[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread LaMarr Dell

E-god is U.S. based .. but it doesn't feel safe tucking the gold away on
IT'S shores, it sent it away to Nevis .. have you ever wondered "why" ?

E-god is NOT a "foreign individual" (IBC, Ltd, etc) it is a U.S.
Corporation .. so WHY the Nevis move ?  Would that move put the gold OUT
of the reach of the SEC, IRS and other self appointed collection agencies
should something go dreadfully wrong with the management of E-god ?

Exactly WHICH law enforcement agency (DDU) does EGOLD have to answer to ?
And to WHICH court would we need to plead our case should EGOLD go astray

In addition to these thought provoking questions there is MORE evidence
that E-god does NOT respect the rights of the "foreign individual" .. they
have YOUR money (in gold) and really don't give a damn WHAT your rights
are .. yet they keep YOUR gold OFFshore (probably to give an "edge" to
THEIR "rights" ?) ...

The U.S. gov has a favorite way of answering all of the questions one
might ask of it about LOST "rights" .. they say, "We're doing it to
protect YOU, .. it's for YOUR benefit".  And the people lose one "right"
after another.  I would BET that E-god gives the SAME answer for the Nevis
move as the U.S. gives .. but, really, what's the bottom line impact of
that move for the MANAGEMENT/OWNERSHIP of E-god ?  Now, WHERE do YOU fit
in when you want YOUR gold BACK ?

Is is possible that E-god could just thumb it's collective nose at you and
walk away with YOUR gold ?  You betcha ! ... CAN do  ANYtime they feel
like it 

btw .. here's the latest from the "Costa" fiasco .. ask Costa THEIR

***CostaGold Update***
Thursday, February 15, 2001

Hello Members,
This is a short update to inform you that a copy of a letter sent to
e-gold today is posted on the Costagold site for everyone to view.  In
essence, it states that the request made by e-gold and the divulgence of
the information they are requesting Costagold to provide is an unlawful
act under both the laws of Nevis where e-gold has said they are
incorporated and Dominica where K.F.T.J.Ltd has proven its incorporation. 
It then goes on to request the immediate release of the funds to

Thank you for your patience as we resolve this matter.  Your faith in our
efforts is appreciated.

Jon  Robert

end quote

and if you took your case to court (in the U.S.) and WON then which U.S.
agency has the empowerment to go to Nevis and COLLECT the gold that you
won the right to in court ?  NONE   and ALL you have done is "win" a
case ... no enforcement.

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
Exchange your "rights" for gold .. E-gold.com

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[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread SnowDog

 E-god is U.S. based .. but it doesn't feel safe tucking the gold away on
 IT'S shores, it sent it away to Nevis .. have you ever wondered "why" ?

There's no gold in Nevis. The gold is in a bullion bank in Toronto.

 E-god is NOT a "foreign individual" (IBC, Ltd, etc) it is a U.S.
 Corporation .. so WHY the Nevis move ?  Would that move put the gold OUT
 of the reach of the SEC, IRS and other self appointed collection agencies
 should something go dreadfully wrong with the management of E-god ?

No, but it might make it less likely that a plaintiff in a lawsuit against
GSR, could convince the court that the gold behind the e-gold system was an
asset of GSR, if the gold was in a trust, under the care of two
corporations, incorporated in two non-US countries.

I believe that part of the split was the idea to separate the gold, which
belongs to the account holders, from any liabilities that GSR might incur.
Let's say that GSR DID honor a wire request for one million dollars but did
not go through the process of identifying the person requesting the wire.
They could be liable for gross-negligence in a case like this, (if they were
wrong), and it seems unlikely that anyone would move that much money out of
an account without trying to find out who it is requesting the move.

 Exactly WHICH law enforcement agency (DDU) does EGOLD have to answer to ?
 And to WHICH court would we need to plead our case should EGOLD go astray

That would depend in which manner they went astray.

 In addition to these thought provoking questions there is MORE evidence
 that E-god does NOT respect the rights of the "foreign individual" .. they
 have YOUR money (in gold) and really don't give a damn WHAT your rights
 are .. yet they keep YOUR gold OFFshore (probably to give an "edge" to
 THEIR "rights" ?) ...

Isn't that why Costa Gold's offshore, with no public record of its officers,
so that they are accountable to no one?

 Is is possible that E-god could just thumb it's collective nose at you and
 walk away with YOUR gold ?  You betcha ! ... CAN do  ANYtime they feel
 like it 

All Costa Gold has to do is file a lawsuit against GSR. Of course, they
would have to identify themselves to a court to do that, and I don't think
they will. Of course, they could wait 10 years, until the statute of
limitations for fraud expires, and THEN sue to resolve this.


