Re: [expert] application/buffered/cache

2003-06-16 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 20:29, kiosk wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm a recent convert to default MDK 9.1 [+ relevant security updates]
> after using slackware for a couple of years [and RedHat, Suse, before
> that]. I'm really very impressed by MDK but there's one thing which is
> bugging me.
> I realize that unused memory is wasted memory [in the words of linus
> himself, IIRC] but I wonder if the pattern of memory usage I'm
> experiencing is to be expected when using MDK. I have 512Mb RAM and the
> same amount of swap. I see the amount of memory used creeping ever upward
> and I find myself wondering what would happen were I to attempt to
> achieve the kind of uptime which some of you here seem to regard as
> reasonable - that is to say, months, if not years.
> I'm dual booting with Win2000 and never have much more than 24hrs uptime
> with linux due to the demands of an email account set up on the Win2000
> side. Ideally i would adopt MDK as my OS of choice if it were not for this
> paranoia regarding memory use.
> At the time of writing, after 2 days and 10 hours uptime with MDK, I'm on
> the verge of swapping. I reduced runnning services to a minimum shortly
> after install, and tend to average around 51 processes running at any
> given time, most of which are due to KDE's requirements. I have no network
> other than ppp with my external modem and I'm not using much other than
> Sylpheed and Pan most of the time. "Top" doesn't show anything unusual
> other than memory use slowly but surely increasing. i did use swap after
> a wonderful extended session with the Gimp but i'm wondering what will
> happen if I start compiling kernels, etc, too ...
> Am i just someone who ought to get out more often or is this kind of
> memory usage atypical? I ought to add that I'm using the most recent
> NVIDIA drivers with an unsupported Intel chipset, so the agpgart module
> does not load.
> Asus P4G8X Deluxe
> 512 Mb RAM
> 2 x WDC 40 Gig
> MSI Ti4800SE 8x
> Samsung TFT monitor
> 3Com USRobotics external modem
> MS intellimouse
> Standard PS2 type Keyboard [UK]
> ... no other peripherals
> ... Firewire, Onboard NIC, USB, as yet unused ...
> apologies for being so verbose.

No problem on the verbosity... better than "doesn't work" *grin*.  On
memory usage.  I'm running 380MB here and yes.  Reading top shows that
memory is always topped out But I rarely if every swap.  Linux Mac
FreeBSD Windows all do this.  They "preload" as much of the OS as
possible into ram and then prioritize it.  Meaning Much of what is in
there is there "just in case" you need something fast.  However even
with ram usage appearing maxed out it actually isn't if a program needs
ram then as much as is possible (and the more you have the more that is
possible) is cleared up instantly for you to use.  Since ram is always
faster than disk this is a big boost to performance.  Suffice it to say
my box always appears about to swap.. and never does.  Even when I run
win4lin and a user mode linux install at the same time as my main
install I still don't swap. With 512 megs of Ram like you have there may
be 20 megs (or less not sure) that will never be available to non os
related processes ... but the rest is there whenever you need it.


> many thanks,
> Janet Blankfield
> "Some doubt the existence of the sun
> as it slides (like God) between the girders."
> -
> -
> __
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Re: [expert] Acrobat Reader installation fails

2003-06-16 Thread Per-Olof Litby (Reg'l Mgr - Java Web Services - Nordic/Baltic - Sun Microsystems)

Yes, I installed ed and that fixed the problem. Thanks everyone who suggested this.


On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 02:40, Brian Schroeder wrote:

Hi Per-Olof,

I'm a bit late on this thread, and was expecting someone else to suggest
this, but not seeing it:

Have you tried installing the ed package?

I ran into the same problem, and, after installing ed, it worked perfectly.
My system shows that ed-0.2-29mdk is now installed.


>From: "Per-Olof Litby (Reg'l Mgr - Java  Web Services - Nordic/Baltic - Sun 
>Microsystems)" Greetings,
>I've attempted to install Acrobat Reader on my 9.1 system, and I get the
>following error - apparently the installer expects to use a command that
>isn't available. See below.
>Can anyone help out?
>Enter installation directory for Acrobat 5.0.5 [/usr/local/Acrobat5]
>Installing platform independent files ... Done
>Installing platform dependent files ... Done
>./INSTALL: line 219: ed: command not found
>ERROR installing /usr/local/Acrobat5/bin/acroread

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Per-Olof Litby   Phone:  +46 8 631-1463
Regional Mgr - Nordic/Baltic Fax:+46 8 631-1005
Java Web Services   Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sun Microsystems  
Calendar URL below (Sun only)
I've got this great ambition to die of exhaustion
rather than boredom.

[expert] Apache redirects incorrectly

2003-06-16 Thread Jesus Hernandez
Hi everybody, i'm new in the list, and i've got a problem with Apache under Mandrake 8.

I've got an Apache server running on a Windows XP, and everything works ok, but now 
i'm trying to configure it to run under Linux. The problem is that the page links do 
not redirect to the localhost but to the URL:

Under XP:
http://localhost/ all the links in the page refer to localhost.

Under Linux:
http://localhost/ then all the links in the page refer to wich is the Internet URL. Really i don't know why 
the Apache server redirects it to the URL instead of the localhost.

The server is Apache, running PHP and MySQL.

Does anybody knows it? (I don't know if the question is clear enought)

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probablyeverything non-MDK)

2003-06-16 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 20:53, stefmit wrote:
> On Sunday 15 June 2003 12:14 pm, Rolf Pedersen wrote:
> >
> > The only other issue you cited, AFAICT, is that Mandrake's package of
> > nagios puts files in more than one directory:
> >
> > # rpm -qpl /backup/contrib/nagios-1.0b6-1mdk.i586.rpm
> > /etc/nagios
> > /etc/nagios/cgi.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/checkcommands.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/contactgroups.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/contacts.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/dependencies.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/escalations.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/hostgroups.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/hosts.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/misccommands.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/resource.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/services.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/timeperiods.cfg
> > /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios
> > /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
> > /usr/sbin/nagios
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/Changelog
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/INSTALLING
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/LEGAL
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/README
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/UPGRADING
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/htaccess.sample
> > /var/log/nagios
> > /var/log/nagios/archives
> >
> > I am not sure what you are comparing to but this list does not seem
> > inconsistent with the typical Mandrake package, which should strive to
> > comply with LSB, which invokes FHS2.2:
> >
> >
> >
> > Different entities have different interpretations/levels of interest in
> > complying with LSB, so you will have to deal with these inconsistencies.
> >   Furthermore, contrib/ are considered unsupported, so, with all the
> > other concerns Mandrake has, I doubt that complaints about contrib/
> > packages will receive a high priority.  There is no comparison to
> > Windows.  Linux is not Windows.  What works in Windows is, usually,
> > irrelevant.  You should put some effort into learning how Mandrake works
> > before you try to re-invent the wheel, IMO.
> >
> > Rolf
> Who in the world cares about this? The guy(s?!?) who put their time and brains 
> into developing nagios, have done so with a specific placement of files and 
> directory structure in mind. This is CROSS-PLATFORM development. People like 
> me look toward Linux as the platform of choice for RUNNING nagios, as much as 
> this can suprise many, and unless nagios developers think otherwise, their 
> choice of installation should be respected as such, even when packaging their 
> work - to everyone's benefit. Because of the way it has been done, I have 
> been setting/changing/re-configuring and documenting this thing for days, 
> just to make it work ... and trust me - I have gained NOTHING by doing so 
> (there is no value added to knowledge levels, just because one has to go 
> through all possible configuration files, and change them to match the 
> "standard" placement of files). I would have rather liked to get the package 
> default to where the author decided to have it installed, and (perhaps) be 
> offered the choice - for the "standard fans" - to have it installed in a 
> structure like you and me found to exist .. rather than the other way around.
> Have YOU actually tried to configure and run nagios, from the "simple" way it 
> is being installed by the MDK package? Don't give me the great "LSB" 
> discourse, then, please ..
> By the way: I have put lots of effort into learning Linux, years ago - not as 
> a developer - true!, but rather as a "tool" user ... Mandrake may be 
> something else to learn, in which case I would be tempted to agree with you, 
> but I honestly - really - had great hopes for it to still be Linux ... or am 
> I wrong here (e.g. libraries MDK "naming" convention come to mind right away, 
> when thinking that the two are not really one and the same .. see other 
> similar comments on this thread, about this ;))?
> Stef


  One thing I've seen lately in the Cooker is a fair amount of argument
over setting things up like this .. Major problem  LSB certification is
vital to the survival of MDK.  Never expect MDK to ignore the LSB,
especially since some of the MDK people where the ones who helped push
it into existence. Next is the fact that up until now (with the latest
version of rpm) Some of the tools needed to do the things needed weren't
there.  To that end I submit the following links.  Remember to that MDK
is a publisher.. Other than their own tools all they do is publish. BUT,
with publishers come editors, and an editors job is to make sure that
the authors product is saleable, all the I's are dotted etc.

A whole section of Maximum RPM is now dedicated to building RPMS
cross-distro and cross-platform (now we just need to get people to read

For the whole "book"

Some additional "moves" have been made for people who build on MDK at
least.  rpm-lint has been tightned up.  I found this out because I can't
do some "tricks" I used to do to shortcut simple rpms. 

Finally if you have 

[expert] Mouse dies after suspending

2003-06-16 Thread Per-Olof Litby - Reg'l Mgr Nordic/Baltic - Java Web Services - Sun Microsystems


I've tried using the pmsuspend script available with Mandrake 9.1 and
it seems to work fine with 2 exceptions:

  The mouse (USB wheel mouse) stops working after wake up from
  Both suspending and wake up are very slow.

Does anyone know if the mouse problem can be fixed?


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Per-Olof Litby   Phone   +46 8 631-1463
Regional Mgr - Nordic/Baltic   Fax   +46 8 631-1005
Java Web Services    Email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sun Microsystems  
Calendar URL below (Sun only)
I've got this great ambition to die of exhaustion
rather than boredom.

[expert] Radeon 9700 + nforce2- nvidia 1.0261 drivers (with agpgart patch for 3rd party graphics cards) and ML 9.1

2003-06-16 Thread Adrian Golumbovici

Hi everyone, 
Did anyone succeed in getting them work together 
nicely? If so please explain step by step like for an retarded idiot:) how 
you did it. I got it to the point that the agpgart module loads and the fglrx 
module loads. In X fglrxinfo displays the ATI driver and also the OpenGL from 
ATI and not the Mesa one. Though everything seems fine, I cannot start any 
application including fgl_glxgears or tuxracer without my PC freezing. I looked 
in the /var/log/kernel/errors and saw something about fglrx:firegl_unlock 
drm_ioremapfree and an attempt to call something on a NULL. Funny stuff is that 
I have no other warning/error whatsoever in dmesg, XFree86 log or messages. :/ 
When I try to start fgl_glxgears PC freezes instantly without doing anything (I 
remain in the screen where I tried starting it). Only a hard reboot is possible 
(no Ctrl-Bksp, no SysReq, nada). :( I thought maybe something screwy is going on 
with my fgl_glxgears so I tried Tuxracer. A bit better. My screen went black and 
monitor made the "click" it does when changing video modes, stayed there for a 
few seconds and then monitor switched to standby like it does when no signal 
comes (for ex when PC is off). In the meantime I could hear an 
endless looping sound in my headset. :( Also beside hard reset nothing of 
the "normal" ways to regain control of the PC worked :( I switched on my TV to 
see if it outputs there something, but no go (thought the rascal switched output 
to the TV-OUT maybe). :( I got the latest ati driver for X 4.3.0 (I think 
is 2.9.12). Did a clean kernel recompile, a clean uninstall and 
rebuild/reinstall of the NVIDIA_nforce driver for the agpgart and also cleanly 
uninstalled and installed the fglrx driver. Same simptom. :( Am going nuts. So 
please if you managed to do it tell me how and any thoughts on how to debug the 
crash. If it would have been a kernel panick (lights on keyb) I would have used 
the autodump of the ksymoops... :( Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

Re: [expert] Make xconfig doesn't work in new kernel

2003-06-16 Thread Joerg Mertin
Hi James,

actually - I had created back in time a so called "Quicky" section - 
text based. I was thinking in getting it rewritten in the style of my 
FAQ module (with search capabilities etc.). Maybe - as I'm getting 
unemployed by the end of the Week - I'll start coding a module for 
phpWebSite that does exactly this :) You can see the FAQ on my Home-site 
:) Really neat :)

PS: I'm going to get a Via EPIA 5000 and a VIA Nemiah M1 systems in 
the next couple of weeks. As I ordered the Mdk Prosuite Edition - I most 
probably write some little essai's on that one. You think It will fit on 
the Twiki ?



