Re: [Drakelist] Dishwasher trick

2011-02-28 Thread Don Jones
Re: the stuff won't even clean my tea cup, let alone a radio chassis.
73 Bud W0HG

Bud wins! Good one! Still laughing!

You-all have read my "sea story" about the old Gunny and his garden hose and
that Collins gear. While it is a true story, I still have some concerns. 
You won't see me posting a you tube video of me and my garden hose and my
prized Sherwood R-4C out in the backyard this spring giving a bath.
#1 the VFO grease that is used in our beloved radios. The hot rinse cycle
would not do your vfo's any favors.
#2 the high humidity (100%) would put power transformers at risk.
I am still a chicken, about as far as I would go is to use my electric
toothbrush with a suitable cleaning compound and a little water on the brush
to scrub up the upper deck of a radio. The underside of a the drake rigs is
too busy with point to point wiring for scrubbing with a tooth brush. 
Time to be real and get honest with ourselves. If you want pristine
collector grade appearance hire a professional and ante up.
Don Jones KO7i
Arlington, WA 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T-4XC Output Power Varies...

2011-02-28 Thread Don Jones
Two tips, First hit the switch with Deoxite. Second double check the cables
you are using. I believe the INJ, CARRIER, and one other cable need to be a
special low loss double shielded cable. Some of the resident experts will
chime in I hope and correct any miss-information I might be spreading.

Don Jones KO7i
Arlington, WA

Message: 8
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 21:48:01 -0800
From: "Jim Bo" 
Subject: [Drakelist] T-4XC Output Power Varies...
Message-ID: <689C305DD4144A1F8096AFDD0907740A@JDESK>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

My T-4XC has different Pout depending on the position of the "transceive"
switch and in the CW Mode.

With transceive swith set on "separate" 
Gain is at 2:30
Plate current is 300 ma
Pout is 100 watts

With transceive switch set on "rcvr"
Gain is at 2:30
Plate current is 320 ma
Pout is 117 watt

When transceive switch is on "xmtr"
Gain is at 2:30
Plate current is 140 ma
Pout is 19 watts

When transceive switch is on "xmtr"
Gain is at 5:00 (fully clockwise)
Palte current is 320 ma
Pout is 117 watts

What is pecular is that Pout when seperate compared to Pout when xmtr
supposedly uses the same oscillator signal for drive.

I did not see anything in the manual that looks like there is an alignment
step for this.




Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] restoring...

2011-02-25 Thread Don Jones
I remember when I was in the NAVY and I was stationed at NAS Memphis
attending NAVY AT "A School". I was a lowly E-3 (Airman) in 1977.
We received a post-Vietnam era surplus Collins S-Line and a complete KWM-2A
station for the W4ODR club station. This equipment came from a Marine Base
in Vietnam.
They were very dirty, had been around smoker's and stunk to high heaven. 
I remember one Saturday afternoon in utter horror as a I watched the club's
lead op, a Gunny Sergeant, take a garden hose with a spray nozzle, a bucket
of liquid dishwashing soap-water, and stood there in a pair of
"non-regulation rubber yard boots" with a big fat cigar in mouth, armed with
the spray nozzle, barking orders and we scrubbed the Collins gear inside and
out - spick & span.
I remember going back to my barracks that evening knowing without a doubt in
my mind that we just witnessed the destruction of a beautiful Collins
station. But I dare not say a word contrary to the Gunny - he was a god -
his word and orders were never to be questioned.
After 7 days of air drying on the next Saturday, the gunny took each piece
one at a time (with a big fat cigar in mouth) - visually inspected them,
powered them up op checked what needed to be op checked and re-aligned the
75S3C, 32S1, KWM2A and the remote vfo. 
They worked perfectly and he bought us pizza and a 1/2 case of beer.
I will never forget that lesson from that old Gunny.
Thanks Art, 73 where ever you are these days,
Don Jones KO7i

Message: 4
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 23:44:49 -0800
From: John Hudson 
To: Morrell Siegel , DRAKE LIST

Subject: Re: [Drakelist] restoring

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I've sent this out before but looks like it could help again.

