Re: [Elecraft] 2nd Rx and DVR3

2008-01-19 Thread Stewart Baker
Precisely my feelings Paul. To quote others Well said.

Stewart G3RXQ
On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 19:33:19 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I suppose like many I have felt aggrieved at delays etc in the
past but have
 not added to the noise.  However, the 2nd Rx and DVR3 issue
though has
 prompted me to post.

 The nub of the matter isn't that Elecraft are so much better
than YaeKenCom
 etc about 'admitting' their delays etc, the problem for me is
that Options
 such as the 2nd Rx and DVR were toted as main features of the K3
(and thus,
 things that influenced my purchasing decision), not things that
my be
 developed later.  The fact that 8 months after I placed my order
with deposit
 (2nd batch I thought... but I'm getting so confused now) there
is no sign of
 a KDVR3 or KRX3 is shoddy at best, and bordering on deceptive.

 I'm a big Elecraft fan/supporter, and have been for years, but
the fact that
 my ordered K3 keeps slipping away, that my 50% deposit (now)
counts for
 nought (at the time the website lead me to believe it moved me
up the
 chain..), and that key Options are still a long way from
Production standard,
 just leaves me feeling bruised. I'm not at all reassured by the
 Updates' because unless one has an insight as to how many orders
there were
 for 8/9/10 May 07 etc, it is completely meaningless for people
with later

 Sorry, I've kept my gob shut for a long time now, but this is
not a good way
 to treat loyal customers.  Flame away, I know this is

 Paul M0CVX

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[Elecraft] 2nd Rx and DVR3

2008-01-19 Thread Benny Aumala

to Wayne  co

I have been waiting for my KRX3 and KDVR3.
Sorry to hear about the delay.
Thanks for being open.
Take you time and keep your decision to make them first degree as K3 is.
I think there are many who support your decision but are silent.

Benny oh9nb

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Re: [Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread Simon Brown (HB9DRV)
Myself I don't consider this a debacle at all - what we are seeing is a 
small high-tech company bringing out a product that is already surpassing 
the competition in terms of performance and putting the release of a 
flagship radio from one of the major Japanese manufacturers to shame.

There is more communication with the engineers at Elecraft in a single week 
than with the combined engineers at Kenwood / Icom / Yaesu in a whole year.

I do not call delaying a module a debacle when the engineers decide it 
doesn't meet the current design targets.

The delay in the sub-RX is making me reconsider whether to buy the sub-RX 
and instead just buy a second basic K3 to use for RX.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

- Original Message - 
From: Stephen W. Kercel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I remain a loyal customer of Elecraft, but I do hope that they will take a 
lesson from this debacle.

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[Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread Dave G4AON
In the February 2008 edition of the RSGB RadCom magazine, the well 
respected reviewer Peter Hart (G3SJX) reviews a loan receiver (not 
bought anonymously like the ARRL do) from a UK ham radio dealer, it's 
the £7000 JRC NRC-630 and even Peter admits Overall I was rather 
disappointed in the performance. Another reason why Elecraft shine in 
an otherwise dull market!

The close in dynamic range at 3 KHz appears to be some 30 dB worse than 
a K3...

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80

- Original Message -
From: Stephen W. Kercel kercel1 at

/// I remain a loyal customer of Elecraft, but I do hope that they will 
take a /

/ lesson from this debacle./
/ /
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[Elecraft] Appalachian Trail Activation

2008-01-19 Thread Ron Polityka


Today I will be out on the Appalachian Trail working towards my 900th QSO.

I am currently at 880 QSO's.

Wx is to be in the low 30's with a chance of afternoon snow.

I will start out on 40m, 7030 + or-,  at 16:00 UTC.

I will then go to either 30 or 20m at 17:30 UTC. Not sure, depends on the 
band being out.

I will check 15m around 19:00 UTC and call CQ for a little while.

If I do hit the 900th QSO, I will have a nice certificate and surprise for 
that QSO.

I will be North of Strausstown, PA on the AT at my favorite spot near a 

I will be using my K1 and the BWV (Black Widow Vertical.)

72 and Thanks,
Ron Polityka

K1 - SN 01011
K2 - SN 01392

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[Elecraft] K3: CW decoder

2008-01-19 Thread David Pratt
I am surprised to see that the CW decoder interprets the break sign 
(-...-) as BT rather than as =.  I note that the full stop, comma, 
stroke (US slash), @ and the question mark are all correctly 
interpreted, but the inverted commas (.-..-.) are missing.

I am presuming that these refinements will be included as firmware time 

David G4DMP
Leeds, England, UK

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[elecraft]K3 0181 err TXF

2008-01-19 Thread Bryan
Can someone help please ?  I get this error message when I go to xmit-tune. I 
am sure there has been an answer on here, but I can't find it

73  Bryan GM3AKF
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Re: [Elecraft] K3: CW decoder

2008-01-19 Thread Brett Howard
I don't own a K3 yet but from the research I've done (and I've done a
LOT) I think the K3 is where I'm going to go.  When i say a lot thats to
say that I've read at least 15 or 20 QST reviews and I've read 80%+ of
the manual for 8 or 9 rigs.  The K3 really shines!  

Now for the request.  Its something that I really wish I had on my K1.
I know a lot of you guys are pros at CW and crank that thing to the hilt
and let er rip but I'm just getting into the stuff.  I find that I like
to set the keyer speed at about 13 or so and send at farnsworth 5WPM
spacing (or so).  The problem is when calling CQ and having the keyer
play your CQ for you you can't leave it set at 13 or the guy responding
to you will be going way too fast.  So then I end up setting it down to
8 or 9 WPM.  The problem then is (most) people don't want to slow down
to there and secondly even to me the characters just sound plain WRONG
to me when sent that slow.  

I'd be tickled pink if there was a dual speed control.  Character speed
and character spacing speed.  I'd have to think about the best way to
make it flow in an elecraft fashion though.  

Here are a couple options that I can think of: (bare in mind I don't
have a k3 so I may be saying stupid things below)

- If the mic setting doesn't do anything in CW mode have that adjust the
char spacing when in CW mode and Mic Gain when in SSB (or other mic
using modes).  Maybe CMP could be used for the char spacing while in CW
mode but I think its more elecraft (read elegant) to have full control
of both CW speeds setup on one knob.

- Have a menu item for farnsworth sending.  You set it to 0 for normal
operation (as the rig does now) and set it to anything between 0 and the
current speed setting minus 1 to get farnsworth spacing.  

Well I think those are the best I can come up with with my understanding
of the radio.  Anyway this feature would really help us slower guys who
are looking to come up to the speed of you 25+ WPM wonders!  Thanks much
guys for hearing me out.  I'd be interested to see if anyone else shares
in this want/need even if its not able to be implemented.

~Brett (KC7OTG)

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[Elecraft] Farnsworth

2008-01-19 Thread Brett Howard
I should also mention that I'd be willing to pay money to add this
ability to my K1 and KX1...

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[elecraft]K3 0181 err TXF

2008-01-19 Thread Bill Tippett

Can someone help please ?  I get this error message when I go to xmit-tune.

Most likely you have not assigned a 2.7k or 2.8k filter to
CONFIG:FLTX XX where XX is CW or SB.  You must assign for
both modes.

I am sure there has been an answer on here, but I can't find it

Yes, here is the result of searching TXF in the archives:

73,  Bill  W4ZV

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[Elecraft] K3: Request for some stats

2008-01-19 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Eric, Wayne:

I am requesting that you (A) release the size of production run 1
and also please tell us (B) how many K3s are still pending without
deposit from run #1.

I know that initially you indicated that such information was a proprietary.

However, at this point:

1.  Everybody will know the prod run size once we see orders going out
past the order date that you have already stated is the end of run #1.
 Will another month (I hope not more) of secrecy provide any
additional or continued protection from whatever you viewed as somehow
valuable to be kept as proprietary?

2.  I am in  Run #2 and I would like to get some idea (stress on
some) of when my radio (or all prod run #2 radios in the case of
others who might share my thoughts) might be going out.  I am not
asking you for an estimate, but I (meaning me, myself) would like to
make some basic assumptions (not entirely accurate) about when I might
expect my radio.  I can't speak for others, but from what I've seen
posted, everybody is interested in every single scrap of information
available to help ease the frustration from the very long and
unexpected delays.  My approach would be to take the number of ordered
radios divided by the empirical data of past shipments (average) per

3.  I am also in Run #3 (ordered my 2nd K3 on Nov 21), but I have
little confidence in my ability to project the real ship date for that
other than that the original estimate provided of mid February will
clearly not be accurate.

Respectfully submitted and anticipating a reply,

de Doug KR2Q
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[Elecraft] K3 Complaints

2008-01-19 Thread Keith Bainbridge
I've been as guilty as many others complaining about waiting for their 
K3's but I have mine now.
I've ordered and paid for my 2nd receiver and digital voice module and 
now it's going to be delayed.
I can be patient as I know it will be well worth the wait. The K3 has 
exceeded my expectations by at least 50%.
It leaves my K2 and my Omni 6 opt3 for dead on receive and I've had so 
many complimentary audio reports its downright embarrassing !
I still cant get it to talk to DRM780 but HRD works great as does 
Omnicat and trx-manager using the K2 settings.
To all those out there who insist on knocking Elecraft for trying to 
give us the best radio in the marketplace I would ask, if you want a 
Rolls Royce you would be prepared to join the 2-3 year waiting list , 
wouldn't you?
Incidently it seems the vast majority of those complaining about all 
matters Elecraft appear to be  poms  ( or  limeys for your side of 
the pond )
As a former pom , now a true blue Aussie, please be patient and it 
will be worth it, dont earn yourselves that well known Aussie 
expression  Whinging Bloody Pom  !!

73 from Sunny Perth


Secretary Northern Corridor Radio Group Inc
Chairman WIA VK6 Advisory Committee.

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[Elecraft] k3 preformance during the ARRL VHF Jan 08 Contest

2008-01-19 Thread Ed Rodriguez
Would like to get any input on the preformance of those K3's that will be 
active during the Contest. Not only on 6 meters but on the other bands using 
any combination of Transverters.

73 and good luck to you all
Wp4o, Ed, Tampa, Fl,  EL87
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Re: [Elecraft] K3: CW decoder

2008-01-19 Thread drewko1
I think Farnsworth spacing control for the keyer memories is a great
idea. I have a related suggestion which maybe isn't so great, but here
it is anyway: 

How about a keyer memory which would work with a straight key. It
would faithfully record straight key CW, preserving the
non-machinelike timing  spacing,  and of course be able to key the
transmitter with this recorded fist. Is this something that would be
software definable on the K3?

The advantage is that straight key  bug operators could program CQ
messages which would be characteristic of their true sending styles
(for better or worse).


