[expert] Iptables usage

2002-02-19 Thread tsmets

Following the content of the very  good article in GNU/Linux magazine France
 in Linux Journal I configured the netfilter with the script here below 
end up being able to ping any host (inside or outside my private network). I
cannot however do any TCP connexions what so ever  I did a MDK 8.1
simple install  (security set to high)  worked out that
/etc/rc.d/S03iptables is invoked @ boot to parametrize netfilter. The file
initalizes a default tables with the iptables-restore command.
With that the traffic doe not go out of my local network 

I made a script base on LJ 09/2001 : Taming the wild Netfilter... but then I
can only ping the outside from the machine itself or from the  I cannot
worl out why it does when I alter some
lines  why it stops when altering others.

Could someone explain what i shoud modify to let TCP / UDP traffic reach

Config is like that :

   eth0 (dhcpd)  eth1
   +---+ FW ++ Internal network
   internet |
   | DB
Appl. srvr
   | Dev


# set -x
echo -n Firewall 
echo 0  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo deactivated

# echo Defining the routes
# route add default eth0

echo Defining the interfaces  some variables
source net.vars

# Remove all the rules from the table
${IPT} -F

for i in filter nat mangle
echo Flushing ${i}
${IPT} -t ${i} -F
${IPT} -t ${i} -X

echo Flushing ${i}
${IPT} -F ${i}

echo Deleting the filter table
${IPT} -t filter -F
${IPT} -t filter -X

echo Activation de la masquarade
${IPT} -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -d 0/0 -j MASQUERADE

echo Created filter rule
${IPT} -t filter -N tcprules
${IPT} -t filter -A tcprules -i eth0   -m state --state
${IPT} -t filter -A tcprules -i ! eth0 -m state --state
${IPT} -t filter -A tcprules -i eth0   -m state --state

${IPT} -t filter -A tcprules -i eth1 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j
${IPT} -t filter -A tcprules -i eth1 -m state --state NEW -j
${IPT} -t filter -A tcprules -i eth1 -m state --state NEW,INVALID -j

${IPT} -t filter -A INPUT   -j tcprules
${IPT} -t filter -A FORWARD -j tcprules

# ${IPT} -t filter -P INPUT DROP
# ${IPT} -t filter -P FORWARD   DROP

echo -n Firewall
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo  activated

Thomas SMETS
rue J. Wytsmanstraat 62
1050 Bruxelles
yahoo-id : smetsthomas

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Re: [expert] konqueror startup problems still... some kinda solution :@

2002-02-19 Thread Simon Naish

Thats pretty much what i do as well, I also save the contents of kdisplay folder (in 
.kde/share/apps I think) which holds any saved colour schemes u have and kdeglobals 
which is basically the dektop visual stuff - sad but I've got mine just right :) . The 
weird thing I'm getting is that this prob seems to be slowly becoming more and more 
cross user/ system wide I think. Dont ask me how. I've got it pretty much back to 
normal - went in in console and wiped /tmp/* as root, killed all .mcop and dcop, wiped 
~/.kde (after many relevant saves - kmail contents worth saving, or kiss your old mail 
good bye). 

It seemed to be behaving itself, but i put a new user on to use blackbox for watching 
movies as i have a suspicion that the use of blackbox may have put something 'out of 
Problem was the mandrake first start wizard turned up (WHY??? its not that helpful 
really - and about the only thing that gets up my nose about mdk, geting a bit m$ - u 
will sort out your internet connection now etc. - any ideas how to stop that one 
anybody?) And just would not let go, crashed the user on the second click whereever it 
was?? weird 

Then my partners user started to have trouble with konqueror :(
Upshot is I have a system that feels like its going to go t*ts up at any moment, which 
i hate. On the plus side I want to muck about with the partitions on my system anyway. 
I just wanted to do it when I put Mdk 8.2 on.

Effectively I've spent a good few days trying to discover the root cause of this and 
after much trawling through news gruops Ican say, it happens to alot of people, a lot 
of people seem to think that its something to do with kded, DCOP and kdeinit, though 
none knows exactly what yet or have a specific fix. The best fix at the moment is to 
do what u suggest. Guess i was just dead unlucky with the Mandrake wizard is all . 

Never mind. 

Before anyone thinks I'm just whingeing, I still think mdk8.1 is the best OS out there 
if u want to get on with stuf and spend as little time as poss configuring stuff, its 
just a pain that I couldnt figure out or find out a better fix than start kde from 
scratch, as that realy is a pain - hopefully mdk8.2 will be really realy stable and 
have supermount back with a kernel without alot of memory issues, that really would be 

OK my 2 pence worth over with, thanks to all who tried to help, if I get a clearer 
picture as to what makes this happen I'll post it, and a better solution hopefully :)


-Original Message-
From: Praedor Tempus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 07:41:20 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [expert] konqueror startup problems still...  ... Any more ideas truly
appreciated otherwise its reinstall time :(

 When I've had bizarre/obscure kde problems that I have
 been unable to fix, from blackbox (or CLI) I:
 delete ~/.kde (AFTER copying my addressbook.kab and
 bookmarks.xml to my home directory), delete all
 instances of .DCOP* in my home directory.  Delete all
 my /tmp entries (as user, just do rm -rf /tmp/* and
 you will delete those things that belong to you), and
 I also delete my .mcop file.  
 Upon logging back in to KDE, it starts from the
 beginning so you have to setup everything again
 (theme, colors, fonts, email account, unique kpanel
 settings, etc).  Copy your bookmarks.xml over the
 default konqueror bookmarks.xml.  As for the
 addressbook.kab, after opening up kmail again, I click
 on the addressbook which then goes through the initial
 steps of setting up your addressbook.kab.  Copy your
 saved addressbook.kab over the default/new  (I think
 it is in .kde/share/kab).  
 This has usually cleared up any obscure problems I
 might have been having
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[expert] Corrupt Filesystem

2002-02-19 Thread Ashley Reynolds

Hi All,

I've got a bit of a problem.  Recently, I compiled a new kernel and booted
it alongside my current one, 2.4.17-1mdk - after booting with the new
kernel, /dev/hda1 (a FAT32 partition on my primary hard disk), didn't

I figured that I hadn't compiled VFAT support into the kernel,
thought nothing of it, and went to boot the old kernel so that I could
recompile the new kernel with the necessary filesystem support.

However, I was faced with the same issue.

So, I tried to boot Windows XP, which resides on that partition, with
no avail.  LILO just refreshes the display.

After poking around the logs, I turned up the following:

MSDOS FS: IO charset iso8859-1
MSDOS FS: Using codepage 850
FAT: bogus logical sector size 5376
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev 03:01.
FAT: freeing iocharset=iso8859-1

Feb 19 21:39:01 gumby mount: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad
superblock on /dev/hda1,
Feb 19 21:39:01 gumby mount:or too many mounted file systems

I don't believe this has been caused by the new kernel, as I have compiled
and run countless kernels without such trouble.  I do, however, have a
feeling that the filesystem may have been corrupted when the machine was
earlier rebooted unintentionally.

My question is this:  Is there any possible way to fix the corrupted
partition/filesystem, as it has some crucical data on it, that I *really*
don't want to lose.

I look forward to any help that you guys can offer.


Ashley Reynolds - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who
does not ask remains a fool forever.

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[expert] When PHP sends a mail, the mailer appears to be apache

2002-02-19 Thread Oscar

Hi all,
When PHP sends a mail, the mailer appears to be apache
I'm using postfix on this machine.
The mailer must be administrator or anything like this.
I have tried putting the line:
apache administrator
in /etc/postfix/canonical, running postmap /etc/postfix/canonical and
restarting postfix, but the sender still appears to be apache.
How can I change it?

 /`'\  Usuario de Linux Registrado #227443
(\_;/) http://counter.li.org/

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[expert] I Broke Konqueror

2002-02-19 Thread Tom Badran

Hash: SHA1

Odd one this. Im using the mandrake gaming edition (based on 8.1) and it is 
working nicely. I have the high performance liquid theme installed for kde, 
and everything was working great, until yesterday. For some unknow reason, 
konqueror has stopped working completely. I cant get my home directory up at 
all. I tried starting kfmclient (with the options) from a command line and it 
gives no errors, but just stops. I have deleted eveythin i can find on 
konqueror from ~/.kde and still no luck.

