Re: [slim] Can Random Mix Be Customized ?

2011-12-21 Thread aubuti

Good suggestions garym. And I should add that even though I advocate
using the genre tag this way, in practice I haven't gotten around to
changing those tags for most of my own collection. Instead, every now
and then I just look ahead on the playlist that Random Mix generates
and delete the tracks that I don't want in there. 

I use this more general (and ad hoc) solution of deleting on the fly
for other mixer software such as MusicIP. Even though I love its mixes,
even MusicIP seems to throw in some clunkers in every mix.


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Re: [slim] Can Random Mix Be Customized ?

2011-12-21 Thread aubuti

rayman1701;678470 Wrote: 
> That's what works for me, and I might be weird but I never claimed not
> to be :)
It doesn't strike me as weird at all. Just one or two steps more
obsessive -- or less lazy -- about it than I am. 

I recall seeing several requests for a plugin that will keep tracks
like Sgt. Pepper/With a Little Help together in random mixes. Sometimes
you just have to go to the source.


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Re: [slim] Help, can't find My Music!

2011-12-22 Thread aubuti

Can you get the LMS web interface when you point your browser to
http://:9000/? Of course, substitute your server's real IP
address in place of .


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Re: [slim] Help, can't find My Music!

2011-12-22 Thread aubuti

Seems strange. Try changing the location where you point LMS to your
music library. Change it to something wrong. Then rescan, change it
back to the correct location, and rescan again.

If that doesn't work, try deleting your cache file.

Is the music on an external drive? What OS?


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Re: [slim] Help, can't find My Music!

2011-12-22 Thread aubuti

I mean the LMS SQL database cache file. On Windows I believe there is an
option in the system tray tool (or whatever it's called) to clear the

If that doesn't work, you can find the location of the cache file by
going to Settings > Information in the LMS web interface. Then stop LMS
and go to that folder and delete the cache files. I can't tell you the
filenames because I don't have LMS in front of me at the moment.


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Re: [slim] Help, can't find My Music!

2011-12-22 Thread aubuti

This may be a red herring, but if the music is on an internal hard
drive, why have you specified \\SERVER1\Users\Mikael.B\Mina dokument\My
Music as the location of the music library? 

What happens if you use the drive letter + pathname?


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Re: [slim] Help, can't find My Music!

2011-12-22 Thread aubuti

Last stab: permissions?


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Re: [slim] Connect Squeezebox receiver ?

2011-12-29 Thread aubuti

I may be misunderstanding what you are trying to do. But for switching
between your local LMS and, even though you can do it
via Net::UDAP (as you've done), it would seem to me to be a lot easier
to do it via the web interfaces for LMS and 

On LMS, from the Home menu (left pane) pick the last option. I forget
what it's called, maybe "Extras". Then go to Music Source and pick To switch the other way, go to,
disconnect the player from, and it should revert to
LMS, or at least be available to LMS.

The Squeezebox controller app won't find the music on your iPhone
because it's not on your network to be served by LMS. For that you may
as well use the standard music player built in to the iPhone.


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Re: [slim] Connect Squeezebox receiver ?

2011-12-29 Thread aubuti

RyvBoy;680181 Wrote: 
> thanks aubuti, yes it was to listen the music wireless through a
> stereo.
> I could do that, but the LMS has to stay up, and so, with the iphone
> app i can control the songs on the server.
There is also the option of getting a newer stereo or amplifier that
supports Apple's AirPlay, or perhaps an Airport Express (sorry, I don't
know Apple's AirProducts that well). That would send the music on your
iPhone wirelessly to the stereo.


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Re: [slim] Connect Squeezebox receiver ?

2011-12-29 Thread aubuti

pippin;680165 Wrote: 
> Yes, but I believe you have to do it with Net::UDAP once.
> After that, you can do it with the Web UI or iPeng, but not with the
> Logitech iPhone App.
> The Web UI doesn't work on iPhone, at least not in a usable way.
Interesting, I didn't know you had to do it with Net::UDAP the first

Re the web ui on iPhone, I was assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that
RyvBoy was using Net::UDAP at a computer, and that the computer would
run the web ui. Even for those very comfortable on the command line,
that seems a much easier way to change LMS/mysb than Net::UDAP.


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Re: [slim] Connect Squeezebox receiver ?

2011-12-29 Thread aubuti

RyvBoy;680170 Wrote: 
> that's disappointing... there's no way to do that? that's all i've
> worked for :D
> listen some music without keeping the lms (so the pc) opened
> ps. sorry but if you can't play something in remote what has been
> mysqueezebox  created for?
If you want to play the music that's on your iPhone, why not just play
it on your iPhone? Or if you want it played through your stereo, buy a
cheap cable (or a more expensive dock) and connect the iPhone directly
to your stereo, leaving the SB Receiver out of the equation. was created for playing internet radio and online
services such as Pandora, Napster, Deezer, Spotify, Rhapsody,,
MOG, etc without having the pc on. There is also a service named
MP3Tunes that lets you upload your music to their servers, and can then
stream it to your Squeezebox via


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Re: [slim] Sudden white noise

2011-12-30 Thread aubuti

Does the white noise only come from the system connected to the Touch,
or are the other SBs affected as well. Assuming it's just the Touch, I
suggest doing a factory reset -- press the small button on back of the
Touch and hold it for 10-15 seconds, until the screen says that it is
doing a factory reset.

If that doesn't fix it, can you detect any pattern at all in the tracks
that are playing when it happens? For example, your tracks, internet
radio, hi-res tracks, etc.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP documentation?

2012-01-02 Thread aubuti

Those "obviously obsolete" wiki articles still work for me when setting
up MusicIP headless with LMS. A few months ago I changed the OS on my
server and had to re-install everything, and this wiki article contains
everything I needed to know:
Your needs may vary.

Other than that there are a lot of threads in the forums, including
links to download the MusicIP software. Searching on MusicIP and/or
genpuid is one way to go. Granted, that will turn up a lot of threads
that don't address the nuts and bolts, but there's a ton of information
if you look. Unfortunately, that is the way things are with abandoned
software projects. Or worse, situations like this in which a company
has bought the intellectual property behind the software, but doesn't
maintain it.


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Re: [slim] Just 5 years and a bit less than 2 month Logitech has acquired Slim Devices

2012-01-02 Thread aubuti

CharlieG;680994 Wrote: 
> I give up.  What are you tying to say?
Amen Out Loud?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP documentation?

2012-01-02 Thread aubuti

Fair points about the references to and such. I agree about
the need for some background research, and would add that a lot of
patience is required. That's patience both for getting things setup,
and for the analysis of your tracks, which can take a verrry long time.

I really enjoy MusicIP mixes and have set it up a couple different
times, but the installation and music analysis are still kind of black
arts to me. Spicefly did help, although it's still not entirely clear
to me how it helped. Anyway, good luck with it -- I think it's worth
the effort.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP documentation?

