Re: [Elecraft] Toroids frequency range and baluns

2008-09-29 Thread Jim Brown
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:21:11 -0600, James Duffey wrote:

Why are choke baluns wound as a coil vastly superior to choke baluns  
made with a sting of ferrite beads? With the coil type, you're adding  
additional coax loss... What am I missing here?

I didn't see an explicit reply to this on the list, 

In the interest of brevity on the list, I referred those interested in 
this to the tutorial I wrote on RFI and the use of Ferrite Chokes. That 
material is anything but brief, but I believe that it is quite clear 
and easy to study IF you understand the fundamentals of electrical 
circuits that include R, L, C, and Z. 

but the short  
answer is that with a coil balun, the inductance increases as the  
square of the number of turns. With the beads, the inductance just  
increases as the number of the beads. 


So, ignoring stray capacitance,

You CANNOT ignore stray capacitance, it makes a VERY major contribution 
to the behavior of ANY choke. 

a toroid with 10 turns will have 10 times the inductance of the same  
cable passed through 10 toroids (beads). You get more bang for your  
buck by coiling the cable. The additional losses are not too great for  
most applications.


BUT -- it is NOT about INDUCTANCE, it is about the RESISTIVE component 
of the impedance. And that RESISTANCE is the loss component of the 
parallel RLC circuit formed by the inductance of the choke, the 
capacitance, and the loss coupled from the ferrite core. It is the 
RESISTANCE that solves our problems, NOT the inductance. We use 
inductance in TRANSFORMERS and in resonant circuits that are part of 
radios. We use RESISTANCE in RFI suppression and in common mode chokes.

The tutorial is at


Jim Brown K9YC

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RE: [Elecraft] Line In problem ...

2008-09-29 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

The problem ends up being an open L4 on the KIO3 Audio I/O 
board.  Obviously it was simply coincidence that the Line 
input failed shortly after installing the KRX3.  

I've simply tacked a jumper around L4 at the present time 
and will decide on a permanent fix later.  The more important 
question is why L4 would fail at all? 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe 
 Subich, W4TV
 Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2008 2:52 PM
 To: 'Elecraft List'
 Subject: [Elecraft] Line In problem ... 
 After installing the KRX3 in my original factory assembled 
 K3 (s/n 622), I find the Line In is unresponsive.  If I 
 run the Line In and Monitor levels at maximum, I can just 
 barely hear the input in the background.  
 Line In was working normally prior to installing the KRX3. 
 Any idea where to start looking?  
... Joe, W4TV 

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[Elecraft] K3: Loss of VFO B Control

2008-09-29 Thread Tom Boucher

Make sure you remove the screw from the 2D fastner at the lower right hand side 
of the panel - see Assembly Manual page 37, Fig 51. Having done it many times, 
I'm now an expert at removing/replacing the front panel and it only take a few 

Rick, N6CY, asked:

...has anyone come up with a better solution for separating the front panel
from the main radio, being kind to the paint job? I haven't ding'ed it yet
after four attach/remove cycles, but the two insert screwdriver here slots
just aren't cutting it for me!
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - amp plate current wiggles on fsk

2008-09-29 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Dave:

I made a few contacts in the cqww rtty today with a K3. Everything 
seemed to work fb, but I noticed the amplifier plate current 
wiggling with FSK modulation. I never noticed this with my old 
TS-850. I hooked up a hand key to the K3 FSK jack, and when the key 
went down, there was a short power excursion upwards. When the key 
went up, there was a short power excursion downwards. The final 
power was the same after these excursions settled out (about 0.5 
second). The power excursions were about 100 watts out of 1500.

Operationally this is no big deal, but I wonder if there are 
transients being generated. Has anyone else noticed this?

Yesterday afternoon, I decided to give a CQWW RTTY Q to a local (W4RK) who had
been toiling long and hard in the contest.

I don't have ANY(!) RTTY software on hand, so I programmed the K3's M1 and M2
with an answer to someone's CQ (M1) and the appropriate exchange (M2), and then
send the station's call in CW, using the CW-to-RTTY conversion facility.

I was driving my Alpha 76PA to about 700W output with about 25W from the K3.

I noticed no(!) variation output of the amp at any time during the 50 (or so)
Q's I made (in order to ensure that's I'd not appear as a UNIQUE in 
W4RK's log).
I was working stations as fast as I could tune 'em in and ID the 
decoded call...!

I watched the RF output envelope closely on an SM-220 monitor scope AND on an
LP-100A wattmeter (from N8LP, thanks Larry). No RX-to-RX or TX-to-RX anomalies
were noted.  I operated on both 20M and 15M.

Oh... I never did find W4RK to give him that QSO... turns out that while I was
looking for him, he was outside, working on the house... heheheh!  Figgers!


Tom   N0SS 

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - amp plate current wiggles on fsk

2008-09-29 Thread dj7mgq


my K3 has always done this, and is, as far as I am concerned, part of  
its personality.

The couple of watts bounciness has never caused any problems. I've  
always assumed that this might have something to do with the shape of  
the 5 pole 2.7kHz crystal filter.

I use a MicroHam USB Interface, FSK, MTTY and an Apple PowerBook  
runing Windows XP. My K3 is #67.

vy 73 de toby

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Re: [Elecraft] Line In problem ...

2008-09-29 Thread Paul Christensen

I've simply tacked a jumper around L4 at the present time
and will decide on a permanent fix later.  The more important
question is why L4 would fail at all?


Possibly a high DC offset from the external sound device or an accidentally 
high AC audio level at the KIO3's LINE IN jack.  If for example a sound card 
produced a high DC offset from it's LINE OUT jack that were present on the 
K3's LINE IN connector, then I could see where L4 could possibly fail.  At 
least as far as I can see in the K3 schematics, there's presently no 
coupling cap as part of the KIO3's LINE IN circuit

Since R13 (T1's series input R) limits the LINE IN current, it would take a 
substantial DC offset (or very high AC audio level) to cause L4 to fail.  If 
DC was the root-cause, then one possibility to avert an occurrence in the 
future is the placement of a 4.7uF coupling cap ahead of the KIO3's LINE IN 
jack -- or in the alternative, between the KIO3 LINE IN jack and T1.  With 
this cap value, the R13 series build-out R, together with the T1 primary 
would present a -3dB turnover point of ~ 30 Hz when driven from an external 
sound device with a low-Z output.

OTOH, perhaps L4 was on the ragged-edge of failing as a defective component 
anyway.  Anyone know a way to autopsy an SMT inductor? g

Paul,  W9AC 

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Rigs in Emergency Service...

2008-09-29 Thread Jim Miller
Several years ago (10+) during a contest, probably phone sweepstakes, I
heard a marine emergency calling and calling.  I first thought it was
somebody messing around, BAD IDEA.  After I listened for a couple of
minutes, I believed it.  The contesters were ignoring it or not hearing it
and I tried to talk to the guy but couldn't hear him reliably because of the
contest and finally asked several times to please clear the frequency
because of a marine emergency and gladly it happened.  I still had trouble
hearing everything he was saying and asked if anyone else had a better copy
than I did.  One of the big stations came on and took it over, got the
information of his location and that he was dead in the water, called it in,
and went back to him and told him that it had been reported and that they
were on the way.  He wasn't using SOS and do not recall if he used anything
else or not as I have never heard of pan pan or QRRR until now.  I am a
new ham and it wouldn't have meant a thing to me.  He was just calling for
help, repeatedly, and describing his situation and requesting somebody to
make a call for him.

Just interesting and glad to be involved even though it was just to get
somebody else to actually help him.