Any one seen this problem before?


- -- 
Tom Badran
Imperial College, Department of Computing
- ---
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[expert] Weel USB Mouse and Nautilus

2002-02-19 Thread Fedneg


I'm using Mandrake 8.1 in an Athlon box with optical Logitech iFeel
Mouse (USB). The weel mouse works OK in ALL applications but Nautilus. I
did not care very much for a long but yesterday give a try to Mandrake
8.2 beta2, and found the same problem. As I don't have this problem with
my Woody instalation I am wondering what's wrong in my Mandrake
I send you my XF86Config-4 file, if it may help.

Thank you in advance.


# File generated by XFdrake.

# **
# Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of
# this file.
# **

Section Files

RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
# By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.

FontPath   unix/:7100


# **
# Server flags section.
# **

Section ServerFlags

# Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a signal is
# received.  This may leave the console in an unusable state, but may
# provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in debugging

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltBS server abort sequence
# This allows clients to receive this key event.

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltKP_+/KP_- mode switching
# sequences.  This allows clients to receive these key events.

# This  allows  the  server  to start up even if the
# mouse device can't be opened/initialised.


# **
# Input devices
# **

# **
# Keyboard section
# **

Section InputDevice

Identifier Keyboard1
Driver  Keyboard
Option AutoRepeat  250 30

Option XkbRules xfree86
Option XkbModel pc105
Option XkbLayout es


# **
# Pointer section
# **

Section InputDevice

Identifier  Mouse1
Driver  mouse
Option ProtocolIMPS/2
Option Device  /dev/usbmouse
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5
Option Emulate3Buttons no
#Option Emulate3Timeout50

# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice

#Option ChordMiddle


Section Module

# This loads the DBE extension module.


# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.

SubSection  extmod
#Option omit xfree86-dga

# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules


# **
# Monitor section
# **

# Any number of monitor sections may be present

Section Monitor
Identifier monitor1
VendorName Unknown
ModelName  Unknown

# HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified.
# HorizSync may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
# comma separated list of ranges of values.
HorizSync  30-70

# VertRefresh is in Hz unless units are specified.
# VertRefresh may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
# comma separated list of ranges of values.
VertRefresh 50-160

# This is a set of extended mode timings typically used for laptop,
# TV fullscreen mode or DVD fullscreen output.
# These are available along with standard mode timings.

# Sony Vaio C1(X,XS,VE,VN)?
# 1024x480 @ 85.6 Hz, 48 kHz hsync
ModeLine 1024x48065.00 1024 1032 1176 1344   480  488  494  563 -hsync -vsync

# 768x576 @ 79 Hz, 50 kHz hsync
ModeLine 768x576 50.00  768  832  846 1000   576  590  595  630
# 768x576 @ 100 Hz, 61.6 kHz hsync
ModeLine 768x576 63.07  768  800  960 1024   576  578  590  616


# **
# Graphics device section
# **

Section Device
Identifier Generic VGA
Driver vga

Section Device

[expert] Win2k Portuguese and Samba

2002-02-19 Thread Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva

Hi Folks,

A weird thing.  We have here some box with Win2k (English and
Portuguese versions) and several MDK box.  Win2k Eng can connected to MDK
boxes via Samba without problem but when I try it from Win2k Port I got:

(My translation)

\\_Linux_box_ not accessible
The account has no authorization to logon this workstation

So I'm sure that's not a Linux Samba problem (Win98 works well too, any

I hope to find a help here despite of my singular issue.

Many thanks in advance.

Alan Wilter S. da Silva
 Laboratório de Física Biológica
  Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho
   Universidade do Brasil/UFRJ
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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[expert] databases for linux

2002-02-19 Thread Harold Hartley

I was wondering how many database software is there available for linux 
and what the names of them may be..


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Re: [expert] Brooktree Bt848 TV with DMA push

2002-02-19 Thread J.P. Pasnak

On Monday 18 February 2002 22:11, lornes wrote:
 On Monday 18 February 2002 11:01 pm, J.P. Pasnak wrote:
  Just snow. I hooked the cable up to the TV, and it works fine.   Tried
  both connectors (it has TV/Radio and no manual :)), and still nothing.  
  I don't have any Windows boxes around here anymore, so I can't test it
  that way

 Gee. I'll be darned if it doesn't sound like either a hardware address
 or somehow someway the frequency isn't correct. Since you are using
 mandrake is it safe to assume you are using xawtv? Check your config file
 and see if it is similar to this:

Already checked the config file (but thanks).   I'm leaning towards a 
hardware address problem, so I guess it's time to start moving cards to see 
if I can track this down.

Live fast, die young,
you're sucking up my bandwidth.
J.P. Pasnak, CD

 Kernel version: 2.4.17-18mdk
Current Linux uptime: 18 hours 44 minutes.

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Re: [expert] Weel USB Mouse and Nautilus

2002-02-19 Thread lornes

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 05:37 am, Fedneg wrote:

   I'm using Mandrake 8.1 in an Athlon box with optical Logitech iFeel
 Mouse (USB). The weel mouse works OK in ALL applications but Nautilus. I
 did not care very much for a long but yesterday give a try to Mandrake
 8.2 beta2, and found the same problem. As I don't have this problem with
 my Woody instalation I am wondering what's wrong in my Mandrake
   I send you my XF86Config-4 file, if it may help.

 Thank you in advance.


To test a theory of mine, try changing it out for the standarx PS/2 mouse. 
NON wheel mouse and see if it works. 

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Re: [expert] Corrupt Filesystem

2002-02-19 Thread Mario Michael da Costa

Ashley Reynolds wrote:
 Hi All,
 I've got a bit of a problem.  Recently, I compiled a new kernel and booted
 it alongside my current one, 2.4.17-1mdk - after booting with the new
 kernel, /dev/hda1 (a FAT32 partition on my primary hard disk), didn't
 I figured that I hadn't compiled VFAT support into the kernel,
 thought nothing of it, and went to boot the old kernel so that I could
 recompile the new kernel with the necessary filesystem support.
 However, I was faced with the same issue.
 So, I tried to boot Windows XP, which resides on that partition, with
 no avail.  LILO just refreshes the display.
 After poking around the logs, I turned up the following:
 MSDOS FS: IO charset iso8859-1
 MSDOS FS: Using codepage 850
 FAT: bogus logical sector size 5376
 VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev 03:01.
 FAT: freeing iocharset=iso8859-1
 Feb 19 21:39:01 gumby mount: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad
 superblock on /dev/hda1,
 Feb 19 21:39:01 gumby mount:or too many mounted file systems
 I don't believe this has been caused by the new kernel, as I have compiled
 and run countless kernels without such trouble.  I do, however, have a
 feeling that the filesystem may have been corrupted when the machine was
 earlier rebooted unintentionally.
 My question is this:  Is there any possible way to fix the corrupted
 partition/filesystem, as it has some crucical data on it, that I *really*
 don't want to lose.
 I look forward to any help that you guys can offer.

man that gotta hurt. i am still pretty much a newbie, but what i would
try to do is put in the mandrake cd and boot from it. when it comes to
the disk partitioning part check to see if it recognises the FAT32
partition. if it does then maybe all is not lost yet. discontinue the
install and then connect the hdd to another windoz pc and see if that
will read the partition. if yes then recover your data from there. or
if you have a spare hdd, load windblows on that and then boot of that
with your orig hdd connected as slave, and try. 
since you said FAT32, maybe you can boot of a win 98 se floppy with
windblows fdisk on it and try 'fdisk /mbr' it is possible that only
your mbr is corrupt. you will lose lilo though, but this is easily
recovered IF you make a linux bootdisk first or simply upgrade your
linux with the same distro that you have.

keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best,

 The software said 'runs on Win95 or better,' so I installed it on

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Re: [expert] databases for linux

2002-02-19 Thread Alexander Skwar

»Harold Hartley« sagte am 2002-02-19 um 08:16:50 -0800 :
 I was wondering how many database software is there available for linux 

hmm, i can think of 4 right now.

 and what the names of them may be..

mysql, postgresql, oracle, cache

Alexander Skwar
How to quote:   http://learn.to/quote (german) http://quote.6x.to (english)
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   Uptime: 6 days 6 hours 12 minutes

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Re: [expert] databases for linux

2002-02-19 Thread Mike Leone

From: Alexander Skwar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

»Harold Hartley« sagte am 2002-02-19 um 08:16:50 -0800 :
 I was wondering how many database software is there available for linux 

hmm, i can think of 4 right now.

 and what the names of them may be..

mysql, postgresql, oracle, cache

Also Informix, DB2, and probably others have Linux versions.

