All Costa Gold has to do is file a lawsuit against G&SR. Of course, they
would have to identify themselves to a court to do that, and I don't think
they will. Of course, they could wait 10 years, until the statute of
limitations for fraud expires, and THEN sue to resolve this.

end quote********************

something for ALL of you service providers and promoters of egold to think
about is the "reputation" that E-god is building.

Right now this "Costa" thing has been going on for weeks (and, according
to Craig, it MAY go on for YEARS) .. does it look like Costa is going to
just walk away ? There is OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS US IN GOLD on the

Think about WHERE that gold came from ... 

E-god account holders .. NO one else ... thousands of them .. and they are
ALL talking about what E-god is doing to THEM .. the ACCOUNT HOLDERS are
the ones paying the price for E-gold.coms "requirements" ... BAD PUBLIC
RELATIONS are the result.

Now, what about a situation where some OTHER corporation is thinking about
putting THEIR payroll into gold .. and payday rolls around, and E-god
decides they "need to know" who the owners REALLY are (and those owners
are "foreign individuals") ... payroll WON'T go out, and UNhappy employees
are the result.

Now, tell that OFFshore corporation what a good thing egold is ... 

It is my understanding that the Kennedy family (and many other super
wealthy families) are REALLY paupers .. ALL of their "wealth" belongs to
trusts and IBCs .. do you think any of THEM is going to step forward to
show proof of "ownership" should E-god demand it ? Under the international
laws governing HOW THEIR BUSINESS IS SET UP they should not need to.

Even U.S. corporations should recognize that others have RIGHTS also. 

E-gold need only observe what minimum is required for "due diligence" and
then RELEASE the funds .. stop this farce about IDENTIFYING THE "TRUE
OWNERS" ... Lawyers are contacting you, e-gold, get serious ... what is
YOUR true agenda ? Where is the legal requirement that says you have to
drag this out ANY more ?

WE are satisfied that you have performed "due diligence" and WE are
satisfied that "Costa" has provided ENOUGH identification and WE would
like you to release OUR gold ... but WE aren't running the show, are WE ?

Do WE have any say in how far YOUR "e-gold" idea will get on the internet
?  You betcha :))  WE have "rights" also ....

Has everyone heard about "Internet Dollars" ?  

Here is a little email I received from the folks there .. Oh, I believe
ANY of the service providers CAN switch your gold into I$ REAL easy .. I$
are a LOT more flexible also ..

LaMarr shalom,

I$ is a code based system. Thus has no way to know the owners of its

It is like (if) the US authorities will come to the US Central Bank and
ask the bank officials to tell them who has 100$ with this note number.

I suggest you use it, thus understand its stength.


Arik Schenkler - CEO
Internet Dollar is the money of the Internet - http://internetdollar.com

end quote***********************


LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
Swap "gold" for "I$" .... KEEP your identity PRIVATE

p.s. would any of you service providers like to acknowledge that YOU can
help "swap" our funds ? or should we just go to the site to do it ?

p.p.s.  I suggest that ALL unhappy COSTA players cast your VOTE by kissing
"e-gold" good-by.  Costa, switch your payroll system.

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