Re: [expert-it] come lanciare applic. MS-DOS/windows

2001-07-10 Thread BanaSouKi


Vorrei sapere quali metodi sono dipsonibili per attivare
delle applicazioni MS-DOS/Windows direttamtente in Linux
C'è altra via oltre una macchina virtuale? (as esempio
usando vmWare)

Ci sono anche:
- wine
- win4lin (emulatore molto + veloce di vmWare).

Hasta luego!


Re: [expert] Any mutt users?

2001-07-10 Thread Alexander Skwar

So sprach Wolfgang Bornath am Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 09:13:02PM +0200:
 The point was to poll *without* having to do something (automagically).

Setup a cron job

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:   | - Die günstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
Uptime: 7 hours 20 minutes

[expert] More about Lack of standards

2001-07-10 Thread Andre LABBE


Just to add to the debat. 
What I read in Expert Mail, see or hear in my line of work is: 
If someone post a new version of something every body wants it. If is it
worth having it is secondary, and it is not just Linux, windoze too.
Where I work, we have a firewall/gateway/proxy running 7.2 with kernel
2.2.17. This box does its job properly. Yes I do security update, but
changing the kernel or some software just to have the last version,
If it not not broken don't fix it.
My Latop is running 7.2 with 2.4.3, every thing works usb, pcmcia card,
sound ... and it is stable, same again, if it is not security or 'a pain
in the back side bug' why changing any thing for the sake of a version
number. It does what I want, and that's good enough for me.
My PC at home same thing 7.2 again with 2.4.2  but with the 'new' Kde.
Every thing work Usb, SB Live, Kodak Camera, Scanner, Buz90, Nvidia
Driver ... If  I want to play game, they run. It does what I want,why
changing it every 5 minutes.
Yes I do upgrade software, but only if it is of any use for me. I am
working to get 8.0 setup like I want, I run it from a spare partition,
like that, no problem with broken library or software not working any
Yes I do agree software has to evolve or it will fade away, but if a
live 'PC' is working I don't mess with it. Sorry people, but I use my PC
and my laptop.I don't just spend my time upgrading kernel or running
patches, just to say 'I've go the last version'.


[expert] cleaning up my mails

2001-07-10 Thread fasi_74

Hello friends

 Well time after time i get mails from the system...
all mail are stored in my mbox i want to know how to
clean it up ?


*º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨¨*¤Allah Hafiz*º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨*¤
  *º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨¨*Faisal Gillani *º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨*¤

[expert] Hoto close some ports...

2001-07-10 Thread Arman Khalatyan

Hoto close some ports...
I have Mandrake 7.2 with 2.4.1 

[arm2arm@icas arm2arm]$ nmap 
Starting nmap V. 2.53 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( )Interesting 
ports on localhost.localdomain ( 1514 ports scanned but not 
shown below are in state: closed)Port 
110/tcp open 
113/tcp open 
wont to close this 
443/tcp open 
513/tcp open 
1024/tcp open 
kdm--I wont to close this 
6000/tcp open 
X11--I wont to close 

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) 
scanned in 0 seconds
Bests ArMan.

[expert] Disable ext2 fsfilesystem check on startup

2001-07-10 Thread George Petri


Sometimes when I boot up my computer, Linux forces a check of my ext2 
filesystems either because:

1. maximal mount count reached
2. I didn't unmount properly (due to power switch, occassionally!)

I know that I *should* check my ext2 partitions but I really can't be 
bothered waiting...:)

So, how do I increase the maximal mount count (or disable it!)?
And, how do I *prevent* the forced checks, before they drive me crazy?


Re: [expert] Hoto close some ports...

2001-07-10 Thread Maxim Heijndijk

* Stardate: 2001-07-10 13:25
* Incoming subspace signal from Arman Khalatyan [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

 Hoto close some ports...
 I have Mandrake  7.2 with 2.4.1 kernel.
 [arm2arm@icas arm2arm]$ nmap localhost
 Starting nmap V. 2.53 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( )
 Interesting ports on localhost.localdomain (
 (The 1514 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
 Port   State   Service
 21/tcp openftp 
 23/tcp opentelnet  
 25/tcp opensmtp
 113/tcpopenauth  -- I wont to close this one   
 1024/tcp   openkdm  -- I wont to close this one   
 6000/tcp   openX11-- I wont to close this one  
 Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0 seconds
 Bests ArMan.

If you close those ports you might end up with a non-functional system.

The dangerous open ports are telnet and ftp. If you do not need a 
telnet or ftp server, deinstall them or comment them out in 
/etc/(x)inetd.conf. If you need telnet a server replace it by sshd.

Best regards, M@X.

* Climate Control Psychedelic Soundscapes -
* Linux Shell Scripts  RPM Software Packages -

Re: [expert] cleaning up my mails

2001-07-10 Thread Maxim Heijndijk

* Stardate: 2001-07-10 13:10
* Incoming subspace signal from [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

 Hello friends
  Well time after time i get mails from the system...
 all mail are stored in my mbox i want to know how to
 clean it up ?
 *º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨¨*¤Allah Hafiz*º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨*¤
   *º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨¨*Faisal Gillani *º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨*¤

With procmail.

Best regards, M@X.

* Climate Control Psychedelic Soundscapes -
* Linux Shell Scripts  RPM Software Packages -

Re: [expert] Multiple network cards in a Mandrake firewall/switch combination

2001-07-10 Thread Nathan Callahan

There is another option.  You could set the machine up as an ethernet 
bridge as I am doing here so that I can use my powerbook on our local 
coax network, and get to the masquerading host easily and so that the 
other people on the network don't need to change their settings to see 
my machine.  It means that hosts on two subnets can see each other as 
though they were on the same subnet, basically like a switch (only 

Although this is much easier to do on a 2.4 kernel, it can be done under 
2.2, I just can't remember how at the moment, but I remember that it 
does require a special utility (and there is a howto)

If you _are_ running 2.4... here's how to do it.

configure one card to have an address in the range through 
and the other in 192.168.128 through .254 and give both a netmask.
All machines on the 1-127 side need to have ip addresses in this range, 
all machines on the other side, ip addresses in 128-254

then issue the commands... (assuming that the cable modem is on eth0, 
the local cards being eth1 and 2)
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth1/proxy_arp
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth2/proxy_arp

and turn on forwarding between the interfaces...

echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

The proxy arp bit basically make the machine transparent as far as the 
local network is concerned all machines can carry on having netmasks.

The other thing is that if you do have a firewall set up on that box, 
and as civileme has suggested, the forward policy is DENY, you will 
probably need something along the lines of.

ipchains -A forward -s -d -j ACCEPT

I make no guarantees as to the completeness or robustness of this 
solution, it works for me, YMMV.  Hey, even if this doesn't help you a 
bit, I think it's pretty cool and felt like showing it off anyway :-) 
Plus, it may help someone else.

   Nathan Callahan

On Tuesday, July 10, 2001, at 04:18  PM, Darcy Brodie wrote:

and in his usual, amazingly helpful style...
 civileme wrote:

 On Tuesday 10 July 2001 04:47, Darcy Brodie wrote:
 I hope that this can be done.  I currently have a LM7.2 box as a
 firewall for our internet access.  Cable modem from ISP is going to
 eth0.  eth1 (100baseT) is going to the internal network.  What I need 
 do, is add a 3rd network card to allow me to also have a 10baseT 
 within the local netwok.  Can this be done with Linux?  Have not been
 able to find any information in the how-to's on this configuration.
 I also, if need be, have access to a second Linux file server, 
 I could add additional network cards into (it currently only has 1 
 in it)
 I am currently using class C IP 's in the 192.168.1.X range, but
 this is flexible if required.



 Just add the card and setup adaptor.  If you are making this a 
 network and want the two to talk, you will need to setup a route and 
 sure your internet masquerading rules apply only to forwards pointed 
 at the
 internet interface.  Since the first instruction in many masquerading 

 ipchains -P forward DENY

 you will need to write a series of rules in terms of -i ethx -o ethy 
 to cover
 all possible combos.  Of course if you set up netmasks so they are
 effectively on the same network, then the route does not need to be 
 but you still need the rules for forwarding.