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RE: [expert] databases for linux

2002-02-19 Thread Chad

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle (i believe), DB2, dbMetrix, Informix-SE,
Interbase, jBASE, mSQL, Znd

check out: http://www.linux.org/apps/all/Office/Database.html


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Harold Hartley
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 11:17 AM
Subject: [expert] databases for linux

I was wondering how many database software is there available for linux
and what the names of them may be..


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Re: [expert] databases for linux

2002-02-19 Thread wim

PostgreSQL and MySQL are databases for Linux.

Kind regards,

Wim De Hul
Belgacom Belbone

  Mobile : +32 479 952004
  Ripe   : WDH25-RIPE
  Registered Linux User: #260015

Harold Hartley wrote:

 I was wondering how many database software is there available for linux 
 and what the names of them may be..
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[expert] Upgrading Mozilla problems

2002-02-19 Thread Mitchell, Edmund

Hello all

On a stock install of LM8.1, I'm trying to upgrade the .9.4 Mozilla with the
.9.7 Mozilla Mandrake .rpm from rpmfind.
I did an rpm -Uvh --test mozilla(etc)
and got failed dependencies for 
libnspr4 = 0.9.7 is needed by mozilla-0.9.7-4.1.mdk
libnss3 = 0.9.7 is needed by mozilla-0.9.7-4.1.mdk
and then a couple more dependencies about mozilla mail and mozilla irc.

I'm not sure what it wants - I have libnspr4 and libnss3.  
I tried to upgrade to Mozilla 0.9.8, but got the same errors, which was why
I thought I'd try .9.7.

When I try --nodeps, it says file /usr/lib/libnssckbi.so from install of
mozilla-0.9.7-4.1.mdk conflicts with file from package libnss3-3.2.1-6mdk

I don't even want Mozilla, I'm actually trying to upgrade galeon, but it
wants Mozilla, so I'm caught in this nasty web.

Thanks for any help


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RE: [expert] databases for linux

2002-02-19 Thread Aron Pilhofer

To expand some...

MySQL is a wicked fast db with some limitations. I am using it right now for
a project and I'm really wishing it supported views, for example. To the
good, it is really, really fast, light and stable.

Postgre has many more features and is supposed to be a lot faster than it
used to be with the most recent version. I have seen benchmarks that support
this, and some that refute it. But in any case, it does have a lot better
feature set than MySQL - particularly for handling dates. It also supports
views and subqueries.

PG has a really slick GUI too: PG access. You really can't go wrong with
either one, but there are advantages/disadvantages to each depending on the
project you are planning.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of wim
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] databases for linux

PostgreSQL and MySQL are databases for Linux.

Kind regards,

Wim De Hul
Belgacom Belbone

  Mobile : +32 479 952004
  Ripe   : WDH25-RIPE
  Registered Linux User: #260015

Harold Hartley wrote:

 I was wondering how many database software is there available for linux
 and what the names of them may be..



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[expert] Hot to remove the default route to

2002-02-19 Thread Stefano POGLIANI

For sure I did something wrong when installing MDK 8.1, but
I have a default route on eth0 which prevents me from using
the internet.

When I execute route delete default as root, everything comes back

I would like to ask if anyone knows how to make this permanent,
i.e. avoiding the default route on eth0.

Grepping thru the /etc/rc.d files seem to point to some script
under sysconfig, but I do not think this is the way to go...
at least without knowing what to do.

Thanks a lot for any help. Best regards


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Re: [expert] KDE 3 beta 2

2002-02-19 Thread Praedor Tempus

Not yet.

I'll let you know if/when I do.  I am presently trying
to find/build a koffice version that will work with
KDE 3.

--- Balaji Ramani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have you figured out how to get more themes?  I too
 see just the default qt 
 stuff and would love to use something different.

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Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

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Re: [expert] Upgrading Mozilla problems

2002-02-19 Thread Dave Sherman

On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 08:18, Mitchell, Edmund wrote:
 Hello all
 On a stock install of LM8.1, I'm trying to upgrade the .9.4 Mozilla with the
 .9.7 Mozilla Mandrake .rpm from rpmfind.
 I did an rpm -Uvh --test mozilla(etc)
 and got failed dependencies for 
 libnspr4 = 0.9.7 is needed by mozilla-0.9.7-4.1.mdk
 libnss3 = 0.9.7 is needed by mozilla-0.9.7-4.1.mdk
 and then a couple more dependencies about mozilla mail and mozilla irc.
 I'm not sure what it wants - I have libnspr4 and libnss3.  
 I tried to upgrade to Mozilla 0.9.8, but got the same errors, which was why
 I thought I'd try .9.7.
 When I try --nodeps, it says file /usr/lib/libnssckbi.so from install of
 mozilla-0.9.7-4.1.mdk conflicts with file from package libnss3-3.2.1-6mdk
 I don't even want Mozilla, I'm actually trying to upgrade galeon, but it
 wants Mozilla, so I'm caught in this nasty web.

I ran into the same issue, and used --nodeps and --force to install the
RPMs. This worked fine for Mozilla 0.9.7 and Galeon 1.0.2 (I also use
Galeon for my primary browser).

Be aware, however, that Mozilla 0.9.8 has the potential to break
Evolution 1.0.2 because of a version conflict with libnspr4. I tried to
upgrade, had several problems, and just went back to Mozilla 0.9.7. Even
with the errors you (and I) ran into, everything works fine.

Beware the wrath of dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with ketchup.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [expert] databases for linux

2002-02-19 Thread Rob

also sybase, DB3, and Ingres.

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 13:41, you wrote:
 »Harold Hartley« sagte am 2002-02-19 um 08:16:50 -0800 :
  I was wondering how many database software is there available for linux

 hmm, i can think of 4 right now.

  and what the names of them may be..

 mysql, postgresql, oracle, cache

 Alexander Skwar

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Re: [expert] Upgrading Mozilla problems

2002-02-19 Thread Felix Miata

Mitchell, Edmund wrote:
 On a stock install of LM8.1, I'm trying to upgrade the .9.4 Mozilla with the
 .9.7 Mozilla Mandrake .rpm from rpmfind.
 I did an rpm -Uvh --test mozilla(etc)
 and got failed dependencies for
 libnspr4 = 0.9.7 is needed by mozilla-0.9.7-4.1.mdk
 libnss3 = 0.9.7 is needed by mozilla-0.9.7-4.1.mdk
 and then a couple more dependencies about mozilla mail and mozilla irc.
 I'm not sure what it wants - I have libnspr4 and libnss3.
 I tried to upgrade to Mozilla 0.9.8, but got the same errors, which was why
 I thought I'd try .9.7.
 When I try --nodeps, it says file /usr/lib/libnssckbi.so from install of
 mozilla-0.9.7-4.1.mdk conflicts with file from package libnss3-3.2.1-6mdk
 I don't even want Mozilla, I'm actually trying to upgrade galeon, but it
 wants Mozilla, so I'm caught in this nasty web.

I tried to go straight from a box stock 8.1 install to Mozilla 0.9.8
from cooker. I got failed deps on libnspr4, libnss3  libpng.so.3. I was
able to rpm the lib* files, but there is no libpng.so.3 on cooker. 0.9.8
runs, but it doesn't display any png images. How can Mozilla depend on
something that doesn't exist?
Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways.
Psalm 128:1 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.members.atlantic.net/

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Re: [expert] Problem with file systems ?

