Re: Elasticsearch: 2-node cluster with failover

2015-05-28 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 12:25 CEST,
 prakhar wrote:

 If I add one *master only* node on one of the two existing servers (2
 nodes on the same physical server), with *HEAP*, lets say, /100mb/;
 will that work? Or I have to add another machine for that?

That should work, but it obviously means that if the machine with two
Elasticsearch nodes is taken out your cluster will be inoperable (but
it will survive if the one-node machine dies).

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Re: Elastic Search configuration

2015-05-13 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 08:43 CEST,
 Hardik Dobariya wrote:

 we have around 500 indices all sizing to approx 50gb respectively and
 total size goes around 1tb for all indices and will keep on increasing.
 The reason behind setting node3 as Master=false,data=false because in
 configuration file i read this type of node will only work for
 searching ,aggregation etc. Do i still need to set node3 three as mater
 and data

You'll definitely want all three nodes to be master-eligible (as Mark
explained this prevents a split brain situation). Whether it makes sense
to dedicate one of the nodes to queries depends a bit on the types of
queries you make but I'd say it's unlikely that dedicating a third of
your cluster's capacity for queries is the best use of your money.

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Re: Curator 3

2015-05-12 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 21:06 CEST,
 Wendel Ferreira wrote:

 Pessoal, boa tarde.
  Depois que atualizei o elasticsearch para a 1.5 vi que a rotinha
 no crontab do curator parou de funcionar.

This mailing list is in English. The new discussion forum that's
replacing this list has a couple of non-English categories but
currently none for Portuguese (if that indeed is your preferred


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Re: Elastic Search configuration

2015-05-12 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 13:24 CEST,
 Hardik Dobariya wrote:

 yes i can understand the use of network file system is not good.
 Actually we do not have any physical machines.we are using virtual
 environment.This is the reason we are using NAS to store data on

Sure, but you don't have to use NAS just because you use VMs.
Local disks or volumes mounted from a SAN are still preferred
to accessing the file system over SMB or NFS.

 Any suggestion on using virtual environment for elastic search?
 and yes am already using 3 nodes.2 masters with data and one child

Yes, and as Mark says that's a bad idea. You're better off allowing
all three nodes to be masters. Unless you have a serious query load
you should keep data on all three nodes. Having a third of the
cluster's capacity dedicated to processing queries is most likely
very wasteful.

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Re: @timestamo and Date in the logs are not matching

2015-05-08 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Friday, May 08, 2015 at 09:39 CEST, wrote:

 The @timestamp field and the actual log generated Date is not matching
 as shown in the screenshot.

Discussion thread already started here:

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Re: Does elasticsearh-curator 3.0.3 support elasticsearch 1.0.1

2015-05-06 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Wednesday, May 06, 2015 at 07:09 CEST,
 sumeet dembra wrote:

 That is what I am not getting.
 Why is it showing 2014.00.28?
 There is no such index present inÂ
 my ES setup which has dateÂ

Looking at the code I suspect you have a snapshot or an index with that
name. The exception happens in timestamp_check[0] which is only called
from apply_filter[1]. apply_filter is, in turn, called from [2] and [3].
Upping the loglevel to 'debug' will cause the list being filtered to be


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Re: abnormal file input behavior?

2015-05-04 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Friday, May 01, 2015 at 21:04 CEST,
 Sitka wrote:

 I have a file of logging records I am using to debug some filter
 parses.   I am using file input and have set starting_position to
 beginning.  So I startup logstash see what I get and killed it and
 make fixes and go again.  I have seen if sometimes it reads the file
 and sometimes not.  I ran some experiments and found that if I delete
 the file and rewrite it and then start up logstash it reads the file.
 If I have previously read the file, then when logstash starts it
 doesn't read the file despite  being told to start at beginning.
 Am I missing something here?  Is this intended behavior or a possible

This is the intended behavior and documented at

This option only modifies 'first contact' situations where
 a file is new and not seen before. If a file has already
 been seen before, this option has no effect.

If you want to force Logstash to reprocess a file, delete
the corresponding sincedb file (or entry within such a file).
For testing purposes it's much more convenient to use the
stdin input.

Next time, please post Logstash questions like this one to the
logstash-users list.