73, de Jim KG0KP

- Original Message - 
From: Stephen Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Rigs in Emergency Service...

 A very good idea. I'll bet not very many know about it unless they are
 old timers. A lot of people were preoccupied with the Washington State
 Salmon Run last weekend. Most activity was on 80 and 75 because of the
 I wonder how many would have taken time out to  help if they had been
 of what was going on. Contesters are good operators. I am one myself. But,
 emergenies first. Constesting second.


 Steve Brandt N7VS Portland, Oregon

   I wonder if the Ham injured in the mountains knew to use QRRR? I
   how many Hams today know what it means?
   Perhaps he got lucky hearing that guy tune up and getting an answer
   to his
   call before he needed it.
   Ron AC7AC
  I wonder if he would be advised to use QRRR,  if most hams don't
  know what it means?
  Rick Dettinger   K7MW

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[Elecraft] RE:ot u want lots youth to do Morse? (Charles Harpole)

2008-09-29 Thread Carmelo Montalbano
The more I thought about this the more it made sense.  Kids (and adults) both 
complain about the pad size
and telling them they could send much faster would be a definite plus to 
learning code.  Interesting idea

 Carmelo Montalbano
Coral Springs, Florida

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RE: [Elecraft] ot u want lots youth to do Morse?

2008-09-29 Thread Dale Putnam

Yes, I love it, have often considered what it would take,... and the answer is 
almost nothing to implement. The telcos could charge for the the decoder 
and it could be another money maker, (how to sell the idea to the phone co.) 
The user would have the oppurtunity to use it, learn it, and do away with the 
decoder, (save money) At best it would allow more bandwidth on the current 
system for calls, (I know, someone will fuss with that, but that's ok, it works 
that way) the interference of talking on a cell phone while driving, may not be 
all that much different, however, you wouldn't have to have both hands on the 
phone to text, and that is a plus, while driving. The final touch would be 
marketing, and that is a slam dunk! for everyone, not to mention, that sense 
the 200 wpm barrier has been broken, cw is rather quick now. (for some)--... 
...--Dale - WC7S in Wy If u want many many young people to learn  and use 
messages. A setting in the phone menu makes  the # key a Morse input key. 
Just do that and  watch the teenagers flock to it because it is  so much 
faster than keyboard input and, best,  it is a SECRET language! Hey 
Nokia/Martti,  r u listening?   
See how Windows connects the people, information, and fun that are part of your 
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RE: [Elecraft] KAT3 Problem

2008-09-29 Thread Cady, Fred
Thanks Tom. Been there done that and that's what it acts like but the
ant selection is OK. I can bypass the atu and it sees the dummy load
fine. Would there be any filters or anything that are used on 7 and 24

-Original Message-
From: Tom Hammond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 3:04 AM
To: Cady, Fred
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KAT3 Problem


Double check that you somehow didn't manage to get ANT2 set as the
default antenna selection for those bands... if so, you're probably
tuning into NO ANTENNA...!


Tom   N0SS

At 21:48 09/28/2008, you wrote:
Just getting K3 going and KAT3 does not tune properly on 7 and 24 MHz.
I'm pretty sure it worked earlier today on a 40 m dipole I put up but 
now it doesn't tune the dipole or a dummy load. When trying to tune the

dummy load and checking the L  C I get Ca = Ct=0.66 nF and L=0.75 uH 
and 2.5:1 SWR. If I change Ca = 0.04 nF and L = 0.1 uH I get 1.0:1 but 
when hitting tune again the KAT3 goes back to the previous 2.5:1 
settings. All other bands except 24 MHz seem ok.

Any thoughts?


Fred Cady
Fcady at ieee dot org
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[Elecraft] KAT3 settings saved per band

2008-09-29 Thread Steven . Zabarnick

I use two doublet antennas, one hooked to ANT1 through a balun for 40M
which uses the KAT3 tuner, and a second (ANT2) in which I bypass the KAT3
and use an external Palstar BT1500A balanced tuner for 30-10M. Currently,
when changing bands I have to remember to bypass/set the KAT3 correctly. I
would like to see the KAT3 bypass/auto setting saved per band as is
commonly done on other rigs, such as the IC756.

Steve N9SZ

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RE: [Elecraft] KAT3 settings saved per band

2008-09-29 Thread Kenneth Moorman
I do something similar with ANT1 and ANT2 with ANT2 having an external tuner
out at the antenna feedline base, and ANT1 always being tuned by the
internal tuner, and would like some way to associate the ANT1 as AUTO and
ANT2 as BYPASS (or vice versa), plus the ability to use it as it now is for
those who don't have this sort of antenna set up.  Just a thought.


Ken, NU4I

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 9:01 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] KAT3 settings saved per band

I use two doublet antennas, one hooked to ANT1 through a balun for 40M
which uses the KAT3 tuner, and a second (ANT2) in which I bypass the KAT3
and use an external Palstar BT1500A balanced tuner for 30-10M. Currently,
when changing bands I have to remember to bypass/set the KAT3 correctly. I
would like to see the KAT3 bypass/auto setting saved per band as is
commonly done on other rigs, such as the IC756.

Steve N9SZ

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[Elecraft] Chaining CW memory messages

2008-09-29 Thread Steven . Zabarnick

A previous reflector post described problems with chaining messages when
using the K3 internal keyer memories (M1-M4). I have also observed this
problem -- when tapping a memory to chain a message while a message is
already playing, sometimes the playing message is interrupted. I can
usually get it working correctly by rekeying in the saved message. Sounds
like an intermittent bug.

Steve N9SZ

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Re: [Elecraft] KAT3 settings saved per band

2008-09-29 Thread Greg - AB7R
Hi Steve.  This is already on the list.

Greg - AB7R
Whidbey Island WA

On Mon Sep 29  6:00 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:

I use two doublet antennas, one hooked to ANT1 through a balun for 40M
which uses the KAT3 tuner, and a second (ANT2) in which I bypass the KAT3
and use an external Palstar BT1500A balanced tuner for 30-10M. Currently,
when changing bands I have to remember to bypass/set the KAT3 correctly. I
would like to see the KAT3 bypass/auto setting saved per band as is
commonly done on other rigs, such as the IC756.

Steve N9SZ

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Re: [Elecraft] KAT3 settings saved per band

2008-09-29 Thread Don Wilhelm


The KAT3 does remember the last tuned settings for each band and each 

In the case of an external manual tuner, it is easy to set the manual 
tuner to the approximate correct settings for each band and then use the 
internal tuner refine the final match.  No need to use the bypass 
setting.  An SWR less than 2.0 for a short run of coax will have 
insignificant loss.
Those with remote auto-tuners cannot use that approach, but it works 
great with manual tuners.   Those with remote auto-tuners or a linear, 
read below for one way to address that situation.

Tuning one of the ANTx jacks into a dummy load is one way to make an 
effective BYPASS, since tuning into a dummy load will set the ATU for a 
50 ohm match.  Then just use TUNE (hold XMIT) instead of ATU TUNE for 
tuning of the remote auto-tuner (keeps from modifying the internal tuner 
settings).  The config menu allows you to set the power level for TUNE 
separately from the fixed low power level used for ATU TUNE.

The same technique works for those using an amplifier - do an ATX TUNE 
into a dummy load, and then do not use ATX TUNE again when that antenna 
output is selected.

The KAT3 operation may not be the same as that in other transceivers, 
but with the availability of both TUNE and ATX TUNE, it can be even more 



I use two doublet antennas, one hooked to ANT1 through a balun for 40M
which uses the KAT3 tuner, and a second (ANT2) in which I bypass the KAT3
and use an external Palstar BT1500A balanced tuner for 30-10M. Currently,
when changing bands I have to remember to bypass/set the KAT3 correctly. I
would like to see the KAT3 bypass/auto setting saved per band as is
commonly done on other rigs, such as the IC756.