On Sat, 19 Jan 2008 04:16:38 -0800, you wrote:

Now for the request.  Its something that I really wish I had on my K1.
I know a lot of you guys are pros at CW and crank that thing to the hilt
and let er rip but I'm just getting into the stuff.  I find that I like
to set the keyer speed at about 13 or so and send at farnsworth 5WPM
spacing (or so).  The problem is when calling CQ and having the keyer
play your CQ for you you can't leave it set at 13 or the guy responding
to you will be going way too fast.  So then I end up setting it down to
8 or 9 WPM.  The problem then is (most) people don't want to slow down
to there and secondly even to me the characters just sound plain WRONG
to me when sent that slow.  

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[Elecraft] K3: CW decoder

2008-01-19 Thread Dave G4AON

Hi Brett

The way I guess almost all of us operate on CW when in normal QSO mode 
is to pace the transmission even though the actual keyer speed may be 
higher than we are really sending, this is especially the case for 
complicated words, and doesn't need a menu item to use it. If something 
is likely to be difficult to receive, e.g. keyer is a KX3567Z you might 
add a question mark after the Z and repeat it, however using full 
break-in also allows the other station to interrupt by sending a string 
of dots to get your attention if they missed something. It's all a 
matter of confidence, which only comes with practice... There is no 
substitute for getting on the air and operating.

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80
~Brett (KC7OTG)
- Have a menu item for farnsworth sending. You set it to 0 for normal
operation (as the rig does now) and set it to anything between 0 and the
current speed setting minus 1 to get farnsworth spacing.
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[Elecraft] Date, bugs, and features

2008-01-19 Thread Ed K1EP
I don't want to add to all the noise about deliveries and delays, but 
I do want to make a suggestion.  First, as some of you know, I was 
lucky to receive my K3 early on.  While I was able to enjoy it sooner 
than most, my K3 had more problems and features to deal with than 
the K3s that are being delivered now.  I accepted that in return for 
what turned out to be a great radio.   The radio does perform as a 
radio, it's just that it is not 100% of what was promised on the 
datasheet.  Virtually all of us bought the radio sight unseen based 
on this documentation.   However altruistic you think Elecraft is, it 
is still a for profit business.  Part of the cult, mystique, mojo, or 
whatever you want to call it about Elecraft is that eventually, 
everything will be right and work itself out.   But we are a customer 
and we are purchasing a product from them.   The angst seems to be 
about the definition of eventually and whether that eventuality 
is two weeks, two months, two years or even at all.  Some of us can 
put up with two years by not ordering a K3 now and some feel that the 
wait since last May has been long enough.  But as K3s are shipped 
from Elecraft, we all would like to know what we are getting when we 
get our K3 or what we get when we upgrade our firmware.  Datasheets 
and flyers list all the great features and outstanding performance 
specs of the K3.  We all know that some of what is listed does not 
exist as of today.  The firmware update site lists *some* of the new 
features and bug fixes, but not all of them.  Most of us, if not all, 
believe that eventually they will be delivered and existing bugs 
will be fixed.

The point of all this is, I would like to see a list.  An enumerated 
list of specific features that are working as described (e.g. QSK), 
features that are implemented but are still in process (e.g. DSP NR), 
features that are not available (e.g. KDVR3), new features that are 
coming but not being worked on (e.g. CW sidetone on Line Out), and 
bugs that are known, waiting to be fixed (e.g. having a different 
band on VFO B).  A realistic delivery date should go with all of 
features yet to be implemented and a status and/or completion date 
for all the bugs.  I believe that Don is maintaining some ad hoc list 
of bugs on (only two active bugs are listed right now), 
but I think that this list should come direct from Elecraft itself, 
contain all the reported and known bugs, and updated whenever any 
status changes.   Some may say that this might impact development 
work as it takes time to maintain this list.  I know of no 
development group that doesn't already maintain a list of bugs and 
ongoing projects.  When I discovered the VFO problem earlier this 
week, I don't think that it had been documented in any public 
forum.  And if it was on this mail list, I probably missed it due to 
all low signal to noise ratio.   One thing I don't like to see is 
someone replying to an bug inquiry with the phrase, Oh, it's a known 
bug, they are working on it.  If it is known to someone, it should 
be known to all owners or to everyone.

Yes, the K3 was probably released sooner than it should have been, 
but Elecraft made the decision, it has been released and we can't go 
back in time.  As an engineering manager or company owner, you would 
like to have your product on time, within budget, and performing to 
spec.  But if you talk to the engineer developing the product, he or 
she will tell you that you can have only two out of the three.  You 
pick which two.   It seems we are debating the on time vs. spec part 
of the K3.  Some of the items have come out on time but not fully 
implemented to spec and some have been delayed in order to meet the 
specs.  But in all cases, the price point has been met.   I, as 
probably many, would like to see which items are considered delivered 
to spec and which items are still in development or need to be 
fixed.  Sort of a dynamic datasheet.

This doesn't directly address the question of when will I get my 
K3.  And since I stated above, I already have my K3, why should I 
care?  Well, I don't have my second receiver and I do have another K3 
(with deposit) on order.  Yes, I too am disappointed, but I believe 
it will be delivered, the exact date at this point is beyond my 
control and not worth the anxiety.  I have way too many other things 
in life to worry about :)

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[Elecraft] WB3AAL out on the AT

2008-01-19 Thread Ron Polityka


Today I will be out on the Appalachian Trail working towards my 900th QSO.

I am currently at 880 QSO's.

Wx is to be in the low 30's with a chance of afternoon snow.

I will start out on 40m, 7030 + or-,  at 16:00 UTC.

I will then go to either 30 or 20m at 17:30 UTC. Not sure, depends on the 
band being out.

I will check 15m around 19:00 UTC and call CQ for a little while.

If I do hit the 900th QSO, I will have a nice certificate and surprise for 
that QSO.

I will be North of Strausstown, PA on the AT at my favorite spot near a 

I will be using my K1 and the BWV (Black Widow Vertical.)

72 and Thanks,
Ron Polityka

K1 - SN 01011
K2 - SN 01392

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[Elecraft] N2CQ QRP Contest Calendar: Jan 19 - Feb 18, 2008

2008-01-19 Thread Ken Newman

JANUARY 19 - FEBRUARY 18, 2008
80 METER FOXHUNT (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
Each Tuesday to Mar 25 
9 PM to 10:29 PM Eastern Time USA

40 METER FOXHUNT (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
Each Thursday to March 27
9 PM to 10:29 PM Eastern Time USA
LZ OPEN CONTEST (CW 80M/40M) ...QRP Category
Jan 19, 0400z to 1200z
North American QSO Party (SSB) (100w max. QRP Entries Noted)
Jan 19, 1800z to Jan 20, 0600z
ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes ... Low Power Category
Jan 19, 1900z to Jan 21, 0400z
Run For The Bacon (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
EST: Jan 20, 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM
UTC: Jan 21, 0200z to 0400z
CQ WW 160-Meter DX Contest (CW) ... QRP Category
Jan 26, z to Jan 27, 2359z
REF (French) CW Contest 
Jan 26, 0600z to Jan 27, 1800z

BARTG RTTY Sprint Contest 
Jan 26, 1200z to Jan 27, 1200z

UBA DX Contest (Belgian) (SSB) ... QRP Category
Jan 26, 1300z to Jan 27, 1300z
SPAR Winter Field Day (Any Mode)
Jan 26, 1700z to Jan 27, 1700z
MQFD Monthly Sprint (CW/PH/Digital) *** QRP Contest ***
Jan 26, 1800z to 2200z
Jan 30, 9 PM to 11 PM EST  

Vermont QSO Party (CW/Ph/Dig)
Feb 2, z to Feb 3, 2400z
10-10 Int. Winter Phone QSO Party ... QRP Category
Feb 2, 0001z to Feb 3, 2359z
Minnesota QSO Party (All) ... QRP Category
Feb 2, 1400z to 2359z
FYBO Winter QRP Field Day (CW/SSB) ... QRP Contest!
Feb 2, 1400z to 2400z
AGCW Straight Key QSO Party (CW 80M) ... QRP Category
Feb 2, 1600z to  1900z
Delaware QSO Party (All) ... QRP Category
Feb 2, 1700z to Feb 3, 0500z
Feb 3, 1300z to Feb 4, 0100z
World QRP Contest (CW/SSB/Digital) *** QRP Contest ***
Feb 3, z to 2359z
North American Sprint (CW) ... QRP Category
Feb 3, z to 0400z

QRP ARCI Fireside Sprint (SSB) ...QRP Contest!
Feb 3, 2000z to 2359z
Adventure Radio Spartan Sprint (CW) ... QRP Contest!
EST: Feb 4, 9 PM to 11 PM (First Monday each month)
UTC: Feb 5, 0200z to 0400z 

CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest ... Low Power Category
Feb 9, z to Feb 10, 2400z
Northern New York Section QSO Party (All)
Feb 9, z to Feb 10, 2359z
New Hampshire QSO Party (Ph/CW/Dig) ... QRP Category
Feb 9, 0001z to Feb 10, 0001z

[Elecraft] Date, bugs, and features

2008-01-19 Thread Bill Tippett


The point of all this is, I would like to see a list.

I know of no development group that doesn't already
maintain a list of bugs and ongoing projects.

Elecraft does maintain a list of issues that
the Field Test team has access to.  Although I can
see arguments both pro and con to making it public,
that decision ultimately rests with the owners.

Having previously been on a beta test team for
another SDR rig, I can tell you the professionalism and
responsiveness of both Elecraft's designers and Field
Test team is ~20 dB beyond what I experienced before.
It is frankly amazing to me to see a bug reported and
sometimes see a fix in place within a few hours!  The
quality of regression testing is also much higher than
previously experienced, when one fix sometimes created
two additional bugs.  For this stage in the life cycle
of the K3, about 3 months after first customer shipment,
both the stability and quality of the K3 firmware is far
better than I previously experienced.

I know this won't satisfy everyone but hopefully
it may make others feel a little more comfortable that
Elecraft does have a professional firmware development
process in place.

73,  Bill  W4ZV

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[Elecraft] k3 arrives in Alabama

2008-01-19 Thread Joe

k3/100 #241 ordered May 8, shipped from Aptos on Jan 16 and delivered on Jan 


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[Elecraft] OT Lunar Echo Experiment.

2008-01-19 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy
Sorry for using bandwidth. I thought that the following message received 
from the ARRL was worth posting in case somebody who might be interested has 
not seen it. I should have posted it yesterday.