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Re: Please suggest.

2015-04-16 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 08:00 CEST,
 vikas gopal wrote:

 thank you for your quick response. I am totally new to this, any
 document or website to understand nginx or any guide to configure
 nginx as a reverse proxy on windows server 2012.

Have you had a look at the nginx documentation or any of the top hits
when you search for nginx windows? If they're not adequate for your
needs, perhaps you can phrase a more specific question.

Note that there's nothing special about nginx. IIS is capable of doing
what you want too.

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Re: How to achieve ELK High availability

2015-04-16 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 13:35 CEST,
 vikas gopal wrote:

 Thank you for the suggestion , yes I am aware and I am done with ES
 clustering . Now I want the same for LS . Since LS does not have in
 build feature like ES has , so what would be the best way for LS to
 make i highly available in windows environment?

Let's continue that discussion in the logstash-users thread.

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Re: kibana display usernum problem?

2015-04-15 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 03:34 CEST,
 way way wrote:

 but i think you did not understand what i want
 I do not want Y-Axis aggregation log count, I just whant Y -Axis
 display my logs KV's value
 the guide all is aggregation about log's count

Change the aggregation to show the mean/max/min value (whichever you
prefer) instead of the count.

Kibana 4 might be capable of plotting raw data points. Which Kibana
version are you running?

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Re: Installation Guide

2015-04-09 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Thursday, April 09, 2015 at 08:31 CEST,
 Gunasekar wrote:

 I'm newbie to Elasticsearch,
 Am little bit confused on the Workflow of ELK stack.
 Installed ELK stack. LOG-FORWARDER not sending data to Elasticsearch
 server. Kibana not loading. I think, Once log-forwarder workers kibana
 will show the graphs.
 Kindly any one help me with the complete guide.

Your question is too broad and open-ended. Why aren't the logs being
sent to Elasticsearch? What type of logs are you trying to send? What's
your overall setup? Are you using logstash-forwarder or Logstash? Which
versions? Kibana 3 or Kibana 4?

Logstash has a getting started guide (below) and I'm sure there are many
blog posts that explain things with slightly different perspectives.

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Re: Monitor incoming data rates

2015-04-09 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Thursday, April 09, 2015 at 05:49 CEST,
 Bernie Carolan wrote:

 I have alerts configured on my Logstash - Elasticsearch setup which
 perform regular queries to see what state the cluster is in etc.
 Recently I had a situation where Logstash was running OK and ES
 cluster was in Green state, but there was no data going into ES.
 Is there a way to monitor this, e.g if the incoming data rate to ES
 drops below 100 events a minute.
 I can't do it by Logstash metrics because that side of it was running
 normally, i.e. no change in data rates.

How can Logstash be running normally when it halts the pipeline when one
output isn't able to accept messages? Are you saying that Elasticsearch
accepts messages but just drops them on the floor?

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Re: 2 Errors with Elasticsearch

2015-04-08 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Monday, April 06, 2015 at 17:05 CEST,
 kelnrluierhfeulne wrote:

 When I open Kibana by searching for my IP in my browser, I get the
 following 2 errors. Would anyone happen to have any advice on how to
 fix these errors? I already updated Elasticsearch to its latest version
 (elasticsearch-1.4.2, kibana-4.0.1-linux-x64, logstash-1.4.2):

(1.4.2 isn't the latest version of Elasticsearch, not even in
the 1.4.x series.)

 - Upgrade Required Your version of Elasticsearch is too old. Kibana
 requires Elasticsearch 0.90.9 or above.
 - Error Could not reach http://localhost:9200/_nodes. If you are using
 a proxy, ensure it is configured correctly

Are you *sure* this is Kibana 4? AFAIK that error message only exists in
Kibana 3

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Re: 2 Errors with Elasticsearch

2015-04-08 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Wednesday, April 08, 2015 at 09:13 CEST,
 Magnus Bäck wrote:

 On Monday, April 06, 2015 at 17:05 CEST,
  kelnrluierhfeulne wrote:


  - Upgrade Required Your version of Elasticsearch is too old. Kibana
  requires Elasticsearch 0.90.9 or above.
  - Error Could not reach http://localhost:9200/_nodes. If you are
  using a proxy, ensure it is configured correctly
 Are you *sure* this is Kibana 4? AFAIK that error message only exists
 in Kibana 3

Oh, and if it indeed is Kibana 3 I responded to the same question on
logstash-users yesterday.

