> E-god is U.S. based .. but it doesn't feel safe tucking the gold away on
> IT'S shores, it sent it away to Nevis .. have you ever wondered "why" ?

There's no gold in Nevis. The gold is in a bullion bank in Toronto.

> E-god is NOT a "foreign individual" (IBC, Ltd, etc) it is a U.S.
> Corporation .. so WHY the Nevis move ?  Would that move put the gold OUT
> of the reach of the SEC, IRS and other self appointed collection agencies
> should something go dreadfully wrong with the management of E-god ?

No, but it might make it less likely that a plaintiff in a lawsuit against
G&SR, could convince the court that the gold behind the e-gold system was an
asset of G&SR, if the gold was in a trust, under the care of two
corporations, incorporated in two non-US countries.

I believe that part of the split was the idea to separate the gold, which
belongs to the account holders, from any liabilities that G&SR might incur.
Let's say that G&SR DID honor a wire request for one million dollars but did
not go through the process of identifying the person requesting the wire.
They could be liable for gross-negligence in a case like this, (if they were
wrong), and it seems unlikely that anyone would move that much money out of
an account without trying to find out who it is requesting the move.

> Exactly WHICH law enforcement agency (DDU) does EGOLD have to answer to ?
> And to WHICH court would we need to plead our case should EGOLD go astray

That would depend in which manner they went astray.

> In addition to these thought provoking questions there is MORE evidence
> that E-god does NOT respect the rights of the "foreign individual" .. they
> have YOUR money (in gold) and really don't give a damn WHAT your rights
> are .. yet they keep YOUR gold OFFshore (probably to give an "edge" to
> THEIR "rights" ?) ...

Isn't that why Costa Gold's offshore, with no public record of its officers,
so that they are accountable to no one?

> Is is possible that E-god could just thumb it's collective nose at you and
> walk away with YOUR gold ?  You betcha ! ... CAN do .... ANYtime they feel
> like it ....

All Costa Gold has to do is file a lawsuit against G&SR. Of course, they
would have to identify themselves to a court to do that, and I don't think
they will. Of course, they could wait 10 years, until the statute of
limitations for fraud expires, and THEN sue to resolve this.


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