2012-01-02 Thread aubuti

I (and many others here) think it works great. And one of the very nice
touches is that you can tailor how different or similar the tracks
MusicIP playlist are compared to the "seed" track(s) that you use to
generate the list. There are two parameters you set, Mix Style and Mix
Variety. You can also set whether or not the mix should mix genres. So
if you don't like the mixes you get, experiment with those settings.

I typically like MusicIP mixes better than or Apple "Genius"
mixes, and find them comparable to some of the more interesting Pandora
stations I have cultivated. The MusicIP playlists seem to hang together
better musically, and fewer completely atrocious tracks sneak in simply
because I don't have many in my library. (Then again, MusicIP isn't as
good at music discovery because it is limited to one's own library.)
It's a real shame that there isn't a MusicIP successor yet for the SB
world. People say good things about Mood Agent, but there's no SB
interface yet (I'm not sure if the Mood Agent people have released an


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Re: [slim] Just 5 years and a bit less than 2 month Logitech has acquired Slim Devices

2012-01-02 Thread aubuti

CharlieG;681078 Wrote: 
> Funny,  when I want to say "me too" I generally just say "me too" :-)
Or if one has to bring it into the txt msg realm, a simple "me2"


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Re: [slim] Pioneer Announces New Networked Audio Players

2012-01-05 Thread aubuti

Wombat;681749 Wrote: 
> Pioneer states it is the chipsets design that can´t do it because of its
> Airplay compatibility. 
Does anyone know if this is a general issue with Airplay-based players?
Because there certainly seems to be a lot action for new equipment using
Airplay (and to a lesser extent, DLNA).


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Re: [slim] Pioneer Announces New Networked Audio Players

2012-01-05 Thread aubuti

RGibran;681854 Wrote: 
> No ALAC or AIFF support which is a rather large drawback for a fair % of
> their intended market.
'Pioneer's spec sheet'
contradicts itself on this. In the "Airplay" section it says that it
plays Apple Lossless, but then it's not listed at all in the "Audio
Formats Supported" section. Go figure. No mention of AIFF at all.

Then in the extensive section on "Supported Apple Devices", just a
bunch of iPod and iPhone models, none of which are very likely to be
carrying AIFF or ALAC. The obvious omission is Apple TV, and slightly
less obvious is Apple Time Capsule. I expect they are compatible and
they just overlooked it. But doesn't make it easy for an informed
potential buyer.


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Re: [slim] No standby because of permanent WOL?

2012-01-06 Thread aubuti

The SBs do not send out WOL packets constantly. This is easily verified
with a network monitoring tool such as Wireshark.

Is it possible that your server is mistakenly set up to wake up on
_any_ network traffic, not only WOL packets? Many computers do have
both options. The Touch and Radio are more self-contained than older
SBs and don't depend on the server as much. But they do generate some
network traffic, most notably looking for a server when they can't find
one (which is why switching to works).

Finally, you shouldn't need to switch to when shutting
down the boxes, but it isn't really inconvenient. In fact, with the
ServerPowerControl plugin the server will do it for you, without you
lifting a finger.


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Re: [slim] please make volume for each favorite adjustable

2012-01-08 Thread aubuti

It is filed as 'Bug 2431'


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Re: [slim] Database in 7.7.1 - SQLite?

2012-01-09 Thread aubuti

They changed back to SQLite with 7.6.0, it's still SQLite in 7.7.1. I'm
not aware of any published documentation on the database schema etc.
You may want to try browsing/searching/asking in the Developers forum,
as well as poking around in the db tables and Perl code.


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Re: [slim] Can't find Plug-In on the SB Touch Menu

2012-01-10 Thread aubuti

How about Settings > Plugins on the LMS web ui? On the line for Power
Save, is there a link for "Settings"?

Alternatively, there may be something under Settings > Advanced > Power
Save. Note that on the web ui Advanced tab there is a drop-down menu for
different advanced settings. Some people see the default starting point
(I think it's Formatting) and just move on without realizing it's a
drop-down menu.


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Re: [slim] 7.7.1 finally running except....................

2012-01-11 Thread aubuti

Impossible to say without more information, as lots of us have no
problem with 7.7.1 and multiple SBs. Info such as type of server
hardware, network details, type of files being served, etc. would be
necessary even to begin to answer your question.


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Re: [slim] anything new from CES

2012-01-12 Thread aubuti

What country are you in? The Radio is certainly still on their US site,
as well as the European sites that I checked. 

There's nothing new for SBs at CES this year. They do have some
Bluetooth-based music players for smartphones and tablets, which they
already announced in late 2011 (for example,


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Re: [slim] anything new from CES

2012-01-13 Thread aubuti

I would be very surprised if Logitech ever comes out with any new SB
models. They may eventually catch on to the Airplay trend, or whatever
the successor to Airplay will be. Maybe they'll sell off the line, or
maybe they'll just let it die. That said, if you mostly use SBs for
playing your own library and/or internet radio, what would you lose if
SBs were completely abandoned tomorrow? What new developments do you
need to "invest further"? 

The story is a bit different for those who depend on,
either as an alternative to running a local LMS or as the background
intermediary that makes subscription services like Rhapsody work. In
those cases the usefulness of SBs would be diminished or even
obliterated if SBs were orphaned.


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Re: [slim] Wake on Lan problem SB classic and Asus RT-N56U Router

2012-01-13 Thread aubuti

Just to rule out the obvious, you are still using a wired (ethernet)
connection between the server and the new router, right? 

The router manual makes no mention of WOL, but I agree it sounds as if
it is failing to relay the WOL packet to the server. Have you tried
doing WOL using one of the many utilities available? I expect it won't
work either, but it's worth checking just to rule out the possibility
that there's some new problem with the SB that happens to coincide with
the new router's arrival.

If that doesn't work, I'd suggest Asus forums and/or tech support.


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Re: [slim] anything new from CES

2012-01-13 Thread aubuti

erland;683698 Wrote: 
> Considering that they have managed to get rid of most people that had
> knowledge in the product I'm extremely skeptical if anyone would be
> willing to acquire the product line, feels like they either have to
> start investing in it themselves or continue to let it die slowly.
I think there are parts of the product line that a buyer might find
valuable, possibly to build upon further or merge with some other
product. Or to sit on it and eliminate a competitor.
erland;683698 Wrote: 
> Is there anything else out there that have a brighter future except for
> AirPlay devices and Sonos ? If not, what's the alternative ?
> There are some new hardware announced now and then from other vendors,
> but there are a lot of Squeezebox users and I believe most are quite
> happy with the devices, so except for Airplay devices and Sonos I don't
> really see any other strong competitor.
Well if you choose not to consider Airplay and Sonos -- that is the
_strongest_ competitors -- then yes, it is hard to see any strong
competitors. I think AirPlay has the big momentum at this point.
Juggler is right that AirPlay isn't the same thing as SB, but for a lot
of people that doesn't matter. Either they don't care about multi-room,
or they have their server in their hand in the form of an iPhone, iPad,
or iPod. Current SB owners are unlikely to give up what they have for
that, but for new customers it's where the market is clearly going.
Look at all the AirPlay-enabled audio components that have come out in
the past year.
erland;683698 Wrote: 
> It would probably be possible to develop a third party Rhapsody plugin
> if necessary, it's just that it doesn't make much sense to do it as
> long as Logitech keeps providing it. However, if Logitech would
> shutdown, it wouldn't surprise me if some third party
> plugins for SBS/LMS would released for the most important services
> which is provided through
I hope that's true. For that to work I would expect that one also needs
to work out the agreements with Rhapsody, Pandora, etc. It requires more
than an API and some coding.