 Another approach, using your other box, is to make it a masquerading 
 from the 10baseT net to the 192.168 net, and use some other schem for 
 others like 172.16.x.y  This permits both local net and internet 
 access and
 keeps the networks separated without a lot of rules complexity.
|   Gateway |
|Current  |
| Local|
 |_ __|
 | |  |  |  | |   Other 
 box   |
   (current local net) |   Interface to |
 other |
  |  || 
(new local net)

 In the ASCIIgram above, the boxes shown both use masquerading and the 
 handling the 10MHz net is 100MHz on the main net, something like a data
 compression switch.  It can also be peered with the other local net 

 Finally, how about just using one port off a 

Re: [expert] Hoto close some ports...

2001-07-10 Thread Gregor Maier

On 10-Jul-2001 civileme wrote:
 On Tuesday 10 July 2001 09:25, Arman Khalatyan wrote:
 Hoto close some ports...
 I have Mandrake  7.2 with 2.4.1 kernel.
 [arm2arm@icas arm2arm]$ nmap localhost
 Starting nmap V. 2.53 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( )
 Interesting ports on localhost.localdomain (
 (The 1514 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
 Port   State   Service
 21/tcp openftp
 23/tcp opentelnet
 25/tcp opensmtp
 113/tcpopenauth  -- I wont to close this one
 1024/tcp   openkdm  -- I wont to close this one
 6000/tcp   openX11-- I wont to close this one
 Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0 seconds

 Bests ArMan.
 Would you settle for filtered?
 Closing the ports means the server is not running.  Stop kdm and you won't be
 logging in to graphics window managers; stop X and you won't have any 
 graphics system, and stop auth and you won't be able to login.
 iptables -I 1 -t filter INPUT -p tcp -s ! --dport 6000 DROP
 iptables -I 1 -t filter INPUT -p tcp -s ! --dport 113 DROP
 iptables -I 1 -t filter INPUT -p tcp -s ! --dport 1024 DROP
that should be -j DROP and not just DROP (prehaps it will still work but the
correct syntax is -j)
there's a nice howto on iptables and packet filtering at or look at the ipchains howto at (which
can give you additional hints on packet filtering)

 Those are faily strict rules--ssh logins will not be possible externally, nor
 will exports through xhost (where your screen appears on some other

 Now you have a problem.  72 does not have iptables, but that is what kernel 
 2.4 uses.  I am unsure how to activate ipchains for kernel 2.4, and I think 
 you would be well-advised to seek out and compile the tarballs or source rpms
 for iptables since the 8.0 mandrake cannot supply the binaries.

there's a module ipchains in kernel 2.4 which will enable use of the ipchains
command (you could still use ipfwadm with the ipfwadm  module...)
E-Mail: Gregor Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 10-Jul-2001
Time: 11:57:06

Re: [expert] Is PHP compiled with MySQL support?

2001-07-10 Thread Jose Orlando T. Ribeiro

Do an update using your 7.2 CDs... choose select packages... you'll find the
modules for PHP with SQL.


Dave Sherman wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Greetings all,
 I have been playing with php and apache, got them up and running on my
 test box at home. But I've run into one problem: I can't seem to access a
 MySQL database from php. When I run phpinfo(), I see nothing listed in the
 Additional Modules section, and I also see in the Configure Command
 section '--without-mysql'.
 So it appears that MySQL support is not compiled into the Mandrake 7.2 php
 package. Can anyone confirm or deny this, before I compile my own php
 module from source? I don't mind doing it, but if I don't need to, then
 why bother?
 - --
 ...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
 foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
 and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
 (1 Cor 1:23-24)
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


   ,'.   .',  ,'.   .', 
  ===  +  ======  +  === 
   /   ~   \  /   ~   \
  /\_m   m_/\/\_m   m_/\
 .\  +--+  /. 
 /   ! [EMAIL PROTECTED]  !   \  
  /  +--+  \  
   `\m/ \m/'   `\m/ \m/'

RE: [expert] Seagate 20.4 Gig HD for $74 -- Good deal?

2001-07-10 Thread Kevin Krieser

I think this may be marginal in price.  I've seen 15 gig Maxtor drives for
$50 after rebate.  And I bought 40 gig 7200rpm IBM drives for $130 last
month.  Which LM 8 supported ONCE I flashed my BIOS to allow the computer to
boot past the IDE detection phase.

What didn't work successfully, in my case, was putting the hard drive on my
HT366 controller.  I got occasional DMA timeouts that required a reboot.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Benjamin Sher
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 9:48 PM
To: Expert
Subject: [expert] Seagate 20.4 Gig HD for $74 -- Good deal?

Dear friends:
The Seagate 20.4 HD has a Seek time of
8.9, a transfer rate of 100MB/s an rpm of 5400, a buffer of 512 and 3
years warranty for $74. I am not concerned about whether it's the state
of the art. My AMD K6-2 is already an antique. But I am concerned about
reliability and performance. And, most of all, I would like to know
whether LM 8.0 can handle a 20.4 Gig hard drive in the first place.

RE: [expert] How to install EVERYTHING on LM 8.0?

2001-07-10 Thread Kevin Krieser

There are other dangers with installing everything.

I've attempted to install more than the default number of applications
before.  Including VNC Server, which I use to access my Linux box from my
Windows computer in another room, and seamingly had a computer that wouldn't
bootup.  It wasn't until I actually tried telnetting in once that I found
out it was the VNC Server package which was installed as a server, and was
pausing the boot to prompt for a password.  Kind of a pain, being behind the
graphical bootup display, and therefore undisplayed.  I kept on thinking it
was the last program displayed on the screen that was locking up.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Benjamin Sher
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 10:03 PM
To: Expert
Subject: [expert] How to install EVERYTHING on LM 8.0?

Dear friends:

This may seem like a trivial question, but it's been driving me crazy. I
have to reinstall LM 8.0, and, for the life of me, I can't find any

Re: [expert] Hoto close some ports...

2001-07-10 Thread Arman Khalatyan

Thak you!
I will try to use your recomendations.

Bests ArMan.
- Original Message -
From: Gregor Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Hoto close some ports...

 On 10-Jul-2001 civileme wrote:
  On Tuesday 10 July 2001 09:25, Arman Khalatyan wrote:
  Hoto close some ports...
  I have Mandrake  7.2 with 2.4.1 kernel.
  [arm2arm@icas arm2arm]$ nmap localhost
  Starting nmap V. 2.53 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( )
  Interesting ports on localhost.localdomain (
  (The 1514 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
  Port   State   Service
  21/tcp openftp
  23/tcp opentelnet
  25/tcp opensmtp
  113/tcpopenauth  -- I wont to close this one
  1024/tcp   openkdm  -- I wont to close this one
  6000/tcp   openX11-- I wont to close this one
  Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0 seconds
  Bests ArMan.
  Would you settle for filtered?
  Closing the ports means the server is not running.  Stop kdm and you
won't be
  logging in to graphics window managers; stop X and you won't have any
  graphics system, and stop auth and you won't be able to login.
  iptables -I 1 -t filter INPUT -p tcp -s ! --dport 6000 DROP
  iptables -I 1 -t filter INPUT -p tcp -s ! --dport 113 DROP
  iptables -I 1 -t filter INPUT -p tcp -s ! --dport 1024 DROP
 that should be -j DROP and not just DROP (prehaps it will still work but
 correct syntax is -j)
 there's a nice howto on iptables and packet filtering at or look at the ipchains howto at
 can give you additional hints on packet filtering)

  Those are faily strict rules--ssh logins will not be possible
externally, nor
  will exports through xhost (where your screen appears on some other

  Now you have a problem.  72 does not have iptables, but that is what
  2.4 uses.  I am unsure how to activate ipchains for kernel 2.4, and I
  you would be well-advised to seek out and compile the tarballs or source
  for iptables since the 8.0 mandrake cannot supply the binaries.
 there's a module ipchains in kernel 2.4 which will enable use of the
 command (you could still use ipfwadm with the ipfwadm  module...)

 E-Mail: Gregor Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 10-Jul-2001
 Time: 11:57:06

[expert] Help...kernel build problems

2001-07-10 Thread Praedor Tempus

I have never had problems before now.  I simply cannot build kernel-2.4.6.  
Actually, it builds fine, I get a bzImage out of it, but it will not install 
and I cannot get a modules directory for it.

I get:

sh -x ./ 2.4.6-1mdk bzImage /usr/src/linux-2.4.6/ 
+ '[' -x /root/bin/installkernel ']'
+ '[' -x /sbin/installkernel -a -x /usr/bin/perl ']'
+ perl /sbin/installkernel -a 2.4.6-1mdk bzImage 
/usr/src/linux-2.4.6/ ''
look like there was a problem, the default vmlinuz version is not the same
of the initrd
+ exit
make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.6/arch/i386/boot'
make: *** [install] Error 2

What the fu*K?  Can anyone help me out here.  This is the first time I have 
ever had such problems.