Some years ago Hewlet Packard has their repair and calibration lab in
Fullerton, CA. and I had the opportunity to visit the facility doing a walk
through where they take equipment in for repair and all they do to bring the
units up to speed and operational. It seems they make sure the unit is
working and then take simple green and bathe the whole unit down. The unit
was then scrubbed with brushes to get the big pieces off, then the unit is
power washed with clean distilled water to remove all grease, girt, and
whatever else was there. Once the unit is completely clean the equipment is
placed in a large oven at 150-200 degs for several days unit the unit is
completely dry. Once its dry the unit is again tested and any/all repairs,
alignment and calibration was performed. Once the unit was done it looked

So the dishwasher is not a bad idea provided you don't use the soap, and not
sure how simple green would work in a dishwasher.



Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] [Drake list] Roofing filter

2011-02-21 Thread Don Jones
DITTO!! I could not agree more with this piece of advice. With a tight front
end and IF strip I have found the need for a noise blanker to be nil when
using the 600Hz roofing filter's and the 500 or 250 Hz drake cw filters. For
SSB BW's the need for a noise blanker is nice at times and I do open my
receiver up to the stock BW's in order to get the 4NB to work.

One not for the good of the order - the "Sherwood" R-4C did outperform my
OMNI 6 (with a full load of filters and the INRAD roofing filter mod) in the
pile ups during the recent VP8ORK DX-pedition. We are talking 559 (R-4C)
verses 229 (OMNI 6). No comparison.

Don Jones KO7i
Arlington, WA 

Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 22:22:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Roofing filter
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

The ideal situation IMHO is the Full Sherwood MOD for the R-4C.
It has a switch so I can keep it wide if I want (and use NB), or use SSB or
CW Roofing filters to keep unwanted adjacent signals from de-sensing the RX.
It works super!
Almost as well as my Ten-Tec Orion II


Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 32, Issue 22

2011-02-06 Thread Don Jones
My set of Drake Twins were a R-4A & a T-4X, worked my first 230 countries
using them between 1977 & 1981. That was when and where I was first exposed
to the beauty of passband tuning in fighting qrm. 

Don Jones 
Arlington, WA 

Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2011 11:17:55 -0500
From: Lee Hiers 
To: Diane and Edward Swynar 
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] DSP Filters

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Diane and Edward Swynar <> wrote:

> Is your R-4 the "...just-plain-ol'-original-R-4" version, with no "A",
> or "C" suffix...?
Yes Eddy, it's an R-4, no suffixactually the first one I've ever
listened to...I had used a lot of C-lines in the past, but never an R-4 or
R-4A...not sure about B-lines.  But the sound of this old rx on cw is very
nice indeed.

 73 de Lee
Lee Hiers, AA4GA

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Adding DSP to a R-4C

2011-02-05 Thread Don Jones
Thanks guys for the suggestions, duly noted ham fest season is just around
the corner. 
My receiver does have the Sherwood audio amp mode in it and it is really
surprising how clean the audio is. 
To be honest I might try the Timewave on my OMNI 6.

Don Jones KO7i
Arlington, WA 

Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2011 10:20:27 -0800
From: "Jim Bo" 
Subject: Re: My Drake/Sherwood R-4C Rules my shack! (Don Jones)

IMHO, the only thing that is better than what Don describes is the R-4C as
he describes BUT...use a Timewave 599ZX with a pair of noise canceling
earphones (the Bose are expensive, but quite comfortable). The Timewave has
a superior audio amp and I set up the filter as a bandpass with the low end
at ~300 Hz and the high end at 1,500 Hz. This helps with the low end
"rumble" and the high end atmosphere noise and makes the radio even more
enjoyable. I rarely use the other features of the DSP filter, but on
occasion, the "Random" function does help.  Only on few occasions do I use
the CW function of the DSP.  It does help also, but for the most part, the
R-4C audio into the DSP filter is "clean".  I have recently aligned my R-4C
and used the headphone jack with out the Timewave and again realized what a
huge difference it makes.  The DSP filter is not low cost, but I got it 10
years ago and it is still a viable solution.  I am sure that there are lower
cost filters out there, but can not attest to the audio amps on them.  One
of the cost drivers of the 599ZX is the ability to go to 5 kHz as the upper
cut off frequency.  This compares to others that have a cut off at 3 kHz or
so.  For amateur radio, the 3 kHz is fine, but I also use the 599ZX with my
Drake R-8B for BCBDX and Beacons.