Please don't post the same question to multiple lists.

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Re: Reindex from the existing index

2015-04-01 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Wednesday, April 01, 2015 at 06:15 CEST,
 Vladi Feigin wrote:

 Is there a way to build a new index from the existing index ?

Elasticsearch doesn't ship with a tool for this purpose nor
a one-stop-shop API, but there are several wrappers of the
bulk reindexing API. I've successfully used the es-reindex
tool and the elasticsearch.helpers.reindex() function from
the official Python client for ES.

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Re: How to achieve ELK High availability

2015-04-01 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Wednesday, April 01, 2015 at 05:06 CEST,
 vikas gopal wrote:

 Need your valuable suggestions here . I have ELK on a single windows
 instance and I want to make it high available . I mean if one machine
 goes down second will take up the whole load, like clustering. Can you
 suggest how I can achieve this.

Since you're saying like clustering, are you aware that Elasticsearch
supports clustering natively? To improve the availability, run two or
(preferably) at least three Elasticsearch nodes and configure replicas
for your shards. If one node goes down all data will still be available.

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2015-03-25 Thread Magnus Bäck
The not too widely announced move from elasticsearch.(com|org) to the other week seems to have broken the old Elasticsearch
blog RSS feed, and I can’t find the RSS URL for the replacement blog. Please say there is one.

A final post to the old blog referring to the new one would've been
nice. I'm probably not the only one who's missed the updates from
the last week or two.

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Re: Why does creating a repository fail?

2015-03-18 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 01:37 CET,
 David Reagan wrote:

 On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 5:20 PM, Andrew Selden
  I'm not that familiar with iSCSI so I hesitate to say for sure, but
  anytime you are cross-mounting filesystems on Linux you have to take
  uid/gid consistency into account.

 If I were manually creating the elasticsearch user, that'd be easy.
 But I'm relying on apt to do the job for me. So, yeah...

You can create the elasticsearch user with the uid you want before the
Debian package gets a chance to do it.

 Hmm... I suppose I could manually create an elasticsearch2 user,
 then modify the defaults files to use it when running ES. Still
 seems clunky...

No need. If the elasticsearch user exists the package installation will
just skip that step.

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Re: how to create dashboard

2015-03-11 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 10:15 CET,
 vikas gopal wrote:

 Since i am new to this technology , I need your assistance to start
 building dashboard in ELK. I have downloaded all the 3 tools (E,L,K) .
 I want to create a dashboard from a syslog file . I don't know how I
 can get data into ELK and prepare dashboard out of it. Please suggest
 from where I can start.

Logstash's own getting started guide covers syslog.

If you need further help I suggest you ask more specific questions.

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Re: Default Number Of Replicas for new indices

2015-03-11 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 10:56 CET,
 Matt Stibbs wrote:

 How do I change the default number of replicas for new indices in my ES

The index.number_of_replicas setting in elasticsearch.yml controls this,
but it can be overridden by the corresponding dynamic setting. On top of
that, index templates can override both these options.


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Re: How ELK stores data

2015-03-09 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Monday, March 09, 2015 at 16:34 CET,
 vikas gopal wrote:

 I am totally new to this tool, so I have couple of basic queries
 1) How ELK stores indexed data. Like traditional analytic tools
 stores data in flat files or in their own database .

Elasticsearch is based on Lucene and the data is stored in
whatever format Lucene uses. This isn't something you have
to care about.

 2) How we can perform historical search

Using the regular query APIs. Sorry for such a general answer
but your question is very general.

 3) How license is provided , I mean is it based on data
 indexed per day ?

It's free Apache-licensed software so you don't have to pay
anything. If you feel you need a support contract that's
being offered at a couple of different levels. I'm sure there
are third parties offering similar services.

 4) If I want to start do I need to download 3 tools
 (ElasticSearch,Logstash, Kibana)

If you want the whole stack from log collection to storage
to visualization then yes, you need all three. But apart
from a dependency from Kibana to Elasticsearch the tools
are independent.