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[e-gold-list] Inflation on the horizon?

2001-02-16 Thread jammer99


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[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread Claude Cormier

  E-god is NOT a "foreign individual" (IBC, Ltd, etc) it is a U.S.
  Corporation .. 

e-gold Ltd. is a Nevis Corporation not a US corporation ?


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[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread LaMarr Dell

All Costa Gold has to do is file a lawsuit against GSR. Of course, they
would have to identify themselves to a court to do that, and I don't think
they will. Of course, they could wait 10 years, until the statute of
limitations for fraud expires, and THEN sue to resolve this.

end quote

something for ALL of you service providers and promoters of egold to think
about is the "reputation" that E-god is building.

Right now this "Costa" thing has been going on for weeks (and, according
to Craig, it MAY go on for YEARS) .. does it look like Costa is going to
just walk away ? There is OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS US IN GOLD on the

Think about WHERE that gold came from ... 

E-god account holders .. NO one else ... thousands of them .. and they are
ALL talking about what E-god is doing to THEM .. the ACCOUNT HOLDERS are
the ones paying the price for E-gold.coms "requirements" ... BAD PUBLIC
RELATIONS are the result.

Now, what about a situation where some OTHER corporation is thinking about
putting THEIR payroll into gold .. and payday rolls around, and E-god
decides they "need to know" who the owners REALLY are (and those owners
are "foreign individuals") ... payroll WON'T go out, and UNhappy employees
are the result.

Now, tell that OFFshore corporation what a good thing egold is ... 

It is my understanding that the Kennedy family (and many other super
wealthy families) are REALLY paupers .. ALL of their "wealth" belongs to
trusts and IBCs .. do you think any of THEM is going to step forward to
show proof of "ownership" should E-god demand it ? Under the international
laws governing HOW THEIR BUSINESS IS SET UP they should not need to.

Even U.S. corporations should recognize that others have RIGHTS also. 

E-gold need only observe what minimum is required for "due diligence" and
then RELEASE the funds .. stop this farce about IDENTIFYING THE "TRUE
OWNERS" ... Lawyers are contacting you, e-gold, get serious ... what is
YOUR true agenda ? Where is the legal requirement that says you have to
drag this out ANY more ?

WE are satisfied that you have performed "due diligence" and WE are
satisfied that "Costa" has provided ENOUGH identification and WE would
like you to release OUR gold ... but WE aren't running the show, are WE ?

Do WE have any say in how far YOUR "e-gold" idea will get on the internet
?  You betcha :))  WE have "rights" also 

Has everyone heard about "Internet Dollars" ?  

Here is a little email I received from the folks there .. Oh, I believe
ANY of the service providers CAN switch your gold into I$ REAL easy .. I$
are a LOT more flexible also ..

LaMarr shalom,

I$ is a code based system. Thus has no way to know the owners of its

It is like (if) the US authorities will come to the US Central Bank and
ask the bank officials to tell them who has 100$ with this note number.

I suggest you use it, thus understand its stength.


Arik Schenkler - CEO
Internet Dollar is the money of the Internet - http://internetdollar.com

end quote***


LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
Swap "gold" for "I$"  KEEP your identity PRIVATE

p.s. would any of you service providers like to acknowledge that YOU can
help "swap" our funds ? or should we just go to the site to do it ?

p.p.s.  I suggest that ALL unhappy COSTA players cast your VOTE by kissing
"e-gold" good-by.  Costa, switch your payroll system.

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[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread GoldDirectory.com

 Right now this "Costa" thing has been going on for weeks (and, according
 to Craig, it MAY go on for YEARS) .. does it look like Costa is going to
 just walk away ? There is OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS US IN GOLD on the

Tough decision. Identify yourself, receive one million dollars, and be held
accountable -- or not.

 Think about WHERE that gold came from ...

It came from people who were thinking they were going to get an extremely
high, quick, return on an investment -- which is not possible if Costa Gold
sells the e-gold and takes the cash. It's not even possible if they don't,
since no such legitimate investment can grow at those rates.

 E-god account holders .. NO one else ... thousands of them .. and they are
 ALL talking about what E-god is doing to THEM .. the ACCOUNT HOLDERS are
 the ones paying the price for E-gold.coms "requirements" ... BAD PUBLIC
 RELATIONS are the result.

That works both ways. I like the idea of knowing that GSR acts prudently
when requests to withdraw e-gold are made.

