they made IMHO a very
smart decision. Omnipay/G&SR, NOT e-gold ltd., put the $1 million worth of
e-gold into an escrow account
end quote**************

e-gold, OmniPay, G&SR .. same thing .. "egold" for short. We ALL know, at
least by now we all SHOULD know, that they are ALL the same people ..

a trusted group of lawyers/escrow agents is in control of
the money.
end quote**************

"trusted" by whom ?  Costa has done what it LEGALLY should do to REclaim
THEIR funds but the "trusted" folks won't give it up ... THEY (the escrow
folks) aren't happy .  Part of those funds are MINE and I DON'T trust 'em
.. how much are they eating up in "fees" while they are playing their GOD
game ?????  and as it sits it loses value .. how much will FINALLY go back
to Costa ? someone is making a tidy sum just sitting there LOOKING at it.

e-gold is not U.S. based. They are a Nevis based corporation
end quote*************

Last time I looked at it I found that ALL of the "holy Trinity" (egod,
OmniPay and G&SR) ARE located in the U.S. ... residents, citizens and
offices ... the fact that THEY went offshore to set up THEIR corporation
says that they would RATHER be under the laws of some OTHER country ..
why's that ?  Maybe for the SAME reason that "Costa" is ? yet they (AND
YOU) **FAULT**  "Costa" for that kind of move, hmmmm.. double standard?

So here is my suggestion to Costa Gold. Find some other way to scam
people for 10 years that doesn't involve e-gold and then raise a ruckus
and sue for receipt of the funds.
end quote***********

so then, as the spokesperson for egold/OP/GSR YOU are saying that YOU are
the one to decide who is "honest" and who is NOT ? you DON'T need a court
of law or jury or evidence or ANY of that other stuff that usually gets in
the way of the hangman?

AND, all of these so called "game sites" should NOT use e-gold for ANY of
their activities ?  the Players should pull out their gold and use some
OTHER currency format ?  is that YOUR desire ?

Please! Tell this to all the other scammers out there as well. Leave
e-gold alone! We do not need scammers or the mass herds of sheep, who wish
to place blame on anybody but themself, that they bring with them. They
are the ones giving the bad reputation to e-gold, e-gold ltd., &
end quote*****************

yep! ! that is EXACTLY what YOUR decision is .. there it is in PLAIN sight
for ALL to see.  Okay game OPERATORS AND PLAYERS, the word is in (or

btw, "Viking"?, should YOU turn in all of your national currency ? because
drug dealers use it, gambling houses use it, houses of prostitution use
it, beer halls use it, covert activities use it, ..... what currency do
YOU use ?  you don't want currency with ANY stigma attached to it in YOUR
pocket, do you ? good luck in trying to find it..

Do you want "clean money" ? you ONLY get that after "money laundering",
and I think some "big boys" are offened at that "game" also.

LaMarr, why do keep referring to e-gold as "e-god"?
I have never, nor I am currently, nor will I ever, fall to my knees and
worship the Jackson brothers (Reid & Doug); or even James Ray.
end quote***************

well, since you DON'T get it, I'll explain (I think MOST folks already see
the inference) .. e-gold has set its **SELF** up to play "GOD" over other
folks financial matters.

The rules they are laying down (and making up as they go) are NOT to make
some government happy (so they SAY) .. they just want to be "God" figures
over your financial future .. and they would like for this power to extend

Get it now ?

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
E-Gold .. Changing the world of "currency" .. to meet THEIR needs.

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