* Lunar Echo Experiment looking for Amateur Radio Participants: The HF
Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska and the Long
Wavelength Array (LWA) in New Mexico are planning an additional lunar
echo experiment for January 19-20. Interested radio amateurs are invited
to participate in this experiment by listening for the lunar echoes and
submitting reports. On January 19, listen on 6.7925 MHz from 0500-0600
UTC, and on 7.4075 MHz from 0600-0700 UTC. On January 20, listen on
6.7925 MHz from 0630-0730 UTC, and on 7.4075 MHz from 0730-0830 UTC
(depending on frequency occupancy at the time of operation, it may be
necessary to adjust the frequency slightly). Based on previous
experiments, investigators believe it should be possible to hear the
lunar echoes with a standard communications receiver and a simple 40
meter dipole antenna. The format for the transmissions will follow a
five second cycle beginning on the hour and repeating continuously. The
HAARP transmitter will transmit for the first two seconds. The next
three seconds will be quiet to listen for the lunar echo. Then HAARP
will transmit again for two seconds, repeating the cycle for one hour.
In the second hour, this five second repetitive cycle will be repeated
at a different frequency. All transmissions from HAARP will be CW (no
modulation). Depending on ionospheric conditions, it may or may not be
possible to hear the HAARP transmission directly via skywave
propagation. Since HAARP will not be using any modulation, it will be
necessary to use USB or LSB mode on the receiver to hear HAARP and the
lunar echo. Investigators are interested in receiving signal reports
from radio amateurs who may be able to detect -- or not detect-- the
lunar echo or the transmitted skywave pulse from HAARP. Submit reports
via e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], and list your call sign and the
type and location of your receiving equipment and antennas. --
Information provided by Ed Kennedy, K3NS, HAARP Navy Program Manager

* Crawlie F:

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Re: [Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread R. Kevin Stover

Hash: SHA1


My definition of a debacle is something like the Yaesu FT-1000 series of
key click generators that were allowed on the air. Yaesu was dragged
kicking and screaming over the course of five years into the realization
that there was a problem. AFAIK, Yaesu NEVER publicly admitted the
design flaw and pretty much left their customers who cared about the
quality of their transmitted signal holding the bag.

They're still putting out trash. Take a look at the ARRL lab report on
Yaesu's new entry level rig, the FT-450. I've never seen one that bad.
My TS-520 does better and it's 30 years old.

The difference is the design engineer/co-owner for the K3 has the
cajones to post the problems which have been encountered, and the fixes
and time frame necessary to put out a top flight product. The Yaesu
engineers/owners hid under their desk and the marketing department.

Also, Vertex Standard is huge and has many times the technical and
manufacturing resources compared to Elecraft. I'd be surprised if
Elecraft have more than 25 people on the payroll.

Simon Brown (HB9DRV) wrote:
| Myself I don't consider this a debacle at all - what we are seeing is a
| small high-tech company bringing out a product that is already
| surpassing the competition in terms of performance and putting the
| release of a flagship radio from one of the major Japanese manufacturers
| to shame.
| There is more communication with the engineers at Elecraft in a single
| week than with the combined engineers at Kenwood / Icom / Yaesu in a
| whole year.
| I do not call delaying a module a debacle when the engineers decide it
| doesn't meet the current design targets.
| The delay in the sub-RX is making me reconsider whether to buy the
| sub-RX and instead just buy a second basic K3 to use for RX.
| Simon Brown, HB9DRV

- --
R. Kevin Stover, ACØH
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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[Elecraft] CW Decoder

2008-01-19 Thread WILLIS COOKE
Here are my 2 cents worth about new features in the CW
Decoder and elsewhere. 

Elecraft has done a good job of selecting features in
my book and I would prefer that their work
implementing these features continue without adding
new things to the list.  New things can come after the
original features all work and the known bugs are

Farnsworth keying is a tool for teaching code to
people trying to build speed.  I don't think it is a
good idea for two beginners to try to send Farnsworth
style to each other.  My 52 years of hamming indicate
that a beginner should leave the keyboard and the
paddles for later until they can converse at 16 to 20
WPM.  I think they should stick to a straight key
until then.

If I hear a station using Farnsworth keying and a
memory keyer to call CQ, I will conclude that they are
a high speed operator who wants to give the slow speed
guys some practice.  I will pass them by if I am in
the mood to give a slow speed operator some practice.

If I am looking to work a slow speed operator, I will
use my hand key which I keep plugged in.  The K3 has a
very thoughtful feature in that it has two jacks for a
straight key or external keyer and another for a
paddle.  I think that is enough and I don't really
want two speed controls.

Any memory keyer can send Farnsworth style by leaving
a word space between characters.  If you program it
with a keyboard, you can insert a space with the space
bar between characters.  Farnsworth keying is only
useful below about 10 wpm and hopefully you will not
be in that category very long.  Practice is the key,
now features on an already feature rich transceiver.

So with that I wish the boys at Elecraft Godspeed in
implementing the features they have already chosen and
with producing the transceiver that I eagerly await. 
It has been about 3 weeks since my December 27 orders
and they are still filling the May orders.

So, I will get off my soap box and get back to playing
CW with my TS-850 until March, April or whenever!

73s and good CW to all, Cookie, K5EWJ
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Re: [Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread Stephen W. Kercel

Fellow Elecrafters:

As several posters have noted, characterizing the situation as a 
debacle is a bit extreme.

My apologies.


Steve Kercel

Myself I don't consider this a debacle at all

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[Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread Phil Debbie Salas

Myself I don't consider this a debacle at all - what we are seeing is a
small high-tech company bringing out a product that is already surpassing
the competition in terms of performance and putting the release of a
flagship radio from one of the major Japanese manufacturers to shame.

I completely agree.  Should Elecraft have waited until everything was ready 
before announcing the K3?  If they had, there wouldn't be 200+ K3s out there 
and more shipping every day.  I'd rather have a K3 now without all the 
options, rather than wait until everything was ready.

I spent 33 years in new product development (most of the time at 
Rockwell/Collins).  I averaged a 20% development time overrun on new 
products.  When you do innovative things for the first time, you really 
cannot anticipate all the issues you will run into.  But it is best to be 
optimistic on your schedules.  If you put out a pessimistic schedule (trying 
to take everything into consideration), you will not have the sense of 
urgency during the development, and you will still run into things that you 
didn't anticipate.  I used to always say that it is MUCH better to miss an 
optimistic schedule than to miss a pessimistic schedule.

I'm looking forward to receiving my K3.  Hopefully it will be here shortly. 
And while I do want (and have ordered) the second receiver, I am willing to 
wait for the optimally designed seconmd receiver.

Phil - AD5X

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 AFX

2008-01-19 Thread Don Ehrlich
Thanks for the help.  I just had to press the AFX button as Matt suggested. 
Didn't even know it was there.

Don K7FJ


You might want to see if it makes any difference if you push the AFX
button (lower right of the keypad).  This toggles AFX on and off.

matt, W6NIA

On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 21:38:02 -0800, you wrote:

What am I doing wrong.  When I plug in my stereo earphones I
expect to hear the special effects that others have been
noting.  It sounds like plain old fashioned stereo to me ..
no special effects.  This is while listening to CW or SSB.

I have speaker set to 1.  Speaker + Phones is OFF.  I have
tried two different sets of stereo phones and tried all of
the choices in the AFX menu (delay 1 to 5, and b in).

Set SPKR = 2.

Ed - W0YK

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RE: [Elecraft] K3 Complaints

2008-01-19 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV


 To all those out there who insist on knocking Elecraft for trying to 
 give us the best radio in the marketplace I would ask, if you want a 
 Rolls Royce you would be prepared to join the 2-3 year waiting list , 
 wouldn't you?

If I were fortunate enough to be able to afford a Rolls Royce, I would 
know up front that there was going to be a two year wait AND Rolls would 
provide me an ACCURATE delivery schedule up front.  There is no clarity 
or accuracy to Elecraft's delivery schedule.  In my case, we're already 
two months past the advertised delivery date and major features are on 
an indefinite delay.  Even so, I have placed an order for a second K3 
to secure a place in line for that radio - whenever that time comes. 

After three months of production, I don't think it is too much to ask 
for Elecraft to provide accurate delivery schedules to their customers. 
They don't need to post them publicly but each order on the list should 
receive a sequence number or production week privately and the shipping 
status should be updated at least weekly. 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Keith 
 Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 7:38 AM
 Subject: [Elecraft] K3 Complaints
 I've been as guilty as many others complaining about waiting 
 for their 
 K3's but I have mine now.
 I've ordered and paid for my 2nd receiver and digital voice 
 module and 
 now it's going to be delayed.
 I can be patient as I know it will be well worth the wait. The K3 has 
 exceeded my expectations by at least 50%.
 It leaves my K2 and my Omni 6 opt3 for dead on receive and 
 I've had so 
 many complimentary audio reports its downright embarrassing !
 I still cant get it to talk to DRM780 but HRD works great as does 
 Omnicat and trx-manager using the K2 settings.
 To all those out there who insist on knocking Elecraft for trying to 
 give us the best radio in the marketplace I would ask, if you want a 
 Rolls Royce you would be prepared to join the 2-3 year waiting list , 
 wouldn't you?
 Incidently it seems the vast majority of those complaining about all 
 matters Elecraft appear to be  poms  ( or  limeys for 
 your side of 
 the pond )
 As a former pom , now a true blue Aussie, please be patient and it 
 will be worth it, dont earn yourselves that well known Aussie 
 expression  Whinging Bloody Pom  !!
 73 from Sunny Perth
 Secretary Northern Corridor Radio Group Inc
 Chairman WIA VK6 Advisory Committee.
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[Elecraft] Run for the Bacon - tomorrow night!

2008-01-19 Thread Larry Makoski

The January Run for the Bacon is tomorrow night!

Sunday night - January 20th from:
9 - 11 PM EST
8 - 10 PM CST
7 - 9 PM MST
6 - 8 PM PST

This is a 2 hour, fun filled, friendly QRP CW contest open to ALL radio 
amateurs.  Membership in the Flying Pigs QRP ARCI is not required.  For 
the scoop on the details, please go to:

Hope to catch you on the bands!

73 de Larry W2LJ
FP# 612

73 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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Re: [Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread David Wilburn
Good stuff.  Makes sense.  The piece that keeps getting me, is that 
people, much more experienced than I, are selling $10,000 rigs, to buy 
a $2,000-$3,000 rig.  Makes me gohm   ;)

Dave Wilburn
K2/100 - S/N 5982

Phil  Debbie Salas wrote:

Myself I don't consider this a debacle at all - what we are seeing is a
small high-tech company bringing out a product that is already surpassing
the competition in terms of performance and putting the release of a
flagship radio from one of the major Japanese manufacturers to shame.

I completely agree.  Should Elecraft have waited until everything was 
ready before announcing the K3?  If they had, there wouldn't be 200+ K3s 
out there and more shipping every day.  I'd rather have a K3 now without 
all the options, rather than wait until everything was ready.

I spent 33 years in new product development (most of the time at 
Rockwell/Collins).  I averaged a 20% development time overrun on new 
products.  When you do innovative things for the first time, you really 
cannot anticipate all the issues you will run into.  But it is best to 
be optimistic on your schedules.  If you put out a pessimistic schedule 
(trying to take everything into consideration), you will not have the 
sense of urgency during the development, and you will still run into 
things that you didn't anticipate.  I used to always say that it is MUCH 
better to miss an optimistic schedule than to miss a pessimistic schedule.

