Re: [DNSOP] additional special names Fwd: I-D Action: draft-chapin-additional-reserved-tlds-00.txt

2014-02-03 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 12:01:10AM -, John Levine wrote:
> Not really, because what you get by squatting on a TLD is nothing like
> what you get if you rent it from ICANN.  Squats are all local
> (mis-)use, with names only leaking onto the public Internet by
> accident. 

That actually depends on what you're doing with the name.  In the case
of the names discussed in the chapin draft, that is true.  It's less
true in all cases.



Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] additional special names Fwd: I-D Action: draft-chapin-additional-reserved-tlds-00.txt

2014-02-03 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 04:56:38PM -0500, Ted Lemon wrote:
> This is a useless discussion.   Recriminations do not change the past.

True, but effectively what you're saying is that this special-use
registry could be used by anyone who's prepared to [squat|use a TLD
without registering it] in the right ways to get around the ICANN
allocation procedures.  I think that's spelled "moral hazard" in


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] More keys in the DNSKEY RRset at ., and draft-ietf-dnsop-respsize-nn

2014-01-14 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 01:54:56PM -0500, Joe Abley wrote:

> It's interesting to see that what was actually built in 2009/2010 is
> largely compatible (at the high-level diagram level) with what was
> proposed

I thought that was interesting too.

> However, each RKO you add increases the operational risk that an SKR
> from that RKO might not be obtained within the required window,
> which puts zone publication in jeopardy.

Good point.  I think the idea is that this is a feature, because it's
supposed to be the Mutually-Assured Destruction threat that will
prevent the USG from unilaterally removing some country from the root
zone (that seems to be the threat people are worried about.  Why is
left as an exercise for the reader.  Note that I do not promise there
is a solution to this exercise).

> [If validators took the approach of installing trust anchors from
> each and every RKO to mitigate this possibility, then they are
> effectively saying "I'm happy so long as at least one RKO is happy
> even if all the others are deeply miserable", which doesn't sound
> like it achieves the document's objectives.]

It _might_, if the idea were instead that validators used n of m.  Ben
Laurie had a not-completely-dissimilar idea for root TA distribution
entered in the "rollover" competition back in 2006 or so.  See

Thanks for the observations, which I think are quite helpful.


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] More keys in the DNSKEY RRset at ., and draft-ietf-dnsop-respsize-nn

2014-01-14 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Dear colleagues,

For my sins, I have been following some of the recent discussions
about "Internet governance".  One of the discussions over on the
"1net" list ( is
about the control by one particular government of the DNS root zone,
and how uncomfortable that makes some other governments.  The
consequence has been renewed discussion on a somewhat older proposal
for splitting up the management of the root zone keys.  The proposal
can be found at

The proposal has the appealing property that nobody can "hijack" the
root, and if you don't trust any particular actor then the approach
ensures that it is at least technically difficult (or detectable) that
someone has acted alone.  But it has always seemed to me that the
approach would result in a very great increase in the size of the root
key RRset as well as the RRSIGs necessary at least over the DNSKEY
RRset.  One response to this
is, "So what?  It's the root.  It'll be widely cached, and TCP is a
small price to pay for this on the occasions it's needed."

I am not sure I am so sanguine, but this put in my mind the
draft-ietf-dnsop-respsize draft, which I now realise was never
published as an RFC.

I'd like this thread to discuss the "so what, use TCP!" remark.  I'd
also like to ask either the chairs or the WG whether
draft-ietf-dnsop-respsize-14 needs revision and, if so, what revision
to be publishable, because I think it's needed advice.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] On squatting and draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names

2014-01-06 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 12:56:53PM -0800, Nicholas Weaver wrote:
> You'd like to think that, but sorry no.  They are seen all the time:

No, that's different.  Now you're saying that sometimes people use
these for purposes other than what's documented, so they hand them
around.  If _that's_ the case, then on top of everything else the
documentation in this case is wrong, and therefore the argument for
the allocation is bad.

Look, I'm not opposed to these allocations in principle, but if we're
going to have two completely different ways of registering top level
domains and they're going to be responsible to two completely
different allocation bodies until the actual moment of registration
with IANA, then we are going to have to be _extremely careful_ with
how we do this.  It's true that .local was sort of a prior example,
but as Paul already pointed out there are quite significant
differences in the way that emerged.  Not the least of the differences
is that .local got going in an environment in which most of us were in
a position to assume the root zone was fairly small and fairly stable.
Those assumptions are now violated, and the plans for that violation
were announced a few years ago.  Conditions are different, and I think
it appropriate therefore to respond differently.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] On squatting and draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names

2014-01-06 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 01:48:04PM -0500, Ted Lemon wrote:
> It seems to me that TOR is a pretty vital application, even if it's
> not as popular as .local (which, let's be honest, is almost never
> seen, much less typed, by an end user). 

   Addresses in ".onion" are opaque, non-mnemonic, alpha-semi-numeric
   hashes corresponding to an 80-bit truncated SHA1 hash over a given
   Tor hidden service's public key. 

I'm pretty sure things in .onion are never supposed to be seen, much
less typed, by an end user too.

> I am deeply skeptical of
> the idea that the only relevant factor here is how widespread the
> squatting is on a particular top-level special-use domain.

I have never suggested that's the only relevant factor.  But I have
suggested that the argument, "This needs to be a TLD that steps on the
standard ICANN allocation mecahnism because it's already widely
deployed," needs some evidence of that wide deployment.  In the case
of .onion, for instance, it is very far from obvious to me that the
name needed to have been allocated directly beneath the root (as
opposed to, say, inside .arpa); but if Tor is already widely deployed,
the argument in favour of allocating that string in the root due to
practical side effects is made stronger.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] On squatting and draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names

2014-01-06 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 09:47:04AM +0100, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> Yes, Apple did so. Exactly.

It may be true that RFC 6761 was in effect created in order to
regularlize the .local use, but my claim is that the .local use was
more akin to the current issues with .corp and .home than like these
cases, where penetration is quite a bit smaller.  (I realise that
.onion is important to Tor, but I am sceptical that Tor has the
Internet penetration that Bonjour did long before 6761 was published.
Certainly Namecoin use is insignificant compared to what Bonjour was.)


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] More complete review of draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names-01

2014-01-06 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 09:39:32AM +0100, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> reasonable (it would be better to have "stable" references) but it is
> a "nice to have", it is not mandatory in IETF processes here (RFC
> 6761, section 4 does not require it

I think I disagree.  6761 section 4 says 

   If it is determined that special handling of a name is required in
   order to implement some desired new functionality,

We need some way to make that determination, or else there's no reason
to allocate the labels.  In order to make such a determination, we'd
need either a stable reference or else details in the draft that wants
to allocate the new label.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] On squatting and draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names

2014-01-02 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Jan 02, 2014 at 10:30:04PM +0100, Christian Grothoff wrote:
> Didn't Apple squat on ".local" and get it reserved using RFC 6761? 

Not exactly, no.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] More complete review of draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names-01

2014-01-02 Thread Andrew Sullivan
ere.  Then you could have  Applications that don't know about
still won't block because .arpa is a perfectly good domain.
Applications that do will know to strip off and do stuff
according to their magic label.  This is _still_ not using the DNS.
It's just living comfortably inside the DNS namespace, which is not
what setting up random TLDs does.

> Given that the code is GPL, why do you then allude to the fact
> that it might make lots of money for someone else? 

It seems pretty clear that most of the alternative-currency systems
tend to attract speculators at the beginning.  I note that namecoin
attempts to blunt this compared to bitcoin, but new currencies are
_always_ the domain of speculators at the beginning.  To someone
interested in the new-TLD business (and I assure you that neither my
employer nor I are), that could look like someone trying to make money
without "paying their dues".

I don't know how far I buy this argument; I'm just trying to point out
the collision here between the IETF allocation procedure and the
regular TLD allocation procedure at ICANN.  (I freely admit that the
problem is caused at least partly by the somewhat dubious "cost
recovery" amount of US$185,000.  If I were boss of the world, there'd
be a lot of things I'd change.  You may imagine that ICANN's rules
would not make my first pass :-). )

> get the value they (presumably) wanted.  However, you're right that
> this turns the "recursive DNS resolver" into a "recursive resolver".
> I'm not exactly sure why you think this would be so terrible, but
> I'm happy to debate this issue (I don't even have a particularly
> strong opinion).

Unfortunately, many people have had the bright idea of injecting
things into "the recursive server" in order to "satisfy user
expectations".  This causes a number of (widely-documented) problems,
and in any case relies on a faulty picture of the real data paths for
DNS data.  It's true that the model is mostly ok for >90% of all
traffic, but the problems show up in the minority.  Even a very small
minority of problems turns into a major headache for help desks --
usually not the help desk of whever had the bright idea.  So, the IETF
cannot responsibly suggest yet another class of positive answer be
added to these intermediate resolvers.  NXDOMAIN seems to be harmless.
Everything else seems to cause trouble.

> > Quite apart from what happens in the presence of DNSSEC (I think it's
> > "fails completely"), I think it is in general bad advice to tell
> > people to populate their DNS caches with data from outside the DNS.
> Well, it'd be a "resolver cache", not a "DNS cache" at this point ;-).

So what happens when that resolver gets a query from an end system
that is doing its own validation?  What if the CD bit is set on that
query?  Now, what if different applications on the same end system
have different resolver libraries, and one is asking for DNSSEC and
the other isn't?  Won't that be kinda confusing?  All this would need
to be spelled out in detail for an intermediate multimode resolver
that might synthesize DNS responses.  Yes, these are corner cases.
Those furry blobs you see in the corners of the DNS are not dust
bunnies.  They're monsters, and they bite.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] More complete review of draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names-01

2013-12-31 Thread Andrew Sullivan
here be
> > used interchangeably.
> I don't quite see why this would not work in principle, assuming your
> mail client is configured to route SMTP over Tor and the specified
> exit supports exiting on port 25 to

Because the [ ] notation signals that what's in there is an IP
address, not a name.

> I guess the question is what you define as "DNS resolver".  For example,
> is the "dns2gns" proxy --- which speaks DNS (to applications) and then
> forwards
> ".gnu" and ".zkey" to GNS and everything else to DNS --- a "DNS resolver"?

Only partly.  This is similar to the confusion we had about recursive
resolvers and caching name servers.  In the DNSSEC documents, you can
see discussion about "the resovler side of a recursive name server"
and "the name server side of a recursive name server" (or something
similar).  Your example is of a general-purpose resolver system that
does both DNS and GNS.  For the purposes of protocol, then, you have
something like (ASCII art, sorry):

resolver >  DNS >  DNS resolver ---> DNS
 |->  GNS --->  GNS resolver ---> GNS

For the purposes of implementation, these may well all be the same
code.  But for the purposes of the protocol, we need to distinguish

> (browsers, wget, telnet, etc.) for GNS do not need to be modified at
> all, or for other pTLDs the modifications are limited to the addition
> or configuration of SOCKS support.

Ok, that is probably important to make clearer; probably the
each-name-gets-own-question-answers will do that.

> I think you're mis-reading the point here, as the Namecoin block chain
> is not obtained using the usual DNS protocol from some authority. So
> DNS server operators that wanted to do this would NOT go out to some
> IP address of a TLD operator that was granted ".bit" operation from
> ICANN to fetch the block chain; instead, they'd have to participate
> in the Namecoin network to observe block chain updates (a rather
> daunting process, so this "MAY" is one that I personally don't expect
> to see happening anytime soon by any major ISP).

This is an even worse idea.  What you're suggesting there is that
recursive name server operators should add the .bit name to the
answers they give out; but they don't get that answer from the DNS.
Quite apart from what happens in the presence of DNSSEC (I think it's
"fails completely"), I think it is in general bad advice to tell
people to populate their DNS caches with data from outside the DNS.

> I expect them to be handed around by end-users and within applications.
> I do not expect them to be handed around within UDP packets on port 53
> (with the exception of ".bit").

But they will be:

> I expect that this MAY happen, but if the draft is accepted, one
> of our goals is to explicitly authorize DNS operators to prevent
> this.

You can't "prevent it".  You can just have them swallowed somewhere
else in the DNS system.  They _will_ get passed around on port 53.

> > "resolved or did not".  But perhaps what you are saying is that these
> > ought to be added to the list in RFC 6303, and that they should always
> > answer NXDOMAIN?  I could certainly live with that.
> Yes, exactly.  The formulation did end up a bit unclear and should
> be fixed.  Our intention was exactly to allow servers to immediately
> return NXDOMAIN without going to the root.

what I'd do is take a page out of RFC 6303, or follow the text in
question 4 in the RFC 6761 discussion of .test:

   4.  Caching DNS servers SHOULD recognize test names as special and
   SHOULD NOT, by default, attempt to look up NS records for them,
   or otherwise query authoritative DNS servers in an attempt to
   resolve test names.  Instead, caching DNS servers SHOULD, by
   default, generate immediate negative responses for all such
   queries. […]

> Again, thanks for your comments, we'll try to address those in the
> next iteration, many of these were really helpful.

Glad to be of help.  

Best regards (and happy 2014),


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] More complete review of draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names-01

2013-12-30 Thread Andrew Sullivan
.exit]?  I bet
not.  It's simply not true that names and numbers can everywhere be
used interchangeably.

   2.  Application Software MAY pass requests to any of the six proposed
   pTLDs for normal DNS resolution if A/ records are desired.
   If available, the local DNS resolver MUST intercept such requests
   within the respective operating system hooks and behave like

That is a _very very_ bad idea.  Either these are special names that
aren't part of the DNS, or they're not.  If they _are_ part of the DNS
because you sometimes want to get DNS data associated with them, then
they're DNS names and there's no excuse for this special registration.
Go apply to ICANN.  If they're not, then you can't have this. 

But I think what this actually means is, "If these are passed to a DNS
resolver, the DNS resolver will follow the usual DNS semantics to
resolve them.  That should result in RCODE=3 (Name Error) because the
TLD labels should never appear in the root of the DNS.  I don't like
the bits in this section that suggest "the resolver" can do different
things, depending.  What is really meant is that a resolver call on a
system might be resolving in more than one name space.  It so happens
that a non-DNS resolver might use these name spaces as triggers to do
something.  In any case, if this owner name reaches the DNS resolver,
then the expected outcome is RCODE=3.  In addition, I wonder whether
this means that these ought to be set up as "default local zones" the
way certain other ones are.  See below.