2002-02-19 Thread Larry Sword

Eduardo P.Román O. wrote:
 Hi, i want to know if the follow out said some thing wrong ;
 [root@epropc root]# df -h
 FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda5 9.2G  4.7G  4.0G  54% /
 none   62M 0   61M   0% /dev/shm
 Segmentation fault
 [root@epropc root]#
 Why i get Segment fault?, how can i fix that ?
 Thanks folks

Can you post your /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab file?

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Re: [expert] Win2k Portuguese and Samba

2002-02-19 Thread Ken Nowack

Sounds like a permissions issue more than a language
issue. I'll assume that you went through all the basic
connectivity troubleshooting steps as well. ie - yes
the machines can talk to each other over tcp/ip, yes
the LMHOSTS/WINS/DNS naming system works, yes this
machine is on the same subnet and workgroup, yes the
client and host machine have valid identical user
accounts set up, etc. If not, start there. If you have
done that already, what else is in the error logs? I
have my samba set up to log each individual client
that connects, that will help to track down any errors
you are receiving. 

Like so: log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

The other tool I've used to track down samba issues is
ethereal to snoop packets sent back and forth. Apart
from some random unimplemented stuff win2k and samba
have been getting along fairly well for me.

Anyway, if you haven't sorted it out already, why
don't you forward your smb.conf file and any other
errors you're getting from this machine when you try
and connect it. 

Ken Nowack

--- Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Folks,
   A weird thing.  We have here some box with Win2k
 (English and
 Portuguese versions) and several MDK box.  Win2k Eng
 can connected to MDK
 boxes via Samba without problem but when I try it
 from Win2k Port I got:
 (My translation)
 \\_Linux_box_ not accessible
 The account has no authorization to logon this
 So I'm sure that's not a Linux Samba problem (Win98
 works well too, any
   I hope to find a help here despite of my singular
 Many thanks in advance.
 Alan Wilter S. da Silva
  Laboratório de Física Biológica
   Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho
Universidade do Brasil/UFRJ
 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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RE: [expert] LILO Problem - Loading Linux EBDA too big

2002-02-19 Thread Jorge A. Pichardo

Yep. I updated the kernel through the Mandrake wizard and it burped
until the machine was booted. Anyway, thanks for the clues Braian and
BillK! It is up and running again! By the way when I run the boot CD and
going to the process of the expert mode choosing the update I got the
error fsck failed with exit code 4 or signal 0 when it reaches the
security check. I tried to run a series of switches in the LILO in
rescue mode to rebuild the device and I didn't work telling me
Fatal:open /boot/vmlinuz: no such file or directory. I looked into the
/boot and I had to rebuild the symbolic link pointing to the right
file for the vmlinuz file and that was it. It worked charmy. 

Thanks folks

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of William Kenworthy
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 5:23 PM
To: Mandrake Expert
Subject: Re: [expert] LILO Problem - Loading Linux EBDA too big

To add a bit more: when you changed the kernel, lilo is trying to load
the kernel using the old boot info and what the obtuse error message is
saying is that it doesnt match what it thinks it should be loading.  The
cure is to read man lilo and use the chroot option to to write the new
kernel information to the boot sector whilst mounted in rescue mode.


On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 09:04, Brian Parish wrote:
 Have you upgraded the kernel by any chance?  This is usually the 
 scenario that causes this.  Anyway, the easiest way out is to boot 
 from the install CD, choose expert mode, choose update, choose no 
 packages to install, then just run through a standard install (very 
 quickly).  This should straighten on the chaos in your /boot and get 
 you running again.
 If it was a kernel upgrade that caused it, note for the future that 
 even though the kernel appears in the security updates list, it should

 NEVER be installed that way.  Instead, download it and do rpm -ivh 
 kernel... so that it gets installed alongside your existing kernel.
 On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 11:34, Jorge A. Pichardo wrote:
  Hi all,
  I posted my problem in the newbies group and didn't get no answer 
  yet. So I posted it here. For some reason this morning appeared a 
  message in my linux box: Loading Linux EBDA too big and the system

  halts. It is the same everytime I boot it.
  I tried to rescue it with the mandrake install CD and tried chroot 
  /mnt and all my directory structure seems ok (boot, dev, home,...) 
  now in /  then I tried to mount /boot but I had this error can't 
  find boot in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab I looked into those files and 
  I saw nothing about the /boot and I can't get it booted yet. I 
  read somewhere else that I need to remount the /boot and run sync 
  a couple of times followed by a lilo -v -v as commands. But I have 
  no luck yet.
  At this point I don't know how to proceed. Any thoughts, 
  Jorge Pichardo
  Victoria - Vancouver British Columbia, Canada
  Tel: +250-370-5250
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  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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[expert] Wireless networking with Linux

2002-02-19 Thread Robert Goshko

Greetings all,

I have been looking at adding 802.11b wireless networking to my home
network and was wondering was products out their have been found to work
best with Linux?

I have looked into the D-Link series and there are Linux drivers
available for the PCMCIA cards (I looked at the DWL650 card).

The access point I looked at (D-Link DWL1000AP) did not list Linux on
the box, but from what I could find, that was just for D-Link's software
to configure the box, and I have a Win2k machine that I could do this

One odd thing I noticed, is that the D-Link access point supported up to
128-bit WEP, but the PCMCIA card only supported 40-bit WEP.

Thanks, any other information would be great.

Robert Goshko  Axis Computer Consulting Services, Inc
President  Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
http://www.axis-dev.com/  Supporting the Revolution In Your World
Registered Linux User #260513
 10:29am  up 23:00,  2 users,  load average: 1.35, 1.47, 1.36

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Re: [expert] databases for linux

2002-02-19 Thread Jim Dawson

Also Interbase, mSQL, and SapDB

-Original Message-
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 13:57:44 +
Subject: Re: [expert] databases for linux

also sybase, DB3, and Ingres.

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 13:41, you wrote:
 »Harold Hartley« sagte am 2002-02-19 um 08:16:50 -0800 :
  I was wondering how many database software is there available for linux

 hmm, i can think of 4 right now.

  and what the names of them may be..

 mysql, postgresql, oracle, cache

 Alexander Skwar

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Re: [expert] MySql permissions and configuration

2002-02-19 Thread Ken Thompson

On Monday 18 February 2002 05:41 pm, you wrote:

 my.cnf is **not** for setting up permissions like who is allowed to
 create/alter/update/etc tables.

 if you are not allowed to alter tables, it is **very** likely that you
 have to GRANT the user you are using to connect to the database the
 relevant permissions:

 first log into the database:

 % mysql -uroot -pTheMYSQLRootPasswordYouChose mysql

 then tell the database who is allowed to do what:

 GRANT INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE, ON foodatabase.* TO $username@localhost
 IDENTIFIED BY $password;

I still get access denied to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Even logged in as root eg: mysql -uroot -p
It let's me log in but won't let me do annnything..
FWIW, i un-installed MySql and reinstalled it with urpm(e)  (i), same 

 that should be it.



 On Mon, 2002-02-18 at 23:30, Aron Pilhofer wrote:
  I think (and don't quote me) you have to create the my.cnf file yourself.
  I don't think it is required, but mysql will look for it when it
  launches. Not 100 percent sure about that, but I think that's why you
  aren't finding it.
  However, the problem you're describing sounds like a permissions issue -
  what error message are you getting when you try to create a db?
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ken Thompson
  Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 5:21 PM
  Subject: [expert] MySql permissions and configuration
  Where are the configuration files for MySql found?
  I've looked everywhere I can think of and still no joy.
  Looking in /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql I found this bit of info,
  # If you want to affect other MySQL variables, you should make
  your changes
  # in the /etc/my.cnf or other configuration files.
  Locate doesn't find my.cnf anywhere on my system.
  The problem is that I can't use webmin or phpMyAdmin or the CLI to
  create a
  I can log onto the test db but that's as far as it goes.
  There has to be a global config file somewhere doesn't there??
  Surley it's not gremlin powered G.
  Ken Thompson, North West Antique Autos
  Payette, Idaho
  Sales and brokering of antique autos and parts.
  Linux- Coming Soon To A Desktop Near You
  Registered Linux User #183936
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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Ken Thompson, North West Antique Autos
Payette, Idaho
Sales and brokering of antique autos and parts.