I'm looking forward to receiving my K3.  Hopefully it will be here 
shortly. And while I do want (and have ordered) the second receiver, I 
am willing to wait for the optimally designed seconmd receiver.

Phil - AD5X

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[Elecraft] maximum length of mails

2008-01-19 Thread Toby Deinhardt


does any one know if there is a maximal allowed mail size for the 
reflector? I've been trying to send a long mail, ca. 28k text, to the 
mail list.

vy 73 de toby
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[Elecraft] WTB: DB37-EL-K2

2008-01-19 Thread Kyle Chavis
Looking for a microHAM DB37-EL-K2 cable for the K2.
Please let me know cost including shipping to 23901.

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[Elecraft] third attempt - part 1: K3 Test from Bavaria, translation draft, very long

2008-01-19 Thread Toby Deinhardt

Somehow the two tries didn't work


for those who do not speak German, the below is the text of my current 
draft of the translation of our K3 test report.

The English version includes a few things which are not in the German 
version yet. Also to see the tables and graphs, please download the 
German version,697.html.


vy 73 de toby

 part 1 

Elecraft K3 vs. ICOM IC-781 vs. Kenwood TS-850:

Comparative Measurements and Experience

Matthias Jelen, DK4YJ
Ben Büttner, DL6RAI
Toby Deinhardt, DD5FZ

January, 19th 2008

1) Introduction

by Matthias Jelen, DK4YJ

Toby, DD5FZ, was kind enough to lend me his brand new K3 over Christmas. 
Which gave me time to play around with the rig. The first impression of 
the radio's acoustic properties at DK0MN (our club station) and in my 
own shack were very positive. Because Elecraft is cocky enough to assert 
that the K3 is as good, if not better, than Japanese rigs in the 10k€ 
category, I wanted to find out how accurate their claims are. 
Unfortunately I did not have a 10,000€ rig, so I used my father's 
(DL3MII) IC-781 as a reference. The IC-781 is not the newest, but, for 
good reasons, its RX enjoys a good reputation.

I measured the MDS, IP3 using the same methods as the ARRL uses for 
their tests. I also did a (kind of) relative phase noise measurement. 
All measurements were performed at 14.1 MHz. The other bands would also 
have been interesting, but the ARRL will surely be doing this soon.

The ARRL measures IP3 as follows:

1) A Two Tone Signal source is connected to the RX.

2) Each signal is adjusted so that each signal causes the s-meter to 
display S5. These levels are used the reference level (Pref).

3) The RX is tuned to the frequency where the expected intermodulation 
product should be.

4) The level of both signals is raised until the intermodulation product 
reaches S5. This level is Pimd.

The IP3 is calculated using the following:

IP3 = (-Pref + 3 * Pimd) / 2

S5 is, of course, an arbitrary reference level and any other level could 
be used as Pref. My experience is that the S5 method tends to be 
somewhat more optimistic than low level methods, e.g. a 3dB signal above 

IMDR3 can be calculated using MDS and IP3:

IMDR3 = (IP3 - MDS) / 1.5

2) Results

The rigs were set to CW mode for all measurements. The IC-781 used its 
500Hz Filter and the K3 was set 400Hz because Toby had installed the 
400Hz roofing filter and we wanted to use its advantage.

2.1) MDS

Tabelle 1 shows the sensitivity limits of the rigs at 14.1MHz with and 
without the preamplifier.

Both rigs have enough sensitivity. Conspicuous is the minimal MDS 
improvement with the K3's preamplifier. I would think, that in real life 
one would not turn the preamp on very often.

2.2 IP3)

Abbildung 1 shows the progression of IP3 and IMDR3 for various signal 
intervals. Measurements were made at 100, 50, 20, 15, 10, 5 and 2kHz. 
The curves oben (above) and unten (below) show the strength of the 
intermodulation (IP3) product above and below 14.1Mhz. It is interesting 
that the IC-781 products are asymmetrical.

It is conspicuous that below 15kHz the IC-781 shows a drastic 
deterioration. The K3 profits strongly from its narrow roofing filter, 
and behaves like a textbook case. With strong neighboring signals, the 
K3 should have less problems than rigs with FM bandwidth early filtering.

2.3) Phase Noise

Phase noise is very difficult measure accurately with a hobby 
laboratory. For this reason, I only did a relative measurement of the 
noise level while tuning closer and closer to a very strong signal. The 
14.1MHz, 0dBm, low noise test signal was produced by a HP8640. The RX 
was tuned from 14.6MHz to 14.101MHz using 250 logarithmic steps. At each 
step the AF output noise level was measured. The curves in Abbildung 2 
should give one an idea how close to a strong signal one can still 
operate in a sensible fashion, assuming that the signals are clean. In 
reality most signals are not very clean.

3) Conclusions

The receiver measurements of the K3 look very good. Such measurements 
should not and can not replace real experience in a contest environment. 
However I see no reason why the K3 should not perform well.

All measurements were done to the best of my expertise and with care. I 
feel that all measured values are reasonably accurate. However, as 
always, there may be overlooked errors.

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[Elecraft] third attempt - part 2: K3 Test from Bavaria, translation draft, very long

2008-01-19 Thread Toby Deinhardt

Somehow the two tries didn't work


for those who do not speak German, the below is the text of my current 
draft of the translation of our K3 test report.

The English version includes a few things which are not in the German 
version yet. Also to see the tables and graphs, please download the 
German version,697.html.


vy 73 de toby

 part 2 

4) Practical Experience

by Ben Büttner, DL6RAI

Toby also lent me his new rig für about a fortnight during the first 
days of 2008. I used this chance to spend many concentrated hours with 
the K3. I am the owner of 4 Kenwood TS-850 transceivers, one of which is 
used a source of parts for the other three. Nonetheless these rigs are 
slowly becoming very dated, and I have been looking for a persuasive 
ersatz for some time now. Up to now, my search has been unsuccessful, 
but the K3 gives me hope. When I compare the K3 with DL2NBU's (a leading 
contester in the Bavarian Contest Club) Survey About Contest Radios 
from 2004, it seems as though Elecraft read the results and implemented 
them, because there is nothing on this 5 year old wish list which is 

4.1) Front Panel

The front panel (see Abbildung 3) is after a short familiarization 
very clear. The optical design of this transceiver has been kept rather 
simple. This is a plus point in my opinion.

All of the important control elements for contest operating are easily 
reached. For me these include:

- VFO, A/B switching, memories, band switching and RIT
- AF volume and RF gain
- Filter employment (Hooray, no more cyclic switching)
- AGC slow, fast and off (important for many QRN situations)
- VOX/QSK switching and VOX delay adjustment
- CW sidetone (frequency and volume) as well as SSB monitor volume.

The continuously adjustable IF filtering (shift/width) with automatic 
roofing filter switching is the hit, during contest operations, for 
fighting QRM or fishing out a weak signal while searching and pouncing.

Fast QSY: One can configure the K3 so that the RIT knob functions as a 
high speed VFO knob, when the RIT is not in use. In this mode the RIT 
knob behaves a bit like the M.CH knob on the TS-850. This may also be 
source for errors, when the OP bumps the knob by mistake. Time will tell 
if this works well.

Pushing the Band Up and Band Down buttons does not always bring one to 
the next amateur radio band. After a series of random button pushes 
and knob twists, I suddenly had the following series bands: 160m, 20m, 
60m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m, 6m. The 80m band had 
disappeared. As Toby explained to me, this can occur when the A and B 
VFOs are not set to frequencies in the same band. When one presses the 
A/B button, then a band can disappear. A further effect is, that when 
one rotates the small VFO B knob, which next to the large and very 
comfortable VFO A knob, the front end filters for the VFO B band are 
switched in but the receiver stays on the VFO A band. The relais click 
and the the receiver is suddenly almost deaf. When one rotates the VFO A 
knob, the filters switch back to the correct band and everything is back 
to normal. It took me awhile to understand what was going on. This bit 
strangeness should be fixed in a future version of the firmware.

When operating in split mode the TX frequency is not distinctly 
displayed. One feels uncertain if one is really transmitting on the 
correct frequency. It would be nice if the large frequency display, 
would display the TX frequency while transmitting.

4.2) The Rear

The connectors on the rear side of the K3 (Abbildung 4) come 
pleasingly close to fulfilling the Bavarian Contest Club norm:

- Foot switch: RCA socket.
- CW Key: 6.3mm phone sockets for straight key  paddles; paddles have 

- Loud speaker: 3.5mm phone socket.
- PA Relay: RCA socket.
- Very useful is the 12V RCA socket, e.g. to provide a transceiver 
interface with power.
- For the RX antenna and transverter: BNC, a very good choice, 
experience has shown RCA a poor choice for RF.

The RS-232 interface for the transceiver control is built in, in other 
words all one needs is a serial cable to connect the K3 to a computer.

One nice thing about the K3's RS-232 interface: While turning the VFO 
knob the frequency information is updated continuously. The TS-850 does 
not do this. It waits c. 1 second after the knob movement has ceased 
before communicating the correct frequency.

The two input jacks for CW can for example be used for automatic CW 
keying by an external computer while the second jack is connected a 
paddles key, e.g. a Bencher BY1. Finally a rig with a built in, clean 
solution for doing this! As soon as one starts keying with the paddles, 
the other key input is ignored, in other words no more alphabet soup. A 
really cool feature. I've been told that ICOM radios have had this 
feature for quite a while now.

4.3) CW Mode

For all intents and purposes the 

[Elecraft] third attempt - part 3: K3 Test from Bavaria, translation draft, very long

2008-01-19 Thread Toby Deinhardt

Somehow the two tries didn't work


for those who do not speak German, the below is the text of my current 
draft of the translation of our K3 test report.

The English version includes a few things which are not in the German 
version yet. Also to see the tables and graphs, please download the 
German version,697.html.


vy 73 de toby

 part 3 

5) The Proud Owner

by Toby Deinhardt, DD5FZ

5.0) Introduction

Here ends the translation of the German 1.0 version of the test. I would 
like to use this chance to thank Ben and Matthias for the time and 
effort it took to write about their impressions. This was one of the 
reasons I ordered my K3 very early, because my gut told me, this was 
going to be a very interesting radio, and worth taking a close look at 
within the Bavarian Contest Club

Also, I wanted to have a good radio for myself.

You may wonder why I refer to this as version 1.0. The three of us hope 
during the next several weeks to add further measurements and new 
insights as we gain experience using the K3 in the upcoming major 
contests. At the present time, we plan for Ben and Matthias, both 
excellent CW operators, to be in the CQWWDX 160m contest and I plan to 
use the K3 in RTTY WPX, which should interesting. My last RTTY QSO is at 
least 20 years in the past. Also at least one of us, using the K3, will 
be QRV during CQ 160m SSB, ARRL International DX, Russian DX etc. 
contests. In other words, as the K3 firmware evolves and we learn more 
about the radio, we will be updating this document.