James Sparenberg wrote:
Since valuable info like this needs to be captured I started a new
section in the HowTo's on the Twiki... called Tips and Tricks.  It's at

With the object of allowing anyone who sees something they think is
really neat and or usefull to put it in the twiki, The idea is that
sometimes our "suggestions" result in a fix that is really a combination
of suggestions.  If this happens it would be real nice to capture.  I'm
hoping by setting it up ... then doing it a little myself to promote
more people to put what worked in a place it can be researched.

| Joerg Mertin  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED](Home)|
| in Neuchâtel/Schweiz  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Work)|
| Stardust's LiNUX System   :  |
| PGP 2.6.3in Key on Demand :  Voice & Fax: +41(0)32 / 725 52 54   |


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Re: [expert] Radeon 9700 + nforce2- nvidia 1.0261 drivers (with agpgart patch for 3rd party graphics cards) and ML 9.1

2003-06-16 Thread Joerg Mertin
Hi Mate,

hehehe :) Here we go again. I have by now bought a Radeon 9500 Pro - and 
still have my Asus Nforce 2 Board running smoothly.

What you actuually have to do is the following.
1. Get the kernel source. Best is taking the source in the mdk. updates
2. Apply the AGP Patch (For the Radeon). You can find it under:
   cd /usr/src/
   patch -p0 -E -s < nforce-agp.diff
   1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file 

   You'll see one rejection. That's no problem.

   cd linux/include/linux
   emacs agp_backend.h.rej agp_backend.h
   You'll see the following:

*** 82,87 
  typedef struct _agp_version {
--- 82,89 
  typedef struct _agp_version {

  So - go to the mentioned line 82 in the agp_backend.h file, type in
  (For the Emacs):
  -X goto-line 
And you'll see that all you need to add here is the 2 missing lines:
after HP_Zx1, to have a working include file.

Go to you normal /usr/src/linux directory - and perform a kernel 
configuration - e.g. make menuconfig (xconfig doesn't work for me) :)

Compile the kernel: make depend && make bzImage && make modules && make 

Copy the kernel Imagefile to the boot Directory and adapt your Lilo/Grub 
configuration accordingly.

NOTE: ALWAYS keep the old kernel for security reasons !

Once this is done - reboot your system and you should have the new 
version running, with agp support. Test it by issuing:

modprobe agpgart

It should work out of the Box.

Now - all you need to do is get the ATI stuff from:
and install these according to their INSTALL.txt file :)
Should work out of the box.
 The entire thread discussing the agp_patch is here:
Having it done like this - I now can run UT2003, Guake 3 Arena Tuxracer, 

Cheers & Good luck :)


Adrian Golumbovici wrote:
Hi everyone,
Did anyone succeed in getting them work together nicely? If so 
please explain step by step like for an retarded idiot:) how you did it. 
I got it to the point that the agpgart module loads and the fglrx module 
loads. In X fglrxinfo displays the ATI driver and also the OpenGL from 
ATI and not the Mesa one. Though everything seems fine, I cannot start 
any application including fgl_glxgears or tuxracer without my PC 
freezing. I looked in the /var/log/kernel/errors and saw something about 
fglrx:firegl_unlock drm_ioremapfree and an attempt to call something on 
a NULL. Funny stuff is that I have no other warning/error whatsoever in 
dmesg, XFree86 log or messages. :/ When I try to start fgl_glxgears PC 
freezes instantly without doing anything (I remain in the screen where I 
tried starting it). Only a hard reboot is possible (no Ctrl-Bksp, no 
SysReq, nada). :( I thought maybe something screwy is going on with my 
fgl_glxgears so I tried Tuxracer. A bit better. My screen went black and 
monitor made the "click" it does when changing video modes, stayed there 
for a few seconds and then monitor switched to standby like it does when 
no signal comes (for ex when PC is off). In the meantime I could hear an 
endless looping sound in my headset. :( Also beside hard reset nothing 
of the "normal" ways to regain control of the PC worked :( I switched on 
my TV to see if it outputs there something, but no go (thought the 
rascal switched output to the TV-OUT maybe). :( I got the latest ati 
driver for X 4.3.0 (I think is 2.9.12). Did a clean kernel recompile, a 
clean uninstall and rebuild/reinstall of the NVIDIA_nforce driver for 
the agpgart and also cleanly uninstalled and installed the fglrx driver. 
Same simptom. :( Am going nuts. So please if you managed to do it tell 
me how and any thoughts on how to debug the crash. If it would have been 
a kernel panick (lights on keyb) I would have used the autodump of the 
ksymoops... :( Thanks in advance.
Best regards,


| Joerg Mertin  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED](Home)|
| in Neuchâtel/Schweiz  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Work)|
| Stardust's LiNUX System   :  |
| PGP 2.6.3in Key on Demand :  Voice & Fax: +41(0)32 / 725 52 54   |


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Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-16 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
** Bill Mullen (Montag, 16. Juni 2003 07:47)
> On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> > I already have a Knoppix CD but what I want to do is:
> >
> > A CD that can work as a rescue media for my installation and also
> > can do as an installation CD containing only the apps and tools I
> > have installed now. Kind of a individual installation CD.
> Perhaps, wobo, starting with the iso of MDK CD #1, loop-mounting it
> r/w, knocking out whatever you're sure you won't need, replacing the
> RPMs with your own selection, and then burning the result would work?
> You'd need to run genhdlist to create the file, and there
> are probably a bunch of other considerations that aren't readily
> apparent, but maybe ... ;)

That was mainly the route I wanted to travel. I just want to have my 
kernel on it together with some modules to start at boot time.
As for the I know how to do that although dependencies may be 

I thought I could put all rpms on it which are listed in the 
softwaremanager as 'installed', then create a and so avoid 
dependencies problems.

I know I could solve the whole thing with the Mandrake CDs 1-3 and a 
auto-setup floppy but I want to have it on one CD altogether.

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Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-16 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
** James Sparenberg (Montag, 16. Juni 2003 08:54)
> Timos (you can find it on freshmeat) might help..  Also check out
> Morphix.  It's kind of a slice and dice knoppix where you can combine
> "packages" to fit your needs.

I'll have alook into that, thank you.

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Re: [expert] - IRQ Balancing still not fixed...

2003-06-16 Thread Mark Watts
Hash: SHA1

My original email included the paste from 2.4.21-0.18mdkenterprise.
I'll include it again here:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# uname -a
Linux mail1 2.4.21-0.18mdkenterprise #1 SMP Wed Jun 4 11:44:12 MDT 2003 i686
unknown unknown GNU/Linux

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /proc/interrupts
   CPU0   CPU1
  0:  46423  0IO-APIC-edge  timer
  1:  2  0IO-APIC-edge  keyboard
  2:  0  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  5:  0  0   IO-APIC-level  usb-ohci
  8:  1  0IO-APIC-edge  rtc
 14:  6  0IO-APIC-edge  ide0
 16: 16  0   IO-APIC-level  aic7xxx
 17: 16  0   IO-APIC-level  aic7xxx
 28:   5206  0   IO-APIC-level  eth0
 29:   4179  0   IO-APIC-level  eth1
 30:  11562  0   IO-APIC-level  aacraid
NMI:  0  0
LOC:  46328  46283
ERR:  0
MIS:  0

> On Fri Jun 13, 2003 at 09:46:51AM +0100, Mark Watts wrote:
> > Thats the output from a Dual HT capable 2.4Ghz Xeon. HT isnt running
> > though for other reasons.
> >
> > This is the same system running 2.4.21-rc6-ac2 (again, HT isnt working so
> > these are physical processors):
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /proc/interrupts
> >CPU0   CPU1
> >   0:29428672943185IO-APIC-edge  timer
> >   1:  1  1IO-APIC-edge  keyboard
> >   2:  0  0  XT-PIC  cascade
> >  14:  1  1IO-APIC-edge  ide0
> >  16: 26 10   IO-APIC-level  aic7xxx
> >  17:  8  7   IO-APIC-level  aic7xxx
> >  28: 295254 296494   IO-APIC-level  eth0
> >  29: 294162 294096   IO-APIC-level  eth1
> >  30:  43404  43517   IO-APIC-level  aacraid
> > NMI:  0  0
> > LOC:58857565885847
> > ERR:  0
> > MIS:  0
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# uname -a
> > Linux mail1 2.4.21-rc6-ac2 #12 SMP Wed Jun 4 13:58:30 BST 2003 i686
> > unknown unknown GNU/Linux
> Similar to here, except I'll use the kernel we're talking about:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: vdanen]$ cat /proc/interrupts
>CPU0   CPU1
>   0:33562933356385IO-APIC-edge  timer
>   1:   5745   5793IO-APIC-edge  keyboard
>   2:  0  0  XT-PIC  cascade
>   5:27385432739594   IO-APIC-level  eth0, EMU10K1
>   8: 196785 195978IO-APIC-edge  rtc
>  10:24719962465323   IO-APIC-level  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:5:0
>  11:  37080  36913   IO-APIC-level  ide2, usb-ohci
>  12:  22373  22301IO-APIC-edge  PS/2 Mouse
>  14:  76134  76333IO-APIC-edge  ide0
>  15:  12652  13776IO-APIC-edge  ide1
> NMI:  0  0
> LOC:67128836712882
> ERR:  0
> MIS:  0
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: vdanen]$ uname -a
> Linux logan.linsec.vx 2.4.21-0.18mdkenterprise #1 SMP Wed Jun 4 11:44:12
> MDT 2003 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
> That looks fairly balanced to me.

- -- 
Mark Watts
Systems Engineer
QinetiQ TIM
St Andrews Road, Malvern
GPG Public Key ID: 455420ED

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] updatedb prob

2003-06-16 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 15 June 2003 06:23 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:

> Ok this is now 2 people with problems in this area but I'm not sure if
> they are connected... Dark, Does any of this look familiar to you?
> James

Nope, I'm not getting that kind of error message. In fact, I get no error 
message, it just spontaneously reboots. (and I'm telling you, its weird to 
watch your system do that!) :-)



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Re: [expert] Mouse dies after suspending

2003-06-16 Thread R N dev
I hace similar problem for a PS2 mouse after 
rebooting (see bug )
I have the ECS K7S5A motherboard i think it might be
related to the probelem.
Tonight I'll try the pmsuspend script to verify if
the problem exists too.