Re: [expert] re: multiple problems with kde 2.2 beta 1

2001-07-10 Thread Praedor Tempus


How did you install?  Did you upgrade via RPM or did you download the kde 
source tarball and build the whole thing OR did you download source rpms and 
build them?  Did you upgrade from KDE 2.2 alpha?  If you installed it, as I 
did, on Mandrake 8.0 systems, and you did not build from source then you had 
to upgrade a whole host of other rpms to meet dependencies, which is part of 
what I consider the culprit in my problems.  

All I know is that with two Mandrake 8.0 systems upgraded from kde 2.2 alpha 
2.3 to beta 1, via binary cooker rpm + rpm dependency upgrades, I have lost 
sound and personal settings, vis a vis font antialiasing and mouse 
acceleration, and have to reset them every time I login after a new bootup.

Supermount support in kde is actually irrelevant.  Supermount should be 
something that is independent of window environment/window manager.  It is 
something the kernel supports (or doesn't).  If you lost supermount, does 
this mean that you have also upgraded to kernel 2.4.6 or did you lose 
supermount simply by installing the kde beta?

On Sunday 08 July 2001 11:03 pm, syed irfan wrote:
 i have installed kde 2.2 beta 1, its rock solid on my other mandrake 8.0, i
 have no problems at all, sound is really working well, and noatun and arts
 seem to work pertty well, except for the bloat for ths beta release for
 kdebase to squash all the buggies thats why kdebase almost 39 mb, i would
 recommend that we try kde 2.2 beta 1 and report all the problems throught or the bug reporter from each of the application would
 be of great help :-)

 i have installed it about 2-3 times on different machines not a single
 problem other than the slow startup after login, hope that is fixed by the
 linker stuff :-) for the final release and kde base will be smaller than 39
 mb for the final release

 check your .kde/share/apps/kcontrol check your mouse and antialiasing
 settings there

 i guess super mount doesnt work :-( even thought supermount is enabled in
 kde 2.2 beta 1, worked well with kde 2.2 alpha2, i had tried copying some
 files to /mnt/floppy and found that it didnt copy to the floppy instead it
 copied to /mnt/floppy directory :-(, i am using the default kernel on
 makdeake 8.0 i installed my kde 2.2 beta 1 on top of kde 2.2alpha2 release

 other than the slow startup and launching applications looks pertty good to
 me :-) ohh and the new kpersonalizer is kool :-)

 my 2cents worth

 syed irfan

 Just to give warning, KDE2.2-alpha is more robust than the latest beta.  It
 would appear to be a good idea to stick with alpha and NOT upgrade to the
 current beta.

[expert] mandrake kernel-2.4.6-1mdk lacks supermount?

2001-07-10 Thread Praedor Tempus

I just built a 2.4.6 kernel from cooker.  It appears to lack any support for 
supermount.  Doing make xconfig I find no entry anywhere for enabling 
support for supermount.  Building and installing it anyway proves this lack 
to be true.  I setup 3 drives to be supermount drives.  None work and I get 
messages about no support for supermount found.

I have /dev/cdrom, /dev/cdrom2, /dev/sda4 (a parallel port zip) setup as 
supermount.  They no longer work because it appears that the new cooker 
kernel doesn't offer supermount as an option.  I have been through all the 
menus in xconfig several times thinking that I must have missed it but it 
just is not there.

Re: [expert] Any mutt users?

2001-07-10 Thread wobo

 So sprach Wolfgang Bornath am Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 09:13:02PM +0200:
  The point was to poll *without* having to do something (automagically).
 Setup a cron job

I did, said so in one of the first mails.

 The source is out there!

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

GMX Tipp:

Machen Sie Ihr Hobby zu Geld bei unserem Partner 11!

Re: [expert] Multiple network cards in a Mandrake firewall/switch combination

2001-07-10 Thread Pierre Fortin

Nathan Callahan wrote:

Nathan, excuse me for nit-picking; but...  I just can't help myself...  :^)

 There is another option.  You could set the machine up as an ethernet
 bridge as I am doing here so that I can use my powerbook on our local
What you describe below is a router...

 coax network, and get to the masquerading host easily and so that the
 other people on the network don't need to change their settings to see
but the addresses you suggest would require changes throughout Darcy's

 my machine.  It means that hosts on two subnets can see each other as
 though they were on the same subnet, basically like a switch (only

Two subnets can't see each other as though they were on the same subnet; a
router isolates N [sub]nets, and it is possible for *hosts* to treat 2 or more
of those [sub]nets as one by using a shorter netmask than the router uses on the
interface connected to the host.  A host could treat the entire Internet as a
single flat LAN with a netmask of as long as there is at least one
proxyARP router available to manage the off-real-LAN remotes (notwithstanding
issues of getting to

 Although this is much easier to do on a 2.4 kernel, it can be done under
 2.2, I just can't remember how at the moment, but I remember that it
 does require a special utility (and there is a howto)
 If you _are_ running 2.4... here's how to do it.
 configure one card to have an address in the range through
 and the other in 192.168.128 through .254 and give both a netmask.
 All machines on the 1-127 side need to have ip addresses in this range,
 all machines on the other side, ip addresses in 128-254

Rather than change addresses in all hosts, this can be accomplished by using the
two ranges 192.168.1.[1-126] and 192.168.1.[129-254] and a netmask of (aka: /25) on the router *and* the hosts for full routing,
*or* (aka: /24) (or shorter) on the hosts for
looks-like-a-single-[sub]net-proxy-ARP routing...

 then issue the commands... (assuming that the cable modem is on eth0,
 the local cards being eth1 and 2)
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth1/proxy_arp
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth2/proxy_arp

For...  tada!  proxy ARP routing.   :^)

 and turn on forwarding between the interfaces...
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Definitely not what a bridge would need... MAC(L2) vs IP(L3)

 The proxy arp bit basically make the machine transparent as far as the
 local network is concerned all machines can carry on having netmasks.

True.  For clarity, a host (regardless of network topology) sends an ARP packet
in an attempt to obtain the MAC address of the target.  If the host gets an ARP
reply, there is no way to tell at this point if the acquired MAC address belongs
to the real target, or to a local router; this means that just because an IP
address resolves to a MAC, it does not mean that the target exists, only that a
router knows how to get to the target's [sub]net...

 The other thing is that if you do have a firewall set up on that box,
 and as civileme has suggested, the forward policy is DENY, you will
 probably need something along the lines of.
 ipchains -A forward -s -d -j ACCEPT

This does not match the 192.168.2.x and 192.168.128.y subnets you suggested

A true bridge (aka: switch in 'modern terminology') can not be controlled
with ipchains or any other Layer-3 method since bridging is done at Layer-2
unless one gets into cross-layer spaghetti...

 I make no guarantees as to the completeness or robustness of this
 solution, it works for me, YMMV.  Hey, even if this doesn't help you a
 bit, I think it's pretty cool and felt like showing it off anyway :-)
 Plus, it may help someone else.

You may want to revisit your own setup (unless you merely miscommunicated
it)...   you may have a time-bomb ticking away in your network...  

Best regards,

Nathan Callahan
 On Tuesday, July 10, 2001, at 04:18  PM, Darcy Brodie wrote:
 and in his usual, amazingly helpful style...
  civileme wrote:
  On Tuesday 10 July 2001 04:47, Darcy Brodie wrote:
  I hope that this can be done.  I currently have a LM7.2 box as a
  firewall for our internet access.  Cable modem from ISP is going to
  eth0.  eth1 (100baseT) is going to the internal network.  What I need
  do, is add a 3rd network card to allow me to also have a 10baseT
  within the local netwok.  Can this be done with Linux?  Have not been
  able to find any information in the how-to's on this configuration.
  I also, if need be, have access to a second Linux file server,
  I could add additional network cards into (it currently only has 1
  in it)
  I am currently using class C IP 's in the 192.168.1.X range, but
  this is flexible if 

RE[2]: [expert] Seagate 20.4 Gig HD for $74 -- Good deal?

2001-07-10 Thread Rusty Carruth

  But I am concerned about reliability and performance. 

well, I've no real comments there - I've used Maxtor, Seagate,
WD (gasp! :-), IBM, ...  I had one WD fail at the end of warranty,
and they replaced it even though I did not contact them until after
the warranty had expired.  However, they also fudge on the specs...

 And, most of all, I would like to know
 whether LM 8.0 can handle a 20.4 Gig hard drive in the first place.