   4.  […]
   But given that ".bit" users have no special privacy requirements,
   and those names are globally unique, caching DNS servers MAY
   choose to treat them as regular DNS names, and cache the
   responses obtained from the Namecoin block chain as if they were
   resolved from the regular DNS tree.

This is, bluntly, a reason to refuse the .bit registration.  If .bit
wants a TLD, then let them get it.  Otherwise, this is a special name
and shouldn't be in the DNS, period.

   6.  DNS Server Operators MAY choose to resolve ".bit" names using the
   Namecoin block chain, and if they do so SHOULD treat such domains
   like they would regular DNS names.

Same here.  Also,

   DNS Server Operators SHOULD treat requests to the other five
   considered pTLDs as typos, for correct installations MUST NOT
   allow such P2P requests to escape to DNS.

This is ridiculous.  The _whole point_ of these special TLDs is that
you expect to hand these names around as though there's nothing
special about them.  In that case, you absolutely must expect that
these names are going to get to the global DNS (if you think they
won't, then I urge you to consider how much .local traffic makes it to
the root).  Because they don't exist in the root zone, they will be
cached for the negative TTL in the root zone's SOA (currently 1 day,
if memory serves).  So, first, that certainly has effects on DNS
operators.  Second, there's no such thing as "considering a label a
typo" except in the most egregious abuses of the DNS.  What we have is
"resolved or did not".  But perhaps what you are saying is that these
ought to be added to the list in RFC 6303, and that they should always
answer NXDOMAIN?  I could certainly live with that.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] [ I-D Action: draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names-00.txt]

2013-12-06 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Dec 06, 2013 at 10:29:44AM +0100, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> There is no such thing as DNS name. We talk about domain names here,
> domain names exist outside of the DNS (LDAP, mDNS and other resolution
> protocols).

MDNS names are _not_ domain names, sorry.  They look like domain
names, admittedly, but they're names in a different protocol.  The
trick of mDNS is to make a protocol that looks almost exactly like DNS
to a user but that works differently under the hood.  That's a trick,
however, and it depends on a separate name space.  The elephant in
dnssd WG's room -- and the very careful scoping of dnssd's charter --
is exactly this issue; it's why internationalization in the DNS using
IDNA and internationalization in mDNS is not interoperable.



Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] [ I-D Action: draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names-00.txt]

2013-12-05 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Dec 05, 2013 at 10:02:18AM -0500, Warren Kumari wrote:
> Sure -- I don't think that the string itself is important, but rather, in the 
> words of Connor MacLeod: There can be only one!

The difficulty is in the claim that these names are already "out
there".  If that is in fact true -- that these are names that are
being handed around and potentially will get into protocol slots --
then as a matter of prudence we should put all the strings in the
special-use registry, and treat them all as .invalid is.



Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] [ I-D Action: draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names-00.txt]

2013-12-03 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Dec 03, 2013 at 06:10:31PM +0100, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> Indeed, .onion, .zkey and .gnu do not use the DNS at all. They need
> domain names but not the DNS.

Nonsense.  The very abstract says, "[C]ompatibility with applications
using DNS names is desired…."  The hard lesson of mDNS and all these
other semi-successful attempts to glue into DNS space without tripping
over all the same old DNS limitations is that, once you offer people
domain names, you convince them they have a name that they can use in
a protocol slot, and they will.

It's clear to me, however, that I'm going to have to read the
referenced documents more closely.  I have a sneaking suspicion that
the names actually _aren't_ like DNS names in some ways, and that they
won't work if they're used in DNS protocol slots.  But if the goal
really is to reserve the namespace and _never_ have DNS for these
things, then the special handling in
draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names-00 is wrong.  It ought
instead to be a mirror of the handling of .invalid in RFC6761.  I'd be
way less concerned about proceeding with these registrations if that
were the goal.  Nobody can reasonably object to avoiding colliding
namespaces, given what's already going on with the "name collision"
work in this round of TLD expansion.



Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] [ I-D Action: draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names-00.txt]

2013-12-02 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Dec 02, 2013 at 12:44:48PM -0500, Ted Lemon wrote:
> If special-use names are at the top, then you can just look at the terminal 
> label to see that you need to use a different protocol to resolve names under 
> the special-use name.  If special-use names are not at the top, then you have 
> to have special code that grovels through the labels doing pattern matches. 

This is a bizarre argument.  Once you're using DNS names, you need code that 
handles names label by label anyway (and copes with all the brain-death from 
the search path and the difference between FQDN-in-URI vs. FQDN-in-DNS and all 
that).  So you're going to have to cope with the label-by-label rules, and at 
that point I find it hard to believe that the number of labels makes a really 
big difference to complexity.  

If your argument is instead that implementers are just going to pop off the 
last label and look at it, well, then they need some namespace other than the 
DNS anyway, because that's not how the DNS works.  Assuming that you can just 
pop the right-most label off some putative domain name and assess that without 
going through all the DNS matching rules, in fact, strikes me as dangerous.  
And once you've shifted into .arpa. space, at least you know you're supposed to 
be dealing with infrastructure.

Also, partly echoing what Joe argued, the .local case is special because (1) 
Apple implemented and released it first and then documented; (2) the original 
plan was to treat those names as part of the same port-53 protocol with 
locally-scoped semantics; (3) then the plan became to run a perfectly parallel 
namespace for another protocol; and (4) in any case, the idea was to hide from 
the user that the names were in some way different.  (We can see the nasty side 
effects of 2-4 in the current discussions in DNSSD, by the way.)  It does not 
appear in this case, at least as near as I can tell from my admittedly 
less-than-careful read so far, that the plan is to be quite so similar to DNS, 
so I'm actually not sure that what's needed here is the DNS at all.  I'm in 
fact reminded of a widely-worn t-shirt[1].

I think this conversation is useful, but I really think it's premature to be 
talking about TLDs.




Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] [ I-D Action: draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names-00.txt]

2013-12-02 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Sun, Dec 01, 2013 at 12:35:44PM -0500, Paul Wouters wrote:
> It would make more sense to me to reserve something like .alt where
> people can plugin onion.alt, gnu.alt, etc, and are guaranteed that
> the .alt domain will never actually be delegated by the root. 

And, behold, we have .arpa already.  We could just create anything we
wanted under there.  I don't get why some new TLD is needed.

> And once you go that way, one can wonder why not use the already
> existing .local for that? Perhaps avoid talking to different protocol
> software is a good enough reason not to re-use .local.

Certainly do not re-use .local for this.  The reason mDNS needed a
different TLD is (to drastically oversimplify) because it uses the TLD
as a protocol-shift token: when you're in .local, you're actually
using a different protocol, and this is a way to keep the otherwise
parallel name-space aligned.  (This is the fourth extension mechanism
we have in the DNS: we have RRTYPEs, CLASSes, underscore labels, and
TLDs.  Hurray!)

> The traditional reasons for not using any non-IN class is that a lot
> of software would not work well with that, but in these cases, the
> consumers aren't actually interested in real DNS anyway, and using
> a URI that indicates a different class should not be too hard to plug
> into existing browsers? 

The last such proposal was a mechanism to use a new CLASS for IDN
support.  It turned out it wouldn't work because (among other reasons)
there were too many resolvers that spit up on any CLASS other than IN.
I am dubious that has improved, though I'd be prepared for evidence
that it had.



Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Moving parent-child-update documents forward

2013-11-06 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Dear colleagues,

On Wed, Nov 06, 2013 at 05:49:54AM -0800, Dan York wrote:
> I don't see why we can't adopt the CDS/CDNSKEY and CSYNC drafts as working
> group documents and continue to move them along - we've had significant
> discussion on these over the past several meetings and also on the lists:

There is, of course, no reason why people can't just work on these
documents without any magic bits about WG adoption.  Indeed, if recent
history is any guide, it might be that getting adopted by DNSOP is a
good way to ensure a document never actually emerges from being a

It seems to me that this list is reasonably chartered to address this
issue.  If the chairs disagree, there is another list still around
that can also be used.  In any case, what's more important is that the
work gets done, and not that we manipulate all the process levers in
the IETF machinery.



Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list


2013-10-08 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Oct 09, 2013 at 10:13:53AM +1100, Mark Andrews wrote:
> I would use whois for this discovery but the response is free form
> text and you have the whole whois server discovery problem to deal
> with.

This sounds like an excellent reason to contribute to the rapid
specification and deployment of WEIRDS.


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] New Version Notification for draft-kumari-ogud-dnsop-cds-02.txt

2013-07-08 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 06:49:53PM +, Dickson, Brian wrote:
> Thoughts?

My immediate thought is, "What problem is this trying to solve?"

In the DNSSSEC case, the problem is that you're trying not to break
the chain of trust, and you need a mechanism that is cryptographically
securable to make the communication.  This is made harder in some
sense by the fact that the DS and DNSKEY RRsets are authoritative on
different sides of the zone cut.

In the NS case, because the child side RRset is the really
authoritative one, that's the one that generally gets cached.  Since
both sides of the cut have the same RRTYPE, and since only one of the
RRsets can be cached, you end up with only one such set and it's the
one that gets used.

It's it possible to bollocks this so that resolution fails?  Yes.  But
that's not a result of disagreement between two different RRsets, so
in this case having the additional communication path (especially
inside the DNS) is less necessary.


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Thoughts on CDS

2013-04-23 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 04:55:44PM -0700, Wes Hardaker wrote:

> arguments are always well thought out and well stated.  The only
> argument I have against Ed in this particular discussion is that the
> resulting solution will be harmful to him since he can simply "not use
> it".

I confess that I haven't been following this discussion as closely as
I ought (every time I start to try to read the thread, I feel like the
thread gets longer).  But in the little I've managed to read, it
seemed to me that the points Ed was making were (1) that this is an
important additional move on the supposed insignificance of the SEP
bit, and that is worrisome and (2) if this mechanism were altered
slightly, then it could be more generic and therefore more useful.

Those both seem to me to be substantive and important points that
ought to give us pause about the existing proposal.  If I had a hope
of getting through Zeno's mail thread this week, I'd try to read it
all and respond.  Instead I'm just pointing out that a dismissal along
the lines of "just don't use it" seems to ignore at least part of the
point of reviewing things in the IETF.



Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] summary (was: RE: new version of IPv6 rDNS for ISPs)

2012-11-29 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 04:37:52PM +1100, Mark Andrews wrote:
> Yes.  They do TSIG signed DNS updates.  They do direct them to a
> update server using a in zone SRV record rather than the nameservers
> that are serving answers to the world but otherwise it is bog
> standard UPDATE + TSIG.

Well, yes, but the plain fact is that if you want all Dyn's features,
you have to use the webby API.  Also, not every customer has access to

Full disclosure: Dyn gives me money, and I give them some of my feeble


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] new version of IPv6 rDNS for ISPs

2012-11-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 06:07:23PM +, Paul Vixie wrote:
> consumer grade and business grade internet connections. since consumer
> grade connectees should really not be connecting to SMTP servers on
> other networks

I do not accept this premise, and I don't see any argument in favour
of it.  What evidence does "willing to pay more for the same lousy
service" provide with respect to "is not sending outbound crap"?

> to give it up, the tail would be very long. i'm going to treat this as
> an unavoidable universal mistake that all of us will have to live with,
> forever, period.

There, we agree.

> network operators should provide PTR RR's for specific addresses which
> have real names.

Also here.

Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] WGLC draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-key-timing-03.txt until 2012-09-14

2012-09-07 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Dear colleagues,

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 11:49:24PM +0200, Peter Koch wrote:
> Dear DNSOP WG,
> this is to initiate a working group last call (WGLC) for
> "DNSSEC Key Timing Considerations"
> draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-key-timing-03.txt
> <>

I have read draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-key-timing-03. I have some
comments. I'll send additional comments containing nits to the draft

On the whole, I think the draft is a little complicated for operators
to follow easily.  I nevertheless think we should publish it: we offer
today _no_ guidance to operators on these matters, and people I work
with, at least, want such guidance.  I know there's another draft
floating about, but if we take as long to reach agreement on that
draft as we took to review this one, we'll never publish anything.

In section 1.2, it would be helpful to observe that, as a matter of
deployment, the KSK might also be the ZSK.  I'm aware that the
document is assuming a sharp distinction, but by noting they could be
the same key and leaving the working out of the implications for the
reader, the document will be made more useful.

Section 1.4 includes the RFC 2119 language, but in some places I
notice "must" (in lower case) used. I find this a little hard to work
with, and I know that at least one AD is quite exercised about this
issue, so I think someone needs to go through the document and restate
such uses. I also find it mystifying why some but not all of the
definitions are moved to an appendix, although I don't really care
about this.

Section 3.1 has this definition:

   Published   The DNSKEY record - or information associated with it -
   is published in the zone, but predecessors of the key (or
   associated information) may be held in caches.

I think this isn't quite right, because the predecessors of the key
(i.e. other keys) might also be Published, no? It's predecessors of
the relevant RRsets that might still be in caches, I think, no?

In section 3.2.2, the text, "The successor is key is now active and
the current key is said to be retired," is a little strange (it's odd
that the "current key" is the retired one and the "successor key" is
active). I understand the text given the context, but I wonder whether
this would be better phrased in terms of Key N and Key N+1.

It took me a minute to understand Section 3.2.3, Event 4.  Perhaps it
could be clarified this way:

   There is now a delay while RRSIGs that were only generated using
   Key N expire from caches.  This interval is given by the expression:

 Dprp + TTLsig

After that interval, all caches that have any RRSIG will have the
RRSIGs generated by both Key N and Key N-1.

Or something like that?

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-key-timing

2012-08-15 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Dear colleagues,

In Vancouver, according to the DNSOP minutes, participants were to
expect a WGLC "soon" on the subject Internet Draft.

In the archives since the meeting, I observe some comments at  But
I do not observe the announcement of a WGLC.  I am wondering when we
might expect that call.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] on "Negative Trust Anchors"

2012-04-12 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 08:27:21AM -0600, Stephan Lagerholm wrote:

> Specifically in this case, you are assuming that the parent knows the
> algorithms used for the DS record. He would have to in order to
> validate. That might not always hold true. Additionally, the record is
> not 'yours', it is just parked in your zone by the child. For the parent
> to Tamper with either the NS or DS is IMHO not a good practice.

The DS is _not_ parked in the parent zone by the child.  Unlike the NS
record, the DS record is authoritative data at the parent, and never
at the child.  As I read the RFCs, the DS record is fully and
completely parent-side data, and is the parent's assertion of its
relationship to the child.  