Orange, CA

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] My Drake/Sherwood R-4C Rules my shack!

2011-02-05 Thread Don Jones
Like some of you here, I have been working very hard to get into the log of
the DX-pedition to the South Orkney Islands. My favorite band/mode has
always been 40M CW. Last night I finally got my contact with them.
Considering I am only running 600W to a 20M double zepp from W. WA it has
been a bit of a chore.
My fully loaded "Sherwood R-4C smoked my Ten Tec OMNI 6+ (which has a full
load to TT filters and the INRAD CW roofing filter mod) last night. On the
Drake VP8ORK was only a 529 using GUF 600Hz roofing filter and the DRAKE OEM
250Hz cw filter with no ringing filters or white noise. One the OMNI VI+
VP8ORK was only 229 due to the receiver white noise and the howling DSP
noise. It is absolutely amazing to hear the difference of the two receivers.
I do prefer the digital control that the "6" offers, but if you can't hear
'em you ain't going to work 'em. A trip down to Fry's electronics for a 4PDT
12V relay, a 3 pos double pole rotary wafer switch, a bud box and 6 RCA jack
and 3 1/8" headphone jacks is on the agenda next so I have TR switching for
the R-4C, then it is good to go for the TJ8 DX-pedition coming up next.
God I Love that Sherwood R-4C.
Don Jones KO7i
Arlington, WA 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] R-4C Noise Blankers, Dynamic Range & roofing filter mod's

2011-02-02 Thread Don Jones
I agree, when using the 8kHz Drake Roofing filter the 4NB noise blanker will
clean-up some interfering noise sources. But only some of the time.  I (and
many others who have e-mail me privately) have found that you get better
noise reduction by reducing the IF BW's. This would include going to a 600Hz
roofing filter making the 4NB ineffective - but more importantly - NOT

I look at a "hot-rod Sherwood R-4C receiver" as a utilitarian tool used to
dig deep down into the noise floor and root out S Unit 0 weak signal DX
stations buried in the midst of QRM. 

I did not completely buy into the "wild claims" of the users of these
Sherwood R-4C's until I actually used one. All I can say is, "Holy Cow!" I
am now a "convert" of the writings W8JI regarding the R-4C in its
un-modified state. This "Holy Cow" is based upon side by side comparisons to
a stock Drake R-4C to a Sherwood R-4C. Basically all you get is the receiver
performance from a FT101B/E, the only advantage R-4C has is the passband (IF
Shift) tuning.

Conversely if one is rag chewing on SSB with 3kHz wide "Hi-Fi SSB" (or worse
yet AM), they generally are not concerned about digging out weak CW signals
that are S-0 on the S meter. These users typically are happy campers with a
75M 20+dB over S-9 QSO while running 1.5kW (or more) for a "in-state rag
chew." They remain happy campers until someone moves in 2kHz away and is
running similar power. But at least their 4NB noise blanker's work...

BTW, the measured 2kHz Spacing Dynamic Range of a TR-4C is 68dB which is
10dB better than the stock R-4C. Plus the 180W output of the TR-4C will
drive a GG 4-1000A amplifier with 3500Vdc B+ to 2,300W-rms out on 75M SSB. 

73 es Gud DX, 
Don Jones KO7i
Arlington, WA 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Wanted 4NB Noise Blanker

2011-02-01 Thread Don Jones
KO7I RESPONSE - "The CW roofing filter is particularly bad... but the 4NB is

SAY WHAT? I could not disagree with you more. 

A unmodified R-4C has a Narrow Spaced Dynamic Range of 58dB while the
Sherwood modified R-4C has a dynamic range of 84dB. So in affect what you
have just said is that having a noise blanker that works is more important
than having your receiver blown away by adjacent QRM. I'll take the roofing
filter thank you. :-)

FWIW, the mod's to my "Sherwood R-4C" do allow you to use the standard 6kHz
front end filter. The 4NB noise blanker has only been marginally successful,
at best, even when I revert to the standard filters. 