I suggest you download them and try them out. That's the
quickest way to figure out whether the tool stack (or a subset
thereof) fits your needs. There are also a number of videos

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Re: ES - settings/mappings - globally for an index - index: not_analyzed and analyzer:whitespace - new feature or not supported.

2015-03-09 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Thursday, March 05, 2015 at 22:56 CET,
 Mark Walkom wrote:

  On 6 March 2015 at 01:39, KaranM [1] wrote:
  I want to globally set the following for all current string fields
  for an Index and also for the future(new) string fields on that
  Can some some one send example or link that has example, I was
  researching and could not find one.
  index: not_analyzed,Â
 You cannot set it globally, you have to do it for each field.

Wait, isn't this what dynamic templates are for?

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Removing subfield in concrete mapping

2015-02-26 Thread Magnus Bäck
I'm using the following index template (derived from the Logstash index

  template: logstash-*,
  mappings: {
_default_: {
  dynamic_templates: [
  string_fields: {
match: *,
match_mapping_type: string,
mapping: {
  type: string,
  index: analyzed,
  omit_norms: true,
  fields: {
raw: {
  type: string,
  index: not_analyzed,
  ignore_above: 256
gerrit_event: {
  dynamic_templates: [
  string_fields: {
match: *,
match_mapping_type: string,
mapping: {
  type: string,
  index: not_analyzed,
  omit_norms: true,
  fields: {}

I thought this would've effectively deleted the .raw subfield for
gerrit_event documents, but that doesn't happen:

   $ curl --silent -XGET 
'http://localhost:9200/logstash-2015.04.25/_mapping/gerrit_event?pretty' | head 
-n 22
 logstash-2015.04.25 : {
   mappings : {
 gerrit_event : {
   dynamic_templates : [ {
 string_fields : {
   mapping : {
 index : not_analyzed,
 type : string,
 fields : {
   raw : {
 index : not_analyzed,
 ignore_above : 256,
 type : string
 omit_norms : true
   match : *,
   match_mapping_type : string
   } ],

Is this expected? If so, why, and is there another way to remove
accomplish what I want, i.e. have a .raw subfield for dynamically mapped
string fields in all types but not gerrit_event? (Without removing the
subfield from _default_ and adding it in many other places, obviously.)

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Re: logstash ..sending files inside a directory to elasticsearch configration

2015-02-24 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 07:10 CET,
 Ch Ravikishore wrote:

 I am new to ELK requirement here is ,my logtash should
 send the files that i place inside a folder to elasticsearch..
 Iam looking for the configuration for this task..

This question is more about Logstash than Elasticsearch so I suggest
you instead ask the question on the logstash-users mailing list.!forum/logstash-users

Also, there are *many* tutorials that describe the setup of the ELK
stack, including one on the Logstash web site (below). I think you
should read some of what's already available. With more knowledge
you'll be able to ask better and less open-ended questions.

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Re: Assistance requried for Logstash filter with GROK

2015-02-24 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 05:55 CET,
 Bharath Paruchuri wrote:

 I'm trying to filter below weblogic log using Logtrash filter GROK.

Please post Logstash question to the logstash-users mailing list.!forum/logstash-users


   multiline {
 type = SOA1-diagnostic
 pattern = ^\[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601\]

Couldn't help noticing that there's a } missing here.


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Re: Availability of logstash-forwarder debian packages

2015-02-11 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 12:53 CET,
 Dennis Plöger wrote:

 Until recently I used the elasticsearch-package repositories
 ( to install logstash-forwarder. However,
 it now seems as if logstash-forwarder isn't available anymore via deb stable
 main. Did the structure change on the package server or is the
 package not available anymore? I found no blog post or something like

Please see the following GitHub issue:

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Re: backup and restore doubt ??

2015-02-09 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Monday, February 09, 2015 at 19:37 CET,
 Subbarao Kondragunta wrote:

 I took backup of all indices by default with snapname 'test'.
 Can i restore only specific indices from snap 'test' , not all ?

Yes, by specifying the indices to restore in the 'indices' key in
the JSON document that you POST to initiate the restore operation.