--- Per-Olof Litby - Reg'l Mgr Nordic/Baltic - Java
Web Services - Sun  Microsystems <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Greetings,
> I've tried using the pmsuspend script available with
> Mandrake 9.1 and it 
> seems to work fine with 2 exceptions:
>1. The mouse (USB wheel mouse) stops working
> after wake up from
>   suspension
>2. Both suspending and wake up are very slow.
> Does anyone know if the mouse problem can be fixed?
> thanks,
> -- 
> Per-Olof Litby   Phone   +46 8
> 631-1463
> Regional Mgr - Nordic/Baltic   Fax   +46 8
> 631-1005
> Java Web ServicesEmail 
> Sun Microsystems  
> Calendar URL below (Sun only)
> http://namefinder.germany/nfcal.cgi?-s+23213
> I've got this great ambition to die of exhaustion
> rather than boredom.

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Re: [expert] - IRQ Balancing still not fixed...

2003-06-16 Thread Mark Watts
Hash: SHA1

This is the same box with HT enabled (2.4.21-rc6-ac2 still)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] control]# cat /proc/interrupts
   CPU0   CPU1   CPU2   CPU3
  0:6665103666501966645016665062IO-APIC-edge  timer
  1:  1  0  0  1IO-APIC-edge  keyboard
  2:  0  0  0  0  XT-PIC  cascade
 14:  1  0  0  1IO-APIC-edge  ide0
 16:  4  5 23  4   IO-APIC-level  aic7xxx
 17:  4  3  4  4   IO-APIC-level  aic7xxx
 28: 667277 669789 673092 669605   IO-APIC-level  eth0
 29: 662966 666161 669823 666782   IO-APIC-level  eth1
 30:  57094  57700  57071  56743   IO-APIC-level  aacraid
NMI:  0  0  0  0
LOC:   26659839   26659813   26659859   26659883
ERR:  0
MIS:  0
[EMAIL PROTECTED] control]# uname -a
Linux 2.4.21-rc6-ac2 #13 SMP Fri Jun 13 10:42:49 BST 2003 
i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux

> So, does anyone know why it si balanced sometimes and not other times?
> Does it depend on the overall load of the machine? On the hardware? On
> the astrological ascendent of the sys admin?
> Guillaume.
> On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 11:26, Vincent Danen wrote:
> > On Fri Jun 13, 2003 at 09:46:51AM +0100, Mark Watts wrote:
> > > Thats the output from a Dual HT capable 2.4Ghz Xeon. HT isnt running
> > > though for other reasons.
> > >
> > > This is the same system running 2.4.21-rc6-ac2 (again, HT isnt working
> > > so these are physical processors):
> > >
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /proc/interrupts
> > >CPU0   CPU1
> > >   0:29428672943185IO-APIC-edge  timer
> > >   1:  1  1IO-APIC-edge  keyboard
> > >   2:  0  0  XT-PIC  cascade
> > >  14:  1  1IO-APIC-edge  ide0
> > >  16: 26 10   IO-APIC-level  aic7xxx
> > >  17:  8  7   IO-APIC-level  aic7xxx
> > >  28: 295254 296494   IO-APIC-level  eth0
> > >  29: 294162 294096   IO-APIC-level  eth1
> > >  30:  43404  43517   IO-APIC-level  aacraid
> > > NMI:  0  0
> > > LOC:58857565885847
> > > ERR:  0
> > > MIS:  0
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# uname -a
> > > Linux mail1 2.4.21-rc6-ac2 #12 SMP Wed Jun 4 13:58:30 BST 2003 i686
> > > unknown unknown GNU/Linux
> >
> > Similar to here, except I'll use the kernel we're talking about:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]: vdanen]$ cat /proc/interrupts
> >CPU0   CPU1
> >   0:33562933356385IO-APIC-edge  timer
> >   1:   5745   5793IO-APIC-edge  keyboard
> >   2:  0  0  XT-PIC  cascade
> >   5:27385432739594   IO-APIC-level  eth0, EMU10K1
> >   8: 196785 195978IO-APIC-edge  rtc
> >  10:24719962465323   IO-APIC-level  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:5:0
> >  11:  37080  36913   IO-APIC-level  ide2, usb-ohci
> >  12:  22373  22301IO-APIC-edge  PS/2 Mouse
> >  14:  76134  76333IO-APIC-edge  ide0
> >  15:  12652  13776IO-APIC-edge  ide1
> > NMI:  0  0
> > LOC:67128836712882
> > ERR:  0
> > MIS:  0
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]: vdanen]$ uname -a
> > Linux logan.linsec.vx 2.4.21-0.18mdkenterprise #1 SMP Wed Jun 4 11:44:12
> > MDT 2003 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
> >
> > That looks fairly balanced to me.
> >
> > --
> > MandrakeSoft Security;
> > Online Security Resource Book;
> > "lynx -source | gpg --import"
> > {FE6F2AFD : 88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD}

- -- 
Mark Watts
Systems Engineer
QinetiQ TIM
St Andrews Road, Malvern
GPG Public Key ID: 455420ED

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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[expert] Mouse Wheel double click

2003-06-16 Thread Per-Olof Litby - Reg'l Mgr Nordic/Baltic - Java Web Services - Sun Microsystems

One of the nice features of using a wheel mouse in Windows is that
the wheel button can be configured to do several different things,
including double click which is something I've gotten used to.

Is there a way to do this in Mandrake?


Untitled Document

Per-Olof Litby   Phone   +46 8 631-1463
Regional Mgr - Nordic/Baltic   Fax   +46 8 631-1005
Java Web Services    Email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sun Microsystems  
Calendar URL below (Sun only)
I've got this great ambition to die of exhaustion
rather than boredom.

Re: [expert] Running "updatedb" crashes my comp!

2003-06-16 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 15 June 2003 12:19 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:

> One more thought, tho I think the suggestions you've gotten to
> check the filesystem are probly better ... take a look at
> /etc/updatedb.conf  and see if it isn't corrupted or incomplete.

Looks identical here Thanks for the suggestion though!



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Re: [expert] 9.1 kernel 2.4.21 vs cooker 2.4.21

2003-06-16 Thread Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva
Hi List!

I need to compile linus kernel 2.4.20 with openmosix patched. That's not

My problem is my new mobo with Via KT400 and net chip Broadcom BCM4400.
Where does MDK get such patchs?

Thanks for any help.


on Fri, 13 Jun 2003, Praedor Atrebates wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> The official release of 2.4.21 was announced today from  The 9.1
> kernel I have right now is 2.4.21-0.13mdk.  The cooker kernel is 2.4.21-1mdk
> but when it is installed, it becomes 2.4.21-0.1mdk.  Does this mean that the
> 0.13mdk kernel is more developed than the 0.1mdk kernel or is the 0.1mdk
> kernel actually the Mandrake equivalent to the official 2.4.21 release?
> I am primarily interested in IDE performance enhancements in the 2.4.21 kernel
> but if those enhancements are already in the 0.13mdk kernel, then I wont
> bother with the cooker kernel.  Are there any beneficial changes in the
> 0.1mdk kernel vs the 0.13mdk kernel?
> praedor
> - --
> The First Amendment rests on the assumption that the widest possible
> dissemination of information from diverse and antagonistic sources is
> essential to the welfare of the public.
> - --Justice Hugo Black
> GnuPG fingerprint:
> D170 2A02 B426 6AA0 5E68  3EDC 68AA FDB0 961E 4F18
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE+6nEmaKr9sJYeTxgRAiOKAJwN+bnfCsTHfjQqnKiWyRxo53rLUwCfbSBQ
> ELiCPnB78k3W9UGiDZjcR5k=
> =Hub4

Alan Wilter S. da Silva
 Laboratório de Física Biológica
  Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho
   Universidade do Brasil/UFRJ
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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Re: [expert] 9.1 kernel 2.4.21 vs cooker 2.4.21

2003-06-16 Thread Greg Meyer
On Monday 16 June 2003 08:23 am, Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva wrote:
> Hi List!
> I need to compile linus kernel 2.4.20 with openmosix patched. That's not
> problem.
> My problem is my new mobo with Via KT400 and net chip Broadcom BCM4400.
> Where does MDK get such patchs?
You can extract all the patches they use and inspect them.  They would be part 
of the kernel SRPM (NOTE:  Not the kernel-source RPMS, but the kernel SRPM).  
Install it and then all the sources and patches will be installed to 


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Re: [expert] Radeon 9700 + nforce2- nvidia 1.0261 drivers (with agpgart patch for 3rd party graphics cards) and ML 9.1

2003-06-16 Thread Adrian Golumbovici
Hi Mate, :)

Yeap, here we go again. Strange thing is that I did all is written
underneath except for applying the patch you point to. I applied the one
from nvidia. Is something different in the one below? For one thing, the
result of the patch had some other rejects with the patch from nvidia (there
was no reject in the agp_backend.h). Also, any idea how I can trace the
freeze of my PC? Any special boot params or bios settings?

Thx for your help.

Best regards,
- Original Message - 
From: "Joerg Mertin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Radeon 9700 + nforce2- nvidia 1.0261 drivers (with
agpgart patch for 3rd party graphics cards) and ML 9.1

> Hi Mate,
> hehehe :) Here we go again. I have by now bought a Radeon 9500 Pro - and
> still have my Asus Nforce 2 Board running smoothly.
> What you actuually have to do is the following.
> 1. Get the kernel source. Best is taking the source in the mdk. updates
> section.
> 2. Apply the AGP Patch (For the Radeon). You can find it under:
> cd /usr/src/
> patch -p0 -E -s < nforce-agp.diff
> 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file
> linux/include/linux/agp_backend.h.rej
> You'll see one rejection. That's no problem.
> cd linux/include/linux
> emacs agp_backend.h.rej agp_backend.h
> You'll see the following:
> ***
> *** 82,87 
>typedef struct _agp_version {
> --- 82,89 
> + NV_NFORCE_2,
>typedef struct _agp_version {
>So - go to the mentioned line 82 in the agp_backend.h file, type in
>(For the Emacs):
>-X goto-line 
> And you'll see that all you need to add here is the 2 missing lines:
> after HP_Zx1, to have a working include file.
> Go to you normal /usr/src/linux directory - and perform a kernel
> configuration - e.g. make menuconfig (xconfig doesn't work for me) :)
> Compile the kernel: make depend && make bzImage && make modules && make
> modules_install
> Copy the kernel Imagefile to the boot Directory and adapt your Lilo/Grub
> configuration accordingly.
> NOTE: ALWAYS keep the old kernel for security reasons !
> Once this is done - reboot your system and you should have the new
> version running, with agp support. Test it by issuing:
> modprobe agpgart
> It should work out of the Box.
> Now - all you need to do is get the ATI stuff from:
> and install these according to their INSTALL.txt file :)
> Should work out of the box.
>   The entire thread discussing the agp_patch is here:
> Having it done like this - I now can run UT2003, Guake 3 Arena Tuxracer,
> etc 
> Cheers & Good luck :)
> Joerg
> Adrian Golumbovici wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > Did anyone succeed in getting them work together nicely? If so
> > please explain step by step like for an retarded idiot:) how you did it.
> > I got it to the point that the agpgart module loads and the fglrx module
> > loads. In X fglrxinfo displays the ATI driver and also the OpenGL from
> > ATI and not the Mesa one. Though everything seems fine, I cannot start
> > any application including fgl_glxgears or tuxracer without my PC
> > freezing. I looked in the /var/log/kernel/errors and saw something about
> > fglrx:firegl_unlock drm_ioremapfree and an attempt to call something on
> > a NULL. Funny stuff is that I have no other warning/error whatsoever in
> > dmesg, XFree86 log or messages. :/ When I try to start fgl_glxgears PC
> > freezes instantly without doing anything (I remain in the screen where I
> > tried starting it). Only a hard reboot is possible (no Ctrl-Bksp, no
> > SysReq, nada). :( I thought maybe something screwy is going on with my
> > fgl_glxgears so I tried Tuxracer. A bit better. My screen went black and
> > monitor made the "click" it does when changing video modes, stayed there
> > for a few seconds and then monitor switched to standby like it does when
> > no signal comes (for ex when PC is off). In the meantime I could hear an
> > endless looping sound in my headset. :( Also beside hard reset nothing
> > of the "normal" ways to regain control of the PC worked :( I switched on
> > my TV to see if it outputs there something, but no go (thought the
> > rascal switched output to the TV-OUT maybe). :( I got the latest ati
> > driver for X 4.3.0 (I think is 2.9.12). Did a clean kernel recompile, a
> > clean uninstall and rebuild/reinstall of the NVIDIA_nforce driver for
> > the agpgart and also cleanly uninstalled and installed the fglrx driver.
> > Same simptom. :(

[expert] beowulf support

2003-06-16 Thread Saurav Gohain
We are interested in developing a Beowulf cluster based on Mandrake. can anyone point us the necessary tools as of availaible. 
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[expert] pine folder vulnerable

2003-06-16 Thread David Hlacik
Hi, i am having some problem. When I open pine, it says ... floder
/var/spool/mail vulnerable ... must have 1770 protection. Ok so i use
chmod /var/spool/mail 1770. It is ok, but when fetchmail downloads new
mail, pine says it again.
How can i fix it?
i use fetchmail to download mail from pop3 account on my computer.
And also fetchmail ... when fetchmail download mail ... it send me
internal mail with error ... error hostname.hostdomain !=, dipsy ... is my mail server, from where am i
downloading mails trought pop3 protocol.