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Re: [slim] Wake on Lan problem SB classic and Asus RT-N56U Router

2012-01-14 Thread aubuti

It would help to know what OS you are using. Since most people who don't
mention OS are using Windows, I'll assume that's what you have and
suggest "WOL", which is freeware available from


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Re: [slim] Synching Volume

2012-01-14 Thread aubuti

The standard LMS sync works exactly as you describe. The SyncOptions
plugin allows for different "base" volume levels from each player --
I'm not 100% sure but I believe the levels are inherited from whatever
the volume setting is at time of sync'ing. After that, volume changes
are done proportionately, as described by this bit from the SyncOptions
settings page.

Whether volume changes in one synced player should cause proportionate
changes in the other players with which it is synced. For instance, if
you have Squeezebox A at volume 50, Squeezebox B at volume 60 and you
increase the volume on Squeezebox A to 75, then Squeezebox B would
increase its volume to 90.- 

iPeng also allows for different volume levels on different players, and
then sync'ing volume changes.


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Re: [slim] Wake on Lan problem SB classic and Asus RT-N56U Router

2012-01-15 Thread aubuti

vett93;684245 Wrote: 
> However, the Softsqueeze (3.9b2) on my laptop cannot wake up the PC. I
> have tried several WOL tools and they couldn't wake up the PC either. 
> Can someone please comment why SB Classic and Transporter can wake up
> my PC and Softsqueeze cannot? I would like to remote wake up my PC for
> other purposes too. (e.g., serving as a photo sharing server via
> CIFS/SMB for my Wetern Digital streaming media player, etc.)
I would not be surprised if SoftSqueeze is not programmed to send the
WOL packet. It was originally written by a user more or less as a
try-before-you-buy demo, and has since been picked up as a SB
community-supported project. Which is a long way of saying that
features such as WOL may not have been included, or high on the list.

The inability of standard WOL utilities to wake the pc is more
puzzling. Can you try those utilities on a different pc to see if there
may be something about your laptop that is preventing the WOL packet
from going out? Or if you have a smartphone you may be able to try a
WOL app on that. If you can't get another computer or smartphone to
test it then you could look at the network traffic with a tool like
WireShark to see if the laptop is sending the WOL packet, but that can
get pretty tedious.


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Re: [slim] Wake on Lan problem SB classic and Asus RT-N56U Router

2012-01-16 Thread aubuti

The behavior you're getting puzzles me. I can only venture a wild guess
and say try turning off the firewall on your laptop and see what
happens. Normally I wouldn't think a firewall would block sending a WOL
packet, but I don't have any better ideas at this point.


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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay interface on Desktop

2012-01-19 Thread aubuti

You'll note that it has been almost 4 years since the wiki page has been
updated. There have been a lot of changes to the firmware/software since
then. The current SqueezePlay interface looks just like a SB Radio, SB
Touch, or SB Controller. 

The big question is, despite the outdated wiki, can you find your way
around the SqueezePlay menus? If so, go with that.


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Re: [slim] Too many artists...

2012-01-20 Thread aubuti

On the LMS web interface, go to Settings > My Music and select "Group
compilation albums together". There's a picture in post #2 of this

EDIT: garym beat me again


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Re: [slim] Should I buy a Transporter?

2012-01-22 Thread aubuti

corycwagner;685755 Wrote: 
> I thought about a Touch, but honestly, I really like the display on the
> "Classic" and Transporter. I can read the display from across the room
> and when it is off, it displays the time and weather.
> I've heard that the touch dispaly is problematic from a distance and
> the SuperDateTime does not work very well.
> Have I heard wrong?
SuperDateTime works fine with the Touch as long as you use it with
Custom Clock.

Whether you can read the Touch from across the room depends on (a) how
good your eyes are, and (b) how big your room is. I find that reading
the Touch is fine up to about 10 feet/3 meters, whereas the SB3/Classic
is good up to around 15 feet/5m.


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Re: [slim] No more access to folders

2012-01-23 Thread aubuti

Browsing music folders works perfectly for me with LMS 7.7.1. Have you
specified the folder(s) for your music library under Settings > Basic


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Re: [slim] URL to older Squeezeserver DEB packages

2012-01-24 Thread aubuti


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Re: [slim] Logitech Airplay Speaker

2012-01-24 Thread aubuti

amrace;686074 Wrote: 
> Do you think Logitech will keep both Squeezebox and Aiplay wifi
> streaming systems in its future product lineup?
And don't forget the Bluetooth-based wireless speakers that Logitech
introduced in late 2011. Those devices are actually on shelves now,
unlike this AirPlay device which the audio blogosphere claimed -- back
in October 2011 -- was going to be announced by Logitech "in a few

I personally don't see Logitech sticking with three different wireless
systems for very long, and think we won't see a new SB model. Even
though SBs have features that clearly differentiate them from Bluetooth
and AirPlay, the masses don't care about those features, and Logitech
(with the notable exception of the SB devs, of course) cares about what
the masses care about.


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Re: [slim] Block settings to kids - Parental control

2012-01-24 Thread aubuti

I don't think KidsPlay will help. KidsPlay provides a means for
reprogramming the six preset buttons, but I'm fairly certain there
isn't anything for preventing changing the other settings that the
Radio has on its menus. 

I think the only parental control available is the old fashioned POS
(parent over shoulder) variety. It may be possible to block some
internet traffic using conventional blocking controls at the router or

I also think it's interesting how expectations differ. I would never
consider parental controls to be a "basic requirement" for a network
music player, but obviously some do.


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Re: [slim] New versions of Squeezecenter don't like large collections-?

2012-01-25 Thread aubuti

pomatomus;686227 Wrote: 
> I hadn't appreciated that there might be substantial scanning speedups
> to be had. 
With the change from MySQL to SQLite and substantial rewriting of the
code, yes, there may be speedups to be had. For your case the big
question is how well those changes scale. During testing of the early
SQLite versions (7.6.0) the results for large collections seemed pretty


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Re: [slim] Block settings to kids - Parental control

2012-01-26 Thread aubuti

Just my two cents worth...