I really think we have to get over the idea that the DS record is
somehow "the child's data" that is merely represented in the parent
side.  That way of thinking about this is a good way, IMO, to get
failed chains across the zone cut.  IMO it is better to think of the
DS/DNSKEY pair as a way of expressing accord across a zone cut, with
each side contributing a portion of the effort and holding a portion
of the responsibility.



Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Batch Multiple Query Packet

2012-03-01 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 10:22:55AM +0100, Shane Kerr wrote:
> Paul,
> On Tuesday, 2012-02-28 18:40:30 +, 
> Paul Vixie  wrote:

> > i'd start over with a new port number first. dns wire encoding is
> > already wildly complicated.

> The main (only?) advantage of doing it with EDNS is that you can work
> with existing name servers. It means adding more logic to our already
> fabulously complicated resolvers to get full benefit, but nobody ever
> said DNS was easy.

It seems to me that, from the point of view of "dns-ng" and
interoperation with dns, there are three possibilities:

1.  End points use dns-ng.
2.  End points use dns, but intermediate resolvers do dns-ng.
3.  Everyone except authority servers do dns, and the authority
server does dns-ng.

Your suggestion is, in effect, a way of doing (2).  But (3) isn't
interesting (if nobody else uses dns-ng, then the authority servers
aren't talking to anyone); and (1) is the actual goal we want, I

If dns-ng is a superset of useful dns functionality, but cleans up
certain issues with dns, then the intermediate resolvers in (2) can as
easily use a new port as they can use more complicated dns handling.
So I have to agree with Paul Vixie: if we're going to work on
replacing the protocol, let's replace it for real.  (FWIW, I think
this is a noble goal doomed to failure.  But I've been wrong before.
Probably three times just this morning.)



Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] ICANN variant project update

2012-01-04 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Dear colleagues,

Apologies in advance for duplicate postings.  I didn't cross-post
because of the difficulty that sometimes causes if people follow up on
list to discuss issues.

Many of you will be aware that ICANN undertook the IDN Variant Issues
Project last year.  (Full disclosure: I was involved in the project.)
On 23 December 2011 the report was posted for public comment, and I
realise that I have been remiss in drawing people's attention to it.
This message is to fix that.

You can see the public announcement at
That's also a good place to start in order to submit comments if you
have them.  The pubic comment period closes at the end of January

ICANN is eagerly soliciting comments, and I hope that those of you
interested in this topic will take the time to read the report and
send your observations.  Having been a participant in this particular
sausage-making exercise, I will say that I am sure there are things
that need improvement, expansion, or more careful statement.  I'm
aware that the report as it stands is rather long, and I appreciate
the difficulty in finding the time to read, digest, and comment on all
of it.  Given the importance of the topic, however, I think it's worth

It might be tempting to discuss the document on this list, but I think
it would be better to take such discussion either to the project list
(which is still, as far as I know, open --, list info at or to use the
public-comment links in the announcement to send such comments.  That
way, ICANN staff are sure to see the comments.

Thanks and best regards,


Andrew Sullivan

DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] bare names (was: [mif] [dnsext] 2nd Last Call for MIF DNS server selection document)

2011-10-19 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Note: I trimmed the cc:s down to just the lists, but if we're going to
pursue this dicussion we probably ought to follow up in mif, since
that's where the draft comes from.  That's why I set reply-to.  Also,
I sent this first from the wrong address, so apologies to those who
see it twice.

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 07:23:15AM -0400, Keith Moore wrote:

> I don't see why IETF should give a flying *#&(*#$ what the owners of
> brand-name gTLDs want.  Brand-name gTLDs are an exceedingly stupid
> idea, and treating single label names as anything other than local
> abbreviations flies in the face of 25+ years of practice.

If you said, "25+ years of practice illustrating how broken the
search-path mechanism is," I'd agree with you.

I think it is largely true that single-label domain names are going to
fail to work in all sorts of amusing ways that will surprise gullible
people who forked over a pile of cash for the privilege of registering
them.  Nevertheless, the search path mechanism has never worked very
well and is notoriously unreliable in the face of split-brain DNS.
Still, too many people continue to rely on the search path for this
document to be the place to deprecate it.  But I agree with Ray (and
apparently Paul Vixie) that the mechanism ought to go away.

Now that Ray has mentioned it, however, perhaps a sentence along these
lines in the second paragraph of 4.6 would be useful:

It should be noted that the DNS search list mechanism may cause
surprising results when used with more than one network at a time.

That addresses the other point that Ray was making: search list-style
bare names are often broken if you're not on the right network, and
the point of this draft is precisely that you're _not_ on only one
network, so it isn't clear what "the right network" is.

> The best thing that IETF could do is to make sure that use of
> single-label gTLDs is so unreliable that no megacorporation would
> dare use them.

And clearly that will work, because the IETF has a long record of
success of standing before the tide and telling it to stop.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan

DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] bare names (was: [mif] [dnsext] 2nd Last Call for MIF DNS server selection document)

2011-10-19 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Note: I trimmed the cc:s down to just the lists, but if we're going to
pursue this dicussion we probably ought to follow up in mif, since
that's where the draft comes from.  That's why I set reply-to.

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 07:23:15AM -0400, Keith Moore wrote:

> I don't see why IETF should give a flying *#&(*#$ what the owners of
> brand-name gTLDs want.  Brand-name gTLDs are an exceedingly stupid
> idea, and treating single label names as anything other than local
> abbreviations flies in the face of 25+ years of practice.

If you said, "25+ years of practice illustrating how broken the
search-path mechanism is," I'd agree with you.

I think it is largely true that single-label domain names are going to
fail to work in all sorts of amusing ways that will surprise gullible
people who forked over a pile of cash for the privilege of registering
them.  Nevertheless, the search path mechanism has never worked very
well and is notoriously unreliable in the face of split-brain DNS.
Still, too many people continue to rely on the search path for this
document to be the place to deprecate it.  But I agree with Ray (and
apparently Paul Vixie) that the mechanism ought to go away.

Now that Ray has mentioned it, however, perhaps a sentence along these
lines in the second paragraph of 4.6 would be useful:

It should be noted that the DNS search list mechanism may cause
surprising results when used with more than one network at a time.

That addresses the other point that Ray was making: search list-style
bare names are often broken if you're not on the right network, and
the point of this draft is precisely that you're _not_ on only one
network, so it isn't clear what "the right network" is.

> The best thing that IETF could do is to make sure that use of
> single-label gTLDs is so unreliable that no megacorporation would
> dare use them.

And clearly that will work, because the IETF has a long record of
success of standing before the tide and telling it to stop.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] ICANN Variant Issues Project case study reports

2011-10-11 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Because I am a moron, I forgot to include the links to the reports.
They are as follows:

Arabic: <>   
Chinese: <>
Cyrillic: <>   
Greek: <>
Latin: <>   

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 11:08:21AM -0400, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I'm going to send related messages to four IETF lists where I suspect
> there might be people who are interested: dnsext, dnsop, apps-discuss,
> and idna-update.  My apologies to those of you who get it more than
> once.
> For those of you who have been following or otherwise interested in
> the ICANN Variant Issues Project, the case study reports are up.  The
> public comment period is open until 14 November.  The Project is aimed
> at sorting out, for some scripts, what people mean when they talk
> about "variant names" in the DNS.
> For this WG, it seems to me that some of the techniques people seem to
> be desiring involve potential effects for DNS operation.  One group in
> particular appears to be suggesting one or more DNAMEs for potentially
> every delegation from the root zone when that script is used.  The
> operational implications lower in the tree might be worth considering.
> As a matter of full disclosure, I point out that I have been involved
> with these reports, providing some observations about the (technical)
> feasibility of various things people wanted to do.  I provided advice,
> but of course the teams actually responsible for the reports were free
> to do as they wished with my advice (including ignore it).
> I encourage those of you who are interested in the topic to read the
> reports and make any comments you think are useful in the public
> comment forum, or (for that matter) by discussing things on the open
> ICANN list devoted to the project
> (  Note that the usual
> ICANN processes don't include the discussion on the mailing list as
> public comments, so if you want your comments to be considered
> formally, you'll need to post them in the appropriate area.
> Best regards,
> Andrew
> -- 
> Andrew Sullivan
> ___
> DNSOP mailing list

Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] ICANN Variant Issues Project case study reports

2011-10-11 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Dear colleagues,

I'm going to send related messages to four IETF lists where I suspect
there might be people who are interested: dnsext, dnsop, apps-discuss,
and idna-update.  My apologies to those of you who get it more than

For those of you who have been following or otherwise interested in
the ICANN Variant Issues Project, the case study reports are up.  The
public comment period is open until 14 November.  The Project is aimed
at sorting out, for some scripts, what people mean when they talk
about "variant names" in the DNS.

For this WG, it seems to me that some of the techniques people seem to
be desiring involve potential effects for DNS operation.  One group in
particular appears to be suggesting one or more DNAMEs for potentially
every delegation from the root zone when that script is used.  The
operational implications lower in the tree might be worth considering.

As a matter of full disclosure, I point out that I have been involved
with these reports, providing some observations about the (technical)
feasibility of various things people wanted to do.  I provided advice,
but of course the teams actually responsible for the reports were free
to do as they wished with my advice (including ignore it).

I encourage those of you who are interested in the topic to read the
reports and make any comments you think are useful in the public
comment forum, or (for that matter) by discussing things on the open
ICANN list devoted to the project
(  Note that the usual
ICANN processes don't include the discussion on the mailing list as
public comments, so if you want your comments to be considered
formally, you'll need to post them in the appropriate area.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Do negative cache entries have to be consistent ?

2011-04-13 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 06:04:31PM -, John Levine wrote:

> Since the TTL on a negative cache entry comes from the TTL on the SOA
> returned with the NXDOMAIN, this means that they'll be returning SOAs
> with different TTLs on different responses.  This strikes me as
> something that's not technically illegal, but that people who write
> DNS caches didn't anticipate.  Is it likely to break anything?

Strictly, the TTL on a negative cache entry comes from the minimum of
the TTL of the SOA and the SOA.MINIMUM subfield.  So the strategy
won't work if the latter is too low.  I'll ignore that and just assume
you're dealing with it.

In principle, a cache will need to be able to cope with the
possibility that the TTL will change on a record in between times the
cache looked.  That's for two reasons: the authoritative server's
records could change, or there could be a cache in between.

It strikes me that a cache might not actually overwrite its negative
cache for a zone if it already has a negative TTL longer than the one
it gets in a given answer, on the grounds that having been given the
longer TTL before it is permitted to continue using that.  So I think
you'll probably need to test widely in order to learn whether your
strategy will actually work in practice.

> Bonus question: with DNSSEC, a cache can use NSEC info to synthesize
> NXDOMAIN responses for nearby addresses.  Will inconsistent TTLs break
> anything then?

I think you'd have to ask implementers of such synthesizing caches.
But I can't see how.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-savolainen-mif-dns-server-selection-06.txt

2011-01-17 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 08:54:05AM -0500, Ted Lemon wrote:
> Hm.  Okay, so the reason this is an issue is that I'm assuming the
> resolver doesn't do its own validation.  And you're right that if it
> doesn't do its own validation, it's not much worse off using this
> option than not using it; the degree to which its worse off is that
> this option allows the attacker to deterministically attack certain
> domains, whereas without the use of this option the attacker would,
> in a best-case scenario, be relying on chance to succeed in its
> attack.

If the resolver doesn't do its own validation, then it is not allowed
to treat the AD bit as meaningful unless it can trust the DNS server
handing it that bit:

   In any case, a security-aware stub resolver MUST
   NOT place any reliance on signature validation allegedly performed on
   its behalf, except when the security-aware stub resolver obtained the
   data in question from a trusted security-aware recursive name server
   via a secure channel. 

(RFC 4035, section 4.9.3).  Presumably, then, the stub needs somehow
to have authenticated the DNS server in question otherwise before
accepting the claims about signature validation.  I can't think of any
way to do this under DHCP, but maybe I don't know the protocol well enough.
> I think you also need to document the signing architectures that
> will work with this option: either don't sign the zone that contains
> referrals for the internal zone, or else sign two copies of the
> zone; one that's visible from outside and contains no referrals, and
> a second one that's visible from inside, and contains referrals.

This is the point I was trying to make over on mif: I think that
there's a potential issue here with "closest TA" validation
strategies, but I suspect that we're going to need different TAs for
these "internal zone" cases.  Or something like that.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-savolainen-mif-dns-server-selection-06.txt

2011-01-17 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 10:29:45AM +, wrote:
> That particular case I have been told is protected against by using DNSSEC, 
> which ensures the host will detect the fraudulent answer to this directed 
> attack and will fall back to use other DNS server (or fail)...

Right.  But I guess I'm confused: I thought you were arguing that
DNSSEC wasn't needed.

> If the host would have been single-homed, it would have send all its queries 
> to the interface this attacker has control over.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-savolainen-mif-dns-server-selection-06.txt

2011-01-14 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 04:01:35PM +, wrote:
> E.g. by definition. Implement this only if you are a CPE or if you
> are 3GPP handset and then only for this class of interface. Or
> such. Those two scenarios are my main focus. Not believe what
> CoffeeShopFreeAP tells.

And why, if you are a CPE, should you believe what you get via DHCP
either?  Lord knows I have seen rogue DHCP announcements on cable

Moreover, even supposing that's solved, how is the device supposed to
know when it is attached to CoffeeShopFreeAP and when it's attached to
SuperGoodWellMaintainedISPNet?  Isn't it completely ignorant at this

> Well, if the host is openly multihomed and somewhere comes name
> "server", you could append it with all suffixes you know of and try
> resolve then all in parallel, connect in order of successful
> resolution:) .. if you don't know any difference between your
> interfaces.
My first response is ick, but that's my first response to all barename
resolution answers[1], so that's not a good test.  I think this is an
area where text is undoubtedly needed.  I'll think about it more, but
I urge others to do the same.


[1] The right answer is, of course, "Stop that," but the horse has
fled, the barn burned down, and the horse died years ago.  

Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-savolainen-mif-dns-server-selection-06.txt

2011-01-14 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 03:53:25PM +, wrote:
> Shouldn't we work e.g. on securing all DHCPv6 signaling?

I would say so, yes.

But note that this particular option makes it easier to target one
domain in particular.  That's a more directed attack, so it seems to
me to be a little more serious than "capture all the traffic".  It's
hard to spoof the entire Internet.  It might not be so hard to spoof


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-savolainen-mif-dns-server-selection-06.txt

2011-01-14 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 03:09:21PM +, wrote:
> You can ignore the option and talk to the DNS server of your preference. You 
> can also choose to listen for the option only from one or more trusted 
> sources.