 Now, what about a situation where some OTHER corporation is thinking about
 putting THEIR payroll into gold .. and payday rolls around, and E-god
 decides they "need to know" who the owners REALLY are (and those owners
 are "foreign individuals") ... payroll WON'T go out, and UNhappy employees
 are the result.

Corporations who wish to have anonymous accounts should NOT use e-gold for
this purpose. Most people, and corporations, who intend to acquire large
amounts of e-gold would first read the user agreement. Why didn't Costa

 Now, tell that OFFshore corporation what a good thing egold is ...

 It is my understanding that the Kennedy family (and many other super
 wealthy families) are REALLY paupers .. ALL of their "wealth" belongs to
 trusts and IBCs .. do you think any of THEM is going to step forward to
 show proof of "ownership" should E-god demand it ? Under the international
 laws governing HOW THEIR BUSINESS IS SET UP they should not need to.

 Even U.S. corporations should recognize that others have RIGHTS also.

It wouldn't matter if the Kennedys had others acting with a 'power of
attorney'. I can't imagine any legitimate business or bank allowing wires to
be issued from anonymous sources. The person ordering the wire may not be a
Kennedy, but he will be identified.

 E-gold need only observe what minimum is required for "due diligence" and
 then RELEASE the funds .. stop this farce about IDENTIFYING THE "TRUE
 OWNERS" ... Lawyers are contacting you, e-gold, get serious ... what is
 YOUR true agenda ? Where is the legal requirement that says you have to
 drag this out ANY more ?

 WE are satisfied that you have performed "due diligence" and WE are
 satisfied that "Costa" has provided ENOUGH identification and WE would
 like you to release OUR gold ... but WE aren't running the show, are WE ?

So, are you an owner of Costa Gold?


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[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread Viking Coder

Let's get one item straight right now. 

e-gold, i.e. e-gold ltd. fulfilled it's user agreement flawlessly. e-gold
ltd., without a due diligence check, transfered over US$1 million worth of
e-gold from the account of Costa Gold to the account of Omnipay/GSR.

Omnipay/GSR then received several conflicting instructions on what to do
with the funds. They even received reports that Costa Gold's security had
been breached. Upon receiving this information, they made IMHO a very
smart decision. Omnipay/GSR, NOT e-gold ltd., put the $1 million worth of
e-gold into an escrow account. In other words, even Omnipay/GSR doesn't
have the money, a trusted group of lawyers/escrow agents is in control of
the money.

Now on to my comments about other people comments...

LaMarr Dell wrote
E-god is U.S. based .. but it doesn't feel safe tucking the gold away on
IT'S shores, it sent it away to Nevis .. have you ever wondered "why" ?

e-gold is not U.S. based. They are a Nevis based corporation. The last
time I checked, Nevis was not legally held in any form or fashion by the
United States of America.

The gold isn't in Nevis. It is in escrow at the Bank of Nova Scotia in
Toronto. The escrow agents are Central Escrow Agency, Ltd.

SnowDog wrote
All Costa Gold has to do is file a lawsuit against GSR. Of course, they
would have to identify themselves to a court to do that, and I don't think
they will. Of course, they could wait 10 years, until the statute of
limitations for fraud expires, and THEN sue to resolve this.

Correct. At which point they would receive 116,329.97 AUG (128,683.6 AUG
minus 10 years of agio fees). Which is still a significant amount of
money. So here is my suggestion to Costa Gold. Find some other way to scam
people for 10 years that doesn't involve e-gold and then raise a ruckus
and sue for receipt of the funds.

LaMarr Dell wrote
p.p.s.  I suggest that ALL unhappy COSTA players cast your VOTE by kissing
"e-gold" good-by.  Costa, switch your payroll system.

Please! Tell this to all the other scammers out there as well. Leave
e-gold alone! We do not need scammers or the mass herds of sheep, who wish
to place blame on anybody but themself, that they bring with them. They
are the ones giving the bad reputation to e-gold, e-gold ltd., 

Viking Coder

LaMarr, why do keep referring to e-gold as "e-god"?
I have never, nor I am currently, nor will I ever, fall to my knees and
worship the Jackson brothers (Reid  Doug); or even James Ray.