I had 8.0 talking happily to a 40 gig drive, so I think the answer
is a resounding 'yes' :-)


Re: [expert] syslogd not writing logs...

2001-07-10 Thread Rusty Carruth

Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi list,
 something strange has happened on my system.  however, since then
 syslogd has '0' (zeroed) out the current log files and has not written
 anything to the logs at all. this is not only strange, but also disturbing
 since I like to know what it going on with my system.

 i've tried restarting both the system and the daemon in charge of keeping
 the logs, and nothing has changed. so, what in the world could be causing
 this odd behavior? any ideas?

one thing that *might* be the case - is there any chance you got hacked?
Loss of log files is one symptom of that...

Hopefully its something else!


[expert] Riva TNT 128 problems

2001-07-10 Thread grassi, adriano

Hi all, I've followed the instructions on how to configure the Nvidia
drivers, and I can't get it to work with GLX so tuxracer and other gl apps
don't work, I edit the XF86Config-4 file and still nothing, my fonts looks
ugly tho even with anti-aliasing. Can any help me get this working?
I've changed the 'nv' to 'nvidia' and add the module glx to load.
I've also tried changing on both the XF86Config and XF86Config-4 because it
seens that the X server is using the XF86Config to start up.
Any ideas??

Best Regards,


Re: [expert] cleaning up my mails

2001-07-10 Thread Rusty Carruth

 Hello friends
  Well time after time i get mails from the system...
 all mail are stored in my mbox i want to know how to
 clean it up ?

There are a few different things you could do.

First, you could change the forwarding to go to a different 
user (possibly on a different machine) that you log in as 
every once in a while and check the emails (but you must 
remember to do this! and you don't want to use root for that).

Second, you could (as suggested) install procmail filters
to automatically save those emails in a folder (which
you should check every once in a while! but again, you've
got to remember to do this).

Third, you could use a mail client (like ismail and
netscrape) that do automatic filing for you and set up
filing rules (again - you need to remember to check those

Fourth, if you select option 1 above and make the destination
you on some machine you log in to around once a week anyway,
and on which you get no other email, that might solve 2 problems -
the mail you don't want to see and the fact that you really
should scan it regularly...


Re: [expert] Disable ext2 fsfilesystem check on startup

2001-07-10 Thread Alexander Skwar

So sprach George Petri am Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 07:07:06PM +:
 And, how do I *prevent* the forced checks, before they drive me crazy?

Modify your /etc/fstab and set the last number to 0

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:   | - Die günstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
Uptime: 18 hours 37 minutes

Re: [expert] xhost problem

2001-07-10 Thread DStevenson

On Friday 06 July 2001 09:32, Laura Conrad wrote:
  tech == tech  DStevenson writes:

 tech Does anyone have any suggestions as to what would stop xhost
 tech allowing incoming connections for other xserver on the same
 tech network.

 I don't know what happened, but I started having similar problems when
 I upgraded to Mandrake 8.  My solution is to put the xhost+ commands
 into my .xinitrc file.
I put the xhost into the file as you suggested, no change in 
problem. I put it before the xsession command.

What files are associated with the xhost system? The program xsane returns 
the message 'Gtk cannot open display on xyz'. The other machine can open 
windows in the other direction though. It is just the one machine.

The only thing I have done is install the tiny firewall, how do you get rid 
of this to test. I noticed that when I setup the firewall, all the hosts 
files were commented out.


Re: [expert] Seagate 20.4 Gig HD for $74 -- Good deal?

2001-07-10 Thread Eric L. McClure

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:
 I am about to buy a 20.4 gig hardrive for my AMD K6-2 400 Mhz and LM
 8.0. I would appreciate your professional advise. I am considering
 buying it from TigerDirect. The Seagate 20.4 HD has a Seek time of
 8.9, a transfer rate of 100MB/s an rpm of 5400, a buffer of 512 and 3
 years warranty for $74. I am not concerned about whether it's the state
 of the art. My AMD K6-2 is already an antique. But I am concerned about
 reliability and performance. And, most of all, I would like to know
 whether LM 8.0 can handle a 20.4 Gig hard drive in the first place.
 I would appreciate your opinions.
 Thanks so much.
 Sher's Russian Web
 Benjamin and Anna Sher

yes it will.  I believe the limit is 120 gb or something like that.  I
am using a 26 gb drive from seagate.

[expert] XFdrake freezes -- help!

2001-07-10 Thread Tom Strickland

I recently transferred my hard drives to a friend's machine to help
him sort a problem out. I had to reconfigure X to get things
moving. When I came home and tried to reconfigure X, I found that
XFdrake completely freezes. What gives? I've done it enough times
before. This is a total freeze - I can't change terminals or the caps
lock light and I have to hard-reset.

What am I doing wrong?


[expert] mouse stops responding when switching between KVM switch

2001-07-10 Thread brian

I have 5 computers on my desk that share 1 KVM Switch (Belkin OmniView Pro 
8-Port). 3 PC's run MDK8.0, 2 are OpenBSD. When I switch between the MDK 
boxes, sometimes I lose control of the mouse. I can sometimes fix this by 
loging out of KDE, other times I have to reboot. I use a PS/2 Wheel mouse. Is 
there a better way to restart the mouse if I still have keyboard/console 

I remember seeing a thread about restarting lmwheel but could not find it 


[expert] Riva TNT 3D Accel

2001-07-10 Thread chadley

I would like to know if anyone could explain why in mdk 7.1 and 7.2 my
3d accel worked fine. Games include quake 3 arena  Unreal. but in 8.0
there is zero response from the dam thing.
Now yes I have updated from the nvidia site run the new drivers and done
all the manual stuff that i was told to, but when i run a game it spits
out this error (GLUT: Fatal Error in gears: OpenGL GLX extension not
supported by display: :0.0) a similar error is given when I try to run
Ive tried full half and selective install classes but dis ting don luv
me no more.


Chadley Wilson
Technical Manager 

Re: [expert] installing lm_sensors

2001-07-10 Thread etharp

Hmmm. did you try to use the menu (KApplicationsMonitoringGkrellm )?

On Monday 09 July 2001 14:14, Jim Dewar wrote:
 X-RebelTech Is Here:
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

 hi all,
 no one on the newbie list was able to answer this for me and someone
 suggested to ask here

 i have an abit bp6 motherboard running LM8 (2.4.3-20smp) with the smp
 kernel. i would very much like to be able to monitor my cpu and motherboard
 i tried to install the package from binary, not source. i think i followed
 all the instructions.
 added the suggested lines to the rc.local and modules.conf
 but i can't get further.

 does anyone have any suggestions? did i just miss something in the
 directions? should i just compile a source package instead of using a

 anyone used this on this motherboard?

 many thanks,

[expert] maximal mount count - more info (url)

2001-07-10 Thread Rusty Carruth

Concering the 'Maximal Mount count' question earlier today, 
I suggest this url:

There's some REALLY good comments in there about why you 
really want that fsck, how to avoid it when you really
want to, and so forth


Rusty E. Carruth   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE   ___
FAX:   (480) 345-8793 7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116   \e/
Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2 Tempe, AZ 85284-1825V
ICBM: 33 20' 44N   111 53' 47W

Re: [expert] Urgent! Cannot reinstall LM 8.0

2001-07-10 Thread etharp

hey, and NEXT time, try to start at run level 3 and rebuild your xf config 
files XFreeconfig (or something like that)

On Monday 09 July 2001 15:03, grassi, adriano wrote:
 Hello, 2 things to do or try;

 1. If you don't need the serial ports disable them in the bios, that may
 get you thru with the install.

 2. About uninstalling Linux, if you don't need the files just repartition
 or reformat your hard drive.

 I hope any of this helps.

 Best Regards,

 Adriano Grassi

 -Original Message-
 From: Benjamin Sher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 2:41 PM
 To: Expert
 Subject: [expert] Urgent! Cannot reinstall LM 8.0
 Importance: High

 Dear friends:

 Due to human error on my part (a nice way to say that I goofed big
 time), I will apparently have to reinstall LM 8.0. I set my Bios to
 CDrom, inserted CD1 and started my reinstallation. I am an old hand at
 this, so I should be able to do this blind-folded.

 HOWEVER, suddenly, at the second stage, LM 8.0 stops at:

 Probing for serial ports.

 And it seems to stop at this point forever and forever.

 How do I UNinstall Linux properly so I can REinstall it properly from
 my CD?