If you've tried "you break it you fix it" ten times already and they
still don't get the message then it seems to me that they are not yet
capable of dealing with something like an SB Radio (or they have a
peculiar sense of "fun"). Try replacing it with a standard AM/FM radio
until they are ready for an SB.

On your others:
- for blocking access to certain tracks in your own music library, see
Erland's Multi-Library plugin

- for limiting certain radio stations or setting time ranges, you may
be able to do something with your router. It all depends on your router
model, or more precisely, the firmware installed. Some have facilities
for setting time ranges and restricting addresses. For example, the
Tomato firmware on my Linksys WRT54GL router can set restrictions for
specific devices on the network based on time, web site, etc. See


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Re: [slim] Can't get Title Format to show "filename.ext"

2012-01-29 Thread aubuti

I don't recall the behavior on previous versions (because I display tag
contents instead of the filename), but on 7.7.1 if I specify File.Ext I
get both the filename and the extension.


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Re: [slim] Can't get Title Format to show "filename.ext"

2012-01-29 Thread aubuti

Okay, I didn't know that. For my test I just used the FILE.EXT that was
already there in the options.


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Re: [slim] Logitech Airplay Speaker

2012-02-02 Thread aubuti

TheLastMan;688039 Wrote: 
> High fidelity? Most don't need or care for it.
And among those who do need or care for it, iTunes (with WAV, AIFF, or
Apple Lossless) + Airplay-equipped name brand consumer-grade receiver
(Marantz, Denon, Yamaha, Harmon Kardon, etc) + decent speakers is "good
enough" for most. iPhone/iTouch optional.


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Re: [slim] Logitech Airplay Speaker

2012-02-03 Thread aubuti

erland;688275 Wrote: 
> So if I would mention companies that have the biggest potential to take
> over the market, Apple would be pretty high on that list, they would be
> in the top. Reason being that they have it all:
> - They have the backend music store
> - They are focused at usability and ease to use
> - They are able to produce high quality hardware in high quantities
> - They are inventive
I'm no Apple fan, but I think these are all true, and I'll add another
reason (which, no doubt, is a by-product of the 4 reasons Erland
- They have big time buy-in from other hardware makers, whether it's
AirPlay receivers and speakers or simple docks.


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Re: [slim] Logitech Airplay Speaker

2012-02-03 Thread aubuti

bobm;688274 Wrote: 
> Can you purchase apple lossless from itunes now?
I don't think the iTunes store sells any lossless files. But obviously
you can rip CDs to Apple Lossless, and I've noticed that many artists
who sell downloads choose Apple Lossless as their only lossless option.


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Re: [slim] Controlling AV Receiver through IP commands

2012-02-04 Thread aubuti

I'm not sure about the former, but you can certainly do the latter with
the SqueezeIR app. Search for it in the 3rd Party Software forum.


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Re: [slim] How many people can listen to a radio station's stream?

2012-02-08 Thread aubuti

buffettck;689571 Wrote: 
> The variable regarding the total number of listeners being how big of a
> data pipe the station is willing to pay for...
In addition to the number of listeners it's also the number of bits
being sent to each listener. For example, my local NPR station streams
at 32kbps and 64kbps, and that's fine for news and talk. That's also
why RP appears to have a tighter limit on there 192kbps stream (which
is sometimes maxed out) than they do on their 128kbps stream, which
always seems to be available.


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Re: [slim] Logitech Airplay Speaker

2012-02-10 Thread aubuti

amrace;685885 Wrote: 
> I would like another Boom type device to add to my existing system of 2
> Classics and Boom.
I was surprised to see the Boom listed in a recent email from Amazon
about network music players. And "only" US$500


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Re: [slim] Logitech Airplay Speaker

2012-02-11 Thread aubuti

DITC101;690206 Wrote: 
> I am always wondering why Logitech doesn't offer a speaker only product
> like the Sonos Play 3/5.
> Currently I am looking for something small for my bedroom. The Boom is
> EOL, the Radio is too small and the display isn't really readable from
> 3m away.
For a table-top product like that I personally find the lack of front
controls (such as on the Sonos 3 and 5) a drawback. Having to grab a
remote to control something that is often an arm's length away is a
pain. I don't feel that way about my SB2s and SB3, since they're hooked
up to proper stereo systems.

As for readable from 3m away, it obviously depends what you're
displaying. For artist and track info it's a problem even at 1m. For
time, no problem at all at 3m.


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Re: [slim] Main diffs between pre-Logitech and post-Logitech hardware?

2012-02-20 Thread aubuti

tbessie;691523 Wrote: 
> Does anyone know of a quick summary of the main differences between the
> pre-Logitech acquisition and post-acquisition hardware?  i.e. the
> SB3/Receiver/Boom/Controller vs the SB Radio and Touch?
I think Erland summarized it well, but if you want to compare pre/post
Logitech acquisition you should also know that the dividing line is
rather fuzzy. The SB3 and Transporter were the last two products sold
by Slim Devices, and the Duet was the first in the SB line by Logitech.
I understand that work on the Duet, and possibly the Boom, was underway
before the acquisition, but how much (25%? 50%? 85%?) isn't widely

Functionally/architecturally speaking, the main division is SqueezeOS
(Controller, Radio, Touch) vs i3pk (SB2/SB3, Transporter, Duet
Receiver) and earlier.


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Re: [slim] Scanning - Metadata Changes

2012-02-26 Thread aubuti

pjs;692745 Wrote: 
> OK, thanks to everyone for the really instructive responses.  I now
> understand why I wasn't seeing the song artist being updated.  It was
> the ol' Artist vs Album Artist issue.  I had changed the Artist in the
> metadata, but I guess the "key" that's used when you browse "music by
> artist" is the Album Artist, not the Artist.
> I know this is pretty anal, and I apologize, but I'm sure many of you
> must be as anal as me with tagging your music.  :-)
The real question is, should anal-retentive be hyphenated or not?

Here is how I would tag the two examples you give.

-*1) Album: No Alternative*-
01. Superdeformed (Artist = Matthew Sweet, Album Artist = [empty],
02. For All to See (Artist = Buffalo Tom, Album Artist = [empty],
19. Verse Chorus Verse (Artist = Nirvana, Album Artist = [empty],

If you do it this way, you won't see a million "Various Artists" under
V. I only ever use ALBUMARTIST on compilations if (a) it's an album
with one performer who is on every (or almost every) track and a lot of
guest artists, such as an album of duets, or (b) a tribute album, with a
lot of different artists playing songs of a particular composer or
group. Otherwise I think the concept of albumartist doesn't make a
whole lot of sense for multi-artist compilations. 

