarely listen to one more than once.
And it's not as if the data on my harddisc does impose any
manufacturing costs on them as it is for a real book.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-14 Thread toby10

I have no problem with DRM if I am *knowingly* renting it, as in your
library scenerio (a great idea BTW).
Just like my Napster account, I have no problem with DRM when I am
*knowingly* renting their content via streaming from their server.
But if I *buy* it, then I want to own it and have unencumbered access
to that purchase on any platform I wish to use it.

I'm all for copywright protection when implemented in a sane and common
sense way.  Like when I buy or rent a DVD, I can play that DVD on any
DVD player on the planet (NTSC vs PAL formats aside).  But DRM is not
universally standardized which limits which MP3 player I can use.

If the DVD standard were like DRM:  You rent/buy a Warner Bros movie,
pop your popcorn and dim the lights, insert your DVD into your Sony DVD
player, and you get a message on your TV sorry, your Sony DVD player
can only play movies from Sony Studios.  So if there are 12 studios we
need to buy 12 different DVD players?  That's insane!  That's DRM!   ;)


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-10 Thread jdoering

garym;504663 Wrote: 
 I agree with jimbo's comments in general, but of course we're talking
 about audio books here, not music. I don't want DRM product either, but
 we also don't need lossless audio books. Very low bitrates are
 transparent when it comes to the spoken word.

I completely agree that lossless audio books sound like overkill. While
lossy may be a good argument for music - audiobooks are darn long even
with modern storage options I'd rather keep them more manageable.

However, in terms of transparency have you ever listened to Audible
content? I'm not very picky; most MP3s I listen to at typical bitrates
(192+, even a lot of 128, etc) don't bother me. But up to format #4
(32Kb/s) which they touted as great until recently;  Audible is nowhere
near transparent. I haven't tried the newer Ehanced format (64Kb/s)
enough to make real comparisons; it sounded better in quick tests but I
wasn't immediately convinced that it was good enough to beat ripping

Yes even with 32Kb/s the speech is completely understandable but there
are very perceptible differences between it and audiobooks on CD. Some
audiobooks have music fade-ins on chapters or other noises and all of it
sounds slightly unnatural. I guess kind of like listening to a lot of
radio stations. They sound pretty good, maybe even fine, but you don't
mistake them for a CD.

Anyway I certainly don't prefer DRM; but I'm not passionate enough
about it to deal in absolutes, so I do own some Audible content and some
audiobook CDs. But I don't understand objecting to Squeezeboxes doing
more rather than less. Do you complain that so many portable MP3 players
do support Audible?

To each his own. 



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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-10 Thread jdoering

toby10;504684 Wrote: 
 Yup, you sure can.  Same with iTunes and others (burn to CD).
 You just keep jumpin' through those hoops.   ;)   :)

It's absolutely a pain and it is great that iTunes went largely
DRM-free. I hope DRM becomes obsolete as well. The point was that you do
have the ability to own the content just as much as you do with a CD
and you can take defensive measures if you're worried that the
proprietary software, service, etc won't be available in the future.

Is the inconvenience tolerable? It depends on the consumer's
priorities. Is it every superior to DRM-free content? Absolutely not.
But are there really DRM-free audiobook alternatives to Audible that
offer similar instant download, pricing, library breadth, support for
bookmarking (on many portable players), etc?

If there are then all of my Audible purchases have been a mistake. But
I haven't look around much in a while so I really don't know if such
alternatives exist. I prefer audiobook CDs due to quality and DRM
issues; but they're less convenient to obtain, usually more expensive,
and then I still have to deal with less support for bookmarking, chapter
markers, etc.



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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-10 Thread mick_w

I'm not a fan of Audible, and listen to all my audiobooks in DRM free

I really think having the ability to listen to audiobooks would be a
great enhancement. I did raise a request for a UI modification for

And theres a request also open for a bookmark function that would be
very usefull for audiobooks:

Any votes/support would be apreciated.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-09 Thread Mnyb

Due to forum problems half of last post where snipped of:

I meant to add that, the old players memory are quite full and DRM is
usually implemented in the player firmware, otherwise it would be no DRM
? the stream could be hijacked by any technically skilled person.

So it's futile to ask for anything that needs more firmware support for
the old players .

On the other hand the squeezeplay based machines have both cpu and
memory to do it, and does play AAC natively wich is crucial, as the DRM
has to be decoded in the player. A serverside solutions wont get
approval from anyone with an DRM sheme.