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[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread LaMarr Dell

they made IMHO a very
smart decision. Omnipay/GSR, NOT e-gold ltd., put the $1 million worth of
e-gold into an escrow account
end quote**

e-gold, OmniPay, GSR .. same thing .. "egold" for short. We ALL know, at
least by now we all SHOULD know, that they are ALL the same people ..

a trusted group of lawyers/escrow agents is in control of
the money.
end quote**

"trusted" by whom ?  Costa has done what it LEGALLY should do to REclaim
THEIR funds but the "trusted" folks won't give it up ... THEY (the escrow
folks) aren't happy .  Part of those funds are MINE and I DON'T trust 'em
.. how much are they eating up in "fees" while they are playing their GOD
game ?  and as it sits it loses value .. how much will FINALLY go back
to Costa ? someone is making a tidy sum just sitting there LOOKING at it.

e-gold is not U.S. based. They are a Nevis based corporation
end quote*

Last time I looked at it I found that ALL of the "holy Trinity" (egod,
OmniPay and GSR) ARE located in the U.S. ... residents, citizens and
offices ... the fact that THEY went offshore to set up THEIR corporation
says that they would RATHER be under the laws of some OTHER country ..
why's that ?  Maybe for the SAME reason that "Costa" is ? yet they (AND
YOU) **FAULT**  "Costa" for that kind of move, h.. double standard?

So here is my suggestion to Costa Gold. Find some other way to scam
people for 10 years that doesn't involve e-gold and then raise a ruckus
and sue for receipt of the funds.
end quote***

so then, as the spokesperson for egold/OP/GSR YOU are saying that YOU are
the one to decide who is "honest" and who is NOT ? you DON'T need a court
of law or jury or evidence or ANY of that other stuff that usually gets in
the way of the hangman?

AND, all of these so called "game sites" should NOT use e-gold for ANY of
their activities ?  the Players should pull out their gold and use some
OTHER currency format ?  is that YOUR desire ?

Please! Tell this to all the other scammers out there as well. Leave
e-gold alone! We do not need scammers or the mass herds of sheep, who wish
to place blame on anybody but themself, that they bring with them. They
are the ones giving the bad reputation to e-gold, e-gold ltd., 
end quote*

yep! ! that is EXACTLY what YOUR decision is .. there it is in PLAIN sight
for ALL to see.  Okay game OPERATORS AND PLAYERS, the word is in (or

btw, "Viking"?, should YOU turn in all of your national currency ? because
drug dealers use it, gambling houses use it, houses of prostitution use
it, beer halls use it, covert activities use it, . what currency do
YOU use ?  you don't want currency with ANY stigma attached to it in YOUR
pocket, do you ? good luck in trying to find it..

Do you want "clean money" ? you ONLY get that after "money laundering",
and I think some "big boys" are offened at that "game" also.

LaMarr, why do keep referring to e-gold as "e-god"?
I have never, nor I am currently, nor will I ever, fall to my knees and
worship the Jackson brothers (Reid  Doug); or even James Ray.
end quote***

well, since you DON'T get it, I'll explain (I think MOST folks already see
the inference) .. e-gold has set its **SELF** up to play "GOD" over other
folks financial matters.

The rules they are laying down (and making up as they go) are NOT to make
some government happy (so they SAY) .. they just want to be "God" figures
over your financial future .. and they would like for this power to extend

Get it now ?

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
E-Gold .. Changing the world of "currency" .. to meet THEIR needs.

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[e-gold-list] Re: FWIW

2001-02-16 Thread Bob

 looks like a small bottom to me - brave to call a bottom on the
 price, though! :)
 (it's all in the charts)

That's a COMEX chart which now shows a gap down which could be an
exhaustion gap. The close is about 4 bucks above '99's 20 year
low. It could be an exhaustion gap on the downside meaning prices
are getting ready to bottom for a while, but too early to say.

On the CMX futures there is no gap down. The USD Index moved 
decisively up. The SF, Euro and BP decisively down. The CD didn't 
really move but doesn't look bullish.

I can get daily open, high, low, close and volume on the CMX.
I can't measure it but it looks like capital is still flowing to
the US. The US's trade deficit did decrease (capital slowing down
in it's move to the US somewhat) recently but that may be due to 
past skittishness in the US equity markets. I think the net capital
flow will probably stay positive (capital will continue to move
to the US for a while longer). Of course that remains to be seen.

It's a relativity game. Capital goes where it's best treated.
I can't see the first (even a failed one) end of trend signal yet 
as of the close on Thursday on the CMX. That doesn't mean it can't
develope shortly. We may be within days or a week or so of a double

So there was increased need of USD money vs. gold money and other major
western fiat money *yesterday*. The Yen actually went up(?). At least
that's what I'm seeing when I watch currencies moving vs. each other.

JP, thanks for getting back to me. I meant to send this to the list.