-*2) If we have an artist who has recorded albums under different names
(I think I'd prefer to see all this under Aphex Twin, the Artist, since
this makes navigation with the Squeezebox remote much easier.):*-
Surfing On Sine Waves (Artist = Polygon Window, Album Artist = Aphex
Analogue Bubblebath 3 (Artist = AFX, Album Artist = Aphex Twin)
Joyrex J9ii (Artist = Caustic Window, Album Artist = Aphex Twin)
Rushup Edge (Artist = The Tuss, Album Artist = Aphex Twin)
Richard D. James Album (Artist = Aphex Twin, Album Artist = Aphex

Yes, that's right, exactly the opposite of what you have now (except
maybe the 5th one). LMS will group all of them together under the
ALBUMARTIST Aphex Twin when you are browsing, but when something is
playing it will display the ARTIST tag in Now Playing, so you see which
incarnation of RDJ you're listening to.


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Re: [slim] Touch replacement

2012-03-08 Thread aubuti

vinhattieu;694666 Wrote: 
> My friend is thinking of buying a Touch, but he still hesitates because
> it has been several years since Touch was released.
Several years?! Try a little less than two (released April 2010, see

I have strong doubts that there will be a Touch 2, so if your friend
wants the latest SB, get a Touch now.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 2 Support with Latest Logitec Server?

2012-03-09 Thread aubuti

bpa;695001 Wrote: 
> To be sure on the device itself - go into the Settings/Information/
>  Information and then scroll down to "Model"
You can also look at the sticker on the bottom. If it says "Squeezebox"
then it's an SB1, if it says "Squeezebox2" then it's an SB2.


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Re: [slim] Looking for a Squeezebox logo / graphic

2012-03-11 Thread aubuti

SadGamerGeek;695269 Wrote: 
> I'm rather stumped when it comes to my Squeezebox though. I'm pretty
> sure there was a stylized font used for the Squeezebox name in the old
> Slim Devices days, but I can't see it anywhere on the Logitech website,
> and I'm not having much luck with a Google image search. 
Use the amazing Way Back Machine from For example, you
could do a screen clip from this:


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Re: [slim] Looking for a Squeezebox logo / graphic

2012-03-11 Thread aubuti

jimzak;695298 Wrote: 
> Which version of Squeezebox is that a picture of?
SB3 (before the SlimDevices logo was replaced by a Logitech logo and
the device rebranded as "Classic")


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Re: [slim] Windows Users: Run a full library scan following time changes

2012-03-11 Thread aubuti

jimzak;695351 Wrote: 
> This thread didn't exist this AM when I first experienced the problem.
Sure it did, although it's also natural that a 4 year-old thread
wouldn't be the first thing (or 2nd, or 3rd...) on most people's mind
this morning. Thanks to Jim for bumping it.


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Re: [slim] new server problem

2012-03-12 Thread aubuti

Also make sure that your scan completed successfully. If you want to go
back to 6.2, all previously released versions of SBS/LMS are available


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Re: [slim] Looking for a Squeezebox logo / graphic

2012-03-14 Thread aubuti

Also, smaller images of those and the rest (Controller, Touch, Radio)
are in the wiki:


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Re: [slim] Touch replacement

2012-03-15 Thread aubuti

andynormancx;695915 Wrote: 
> Really ? I don't remember any new SB hardware announcement getting
> leaked on the forum, ever.
True, the Touch wasn't originally leaked here, but certainly these
forums helped spread the leak.


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Re: [slim] Remote control for Touch turns on Transporter and computer

2012-03-22 Thread aubuti

piperpilot12w;696842 Wrote: 
> It appears the disabled remote settings on the Transporter only take
> effect when LMS is active. Before LMS is started, Transporter registers
> signals from the remote. Once LMS is active, the remote doesn't have any
> effect.
That makes sense, because disabling the remote is an LMS setting. In
other words, the Transporter's IR receiver is always active. But LMS
only does anything with the commands received by the IR remote if the
remote is enabled. Like all of the SBs prior to the Touch or Radio, the
Transporter is a slim client, and by itself doesn't know what to do with
commands received via the IR remote. It just passes it to the server,
which then tells it what to do -- even something as simple as volume


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Re: [slim] Music reporting

2012-03-29 Thread aubuti is good for reporting statistics, albeit with a lag sometimes.
I've never used TrackStat, but that should work fine as well. If you
ever want to work with the raw data, then the PlayLog plugin will give
you what you need.


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Re: [slim] Ran out of decoder data memory

2012-04-03 Thread aubuti

slimfast;699271 Wrote: 
> Admittedly I'm not running the latest f/w as I'm on an old version of
> Squeezebox Server (version 7.5.1) due to limitations of what my QNAP
> NAS will support (the SSODS package).
Perhaps the out-of-date server and/or firmware are the issue:


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Re: [slim] New forum

2012-04-04 Thread aubuti

garym;699344 Wrote: 
> smart phone interface looks nice. I wonder if there is a way on the
> smart phone interface to select "new posts" and see a list similar to
> that available on the full web interface?
Choosing the icon in the upper right (just to the left of the search
magnifying glass), and then "What's new?" seems to do the trick.


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Re: [slim] make suggestions about the new forum appearance

2012-04-07 Thread aubuti

The first thing I would say is that the icons for "Contains unread
posts" and "Contains no unread posts" are too similar, whether they're
"hot" or not.

And too much white space on the screen is the second thing I would say.

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Re: [slim] Where are your CDs?

2012-04-11 Thread aubuti

amey01 wrote: 
> Checksum is your is very simple to test a download with
> one of your own CDs, ripped as securely as you please. Checksum both
> files and see if there are any differences.
True, but what's the point? I suspect few people are interested in
buying FLAC downloads (or even getting free FLAC downloads) of tracks
when they already have a copy of the track that they know to be
accurately ripped. In the more common case of downloading tracks that
you don't already have, you need something like AccurateRip or another
good reason to trust the seller.

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Re: [slim] Where are your CDs?

2012-04-11 Thread aubuti

garym wrote: 
> if you have the complete downloaded FLAC album, you can use Foobar2000
> to check the accuraterip match after the fact. May require a component,
> I can't recall if I had to install something. Right click on files,
> select, utilities, then "verify album with accuraterip".
Nice, I didn't know about that feature. Thanks.

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Re: [slim] For sound quality, how important is the computer that connects to Touch?

2012-04-11 Thread aubuti

Soulkeeper wrote: 
> There are two conceivable ways in which the computer can affect sound
> quality. In tha vast majority of cases, both are negligible.
I agree with those, and add one more conceivable way, especially as the
OP specifically mentioned the possibility of "a less noisy" computer:
the sound of the computer itself (fan, hard disk, etc) may be annoying.
It doesn't affect the sound quality of the music per se, but it can
affect your enjoyment of the music. If that's the case, the simple
answer is to move the computer to some place out of the listening room,
where you won't hear it.

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Re: [slim] copying Favorites from MySB to My Music

2012-04-18 Thread aubuti

Well, there is manual copying and pasting the URLs from the web
page to the Favorites section of the LMS web interface. But a simpler
and faster approach is to use the "My favorites on"
link, which should appear at the bottom of your list of LMS Favorites.
The beauty of the latter approach is that you don't have two lists to

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Re: [slim] What is missing from your Squeezebox experience ?