I'm really unclear about this "trusted sources" thing, though.  Is
that "trust only if you're on a trusted network"?  Because I think the
problem basically is that there's no sDHCP, right?

> A bare name would unlikely find match from the suffix list. You could ask 
> resolution for the bare name from your favorite default.
> After appending the bare name with some suffix from your search list you 
> could look for match from DNS server selection list.
> Of course there could be multiple search list from different interfaces. In 
> such case you could prioritize the search lists by some means and start 
> walking through the suffixes when resolving bare name.

This is all a little hand-wavy.  "Some means" sounds like the road to
user-surprise-perdition.  Bare names are already a bugbear, and I
don't think we want to make them even more surprising.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-29 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 10:03:22AM -0500, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:

> there exist rules, much earlier than 1123, about "-" as the initial, or 

Yes.  They're the hostname rules.  RFC 1035 has this to say about
them, in section 2.3.1:

  The DNS specifications attempt to be as general as possible in the
  rules for constructing domain names.  The idea is that the name of
  any existing object can be expressed as a domain name with minimal

  However, when assigning a domain name for an object, the prudent
  user will select a name which satisfies both the rules of the domain
  system and any existing rules for the object, whether these rules
  are published or implied by existing programs.

  For example, when naming a mail domain, the user should satisfy both
  the rules of this memo and those in RFC-822.  When creating a new
  host name, the old rules for HOSTS.TXT should be followed.  This
  avoids problems when old software is converted to use domain names.

  The following syntax will result in fewer problems with many

  applications that use domain names (e.g., mail, TELNET).

[. . . ]

  The labels must follow the rules for ARPANET host names.  They must
  start with a letter, end with a letter or digit, and have as
  interior characters only letters, digits, and hyphen.  There are
  also some restrictions on the length.  Labels must be 63 characters
  or less.

Now, we have considerable discussion in the first part of that passage
that explains why the restrictions that are being introduced are so
introduced, despite the fact that the protocol itself happens not to
have such restrictions.  So, are those rules "merely" allocation
policy, or not?  I can't tell, and I say you can't either.  We don't
even have the proto-2119 lanuage here that we see in RFC 1123, so we
can't tell whether the "The labels must follow" in the last paragraph
is a protocol restriction or a consequence of following the "prudent
user" advice that immediately preceeds it.  It might be policy, and it
might not be.

One way to figure out whether this is "mere" policy or whether it is
in fact protocol is to ask people.  It turns out, however, that
different people have responded differently to this.  Some people have
responded by putting eight-bit labels in the public DNS.  

I claim, therefore, that regardless of whether the rule in RFC 1123 is
or is not clearly policy, we should document that we explicitly
permit, as a matter of protocol, certain characters in the top level.
The draft as written carefully points out that there are lots of
things that are policy and not the domain of the IETF.  This just
states that, in case anyone thinks there is a problem with top level
IDNA2008 labels, there isn't.

And I say again (for the last time, since I think I'm just repeating
myself now), if one thinks that the restriction in 1123 is clearly not
a protocol restriction, then there is nothing to say and we can be


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-29 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 10:17:39AM +1100, James Mitchell wrote:
> 1. Requirements on composition of TLDs
> no requirements over and above normal host names
> i.e. can be 1*63 [a-z] [0-9]  and hyphen, cannot start or end with hypen etc..
> [I think we can all agree that the internet will not break if ".8-ball" was 
> added to the root, as to whether it works...]

It seems to me we can all agree that the Internet will not break if
you register a domain name o', either.  But you're not
allowed to, not because of the DNS rules but because of the hostname
rules and a suggestion in the DNS specification that things will go
better if you follow the hostname rules too.  Why not relax that
restriction?  Why should we be beholden to old-timey restrictions?

> For IDNs, must be valid a-label and u-label 

Why?  That seems like it's "just" a policy preference.  Why should the
IETF have anything to say about it?  Why shouldn't the top level
labels also conform to JFC Morfin's Intersem plans, using multiple
[a-z][a-z]-- prefixes?  What basis do we have for telling ICANN what
valid DNS labels they're allowed to pick?
> 2.1 RFC1123
> application developers may have made assumptions about composition of domain 
> names; applications may not recognise new TLD. this has been seen with 
> .museum..
> 2.2 Confusion with IP Addresses
> TLDs that begin with a digit may be confused with IP addresses
> TLDs that begin with 0x may be confused with IP addresses
> TLDs that are 0-255 may be confused with IP addresses and thus never looked 
> up in DNS as suggested in RFCxxx
> [perhaps some of these points become restrictions on the composition of TLDs]

Or perhaps, in the interests of making changes near or at the root
incrementally, we adopt the restrictive proposal in the draft and then
write a subsequent one, informed perhaps by more study, that opens the
door wider.
> 3. Validation of TLDs
> Application developers should not make assumptions about the composition of 
> TLDs, or the frequency in which they are allocated. if validation is required 
> then looking up the entry in the DNS is a foolproof way to know if a TLD has 
> been allocated. Consideration should be made to reduce queries to the root. 
> Static lists should be avoided.

Note that we already have an RFC that says roughly what (3) says, and
so we don't need to say it again.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-26 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 02:15:38PM -0800, Doug Barton wrote:

> Ah, now I get it. You're arguing that the protocol restriction did exist  
> in the past, and now we're relaxing it, but only slightly.

No, I'm arguing, just as the document does, that some people may have
understood this to be a protocol restriction because the document was
not crystal clear about what was policy and what was not.  My personal
view is that it _was_ policy, that it was called out as such, and that
if things break then that's a pity.  But as an IETF geek, I'm
concerned about interoperability.  And so since the protocol/policy
line was not always drawn as brightly in the past as it maybe could
have been, let's explicitly say that certain things are just hunky

In my opinion, the alternative to this is to say nothing.  If you are
right and there never was any protocol issue here, then ICANN has
taken over that problem and we don't have to solve it. 


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-25 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 05:37:08PM +, Tony Finch wrote:
> Yes, but I think that the document should make it abundantly clear that
> this restriction arises from the TLD allocation policy (NOT the protocol)
> and this policy is subject to change, as in the introduction of long TLDs
> and IDNS TLDs.

So what aside from 

   It is carefully noted that the specification in this document is not
   the only factor in choosing suitable TLD DNS-Labels, and that many
   considerations external to the IETF are included in that wider
   policy.  See Section 5 for more discussion of policy considerations.

do you want?  It seems to me that those who don't like the document
aren't actually offering text that they'd like to see in the document.
(The exception to this of course are those who say the document should
not be published, period.)


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-25 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 10:48:19AM -0800, Doug Barton wrote:

>> IETF is supposed to be about interoperability, and if stuff breaks
>> because we have decided, "We don't care lalalalalala I can't hear
>> you there isn't a problem," then we ought to be ashamed of ourselves.
> I am rather specifically NOT claiming that there is no problem, and your  
> attempt here to paint me (and others who agree with this view) as  
> childish/foolish is a borderline ad hominem attack.

You have claimed that there is not a technical problem here, but
"merely" a policy one.  I am arguing that, given that some people
apparently read 1123 differently than you do, we have a technical
problem in the narrowest meaning of that term, and that we therefore
ought to address it.

Also, if you're going to start throwing around complaints about
fallacies, you'll want to describe them correctly.  If you really
think I'm misdescribing your position, it's not an _ad hominem_
anyway.  It's a straw person.  Moreover, while we're talking about
fallacies . . .

> I will once again point out that if your criteria is "We can never  
> deploy anything new in DNS because something in the installed base will  
> break" then the issue with this draft is moot. We simply will not do  
> IDNs at all, and therefore there is no need for the draft to clarify  
> anything. Oh and btw, are you going to notify Jari and Ralph that we're  
> closing down dnsext, or would you like me to do it?

. . . this is just a slippery slope argument, and not a very good one.
Engineering decisions involve trade-offs.  It is quite correct that
there may well be deployed software that will break when exposed to
on-the-wire DNS top-level labels that don't strictly conform to the
RFC 1123 "alphabetic" description.  That doesn't mean that we don't
deploy such labels: it means we have to make a decision about whether
the feature is worth the potential cost.

I think it is, and I also think that the right thing to do is to
specify exactly what we are changing and how so that, if something
breaks, people have something they can read in order to understand
what is going on.

Moreover, the class of applications that might be using the heuristic
about the top-level labels extends far beyond just those things
actually talking to the DNS.  It's actually that class of software I
am most concerned about.  That's what makes me think it is worth
specifying first the smallest variation from historical practice that
we can specify while still permitting the new use.

> I've already lodged this objection more than once, but since you have  
> repeated your side again, I'll do the same. We do not have a protocol  
> restriction now, and your attempt to assert one in a "clarify" draft is  
> at best, bogus.

Well, I'm not attempting anything: I didn't write the draft.  But I
think the draft tries to say that the 1123 language may be interpreted
(by some) as entailing a restriction, not that there is in fact such a

   Some implementers may have understood the above phrase 'will be
   alphabetic' to be a protocol restriction.

It seems to me that if you want to make clearer that the text of 1123
ought not to be so interpreted, you could send text to that effect.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-24 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 01:15:23PM +1100, James Mitchell wrote:
> If deployed software does not work with a TLD, it is the TLD owner who loses. 

I'm sorry, but that claim is arrant nonsense.  We _all_ lose.  The
IETF is supposed to be about interoperability, and if stuff breaks
because we have decided, "We don't care lalalalalala I can't hear
you there isn't a problem," then we ought to be ashamed of ourselves.

I think Joe's pragmatic approach is the right one: document right now
that whatever the restrictions might historically have been, we are
quite explicitly going to permit at the very least one class of

If people feel strongly that in fact the TLD label restriction never
was there and should not be, then once this document is published you
all can go out and write the draft, "TLD label character restrictions
considered harmful", and pursue the publication of that as an RFC.  In
the meantime, we have at least a technical document that makes clear
that certain things are permitted.

Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] dns interface to whois? (Re: Taking Back the DNS )

2010-11-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
No, iris has not been widely deployed. My point is that if there were some 
reason to have this data available in a convenient machine readable format, 
then iris would already be deployed. That there's no uptake seems to me to be 
an indication that registries don't want additional costs. So they won't sign 
up to expand their dns operation costs for these purposes either. 

If they _will_ spend on this, then it seems to me the deployment cost for an 
existing protocol will be lower than for one we still have to invent. 


Andrew Sullivan

On 2010-11-21, at 13:13, Lawrence Conroy  wrote:

> Hi Andrew, folks,
> Does anyone actually use IRIS?
> Telling someone to "go look over here for IRIS" seems like telling them 
> everything has to be in XML (only squared).
> DNS provisioning and lookup for TXT in "srv-like" sub-domains is easy and 
> cheap (for implementers).
> Provisioning, querying and parsing and IRIS data is not, I'd venture.
> So ... is your comment "Why do that?" really meant as "Why make life easier 
> for malcontents and spammers"?
> all the best,
>  Lawrence
> On 21 Nov 2010, at 17:41, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 05:33:12PM +, Paul Vixie wrote:
>>> how would the registry system implement something like this?  
>> I would argue that they shouldn't.
>>> i know there are a lot of related proposals in XML.  that's another topic.
>> No, it isn't.  It's one thing to say, "Go look over here for IRIS."
>> It's quite another to try to duplicate all that in the DNS itself.
>> Why do that?
>> A
> ___
> DNSOP mailing list
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] dns interface to whois? (Re: Taking Back the DNS )

2010-11-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 05:33:12PM +, Paul Vixie wrote:
> how would the registry system implement something like this?  

I would argue that they shouldn't.

> i know there are a lot of related proposals in XML.  that's another topic.

No, it isn't.  It's one thing to say, "Go look over here for IRIS."
It's quite another to try to duplicate all that in the DNS itself.
Why do that?


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-20 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 08:15:06AM -0500, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:

> well, there are issues that the original idn, and the later idnabis  
> working groups didn't examine as exhaustively as others, and to assume  
> that every issue related to i18n and/or l10n on or off the wire was  
> adequately addressed by one or both is very, very generous.

I don't think that anyone was supposing that.  I was simply arguing
that we can't re-open the entire protocol every time someone wants to
write something that depends on it.  If one thinks that IDNA2008 is
broken or otherwise wrong, the right thing to do is to go write the
IDNA2008 Considered Harmful draft, not to try to sneak those
criticisms in through the back door of a pure clean-up document
designed only to permit the use of IDNA2008 in the top level.  If
there is such a Considered Harmful draft floating about, then ICANN
has the obligation to make decisions about whether to form its policy
in light of that document.  The IETF is about protocol, and all this
document is trying to do -- and it is explicit about this -- is to
relax (carefully) a restriction that may or may not have been
understood somewhere as a protocol restriction.

> That one was surfaced at the Mexico ICANN, with some bright young thing 
> dreaming of ".4u", presenting at least two problems in presumed policy 
> land.

Note that .4u is still simply not allowed by RFC 1123 or by this
draft.  That is an all-ASCII label, not a U-label, and it is not
alphabetic.  Therefore, not allowed.  If someone at ICANN wants to
change that, s/he will need to write a draft.  Or, of course, ignore
the RFCs published by the IETF.  I'm sure the people at the ITU would be
happy with that latter outcome.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-18 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 09:55:02PM +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> As is explained in wikipedia
> arabic letters have four forms, "isolated", "end", "middle"
> and "beggining" and the form is determined by the location
> of a letter within a word. Thus, they are not different
> from Latin distinctions of capital/small letters, which is
> determined by the location of a letter within a sentence.

I don't see how any of the above (or any of the rest of the message,
which I clipped but which betrays a misunderstanding of nuances of
writing systems more or less as complete as the misunderstanding
demonstrated above) has anything at all to do with the current draft.
I think Ohta-san has made it clear that he thinks IDNA is broken.
Point noted.  But there's a whole list devoted to the topic of IDNA,
and I don't believe it's in scope for this draft.  The draft accepts
IDNA as a foundation, and proceeds from there.  IDNA2008 is a standards
track IETF project, and it is therefore legitimate for an I-D to start
with that specification as a starting point.

If one thinks the standards track IDNA2008 specification is wrong or
won't work (I suggested this before), one can go write a draft that
says so.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-17 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 09:54:30AM -0500, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:

> A reasonable observation. The responsibility to ensure that the nuances 
> of dependency were correctly noted in the past, or are correctly noted in 
> the present, remain. If only every "i" had been correctly crossed, every 
> "t" correctly dotted...