Don Jones KO7i

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2011 16:26:07 -0500
From: Garey Barrell 
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Wanted 4NB Noise Blanker
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

Don -

You answered your own question/statement. I believe the words 'heavily
modified' were tossed around! :-)

The Sherwood mods essentially render the 4NB useless, as you have
discovered. The CW roofing filter is particularly bad, as it narrows the
noise bandwidth seen by the NB, and delays pulses through it so they no
longer match up with the blanking pulses.

The NB is very effective as some have stated, when used with the original
receiver topology. Like so much in the world of RF and electronics in
general, a receiver is a 'system'. The original design was optimized (within
cost constraints) as a whole. Anything that alters that design takes the
risk that it 'may' alter that basic, optimized design, 'possibly' improving
one characteristic. Unfortunately the characteristic it improves almost
always causes another characteristic to decline, perhaps obviously,
otherwise not so much.

The basic Drake NB is the same design from the R-4A through the R-7, and
most find them VERY effective on high level, short duty cycle impulse noise.
As soon as the noise pulses are 'stretched', either by source
characteristics or group delay through filters, the effectiveness drops off

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Wanted 4NB Noise Blanker

2011-02-01 Thread Don Jones

OK - I am going to stir the pot some.
I have one of those 4NB noise blanker's installed in my R-4C. To be honest
that noise blanker is largely ineffective and over rated. I have seen them
sell for over $200 on e-bay. I scratch my head and wonder why? In My Humble
Opinion they are a over rated vessel of fertilizer and none may abide by the
odor there of.
Would I sell my 4NB noise blanker? NO. As you might recall I have one of
those Sherwood / Drake R-4C's (late production SN), the service receipt for
it from Sherwood totals more than $900. 
Bottom line, be prepared to be disappointed if you pay high dollar for a 4NB
noise blanker and it does little or nothing. Experiencing what I have with
my R-4C and 4NB, I would never throw away money on buying one for my TR-4C.
Be careful what you wish for.

Don Jones KO7i

ps - my heavily modified R-4C has been outperforming my Ten Tec OMNI VI in
every way. The OMNI VI has a full load of filters. Plus the INRAD roofing
filter mod. I have trying to get the VP8O logged and I have had to resort to
using the R-4C to copy his very weak signal here in Western WA.

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 10:21:01 -0800
From: "Kevin Nathan" 
Subject: [Drakelist] Wanting to Buy
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi All,
I went to a vintage radio even over the weekend and was able to sell some
heavy metal and come back with much lighter cash.Now, I would like
to find the noise blanker for my R4C.  Does anyone on the list have one and
what would you need for it?
Thanks much and very 73.
Kevin :)
Amateur Radio:  K7RX

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Kroil - it's good stuff... but for a radio?

2011-01-16 Thread Don Jones
OK this is a new one for me guys, I can personally attest to its
effectiveness in cleaning firearms - but radios? This is a new for me. The
stuff can be purchased at multiple high end gun shops you won't find it at
Don Jones 
Arlington, WA 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drake Knob found - Thanks!

2010-12-04 Thread Don Jones
Thank you to all who responded to my help request. K7MKS said he would drop
one into the mail for me. Thank you Joe, much appreciated - also thank you
to the other guys who made similar offers.
I even got invited to a rag chew group which a lot of Drake users frequent.

73 and Happy Holidays to all,

Don Jones KO7i
Arlington, WA 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] I broke a knob...

2010-12-04 Thread Don Jones


Don Jones 
Arlington, WA 



From: Don Cunningham [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 10:23 AM
To: Don Jones;
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] I broke a knob...


What rig, Don???



Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] I broke a knob...

2010-12-04 Thread Don Jones
The knob for my USB - LSB select split on and broke in half. Wonder if
anyone has a spare I could buy off you?
Thanks & 73,
Don Jones KO7i
Arlington, WA 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 29, Issue 26

2010-11-20 Thread Don Jones


Great Question, It does not appear to make a difference , same results driving 
into dummy load as antenna (& tuner) or the untuned input to the Dentron 
Clipperton-L amplifier.I have a wattmeter at the input to the amplifier and a 
seperate one at  the output of the amplifier. 