2012-04-29 Thread aubuti

reniera wrote: 
> I really wonder what is the sense and motivation of your post and why
> this initiative comes from you and not from Logitech.
Couldn't be much clearer:

-The purpose of this thread is mainly to give existing and new third
party developers ideas of things which people want, since Logitech
developers are present on this forum there is also a chance that someone
from Logitech will spot the thread and pickup some excellent ideas for
new features.-

In other words, ideas for enhancements to SB software that 3rd party
developers are capable of delivering, with or without input from
Logitech, which has its own set of priorities. If Logitech happens to
pick up on some of the ideas, consider it a bonus.

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Re: [slim] What is missing from your Squeezebox experience ?

2012-04-30 Thread aubuti

epoch1970 wrote: 
> #4: A not dead MIP-like system.
> I use MIP and it kind of works. But it has its quirks and won't run on
> anything other than i386 (AFAIK)
Actually MIP works pretty well for me (aside from utf-8 issues), but we
all know it's on borrowed time at best. The SB system needs a living
replacement for MIP.

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Re: [slim] How do you want to create/manage playlists ?

2012-04-30 Thread aubuti

erland wrote: 
> To anyone that currently uses static playlists:
> 1. How many static playlists do you have for your library ?
> 2. Is a static playlist typically something you make, use for a single
> event/party and deletes afterwards ? 
> 3. Is a static playlist typically something you make once and never
> change afterwards ?
> 4. Can you give some examples of static playlists which you currently
> have and use continuously ? (name + when you use them)
1. Probably around 50. Almost all of them were initially created with
MIP or SQL/Dynamic Playlists, then lightly edited (remove the inevitable
tracks that don't fit, maybe change the ordering a little), and saved.
2. I usually make them for a party or event, but don't delete them
afterwards. There are only a few that I've played a 2nd or 3rd time (or
more), but I'm a pack-rat so I don't delete them. 
3. It is rare for me to go back and change a playlist. 
4. Just one example that I made a few weeks ago and then replayed last
night when we had some people over for dinner on the deck outside. It
was a MIP-generated list that used "Soukoura" (Ali Farka Touré and Ry
Cooder) as the "seed track". If I think about I'll post the playlist
later when I'm home. Would mostly use as background music when

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Re: [slim] How do you want to create/manage playlists ?

2012-04-30 Thread aubuti

erland wrote: 
> Since the playlist management in SBS/LMS is a bit limited and most
> people seems to use external software to manage their playlist it feels
> like there is a need for something better in SBS/LMS.
> So, some questions to people that use saved playlists and would like to
> be easier.
> Try to think about how you like it to work instead of how it works
> today.
> 1. What kind of device would you like to use when creating the playlists
> ?
> 2. How do you decide what should be part of a playlist ?
> 3. How do you decide which order the tracks should have in the playlist
> ?
> 4. What's the most frustrating limitation with SBS/LMS playlist
> management today ?
> 5. What kind of device would you like to use when modifying existing
> playlists ?
> 6. What kind of modifications do you usually do on already existing
> playlists ?

1. Any of those listed are fine, but a computer or tablet would be
2. Automatically select 100 tracks that match some criteria, including
something like MIP's/Spicefly Sugar Cube's music-type (ie, something
more "musical" than user-supplied genres, ratings, last-played, etc).
And it has to be easy to edit after the initial playlist is generated.
3. Initially as generated by MIP/Spicefly - like program (or even not
nearly as good, such as Apple Genius), then drag-and-drop tracks to
4. That it's too hard to reorder tracks in existing playlists
5. Computer, tablet, or smartphone
6. All of the above. The most important is removing tracks, followed by
reordering and adding.

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Classics?

2012-05-02 Thread aubuti

Agreed that the SB3 (or "Classic") is fully compatible with the current
LMS server software. My SB3 and SB2s get at least as much as my Touch
and Radio. 

Do note that there may be some minor incompatibilities. For example, if
you use Spotify then the official Spotify app from Logitech only
supports the Touch and Radio. However, you can still listen to Spotify
on an older SB such as the Classic by using Triode's unofficial Spotify

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Re: [slim] itunes match and flac files

2012-05-02 Thread aubuti

Do you have LAME installed on the QNAP?

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Re: [slim] itunes match and flac files

2012-05-03 Thread aubuti

If you don't know then it probably isn't installed. I'm not aware of a
plugin for installing LAME -- you just have to install it. How you do
that on a QNAP I don't have a clue. Do you have root/superuser access on
the command line?

As for LAME itself, see .

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Re: [slim] Advice on where to go next

2012-05-04 Thread aubuti

sherington wrote: 
> Oncwe you have the backup situation sorted, go for the Touch - the best
> quality sound out of SB ever - to date
I think most people would say that title goes to the Transporter, but
for sound quality per dollar (or euro or pound or peso) the Touch is it.

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Re: [slim] What is missing from your Squeezebox experience ?

2012-05-11 Thread aubuti

prabbit wrote: 
> 1. Ability to embed lyrics into a song file. Using the Song Lyrics
> plugin, I can see the lyrics on my computer browser or through iPeng.
> I'd like to be able to save those into the file somehow. When I ran my
> lyrics finder batch program, it found lyrics for ~50% of the songs in my
> library. It missed some that it should have found. When I play a song
> that doesn't have lyrics embedded in it and view Song Info, I'll see
> lyrics that are delivered from 
Fyi, that ability already exists. Before the Song Lyrics plugin was
invented I used to do this with software called Music Bee. It's simply a
matter of adding the lyrics as metadata, just like any other tag. The SB
server software recognized the tag and displayed the lyrics on
interfaces such as the web ui and the SB Controller. Most of my library
has the lyrics in tags, but to be honest, now when I look at the lyrics
I don't know if they're coming from the tags or if they are being
fetched by the Song Lyrics plugin (except for newer additions to my
library, which Song Lyrics is definitely fetching).

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Re: [slim] MOG & iPeng Issues- MOG Always switches player to

2012-05-17 Thread aubuti

jclyle wrote: 
> I'm running 7.6.1
> Is there a way to upgrade just the server software?
I'm pretty sure MOG support was introduced with 7.7.0. Upgrading the
server software should be a simple matter of using the vortexbox
graphical user interface. See, for example,

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Re: [slim] Best way of deleting files from library

2012-05-21 Thread aubuti

The way it _should_ work is to run a "new and changed" scan when you add
new tracks, and a full "clear and rescan" whenever you delete something
or move its location on the drive, say, to a different folder. 

Sometimes the "new and changed" doesn't work even when it should, so in
those cases you should do a full "clear and rescan".