"Inflation only occurs when the government prints paper money 
 that is not backed by increased production."  - Richard Salsman

"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend 
 upon the support of Paul." - George Bernard Shaw (thank you


Use gold as money. It's easy. Create a free e-gold account here:

ConstructionGigs.com's PGP public key is here:
3C4D A63F 3C8B 2D7B 7E1A FFE8 9A2E 4D78 CAD6 66B7

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[e-gold-list] OmniPay (www.omnipay.net) SSL certificate update

2001-02-16 Thread Jay W.


after a longer than expected delay, the OmniPay web
site has a "real" SSL certificate back in place.

www.omnipay.net IP address:

verisign SSL authenticity link:

certificate details:
common name=www.omnipay.net
serial number=5E:31:95:0A:10:41:01:A5:0C:23:08:6F:16:7A:4E:41
validity=Mon Feb 12, 2001 to Sat Feb 16, 2002

this is an SGC (i.e. step-up) certificate so most everyone should
be able to establish a 128 bit (i.e. high strength) encrypted

jay w.

Version: PGP Personal Privacy 6.5.3


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[e-gold-list] Re: how to reach egold users

2001-02-16 Thread Suzanna

I can reach at 
least a thousand (responsive) egold users (probably 2000) with one 

  - Original Message - 
  To: e-gold Discussion 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 1:22 
  Subject: [e-gold-list] how to reach egold 
  Actually, i'm offering a 5 gram bounty RIGHT NOW to 
  anyone who canstate in English without waffling any other method 
  for reachingpeople who actually use e-gold. I'd be very 
  happy to send on the 5grams!Yesthis discussion 
  board. And many others that e-gold users use. You canfind out 
  which ones by subscribing to them and reading the 
  contents.Chuck, it's a good idea, but unfortunately this 
  discussion board, and all the others, reach only a tiny fraction of e-gold 
  users.(I have tried that method extensively, for a couple of different 
  e-gold enterprises, and you only reach a tiny fraction of 
  users.)Indeed there are a number of e-gold "magazine" sites around 
  (like bearerinstruments.com) but again, as yet, they reach only a small 
  fraction of users (still a good thing, a great thing, but still only a 
  small fraction)You can send the 5 grams to a/c 
  221507Chuck---You are currently subscribed to 
  e-gold-list as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To unsubscribe 
  send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2001-02-16 Thread ABC Host

Have you ever been completely *dissatisfied* and *angry* about
your current webhosting company?

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Sent via Fetchmail - free email service at http://www.fetchmail.com

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[e-gold-list] Make a market?

2001-02-16 Thread George Freeman

Is it worth while to consider being an Exchange provider for DigiGold, 
MetalSavings or any others?

Is there someone who is already making a market in these?


George Freeman

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[e-gold-list] exchange?

2001-02-16 Thread George Freeman

Is there an Exchange between e-gold and Goldmoney?

George Freeman

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore

2001-02-16 Thread Boulat Rafikov

Let me see if I understand this correctly ...

"e-gold" WANTs to become an INTERNATIONAL "money" ... right ?

Bravo, LaMarr Dell!
Very good questions  regarding e-gold. It will be hard to "No'ers" answer.

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[e-gold-list] Re: 1st South African exchange provider now open - great rates, low hassle!

2001-02-16 Thread shupperd1

Welcome aboard, we are glad to have you with us!!

James Shupperd

Money to Gold, and Gold to Money, Pays Referral Comissions Directly to Your
eGold account.
the FASTEST funding on the net. www.fastgold.net

Stay informed about all the latest egold investments, games, and scams. BE

Are you part of The Gold Foundation? If not you need to be. A solid
membership that I run. Ask me for the details.

God Bless You and Yours,
James Shupperd

Contact me anytime
ICQ # 99212386
Aol Instant Messenger:  James Shupperd

- Original Message -
From: "Georg Ritschl" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 7:14 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] 1st South African exchange provider now open - great
rates, low hassle!

 E-Gold enthusiasts from Southern Africa used to have to face considerable
 hurdles in order to convert their Rands into ounzes of shining e-metal.

 This is now over!

 SA-EgoldXchange accepts bank transfers, cheques and cash in South African
 currency and is located in Johannesburg South Africa.
 Considering the costs of international wire transfers and losses by
 conversion of rands into US-Dollar, the service fees are unbeatable:

 They are starting with just 5% based on E-Gold's published E-Metal/U$
 Dollar exchange rate, based on the same day's conversion rate ZAR/U$D as
 published by Standard Bank South Africa.