- Original Message - 
Message: 2 
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 12:04:25 -0800 
From: "Richard Knoppow" <> 
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] T-4XC Low Power Output on 160M 
Message-ID: <65f091b2c86a4debbd4438cb96cb3...@valued20606295> 
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; 

What are you testing into, a dummy load or something 

Richard Knoppow 
Los Angeles 


Message: 3 
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 15:30:17 -0500 
From: "Wayne Rogers"  
Subject: [Drakelist] Soft-Start Module and Soft Key Mod for L4B 
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; 

I have the Soft-key mod installed and just purchased the Soft-Start Module, 
which installs in the same location.  Anyone know if there is a simple 
solution?  I have a call in to Harbach - just though I'd ask here for a 
quick answer, since I have the Amp opened up on my bench. 

Thanks, Wayne N1WR 


Message: 4 
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 14:16:59 -0800 (PST) 
From: Ron  
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] T-4XC Low Power Output on 160M 
Message-ID: <> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii 

There was a "mod", I think in Ham Radio magazine, about adding a cap to the pi 
network on 160M to allow for proper tuning. Anyone know if this might be Don's 


> - Original Message - From: "Don Jones"  
> To:  
> Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 11:21 AM 
> Subject: [Drakelist] T-4XC Low Power Output on 160M 
> > I have noticed that when loading up my T-4XC up on 
> 160M I am only able to 
> > get 45 - 50W out of my transmitter. Seems as though 
> the loading cap has 
> > insufficient range for proper tuning. The load control 
> is fully CCW. Is 
> > there a problem with the transmitter or does it just 
> need alignment? 
> > Thanks & 73, 
> > 
> > Don Jones KO7i 
> > Arlington, WA 



Message: 5 
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 16:46:19 -0600 
From: "T. David Cohen"  
Subject: [Drakelist] Q Multiplier 
Message-ID: <005101cb883b$95191c90$bf4b55...@net> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 

I'm bringing back a recently acquired 2B and Q multiplier.  The first of 
many questions - about how long should the shielded lead between the 2BQ and 
the receiver be (and what sort of coax?)?    A previous owner did some 
'work' on it. 




Dave Cohen, N7TC 


-- next part -- 
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Drakelist mailing list 

End of Drakelist Digest, Vol 29, Issue 26 
Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] T-4XC Low Power Output on 160M

2010-11-19 Thread Don Jones
I have noticed that when loading up my T-4XC up on 160M I am only able to
get 45 - 50W out of my transmitter. Seems as though the loading cap has
insufficient range for proper tuning. The load control is fully CCW. Is
there a problem with the transmitter or does it just need alignment?
Thanks & 73,

Don Jones KO7i
Arlington, WA 
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T-4XC VFO Transceive Mode Problem Solved

2010-11-16 Thread Don Jones
Thanks for all who responded to my request for info. I have resolved the
problem it was the INJ cable and I am good to go.
Don Jones 
Arlington, WA 


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 17:15:43 -0800
From: "Don Jones" 
Subject: [Drakelist] C-line will not go into transceive mode...
Message-ID: <002d01cb8462$a0ccf840$e266e8...@net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

OK, I have something strange going on. The transceive vfo select on my T-4XC
will not switch to one vfo or the other. Running separate is fine. The spot
function works good too. The vfo lights on the R-4C and T-4XC switch on &
off following the vfo select switch position on the T-4XC.
A little history, yesterday evening the R-4C was not hearing anything but
the calibrator was loud and clear. So today I broke out the Deoxite and
cleaned the contacts of the TR relay inside the T-4XC - receive problem
I put the T-4XC back together and now I have this new issue with transceive
vfo select. I am hoping I did something stupid and easy to fix. 
73, Don Jones  KO7i

-- next part --
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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 17:38:28 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Ladden 
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] C-line will not go into transceive mode...
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Let's start with the obvious. ?Is the INJ cable connected well at both
ends?Did you put Deox-it on more than the T/R relay?
73,Bob WW3QB

--- On Sun, 11/14/10, Don Jones  wrote:

From: Don Jones 
Subject: [Drakelist] C-line will not go into transceive mode... Strange
Date: Sunday, November 14, 2010, 8:15 PM

C-line will not go into transceive mode... Strange 


OK, I have something strange going on. The transceive vfo select on my T-4XC
will not switch to one vfo or the other. Running separate is fine. The spot
function works good too. The vfo lights on the R-4C and T-4XC switch on &
off following the vfo select switch position on the T-4XC.