Assuming that you've already done a "clear and rescan", the best advice
I can offer for what to try next is to stop LMS, delete LMS's cache
folder, and then restart LMS. That will start a new scan from scratch.

Any clues in the log file?

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Re: [slim] Creating Playlists

2012-05-21 Thread aubuti

I rarely hand select my playlists any more. My collection has gotten too
big, and Squeezebox makes it too easy to "discover" tracks I've
forgotten I have. Most often I use MusicIP to generate playlists based
on the "acoustic fingerprint" of one or more "seed" tracks. Kind of like
Apple's "Genius" mixes, but better in my opinion. Then I may tinker with
what MusicIP has created, adding/deleting/re-ordering tracks to fit my
tastes a little better. Unfortunately MusicIP is no longer actively
supported, but there are a lot of users around here who can help. I
found this wiki article essential for getting it up and running with
. Fair warning: it does take MusicIP a long time to analyze all your
tracks the first time.

Beyond that, any music software that can read your music files and write
.m3u format playlists will work. Foobar2000, MediaMonkey, J River Media
Center, Winamp, Songbird, the list goes on. I am not sure if iTunes will
write m3u playlist files, but I think it will. You can also make
playlists using LMS, either through the web interface or through one of
the SB players, although LMS's playlist creation interface is pretty
awkward for most users. There are also 3rd party controller software
solutions, such as iPeng, Squeezepad, etc.

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Re: [slim] Creating Playlists

2012-05-23 Thread aubuti

cathcam wrote: 
> Thanks, you make some good points, seems in some ways we are going in
> opposite directions though.
> I would like to go ahead and create some playlists, although some of
> what I want to achieve could be done by re-tagging the original MP3's
> for example with a track number, that isn't the direction I want to go
> down I'll have a look and see if I can get videolan to create m3u files
> using drag and drop and then save the playlist into a location where the
> LMS can find them.
If you want to create them manually and if VLC is already your preferred
media software then sure, that would be a good place to start. And if
the VLC standard configuration doesn't support m3u then you should look
for add-ons, because m3u is still a common format. For example, when I
first used Songbird it didn't support exporting m3u, but soon enough
there was a community-contributed add-on that added that feature.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-23 Thread aubuti

GeeJay wrote: 
> I don't spend nearly as much time tweaking my system as I used to. I
> kinda miss it, but it's a sign that the system CAN be reliable, despite
> what an outsider may think by reading this forum. Thanks to the 3rd
> party plugins, particularly Erland's suite, I can listen to my music
> exactly how I want to. Even if Sonos found a way to replicate the
> experience, why would I want to spend more money to do the same thing? 
> Fortunately, I found a system that is both very flexible AND economical.
> I hope Logitech continues to support this product. It truly reawakened
> my love of music, and I am proof that digital music can be profitable to
> the industry...I wouldn't have spent nearly as much on music if
> Squeezebox hadn't come along.

My sentiments exactly. You hit every feature that matters: ease of use
(honest), expandable, flexible, economical, and I've bought much, much
more music in the six years since I bought my first SB than I did in the
20 years before.

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Re: [slim] Dying Classics?

2012-06-10 Thread aubuti

plympton wrote: 
> Touches and radios are out of the question since they don't sync well...
Huh? In my experience the Touch and Radio sync just as well as the
IP3K-based models. I've seen a couple reports of sync problems, but none
that conclusively pinned it down to the newer SB models.

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Re: [slim] Dying Classics?

2012-06-10 Thread aubuti

It sounds as if you had some issues with your system then, and there's
no guarantee you won't have them again. But it hasn't been a general
issue of sync'ing Touches by any means.

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Re: [slim] Cheapest option for hardware to run iPeng?

2012-06-11 Thread aubuti

What you're probably looking for is an "iPod touch" (Apple and their
fuNky captiLization...), sometimes called an iTouch.  To keep costs
down, look for a refurbished one at or elsewhere. I can highly
recommend the 3rd Generation iPod touch. If you're mostly using it for
remote control of SB and not for playing music on its own, then you can
also save money by getting one without much RAM. I got one with 32GB
because it doubles as my portable player when I travel -- if you don't
have that need then an 8GB model would be fine.

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Re: [slim] Cheapest option for hardware to run iPeng?

2012-06-11 Thread aubuti

pippin wrote: 
> BUT: you have to be careful, there are no 3rg Generation models with 8
> GB, I believe, they only come in 32 an 64 GB variants, 8GB is only for
> 2nd and 4th Gen.
Good point, because there is some confusion out there in the secondary
markets. As explained on wikipedia:

> Following the introduction of the 3rd generation iPod Touch, Apple also
> continued offering the 2nd generation 8 GB version, upgraded to the same
> iPhone OS version as the new 3rd generation devices. The iPod Touch (3rd
> generation) is model A1318. Apple as well sold many refurbished iPod
> Touch 2nd generation models with the 3rd generation software effectively
> making them a 3rd generation unit. These can be identified by having a
> maximum installable version of iOS 4.2.1.

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Re: [slim] Altering the Controller Menu

2012-06-12 Thread aubuti

wombatch wrote: 
> You are right it doesn't really help that much and, as far as I can see
> it only allows me to hide items on the Squeezbox display menu itself not
> on a remote controller eg. Android or IOS controller application.
Actually it will allow you to customize the options on a SB Controller.
But it won't help you with other devices such as Android- or iOS-based
devices. For that you would have to look for such options in Android or
iOS software itself. Likewise, you can get more customization of an SB
Controller if you are willing to play around with trying to rewrite some
of the code that runs the SBC (it's written in Lua).

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Re: [slim] MOG or Spotify: Is one better than the other for Squeezebox?

2012-06-18 Thread aubuti

I tried Spotify for a few months and didn't like its interface with SBs.
Too hard to save albums or artists to a "library" or "favorites",
whereas in MOG it is very straightforward. And with MOG at half the
price it was an easy choice for me. People who are really into the
social music media scene may prefer Spotify because of the ease of
sharing playlists and so forth, but for me Spotify on the SB system was
just to clunky.

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Re: [slim] MOG or Spotify: Is one better than the other for Squeezebox?

2012-06-22 Thread aubuti

GeeJay wrote: 
> I've been considering a subscription to one of these services, but I
> can't find any threads in this forum or anywhere else comparing the two
> with respect to the Squeezebox experience. Are there material
> differences?
I forgot to mention in my earlier post that most of these services offer
limited free trial periods, anywhere from 7 days to 1 month, depending
on the ebb and flow of trying to lure new users. My advice is to try
them and decide for yourself. And if you're not sure after the free
trial, go ahead with a paid subscription for another month or two. I
think they all let you pay month-by-month, so you won't have to commit
to more than 5 or 10 [insert appropriate currency here] at a time.