Thanks for help

David Hlacik

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Re: [expert] beowulf support

2003-06-16 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
** Saurav Gohain (Montag, 16. Juni 2003 15:31)
> Hi,
> We are interested in developing a Beowulf cluster based on Mandrake.
> can anyone point us the necessary tools as of availaible.

Building a Beowulf cluster

"The examples you find in this document will apply to using the RedHat 
or Mandrake Linux operating system."

Putting "Beowulf Mandrake" into the Google searchbox gives you some more 

Public GnuPG key available at

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Re: [expert] beowulf support

2003-06-16 Thread Jack Coates
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 06:40, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> ** Saurav Gohain (Montag, 16. Juni 2003 15:31)
> > Hi,
> > We are interested in developing a Beowulf cluster based on Mandrake.
> > can anyone point us the necessary tools as of availaible.
> Building a Beowulf cluster
> "The examples you find in this document will apply to using the RedHat 
> or Mandrake Linux operating system."
> Putting "Beowulf Mandrake" into the Google searchbox gives you some more 
> sources.
> wobo

this might be interesting to look at as well:
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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Re: [expert] 9.1 kernel 2.4.21 vs cooker 2.4.21

2003-06-16 Thread Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva
Thanky Greg!  However, it's not a sort of thing that I may download by
urpmi, is it?


On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Greg Meyer wrote:

> On Monday 16 June 2003 08:23 am, Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva wrote:
> > Hi List!
> >
> >
> > I need to compile linus kernel 2.4.20 with openmosix patched. That's not
> > problem.
> >
> > My problem is my new mobo with Via KT400 and net chip Broadcom BCM4400.
> > Where does MDK get such patchs?
> >
> You can extract all the patches they use and inspect them.  They would be part
> of the kernel SRPM (NOTE:  Not the kernel-source RPMS, but the kernel SRPM).
> Install it and then all the sources and patches will be installed to
> /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES.

Alan Wilter S. da Silva
 Laboratório de Física Biológica
  Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho
   Universidade do Brasil/UFRJ
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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Re: [expert] 9.1 kernel 2.4.21 vs cooker 2.4.21

2003-06-16 Thread Greg Meyer
On Monday 16 June 2003 10:24 am, Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva wrote:
> Thanky Greg!  However, it's not a sort of thing that I may download by
> urpmi, is it?

The SRPMS are in a different part of the dist tree.  I think it is something 
like this:

 | |---\base

Any mirror should have em.

> Cheers,
> On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Greg Meyer wrote:
> > On Monday 16 June 2003 08:23 am, Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva wrote:
> > > Hi List!
> > >
> > >
> > > I need to compile linus kernel 2.4.20 with openmosix patched. That's
> > > not problem.
> > >
> > > My problem is my new mobo with Via KT400 and net chip Broadcom BCM4400.
> > > Where does MDK get such patchs?
> >
> > You can extract all the patches they use and inspect them.  They would be
> > part of the kernel SRPM (NOTE:  Not the kernel-source RPMS, but the
> > kernel SRPM). Install it and then all the sources and patches will be
> > installed to /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES.


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[expert] Suggestions to help Minimize List Email Traffic

2003-06-16 Thread Tru64 User
Hi  ALL,

I have one suggestion to make. To minimize traffic on
this list and make it a "Read All" list, i suggest the
following rules which are being followed on a
different list I am subscribing to to be adopted on
this list:

After a question is posted, all replies should go
directly ONLY to the person who posted the question. 
After a satisfactory resolution, the original poster
should then post a SUMMARY:, which is a description 
to what/how the problem was solved, to the list. 

If responses slow down, and problem has not been
resolved, then the original poster can submit an
UPDATE: to the status of his problem if not resolved. 

Finally, if a problem is never resolved, send a
SUMMARY anyway, to say that problem was not
resolved/or no replies. U might be suprised how many
more may reply then, since they always assumed someone
else had : -)

That way, every post will have mostly 2-3 total
entries only. 

1. Original Question 
2. (Optional)UPDATE & 

Heading should be tagged as such too, to show whether
this is an UPDATE or a SUMMARY. This makes it easier
to filter into peoples mailboxes.
That way, it will be very useful to all of us, and
future users of mdk.

I come across posts that should be offlinelike
email today said "I can say more offline than here"
and then, another email reply goes "I tell you"
Those should not belong here in my opinion. Those two
lines are 2/116 i received from Sat 10AM to Monday
10AM. Automatically it forces a "HighLight ALL,
DELETE" for it takes too long to read all
emails...only to find out that a big number should not
have been posted to the public to begin with.

Let me know what you guys think. BTW, who is the list


Richard Mollel


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Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-16 Thread Bill Mullen
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:

> I know I could solve the whole thing with the Mandrake CDs 1-3 and a 
> auto-setup floppy but I want to have it on one CD altogether.

Well, my first question would be: will they even all fit, given that you
still need room for the installer itself, and (presumably, most if not all
of) its associated files? I'm not at all certain as to just how much you
can actually remove from CD #1, and still have it both install properly,
and also continue to be a fully-functional rescue disc ...

... but I strongly suspect that you'll find out, one way or another. ;)

In the off chance that you may have need of it, I've found that a handy
trick to duplicate an existing package selection onto a new system (or
two, or twenty) is to run the following on the system to be "cloned":

rpm -qa --qf %{NAME}"\ " > rpmlist

I then take a quick look through the file (which is just one long line),
hunting for any system-specific RPMs that wouldn't be appropriate on the
target system(s), and deleting their names from the list. There's no use
having stuff like nVidia RPMs in there if the target system(s) may well
not have an nVidia card, for example.

The resulting file can be fed to urpmi on the new system, thereby "filling 
out" a fresh, bare-minimum (and, therefore, single-CD) install, with:

urpmi $(cat rpmlist)

Of course, urpmi has to already know by that point just where to find them
all ... but if you've got them sitting together on a custom CD (along with
this file, and a, a simple script will take care of that easily
enough, and said script can go right onto that CD with them. :)

One advantage to this method is that if you configure the network on the
target system first, and then set up all the various urpmi mirror sources
before you run this (which can also be done in the aforementioned script),
urpmi will grab from *them* any packages for which updated RPMs have been
issued since the date that your custom RPM CD itself was created ... this
may not be exactly what you're looking for, but if you're looking at a
two-CD arrangement anyway, perhaps it will help a bit, as you can then use
the "stock" CD #1 - or, since you also mentioned custom kernels, perhaps
one which requires the fewest number of modifications.

It's about the fastest way to go from bare drives to a "fully loaded, and
ready to tweak" Mandrake system that I've managed to come up with ...

... well, so far, at least ... ;)


Bill Mullen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   MA, USA   RLU #270075   MDK 8.1 & 9.0
The engineer is neither optimist nor pessimist. He sees the proverbial
half-full/empty glass and says, "The glass is twice as big as there is
any need for it to be."

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Re: [expert] Apache redirects incorrectly

2003-06-16 Thread Steven Broos
> Under XP:
> http://localhost/ all the links in the page refer to localhost.
> Under Linux:
> http://localhost/ then all the links in the page refer to 
> wich is the Internet URL. Really i don't know 
> why the Apache server redirects it to the URL instead of the localhost.

Maybe you can put the host in your
/etc/hosts-file ?  Make an entry like:
or use your real IP-address for it.

If that doesn't work and if you're running bind, maybe you can configure
bind that way ?

Just 2 wild guesses.


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Re: [expert] alphabetizing / sorting seems screwy

2003-06-16 Thread eric huff
> > I put export LC_COLLATE=POSIX in .bash_profile
> > so filemanagers (like rox) would get it
> > and also in .bashrc (after /etc/bashrc gets run, since it sets it
> > back) so xterms, etc wuld get it.
> >
> > Whoops: it's a little off. Heres the order:
> >
> > dot files
> > numbers
> > caps
> > symbols
> > lower case

> Thanks Eric. Would putting this in rc.local work also?

Haven't messed with rc.local yet, but there's a line in /etc/bashrc that 
runs all  /etc/profile.d/*.sh of which one sets things back to en_US.
I'm sure those could be changed, but i figured i'd just muck with my user 

> It seems great
> except I remember that in additon to what you've got working that the
> files/dirs were also arranged lowercase followed by uppercase. Does this
> sound familiar or is my memory at fault? (that couldn't be it...)

I'm pretty sure it was uppercase first, then lowercase. But, as we now 
know, it can be set any which way.  Maybe your sysadmin liked lower then 
upper, and mine liked upper then lower:

Ideal for me would be:

> > dot files
> > symbols
> > numbers
> > caps
> > lower case


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Re: [expert] Suggestions to help Minimize List Email Traffic

2003-06-16 Thread Hezekiah M. Carty
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 11:23, Tru64 User wrote:
> Hi  ALL,
> I have one suggestion to make. To minimize traffic on
> this list and make it a "Read All" list, i suggest the
> following rules which are being followed on a
> different list I am subscribing to to be adopted on
> this list:
< snip several good ideas >

I think you make some good points here, but one of the strengths of this
and other support-type mailing lists is the open discussion that goes
on.  Quite often it seems that one person's response jogs something in
another person's memory, often leading to a better resolution than one
person alone would have come up with.  We'd lose a lot of that if the
discussion switched to one-on-one for each question.  So, basically, I
like things the way they are :-)  Your ideas do sound good for perhaps a
'expert-light' list though, or something similar.

Just a thought.


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Re: [expert] Suggestions to help Minimize List Email Traffic

2003-06-16 Thread Jack Coates
Every list I've been on that implemented such a setup ended up dead
within the year. Traffic levels drop alright, spiraling down to zero. As
long as truly OT flamewars and silliness are kept down, the sort of list
non-structure that we currently enjoy allows a sense of community to
form, allows one advice-giver to amplify or correct another
advice-giver's answer, and allows serendipitous connections to be drawn.

Rather than less traffic, in my opinion we should have more traffic --
as I've said before, I would merge the newbie and expert lists into a
single users list.

I don't believe that there is a moderator since Todd left. Per Vincent's
message, it appears that Mandrake has decided to shift their attention
to web-fora as a support channel (bad mistake) and is consequently
deprioritizing all lists other than cooker. Furthermore, mailing lists
were never a support channel, support isn't really support, and black is
truly white if you just stop and think about it long enough.