Steve N9SZ

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Re: RE: [Elecraft] ot u want lots youth to do Morse?

2008-09-29 Thread d.cutter
I've found when demonstrating Morse to youngsters, they just love that word 
code which to them means secret

Not just texting, but an internet connection to send to each other, like a 
vertual radio, with Morse code chat channels.  There are some virtual radios 
around, but I hear they're not very popular, yet, they need marketing like 

Next thing they can encode/decode using online Enigma cyphers.  As long as the 
keys are public, it's not illegal.


 From: Dale Putnam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2008/09/29 Mon PM 01:04:26 BST
 Subject: RE: [Elecraft] ot u want lots youth to do Morse?
 Yes, I love it, have often considered what it would take,... and the answer 
 is almost nothing to implement. The telcos could charge for the the 
 decoder and it could be another money maker, (how to sell the idea to the 
 phone co.) The user would have the oppurtunity to use it, learn it, and do 
 away with the decoder, (save money) At best it would allow more bandwidth on 
 the current system for calls, (I know, someone will fuss with that, but 
 that's ok, it works that way) the interference of talking on a cell phone 
 while driving, may not be all that much different, however, you wouldn't have 
 to have both hands on the phone to text, and that is a plus, while driving. 
 The final touch would be marketing, and that is a slam dunk! for everyone, 
 not to mention, that sense the 200 wpm barrier has been broken, cw is rather 
 quick now. (for some)--... ...--Dale - WC7S in Wy If u want many many young 
 people to learn  and use Morse PUT A MORSE KEY ON THE  CEL HAND 
  creating msm  messages. A setting in the phone menu makes  the # key a 
Morse input key. Just do that and  watch the teenagers flock to it because it 
is  so much faster than keyboard input and, best,  it is a SECRET language! 
Hey Nokia/Martti,  r u listening?   
 See how Windows connects the people, information, and fun that are part of 
 your life.

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Re: [Elecraft] KAT3 settings saved per band

2008-09-29 Thread Tom Hammond


Consider connecting a dummyload to ANT2, and then tuning the K3 ATU on
EACH BAND to the dummy load.  Then, when you are on the Palstar-tuned
antenna, and it is giving 1:1 (supposedly 50 ohms, similar to the
dummyload), the ATU will already be matched to the anticipated 50 ohm
load and won't require 'tuning', but also won't require BYPassing


Tom   N0SS

At 08:00 09/29/2008, you wrote:

I use two doublet antennas, one hooked to ANT1 through a balun for 40M
which uses the KAT3 tuner, and a second (ANT2) in which I bypass the KAT3
and use an external Palstar BT1500A balanced tuner for 30-10M. Currently,
when changing bands I have to remember to bypass/set the KAT3 correctly. I
would like to see the KAT3 bypass/auto setting saved per band as is
commonly done on other rigs, such as the IC756.

Steve N9SZ

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[Elecraft] Purchased a K2 from someone else...

2008-09-29 Thread KC4UKR

I'm rather new to the list, and am the proud owner of a pre-owned K2 that is in 
fabulous shape.  However, I have one question.  When looking at the site, I see 
all kinds of references to serial numbers, but am unable to locate the serial 
number for my K2.

The questions I have are:

1.  Most pictures I've seen show a sticker applied to the radio that gives the 
Serial Number.  I'm betting this was never affixed to this radio.

2.  If the serial number isn't able to be found on the device, (I'm assuming 
it's a couple of years old, as the firmware revision is 1.09B), can Elecraft 
help me out if I know the original purchaser's call sign?  

Thanks for any help.

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RE: [Elecraft] Purchased a K2 from someone else...

2008-09-29 Thread Darwin, Keith
K2 is a GREAT radio.  Yes, the SN is a sticker on the lower right side
of the back panel.  It is possible that the sticker is still in the box
of stuff you got with the rig.  Take a look.  Also, look at the owner's
manual to see if the SN was written in there.  If not, contact Elecraft.
They can probably tell you the SN and even sell (?) you a SN sticker to
make your rig complete.
- Keith N1AS -
- K3 711 -

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of KC4UKR
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 10:31 AM
To: Elecraft
Subject: [Elecraft] Purchased a K2 from someone else...

I'm rather new to the list, and am the proud owner of a pre-owned K2
that is in fabulous shape.  However, I have one question.  When looking
at the site, I see all kinds of references to serial numbers, but am
unable to locate the serial number for my K2.
The questions I have are:
1.  Most pictures I've seen show a sticker applied to the radio that
gives the Serial Number.  I'm betting this was never affixed to this
2.  If the serial number isn't able to be found on the device, (I'm
assuming it's a couple of years old, as the firmware revision is 1.09B),
can Elecraft help me out if I know the original purchaser's call sign?  
Thanks for any help.
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Re: [Elecraft] Purchased a K2 from someone else...

2008-09-29 Thread KC4UKR
That's what I was hoping to hear! Thanks!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Darwin, Keith 
  Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 10:40 AM
  Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Purchased a K2 from someone else...

  K2 is a GREAT radio.  Yes, the SN is a sticker on the lower right side of the 
back panel.  It is possible that the sticker is still in the box of stuff you 
got with the rig.  Take a look.  Also, look at the owner's manual to see if the 
SN was written in there.  If not, contact Elecraft.  They can probably tell you 
the SN and even sell (?) you a SN sticker to make your rig complete.

  - Keith N1AS -
  - K3 711 -

  Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 10:31 AM
  To: Elecraft
  Subject: [Elecraft] Purchased a K2 from someone else...


  I'm rather new to the list, and am the proud owner of a pre-owned K2 that is 
in fabulous shape.  However, I have one question.  When looking at the site, I 
see all kinds of references to serial numbers, but am unable to locate the 
serial number for my K2.

  The questions I have are:

  1.  Most pictures I've seen show a sticker applied to the radio that gives 
the Serial Number.  I'm betting this was never affixed to this radio.

  2.  If the serial number isn't able to be found on the device, (I'm assuming 
it's a couple of years old, as the firmware revision is 1.09B), can Elecraft 
help me out if I know the original purchaser's call sign?  

  Thanks for any help.



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[Elecraft] CQWW RTTY - K3 Experience

2008-09-29 Thread G4MKP
I worked the CQWW RTTY contest last weekend. After nearly 30 years of
amateur radio operating, I have never had more than a handful of RTTY QSOs
so I struggled from the start with accepted contest procedures and also the
rig set-up necessary to maximise copy of the wanted signals and the
rejection of adjacent signals. I cracked the procedures quite quickly but
the copy problems continued for some hours until I cracked the filter
set-up. Once I set the high and low cuts to just past the mark/space tones
it was so simple and I posted 260k+ points easily. I have the filter shape
settings for this type of contesting saved now. Another problem for me was
the line input from my pc for the tones was set at '3', anything more and
the whole thing over modulated and caused my linear to pop, especially on


Having said how flawlessly the K3 performed, it was complemented by N1MM's
cracking software which does just about everything for you. Whether I was
running or SP the only effort required was turning the VFO and clicking the
mouse - easy contesting! (Oh dear! Another marketing slogan from me -
sorry). I'm looking forward to seeing how this set-up works in the SSB and
cw legs over the next couple of months.








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[Elecraft] K3 AM filter available

2008-09-29 Thread Craig D. Smith
I've just replaced my K3 (SN 608) AM filter with the FM filter, since I use
the broader bandwidths for listening only.  So I have a like-new AM filter
available if someone wants to purchase it.  Price $115 via PayPal including
first class USPS shipping to USA locations.  Contact me directly via email
if interested.