5.1) The K3 Configuration

My K3 during the tests for version 1.0 had the following configuration:

K3/100100W Transceiver (Modular Kit) with standard TCXO
KAT3Internal ATU with 2nd Ant. Jack
KFL3A-400400 Hz, 8-pole roofing filter
KFL3A-1.8K1.8 kHz, 8-pole roofing filter
KFL3A-2.1K2.1 kHz, 8-pole roofing filter
KFL3A-2.7K2.7 kHz, 5-pole filter (standard filter included with the K3)
KFL3A-6K6 kHz, 8-pole roofing filter
KXV3Transverter Interface w/ RX Ant. I/O

The firmware was updated more than once during the test period, so some 
of the comments in this document may be referring to features or bugs 
which have since been fixed or changed.

I still have the following items on back order or have not installed 
them yet:

KBPF3General Coverage RX Front End Filters
KRX3High Performance Subreceiver
KFL3A-400400 Hz, 8-pole roofing filter (for the KRX3)
KFL3A-1.8K1.8 kHz, 8-pole roofing filter (for the KRX3)
KFL3A-2.1K2.1 kHz, 8-pole roofing filter (for the KRX3)
KFL3A-2.7K2.7 kHz, 5-pole filter (standard filter included with the 

KFL3B-FMFM b/w, 8-pole roofing filter
KDVR3Digital Voice Recorder

The final configuration will see the KBPF3 installed on the secondary RX 
and I will move the 6kHz filter from the main to the secondary receiver, 
allowing me to install the FM filter in the main RX.

There has been much discussion on the Elecraft reflector over the last 9 
months about which configurations make sense and which do not. Mostly 
this has dealt with which roofing filters are needed. Briefly, my 
configuration was based upon the following thoughts:

- As my landlord does not allow the installation of any antennas, I 
often operate from vacation QTHs such as 5B, SV, 4O, CU etc. The fewer 
boxes needed the easier the journey. In the past my K2s have mostly 
performed very well in this role.

- I am and never was very good at CW. The frustration of practicing with 
a computer for an admittedly wonderful mode which I could not use on a 
daily basis (see above) made me eventually stop. This means most of my 
operation is in SSB.

- I actually enjoy SSB contesting!

- When traveling, I wanted to have good AM reception of international 

- In the past one aspect of the TS-850 which has been a real 
disadvantage is the lack of a second RX, especially when working NA and 
EU at the same time on 40m and 80m.

I know that some my readers will feel that installing 1.8kHz and 2.1kHz 
in the K3 is overkill and will not bring any real improvement. This may 
or may not be correct, but my experience has been, every tiny little bit 
helps when fighting it out in the european zoo on 40m during large 
contests. Even if the advantage is mainly psychological, I suspect that 
this will still mean a few QSOs more on 40 with both filters. QSOs, 
which wouldn't have been possible with only one.

When considering which filters to install in a K3, remember that the 
main selection takes place in the DSP and the roofing filters are there 
to protect the ADC, IF amps and second mixer, which by the way is not a 
high end mixer like the first mixer. These means low distortion and the 
first 30 or so dBs are important, and not so much the ultimate rejection.

5.1) The K3 Build

I am writing this several weeks 

RE: [Elecraft] OT Lunar Echo Experiment.

2008-01-19 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Thanks for the post Geoff! 

I ran across the announcement a few minutes before they started yesterday.
Listening with K3 S/N 00010 I heard the echoes on 6.7925.  I'd have called
the echo a typical trans-polar long-path signal but terrestrial signals
aren't delayed several seconds! 

Interestingly, I could not hear any echo on 7.4075 when they QSY'd, even
though it was immediately after hearing them on 6.7925 MHz.

I'll try to record the signal tonight to send them with my reports. 

Here's HAARP's web site:


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Geoffrey
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 7:02 AM
To: Elecraft Discussion List
Subject: [Elecraft] OT Lunar Echo Experiment.

Sorry for using bandwidth. I thought that the following message received 
from the ARRL was worth posting in case somebody who might be interested has

not seen it. I should have posted it yesterday.

* Lunar Echo Experiment looking for Amateur Radio Participants: The HF
Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska and the Long Wavelength
Array (LWA) in New Mexico are planning an additional lunar echo experiment
for January 19-20. Interested radio amateurs are invited to participate in
this experiment by listening for the lunar echoes and submitting reports. On
January 19, listen on 6.7925 MHz from 0500-0600 UTC, and on 7.4075 MHz from
0600-0700 UTC. On January 20, listen on 6.7925 MHz from 0630-0730 UTC, and
on 7.4075 MHz from 0730-0830 UTC (depending on frequency occupancy at the
time of operation, it may be necessary to adjust the frequency slightly).
Based on previous experiments, investigators believe it should be possible
to hear the lunar echoes with a standard communications receiver and a
simple 40 meter dipole antenna. The format for the transmissions will follow
a five second cycle beginning on the hour and repeating continuously. The
HAARP transmitter will transmit for the first two seconds. The next three
seconds will be quiet to listen for the lunar echo. Then HAARP will transmit
again for two seconds, repeating the cycle for one hour. In the second hour,
this five second repetitive cycle will be repeated at a different frequency.
All transmissions from HAARP will be CW (no modulation). Depending on
ionospheric conditions, it may or may not be possible to hear the HAARP
transmission directly via skywave propagation. Since HAARP will not be using
any modulation, it will be necessary to use USB or LSB mode on the receiver
to hear HAARP and the lunar echo. Investigators are interested in receiving
signal reports from radio amateurs who may be able to detect -- or not
detect-- the lunar echo or the transmitted skywave pulse from HAARP. Submit
reports via e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], and list your call sign and
the type and location of your receiving equipment and antennas. --
Information provided by Ed Kennedy, K3NS, HAARP Navy Program Manager

* Crawlie F:

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[Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread Bill Tippett


The delay in the sub-RX is making me reconsider whether to buy
the sub-RX and instead just buy a second basic K3 to use for RX.

I'm having similar thoughts since I already ordered
a second K3 in September, mainly for SO2R use.  For true
diversity, it would be necessary for both rigs to be phase-
locked to the same source and then use an external control
program (e.g. HRD, N1MM) to program identical frequencies, etc.
It should not be too hard for someone to figure out how to
run both rigs from one unit's reference oscillator.  In my case,
since I will have two units anyway, the incremental cost might
actually be less than the cost of a KRX3.  Still thinking...

73,  Bill  W4ZV

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Re: [Elecraft] OT Lunar Echo Experiment.

2008-01-19 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy

Hello Ron,

Thank you for your interesting comments and the web site information. Could 
you hear the HAARP transmitter via a 'terrestial' path as well as via the 
'lunar' path, and if so was the echo delay noticeably greater than that 
caused by a typical EME path or roughly the same? I missed their schedule 
this morning (-:


Ron D'Eau Claire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I ran across the announcement a few minutes before they started yesterday.
Listening with K3 S/N 00010 I heard the echoes on 6.7925.  I'd have called
the echo a typical trans-polar long-path signal but terrestrial signals
aren't delayed several seconds!

Interestingly, I could not hear any echo on 7.4075 when they QSY'd, even
though it was immediately after hearing them on 6.7925 MHz.

I'll try to record the signal tonight to send them with my reports.

Here's HAARP's web site:


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 I/O Caution

2008-01-19 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF
I think you meant Figure 6 on page 10

On 19/1/08 00:45, Ron D'Eau Claire [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:
 Probably the best way to describe it is to refer you to Figure 10 on page 10
 in the XV Owner's manual available here:'s%20Manual-D.pdf
There is a coherent plan in the universe,
though I don't know what it is a plan for.
- Fred Hoyle

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Re: [Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread Bill W4ZV

Bill W4ZV wrote:
  The delay in the sub-RX is making me reconsider whether to buy
 the sub-RX and instead just buy a second basic K3 to use for RX.
  I'm having similar thoughts since I already ordered
 a second K3 in September, mainly for SO2R use.  For true
 diversity, it would be necessary for both rigs to be phase-
 locked to the same source and then use an external control
 program (e.g. HRD, N1MM) to program identical frequencies, etc.
 It should not be too hard for someone to figure out how to
 run both rigs from one unit's reference oscillator.  In my case,
 since I will have two units anyway, the incremental cost might
 actually be less than the cost of a KRX3.  Still thinking...

Yet another option might be to carefully calibrate
both K3s to the same frequency, and hope that the drifts
of both would be similar.  Or buy 2X $99 KTCXO3-1s which
are spec'ed to +/- 1ppm (firmware corrected to 0.5ppm) and
hope temperature and aging drift would be very similar.  This
would still not be true diversity using phase-locked receivers
but would be better than other rigs currently on the market 
(Orion's Main and Sub in my unit were offset by ~2.33 Hz). 

 If my second K3 arrives before the KRX3, I may
give this a try before taking delivery of the KRX3.  Another
benefit of this approach is much more flexibility in antenna

  73,  Bill  W4ZV

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RE: [Elecraft] OT Lunar Echo Experiment.

2008-01-19 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Yes, I could hear both. The HAARP signal is timed to put the echo arriving
2.5 seconds later from the moon directly between transmissions as you can
see no their web site. The signal is a two-second blast (here) from the
transmitter, followed 1/2 second after it stops by the return. Then, 1/2
second after the return finishes, the transmitter sends another 2 second

Nice bit of out-of-the-Ham-band fun for the new K3! 


-Original Message-
From: Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 12:41 PM
To: Ron D'Eau Claire
Cc: Elecraft Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] OT Lunar Echo Experiment.

Hello Ron,

Thank you for your interesting comments and the web site information. Could 
you hear the HAARP transmitter via a 'terrestial' path as well as via the 
'lunar' path, and if so was the echo delay noticeably greater than that 
caused by a typical EME path or roughly the same? I missed their schedule 
this morning (-:


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RE: [Elecraft] K3 I/O Caution

2008-01-19 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Yep G. 


-Original Message-
From: David Ferrington, M0XDF [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 1:00 PM
To: Ron D'Eau Claire; 'Gil Cross'; Crafters; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 I/O Caution

I think you meant Figure 6 on page 10

On 19/1/08 00:45, Ron D'Eau Claire [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:
 Probably the best way to describe it is to refer you to Figure 10 on 
 page 10 in the XV Owner's manual available here:'s%20Manual-D.p
There is a coherent plan in the universe,
though I don't know what it is a plan for.
- Fred Hoyle

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Re: [Elecraft] OT Lunar Echo Experiment.

2008-01-19 Thread Sandy
I listened las night inside the house with a Sony ICF-7600G and got the 
echoes well at times on 6792.5.  Could not hear them at all on 7407, too 
much splatter from the BCB stations.

This was just by ear using an attic 40 meter dipole.

There was some pulse type QRM at times and also a sweeper signal on for a 
slight while.  Also obviously, a few jokers decided to tune up and put 
their echoes in!  Didn't detract from the test though.