On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 08:23, Tru64 User wrote:
> Hi  ALL,
> I have one suggestion to make. To minimize traffic on
> this list and make it a "Read All" list, i suggest the
> following rules which are being followed on a
> different list I am subscribing to to be adopted on
> this list:
> After a question is posted, all replies should go
> directly ONLY to the person who posted the question. 
> After a satisfactory resolution, the original poster
> should then post a SUMMARY:, which is a description 
> to what/how the problem was solved, to the list. 
> If responses slow down, and problem has not been
> resolved, then the original poster can submit an
> UPDATE: to the status of his problem if not resolved. 
> Finally, if a problem is never resolved, send a
> SUMMARY anyway, to say that problem was not
> resolved/or no replies. U might be suprised how many
> more may reply then, since they always assumed someone
> else had : -)
> That way, every post will have mostly 2-3 total
> entries only. 
> 1. Original Question 
> 2. (Optional)UPDATE & 
> 3. SUMMARY. 
> Heading should be tagged as such too, to show whether
> this is an UPDATE or a SUMMARY. This makes it easier
> to filter into peoples mailboxes.
> That way, it will be very useful to all of us, and
> future users of mdk.
> I come across posts that should be offlinelike
> email today said "I can say more offline than here"
> and then, another email reply goes "I tell you"
> Those should not belong here in my opinion. Those two
> lines are 2/116 i received from Sat 10AM to Monday
> 10AM. Automatically it forces a "HighLight ALL,
> DELETE" for it takes too long to read all
> emails...only to find out that a big number should not
> have been posted to the public to begin with.
> Let me know what you guys think. BTW, who is the list
> monitor?
> _Thanks
> Richard Mollel
> =
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!
> __
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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Re: [expert] Suggestions to help Minimize List Email Traffic

2003-06-16 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Tru64 User wrote:

>Hi  ALL,
>I have one suggestion to make. To minimize traffic on
>this list and make it a "Read All" list, i suggest the
>following rules which are being followed on a
>different list I am subscribing to to be adopted on
>this list:
>After a question is posted, all replies should go
>directly ONLY to the person who posted the question. 
>After a satisfactory resolution, the original poster
>should then post a SUMMARY:, which is a description 
>to what/how the problem was solved, to the list. 
>If responses slow down, and problem has not been
>resolved, then the original poster can submit an
>UPDATE: to the status of his problem if not resolved. 
>Finally, if a problem is never resolved, send a
>SUMMARY anyway, to say that problem was not
>resolved/or no replies. U might be suprised how many
>more may reply then, since they always assumed someone
>else had : -)
>That way, every post will have mostly 2-3 total
>entries only. 
>1. Original Question 
>2. (Optional)UPDATE & 
>Heading should be tagged as such too, to show whether
>this is an UPDATE or a SUMMARY. This makes it easier
>to filter into peoples mailboxes.
>That way, it will be very useful to all of us, and
>future users of mdk.
>I come across posts that should be offlinelike
>email today said "I can say more offline than here"
>and then, another email reply goes "I tell you"
>Those should not belong here in my opinion. Those two
>lines are 2/116 i received from Sat 10AM to Monday
>10AM. Automatically it forces a "HighLight ALL,
>DELETE" for it takes too long to read all
>emails...only to find out that a big number should not
>have been posted to the public to begin with.
>Let me know what you guys think. BTW, who is the list
>Richard Mollel
I don't think that is a very good idea.  The thinking out loud that
happens here and in the cooker list is what leads to solutions.

If after the first post all responses are off list how does anyone
profit by, or add to, the information being passed back and forth
between the original poster and the responders?  You never know when
someone might say something that will jog someone's memory or
imagination.  They can't add to the discussion in real time if they
don't know what's being said.

Brant Fitzsimmons

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [expert] Suggestions to help Minimize List Email Traffic

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 4:47 pm, Hezekiah M. Carty wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 11:23, Tru64 User wrote:
> > Hi  ALL,
> >
> > I have one suggestion to make. To minimize traffic on
> > this list and make it a "Read All" list, i suggest the
> > following rules which are being followed on a
> > different list I am subscribing to to be adopted on
> > this list:
> < snip several good ideas >
> I think you make some good points here, but one of the strengths of
> this and other support-type mailing lists is the open discussion
> that goes on.  Quite often it seems that one person's response jogs
> something in another person's memory, often leading to a better
> resolution than one person alone would have come up with.  We'd
> lose a lot of that if the discussion switched to one-on-one for
> each question.  So, basically, I like things the way they are :-) 
> Your ideas do sound good for perhaps a 'expert-light' list though,
> or something similar.
I sympathise with the intention of the suggestion, but as a learning 
tool, we would also lost something, I think.  The troubleshooting 
along the way often makes me think about things relevant to my own 


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Re: [expert] Suggestions to help Minimize List Email Traffic

2003-06-16 Thread Kwan Lowe
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 11:23, Tru64 User wrote:

> After a question is posted, all replies should go
> directly ONLY to the person who posted the question. 
> After a satisfactory resolution, the original poster
> should then post a SUMMARY:, which is a description 
> to what/how the problem was solved, to the list. 
> If responses slow down, and problem has not been
> resolved, then the original poster can submit an
> UPDATE: to the status of his problem if not resolved. 
I certainly don't agree with limiting threads to 2 or 3 posts. The 
whole spirit of the list is to allow open collaboration and the 
sharing of knowledge. Sure, there's noise but the moderators have 
responded to OT posts before. I for one will absolutely not continue 
to read or respond to any list where the posts are not publicly 

> Finally, if a problem is never resolved, send a
> SUMMARY anyway, to say that problem was not
> resolved/or no replies. U might be suprised how many
> more may reply then, since they always assumed someone
> else had : -)

Sure, a summary post is always polite, especially in cases where the
poster gets private responses. I send quite a bit of private mail
because the original post may be OT for the list.

> That way, every post will have mostly 2-3 total
> entries only. 
> 1. Original Question 
> 2. (Optional)UPDATE & 
> 3. SUMMARY. 

A better idea is to read the Usenet etiquette guidelines. You don't need
to agree or follow every one of them, but some make sense. For example,
when replying to a post, quote only the relevant portions of the email.
This list has had some very long emails, quoting not only multiple
signature lines, but every response in the thread. Many times only one
or two lines were added to a hundred plus line post.

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Re: [expert] Wanted to try wine

2003-06-16 Thread Jim C

Battlenet, as I understand it, has been a problem for quite some time with all 

You can say that again.  We haven't even been able to get MechWarrior IV 
to network in Windows XP over our local net.  I'm beginning to wonder if 
there isn't a firewall issue but we did try it with the firewall off and 
still no dice.  Anyway this is off-topic I suppose..

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Re: [expert] - IRQ Balancing still not fixed...

2003-06-16 Thread Vincent Danen
On Mon Jun 16, 2003 at 12:58:58PM +0100, Mark Watts wrote:

> My original email included the paste from 2.4.21-0.18mdkenterprise.
> I'll include it again here:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# uname -a
> Linux mail1 2.4.21-0.18mdkenterprise #1 SMP Wed Jun 4 11:44:12 MDT 2003 i686
> unknown unknown GNU/Linux
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /proc/interrupts
>CPU0   CPU1
>   0:  46423  0IO-APIC-edge  timer
>   1:  2  0IO-APIC-edge  keyboard
>   2:  0  0  XT-PIC  cascade
>   5:  0  0   IO-APIC-level  usb-ohci
>   8:  1  0IO-APIC-edge  rtc
>  14:  6  0IO-APIC-edge  ide0
>  16: 16  0   IO-APIC-level  aic7xxx
>  17: 16  0   IO-APIC-level  aic7xxx
>  28:   5206  0   IO-APIC-level  eth0
>  29:   4179  0   IO-APIC-level  eth1
>  30:  11562  0   IO-APIC-level  aacraid
> NMI:  0  0
> LOC:  46328  46283
> ERR:  0
> MIS:  0

I'm really not sure why you're getting this... on my end it looks fine with
my dual Athlon.  I'm cc'ing this to Juan so he can see what's going on and
maybe he has some ideas.

MandrakeSoft Security;
Online Security Resource Book;
"lynx -source | gpg --import"
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Description: PGP signature

Re: [expert] Suggestions to help Minimize List Email Traffic

2003-06-16 Thread Vincent Danen
On Mon Jun 16, 2003 at 08:45:39AM -0700, Jack Coates wrote:

> I don't believe that there is a moderator since Todd left. Per Vincent's
> message, it appears that Mandrake has decided to shift their attention
> to web-fora as a support channel (bad mistake) and is consequently
> deprioritizing all lists other than cooker. Furthermore, mailing lists
> were never a support channel, support isn't really support, and black is
> truly white if you just stop and think about it long enough.

There is no moderator, and we didn't shift our attention to a website; it's
always been a website.  This has never been an "official" support channel.
This is an unofficial "community-driven" support channel, and it has always
been this way.  The official support has always been MandrakeExpert.

Cooker is a different list... it isn't a support list, it's a development
list.  Big difference.

And no, there is no moderator although if things get out of hand, I'd have
to step forward I suppose.

MandrakeSoft Security;
Online Security Resource Book;
"lynx -source | gpg --import"
{FE6F2AFD : 88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD}

Description: PGP signature

Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-16 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 04:56, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> ** Bill Mullen (Montag, 16. Juni 2003 07:47)
> > On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> > > I already have a Knoppix CD but what I want to do is:
> > >
> > > A CD that can work as a rescue media for my installation and also
> > > can do as an installation CD containing only the apps and tools I
> > > have installed now. Kind of a individual installation CD.
> >
> > Perhaps, wobo, starting with the iso of MDK CD #1, loop-mounting it
> > r/w, knocking out whatever you're sure you won't need, replacing the
> > RPMs with your own selection, and then burning the result would work?
> > You'd need to run genhdlist to create the file, and there
> > are probably a bunch of other considerations that aren't readily
> > apparent, but maybe ... ;)
> That was mainly the route I wanted to travel. I just want to have my 
> kernel on it together with some modules to start at boot time.
> As for the I know how to do that although dependencies may be 
> a PITA.
> I thought I could put all rpms on it which are listed in the 
> softwaremanager as 'installed', then create a and so avoid 
> dependencies problems.
> I know I could solve the whole thing with the Mandrake CDs 1-3 and a 
> auto-setup floppy but I want to have it on one CD altogether.
> wobo

This is actually doeable... but secret as heck unfortunately.  You can
get a plf iso that doubles as disk 1 for doing an install.  I think MDK
is using isolinux to build their disks but really don't know for sure. 
Only thing I do know is that it isn't anaconda anymore. *grin*   If
anyone knows or figures it out... let's document it.  I agree that a 1
disk "my disk" install would be neat.(not to mention useful for
businesses like say a Dell) 


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Re: [expert] Make xconfig doesn't work in new kernel

2003-06-16 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 03:04, Joerg Mertin wrote:
> Hi James,
> actually - I had created back in time a so called "Quicky" section - 
> text based. I was thinking in getting it rewritten in the style of my 
> FAQ module (with search capabilities etc.). Maybe - as I'm getting 
> unemployed by the end of the Week - I'll start coding a module for 
> phpWebSite that does exactly this :) You can see the FAQ on my Home-site 
> :) Really neat :)

I'll look,  sounds cool only thing is that the Twiki is perl in and of
itself but. if Vincent is willing a lot could be done.  As for the
unemployment... sorry.  
> PS: I'm going to get a Via EPIA 5000 and a VIA Nemiah M1 systems in 
> the next couple of weeks. As I ordered the Mdk Prosuite Edition - I most 
> probably write some little essai's on that one. You think It will fit on 
> the Twiki ?