If that's the issue, then we're in very deep water indeed.  RFCs 1034
and 1035 are not without ambiguity.

> Loosely speaking, there is something that superficially resembles an  
> obligation

I meant it in the simple sense that, given that they're the people
making the policies, they have the responsibility to do certain work.
It's only that sort of implicit obligation, and I'll cheerfully (well,
glumly, but I'm not exactly Tigger) concede that legal ones are
probably not there.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-17 Thread Andrew Sullivan
This is on dnsop, but just to be clear: for this and all the other
messages I've sent in this thread, no hat.

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 12:08:13AM +1100, James Mitchell wrote:

> Do we really want to say to 3com (probably a bad example, but go
> with the concept) that they cannot have a TLD when their competitors
> can? 

That is None Of Our Business.

What this draft does is expand the previous rules about TLDs in the
DNS in the absolute minimum way necessary to allow new TLDs using
IDNA2008.  It won't allow every possible TLD, in exactly the way that
every possible LDH TLD is maybe or maybe not permitted by the RFC.

The only avenue open to people who think this draft should not be
published is to claim that the "will be alphabetic" claim in RFC1123
is not and never was an assertion to the rest of the network about
what assumptions they might legitimately make about TLDs.  In other
words, you have to argue that the assertion "will be alphabetic" was
(only) a statement of policy in force at the time; that such policy
was clearly defeasible; and that the policy has been quite plainly
overtaken by a new policy as determined by the relevant policy makers.
I'm actually mostly comfortable with such an argument, but there are
plenty of people who aren't.  I say "mostly" because I don't think the
policy people at ICANN have made anything about this topic even
remotely clear, including that they think they are changing a rule in
RFC 1123 and that they're doing it deliberately.  (This is not to
attack ICANN: they have their own problems, and I'm sympathetic.)
Note that some people in this thread are making that argument quite
clearly; I think it's an entirely reasonable position to take, though
I don't happen to share it.

If you think that we do in fact need an update to 1123 to clarify
things, then there is nothing at all wrong with publishing this
document right now, in order to allow the minimum necessary, and then
revisiting the question more completely (ideally, suggesting to ICANN
participants or staff that clear claims about the boundary between
policy and protocol here from their quarter would also be useful,
recognizing that there will be some disagreements and need to work
things out).

When 1123 was written, the Internet was in the early phases of the
commercial explosion.  We're past that now, and conditions are
obviously different.  But we have to deal with the fact that we have a
deployed system with a lot of different things dependent on the
historical behaviour.  Part of our responsibility, _particularly_ in
the operations end of the IETF "technical community", is to recommend
prudent and cautious development of the operational conventions on the
network: the line between policy and protocol has not always been
bright.  The closer we get to the thing that everyone depends on (and
the contents of the root zone are surely within spitting of
"everyone"), the more conservative we have to be.  And yes, that
sometimes means that we need to recommend prudence even if it isn't
desirable to particular interests.

> As a thought, consider names written in the Arabic script. Being a
> cursive script, how is a TLD applicant expected to separate 'words'
> in a top level domain without the use of a hyphen or
> equivalent.

They already have a problem, because DNS labels aren't words.  They're
mnemonics, perhaps, but not words.  The publisher, O'Reilly, isn't
going to be able to get .o'reilly either, no matter what we do: it's
not allowed by the traditional LDH rule and it doesn't fall under
IDNA2008.  Is this discrimination?  Only in the traditional meaning of
"applying correct discernment", I say.



Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-17 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 01:00:10AM +, Richard Clayton wrote:

> Anyway... since we're meant to be discussing the document, I admit to
> being entirely puzzled by this section:
>A Restricted-A-Label is a DNS-Label which satisfies all the following
>1.  the DNS-Label is a valid A-Label according to [RFC5890];
>2.  the derived property value of all code points, as defined by
>[RFC5890], is PVALID;
>3.  the general category of all code points, is one of { Ll, Lo, Lm,
>Mn }.
> The reason I'm puzzled is that RFC5890 doesn't discuss what "property"
> is and PVALID seems to be in a table in a different document (and so
> doesn't appear in RFC5890 at all). ie: I think the reference to RFC5890
> in #2 may be a typo.

Yeah, I was afraid of this when I saw it before.  You've confirmed my
fear.  The references to IDNA2008 in section 1 of the draft should be
to the entire document set (RFC 5890, RFC 5891, RFC 5892, and RFC
5893).  Also, the text should undoubtedly refer specifically to
IDNA2008 rather than just "IDNs"; and the spelling of
"Internationalized" should revert to its American version, no matter
how one feels that is wrong, because the reference is usually to the
title of the document set and it's spelled with the "z" there.  The
reference in item 2 needs to be changed, because the derived property
value is defined by RFC 5892:

   This document reviews and classifies the collections of code points
   in the Unicode character set by examining various properties of the
   code points.  It then defines an algorithm for determining a derived
   property value.  It specifies a procedure, and not a table, of code
   points so that the algorithm can be used to determine code point sets
   independent of the version of Unicode that is in use.

As an aside, I'll note that this sort of picky editorial issue is, to
me, yet another indication that the document is actually basically
ready to ship.

> I would also like to know where I'd go to look up what a category is ...

The category is a property of each Unicode code point.  I think you
can probably get enough to understand the current draft by reading all
of the IDNA2008 documents (if you go to the RFC Editor search page and
just use "IDNA2008" as your search string, you'll get them all.  But
they're RFCs 5890 through 5894, with the latter being non-normative
informational material.  You might want to have a look at 5895 too.
But if that's not enough, you'll need to read the Unicode
specification.  The whole thing is available from  

> ... I think what this is intending to say is that you can have a TLD of
> ".2go" but only if there's an xn-- at the front of the whole thing :)

I think what you mean is that xn--2go would be a valid U-label, and
therefore would be a possible label under the rules in the draft, but
that "2go" itself is not a label permitted under these rules because
it fails the traditional "will be alphabetic" restriction in the
discussion in RFC 1123 (and it is not a possible U-label because it is
all ASCII).  If so, then yes, exactly right.

Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-17 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 11:20:56AM +, Tony Finch wrote:
> I believe that no requirement needs to be relaxed to allow A-labels. A
> clarification might be helpful.

If no requirement is needed, then no document is needed, because the
policy realm was ceded to ICANN some years ago.  We can remain quiet
and wait for someone at ICANN to write a document somewhere that
clarifies that they have changed the policy that used to be expressed
in RFC 1123.

> That is blatantly broken. There is no need for any heuristic to tell IP
> addresses and host names apart. This kind of code should be mocked, not
> accommodated.

To my mind, this is a way of saying that anyone who has to live with
broken implementations by people who half-understand the huge volume
of DNS-related RFCs is just sweet out of luck.  Too bad for them.  Is
that really what we want to say?

Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-16 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 04:06:37PM +, Tony Finch wrote:

> According to my reading of RFC 1123 it is allowed, and IDNA depends on it
> being allowed. The normative text says that anything that isn't a dotted
> quad IP address should be treated as a domain name.

Define what you mean by "normative text".  You're quite right that the
"will be alphabetic" restriction is in the Discussion, and therefore
can be construed as not actually part of the protocol (that's actually
how I read it).  But the argument has been that the Discussion segment
amounts to a constraint on the protocol, or anyway may well have been
interpreted that way in running code.  We don't know.  (And of course,
as usual in the DNS, we don't have any way of checking.)

You're quite right that the "will be alphabetic" stricture has to be
released for TLDs to be able to do IDNA at all: every one of them
contains "--" and that's not alphabetic.  So I read the document as
trying to relax that rule just exactly enough to allow A-labels in the
TLDs, without relaxing everything.  The "don't relax everything" goal
is to make the smallest change needed so that if there are any bad
effects, they're not magnified more than they ought to be.

Given what I have seen in other TLD-checking type code, I'd bet a
pretty good lunch that anything _starting_ with a digit in the top
level will run into all sorts of troubles.  There's probably some
heuristic software out there that checks the top-most label, looks for
a digit in the first character, and treats the set of labels as an IP
address if there is one.

To me, the justification for the U-label having to be a letter, then,
is that such a label could get passed in as a U-label form, and if the
carelessly-written code is running in a Unicode environment it will do
exactly the same thing as I just described.  So the draft seems to me
to make the most conservative change it can.  Even if I don't like it,
the top level is different from other levels in the DNS, and we need
to be careful there.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-15 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 07:46:08AM +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> I already gave an example of capital form of 'c' with cedille is
> often plain 'C' without cedille and seldom 'C' with cedille, even
> though tools of ISO 8859/1 and Unicode support 'C' with cedille.

Changing the example does not make your case any stronger.  (And
actually, you're now well into the land already staked by
J.F.C. Morfin and his crowd of adherents.  In my opinion, Jefsey's
understanding of how French works is not exactly in line with what
l'Académie says, but you're welcome to go and read his views for

> That is, people affect the tools.

If course they do.  And the tools affect the people.  Technology
shapes us even as we shape it.  English speakers have learned that,
for comparison purposes, EXAMPLE and example match, but it's not
actually quite as simple as that.  For instance, there is a sorting
rule in English that sorts capital letters before lower case; so if
you had a list with EXAMPLE, Example, and example in it, they would
sort in that order.  And sometimes case is important, as when you are
correcting the spelling of something that ought to be capitalized in
some cases and not others.  ("The University's Senate made a statement
that the role of the university in the modern context has changed."
Case can change meaning.)  Not all of this can be captured in the DNS,
either, but competent speakers of the language have learned how to
move around in this context.

> Now, may I ask where are facts supporting *YOUR* assumptions?

I'm not sure which assumptions you're talking about.  If you're
talking about the one in which I was arguing that technology shapes us
just as surely as we shape it, then I'm afraid the demonstration of
that is altogether off topic for this list.  But if you don't believe
me, I can suggest some elementary reading for you.  You may find her
totally inaccessible, but I find Donna Haraway on cyborgs to be an
excellent place to start.

Anyway, you have not demonstrated even a little bit that all of this
needs to be included in the document, since it does not pertain
directly.  You don't even appear to be trying to make such an
argument, so I think you're just ranting because you don't like IDNA.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-15 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 06:49:32AM +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> If your local encoding is ISO 8859/1, you can input 'Y', but not
> 'Y' with diaeresis.
> If your local encoding is Unicode but you are accustomed to ISO
> 8859/1 environment, you will input 'Y', but not 'Y' with diaeresis.
> It does not affect abstract definitions of IDNA2008 but does
> affect DNS operations.

Everyone who ever makes this kind of remark seems to imagine that the
tools that they are using never affect the people using them.  This is
a preposterous assumption, akin to maintaining that it was impossible
to learn to drive a car because horses don't have steering wheels.

Of course it is true that different people in different environments
have a hard time spelling things in another language.

That is simply not an argument that localization can't possibly work.
It is instead an argument that localization in a globalized system
brings with it a bunch of challenges that cause users some difficulty.
It is then a matter of trading off the difficulty of communicating
when there are different ways of spelling "the same thing" (e.g. an
ASCII-based one and, say, a Han-based one) against the difficulty for
a user who just doesn't have an ASCII keyboard or even a left-to-right
user input context.

Of course that is hard.  Nobody ever said it wasn't.  But there is a
gap between "hard" and "totally impossible", and I do not see any
advantage in pretending that such a gap doesn't exist.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04

2010-11-15 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 06:07:28AM +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> IT'S ENOUGH THAT YOU ADMIT "IT DEPENDS". Remember that you wrote
> "Because the matching function can not be changed." in your
> mail on November 13.

It seems to me that screaming on the list and taking two different
phrases out of context and mashing them together is a demonstration
that you are not interested in good faith conversations.  Moreover,

> And, under ISO 8859/1, it does not even depend,

ISO 8859-1 is completely irrelevant here, because how you get to the
point of having a U-label is totally out of scope for the IDNA2008
specification.  But whatever you do to get to that point, the U-label
has nothing whatever to do with ISO 8859-1.

> Then, we have agreed that localized domain names in IDNA2008 can
> not handle case insensitivities.

It is certainly true that the DNS-protocol case preservation but case
insensitivity matching rules are not internationalized exactly as one
might like in IDNA2008.  Without DNSng, I have no idea how to solve
that.  But you seem to be willfully ignoring that IDNA2008 actually
does address this, although in an uncomfortable and somewhat
unsatisfying way.  One could be forgiven for imagining that you
haven't bothered to read the RFCs you are insisting don't address the
issue you're talking about.

The draft does not need to address this point, because the point is
addressed elsewhere.  Every draft on internationlization is not an
opportunity to re-explore the rathole down which the IDNABIS working
group laboured for several years.  IDNA is shipping.  All the current
draft does is permit TLDs that are in conformance with IDNA2008,
except that it attempts to make the change as small as possible in
order to try to minimise the possibility of surprises from software
that had understood RFC 1123 as protocol and not policy.

I think the document should be shipped as soon as possible.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] On resolver priming

2010-11-11 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Hi all,

The last discussion of signing ROOT-SERVERS.NET involved the arguments
that there's no real value in signing the zone and that there is a
non-zero cost to doing so.

I agree with both of those arguments, but I wonder whether it might
not be a better sales job if we just accepted it maybe ought to be
signed anyway.  I'm aware that it runs against the grain to do
something purely for theatrical reasons, but sometimes people like a
good show.  Every time this topic comes up (especially outside IETF
circles, where one can perhaps be expected to understand the detailed
arguments), a number of people argue that it's really necessary to
sign the zone, or that having an exception for this sets some kind of
precedent, or something.  I think these discussions waste a lot of
time, and so as a purely tactical measure it strikes me that we could
shut down that line of argument by just signing the data.



Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-key-timing-00

2010-10-19 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 10:26:27AM +0200, Johan Ihren wrote:
> B. "Better to publish what we have and initiate work on a -bis document 
>  immediately. Also known as the "Perfect is the Enemy of Timely"-alternative.

I like this, but I'd like it more if there were text in the document
that said something like, "This represents current thinking at the
time of publication.  The reader is reminded that DNSSEC is as of
publication in early stages of deployment, and best practices will
likely change in the near term."  Or something like that.  The idea is
to give the reader a clue that s/he ought to be keeping up with the
mailing lists and so on in order to understand what is happening.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] [TLS] [pkix] Cert Enumeration and Key Assurance With DNSSEC

2010-10-04 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Sun, Oct 03, 2010 at 11:14:23AM -0400, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> What is actually being proposed is to replace the fifteen year established
> system of CAs with a new scheme starting in November.

[. . .]