Will try again tonight.  No computer program setup to monitor.  Is there any 
spectrum type software that will work with Windows 98.  My ham computer 
is an old klunker with a sound card.


Sandy W5TVW

- Original Message - 
From: Ron D'Eau Claire [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: 'Elecraft Discussion List'
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 1:46 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] OT Lunar Echo Experiment.

Thanks for the post Geoff!

I ran across the announcement a few minutes before they started yesterday.
Listening with K3 S/N 00010 I heard the echoes on 6.7925.  I'd have called
the echo a typical trans-polar long-path signal but terrestrial signals
aren't delayed several seconds!

Interestingly, I could not hear any echo on 7.4075 when they QSY'd, even
though it was immediately after hearing them on 6.7925 MHz.

I'll try to record the signal tonight to send them with my reports.

Here's HAARP's web site:


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Geoffrey
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 7:02 AM
To: Elecraft Discussion List
Subject: [Elecraft] OT Lunar Echo Experiment.

Sorry for using bandwidth. I thought that the following message received
from the ARRL was worth posting in case somebody who might be interested has

not seen it. I should have posted it yesterday.

* Lunar Echo Experiment looking for Amateur Radio Participants: The HF
Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska and the Long Wavelength
Array (LWA) in New Mexico are planning an additional lunar echo experiment
for January 19-20. Interested radio amateurs are invited to participate in
this experiment by listening for the lunar echoes and submitting reports. On
January 19, listen on 6.7925 MHz from 0500-0600 UTC, and on 7.4075 MHz from
0600-0700 UTC. On January 20, listen on 6.7925 MHz from 0630-0730 UTC, and
on 7.4075 MHz from 0730-0830 UTC (depending on frequency occupancy at the
time of operation, it may be necessary to adjust the frequency slightly).
Based on previous experiments, investigators believe it should be possible
to hear the lunar echoes with a standard communications receiver and a
simple 40 meter dipole antenna. The format for the transmissions will follow
a five second cycle beginning on the hour and repeating continuously. The
HAARP transmitter will transmit for the first two seconds. The next three
seconds will be quiet to listen for the lunar echo. Then HAARP will transmit
again for two seconds, repeating the cycle for one hour. In the second hour,
this five second repetitive cycle will be repeated at a different frequency.
All transmissions from HAARP will be CW (no modulation). Depending on
ionospheric conditions, it may or may not be possible to hear the HAARP
transmission directly via skywave propagation. Since HAARP will not be using
any modulation, it will be necessary to use USB or LSB mode on the receiver
to hear HAARP and the lunar echo. Investigators are interested in receiving
signal reports from radio amateurs who may be able to detect -- or not
detect-- the lunar echo or the transmitted skywave pulse from HAARP. Submit
reports via e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], and list your call sign and
the type and location of your receiving equipment and antennas. --
Information provided by Ed Kennedy, K3NS, HAARP Navy Program Manager

* Crawlie F:

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[Elecraft] [K3] CW keying with Microham CW Keyer

2008-01-19 Thread GW0ETF


I find the internal keyer of the K3 a joy to use but normally I find it more
convenient to use my Microham CW keyer as it gives CAT, and interfaces with
the contest loggers.

I have noticed however that with the Microham output plugged into the 'Key'
input at the rear of the K3 and all the keying settings in the router set to
default, that the elements are significantly shortened when observed on my
analogue scope; instead of a 1:1 dit to space ratio on a dit string it is
more like 40 to 60 or worse at a guess and the cw sounds decidedly choppy.

I can sort this my adding 10ms to the 'keying compensation' parameter in
Router; it then looks and sounds fine. I was just wondering if, and why this
should be the situation, particularly since the element timings look
absolutely fine when my key is plugged straight into the 'paddle' input on
the K3 and not via the Microham. Sorry I can't be more objective with
timings, difficult without a storage 'scope..

While observing the keying waveforms, I would say the leading edge looks
fine but the back edge has got a definite sharp transition which could do
with some smoothing; no sign of overshoot but it must sound hard judging by
the corner shape. Does anyone have any pix of keying waveforms for me to


Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF  (K3 #145)
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Re: [Elecraft] K3: CW decoder

2008-01-19 Thread Brett Howard
I'm not completely adversed to that idea either.  

On Sat, 2008-01-19 at 08:25 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How about a keyer memory which would work with a straight key. It
 would faithfully record straight key CW, preserving the
 non-machinelike timing  spacing,  

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Re: [Elecraft] K3: CW decoder

2008-01-19 Thread Brett Howard
Yes and this is how I would like to operate.  But I'm unable to get the
memory keyer in my K1 to call CQ in that fashion.  That way I feel rude
when I switch to talking that way after someone has replied to my CQ.
Maybe that person answered my CQ because I was calling at a very nice
slow character speed and the faster character speeds messes him up?
That just makes me feel in polite and as slow as I am I try to be as
polite as possible cause anyone talking to me is being very patient and
helping me out.  

There are quite a few people who will respond to my really slow CQ's
quite quickly then when I can't copy and ask them to QRS they say they
have to go and leave faster than I can copy but you always hear that dit
dit at the end then poof they're gone.  I don't want to get lumped in
with this group.  Hopefully some day I'll improve and it won't be that
big of a deal but for now sending farnsworth give me time to think and
it would just be nice if the memory keyer would send more in a style
like I'd like to during the QSO simply out of courtesy to other hams.
When I'm scanning the bands if I hear a CQ even slower than I'd like to
go (for character speed) I'll still slow down as far as my keyer will
let me (or turn it off and go straight key) to try and match how the
person is caling CQ.  Its just like when you go to someones house that
takes their shoes off at the door.  When in Rome...


On Sat, 2008-01-19 at 13:27 +, Dave G4AON wrote:
 Hi Brett
 The way I guess almost all of us operate on CW when in normal QSO mode 
 is to pace the transmission even though the actual keyer speed may be 
 higher than we are really sending, this is especially the case for 
 complicated words, and doesn't need a menu item to use it. If something 
 is likely to be difficult to receive, e.g. keyer is a KX3567Z you might 
 add a question mark after the Z and repeat it, however using full 
 break-in also allows the other station to interrupt by sending a string 
 of dots to get your attention if they missed something. It's all a 
 matter of confidence, which only comes with practice... There is no 
 substitute for getting on the air and operating.
 73 Dave, G4AON
 K3/100 #80
 ~Brett (KC7OTG)
 - Have a menu item for farnsworth sending. You set it to 0 for normal
 operation (as the rig does now) and set it to anything between 0 and the
 current speed setting minus 1 to get farnsworth spacing.
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[Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread VE7AJJ
I'm thinking that perhaps all those who ordered the sub receiver and
are unhappy at the additional delay should cancel their orders
forthwith.  I know I would.


9) and 73

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Re: [Elecraft] Date, bugs, and features

2008-01-19 Thread Brett Howard
What is really needed is a Sourceforge page.  Where users can search for
bugs and submit bugs and the developers can assign resources to them and
put notes on them and put schedules on them but the main thing is that
everything is held in one easy to manage place.  The real issue though
is from the consensus in here things would be posted TONS of times, few
would search before reposing it.  I also think the time frames that some
of our features is going to take would upset most users and there would
be an uprising about that as well.  Dealing with a mess like this WOULD
hinder development.  

On Sat, 2008-01-19 at 09:02 -0500, Ed K1EP wrote:
 his doesn't directly address the question of when will I get my 
 K3.  And since I stated above, I already have my K3, why should I 
 care?  Well, I don't have my second receiver and I do have another K3 
 (with deposit) on order.  Yes, I too am disappointed, but I believe 
 it will be delivered, the exact date at this point is beyond my 
 control and not worth the anxiety.  I have way too many other things 
 in life to worry about :)

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RE: [Elecraft] [K3] CW keying with Microham CW Keyer

2008-01-19 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV


What PTT settings are you using for the microKEYER II? 

If you have a PTT delay (PTT Lead)  0 and are using QSK, you 
will definitely see some chopping.  WinKey and microKEYER II
activate the PA PTT output with the key closure but delay CW by 
the PTT Lead value.  This results in an element that is shortened 
by the value of PTT Delay.  You can compensate for this condition 
by setting the keying compensation parameter equal to the value 
f the PTT Lead.  This extends the length of the element and 
restores the expected dot/space ratio (weight). 


   ... Joe Subich, W4TV 
   microHAM America 


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of GW0ETF
 Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 4:27 PM
 Subject: [Elecraft] [K3] CW keying with Microham CW Keyer
 I find the internal keyer of the K3 a joy to use but normally 
 I find it more
 convenient to use my Microham CW keyer as it gives CAT, and 
 interfaces with
 the contest loggers.
 I have noticed however that with the Microham output plugged 
 into the 'Key'
 input at the rear of the K3 and all the keying settings in 
 the router set to
 default, that the elements are significantly shortened when 
 observed on my
 analogue scope; instead of a 1:1 dit to space ratio on a dit 
 string it is
 more like 40 to 60 or worse at a guess and the cw sounds 
 decidedly choppy.
 I can sort this my adding 10ms to the 'keying compensation' 
 parameter in
 Router; it then looks and sounds fine. I was just wondering 
 if, and why this
 should be the situation, particularly since the element timings look
 absolutely fine when my key is plugged straight into the 
 'paddle' input on
 the K3 and not via the Microham. Sorry I can't be more objective with
 timings, difficult without a storage 'scope..
 While observing the keying waveforms, I would say the leading 
 edge looks
 fine but the back edge has got a definite sharp transition 
 which could do
 with some smoothing; no sign of overshoot but it must sound 
 hard judging by
 the corner shape. Does anyone have any pix of keying 
 waveforms for me to
 Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF  (K3 #145)

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[Elecraft] Attn: Pete - WK8S

2008-01-19 Thread Ken Kopp
Pete, my replies to you are bouncing.  Please call me 
@ 406.560.3738 or send me another e-mail address.

73! Rose Kopp - N7HKW

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RE: [Elecraft] K3: CW decoder

2008-01-19 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
I would use keyer memories more myself if that were the case. 

I use a bug or straight key 99% of the time and, recognizing that no hand
key has the perfection of machine keying, I avoid the memories unless I also
send on paddles. A significant number of Hams today rely on their CW
decoders to receive. It's a disservice to us both to call on the keyer then
suddenly switch to a bug or straight key that their decoder (or their gray
matter) may not be able to read well.

To me, CW memories (and keyers too) are like using computer-generated
artificial voices on 'phone. I bet the day comes when that's done a lot,
especially in contests with automatic voice recognition and logging, but it
won't be as nice to hear or as much fun to do for many operators. 



-Original Message-

I'm not completely adversed to that idea either.  