 The website is at www.sa-egoldxchange.com

 SA-EgoldXchange - a venture of Contour Marketing cc.

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[e-gold-list] Re: DigiGold's AUG vs. the ECB's EUR

2001-02-16 Thread David Hillary

Douglas Jackson wrote:
 DigiGold Ltd. is designed to serve as a private sector currency board,
 issuing a worldwide gold denominated currency (AUG) that carves out
 market share as a reserve asset and medium of settlement for financial
 intermediation, based primarily on its explicit and credible commitment
 to continuous convertibility on demand into the underlying non-financial
 base money, e-gold.
 A question that arises with nearly every attempt to explain DigiGold’s
 role is; “Are there any merchants that accept DigiGold?”. My usual
 answer is that DigiGold is intended for use as a financial currency
 [e.g. cash reserve for banks that participate in the AUG economy] and
 purposely avoids direct competition with higher level currencies such as
 Standard Reserve gold that feature automated interfaces to support
 retail and other specialized payment applications.
 Perhaps it would be helpful to elaborate further by contrasting
 DigiGold’s payment protocols with those of the institutions it seeks to
 directly compete with, the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank
 (ECB)– the two currently dominant contenders as worldwide financial
 Essentially all significant government central banks and currency boards
 directly implement two types of payment protocols:
 1) an online Real Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS), and,
 2) tokens for offline settlement (paper cash and coins)*.
 Are there any merchants that accept Fed dollars (that is, dollars that
 represent direct liabilities of the Fed, that monetary aggregate that
 could be called M0)? Yes, but the only way they can accept them is by
 physical transfer of possession of the Fed’s paper cash or coins. Huh?
 Merchants can accept wires, that are settled on Fedwire, the Fed’s RTGS
 - can’t they? Well… yes and no. No one but qualified financial
 institutions (banks) may maintain an account at the Fed or the ECB. You
 as end user may only access remote payment systems indirectly, and to do
 so you must loan money to (that is, maintain a deposit account at) a
 financial institution. The bank receives the wire and your account
 statement will then reflect that the bank owes you the net amount
 received http://www.frbservices.org/Funds-Transfer/frFunds.cfm  Other
 than the paper dollars you hold, all the US dollars you own are the
 liability of some higher level financial intermediary.
 DigiGold differs from the Fed or the ECB in that it allows anyone to
 establish/maintain an account, immediately and at no cost, with
 unrestricted access to its RTGS system – the SOX/Ricardo technologies
 developed by Systemics, Inc. and licensed to DigiGold Ltd. Another
 difference is that settlement of a DigiGold payment entails no fee
 whatsoever. Member banks of the Fed pay between 17 and 33 centidollars
 for a settlement using Fedwire's automated interface ($15 for offline,
 that is, if one of the Fed’s own wire clerks must manually input the
 origination or send out a notification). The ECB charges member banks up
 to EUR 1.75 per automated settlement. More fundamentally, DigiGold
 differs from government central banks in that DigiGold is subject to the
 rigorous discipline of redemption on demand for an underlying base money
 (as, ideally, are other currency boards).
 Changing gears to talk about offline settlement, consider this scenario.
 As things stand, inhabitants of every poor country in the world who hold
 a quantity of US paper dollars are subsidizing the United States
 government.**  Most folks don’t mind this and they actually benefit if
 one compares the US dollar to the monetary alternatives that have
 heretofore been available to them. Just possibly, however, given a
 greater variety of choices, people (or, more to the point, the ruling
 elite of various non-OECD countries) might select differently. Certainly
 the ECB is hoping that its paper money, once released, will find its way
 to every corner of the world. But why would someone prefer EUR to USD?
 The two don’t differ regarding the most significant functions of money.
 Money transmits value through time. In this repect, which one can think
 of as the store of value function, the only difference between the USD
 and EUR is the details of their respective asset portfolios, that is,
 which particular government bonds they hold. In terms of the other major
 function, conveying value across ownership boundaries (from payer to
 payee), the only differences might be in the security features of the
 paper or the handiness of different size bills for different value
 denominations. Certainly any differences in the respective RTGS systems
 would be non-apparent to end users. [All higher level settlement
 mechanisms such as clearinghouse/netting arrangements depend on the
 local banking system and other infrastructure that have no direct
 relation to the foreign central bank in question.]
 So this is the lead-in to bring up DigiGold’s rationale for starting to
 explore offline 

[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread jpm

LaMarr, why do keep referring to e-gold as "e-god"?
I have never, nor I am currently, nor will I ever, fall to my knees and
worship the Jackson brothers (Reid  Doug); or even James Ray.