And if Rhapsody is available in your area, that may be worth a try as

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Re: [slim] Help with Pandora (& apps in general)

2012-07-01 Thread aubuti

There are two critical steps that you have not mentioned. One, you need
to go, login to your account, and then enter your
username and password credentials for every app that requires them, such
as Pandora. Two, you need to go to LMS on your server, and enter your login credentials under Settings > After that
you should be fine.

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Re: [slim] Help with Pandora (& apps in general)

2012-07-04 Thread aubuti

rantsc wrote: 
> I've taken the steps you've outlined, however no improvement.  Just for
> clarification;
> app is present in app gallery
> when I select app it opens
> when I select a "station", the "now playing" window up-dates with the
> artwork, title info, & timer
> the timer/clock will be begin running, however no audio is produced
> this will continue for 8-10 secs before advancing to the next "track"
> the process continues never producing any audio
> This is not isolated to Pandora; all apps I've attempted to run have the
> same results.  I'm certain I've got something mis-configured.
You need to get the app out of "Apps Gallery" and into "My Apps." you do
that by logging in to your account on, and then "installing"
the app.  Nothing is really installed in the normal sense of the word,
but installation is when you can put in your user account information
for Pandora or other subscription services (free or paid).

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Re: [slim] Changing wav to flac and migrating out of iTunes

2012-07-12 Thread aubuti

There are several tools you can use to transcode from WAV to FLAC. Which
you choose depends first on what OS you are using, and secondarily on
your preferences among the available software, and third on what you're
willing to pay. On Windows I can highly recommend dBpoweramp for
transcoding; it is also an outstanding ripping program with excellent
metadata support. If you want freeware then foobar2000 is another good
choice for converting WAV to FLAC. And, of course, there is the FLAC
program itself, which is available for Windows and Linux, but I'm not
sure about OSX.

One thing you will have to deal with is getting the metadata (tags) into
your new FLAC files. iTunes does not write tags to WAV files -- instead
it keeps the metadata information in its own database. You need to
figure out a way to get that information out of the iTunes database and
into the tags in the new FLAC files. If the file and foldernames are
consistent (e.g., \The Beatles\Revolver\01 - Taxman.wav) then you can
use a tool like mp3tag to write the info in the file and folder names to
tags in the FLAC files, although that will still leave frequently-useful
fields such as YEAR, GENRE, etc empty.  You may be able to fill in
missing tag information with mp3tag as well. But you may be in for a lot
of manual tagging work, which is a direct result of using WAV files to
begin with, as very few programs write tags to WAV files.

Separating your AAC and FLAC files is easy: do it at a high level and
maintain parallel branches. So instead of having your current situation
of stuffing everything in the same album folder, like so:
\The Beatles\Revolver\01-Taxman.wav
\The Beatles\Revolver\01-Taxman.aac
\The Beatles\Revolver\02-Eleanor Rigby.wav
\The Beatles\Revolver\02-Eleanor Rigby.aac

you will have:
\FLAC\The Beatles\Revolver\01-Taxman.flac
\FLAC\The Beatles\Revolver\02-Eleanor Rigby.flac
\AAC\The Beatles\Revolver\01-Taxman.aac
\AAC\The Beatles\Revolver\02-Eleanor Rigby.aac

Then just point Logitech Media Server to \FLAC and it won't see the AAC
files at all.  Maintaining this kind of parallel structure as you add
new albums is easy with software such as dBpoweramp.

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Re: [slim] Changing wav to flac and migrating out of iTunes

2012-07-12 Thread aubuti

I was assuming that the AAC copy for the iPods is lossy. So if the OP
wants to preserve a lossless copy for home use then the WAV needs to be
converted to some other lossless codec, and kept separate from the lossy

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Re: [slim] New SB ?

2012-07-24 Thread aubuti

Oh, and Logitech has a policy of not commenting about what is, or is
not, cooking in the kitchen. They wait until the meal is ready to be
served. At least as long as some bonehead distributor doesn't leak the
information first, as happened with the Touch several months before its

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Re: [slim] New SB ?

2012-07-25 Thread aubuti

Two simple questions: When you were listening, did you know which
resolution you were listening to? And are you 100% certain all three are
from the same masterings?

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Re: [slim] New SB ?

2012-07-26 Thread aubuti

Perhaps my first question was misunderstood, so let me rephrase. At the
time you were doing the comparisons, did you know which of the
resolutions you were listening to, or did you "anonymize" them as A, B,
and C, and come to your conclusions on the basis of sound quality alone,
without knowledge of which resolution it was. You know, blind testing?

And the answer to my second question is no (because you're not certain).
The way to be certain is simple, as already suggested by Mnyb: take a
24/192 track, downsample it yourself to 24/96 and 16/44.1, and then
compare those. 

I have seen too many cases of people _thinking_ they are comparing
16/44.1 with 24/48 or 24/96 when in fact they are comparing different
resolutions _and_ different masterings, also known as apples and

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Re: [slim] New kit next year?

2012-07-26 Thread aubuti

I'm no expert on the industry, but my reading is that if Logitech has
any new offerings in the music category it will be more devices like
their AirPlay radio, and maybe their Bluetooth devices.

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Re: [slim] New SB ?

2012-07-27 Thread aubuti

Agreed, and in this instance it's really pretty easy to do a
double-blind test, or do away with the partner entirely and have a valid
single-blind test. 

1) use the same original source (24/192), and downsample to get the
24/96 and 16/44.1. That way you know that any difference isn't down to
different masterings. 

2) tag the three tracks the same way, so that the SB player display and
web ui do not give any indication of which is which.

3) generate a playlist with the three tracks in random order. Better
yet, allow for a playlist of up to 6 or 10 tracks, so that each version
has a chance of being played more than once. This will permit the
listener to identify tracks as "different" when in fact they are exactly
the same. There are a couple different ways you could do this.

a) put the three tracks in a playlist multiple times and activate
shuffle mode

b) use the Random playlist plugin. To make sure you only get those three
tracks you could either (i) tag them with a unique genre, and limit the
random play to that genre, or (ii) temporarily tell LMS that the
folder(s) with the three tracks is your entire music library.

4) start listening. Listen each version of the track in its entirety, or
jump back and forth between the tracks as much as you like. When
listening, only pay attention to what # _on_the_playlist_ you are
listening to. Keep notes if you like.

5) after you've listened enough, write down which tracks on the playlist
sounded better / deeper / wider / more relaxed / more constricted /
brighter / etc.

6) go to the LMS web ui and drill down for each track to see whether it
was 24/192, 24/96, or 16/44.1.  Compare to your list in #5. Voilà.

No doubt this protocol can be improved upon, so feel free to suggest
any. I've used it several times and have been struck by how seldom I
hear a difference. Could be my aging ears, could be my unrevealig mid-fi
system, could be my room acoustics, could be the recordings themselves,
could be there really is no audible difference. But at least I can rule
out expectation bias and the power of suggestion.

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Re: [slim] New SB ?

2012-07-27 Thread aubuti

I think most people use 'SoX' ( or
'foobar2000' (

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