On Sat, 2008-01-19 at 08:25 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How about a keyer memory which would work with a straight key. It 
 would faithfully record straight key CW, preserving the 
 non-machinelike timing  spacing,

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Re: [Elecraft] K3: Request for some stats

2008-01-19 Thread G3SJJ
Doug, I might be able to slightly clarify soon! Received shipping 
notification today of my 14 May with deposit order. I think things have 
got fudged now but initially the 1st prodn run with deposit was to be 
200 units. This was increased but supposedly ended on 14 May at 1800, 
four hours after I placed my order. I have thought for some time that 
250 would be the 1st run figure, but with 241 being a May 8 order I 
guess that is blown. 260 maybe!

It seems to me that the idea of the 1st prodn run was to generate 
interest and therefore income! I suspect having done that the idea of 
discrete prodn runs will have been phased out as far as we are 
concerned, again probably more of a revenue generating idea. I don't 
think they will release figures of orders placed on their suppliers.

I am disparately frustrated about the 2nd Rx as the hype about this was 
a major influencing factor in my decision to purchase.  What I find 
disturbing is all along the lack of cogent information and of course 
paying $600 up front, 8 months ago, for no reason, and almost as 
worrying, the number of people who defend this as being acceptable practice.

I am truly puzzled at the latest statement about the 2nd so close to its 
published launch date. There is either a duff batch of populated 2nd rx 
boards, maybe $50,000 worth or the problem was known a long while ago 
and a decision made not to go ahead with ordering the boards, in which 
case an announcement could have made much earlier. I don't go along with 
the debacle theory but there is a strong smell of the mushroom 
theory (kept in the dark and fed s---t!!)

I think the product is brilliant, the workforce is excellent, but the 
communication is extremely weak and has really soured the situation. It 
will be recovered but many people will now be much less confident when 
they open their National Contest Journal and see a full page K3 advert! 
It will certainly take me a long time to believe any future Elecraft 
updates or press releases.

ESD mat at the ready, diary clear for when Mr UPS calls in a few days 
time. Yippee

Chris G3SJJ


Eric, Wayne:

I am requesting that you (A) release the size of production run 1
and also please tell us (B) how many K3s are still pending without
deposit from run #1.

I know that initially you indicated that such information was a proprietary.

However, at this point:

1.  Everybody will know the prod run size once we see orders going out
past the order date that you have already stated is the end of run #1.
 Will another month (I hope not more) of secrecy provide any
additional or continued protection from whatever you viewed as somehow
valuable to be kept as proprietary?

2.  I am in  Run #2 and I would like to get some idea (stress on
some) of when my radio (or all prod run #2 radios in the case of
others who might share my thoughts) might be going out.  I am not
asking you for an estimate, but I (meaning me, myself) would like to
make some basic assumptions (not entirely accurate) about when I might
expect my radio.  I can't speak for others, but from what I've seen
posted, everybody is interested in every single scrap of information
available to help ease the frustration from the very long and
unexpected delays.  My approach would be to take the number of ordered
radios divided by the empirical data of past shipments (average) per

3.  I am also in Run #3 (ordered my 2nd K3 on Nov 21), but I have
little confidence in my ability to project the real ship date for that
other than that the original estimate provided of mid February will
clearly not be accurate.

Respectfully submitted and anticipating a reply,

de Doug KR2Q
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[Elecraft] Re: K3: CW decoder

2008-01-19 Thread Chris Kantarjiev
My K1 is a few hours' drive away, so I can't test it, but my K2
already does Farnsworth recording. That is, when I record a message
buffer, it tracks the spacing between characters as part of
the memorization process. I just tried this with big gaps and it
works a treat.

Brett - try it on your K1 and see what happens. I bet you can come
up with something that works for you. I recorded big gaps with
the keyer set at 18 and turned it up to 30wpm and still get 
(relatively) big gaps.

73 de chris K6DBG
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[Elecraft] K3/100 NAQP SSB performance

2008-01-19 Thread Bob Evans
Since I don't have my own station (towers and such) at the moment, I put up
3 quarter wave vertical wires in a pair of pine trees in my front yard.
(Visible antennas are not allowed in my neighborhood, so these are tucked
away out of sight)  I have one for 80, 40 and 20, each with a single 1/4
wave radial running through the bushes.  They are ground mounted and I
switch between them with a remote coax switch.  I use the K3s internal tuner
to allow me to use the 40M on 15M and the 80M on 10M and 160M.  I got my K3
on Thursday and just HAD to play around a bit in a contest (which is my
primary interest in radio), so the NAQP was the one I picked for this
weekend.  I'm having a ball and finding the rig is making my terrible
antenna situation almost bearable.  I won't pretend to know the math and
electronics as to why, but SSB signals are jumping out of the K3 very
clearly.  Apparently, I even got near (within 1.5 kHz) the Slow Scan TV boys
on 14230 and was still blazing away calling CQ with a good rate.  They
finally had enough of me and moved right on top of me, but I was so
impressed that the K3 handled it all VERY well and the SSTV signal were
transparent to me.
I'm finding the front panel ergonomics and screen interface reactions to be
fantastic.  The needed information is popped on the screen and then goes
back to the primary information as it is supposed to.  
My old Heil headset with the HC-4 (or 5, I forget which one is for
contesting) plugged directly into the rig and I tailored the TX audio to my
liking.  It apparently is a big hit on the other end too as I am getting
many unsolicited great audio comments during the contest.   I'm watching
the PA temp just because I'm curious to see the differences between K3 and
K2 heat sink temps during contests, but the temp is moving up only 5-10 degs
C on long transmits.  Sure, this is low duty cycle SSB, but I'm hitting it
pretty hard (COMP and Audio Gain are aggressive) into marginal antennas with
45 minutes of straight CQing before I switch to hunt  pounce mode for a
while.  The VOX is so smooth and I'm doing all this without a voice keyer,
so the rig is handling all my various coughs and spurts very well.
I gotten a chance to play with the NB and NR features and finally learned to
set the parameter that keeps them both on as I move through the bands.  I've
adjusted the DSP and hardware settings to see how things react, but I can
always find a way to clean up noise.
I'm VERY impressed and can't wait to get this rig on REAL antennas in a CW
contest in the near future.
Bob K5WA
K3 #234
K2 #5119 (listed on eBay)
K2 #4687 (about to be listed on eBay)
K3 #xxx  (unknown, but coming in a couple of months)  ;-)   
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[Elecraft] KAT2 C55 adjustment - jumping 099-000

2008-01-19 Thread ub5_073_oleg

yet another KAT2 SWR bridge null adjustment question.

I can reach 003 mV in ATU CALn mode. But after exiting and
entering CALn again, K2 displays 097, 098, 099, 000, 001 and
so on till it reaches a steady state around 003.

What could it mean? Looks to me like a display value overrun
at 100...

Pin 1 of LM358 has 0V on RX and 3.1V on TUNE.

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[Elecraft] Weak SSB

2008-01-19 Thread G4ILO

Both Toby and onee of his colleagues make the point that the K3 SSB is not as
strong as it could be.

I don't use SSB much, as SSB using QRP and limiteed antennas can be a
frustrating exercise. Nevertheless when I used my K2 I was always surprised
by the results and felt it punched well above its weight.

When setting the mic gain and compression on the K3 I felt that it did not
push the needle on the power meter as far as the K2 did.

However my initial experiences would suggest that there is not that much
wrong with it. There was an SSB contest today and I worked a number of
stations and in very few cases was I asked to repeat anything. I was even
more impressed when I realised that after manually reducing the power to
tune up with the external tuner I had forgotten to wind it back up again so
I had made some contacts using 5W instead of 12W and hadn't even realised
it! I think that's what they call mojo!

Julian, G4ILO  K3 s/n: 222 K2 s/n: 392
G4ILO's Shack:
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[Elecraft] third attempt - part 1: K3 Test from Bavaria, translation draft, very long

2008-01-19 Thread Don Rasmussen
Have it here too!
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Re: [Elecraft] third attempt - part 1: K3 Test from Bavaria, translation draft, very long

2008-01-19 Thread Toby Deinhardt

Hi Don,

you only have the third part of the my draft. I don't mind, but I can 
not speak for my co-authors (parts 1 and 2).

As soon as the English PDF is finalized and on line at the Bavarian 
Contest Club site, you ought to replace the draft with a link to the 
real document.

vy 73 de toby

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RE: [Elecraft] Weak SSB

2008-01-19 Thread Greg
You can also use the TX EQ to shape the TX audio on the K3.  You can cut the
lows to give more punch on the higher frequencies.


-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 3:50 PM
To: G4ILO;
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Weak SSB

You need to consider that they are comparing the K3 to
a Kenwood TS-850SAT which has more punch than almost
any other transceiver.  The TS-850 has a system called
High Boost which shapes the audio to put more power
into the higher audio frequencies and a very good
speech processor.  I don't have a K3 yet but I
speculate that with the audio shaping features the
TS-850 can be duplicated by setting the bass low and
the treble high.

The TS-850SAT is a favorite of SSB contesters because
of this audio out of the box and a receiver which is
better than most.  It does not say anything against
the K3 that the Bavarian Contesters and others
including myself have stretched the use of our TS-850s
to nearly 20 years while we waited for someone to
develop the Elecraft K3.


 Both Toby and onee of his colleagues make the point
 that the K3 SSB is not as
 strong as it could be.

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Re: [Elecraft] Weak SSB

2008-01-19 Thread WILLIS COOKE
You need to consider that they are comparing the K3 to
a Kenwood TS-850SAT which has more punch than almost
any other transceiver.  The TS-850 has a system called
High Boost which shapes the audio to put more power
into the higher audio frequencies and a very good
speech processor.  I don't have a K3 yet but I
speculate that with the audio shaping features the
TS-850 can be duplicated by setting the bass low and
the treble high.

The TS-850SAT is a favorite of SSB contesters because
of this audio out of the box and a receiver which is
better than most.  It does not say anything against
the K3 that the Bavarian Contesters and others
including myself have stretched the use of our TS-850s
to nearly 20 years while we waited for someone to
develop the Elecraft K3.

 Both Toby and onee of his colleagues make the point
 that the K3 SSB is not as
 strong as it could be.

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Re: [Elecraft] Weak SSB

2008-01-19 Thread Toby Deinhardt


 You need to consider that they are comparing the K3
 to a Kenwood TS-850SAT which has more punch than almost
 any other transceiver. ...
 ... The TS-850SAT is a favorite of SSB contesters
 because of this audio out of the box ...

 You can also use the TX EQ to shape the TX audio on
 the K3. You can cut the lows to give more punch on
 the higher frequencies.

I wrote:

 I also have the feeling that the SSB modulation could
 be more powerful, but have not taken enough time to
 try enough settings of the TX equalizer, compression,
 mic gain, etc. On the other hand, it appears impossible
 to make the K3 sound bad. But, on the other other hand,
 a tiny bit of badness during contests is not that bad.