 All right, I'll reveal my human error: I inadvertently deleted my
 /etc/X11/XF86Config files. I created a new XF86Config file, but, alas,
 it's too late. LM80 cannot leap over that probing serial ports

 Thanks so very much, folks.


Re: [expert] Lack of Standards?

2001-07-10 Thread Ken Thompson

On Tuesday 10 July 2001 02:32 am, civileme wrote:
 KIndly look at

 We will be testing against this for next release.

 8.0 made many problems.  First, during its development, we had to backport
 updates to 7.2, because Cooker was not available to 7.2 users except those
 who broke their systems by installing glibc2.2.

 We took steps that this situation would not happen again by adopting a
 policy for library naming and consequently changing packaging policy to
 match, so new libraries could be added with impunity.

 Reiser fs was changed in kernel 2.4.  If you install reiser for 2.4 you may
 _not_ downgrade to the 2.2 kernel.  I have a post on MandrakeForum about
 how to install 2.2 kernel on 8.0 with Reiserfs

 And this allows an upgrade later.  So far, it appears that the Reiser
 supplied with 2.2 is more stable by far and we came close to breaking the
 kernel with all the patches to get the new reiser to work, nfs taking the
 heavy hit.

 But I do see a lot of complaining about incompatibilities here and
 elsewhere. Well , software grows and changes.  The same folks complaining
 about incompatibilities are often downloading tarballs or i386 rpms for
 other distros to get packages that they can find with i586.mdk  directly in
 /contribs.  Then, when asked, Well, I wanted the latest version  Then,
 when shown the latest version in cooker, But that's untested!  Well,
 where do they think we got the package to repackage for cooker?

 Anyway, we are advocates of standards.  There are precisely two distros
 where the menus are as identical as possible across window managers, and
 ours is one of them.  Of course some folks who develop desktops have their
 own ideas about that and decided we aren't a priority though we gave them
 all our info, so we lack the availability of a desktop that wants to do
 things their way.  Eventually, standards will be developed for those things
 (there arlready are some, as in how Window managers should communicate) and
 the issue will become a non-issue.

 Open standards can enhance development efforts and provide room for
 creativity and for long-lived software.  We hope to see those sorts of
 standards adopted.  As you will note in the link, there is a place to post
 comments for the LSB.


My question is, a while back we were advised NOT to use cooker packages,
are we then able to use them in 8.0??

Re: [expert] ppp on demand fails in 8.0 ?

2001-07-10 Thread etharp

I am guessing that you edited the /etc/ppp/options file. Correct?
I did not know that demand=yes was the correct way, I only use demand but I 
also use idle 300 to time out after 300 seconds of ino activity. I used 
ifdown ppp0 to hangup and close PPP

On Tuesday 10 July 2001 10:51, Bruno Damour wrote:

 Has anyone succeedeed to have ppp on demand on a dial up connection with
 Mdk 8 ? ppp-watch hangs as soon as i set demand=yes so that ifup ppp0
 never exits... It worked perfectly in 7.2.
 Any one knowing what happened ?

 This is EXTREMELY annoying for me because it keeps me from connecting to my
 computer over tcp-ip when i'm out... which i had get used to.

 Is that a bug in the scripts (ifup-ppp), or in ppp-watch or a problem with
 conflicting options ?

 What use is ppp-watch anyway (kppp doesnt use it and it works just fine) ?

 BTW The network configuration seems very buggy. I couldn't have eth0 up at
 boot time until i sort of used linuxconf, the control center just did
 nothing whatever i tried.


Re: [expert] Seagate 20.4 Gig HD for $74 -- Good deal?

2001-07-10 Thread Jay DeKing

LM8.0 has no trouble with my two 30gig  and one 40 gig drives, but (based on 
personal experience) I wouldn't take a Seagate drive for free.


On Monday 09 July 2001 h:47, Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:

 I am about to buy a 20.4 gig hardrive for my AMD K6-2 400 Mhz and LM
 8.0. I would appreciate your professional advise. I am considering
 buying it from TigerDirect. The Seagate 20.4 HD has a Seek time of
 8.9, a transfer rate of 100MB/s an rpm of 5400, a buffer of 512 and 3
 years warranty for $74. I am not concerned about whether it's the state
 of the art. My AMD K6-2 is already an antique. But I am concerned about
 reliability and performance. And, most of all, I would like to know
 whether LM 8.0 can handle a 20.4 Gig hard drive in the first place.

 I would appreciate your opinions.

 Thanks so much.


Life is great ... it's just the individual moments 
that make up life that seem to be the problem.

Re: [expert] xhost problem

2001-07-10 Thread Oscar

Today I have activated tiny-firewall. Here is the problem
If tiny-firewall (bastille-firewall) is off, I can run x programs on my 
server, but if it's on, I can't.
Then, the solution is: Configure correctly tiny-firewall to allow x 
conections (I still don't know how, help, experts!) or stop it.

El Vie 06 Jul 2001 12:51, escribiste:
 Hi All,

 Does anyone have any suggestions as to what would stop xhost allowing
 incoming connections for other xserver on the same network.

 I do a xhost + on the machine I am sitting at. (
 I then telnet to the and in the csh, run setenv DISPLAY and then run the program, ie: xsane for instance.

 Nothing then happens, if I strace the program, it sitts there waiting for a
 response to its connect statement, it is pointing at the correct ip

 It used to work, I have in host.allow on the line ALL: to allow all connections.I tried to use the tiny firewall, but
 each time I run it and check the hosts.* file, the hosts.* files are
 commented out. Is this normal.

 Any ideas would be appreciated.

 Mandrake 8.0 on celeron 466, 256 Ram kernel 2.4


Re: [expert] mouse stops responding when switching between KVM switch

2001-07-10 Thread Ron Johnson

On Tuesday 10 July 2001 14:47, brian wrote:
 I have 5 computers on my desk that share 1 KVM Switch (Belkin
 OmniView Pro 8-Port). 3 PC's run MDK8.0, 2 are OpenBSD. When I switch
 between the MDK boxes, sometimes I lose control of the mouse. I can
 sometimes fix this by loging out of KDE, other times I have to
 reboot. I use a PS/2 Wheel mouse. Is there a better way to restart
 the mouse if I still have keyboard/console access?

 I remember seeing a thread about restarting lmwheel but could not
 find it today.

Maybe it's your KVM?  I have an off-brand KVM that I use with
an MDK8.0  Win2k box.  The mouse is an MS IntelliMouse 1.2A.

Even though the wheel doesn't work anymore, the basic functions
of the mouse, including 3-button emulation using the wheel,
have never failed during switching.

My Mdk box is kernel 2.4.3  X 4.0.3.

| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| Jefferson, LA  USA   |
| YODA: Code! Yes. A programmer's strength flows from code   |
|   maintainability. But beware of Perl. Terse syntax... |
|   more than one way to do it...default variables. The  |
|   dark side of code maintainability are they. Easily   |
|   they flow, quick to join you when code you write. If |
|   once you start down the dark path, forever will it   |
|   dominate your destiny, consume you it will.  |

[expert] 8.0 PowerPack Install

2001-07-10 Thread David M.Kufta

Hash: SHA1

I just recieved in the post my 8.0 PowerPack which was so graciously given to 
me for helping with crash testing for 8.0
 When attempting to install from bootable CDROM, which is a creative 
cdrw6424, the cd is found when system boots but then when you recieve the 
welcome screen and choose the install vmlinuz loads and then can't find the 
cdrom drive and keeps sending back drive seek errors 0x40 0x30 and so on.
 I find this rather odd allthough I will say the only install I had done 
previously was from a local harddrive I use to mirror.
 I would appreciate any suggestions that anyone may have to offer.
 Please note:
 This is a copy of my /etc/sysconfig/hwconf
class: OTHER
bus: PCI
detached: 0
driver: ignore
desc: VIA Technologies|VT82C598 [Apollo MVP3]
vendorId: 1106
deviceId: 0598
pciType: 1
- -
class: OTHER
bus: PCI
detached: 0
driver: ignore
desc: VIA Technologies|VT82C598 [Apollo MVP3 AGP]
vendorId: 1106
deviceId: 8598
pciType: 1
- -
class: OTHER
bus: PCI
detached: 0
driver: ignore
desc: VIA Technologies|VT82C586/A/B PCI-to-ISA [Apollo VP]
vendorId: 1106
deviceId: 0586
subVendorId: 1106
pciType: 1
- -
class: OTHER
bus: PCI
detached: 0
driver: ignore
desc: VIA Technologies|VT82C586 IDE [Apollo]
vendorId: 1106
deviceId: 0571
pciType: 1
- -
class: OTHER
bus: PCI
detached: 0
driver: ignore
desc: VIA Technologies|VT82C586B ACPI
vendorId: 1106
deviceId: 3040
pciType: 1
- -
class: VIDEO
bus: PCI
detached: 0
driver: Card:S3 ViRGE (generic)
desc: S3 Inc.|ViRGE/DX or /GX
vendorId: 5333
deviceId: 8a01
subVendorId: 5333
subDeviceId: 8a01
pciType: 1
- -
class: MOUSE
bus: PSAUX
detached: 0
device: psaux
driver: genericps/2
desc: Generic PS/2 Mouse
- -
class: CDROM
bus: IDE
detached: 0
device: hdd
driver: ignore
- -
class: CDROM
bus: SCSI
detached: 0
device: scd0
driver: ignore
desc: Creative CD-RW RW6424E
host: 0
id: 0
channel: 0
lun: 0
- -
class: HD
bus: IDE
detached: 0
device: hda
driver: ignore
physical: 39714/16/63
logical: 2491/255/63
- -
class: HD
bus: IDE
detached: 0
device: hdb
driver: ignore
desc: SAMSUNG WN321620A (2.16 GB)
physical: 4186/16/63
logical: 523/128/63
- -
class: HD
bus: IDE
detached: 0
device: hdc
driver: ignore
physical: 16383/16/63
logical: 16383/16/63