Oh heavens yes.  I've a feeling the the EPIA is going to become more and
more of a market all the time. Sweet setup and price  Not a gamers
machine and it won't worry Sun but it's definitely got a place in the
world.  (Not to mention Via actually is starting to care about Linux.)

> Cheers
>   Joerg
> James Sparenberg wrote:
> > Since valuable info like this needs to be captured I started a new
> > section in the HowTo's on the Twiki... called Tips and Tricks.  It's at 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > With the object of allowing anyone who sees something they think is
> > really neat and or usefull to put it in the twiki, The idea is that
> > sometimes our "suggestions" result in a fix that is really a combination
> > of suggestions.  If this happens it would be real nice to capture.  I'm
> > hoping by setting it up ... then doing it a little myself to promote
> > more people to put what worked in a place it can be researched.

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Re: [expert] Mouse dies after suspending

2003-06-16 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 02:07, Per-Olof Litby - Reg'l Mgr Nordic/Baltic -
Java Web Services - Sun Microsystems wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've tried using the pmsuspend script available with Mandrake 9.1 and
> it seems to work fine with 2 exceptions:
>  1. The mouse (USB wheel mouse) stops working after wake up from
> suspension
>  2. Both suspending and wake up are very slow.
> Does anyone know if the mouse problem can be fixed?
> thanks,

This should do it although I don't have a USB mouse to test with. 

cd /etc/sysconfig

then edit the file suspend.  You will see this set of lines.(in poor
english *grin*)

# Sometime USB doen't support well the suspending, specially for mouse
# you may want to activate USBMOUSE_RESTART to make sure that your
# mouse will work, if you want to restart the whole usb system set the
# variable USB_RESTART

Change the USB_RESTART="no" to yes ... and over the next suspend it
should work.


> -- 
> ---
> Per-Olof Litby   Phone   +46 8 631-1463
> Regional Mgr - Nordic/Baltic   Fax   +46 8 631-1005
> Java Web ServicesEmail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sun Microsystems  
> ---
> Calendar URL below (Sun only)
> http://namefinder.germany/nfcal.cgi?-s+23213
> ---
> I've got this great ambition to die of exhaustion
> rather than boredom.
> --- 

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Re: [expert] beowulf support

2003-06-16 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 07:08, Jack Coates wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 06:40, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> > ** Saurav Gohain (Montag, 16. Juni 2003 15:31)
> > > Hi,
> > > We are interested in developing a Beowulf cluster based on Mandrake.
> > > can anyone point us the necessary tools as of availaible.
> > 
> > Building a Beowulf cluster
> >
> > 
> > "The examples you find in this document will apply to using the RedHat 
> > or Mandrake Linux operating system."
> > 
> > Putting "Beowulf Mandrake" into the Google searchbox gives you some more 
> > sources.
> > 
> > wobo
> this might be interesting to look at as well:


for the whole story... nicest part is the implementation of ka-run which
improves software and system management for the entire cluster.  Makes
it much easier to keep all nodes in the cluster in sync installation


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Re: [expert] Suggestions to help Minimize List Email Traffic

2003-06-16 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 09:12, Kwan Lowe wrote:

> A better idea is to read the Usenet etiquette guidelines. You don't need
> to agree or follow every one of them, but some make sense. For example,
> when replying to a post, quote only the relevant portions of the email.
> This list has had some very long emails, quoting not only multiple
> signature lines, but every response in the thread. Many times only one
> or two lines were added to a hundred plus line post.

   I agree with snipping and stand as guilty as anyone of being lazy. 
However I cut religiously sigs.   But as far as traffic goes this list
can't touch cooker.. Now that's volume (800 to a thousand a day during
crunch time!) I've learned way to much "following" threads if this list
dropped to 2 or 3 mails per thread it would become as useless a a forum
for me.  Oh yes and if the problem is a good one... Summarize in the
community twiki *grin*


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Re: [expert] Make xconfig doesn't work in new kernel

2003-06-16 Thread Vincent Danen
On Mon Jun 16, 2003 at 10:04:58AM -0700, James Sparenberg wrote:

> > actually - I had created back in time a so called "Quicky" section - 
> > text based. I was thinking in getting it rewritten in the style of my 
> > FAQ module (with search capabilities etc.). Maybe - as I'm getting 
> > unemployed by the end of the Week - I'll start coding a module for 
> > phpWebSite that does exactly this :) You can see the FAQ on my Home-site 
> > :) Really neat :)
> I'll look,  sounds cool only thing is that the Twiki is perl in and of
> itself but. if Vincent is willing a lot could be done.  As for the

Whatever you guys want done to the twiki framework, just let me know.  If
you have code to do the deed in question, even better.  =)  My time is a
little limited, so I can't innovate too much, but if you guys want something
specific done that can only be accomplished server-side (new plugins, etc.)
just send me the relevant changes or point me to the where those changes are
discussed so I can implement them, and consider it done.

MandrakeSoft Security;
Online Security Resource Book;
"lynx -source | gpg --import"
{FE6F2AFD : 88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD}

Description: PGP signature

[expert] Mailing List mis-management?

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
Earlier today I sent a post to the newbie list and the expert list, 
saying that we should get started on a hardward compatibility list on 
the TWiki site.  Cross-posted, you understand (not a thing I normally 
do, but it seemed justified at the time).

I received my two copies, which my filters put both into the newbie 
folder - or so I thought.   However, Eric then mailed me about this.  
You may remember that he has brought up this subject before.  I think 
that it was generally thought that he was mistaken (I admit I thought 
so too), but when he raised the question I checked the full headers 
for the posts.  *Both* of them said 


I had thought it strange that no-one from the expert list had 
answered, but it seems Eric is right - it never got there.

An hour or two later, Greg posted to the newbie list that he had 
started the page.  I forwarded his post to the expert list, for 
information.  That was perhaps 5 hours ago.  I has not shown up.

We seem to have serious problems here.


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Re: [expert] Mailing List mis-management?

2003-06-16 Thread Pierre Fortin

This is an *ancient* problem...  I pointed it out about 2 years ago IIRC
-- when there were all sorts of other mail issues...  it wasn't fixed then
and probably won't be fixed now...  the solution is simple -- don't cross
post...  send 2 messages...  

On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 20:14:54 +0100 Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Earlier today I sent a post to the newbie list and the expert list, 
> saying that we should get started on a hardward compatibility list on 
> the TWiki site.  Cross-posted, you understand (not a thing I normally 
> do, but it seemed justified at the time).
> I received my two copies, which my filters put both into the newbie 
> folder - or so I thought.   However, Eric then mailed me about this.  
> You may remember that he has brought up this subject before.  I think 
> that it was generally thought that he was mistaken (I admit I thought 
> so too), but when he raised the question I checked the full headers 
> for the posts.  *Both* of them said 
> Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I had thought it strange that no-one from the expert list had 
> answered, but it seems Eric is right - it never got there.
> An hour or two later, Greg posted to the newbie list that he had 
> started the page.  I forwarded his post to the expert list, for 
> information.  That was perhaps 5 hours ago.  I has not shown up.
> We seem to have serious problems here.
> Anne

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Re: [expert] Mailing List mis-management?

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 8:45 pm, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> Anne,
> This is an *ancient* problem...  I pointed it out about 2 years ago
> IIRC -- when there were all sorts of other mail issues...  it
> wasn't fixed then and probably won't be fixed now...  the solution
> is simple -- don't cross post...  send 2 messages...
Hmmm - a workaround, I suppose.  But what about the forwarded message 
that never appeared?


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Re: [expert] Mailing List mis-management?

2003-06-16 Thread Vox
On September 1993 plus 3575 days Anne Wilson wrote:

> Earlier today I sent a post to the newbie list and the expert list, 
> saying that we should get started on a hardward compatibility list on 
> the TWiki site.  Cross-posted, you understand (not a thing I normally 
> do, but it seemed justified at the time).
> I received my two copies, which my filters put both into the newbie 
> folder - or so I thought.   However, Eric then mailed me about this.  
> You may remember that he has brought up this subject before.  I think 
> that it was generally thought that he was mistaken (I admit I thought 
> so too), but when he raised the question I checked the full headers 
> for the posts.  *Both* of them said 
> Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I had thought it strange that no-one from the expert list had 
> answered, but it seems Eric is right - it never got there.
> An hour or two later, Greg posted to the newbie list that he had 
> started the page.  I forwarded his post to the expert list, for 
> information.  That was perhaps 5 hours ago.  I has not shown up.
> We seem to have serious problems here.

  And the problems can be summed up in a single thought: sympa sucks
  planets through capillary straws. 

  Unfortunately, whoever the admin is of the server
  has never admitted it, not even when there was a long thread about
  it in cooker@ so I guess we are stuck with the POS (yes, I hate
  sympa very much, sorry)

  Vox, who'd love to see all mdk lists run through mailman, at least

Think of the Linux community as a niche economy isolated by its beliefs.  Kind
of like the Amish, except that our religion requires us to use _higher_
technology than everyone else.   -- Donald B. Marti Jr.

Description: PGP signature

[expert] changing fs

2003-06-16 Thread David Hlacik
Hi, i have some partitions with NTFS and i am going to change to FAT32.
How can i do it under Linux console?

David Hlacik

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Re: [expert] Radeon 9700 + nforce2- nvidia 1.0261 drivers (with agpgart patch for 3rd party graphics cards) and ML 9.1

2003-06-16 Thread Adrian Golumbovici
Man, I can guarantee you I am happily married and straight, but I couls
still kiss you. :) Thx. Somehow with this patch it worked. I just finished
testing Unreal Tournament 2003. :) :) :) Yeeey :) Now I just wonder what is
the difference between this and the nvidia patch?!? :/ Why does this work
and the NVIDIA patch fails?!?

Best regards,
- Original Message - 
From: "Joerg Mertin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Radeon 9700 + nforce2- nvidia 1.0261 drivers (with
agpgart patch for 3rd party graphics cards) and ML 9.1