Main hifi: SB3 (soon to replaced by a Touch :) It is on preorder)
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Receiver (soon to be replaced by my SB3 and the SBRto be
stuffed in a box in the attic )
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
controll this

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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-09 Thread jdoering

toby10;504319 Wrote: 
 Absolutely agree and very unlikely.
 But then, I'm sure the many people buying from Yahoo Music thought the
 same thing about the safety of buying from Yahoo, a multi-billion
 dollar operation still in business and still growing.   ;)
 The point is, if it's DRM'd then you are just renting it.  For how
 long?  Who knows.  2 years?  10 years?  50 years?  The length of time
 you are allowed to use it is up to the actual owner (not you).
 The content owner only needs to decide to get out of *that* business,
 not necessarily go *out* of business.

Sort of, sort of not for Audible. As others have mentioned they do
allow conversion to CD (and third-party products can use that
functionality to convert to other digital formats at very high speed
with no actual CDs involved). So they don't force you to stay locked in
their DRM if you're worried about it expiring. There is arguably quality
loss (not that it's amazing to begin with) and it's cumbersome though so
far from ideal.

But it is more open than some DRM schemes that don't provide any legal
access to the decoded data (Kindle e-books for example).

I also suspect that they wouldn't allow server-side decoding due to DRM
concerns; but it's pretty funny considering the existing CD loophole.



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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-09 Thread jimbo45

Hi there

DRM and Proprietary formats are BAD - you are foever locked in. I'm
against adding this format.

Squeezebox is great in playing FLAC and if you are a real audiophile
you can get VERY HIGH QUALITY DRM FREE  stuff from here for excample (up
to a whopping 24 bit 192 khZ BTW -- far far in excess of normal CD sound
16 bit @ 44kHZ.

FLAC is OPEN SOURCE and is LOSSLESS. If you need say MP3's for Ipods
etc you can also convert FLAC to MP3 for that purpose -- it's not
difficult with cheap storage to have FLAC as your main library and MP3's
for Ipods etc.



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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-09 Thread garym

jimbo45;504632 Wrote: 
 Hi there
 DRM and Proprietary formats are BAD - you are forever locked in. I'm
 against adding this format.
 Squeezebox is great in playing FLAC and if you are a real audiophile
 you can get VERY HIGH QUALITY DRM FREE  stuff from here for example (up
 to a whopping 24 bit 192 khZ BTW -- far far in excess of normal CD sound
 16 bit @ 44kHZ.

I agree with jimbo's comments in general, but of course we're talking
about audio books here, not music. I don't want DRM product either, but
we also don't need lossless audio books. Very low bitrates are
transparent when it comes to the spoken word.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-09 Thread toby10

jdoering;504519 Wrote: 
 Sort of, sort of not for Audible. As others have mentioned they do allow
 conversion to CD (and third-party products can use that functionality to
 convert to other digital formats at very high speed with no actual CDs
 involved). So they don't force you to stay locked in their DRM if you're
 worried about it expiring. There is arguably quality loss (not that it's
 amazing to begin with) and it's cumbersome though so far from ideal.
 But it is more open than some DRM schemes that don't provide any legal
 access to the decoded data (Kindle e-books for example).
 I also suspect that they wouldn't allow server-side decoding due to DRM
 concerns; but it's pretty funny considering the existing CD loophole.

Yup, you sure can.  Same with iTunes and others (burn to CD).
You just keep jumpin' through those hoops.   ;)   :)


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-09 Thread Moozh

I'd be afraid to be a soldier in Jimbo's army, sounds just as strict and
inflexible as the DRM filetypes he rails against.

All praise FLAC and all, but I own not one single FLAC file, cant say I
have any plans in motion to ever own em. I never got my squeezebox to
jump on board with it either, my last CD was purchased many moons ago so
I suspect I dont forsee myself buying any anytime soon. I Just have my
collection of music, mostly mp3's and iTunes, I'm a regular kind of
fellow and if my quality level does not make it into the 'audiophile'
tent, it has simply never bothered me or caused me concern..ever. I
still use my ipod, still use itunes, still eat red meat and fantasize
about pretty girls.

I hope the powers that be considers this and goes ahead and facilitates
me listening to my audiobooks via my squeezebox, I'll stress again..a
competitor already does this! Arguing about punishing (DRM content
creators) them I suspect is no punishment at all to them. Rhapsody,
Napster, etc..all these monthly/annual music service companies have some
DRM controls yet are available on the squeezebox no?