A little history, yesterday evening the R-4C was not hearing anything but
the calibrator was loud and clear. So today I broke out the Deoxite and
cleaned the contacts of the TR relay inside the T-4XC ? receive problem

I put the T-4XC back together and now I have this new issue with transceive
vfo select. I am hoping I did something stupid and easy to fix. 

73, Don Jones? KO7i


-Inline Attachment Follows-

Drakelist mailing list
-- next part --
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Message: 3
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 17:42:36 -0800 (PST)
From: Bob Loving 
Subject: [Drakelist] Sudden loss of T-4XC ouptut power
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I've mentioned this before, rather recently, but check CR19 in the cathode
circuit of the driver, V4 (12BY7). I have 2 T-4XC transmitters that
exhibited sudden drop (to nothing in both cases) in power output. Both had
CR19 with cracks in the cases. The diodes would appear OK with a DMM (diode
mode) but with the application of heat would open up. Maybe there's some
intermediate mode that would allow moderate output power but that doesn't
seem to make too much sense. Most semiconductors work or they don't work, in
my experience!

A 1N4003 and up is good substitute for the B5G5 diode used by Drake.

Bob K9JU

-- next part --
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Drakelist mailing list

End of Drakelist Digest, Vol 29, Issue 21

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 29, Issue 21

2010-11-15 Thread Don Jones
RE: The Inj Cable... this what I suspected and I am hoping is the problem. 
RE: Deoxite: I went over all of the wafer switch contacts and RCA jacks,
plus I gave as many as possible a light squeeze with the needle nose pliers
making sure I was have solid center pin engagement of each respective cable.
I did not apply Deoxite to the pins of the tubes.
I will re-verify the Inj cable and make sure I have a good connection and I
am using the proper impedance cable.
One unrelated item: I did not realize with the T-4XC, you can access the
neutralizing cap for the finals from the bottom of the RF deck. That is
Thanks & 73,
Don Jones KO7i

-Original Message-


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 17:38:28 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Ladden 
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] C-line will not go into transceive mode...
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Let's start with the obvious. ?Is the INJ cable connected well at both
ends?Did you put Deox-it on more than the T/R relay?
73,Bob WW3QB

--- On Sun, 11/14/10, Don Jones  wrote:

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] C-line will not go into transceive mode... Strange

2010-11-14 Thread Don Jones
OK, I have something strange going on. The transceive vfo select on my T-4XC
will not switch to one vfo or the other. Running separate is fine. The spot
function works good too. The vfo lights on the R-4C and T-4XC switch on &
off following the vfo select switch position on the T-4XC.
A little history, yesterday evening the R-4C was not hearing anything but
the calibrator was loud and clear. So today I broke out the Deoxite and
cleaned the contacts of the TR relay inside the T-4XC - receive problem
I put the T-4XC back together and now I have this new issue with transceive
vfo select. I am hoping I did something stupid and easy to fix. 
73, Don Jones  KO7i

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] W8JI & the R-4C Mixers..?

2010-09-14 Thread Don Jones
Actually I have two C-Lines, one with a late S/N non-mod R-4C and the second
one with a fully modified (as in every mod) "Sherwood R-4C" and have done
side by side comparison's. The answer is YES! 

In particular the roofing filter mod's are simply outstanding. They make a
huge difference on both SSB and CW performance. My Sherwood R4C is fully
loaded with the optional filters and has crystals for 160M and the low end
of 10M too. The 300Hz roofing filter and 250Hz standard filter are a brick
wall. I am looking forward to the November CW Sweepstakes and can't wait to
put my receiver thru contest grade qrm proof testing.

I am the 3rd owner "post mod" of this receiver and it came with a 3 ring
folder that fully documents all of the work done to my R4C, the invoice
say's there was over $900 worth of work done to the receiver. I have $1,300
into my C-Line which is a lot of money, however when you compare "Sherwood
price" to the price of a equal or better performance Ten-Tec, Icom,
Elecraft, or Yaesu I found that I was a minimum of 6dB$ ahead and have money
left over to put into my antenna system.

At least that is the reasoning I used to justify paying what I did for my
Sherwood R-4C.

The other thing I like about our old rigs is that we can work on them.  The
new rice boxes? Forget it!