> Hi Mate,
> hehehe :) Here we go again. I have by now bought a Radeon 9500 Pro - and
> still have my Asus Nforce 2 Board running smoothly.
> What you actuually have to do is the following.
> 1. Get the kernel source. Best is taking the source in the mdk. updates
> section.
> 2. Apply the AGP Patch (For the Radeon). You can find it under:
> cd /usr/src/
> patch -p0 -E -s < nforce-agp.diff
> 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file
> linux/include/linux/agp_backend.h.rej
> You'll see one rejection. That's no problem.
> cd linux/include/linux
> emacs agp_backend.h.rej agp_backend.h
> You'll see the following:
> ***
> *** 82,87 
>typedef struct _agp_version {
> --- 82,89 
> + NV_NFORCE_2,
>typedef struct _agp_version {
>So - go to the mentioned line 82 in the agp_backend.h file, type in
>(For the Emacs):
>-X goto-line 
> And you'll see that all you need to add here is the 2 missing lines:
> after HP_Zx1, to have a working include file.
> Go to you normal /usr/src/linux directory - and perform a kernel
> configuration - e.g. make menuconfig (xconfig doesn't work for me) :)
> Compile the kernel: make depend && make bzImage && make modules && make
> modules_install
> Copy the kernel Imagefile to the boot Directory and adapt your Lilo/Grub
> configuration accordingly.
> NOTE: ALWAYS keep the old kernel for security reasons !
> Once this is done - reboot your system and you should have the new
> version running, with agp support. Test it by issuing:
> modprobe agpgart
> It should work out of the Box.
> Now - all you need to do is get the ATI stuff from:
> and install these according to their INSTALL.txt file :)
> Should work out of the box.
>   The entire thread discussing the agp_patch is here:
> Having it done like this - I now can run UT2003, Guake 3 Arena Tuxracer,
> etc 
> Cheers & Good luck :)
> Joerg
> Adrian Golumbovici wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > Did anyone succeed in getting them work together nicely? If so
> > please explain step by step like for an retarded idiot:) how you did it.
> > I got it to the point that the agpgart module loads and the fglrx module
> > loads. In X fglrxinfo displays the ATI driver and also the OpenGL from
> > ATI and not the Mesa one. Though everything seems fine, I cannot start
> > any application including fgl_glxgears or tuxracer without my PC
> > freezing. I looked in the /var/log/kernel/errors and saw something about
> > fglrx:firegl_unlock drm_ioremapfree and an attempt to call something on
> > a NULL. Funny stuff is that I have no other warning/error whatsoever in
> > dmesg, XFree86 log or messages. :/ When I try to start fgl_glxgears PC
> > freezes instantly without doing anything (I remain in the screen where I
> > tried starting it). Only a hard reboot is possible (no Ctrl-Bksp, no
> > SysReq, nada). :( I thought maybe something screwy is going on with my
> > fgl_glxgears so I tried Tuxracer. A bit better. My screen went black and
> > monitor made the "click" it does when changing video modes, stayed there
> > for a few seconds and then monitor switched to standby like it does when
> > no signal comes (for ex when PC is off). In the meantime I could hear an
> > endless looping sound in my headset. :( Also beside hard reset nothing
> > of the "normal" ways to regain control of the PC worked :( I switched on
> > my TV to see if it outputs there something, but no go (thought the
> > rascal switched output to the TV-OUT maybe). :( I got the latest ati
> > driver for X 4.3.0 (I think is 2.9.12). Did a clean kernel recompile, a
> > clean uninstall and rebuild/reinstall of the NVIDIA_nforce driver for
> > the agpgart and also cleanly uninstalled and installed the fglrx driver.
> > Same simptom. :( Am going nuts. So please if you managed to do it tell
> > me how and any thoughts on how to debug the crash. If it would have 

Re: [expert] kernel bug still not fixed

2003-06-16 Thread Bryan Whitehead
  As I cut and pasted main.c from this e-mail it wouldn't compile... do
to a number | (pipes) showing up.  What I got was 
i get no |'s when cut/paste... using mozilla mail. The main.c file has 
no |'s in it.

int main ( )
| | | | printf("hello world\n");
(I had to edit this to make them visible in the e-mail.)  

but when I removed them.

int main ( )
printf("hello world\n");
That is correct.

it worked fine here on 9.1 with gcc3.  It's possible I guess that your
e-mail client inserted the pipes or mine did when cutting or pasting...
not sure.  The important part is that it compiled, and ran, as expected.
What I'm running.

Mandrake 9.1 
Kernel 2.4.21-18mdk (stock)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rpm -qa | grep gcc
my uname -a

Linux 2.4.21-0.18mdk #1 Wed Jun 4 12:38:37 MDT 2003
i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux 

If you note I'm not using the enterprise version of the kernel. I'm
instead using the standard.  Since in my case our workstations don't
seem to benefit from it at all. (ie no performance change, or other
I use the enterprise version of the kernel because I have over 900MB of 
ram. some machines have 2GB or more.

Machines running the regular kernel (smaller amount of ram) have the 
same problem.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ uname -a
Linux 2.4.21-0.18mdksmp #1 SMP Wed Jun 4 09:48:52 
MDT 2003 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ cat main.c

int main ( )
printf("hello world\n");
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ gcc -g -o main main.c
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:773984 766368   7616  0 52 412204
-/+ buffers/cache: 354112 419872
Swap:  20971364002096736
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ gdb ./main
GNU gdb 5.3-22mdk (Mandrake Linux)
Copyright 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain 
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i586-mandrake-linux-gnu"...
(gdb) break 6
Breakpoint 1 at 0x804834c: file main.c, line 6.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/driver/main
Cannot insert breakpoint -2.
Error accessing memory address 0x4000af50: Input/output error.
The same program may be running in another process.

When you say "it worked fine" what do you mean? Yes, the program runs 
just fine. but I cannot trace the program in gdb, set breakpoints, or 
step thru the program

I've also tried the UNI-proccess kernels and have the same problem.

None of the machines are "upgraded" machines, mandrake was installed 
fresh via kickstart.

Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry and Large Optical Systems
Phone: 818 354 2903

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Re: [expert] Radeon 9700 + nforce2- nvidia 1.0261 drivers (with agpgart patch for 3rd party graphics cards) and ML 9.1

2003-06-16 Thread Joerg Mertin
Hold on Hold On,

I' m married too, and very happy with it ;)
I don' t know what the difference to your patch was - however - it 
worked with the one I mentioned here :) So - it should be fine on your 
side too. The reason I think this patch works -m is because it was done 
by someone who plays too :)

Adrian Golumbovici wrote:
Man, I can guarantee you I am happily married and straight, but I couls
still kiss you. :) Thx. Somehow with this patch it worked. I just finished
testing Unreal Tournament 2003. :) :) :) Yeeey :) Now I just wonder what is
the difference between this and the nvidia patch?!? :/ Why does this work
and the NVIDIA patch fails?!?


| Joerg Mertin  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED](Home)|
| in Neuchâtel/Schweiz  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Work)|
| Stardust's LiNUX System   :  |
| PGP 2.6.3in Key on Demand :  Voice & Fax: +41(0)32 / 725 52 54   |


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Re: [expert] Radeon 9700 + nforce2- nvidia 1.0261 drivers (with agpgart patch for 3rd party graphics cards) and ML 9.1

2003-06-16 Thread Joerg Mertin
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Adrian Golumbovici wrote:

> Hi Mate, :)
> Yeap, here we go again. Strange thing is that I did all is written
> underneath except for applying the patch you point to. I applied the one
> from nvidia. Is something different in the one below? For one thing, the
> result of the patch had some other rejects with the patch from nvidia (there
> was no reject in the agp_backend.h). Also, any idea how I can trace the
> freeze of my PC? Any special boot params or bios settings?

Hmmm. Could you send me the Patch from NVidia to my private E-Mail 
(Signature) ? So I can check if that one works or is similar.
The Boot params are the mem=nopentium and acpi=off.
The rest is as is.
Guess - for the freeze ? only thing you could do is starting your 
computer X-Server from a remote console (other computer) by enabling 
debugmessages. You might see what's going on with that.



| Joerg Mertin  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED](Home)|
| in Neuchâtel/Schweiz  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Work)| 
| Stardust's LiNUX System   :  |
| PGP 2.6.3in Key on Demand :  Voice & Fax: +41(0)32 / 725 52 54   |


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[expert] box hangs in sleep mode

2003-06-16 Thread elPunishar
hi everyone!

my box (mandrake 9.1) seems to sometimes hang up when i leave it alone for a 
few hours.
my guess that it has something to do with a sleep mode, where the the graphic 
card is "turned off" or something, since it never happens when i'm working 
with it.

the graphic card is a geforce4 mx 440.

any ideas ?

tnx & greetings,
le stu

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Re: [expert] changing fs

2003-06-16 Thread Jack Coates
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 13:22, David Hlacik wrote:
> Hi, i have some partitions with NTFS and i am going to change to FAT32.
> How can i do it under Linux console?
> David Hlacik

cp -a the data into another partition, then use mkfs to reformat the
partition to fat32, then mv -a the data back in.
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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Re: [expert] changing fs

2003-06-16 Thread Greg Meyer
On Monday 16 June 2003 04:22 pm, David Hlacik wrote:
> Hi, i have some partitions with NTFS and i am going to change to FAT32.
> How can i do it under Linux console?
Yu can't convert that I know of.  You'd have to back up the partition, 
reformat it as fat32 and then copy the data back.  If your trying to share 
data between Windows and Linux, linux can read ntfs even though it is not 
safe to write, instead of converting, why not just create a small fat32 
partition so that you can save the data created in linux so it is accessible 
to Windows.  Anything on the ntfs partition can be read from linux.


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[expert] how not to lose the 3rd party modules when recompiling kernel

2003-06-16 Thread Adrian Golumbovici

Hi all,
I am having a bit of a problem. Most times you 
recompile kernels are to get support for hardware you have, but the default 
flavour kernel don't have it. at least 90% of the times when you recompile is 
just to enable a few things, disable some other or after a patch, but using same 
kernel version. But this should not influence IMHO the 3rd party modules (or at 
least 99.99% of the time). For some strange reason each time I recompile the 
kernel, the 3rd party modules just disappear from the /lib/modules/... and then 
have to reinstall them. With custom compiled modules am not sure if only to copy 
the previous compiled module in the /lib/modules/... would work (didn't try 
it/always recompiled), but with rpmed modules you definitely have to rpm -e and 
then rpm -ivh again. :/ It is a major PITA if you have more than a 
couple of such modules. Anyone any idea what am I doing wrong, or how to 
prevent the kernel recompile make my 3rd party modules disappear?
Best regards,

Re: [expert] Apache redirects incorrectly

2003-06-16 Thread Brian Schroeder
I didn't notice this under Mandrake 8 - but I did run into the problem when 
upgraded to 9.1 - and, more specifically, apache 2.  After a bit of chasing
around, I was able to solve the problem by explicitly setting the ServerName
variable in /etc/httpd/2.0/conf/httpd2.conf.


From: Jesus Hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everybody, i'm new in the list, and i've got a problem with Apache under 
Mandrake 8.

I've got an Apache server running on a Windows XP, and everything works ok, 
but now i'm trying to configure it to run under Linux. The problem is that 
the page links do not redirect to the localhost but to the URL:

Under XP:
http://localhost/ all the links in the page refer to localhost.
Under Linux:
http://localhost/ then all the links in the page refer to wich is the Internet URL. Really i 
don't know why the Apache server redirects it to the URL instead of the 

The server is Apache, running PHP and MySQL.

Does anybody knows it? (I don't know if the question is clear enought)

Thanks in advance,
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Re: [expert] application/buffered/cache

2003-06-16 Thread kiosk

On 16 Jun 2003 00:05:14 -0700
James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>> Suffice it to say
>> my box always appears about to swap.. and never does.  Even when I run
>> win4lin and a user mode linux install at the same time as my main
>> install I still don't swap. With 512 megs of Ram like you have there
>> may be 20 megs (or less not sure) that will never be available to non
>> os related processes ... but the rest is there whenever you need it.
>> James

This is very reassuring, James. I guess I can now consider using MDK as my
main OS - quite an exciting prospect :)

many thanks,

Janet Blankfield

"Some doubt the existence of the sun
as it slides (like God) between the girders."



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Re: [expert] how not to lose the 3rd party modules when recompilingkernel

2003-06-16 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons

Adrian Golumbovici wrote:

  Hi all,
  I am having a bit of a problem. Most
times you recompile kernels are to get support for hardware you have,
but the default flavour kernel don't have it. at least 90% of the
times when you recompile is just to enable a few things, disable some
other or after a patch, but using same kernel version. But this should
not influence IMHO the 3rd party modules (or at least 99.99% of the
time). For some strange reason each time I recompile the kernel, the
3rd party modules just disappear from the /lib/modules/... and then
have to reinstall them. With custom compiled modules am not sure if only
to copy the previous compiled module in the /lib/modules/... would
work (didn't try it/always recompiled), but with rpmed modules you
definitely have to rpm -e and then rpm -ivh again. :/ It is a
major PITA if you have more than a couple of such modules. Anyone any
idea what am I doing wrong, or how to prevent the kernel recompile
make my 3rd party modules disappear?
  Best regards,

What are the steps you are taking to recompile the kernel?