Jeez, I just wanna listen to Tolkien on a quiet afternoon, where'd the
fire and brimstone come from?...And dont say Mount Doom!


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread jdoering

I'd like the app. I think consumer choice is a good thing and I don't
think Audiobook licensing issues are Logitech's fight. Of course
development cost-wise and licensing-wise this may or may not be
strategic for Logitech.



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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread pippin

jdoering;504079 Wrote: 
 I'd like the app. I think consumer choice is a good thing and I don't
 think Audiobook licensing issues are Logitech's fight. Of course
 development cost-wise and licensing-wise this may or may not be
 strategic for Logitech.

Add device capabilities into that. You probably will never see
something like this on the older players (Classic, Transporter,
Receiver, Boom). Probably also not on Controller.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread toby10

robchel;504029 Wrote: 
 I also wish to go on record as being against shooting the bears... and
 Audible ;) - had no idea animals ran it! 

Ha!   :)

DRM = 0
Bears = 2

I'm not against Audible or their service and it would be great if
Logitech offered it (though I wouldn't use it).  The more the merrier.
I just wanted to point out, based on your previous comment, that it is
the DRM telling you that your DRM content can't be played on SB devices,
not the other way around.

If Audible were to ever shut it's doors (unlikely I'm sure) you would
lose the ability to play your legally purchased content.  Yahoo Music
did this, leaving many people with unusable legally purchased content.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread Moozh

Audible is now owned by Amazon so going out of business I suspect is not
on the near horizon and with my own level of customer satisfaction I
suspect their customer base has grown since its early days so as of now
is a healthy viable business, but 15-years from now..who knows.

Just for clarity: on the sonos, somewhat like on the squeezebox with
all the apps you simply fill in the account username and password
section of the simple dialog, much like you do for your slacker, sirius,
pandora, napster, etc account on ''. In action it really
is quite simple and wilth the numerous device able to play audible
content (I even play it on my Garmin GPS on road trips)I suspect that it
really isnt so cumbersome to get the squeezebox/server as one additional
device that can play the files. All you do is furnish user account
authentication to verify that they are being used by the account holder.
No wait, no delay, they start playing immediately.
I'm a somewhat regular fellow so cant speak to the complexity under the
surface if any, I would expect the squeezebox will need to be approved
by audible as they have the devices that work with their files listed on
their site so a hack-app that didnt go thru the appropriate process
seems likely to be trouble legally but from the perspective of a user it
was as simple as any other squeezebox 'app' to set up.

Remember, if I were so inclined I can still go thru the tedium of
converting all my content into cd-audio (burning them to CD)

Frankly, just like buying a VolksWagen, I'm not so concerned about the
company going belly up leaving me with a product that I can no longer
get spare parts or/and service for. I just dont have that concern and my
desire to listen to my DRM audible files on a squeezebox NOW are a
higher on my list that affirming that I can still listen to my files
generally in 2034 A.D.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread andyg

FYI Audible is AAC content so yes, it would only be possible on
Radio/Touch/future stuff.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread toby10

Moozh;504298 Wrote: 
 Audible is now owned by Amazon so going out of business I suspect is not
 on the near horizon and with my own level of customer satisfaction I
 suspect their customer base has grown since its early days so as of now
 is a healthy viable business, but 15-years from now..who knows

Absolutely agree and very unlikely.
But then, I'm sure the many people buying from Yahoo Music thought the
same thing about the safety of buying from Yahoo, a multi-billion
dollar operation still in business and still growing.   ;)

The point is, if it's DRM'd then you are just renting it.  For how
long?  Who knows.  2 years?  10 years?  50 years?  The length of time
you are allowed to use it is up to the actual owner (not you).

The content owner only needs to decide to get out of *that* business,
not necessarily go *out* of business.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread robchel

Andy I'm way out of my depth here - but the Audible web site allows
members to stream content directly from their web page library - no
downloads invovled. Might this offer a way to access content that's not
in the ACC format?


andyg;504299 Wrote: 
 FYI Audible is AAC content so yes, it would only be possible on
 Radio/Touch/future stuff.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread andyg

robchel;504438 Wrote: 
 Andy I'm way out of my depth here - but the Audible web site allows
 members to stream content directly from their web page library - no
 downloads invovled. Might this offer a way to access content that's not
 in the ACC format?