Linux- Coming Soon To A Desktop Near You
Registered Linux User #183936

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Re: [expert] Hot to remove the default route to

2002-02-19 Thread James

   Are you using DHCP or a Static IP number and route?


On Tue, 19 Feb 2002 16:05:38 +0100

 For sure I did something wrong when installing MDK 8.1, but
 I have a default route on eth0 which prevents me from using
 the internet.
 When I execute route delete default as root, everything comes back
 I would like to ask if anyone knows how to make this permanent,
 i.e. avoiding the default route on eth0.
 Grepping thru the /etc/rc.d files seem to point to some script
 under sysconfig, but I do not think this is the way to go...
 at least without knowing what to do.
 Thanks a lot for any help. Best regards

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[expert] KDE3 styles

2002-02-19 Thread Balaji Ramani

Hi all,

To get the other styles displayed in kcontrol, add the following line to 


You don't have to restart KDE to load the new plugins.

Have fun,

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RE: [expert] Hot to remove the default route to

2002-02-19 Thread Stefano POGLIANI

I am using a static IP number ( This
computer is attached to the Internet and will share the 
connection with others.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of James
 Sent: 19 February 2002 18:44
 Subject: Re: [expert] Hot to remove the default route to
Are you using DHCP or a Static IP number and route?
 On Tue, 19 Feb 2002 16:05:38 +0100
  For sure I did something wrong when installing MDK 8.1, but
  I have a default route on eth0 which prevents me from using
  the internet.
  When I execute route delete default as root, everything comes back
  I would like to ask if anyone knows how to make this permanent,
  i.e. avoiding the default route on eth0.
  Grepping thru the /etc/rc.d files seem to point to some script
  under sysconfig, but I do not think this is the way to go...
  at least without knowing what to do.
  Thanks a lot for any help. Best regards

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[expert] Secure settings and opening port 137

2002-02-19 Thread Jean-Christophe Berthon


I'd like to launch the daemon nmbd for using it with samba but it cannot
launch because it cannot open the port 137. I'm using Mdk 8.0 and installed
it with security level set to 'High' as this computer is intended to host
many daemons servers...
The problem is that I have no clue where I have to tell it where to disable
security for this port...

Thanks for any help :-)))

Best regards,
Jean-Christophe Berthon

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Re: [expert] KDE3 styles

2002-02-19 Thread Praedor Tempus

Thanks.  And oops.  I did as you instructed, selected
System++ and pop, KDE crashed and now I cannot log
back into it.
  Once again it seems that System++ makes KDE unstable
(Why?  Why would a STYLE have squat to do with
stability?!).  It crashes out to the kdm login screen
upon trying to load the window manager.



--- Balaji Ramani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 To get the other styles displayed in kcontrol, add
 the following line to 

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Re: [expert] KDE3 styles

2002-02-19 Thread Praedor Tempus

Well, well.  Doing this and selecting System++ nicely
wrecked my setup.  It not only crashes KDE before it
can start, it also apparently wipes out all my
settings NOT related to style.  I get to start over,
with the color scheme, background, rebuilding my
addressbook, etc, etc.
Styles simply should NOT in any way affect system
stability.  I mean, c'mon!  They're just slight
alterations to the shape and color of widgets!  It's
eyecandy, nothing more, but it is capable of bringing
down the entire environment?

Be warned.

--- Balaji Ramani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 To get the other styles displayed in kcontrol, add
 the following line to 

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Re: [expert] Wireless networking with Linux

2002-02-19 Thread Praedor Tempus

Access points, I don't yet know but I would go with
one that supports web configuration so that it does't
require windoze at all.  

The cards...there are many good ones.  I have a
netgear ma401, cheap and works up to 128 bit wep (you
can always use vpn or encryption other than builtin
wep with ANY card).  I also have an Orinoco Gold (128
bit wep support) and a nice ZoomAir card (supports 128
bit wep too).

A REALLY good card, but pricier, is a Cisco Aironet


--- Robert Goshko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Greetings all,
 I have been looking at adding 802.11b wireless
 networking to my home
 network and was wondering was products out their
 have been found to work
 best with Linux?

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Re: [expert] Secure settings and opening port 137

2002-02-19 Thread Oscar

El mar, 19-02-2002 a las 20:18, Jean-Christophe Berthon escribió:
 I'd like to launch the daemon nmbd for using it with samba but it cannot
 launch because it cannot open the port 137. I'm using Mdk 8.0 and installed
 it with security level set to 'High' as this computer is intended to host
 many daemons servers...
 The problem is that I have no clue where I have to tell it where to disable
 security for this port...
 Thanks for any help :-)))
 Best regards,
 Jean-Christophe Berthon

You can try some things:

1. See in /etc/services if the line for port 137 is commented, and
uncomment it.

2. Maybe you must add some IP's to /etc/hosts.allow, or delete the entry
ALL:ALL EXCEPT localhost:DENY in /etc/hosts.deny

3. If you are running bastille-firewall, you must edit the file
/etc/Bastille/bastille-firewall.cfg and add the port 137 to the line
TCP_PUBLIC_SERVICES, and then restart the bastille-firewall service.

I hope this will help you.
 /`'\  Usuario de Linux Registrado #227443
(\_;/) http://counter.li.org/

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[expert] Only root can use dri how to fix it?

2002-02-19 Thread Steve Kieu


For some reason I dont know but today when I run
bzflags as normal user, things are terribly slow ;
even I have to reset the computer, I guess something
wrong with dri. After reboot, I try to run it as root
and it is good. Some permission is wrong but I dont
know how to fix it; probably the mod xxx under Load
glx in Xconfig file? 

Pls help


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[expert] File server

2002-02-19 Thread Kathy Montgomery

I have a Windows 98/Mandrake regular computer and a Win 98/Mandrake
laptop.  That's 4 separate filesystems on which to be confused about
where I have left my files. For that reason, I was thinking about
creating a little LAN (that would not need to be connected to the
Internet), and setting up a third machine as a file server.  That way,
whatever OS/machine I'm on I could access the same files

Has anyone done this or does anyone have any tips on getting started?
Would I need any hardware besides a hub and Ethernet cards?  Could I use
Samba to see the served files from Windows?  Do I have to use NFS on the
server?  Any recommended backup strategies?  Could I find information
about this subject in any system administration book?


Unix fun:

$ cat food in can
cat: cannot open food in can

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Re: [expert] File server

2002-02-19 Thread Mike Leone

 Has anyone done this or does anyone have any tips on getting started?


 Would I need any hardware besides a hub and Ethernet cards?  Could I use

No. Well, the cables. :-)

 Samba to see the served files from Windows?  Do I have to use NFS on the
 server?  Any recommended backup strategies?  Could I find information

Yes, Samba is the way to go. And no, NFS is not required, because the Mdk 
installations can use Samba to share, just as easily as they can use NFS. However, 
since Win9x can't use NFS, might as well just stick with 1 sharing solution - Samba. 
And backups are good. :-)

On my work LAN, we do a 3 week rotation of tapes - IOW, we can get back any file 
within the last 3 weeks.

 about this subject in any system administration book?

Dunno about *any*, but yes, specificially in the Samba book.

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Re: [expert] File server

2002-02-19 Thread Michael Viron

Has anyone done this or does anyone have any tips on getting started?
I'm sure many people on this list have either done this, or done something
similar.  For the file server, you'd use samba (if you are sharing to a
workstation / laptop in windows mode) or nfs (if you are sharing to a unix

Would I need any hardware besides a hub and Ethernet cards?  
Other than the 3rd machine, a hub, ethernet cards, and of course cat5
cable, no.

Could I use Samba to see the served files from Windows?
Yes, samba was / is being developed to share linux directories with windows
machines.  Take a look at http://www.samba.org .

 Do I have to use NFS on the server?  
Not unless you are sharing the directories on the server to another linux
box.  If you are, it is best to do so via nfs, although it can also be done
via samba, provided that the linux box (the client, not the server) has the
samba-client rpm installed.

 Any recommended backup strategies? 
This largely depends on what type of hardware the server is going to have.
Several options for 'onsite' backup include tape backups, lan backups, cd
backups, hard drive backups, and so forth.  You could also send it offsite.