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Re: Need review for my REST query (template modification)

2015-01-29 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 11:57 CET,
 Aldian wrote:

 I am using the usual ELK stack with the default template
 ([1] In every log message, the date in
 stored in field named log_date, which the date filter converts in a
 @timestamp. I want to set the log_date field as not_analyzed so
 that I can sort it in Kibana without getting weird results.

You're storing the same timestamp in two fields? Why?

 I built the following query
 curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_template/template_1 -d '
 template : logstash-*,
 properties : {
 log_date : {
 type : string,
 index : not_analyzed
 Can you confirm that the request is correct?

It looks okay. You may want to use the 'order' key to make sure these
two matching index templates are applied in a well-defined and obvious

 I have doubts about the template name. I thought about calling url
 localhost:9200/_template/logstash in order to modify the existing
 template rather than creating a new one, but I am afraid of what could
 happen the day I restart logstash, so my thinking is that if all works
 as intended, both logstash default template and that one will apply.

I disable Logstash's index template handling and maintain my own
template (that started out as a copy of Logstash's).

 Also I believe that templates are only about future data. Is there any
 way to retro apply it back on existing indexes?

You'll have to reindex the data, e.g. using es-reindex.

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Re: logstash / kibana can't connect to instance

2015-01-29 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 06:51 CET, wrote:

 Can anyone please look into this.

This is a volunteer-based mailing list. If want a 24-hour SLA there are
paid options for that.

 On Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 5:43:23 AM UTC-8,
  I don't remember changing anything at all on my logstash server.
  As of just yesterday it was working fine! And I used it to run
  some queries.
  However.. today when I went to my logstash page, I see only thing
  message come up:


 Connection Failed
 Possibility #1: Your elasticsearch server is down or unreachable
 This can be caused by a network outage, or a failure of the
 Elasticsearch process. If you have recently run a query that required
 a terms facet to be executed it is possible the process has run out of
 memory and stopped. Be sure to check your Elasticsearch logs for any
 sign of memory pressure.

Your browser's developer console (naming varies) probably contains clues
about the problem. In Chrome you can access it with e.g. Ctrl+Shift+I.


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Re: Kibana - IIS 7.5

2015-01-26 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 14:58 CET,
 GWired wrote:

 I was able to get Kibana setup on my localhost and did a generic entry
 to allow everything into the elasticsearch.yml
 http.cors.allow-origin: /.*/
 Now I'm trying to getting it to run on my remote server running IIS
 7.5 on port 8080.
 The page loads but only the top bar loads and nothing else any ideas?

Did you also enable CORS by setting http.cors.enabled to true?

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Re: Configure Kibana for HTTPS

2015-01-20 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 14:54 CET,
 Karthik M wrote:

 On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 2:17:49 AM UTC-5, Magnus Bäck wrote:
I want the front end of ES (kibana) to run on SSL but keep the
   backend connection from Kibana to ES unencrypted since both are
   running on the same host. I configured Apache2 to accept SSL
   connections and it works but when Kibana populates the dashboard
   it get the below error. Any help is very much appreciated. Could
   not reach
   nodes. If you are using a proxy, ensure it is configured correctly
   Which version of Kibana is this?

 Kibana version 3

Kibana 3 doesn't have a backend. The connections to Elasticsearch
originate from your browser so you'll want to encrypt them as well.
Placing just the Kibana files behind HTTPS isn't useful.

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Re: Configure Kibana for HTTPS

2015-01-20 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 15:59 CET,
 Karthik Gmail wrote:

  On Jan 20, 2015, at 9:01 AM, Magnus Bäck wrote:
  Kibana 3 doesn't have a backend. The connections to Elasticsearch
  originate from your browser so you'll want to encrypt them as well.
  Placing just the Kibana files behind HTTPS isn't useful.
 Thanks Magnus. Would be able to point me towards on how to set that up?

Googling kibana reverse proxy should yield some useful results,
but start with the blog post from the Elasticsearch team.

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Re: Configure Kibana for HTTPS

2015-01-19 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Monday, January 19, 2015 at 15:45 CET,
 Karthik M wrote:

  I want the front end of ES (kibana) to run on SSL but keep the
 backend connection from Kibana to ES unencrypted since both are
 running on the same host. I configured Apache2 to accept SSL
 connections and it works but when Kibana populates the dashboard it
 get the below error. Any help is very much appreciated. Could not
 reach [1]
 nodes. If you are using a proxy, ensure it is configured correctly

Which version of Kibana is this?