Yeah they do have this feature but it's still AAC.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread gariboldi

There must be some sort of telepathy because I just logged
on/re-registered after a long absence to start a thread.

I wouldn't know where to start myself -but are there any plug-in
developers out there  who would be wiling to pick this up.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread Moozh

Well I just tossed my hat into the ring and voted. As for the
sceptics..I dunno, I dont think I should wait until audible (amazon)
feels my wrath, and scrap the DRM components off the file format and
maybe then I can listen to my files on a sqeezebox. I think audiobooks
will be more of harder nut to crack than the music debate, and frankly
audiobooks arent that big a deal to the larger consumer base to cause a
ruckus about..I dunno..

sigh..I'm just not that political regarding my audiobooks...I signed up
on Audible the moment it went live and have a huge collection of books,
prior I had been buying books on tape and CD so I've been doing this for
20-year easy...I mean I have a HUGE collection. I thoroughly enjoy
listening to them, and do daily..even more than music..and I can do that
right now on my sonos (and iTunes), I'd love to be able to do so on my
squeezebox as well. 

Inevitably somethings gotta go!, if sonos gets slacker before the
squeezebox gets audible, the squeezebox goes! If squeezebox gets audible
before the sonos gets slacker...the sonos goes. Again, both work
flawlessly in my modest setup..(only use it in two rooms, so not as
fancy as some other folks) so in practice none works better than the
other..they both just work so I'm favoring none over the other, but it's
feeling cumbersome to have both..the simple and easy has become clunky.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread pippin

Moozh;503719 Wrote: 
 Well I just tossed my hat into the ring and voted. As for the
 sceptics..I dunno, I dont think I should wait until audible (amazon)
 feels my wrath, and scrap the DRM components off the file format and
 maybe then I can listen to my files on a sqeezebox. I think audiobooks
 will be more of harder nut to crack than the music debate, and frankly
 audiobooks arent that big a deal to the larger consumer base to cause a
 ruckus about..I dunno..
 sigh..I'm just not that political regarding my audiobooks...

I'm also not political. But I use iPods, mp3-capable car radios,
several Squeezeboxes and an Android phone and I simply don't want to pay
for crap that I then can't really use.

And it's not about a large population, a large share of their customers
will be enough.

At least over here in Germany most of the stuff that is on Audible is
also available in mp3 format on other platforms. One platform I'm using
(soforthoeren) moved some stuff to WMA a few years back under pressure
of the publishers and after some complaints and maybe some drop in sales
they switched back to mp3.

Not buying the stuff actually helps!


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread robchel

Like others I've been collecting digital books for decades - and simply
desire to enjoy access to my elibrary via I don't see this as
incompatible with trying to change DRM and pricing, as those issues are
best addressed through individual purchasing decisions.  The alternative
is a bit like telling folks to stop listening to all the DRM music files
they've bought.  

BTW, you may download [for free] from those rascals at;
FREE: The Future of a Radical Price by Chris Anderson. Very
interesting insights into the when/why/how of free.



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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread toby10

robchel;503725 Wrote: 
 ... I don't see this as incompatible with trying to change DRM
 and pricing, as those issues are best addressed through individual
 purchasing decisions.  The alternative is a bit like telling folks to
 stop listening to all the DRM music files they've bought

No, not at all, it's folks telling you not to make the same mistake
TWICE!   :)
In fact, it's the DRM telling you stop listening to your DRM music on
any platform not approved by the DRM rights holder (which is NOT you).

Supporting *any* institution that employs DRM is the same as approving
bad behaviour.  It's no different than you ignoring the do not feed the
bears signs in the parks, then getting all teary eyed when they must
shoot the bear for getting too close to humans.  ;)

I've always avoided DRM, never been bitten, always found what I wanted
elsewhere absent the DRM headaches  restrictions.