Not even Jim??!

"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend
  upon the support of Paul."  --  George Bernard Shaw

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[e-gold-list] Re: DigiGold's AUG vs. the ECB's EUR

2001-02-16 Thread jpm


"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend
  upon the support of Paul."  --  George Bernard Shaw

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[e-gold-list] Re: 1st South African exchange provider now open - great rates, low hassle!

2001-02-16 Thread Eric Gaither


   I woould also like to welcome "SA-EgoldXchange" to this list.

I am curious, though, have you been contacted *yet* by Barry Downey or
Reid Jackson about using the word "e-gold" in your company name?

 They trademarked the word (several words) and are very strict about
companies using the word in their name.

Just curious.

 Welcome and good luck with your ventures!

- Original Message -
From: "shupperd1" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 4:23 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: 1st South African exchange provider now open -
great rates, low hassle!

 Welcome aboard, we are glad to have you with us!!

 James Shupperd

 Money to Gold, and Gold to Money, Pays Referral Comissions Directly to
 eGold account.
 the FASTEST funding on the net. www.fastgold.net

 Stay informed about all the latest egold investments, games, and scams. BE

 Are you part of The Gold Foundation? If not you need to be. A solid
 membership that I run. Ask me for the details.

 God Bless You and Yours,
 James Shupperd

 Contact me anytime
 ICQ # 99212386
 Aol Instant Messenger:  James Shupperd

 - Original Message -
 From: "Georg Ritschl" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 7:14 AM
 Subject: [e-gold-list] 1st South African exchange provider now open -
 rates, low hassle!

  E-Gold enthusiasts from Southern Africa used to have to face
  hurdles in order to convert their Rands into ounzes of shining e-metal.
  This is now over!
  SA-EgoldXchange accepts bank transfers, cheques and cash in South
  currency and is located in Johannesburg South Africa.
  Considering the costs of international wire transfers and losses by
  conversion of rands into US-Dollar, the service fees are unbeatable:
  They are starting with just 5% based on E-Gold's published E-Metal/U$
  Dollar exchange rate, based on the same day's conversion rate ZAR/U$D as
  published by Standard Bank South Africa.
  The website is at www.sa-egoldxchange.com
  SA-EgoldXchange - a venture of Contour Marketing cc.
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[e-gold-list] Re: DigiGold's AUG vs. the ECB's EUR

2001-02-16 Thread Sidd

Paper currency has the advantage of being  holdable by anyone,
any joining process.

David Hillary

And the unfortunate disadvantage of being easily forged


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[e-gold-list] Re: gasp!

2001-02-16 Thread Michael Moore


- Original Message -
To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 11:02 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] gasp!


 "A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend
   upon the support of Paul."  --  George Bernard Shaw

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2001-02-16 Thread Michael Moore

This is spam is it not?

Kind regards,

Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.
subscribe to the gold-today discussion group at

- Original Message -
To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 12:02 AM

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 Best Wishes - and Happy New Year!

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 Sent via Fetchmail - free email service at http://www.fetchmail.com

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[e-gold-list] Re: gasp!

2001-02-16 Thread Dagny Taggart

He is just the really deep kind a guy, if we have to
ask, we don't get it...;-)

--- Michael Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - Original Message -
 To: "e-gold Discussion"
 Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 11:02 AM
 Subject: [e-gold-list] gasp!

  "A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can
 always depend
upon the support of Paul."  --  George Bernard
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Dagny Taggart

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a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

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[e-gold-list] Re: exchange?

2001-02-16 Thread George Freeman

Is there an exchange provider for metal savings?


George Freeman


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[e-gold-list] Re: DigiGold's AUG vs. the ECB's EUR

2001-02-16 Thread Bob

David Hillary wrote:
 Digigold, if it could be had as paper as well as in webfunds, would be a
 fantastic currency.

I don't know if this is what you had in mind, but. If somebody sends
you a *bearer* payment by email, you can print this out and put it
in your pocket. There's the disadvantage of having to copy the
characters by hand again into a file or email, or OCR copying.

If you send a bearer payment to yourself (PGP encrypted), you
can be sure of what you are getting. Decrypt it. Print it. 
A payment from somebody else, you would have to clear it with 
the server to be sure. But after that you could make a bearer 
payment to yourself for that amount.

Now this generally wouldn't be practicable, of course. Except



Use gold as money. It's easy. Create a free e-gold account here:

ConstructionGigs.com's PGP public key is here:
3C4D A63F 3C8B 2D7B 7E1A FFE8 9A2E 4D78 CAD6 66B7

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[e-gold-list] Re: 1st South African exchange provider now open - great rates, low hassle!