  Craig  AC0DS


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Re: [Elecraft] Purchased a K2 from someone else...

2008-09-29 Thread Don Wilhelm


If you know who the original buyer is, then retrieving the serial number 
should be easy.  A note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should do it.  A new SN 
sticker can be purchased for only a couple dollars.

If you do not know the original buyer of that K2, the 'plot thickens' 
because there is no information to trace the purchase.


KC4UKR wrote:

I'm rather new to the list, and am the proud owner of a pre-owned K2 
that is in fabulous shape.  However, I have one question.  When 
looking at the site, I see all kinds of references to serial numbers, 
but am unable to locate the serial number for my K2.
The questions I have are:
1.  Most pictures I've seen show a sticker applied to the radio that 
gives the Serial Number.  I'm betting this was never affixed to this 
2.  If the serial number isn't able to be found on the device, (I'm 
assuming it's a couple of years old, as the firmware revision is 
1.09B), can Elecraft help me out if I know the original purchaser's 
call sign? 
Thanks for any help.


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Re: [Elecraft] Immediately Exit in Rtty with Terminal

2008-09-29 Thread Julian, G4ILO

Bill W4ZV wrote:
 To cut the 4 second timeout to about 1 second, you can send ..-- (IM
 prosign, for IMmediately exit).
Yes, but how to do that *from the terminal* is what he asked. I assume, by
that, he meant using KY commands to send messages.

My KComm program is capable of using terminal mode to send RTTY and PSK31
but because of the inability to do end the transmission quickly, or send
newline characters, or differentiate between upper and lower case (not
important for RTTY, obviously) it isn't a useful capability at the moment.

Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222. G4ILO's Shack Ham
Directory KComm for Elecraft K2 and K3 
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - interfacing to N1MM Contest Logging software

2008-09-29 Thread Julian, G4ILO

*My* USB to serial adapter got partial gobbledygook back from the K3 when 2
stop bits were set in the software. In fact, I bought another one that had
exactly the same problem before discovering that setting the stop bits to 1
was the solution.

If yours works with 2 you've been lucky, but it would be worth bearing in
mind that that configuration may not work with a different adapter.

Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222. G4ILO's Shack Ham
Directory KComm for Elecraft K2 and K3 
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[Elecraft] K3 PSK31 VIA PADDLE

2008-09-29 Thread k4pi
Using my K3 on RTTY  and sending via my paddle I have no problems.  On PSK31 
I can decode signals but my outgoing PSK31 signal has some kind of problem. 
I can monitor it on another rig set up for PSK31 and nothing ever decodes. 
I can hear the data changing but apparently it is not correct.  Anyone using 
PSK31 and sending it via a paddle?  73 Mike 

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Re: [Elecraft] CQWW RTTY - K3 Experience

2008-09-29 Thread NZ0T

So you were one of the RTTY signals filling up the CW bands!

73, Bill NZ0T

G4MKP wrote:
 I worked the CQWW RTTY contest last weekend. After nearly 30 years of
 amateur radio operating, I have never had more than a handful of RTTY QSOs
 so I struggled from the start with accepted contest procedures and also
 rig set-up necessary to maximise copy of the wanted signals and the
 rejection of adjacent signals. I cracked the procedures quite quickly but
 the copy problems continued for some hours until I cracked the filter
 set-up. Once I set the high and low cuts to just past the mark/space tones
 it was so simple and I posted 260k+ points easily. I have the filter shape
 settings for this type of contesting saved now. Another problem for me was
 the line input from my pc for the tones was set at '3', anything more and
 the whole thing over modulated and caused my linear to pop, especially on
 Having said how flawlessly the K3 performed, it was complemented by N1MM's
 cracking software which does just about everything for you. Whether I was
 running or SP the only effort required was turning the VFO and clicking
 mouse - easy contesting! (Oh dear! Another marketing slogan from me -
 sorry). I'm looking forward to seeing how this set-up works in the SSB and
 cw legs over the next couple of months.
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - interfacing to N1MM Contest Logging software

2008-09-29 Thread Guy, K2AV

Barry Pfeil wrote:
 ESCape key - In the configurer, N1MM says that ESC will not interrupt CW
 keying via the radio communications port.  But I'm using the DTR line on
 the single RS232 interface for keying and ESC seems to instantly stop any
 F key-initiated sending.  Am I missing something?

I asked this exact question on N1MM's yahoo reflector not too long ago, but
did not get a response from anyone.  Last time I tried it, using a single
RS232 cable for CW and CAT, the MM's CW did work nicely, but I was NOT
able to get esc to stop the CW. Don't know if there's a change in MM
behavior, or whether you and I are doing something different.

That the principal writers cannot lay hands on a K3 to test things
apparently is (or maybe was? ) a bit of a holdup.  Since it's a free
program, there's no corporate research budget for the coders to go buy one,
other than to wait in line and spend the cash out of their own pocket, like
everyone else.  

I'd like to see MM use the winkey-ish K3 send text commands instead of doing
the timing dependent key line on RTS/DTR. That too has been discussed over

73, Guy K2AV
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RE: [Elecraft] Toroids frequency range and baluns

2008-09-29 Thread Jim Brown
Hi Bob,

See comments interspersed.

On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 09:51:11 -0500, Solosko, Robert B \(Bob\) wrote:


   I've been reading through your tutorial, and, if I understand
it, the best approach is neither a plain wound coax balun nor a string
of ferrite beads strung on the coax but is a balun made with  coax wound
around a ferrite core in a way the minimizes capacitance - is that

It depends mostly on the frequency range and the ferrite material, and to a 
lesser extent, on the power level. Think of the choke you're winding as any 
other inductor that has VERY low Q (typically around 0.5), and thus a very 
broad resonance. Like any inductor, we vary the number of turns, their 
diameter and spacing, and the core material to hit the desired resonance. A 
choke of #31 material can provide a strongly resistive impedance over a 
frequency range of roughly 4:1, so we can wind one to cover 160-40 meters. 
That choke would use closely spaced turns, because we need the additional 
capacitance and mutual coupling between windings to move the resonance down 
to about 80 meters. On the other hand, a choke to cover 20-10 meters needs 
wide-spaced windings, because we only want to move the resonance to about 21 
MHz. Power level enters the equation only to the extent that the choke must 
provide sufficient common mode impedance that it reduces common mode current 
to the extent that the P=I*E is small enough that it does not overheat the 
coax or the core. The tutorial shows that's an easily achievable objective 
once you realize that it's a key design parameter.   

   But I still have several more questions:

   - it appears that material 31 is the best material to use for

It's the best material to use for a COAXIAL CHOKE that needs to work below 5 
MHz. #43 is equally good on 40M, and slightly better above 40M. If you're 
only stocking up on one material and buying in quantity for the best price, #
31 is the best choice. 

In addition to my transmission line balun, I also have some
problems with power supply birdies on 160m, and to a lesser degree on
80m. Is material 31 still the optimum material for adding additional RFI
filtering to my power supply (along with parallel capacitors)? 

These chokes kill common mode current on the cable you wind around them, but 
there can also be differential mode coupling that a capacitor ACROSS the line 
(that is, plut to minus) can suppress, and there can be direct radiation from 
insffficiently shielded circuitry. No external filtering will kill (or 
change) that direct radiation. 