Brant Fitzsimmons

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Re: [expert] per-directory umask

2003-06-16 Thread Michael Noble
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 18:26, Greg Meyer wrote:
> On Sunday 15 June 2003 08:48 pm, Steven Broos wrote:
> > Resend (june 4th)
> >
> > What I basically need is:
> > - a shared directory for users in a group
> > - Access to own files
> > - No access to other files
> > - Access to all files for user apache
> > I now I can use their homedirs in apache, but I would like to do this in
> > one directory if possible.
> >
> > Anyone who can help me please ?
> >
> How about this?  Does anybiody else see how this would not work for you?
> Directory owned by apache with group ownership consituting a group made up of 
> your users with permissions 775.  Have all files owned by user apache so that 
> apache has full access.  Then have the group ownership be the user group 
> since each user has his/her own group, in my case the greg group, thus giving 
> me full access to the files you want me to edit, and then set permission to 
> 664 so it would look something like this:
> www-dir   user=apache group=www-users rwxrwxr-x
> user1file user=apache group=user1 rw-rw-r--
> user2file user=apache group=user2 rw-rw-r--

Did not want to have others have access to others files. So the 
> user1file user=apache group=user1 rw-rw-r--
> user2file user=apache group=user2 rw-rw-r--

Would need to be changed to at least:
> user1file user=apache group=user1 rw-rw
> user2file user=apache group=user2 rw-rw


> apache has fullread/write access to both files, as long as user1 is not in the 
> apache group, s/he only has read/write access to their own files, same for 
> user2.  All users have the ability to view the files.  I assume this is okay 
> because they could browse to them on the intranet.
> -- 
> Greg

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Michael Noble

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Re: [expert] how not to lose the 3rd party modules when recompiling kernel

2003-06-16 Thread Adrian Golumbovici

The normal steps according to most kernel compile 
make dep clean bzImage modules install 
And by 3rd party modules I didn't mean the ones 
which come with the ML 9.1, but ones like the nvnet, fglrx, pwcx and such which 
you have to install yourself separate from kernel, but which are installed by 
default in the /lib/modules section of the compiled kernel (along with the 
modules from the default flavour kernel).
Best regards,

  - Original Message - 
  Brant Fitzsimmons 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:04 
  Subject: Re: [expert] how not to lose the 
  3rd party modules when recompiling kernel
  Adrian Golumbovici wrote:

Hi all,
I am having a bit of a problem. Most times you 
recompile kernels are to get support for hardware you have, but the default 
flavour kernel don't have it. at least 90% of the times when you recompile 
is just to enable a few things, disable some other or after a patch, but 
using same kernel version. But this should not influence IMHO the 3rd party 
modules (or at least 99.99% of the time). For some strange reason each time 
I recompile the kernel, the 3rd party modules just disappear from the 
/lib/modules/... and then have to reinstall them. With custom compiled 
modules am not sure if only to copy the previous compiled module in the 
/lib/modules/... would work (didn't try it/always recompiled), but with 
rpmed modules you definitely have to rpm -e and then rpm -ivh again. :/ It 
is a major PITA if you have more than a couple of such 
modules. Anyone any idea what am I doing wrong, or how to prevent the 
kernel recompile make my 3rd party modules disappear?
Best regards,
Adrian What are 
  the steps you are taking to recompile the kernel?-- 
Brant Fitzsimmons

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Re: [expert] how not to lose the 3rd party modules when recompilingkernel

2003-06-16 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons

Adrian Golumbovici wrote:

  The normal steps according to most
kernel compile howtos:
  make dep clean bzImage modules
install modules_install
  And by 3rd party modules I didn't
mean the ones which come with the ML 9.1, but ones like the nvnet,
fglrx, pwcx and such which you have to install yourself separate from
kernel, but which are installed by default in the /lib/modules section
of the compiled kernel (along with the modules from the default
flavour kernel).
  Best regards,
Original Message - 
From: Brant Fitzsimmons 
Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:04 AM
Re: [expert] how not to lose the   3rd party modules when recompiling

Adrian Golumbovici wrote:

  Hi all,
  I am having a bit of a problem.
Most times you recompile kernels are to get support for hardware
you have, but the default flavour kernel don't have it. at least
90% of the times when you recompile is just to enable a few
things, disable some other or after a patch, but using same kernel
version. But this should not influence IMHO the 3rd party modules
(or at least 99.99% of the time). For some strange reason each time   
I recompile the kernel, the 3rd party modules just disappear from the 
/lib/modules/... and then have to reinstall them. With custom compiled
 modules am not sure if only to copy the previous compiled module in the
/lib/modules/... would work (didn't try it/always recompiled), but with
rpmed modules you definitely have to rpm -e and then rpm -ivh again. :/
It is a major PITA if you have more than a couple of such
modules. Anyone any idea what am I doing wrong, or how to prevent the 
kernel recompile make my 3rd party modules disappear?
  Best regards,

What are   the steps you are taking to recompile the kernel?

Brant Fitzsimmons

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Someone tell me if I am wrong buy I think you have two steps in the
incorrect order.  I believe it should be:
make dep clean bzImage modules
modules_install install

The last two steps need to be in that order because "install" creates
an initrd file based on the contents of your
/lib/modules/new_kernel_name which is created by the "modules_install"
command.  If the "install" command comes first there are no modules
present upon which to base the initrd file.

Switch the last two steps and see what happens.  If it doesn't work let
me know and I'll be sure to shut up.  I'm kind of new to helping
people.  :-) 

Brant Fitzsimmons

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Re: [expert] Suggestions to help Minimize List Email Traffic

2003-06-16 Thread charlie
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003 01:23 am, Tru64 User had this to contribute :-
> Let me know what you guys think.


Richard Mollel

Sort of defeats the purpose of the list. It is the think tank element of 
everyone throwing something in that makes this list a valuable learning 
experience IMHO.

I wonder how long the list that uses the rules you mention has been running? 
It might also be relevant to know what it is dealing with I suppose? I 
certainly can't identify such an environment as allowing maximum discovery.

Not quite 2 cents worth I know.


Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to

Erich Fromm

This email is guaranteed to be wholly Linux Mandrake 9.1, Kmail v1.5 and

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Re: [expert] Mouse Wheel double click

2003-06-16 Thread charlie
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 10:13 pm, Per-Olof Litby - Reg'l Mgr Nordic/Baltic - Java 
Web Services - Sun Microsystems had this to contribute :-
> One of the nice features of using a wheel mouse in Windows is that the
> wheel button can be configured to do several different things, including
> double click which is something I've gotten used to.
> Is there a way to do this in Mandrake?
> thanks,

May I ask what it is that you want your wheel double clicking to do? One thing 
that the mouse wheel single click can do in Linux, is paste highlighted text, 
into any application. To which I have become accustomed and doesn't do by 
default in windows. Though it might be possible to enable it in that O/S, but 
I don't use it enough to worry.


Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to

Erich Fromm

This email is guaranteed to be wholly Linux Mandrake 9.1, Kmail v1.5 and

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Re: [expert] Mailing List mis-management?

2003-06-16 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 12:45, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> Anne, 
> This is an *ancient* problem...  I pointed it out about 2 years ago IIRC
> -- when there were all sorts of other mail issues...  it wasn't fixed then
> and probably won't be fixed now...  the solution is simple -- don't cross
> post...  send 2 messages...  

 I wonder if this "bug" isn't intentional ... by taking the first
"address" in a cross posted e-mail only, it's a great way to prevent
cross posts and spam related cross posts. ...


> On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 20:14:54 +0100 Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Earlier today I sent a post to the newbie list and the expert list, 
> > saying that we should get started on a hardward compatibility list on 
> > the TWiki site.  Cross-posted, you understand (not a thing I normally 
> > do, but it seemed justified at the time).
> > 
> > I received my two copies, which my filters put both into the newbie 
> > folder - or so I thought.   However, Eric then mailed me about this.  
> > You may remember that he has brought up this subject before.  I think 
> > that it was generally thought that he was mistaken (I admit I thought 
> > so too), but when he raised the question I checked the full headers 
> > for the posts.  *Both* of them said 
> > 
> > Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > I had thought it strange that no-one from the expert list had 
> > answered, but it seems Eric is right - it never got there.
> > 
> > An hour or two later, Greg posted to the newbie list that he had 
> > started the page.  I forwarded his post to the expert list, for 
> > information.  That was perhaps 5 hours ago.  I has not shown up.
> > 
> > We seem to have serious problems here.
> > 
> > Anne
> > 
> > 
> > 
> __
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Re: [expert] Suggestions to help Minimize List Email Traffic

2003-06-16 Thread Brian V Bonini
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 21:39, charlie wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Jun 2003 01:23 am, Tru64 User had this to contribute :-
> > Let me know what you guys think.
> _Thanks
> Richard Mollel
> Sort of defeats the purpose of the list. It is the think tank element of 
> everyone throwing something in that makes this list a valuable learning 
> experience IMHO.
> I wonder how long the list that uses the rules you mention has been running? 
> It might also be relevant to know what it is dealing with I suppose? I 
> certainly can't identify such an environment as allowing maximum discovery.
> Not quite 2 cents worth I know.
> Charlie.

I agree and add that this is hardly a busy list that borders on being
too much too handle. You can always hit delete on the topics your
not interested in.

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Re: [expert] changing fs

2003-06-16 Thread eric huff
> > Hi, i have some partitions with NTFS and i am going to change to
> > FAT32. How can i do it under Linux console?
> cp -a the data into another partition, then use mkfs to reformat the
> partition to fat32, then mv -a the data back in.

On my machine, i have one ntfs partition with all of WinXP on it.  If i did 
what's suggested above, would it preserve the bootability, etc, of that 


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Re: [expert] changing fs

2003-06-16 Thread Jack Coates
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 21:04, eric huff wrote:
> > > Hi, i have some partitions with NTFS and i am going to change to
> > > FAT32. How can i do it under Linux console?
> >
> > cp -a the data into another partition, then use mkfs to reformat the
> > partition to fat32, then mv -a the data back in.
> On my machine, i have one ntfs partition with all of WinXP on it.  If i did 
> what's suggested above, would it preserve the bootability, etc, of that 
> partition?
> Thanks,
> eric

nope -- for that you'd want to investigate an XP-native conversion tool.
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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[expert] cannot get to /mnt/c_windows from konqueror

2003-06-16 Thread Mike Carter
either from user or admin, but can from mozilla and galeon.  Can 
someone show me how to fix

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[expert] Extracting a URL from a Java applet

2003-06-16 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

The scenario is that I would like to pass a url to mplayer from a
Javascript applet, so I can play a WMA soundstream.  Manually; like with
copy and paste, straight to the command line.  However it's like pulling
eyeteeth to get a source URL out of a java applet.  Does anybody have a
way to do this?  Seems like Miark posted a similar solution a while back
using Lynx, but I can't remember if that was relevant or not.

Any help would be nice.



Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk   Linux Mandrake 9.1
Enlightenment-0.16.5-12mdk  Evolution 1.2.4-1.1mdk
Linux User #268899

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[expert] How might I get ACPI to work with mdk9.1?

2003-06-16 Thread Matt Osborne
Hi-- I've read through the mailing lists and searched for two days now
for a solution to my laptops power management. I went into lilo.conf and
set acpi=yes and rebooted, but I'm not quite sure what to do from here.
Do I need to apply the patch found on Sourceforge or was bamboo's kernel
already patched? Any help _very_very_ appreciated!

Matt Osborne
Electrical/Computer Engineering
Christian Brothers University
Memphis, Tennessee

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