 Thank's for reading.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


RE: [expert] xhost problem

2001-07-10 Thread Angus Beath

From what I have seen, try running InteractiveBastille from the
command line. Go through the various questions until you get to this
question = TCP service names or port numbers to allow on public
interfaces:. For the answer, you should put any ports down which you
want open to the world. For example I have ports 22 and 25 open (ssh and
smtp). You might want to have port 6000 open (I think it's X11). This
should allow you to successfully make X connections to your server. 



Angus Beath

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Oscar
Sent: Wednesday, 11 July 2001 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] xhost problem

Today I have activated tiny-firewall. Here is the problem
If tiny-firewall (bastille-firewall) is off, I can run x programs on my 
server, but if it's on, I can't.
Then, the solution is: Configure correctly tiny-firewall to allow x 
conections (I still don't know how, help, experts!) or stop it.

El Vie 06 Jul 2001 12:51, escribiste:
 Hi All,

 Does anyone have any suggestions as to what would stop xhost allowing
 incoming connections for other xserver on the same network.

 I do a xhost + on the machine I am sitting at.
 I then telnet to the and in the csh, run setenv DISPLAY and then run the program, ie: xsane for instance.

 Nothing then happens, if I strace the program, it sitts there waiting
for a
 response to its connect statement, it is pointing at the correct ip

 It used to work, I have in host.allow on the line ALL: to allow all connections.I tried to use the tiny
firewall, but
 each time I run it and check the hosts.* file, the hosts.* files are
 commented out. Is this normal.

 Any ideas would be appreciated.

 Mandrake 8.0 on celeron 466, 256 Ram kernel 2.4


RE: [expert] mouse stops responding when switching between KVM switch

2001-07-10 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

I have a similar arrangement with exactly the same problem and worse!

Short of control-alt-backspace, the only thing that works for me is
having a separate mouse for each Linux machine.

What is worst, is that I have a brand new Asus A7A266 Athlon 1.4 gig
system w/512 Megs DDRam, GeForce3, SBLive, etc.

Switching away from the A7A266 (ALi chipset) motherboard immediately
hangs the system.

I'm wondering if these motherboards still use the keyboard controller
for protected mode state switching...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of brian
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 3:47 PM
To: mandrake expert
Subject: [expert] mouse stops responding when switching between KVM

I have 5 computers on my desk that share 1 KVM Switch (Belkin OmniView
8-Port). 3 PC's run MDK8.0, 2 are OpenBSD. When I switch between the MDK

boxes, sometimes I lose control of the mouse. I can sometimes fix this
loging out of KDE, other times I have to reboot. I use a PS/2 Wheel
mouse. Is 
there a better way to restart the mouse if I still have keyboard/console


I remember seeing a thread about restarting lmwheel but could not find


Re: [expert] mouse stops responding when switching between KVM switch

2001-07-10 Thread mike

On Tuesday 10 July 2001 15:47, brian wrote:
 I have 5 computers on my desk that share 1 KVM Switch (Belkin OmniView Pro
 8-Port). 3 PC's run MDK8.0, 2 are OpenBSD. When I switch between the MDK
 boxes, sometimes I lose control of the mouse. I can sometimes fix this by
 loging out of KDE, other times I have to reboot. I use a PS/2 Wheel mouse.
 Is there a better way to restart the mouse if I still have keyboard/console

 I remember seeing a thread about restarting lmwheel but could not find it


I am using a USB KVM, but maybe this will help.  Try dropping to the console 
and switching of the box and back, hit enter,  then go back to X.  Try the 
mouse.  This is a pain, but it works on my setup.


[expert] App execution bug in LM8.0

2001-07-10 Thread Expert

When attempting to launch realplayer from icon, whether you have
typed in the entire path, or have the path in the /etc/profile or

When you type in the whole path and then click on the icon,
nothing happens.

When you have it in your path, it sayus cannot launch realplay.

But when typing it in a terminal window, it launches.

There is no reason for this to happen.

The path is clearly /usr/local/RealPlayer8/realplay installed from the

Permissions are set properly.

Is there an update, patch, or bugfix out yet?

[expert] additional hardware

2001-07-10 Thread Lyric

Hey all,

in addition to the video card wuestion I fired off, after browsing through
the parts at my disposal I noticed I have an Aureal Vrotex 2 superquad
card (au8830) that isn't doing anything...

Now I know that Aureal originally only released a set of beta drivers, but
I was wondering if anyone has picked up what they left off...

This was a great soundcard, and I wouldn't mind being able to use it
again if it'll work under Linux.

I'll only be using it for the occasional session of mpg123 :)

The alternative is a tried and proven ES1371 based videocard that I've
currently got running in this machine.

Anyways, if someone could get back to me on that one I'd appreciate it as

I think that's about it for now, so far the system is going to appear
somewhat like this;

AMD Duron 600
Gigabyte GA-7ZX-1 motherboard
Adaptec 2940UW SCSI adapter
3 x 4.3GB UW SCSI hard drives
1 x Narrow SCSI CD-ROM drive
1 x 20GB IDE drive (purely for raw storage)
Intel Pro 10/100 NIC
Sound and video to be determined by the responses I get from your emails

If you have any thoughts or suggestions please let me know...


Current Linux kernel 2.4.3-20mdk uptime: 10 days 6 hours 23 minutes.

Re: [expert] xhost problem

2001-07-10 Thread ninjaz

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, DStevenson wrote:
 I put the xhost into the file as you suggested, no change in 
 problem. I put it before the xsession command.
 What files are associated with the xhost system? The program xsane returns 
 the message 'Gtk cannot open display on xyz'. The other machine can open 
 windows in the other direction though. It is just the one machine.

The way I run X programs remotely is using OpenSSH's built-in X

Under most setups, it should take no more than:

ssh -l user

Then, at the prompt:

$ xsane

If you echo the display on the machine you've ssh'd to, it should already
have DISPLAY set to something.  eg:


That way, you not only get pain-free X forwarding, it's wrapped in an
ironclad encryption.  You also don't need the X ports on your workstation
open to any other machines, which can be a considerable security benefit. 
(since X runs as root and is a large and complex program  read:  more
likely to have a vulnerability somewhere than a small, simpler program ) 

To explicitly allow X support on the remote side, you may need to say:

X11Forwarding yes

And, using windows programs like SecureCRT, etc, the ones that do port
forwarding generally have a checkbox for 'forward X11 packets' or somesuch
in the port forwarding configuration section.

For a unix client (the one you initiate the ssh session on) 
ForwardX11 yes (default in mandrake)

And explicit command-line arg is -X to enable ssh forwarding. i.e., 
ssh -X -l user

There are also helpful things such as Compression that ssh can do if you
ask it.  Compression can be useful when your systems have fast CPU's, but
their network connection is not as good as you'd like.

Hope this helps!


RE: [expert] xhost problem

2001-07-10 Thread Aaron deRozario

Going slightly O/T

Is there a way of setting up dedicated X-terminals using SSH?  I can see
security and compression benefits over conventional X-terminals.  Has anyone
given it a try?