2001-02-16 Thread Sidd

Trademarks:  a lot of countries do not recognize them.
Since South Africa is a foreign country, maybe the all
mighty e-gold brothers can not touch him?

Of course they can, they can call on the terms of service and refuse
to allow the offender to use the e-gold(tm) system.


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[e-gold-list] Re: DigiGold's AUG vs. the ECB's EUR

2001-02-16 Thread Claude Cormier

On 16 Feb 2001, at 20:47, Bob wrote:

 I don't know if this is what you had in mind, but. If somebody sends
 you a *bearer* payment by email, you can print this out and put it
 in your pocket. There's the disadvantage of having to copy the
 characters by hand again into a file or email, or OCR copying.

Bob, How this can work?  

I don't know everything aboit Digigold but it seems to me that you 
end up with two copies the bearer payment. Digital gold is to the 
net what dollars bills are to your wallet!  They are very handy as 
you can transert them without the interference of a third party. On 
the other hand, you can also lose them.  My biggest worry is the 
need for backing and your digital certificate and make sure you can 
recover from a crash.

Definitively not for all users.



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[e-gold-list] Re: DigiGold's AUG vs. the ECB's EUR

2001-02-16 Thread David Hillary

"James M. Ray" wrote:
  In my next post I will be soliciting some advice relating to the
  preliminary requirements for DigiGold's offline settlement mechnism(s).
 I look forward to this promised post.
 Digigold, if it could be had as paper as well as in webfunds, would be a
 fantastic currency. There is a real need for a fee free physical cash
 that is financially sound and gold based if gold is to take off more
 generally. It seems to me that only by holding financial assets can a
 currency provider avoid direct fees on users for transactions or asset
 storage. But I don't think the majority of end users give a damn if
 their currency is backed by financial assets, provided they know its
 Paper currency has the advantage of being  holdable by anyone, without
 any joining process.
 David Hillary
 Hi David. Paper (or, our favorite, "lipstick on the mirror") digigold will
 indeed oneday be possible/doable (and therefore done, to some
 extent or another) IMO, BUT...
 You may not wish/have to wait. Presently, Norfed does silver notes
 that are admittedly US-centric, but they're coming out with a gold note
 and a one ounce gold coin. I know the proprietor, Bernard von Nothaus,
 pretty well. He's a fun, nice guy, and I own some of his Norfed ALCs,
 though I must admit I don't use them and will not ever redeem them.
 They're pretty, though. http://www.norfed.org if interested, and I think
 a number of the redemption centers take e-gold.
 "e-gold is to 'money' what email is to letters."  -- JP May
 Regards, James M. Ray  [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP = 0xAE141134
 Try a FREE e-gold account: http://www.e-gold.com/e-gold.asp?cid=9
 http://www.omnipay.net  to buy/sell grams. http://2cw.org/jmr to click.

The prob with these norfed notes is that they involve gold storage fees,
which gives them a big disadvantage for practical use. The problem is
not just that holders pay to hold, it is that the notes no longer are
fungable, meaning one can be exchanged for another. The notes last five
years and are redeemable at a 5% discount, being the five years storage
fees. This makes an old note worth less than a new note -- imagine
giving change to shoppers! Cash should be fungable so that each unit is
exactly the same value. The reason these fees are necessary is that the
notes are backed by physical gold rather than gold debt (the people who
create these notes being paranoid about financial risk and 'debt based
money' etc.).

One possible solution is a depreciating currency, whose value declines
by the storage fee over time. E.g. the unit of account would be wigets
with one widget being worth, and backed by and redeemable for, a*e^l*t
where a is the exchange rate at time zero, e is the base of natural logs
(2.718...), l is a value indicating a 'halflife' and t is time. In this
way holders pay for storage and other costs via depreciation of their
asset (diminishing value, e.g. 1% p.a.), and notes are fungable. This
process involves no debt or financial assets, but adds complexity by
introducing another currency and unit of value.

The more likely solution is a currency like digigold, with a backing
including a secondary earning reserve, which is a financial asset, which
earns interest. The interest funds the costs such as note printing and
metal storage (of the primary liquid reserve). Digigold maintains owners
equity at at least 8% of financial assets to ensure that digigold can
meet its liabilities. Digigold could also issue paper notes which would
neither diminish in value or involve charges. This provides a practical
way for the utility of paper notes to be provided.

David Hillary

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