> I really don't think that we want to replace the existing infrastructure a
> new PKI designed by people who claim not to understand the issues involved.
> As the proposers of this scheme have done repeatedly.

Suppose all of that is true (and I think it's a gross
misrepresentation of the situation, but never mind that), so what?
Presumably, if this new PKI sucks as much as you say it does, nobody
will use it, and no harm will come.  If it's a kind of snake oil that
appeals to the clueless (i.e. it sucks as much as you say it does, but
it's jumped up and marketed in a way that lures people who don't know
any better), then it will have some spectacular failure and everyone
will thenceforth avoid it.  So what's the problem, even if things are
as bad as you say?

Also, why isn't this on the list devoted to this discussion (followup set)?


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Fwd: I-D Action:draft-jabley-dnssec-trust-anchor-00.txt

2010-10-04 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Sun, Oct 03, 2010 at 01:18:01PM -0400, Joe Abley wrote:
> I'm not entirely sure the answer shouldn't be "because we manage the
> keys, and we say so" actually.

I think I've made this argument before, but the above seems to me to
be one of two possibly relevant perspectives in respect of keys
(either in this DNSSEC context or more generally, but I'm
concentrating on the DNSSEC context just now).

On the one hand, we can understand keys as expressing a certain
trustworthiness-assurance on the part of the key publisher.  We can
understand the publication of the key as an assertion on the part of
the publisher that data signed with that key is trustworthy.  I call
this view publisher-centric.  If we understand keys according to this
scheme, then it is entirely reasonable for a key publisher to say,
"Once I have pulled a key, don't use it, ever."

On the other hand, we can understand keys as a feature a publisher
offers users in order that those users may make intelligent choices
about trust.  In this view, we can understand the publication of a key
as part of that support offered to users who want to validate data.
Those users are then in a position to make evaluations of data they
receive.  I call this the user-interpretive view.  Under this view, it
is not reasonable for a key publisher to try to prescribe how the key
is to be used once it is published.  This approach, however, comes
with the risk to the user that the user will not know of a key
compromise.  The problem in this case is that the use-value to the
user, which lies in increased confidence in the value of the signed
data, is misplaced.  Instead, the publisher's role is reduced to
warning users (by policies) what uses the publisher is willing to
support, and what uses are unsupported.

It seems to me that both perspectives are useful and valuable, but
they're different ways of looking at the issue and they have different


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Fw: New Version Notification for draft-morris-dnsop-dnssec-key-timing-02

2010-07-25 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 10:39:15PM +0200, wrote:
>> My concern is whether this draft is the right place for such text.
>> The IANA process is a special case and is not concerned with the   
>> timing issues that are the focus of the document; as such, it may   
>> belong more in something that describes how that timing sequence has  
>> been implemented in a particular case.
> But that particular case could be the norm!
> Currently, not only the root has this policy. RIPE[1] and .br[2] also
> requires prepublication of dnskeys.

I'm not entirely sure that the draft ought to reflect what people do,
because one could argue that that requirement is a mistake.  But in
any case, they're still infrastructure domains, just as is ., and the
analogy between them and everything else breaks down pretty quickly.

I think the draft is _not_ the place for this advice.  If advice is
needed, it should go in 4641-bis.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Fwd: New Version Notificationfordraft-mekking-dnsop-auto-cpsync-00

2010-07-02 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 05:42:15PM +1000, Mark Andrews wrote:
> I regularly use TSIG today between my master server and the slave
> servers for my zones operated by other parties.  TSIG really isn't
> a hard thing to setup or use.

It may surprise you to learn that there are users who do not find the
user interface for these tools, or the idea of cutting and pasting
into BIND config files, even slightly intuitive.  I've personally
encountered situations where it took weeks to set up TSIG between two
servers.  Anything that makes this sort of thing easier seems to me to
be a good idea.  (This is not an evaluation of the current proposal,
just an observation.)


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] That key size argument...was Re: The case for single active key

2010-06-18 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 12:35:31PM -0400, Edward Lewis wrote:
>> Remember I'm arguing against the KSK+ZSK split in most cases, a different
>> thread will be started on key size recommendation.
> I don't think KSK+ZSK is a dead or outmoded idea.  

If I understand Olafur correctly, he doesn't either.  He just thinks
that in a large number of cases, it's not the right approach to
achieve the goal of reliable operation (including the reliable
availability of data for validation).

I agree with him, and tried to make this point in Anaheim.  The
arguments for KSK/ZSK splits are at best appropriate for certain
classes of operation, and I don't think we should publish a document
that says that such a split is generally speaking a best practice.  I
think the arguments for that claim are weak, because there is
countervailing evidence to the effect that a single key in the right
circumstances will be more reliable and less likely to be messed up by
operator error.  That is especially true for smaller zones without
professional administrators.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Split DNS problems for multi-interfaced hosts and a possible solution

2010-06-15 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 09:11:26AM -0400, Edward Lewis wrote:
> The DNSOP group has considered but never adopted a draft (nor any  
> documented promoted to RFC) that defined what split DNS is.  Without a 

If you were referring to draft-krishnaswamy-dnsop-dnssec-split-view
there, I'm not sure I agree.  My complaint at the time was that the
document was trying to do two things at once, and neither was really
fully there.  In particular, I thought (and still think) that a fairly
extensive discussion of split-view was needed, and that the different
approaches and so on needed to be enumerated in one document.  Then a
second document detailing when and how to do split-view with DNSSEC
(with that draft as the basis) would be good.  I was ready to work on
this, and in fact I did some work on it, but there didn't seem to be
much other enthusiasm.

I am still ready and willing to take this on.  I know that it's
fashionable to go "lalalala" every time split-brain^H^H^H^H^Hview
comes up, but it's a widely-used feature and I think we're remiss if
we don't document it.  If you and Suresh want to continue work on
this, so do I.

> The group has to define split DNS.

Completely agree.

Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-ietf-dnsop-default-local-zones and the former IP6.INT.

2010-04-06 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 09:53:32AM -0400, Joe Abley wrote:
> "IP6.INT was once used to provide reverse mapping for IPv6. IP6.INT was 
> deprecated in [RFC4159] and the delegation removed from the INT zone in June 
> 2006. While it is possible that legacy software continues to send queries for 
> names under the IP6.INT domain, this document does not specify that IP6.INT 
> be considered a local zone."

I like this text the best of the three.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] FYI: DNSOPS presentation

2010-04-05 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Sorry for disappearing from this thread, but I was away.  I want to
draw attention to something in this discussion, however.

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 03:25:35AM -0400, Igor Gashinsky wrote:
> I will completely agree with you that this is where the problem *should* 
> be solved. However, we are about 5 years (if not more) too late in solving 
> it that way if we wanted to deploy ipv6 right now -- that is what we are 
> trying to address. Hell, IE6 still makes up close to 18% of all users out 
> there despite everybody trying to deprecate that browser, and the 
> percentage of ipv6 capable users is roughly the same as the percentage of 
> windows 98 users out there (0.3%)... So, given that clearly users don't 
> update their software often enough, it is too late to fix the applications 
> that are already deployed on users PCs (and their broken home 
> gateways/firewalls/etc), so, what do we do *right now*, to get those 
> "broken users" through the next 3-5 years till they upgrade? 

What that really says is that we failed to do this properly 5 years
ago, and instead shipped a lot of kludgey half-working stuff that was
sort of broken.  Having done that, in order to work around it, the
right answer now is to add a _new_ half-working kludge that will be
sort of broken, and to add it at central places in the network where
it will live effectively forever and where it will actually impede
perfectly legitimate users who are using dual stack.

I think that's a bad trade-off.  This is entirely a question of
trading the positive effects of doing something against the short- and
long-term costs of doing that thing.  I completely agree that there's
a serious problem here, and I don't buy for a second the argument that
end users need to experience this breakage in order to get them to
"upgrade" or "fix" or whatever their broken environments (we are past
the beginning of the automotive age, where every driver had to be able
to make emergency repairs at the side of the road).  But authority DNS
servers aren't in the right position in the network to figure out
whether the end user is having trouble: they can't even tell whether a
query that arrives at their door over v4 is due to an end host that is
using v4, given the existence of NAT-PT and the NAT64/DNS64 follow-on
currently proposed.  The ISP _might_ be able to do something, and even
has a customer-satisfaction incentive to try to find these broken
implementations and help the customer out.  The service itself might
be able to detect some things about what the client is actually able
to do.  But the DNS authority servers from the service operator are
just not in a position to draw any of those conclusions, and the
proposal can easily do as much harm as good.  Therefore, it shouldn't
be pursued.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] FYI: DNSOPS presentation

2010-03-30 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 03:44:43PM -0400, Edward Lewis wrote:

> If IPv4 can get through faster than IPv6, why not continue to use it?  
> When IPv6 is the only way through, use IPv6.  When IPv6 is faster,  
> again, use it.
> Let the end host decide.

I thought I saw you in the DNSOP meeting in Anaheim where this was
outlined?  Anyway, the problem right now is not that the end host
can't decide, but that the end host is deciding _wrong_: it does DNS
over v4, tries to use v6, but is in fact broken on v6 and therefore
won't get the communication it desires.  So what we're trying to cope
with is real breakage in real deployed stuff really on the Internet.
This is not a theoretical exercise in preferring IPv6.  It's an
exercise in trying to do the least-bad thing, given that there is a
tiny minority of hosts (which represents a large number of eyeballs)
who are having trouble today.

Dual-stack and IPv6-only installations are in some cases broken today.
It's unrealistic to say, "Let them feel the pain & they'll upgrade,"
because the people this affects are unlikely to be able to understand
what is happening to them.  As a result, people are going to do
something bad for the DNS (especially over the long term) unless we
find some other thing to suggest to them.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] FYI: DNSOPS presentation

2010-03-30 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 02:15:49PM -0400, Edward Lewis wrote:
> I've heard that before.  The "run out" does not mean an end to the IPv4 
> network.  There will still be 4 billion IPv4 network addresses (yes, a 
> fraction are unusable) in working order plus all the NATted pools out 
> there.  The "run out" is a problem for network growth.

Right.  That's all I meant.  I don't think we need to get people who
are using v4 off v4.  But there will be people for whom v6 will surely
become a more economic option (since as v4 addresses become scarcer,
people who have v4 addresses might find it worth moving to v6 because
the resource is more plentiful).

The point I was trying to make was that, since dual-stack is likely to
be around for a while, with growth on the v6 side, it seems like the
wrong time to break a perfectly good feature (DNS answers on v4 for a
possible v6 connection).  There's something else we ought to be able
to do.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] FYI: DNSOPS presentation

2010-03-30 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 01:46:07PM -0400, Edward Lewis wrote:
> Why is there a need to wean people off IPv4?

Because we're about to run out of v4 addresses, according to the
people in charge of giving them out.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] FYI: DNSOPS presentation

2010-03-30 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 09:04:39AM -0700, Nicholas Weaver wrote:
> His linux host would do an A and an  query and, until the 
> query timed out, delay creating connections eg, through SSH, web
> browsing, etc.  An amazingly painful experience for him until he
> diagnosed it.

But the answer to this breakage that is being proposed is to turn on,
apparently at ISPs' recursive resolvers, a different kind of breakage,
and one without a useful way to detect when it's no longer needed.  In
other words, we'll introduce some sort of bizarre breakage to
dual-stack systems (ones that might work correctly, even) without any
plan for how we'll even know when to turn this breakage off.  And this
while we desperately need to wean people off IPv4 and onto IPv6.

Rather than having the DNS magically lie to people, why not use the
DNS detection mechanism as an indicator that a customer has a broken
v6 implementation.  Then you can turn off _that customer's_ IPv6
connectivity, contact them, and tell them what their problem is.  This
has three benefits:

1.  The customer doesn't break in surprising ways.

2.  Other customers don't break for no reason.

3.  The customer learns s/he has an issue, and can take steps to
correct it before IPv4 is too expensive to use any more.

I am not among those who think that the number of clients involved
with this is "insignificant".  I know that something people sometimes
hear, but the abolute number of people involved does make this a real
problem.  I just don't think that the right answer is to break
perfectly well-functioning systems for everyone else in order to work
around clients that are implemented wrong.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Review of draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc4641bis-02

2010-03-17 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 03:51:42PM -0400, Paul Wouters wrote:
> I think currently, a wrong DS trumps an updated DLV, but I have not
> tested this recently on either bind or unbound. Is it specified anywhere
> else what the expected behaviour is?

Good point.  No, I have no idea.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] Review of draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc4641bis-02

2010-03-17 Thread Andrew Sullivan
rd that it doesn't understand.  The text as it stands
suggests it _is_ unreasonble, and I think it ought to be changed.  The
work that's gone on for RFC 4310bis, in my view, reflects this change
of approach.  Here's suggested new text:

   When designing a registry system one should consider which of the
   DNSKEYs, the corresponding DSes, or both, to store.  On the one
   hand, one might regard the DS as fundamentally derivative of the
   DNSKEY data that originates at the child.  In that case, it is
   reasonable to treat the operator of the child zone as the source
   for the DS record, in much the way parent-side NS records are
   generated; and, for the registry to store a DS record that comes
   from the child.  This has the additional benefit of permitting the
   publication of a DS using a message digest algorithm not yet
   understood by the registry.

   On the other hand, the DS is authoritative data only on the parent
   side of a zone cut.  For this reason, registry policy might be to
   require the submission of DNSKEYs so that the registry can generate
   itself the DS record for which it alone is authoritative.  This has
   the additional benefit that the registry controls the
   transformation of the DNSKEY into the DS, so that any errors in
   this step are solely under the control of the registry operator.

   It may also be useful to store both a DS and corresponding DNSKEY,
   since having them may help during troubleshooting.  Having an
   out-of-band mechanism, such as a registry directory (e.g., Whois),
   to find out which keys are used to generate DS Resource Records for
   specific owners and/or zones may also help with troubleshooting.

   The storage considerations also relate to the design of the
   customer interface and the method by which data is transferred
   between registrant and registry; Will the child zone administrator
   be able to upload DS RRs with unknown hash algorithms or does the
   interface only allow DNSKEYs?  In the registry-registrar model, one
   can use the DNSSEC extensions to the Extensible Provisioning
   Protocol (EPP) [draft-gould-rfc4310bis-07], which allows transfer
   of DS RRs and DNSKEY RRs.

§4.4.5 I'm skipping this because I'm pretty sure Olafur's recent work
on the topic offers a lot of clarification.  If the editors want new
proposed text anyway, please ask & I'll work up some.