 Could I find information
about this subject in any system administration book?

Take a look at linuxdoc.org before you buy any books.  If you do want to
purchase books, Books-A-Million and Barnes and Noble have pretty extensive
tech sections.

Michael Viron
Independent Systems / Administration Consultant
Pensacola, FL


Unix fun:

$ cat food in can
cat: cannot open food in can

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[expert] Boot Loader Solved but more problems, now kernel panic

2002-02-19 Thread Jorge Giménez Mayorgas

Hi again .
I get lilo working I have installed on the 6,4 gb 
disk that is on hda . I made two partitions one / with 5889 mb ext2 and the rest 
for swap.
Well instalation went ok. No problem at 
On reboot lilo was working ok , I choose 
linux, everything started until ...
Kernel panic Can't mount VFS Root 03:01 and 

This my hardware configuration if it helps for 
Asus A7V266-E (1004B Bios) with Promise ATA 100 

Athlon 1800+ XP
hda- IBM DHEA-36480- 6,4GB UDMA 
hdb - Sony 48x Cdrom 
hdc - Seagate 320423 UDMA 66
hdd - HP 8100 CD-RW 1.0g
hde - SeagateST360020 A 60 UDMA 
Creative 3d Blaster Geforce 2 Ti 64 MB DDR AGP 
Sound Blaster Live Value
Hauppage Win TV
3com Serial Modem 56k (v92)
Logitech MouseMan Optical
Sony 200Sf 17"
Iomega zip 100 parallel port

  Jorge Giménez

again.My problem is that I can't boot linux after installing 
lm8.0.I get L0 instead of graphical lilo. W2k rules the MBR 
.I am going to read the url http://www.johnlenin1.com/dual_boot.htmland try.Another thing, how 
can I make a boot disk from Lm 8.0 installation 
Jorge Giménez- Original Message -From: "Oliver 
Thieke" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 1:32 PMSubject: Re: 
[expert] Boot Loader Hi Jorge !  new 
PC: configuration.  (fat32)  cdrom  20,4 gb disk 
(fat32)   cd-rw  60 gb disk (w98 + w2k + 
linux)  something about a boot diskette but I can't do it on 
install .  Any ideas? I know about how to install lilo if I 
have w2k. What exaclty is the problem ? There 
might be 2 possibilities: 1.) If you install the OS in a certain 
order it should be easy going: 1. w98, then 2. w2k and finally 
mandrake. I've done that on one machine - works without problems. (Only 
in that order - w98 - mandrake - w2k screws up) 
2.) If w2k rules the MBR it's a different situation: Look e.g. 
for: http://www.johnlenin1.com/dual_boot.html If you boot from mandrake CD and 
follow the GUI installation one of last steps ask you for creating the 
boot disk. Good Luck Oliver 
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Re: [expert] File server

2002-02-19 Thread kwan

On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Kathy Montgomery wrote:

 I have a Windows 98/Mandrake regular computer and a Win 98/Mandrake
 laptop.  That's 4 separate filesystems on which to be confused about
 where I have left my files. For that reason, I was thinking about
 creating a little LAN (that would not need to be connected to the
 Internet), and setting up a third machine as a file server.  That way,
 whatever OS/machine I'm on I could access the same files

 Has anyone done this or does anyone have any tips on getting started?
 Would I need any hardware besides a hub and Ethernet cards?  Could I use
 Samba to see the served files from Windows?  Do I have to use NFS on the
 server?  Any recommended backup strategies?  Could I find information
 about this subject in any system administration book?

The LAN option is the best. One other possibility:

Save all your files to the Windows partition on the regular computer
and use Windows sharing to make them accessible to the laptop. The Linux
OS on the desktop will be able to access the Windows partition without
too much difficulty. Linux on the laptop can access the share via

As for the LAN setup, I'm doing a similar thing on my home network. I
created server using an old Pentium 233/MMX with a 10Gig IDE. The
/home/public directory is shared via NFS, Samba and Netatalk for Linux,
Windows and Macintosh clients respectively.

Things that will be useful:
1) Create a local group and enroll all NFS users in this group. Give
the /home/public (or wherever) write access to this directory. Map the
Samba user to an ID that's enrolled in this group.

2) Make sure that the user IDs are identical on both Linux machines.

For backups I use DLT drive with a 5 tape rotation. Your needs may be
different though. If you have a CD burner on the server you can use
xcdroast to dump the shared directory to CD (I do this occasionally).

Depending on what sort of files you're saving you might even consider
using CVS. That is, if you work with a lot of text files and source
code, CVS will allow you to track versions and merge differences between
versions. It works wonderfully for the TeX documents I produce.

If you have a lot of MP3s, you might consider installing a streaming
server. This allows you to play songs from withing WinAmp, XMMS, or the
QuickTime player directly over the network using a single protocol.


 Unix fun:

 $ cat food in can
 cat: cannot open food in can

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RE: [expert] Boot Loader Solved but more problems, now kernelpan ic

2002-02-19 Thread Smith, Albert C

Looks like Linux can't mount the partition. Can you start in a failsafe mode
and check your pathing. Check your fstab first and work out from there.

Albert Smith 
Unix Administrator 
Quest Diagnostics Inc. 
Work:   610-454-4320 
Pager:  800-946-4646 pin 1723803 
1201 S. Collegeville Rd. 
Collegeville, PA 19426 


-Original Message-
From: Jorge Giménez Mayorgas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 4:48 PM
Subject: [expert] Boot Loader Solved but more problems, now kernel panic

Hi again .
I get lilo working I have installed on the 6,4 gb disk that is on hda . I
made two partitions one / with 5889 mb ext2 and the rest for swap.
Well instalation went ok. No problem at all.
On reboot lilo was working ok , I choose linux , everything started until
Kernel panic Can't mount VFS Root 03:01 and stops.
This my hardware configuration if it helps for something
Asus A7V266-E (1004B Bios) with Promise ATA 100 
Athlon 1800+ XP
hda- IBM DHEA-36480- 6,4GB  UDMA 33
hdb - Sony 48x Cdrom 
hdc - Seagate 320423 UDMA 66
hdd - HP 8100 CD-RW 1.0g
hde - Seagate ST360020 A 60 UDMA 100
Creative 3d Blaster Geforce 2 Ti 64 MB DDR AGP 4x
Sound Blaster Live Value
Hauppage Win TV
3com Serial Modem 56k (v92)
Logitech MouseMan Optical
Sony 200Sf 17
Iomega zip 100 parallel port
Jorge Giménez
Hi again.

My problem is that I can't boot linux after installing lm8.0.
I get  L0 instead of graphical lilo. W2k rules the MBR .

I am going to read the url  http://www.johnlenin1.com/dual_boot.html

and try.

Another thing, how can  I make a boot disk from Lm 8.0 installation ?

Jorge Giménez

- Original Message -
From: Oliver Thieke   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Boot Loader

 Hi Jorge !

  new PC: configuration. (fat32)  cdrom  20,4 gb disk (fat32) 
  cd-rw  60 gb disk (w98 + w2k +  linux)
  something about a boot  diskette but I can't do it on install .
  Any ideas? I know about how to install  lilo if I have w2k.

 What exaclty is the problem ?

 There might be 2 possibilities:

 1.) If you install the OS in a certain order it should be easy
 1. w98, then 2. w2k and finally mandrake. I've done that on one
 machine - works without problems. (Only in that order - w98 -
 mandrake - w2k screws up)

 2.) If w2k rules the MBR it's a different situation:
 Look e.g. for:

 If you boot from mandrake CD and follow the GUI installation
 one of last steps ask you for creating the boot disk.

 Good Luck

 Oliver Thieke

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[expert] fdisk help

2002-02-19 Thread mandrake

I've got a laptop with a 40Gb drive on which a Windows and Mandrake
8.1 install reside.  The Windows FS's got 6.8Gb, linux's got more than
12Gb allocated.  Here's my partition table:

# fdisk -l /dev/hda

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 4864 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
   /dev/hda1   * 1   892   7164958+   b  Win95 FAT32
   /dev/hda2   893   909136552+  82  Linux swap
   /dev/hda3   910   926136552+  82  Linux swap
   /dev/hda4   927  2488  125467655  Extended
   /dev/hda5   927   959265041   83  Linux
   /dev/hda6   960  1214   2048256   83  Linux
   /dev/hda7  1215  2488  10233373+  83  Linux

I'd like to create another FS, but when I run fdisk and try to create a
new partition, it tells me that I've got no sectors available.  I threw
the install disk in and it sees the space and I can play with it there,
but why can't I in fdisk?  I've never had any problem with fdisk before,
so this is kind of tripping me out.