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Re: Elasticsearch logging

2015-01-05 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Friday, January 02, 2015 at 19:20 CET,
 Jesse Redl wrote:

 When reviewing the logs generated by elasticsearch (1.4.x), a single
 log message is being  split across multiple lines?

Yes, that's normal for Java logs.

 Is this configurable within logging.yml? My undstanding is that
 elasticsearch is powered by log4j however, I'm not familiar with
 this product, nor can I find any decent documentation on the
 logging.yml file.

I suspect the reason you're asking is that you're considering
ingesting the Elasticsearch logs with Logstash, in which case
you should look into the JSONEventLayoutV1 Log4j layout
( to get the
logs in JSON format. You should be able to drop that jar file
along with its dependencies (net.minidev:json-smart:1.1.1 and
commons-lang:commons-lang:2.6) into the Elasticsearch lib directory
(typically /usr/share/elasticsearch/lib) and adjust logging.yml
to use that layout. See also

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Re: elastic search upgrade issues

2015-01-05 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Monday, January 05, 2015 at 10:13 CET, wrote:

   Thank you for the quick reply. i upgraded both nodes in elastic
   the following are the diskspaces in each node
   node 1 : 3Gb available out of 35 GB
   node 2 : 4GB available out of 35 GB
   is this be a problem?
 yes java and elastic search has same versions on each nodes.
  java version using : 1.7.0_55

Yes, this is probably your problem. By default Elasticsearch won't
allocate shards on nodes with 15% free disk space.

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Re: [Kibana] group by request?

2014-12-21 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 10:03 CET,
 stephanos wrote:

 we are using Google App Engine to host our SaaS app. Google offers a
 nice log browser but it is way too slw. So one of my colleagues
 suggested we pipe our logs to logstash and make them accessible via
 Kibana. So far so good, we managed to set everything up.
 But when Kibana was shown to the other team members they weren't
 really excited. It was much faster, yes. It allowed to make better
 queries, yes. BUT it broke the pattern they knew from the Google App
 Engine log browser:
 log message 1
 log message 2
 log message 3
 log message 4
 While Kibana works like this:
 log message 1/some-request
 log message 2/some-request
 log message 3/another-request
 log message 4/yet-another-request
 So basically App Engine groups log messages by request. To get my
 team on board, can we make Kibana do the same?

Not out of the box, no. Kibana doesn't have any such contextual
understanding of messages and currently can't be configured as
such either.

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Re: Controlling users to change the Kibana dashboard settings and saving.

2014-12-21 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Monday, December 01, 2014 at 14:21 CET,
 Pillalamarri Kaushik wrote:

 I would like to control the changes that are being made to the Kibana
 dashboard by users. I would like to authenticate the user doing that
 by asking for username and password before making changes or before
 saving the changes made.
 I am using windows operating system.

Kibana and Elasticsearch don't have any access control features
(but the upcoming companion product Shield does; it might eventually
help you). You'll have to add authentication on top of them, e.g.
by configuring your web browser to require authentication for POST,
PUT, and/or DELETE requests to the kibana-int index. Depending on
how capable your web server is You may have to write a custom reverse
proxy for this.

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Re: Keeping a value across events

2014-12-15 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Monday, December 15, 2014 at 22:18 CET,
 Pierre Carlson wrote:

 Totally forgot to mention that this is a LogStash question.

Indeed, and as such!forum/logstash-users
is a better fit. This topic has come up in the past so
you may find relevant answers in the archives (the short
answer is no, you can't do this without a custom plugin).

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Re: Grox help

2014-11-24 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Monday, November 24, 2014 at 20:09 CET,
 Billy F wrote:

 arrrg.  forgot to escape the |.

Excellent! Next time, please keep in mind that the logstash-users list
is a better fit for grok questions than the elasticsearch list.