As you know with our old rig's a bottle of Deoxite is a must have.

73, Don KO7i




From: William Mills [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:30 AM
To: Don Jones
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] W8JI & the R-4C Mixers..?




Are the Sherwood Engineering mods worth the cost?  Would like to know your
thoughts on the R-4C receiver after the Sherwood mods.


My only experience with Sherwood Engineering is with the purchase of a SE-3
Synchronous Detector which I have interfaced with a Collins R-390A receiver.
The SE-3 greatly improves the audio of the R-390A as well as SSB operation.



Bill Mills


Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] W8JI & the R-4C Mixers..?

2010-09-14 Thread Don Jones

I was reading his web site regarding 160M & receivers. Basically he trashes
the R-4C for it's well known problems with the dual gate mosfet mixer.  As
you go thru the receiver tests on his website shows test results with a
medium level modified R-4C which comes pretty close to matching the
performance documented on the Sherwood Engineering website. (I have one of
those "Sherwood R-4C's". )
But what has got me wondering is W8JI goes on to talk about the highly
modified R-4C that he says was gutted and redesigned with heavy emphasis on
the mixers. 
My first guess is that he is switching over to MiniCircuits DBM's (perhaps
SLB1's) as there is mention of running much higher injection levels to the
mixers and switching over to video amplifier chips in the IF chain to
further enhance the dynamic range.
What I am wondering is if anyone here on this list has monkeyed around with
different mixers and if so what did you use? 
73, Don KO7i

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] T/R relay source for a T4XC?

2010-08-01 Thread Don Jones
Looks like I have a flakey T/R relay in my T4XC. I am looking for a source
for a replacement part.
73, Don KO7i

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Drake R-4C score

2010-06-07 Thread Don Jones
OK, I do not get it. I went to Sea-Pac (the NW Div ARRL Convention) and I
hoping to move a T-4XC down the road that I picked up at another hamfest.
No takers. There was one guy who basically tried to give one away at $200 -
no takers.
During the last moments of the flea market, I did one last cruise of the
tables and spotted a R-4C late production S/N for $200. I could not pass on
that.  I hope it works. Now I have 2 C-Lines sitting here.  I think I have
gone nuts. is there a treatment for this apparently viral bug that has taken
over my sound reasoning? HI HI.
The first C-Line R-4C I recently picked up has every possible Sherwood mod
installed - everything.  The T-4XC has the outboard RF speech processor. 
Not sure what to do with this second C-Line.

Don Jones KO7i

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Newbie Scores

2010-05-10 Thread Don Jones
This is my very first post to the Drake List, so I guess a little bio would
be appropriate. I was first licensed in winter 1974 (novice) and upgraded to
general in the fall of 1975. I bought a Drake TR-4C with money earned mowing
lawns and doing odd jobs as a high school aged young man. I still have that
>From high school I went into the Navy for 6yrs. While in the Navy, I was in
Memphis in '77 and bought a set of Drake Twins, T-4x & R-4A. They were good
old rigs and worked 200+ countries  with them while in the service. In the
early 90's I sent the "A-Line" down the road and joined up with the solid
state trend but hung onto the old TR-4C. 
Recently I found that I had got tired of the "rice boxes" and all the noise.
Talking with a friend about the current "state of the art" and amateur radio
he said I should go back to my roots, dig out that old TR-4C and give it
another listen. He told me about the DrakeList and said I needed to go take
a look at the technical reports on the Sherwood Engineering web site. What I
found was very impressive. I wanting to find a complete "C-Line".
Today at a local Hamfest, sitting there on a flea market table  was a mint
T-4XC & AC-4 power supply, it was in perfect working order, this baby was a
real beauty, the asking price was $200.  I would have been embarrassed to
ask the seller if they could come down some on the price. 
Recently, thru dumb, I located a luck a complete "C-Line" and the R-4C has
every Sherwood mod possible already installed, a full set of filters, and
crystal's for 160 for the TX & RX. 
Now I have the problem of this extra T-4XC sitting here, I think I will
continue to hold out for another R-4C, but a guy never knows a nice R-4B
might find its way into the shack too.
Life is good, 

Don Jones KO7i
Arlington, WA 

Drakelist mailing list