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 10:43 AM
 To:   DStevenson
 Subject:  Re: [expert] xhost problem
 On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, DStevenson wrote:
  I put the xhost into the file as you suggested, no change
  problem. I put it before the xsession command.
  What files are associated with the xhost system? The program xsane
  the message 'Gtk cannot open display on xyz'. The other machine can open
  windows in the other direction though. It is just the one machine.
 The way I run X programs remotely is using OpenSSH's built-in X
 Under most setups, it should take no more than:
 ssh -l user
 Then, at the prompt:
 $ xsane
 If you echo the display on the machine you've ssh'd to, it should already
 have DISPLAY set to something.  eg:
 That way, you not only get pain-free X forwarding, it's wrapped in an
 ironclad encryption.  You also don't need the X ports on your workstation
 open to any other machines, which can be a considerable security benefit. 
 (since X runs as root and is a large and complex program  read:  more
 likely to have a vulnerability somewhere than a small, simpler program ) 
 To explicitly allow X support on the remote side, you may need to say:
 X11Forwarding yes
 And, using windows programs like SecureCRT, etc, the ones that do port
 forwarding generally have a checkbox for 'forward X11 packets' or somesuch
 in the port forwarding configuration section.
 For a unix client (the one you initiate the ssh session on) 
 ForwardX11 yes (default in mandrake)
 And explicit command-line arg is -X to enable ssh forwarding. i.e., 
 ssh -X -l user
 There are also helpful things such as Compression that ssh can do if you
 ask it.  Compression can be useful when your systems have fast CPU's, but
 their network connection is not as good as you'd like.
 Hope this helps!

[expert] Order for building kde?

2001-07-10 Thread Praedor Tempus

I have the kde beta src rpms from cooker and would like to build them.  I 
first built kdelibs without problem and then tried kdebase but this failed 
late in the build.  Before I fiddle around and try to figure out why, could 
someone tell me the appropriate order to build these rpms?  

Under my present circumstances, it would appear to be irrelevant since I 
installed the very same cooker binary rpms - everything necessary for a 
successful build should already be there but still kdebase fails.  I am 
building them, in case anyone wonders, so I can disable the debugging - 
reducing the size of the binaries and increasing responsiveness.  

One problem with building kdebase is that it insists on a qt2-static-devel 
dependency.  There is no qt2-static-devel but there is a libqt2-static-devel 
and I have it installed.  At this point, I have done a rebuild with the 
--nodeps switch on to eliminate complaints about qt2-static-devel.  I don't 
know if that is the problem.  

How did mandrake build kdebase when mandrake uses libqt2-static-devel and the 
src rpm supplied by mandrake requires qt2-static-devel?

[expert] comparing ftp with rsync

2001-07-10 Thread daniel

Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me please -
A number of my downloads gave the wrong md5sum recently.
Is there anything I can do to get better results?

Is there a difference between using ftp to download a file and
using rsync and with an empty local directory?
(eg: rsync -avvP --stats 
. [full stop for local directory])
I wonder if the actual download process of rsync has better error checking 
as it goes along?
Are there any other alternatives?

Thank you,

[expert] Internet Sharing -- Can you help?

2001-07-10 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I have a most unusual problem having to do with Internet Sharing in LM
8.0. This is the first such problem since I installed and configured
Internet Sharing in Lm 8.0. I would very much appreciate your
troubleshooting on this issue. 

Here is what's going on:


Normally, I first configure my ADSL, usually during Install. Then,
during initial bootup and thereafter, I see both eth0 (3com 3c905B) and
eth1 (Linksys tulip) officially recognized during bootup:

etho identified
eth1 identified

Or something to that effect. I then log into the console (runlevel 3),
then log into KDE, click on Internet Connection. That connects me to the
network (my IP is Mindspring/Covad). And the Internet Monitor clearly
shows all three tabs for eth0 and eth1 and ppoe CONNECTED.

I then go back into Mandrake Control Center, Internet Sharing, run the
Wizard. It find my second eth1 card (tulip), downloads the necessary
Internet Sharing programs and, voila, it's done (enabled). And that's
the last time I need to bother with configuring Internet Sharing. It's
best, from my experience, not to try to reconfigure it or, unless you
are a computer programmer, things will quicly blow up in your face. It's
best to do this right after Install so that if something goes wrong, you
can reinstall your system and do it right. That's why I do it once and
then leave it alone. Whatever connection problems I have after never
seem to affect Internet Sharing. It remains solid and reliably
configured and always enabled.

My dual-boot Tiger AMD k6-2 (LM 8.0/Win98) with ADSL is connected by
means of a hub and crossover cable and patch cables to our second
computer, a Toshiba Win98. As I said in my previous letter, once this is
set up properly, it can weather any storm, even when the IP is down. And
it has held up flawlessly until now.


Now, for some ungodyly reason, after following the same procedure above
that has always worked before, things have gone awry:

When I boot up, neither eth0 nor eth1 are recognized. Nothing is said
about eth0 at all, and eth1 gets the error message: device unknown or
something to that effect.

I have tried removing both ethernet cards from my system, replacing them
back one at a time, reversing their location, etc. This only makes
things worse. My original installation of the the ethernet cards remains
the best one, the one that has always worked in the past.

Yet, when I log into the console and then into KDE and click on Internet
(Network Monitoring), I see eth0 and ppp0 CONNECTED. I check and indeed
I am online (ADSL).

Now, here comes the weird part. I now go into Mandrake Control Center,
Network  Internet, Connection. I open it to see if the settings are
right. Then, suddenly, before my eyes, the eth0 and eth1 cards, which
lack their IP settings, suddenly come alive like Frankestein's monster,
i.e. the (correct) settings appear all on their own volition. I choose
Expert and check my LAN settings. They are all there just as it should
be. They would have to be. That's where the sudden appearance of the IP
settings has come from. But how?

I then look again in the Network Monitor and I see eth1 added to the
list of tab entries and now all three (eth0, eth1, ppp0) are working and

Now, the first time I did this, our second computer automatically
started running ADSL. But, ever since, this manual intervention on my
part has failed to launch ADSL on the Toshiba computer. 

What is going on, please, and is there a way to solve this problem. My
instinct, such as it is in these matters, tells me that it's probably a
very minor configuration issue, but I have no idea what and how to solve
it. I have already installed our system twice with identical results.

Finally, a question about LM 8.0's Internet Sharing Wizard. If you try
to reconfigure it, as I have found out the hard way, it gets all messed
up the second time and completely ruined the third time (i.e. second
attempt at reconfiguring it using the Wizard). Is there a way to delete
the Internet Sharing configuration MANUALLY so that I could then use the
Internet Sharing Wizard to configure it from a clean slate?

Thanks so very much. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [expert] additional hardware

2001-07-10 Thread ninjaz

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Lyric wrote:

 Hey all,
 Now I know that Aureal originally only released a set of beta drivers, but
 I was wondering if anyone has picked up what they left off... is the current project to pick up where
Aureal left off.  Since it's still based on the binary drivers from Aureal
and Aureal went out of business leaving only the binaries (how rude!), it
sounds like more trouble than it's worth if you've got another card to use

 The alternative is a tried and proven ES1371 based videocard that I've
 currently got running in this machine.

I'd take option #2. ;)  I've been using an es1371 since getting a
motherboard w/o an isa slot, forcing me to give up using my GUS Max (a sad
day to be sure)

 AMD Duron 600
 Gigabyte GA-7ZX-1 motherboard
 Adaptec 2940UW SCSI adapter
 3 x 4.3GB UW SCSI hard drives
 1 x Narrow SCSI CD-ROM drive
 1 x 20GB IDE drive (purely for raw storage)
 Intel Pro 10/100 NIC
 Sound and video to be determined by the responses I get from your emails
 If you have any thoughts or suggestions please let me know...
 Current Linux kernel 2.4.3-20mdk uptime: 10 days 6 hours 23 minutes.

Re: [expert] Lack of Standards?

2001-07-10 Thread ninjaz

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, civileme wrote:
 Anyway, we are advocates of standards.  There are precisely two distros where 
 the menus are as identical as possible across window managers, and ours is 
 one of them.

When a friend asked me to help him get WindowMaker set up on Red Hat, I
was very glad about using Mandrake. ;)

Not only did I have to modify the Xsession script to add an option for
starting WindowMaker, now he has to go about building the root menu to run
programs, as it only has the bare minimum defaults as supplied in the
WindowMaker tarball.   This from the WindowMaker package in their base

Btw, where are these contribs?  I hear them bandied about quite a bit, but
I can't seem to find them.