§ 5.3.4: to address the Ed note in there, perhaps insert the term
"roughly" before "from"?  

AppxA: The "joyfully signs" bit made me chortle.

Respectfully submitted,


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] Internet history list (was: rfc 952, rfc 1123 and 25 years of .com)

2010-03-16 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:55:50AM +0100, Dr Eberhard W Lisse wrote:

> can you perhaps email me the address of that list?

Since that is already one of two requests I've had:

List-Subscribe: <>,  


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc 952, rfc 1123 and 25 years of .com

2010-03-16 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 09:39:43AM +0100, João Damas wrote:

> Thing is I had this vague impression that domain names weren't
> allowed to begin with a number until later than that. Upon checking,
> RFC 952, published in October 1985 had the starting-number
> restriction and it wasn't until RFC 1123 (Oct 1989) that this got
> relaxed. Anyone around remember how got registered ahead of
> it seemingly being a valid domain name (and again, this is in itself
> a bit confusing as RFC 952 introduces the restriction for hostnames
> and domain names, and RFC 1123 only seems to lift the restriction
> for hostnames)

I can't answer this question exactly, but I had occasion to ask Bob
Braden directly about the context of the "always alphabetic" text in
1123 at one of the meetings last year, because that text in 1123
remains problematic (depending how you read it, it may prohibit TLDs
of the form xn--[something], which would be bad given that there are
such TLDs in the root zone today).  

He brightened up and immediately recognized the text in 1123 as "the
3com rule".  This makes me think that he might be able to answer your

Another place to ask might be the Internet history list, where people
who remember some of the early decisions tend to hang out.



Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc4641bis: NSEC vs NSEC3.

2010-02-22 Thread Andrew Sullivan

On 2010-02-22, at 19:13, Mark Andrews  wrote:

The problem is that one is using a hash, not the strength
of the hash.

Precisely.  See another remark in this thread about excluded middle  
and so on.

Andrew Sullivan

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc4641bis: NSEC vs NSEC3.

2010-02-22 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:17:59AM -0500, Matt Larson wrote:

>   I am adamantly opposed to including
> any text about SHA1 hash collisions in an NSEC3 context.

Add me to the choir.  Actually, I'm opposed to including any text
about SHA-1 hash collisions in _any_ DNSSEC context until we write the
document, "Deprecating SHA-1 hash functions for DNSSEC".  


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc4641bis: NSEC vs NSEC3.

2010-02-20 Thread Andrew Sullivan
I think Olafur's point is a good one, but I'm unhappy with the prose.
Some suggested changes below.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 08:37:16AM -0500, Olafur Gudmundsson wrote:

> There are two meachanisms to provide authenticated proof of  
> exsitance/non-existance in DNSSEC. A clear text one and a obfuscated  
> one. 

There are to mechanisms to provide authenticated proof of
non-existence in DNSSEC: a clear text one and an obfuscated-data one.
Each mechanism includes a list of all the RRTYPEs present at the
name.  Each mechanism includes only the name for which the zone is
authoritative (that is, glue in the zone is omitted).

The clear text mechanism is implemented using a sorted linked list of
names in the zone.  The obfuscated-data mechanism first hashes the
names using a one-way hash function, and then sorts the resulting
(hashed) strings.

> The clear text version has its one RRtype for negative answer, Clear  
> text one uses NSEC record and the obfuscated one used NSEC3.

I didn't know how to rephrase that, because if I understand it I think
what I understand is wrong (but that's obviously not the case, so
probably I don't understand it).


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] key rollover for real

2010-01-22 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 03:23:02PM +, wrote:

>   the apparent nub of the argument is... we need to be
>   able to do this rollover thing, but if we screw up
>   it will be hard to put back together... so we won't
>   actually do the task - and hope that we'll never
>   pull the trigger.

That's question-begging.  The exact question under dispute is whether
"we need to be able to do this rollover thing".  Maybe one needs to be
able to do it, and maybe not, and maybe the event itself is so rare in
some zones that treating every occasion as the 1st time is the right
approach.  That's exactly what's up for debate.  Some (I am among
them) claim that there's a risk/reward trade-off, and others seem to
start with the premise that it is a necessary event.  Only if you
accept the latter can you argue that it's the sort of operational
event that must be undertaken with any regularity, and even then I
think the argument is weak.

>   DNS operators -have- to pay attention these days or 
>   the system will stop working.  

This is true, but it's unrelated to key rolls.  It has to do with the
resigning period, which is a completely different issue.

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:52:05PM -0500, Joe Abley wrote:

> I don't think it matters whether the key roll schedule is perfectly
> periodic (e.g. every interval T) or event-driven (e.g. every time
> someone joins or leaves the operations team) but in general I am not
> comfortable relying on important machinery to work when you need it
> if it's not exercised.

Ok, except that each exercise of this machinery is in fact a case of
"needing it", since you're going to do exactly the things you'd need
to do when you need it.  The problem with the key roll as "exercising
the machinery" is that it's a destructive test.  

> If you need an analogy, I think generator testing is a better one
> than launching ICBMs at schools. You hope never to need your
> generator, but you test it regularly anyway just in case.

Good analogy.  What you do here depends on your operation.  If you are
the sort of hugely-automated total 24x7 shop that needs to be able to
prove in a controlled fashion that your generators all work, come on
line, and take the load, then maybe (and only maybe) you turn the
whole thing on, flip everything over to generators, and so on from
time to time (in a controlled way) to prove that it all works.  But if
you have a tiny generator that is supposed to allow you to operate a
couple things in your house in case of a snowstorm, all you do is fire
it up and make sure it produces power.  Which sort of test you ought
to do is governed by what kind of needs you have.

Since I think I've sung that refrain to everyone's boredom, however,
I'll shut up about it now.  


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] key rollover for real

2010-01-22 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:57:13AM +, Jim Reid wrote:
> invoked from time to time in the live environment. And not just for 
> drills.

That sounds rather like a claim that we need to go around and set
buildings on fire from time to time (or have levees break, or cause 7+
Richter-scale earthquakes, or pick your analogy) in order to make sure
that the procedures are in place.

It is simply not true that everything needs to be done "for real" in
order to be sure it can be done.  I don't think we should have live
nuclear-weapon ICBM tests just to see whether the reaction procedures
of the local elementary school are up to snuff.  As I've now said
several times, the risk of some activities is greater than the reward
from seeing how well your operation of that activity follows the

The question here is how great the risk of key rolling is: is it more
like live ICBM tests, or is it more like changing your underwear (the
procedures for which I'm sure we all hope everyone keeps in good
nick)?  I claim the answer to that question is, "It depends," and we
need to give people advice on how to decide where on the
nuclear-war/underpants scale they lie.  I think EKR and Paul have
suggested ways to say that.  I enclose below some additional
long-winded text in case any of it can be useful.

Keys in use do not become weaker with continued use, and there are
not strong arguments from a cryptographic point of view that keys
need to be rolled frequently or even with any regularity.  

Given the state of the cryptographic art as of this writing, the
chances of a key (selected in accordance with the recommendations
in this Section 3) being broken by cryptanalysis is exceeding low.
It is important to evaluate continuously that risk.  When making
an evaluation, it is important to remember that the main question
is one of cost versus value: 

1.  What will it cost an attacker to crack the key?

2.  What will the benefit to the attacker be (i.e. what is the
value of the key)?

3.  How long can the attacker realistically expect to gain
from the attack?

To take a deliberately bad example, if it costs $1,000,000 to
crack the key once a month, and the attacker can only actually use
the compromised key one time before being detected, then the value
of that single use needs to be at least $1,000,000 (however one
calculates that value) to make the attack worth performing.

Each key rollover comes with some risks and rewards.  Every key
rollover runs a small risk that the new key will not be available
somewhere in time for the old key to be removed, if only because
of the possibility that a validator has misconfigured the old key
as a preferred trust anchor.  Errors in the key rollover
procedures or their execution can also lead to the new key not
being available in time.  If some validating resolver attempts to
use the old key, and cannot (or will not, by configuration) use
the new key after the rollover has completed, then that validator
will treat the zone as bogus.

Sites that have well-automated and carefully-tested key rollover
procedures, particularly if the site is well-monitored from
diverse networks, are somewhat less likely to face long-term
outages due to key rollover problems; at the same time, such
high-value zones are more likely to suffer embarrassment from a
botched key rollover.  By similar reasoning, a small site for
which DNSSEC is at most a part-time occupation for one staff
member might run great risk of outage during a key rollover, just
because the testing and detection of DNS issues may not be as
complete as at a larger site.  Most sites will fall in a continuum
between these extremes.  Determining policy around key rollover --
whether to do it, how frequently if so, and whether regularly if
so -- is a matter of operational policy that needs to be
established for each site, taking into account the considerations

Someone might be able to edit that into something less wordy and more useful.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc4641bis: ZSK-roll-frequency

2010-01-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 01:57:49PM -0800, David Conrad wrote:
> First time a scheduled roll botches, any rational organization would
> institute policies and processes to ensure that such a botch does
> not reoccur.  First time a scheduled roll botches with a new
> outsourced contractor, any rational organization would institute
> policies and processes to ensure that such a botch does not reoccur.

You have worked in more enlightened organizations than I, then.

In my experience, with a lot of this sort of outsourcing, what will
happen is that the outsourcing company will produce an incident report
detailing the many ways the overworked drone who didn't know what he
was doing screwed up, why their JD Power or whatever surveys prove
that this never happens to them, and the 40 meetings that will be held
to ensure that even though this was in fact an impossible event, it
will never happen again.

In an organization that actually knows what it is doing
technologically, I'm sure you're right.  In an organization that
doesn't actually care about running its systems because everyone there
has something else they're really doing, DNSSEC will be handed out to
someone else.  The people in that organization will have _no clue_ how
to evaluate the goodness or badness of the DNSSEC procedures of said
contractors.  Or maybe one person in the company will, but he will be
doing the work of three people and won't have time to pay close
attention to any of this.  

The DNS is _not important_ to most of the people who have to rely on
it, any more than the details of my plumbing system are something I
think about every time I wash my hands (and yes, I have replaced my
own pipes).  Asking people to roll their keys all the time is like
telling them that they need to do annual maintenance checking the
washers in all their sinks, to make sure that they're not having
leaks.  Good, sane practice; but they're not going to do it.  They'll
notice when a drip starts, and that day they'll call a plumber.

> There is a reason people have "fire drills" on a periodic schedule.

When we have fire drills, in my experience, we don't actually set off
the alarms and run the sprinklers (or set the building on fire).  We
do it in a controlled, test way, with a mechanism to warn the fire
department and so on.  And actually, in many places, everyone knows
when a fire drill is happening.  We don't seem to have mechanisms for
all this stuff everywhere in the DNS.  Finally, there are places where
fire drills practically never happen -- I've never once been in a
movie theatre where a fire drill happened during a show, for
instance.  And for good reason: the risk of setting off a panic and
hurting people is much greater than the risk that people won't know
what to do in case of a real fire.

I'm not trying to say, "Never roll your keys under any circumstances."
I am arguing, however, that the advice in a document about how to
manage your systems has to contain second-order advice about
evaluating risk and reward, if we want that advice to be helpful.
Rolling keys entails some risk, and if that risk is greater than the
combination of the risk that the key is going to be compromised in the
key lifetime and the risk reduction from key rolling practice, then
the person deciding to do the key roll anyway is actually being
irresponsible: they're taking greater risk than need be.  Different
environments entail different results for that risk evaluation,
because the keys are not all of the same value.  The keys for are just not as valuable as the
keys for the root, and that means I have to make trade-offs that might
be different than those for the root.  Isn't that obvious?


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc4641bis: ZSK-roll-frequency

2010-01-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 04:14:03PM -0500, Edward Lewis wrote:
> I'm finding this discussion enlightening and interesting.

Me too.  I also think that discussion of exactly this sort belongs in
the advice we give to operators.  Understanding the trade-offs and the
reason for them is exactly what makes for selecting the right policies
given the operational considerations of the environment in which one
is working.  I don't think there's one answer for this question,
because what is right is surely related to other considerations.

For instance, despite what David says downthread about operational
realities and exercise, such exercise is a complete waste of time if
the person who does the work is different every time (as might well be
the case under a lot of outsourcing contracts).  In that circumstance,
Paul is probably right: the risk of blowing the key roll outweighs the
benefits of practice.

One also worries a little that many operations people (me included) so
often think "you need to practice this" includes "in production".
(But I haven't worked many places where I've had a real, true,
complete copy of my production systems just for running fire drills.)


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc4641bis: ZSK-roll-frequency

2010-01-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 05:25:29AM +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> > I fully agree.  I just want to make sure we're not holding ourselves
> > to an operational standard that is just impossible to reach.  If we
> > want "proof" and "facts" about whether something won't ever be
> > compromised,
> Remember that DNSSEC was developed because it was believed to make
> DNS proven to be secure.

You're equivocating on "proof" or "secure" or maybe both.

DNSSEC allows you to prove that, assuming secure keys, you're getting
the the correct (i.e. authoritatively-sourced) answer.

It does not allow you to prove that the keys were handled properly,
that Dr Evil hasn't taken over the authoritative machine, that we
really are living in a Euclidean universe with the relevant
mathematical structures, or that ChipManufactureCorp didn't have a
serious bug that caused every cryptographic operation it ever does to
be predictable.  It also doesn't allow you to prove that Bishop
Berkeley's metaphysics was wrong, such that you are in fact connecting
to a computer somewhere out there in the world and not just a
representation-of-foreign-computer in your consciousness.

No other cryptographic proof can ever prove such things, either, since
a cryptographic system invariably involves those nasty graphos, who
are prone to making errors.  Moreover, no existing system can prove
that there is not an undiscovered vulnerability of an algorithm
(though I understand there are proofs that, under known mathematical
assumptions, some algorithms cannot be broken.  That's not the same
thing).  If you wish otherwise, I think you are asking that Godel be
proven wrong.  

If you dislike the word "prove" and cognates to be used for anything
other than mathematical certainty, then I suggest you translate any
use of "proof" that involves parts of the physical universe into some
other term like "increased confidence in the empirico-statistical


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc4641bis: ZSK-roll-frequency

2010-01-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:12:50PM -0800, Eric Rescorla wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Paul Hoffman  wrote:

> > is still much higher than the value of the broken key. Remember
> > that a broken signing key is only valuable until the fact that it
> > is broken is discovered and fixed. So, even if an attacker breaks
> > your signing key, when he/she starts to use it for nefarious
> > purposes and you discover that, you roll your key and the entire
> > time of breaking the new key must be used again before they can
> > mount another attack.
> Exactly. So rolling it preemptively doesn't help much.