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Re: Help receiving syslog data in Logstash

2014-11-12 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 16:14 CET,
 Andrew Stacey wrote:

 This is probably a very noobish question.  I just starting playing
 with an ELK stack I have set up on Centos 7.  All the core services
 seem to be working but I can't seem to get it to receive syslog
 messages.  I have both selinux and the firewall turned off (just a
 local lab right now).  Netstat -nlp does not show anything listening
 on port 514.
 According to the logstash book, I need to add the following syslog
 input plugin

 syslog {
 type = syslog
 port = 5514

This question would've been a better fit for the Logstash mailing list.!forum/logstash-users


 ERROR couldn't connect to tcp socket on; No connection
 could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

nxlog tries to send to port 514 but you've configured Logstash to listen
on port 5514. Either one needs to be adjusted to match the other. Keep
in mind that only root can listen on port 514 (but see below) and
Logstash is typically not run as root.


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Re: Creating index dynamically in ES.

2014-11-09 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Tuesday, November 04, 2014 at 00:57 CET,
 Alejandro Alves wrote:

 El miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014 05:02:40 UTC+13, Binh Ly
  You can specify the index name in the elasticsearch output:
  For example, let's say I have a field named clientip, I can make
  indexes named ls-clientip by specifying something like this:
  output {
elasticsearch {
  host = localhost
  index = ls-%{clientip}

 How or where do you declare the variables such as %{clientip}?

They are fields in the message, often populated by a 'grok' filter.

Note that not all strings in Logstash configuration files support
%{variablename} interpolation. Where you can use such references
is unfortunately underdocumented.

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Re: Multiple Timezones in Elasticsearch/Kibana

2014-10-20 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 18:57 CEST,
 Kellan Strong wrote:

 I am having a problem with different timezones sending their
 information to elasticsearch/kibana. One of the logs that is sending
 is at UTC time however the elasticsearch box is at local time zone.
 The message is clearly sent at the time of the event however
 elasticsearch or kibana is indexing it so that only when its that time
 that will it show up.
 Is there a way to allow elasticsearch/kibana to be dynamic and read
 messages as they come in, rather than later ?

More information is needed. How are you sending the messages to
Elasticsearch? Is Logstash involved?

Kibana relies on the @timestamp field to be UTC. If your logs
are in UTC too it sounds like something is interpreting them as
local time and adjusting the timestamp accordingly before updating

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Re: Error: No config files found: /etc/logstash/conf.d

2014-10-06 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Monday, October 06, 2014 at 10:11 CEST,
 StueckJu wrote:

 Hey, when i start logstash as a service /etc/init.d/logstash start, i
 get the Error Message in the topic in file logstash.stdout.
 I have a logstash config file in the directory
 /etc/logstash/conf.d/server.conf. So i don't know why logstash doesnt
 find the file.

Let's move this thread to logstash-users. Kept the elasticsearch list
cc'd for now.

How is Logstash being invoked? Is /etc/logstash/conf.d being passed with
the -f (or --config) option?


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Re: How does logstash chose which timestamped index to use?

2014-09-30 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 20:31 CEST,
 Matt Hughes wrote:

 I have a logstash-forwarder client sending events to lumberjack -
 elasticsearch to timestamped logstash indices.  How does logstash
 decide what *day* index to put the document in.  Does it look at


 @timestamp is just generated when the document is received, correct?
 So if you logged an event on a client at 11 pm UTC but it didn't make
 it to elasticsearch until 1am UTC the next day, which index would it
 go in?  Would it go in the day it was created or would it go in the
 day it got to elasticsearch?
 If the latter, is there a way to force logstash to respect a date field
 in the original log event?

You should use a 'date' filter to extract the date and time from a field
in the log message and populate the @timestamp field.

This is really more of a Logstash question, and there's a separate
group for that:

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Re: Copy IT Data to Local Server

2014-09-29 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Sunday, September 28, 2014 at 18:48 CEST,
 naveen gayar wrote:

 I wish to export the data from remote environment and import into my
 local server.

Look into snapshots.