   - My transmission line balun is serving two purposes: as a
current balun to reduce the RFI in the shack problem that I have had,
and as a 4:1 transformer to better match the ladder line from my antenna
to the short length of coax to my rig. (My 4:1 balun is made from 2
separate cores as is the BL2, but they're much larger cores to minimize
saturation and heating problems.) It seems to me, if I understand your
tutorial, that the characteristics of the cores used for transformers
(low resistance) and those used for suppression (high resistance) and
mutually exclusive. Thus, does it make sense to have a single balun
serving these two purposes, or is it better to optimize the balun for
the transformer application (material ??) and have a separate balun
optimized for suppression?

That's a very perceptive question. For the first part of the answer, study 
the photo of the high power DXE 4:1 balun in my Power Point presentation -- 
select it from  

That balun is essentially two chokes wound with parallel wire transmission 
line (that is, bifilar) around what could be #31 or #43 cores. On the 50 ohm 
side, they're wired in parallel, on the 200 ohm side they're in series. 
Because the chokes are bifilar, there's a lot of leakage flux in that core if 
you're running power. The choking impedance isn't very high either. A far 
better design would use coax, #31, and a lot more turns. That balun would 
have a much higher choking impedance, and would also be a lot more efficient.

The second part of the answer is to study the DXE catalog -- they sell a 
separate product that they call a common mode choke! When you study my 
measurements (in the Power Point) for three of their high power baluns, 
it's obvious why -- they have very poor common mode rejection. 

So the short answer to your question is, YES!

Another point of clarification. Both the DXE two-choke series/parallel combo 
and the one I described wound with coax are NOT transformers -- they are NOT 
coupling signal through the core, they are using the core to form a choke. 
They ARE doing impedance transformation and balancing. So it is correct to 
call them baluns but incorrect to call them transformers. 


Jim K9YC

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - interfacing to N1MM Contest Logging software

2008-09-29 Thread Jim Brown
On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 09:35:11 -0700 (PDT), Guy, K2AV wrote:

Barry Pfeil wrote:
 ESCape key - In the configurer, N1MM says that ESC will not interrupt CW
 keying via the radio communications port.  But I'm using the DTR line on
 the single RS232 interface for keying and ESC seems to instantly stop any
 F key-initiated sending.  Am I missing something?

I asked this exact question on N1MM's yahoo reflector not too long ago, but
did not get a response from anyone.  Last time I tried it, using a single
RS232 cable for CW and CAT, the MM's CW did work nicely, but I was NOT
able to get esc to stop the CW. Don't know if there's a change in MM
behavior, or whether you and I are doing something different.

That the principal writers cannot lay hands on a K3 to test things
apparently is (or maybe was? ) a bit of a holdup.  Since it's a free
program, there's no corporate research budget for the coders to go buy one,
other than to wait in line and spend the cash out of their own pocket, like
everyone else. 

It is a function of how N1MM sends CW -- it runs a separate program that hogs 
the processor, so that almost nothing else can happen on the computer while 
you're sending CW!  I'd call that bad programming, but what do I know. :)  I 
raised this issue, and N2IC, one of the guys who has contributed to N1MM, 
attempted a fix. I beta-tested the code on my 5-year old 1.1 GHz IBM T22 
running SO2R during a recent NA Sprint. It worked, I could interrupt sending, 
I could shift focus from one radio to another, but the CW could best be 
described as lumbering -- that is, sort of choppy. Much better -- it's 
stable, no crashes -- but not ready for prime time. 

That software works FLAWLESSLY for a SINGLE radio, including a K3, MP, Omni 
V, and TS850 with CW and PTT on the same cable -- in fact, I've done that for 
five years with both WriteLog and N1MM on that same T22. It's only SO2R that 
chokes it, and it's the way that N1MM (and probably WL) send CW. That's why 
so many guys doing SO2R use the WinKey -- it takes keying outside the 

So as far as I can tell, it has NOTHING to do with the K3, and the 
programmers should not need a K3 to solve the problem. They just need to find 
a better way for computers to generate CW. Since I'm not a programmer, I have 
no idea how much of a challenge that is. 

The sad thing though is that the N1MM programmers SEEM to have abandoned the 
idea. If you want to use N1MM and run SO2R, you should voice your concerns to 


Jim K9YC

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RE: [Elecraft] Elecraft Rigs in Emergency Service...

2008-09-29 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Often plain language is best. The special calls are for *trained* operators
who recognize them quickly even buried in QRM. 

Every marine or aircraft operator will tell you there's nothing more
arresting than suddenly hearing SOS pounded out in Morse or Mayday on voice.
Even listening to playback of a distress call makes my skin crawl. You know
there someone in mortal danger at the other end of the message. But that's
true only if you know what the call means. 

I'm deeply sorry to hear about the Amateur operators who clearly couldn't be
bothered with a distress call until they were asked. They are not qualified
to be Hams and should have lost their licenses. 


-Original Message-
Several years ago (10+) during a contest, probably phone sweepstakes, I
heard a marine emergency calling and calling.  I first thought it was
somebody messing around, BAD IDEA.  After I listened for a couple of
minutes, I believed it.  The contesters were ignoring it or not hearing it
and I tried to talk to the guy but couldn't hear him reliably because of the
contest and finally asked several times to please clear the frequency
because of a marine emergency and gladly it happened.  I still had trouble
hearing everything he was saying and asked if anyone else had a better copy
than I did.  One of the big stations came on and took it over, got the
information of his location and that he was dead in the water, called it in,
and went back to him and told him that it had been reported and that they
were on the way.  He wasn't using SOS and do not recall if he used anything
else or not as I have never heard of pan pan or QRRR until now.  I am a
new ham and it wouldn't have meant a thing to me.  He was just calling for
help, repeatedly, and describing his situation and requesting somebody to
make a call for him.

Just interesting and glad to be involved even though it was just to get
somebody else to actually help him.

73, de Jim KG0KP

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RE: RE: [Elecraft] ot u want lots youth to do Morse?

2008-09-29 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
If you've not seen it yet, there's an entertaining Morse vs. text messaging
demo from the Jay Leno show on YouTube:

The youngsters into texting might find inspiration there.


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RE: [Elecraft] Elecraft Rigs in Emergency Service...

2008-09-29 Thread Darwin, Keith
About 15 yrs ago, I traveled up into the mountains in CA with my TenTec
Argonaut for a one man FD operation.  I arrived a bit before the start
of the event and noticed the hillside across the valley from me was
burning.  I placed a help needed here call and finally got a person in
the area.  I asked him to contact authorities to report a fire and he
said OK.  That was it.  I have no idea if the fire got reported or
anything.  It left me feeling very unsatisfied.  I suspect, however the
fire was already known about.

- Keith N1AS -
- K3 711 - 

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - interfacing to N1MM Contest Logging software

2008-09-29 Thread Julian, G4ILO

Jim Brown-10 wrote:
 So as far as I can tell, it has NOTHING to do with the K3, and the 
 programmers should not need a K3 to solve the problem. They just need to
 a better way for computers to generate CW. Since I'm not a programmer, I
 no idea how much of a challenge that is. 
 The sad thing though is that the N1MM programmers SEEM to have abandoned
 idea. If you want to use N1MM and run SO2R, you should voice your concerns
At a wild guess (since I've never used the program) they are running
something at a high priority in order to try to overcome Windows innate
inability to do accurate high speed timing.

The K3 has a very elegant, processor-independent method of sending CW from a
computer via the serial port, the KY command. Unfortunately as has been
pointed out on two previous occasions when I have questioned why it is not
used, the trouble is that the K2 and K3 are the only radios that implement
this in a properly thought-out way, so developers of general purpose
software are not interested in doing the necessary work to exploit it.

Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222. G4ILO's Shack Ham
Directory KComm for Elecraft K2 and K3 
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RE: [Elecraft] CQWW RTTY - K3 Experience

2008-09-29 Thread Arie Kleingeld PA3A

I had a few spare moments this weekend and took the CW-paddle for about
100 RTTY QSO's during the CQWW.

Boy, that was very easy and, most of all, FUN. Only had to change my
routine from 5nn a4 to 5nn 14  :-)

Using the CW memories made it even more easy. I think it must have been
a bit strange on the other side of the QSO seeing the long pause after
the 5nn because the 1 takes a reletive long time in CW.
That's also why a kept going on with the 5nn instead of 599.

Anyway, flawless operation and I love the rtty dual passband. Very good

Arie PA3A

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[Elecraft] K3 #1815

2008-09-29 Thread dh0sp


vy 73s de Stefan, DH0SP
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RE: [Elecraft] Elecraft Rigs in Emergency Service...

2008-09-29 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Good going Keith! 

An experienced operator would have closed the loop for you with a service
message informing you of the outcome. 

I've relayed such traffic and the first thing the fire service wants to know
is where the person who reported it is located. They want to confirm that
he/she is not in the danger zone and the status of any others in the area.
(Even if not in the fire danger zone, many people don't realized a fire
drives all the wildlife away from it. I've heard of people watching a fire
from a 'safe' distance when suddenly bear, cougar and lots of other animals
not particularly friendly to humans come charging right at them.)

The RACES manuals say how to handle emergency traffic in the Amateur
Service. Basically, you reply adding SVC to the message number when closing
the loop with the originator. It presumes a *written* message. Special forms
aren't needed. It's strongly recommended Hams know how to properly format
messages on a plain piece of paper. Even if the originating station in the
middle of the emergency doesn't take the time to write one, the relaying
station should to make a written, time-stamped record of the exact contents
of the exchange in a message format.

Most commercial licenses in the USA (radiotelegraph, radiotelephone, GMDSS,
etc.) require the applicant to demonstrate how to behave when involved in
emergency communications even though a person might spend a lifetime
operating without using it. 

It sounds to me like the Amateur licenses should require the same. 


-Original Message-

About 15 yrs ago, I traveled up into the mountains in CA with my TenTec
Argonaut for a one man FD operation.  I arrived a bit before the start of
the event and noticed the hillside across the valley from me was burning.  I
placed a help needed here call and finally got a person in the area.  I
asked him to contact authorities to report a fire and he said OK.  That
was it.  I have no idea if the fire got reported or anything.  It left me
feeling very unsatisfied.  I suspect, however the fire was already known

- Keith N1AS -
- K3 711 - 

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RE: [Elecraft] CQWW RTTY - K3 Experience

2008-09-29 Thread Greg - AB7R
I think I noticed quite a few people doing this over the weekend due to the 
transmission of the characters and the spacing.   I did not have a problem 
them at all.

Greg - AB7R
Whidbey Island WA

On Mon Sep 29 11:12 , Arie Kleingeld PA3A  sent:

I had a few spare moments this weekend and took the CW-paddle for about
100 RTTY QSO's during the CQWW.

Boy, that was very easy and, most of all, FUN. Only had to change my
routine from 5nn a4 to 5nn 14  :-)

Using the CW memories made it even more easy. I think it must have been
a bit strange on the other side of the QSO seeing the long pause after
the 5nn because the 1 takes a reletive long time in CW.
That's also why a kept going on with the 5nn instead of 599.

Anyway, flawless operation and I love the rtty dual passband. Very good

Arie PA3A

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Re: [Elecraft] CQWW RTTY - K3 Experience

2008-09-29 Thread David Wilburn
Ran barefoot here, into a dipole at 40'.  2 stereo cables, a serial 
cable (for band info) and ran in VOX mode.  420 Qs, 235,296 pts.  Only 
my 3rd RTTY contest.  I had never done it at all before getting my K3 
in March.

David Wilburn

G4MKP wrote:
I worked the CQWW RTTY contest last weekend. After nearly 30 years of 
amateur radio operating, I have never had more than a handful of RTTY 
QSOs so I struggled from the start with accepted contest procedures and 
also the rig set-up necessary to maximise copy of the wanted signals and 
the rejection of adjacent signals. I cracked the procedures quite 
quickly but the copy problems continued for some hours until I cracked 
the filter set-up. Once I set the high and low cuts to just past the 
mark/space tones it was so simple and I posted 260k+ points easily. I 
have the filter shape settings for this type of contesting saved now. 
Another problem for me was the line input from my pc for the tones was 
set at ‘3’, anything more and the whole thing over modulated and caused 
my linear to pop, especially on 80m.


Having said how flawlessly the K3 performed, it was complemented by 
N1MM’s cracking software which does just about everything for you. 
Whether I was running or SP the only effort required was turning the 
VFO and clicking the mouse – easy contesting! (Oh dear! Another 
marketing slogan from me – sorry). I’m looking forward to seeing how 
this set-up works in the SSB and cw legs over the next couple of months.








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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - interfacing to N1MM Contest Logging software

2008-09-29 Thread Simon (HB9DRV)
- Original Message - 
From: Joe Subich, W4TV [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It is the lack of Windows' ability to handle real-time events...

I really don't agree. There is no reason why a highly accurate background 
thread cannot be implemented in a Windows NT-based system for sending CW 
where the solution does not use all CPU or affect other programs which are 
running, it's up to the programmer to code properly.

WinKey is the only transceiver independent way to get that
timing outside of Windows where it is not effected by the
vagaries of Windows (or any other operating system).

WinKey is the very best option IMO.

The development teams of BOTH major US based Windows contesting
programs and several other major integrated packages have stated
that the lack of editing, the transceiver specific nature of
the KY command, and the differences between the Elecraft and
Kenwood implementations make KY an absolute non-starter.

Agreed - unlike WinKey with KY you have no idea how many characters are 
inside the radio waiting to be sent. It's OK for sending CQ DX ALL NIGHT 
LONG etc. but for anything else it's not a good option.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV 

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RE: [Elecraft] K3 - interfacing to N1MM Contest Logging software

2008-09-29 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

 At a wild guess (since I've never used the program) they are 
 running something at a high priority in order to try to 
 overcome Windows innate inability to do accurate high speed 

That is correct.  With SO2R the logging programs must run their 
CW timing at high priority in a separate process or Window's 
non-realtime nature will severely screw up the timing.  It is 
the lack of Windows' ability to handle real-time events and the 
lack of common PC hardware to provide an independent clock 
that is at fault here.  

WinKey is the only transceiver independent way to get that 
timing outside of Windows where it is not effected by the 
vagaries of Windows (or any other operating system).  

 Unfortunately as has been pointed out on two previous occasions 
 when I have questioned why it is not used, the trouble is that 
 the K2 and K3 are the only radios that implement this in a 
 properly thought-out way, so developers of general purpose 
 software are not interested in doing the necessary work to 
 exploit it. 

First, the Kenwood TS-480, 570, 870, 2000 also support the KY 
command.  However, KY is not properly thought out and lacks 
several features - most notably the ability to edit portions of 
a message that have already been sent to the external device.  
The development teams of BOTH major US based Windows contesting 
programs and several other major integrated packages have stated 
that the lack of editing, the transceiver specific nature of 
the KY command, and the differences between the Elecraft and 
Kenwood implementations make KY an absolute non-starter.   