From the above partition table, you can see that the last cylinder used
is 2488.  And according to what it says when going through the install
method, I've got 2489 - 4863 available (another 18Gb).

Can anyone help a brutha out?


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Like you,  I am frequently haunted by profound questions related to man's
place in the Scheme of Things.  Here are just a few:

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A -- Definitely.  I speak from personal experience here.  On New
Year's Eve, 1970, I drank a full pitcher of a drink called Black Russian,
then crawled out on the lawn and died within a matter of minutes, which was
fine with me because I had come to realize that if I had lived I would have
spent the rest of my life in the grip of the most excruciatingly painful
headache.  Thanks to the miracle of modern orange juice, I was brought back
to life several days later, but in the interim I was definitely dead.  I
guess my main impression of the afterlife is that it isn't so bad as long
as you keep the television turned down and don't try to eat any solid foods.
-- Dave Barry

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Re: [expert] File server

2002-02-19 Thread Randy Kramer

Kathy Montgomery wrote:
 Has anyone done this or does anyone have any tips on getting started?


 Would I need any hardware besides a hub and Ethernet cards?  

No, well erh ... cables ;-)

 Do I have to use NFS on the server?  

I would suggest not using NFS.  I don't know what you can use in Windows
to see files served from NFS.  I would suggest either using a Windows
server with the built in TCP/IP Microsoft Networking (it's fairly easy
to set up), or using a Linux server with Samba.  I've never set up a
Samba server, so it would be hard for me.

 Could I use Samba to see the served files from Windows?  

Not sure how to interpret your question -- on the Linux clients you can
use smbclient (or smbmount, or mount a file of type smb) to see the
files served from the Windows or Samba server.

 Any recommended backup strategies? 

Not really -- do you have a backup strategy now?  I won't address this
in any detail except to say you should develop and follow a strategy. 
If you need more advice on this write again.  Give us an idea of what
choices you have available (tape, floppies, CD-Burner, zip drive), how
much data you have to deal with, how often it changes, how irreplaceable
it is, and whether you're familiar with incremental and rotating

 Could I find information about this subject in any system administration book?


The following page(s), though a little rough, may help you with the
smbclient stuff:


Randy Kramer

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Re: [expert] Wireless networking with Linux

2002-02-19 Thread Larry Sword

Robert Goshko wrote:
 Greetings all,
 I have been looking at adding 802.11b wireless networking to my home
 network and was wondering was products out their have been found to work
 best with Linux?
 I have looked into the D-Link series and there are Linux drivers
 available for the PCMCIA cards (I looked at the DWL650 card).
 The access point I looked at (D-Link DWL1000AP) did not list Linux on
 the box, but from what I could find, that was just for D-Link's software
 to configure the box, and I have a Win2k machine that I could do this
 One odd thing I noticed, is that the D-Link access point supported up to
 128-bit WEP, but the PCMCIA card only supported 40-bit WEP.
 Thanks, any other information would be great.

Here is a couples of sources you may find helpful.

VoiceMail/Fax: (858) 860-6406 x1587

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Re: [expert] File server

2002-02-19 Thread chad

Well, you could just use your regular computer as a file server while in both 
windows and linux.  In windows, set up file sharing using user names and 
passwords and do the same thing in linux via sharing with samba.

Keep your documents on a FAT32 drive under windows.  When using linux, mount 
your windows drive under your /home/user/windows directory so you can access it 
from there.

Then set up samba to use your same login name and password to samba mount from 
you laptop linux and network neighborhood mount from your laptop windows.  You 
don't have to use NFS.  Samba will be able to share and get your data using SMB.

Use either tar, arkiea or a cd-r(w) backup from linux or a windows software 
package to backup your personal data.  A hub and ethernet cards are all you 
would need.

You would be best served with any System Admin HOWTO or book, a book on linux 
networking for dummies (don't take offense, it's just a title) or something to 
that affect and/or a HOWTO or book on SAMBA.


Quoting Kathy Montgomery [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have a Windows 98/Mandrake regular computer and a Win 98/Mandrake
 laptop.  That's 4 separate filesystems on which to be confused about
 where I have left my files. For that reason, I was thinking about
 creating a little LAN (that would not need to be connected to the
 Internet), and setting up a third machine as a file server.  That way,
 whatever OS/machine I'm on I could access the same files
 Has anyone done this or does anyone have any tips on getting started?
 Would I need any hardware besides a hub and Ethernet cards?  Could I
 Samba to see the served files from Windows?  Do I have to use NFS on
 server?  Any recommended backup strategies?  Could I find information
 about this subject in any system administration book?
 Unix fun:
 $ cat food in can
 cat: cannot open food in can

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Re: [expert] File server

2002-02-19 Thread Wayne Stout

At 05:17 PM 2/19/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Kathy Montgomery wrote:

  Do I have to use NFS on the server?

I would suggest not using NFS.  I don't know what you can use in Windows
to see files served from NFS.  I would suggest either using a Windows
server with the built in TCP/IP Microsoft Networking (it's fairly easy
to set up), or using a Linux server with Samba.  I've never set up a
Samba server, so it would be hard for me.

Enabling read/write access for NFS shares from a Windows client requires 
3rd party software such as DiskAccess. Just adds another layer of 
instability to an already shaky foundation. Avoid NFS in this instance.

  Any recommended backup strategies?

I've heard good things about Mindi and Mondo, but have never had a chance 
to verify them. My office uses Arkeia, which does have a free home version 
(1 linux server and 2 clients, IIRC) My experience with it is similar to 
that of sendmail, can be a pain to get setup correctly, but once it is, it 
works like a charm.



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[expert] icmp?

2002-02-19 Thread Chris Grevstad

Once you've set up your server to be relatively secure, how do you later 
enable responding to ICMP requests?


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Re: [expert] File server

2002-02-19 Thread Brian Parish


Having seen about 10 replies to this, I thought you needed at least one
more! ;-)

There has been good coverage of the options in some of the other
replies, so I'll just attempt to clarify what seemed to be a little
confusing, or actually contradictory.

1. Yes, a 3rd machine would work well for this, but of course you can
accomplish it with the two machines you already have.  The desktop
machine could become the server without limiting its use as a
workstation.  Then you don't even need a hub, just a crossover cable
between the two machines.

2. How come no internet connection?  You are obviously using one to talk
to us.  I guess this is a dialup from your laptop.  As long as you are
setting up a fileserver, why not make it a gateway, sharing an internet
connection and acting as a firewall?

3. Some of the replies about Samba v NFS certainly confused me.  Here's
my take on it from experience of setting up my own identical LAN (well
there are 4 machines, but otherwise identical).  NFS makes it really
simple to share with Linux clients.  Samba makes is really simple to
share with Windows clients.  I just setup the directories I want to
share as both NFS and Samba shares, so the win clients see them as win
shares and the linux clients see them as NFS.  Easy!

4. For me, it helps keep things easy and organized to limit shares to
one direction.  What I mean by this is that I access the server from the
clients, but never share any directories on the clients.  This also
helps with backups.  If all the important stuff is in one place, there's
only one machine that needs data backed up (although you should probably
also backup at least the /etc directory on all Linux machines).  If you
have enough disk space on your laptop, one reasonable strategy would be
to backup to the server, then copy the backup to the laptop.  That gives
you some redundancy should either machine go up in flames.

Anyway, have fun.  Certainly no gurudom is required to set this up and
it can greatly enhance the usablility and security of your systems.