Re: [expert] comparing ftp with rsync

2001-07-10 Thread ninjaz

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me please -
 A number of my downloads gave the wrong md5sum recently.
 Is there anything I can do to get better results?

I find that using a command-line ftp client and explicitly specifying
binary mode works every time.  

To contrast, Browsers like to give files weird tempfile names during
transfer (which complications resume), randomly crash, and have specious
cache handling (i.e., if I click on the iso link and it starts downloading
as a textfile into the broser, then go back and click save-as, is it doing
the right thing?) 

 Is there a difference between using ftp to download a file and
 using rsync and with an empty local directory?
 (eg: rsync -avvP --stats 
 . [full stop for local directory])
 I wonder if the actual download process of rsync has better error checking 
 as it goes along?

afaik, both protocols rely on the TCP layer for that.

One big downside of using rsync large file transfer is that it doesn't
support resume.


[expert] syslogd not writing logs...

2001-07-10 Thread Mark Weaver

Hi list,

something strange has happened on my system. on, or about July 6th I
finished configuring and compiling the 2.4.5 kernel and booted it. apart
from a few things that failed on boot due to small configuration issues
with that kernel and the system everything went fine. however, since then
syslogd has '0' (zeroed) out the current log files and has not written
anything to the logs at all. this is not only strange, but also disturbing
since I like to know what it going on with my system.

since this time I've also re-installed the package containing syslogd from
the 7.2 install cd's in the hopes that this would clear up the situation,
but it hasn't changed anything. and I really don't want to go through
another reinstall. that seems like a bad solution to this problem.

i've tried restarting both the system and the daemon in charge of keeping
the logs, and nothing has changed. so, what in the world could be causing
this odd behavior? any ideas?


Re[3]: [expert] Disable ext2 fsfilesystem check on startup

2001-07-10 Thread Rusty Carruth

Rusty Carruth [EMAIL PROTECTED] (that's me) wrote:

Oh - I forgot - another thing you can do, if you have more than
one filesystem, is to make the maximum mount count DIFFERENT
for each one, so that your chances of running all the fsck's at the
same time is reduced.  The only time all the filesystems will
be checked is after a bad shutdown...


Rusty E. Carruth   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE   ___
FAX:   (480) 345-8793 7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116   \e/
Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2 Tempe, AZ 85284-1825V
ICBM: 33 20' 44N   111 53' 47W

[expert] booting 7.0 and 8.0 on same machine

2001-07-10 Thread Tom Stockton


I have installed 8.0 additionally to the 7.0 I already have installed, very
nice.  However the installation of 8.0 rewrote my MBR automatically.  No
problem, I edited lilo.conf to boot the 2.2 kernel from my 7.0
distribution.  However when choosing the 7.0 option, it boots but gets lots
of errors ie is for a 2.4.3 kernel.  Consequently none of my
device drivers or interfaces get loaded ie eth0.  Do I need to specify a
different map for the old image in lilo.conf?  Is it possible to boot a 2.2
and a 2.4 kernel on the same machine.  Here is a sample from dmesg when
booting 7.0 

Linux version 2.4.3-20mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version egcs-2.91.66 
19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release / Linux-Mandrake 8.0)) #1 Sun Apr 15 23:03:10
 CEST 2001
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
 BIOS-e820:  - 0009fc00 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 0009fc00 - 000a (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 000f - 0010 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 0010 - 09ff (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 09ff - 09ff3000 (ACPI NVS)
 BIOS-e820: 09ff3000 - 0a00 (ACPI data)
 BIOS-e820:  - 0001 (reserved)
On node 0 totalpages: 40944
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 36848 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=Mandrake_7.0 ro root=306
Initializing CPU#0


Tom Stockton

Re: [expert] Show status of adsl connect

2001-07-10 Thread Gregor Maier

On 10-Jul-2001 Darcy Brodie wrote:
 Gregor Maier wrote:

 in addition to this job you could also run this script as cronjob which will
 check if the connection (ppp0 interface) is still up. if not it will
 and it will also write to a logfile that the connection was down
 I've written this script for a SuSE installation, so maybe you have to
 some directories...

 # This script checks if the specified (network-) interface is up by
 # examining ifconfigs output. If the connection is down a new
 # connection will be established

 # check this interface
 # the pid-file of the iface

 # We must be in RL 3 or 5, otherwise the script does nothing
 if [  $(runlevel | awk '{ print $2 }') -gt 2 ]
 if ! /sbin/ifconfig | /usr/bin/grep --silent $IFACE
 datestr=$(date +%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
 echo $datestr Interface $IFACE is not up. Reconnecting.  $LOGFILE
 /sbin/init.d/adsl stop  $LOGFILE
 while [ -e $PIDFILE ]
 sleep 1
 sleep 2
 /sbin/init.d/adsl start  $LOGFILE
 echo ---  $LOGFILE

 /sbin/init.d/adsl is the script that does the work for
 On a normal linux installation (everything but SuSE) the directory is

 since my ISP uses PPTP and not PPoE for the adsl connection I got some
 when the connection died. (pppd stays alife,). Therefor I shut down the
 connection with adsl stop (which will kill the pppd), wait until pppd has
 terminated and then i reconnect.

 Probalby you can just bring up your connection without the need to stop and
 then start the connection.
 So that you can do this:

  if ! /sbin/ifconfig | /usr/bin/grep --silent $IFACE
 datestr=$(date +%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
 echo $datestr Interface $IFACE is not up. Reconnecting.  $LOGFILE
 echo ---  $LOGFILE

 Would I be correct in thinking that this script could be modified to also be
 to monitor, and renew connection via a cable connection, by changing the
 eth0, adn the commands to stop the connection, adn restart to ifdown eth0 and
 eth0 ?  I have had trouble lately with my isp dropping my connection at work,
 nobody can get any of their mail until I get in.
This would only work when your eth0 interface is down after you were
disconnected by your ISP and I don't think so. Run ifconfig after your
connection died and see if you still got the eth0 interface then. If so the
script won't work.
Or maybe you can still use the script with ppp0 device. My adsl connection is
like this. eth0 is connected to my adsl modem and when i bring up the
connection a ppp-tunnel will be created. This means the ppp0 interface is
brought but (again look at ifconfig this time when the connection is up). This
ppp0 interface is my link to the isp. All communication is encapsulated througt
the eth0 interface. Maybe your cable modem works like this.

If not you could use ping to verify your connection the problem is that if you
send 10 packages with ping and just one is lost ping will return a no zero exit
value. So maybe you're reconnection more often than necesarry but i should work
if test your connection like this

Ping must fail 2 times before we believe the connection is down. The reason
is, that when you send 5 ping packages and one gets lost, than there will be a
non zero exit value and the script would reconnect. If we do the ping twice it'
a little better.
if ! (ping -c 5 ||
  ping -c 5 )
   # connection is - bring it up again
   # do some logging

E-Mail: Gregor Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 10-Jul-2001
Time: 09:03:11

RE: [expert] Hoto close some ports...

2001-07-10 Thread Gregor Maier

On 10-Jul-2001 Arman Khalatyan wrote:
 Hoto close some ports...
 I have Mandrake  7.2 with 2.4.1 kernel.
 [arm2arm@icas arm2arm]$ nmap localhost
 Starting nmap V. 2.53 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( )
 Interesting ports on localhost.localdomain (
 (The 1514 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
 Port   State   Service
 21/tcp openftp 
 23/tcp opentelnet  
 25/tcp opensmtp
 113/tcpopenauth  -- I wont to close this one   
 1024/tcp   openkdm  -- I wont to close this one   
 6000/tcp   openX11-- I wont to close this one  
 Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0 seconds
port 6000 is needed if you want to use X-Window probably the same with kdm but
i don't know. If you do block them from machines other than yours you'll have
to set up some basic firewall rules.

What to do:
run a netstat -ap | grep LISTEN. This will show all ports which are open
(where the kernel listens for connections) and it will also show you which
process is listenning there. 
If the process is xinetd this port is serveb by the super server. Go to the
/etc/xinetd.d directory and edit the matching file (should be could auth or
something alike) Add a line disable=yes to it and reload  the xinetd  server's
config files (/etc/init.d/xinetd reload)
If the owner is a different process use linuxconf do disable this process
(system services part if linuxconf).

As i mentioned above another possibility would be a firewall using iptables
(for 2.4 kernels) - have a look at for a HOWTO on
iptables and packet-filtering
E-Mail: Gregor Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 10-Jul-2001
Time: 10:28:34