   ... Joe, W4TV 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Julian, G4ILO
 Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 1:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 - interfacing to N1MM Contest 
 Logging software
 Jim Brown-10 wrote:
  So as far as I can tell, it has NOTHING to do with the K3, and the
  programmers should not need a K3 to solve the problem. They 
 just need to
  a better way for computers to generate CW. Since I'm not a 
 programmer, I
  no idea how much of a challenge that is. 
  The sad thing though is that the N1MM programmers SEEM to have 
  abandoned the idea. If you want to use N1MM and run SO2R, 
 you should 
  voice your concerns to
 At a wild guess (since I've never used the program) they are 
 running something at a high priority in order to try to 
 overcome Windows innate inability to do accurate high speed timing.
 The K3 has a very elegant, processor-independent method of 
 sending CW from a computer via the serial port, the KY 
 command. Unfortunately as has been pointed out on two 
 previous occasions when I have questioned why it is not used, 
 the trouble is that the K2 and K3 are the only radios that 
 implement this in a properly thought-out way, so developers 
 of general purpose software are not interested in doing the 
 necessary work to exploit it.
 Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222. G4ILO's Shack Ham
 Directory KComm for 
 Elecraft K2 and K3 

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RE: [Elecraft] K3 - interfacing to N1MM Contest Logging software

2008-09-29 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

 I really don't agree. There is no reason why a highly 
 accurate background thread cannot be implemented in a 
 Windows NT-based system for sending CW where the solution 
 does not use all CPU or affect other programs which are 
 running, it's up to the programmer to code properly.

There are several problems ... first, most of these developers 
insist on maintaining support for Windows 98 (although I 
think Win 98 users should be left to fend for themselves 
along with any DOS users who might still be hanging on). 
Second, no programmer can protect against poor programming 
by other programmers and the bloatware that gets installed 
as part of other software (auto stat/auto update/auto config, 
etc.) on many computers unknown to the user.  Finally, too 
many users insist on using ancient (PIII/450 MHz with 256 MB 
RAM) hardware that is just not up to the task and destroys 
performance due to memory paging issues.  

 WinKey is the very best option IMO.

We agree.  Since the serial WinKeyer 2 kit which is available 
for $36 from K1EL can be extended to full two radio support
with two FETs, two resistors and two capacitors, I don't see 
any reason for the resistance by so many. 

It is strange that folks with graphics, mathematics and sound 
coprocessors in their computer object to adding a CW coprocessor! 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon (HB9DRV)
 Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 4:07 PM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Julian, G4ILO';
 Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 - interfacing to N1MM Contest 
 Logging software
 - Original Message - 
 From: Joe Subich, W4TV [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  It is the lack of Windows' ability to handle real-time events...
 I really don't agree. There is no reason why a highly 
 accurate background 
 thread cannot be implemented in a Windows NT-based system for 
 sending CW 
 where the solution does not use all CPU or affect other 
 programs which are 
 running, it's up to the programmer to code properly.
  WinKey is the only transceiver independent way to get that timing 
  outside of Windows where it is not effected by the vagaries 
 of Windows 
  (or any other operating system).
 WinKey is the very best option IMO.
  The development teams of BOTH major US based Windows contesting 
  programs and several other major integrated packages have 
 stated that 
  the lack of editing, the transceiver specific nature of the KY 
  command, and the differences between the Elecraft and Kenwood 
  implementations make KY an absolute non-starter.
 Agreed - unlike WinKey with KY you have no idea how many 
 characters are 
 inside the radio waiting to be sent. It's OK for sending CQ 
 LONG etc. but for anything else it's not a good option.
 Simon Brown, HB9DRV 
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[Elecraft] Link....sunspot numbers info

2008-09-29 Thread Aubrey

Ninety percent of politicians give the other 10 percent a bad name. 
-- Henry Kissinger  

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[Elecraft] KPA100 Manual Question

2008-09-29 Thread JIMMY D HARRIS


On page 53 of the KPA100 manual Rev G there is a statement I'm not sure as to 
what it means.  It is located at the top right of the page.  RF/ALC:  RF or 
ALC meter mode.  Use only for test, not continously.  What does the last 
sentence mean.  Which of the meter modes does it refer to or does it refer to 
something else?  Why is what ever it refers to limited to test only?  What are 
the consequences of using it continously?

Thanks and 73,

Jim, AB0UK
K2/100 S/N 4787
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[Elecraft] [K2] Tuning During Repeat Memory Sending

2008-09-29 Thread Nigel
Often I call cq by enabling an appropriate  memory in repeat mode.
In-between I am listening for replies.   
Usually I have an 800hz filter set and the RIT engaged so as to sweep either
side of my transmit frequency.

Perchance I have discovered that in this mode, although the receiver
unblocks during the gap in sending the RIT is blocked and does not work.
It is the same if split is engaged.

How do others use repeat calling and are still able to tune around a little
in the sending gaps?

73,  Nigel ZL2DF

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RE: [Elecraft] CQWW RTTY - K3 Experience

2008-09-29 Thread Bill W4ZV

Arie Kleingeld PA3A wrote:
 Using the CW memories made it even more easy. I think it must have been
 a bit strange on the other side of the QSO seeing the long pause after
 the 5nn because the 1 takes a reletive long time in CW.
 That's also why a kept going on with the 5nn instead of 599.

Next time load your memory with 599 14 IM (dididahdah with no space
between).  The IM is for IMmediate end of transmission.  Don't send 5NN
since 599 is just as fast in RTTY and less confusing to RTTY ops.  Using my
paddle, I loaded:

M3:  599 05 NC IM
(if I needed linked repetitions I just double-tapped M1 or M3).

Using the memories, I was later told I sounded like regular RTTY (i.e. no
delays due to CW sending speed since my memory exchanges were sent at full
RTTY speed of ~60 WPM).

I didn't see any point in repeating the call of the other station since I
was always dead zero beat (thanks to CWT) and was responding to his CQ (i.e.
not CQ-ing myself).  I found the K3's CW TX decoder more sensitive to
perfect CW timing than my poor fist, so after mangling my first QSO with the
key I used the memories exclusively for my other QSOs.  I tuned for a CQ,
pressed M1, if answered I pressed M3, got my confirmation and went looking
for another.  My only slight confusion was when my call would appear in the
buffer after answering a station.  The first time I thought that was the
station answering me but quickly realized it was left over in the display
from my call (i.e. M1) since the DX often answered someone else in the

This was my first experience with RTTY after 51 years on the air.  I would
never have bothered were it not for the K3.  I now feel very comfortable
using the above technique to call DX stations in a pileup, should the need
ever arise (i.e. in case a new one should show up on RTTY and not CW).

73,  Bill

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 PSK31 VIA PADDLE

2008-09-29 Thread Brett Howard
Did you check your polarity?