What about the argument that you might not discover the nefarious use
(because a small number of DNS transactions, carefully selected, are
the only misdirected ones, and everything else appears normal, so you
chalk it up to user error)?  Remember that unlike many cryptographic
protocols, there's no real end-to-end communication here.  It could
well be hard for a key owner to detect the compromise in a DNS context
than in many other contexts. 

If one accepts that argument (I don't know I do, but let's accept it
for the sake of argument), then rolling regularly (modulo jitter)
could be argued for on the grounds that it will cut off even
undetected compromises.  


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc4641bis: ZSK-roll-frequency

2010-01-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 08:55:33AM -0800, Paul Hoffman wrote:
> But we *can* assume that there are a lot of 1024-bit keys in use
> that are much more valuable than the most valuable DNSSEC 1024-bit
> key. Thus, as public analysis gets better, we are likely to hear
> about it. Even if the first attacks from private crackers, we will
> hear about them.

I fully agree.  I just want to make sure we're not holding ourselves
to an operational standard that is just impossible to reach.  If we
want "proof" and "facts" about whether something won't ever be
compromised, it's not going to happen (so I'm very keen we not put
anything resembling such language in any draft).  That's all I was


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc4641bis: ZSK-roll-frequency

2010-01-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 04:28:14PM +, Tony Finch wrote:
> Operational routines like this will be automated.

I wish I believed that was universally true.  It isn't.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc4641bis: ZSK-roll-frequency

2010-01-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:14:25AM -0500, Edward Lewis wrote:
> At 11:02 -0500 1/21/10, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
>> Sure, but this may well be the exception and not the rule.
> And I've heard the opposite.  "automated-registry[0]"-run zones are in 
> the minority.  (I.e., second level domains, third-level domains, etc...)

Sure.  I think the problem here is that we don't know.  I have no clue
how many systems are updated exclusively by Dynamic Update vs. by
someone opening the zonefile in vi.  I don't think anyone else knows,
either: the scope of DNS operations is far too widely dispersed for
anyone to have done anything like a survey.  Therefore, the best we
can do is recomment the techniques appropriate to different

It seems to me that one such technique is, "If it's easier for you to
transmit a new DS/DNSKEY than it is for you to roll a KSK, then you
don't need a separate KSK.  Just roll the one key and be done with

A separate question, then, is whether the operational regularity that
comes from exercising the above technique all the time outweighs the
risks associated with frequent key rolls that result from getting the
timing wrong.  (My personal opinion is a cautious "yes", but I don't
know how firmly I hold that view.)


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc4641bis: ZSK-roll-frequency

2010-01-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 10:48:52AM -0500, Edward Lewis wrote:
> At 10:39 -0500 1/21/10, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
>> Maybe this is the problem?
> Problem?

It that it seems to be the occasion of a lot of disagreement with the
document.  That is, in many cases, perhaps the advice should simply
be, "The ZSK/KSK split is useful in some circumstances, but for most
applications one key is sufficient."  Or some such.  I'm not proposing
this text, I'm asking.

> Not everyone has an automated registration interface (making that a  
> reason to have a KSK/ZSK still hold).

Sure, but this may well be the exception and not the rule.

> And the key word above is "assumptions" - once we know for a fact that a 
> ZSK of 1024 bits is good for a year no matter how much it is used and 

Nobody can ever know that for a fact, because it would require proving
impossible that such a key could be cracked.  Predictions of future
impossibility are hard to prove.  This is a question of trade-off, not
facts, and one of the questions is the degree to which two keys
themselves introduce risks that aren't offset by the gains they might
produce.  I simply don't know the answer, but it seems to me that EKR
is asking the right question.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] rfc4641bis: ZSK-roll-frequency

2010-01-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 10:14:41AM -0500, Edward Lewis wrote:
> So many assumptions have changed...but the idea of KSK/ZSK hasn't.

Maybe this is the problem?


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] on what glue is (was: signing glue and additional data)

2010-01-18 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 02:54:52PM -, George Barwood wrote:
> Ok, you can argue over the definition of what a glue record is.

Indeed, there was an I-D floating about that offered to do exactly
that.  It's expired, though:

Perhaps someone should take that up?


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-yao-dnsop-idntld-implementation-01.txt

2009-11-09 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 08:10:02PM +0800, James Seng wrote:
> "There is a genuine user problem here (though whether one should actually
> solve it is still an open question)."
> It is a genuine user problem but I disagree with your latter statement.
> It is not an open question it must be solved. It is a serious enough problem
> for Chinese that it must be resolve for the Chinese user. The open question
> is "how", not "if".

I understand that it is a serious problem.  But one solution is in
fact to solve this exactly the way we actually solved spelling
differences in English words: they're different zones, and we treat
them that way technically and use some non-technical policy rules to
solve the problem.

On this interpretation, the danger lies in acting as though there is a
mere technical solution for "variants".  Delegation (the "NS"
solution) just creates a new delegation, nothing more; and we ought to
be perfectly clear about that.  DNAME doesn't actually mirror an
entire tree, so it doesn't actually solve the variant problem for
real.  Therefore, if we want a complete solution to the problem of
variants, we need a new element in the DNS protocol.  It may require
server side processing, it may not work perfectly anyway, and it may
be subject to nasty subversions.

So, there is a clear benefit because there is a serious problem.  But
not all serious problems must be solved, because the solution can be
worse than the problem.  I don't _think_ the current example is a case
where the solution is worse than the problem; but I also don't believe
we have completely understood what exactly the problem is, whether
there is an actual technical problem here, and whether if there be a
technical problem we can invent or reuse any mechanism to solve it.
The proposals so far are, in my view, either completely wrong or just
mostly wrong.  (That includes using DNAME, by the way.)


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] draft-yao-dnsop-idntld-implementation-01.txt

2009-11-05 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Dear colleagues,

I have read the document
draft-yao-dnsop-idntld-implementation-01.txt.  I note that there is an
agenda item on the DNSOP WG agenda to consider this draft.

I am strongly opposed to the draft, and wish to express my opposition
to it being adopted by the WG.  In my opinion, the draft places
altogether too much confidence in the notion that data consistency can
in any way be enforced across two completely different delegations.

If we are to take at all the idea of variants seriously, then what we
must suppose is that any name must be _functionally the same_ as all
the other variants of that name.  The only mechanism we have in the
DNS that approaches that functionality is DNAME.  DNAME is far from
ideal: it does not actually mirror the root of the tree, and there are
other nasty issues (MX is an obvious one).  The authors are correct
that a DNAME deployment could indeed lead DNS operators lower in the
tree to do broken things.  But neither of those issues holds a candle
to the mistaken notion that two actually different delegations may be
relied upon to be the same.

If we encourage NS delegation from the root into different zones that
are supposed to be the same, then in the absence of complicated,
as-yet-unwritten tools to enforce the lock step consistency of those
different delegations (and to check them all the time), the chances of
the different zones actually being the same all the time approaches
zero.  Since the principle of a variant is that it just be another
spelling for the name (as though we granted automatically
to the registrant, any difference in the answer you get
from the servers for one and the servers for another is by definition
a problem.  

I appreciate the problems the authors are trying to solve, and I
understand why they are taking this path; but it is still the wrong
path, and I believe it to be a greater threatl to the stability of the
DNS than the introduction of DNAMEs near the top.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] new draft about idn tld variants implementation

2009-10-16 Thread Andrew Sullivan
ut we rely on the protocol community not to do
that.  So if your argument depends on that premise, you have to show
that the entire protocol community will take leave of its senses.
(Now, some would argue that we have ample proof of such leave-taking;
but that's an argument you need to make.)

> my suggestion is that apply the NS in the root and apply the DNAME
> in the second level.

By "DNAME in the second level", I understood you to be suggesting that
the root delegates variants by NS records, and then TLDs and below
uses DNAME to support variants.  But maybe you mean something else:
the root delegates the variants via NS records, but on the child side
at the apex all the variants but one are DNAMEs.  If this is what you
mean, then actually I don't think there's any difference in these
approaches, provided that the parent enforces that the target of the
variant NS has exactly the SOA and the DNAME at the apex.  I wouldn't
oppose a document that said that (although I think it would be tedious
to support this arrangement).

 Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] new draft about idn tld variants implementation

2009-10-15 Thread Andrew Sullivan
 in the TLD space,
where nearly everything is delegation.  In fact, this issue, which
might cause trouble for DNAMEs being used for variants at other levels
of the tree, actually makes DNAMEs well-suited to the top level.
Moreover, it is possible to work around this stricture with DNAMEs at
lower levels, because DNAME does not prohibit other non-redirecting
records at the zone apex where a DNAME lives.

I reason, therefore, that while there might be issues with using DNAME
to support variants at the DNS root, the draft before us does not make
an effective argument for that position.

Now, let us consider whether supporting variants with alternative
delegations (the NS strategy) in fact achieves the goal that variants
are supposed to achieve -- that is, to make two completely equivalent
name spaces.  The answer is, "No."  For as the draft points out, by
adding another NS record, one creates a completely different
delegation.  There is nothing whatever about an NS delegation of $name
that links it in any way to an NS delegation of $variantname.  Once
the delegation is in place, there is no way for the parent to be sure
that everything under $name and $variantname are the same.  Indeed, a
strategy of using different delegations for the variants would not
actually be creating variants at all: it would be creating new TLDs,
period.  For large TLDs, it would in fact be impractical to ascertain
whether everything under the two delegations all matched.  And since
the underlying zones would have to be maintained separately (or else
generated from some proprietary database not specified anywhere we are
considering), there is every reason to believe that the different
zones _would_ diverge, and that the goal of creating just another name
for the same zone would be foiled.

Therefore, it is my view that the draft provides all the premises
needed to support the opposite of one of its important conclusions:
for the purposes of adding variants to the DNS root zone, the right
way to proceed is to use DNAMEs.  There may be a practical issue with
using DNAMEs at levels underneath the top level; I haven't thought
about that case enough to decide whether the issue is insuperable.
Certainly, all of the phishing issues that the draft is apparently
worried about avoiding are in fact made worse by NS-style delegation
than by the use of DNAME.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-iab-idn-encoding-00

2009-10-12 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 01:11:19AM +0200, Alfred Hönes wrote:

> for Internationalized Domain Names", draft-iab-idn-encoding-00,

> I got the impression that the DNS related text in this IAB draft
> might deserve detailed review from DNS experts -- both on dnsop
> and namedroppers, but I have not found any discussion on that memo.

It certainly can use review.  I am informed by someone who ought to
know that -01 is near to release, so if you haven't looked at -00 and
want to comment (and I urge you to do so), I counsel waiting until -01
is out.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Draft on rDNS for IPv6: draft-howard-isp-ip6rdns-00

2009-09-04 Thread Andrew Sullivan
No hat of any kind.  Not even my boater, which I will soon be sad to
put away again.

On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 12:11:29PM +1000, Mark Andrews wrote:
> People don't move house very often.

Speak for yourself!

But anyway, I think we have clearly crossed the Rubicon of folly if we
think that the IETF's beliefs about what is "sensible", "reasonable",
"sane", or even "fiscally responsible" will have one iota of effect on
what ISPs actually do.  

This is reputedly an _operations_ working group.  If we seriously
propose to try to tell the community of operators that they oughta do
$X if they know what's good for them, I suggest that participants here
need to spend some more time reading the lists of NANOG and friends.

I claim that we need to provide support for the network that people
are actually building.  That often includes things that we would not
do ourselves, and that we think would be better done otherwise.  But I
also claim that if we say, "You shouldn't do $CHEAPTHING, you should
do $OTHERTHING," we're going to lose.  We've lost every single time on
this.  Why is now different?  And if it's not, shouldn't we learn?


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] measuring TCP query performance

2009-08-25 Thread Andrew Sullivan
No hat.

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 04:11:26AM +, Paul Vixie wrote:
> since time is short, i would prefer a server-side change, supported by a
> spec change (which means this would head back to namedroppers@) whereby
> (bufsize<1220 && DO=1) would be treated as (DO=0).  

Of course, some have argued that this isn't a protocol change anyway.
That said,

> TCP just because they're probing middlebox PMTU and blinding trying 512.

perhaps part of the problem involves "blindly trying".  Olafur posted
a message from the DNSEXT Chairs today that suggests we (the DNS
community) need to unpack that assumption, at least.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Question about detecting generated local-zones (relates todraft-ietf-dnsop-default-local-zones-08)

2009-08-03 Thread Andrew Sullivan
As usual when posting to this list, I am wearing no hat.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 01:59:08PM +1000, Mark Andrews wrote:

>   Having a local copy of the root zone is a much better
>   way to deal with queries to the root.

Is that really the advice we are giving people these days?  It strikes
me that in other contexts, a similar suggestion has been derided as
foolhardy, dangerous, and susceptible to evil behaviour by ISPs and



Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] query regarding DNS Cache in resolver.

2009-07-27 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 10:37:47AM -0400, Olafur Gudmundsson wrote:
> DNSSEC aware caches the cache should remember the setting of the
> DO bit in the answer.

Did you mean the AD bit? 

In any case, I assume what you're trying to capture is that you need
to know whether the cache may possibly have the RRSIG in the cache
too, so that you don't accidentally get an RRSIG that does not in fact
cover the RRSet in your cache when using that cached RRSet (were you
to do that).  Right?


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Stockholm meeting slot assignment CHANGED

2009-07-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 02:37:09PM -0400, John Schnizlein wrote:

> Now, what about this other draft that seems to call for recursive  
> resolvers to know about address translation?

Clearly, it needs review ;-) Note that it's not a BEHAVE WG item yet.
Unfortunately, its time slot conflicts with the DNSOP meeting.

Remember, anyway, work is supposed to be undertaken on the mailing
lists, so if we have an issue with a draft in some WG, we likely ought
to be taking our concerns to that WG's list and raising them.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Stockholm meeting slot assignment CHANGED

2009-07-21 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 02:11:45AM +0200, Peter Koch wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 09:34:58AM +0200, Matthijs Mekking wrote:
> > According to the behave ML, they are planning to cover that DNS topic
> > indeed on the monday:
> thanks for pointing this out, it's indeed an important overlap.  We're
> coordinating with the behave chairs to get this resolved, which might
> result in another re-scheduling. Please stay tuned ...

FWIW, I think this has been sorted out; DNS64 has been moved to the
first item in the Tuesday BEHAVE session.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

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