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Re: ES JsonParseException

2014-09-19 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Thursday, September 18, 2014 at 12:40 CEST,
 Foobar Geez wrote:

 Thanks.  I provided a bad example as I guess I over-simplified it and
 also edited it to remove proprietary data (thus, missed }).
 The following example exhibits the same issue as described in my
 original post.
 curl -XPUT '[1]http://localhost:9200/test/test/test' -d '
  rules: [
 users : [ mile\kilo ]
 ex]]; nested: MapperParsingException[failed to parse [rules.users]];
 nested: JsonParseException[Unrecognized character escape 'k' (code
 107)\n at [Source: UNKNOWN; line: 5, column: 40]]; ,status:400}

As with many other languages, literal backslashes in string literals
need to be written \\.

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/test/test/test' -d '
 rules: [
users : [ mile\\kilo ]

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Re: Some indices failing with SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed]

2014-09-12 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Friday, September 12, 2014 at 08:53 CEST,
 Kevin DeLand wrote:

 Everything was working fine when all of a sudden some indices started
 GET localhost:9200/logstash-2014.09.11/_search
 yields response:
 {error:SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase
 [query], all shards failed],status:503}

How's the cluster's health? Anything interesting in the Elasticsearch

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Re: Elasticsearch parse failure error

2014-09-12 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 22:50 CEST,
 shriyansh jain wrote:

 I am using ELK stack and have a cluster of 2 elasticsearch nodes. When
 I am querying Elasticsearch from kibana. I am getting the following
 log error message in the elasticsearch log file.
 I am not able to figure out what is causing the error to happen. Any
 input will greatly appreciated.

Quoting your gist:

   ... filtered:{query:{query_string:{query:tags:\sjc-array254\
   AND proc\ AND cmd:\pmd\}},filter: ...

So, it looks like you're sending the following query:

   tags:sjc-array254 AND proc AND cmd:pmd

There's a quote too many in there.

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Re: Discrete value aggregations on a URL field

2014-09-12 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Friday, September 12, 2014 at 09:23 CEST,
 Ali Kheyrollahi wrote:

On Friday, 12 September 2014 08:18:19 UTC+1, Ali Kheyrollahi wrote:

  I am trying to find numbers of discrete value per URL in a day and
  the result is not what I expect.


  Result is bizarre, I mean it breaks my URL into its segments
  and aggregates on that. Do I need to use Hash of the URL (I prefer
  not to)?

 OK, it seems that I need to use not_analyzed on the field. Is that


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Balance between number of indices and shards per index

2014-07-08 Thread Magnus Bäck
I'm setting up an Elasticsearch-based log cluster and I'm having some
doubts about how I should choose the number of indices and shards.
By default, Logstash and Kibana use per-day indices and Elasticsearch
defaults to five shards per index. I'm worried that this will create
an excessive number of shards with a log retension of, say, 100 days.
With one replica per shard I'd be facing 1000 shards cluster-wide.
With three or four data nodes that's at least 250 shards per node.

Whether this is too much obviously depends on the node and perhaps
on the size of the daily indices, but regardless it doesn't seem
particularly advantageous with such a number of shards. Would it
make more sense to use week-based indices or reduce the number of
(primary) shards per index to two or three to get the number of
shards per node down towards or below 100? Or should I stop worrying?

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Re: Question about time based indexes/rolling indexes and eviction policies?

2014-05-26 Thread Magnus Bäck
On Friday, May 23, 2014 at 20:13 CEST,
 John Smith wrote:

 I have been reading around and some people suggest if doing log
 analytics to split the index based on time.
 Is this built in into Elastic search or does it mean I have to do it

I don't believe Elasticsearch itself understands date-based indices,
but Logstash does.

 If manual
 PUT http://myhost:9200/myindex-(get-current-date-here)/SomeDoc/Id
 I'm pulling my data from SQL server and going to either use ETL or
 JDBC gatherer. I suppose the ETL process needs to consider the date
 and when it does it's index PUT to check and roll over the date so
 that a new index gets created?


 And my queries need to consider this also so they know that on each
 day they need to search the new index?

Yes, unless you use an index alias like _all to search in all indices
but that obviously has performance implication and in part voids the
benefits of multiple indices.

 #2 is there such a thing as eviction policies?
 Basically is there a way to check if we are running out of diskspace
 and to either remove entries from the index or in the above case
 delete/archive indexes older then a few days?

If disk space is your limiting factor you should find the curator
script useful. You could also set the _ttl value of messages to have
them automatically expire after a set time.

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