By all means vote with your $$$'s, but understand what you are indeed
voting for.   :)


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread Moozh

toby10;503749 Wrote: 
 No, not at all, it's folks telling you not to make the same mistake
 TWICE!   :)
 In fact, it's the DRM telling you stop listening to your DRM music on
 any platform not approved by the DRM rights holder (which is NOT you).
 Supporting *any* institution that employs DRM is the same as approving
 bad behaviour.  It's no different than you ignoring the do not feed the
 bears signs in the parks, then getting all teary eyed when they must
 shoot the bear for getting too close to humans.  ;)
 I've always avoided DRM, never been bitten, always found what I wanted
 elsewhere absent the DRM headaches  restrictions.
 By all means vote with your $$$'s, but understand what you are indeed
 voting for.   :)

You guys do know that for $20 a month w/ audible subscription you get
to download 2 audiobooks of your choice... I mean if you stick to your
subscription plan you essentially pay $10 per book. Those alternatives
are available but if those alternatives are purchased via a mainstream
alternative source i.e retail or online bookstore, you pay the full
retail price. 

This isnt a case of paying for crap that I really cant use...I have
been able to use it without issue from day one and continue to be able
to use it, I just singularly cant use it on the squeezebox, that
honestly is not reason enough for me to send a message to the powers
that be at audible and threaten to leave if they dont cut out their
tomfoolery post-haste!

Keep in mind that there are competitors out there that offer additional
options that will determine which system some folks purchase over
others. ( for example is enroute..) Squeezebox seems
flexible and open enough and popular enough with the demographic that
seems predisposed to tinkering that I would suspect someone in the
community has the where-withall to create a soloution to various
solutions...(that BBCi player for example)

I hope a skilled and willing soul or/and the folks at logitech/slimbox
team see's the request and makes a solution. While the debate is good
and all and I'm sure that your reasons for frowning on digital content
with DRM barriers have a measure of merit philisophically to like-minded
folk as yourself, BUT the main competitor already has a solution.

This does seem to be the most open of the available options so I would
suspect it would be the most dynamic with solutions, fixes and new

I as a audible customer apparently am pleased enough with the product
and service that they have had me as a customer since the day they went
live ($20 a month for 2-audiobooks of your choice..heck yeah!).
Personally I feel like I have a high quality product that has pleased me
for years and have had it at quite a discount when I compare what I
would have to pay for the same content if I bought the CD version.

..if Sonos had Slacker I would have never posted this, the squeezebox
would simply be on e-bay but I do suspect the light-hearted debate is
worth having (so long as it doesnt get in the way of fix ;))


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread bpa

 Squeezebox seems flexible and open enough and popular enough with the
 demographic that seems predisposed to tinkering that I would suspect
 someone in the community has the where-withall to create a soloution to
 various solutions...(that BBCi player for example)
Unlike BBCiPlayer Audible is DRM so to creating an unlicensed plugin to
play the file would be illegal. Furthermore Audible change their
mechanism regularly so whoever provides the plugin would have to provide
ongoing support.

See this thread about the effort to convert Audible files to MP3 so
they can be played on other platforms such as Linux.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread snarlydwarf

robchel;503725 Wrote: 
 Like others I've been collecting digital books for decades - and simply
 desire to enjoy access to my elibrary via I don't see this as
 incompatible with trying to change DRM and pricing, as those issues are
 best addressed through individual purchasing decisions.  The alternative
 is a bit like telling folks to stop listening to all the DRM music files
 they've bought.  

What DRM'd audio content does a Squeezebox play?  How many non-Zune's
play Zune music?

Why did Walmart and others drop 'Plays for Sure' WMA and switch to mp3?
Why did iTMS remove DRM?

 BTW, you may download [for free] from those rascals at;
 FREE: The Future of a Radical Price by Chris Anderson. Very
 interesting insights into the when/why/how of free.

Not sure why I would download it when I can't hear it..  It won't play
on any of my systems.

Does it confuse the two definitions of 'free'?  'Free as in Freedom,
Not Free Beer' as the FSF says.  Sure seems to from the title... if he
can't get a basic premise of Free (as in Freedom) Software correct, his
conclusions will be as nonsensical as if he thought 'software' was a
reference to what 'Plushies' wear.

Again: why download something I can not listen to how I want, whether
it's on SB or for AudioBooks, my car stereo.  That is not freedom.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread pippin

snarlydwarf;503857 Wrote: 
 What DRM'd audio content does a Squeezebox play?  


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread ajkidle

pippin;503883 Wrote: 

And oddly it's the most unreliable aspect of the Squeezebox experience,
imho.  Whether this is DRM related or not, I don't know.  Could be that
Rhapsody's service is just plain shoddy.  (Sorry, didn't mean to hijack
the thread.)

I agree Audible support would be cool.  Would be cooler if they dropped
the DRM.