On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 08:33, Kathy Montgomery wrote:
 I have a Windows 98/Mandrake regular computer and a Win 98/Mandrake
 laptop.  That's 4 separate filesystems on which to be confused about
 where I have left my files. For that reason, I was thinking about
 creating a little LAN (that would not need to be connected to the
 Internet), and setting up a third machine as a file server.  That way,
 whatever OS/machine I'm on I could access the same files
 Has anyone done this or does anyone have any tips on getting started?
 Would I need any hardware besides a hub and Ethernet cards?  Could I use
 Samba to see the served files from Windows?  Do I have to use NFS on the
 server?  Any recommended backup strategies?  Could I find information
 about this subject in any system administration book?
 Unix fun:
 $ cat food in can
 cat: cannot open food in can

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Re: [expert] File server

2002-02-19 Thread Michael Leone

On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 18:43, Brian Parish wrote:

 3. Some of the replies about Samba v NFS certainly confused me.  Here's
 my take on it from experience of setting up my own identical LAN (well
 there are 4 machines, but otherwise identical).  NFS makes it really
 simple to share with Linux clients.  Samba makes is really simple to
 share with Windows clients.  I just setup the directories I want to
 share as both NFS and Samba shares, so the win clients see them as win
 shares and the linux clients see them as NFS.  Easy!

In this case, you're duplicating shares, protocols, effort, etc. It's
more efficient to just choose one, the one that is commonly supported by
the most clients. In this case, Samba. IMO.


Michael J. Leone  Registered Linux user #201348 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 50453890 AIM: MikeLeone

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PGP public key:

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [expert] File server

2002-02-19 Thread Brian Parish

OK - fair point!  I've found that one way to learn fast is to assert
that you know how to do something on this list and see how many ways you
can be shot down ;-)  I guess I felt that setting up the NFS shares was
so easy (and there are only a couple of them) that it was less effort
than learning how to use Samba shares from Linux

Anyway, your point is well taken and I will have a look at moving to a
Samba-only setup.

thanks and regards

On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 11:26, Michael Leone wrote:
 On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 18:43, Brian Parish wrote:
  3. Some of the replies about Samba v NFS certainly confused me.  Here's
  my take on it from experience of setting up my own identical LAN (well
  there are 4 machines, but otherwise identical).  NFS makes it really
  simple to share with Linux clients.  Samba makes is really simple to
  share with Windows clients.  I just setup the directories I want to
  share as both NFS and Samba shares, so the win clients see them as win
  shares and the linux clients see them as NFS.  Easy!
 In this case, you're duplicating shares, protocols, effort, etc. It's
 more efficient to just choose one, the one that is commonly supported by
 the most clients. In this case, Samba. IMO.
 Michael J. Leone  Registered Linux user #201348 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 50453890 AIM: MikeLeone
 PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF
 PGP public key:

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Re: [expert] Wireless networking with Linux

2002-02-19 Thread Robert Goshko

On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 13:38, Praedor Tempus wrote:
 Access points, I don't yet know but I would go with
 one that supports web configuration so that it does't
 require windoze at all.  

Did some digging on this, and one of the few access points I could find
with web configuration was the LinkSys BEFW11S4 4 port 10/100 Cable/DSL
router.  It is 10 bucks more than the other LinkSys access point I was
looking at, I don't need the routing function of it, but the 10/100
would be better for connecting to my backbone 100 mb backbone and
supporting multiple users on the wireless (only two right now).

Robert Goshko  Axis Computer Consulting Services, Inc
President  Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
http://www.axis-dev.com/  Supporting the Revolution In Your World
Registered Linux User #260513
  6:08pm  up 1 day,  6:39,  2 users,  load average: 2.03, 2.31, 2.30

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [expert] databases for linux

2002-02-19 Thread Jerry Sternesky

Pervasive has a Linux version also.  I am sure this list will just keep
growing as everyone chimes in :)
On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 08:51, Mike Leone wrote:
 From: Alexander Skwar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 »Harold Hartley« sagte am 2002-02-19 um 08:16:50 -0800 :
  I was wondering how many database software is there available for linux 
 hmm, i can think of 4 right now.
  and what the names of them may be..
 mysql, postgresql, oracle, cache
 Also Informix, DB2, and probably others have Linux versions.

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Re: [expert] logging out of Blackbox

2002-02-19 Thread Curtis H

On Mon, 2002-02-18 at 16:20, Chuck Shirley wrote:
 On Monday 18 February 2002 18:43, Curtis H wrote:
 Uhh... Somebody remind me of how to log out of Blackbox.  
 curtis@freire curtis$ rpm -q blackbox
 This is cooker version I think.  The menu entry is gone for some 
 reason.  They are working on it.  In the meantime, I made a new menu 
 entry with killall blackbox.  Otherwise, [Ctrl]+[Alt}+{Backspace] will 
 abort the Xserver.  Don't wory, blackbox doesn't mind, but make sure 
 all of your applications are prepared (i.e. closed)

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Sorry, spoke too soon.  
Session -- End Session.  I was just looking for the normal log out

Current Linux kernel 2.4.17-16mdk uptime: 3 days 4 hours 8 minutes.

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[expert] LILO error message

2002-02-19 Thread Lee Roberts

How do I eliminate the following warning message that occurs when executing

Warning: /dev/sda is not on the first disk

/dev/sda contains the system files while /dev/hda contains /home directories.

Mandrake 8.1

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Re: [expert] LILO error message

2002-02-19 Thread Hoyt

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 11:45 pm, you wrote:
 /dev/sda is not on the first disk





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Re: [expert] mathematical notation in konqueror

2002-02-19 Thread bascule

could you tell me exactly what your font settings are?
in the source for the page are mentions of font face=symbol etc.
i have three versions of this font on my system but none of them show up 
under 'configure konquerorkonqueror browserappearance' i wonder if this is 
related to anti-aliasing?


On Sunday 17 February 2002 4:57 pm, you wrote:
 On Sunday 17 February 2002 05:41 am, you wrote:
  can someone tell me if it is possible to configure konqueror to display
  the following url properly:

 Mine displays it OK, set up default for USA.

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[expert] Mail question

2002-02-19 Thread Robin

Hello all,

I am having a bit of mail problem but don't know where to start. I want
to set up a mail server which supports pop, imap and webmail, and I also
need to collect mail from other mail server.

Here comes the detail. I have 3 machines here, 1 running Win2k, 2
running mdk 8.1. One of the mdk machine is a dedicated server, the other
2 are my workstations. The server will have a sub domain with dns2go.com
so I can host my own mail server. The reason for using imap is simply
that I don't have to download all my mail to all my workstations. To
make the problem even harder, I also have email accounts with my ISP and
Yahoo. I am hoping that it can be setup so the mail server would fetch
my mail from other mail server and put them in the same place with other
mail received by my own mail server.

To sum it up, in case you were confused by the last section, I hope to
setup a mail server, which will host mail for local domain and fetch
mail from other pop3 server and put everything in one place so I can
access all mail from any other workstation using IMAP. Webmail is for
accessing mail from outside network.

I did some search, seems horde could solve some of the problem. I am
also hoping there is some way that I can have an address book on the
server so I don't have to reneter all of them to each machine that I

Any help is greatly appreciated


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Re: [expert] LILO error message

2002-02-19 Thread Haim Ashkenazi

On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 12:11:08AM -0500, Hoyt wrote:
 On Tuesday 19 February 2002 11:45 pm, you wrote:
  /dev/sda is not on the first disk
even simpler, man lilo.conf (you can find a description of the problem
in one of the files in '/usr/share/doc/lilo...'. if I remember correctly
the solution is something like that:


but I could be mistaken (it was a while ago, since I had this problem..)



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[expert] Cant go back to X when I go to any consoles with c-alt-F#

2002-02-19 Thread Roberto Armenteros

Everything was working great until one day!

 If I am using any graphical interface, lets say KDE,
and then I switch to any of the consoles using the
shortcut ctr-alt-F2 lets say, when I try to go back to
kde using ctr-alt-F7 or sometimes F9 it will show a
black screen with a whole bunch of messages that are
not precisely related with x. I think they are some
kind of logging. This makes me have to kill X and in
case of kde to restart my pc when I want to go back to
a graphical interface. I would like to fix this
without using the installation cd because I recently
installed the NVidia drivers and I dont want to go
throught the process again. I would appreciate any
help from you...

Truly yours, Roberto...

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