Maybe I was not clear enough that the jury is still out on this. Up to 
now I haven't found the right combination of settings, which is not say 
that they do not exist. With the neutral - out of the box - settings the 
modulation of the K3 is very clean and very nice, but not exactly what 
you are looking for in a contest situation.

vy 73 de toby
DD5FZ (ex 4n6fz, dj7mgq, dg5mgq, dd5fz)
K2/10  #885
K2/100 #3248
K3/100 #67
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[Elecraft] K3 as an antenna analyzer?

2008-01-19 Thread TF3KX

While I have not placed an order for a K3 yet, I read with interest about the
features and experiences new users are having with this rig.

I have an idea for a new feature, for Eric, Wayne and the others to think
about.  Now that the K3 can read and display the LC settings for the
internal autotuner, wouldn't it be neat to be able to calculate the
corresponding antenna impedance at the given frequency (Z = R +jX)?

Another, related feature, would be an indicator that would show if the
antenna impedance at a given antenna connector and a given frequency is
substantially different from last time.  Perhaps a just a brief message like
New ant Z.  This would be useful to determine quickly if something has
changed in the antenna system (bad connection, water in the coax, etc.). 
When using an autotuner one may miss this and continue as long as the tuner
fixes the mismatch.  Of course we may debate what is a substantially
different Z, but I wonder what others think of the idea...

73 - Kristinn, TF3KX
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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2008-01-19 Thread Kevin Rock
Good Evening!
   I taught another class today; it was fun!  I enjoy training our local ARES 
group in ECOM traffic handling.  There were a number of folks who were skilled 
so I paired them with the less experienced folks so they could teach too.  
Every time I teach this class I get input on how to make it better.  It is nice 
to have such an enthusiastic group of volunteers to work with.  Pat and I 
trained many of them and she helped me develop parts of this course.  I have 
continued on (it is a good way to remember her) by training the next few 
cohorts of students and I've modified the material to include ICS 213 message 
   I am currently at snow line.  Earlier today I was well above it but now the 
precipitation is mixed.  Hopefully the propagation will be as good or better 
than it has been since last week.  Now, with the sun returning northward, the 
signals are stronger a little longer.  There is more than one solar cycle to 
account for in any given time period.  The sun has been active this week with a 
couple coronal streams passing nearby or hitting the ionosphere.  Good, we need 
the stirring up and recharging a solar event causes.   

Please join us tomorrow evening.
1) Hail signs  (first letter or two of the suffix of your call)
2) NCS help (as well as QSP/QNP relay help)
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 3 PM PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0100z (Sunday 5 PM PST)  7045 kHz
   Stay warm,
  Kevin.  KD5ONS  for net details

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[Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread Don Rasmussen
... and $1399 + $1399 + $349 (100 watts) = $3147 which
in comparison to competitive offerings is -still- not
excessive... There would be disadvantages in some
respects since the firmware would not know about the
second radio, but on the other side full duplex would
be a given and there would be no contention nor
confusion between the knobs. 

[Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update
Bill W4ZV btippett at 
Sat Jan 19 16:00:37 EST 2008 

 If my second K3 arrives before the KRX3, I
give this a try before taking delivery of the KRX3. 
Another benefit of this approach is much more
flexibility in antenna switching.
   73,  Bill  W4ZV

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[Elecraft] OT Marquesas Dx

2008-01-19 Thread Don Rasmussen
Just worked Marquesas at 14.025
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[Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread Don Rasmussen
 should cancel their orders forthwith.  I know I

Good try Garry buddy - if nnnyyy it was that
easy. !!!

Having penned similar humorous posts in the past, I
can predict you'll receive probably 3 or 4 emails, 3
pages long each, detailing why that person's order is
as good as anyone elses.

Then one email saying they understood where you were
coming from, but suggesting that nobody else does. 

It's a tough crowd Garry, and seemingly gets tougher
daily. ;-)


[Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update
VE7AJJ ve7ajj at 
Sat Jan 19 16:50:26 EST 2008 

I'm thinking that perhaps all those who ordered the
sub receiver and are unhappy at the additional delay
should cancel their orders forthwith.  I know I would.


9) and 73


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Re: [Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread Simon Brown (HB9DRV)
Exactly my thoughts. The basic K3 is such good value that I think this is 
the way to go. I haven't worked out a solution for sharing an antenna but at 
02:15 of the morning even my brain cells are way past it.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

- Original Message - 
From: Don Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

.. there would be no contention nor confusion between the knobs.

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Re: [Elecraft] TRANSLATION: K3 Subreceiver Status Update

2008-01-19 Thread Joe-aa4nn

I revised my order to eliminate the KRX3.
Added an additional filter to the order.
de Joe,. aa4nn

should cancel their orders forthwith.  I know I


Good try Garry buddy - if nnnyyy it was that
easy. !!!

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[Elecraft] K3: KAT3 as RX-only

2008-01-19 Thread Mike B
I'm looking at the options for a RX-only antenna on a stock K3.  I understand 
that the  primary way of doing this is with the KXV3.  However, since I don't 
have a need for the transverter interfaces, or running a 2nd rig off the RX ANT 
OUT jack, I think the KAT3 will be more useful in the long run for me.

Per the FAQ, The second antenna on the KAT3 can also be set as an RX antenna in 
the menu configuration.  I take it this means that, e.g. I can TX on ANT1 and 
the K3 will switch over to ANT2 on RX.  Cool.  My concern is that I (or my kids) 
will accidentally switch the TX over to ANT2, and my planned RX-only (truly, 
RX-only) antennas will get fried.

Is it possible, via the menus, to make one of the KAT3's jacks as RX only, and 
not just RX?  I read through several emails back in the August 07 time frame 
concerning this topic, but I didn't see my specific question brought up.  Also, 
much of those conversations revolved around use of the second receiver.


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Re: [Elecraft] OT Lunar Echo Experiment.

2008-01-19 Thread VR2BrettGraham

GM4ESD shared with us:

Sorry for using bandwidth. I thought that the following message received
from the ARRL was worth posting in case somebody who might be interested has
not seen it. I should have posted it yesterday.


* Lunar Echo Experiment looking for Amateur Radio Participants: The HF
Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska and the Long
Wavelength Array (LWA) in New Mexico are planning an additional lunar
echo experiment for January 19-20. Interested radio amateurs are invited
to participate in this experiment by listening for the lunar echoes and
submitting reports. On January 19, listen on 6.7925 MHz from 0500-0600
UTC, and on 7.4075 MHz from 0600-0700 UTC. On January 20, listen on
6.7925 MHz from 0630-0730 UTC, and on 7.4075 MHz from 0730-0830 UTC
(depending on frequency occupancy at the time of operation, it may be
necessary to adjust the frequency slightly).

Hopefully for those who have a go, the Hainan woodpecker
won't rear its ugly head.

Which reminds me, I do not recall seeing any useful
feedback here as to how well the K3's noise blanker
deals with all the OTHRs on the ham bands nowadays.
The British  Chinese woodpeckers can be heard
just about every day on 80-10m, so somebody must
have had an opportunity by now...

73, VR2BrettGraham.

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Re: [Elecraft] OT Lunar Echo Experiment.

2008-01-19 Thread Vic K2VCO

VR2BrettGraham wrote:

Which reminds me, I do not recall seeing any useful
feedback here as to how well the K3's noise blanker
deals with all the OTHRs on the ham bands nowadays.
The British  Chinese woodpeckers can be heard
just about every day on 80-10m, so somebody must
have had an opportunity by now...

The Chinese version can often be heard here in California on 7 MHz in 
the morning, and so far the DSP blanker (parameter T2-7) has done the 
job of removing it quite well.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: [Elecraft] OT Lunar Echo Experiment.

2008-01-19 Thread Matt Zilmer

Which reminds me, I do not recall seeing any useful
feedback here as to how well the K3's noise blanker
deals with all the OTHRs on the ham bands nowadays.
The British  Chinese woodpeckers can be heard
just about every day on 80-10m, so somebody must
have had an opportunity by now...

73, VR2BrettGraham.

And here is another post about the NB.  It's not perfect, but the fact
that it actually has an effect and can kill noise is relevent.

- Already been posted.  Re-post for whoever needs it.

--matt, W6NIA
--k3 # 24

I have to admit I finally heard a NB work today.  It was K3 #24's.
Frankly, I'm amazed and very pleased.  I had been trying to prove
that the K3's NB wouldn't be any better than the other dozen or so
I've had time to try out over the years.  Read on.

There is some bizarre OTH monopulse radar going on, quite audible on
60m channels. It registers around S8 here.  I can kill it with IF MED1
or MED2 and a light dusting of the DSP T2-7.  With the NB on these
settings, the band noise shows S5 or so.  Back to the normal
background noise.  Mainly city-dweller noise.  No pops.  Just sky
noise or local stuff.

I apologize for being A Doubter.  At least there is a freq and time
for all to see the same results:  0500Z or so would do it, at least on
the West Coast of the US.  I've observed the same basic stuff(tm) on
60m over a span of weeks of band-scanning.

Not bad Elecraft!  Rep rate is maybe 8-10 Hz or so, and there are two
sources.  One at the S8 level, and another about S9+15.  Both can be
made to disappear at will.  With the right noise blanker that is.
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[Elecraft] [Fwd: [Fwd: K3 #0215.....HELP!]]

2008-01-19 Thread Mike
Hi Everyone - I just sent the following to Support, but, as its weekend, 
guess will be a while before I can expect a reply!

Meantime, does anyone on the list have any (helpful) suggestions please?
Its only the DSP that didn't update, the MCU went from 1.48 to 1.58, no 

As I'm on dialup ( Digest) any direct replies welcome.
73, Mike, zl1mh.

Further to the info. below
Rig worked fine until the download.
There is nil audio output from the rig on either SP or PH.
uC updated ok from 1.47 to 1.58 on the same download.
Menu FW REVS shows the followinguC  01.58
   d1  00.00
   d2  00.00
   FL  00.00
   dr   00.00
If I go into SQ Menu, only  -- shows on the (A) display.  There is no 
available SQ adjustment.

Mike, zl1mh.

Greetings folks!

#0215 was up  working fine (No PA installed as yet).

This morning I went to do a firmware download/update from your website.

All goes well on the connection/download etc., I then get the following 
message(s) when I try to instal the new f/w to my K3.

DSP1 f/w file TBOOT7.HEX verified
DSP1 f/w file HDSP01.48.HEX verified
DSP1 f/w file DTBL0004.HEX verified
Sending f/w file TBOOT7.HEX to DSP1
Erasing DSP1 program  table memory
Sending f/w file HDSP01.48.HEX to DSP1
Sending f/w file DTBL0004.HEX to DSP1
waiting for MCU reset to complete
verifying DSP1 program load
Loaded DSP1 f/w version 01.48 Radio responded with version 00.00

On the K3 Display, I get   E 000202
Err dse

If I sweitch the K3 OFF  ON again, I get the same message on the Display.

I am using the USB/Ser adaptor from Elecraft,  have the latest Driver 
from Prodogy.

All appeared fine until this Download!

HELP!! (And TIA!!).

73.Mike, zl1mh.

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