2x SBR, Boom, Radio, iPeng

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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread robchel

Download Anderson's book Free... here - no Audible involved:

Anderson addresses different meanings attributed to the term free -
his ideas are thought provoking and highly debatable. 

With this I conclude my free [as in non paying] work in his promotion


snarlydwarf;503857 Wrote: 
 Does it confuse the two definitions of 'free'?  'Free as in Freedom,
 Not Free Beer' as the FSF says.  Sure seems to from the title... if he
 can't get a basic premise of Free (as in Freedom) Software correct, his
 conclusions will be as nonsensical as if he thought 'software' was a
 reference to what 'Plushies' wear.
 Again: why download something I can not listen to how I want, whether
 it's on SB or for AudioBooks, my car stereo.  That is not freedom.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread robchel

It seems that DRM is largely about locking customers into a proprietary
relationship - like a wedding. Yeah OK, most of them anyway. You go to
the alter willingly and agree to take the bitter with the sweet. So far
the Audible relationship has avoided serious conflicts and proved
satisfactory... many years after the honeymoon and still no counseling.
Others may see the relationship as abusive - that's their call.

I also wish to go on record as being against shooting the bears... and
Audible ;) - had no idea animals ran it! 


toby10;503749 Wrote: 
 Supporting *any* institution that employs DRM is the same as approving
 bad behaviour.  It's no different than you ignoring the do not feed the
 bears signs in the parks, then getting all teary eyed when they must
 shoot the bear for getting too close to humans.  ;)
 I've always avoided DRM, never been bitten, always found what I wanted
 elsewhere absent the DRM headaches  restrictions.
 By all means vote with your $$$'s, but understand what you are indeed
 voting for.   :)


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread Goodsounds

robchel;504029 Wrote: 
 It seems that DRM is largely about locking customers into a proprietary
 relationship - like a wedding. Yeah OK, most of them anyway. You go to
 the alter willingly and agree to take the bitter with the sweet. So far
 the Audible relationship has avoided serious conflicts and proved
 satisfactory... many years after the honeymoon and still no counseling.
 Others may see the relationship as abusive - that's their call.

There's a lot of DRM in the audiobook download world. It may not be
Audible's idea or preference, it might be required by their suppliers'


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-07 Thread Mnyb

Has anyone actually paying for DRM content thought about the future ?

Can you or your loved ones listen to these files in +30 years ?

DRM + proprietary formats contribute to the digital dark age we will

This information loss is a massive problem for human culture.

Information must be in such format that it can be migrated to new
storage formats indefinitely otherwise it's useless.

Was it play for sure or something ? ( sorry no memory for that exact
drm scheme )that M$ dropped so no customer can use their files in the
future when their current hardware quits.

I'll bet that it is fileformats out there that nobody knows how to
encode today.


Main hifi: SB3 (soon to replaced by a Touch :) It is on preorder)
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Receiver (soon to be replaced by my SB3 and the SBRto be
stuffed in a box in the attic )
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
controll this

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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-06 Thread Mitch Harding
If you end up opening an enhancement request, please post a link here
-- I'd vote for it.


On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Moozh wrote:

 I dont believe one exists but I sure would be great if the squeezebox
 would be able to play files.

 I'm somewhat stuck in the middle of a sonos unit and my squeezebox
 duet, both work perfectly but the present shortcomings on them are..

 SONOS: missing-
 absolute radio uk

 SQUEEZEBOX: missing-

 of course the importance of any depends on what your listening
 preferences are but simply put I cant do without my audible and would
 like very much to find a way to get them managed and played via my
 squeezebox. Right now I have to fire up iTunes and play them via my PC

 Does anyone know if an app or 'whatever' is discussed or
 otherwise some feature that will be added to the list of services the
 squeezebox can work with?

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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-06 Thread pippin

I'm against it.
Publishers like audible have to learn that DRM sucks like the record
companies learned it.
Then the problem immediately goes away.
Buy somewhere else.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-06 Thread robchel

Add my support for an APP - it would offer a wonderful
benefit to those with an Audible library.


Moozh;503580 Wrote: 
 I dont believe one exists but I sure would be great if the squeezebox
 would be able to play files.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-06 Thread DaveWr

pippin;503618 Wrote: 
 I'm against it.
 Publishers like audible have to learn that DRM sucks like the record
 companies learned it.
 Then the problem immediately goes away.
 Buy somewhere else.

Same view.



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