On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 16:27 +, k4pi wrote:
 Using my K3 on RTTY  and sending via my paddle I have no problems.  On PSK31 
 I can decode signals but my outgoing PSK31 signal has some kind of problem. 
 I can monitor it on another rig set up for PSK31 and nothing ever decodes. 
 I can hear the data changing but apparently it is not correct.  Anyone using 
 PSK31 and sending it via a paddle?  73 Mike 
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[Elecraft] calibrating K3

2008-09-29 Thread wsm
I'm calibration my K3 and at the stage of calibration
the wattmeter. When holding tune I get no power output
at all regardless of what the power output is set at.
Has anyone else had this problem and if so what did you
do about it?
Scott N5SM

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Re[Elecraft] ceived My K3

2008-09-29 Thread -.-. --.-N3TU -.-. --.-

It has arrived!!!  I placed my order in the beginning of February and it came
Thursday, September 25. I even got a picture of the UPS guy carrying over
the box.  The reason why it took so long was I had to wait for the sub
receiver which was on back order and I wanted them to install it. Every time
I put something together, I always lose screws, spill drinks, step on parts
running to get the door, ect. ect.  Strange, I didn't have to sign for it.
If I wasn't home, I guess it would be in plane view in front of the door. I
could not believe I was up 24 hours having fun learning the functions of the
new radio. I still have a long way to go. I was even more surprised how easy
it was downloading the software into the radio and opening it up for MARS.
Very easy! I got on the MARS Nets right away.  I had a couple questions and
Elecraft was very helpful. Thanks Scott and Dale for the patience with
someone from old school.! I bet they had a good laugh but they walked me
through the computer software and helped me understand the settings which
were shot into the radio. I also can't believe how it really cuts down the
line noise around the neighborhood. I don't want to bother Dale or Scott too
much so I guess I will be posting on here if I don't understand something.
The hand mic I received seems to give better audio than the three studio
mics I have laying around and it seems sharper but I really do need a good
desk mic that sounds good. (I am afraid that I'll drop the hand mic in my
super big gulp cup.) If anyone has good EQ settings, please respond with
those values. Well, that's all for now. Happy DXing.
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 and MARS

2008-09-29 Thread -.-. --.-N3TU -.-. --.-

As a Mars member, I can't disclose the frequencies but you can get that
through your state MARS director. You can google your state and MARS and go
to the web page to get contact information.  Tell your MARS director before
you fill out the application that your K3 can be modified for MARS and that
you can't modify the radio until you get your MARS call sign and credentials
to send to Elecraft. In the mean time, you can be studying the MARS manual.
I am sure your MARS director will have a better understanding of whats going
on and he will instruct  what to put in the application regarding if your
radio is opened for MARS. See you on the bands. 

Michael Fox (K5MEF) wrote:
 Is anyone using the K3 for MARS work?
 If so, can you contact me off-list to provide more info?
 I'm interested in getting involved with MARS.  But the application simply
 asks if you're able to transmit/receive on MARS frequencies without
 specifying what those frequencies are.  So, I'd like to know what
 frequencies I need to worry about and what, if any, modifications are
 to the K3 to make it able to participate in MARS work.
 Thanks in advance.
 Michael - K5MEF
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 and MARS

2008-09-29 Thread Brett Howard
All you have to do in order to get your radio opened up is send
Elecraft your callsign and your serial and request the program to open
up the radio.

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 7:06 PM, -.-.  --.-N3TU -.-.  --.-

 As a Mars member, I can't disclose the frequencies but you can get that
 through your state MARS director. You can google your state and MARS and go
 to the web page to get contact information.  Tell your MARS director before
 you fill out the application that your K3 can be modified for MARS and that
 you can't modify the radio until you get your MARS call sign and credentials
 to send to Elecraft. In the mean time, you can be studying the MARS manual.
 I am sure your MARS director will have a better understanding of whats going
 on and he will instruct  what to put in the application regarding if your
 radio is opened for MARS. See you on the bands.

 Michael Fox (K5MEF) wrote:

 Is anyone using the K3 for MARS work?

 If so, can you contact me off-list to provide more info?

 I'm interested in getting involved with MARS.  But the application simply
 asks if you're able to transmit/receive on MARS frequencies without
 specifying what those frequencies are.  So, I'd like to know what
 frequencies I need to worry about and what, if any, modifications are
 to the K3 to make it able to participate in MARS work.

 Thanks in advance.

 Michael - K5MEF

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Re: [Elecraft] [K2] Tuning During Repeat Memory Sending

2008-09-29 Thread Don Wilhelm

The K2 cannot tune while in transmit mode.
It takes a bit of time for the K2 to restore to RX mode (as far as the 
firmware is concerned).  So even though you may be able to hear between 
characters, one can think of the K2 as being still in transmit mode.
I do not know all the details of the timing, but the gaps in sending are 
not sufficient to allow changing the TX frequency.


Nigel wrote:

Often I call cq by enabling an appropriate  memory in repeat mode.
In-between I am listening for replies.   
Usually I have an 800hz filter set and the RIT engaged so as to sweep either
side of my transmit frequency.

Perchance I have discovered that in this mode, although the receiver
unblocks during the gap in sending the RIT is blocked and does not work.
It is the same if split is engaged.

How do others use repeat calling and are still able to tune around a little
in the sending gaps?

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[Elecraft] K3

2008-09-29 Thread wsm
It's me again. As you can tell, I'm in over my  head
with the K3. Can you turn off the receiver input and
tramsmitter output with a menu item? If so how do you
turn it back on?
I have receiver noise, but no receive signals and
the transmitter keys in cw mode and have side tone
but no power output.
Any ideas ?
Scott N5SM 

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[Elecraft] OT: MARS frequencies, etc.

2008-09-29 Thread Ken Kopp

It seems ... to me anyway ... that attempting to keep MARS
frequencies secret is terribly silly!  Do the MARS leaders
actually think they aren't / can't be heard by anyone who wants
to listen??!!  What's the rationale?  Am I missing something?

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP 

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[Elecraft] Attn: W4DU

2008-09-29 Thread Ken Kopp

Ken, your ISP is blocking my reply to you about K2 and K3 covers.

Do you have an alternate e-mail address? [EMAIL PROTECTED], for example?


Rose Kopp - N7HKW
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[Elecraft] My email address.

2008-09-29 Thread Don Wilhelm

Hello all,

I have been experiencing several problems with my [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
forwarding address.
I am in the process of dropping that address from my list of available 
email addresses, although it will be valid for a while.
Please check your address book and change any references to my email 
address to don 'at' or w3fpr 'at'  The former 
is preferred.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 and MARS

2008-09-29 Thread Bob
The frequencies are not all that secret.  Here are quite a few they 
announced for Armed Forces Day

this year:

I'll bet a little internet searching  will yield more.  They are close 
to the ham bands.


-.-. --.-N3TU -.-. --.- wrote:

As a Mars member, I can't disclose the frequencies but you can get that
through your state MARS director. You can google your state and MARS and go
to the web page to get contact information.  Tell your MARS director before
you fill out the application that your K3 can be modified for MARS and that
you can't modify the radio until you get your MARS call sign and credentials
to send to Elecraft. In the mean time, you can be studying the MARS manual.
I am sure your MARS director will have a better understanding of whats going
on and he will instruct  what to put in the application regarding if your
radio is opened for MARS. See you on the bands. 

Michael Fox (K5MEF) wrote:

Is anyone using the K3 for MARS work?

If so, can you contact me off-list to provide more info?

I'm interested in getting involved with MARS.  But the application simply
asks if you're able to transmit/receive on MARS frequencies without
specifying what those frequencies are.  So, I'd like to know what
frequencies I need to worry about and what, if any, modifications are
to the K3 to make it able to participate in MARS work.

Thanks in advance.

Michael - K5MEF


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RE: [Elecraft] CQWW RTTY - K3 Experience

2008-09-29 Thread Arie Kleingeld PA3A
Yes Bill,

I used the IM during paddling and using the memories.
If using the paddle, be sure to really send ..--
A bit too slow with the paddle and it sends IM.  :-)

The high speed of the memories: good idea! Implented for next time.

Arie PA3A


Next time load your memory with 599 14 IM (dididahdah with no space
between).  The IM is for IMmediate end of transmission.  Don't send 5NN
since 599 is just as fast in RTTY and less confusing to RTTY ops.  Using
my paddle, I loaded:

M3:  599 05 NC IM
(if I needed linked repetitions I just double-tapped M1 or M3).

Using the memories, I was later told I sounded like regular RTTY (i.e.
no delays due to CW sending speed since my memory exchanges were sent at
full RTTY speed of ~60 WPM).

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